Aloe: অধোবায়ু নিঃসরণ বা প্রস্রাব করার সময় অসাড়ে মলত্যাগ, গুহ্যদ্বারে ব্যথা ও জ্বালা।
Aloe: আমযুক্ত উদরাময়, সকালে পায়খানার বেগ চেপে রাখা যায় না, বিছানা থেকে ওঠার দেরি সহ্য হয়না।
Aloe: মলত্যাগের পূর্বে পেট ডাকে, পায়খানার সময় অসারে কিছুটা নির্গত হওয়ার পর অত্যন্ত কোঁথানি ও বায়ুনিঃসরন।
Aloe: তলপেটের ডান দিকে অসহ্য বেদনা পায়খানার পূর্বে ও সময়ে সেই ব্যথা বৃদ্ধি ও পায়খানার পরে উপশম।
Aloe: শরীরের ভিতরটা গরম, মল ও পেটের বায়ু গরম।
বৃদ্ধি হয় | উপশম হয় |
< গ্রীষ্মকালে
< শুষ্ক গরম আবহাওয়ায় < ভোরবেলায় < খাওয়া বা পান করার পরে < হাঁটলে, দাঁড়ালে |
> ঠাণ্ডা খোলা বাতাসে
> ঠান্ডা প্রয়োগে |
আলসে, “সবসময় ক্লান্তিভাব”, মানসিক ও দৈহিক পরিশ্রম করতে চায় , মানসিক পরিশ্রমে ক্লান্ত, তাদের পক্ষে উপযোগী ।বৃদ্ধদের, বিশেষতঃ স্ত্রীলোকদের যাদের মাংসপেশী শিথিল ও শ্লেষ্মা প্রধান ধাতু বিশিষ্ট, ঘাম হলে অত্যন্ত অবসাদ, তাদের উপযোগী ।
শীতের শুরুতে খোস-পাচড়া, চুলকানি (সোরিন) ।
বিশেষতঃ কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতা থাকলে নিজের সম্বন্ধে ও নিজ রোগ সম্বন্ধে রোগী অস্বস্তিবোধ করে ।
শ্লৈষ্মিক-ঝিল্লীর রোগ – এতে গলা ও রেক্টামে দলাদলা আঠার মত শ্লেষ্মা জমে-রেকটাম আক্রান্ত হয় । সামনের কপালে শিরঃপীড়া- প্রতি পদক্ষেপে বাড়ে (বেল, ব্রায়ো), সেই সাথে চোখে ভারবোধ ও গা বমি বমি ভাব ।
শিরঃপীড়া – গরমে বাড়ে, ঠান্ডা প্রয়োগে কমে (আর্স); কোমরের বাতের সাথে পর্যায়ক্রমে আসে; মলত্যাগ অপর্যাপ্ত হলে হয়।
উদরাময় — পান ও আহার করা মাত্র পায়খানায় ছুটতে হয় (ক্রোটন টি) । মলদ্বারে সঙ্কোচক পেশীতে নিজের আস্থা থাকে না । খুব ভোরেই মলত্যাগের জন্য বিছানা ছাড়তে হয় (সোরিন; রুমেকস; সালফ)। অধঃ বায়ু নিঃসরণকালে মনে হয় মলত্যাগ করে ফেলবে (ওলিয়েন্ডার; মিউ-এসি; নেট-মিউ)।
শূলবেদনা – তলপেটে নিচের দিকে ডানদিকে কেটে ফেলা, খামচানো, মোচড়ানো ব্যথা- মলত্যাগের সময় ও পরে হয়, মলত্যাগে সবরকম ব্যথা কমে যায় কিন্তু রোগী অত্যন্ত ঘামতে থাকে ও দুর্বল হয়ে পড়ে। দুর্দম্য কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতায় শূলবেদনা শুরু হয় ।
অধঃবায়ু – পরিমাণে প্রচুর, ভীষণ দুর্গন্ধ ও মলদ্বার জ্বালা করে; ঐসাথে সামান্য মলত্যাগও থাকতে পারে (এগারি); অধঃবায়ু বের হলে মলদ্বার জ্বালা করে ।
মল শক্ত, সেইসাথে দলাদলা আম (Mucous) অসাড়ে বের হয় । উদরাময় হলে ভীষণ খিদে পায় । মলত্যাগের আগে–পেট গড়গড় করে, হঠাৎ ভীষণ মলত্যাগ বেগ আসে । রেকটামে ভারবোধ থাকে । মলত্যাগের সময় – কোথানি ও প্রচুর বায়ুনিঃসরণ ।
ঐ পরে – মূর্চ্ছাভাব আসে ।
অর্শরোগে – বলি-নীল [Venous Congestion]; আঙ্গুরের থোকার মত (মিউ-এসি); রেকটামে অবিরত ঠেলামারা ব্যথা; রক্তস্রাবী; ক্ষতভাব; ছোয়া লাগান যায় না, গরমভাব; ঠান্ডা জলে উপশম; ভীষণ চুলকায়।
মলদ্বারে চুলকানি ও জ্বালার জন্য ঘুমাতে পারে না (ইন্ডিগো)।
সম্বন্ধ – উদরে রক্তাধিক্য ও যকৃতের শিরায় রক্তসঞ্চয়যুক্ত বহু পুরানো রোগে সালফের সমকক্ষ; এতে চাপাপড়া উদ্ভেদ প্রকাশ পায় ।
সমগুণ — এমন-মি; গ্যাম্বো; নাক্স; পডো ।
বাড়ে – খুব ভোরে, অলসভাবে সময় কাটালে, গরম ও শুকনো আবহাওয়ায়, পানাহারের পর, দাড়ালে বা হাঁটলে ।
কমে- ঠান্ডা, জলে ঠান্ডা আবহাওয়ায়; অধঃবায়ু ও মলত্যাগ হলে ।
শক্তি — ৬, ৩০, ২০০।
দীর্ঘকাল, অতিমাত্রায় ঔষধ ব্যবহারের ফলে যেখানে রোগের ও ঔষধের লক্ষণ মিশে গিয়ে এক প্রকার খারাপ অবস্থা তৈরী করে, সেই ক্ষেত্রে এই ঔষধটি শরীর বিধানের মধ্যে সামঞ্জস্য তৈরী করতে উৎকৃষ্ট। যকৃৎ শিরায় রক্তসঞ্চয় জনিত লক্ষণ, এই ঔষধের মত অধিক লক্ষণ অপর কোন ঔষধে পাওয়া যায় না এবং এই ঔষধের মত ভালো যশ অপর কোন ঔষধে পাওয়া যায় না, কি রোগের প্রাথমিক অবস্থায় অথবা রোগের শেষ অবস্থায় শারীরিক পরিশ্রমবিহীন জীবনযাত্রায় কুফল । রসপ্রধান ও উদ্বেগপ্রবণ রোগীদের ক্ষেত্রে বিশেষভাবে উপযোগী। সরলান্ত্র সম্পর্কিত লক্ষণগুলিই ঔষধ নির্বাচনের মূল সূত্র। পরিশ্রান্ত, বয়স্ক, শ্লেষ্মাপ্রবণ ও পুরাতন মদ্যপ ব্যক্তির ক্ষেত্রে বিশেষভাবে উপযোগী। নিজের উপর ক্রুদ্ধ ও বেদনা। শরীরের ভিতরে ও বাইরে উত্তাপ। এই ঔষধের খাঁটি রস ক্ষয়রোগের চিকিৎসায় খুব ভালো ব্যবহার করা চলে। মাথা – পর্যায়ক্রমে মাথার যন্ত্র তৎসহ কোমরের বেদনা, তৎসহ অন্ত্র ও জরায়ুর উপসর্গ। মানসিক পরিশ্রমে অনিহা। কপালের উপরের অংশে যন্ত্রণা, তৎসহ চোখে।
ভারবোধ, চোখগুলি আংশিকভাবে বন্ধ রাখতে বাধ্য হয়। মলত্যাগের পর মাথায় যন্ত্রণা। মৃদু, চাপ দেওয়ার ন্যায় বেদনা, গরমে বৃদ্ধি।
চোখ – যতক্ষন কপালে যন্ত্রণা হয়, ততক্ষন রোগী বাধ্য হয় চোখ দুটি ছোট করে রাখতে। চোখের সামনে আলোর ঝলকানি দেখে। চোখ লালচে বর্ণ, তৎসহ যা দেখে তা হলুদ বলে মনে হয়। চক্ষু কোটরের গভীর যন্ত্রণা।
মুখমণ্ডল – ঠোট দুটি সুস্পষ্টভাবে লাল।
কান — চিবানোর সময় কানের ভিতর কটকট শব্দ। বাম কানে হঠাৎ ফট করে শব্দ হয়। ধাতু দিয়ে তৈরী কোন গোলাকার বস্তু টুকরো টুকরো হয়ে ভেঙ্গে গেলে যে রকম টুং টাং শব্দ, ঐ একই রকম শব্দ মাথার ভিতর হয়।
নাক — নাকের অগ্রভাব শীতল। ঘুম থেকে সকালে উঠার পর নাক থেকে রক্তস্রাব। নাক মামড়ীতে পূর্ণ।
মুখগহ্বর – স্বাদ তিতো ও টক। স্বাদহীন ঢেকুর। ঠোঁট ফাটা ও শুষ্ক।
গলা — পুরো, পিণ্ডের ন্যায় আঠালো শ্লেষ্মা। গলবিলের শিরায় স্ফীতি। শুষ্ক, খসখসে অনুভূতি।
পাকস্থলী — মাংসে অনিচ্ছা। রসাল বস্তু খাবার অদম্য ইচ্ছা। খাবার পর, বায়ু জমা হয়, মলদ্বারে দপদপানি ও যৌন উত্তেজনা দেখা যায়। বমি বমি ভাব তৎসহ মাথার যন্ত্রণা। ভুল জায়গায় পা পড়ার পর পেটে যন্ত্রণা।
উদর – নাভীর চারপাশে বেদনা, চাপে বুদ্ধি। যকৃৎ স্থানে পূর্ণ বোধ, ডানদিকের পাঁজরার নীচে বেদনা। উদর পূর্ণ, ভারী, উত্তপ্ত ও ফোলা বলে মনে হয়। নাভীর চারপাশে দপ করে বেদনা। উদরাময়ের শুরুতে দুর্বলতা বোধ। প্রচুর বায়ু জমা হওয়া, বায়ু নীচের দিকে চাপ দেয়, ফলে অন্ত্রের নীচের অংশে অস্বস্তি বোধ হয়। সিমফ্যাসিস্ পিউবিস ও বস্তি কোটরের পেশীর মধ্যবর্ত অংশ ছিপি দ্বারা বন্ধ রয়েছে এই জাতীয় অনুভূতি, তৎসহ মলত্যাগের বেগ। মলত্যাগের পূর্বে ও সময় শূল বেদনা। জ্বালাকর, প্রচুর বায়ু নির্গমণ।
সরলান্ত্র – সর্বদা সরলান্ত্রে কিছু ঠেলে বেরিয়ে আসার ন্যায় অনুভূতি, রক্তস্রাব, ক্ষতের ন্যায় বেদনা ও উত্তাপ, ঠাণ্ডা জল লাগালে উপশম। মলদ্বার অবরোধক পেশীর দুর্বলতা ও শক্তিহীনতার অনুভূতি। বায়ু নিঃসরণের সময় মলদ্বারে নিরাপত্তার অভাব বোধ হওয়া। বায়ু না মল কি নির্গমন হবে সেই বিষয়ে অনিশ্চিত। কোন রকম অনুভূতি ছাড়াই বিনা প্রচেষ্টায় মল বেরিয়ে আসে। পিণ্ডের ন্যায়, জলের মত মল। জেলির মত থলথলে মল, তৎসহ মলত্যাগের পর মলদ্বারে ক্ষতের ন্যায় বেদনা। প্রচুর শ্লেষ্মা, তৎসহ মলত্যাগের পর মলদ্বারে টাটানি। আঙুরের থোকার ন্যায় অর্শলী বাইরে বেরিয়ে আসে, অর্শনলীতে টাটানি ও হাত দিলে প্রচণ্ড ব্যথা লাগে, ঠাণ্ডা জল প্রলেপে উপশম হয়। সরলান্ত্রে ও মলদ্বারে জ্বালাকর অনুভূতি। কোষ্ঠকাঠিণ্য, তৎসহ তলপেটে তীব্র ভারবোধ। বীয়ার পানের পর উদরাময়।
প্রস্রাব – বৃদ্ধ বয়সে অনিচ্ছায় প্রস্রাব, নীচের কিছু ঠেলে বেরিয়ে আসার ন্যায় অনুভূতি ও প্রস্টেট গ্রন্থির বিবৃদ্ধি। প্রস্রাব স্বল্প ও গাঢ় রঙের হয়।
স্ত্রীরোগ – মলদ্বারে কিছু ঠেলে বেরিয়ে আসার ন্যায় অনুভূতি, দাঁড়িয়ে থাকলে ও মাসিক ঋতুস্রাব চলাকালীন অবস্থায় বৃদ্ধি। জরায়ুতে ভারবোধ এবং এই কারণে বেশি হাঁটতে পারে না। কোমরে প্রসব বেদনার ন্যায় বেদনা, বেদনা নীচের দিকে পা পর্যন্ত প্রসারিত হয়। রজনীবৃত্তির পর রক্তস্রাব। ঋতুস্রাব নির্দিষ্ট সময়ের বহু পূর্বে ও প্রচুর পরিমাণে স্রাব হয়।
শ্বাস-প্রশ্বাস — শীতকালীন কাশি, তৎসহ চুলকাণি। কষ্টকর শ্বাস-প্রশ্বাস তৎসহ যকৃৎ স্থান থেকে বুক পর্যন্ত সূচীবিদ্ধবৎ বেদনা।
পিঠ – পিঠের ক্ষুদ্র স্থানে বেদনা, চলাফেরায় বৃদ্ধি। সূঁচ ফোটানোর মত বেদনা স্যাক্রাম বা ত্রিকাস্থির ভিতর দিয়ে যায়। পর্যায়ক্রমে কোমরের যন্ত্রণা তৎসহ মাথার যন্ত্রণা ও অর্শ।
অঙ্গ-প্রত্যঙ্গ – সর্বাঙ্গে খঞ্জবৎ অনুভূতি। সন্ধি স্থানে টেনে ধরার ন্যায় যন্ত্রণা। হাঁটার সময় পায়ের তলায় বেদনা।
কমা – বাড়া – বৃদ্ধি – খুব সকালে, গ্রীষ্মকালে, গরমে, শুষ্ক-উত্তপ্ত আবহাওয়ায়, খাবার বা পান করার পর।
উপশম – ঠাণ্ডা,মুক্ত বাতাসে ।
সম্বন্ধ – সদৃশ ঔষধ, সালফার ।
দোষঘ্ন – ওপিয়াম, সালফ ।
শক্তি – ৬ষ্ঠ শক্তি এবং উচ্চতর । মলদ্বারের ক্ষেত্রে, কয়েক মাত্রা ৩য় শক্তি দেবার পর অপেক্ষা করতে হয়।
এলো সমস্ত দেহের আড়ষ্টতা ও পূর্ণতা উৎপাদন করিয়া অনেকটা “ইস্কিউলাস’ সদৃশ, এক বিশেষ প্রকারের শিরাবরোধ ঘটায়, কিন্তু সর্বাপেক্ষা অধিক উপদ্রবের সৃষ্টি হয় যকৃৎ সম্বন্ধীয় শিরাগুলিতে; ফলে, যকৃৎস্থানে অত্যধিক পূর্ণতা দেখা দেয় এবং তৎসহ উদর, সরলান্ত্র এবং অন্ত্রেও পূর্ণতাবোধ থাকে। ইহা অর্শরোগের সহিত সম্বন্ধ বিশিষ্ট। ইহাতে যে উদরবেদনা আছে, তাহাতে ‘নাক্সভমিকা’র ন্যায় তাড়াইয়া পায়খানায় লইয়া যায়, বেদনাটি নাভির চারিদিকে কৰ্ত্তনবৎ খালধরার ন্যায়। নাভির চারিদিকে বেদনা, উহা ছুরি দিয়া কাটার ন্যায়, তীর বেগে সরলান্ত্রের দিকে ধাবিত হয়। আমাশয় ও উদরাময় সংক্রান্ত উপদ্রব। উদরাময়ের আক্রমণে পাতলা, হলদে দুর্গন্ধ মল বেগে নির্গত হয়, উহাতে আগুনের ন্যায় জ্বালা থাকে এবং গুহ্যদ্বারে ক্ষত জন্মে। সে অতিকষ্টে মলবেগ ধারণ করিতে পারে, সে মলদ্বারের সঙ্কোচক পেশী হইতে মলটিকে সরাইয়া লইতে সাহস করে না, কারণ যেই সে ঐরূপ করে, অমনি মল বাহির হইয়া পড়ে। সে সামান্য মাত্র অধঃবায়ু নির্গত হইতে দিতে পারে না, কারণ উহার সঙ্গে মল বেগে বাহির হইয়া পড়ে। এলোর উদরাময়ে, উদর বায়ুতে স্ফীত হইয়া উঠে, তাহাতে এক প্রকার পূর্ণতা ও দৃঢ়তার অনুভূতি জন্মে এবং সে বারংবার মলত্যাগ করিতে ছুটে। শিশুরা হাঁটিতে আরম্ভ করিবার পর ঘরের মেঝের কার্পেটের উপর সর্বত্র, অনিচ্ছায় অল্প অল্প ফোঁটা ফোঁটা হলদে মল ও আম ত্যাগ করিয়া ফেলে। মাতা সময়ে সময়ে এজন্য শিশুকে শাস্তি দিয়া থাকেন, কিন্তু শিশু উহা না করিয়া পারে না, মল অনিচ্ছায় নির্গত হয় বলিয়া সে উহা ধারণ করিতে পারে না। তাহার মলদ্বার সঙ্কোচক পেশীর সংযম শক্তির অভাব থাকে। এই অবস্থাটি সব সময়ে উদরাময়েই সীমাবদ্ধ থাকে না, কারণ সময়ে সময়ে, শিশুরা ঘোরাফেরা করিতে করিতে ছোট শক্ত গুলির ন্যায় মলও অনিচ্ছায় ত্যাগ করিয়া ফেলে। তাহারা বুঝিতেও পারে না যে, মল নির্গত হইয়া গিয়াছে। রক্তস্রাবী অর্শের সহিত সরলান্ত্রের শিথিলতা ও মলদ্বার নির্গমন হইয়া থাকে। এক গ্রাস খাবার খাইলেই তাহাকে পায়খানায় ছুটিতে হয়; কখন কখন জল খাইলেও পায়খানায় ছুটিতে হয়। অসময়ে ঝিনুক খাওয়ার ফলে উদরাময়। তোমার হয়ত ‘লাইকোপোডিয়াম’ ব্যবস্থা করিতে ইচ্ছা হইবে, কারণ পাঠ্য পুস্তকে ঝিনুক খাইয়া বিষাক্ততা কথাটি লাইকোপোডিয়ামের মধ্যেই দেওয়া আছে। তুমি যদি বল, সময়ে ঝিনুক খাওয়াজনিত বিষাক্ততায় ‘লাইকো’ এবং অসময়ে ঝিনুক খাওয়াজনিত বিষাক্ততায় এলো,—তাহা হইলেও যে তুমি ঠিক বলিলে এমনটি আমার মনে হয় না; কারণ গ্রীষ্মকালে এবং ঝিনুকের প্রজননকালে উহা দ্বারা যেরূপ ভীষণ বিষক্রিয়া হয়, সেরূপ অন্য সময়ে হয় না। ঝিনুক খাওয়ার পর বহু লোকের কয়েক দিন যাবৎ বমি বমি ভাব ও উদরস্ফীতি দেখা দেয়, প্রবল ভেদ হইতে থাকে, এবং সবকিছুই বমিত হইয়া যায়। এক্ষণে, যদি এই লক্ষণ সমষ্টি বর্তমান থাকে, তাহা হইলে ‘লাইকোপোডিয়াম’ উহা আরোগ্য করিবে, এবং ঝিনুক খাইয়া পীড়িত হওয়ার প্রবণতাটিও দূর করিবে। কিন্তু গ্রীষ্মকালে ঝিনুক খাইয়া যাহারা পীড়িত হয়, তুমি যদি দেখ যে, তাহাদের কলেরা সদৃশ লক্ষণসমূহ প্রকাশ পাইয়াছে, তাহা হইলে তোমাকে বুঝিতে হইবে যে এরূপ ক্ষেত্রে এলোই ঔষধ।
এই ঔষধটি ভালভাবে পরীক্ষিত হয় নাই, এজন্য রোগীদেহে পরীক্ষা হইতে যে বিষয়গুলি জানা গিয়াছে আমি তাহারই উল্লেখ করিলাম। শৈরিক অবস্থা সম্বন্ধে, ইহা অন্য যে কোন ঔষধ অপেক্ষা সালফারে’র সহিত অধিক সম্বন্ধযুক্ত। তুমি যদি ক্যালি বাই’, ‘সালফার এবং এলোকে পাশাপাশি অধ্যয়ন কর, তাহা হইলে পাকস্থলী ও উদর বিষয়ক ব্যাপারে উহাদের সাদৃশ্য দেখিয়া বিস্মিত হইবে।
ইহার মানসিক লক্ষণ কয়েকটির মধ্যে আমরা দেখিতে পাই, “স্ত্রী-রোগী মনে করে যে, সে এক সপ্তাহের মধ্যেই মরিবে।” “জীবন যেন একটি বোঝা।” “নড়াচড়া করিতে অনিচ্ছা” ইহাতে এমন কিছুই নাই, যাহা দ্বারা আমরা ইহাকে পৃথক করিয়া লইতে পারি। এখানে মাত্র এমন কয়েকটি কথাই দেওয়া হইয়াছে যাহা আরও অনেক ঔষধের মধ্যেই আছে। এলোর রোগী যন্ত্রণার সময় অত্যন্ত উত্তেজিত হইয়া উঠে এবং যন্ত্রণাটি থাকে সাধারণতঃ পেটে। উদরে শূলবৎ বেদনা, বায়ুসঞ্চয়জনিত বেদনা, উহাতে সে হতাশ হইয়া পড়ে, বেদনার সময়ে সে অত্যন্ত উত্তেজিত ও ক্রুদ্ধ হইয়া পড়ে। একটি মাত্র ক্ষুদ্র লক্ষণই মনে লাগে “সে লোককে ঘৃণা করে, সকলকে তাড়াইয়া দেয়।”
অন্ত্রের গোলযোগের সময় মস্তিষ্কে যে রক্তসঞ্চয় ঘটে তাহা যকৃতে যেরূপ দেখা যায়, তদনুরূপ শৈরিক রক্তাবরোধ। “কপালের আড়াআড়ি শিরঃপীড়া।” “শিরঃপীড়া উত্তাপে বৃদ্ধিপ্রাপ্ত হয়, ঠান্ডা প্রয়োগে উপশমিত হয়।” এলোর মধ্যে সর্বত্রই উত্তাপে বৃদ্ধি এবং ঠান্ডায় উপশম আছে। সে ঠান্ডা ঘরে থাকিতে চায়, উত্তাপ ও রক্তোচ্ছ্বাস অনুভব করে, তাহার গাত্রচর্ম প্রায়ই শুষ্ক ও উত্তপ্ত থাকে, সে রাত্রে বিছানায় অনাবৃত থাকিতে চায়, হাত-পা প্রভৃতিতে জ্বালা বোধ করে; হাত গরম, পা ঠান্ডা কিম্বা হাত ঠান্ডা, পা গরম এইরূপ পৰ্য্যায়ক্রমে হইতে থাকে। তাহার মস্তক উত্তপ্ত বোধ হয় এবং উহার উপর সে কোন ঠান্ডা জিনিষ চায়। ইহা শরীরের উপরিভাগের উত্তাপের জন্য হয়, জ্বরের জন্য নহে। শরীরের উপরিভাগে উত্তাপের অনুভূতি, শরীরের উপরিভাগে রক্তসঞ্চয় ও পূর্ণতার অনুভূতি, শরীরের সর্বত্র শিরার পূর্ণতা ও রক্তসঞ্চয়। এই ঔষধে রক্তপাত একটি সাধারণ জিনিষ-নাসিকা, অন্ত্র, মূত্রাশয় হইতে শৈরিক রক্তক্ষরণ, সাধারণভাবে রক্তপাত। শিরাগুলি রক্তে স্ফীত হয় এবং এবং গাত্রচর্ম উত্তপ্ত হয়। শরীরের বিভিন্ন দ্বারগুলিতে উত্তাপ বোধ; চক্ষু, মুখ, গলদেশ উত্তপ্ত ও জ্বালাযুক্ত। গুহ্যদ্বারে ‘শুষ্কতা বোধ, জ্বালা, এবং হাজা।
“পান এবং ভজন” অনুচ্ছেদ আমরা দেখিতে পাই “নৈশভোজনের পরক্ষণেই পেটে গড়গড় করে।” উদরাময় না থাকিয়া যদি কোষ্ঠবদ্ধ অবস্থা থাকে, তাহা হইলেও পান এবং ভোজনের পর অন্ত্রে শূলবেদনার ন্যায় যন্ত্রণা থাকে।
এই ঔষধ পুরাতন বিয়ার মদ্যসেবীদের রোগে উপযোগী। বিয়ার পানের ফলে উদরাময়। যে-সকল লোকেরা যতবার বিয়ার পান করে, ততবারই উদরাময় হয়, তুমি দেখিবে যে, খুব সম্ভবতঃ তাহাদের লক্ষণের সহিত এলো মিলিয়া যাইবে, কিন্তু সময়ে সময়ে ক্যালি বাই’ও লাগিতে পারে, কারণ এই দুইটি ঔষধের পাকস্থলী ও অন্ত্র-লক্ষণ খুবই অনুরূপ। “পাকস্থলীতে ভার বোধের সহিত ঢেকুর উঠা।” এখানে কৈশিকা ও শিরাসমূহের রক্তাবরোধের আর একটি উদাহরণ পাইলে। “রক্তবমন এবং অন্ত্র হইতে রক্তপাত।”
যকৃৎপ্রদেশে অত্যন্ত যন্ত্রণা, জ্বালা, উত্তাপ ইত্যাদি। অধিকাংশ ক্ষেত্রেই দক্ষিণ কুক্ষিপ্রদেশে বায়ুস্ফীতি ও পূর্ণতা দেখিতে পাইবে। ইহা যকৃতের একটি প্রধান ঔষধ। ইহার ক্রিয়া ‘সালফারের ন্যায় এত গভীর নয়। তোমরা প্রায়ই দেখিবে যে এলো প্রথমতঃ উপশমকর হইবে, তারপর এলোর পরিপূরক ‘সালফার’, ‘সালফ এসিড’, ‘ক্যালি বাই’ অথবা ‘সিপিয়ার’ প্রয়োজন হইবে এবং উহারাই আরোগ্যক্রিয়া সম্পূর্ণ করিবে। যকৃৎপ্রদেশে অত্যন্ত পূর্ণতা, স্ফীততা, সূচীবিদ্ধবৎ যন্ত্রণা থাকিলে এবং গাত্রতাপের বৃদ্ধি না হইয়াও শুষ্ক, উত্তপ্ত, জ্বালাকর গাত্রচর্ম থাকিলে এলো দিয়া চিকিৎসা আরম্ভ করা ভালই হইবে। এলোতে কিছুটা জ্বরও আছে, কিন্তু চৰ্ম্মের এই উত্তাপবোধ ও শুষ্কতা জ্বরবিহীন এবং সোরাদোষগ্রস্ত রোগীদের মধ্যে যেরূপ দেখা যায় তদনুরূপ। এলো কোন প্রকারের উদ্ভেদ উৎপন্ন করে কিনা তাহা প্রমাণ করিবার মত যথেষ্ট বিস্তৃতভাবে পরীক্ষা হয় নাই, কিন্তু যদি উহা প্রমাণিত করা যাইত; তাহা হইলে উহা দ্বারা এলোকে সোরাদোষ নাশক ঔষধগুলির মধ্যে স্থান দেওয়া যাইত। ইহা সালফারে’র ন্যায় গভীর, দীর্ঘক্রিয় ধাতুদোষনাশক ঔষধ নহে, কিন্তু তথাপি ইহা ‘একোনাইট’ অথবা ‘বেলেডোনার’ ন্যায় তত অল্পকালক্রিয় ঔষধও নহে। রোগগুলি মাঝামাঝি রকমের দ্রুততার সহিত আবির্ভূত হয়। ইহাকে খুব ভালভাবে ‘ব্রায়োনিয়া’র সহিত সম্বন্ধযুক্ত করা যাইতে পারে। ব্রায়োনিয়া’ ‘সালফারে’র ন্যায় জীবনোপাদানের তত গভীরে প্রবেশ করিতে পারে না।
সম্ভবতঃ উদরের অবস্থা সম্বন্ধে ইহার সর্বাপেক্ষা মূল্যবান লক্ষণ–পূর্ণতা, বায়ুস্ফীতি ও গড়গড় শব্দ। মনে হয়, যেন উদরটি ফাটিয়া যাইবে, গড়গড় শব্দ এত বেশী যে, ঘরের মধ্যে সকলেই শুনিতে পাইবে। অবিরত গড়গড় শব্দ চলিতে থাকে। পিপার ছিদ্র দিয়া জল পড়ার ন্যায় মল উচ্চশব্দে গড়গড় করিয়া নির্গত হয়। পূর্বেকার লেখকদিগকে পুস্তকে উহাকে সশব্দে ছিটকাইয়া পড়া বলা হইয়াছে; কারণ যখন মল বাহির হইতে থাকে উহার সহিত যথেষ্ট অধঃবায়ু থাকে এবং সেইজন্য গড়গড় শব্দ হয় এবং ছিটকাইয়া পড়ে। প্রচুর অধঃবায়ু ত্যাগের পরও পেটটি ঠিক আগেকার মতই যথেষ্ট বায়ুস্ফীত থাকে। কোনই উপশম হয় না। বেদনা পেটের আড়াআড়ি নিতম্বদেশের নিকটে অনুভূত হয়। অত্যন্ত বায়ুস্ফীতিতে মনে হয় যেন, উদরটি মধ্যান্ত্র, উর্ধ্বান্ত্র ও নিম্নান্ত্রের আড়াআড়ি ফাটিয়া যাইবে, তৎসহ বেদনা, গড়গড় শব্দ, কলকল শব্দ, ভারবোধ এবং বাহির দিকে চাপবোধ থাকে। উপর পেটে, নাভির চারিদিকে মোচড়ান ও কামড়ানোর ন্যায় বেদনা, তজ্জন্য রোগীকে অবনত হইয়া বসিয়া থাকিতে হয় এবং তাহাতে উপশম হয়। “পেটের মধ্যে দুৰ্বলতা বোধ, যেন এখনই উদরাময় দেখা দিবে।” দুর্বলতা সময়ে সময়ে এত অধিক হয় যে, রোগী উদরাময়ের সঙ্গে শয্যাশায়ী হইয়া পড়ে এবং তাহার অত্যধিক অবসন্নতা দেখিয়া তুমি হয়ত তাহাকে ‘পডোফাইলামে’র রোগী বলিয়া ভুল করিয়া বসিবে। ‘পডোতেও অত্যন্ত পেটফাঁপ, ভীষণ বেগে মল নির্গমন, অত্যন্ত উদরবায়ু, অন্ত্রের মধ্যে অত্যন্ত গড়গড় শব্দ আছে এবং ভোর ৪টার সময় তাহার উপসর্গগুলি উপস্থিত হয়। এলো এক্ষেত্রেও সালফারের ন্যায়, ইহাতে ভোরবেলা পায়খানার বেগে রোগীকে শয্যা ছাড়িয়া ছুটিতে হয় এবং সময়ে সময়ে আচ্ছাদন বস্ত্র হইতে পায়ের পাতা ঠান্ডা করিবার জন্য বাহির করিয়া রাখিতে হয়; পায়ের তলা দুইটি জ্বালা করে এবং সে উহা অনাবৃত রাখে। উদরে কামড়ান ব্যথা, উদরে দুর্বলতার অনুভূতি। “সমস্ত উদর জুড়িয়া ব্যথা,—বিশেষতঃ পার্শ্বে, নাভির উভয় পার্শ্ব বরাবর।” উদরটি এতই অনুভূতি বিশিষ্ট যে, সে কোন অবস্থাতেই আরাম পায় না। “ঠান্ডা লাগার পর যেরূপ হয় তদ্রূপ উদরবেদনা, প্রাতে ও সন্ধ্যায় পুনঃ পুনঃ উরবেদনা।”
তারপর আরও কতকগুলি উদরলক্ষণ আছে, উহারা উদরাময়ের সহিত সংযুক্ত নয়, কিন্তু স্ত্রীলোকদিগের রোগের সহিত সংযুক্ত। “মণিপুর ও পিকচঞ্চুবৎ অস্থিমুখের সংযোগস্থলে যেন একটি গোজা পোরা আছে এরূপ অনুভূতি।” “কুঁচকি ও কোমরে প্রসববেদনার ন্যায় বেদনা, দাঁড়াইলে অধিক খারাপ বোধ হয়।” পূর্ণতাবোধ, এবং মণিপুর ও পিকচঞ্চুবৎ অস্থির সংযোগস্থলে গোঁজ থাকার ন্যায় অনুভূতি লক্ষণ সংযুক্ত দীর্ঘকালস্থায়ী জরায়ু নির্গমন এলো দ্বারা আরোগ্য হইয়াছে। জরায়ুতে বাহির দিকে ঠেলামারা চাপ ঐরূপ অনুভূতির সৃষ্টি করে। বস্তিপ্রদেশের সবকিছুই যন্ত্রই যেন বাহির হইয়া পরিবে এইরূপ আকর্ষণ। বস্তিগহ্বরে যোনিদেশে যেন একটি ফুঁদেলের ন্যায় হইয়া গিয়াছে এরূপ অনুভূতি।
“মলবেগ, তাহাতে কেবলমাত্র উত্তপ্ত বায়ু নির্গত হইল, উহাতে উপশম বোধ হইল, কিন্তু পরক্ষণেই আবার মলবেগ দেখা দিল।” কথাটা এই যে, সে মলত্যাগ করিতে যাইতে বাধ্য হইল কিন্তু মলত্যাগ পাত্রের উপর বসিলে বায়ু ভিন্ন আর কিছুই বাহির হইল না। যে-সকল পুরাতন রোগী এই উপসর্গে ভোগে, যাহাদের কোষ্ঠবদ্ধ স্বভাব, যাহারা অনেকদিন মলত্যাগ না করিয়া থাকে, কিন্তু প্রত্যেক মুহূর্তে কিম্বা দিনের মধ্যে অনেকবার মলত্যাগ করিতে যাইতে হইবে মনে করে এবং মলত্যাগ করিতে গেলে মাত্র সামান্য বায়ু ত্যাগ করে, তাহাদের পক্ষে ইহা উপযোগী। নেট্রাম সালফ’ও খুব সচরাচর ঐ অবস্থা আয়ত্ত করিয়া থাকে। “ডেলা ডেলা সংযুক্ত জলবৎ মল।” ইহা এলোর একটি প্রবল লক্ষণ; জলবৎ মলের সহিত ডেলা ডেলা মিশান থাকে; ডেলাগুলি জলবৎ অথবা তরল মলের মধ্যে থাকে, ছোট ছোট শক্ত ডেলাগুলি মার্বেলের ন্যায় অথবা ভেড়ার বিষ্ঠার ন্যায় দেখায়। কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতায় মল মার্বেলের ন্যায় ডেলা ডেলা হয়। কখন কখন এই ক্ষুদ্র ক্ষুদ্র ডেলাগুলি মলপ্রবৃত্তি-শূন্যতার সহিত সরলান্ত্রের মধ্যে থাকিয়া যায় এবং অবশেষে অজ্ঞাতসারে নির্গত হয়, তখন উহা রোগীর কাপড়ের মধ্যে দেখিতে পাওয়া যায়। মলদ্বারে অনুভূতির সম্পূর্ণ অভাব, একপ্রকার অসাড়তা, মল নির্গমনের সময় কোন অনুভূতিই থাকে না।
এলোর অনেক উপসর্গ আমাশয়ের প্রকৃতিযুক্ত- সরলান্ত্র এবং বৃহদন্ত্রের নিম্নাংশের প্রাদাহিক অবস্থা বর্তমান থাকে, রক্তাক্ত মল এবং হলদে জেলির মত আম নির্গত হয়। সময়ে সময়ে এলোর রোগী প্রচুর শ্লেষ্মার মত, জেলির মত আম ব্যতীত আর কিছুই ত্যাগ করে না। এলোর অর্শের কথা ভুলিও না; অর্শবলিটি এক থোলো আঙ্গুরের ন্যায় দেখায়। “গুহ্যদ্বারে চুলকানি ও জ্বালার জন্য ঘুম হয় না।” সে মলদ্বারে আঙ্গুল ঢুকাইয়া দিতে বাধ্য হয়, চুলকানি এতই প্রবল যে রোগী চুপ করিয়া থাকিতে পারে না, মনে হয় যেন, উহাতে সে পাগল হইয়া যাইবে । কেবলমাত্র কোন ঠান্ডা জিনিষ লাগাইলে সে উপশম পায়। এলোর একটি সাধারণ প্রকৃতি এই যে, মলম লাগাইলে জ্বালার বৃদ্ধি হয়। মলম লাগাইবার পর ক্ষতের চারিদিকের চৰ্ম্মের জ্বালা বাড়িয়া উঠে। সালফার’ রোগীও কোনরূপ বাহ্য প্রয়োগ সহ্য করিতে পারে না, উহা তাহার নিকট বিষাক্তকর হয় এবং উদ্ভেদ প্রকাশিত হইতে থাকে।
যেখানে শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লী প্রদাহিত হয়, সেই স্থানেই ঘন জেলির মত আমের স্তর জন্মে। যদি কোন স্থানে ক্ষত থাকে, অথবা যদি কোন ক্ষুদ্র ক্ষুদ্র ক্ষতযুক্ত তালির মত স্থান থাকে, অথবা যদি শরীরের কোন স্থানে প্রদাহ জন্মে, তাহা হইলে উহা হইতে পুরু জেলির মত শ্লেষ্মার চাপড়া তুলিয়া ফেলা যায়, ঐ চাপড়া কখন কখন প্রায় চামড়ার ন্যায় পুরু হয়। সময়ে সময়ে সরলান্ত্রের নিম্নভাগের এইরূপ অবস্থা হয় এবং রোগী বলে যে ডেলার মলগুলিই; জেলির ন্যায় আঠাল বস্তুতে জড়ান হইয়া গিয়াছে। গ্রাফাইটিসের ডেলা ডেলা মল যেন ডিমের জমাট শ্বেতাংশের মধ্যে ডুবান হইয়াছে—এরূপ দেখায়। কখন কখন এলোর রোগীর মলত্যাগের পূর্বে এক কাপ ঘন জেলির মত আম নির্গত হয়; উহা তাহার সরলান্ত্রের নিম্নাংশ দখল করিয়াছিল। এই লক্ষণ দ্বারা নির্দিষ্ট হইয়া, এলো একটি সরলান্ত্রের অবরোধযুক্ত রোগীকে আরোগ্য করিয়াছিল। অত্যধিক আকুঞ্চন সকল মলকেই গুহ্যদ্বারের দিকে নামিয়া আসিতে বাধা দিতেছিল, কিন্তু সরলান্ত্র দিনের মধ্যে তিন চার বার পূর্ণ হইয়া উঠিতে এবং রোগীকে অনেকখানি করিয়া জেলির মত আম ত্যাগ করিতে বাধ্য করিত। যে মল সে জোর করিয়া বাহির করিতে পারিত, তাহা তামাক খাওয়া পাইপের নলের চেয়ে মোটা ছিল না। কথিত হয় যে, আমাদের ঔষধগুলি মলদ্বারের অবরোধ আরোগ্য করিতে সমর্থ নহে। কিন্তু সময়ে সময়ে উহাদিগের দ্বারা অবরোধ আরোগ্য হয়। যদি ঔষধ রোগীকে আরোগ্য করিতে পারে, তাহা হইলে প্রকৃতি কিরূপ ভাবে প্রদাহিত টিসুগুলিকে আয়ত্ত করিয়া দ্বারটিকে স্বাভাবিক অবস্থায় লইয়া আসে, তাহা দেখিলে বিস্মিত হইতে হয়। এই ব্যাপার, মূত্রপথের অবরোধে এবং সরলান্ত্রের অবরোধে বহুবার দেখা গিয়াছে।
অপর নাম – অ্যালোজ (Aloes)
বাংলায় – মুসব্বর – ঘৃতকুমারী।
ইহা লিলিয়েসী জাতীয় অ্যালো নামক বৃক্ষপত্রের শুষ্ক নির্যাস। ইহা গন্ধ ভেঁদালের ন্যায় গন্ধ ও অত্যন্ত তিক্ত স্বাদের। এই গাছের অধিকাংশ সকোট্রা দ্বীপে জন্মে। সকোট্রা দ্বীপজাত মুসব্বরকে সকোট্রিনা ; তুরস্ক বা ভারতবর্ষীয় মুসব্বরকে অ্যালোজ বলে; এবং ইহাই সর্বোৎকৃষ্ট। অ্যালোর পাতার ঘনীভূত রস থেকে মূল অরিষ্ট তৈরী হয়।
অ্যালোর – মূলকথা
১। মলদ্বারের (rectum) শিথিলতা, মলদ্বার ভারী তরল পদার্থে পূর্ণ ও উহা বের হয়ে পড়বে এরূপ অনুভব, যদি রোগীর বেগ হওয়া মাত্র মলত্যাগ করতে না যায়, তাহলে বাস্তবিকই উহা বাইরে বেরিয়ে পড়ে; উদরাময়।
২। শক্ত (বড় বড় বলের মত) মল, অজ্ঞাত সারে ও আপনা আপনি বাইরে বের হয়ে যায়, (রোগী তা বুঝতে পারে না)।
৩। মলদ্বারের ভার বোধ ও আঙ্গুরের থোকার ন্যায় বহিরাগত বলি সংযুক্ত অর্শ সহকারে সমগ্র উদরে অতিশয় পূর্ণতা ও ভাববোধ, শীতল জল প্রয়োগে উহার উপশম।
অ্যালো সকোট্রিনা – একটি আলোচনা
এই ঔষধটির আলোচনা পডোফাইলামের পাশেই হওয়া উচিত। কারণ ইহাই পডোফাইলামের মত (তথাকথিত) বিরেচক ঔষধ। যদিও এদের একটি অপরটির মতই প্রবল বিরেচক তথাপি যে চরিত্রগত লক্ষণগুলি দ্বারা ইহা নিৰ্বাচিত হয় তা সম্পূর্ণ ভাবে আলাদা।
ক) উভয় ক্ষেত্রেই গ্রীষ্মকালে বৃদ্ধি পায়,
খ) উভয় ঔষধেই প্রাতঃকালে রোগের বৃদ্ধি হয়।
গ) উভয় ঔষধেরই পরিপূরক হিসেবে সালফার ব্যবহৃত হয়ে থাকে।
কিন্তু অ্যালোর কতকগুলি সুস্পষ্ট চরিত্রগত লক্ষণগুলি হল -‘মল হলদে, বিষ্ঠাময়, রক্তাক্ত অথবা স্বচ্ছ জেলির মত আমময়। কখন কখন এই আম রাশি রাশি জেলির মত (কেলি বাই) নির্গত হয়, কখন কখন খণ্ড খণ্ড হয়ে বের হয়ে পড়ে। মলদ্বারে মুখের সংকোচক পেশীর (Sphincter ani) প্রকৃত দুর্বলতার জন্যই এইরূপ হয় বলে মনে হয়। তবে কেবল যে প্রকৃত দুর্বলতাই থাকে তা নয়, এক প্রকার যন্ত্রণাপ্রদ দুৰ্বলতার অনুভূতিও থাকে। মনে হয় সরলান্ত্র যেন একপ্রকার ভারী তরল পদার্থে পূর্ণ এবং উহা পড়ে যাবে বা বাইরে বেরিয়ে পড়বে এবং রোগী সতর্ক না থাকলে সত্যই বাইরে বেরিয়ে পড়ে।” এই বায়ু নিঃসরণ (flatus) সহ মল বের হয়ে পড়া অ্যালোর ন্যায় ওলিয়েণ্ডারেও আছে। অন্য কোন ঔষধে এত বেশী সাদৃশ্য নেই; কেবল মাত্র মিউরিয়েটিক অ্যাসিডে কতকটা সাদৃশ্য আছে ।
অ্যালোর উদরাময়ের একটি খুব প্রকৃতিগত লক্ষণ মলত্যাগের ঠিক আগেই পেটে অতিশয় গড়গড় হড়হড় শব্দ হয়। এবং পূর্বোক্ত মলদ্বারের ভারবোধ (feeling of weight) যে সৰ্ব্বদা কেবল মলদ্বারেই নিবদ্ধ থাকে তা নয়; সমস্ত বস্তি-গহ্বর ও উদরের ভিতরেও অনুভূত হয়। আবার অ্যালোর লক্ষণে মলদ্বারে আঙ্গুলের থোকার মত অর্শের বলি বের হয়ে থাকে এবং ঠাণ্ডা জলে কষ্টের উপশম হয়। মিউরিয়েটিক অ্যাসিডে গরম জলে উপকার জন্মে। দুটি ঔষধেরই অর্শের বলি নীলবর্ণের, অ্যালোর বলি অত্যন্ত চুলকায় কিন্তু মিউরিয়েটিক অ্যাসিডের বলি অত্যন্ত টাটানো, ব্যথাযুক্ত ও স্পর্শে এমনকি শয্যা বস্ত্রের স্পর্শেও অতিশয় সংচেত্য থাকে বা উহা অসহ্য লাগে।
ইতি পূর্বে যে সকল উপচয়ের কথা বলা হয়েছে তাছাড়া * অ্যালোর উদরাময় চললে অথবা দাঁড়ালে এবং খাওয়ার বা পান করার পর বৃদ্ধি পায়। রক্তামাশয়ে পেটে ভীষণ কুন্থন সরালান্ত্রে উত্তাপ বোধ, অবসন্নতা এমনকি মূর্চ্ছা পৰ্য্যন্ত দেখা যায় এবং তার সঙ্গে প্রভূত চটচটে ঘাম হয়।
কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতাতেও মলদ্বারে আরণী-পেশীর দুর্বলতা দেখা যায়। এর একটি অদ্ভুত লক্ষণ যা চোখে না দেখলে বিশ্বাস করতে পারা যায় না, তা হল রোগীর অনিচ্ছায় বা অজ্ঞাতসারে “শক্ত মল নিঃসরণ।
রোগী বিবরণী –
আমাকে একটি পাঁচ বছরের ছেলের চিকিৎসার জন্য ডাকা হয়। ছেলেটি জন্মাবধি দারুন কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতায় ভুগছিল। পায়খানা করার জন্য তাকে জোর করে বসিয়ে রাখা হত, সে তখন কেবল কাঁদত, চীৎকার করত এমনকি এনেমা দেওয়া হলেও মল বের হত না। কয়েকটি ঔষধ দেওয়ার পর ব্যর্থ হয়ে আমি তার সরলান্ত্র ও মলদ্বার পরীক্ষা করাৱ জন্য তার মাকে ছেলেটিকে পাশ ফিরিয়ে শুয়িয়ে দিতে বলি। যেই তার মা তাকে উল্টে দেয় অমনি একটি বড় শক্ত মলের খণ্ড বিছানার উপর দেখতে পাওয়া যায়। তখন তার মা বলেন “ঐ ঐ ঐরকমই হয়ে থাকে। ছেলেটি যখন পায়খানা করার চেষ্টা করে তখন পায়খানা হয় না কিন্তু প্রায়ই
ঐরূপে মলের ঢেলা দেখা যায়। কখন যে উহা বের হয় তা সে নিজেও বুঝে না বা আমরা জানতেও পারি না।” তখন আমি কয়েক মাত্রা অ্যালো ২০০ দিই এবং ছেলেটির উপদ্রব সত্বর ও স্থায়ী ভাবে সেরে যায়।
অ্যালোতে পডোফাইলামের মত জরায়ুর বহিনির্গমন থাকে এবং উদর, বস্তিদেশ, সরলান্ত্রের ও মল দ্বারের উত্তাপ বোধ, ভার ও পূর্ণতা বোধই এটি নির্বাচনের লক্ষণ। পডোফাইলামের ন্যায় অ্যালোর অধিকার বিস্তীর্ণ না হলেও উহা নিশ্চিত, নির্ভরযোগ্য ও সন্তোষজনক।
+ Socotrine Aloes. Liliaceae.
One of the oldest and most famous drugs, largely cultivated, and in use as a horse-medicine, hence rarely to be obtained pure from the shops. From the collection of the College of Pharmacy some of the genuine socotrine aloes was obtained. It was brought from the Sultan of Muscat, by a physician, in the service of the U.S. Navy, who made the Sultan’s acquaintance while on an expedition from the United States. This was made the basis of all of Boericke and Tafel’s preparations.
Aloe was most proved by Helbig in 1833, and several under his lead. The first publication of provings was made by Buchner, 1821. A complete monography, adding to all the former provings made in this country with the genuine Socotrina, was given by C.Hg. in his American provings, 1856, pp.764 to 862.
Lassitude, alternating with great mental activity.
She knew she would die in a week. Hysteria.
Life is a burden. Colic.
Great disposition for desultory thinking.
Children chat and laugh.
Aversion to labor; disinclination to mental labor; it fatigues him; general languor.
Disinclined to move.
Anxiety and ebullitions.
Restlessness and fear; fear of men.
Ill-humored; hypochondriacal, agg. in cloudy weather.
Dissatisfied and angry about himself, more so when he is constipated or suffers from pain.
An easily excited, angry, revengeful state of mind, could not brook opposition, wanted to destroy object of wrath, relief from tea or mild stimulants; agg. in middle of day.
Attacks make her frantic, often loses consciousness. Colic.
Hates people, repels everyone.
When sitting in a chair or lying in bed, complains of persons stepping hard or quickly. Hysteria.
Restlessness with ebullitions of blood.
Fright at slight noises, after a nocturnal emission.
Giddiness and starts.
Giddiness, with anxiety when moving; he feels as if he was sitting too high (after dinner).
Dullness in forehead, with chilliness.
Vertigo: as if everything whirled with her, agg. on going upstairs or turning quickly; everything seems insecure; amel. after nasal catarrh sets in.
Loses consciousness, with frantic spells.
Inner Head
Congestion to head, compelling one to sit up.
Headache across forehead, with heaviness of eyes and nausea.
Weight on vertex; pressure in forehead and occiput.
Dull pressive pain: in supraorbital region; in sinciput.
Pressing outward to temples, with periodic heat of face and flickering before eyes.
Stitches in temples aggravated by every footstep.
Headache after insufficient stool; with abdominal pains.
Headaches agg. from heat, amel. from cold applications.
A pain in forehead which compels patient to close eyes, or, if he wishes to look at anything, he must make aperture of lids very small.
Headache alternating with lumbago.
Outer Head
Sensitiveness of scalp in spots.
Dryness of hair.
Sight and Eyes
Yellow rings moving before eyes.
Unsteady, anxious look.
Dimness before eyes while writing.
Pain deep in orbits, as if in muscles, agg. on right side.
Congestion to eyes; pressure in orbits.
Occasional attacks of twitching of left eyelids during day, and a spasmodic jerk of whole body just when falling asleep at night.
Heaviness of eyes, with frontal headache.
Has to close eyes, with pain in forehead.
Hearing and Ears
Hates musical sounds and noises, they set her all in a tremor.
Cracking in ears when moving jaw.
Sticking pain in left ear, later in right Internal and external heat of ears.
Smell and Nose
Nosebleed, in bed after waking.
Coryza, with burning and pain in nose; on sneezing, stitches in umbilical region.
Redness of nose in open cold air.
Coldness of point of nose.
Dryness of nose in morning, in bed.
Upper Face
Heat of face with headache or when excited.
Face pale, during cloudy weather.
Face sickly, sunken.
Lower Face
Lips: redder than usual; dry, cracked; moist, soreness of borders; white, scaly.
Pain when yawning or masticating solid food; agg. in evening and in morning, when waking.
Teeth and Gums
Sensitiveness in a hollow molar; agg. when eating; later a pustule appears on gum, near diseased tooth.
Concave edges of teeth seem sharp, they hurt the tongue.
Taste and Tongue
Metallic taste, with dry, irritative hacking.
Taste: bitter, sour, like ink or iron.
Tongue: coated yellowish-white; stiff; dry, red.
Severe fine stitches, from behind forward, in under part of tongue when moving it.
Yellow ulcers on tongue.
Dry tongue and mouth, with increased thirst and greater redness of lips.
Inner Mouth
Inflamed, sore spots in the mouth, on tongue, inside of cheeks; yellow ulcers on tongue.
Sickening smell from mouth.
Increase of saliva.
Fauces raw, hot, as if burnt.
Palate swollen; arches of velum palata painful on chewing hard food, or on yawning, agg. in evening and in morning on awaking; agg. on empty swallowing.
Hawking of thick jelly-like mucus, in lumps, from fauces and posterior nares; rawness and swollen feeling in pharynx.
Appetite, Thirst, Desires, Aversions
Appetite for salt food.
No appetite. Hysteria.
Thirst: with dryness of mouth; awakens at night.
Longing for juicy articles; fruits, especially apples.
Aversion to meat.
Eating and Drinking
Soon after supper, growling in abdomen, as if griping of bowels would take place.
As soon as he eats anything, he must go to stool.
He has to hurry to closet immediately after eating and drinking. Colic.
After eating: flatulency, pulsations in rectum and sexual irritation.
After meals: distension of abdomen.
Hungry during diarrhoea; hungry after morning stool.
Sour food does not agree.
Beer relieves pains in anus; drinking vinegar, colic.
Water causes pains in stomach.
Thirst while eating, after eating, and during night.
Sweats after drinking.
Hiccough, belching, nausea and vomiting
Belching, with oppression of stomach.
Eructations: bitter; acrid; sour or tasteless.
Rising of flatulence towards throat, with sensation as if vomiting were coming on.
Nausea: with frontal headache; with empty feeling in stomach; with pain at umbilicus.
Vomiting of blood.
Scrobiculum and Stomach
Painful pressure under sternum; pressure through pit of stomach to back.
Pain in scrobiculum on making a false step.
Fullness in stomach, followed by distension of epigastrium.
Pain and fullness in stomach after drinking water.
Painfulness in hypochondria, with chilliness and diarrhoea; painful weakness of legs.
Hepatic region: burning; uneasiness, heat, pressure and tension; dull pain, agg. on standing, so that he bends forward.
Stitches from liver into chest, obstructing respiration.
Stitches in liver, when drawing a long breath.
Distension of hypochondria, amel. after passing flatus.
Increases the flow of bile.
Stitches from spleen into chest, or drawing into loins.
Pulsation in region of navel.
Distension of abdomen, especially epigastrium, with flatus moving about; agg. after meals; during menstruation; on motion.
Congestion to abdomen (portal system); burning sensation.
Sensation of fullness, heaviness; heat and inflammation.
Pelvis feels if filled with hot water.
Pain around navel, agg. from pressure.
Stitches in umbilical region from sneezing.
Rumbling in abdomen.
Discharge of much flatulency, burning, smelling offensive, relieving pain in abdomen; after each meal, in evening and morning, before stool.
Cutting across abdomen; with ill humor, anthropophobia; not disposed to go into open air, although it relieves.
Abdominal walls painful when rising, pressing to stool, when touched, and when standing erect.
Heaviness, fullness, and pressing downward in pelvis.
Left side of abdomen bloated, with gurgling in descending colon; agg. after eating.
A twisting and griping pain in upper abdomen and around navel, forcing him to sit bent up, which relieves; therewith, repeated urging to stool, but only offensive burning flatus passes, with short relief of pain.
Griping in abdomen, before, with and after stool.
Feeling of weakness in abdomen as if diarrhoea would result; but evacuation did not ensue for eight hours.
Shooting and boring in region of navel, agg. from pressure.
Painfulness in whole abdomen, especially in sides and along both sides of navel, which cannot endure being touched; on making a false step on stone pavements it hurts very much in pit of stomach.
Dull abdominal pain, as after taking cold, morning and evening repeatedly, still without inclination to stool.
Great and cutting-griping pain in right and lower portion of abdomen, which was excruciating before and during stool; after stool all pains ceased, leaving profuse sweating and extreme weakness.
Fullness, heat and heaviness in epigastrium; labor like pains in groins and loins. agg. when standing.
Prolapsus uteri.
Feeling as if a plug was wedged in between symphysis pubis and os coccyges.
Dragging down in abdomen.
Stool and Rectum
Urging to stool continuously; agg. immediately after eating; feeling of fullness and weight in pelvis; only flatus passes.
Urging to stool with passage of urine; every time on passing urine, feeling as if stool would pass.
Urging to stool, only hot flatus passes, giving relief; but urging soon returns, with a sensation as of a plug wedged between symphysis pubis and os coccyges.
Flatus offensive, burning, copious; much flatus with small stool; burning in anus after passage of flatus.
Stools quite profuse with jelly-like lumps, and accompanied with wind. Colic.
Watery stools, aggravated by standing or walking.
Bloody water. Dysentery.
Lumpy watery stool.
Profuse watery diarrhoea, accompanied by wind, containing lumps “looking like frog-spawn.”
Diarrhoea yellow fecal, bright yellow, bilious; great rumbling in bowels, escape of large quantities of wind; agg. morning; evening; in damp weather; from overheating; after cold taken in a damp room; after chagrin.
Diarrhoea driving out of bed very early in morning.
Stools yellow fecal, agg. after eating; before stool violent urging; during stool tenesmus and discharge of much flatus; after stool faintness.
Hospital diarrhoea.
Small stools.
Dysenteric diarrhoea.
Frequent stools of bloody water, violent tenesmus; fainting; passage of mucus in jelly-like lumps, much flatus. Dysentery.
When passing wind, feeling as if stool would escape.
Want of confidence in sphincter ani; rectum seems full of fluid which feels heavy, as if it would fall out. Diarrhoea.
Stool passes without exertion, when walking or standing, after eating.
Solid stool passes involuntarily; dropping away unnoticed by the sick, even children at night in bed.
During stool: congestion to head and face; hunger; cutting about navel extorting cries; chilliness; fainting; heat in rectum; much flatus; tenesmus.
Pains disappear after stool, when she appeared very weak and covered by a cold sweat.
Stools leaving him with a feeling of extreme weakness and prostration.
Sensation of heat and burning in rectum.
Heaviness in rectum.
Stricture of rectum.
Itching, pulsating in rectum as from fissures, agg. sitting.
After stool: burning weight and itching in anus; protruding piles; cutting; feeling as if still more would come.
The not too hard feces cause a pricking in anus, later continuous pain in anus compelling him to draw it together frequently, whereby it becomes tense and achy.
Fullness and pressing out in anus.
Hemorrhoids: protrude like a bunch of grapes; constant bearing down in rectum; bleeding; sore, tender, hot; relieved by cold water.
Itching and burning in anus, preventing sleep.
Urinary Organs
Pain in left side down along ureter. Hysteria.
Every time on passing urine, feeling as if some thin stool would escape with it.
Burning when urinating.
Frequent urging to urinate; amel. at night; or in afternoon.
Urine copious; especially after stool.
Urine saffron-yellow, becoming cloudy; scanty, hot.
Sediment yellowish, like bran, or slimy.
Incontinence of urine. In an old man with enlarged prostate ( diarrhoea and urinary symptoms are present).
So urgent a desire that he can hardly retain urine.
Erections after urinating.
Male Sexual Organs
Semen comes too soon.
All the semen is not ejected.
Sexual desire increased: after awaking; after eating; in evening.
Seminal emissions; strong desire afterwards.
Involuntary emissions during siesta.
Testicles cold; penis small; scrotum relaxed; epididymis sensitive, especially to touch or while walking.
Offensive sweat on genitals.
Erections in morning and after passing water.
Itching of prepuce.
Female Sexual Organs
Pain in hypogastrium as if menses were coming on.
Fullness, heaviness in uterine region, with labor like pains in loins and groin; agg. standing.
Labor like pains extending down legs. Prolapsus uteri.
Uterine hemorrhage about climaxis. Prolapsus uteri.
Menses too early and too profuse; with dragging down in rectum and fullness in pelvis. Prolapsus uteri.
Menses too early and last too long. Prolapsus uteri.
During menses: earache; headache relieved by cold water; distension of abdomen; backache.
Leucorrhoea of bloody mucus preceded by colic.
Pregnancy, Parturition and Lactation
Lameness, which seems to arise from a sense of weight and pressure into pelvis.
After confinement, dysentery with faint feeling after each effort at stool.
Voice and Larynx, Trachea and Bronchia
Voice husky. Hawking.
Scraping in larynx.
Whistling in throat, as if something had fallen into trachea.
Difficult respiration.
Respiration impeded: by stitches through left side of chest; by stitches from liver into chest.
When drawing a long breath; stitches in liver.
Cough with stitches in right side of larynx; sputa of yellow, tenacious mucus.
Cough with scratching in throat.
When she would sit down after standing, or stand up after sitting down, she would cough and tears would flow. Hysteria.
Spitting blood.
Inner Chest and Lungs
Congestion to chest; dry cough; bloody expectoration.
Front of chest feels sore on deep inspiration.
Weakness of chest.
Stitches into chest from spleen.
Heart, Pulse and Circulation
Strong beat of heart occasionally; pain through to left scapula.
Pulse: accelerated; weak, suppressed, after vomiting; slow in afternoon.
Ebullitions, with anxiety; restlessness.
Neck and Back
Dull, steady pain on either side, just above innominate, running into rectum, later becomes a throbbing, itching sensation of fullness, always with a feeling as if prostate was swollen and sensitive; agg. in wet weather. Sometimes there was twitching in perineum, at one time feeling as if “asleep,” all ending with a slight pain and lameness in left thigh of short duration.
Backache. Prolapsus uteri.
Lumbago, alternating with headache.
Stitches through sacrum to loins.
Pressure and heaviness in sacral region while sitting; amel.
from motion.
Creeping beginning in sacrum, in bone, extending to coccyx, until it was a creeping in bones over whole body.
Upper Limbs
Heaviness of right arm; weakness of wrist joint.
Lower Limbs
Extending down legs: labor like pains. Prolapsus uteri.
Painful weakness of legs.
Painful weariness in calves.
Weakness of ankle joints.
Soles of feet pain when walking on pavement.
Great toe feels as if sprained.
Limbs in General
Lameness, weariness in limbs; weakness of joints; often with abdominal disturbances.
Pains of short duration, as if bruised or dislocated (l.
forearm, right scapula, left ribs).
Pricking, dull twitching, drawing pains in joints (fingers, knees, elbows).
Cold hands with warm feet.
Rest, Position and Motion
Standing: dull pain in hepatic region, watery stools agg.; causes involuntary stools; labor like pains agg.
Sitting bent: relieves griping in abdomen.
Sitting: pulsating pains in rectum agg.; backache; congestion amel.
Motion: causes giddiness, with anxiety; nausea and pain in distended abdomen.
Walking: watery stools agg.; causes involuntary stools; epididymis sensitive.
False step: causes pain in scrobiculum.
Stepping: aggravates stitches in temples.
Rising: abdominal walls painful.
Turning quickly: vertigo.
Ascending stairs: vertigo.
Debility. Prolapsus uteri.
General weakness, weariness.
Weakness inconsiderable, even when skin was golden color.
Lassitude alternating with mental activity.
Extreme prostration, with perspiration.
Paralytic drawing in muscles.
Faint feeling after stool. Dysentery.
Trembling from musical sounds or noises. Hysteria.
Hysteria from poisoning of blood with uric acid.
Sleeps soundly for 8 hours, awakes very lazy and refreshed; feels amel. in A.M.
Drowsy, dozing in morning.
Awakened: by thirst; urgency to urinate; pollutions and sexual desire; pains in back; chill.
Oppressive dreams of danger, could not cry out; dreams of soiling himself.
Spasmodic jerks when falling asleep.
Cannot sleep: heat and a crowd of thoughts busy him; itching and burning in anus; cold hands and feet.
During siesta: seminal emission.
Middle of day: angry, revengeful disposition.
Afternoon: frequent urging to urinate.
Night: urging to urinate agg.; sweat.
Temperature and Weather
Relieved by cold water: headache; prolapsus uteri.
Heat: aggravates headache.
In cloudy weather: out of humor; face pale.
Damp weather: causes diarrhoea; flatulency agg..
Wet weather: pain in back.
Worse in hot, damp weather.
Cold applications: relieve headache and piles.
In open air: nose red; raw voice; averse to walk in wind; not disposed to go into air although it relieves.
Amel. in cold weather; but cannot take a cold-water bath as it acts as stimulus to genitals.
Chilly: with coryza, in cold open air; at stool, shivering.
Cold hands and feet in bed, preventing sleep.
Cold hands, warm feet.
Heat in spots, on scalp or in face.
Ebullitions, with anxiety and restlessness.
Sweat: smells strong; offensive on genitals; at night, after drinking.
Attacks and Periodicity
Twitching of eyelids.
Periodic heat of face, with headache.
Attacks preceded by obstinate constipation. Colic.
Sudden, quickly passing urging to stool.
Pains of short duration.
As winter approaches each year itch manifests itself.
Alternate: headache and lumbago.
Locality and Direction
Right: eyes, nose, stitches in larynx; scapula bruised; arm heavy; wrist joint weak.
Left: wind in descending colon; stitches in chest; pain through to left scapula; ribs bruised; pain along ureter; pain and lameness in thigh.
Left to right: earache.
From behind forward: stitches in tongue.
In stops: sensitiveness of scalp.
Feeling of vermin running over body. Hysteria.
Giddiness, feels as if he was sitting too high; as if everything whirled with her; musical sounds and noises set her in a tremor; fauces as if burnt; as if griping of bowels would take place; as if vomiting was coming on; empty feeling in stomach; pelvis as if filled with hot water; as if diarrhoea would result; as if a plug was wedged between symphysis pubis and os coccyges; as if stool would pass; as if stool would escape with flatus; as if rectum was full of fluid which feels heavy, as if it would fall out; feeling as from fissures in rectum; is compelled to contract anus, which makes it tense and achy; as if stool would escape when passing urine; can hardly retain urine; faint feeling after effort at stool; as if something had fallen into trachea causing whistling; as if prostate was swollen and sensitive; feeling as if asleep in perineum; female organs feel as if torn; as of hairs on back of hand and fingers.
Pain: in forehead; deep in orbits; at umbilicus; in sacro- ilicum; in stomach; in hypochondria; in left side along ureter; in hypogastrium.
Boring: in region of navel; in rectum.
Stitches: in temples; in umbilical region; in under part of tongue; from liver into chest; from spleen into chest; through left chest; in right side of larynx; through sacrum to loins.
Pricking: caused by feces in anus; in joints; in fingers, knees, elbows.
Sticking: in ears.
Shooting: in region of navel.
Cutting: across abdomen; in right and lower portion of abdomen; in anus.
Griping: in upper abdomen; around navel; in right and lower portion of abdomen.
Burning: in nose; in hepatic region; in abdomen; in anus; when urinating.
Scraping: in larynx.
Soreness: of borders of lips; in mouth; in front of chest.
Rawness: in pharynx.
Congestion to head and chest, but especially to portal system.
Mucous membranes; especially causes production of mucus in jelly-like lumps or cakes.
Acts mainly on rectal mucous lining.
Touch, Passive motion and Injuries
Touch: muscles (especially of abdomen) sensitive; scalp tender; epididymis sensitive.
Pressure: aggravates pains in head; abdominal pains.
Itching, especially of legs.
Pimples on abdomen.
Spots which, when scratched, pain and become sensitive.
Stages of Life and Constitution
Old people. Colic and diarrhoea.
Man aged 45 taken with dysentery confining him to his bed a month at a time.
Old men with enlarged prostate.
Women age 55; and 65; colic.
Climacteric years.
Phlegmatic, indolent.
Women of relaxed phlegmatic habit. Prolapsus uteri.
Aloe has many symptoms like Sulphur, and is equally important in chronic diseases, with abdominal plethora, etc.
Similar to Ail. (dull frontal headache); Gum. gutt. (diarrhoea); Am-m. (abdominal and diarrhoeic symptoms); Nux-v. (gastric abdominal and uterine troubles; bad effects of sedentary habits).
Antidotes to Aloe: Sulphur, mustard.
Camphor relieves for a while.
Nux-v. and Lyc. relieve the ear ache.
Rubrics: 232 | Aloe [627/232] |
Total |
[Complete ] [Mind]ANXIETY:Trifles, about:Scruple, one: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]COMPANY:Aversion to:Pain, with:Abdomen, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]COMPULSIVE DISORDERS:Fixations, cycles of: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]DISCONTENTED:Oneself, with:Constipation agg.: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]EXCITEMENT, EXCITABLE:Tea:Amel.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]HATRED:Repels everyone: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]RAGE, FURY:Colic, from paroxysms of: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]THINKING:Desire for:Desultory: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Head]PAIN, HEADACHE:Stitching:Temples:Stepping agg.: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Eyes]LACHRYMATION:Sitting after standing or vice versa: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Vision]YELLOW:Halo:Moving: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Vision]YELLOW:Rings before the eyes: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Hearing]EXPLOSION, LIKE AN:Left: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Stomach]DISTENSION:Pit of stomach:Flatulence, with: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Abdomen]GRUMBLING, GROWLING SOUND:Supper, after: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Abdomen]PAIN:Extending:Crosswise:Air, open, amel.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Abdomen]PAIN:Muscles:Rising from a seat: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Abdomen]PAIN:Sides:Extending:Umbilicus, to: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Abdomen]PAIN:Cold, as from taking a:Morning: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Abdomen]PAIN:Cold, as from taking a:Evening: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Abdomen]PAIN:Cutting:Extending:Crosswise:Air, open, amel.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Abdomen]PAIN:Drawing:Extending to:Crosswise:Through, amel. by open air: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Abdomen]PAIN:Sore, bruised:Front, anterior, on touch: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Abdomen]PLUG SENSATION:Symphysis pubis and coccyx, between, with urging to stool: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Abdomen]RESTLESSNESS:Liver region:Stool, during: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Rectum]CONSTIPATION:Weather:Cloudy, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Rectum]DIARRHEA:Old people, in:Colic, in: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Rectum]DRAGGING, HEAVINESS, WEIGHT:Menses:During: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Rectum]HEMORRHOIDS:Bathing, washing, cold:Amel.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Rectum]HEMORRHOIDS:Painful:Bathing, washing:Cold:Amel.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Rectum]HEMORRHOIDS:Protruding, prolapsed:Applications, cold, amel.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Rectum]LOOSE, AS IF, RECTUM: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Rectum]PAIN:Dragging:Menses, during: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Rectum]SWASHING NOISE: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Rectum]URGING, DESIRE:Nine am.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Rectum]URGING, DESIRE:Heaviness in pelvis, with: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Rectum]WEAKNESS, WEARINESS:Flatus, on passing: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Stool]PASTY, PAPESCENT:Hard, feels: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Larynx & Trachea]PAIN:Stitching:Larynx:Right: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Chest]PAIN:Dull:Ribs, under, right, standing agg., bending forward amel.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Blood]UREMIA:Hysterical: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Back]HEAVINESS, WEIGHT:Sacral region:Motion:Amel.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Back]PAIN:Alternating with:Hemorrhoids: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Back]PAIN:Lumbar region, lumbago:Alternating with:Hemorrhoids: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Back]PAIN:Pressing:Sacral region:Motion amel.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]COLDNESS, CHILLINESS:Feet:Walking:Amel.: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]ERUPTIONS:Desquamating:Hands:Diarrhea, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Perspiration]NIGHT:Drinks, cold, agg.: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Kent ] [Mind]MEMORY :Active (see Ideas):Alternating with :Lassitude: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Kent ] [Vision]COLORS BEFORE THE EYES (SEE SPOTS):Yellow:Circle :Moving: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Kent ] [Abdomen]WEAKNESS,SENSE OF:Diarrhoea,as if,would come on: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Kent ] [Rectum]DRAGGING,HEAVINESS,WEIGHT:Menses:During: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Kent ] [Rectum]HAEMORRHOIDS:Alternating with :Lumbago: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Kent ] [Rectum]PAIN:Pressing (pressure):Menses:During: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Kent ] [Rectum]URGING,DESIRE (SEE TENESMUS):Rising,on: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Kent ] [Stool]FALLING OUT: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Murphy ] [Mind]ACTIVITY, MENTAL :Alternating, with:Laziness : | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Murphy ] [Mind]MEMORY, GENERAL, (SEE MEMORY, WEAKNESS):Active :Alternating, with:Lassitude : | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Murphy ] [Abdomen]SORE, PAIN :Forepart, of abdomen, on touch : | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Murphy ] [Constitutions]ELDERLY, CONSTITUTIONS :Colic, and diarrhea : | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Murphy ] [Rectum]DRAGGING, SENSATION, HEAVINESS, WEIGHT :Menses, during : | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Murphy ] [Rectum]LOOSE SENSATION OF RECTUM : | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Murphy ] [Rectum]PRESSING, PAIN :Menses, during : | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Murphy ] [Rectum]URGING, DESIRE TO STOOL :Rising, from :Rising, on : | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Murphy ] [Stool]URGING, DESIRE TO STOOL :Rising, from :On rising : | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Murphy ] [Vision]YELLOW, COLORS BEFORE THE VISION :Circle, around light :Moving : | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Allen ] [A]ABDOMEN:Cutting:Extending:Across transversely:Sitting bent, on:Ameliorated open air: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Allen ] [A]ABDOMEN:Cutting:Extending:Transversely through:Ameliorated open air: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Allen ] [A]ABDOMEN:Drawing:Extending:Through, amel. open air: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Allen ] [A]ABDOMEN:Forepart of:Pain: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Allen ] [A]ABDOMEN:Forepart of:Soreness on touch: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Allen ] [A]ABDOMEN:Sides:Soreness:Touch, on: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Allen ] [A]ACTION (SEE MOTION):Alternating with exhaustion: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Allen ] [A]ACTION (SEE MOTION):Mental:Alternating:Exhaustion, with: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Allen ] [A]ACTION (SEE MOTION):Mental:Alternating:Lassitude, with: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Allen ] [A]ANUS:Burning:Flatus, after emission of: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Allen ] [A]ANUS:Closure of:Incomplete, after stool: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Allen ] [A]ANUS:Pressure:Outward: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Allen ] [A]ANUS:Stitches:Faeces, from: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Allen ] [A]ANUS:Stool:More must follow, sensation as if: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Allen ] [F]FLATUS:Hot:Stool, during urging to: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Allen ] [F]FOREHEAD:Aching:Murky: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Allen ] [H]HAEMORRHOIDS:Soreness:Wiping, on, after stool: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Allen ] [I]INTESTINES:Large:Blood, determination of, to: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Allen ] [O]OCCIPUT:Angle, pressive, aching, right: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Allen ] [P]PELVIS:Fullness, during menses: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Allen ] [R]RECTUM:Dragging:Downward:Menses, during: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Allen ] [R]RECTUM:Heat:Stool, during: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Allen ] [R]RECTUM:Loose sensation: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Allen ] [R]RIBS:Beneath:Aching:Aggravated on standing, right: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Allen ] [S]SACRUM:Region of:Heaviness:Aggravated while sitting, amel. by motion: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Allen ] [S]SACRUM:Region of:Pressure:Aggravated on sitting: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Allen ] [S]STOMACH:Pit:Soreness:Step, after false: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Allen ] [S]STOOL, DEFECATION:Breakfast, after: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Allen ] [S]STOOL, DEFECATION:Falling out: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Allen ] [S]STOOL, DEFECATION:Unnoticed:Almost: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Allen ] [S]STOOL, DEFECATION:Urging:Micturition, during: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Allen ] [S]STOOL, DEFECATION:Urging:Rising, on: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Allen ] [S]STOOL, DEFECATION:Urging:Diarrhoeic:Sensation as before:Micturition, during: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Allen ] [S]STOOL, DEFECATION:Urging:Yellow:Morning, towards: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
The Bureau Of Homoeopathics By Clarence Willard Butler.
Whitling L.
Sep / Aloe / Plb.
CASE I. Mrs. -, age 40, short in stature, very obese, has rheumatic fever,and from remembrance of previous attacks of long duration she was not of an amiable disposition. The following is my method of analysis of cases, using Boenninghausen for guide and numbers instead of abbreviations:
1. Irritable-2, 45, 53, 69, 88, 169, 199, 254.
2. Sensitive to touch-30, 45, 53, 69, 89, 139, 150, 154, 177. 245.
3. Pain < from motion-30, 45, 53, 69, 89, 139, 150, 154, 177, 245.
4. Pain throbbing-2, 30, 45, 69, 88, 154, 224, 244.
5. Sweat , on upper body-2, 30, 45, 53, 69, 139, 143, 150, 154, 170, 177.
6. Sweat < on upper body-69, 72, 78, 112, 154, 244.
7. Thirst for small quantities of drink-2, 31, 69.
We find that remedy 69 has all the symptoms and one dose of the same in 50m. (F.) potency was all that was given her, its effects being instantaneous and improvement constant. She was discharged in one week.
CASE II. Sepia.-Mrs-,age sixty-nine, for sixty years past has been subject to severe paroxysms of hemicrania, the attacks coming on at irregular intervals, but always continuing nine days to the hour.
The pain being “as if from a severe blow with the palm of the hand, upon the left parietal portion of the head, which then grasped the hair and pulled it out by the roots;” this pain being repeated at intervals of thirty seconds for the whole period of nine days and nights.
Gave her three powders of Sepia 55m. (F.) potency; one to be taken at the time (5 P.M.) and if she noticed any effects from it, either for better or for worse, not to take second one; but that if she should not notice any effect, to take a second one the next morning, and the third one at bed-time the next night.
Called on her again on the morning of the third day, when she reported, that within minutes after having taken the first powder, the pain had ceased entirely, that she passed a very pleasant evening, slept all night, and are her breakfast next morning with no recurrence of pain.
A family council was now held, and it was agreed that the effect of the one powder was wonderful, as nothing that she had ever taken during the sixty years had ever had any effect, and all agreed that as one powder had so much effect, she should take the others and thus make a permanent cure of her headache.
Upon this reasoning, she took the conditioned morning powder and almost immediately the shocks commenced in the right side of the head; this was new experience to her, for till now, she had never had the pain in the right parietal region, it had from the first always effected the left side only.
At five in the afternoon she took the third powder and the pain changed from the right parietal to the occiput.
But during the night, the shocks of pain resumed their former location, in the left side of the head, when it continued its nine days’ term, minus the fifteen hours’ remission given by the first powder.
Three years later; I am informed that she has since died from cancer of the stomach, having had several attacks of the hemicrania, which were instantly relieved by one dose of the Sepia.
CASE III. Aloe.-Mrs.-, age forty. Morning diarrhoea for many years past, comes on every morning after arising and continuing till 10 A.M. Stools yellowish, thin, fecal, accompanied by much flatus, and an immediate irrepressible desire for stool; can not delay one minute. Aloe 30 was prescribed for the case, a powder dry on tongue night and morning. Having taken only four doses of the Aloe, the stool became of normal constancy, and the case became one of scabies over the entire body. Upon enquiry it was ascertained that she had itch when about ten years of age, and that it was treated by inunction of sulphur and hard, and she was of opinion that the diarrhoea had been her constant companion since about that time, a period of thirty years. She received no further medicine and in three days time the power of the drug that had produced the scabies had also effected a cure of the same, with no return of diarrhoea.
CASE IV. Plumbum. -Mrs. -, age thirty, has been under heroic treatment for two years for “Consumption of Bowels” and not expected to recover. From her apparent condition one would not think her capable of living four weeks. The case has the following symptoms for study:.
Stools painless, frequent, night and day, fecal, frothy < from movement.
After stool, great debility.
Sense of weakness in abdomen.
Foul taste in morning.
Bad odor of breath in morning, disgust for cold water.
Cold ankles.
Menses too profuse; of bad odor; can not bear heat from the stove.
After a careful analysis, and finding all of the symptoms under Plumbum it was given in 200th potency for four days without apparent effect. Feeling confident that it was a Plumbum case, the thought came to me that possibly it was pathogenetic. Further investigation was accordingly made with ill success for a time; they had no lead pump; the water for family use was all dipped from a spring near the house; she had never used hair-wash, or cosmetics. But on examination of a peck-basket of empty bottles and pill-boxes, the contents of which she had taken into her stomach, we found a large number of pill-boxes all bearing the same number. Taking one of the boxes to the druggist whose name was on the cover, it was found that each pill should have contained one-eighth grain Plumbum ac., the same quantity each of Opii and of Capsicum, and for the second time we felt certain that we had the solution of the case in our hands. On again referring to our analysis we found that we had twelve of the fourteen symptoms also under Secale. This drug (in the 30th the 200th potency) was accordingly selected as the antidote to this case of lead-poisoning, and with complete success, for in four weeks’ time instead of being “under the sod,” she was well- advanced to convalescence. And three years later she gave birth to a fine, healthy boy, who is now ten years of age and apparently as likely to attain his expectancy of life as any of his class.
The Bureau Of Homoeopathics By Clarence Willard Butler.
Sutfin J B.
Nux-v / Ham / Bell / Caul / Ars / Puls / Sil / Croc / Rhus-t / Merc / Aloe .
CASE I. Mr. S-, aged 41, called on me on the 18th of September, 1887, complaining of being overcome by the heat. He had nausea and vomiting; the nausea was < by every motion and he could not keep anything on his stomach for nine days. This nausea was accompanied by a continual hiccough during the while time. At the time the patient called, the hiccough was very violent, shaking his whole body. At the beginning of the illness he had been treated by two allopathic doctors for several days, but failing to afford my relief they held a consultation with two others, and after several days further treatment pronounced his case hopeless; that he could not live but a short time. Seeing a perfect Ipecac. picture in his case, it was given, one dose 40 m., followed with Sac. lac. Reported the next morning nausea all gone, but hiccough still continuing and feeling worse. I gave one dose on the tongue of Nux 40m.; in five minutes the hiccough ceased and no return of the trouble. The patient fell asleep, and after waking in half an hour was able to take about two ounces of nourishment without any return of the bad symptoms. In a few days the recovered sufficiently to resume his work as foreman of brick work on a building.
CASE II. -Mrs. Cole, aged 28, August 4, 1888, after childbirth some two hours, had post partum haemorrhage; flow gradual and no pain, dark blood. Gave one dose Hamamelis 200; relief followed in a few minutes, and in half an hour all was normal.
CASE III. -Mrs. A-, aged 24, September 12, 1887. -I was called just after the child was born; found the patient flowing profusely, bright red blood, hot. At a glance discovered Belladonna to be my remedy. The bed was saturated with blood; gave one dose 40 m.; flow ceased in about five minutes.
CASE IV. -Mrs. S-, aged 32, in April, 1888, in labor; pains short, irregular; patient complained of being very weak; had always been so in labor with two or three children prior to this time. Gave Caulophyllum 200. In fifteen or twenty minutes labor became natural and proceeded normally to the end. She said the labor was several hours shorter than any she had previously had.
CASE V. -Mrs. C-, aged 41, July 1, 1888, had asthma for fifteen years or over, suffering constantly for six or seven months previous to my treatment; always worse about the menstrual period; her friends believing that she would not live to the end of the week. She had the best of allopathic treatment during the six or seven months previous, and her physician had advised her to go to Denver, Colorado, which she did. The disease was > for a day or two, followed by severe < which caused her to return home on the first train. She then reported her case to me, but said she had no confidence in homoeopathic treatment; that it was not strong enough to do her any good. Finding that her bowels had not acted without a physic for seven months past, I gave her Nux 45 m., one dose, to start on, followed by Sac. lac. for three days; She reported at the end of that time, bowels acting regularly once a day. Repeated Sac. lac. for three days; bowels all right, one movement a day, but not feeling any improvement otherwise. She was obstinate about giving her symptoms minutely, claiming that she could not see why a particular question had anything to do in her case. I prescribed Arsenicum 35 m., one dose, followed by Sac. lac. for three days. She slept some better, < not being quite so severe in the night, from 11 P.M. to 1 or 2 A.M.
She found herself improving and became more tractable, and gave her symptoms with more particularity and a better grace, calling attention to the fact of the measles having been suppressed about twenty years before, at one age of twenty-one. This accidental statement on her part made the case plain. I gave her Carbo v. 45 m., followed by Sac. lac. for three days. I instructed her husband to watch closely for the eruption which would be liable to show on the face and back of the ears and neck. He reported at the end of the three days that the face and neck were covered with an eruption, the fourth day on the chest and body, and on the fifth day on the extremities. She slept comfortably for five hours at a time on the last night, and after waking for half an hour again slept well until morning. This was the first night she had done such a thing for years. During the seven months previous she had perspired profusely at night. After the eruption had dried up and perspiration increased so that she became alarmed at that feature. I told her that I did not wish to check the sweating too suddenly, but she insisted that it must be done, and I then gave her one dose of Pulsatilla with no effect whatever. After three days I gave one dose of Acetic acid and after three additional days the usual perspiration creased. On August 26th stopped treatment, the patient then being able to resume her household affairs and has remained well up to the present time.
CASE VI. Miss S-, girl eight years old, November 16, 1887. I was called to treat the child after six weeks of allopathic treatment for fever. She still had fever, malarial typhoid; had become badly emaciated and the left knee ankylosed, swollen three times its normal size. I gave one dose of Silicea 71 m., followed by Sac. lac. Improvement set in at once, and in a week’s time, she was able to walk around the room without assistance.
CASE VII.-Miss C-, aged thirty-one, complained of painful menstruation for the past sixteen years. Was bon and raised in Ohio, and had lived there until two or three months before calling on me, and had employed the best medical skill of both schools; never had received any benefit. On consultation the doctors had decided that nothing more could be done for her without an examination to which she would not submit. She was then advised to change climate, go West, but leave the doctors there alone. After residing in this city for about three months, at her regular period having taken some cold, the pains became unbearable. She called on one for relief from the pains, but not for treatment. I told her that I did not do business that way, that I proposed to know what every dose of medicine that I gave out went for, and that I would have to have her symptoms. These she declined to give for the reasons heretofore stated. She, however, answered three questions which I asked her, and I discovered that she was afflicted with metrorrhagia, of dark, viscid, stringy blood of black clots, the menses profuse and lasting too long, but coming on at the proper time; very painful. I gave her one dose of Crocus 45 m. at three o’clock in the afternoon. At nine o’clock in the evening she was comfortable, and went to sleep and slept all night. The next morning she reported her case at time o’clock. She supposed from what others had said that she must now be natural for the first time in her life, and requested another powder like the last given. I gave her Sac. lac. and directed her to watch her symptoms and report them to me when the menses ceased. At the end of the fourth day she reported that she had bad no more pain, and that everything was all right. I told her to call for another powder of Crocus in three weeks time, which she did. The next period came on without pain and lasted three days in a natural manner. She has never had any trouble since.
CASE VIII.-Mr. J-, aged fifty-two, September 25, 1888, having an attack of paralysis, some two years before, affecting the right side the most. He had been hurt by a fall, and had never recovered from it. At first he was partially paralyzed from the hips down; for six months very weak in the ankles; two months later the upper eyelids became immovable, and had to be lifted up with his fingers; cramps in the lower limbs and muscle of the thighs; very restless and felt better after moving a limb from the position to another. I gave Rhus 35 m., followed by Sac. lac. for one week. Patient fully recovered.
CASE IX. -Mrs. C-, aged fifty-eight, April 4, 1889, complained of constipation and piles for many years, attended with much staining and blood with stool, burning and shuddering sensation about the loins following the stool. Desired to get near the stove; bad taste always; passing a great deal of flatus mornings after getting up. Gave Aloe 50 m. Reported much benefit in a week. Then gave Sac. lac. for ten days. Symptoms then indicating Mercurius sol. gave one dose 1 cm; reported in three weeks entirely well. This case had been treated in New York about six months previous by specialists by the dilating process, without any benefit and only aggravation.
HEAL THYSELF (The Homoeopathic World) A Popular journal of Medical, Dietetic, Social and Sanitary Science By J ELLIS BARKER.
1939 Oct Vol LXXIV No 886
Janson P H.
Materia Medica / Cases
(From Pacific Coast Journal of Homoeopathy). THIS member of the family Liliaceae was used as remedy as early as two to three thousand years B.C. in northern Africa (Somaliland), as a tonic and laxative. Hippocrates did not known the Aloe; it seems she came to Europe (Greece) during the time of the Ptolemies, because the Greeks and ARabians praised her much. Celsus, Dioscorides and Aeius lauded her astringent, laxative and homeostatic action. The sainted Hildegard used Aloe in vesicatory plasters to open abscesses. Hecker praises her for eyewashes in asthenic ophthalmia. Externally she is used even to-day to encourage granulation. Long ago she was used as an important wound dressing (powder). Important is her action in bee stings, where a drop of the tincture relieves the pain immediately, and the usually following itching is prevented. (Dr. Haehl).
In household medication the juice is applied to wound; a piece of the leaf gives by squeezing a healing juice. Lately a salve from Aloe leaves is used successfully in X-ray dermatitis, (Dr. Haehl.).
In literature we find very few provings of Aloe on healthy individuals. Gaicomini reports after taking a few doses: eructation with increased hunger; 8 to 10 hours after taking the medicine prickling sensation in intestines followed by several large evacuations with flatus of a peculiar odour. Mathiolus and Tabernemontanus remark about Aloe: purging of bile and mucus, cleaning and strengthening of stomach and dispersing jaundice. Buchner-Munich published a proving in 1841: stitches in left temple and left ear; dryness of mouth and throat with much thirst. Fullness of stomach with empty eructations. Pressure in right epigastrium; bloating of stomach and abdomen with boring pains in umbilical region. Bloody and thin stools with severe abdominal pains. Urging to urinate. Obstipation with burning anal pain after passing hard stool,. Itching piles. Kurtz in 1847 wrote: the most pronounced and constant action is on the intestines, and shows not only from internal use, but also from application of Aloe to abscesses, and does not disappear where the remedy has been used for years; however, in some cases a long use of strong doses the purging action is followed by constipation from dryness of intestines. Evacuation began 5 to 12 hours after taking Aloe; from strong dose only watery stools, frequently preceded by pinching in intestines with flatus, and occasionally tenesmus. Soon or later after taking Aloe in many cases we find: affection of lower bowel and pelvic organs of heat, heaviness in rectum, especially in women, also in uterine region with pain in inguinal region, small of back, increased leucorrhoea and menses with colic. Sexual excitement, erections, burning and frequent urination. He recommends Aloe in: constipation from torpid atony of intestinal tract (sedatory habit), glassy mucus from intestines, in dysentery, in worms, painless haemorrhoids, in delayed and scanty menses.
DR. WATZKE. Vienna in 1967 published a proving summating the Aloe action thus:
1. Difficult evacuation of even soft stool;
2. Annoying tenesmus and fullness of abdomen, worse at times;
3. Severe cutting pains in intestines of short duration;
4. Urging to stool at unusual times, early and often during the day, continuing even after evacuation, at times with stitching, cutting pains in rectum;
5. Feeling of heat and swelling in rectum, worse while walking.
6. Sphincters are weakened, closing, worse while evacuations.
Lately two article have appeared about Aloe. Dr. Stiegle in Hippokrates, 1934/12, an exceptionally fine proving. The Aloe picture is especially well fitted for the understanding of the simile rule. Aloes prominent symptoms are nocturnal; early morning diarrhoea. The clinical analogon is a certain form of proctitis with weakness of sphincters.
Let me bring a few cases from literature and practice.
1. Dr. Stiegle a few years ago treated a women for chronic cholecystitic; but what troubled her more were frequent involuntary acrid stools night and day, up to 20 in 24 hours. Her former physician had advised constant use of Opium, which she took daily. After disappointing use of other remedies Stiegle cured this desperate case in a short time with Aloe D. 6.
Dr. Dunham stated that in few years he had treated about 35 similar cases, and given a few examples:.
2. A young man had suffered from diarrhoea for two weeks. In spite of using Calcarea, Bryonia, Nux vomica and Arsenicum there was not improvement. The stools were light-yellow, pasty, foamy and copious, preceded by borborygmi and pinching hypogastric pains. They awakened him at 3 a.m., and till 9 a.m. he had six such evacuations, then cessation till 3 the next morning. As soon as he felt urging, he “had to run”; this was not tenesmus, but more a feeling of weakness of the sphincter ani. After school there was not more pain, only weakness. From 3 a.m. till 9 a.m. patient had to avoid all physical exercise, especially pressing to urinate for fear of involuntary stool.
At 10 a.m. when he consulted me gave him Aloe 200 dry on the tongue, and from then on he had no more diarrhoea, slept the following morning till 7, and at 9 he had a normal stool like when he was well.
3. A man of 70 consulted me during several winters on account of a dull frontal headache which made him unable to do any kind of mental work. He could not give me any characteristic description of his sickness except that the pain appeared immediately after wakening and lasted all day.
From such a description it was impossible to choose a remedy with any hope of accuracy, hence I delved into his previous condition (Hahnemann and von Boenninghausen considered this important) in the hope of getting some hints for action. I elicited the information that his headache of many years standing was always worse winters, but always better during the summer. No peculiarity in his diet or mode of living could explain this condition. But I learned that in summer time he had diarrhoea frequently, appearing suddenly, awakening him at 2 am.m. with pinching flatulent colic. He then had to go to stool hurriedly, From then till 10 a.m. he had four or five pappy, copious, light- yellow stools, always of the same urgent character. This urging was caused by eating. Involuntary evacuation also occurred during urination. When the headache let up a little the diarrhoea set in, and vice versa.
It had long been my conviction, that in treating chronic ailments it is very important the the physician consider all ailments from which the patient had suffered at different times, even if the time periods and affected organs are far apart, and do n to seem to have any close connection. And I think that this is often the only method that enables us to select the remedy.
Following this conviction in the present case, I considered the winter headache and summer diarrhoea as complementary symptoms which constituted the total disease picture for which I had to find a corresponding remedy in our materia medica.
The winter headaches did not offer anything characteristic indicating a single remedy. Carbo vegetabilis, Sabadilla, Sulphur, Aloe, Nux vomica. Carbo vegetabilis, Sabadilla, Sulphur, Aloe, Nux vomica, etc., all could he considered equally suited. But as soon as I added to the winter headache the summer diarrhoea, considering both as belonging to the same totality, Aloe presented itself as the simillimum. And when I studied Aloes head symptoms I found them corresponding to my patient as well as any of the other remedies. I therefore gave Aloe 200, which brought more relief than any previously used remedy for the headache alone. That headache recurred a few times in a much milder form and was each time overcome by Aloe. Lately my patient has been entirely free from the headache and diarrhoea.
4. In another case I gave Aloe to an elderly man for incontinentia urinae, accompanied by enlargement of the prostatic gland, because he had a diarrhoea characteristic for this remedy. Also his incontinent symptoms corresponded to Aloe, and the result left nothing to be wished for. Since the patient has been under my care only a few weeks, I cannot yet give a report as to a final cure.
5. A case from Ruckerts Klinische Erfahrungen, Vol. I, page 859. H. had such a severe attack of dysentery that the evacuations could hardly be counted, and they were accompanied by most painful tenesmus; he fainted during stool and seemed to be near death. Aloe, one drop in much water, of which patient was given a swallow, cured him without any repetition of medicine or diarrhoea. (Dr. Rau, 199).
6. A man of 55m thin, had suffered from diarrhoea for 16 months. His appetite was good, and he was not weakened. Stools were watery, fetid, painless, four to five daily between 3 and 9 p.m., preceded by loud borborygmi. Much flatulence. Importancy during past year. Aloe D. 3 cured in four weeks including the impotency. (Dr. Macdonald. Clinique.).
7. Man of 35 had had diarrhoea for seven months especially mornings, better from rest and warmth, worse from meat and change. Much borborygmi before stool. Stool was bloody in the beginning, but, now it is more mucous and fetid. Before evacuation there is pain in left side of abdomen along course of colon. Clinical diagnosis; Chronic colitic. Remedies used were unsuccessful till Aloe cured in one week. (Dr. Janson.).
8. Man of 67 has suffered from prostatic hypertrophy; catheterization has frequently to be resorted to. Lately involuntary evacuation of thin stool with every urination. Aloe D. 3 cured completely in a week. (Dr. Schiersen.).
9. A lady of 34 has had diarrhoea for six months forcing her out of bed every morning between 5 and 6, preceded by crampy abdominal pains. No trouble during the day. Eating does not influence. Has lost 10 pounds. Podophyllum D. 4 did not help. Colocynthis D. 4 stopped the diarrhoea for three months. Then eating a cold apple caused again four to five daily evacuations with much borborygmi and colicky pains. Aloe D. 3 cured promptly (Dr. Ferger in Hippokrates 1933-3.).
10, Dr. Smith of Chicago cured a diarrhoea of twelve moths standing, which was preceded by borborygmi and accompanied by passing much flatus. Aloe D. 3 cured in two weeks. (Dr. Goullon.).
11. A boy of 6, rachitic, but very bright (can read fluently though he has not yet attended school), had involuntary evacuations. Aloe D. 3 cured immediately. (Dr. Quilisch.).
Aloe is especially indicated in colitis with painful muco-watery stools accompanied by weakened sphincters; also in gall bladder troubles with pressure in its region; colicky flatulence with diarrhoea.
Something Of Interest
The Homoeopathic Recorder By Rabe R F.
1918 Apr Vol 33 No 4
Eli Jones.
Aloe / Ib.
The death of Dr. E.P. Anshutz, editor of THE RECORDER, was a great shock to me. I had learned to love the man for his many little acts of kindness to me. He was one of my kind of men for he was bread minded and liberal enough to see all the good outside of his own particular school of medicine. He was always ready “to give honor to whom honor was due.” The article in February RECORDER, by Dr. T.L. Bradford was a beautiful, an eloquent tribute to the memory of EDWARD P. ANSHUTZ. It seems very strange to me that with all the many discoveries in medical science, with all the brilliant men in the profession within the past one hundred years, that our doctors have never been able to tell if a person was in pain or not they simply had to take the patients word for it. I have made this discovery, that if there is pain in any part of the body there will be a tension to the pulse (be it ever so little) and a contraction of the pupil of the eyes.
If there is no tension to the pulse and no contraction of the pupil of the eyes, there is no pain.
I have also made another discovery, that there is a great difference between the pulse of the right and left wrist. The pulse of one wrist will tell us of the vitality, the constitution of our patient, the pulse of the other wrist will tell us of the local disease or injury (whatever it may be), the real, the true condition of the sick person when the time comes by proper treatment that the pulse of both wrists are alike, full, strong and regular, the patient is near well.
It has been said that we “cant tell whether a person is sick or well without a physical examination.” I have discovered this fact, that if the face has a healthy appearance, a clear, bright expression to the eyes, tongue light red, moist and cleaning, pulse full, strong and regular, the muscles of the arm firm, not flabby, the person is in normal health. Then a variation from the above must be disease in some form. The above is, I believe, one of the most important discoveries of the century. Some of the most prominent physicians in this country and across the Atlantic are testing this discovery in their practice. Try it out in your practice, dear reader, for there is more in it than you may realize.
I have received a very kind letter the Surgeon General U.S. Army and the Surgeon General of Canadian Army, and Secretary of War for England, thanking me for calling their attention to the above facts.
I am too old to do “my bit” in this great war, but there are many of my students and medical friends in the service of our country. I feel confident that any soldiers placed under their care will be will taken care of.
I am often asked the question, “What specialty would you advise me to take up?” Before a doctor takes up any special work he should have several years experience in general practice; he should be a good “all round” physician he should know materia medica.
If he takes up any special work, he should put himself under the personal instruction of a doctor who has built up a reputation in that specialty by the cures he has made. When a physician lets it be known that he is a specialist in any department of medicine he is then supposed to be an expert on that subject. To not only be able to make a diagnosis of the disease, but to be able to outline a definite treatment first. Some of our would – be specialists are like our political reformers, “they are reformers that dont reform”
Some of our young men, when they graduate from a medical college, have an idea that they would like to specialize in some branch of medicine, so, if they have the price, they go to Europe to “study wine and women,” and, ostensibly, to pick up some information about a particular line of medical work.
In due time they return to their native land and blossom out as a full fledged specialist; what they dont know about that particular subject would fill a good sized book.
What our profession needs and what the public need at the present time are men who have developed a definite treatment for the disease common to our country. Very many acute diseases, by improper treatment, have advanced to the chronic stage, and here is a splendid chance for the doctor who will study and develop a definite treatment for chronic diseases. There are 20,000,000 people in the U.S. suffering from some form of chronic disease.
There is another very important specialty, and that is, materia medica. A physician who knows materia medica is a “Tower of strength” in the sick room, and in consultation will prove a “Godsend” to his brother physicians. Any doctor who would learn how to read the eye, pulse and tongue intelligently, both as a means of diagnosis, and to find the indicated remedy, would have the whole field to himself and no competition.
Whatever may have been said against the homoeopathic school of medicine by its enemies, there is one fact remains, that is worthy of our consideration, that in every community where there is a good physician of that school of medicine he usually gets the wealthy and intelligent people for his patrons. They are the kind of people that appreciate Homoeopathy for they judge a man by the results of his treatment. When a hospital is needed in any of our cities there will be found plenty of wealthy people who know by experience the value of homoeopathic treatment who will contribute liberally to the support of such an institution. It is not so long ago, that every justice of the Supreme Court of New York State was a Homoeopath, they were men of brains and men who would fully appreciate the success of that school of medicine in healing the sick.
I am of the opinion that the average Homoeopath in this country has failed to appreciate the real the true value of his remedies, for the simple fact that he dont know his materia medica.
A homoeopathic physician prescribed Graphites in a case of erysipelas. I said, “Why do you give that remedy, what is the indications for it”? He could not tell me, so I told him the indication for the above remedy in that disease.
A doctor should never prescribe a remedy for a sick person unless he is able to give an intelligent reason why he gives it and what he expects it to do.
Many years ago there lived a married couple in Maine that I knew, a doctor and his wife. The wife had her own ideas about the married state. They tacked up the usual card in their sitting room, “God bless our Home.” In order that there might be no misunderstanding about who was to be the head of the family, she tacked up another card, “In OUR home, the rolling – pin gathers no moss.”
The neighbors called him, “Man afraid of his wife.” She had the husband under such excellent discipline that all she had to do was up give him the “matrimonial high sign” and he would shrivel up, lay down roll over and play dead
The morale of this story is that a man who starts out in married life as Second Lieutenant ought never to expect to be promoted.
I have seen cases where patients had a discharge from the rectum of yellow, bloody, or transparent jelly – like mucus. Sometimes the stools pass voluntarily when expelling flatus. The rectum feels full of heavy fluid, they go to the closet and only gas escapes.
Next time they feel like going to stool they dont go, and then afterwards they wish they had
There is a sense of insecurity in the rectum, with a loss of confidence in the sphincter, and the patient cannot decide whether it is flatus or feces.
The above symptoms indicate Tr. Aloes 3x.
In reading the pulse of a patient the pulse feels slow, then it starts, and goes quick for a few times. Between the two, we have a slow, irregular pulse, that intermits every third, fifth and seventh beat. When you get that kind of a message over the wire (artery) it spells “Digitalis.”
In reading the pulse of a young lady, it was a thin, soft, empty pulse, it means Ferrum, whatever the disease may be called.
In consultation with our doctors I sometimes let them count the pulse of the patient, take the temperature, ask the usual questions that they have been in the habit of asking. Then I sit down beside the sick person and read the pulse, read the eye, and tongue. In this way I get right at the real condition of the patient, and find the indicated remedy. A patient may try to deceive you, but the pulse will tell you the TRUTH. When you go into a barber shop the barber takes his brush and spreads the lather all over your face, into your mouth, ears and nose. Then he rubs the lather all over your face with his hand, not because it is needful (for it isnt). He does it because he was taught to do it that way. So it is with our doctors, they were taught to count the pulse, they dont know any other way. They never stop to thank how foolish it is, but they keep on doing it, as they were taught to do it.
Now suppose you have a case of rapid heart (tachycardia) pulse going so fast you cant count, then what will you do? When you read the pulse, it points like a finger board to one remedy, Tr. Iberis amara 2x, ten drops once in two hours. A child can count the pulse, but it takes a man of brains to read the pulse and tell what it means and what remedy is indicated. That is what I call “Arterial telegraphy” and it is something that should be taught in all our medical colleges.
I was very sorry to hear of the death of Dr. E.B. Nash: he was one of the great teachers of medicine. His book, “Leaders of Homoeopathy,” has been the means of bringing very many old school doctors out of darkness into light He will live in his books and in the hearts of the many doctors he has helped to be better physicians. There are a host of homoeopathic physicians in different parts of the world to-day that owe their success in healing the sick to the writings of DR.EUGENE B. NASH. “After lifes fitful dream he sleeps well”.
Journal Of Homoeopathic Clinics
Vol. I, Philadelphia, February, 1868. No. 6
Case 61
-I was called last spring to see a gentleman who was suffering with chronic diarrhoea. The attack had already lasted him for a year, and, though under Homoeopathic treatment during that time, his condition continued the same. Of course he had been through the routine remedies: Merc., Ars., Podo., Nux., etc, without any signs of improvement because not indicated. I requested him to give me a history of the case from the beginning, I noting down the symptoms carefully on paper in their proper order. After he had finished, I could not see, in the picture before me, that any particular drug was called for or indicated above another; but just as I was on the eve of returning my pencil to my pocket, the patient exclaimed: “Oh there is one other thing I want to tell you. Just before each stool, there is a great rumbling in the bowels, accompanied by the escape of a large volume of wind.”
Here was the “key-note” to the whole case, and looking for this prominent indication, I found it quickly under Aloes. I moistened a few No. 6 globules with the 6 dec. dil. of this remedy, and ordered three a day. Improvement set in at once; a cure followed in two weeks, and the patient has had no trouble of the kind since.
I will remark here, that I found Aloes, in the 6 dilution, a specific for the following symptom that a large number of persons complained of during our last cholera epidemic: “A constant rumbling in abdomen, with feeling as if they must have a stool, but no evacuation following.”
Medical Advance
1882-1883 Vol XIII No 3
Willis. P. Polhemus
Aloe / Rhus-t
Mr. B–, aet. about 50. Heath usually good. About six months ago, while on a visit in a neighbouring State, was attacked with diarrhoea. Has been under the care of a homoeopathic physician with partial relief. Now has grown worse, and is as bad as ever His symptoms are : somewhat debilitating morning diarrhoea; stool preceded by much rumbling in the bowels, “rolling of wind”; stool consists of solid chunks mixed with fluids, color not known. Desire imperative; must not delay. Four powders of Aloe, 30th. Three more powder of same, 200th cured.
Willie C–, aet. 12. has had ague nearly six months. Suffered with quininism again and again. Present symptoms : has a dry, hacking cough before and during chill. Let all other symptoms slip, and gave Rhus tox. 3x, on Carroll Dunham’s recommendation. Cured in a week.
Medical Advance
1882-1883 Vol XIII No 3
S. E. Burchfield
Mr. W. Farmer, aged 64, Ionia, Mich. For about a year and a half had been troubled with a dull, frontal pain in head, commencing about 2 a.m., and waking him from sleep, but soon he will fall into a troubled sleep, to be wakened later by the distress from accumulations of gas in the umbilical region. The flatulence increases until about 5 a.m., when he is compelled to go to stool hurriedly, and is relieved by passing much wind and a little frothy mucus. The stool at other times is normal but scanty. When the headache is bad the flatulence does not bother him much, and vice versa. Gave Aloe, 200, twice a day, and at a recent date he reported much relief.
Medical Advance
1887 Vol XIX No 2
E. M. Rushmore
Clinical notes
Case IX
Intense pain and soreness in the rectum after stool with protrusion of piles, and throbbing at the anus; the pain lasts several hours, is worse from touch, and temporarily relieved by cold water. Aloe cm. (Fincke), three powders two hours apart, removed all the symptoms.
Medical Advance
1887 Vol XIX No 5
C. W. Butler
Montclair, n.j.
Clinical medicine- Constipation
Case I
In January, 1885, Mrs. G-, a brunette 26 years of age, of plump figure, firm muscular fibre and nervo-bilious temperament, consulted me for constipation of many years standing. She received Sulphur without benefit.
February 1, I gave her Bryonia-also without benefit. Dissatisfied with not having been helped she discontinued treatment, saying that she never had received more than temporary relief from any medicine and was disgusted with drugs and with doctors.
In October, however, she came to me again, as the constipated condition was worse than ever and “something must be done.” At this time she presented the following conditions.
Her general health was excellent. Careful enquiry failed to find any aches, pains, or abnormalities, except those about to be recorded. Her bowels moved once in four or five days, usually without cathartics or enemata; if, however, there was no disposition for stool after this length of time she would take licorice powder, -but this was seldom restored to. For two or three days preceding the movement of the bowels she had a feeling of heaviness through all the pelvic region “as if the lower part of the abdomen were made of lead” which sensation was relieved by an evacuation of the bowels just in proportion to its completeness. The stool itself was natural in color, large, hard and dry. On account of its size it was natural in color, large, hard and dry. On account of its size it was voided only by great exertion and even the most persistent straining was not always effectual until after repeated attempts. There was no actual pain with the stool, but after it she had a sense of great soreness about the anus, well up within the rectum, and especially, in the perineum: so severe wad it that the ordinary means of cleansing were too painful and she was obliged to use of soft sponge and water for this purpose.
This soreness continued for several hours after an evacuation.
The heaviness in the pelvic region and the great soreness after stool called my attention to Aloe and although this drug produces looseness of the bowels as its most usual effect, and in the few cases of retarded action of the bowels recorded under it in Allen’s Cyclopaedia, the character of the faecal accumulation is not given, it more nearly covered the totality of the symptoms than any remedy that I knew. I gave it in a Fincke potency (the 45m graft) a dose in water, each night until the bowels moved-then to report for further advice.
On the second morning (i.e., after the second dose) she reported that the bowels had moved and more freely and naturally than for months; that meantime the heaviness in the abdomen, and the soreness after stool were very much better although not well.
The medicine was now discontinued and she was directed to report again when her constipation returned. Up to this time, now more than six months, she has required no more medicine for this condition, her bowels continuing to move naturally and regularly.
Medical Advance
1891 Vol XXVI No 1
Aloe. -Mrs. 3/4, age forty. Morning diarrhoea for many years past, comes on every morning after arising and continuing till 10 a.m. Stools yellowish, thin, faecal, accompanied by much flatus, and an immediate irrepressible desire for stool; can not delay one minutes. Aloe 30 was prescribed for the case, a powder dry on tongue night and morning. Having taken only four doses of the Aloe, the stool became of normal consistency, and the case became one of scabies over the entire body. Upon enquiry it was ascertained that she had itch when about ten years of age, and that it was treated by inunction of Sulphur and lard, and she was of opinion that the diarrhoea had been her constant companion since about that time, a period of thirty years. She received no further medicine and in three days time the power of the drug that had produced the scabies had also effected a cure of the same, with no return of diarrhoea.
1881 Vol I No 4
E. B. Nash
Bapt / Aloe
Kittie H, aged 11 years, dark hair, blue eyes, generally healthy, except a weakness in the lower part of her spine, remaining after an attack of diphtheria which she had two years ago, had, for several days, on returning from school, complained of feeling very weak and tired, and she was forced to lie down and rest which was very unusual. One evening pain in the head and back followed, and increased until she could not sleep; she was very restless and somewhat delirious all night. When called to visit her the following morning I found the following symptoms: pain in head and back; great drowsiness can hardly keep her awake long enough to get answers to my questions; falls asleep while being talked to; face dark red and bloated; eyes congested; tongue trembles when protruded; with a brown streak in the centre; stools very fetid, and passing involuntarily; urine yellow and offensive; pulse 140. Gave Baptisia C.M. (Swan). In the evening there was no change. It was almost impossible to attract her attention; constantly muttering. Gave Baptisia 3rd. centesimal. At midnight the change was wonderful; the sensorium was clear, and she recognized me with a smile. Three doses of Baptisia had been given. Her mother stated that after the first dose it seemed as though she was being “lifted right out of the stupor.” The same remedy was now given in the 200th. and, although the stools continued involuntary for the next twelve hours, the improvement was uninterrupted; she was able to sit up in three days from the first dose of medicine. By comparing the symptoms of this case with those of Baptisia in “Guiding Symptoms,” it will be seen that this remedy was the simillimum. Why did not the C.M. do as well as the 3rd.? I do not know. The question of dose is an open one. As a rule, I have found this remedy more efficacious in the 30th. potency, in typhoids (when indicated), than in the lower. What is the minimum dose in one case is not in another.
Master P, aged three years, light hair, complexion and eyes, had been troubled with constipation since birth. At times he was worse than at others, and it was often almost impossible to get an evacuation even with repeated injections of water. The faeces were in lumps, very large and light-colored there was so much pain attending efforts at stool that he screamed and was covered with sweat, and the mother was often obliged to pick away the hard lumps. He seemed afraid, and avoided letting his parents know, of a desire for stool, as long as possible. After treating him during several of these attacks with Bry., Sulph., Nux, Verat., Cal. carb., and Sepia, with indifferent success. I found that he oftentimes passed large, hard lumps of faecal matter involuntarily and apparently unconsciously. Aloes, 200th. cured, and there has been no return of the trouble for two years.
According to Hale’s theory of dose it would have been necessary to give this remedy low, it being secondarily homoeopathic to constipation. Such was not the case; nor is it necessary to give Puls. low in scanty or delayed menses (when indicated), because, according to the same authority, it is secondarily homoeopathic to those conditions. (See U. S. Med. and Surg. Journal, vol. iii, p. 81). This thing has misled many young practitioners, and made eclectics by the score. It is so much easier to relieve (not cure) a case of constipation by physic (secondarily homoeopathic), than it is to always apply the homoeopathically indicated remedy.
1890 Vol X No 1
W. P. Wesselhoeft
Aloe / Sulph
To illustrate three facts, first: The difficulty of getting a good record by the first examination with many of our patients, who come to be relieved of certain symptoms which to them are paramount and the most annoying at times, and if not absolutely denying the physician’s right to further inquiries, they answer questions vaguely or as if they had no relation whatever to what they came “to be doctored for.”
Secondly: To show how in the course of the treatment of a chronic disease, the reappearance of old forgotten symptoms should be estimated, which ought to have formed part of the first examination.
Thirdly: That it is right to regard the most recent symptoms in a case as the indicative ones for the selection of the remedy.
H. B. A., aet. twenty-seven. Blonde, thin, active. For a year troubled with diarrhoea. Always has a loose, watery stool at seven P. M. A second stool may follow any time during the day-early evening, forenoon, or afternoon. The stools are very urgent, often nothing but a little sputter with much flatus; is obliged to run to the closet as soon as he feels the desire, as he has but little power to retain stool.
Much rumbling of wind in abdomen after going to bed. Usually awakens an hour after going to bed with palpitation of heart; after passing flatus goes to sleep and rests easily the remainder of the night. At night he can pass flatus with confidence, which he could not do during the day. All the flatus he passes is hot.
Free discharge of prostatic fluid after stool. Constant sensation of soreness in lower abdomen, over os pubis, not sensitive to pressure. Tongue clean, appetite very good.
He avers that he has been well all his life up to a year ago. When a boy had tinea ciliaris.
Now, what bothered this young man more than anything was the discharge of prostatic fluid after the stool, and that is what he came to be “doctored for.” We all know that such a solitary symptom will give us no indication for a remedy, and if I had known as much as I do now about this symptom thirty years ago it would have saved me much trouble and often anxiety. In every instance I should have made this symptom a secondary and not a primary indication, no matter what the wishes of my patients might have been. Instead of trying all the remedies enumerated under the head of discharge of prostatic fluid during stool, I should have worked at other more important features of the case. But how often is the young physician misled by the desire to put an end to the symptom which most disturbs the patient’s mind, and especially if he comes with a diagnosis already concocted by some celebrity which aids and abets the fears of the patient?
The diarrhoea with the characteristic weakness of the sphincter, which would not allow him at any time, except in the night, to pass flatus, the flatus always being hot when passed; the clean tongue and good appetite led me to give him a dose of Aloes. cm
In a fortnight he came back with the following story:
One formed stool a day for the last ten days. No urgency. Passes flatus with confidence and is not hot. Has slept well every night, no palpitation. Very little prostatic fluid has passed.
Reappearance of sick headaches, of which he had two violent ones during the fortnight. These have been absent for over a year and were treated by Bromo-caffeine.
Now, consider for a moment my astonishment when my patient told me that he had always suffered from sick headaches up to the time his other troubles commenced I gave Sac. Lac.
A fortnight later came the following report:
Stools have remained perfectly normal. No discharge of prostatic fluid for two weeks. Soreness in lower abdomen over region of bladder entirely gone. During the fortnight has had four severe headaches with nausea but no vomiting. Gets very faint at stomach every morning about ten o’clock-another old symptom which accompanied his former sick headaches. Just forty days after the dose of Aloes he received a dose of Sulph. cm
Three weeks later he reports:
No headache to speak of, one or two attempts at one, but not severe enough to keep him from work. His stools remain normal. Is troubled a little with flatulence which has easy and confident egress. Has gained four pounds during the last three weeks. Is discharged cured.
Inferences: Aloes cleared up the case for Sulphur. Sulphur would have cured his headaches when he first had them; and all the subsequent symptoms, owing to suppression of psoric headaches, were due solely to a masking of a case suited homoeopathically and originally for Sulphur.
1890 Vol X No 3
G. W. Sherbino
Diarrhoea.-(1) Mrs. E–, sick three or four days from eating green corn. Diarrhoea worse in the morning as soon as she gets up to move around. Gurgling in the centre of the abdomen before the bowels move. Can scarcely retain the stool. Aloes 50m, one dose. In a few days came back with urine symptoms. One dose Aloes (H. S.) cm. Cured for good.
1912 Vol 2
C. S. Tisdale
General Topics / Cases
Alum / Nux-v / Aloe / Bry / Carb-v / Camph / Cupr / Mag- s / Op / Sulph / Verat
White diarrhea
From both continents much has been presented to poultry-culturists concerning white diarrhoea of chickens. Many and varied theories as to its origin have been formulated, tried out in therapeutic efforts, and found practically lacking. Numerous compounds for its cure have been prepared yet the disorder continues to destroy thousands of dollars’ worth of young chicks each season.
The dominant theory, at present, is that of a specific germ, by which the disorder is spread from bird to bird. As yet, the germ-theory of disease cause has failed to refute the arguments and explain the facts presented by those who oppose it. Until this is done and the opponents acknowledge defeat no rational thinker can accept the germ-theory as a true explanation. Moreover, therapeutic efforts to destroy these germs in white diarrhoea have failed to cure the sick chicks.
Some cases are cited which have received homoeopathic treatment with results that give clinical evidence of its value.
In selecting homoeopathic prescriptions for disorders in poultry we should always be governed by the finest observation and individualization of those symptoms revealed to our senses – symptoms on the objective plane.
Our remedies have not been proved upon chickens and we lack a complete symptomatology for comparison in their disorders. Making allowance for this absence of a poultry materia medica, we must be guided by a nosological correspondence as a basis for remedy-selection. To begin, we must find the resemblance between symptoms observed among chickens and those in the human race – those of our materia medica.
Following this method, prescribing such remedies as appear to suit each case, and then observing the cures as they occur, we ascertain accurately the action of each individual remedy in relation to chickens. Working out the problems in this manner has given very good results – evidence that Homoeopathy can be employed successfully for the downy victims.
In applying the principles of Homoeopathy – the only safe, certain, scientific, successful method for cure of white diarrhoea – we aim carefully to isolate and study each effected chick by itself, noting down those symptoms which are observed as strange and peculiar.
As a rule, several birds are found closely similar – manifesting the same symptoms – as bird life is less highly individualized than human forms. Such closely similar chicks are placed together in the same group, to receive the same treatment, but the treatment is administered separately. Thus in a flock manifesting white diarrhoea, the flock is examined and sorted into groups according to symptom-similarity, for which work much observation is necessary.
The homoeopathic remedies are chose upon the basis of symptom-totals present in each group, and a single dose of the selected remedy is given to each bird. This is done rather than to place the remedy in the drinking-water because when taken in the water – in repeated doses – it may occasion an overwhelming aggravation and thereby loss of some of the chicks.
Last season, in one small flock treated allopathically, we failed to save a single chick that could be reared to maturity. At the same time, from the same flock we had several groups treated by Homoeopathy, as follows:
Symptoms in common
Apparent lack of vital heat. The chicks huddled together under the hover, although the temperature of the brooder-coop and run was comfortable for others and normal for chick-life.
Marked weakness with aversion to motion.
Chicks stood humped up, with
Drooping head and wings.
Cold feet, which were drawn, anaemic, in appearance.
Blueness about face.
Pallor of comb and features.
Stools soft, thick, white, sticky, resembling white clay.
Straining and much effort to void feces, with incomplete evacuation.
Stools partly receding.
Feces voided, adhered to the down about the vent.
Rectum plugged up.
This points to weakness of rectum and anus and has its analogy in the human in the provings of Alumina. The majority of our cases had these symptoms – a group covered by Alumina.
Alumina 30, one dose each, was given to a number of birds in this group.
They all grew up in the best of health during the summer of 1912. All symptoms cleared away in about three days. One chick, more vigorous than the others, recovered completely in twenty-four hours.
Alumina will cover a large number of cases of white diarrhoea as the foregoing symptoms appear in a majority of the chicks.
It has also cured a yellow-green diarrhoea associated with those symptoms.
These chicks presented –
Coldness or sensation of coldness; i. e., they wanted the warmth but their flesh was quite warm to touch.
Persistent thirst but swallowed only a very small quantity of water at a time.
Restless, uneasy, would not remain quiet.
Anxiety, indicated in the features.
The down on top of the head stood straight up – a sign of anxiety with chicks.
Eyes appeared glassy.
General pallor of comb, beak, and feet.
Weakness increasing.
Aversion to food.
Stools thin, white, watery, acid.
Arsen. alb. 30, one dose to each, cured these within four days.
Cross, irritable, quarrelsome, always trying to fight among themselves and with others.
Hungry, but rejected food when offered. Wanted to eat indigestible things – litter, dirt.
Much straining to void –
Thin, white, water stool, mixed with black and green.
Two birds of this group were difficult to examine, appeared to object to being touched, more than did the others.
Nux vom. 30 cured the birds in this group, and they grew to frying size.
Other remedies that may be demanded at times are Aloe, Bry., Carbo veg., Camphor, Cuprum-met., Mag. sulph., Opium, Sulph., and Verat. alb.
These three groups include forty to fifty individual birds. Though but a start, these cases demonstrate what can be done and what has been done. When we consider the absolute fatality conceded to attend this disorder, here is a proof that Homoeopathy has a virtue deserving more attention.
Cause and prevention
Though the cure of sick chicks is of value to the poultry-industry its prevention is of far greater importance. First, let us seek the real cause of white diarrhoea.
From the doctrines of Homoeopathy we learn that there must be some primary disturbance of the Vital Force by the dynamic influence of morbific powers inimical to health and life. Let us seek this cause-factor and some of the contributing factors.
Return with me, in thought, to the old days of the poultry-industry, when it was only in its infancy. Then we had no process of artificial incubation; neither have we any history of white diarrhoea. The only disease which resembles it was cholera, and this was more confined to feathered chicks.
Since the use of modern incubators the white diarrhoea has had its origin. At first only a few isolated cases were reported. Less than twenty years ago we found scant notice of it, and then only from men engaged in hatching chicks by incubators. What has the incubator to do with the origin and spread of the disorder? We answer: It has everything to do with occasioning white diarrhoea.
However well-constructed, regulated, and ventilated the incubators to the present time, chicks hatched in them come out of the shell under conditions in no wise favorable to health.
From the twelfth day of incubation to hatching-out time there is large growth of the embryo chicks, and this is attended each day by an increasing consumption of oxygen, and an increased elimination of carbon di-oxide – both processes out of proportion to the ventilating capacity of the best of incubators so far constructed.
A large per cent. of this foul carbon di-oxide gathers within the egg-chamber of the incubator, and the growing chicks are forced to inhale it repeatedly, more or less.
In many hatches – perhaps in a large majority – many chicks die in the shell, at various periods of growth. Unless detached and removed these further pollute the air in the machine. Others survive to pip the shell only.
Those that are able to get out of the shells have had more or less carbon di-oxide poisoning, as a result of which their vital powers are thrown into discord, and healthy functioning is not possible. As a rule, the chicks are found gasping for air in this stifling atmosphere, although in temperature and otherwise it is comfortable to chick-life.
In addition to this, most operators leave the chicks in this egg-chamber with the partly poisoned air for about twenty-four to thirty-six hours after they are hatched. Under such conditions there is a profound poisoning of the system from carbon di-oxide, and but for the fact that the machine is now and then opened this poisoning would prove even more fatal.
Proof of these facts is furnished by Dr. S. A. Merkley, of Buffalo, N. Y., who is an able chemist, a learned physician, and a well-known poultry-fancier. Dr. Merkley studied this subject, and arriving at conclusions similar to these he proceeded to make experiments with oxygen gas, introducing it in large volumes into the egg-chamber of his incubator.
With such an excess of oxygen at the most critical period of chick-life he found that there were no chicks panting for air, but all were happy, and white diarrhoea did not appear.
Further experiments have since been made by others with good results. When supplied with oxygen in excess, from the twelfth day on to pipping-out time, fewer chicks will be found dead in the shell.
When modern incubators are provided with an oxygen-generating plant, and free oxygen is supplied all through incubation period, from first to last, we shall cease to hear of white diarrhoea as it will become forgotten in the annals of the world’s poultry-industry. Chicks thus hatched will be larger, healthier, and will grow more rapidly than hen and nature reared chicks ever do.
Contributing factors
Of the contributing factors only two need be considered; namely, temperature and diet. The chick-system thrown into a condition of vital derangement cannot accommodate itself to further changes in the life and environment, soon following. Allow the least chilling or over-heating, or perhaps an error of feeding, or both, and then appear the indigestion, malnutrition, prostration, and other common forerunners of this dreaded terror of chick-life.
The organism tries, in an imperfect manner, to throw off the products of tissue-poisoning; hence the pathological changes which occur. The carbohydrates imperfectly digested and oxidized are seized by the liver in a vain attempt to convert them into glycogen; hence the enlarged liver.
The secretions of the stomach and the intestines develop excessive acidity, and the blood itself becomes acid. Nature strives to neutralize these abnormal acids by alkaline substances. As a result there appears more or less of precipitation, chiefly of phosphates and carbonates of lime; hence the whitish color commonly observed in the ultimate results of the disorder – the feces in the form of diarrhoea.
Dr. Tisdale will be pleased to reply to questions of readers who desire special information on this subject, when inquiries are accompanied by postage for replies.
✅ আমাদের সফল চিকিৎসার প্রমাণ দেখতে লিংকে ক্লিক করুণ।
১. টিউমার, ক্যান্সার ও সিস্ট রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
২. চর্ম, নখ ও চুলের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
৩. গাইনী, প্রসূতি ও স্তনের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
৪. নাক, কান, গলা ও শ্বাসতন্ত্রের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
৫. মানসিক রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
৬. রিউমাটোলজি, হাড় পেশী ও জয়েন্টের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
৭. নবজাতক ও শিশু রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
৮. ব্রেইন, স্পাইনাল কর্ড ও নার্ভের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
৯. যৌন শক্তি ও যৌন বাহিত রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১০. কিডনি, মুত্র, প্রোস্টেট গ্ল্যান্ড ও পুরুষ জননাঙ্গের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১১. গ্যাস্ট্রোএন্টারোলজি বা পেটের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১২. মলদ্বার, পায়ুপথ ও কোলনের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১৩. লিভার ও পিত্তের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১৪. চোখ, দৃষ্টি শক্তি ও চোখের পাতার রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১৫. জ্বর, সংক্রামক ও ইমার্জেন্সি রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১৬. ডায়াবেটিস ও হরমোন জনিত রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১৭. দাঁত ও মুখের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১৮. হার্টের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১৯. রক্ত, বোনম্যারু, প্লিহা ও লিম্ফ নোডের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
✅ আমাদের সফল চিকিৎসার ভিডিও প্রমাণ দেখতে ডান পার্শের মেনুতে রোগের নাম লিখে সার্চ করুন।
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