Alum: শরীরের স্বাভাবিক তাপের অভাব, চর্ম শুষ্ক, ঘাম কম।
Alum: সর্বদা নিরাশা, দুঃখপূর্ণ ও ভয়, কোনো ধরণের দুর্ঘটনা ঘটবে এমন আশঙ্কা, নানা ধরণের কাল্পনিক চিন্তায় নিমগ্ন থাকে, সময় ধীরে ধীরে যায়, যেন সময় কাটেই না, অধিকাংশ মানসিক লক্ষণ সকালে দেখা দেয়।
Alum: ধারালো অস্ত্র বা রক্ত দেখলে ভয়, এক পর্যায়ে সে অস্র দ্বারা আত্মহত্যা করার প্রবল ইচ্ছা।
Alum: মহিলাদের চাউল, চাড়া, চক, কয়লা ইত্যাদি অপাচ্য ও অখাদ্য খাওয়ার প্রবল ইচ্ছা।
Alum: শাকসবজি ও ফল খাওয়ার আগ্রহ, আলু সহ্য হয় না।
Alum: মেরুদণ্ডের নিম্নাংশের ভিতর দিয়ে যেনো গরম লৌহ প্রবেশ করানো হয়েছে এমন অনুভূতি।
বৃদ্ধি হয় | উপশম হয় |
< কৃত্রিম খাবার, আলু, মাড়, লবণ ইত্যাদি খাদ্যে
< এক দিন পর পর < পূর্ণিমা এবং অমাবস্যায় < ঠান্ডা বাতাসে, শীতকালে < কথা বললে < ঘুম থেকে উঠার আগেই < মাসিকের পরে < ঠান্ডা আলু খেলে |
> হালকা গরমের আবহাওয়ায়
> উষ্ণ পানীয় পানে > খাওয়ার সময় > ভেজা আবহাওয়ায় |
যাহারা চিরোগে ভোগে সেই ক্ষেত্রে উপযোগী, “চিররোগের একোনাইট” বলা হয় এ ওষুধকে ।
জৈব উত্তাপের অভাবযুক্ত ধাতুর ব্যক্তির ক্ষেত্রে ।(ক্যাল্কে-কা, সাইলি)। রোগা, পাতলা, শুকিয়ে গেছে, ময়লা রঙ অথচ নম্র ও প্রফুল্প, শুচিবায়ুগ্রস্ত যাদের শুকনো, দাদের মত চুলকানিযুক্ত উদ্ভেদ বের হয় যা শীতে বাড়ে (পেট্রল); বিছানা গরম হয়ে উঠলে অসহ্য চুলকায় (সালফ) চুলকে রক্ত বের করে ফেলে তারপরে ব্যথা হয় এই রকম ব্যক্তির পক্ষে উপযোগী । সময় ধীরে ধীরে কাটছে, এক ঘন্টা মনে হয় অর্ধেক দিন (ক্যানা-ইন্ডি); এদের ক্ষেত্রে উপযোগী ।
চোখ না মেলে দিনের বেলায়ও হাঁটতে পারে না, চোখ বন্ধ করলে পরে টলমল করে, মনে হয় পড়ে যাবে (আর্জে-না; জেলস)। ক্ষিদে অসাভাবিক; শ্বেতসার, খড়িমাটি, কয়লা, লবঙ্গ, কফি বা চায়ের গুড়ো, অম্ন ও অপাচ্য দ্রব্য খায় (সাইকুটা, সোরিন); আলু সহ্য হয় না। বহু পুরানো ঢেকুর ওঠা যা সন্ধ্যায় বাড়ে ।
সমস্ত উত্তেজক দ্রব্যে – লবণ, মদ, ভিনিগার, গোলমরিচ প্রভৃতি খাওয়ামাত্র কাশতে থাকে ।
কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতা — অন্ত্রে যথেষ্ট মল না জমলে মলত্যাগের ইচ্ছা হয় না বা মলত্যাগ করতে পারে না (মেলিলোটাস) ।অত্যন্ত কোঁথানি পায়খানায় বসার জায়গা আঁকড়ে ধরে কুঁথতে থাকে—মলশক্ত, গিটগিট, আম জড়ানো লরেল ফলের মত বা নরম কাদার মত যা মলদ্বারে জড়িয়ে যায় (প্লাটিনা) ।রেকটামের কার্যক্ষমতা থাকে না, নরম মলত্যাগেও যথেষ্ট কোঁথ দিতে হয় (এনাকা; প্লাটিনা; সাইলি; ভিরেট্রাম) ।
কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতা : দুধের বাচ্চাদের কৃত্রিম খাদ্য যারা খায়, যে সব বাচ্চা বোতলের দুধ খায় ও বৃদ্ধদের (লাইকো; ওপি); গর্ভাবস্থায় মায়েদের, রেক্টামের কর্মহীনতার জন্য (সিপিয়া) ।
রোগীনির মূত্রত্যাগের সময় তরল মলত্যাগ ।মলত্যাগের সময় মূত্রত্যাগের জন্যও কোঁথ দিতে হয়
শ্বেতপ্রদর — হেজে যায় ও প্রচুর, গোড়ালী অবধি গড়িয়ে আসে (সিফিলিন), দিনের বেলায় বেশী, ঠান্ডাজলে মানে উপশম ।
ঋতুস্রাবের পরে — শারীরিক ও মানসিক ভাবে অবসন্ন হয়ে পড়ে, কথা বলতেও কষ্ট হয় (কাব-এনি; কক্কুলাস) । কথা বলতে ক্লান্তি, মূর্চ্ছাভাব, শ্রান্ত—বসে পড়তে বাধ্য হয় ।
সম্বন্ধ – ব্রায়োনিয়ার অণুপুরক ।ব্রায়ো্, ল্যাকে ও সালফের পর ভাল খাটে ।এলুমিনা ব্রায়োনিয়ার ক্রনিক।
বৃদ্ধদের রোগে ইহা-ব্যারাইটা ও কোনিয়ামের সমগুণ।
বৃদ্ধি — ঠান্ডা বাতাসে, শীতে, বসে থাকলে, আলু, খেলে, সুপ খেলে, একদিন অন্তর একদিন, পূর্ণিমা ও অমাবস্যায় ।
উপশম – মৃদু গ্রীষ্মের আবহাওয়ায়; গরম পানীয়ে; খাওয়ার সময় (সোরিন্); ভেজা আবহাওয়ায় (কষ্টিকাম)।
সীসক বিষাক্ততা; চিত্রকরের শূলব্যথায় এবং সীসা হতে উৎপন্ন যে কোন রোগে এ অন্যতম প্রধান দোষন্ন ওষুধ ।
শক্তি – ৩০, ২০০, ১ এম হইতে উচ্চশক্তি ০,১ হতে ০,৩০ শক্তি ।
এই ঔষধটি এলুমেনে’র পর সুন্দরভাবে উপযোগী হয়, কারণ ইহার প্রকৃতিতে যথেষ্ট ‘এলুমেনে’র লক্ষণ আছে; ‘এলুমেন ইহার মৌলিক উপাদান এবং সেজন্য এলুমিনার ক্রিয়া প্রণালী এলুমেনে’র উপর যথেষ্ট নির্ভর করে। আমার মনে হয় যে, এখানে সামান্য একটু আভাস দেওয়া প্রয়োজন। যখন কোন একটি অক্সাইড বা কার্বনেট ভালভাবে পরীক্ষিত হয়, তখন মানসিক লক্ষণগুলি সুন্দরভাবে প্রকাশ পায়; তুমি ঐ একই উপাদানের আর একটি লক্ষণ ব্যবস্থাকালে, তাহার পরীক্ষায় মাত্র কয়েকটি লক্ষণ প্রকাশ পাইলেও, পূর্বোক্ত লক্ষণগুলিকে আনুমানিকভাবে ব্যবহার করিতে পার। মনে কর, তুমি ‘এলুমেনে’র সহিত নিশ্চিত সম্বন্ধযুক্ত কতকগুলি লক্ষণ পাইয়াছ। অবশ্য এলুমেনে’র মানসিক লক্ষণগুলির বিস্তৃতভাবে প্রকাশ পায় নাই, কিন্তু তথাপি তুমি ‘এলুমেনে’র মৌলিক উপাদানজাত অক্সাইডের মানসিক লক্ষণগুলি পাইতেছ; সুতরাং যদি রোগীর এলুমিনার মানসিক লক্ষণগুলি থাকে এবং এলুমেনে’র দৈহিক লক্ষণগুলি থাকে, তাহা হইলে তুমি যুক্তিসঙ্গতভাবে ধরিয়া লইতে পার যে এলুমেন’ই রোগীকে আরোগ্য করিবে; কারণ, উভয়ের মধ্যেই ‘এলুমিনাম বর্তমান আছে।
আমরা এলুমিনার মানসিক লক্ষণগুলি ভালভাবেই অবগত আছি। ইহা বিশেষ ভাবে বুদ্ধিবৃত্তিকে আক্রমণ করে; এবং বুদ্ধিবৃত্তিকে এতই গোলমাল করিয়া দেয় যে, রোগী কোন সিদ্ধান্তেই আসিতে পারে না, তাহার বিচারবুদ্ধি নষ্ট হইয়া যায়। সে কোন কিছু বুঝিতে পারে না, যে জিনিষগুলি সে জানে অথবা প্রকৃত বলিয়া তাহার নিকট জানা ছিল, সেইগুলিই তাহার নিকট অপ্রকৃত বলিয়া মনে হয়, তাহার সন্দেহ হয় যে, বাস্তবিক সেগুলি ঐরূপ কিনা। “গাইডিং সিম্পটমস” পুস্তকে ইহা খুব পরিষ্কার ভাবে বলা হয় নাই, কিন্তু “ক্রণিক ডিজিজেস” পুস্তকে অন্যান্য গ্রন্থের তুলনায় ইহার সর্বোৎকৃষ্ট বর্ণনা পাওয়া যায়। উহাতে আমরা পাঠ করি—“যখন সে কিছু বলিতে থাকে, তখন মনে হয় যেন, অপর কেহ উহা বলিতেছে; এবং যখন সে কিছু দেখে, তখন মনে হয় যেন, অপর কেহ উহা দেখিতেছে অথবা সে কেবল তখনই দেখিতে পায়, যখন সে নিজেকে অপর ব্যক্তিতে পরিবর্তিত করিয়া লইতে পারে।” ইহার অর্থ—তাহার মনের বিশৃঙ্খলা, ধারণা ও চিন্তার বিশৃঙ্খলা দেখা দিয়াছে। এলুমিনা এইসব লক্ষণ আরোগ্য করিয়াছে। তাহার স্বকীয় ব্যক্তি স্বরূপতা জ্ঞানের গোলমাল হয়। সে ঠিক নিশ্চিত ভাবে জানে না যে, সে কে। মনে হয়, সে যেন সে নহে। সে মনে হতবুদ্ধি অবস্থায় থাকে। সে লিখিতে এবং কথা বলিতে ভুল করে; সে বলিতে ইচ্ছা করে নাই এরূপ কথা বলিয়া বসে, ভুল শব্দ ব্যবহার করে। বুদ্ধিবৃত্তির গোলযোগ ও আচ্ছন্নতা। কোন চিন্তাধারা অনুসরণ করিতে অক্ষমতা।
অতঃপর আর এক প্রকার অবস্থা আছে। ঐ সময়ে সে সবকিছুতেই তাড়াতাড়ি করে। মনে হয় কিছুই যেন যথেষ্ট দ্রুত চলিতেছে না, সময় যেন বড় ধীরে কাটিতেছে; সবকিছুই দেরীতে হইতেছে, কিছুই ঠিকমত চলিতেছে না। ইহা ছাড়া—তাহার নানা প্রেরণা জাগে। যখন সে ধারাল অস্ত্রাদি কিম্বা রক্ত দেখে, তাহার মধ্যে উত্তেজনা জাগে, এবং সে ঐ উত্তেজনায় কাঁপিতে থাকে। যে অস্ত্র খুন করিতে বা বধ করিতে ব্যবহৃত হইতে পারে, তাহা দেখিলে তাহার উত্তেজনা জাগিয়া উঠে, তাহার আত্মহত্যা করিবার প্রেরণা দেখা দেয়।
এলুমিনার রোগী অতি দুঃখিত, সদা দুঃখিত। সবসময়েই সে কাতরতা প্রকাশ করে, গোঙায়, বিরক্ত থাকে, খিটখিট করে এবং তাড়াতাড়ি করে। কোথাও চলিয়া যাইতে চায়, অবস্থা ভাল হইবে আশা করিয়া, অন্যস্থানে চলিয়া যাইতে চায়, সৰ্ব্বদা ভয়ে ভয়ে থাকে। নানা প্রকার কল্পনা করে। এক প্রকার শঙ্কিত অবস্থার মধ্যে থাকে। যখন যে মনের এই অবস্থা সম্বন্ধে চিন্তা করে, তাহার মনে হয় যেন সে বিচারশক্তি হারাইতে চলিয়াছে। সে তাহার খেয়াল, ব্যস্তভাবে এবং মনের বিশৃঙ্খলা সম্বন্ধে চিন্তা করে, ভাবে কত কষ্টে সে আপনার নামটি মনে করিতে পারে, ভাবে,—সে কত খিটখিটে হইয়া পড়িয়াছে; এবং তখন ভাবিয়া বিস্মিত হয় যে, সে কি পাগল হইতে চলিয়াছে; অবশেষে মনে হয় যে, সে সত্য সত্যই পাগল হইয়াছে।
অধিকাংশ মানসিক লক্ষণই প্রাতে ঘুম ভাঙ্গিবার পর উপস্থিত হয়। প্রাতঃকালে নিদ্রাভঙ্গের পর বিমর্ষতা ও ক্রন্দন। তাহার মনোভাব পরিবর্তিত হইতে থাকে। সময়ে সময়ে তাহার মানসিক অবস্থার কিছুটা উন্নতি হয়; এবং তাহার মনোভাব শান্ত, স্থির অবস্থায় আসে, আবার পরক্ষণেই ভীতি ও আশঙ্কা দেখা দেয়। তাহার মনে হয়, কোন অনিষ্ট ঘটিতে চলিয়াছে এবং সে সেইজন্য উৎকণ্ঠিত হইয়া উঠে । ভবিষ্যৎ সম্বন্ধে উৎকণ্ঠা।
তারপর, এই ঔষধটি মেরুদন্ড হইতে নির্গত স্নায়ুগুলির উপর যেরূপ ভাবে কাৰ্য্য করে, তাহা একটি বিশেষ লক্ষণীয় বিষয়। এই সকল স্নায়ু সংযুক্ত পেশীগুলির দুর্বল অবস্থা দেখা দেয়, ফলে সমস্ত দেহেই দুর্বলতা উপস্থিত হয়। গিলিতে কষ্ট হয়, গলনলীর পক্ষাঘাতবৎ অবস্থা ঘটে বাহু দুইটি তুলিতে বা নাড়িতে কষ্ট হয়, দেহের এক পার্শ্বের অথবা নিম্নাঙ্গের পেশীগুলির অথবা মূত্রাশয় ও সরলান্ত্রের পক্ষাঘাত জন্মে। পক্ষাঘাতিক অবস্থা প্রারম্ভে অর্ধ-পক্ষাঘাতের মত দেখায়, দীর্ঘকাল যাবৎ উহা ক্রিয়ারাহিত্যের ন্যায় থাকে এবং অবশেষে সম্পূর্ণ পক্ষাঘাতে পর্য্যবসিত হয়। প্রত্যেক কাৰ্যই ধীরে ধীরে হইতে থাকে। স্নায়ুসমূহের সংবেদনশক্তি কমিয়া হস্ত-পদাদিতে একটি আলপিন ফুটাইলে সে এক সেকেন্ড বা ততোধিক পরে উহা বুঝিতে পারে। এইরূপে তাহার সমস্ত ইন্দ্রিয়বোধ কমিয়া যাইতে থাকে এবং অবশেষে তাহার চৈতন্যশক্তিরই অসাড়তা উপস্থিত হয়। মনে হয়, তাহার বুদ্ধিবৃত্তির অসাড়তা দেখা দিয়াছে, মানসিক জড়তা উপস্থিত হইয়াছে। ধারণাগুলি যথেষ্ট ধীরতার সহিত তাহার মনে গিয়া পৌঁছায়।
পক্ষাঘাতবৎ অবস্থা এই ঔষধের সর্বত্রই রহিয়াছে এবং তাহা নানাপ্রকারে, নানা অঙ্গে লক্ষিত হয়। মূত্র যেরূপ ধীরভাবে নির্গত হয়, তাহা দ্বারা মূত্রাধারের এই অবস্থা বুঝিতে পারা যায়। স্ত্রীলোক মূত্রধারা নির্গত হইবার পূর্বে বহুক্ষণ বসিয়া থাকে, কিন্তু চাপ দিতে পারে না, তারপর ক্ষীণধারে মূত্র নির্গত হইতে থাকে। রোগিণী বলিবে যে, সে তাড়াতাড়ি মূত্রত্যাগ করিতে পারে না। মূত্র ধীরে বাহির হয়, ধীরে পড়িতে থাকে এবং সময়ে সময়ে গড়াইয়া পড়ে। সময়ে সময়ে উহা রোধ হইয়া যায় এবং অনিচ্ছায় গড়াইতে থাকে। এই ধীরতা অন্ত্রেও লক্ষিত হয়। উহার কর্মশক্তি নষ্ট হইয়া যায় এবং সে মলত্যাগ করিতে বসিয়া সাধারণভাবে কোঁথ দিতে পারে না। সরলান্ত্র এরূপ পক্ষাঘাতিক অবস্থায় থাকে যে, উহা পূর্ণ ও স্ফীত থাকিলেও, প্রচুর মল জমিয়া থাকিলেও, এমনকি সেই মল নরম হইলেও, কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতা বর্তমান থাকে। এই ঔষধে কখন কখন শক্ত মল থাকিতে পারে, কিন্তু আমরা লক্ষ্য করি যে, যে-স্থলে নরম মলের সহিত সরলান্ত্রের এইরূপ পক্ষাঘাতিক অবস্থা থাকে, সেই স্থলেই এই ঔষধটির শ্রেষ্ঠ ক্রিয়া প্রকাশ পায়। অবশ্য যদি মানসিক লক্ষণগুলি বর্তমান থাকে, তাহা হইলে আমি যেরূপ বর্ণনা করিয়াছি। তদ্রুপ অবস্থায় বৃহৎ, কঠিন ও গাঁট গাঁটযুক্ত অথবা দলা দলা মল থাকিলেও, এলুমিনা তাহা আরোগ্য করিবে। তারপর, নরম মলত্যাগ করিতেও এত অধিক কোঁথ দিতে হয় যে, তুমি সময়ে সময়ে রোগীকে ঐ সম্বন্ধে নিম্নোক্তরূপ বর্ণনা দিতে শুনিবে। সরলান্ত্রটি পূর্ণ আছে, রোগিণীও অনেকদিন যাবৎ মলত্যাগ করেন নাই, কিন্তু তবুও মলত্যাগ স্থানে বসিয়া তাহার বহুক্ষণ অপেক্ষা করিতে হইবে। তাহার এ জ্ঞান আছে যে, তাহাকে মলত্যাগ করিতে হইবে, এই বোধ আছে যে তাহার সরলান্ত্রটি পূর্ণ, তথাপি তাহাকে অনেকক্ষণ বসিয়া থাকিতে হয় এবং অবশেষে উদরের পেশীগুলির উপর জোরে জোরে চাপ দিতে হয় এবং জোরে জোরে কোঁথ দিতে হয়, কিন্তু তবুও তিনি বেশ বোঝেন যে, সরলান্ত্রের পক্ষ হইতে কোন চেষ্টাই হইতেছে । তিনি বহুক্ষণ ধরিয়া কোথ দিতে থাকেন, ঘামে ভিজিয়া যান, যদি হেঁট হইবার মত স্থান থাকে, তাহা হইলে আসনে বসিয়াই হেট হইয়া পড়েন, প্রসববেদনার ন্যায় টানাপড়া করিতে থাকেন এবং অবশেষে কিছুটা নরম মল নির্গত করেন, কিন্তু তখনও অনুভূতিটি থাকিয়া যায় যে, আরও মল রহিয়া গেল।
অবশ্য আরও অনেকগুলি ঔষধে এই নরম মলত্যাগ করিতে কোঁথ দেওয়া লক্ষণটি আছে, কিন্তু তাহাদের নিজ নিজ বিশিষ্ট লক্ষণও আছে। উদাহরণ স্বরূপ—মনে কর, একজন স্ত্রীলোক জাগিয়া থাকিতে পারেন না, তিনি বলেন এক ছত্র পড়িতে না পড়িতেই তাঁহার ঘুম আসিয়া যায়; অতঃপর তিনি সারাক্ষণই ঘুমাইতে পারেন, দিবারাত্র তিনি মুখের শুষ্কতার জন্য কষ্ট পান, তাহার জিহ্বা তালুতে লাগিয়া যায়। এইবার তাঁহাকে তাহার নরম মলত্যাগ করিবার জন্য পূর্বোক্তরূপ কোঁথানি ও চেষ্টার বিষয় বর্ণনা করিতে দাও। আর তোমাকে ঔষধটি নির্ণয় করিবার জন্য বেশীদূর যাইতে হইবে না। রোগিণী যদি যাহা বলিয়াছেন তাহার সহিত আরও বলেন যে অনেকক্ষণ দাঁড়াইয়া থাকিলে তাহার মূর্চ্ছা যাওয়ার স্বভাব আছে, আবদ্ধ ঘরে মধ্যে তিনি অসুস্থ বোধ করেন এবং ঠান্ডা হাওয়ায় তাহার নানা উপদ্রব দেখা দেয়, তাহা হইলে ঔষধটি হইবে নাক্স মস্কেটা। এখন তুমি বুঝিয়া দেখ যে, ঔষধকে কথা বলান কত সহজ, তাহারা নিজেরাই নিজেদের ইতিহাস বলে। মনে কর, একজন স্ত্রীলোক তোমার নিকট আসিলেন তিনি দীর্ঘকাল যাবৎ রক্তস্রাবে ভুগিতেছেন, রক্তটি চুয়াইয়া পড়িতেছে, তিনি বিবর্ণ ও দুর্বল হইয়া পড়িয়াছেন, তাঁহার পেটটি বায়ুতে স্ফীত থাকে, তৎসহ উদার ও বাতকর্ম হয়, যতই বায়ুত্যাগ হয় ততই তাঁহার খারাপ লাগে, অতঃপর তাহারও পূর্বোক্তরূপ সরলান্ত্রের নিষ্ক্রিয়তার জন্য নরম মলত্যাগ করিতে কোঁথানি ও বহুক্ষণ ধরিয়া চেষ্টা করার লক্ষণটি আছে। তুমি তাহাকে চায়না দেওয়া ভিন্ন আর কিছুই করিতে পার না। ঔষধগুলিকে কথা বলিতে ও নিজের নিজের ইতিহাস বলিতে দিলে, পার্থক্য নির্ণয় কার্যটি সুসম্পন্ন হয়। আমি এই কথাগুলি বলিলাম তোমাকে বুঝাইবার জন্য যে, সরলান্ত্রের ক্রিয়াশূন্যতার উপরেই তোমাকে ঔষধ নির্ণয় করিতে হইবে না। রোগীর সাহায্যেই ঔষধের পার্থক্য নির্ণয় করিতে হইবে। এই নিয়মটিকে কখনও লঙ্ঘন করা উচিত নয়। তুমি একটি বিশেষ লক্ষণ কুড়িটি ঔষধের মধ্যে পাইতে পার, কিন্তু যদি তুমি তোমার রোগীর সম্বন্ধে কয়েকটি প্রকৃত নির্দিষ্ট ব্যাপার জানিতে পার, যথা—সে কেমন করিয়া কাজকর্ম করে, কেমন করিয়া রোগটি সামগ্রিকভাবে ব্যক্তিটিকে আক্রমণ করিয়াছে, তাহা হইলে তুমি ঔষধের পার্থক্য নির্ণয়ের মত কিছু পাইলে। তুমি এলুমিনার রোগী, চায়না’র রোগী এবং নাক্স মস্কেটা’র রোগীকে দেখিয়াছ। চিকিৎসকের একমাত্র কর্তব্য রোগীকে চিকিৎসা করা; তাহার অর্থ যে পর্যন্ত তাহার রোগের সম্বন্ধে একটি ধারণা না জন্মে ততক্ষণ পর্যন্ত রোগীকে পর্যবেক্ষণ করা।
এই ঔষধে শিরোঘূর্ণন আছে; সে কাপিতে থাকে, সে টলমল করে এবং সৰ্ব্বদাই যেন “সবকিছু ঘুরিতে থাকে।” ইহা অতিক্লান্ত পুরাতন ভগ্নস্বাস্থ্য রোগীর, বার্ধক্যবশতঃ জরাজীর্ণ রোগীর শিরোঘূর্ণনের অনুরূপ। এই শিরোঘূর্ণন চক্ষু বুজিলে উপস্থিত হয়, যেমনটি মেরুদন্ডের রোগে দেখা যায়, মেরুদন্ডের পার্শ্বিক স্তম্ভের সংযুক্ত-স্থুলত্বে দেখা যায়। এলুমিনা কশেরুকমাজ্জেয়-ক্ষয় রোগের অনুরূপ রোগ উৎপন্ন করিয়াছে। ইহা পায়ের তলার অসাড়তা, বিদ্যুৎবৎ বেদনা, চক্ষু মুদিলে শিরোঘূর্ণন উৎপন্ন করে এবং আন্দোলিত গতি ও সামঞ্জস্যের বৈলক্ষণ্য সৃষ্টি করে। একথা সত্য যে, কশেরুক-মার্জেয়-ক্ষয় রোগের প্রথম অবস্থায়, এলুমিনা শরীরের সাধারণ ক্রিয়াসমূহকে সুনিয়ন্ত্রিত করিয়া রোগের প্রসারকে রোধ করিবে। এলুমিনাম মেটালিকাম’ দিয়া আমি পুরাতন, দুরারোগ্য রোগীর বিদ্যুৎবৎ বেদনা নিবারণ করিয়াছি, প্রতিক্রিয়া। শক্তিকে অদ্ভুতভাবে বাড়াইয়া তুলিয়াছি এবং ফলে সাধারণভাবে রোগীরও উন্নতি হইয়াছে।
অধিকাংশ লক্ষণই প্রাতে জাগিলে বর্ধিত হয়। আমি পূৰ্ব্বে যেরূপ বলিয়াছি, প্রাতঃকালে মূত্র অধিকতর ধীরে নির্গত হয়, কিন্তু একটু চলাফেরার এবং কিছুটা গরম হওয়ার পর আর সেরূপ ধীরে নির্গত হয় না। তাহার অঙ্গ-প্রত্যঙ্গগুলি প্রাতেই অধিকতর আড়ষ্ট থাকে এবং প্রাতঃকালেই তাহাকে তাহার মানসিক পরিবেশকে জোর করিয়া জাগাইয়া তুলিতে হয়। সে হতবুদ্ধি হইয়া জাগিয়া উঠে এবং কোথায় রহিয়াছে তাহা ভাবিয়া আশ্চর্য্য হয়। তুমি দেখিতে পাইবে যে শিশুরাই বিশেষভাবে হতবুদ্ধি অবস্থায় জাগিয়া উঠে; এরূপটি এলুমিনা, ইস্কিউলাস’ ও লাইকোপোডিয়াম’ তিনটি ঔষধেই দেখা যায়। জিনিষগুলি ঠিক সেইরূপ কিনা এবং সেগুলি দেখিতে কিরূপ হওয়া উচিত, তাহা তাহাকে মন দিয়া দেখিয়া লইতে হয়, সে ভাবিয়া বিস্মিত হয়। যে, সে বাড়ীতে আছে অথবা অন্য কোন স্থানে আছে।
ইহাতে বমি বমি ভাব ও বমনসহ অনেক প্রকারের শিরঃপীড়া দেখা যায়। ঠান্ডা লাগিলেই শিরঃপীড়াটি উপস্থিত হয়। সম্ভবতঃ উহা সর্দি লাগার জন্য হয়। এলুমিনার রোগী প্রায় সর্বদা শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লীর শুষ্কতা হইতে ভুগে; নাসিকা, বিশেষতঃ এক পার্শ্বের নাসিকা, সাধারণতঃ বাম নাসিকা শুষ্ক ও পূর্ণ থাকে। নাসিকা খোঁচা খোঁচা কাঠি দ্বারা পূর্ণ বোধ হয়, শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লীর শুষ্ক অথবা মামড়ীযুক্ত, পুরাতন শীর্ণকর সর্দি, নাসিকার পশ্চাৎ রন্ধ্রে ও নাকের খাঁজে মামড়ী। নাসিকার মধ্যে সর্বত্র বড় বড় সবুজবর্ণ দুর্গন্ধ মামড়ী। এইবার শিরোবেদনার সহিত রোগীর সম্বন্ধের কথা । যতবার ঠান্ডা লাগে, ঘন হলদে শ্লেষ্মা স্রাব শিথিল হয় এবং উহা জলবৎ স্রাবে পরিণত হয় এবং বমি বমি ভাব ও বমনের সহিত মস্তকের অভ্যন্তর পর্যন্ত প্রসারণশীলতা, চক্ষুর উপরে কপালে যন্ত্রণা দেখা দেয়। সুতরাং যখন বলা হয় পুরাতন সর্দি হইতে শিরঃপীড়া তখন তাহার অর্থ এই। শুইলে শিরঃপীড়ার বৃদ্ধি হয়। তাহার সবমন শিরঃপীড়া এবং নির্দিষ্ট কাল ব্যবধানে শিরঃপীড়া হয়। তুমি দেখিতে পাইবে যে, এলুমিনা সেইরূপ ধাতুর অনুরূপ, যাহাকে আমরা বলি সোরাদোষ গ্রস্ত, বৃদ্ধ ভগ্নস্বাস্থ্য ও দুৰ্বল ধাতু, গন্ডমালাযুক্ত ধাতু; যেরূপ ধাতুতে গুটিকা রোগ ও প্রতিশ্যায় রোগের প্রবণতা থাকে।
এই ঔষধে সুস্পষ্ট সর্দি প্রবণতা আছে। যেখানেই শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লী আছে, সেইখানেই সর্দি জন্মে। এলুমিনা বিস্তৃতভাবে চৰ্ম্ম ও শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লিকে অর্থাৎ চর্মের উপর পিঠ ও নীচের পিঠকে অর্থাৎ দেহের উপরিভাগকে আক্রমণ করে। রোগী সৰ্ব্বদাই গয়ের তুলে, সে নাক ঝাড়ে; এবং তাহার চক্ষু হইতে স্রাব হয়। এই সর্দিজ অবস্থায় যে দৃষ্টিশক্তির বৈলক্ষণ্য ঘটে, তাহা এখন বলা যাইতে পারে দৃষ্টিশক্তির অপরিচ্ছন্নতা, সে যেন কুয়াশার ভিতর দিয়া দেখিতেছে, মাঝে মাঝে বর্ণনায় বলা হয়, সে যেন পর্দার ভিতর দিয়া দেখিতেছে। দৃষ্টিশক্তির কুয়াশাচ্ছন্নবৎ অপরিচ্ছন্নতা। চক্ষুর পেশীর, চক্ষুগোলকের পেশীর, চক্ষুকক্ষের পেশীর উপদ্রব উপস্থিত হয়। দুর্বল এবং পরিবর্তনশীল দৃষ্টি। যে পক্ষাঘাতিক দুর্বলতা এই ঔষধটির সর্বত্র বর্তমান, তাহা চক্ষুর কতকগুলি পেশীতে বা পেশীগুচ্ছতেও দৃষ্ট হয়, সেইজন্য রোগীর চশমাটি ঠিকমত লাগসই করিতে যথেষ্ট বেগ পাইতে হয়। চক্ষু-পেশীসমূহের কাৰ্য্যতৎপরতা বিশৃঙ্খল হইয়া পড়ে।
এই সর্দিজ অবস্থা নাসিকার পশ্চাদ্দিকে বিস্তৃত হয়। নাসিকার পশ্চাৎ রন্ধ্রদ্বয় কঠিন শ্লেষ্মা ও মামড়ী দ্বারা পূর্ণ হয় এবং গলার মধ্যে দেখিলে তুমি দেখিতে পাইবে যে কোমল তালু, টনসিল এবং গলনলীর উপরকার শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লী এবং অপর যে-সকল অংশ দেখা যায়, তৎসমুদয়ই দানাময়, স্ফীত, রক্তসঞ্চয়যুক্ত ও প্রদাহিত অবস্থায় আছে। গলকোষটি শুষ্ক বোধ হয়। ঐ স্থানে। পুরাতন স্পর্শদ্বেষ এবং বেদনা থাকে। খাদ্য গলাধঃকরণকালে হুলবিদ্ধবৎ এবং গলায় যেন ছোট ছোট কাঠি পোরা আছে- এরূপ অনুভূতি হয়। এরূপটি হয় অল্পক্ষণ বিশ্রামের পর এবং গলা ভিজিলে অথবা কিছু গিলিলে উপশম হয়। রাত্রিকালের বায়ুতে, কিছুক্ষণ চুপ করিয়া থাকিবার পর গলায় দড়ির মত শ্লেষ্মা সঞ্চয় হয়। এই ভাব শ্বাসনালী পৰ্য্যন্ত বিস্তৃত হয়। শ্বাসনলী ও বক্ষে বেদনা থাকে এবং তৎসহ পুরাতন শুষ্ক খকখকে কাশি থাকে। এই একই প্রকার সর্দিজ অবস্থা। অনুনলী পর্যন্ত বিস্তৃত হয়, ফলে উহাও বিশ্রী ও স্পর্শদ্বেষযুক্ত হইয়া উঠে। তাহার গিলিতে কষ্ট হয়। খাদ্যের ডেলাটি কষ্ট করিয়া নামাইতে হয় এবং সমস্ত অন্ননলীপথে উহা অনুভূত হয়। ক্ষততাবোধ, অস্বাচ্ছন্দ্যবোধ, আংশিক পক্ষাঘাত এবং গিলিতে কষ্ট হয়। এই পক্ষাঘাতিক দুৰ্বলতা রোগীকে মনে করাইয়া দেয় যে, তাহাকে একটু জোর দিয়া গিলিতে হইবে; এবং যতক্ষণ ধরিয়া গিলিত বস্তুটি অন্ননালী দিয়া নামে ততক্ষণ উহা সে অনুভব করে, মনে হয় যেন অনলী পথটিই স্পর্শদ্বেষযুক্ত হইয়াছে। ইহাতে পাকস্থলী, অন্ত্র এবং সরলান্ত্রের সর্দিজ অবস্থা আছে এবং সেইজন্য নরম ও কষ্টকর মলের সহিত সাধারণতঃ শ্লেষ্মাসঞ্চয় থাকে। মূত্রস্থলী, মূত্রগ্রন্থি এবং মূত্ৰনলীতে সর্দিজ অবস্থা থাকে; পুরাতন গনোরিয়া দীর্ঘস্থায়ী হইয়া সর্দিবৎ অথবা লালমেহের ন্যায় স্রাব হইতে থাকে। অনেক ক্ষেত্রে উহা লালামেহ নহে, কিন্তু স্রাব বহু মাস চলার পর পুরাতন প্রমেহ রোগে সাধারণতঃ যেরূপ পাতলা দুধের ন্যায় সাদা হয় সেরূপ না হইয়া, উহা হলুদবর্ণ এবং যন্ত্রণাশূন্য হইয়া থাকে। যোনির অবস্থাও ঐ একইরূপ। যোনির শ্লেম্মাস্রাব হলদেটে-সাদা স্রাব, সময়ে সময়ে উহা ক্ষতকর হয়। আমরা পূর্বে যেরূপ বলিয়াছি, সেইরূপ ধাতুতে, আমরা এই ঔষধে প্রচুর শ্লেষ্মাস্রাব দেখিতে পাই।
যখন আমরা চৰ্ম্মে উপনীত হই, আমরা দেখি যে সেখানেও অবস্থা ঐ একইরূপ। রোগীর দেহে সৰ্ব্বপ্রকার উদ্ভেদই প্রকাশ পায়। চৰ্ম্ম সঙ্কুচিত হয়, শুকাইয়া যায় এবং উহাতে উদ্ভেদ। প্রকাশ পায়, পুরু হইয়া যায়, শক্ত হইয়া যায়, ক্ষত জন্মে, ফাটিয়া যায়, রক্তপাত হয়। উদ্ভেদগুলির চুলকানি শয্যার গরমে বাড়ে। উদ্ভেদ না থাকিলেও, শয্যার গরমে চৰ্ম্ম চুলকায়; সেইজন্য যতক্ষণ না রক্ত বাহির হয়, ততক্ষণ পর্যন্ত সে চুলকাইতে থাকে। ইহাতে তোমার ধারণা হইবে যে, তুমি কিরূপ চুলকানির বিষয় বিবেচনা করিতেছে। রোগী সারা দেহে মামড়ী ” লইয়া তোমার কাছে আসিল এবং বলিল, “রাত্রিকালে যখন আমি গরম হইয়া উঠি, আমাকে চুলকাইতে হয়, যতক্ষণ পর্যন্ত রক্তপাত না হয়; ততক্ষণ পর্যন্ত চুলকাইতে হয়। এক্ষণে, এলুমিনায় ইহা জানিয়া লওয়া প্রয়োজন যে মামড়ীগুলি চুলকাইতে চুলকাইতে উৎপন্ন হইয়াছে। অথবা উদ্ভেদগুলি চুলকানিযুক্ত উদ্ভেদরূপে প্রকাশ পাইয়াছে; কারণ, এলুমিনায় প্রথমে কোন উদ্ভেদ থাকে না কিন্তু চুলকাইতে চুলকাইতে রোগী ছাল তুলিয়া ফেলে এবং তাহার উপর মামড়ী
জন্মে। তোমাকে এখানে উদ্ভেদের উপর ঔষধ ব্যবস্থা করিতে হইবে না, চুলকানির উপর ঔষধ ব্যবস্থা করিতে হইবে। মেজেরিয়াম’, ‘আর্সেনিকাম’, ‘ডলিকস’ এবং এলুমিনায় চর্ম চুলকায়, রোগী রক্ত বাহির না হওয়া পর্যন্ত চুলকাইতে থাকে এবং তারপর সে তৃপ্তি পায়। অবশ্য ইহার পরে মামড়ী পড়ে এবং দৃশ্যতঃ উদ্ভেদ জন্মিয়াছে দেখায়। যেই আরোগ্যক্রিয়া আরম্ভ হয়, অমনি চুলকানিও আরম্ভ হয় এবং চর্ম কেবল মাত্র ক্ষতবিশিষ্ট থাকিলেই তাহার উপশম হয়। চৰ্ম্ম হইতে রক্তপাত ও আর্দ্রতা দেখা দিলে তাহার চুলকানির উপশম হয়। কোন কোন পুস্তকে উদ্ভেদযুক্ত চুলকানি এবং উদ্ভেদবিহীন চুলকানির প্রভেদ করা হয় নাই এবং সেইজন্য অনেক তরুণ চিকিৎসক মনে করেন যে, চৰ্ম্মের চুলকানির সহিত উদ্ভেদ থাকিবেই এবং ইহা যে কি প্রকারের উদ্ভেদ তাহা বুঝিতে ভুল করেন। চৰ্ম্ম পুরু ও কঠিন হয় এবং ক্ষতযুক্ত হয়, ক্ষতের তলাতেও কঠিনতা থাকে। শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লী ও চর্ম উভয়েরই নিষ্ক্রিয় ভাব বৰ্ত্তমান থাকে এবং সেইজন্য কঠিনতাপ্রাপ্তির প্রবণতা দেখা দেয়। যে-কোন স্থানের শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লী পুরু হইয়া উঠিতে পারে, পুরু হইবার পর ক্ষুদ্র ক্ষুদ্র ক্ষত প্রকাশ পায় এবং ক্রমে ক্ষতের তলদেশে কঠিনতার সৃষ্টি হয়। চৰ্ম্মের সম্বন্ধেও ঐ একই কথা। শুষ্কতা ও জ্বালা সবকিছুর মধ্যেই বর্তমান থাকে এবং সাধারণভাবে চৰ্ম্ম ও শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লী সম্বন্ধেও ঐ কথা খাটে।
পুরাতন দানাময় চক্ষুর পাতা। যদি আমরা চক্ষের পাতা উল্টাই, আমরা দেখিব যে, শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লী পুরু হইয়াছে। সময়ে সময়ে এই পুরু হইয়া উঠা বা অতিবৃদ্ধি অক্ষিপুটে বিপৰ্য্যাস (Ectropion) রোগের ন্যায় পাতা দুইটিকে উল্টাইয়া দেয়। চক্ষুপাতার লোমগুলি খসিয়া পড়ে; রোগীর সাধারণ অবস্থার সহিত ইহা বেমানান নয়। সারা দেহের লোমগুলিও খসিয়া পড়ে। অঙ্গগুলি সম্পূর্ণ লোমহীন হইয়া যায়। মস্তক-ত্বকের চুলও প্রচুরভাবে খসিয়া পড়িতে থাকে। সে কানে গুণগুণ ইত্যাদি শব্দ শুনে, শ্রবণশক্তির গোলযোগ ঘটে, কান হইতে পুঁজস্রাব হইতে থাকে।
নাকের ডগা ফাটা ফাটা” ইহাও এই ঔষধের পক্ষে বেমানান মনে হইবে না। যেখানে সেখানে কঠিনতা,ফলে এই প্রকার চৰ্ম্মের স্ফীতি ও দৃঢ়তাপ্রবণ ব্যক্তির দেহে বৃকরোগ (Lupus) এবং কর্কটরোগ দেখা দেওয়া সম্ভব। এলুমিনা এবং এলুমেন’, ‘আর্স’, ল্যাকে, সালফ’ এবং ‘কোনিয়ামে’র ন্যায় এমন ঔষধ, যাহাকে এইরূপ পীড়ার সহিত সম্বন্ধযুক্ত মনে করা যাইতে পারে। ইহাদের কতকগুলি, রস-প্রসেক ছিল এরূপ বহু ক্ষেত্রে সুন্দর আরোগ্যক্রিয়া দেখাইয়াছে। মুখমন্ডল ও দেহের অন্যান্য অংশের চর্মের উপর পোকা হাঁটার ন্যায় অনুভূতি আছে। দেহ গরম হইয়া উঠিলেই চুলকানি। টানটান ভাব। মুখের উপর এবং দেহের অনাবৃত অংশগুলিতে এক প্রকার অদ্ভুত অনুভূতি, মুখের উপর ডিমের শ্বেতাংশ শুকাইয়া থাকার ন্যায় অনুভূতি, যেন শুষ্ক রক্ত রহিয়াছে, একটি মাকড়সার জাল রহিয়াছে এরূপ অনুভূতি। যদি তুমি মাকড়সার জাল রহিয়াছে এমন স্থান দিয়া গিয়া থাক এবং একখানি ছোট মাকড়সার জাল তোমার মুখে আটকাইয়া গিয়া থাকে, তাহা হইলে তুমি বুঝিতে পারিবে যে ইহাতে কিরূপ অদ্ভুত সড়সড়ানি অনুভূতি উপস্থিত হয়। উহা না ছাড়ান পর্যন্ত তুমি চুপ করিয়া থাকিতে পার না। এই অনুভূতি বিশেষভাবে এলুমিনা, বোরাক্স’ ও ‘ব্যারাইট কার্বে’ আছে। চর্মের উপর সামান্য সড়সড়ানি ও সুড়সুড়ি। মুখের উপর চুলকানি। এই লক্ষণগুলি এতই বিরক্তিকর যে, রোগী বসিয়া থাকিলে সৰ্ব্বক্ষণ মুখ রগড়াইবে। তুমি ভাবিবে যে, সে স্নায়বিক প্রকৃতির। যখন সে বসিয়া বসিয়া হাতের উল্টা পিঠ রগড়াইতে থাকে, তখন তাহাকে বাস্তবিকই স্নায়বিক বলিয়া মনে হইবে। আমাদের অনুসন্ধান করা উচিত, সে যে এইরূপ করে তাহার কারণ সে হাত দুইটি স্থির রাখিতে পারে না অথবা চুলকানি। কারণ, মুখমন্ডলের এই চুলকানির জন্য বুরুশ দিয়া কোন কিছু মুছিবার মত সে অবিরত তাহার হাতখানি মুখের উপর ঘষিতে থাকে।
গলা সম্বন্ধে যত বলা উচিত, বোধ হয় আমি ততটা বলি নাই। “গলগহ্বরে ক্ষত, স্পঞ্জের ন্যায়, উহা হইতে এক প্রকার হলদেটে বাদামি বর্ণ, দুর্গন্ধ পুঁজ ক্ষরিত হয়।” বলা চলিতে পারে যে, রোগীটি সাধারণতঃ পুরাতন গলক্ষত রোগে ভুগে। এলুমিনাতে এই লক্ষণ আছে, শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লীর উপর রোগ সৃষ্টি করার প্রবণতা আছে। তুমি দেখিবে যে, এলুমিনা রোগীর সমস্ত শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লী হইতে রক্তপাত হয়। তাহার নাকে সর্দি থাকে, চক্ষু লাল থাকে, নাকটি বুজিয়া থাকে, পুনঃ পুনঃ তরুণ সর্দি হয় এবং গুরুতর গলার উপসর্গ দেখা দেয়। সমস্ত দ্বার হইতে স্রাব। যে সর্দি গলায় বসে তাহার জন্য এই ঔষধ নিৰ্বাচিত হইবে না, ইহা তরুণ গলক্ষতের ঔষধ নহে ইহা গভীরক্রিয় সোরাদোষ নাশক এবং অনেক মাস ধরিয়া কাৰ্য্য করে। ঠান্ডা লাগার প্রবণতার ঔষধ হিসাবে ইহার প্রধান উপযোগিতা। এই বিষয়ে ইহা সাইলি’, ‘গ্র্যাফাই’ ও ‘সালফে’র অনুরূপ। ইহা টিসুসমূহের পরিবর্তন ঘটায় এবং উহা ঘটায় ধীরে ধীরে, কারণ ইহা একটি ধীরক্রিয় ঔষধ। আর, রোগী নিজে, এইরূপ গভীর প্রবিষ্ট সোরাদোষযুক্ত রোগে, এই ঔষধে সাধারণভাবে ভাল বোধ করিলেও, অনেক মাস চলিয়া যাওয়ার পূর্বে তাহার লক্ষণগুলি। অন্তর্হিত হয় না। সে হয়ত বলিবে, “আমি ভাল বোধ করিতেছি সত্য, কিন্তু আমার লক্ষণগুলি সবই রহিয়া গিয়াছে। আমি আগের চেয়ে ভাল ভাবে খাইতেছি, ভাল ঘুমাইতেছি।” এরূপ ক্ষেত্রে ঔষধ পরিবর্তন অনুচিত। যে সর্দি এবং পৃষ্ঠবেদনা এবং অন্যান্য যন্ত্রণার জন্য তুমি ঔষধ প্রয়োগ করিয়াছ, সঙ্গে সঙ্গে তাহার উপশম হইবার আশা করার প্রয়োজন নাই। তুমি যদি কয়েক সপ্তাহের পর ফল পাও, তাহা হইলেও সন্তুষ্ট হইতে পারে। প্লাম্বামে’র দ্বারা উৎপন্ন পক্ষাঘাতিক দুৰ্বলতায় তুমি ঐ একই ব্যাপার দেখিতে পাইবে। একটি নূতন ঔষধ আছে, উহার ব্যবহার প্রচলিত হইতেছে, উহার পুরোপুরি এবং উচ্চাঙ্গের পরীক্ষা হইয়াছে; এবং উহা এই ঔষধটির সহিত সমলক্ষণ। ঔষধটির নাম ‘কিউরারি। আমার মনে হয় আরও সূক্ষ্মভাবে পরীক্ষা হইলে ভাল হইত, কিন্তু এখনও ইহা অনেক বিষয়ে এলুমিনা ও ‘প্লাম্বামে’র সদৃশ্য, বিশেষতঃ পিয়ানো বাদকদের হাত ও আঙ্গুলের দৌৰ্ব্বল্যে। একজন পুরাতন বাদক হয়ত বলিবেন যে, কিছুক্ষণ বাজাইবার পর তাঁহার হাতের আঙ্গুল ধীরগতি হইয়া পড়ে। তাঁহার এই দুর্বলতা সম্ভবতঃ প্রসারক পেশীগুলিতে। আঙ্গুলগুলিকে উঁচু করিবার ক্ষমতার অভাব ঘটে, উহাদের ঊর্ধ্বগতি নষ্ট হইয়া যায়। কিউরারি’ যথেষ্টভাবে এই অবস্থার প্রতিবিধান করে, আঙ্গুলগুলি উঁচু করিবার শক্তিকে দ্রুততর করে। কিন্তু এই ঔষধও (এলুমিনা) সাধারণভাবে এরূপ পক্ষাঘাতিক অবস্থায় ক্রিয়া করিয়া থাকে। কিউরারি’ বিশেষভাবে সঙ্কোচক পেশীসমূহ অপেক্ষা প্রসারক পেশীসমূহের উপরেই ক্রিয়াশীল, কিন্তু এলুমিনার পক্ষাঘাত সঙ্কোচক ও প্রসারক উভয় প্রকার পেশীতেই হইতে পারে।
যে অল্পসংখ্যক ঔষধে, বিশেষতঃ গোল আলুর শ্বেতসার হইলে বৃদ্ধিলক্ষণ দেখা গিয়াছে, এলুমিনা তাহাদিগের অন্যতম। আলু খাইলেই বৃদ্ধি। ইহাতে আলু খাইলে অজীর্ণ, উদরাময়, অত্যন্ত বায়ুসঞ্চয় এবং কাশির বৃদ্ধি দেখা দেয়। ইহাতে আরও লবণ মদ্য, ভিনিগার, মরিচ এবং মাদক জাতীয় পানীয় হইতে বৃদ্ধি আছে। এলুমিনা একটি মেরুদন্ড সম্বন্ধীয় ঔষধ এবং মাদক পানীয় হইতে বৃদ্ধি লক্ষণে, অপর কয়েকটি মেরুদন্ডসম্বন্ধীয় ঔষধের সহিত সদৃশ। তুমি ইহা ‘জিঙ্কামে’ দেখিতে পাইবে । জিঙ্কামের রোগী মদ্যপান করিতে পারে না, কারণ উহাতে তাহার সমস্ত লক্ষণ বৃদ্ধিপ্রাপ্ত হয়। এই ঔষধ এতই স্পর্শদ্বেষযুক্ত এবং এত সহজে সামান্য মাত্র মদ্যপানে বিচলিত হয় যে, রোগী উহা ত্যাগ করিতে বাধ্য হয়। সে যে উহাতে কেবলমাত্র মত্ত হইয়া উঠে তাহা নহে, উপরন্তু তাহার রোগলক্ষণগুলি বর্ধিত হয়।
এই ঔষধের হজম সম্বন্ধীয় লক্ষণ একরূপ বলাই হইয়াছে। সে পাকস্থলীর সর্দি, পাকস্থলীর ক্ষত এবং অতি সাধারণ খাদ্যেও অজীর্ণতার লক্ষণযুক্ত রোগী। টক এবং তিক্ত ঢেকুর। ভুক্তখাদ্য, শ্লেষ্ম বা পিত্ত বমন। বমি বমি ভাব, শিরোঘূর্ণন, বুকজ্বালা এবং অত্যন্ত বায়ুস্ফীতি। শ্লেষ্মা ও জল বমি করে। বাষ্পে পাকস্থলী স্ফীত হইয়া উঠে। যকৃতে অত্যন্ত কষ্ট অনুভব করে। উভয় কুক্ষি প্রদেশে, বিশেষতঃ দক্ষিণ দিকে অত্যন্ত যাতনা।
এলুমেন সম্বন্ধে বলিতে গিয়া আমি সীসার সহিত ইহার প্রতিবিষ সম্বন্ধের উপর তোমাদের দৃষ্টি আকর্ষণ করিয়াছিলাম। এই ঔষধ সীসার বিষক্রিয়া এবং সীসার অত্যনুভূতি নিবারণ করিবে। সীসা মিস্ত্রী, চিত্রকর এবং শিল্পীদিগের শূল ও পক্ষাঘাতিক দুর্বলতা এবং যাহারা
সীসার এত অত্যনুভূতি বিশিষ্ট থাকে যে, সীসা সংযুক্ত চুল ধৌত করিবার ঔষধ ব্যবহার করিলেও পক্ষাঘাতগ্রস্ত হইয়া পড়ে, তাহাদের নরাগ। অল্পদিন পূৰ্ব্বেও সীসার এসিটেট প্রদরস্রাবের জন্য সাধারণতই স্ত্রীলোকদিগের দ্বারা ব্যবহৃত হইত, কিন্তু দেখা গিয়াছিল যে, এত অধিক ব্যক্তি উহাতে অত্যনুভূতি সম্পন্ন হইয়া পড়িয়াছিলেন যে, উহা পরিত্যাগ করিতে হইয়াছিল। পূর্বোক্ত অত্যনুভূতির ফলে যে প্রকার বিষাক্ততা দেখা দেয়, এলুমিনা তাহার একটি সর্বপ্রধান প্রতিবিষ ।
ইহাতে সাধারণ লক্ষণের অন্তর্ভুক্ত মল ও সরলান্ত্রের এত বেশী লক্ষণ আছে যে, কয়েকটি প্রয়োজনীয় বিষয় ব্যতীত আর কিছুই বলিবার থাকে না। তোমরা অনুমান করিতে পার যে, এই ঔষধে মলদ্বার ফাটা আছে; এই প্রকার রোগীর কিরূপ ভাবের শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লী ও টিসু নির্মাণ হয়, তাহা বিবেচনা করিলে, স্বভাবতঃই তোমরা এরূপ আশা করিতে পার। সে অত্যন্ত কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতায় ভুগে, সে অত্যন্ত কোথ দেয়, তাহার শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লীগুলি পুরু হইয়া ফুলিয়া উঠে এবং এইজন্যই আমরা ফাটল দেখিতে পাই। যখন তোমরা দেখিতে পাও যে, কোন ঔষধ শারীর বিধানে এইরূপ অবস্থা সৃষ্টি ও উৎপন্ন করিতেছে, ফাটল উৎপাদনের অনুকূল শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লী উৎপাদন করিতেছে, তখন এই ঔষধ দ্বারা মলদ্বারের ফাটলগুলি আরোগ্য হওয়া পর্যন্ত অপেক্ষা না করিয়াও তোমরা মনে করিবে যে, ঔষধটি ঐ রোগীর পক্ষে উপযোগী হইবে। তোমাদিগকে রেপার্টরী খুঁজিয়া দেখিতে হইবে না যে, এই ঔষধ মলদ্বার ফাটায় কি করিয়াছে। ঔষধ সম্বন্ধে সাধারণ জ্ঞান হইতে তোমরা বুঝিতে পারিবে যে এই ঔষধে রোগীটির আরোগ্য হওয়া উচিত; কারণ, ইহা শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লী ও চৰ্ম্মের যেরূপ অবস্থা উৎপন্ন করে, মলদ্বার ফাটাযুক্ত রোগীরও তদ্রুপ অবস্থাই দেখা যায়। চৰ্ম্ম কঠিন হয় এবং ক্ষতযুক্ত হয়, কদৰ্য্য ও অসুস্থ হইয়া পড়ে এবং কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতা উৎপন্ন হয়; এইভাবে ঔষধটিকে পড়িবার পর ইহা দ্বারা মলদ্বারের ফাটা আরোগ্য হইলে, তোমাদিগের বিস্মিত হওয়ার কারণ নাই। অপর কোন কোন ঔষধ শারীরবিধানে এরূপ অবস্থা উৎপন্ন করে, তাহা তোমরা ভাবিয়া দেখিবে এবং অপর কোন কোন ঔষধ দ্বারা গুহ্যফাটা আরোগ্য হওয়া সম্ভব তাহাও লক্ষ্য করিবে। যদি তোমরা নাইট্রিক এসিড’, ‘কষ্টিকাম ও ‘গ্রাফাইটিসে’র প্রকৃতির দিকে লক্ষ্য কর, তাহা হইলে বুঝিতে পারিবে যে, কেন তাহাদের গুহ্যফাটা আরোগ্যের এরূপ বিস্ময়কর ইতিহাস আছে। ইহাই তোমাদের মেটেরিয়া মেডিকা পাঠের পন্থা, দেখিতে হইবে যে, ঔষধটি মানুষটির উপর এবং স্বতন্ত্রভাবে তাহার যন্ত্র ও টিসুসমূহের উপর কিরূপ কাৰ্য্য করে।
“পুনঃ পুনঃ মূত্রপ্রবৃত্তি” “মলত্যাগকালে বেগ দিতে দিতে মূত্র নির্গত হয় অথবা-যথেষ্ট বেগ
দিয়া মূত্রত্যাগ করিতে পারে না”। ইহা একটি উচ্চাঙ্গের লক্ষণ, ইহা একটি অদ্ভুত লক্ষণ এবং বলা যাইতে পারে যে, একটি প্রথম শ্রেণীর বিশেষ লক্ষণ। মূত্রাশয়ের আধেয় খালি করিবার জন্য তাহাকে মলত্যাগকালে বেগ দিতে হয়। “মূত্র জ্বালাকর, হাজাজনক।” “মূত্রাশয় ও ‘জননেন্দ্রিয়ে দুর্বলতা বোধ।” মূত্রপথ ফুলা এবং উহা হইতে হরিদ্রাভ পুঁজ নির্গমন”। “মূত্র নির্গমনের সহিত জ্বালা।” ” পুং-জননেন্দ্রিয়ের লক্ষণসমূহের প্রকৃতি দুর্বলতা, ধ্বজভঙ্গ; স্বপ্নদোষ; ইহা অপব্যবহার ও অতিব্যবহারজনিত জননেন্দ্রিয় দুর্বল হইয়া পড়িলে উপযোগী। প্রষ্টেট গ্রন্থিদ্বয়ের পূর্ণতাবোধ, স্ফীতি এবং অন্যান্য উপদ্রব; তৎসহ মূলাধারে পূর্ণতার অনুভূতি। স্ত্রী-সঙ্গমের পর প্রষ্টেট গ্রন্থিস্থানে বিরক্তির অনুভূতি ও যাতনা। উপসর্গগুলি সঙ্গমকার্যের সময়ে বা পরে অথবা বীর্যপাতের পরে দেখা দেয়। সঙ্গমপ্রবৃত্তি কমিয়া যায় এবং সময়ে সময়ে একেবারে নষ্ট হইয়া। যায়। জননেন্দ্রিয়ের পক্ষাঘাতিক দুর্বলতা অথবা আংশিক পক্ষাঘাত—এই অবস্থাটি ঔষধটির সৰ্বাঙ্গীন লক্ষণচয়ের সহিত বেশ খাপ খায়। “কঠিন মলত্যাগকালে প্রষ্টেটগ্রন্থিরস নির্গমন।” “রাত্রিকালে কষ্টকর লিঙ্গোদ্রেক।
স্ত্রীলোকগণের এমন অনেকগুলি উপসর্গ আছে, যাহা এই ঔষধ দ্বারা আরোগ্য করা যায়; কিন্তু উপসর্গগুলি প্রায়ই সর্দিসঞ্জাত। ইহার একটি উদাহরণ, প্রদরস্রাব; প্রদরস্রাব এত অধিক
যে, ঊরুদেশ দিয়া গড়াইয়া নামে, ঐ স্থানটিকে লালবর্ণ ও প্রদাহিত করিয়া তুলে। জরায়ুমুখের চারিদিকে ক্ষত জন্মে। শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লীগুলি দুর্বল, প্রসারিত এবং সহজেই ক্ষতযুক্ত হয় । সমস্ত অঙ্গগুলিই দুর্বল অবস্থায় থাকে। বন্ধনীগুলির দুর্বলতার জন্য নীচের দিকে ঝুলিয়া পড়ে। ভার অনুভূতি, বস্তিদেশের যন্ত্রগুলি ভারী বোধ হয়। স্রাব চটচটে, দেখিতে ডিমের শ্বেতাংশের ন্যায়, প্রচুর এবং ক্ষতকর। “স্বচ্ছ শ্লেষ্মা।” প্রদরস্রাব হাজাকর, প্রচুর গোড়ালি পর্যন্ত গড়াইয়া নামে। উহা দিনের বেলাতেই অধিক দেখা যায়, কারণ এই সকল উপসর্গ সাধারণতঃ চলিলে বা দাঁড়াইয়া থাকিলে বাড়ে; ইহা বাস্তবিক কোন মূল্যবান লক্ষণ নয়, একটি সাধারণ ব্যাপার মাত্র। ঋতুস্রাবের পর প্রায় পরবর্তী ঋতু আসার পূর্ব পর্যন্ত স্ত্রীলোকেরা সুস্থ হইয়া উঠিতে পারে না। তাহার সমস্ত পেশীগুলি দুৰ্বল, তাহার দেহে স্বাভাবিক শক্তি আছে বলিয়া মনে হয় না। এই ঔষধটি ঋতুলোপের ধারাধারি আসিয়াছেন এরূপ স্ত্রীলোকেরা অর্থাৎ প্রায় ৪০ বৎসর বয়স্কা স্ত্রীলোকের পক্ষে বিশেষ উপযোগী; তাঁহাদের ঋতুকাল অবসন্নকর হয়, ঋতুস্রাব অল্প, কিন্তু তথাপি অবসন্নতা দেখা দেয়, যন্ত্রণা ভীষণ হয়, তিনি ঋতুকালে অত্যন্ত বিমর্ষা হইয়া পড়েন। ঋতুর পর শারীরিক ও মানসিক অবসন্নতা এলুমিনার একটি বিশিষ্ট লক্ষণ। আবার স্ত্রীলোকের গনোরিয়া থাকিলে এবং তাহা প্রশমক ঔষধ দ্বারা দীর্ঘস্থায়ী হইলে, এই ঔষধটি বিশেষ উপযোগী হইয়া থাকে । তাঁহাকে আংশিকভাবে উপযোগী ঔষধ দ্বারা উপশম দেওয়া হইয়াছে, কিন্তু বোধ হয় কোন ঔষধই রোগটিকে দূরীভূত করিবার মত গভীরে প্রবেশ করিতে পারে না, রোগটি ঘুরিয়া ঘুরিয়া উপস্থিত হইয়াছে। এইরূপ পুনঃ পুনঃ ঘুরিয়া আসা স্রাবে ‘পালসেটিলা, এটা সেটা এবং অন্য জিনিষ দিলে, এমনকি রোগের দিকে না দেখিয়া তিনি গনোরিয়ার রোগী বলিয়া থুজা। দিলে, সাময়িকভাবে উপশম হয়। রোগিনী শ্রান্ত এবং জীর্ণশীর্ণ এবং যখন তুমি তাহাকে সামগ্রিকভাবে দেখিবে এবং তাহার পক্ষাঘাতিক অবস্থা, তাহার পুনঃ পুনঃ স্রাবের প্রত্যাবর্তন এবং উপশমকর ঔষধের সাহায্যে সাময়িকভাবে স্রাবের প্রশমন লক্ষ্য করিবে, তখন পুরুষ ও স্ত্রী উভয়ের জন্যই এই ঔষধের চিন্তা করিবে।
পুরুষদিগের ক্ষেত্রে স্রাব যন্ত্রণাশূন্য হয়। গণোরিয়ার স্রাব দীর্ঘকাল চলিয়াছে, একবার আসিয়াছে, একবার চলিয়া গিয়াছে এবং অবশেষে মাত্র কয়েক বিন্দু রহিয়া গিয়াছে এবং তাহাও যন্ত্রণাবিহীন। এই ঔষধ এরূপ বহু পুরাতন রোগীকে আরোগ্য করিয়াছে। ভীতিজনক পুরাতন সর্দি। শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লীর সর্বত্রই রক্তসঞ্চয় অবস্থা এবং দুর্বলতা থাকে।
গর্ভবতী স্ত্রীলোকেরও কতকগুলি উপদ্রব থাকে। যে স্ত্রীলোক স্বভাবতঃ কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতার রোগিনী নহেন, তিনিও গর্ভবতী হইলে এলুমিনার প্রকৃতিযুক্ত কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতা রোগগ্রস্ত হইতে পারেন, অর্থাৎ সরলান্ত্রের অকর্মণ্যতা দেখা দেয়, মল নির্গত করিবার মত বেগ থাকে না, তাহাকে উদর পেশীর উপর চাপ দিয়া বহুক্ষণ ধরিয়া কোথ দিতে হয়। আবার শিশুদিগেরও এই রকমের বেগ দেওয়া আছে। তুমি এরূপ নবজাত শিশু বা কয়েক মাস বয়স্ক শিশু পাইবে, যাহাদের এলুমিনা প্রয়োজন। অন্য কোন ঔষধ না পাইলে, ইহা শিশুদের কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতার একটি সাধারণত; শিশু ক্রমাগত কোথ দিতে থাকিবে এবং মল বাহির করিবার জন্য সর্বপ্রকার চেষ্টা করিবে কিন্তু মল পরীক্ষা করিলে তুমি দেখিবে যে উহা নরম এবং হয়ত অনায়াসেই নির্গত হওয়া উচিত ছিল।
ইহাতে স্বরভঙ্গ, স্বরনাশ এবং কণ্ঠনালীর পক্ষঘাতিক দুর্বলতা আছে। ইহার মধ্যে অদ্ভুত কিছু নাই, ইহা ঔষধটির সাধারণ অবস্থার অর্থাৎ জীর্ণশীর্ণ ধাতুর সহিত সামঞ্জস্যযুক্ত। তাঁহার স্বর দুৰ্বল এবং যদি তিনি গায়ক হন, তিনি মাত্র সামান্যক্ষণ গান করিতে সমর্থ হইবেন, সামান্যমাত্র স্বর চালনা করিতে পারিবেন। সবকিছুই বোঝা বলিয়া মনে হয়। স্বরযন্ত্রের পক্ষাঘাতবৎ অবস্থা, উহা ক্রমশঃ বর্ধিত হইয়া স্বরনাশ ঘটে।
আমরা এক্ষণে একটি বিশেষ লক্ষণীয় বিষয়ে উপস্থিত হইলাম—উহা কাশি এবং বক্ষের উপদ্রব । কোন কোন কাশিতে গয়ের ওঠে, কিন্তু সাধারণতঃ শুষ্ক, অবিরাম, খকখকে কাশি, এক প্রকার কষ্টকর দীর্ঘস্থায়ী কাশি, যেরূপ কাশি বহু বৎসর ধরিয়া থাকিয়া যায়। শুষ্ক, খকখকে কাশি, বিশেষতঃ দুর্বলতার সহিত সংযোগ লক্ষণে ইহা আর্জ মেটে’র প্রতিযোগী; কিন্তু আর্জ্জ মেটে’র কাশি হয় দিবাভাগে, এলুমিনাতে তাহা হয় না। এলুমিনার কাশি প্রাতঃকালে হয়। নিম্নের লক্ষণটি এলুমিনার কাশিকে সুপ্রকাশিত করিবে “প্রাতঃকালে জাগিয়া উঠিবার অল্পক্ষণ পরেই কাশী।” প্রত্যহ প্রাতঃকালে দীর্ঘস্থায়ী শুষ্ক কাশির আক্রমণ। কাশি কঠিন, একঘেয়ে, শুষ্ক, খকখকে; রোগিণী যে পর্যন্ত না বেদম হইয়া পড়েন, বমি করিয়া ফেলেন এবং প্রস্রাব করিয়া ফেলেন, ততক্ষণ পর্যন্ত কাশিতে থাকেন। এই লক্ষণটি সাধারণতঃ স্ত্রীলোকদিগেরই দেখা যায়। “পুনঃ পুনঃ হাঁচির সহিত শুষ্ক খকখকে কাশি।” পাঠ্য পুস্তকে বলে “আলজিভ বাড়ার জন্য কাশি’ কিন্তু উহা “আলজিভ বাড়ার অনুভূতির জন্যও হইতে পারে। ইহা এরূপ অনুভূতি, যেন গলার মধ্যে কোন কিছু সুড়সুড় করিতেছে। অনুভূতি, যেন আলজিভটি বহুদূর নিচে পর্যন্ত ঝুলিয়া পড়িয়াছে এবং সে তোমাকে বলিবে যে, তাহার তালুটি অত্যন্ত লম্বা হইয়া পড়িয়াছে। আর একভাবে এই কথাটি বর্ণনা করে চলে, “গলার একখন্ড চামড়া আলগা হইয়া ঝুলিতেছে এরূপ অনুভূতির জন্য কাশি।” কখন কখন, যাহারা তালুর বিষয় কিছু জানে না, তাহারা বলিবে গলার মধ্যে কিছু আলগা হইয়া ঝুলিতেছে; আর যাহারা জানে যে, আলজিভ বলিয়া একটা কিছু আছে, তাহারা সাধারণতঃ উহাকে তালু বলিবে। কিন্তু ধারণাটি একই। কণ্ঠনলীতেও সুড়সুড়ি। উহা সৰ্ব্বদাই গায়কদের বিষয়েই লেখা হয়। যখন গায়কদের পক্ষাঘাত বা অতিরিক্ত স্বর-চালনাহেতু স্বরভঙ্গ হয়, তখন আমাদের এলুমিনার কথা ভাবা উচিৎ। স্বর বসিয়া যায় এবং ক্ষীণ হয় এবং ঠান্ডা লাগিলেই এক অদ্ভুত প্রকারের সুড়সুড়ি আরম্ভ হয়। এইরূপ রোগে এলুমিনা বিশেষ উপযোগী। এইরূপ অবস্থায় এলুমিনার মূল্য জানা যাইবার পূৰ্ব্বে, গায়ক ও বক্তাদিগের অত্যন্ত স্বরকম্পন ও স্বরভঙ্গের জন্য পূর্ববর্তী হোমিওপ্যাথগণ ‘আৰ্জ মেট’কেই ঔষধরূপে ব্যবহার করিতেন। এখন এখানে আমি রাস টক্সে’র বিষয় কিছু বলিব; কারণ ইহার কথা পরে আমার মনে না আসিতেও পারে। অনেক পুরাতন গায়কের ঠান্ডা লাগার পর স্বরের একপ্রকার দুর্বলতা থাকিয়া যায়, তাহারা গান আরম্ভ করিলেই উহা উপলব্ধি করিতে পারেন। গান আরম্ভ করিবার সময় স্বরটি দুৰ্বল ও ভাঙ্গা থাকে, কিন্তু অল্পক্ষণ ব্যবহারের পর উহার উন্নতি হয়। এইরূপে রোগীদিগকে গীতিনাট্যের গায়িকা, উকিল; প্রচারকদিগকে রাস টক্স’ দিও। তাহাদিগকে স্বর চড়াইতেই হয় এবং তখন তাহারা বেশ ভাল থাকে; কিন্তু তাহারা বলে, “যদি আমি সাজঘরে ফিরিয়া যাই এবং কিছুক্ষণ অপেক্ষা করি তাহা হইলে গান আরম্ভ করিতে গেলে আমার পূৰ্ব্বাপেক্ষাও খারাপ বোধ হয়।” যদি তাহারা অত্যন্ত গরম ঘরে থাকে এবং স্বরচালনা বন্ধ না করে, তাহা হইলে তাহাদের স্বর ভাল থাকে। ইহা রাস টক্সে’র সাধারণ লক্ষণের অনুরূপ। আর এক প্রকারের স্বরভঙ্গ আছে’ তুমি দেখিবে যে, তাহা এলুমিনা এবং আর্জ মেটে’র পক্ষাঘাতিক স্বরভঙ্গ হইতে কিছুটা পৃথক। যে প্রকার স্বরভঙ্গের কথা. আমি-বলিলাম, তাহা ঐ একই শ্রেণীর ব্যক্তিদের মধ্যেই দেখা যায়, প্রথম স্বরযন্ত্র ব্যবহার করিতে আরম্ভ করিলে মনে হয়, যেন গলার মধ্যে কিছুটা শ্লেষ্মা জমিয়া আছে উহা তুলিয়া ফেলিয়া গলাটি পরিষ্কার করিয়া লইলে স্বর কার্যকরী হইবে। স্বরচালনা আরম্ভ করিবার কালে, বাতন্ত্রী শ্লেষ্মাবৃত থাকে এবং উহা পরিষ্কার করিয়া ফেলিলে যতক্ষণ তাহারা ঐ অবস্থায় থাকেন, ততক্ষণ বেশ স্বরচালনা করিতে পারেন। ইহাই ফসফরাসে’র লক্ষণ এই সব ক্ষেত্রে স্বরচালনা কষ্টকর হয়। সঞ্চালনের পর বাকতন্ত্রী বেদনান্বিত হয়, কণ্ঠনলী স্পর্শ করিলে ব্যথা লাগে। কখন কখন এই বেদনা এতই পরিস্ফুট হয়। যে, স্বরচালনার চেষ্টা করিলেই উহা ছুরিকাঘাতের ন্যায় মনে হইতে থাকে। সুতরাং আমাদিগকে স্বরভঙ্গকে বিশেষ বিশেষ শ্রেণীতে পৃথক করিয়া লইতে হইবে। হোমিওপ্যাথি একটি প্রভেদ নির্ণয়-সাপেক্ষ বিষয়।
বক্ষে ক্ষতবৎ বেদনা, উহা কথা বলিলেই বর্ধিত হয়। বক্ষের পেশীশক্তির দুর্বলতা থাকে। ফুসফুসদ্বয় দুর্বল বোধ হয় এবং বক্ষের মধ্যে দুর্বলতার অনুভূতি থাকে। নড়াচড়ায় বক্ষের কষ্টের বৃদ্ধি হয়।
ইহার পরবর্তী লক্ষণীয় প্রকৃতি পৃষ্ঠ ও হস্তপদাদি সম্বন্ধে। আমি সাধারণ ভাবে এ সম্বন্ধে বলিয়াছি। মেরুদন্ডে জ্বালা, পৃষ্ঠে অত্যন্ত বেদনা। পৃষ্ঠে জ্বালাকর এবং সূচীবিদ্ধবৎ যন্ত্রণা। রোগী ব্যাপরটি এইভাবে প্রকাশ করিবে, “পৃষ্ঠের বেদনা যেন উত্তপ্ত লৌহদন্ড নিম্ন কশেরুকাগুলির মধ্যে চালাইয়া দেওয়া হইতেছে।” মেরুমজ্জা-প্রদাহ রোগে, যদি পৃষ্ঠের যথেষ্ট আক্ষেপিক লক্ষণ থাকে এবং যদি শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লীগুলিও প্রদাহিত থাকে তাহা হইলে এই ঔষধ আশ্চৰ্য্য কাজ করিবে। আর একটি লক্ষণ এই ঔষধের অধিকারভুক্ত এবং উহা মেরুমজ্জা-প্রদাহের একটি অতি পরিচিত লক্ষণ। লক্ষণটি হইল বন্ধনবৎ অনুভূতি, অঙ্গ-প্রত্যঙ্গে এবং দেহের যেখানে সেখানে যেন ব্যান্ডেজ বাধিয়া রাখিয়াছে এরূপ অনুভূতি। ইহা একটি সাধারণ লক্ষণ। শরীরের চারিদিকে দড়ি দিয়া কষিয়া বাঁধিয়া রাখিয়াছে—এরূপ অনুভূতি মেরুমজ্জার উত্তেজনা ও প্রদাহের একটি চরিত্রগত লক্ষণ। স্থানে স্থানে স্পর্শদ্বেষসহ মেরুমজ্জার উত্তেজনা। স্থানে স্থানে জ্বালা, যেন উত্তপ্ত লৌহ তার জোর করিয়া ঢুকাইয়া দিতেছে। মেরুমজ্জার উপর দিয়া ব্যথা, মেরুমজ্জার মধ্যে বিদীর্ণকর, ছিন্নকরণবৎ যাতনা, তৎসহ পক্ষাঘাতিক দুর্বলতা, বদ্ধনশীল পক্ষাঘাত এবং সম্পূর্ণ পক্ষাঘাত; শরীরের এক পার্শ্বের পক্ষাঘাত।
“পা ফেলিতে গেলে পায়ের তলা যেন অত্যন্ত নরম হইয়া পড়িয়াছে এবং ফুলিয়া গিয়াছে এরূপ বেদনা।” “চলিবার সময় গোড়ালির অসাড়তা।” “জানুদ্বয়ের কম্পন।” এগুলি সাধারণ দৌর্বল্যের বিশেষ প্রকাশ মাত্র। “বসিয়া থাকিলে হাত পা অবশ হইয়া পড়ে।” কোন জিনিষের উপর অঙ্গাদির চাপ দিলে, উহারা অবশ হইয়া পড়ে। রক্তসঞ্চালন ক্ষীণ পরিচালনশক্তি ক্ষীণ স্নায়ুক্রিয়া ক্ষীণ, সব কিছুই ধীরে হয়। হাত-পা ভারী বোধ হয়। “অঙ্গ-প্রত্যঙ্গে বেদনা, যেন সন্ধিস্থানে চাপ দিয়া হাড়গুলিকে মোচড়াইয়া সরু করা হইতেছে।” এইবার আমি কতগুলি স্নায়ুলক্ষণ পড়িয়া শুনাইব; উহা আমি পূর্বে যাহা বলিয়াছি তাহার কতগুলির সহিত মিলিয়া যাইবে। “শারীরিক উত্তেজনা শক্তির অভাব।” “দৈহিক শক্তির অবসন্নতা, বিশেষতঃ খোলা বাতাসে চলাফেরার পর।” “দেহের একদিকের পক্ষাঘাত, বিশেষতঃ প্রসারক পেশীগুলির।“গেঁটেবাতগ্রস্ত রোগীর বাতজনিত এবং আঘাতজনিত পক্ষাঘাত।”গেঁটেবাতগ্রস্ত রোগীর সন্ধিগুলিতে ঢিবলি। পুরাতন ভগ্নস্বাস্থ্য, পক্ষাঘাতিক অবসন্নতা। “মন ও দেহের উত্তেজিত অবস্থা।” দেহের এখানে সেখানে কম্পন। “কঠিন পীড়ার পরে যেরূপ হয়, সেইরূপ ধীর ও কম্পিত চলন।” তাহাকে ধীরে ধীরে চলিতে হইবেই, সে তাড়াতাড়ি করিতে পারে না। “অনৈচ্ছিক অঙ্গসঞ্চালন।”
ইহাতে নানাপ্রকার স্বপ্ন আছে; এবং নিদ্রার গোলযোগ আছে, সেইজন্য নিদ্রা অত্যন্ত বিঘ্নযুক্ত ও অস্থির হইতে পারে। অতৃপ্তিকর নিদ্রা, হৃৎপিন্ডের ধরফড়ানির সহিত জাগিয়া উঠে। “নানাপ্রকার স্বপ্ন এবং পুনঃ পুনঃ জাগিয়া উঠা, ভয়ে চমকিয়া উঠা, বিড়বিড় করা, কাঁদিতে থাকা।” “নিদ্রাকালে গ্রীবাদেশীয় পেশীগুলি মাথাকে পিছন দিকে আকৃষ্ট করিয়া রাখে। ইহা পক্ষাঘাতিক দুর্বলতার অবস্থা, ঘাড়ের পেশীগুলি এত টানিয়া ধরে যে, তাহাকে জাগিয়া উঠিতে হয়। ঘুমের মধ্যে ঘাড়ের পিছন দিকটি উৎক্ষিপ্ত হয়।
এই ঔষধের সর্বত্রই, খুব সচরাচর জৈব উত্তাপের যথেষ্ট অভাব দেখা যায়। দেহের শীতলতা এবং তথাপি রোগী খোলা বাতাসে থাকিতে চায়। সে ভালভাবে আবৃত হইয়া গরম থাকিতে চায়, কিন্তু খোলা বাতাসে থাকিতে চায়। প্রত্যেকবার বায়ু পরিবর্তনে এবং বায়ু প্রবাহে তাহার পুনঃপুনঃ সর্দি লাগে। সময়ে সময়ে সে ব্যাঙের ন্যায় ঠান্ডা হইয়া শুইয়া পড়ে, কিন্তু শয্যা গরম হইয়া উঠিলেই চুলকানিতে এবং শয্যার গরমে এত বিচলিত হইয়া উঠে যে, কোন শান্তিই পায় না। এইপ্রকার রোগীতে দুইটি বিভিন্ন অবস্থা একত্রিত থাকে। হস্ত-পদাদি ও হাতের উল্টা পিঠে এত ক্ষীণ রক্তসঞ্চালন হয় যে, ঠান্ডা আবহাওয়ায় তাহার হাত দুইটি সৰ্ব্বদাই শীতল থাকে, ফাটায় আবৃত হইয়া পড়ে এবং ফাটাগুলি হইতে রক্ত পড়ে।
পায়ের বৃহৎ অস্থির উপরিস্থ চৰ্ম্ম খসখসে, রুক্ষ এবং চুলকানিযুক্ত। একথা বলা হইয়াছে শুষ্ক আবহাওয়া এবং শুষ্ক ঠান্ডা আবহাওয়ায় এলুমিনার রোগগুলি বাড়িয়া উঠে, কিন্তু ভিজা আবহাওয়ায় লক্ষণগুলির উপশম হয়।
এই ঔষধে জ্বর অবস্থা আদৌ লক্ষিত হয় না। ইহাতে বেশী শীত বা বেশী জ্বর নাই, কিন্তু প্রতিক্রিয়াবিহীন, ধীরগতি, অলস প্রকৃতি, পুরাতন উপসর্গগুলি আছে এবং পুরাতন রোগের লক্ষণগুলিই অতি স্পষ্টভাবে লক্ষিত হয়। দুর্বল, ভগ্নস্বাস্থ্য রোগীদের কিছু নৈশঘৰ্ম্ম এবং প্রাতঃকালের প্রাক্কালে ঘৰ্ম্ম থাকে। প্রাতঃকালে সামান্য শীতভাব। তৃষ্ণার সহিত শীতভাব।
এই ঔষধের একটি বিশেষ প্রকৃতি চৰ্ম্মের পুরাতন শুষ্কতা। ঘর্ম কদাচিৎ অল্প হয়। যাহাদের প্রচুর ও অবসন্নকর ঘর্ম হয়, ইহা তাহাদিগের পক্ষে উপযোগী নহে। ইহা প্রচুর ঘৰ্ম্মলক্ষণযুক্ত ক্যাল্কেরিয়া’র বিপরীত; কিন্তু মেরুদন্ড সম্বন্ধীয় ও পক্ষাঘাতিক রোগযুক্ত এই ঔষধের রোগী পরিশ্রম করিলে অবসন্ন হইয়া পড়ে, অত্যন্ত অবসন্ন হয়; কিন্তু ঘামে না। তাহার গায়ে ঘাম। আনিবার জন্য আচ্ছাদনের পর আচ্ছাদন চাপাইয়া দাও, সে তাহাতে উত্তপ্ত হইয়া উঠিবে, চুলকানিযুক্ত হইবে, কিন্তু ঘামিবে না। অত্যল্প ঘর্ম । ঘামিতে সম্পূর্ণ অক্ষমতা। চৰ্ম্মের পুরাতন শুষ্কতা, তৎসহ ফাটা ফাটা। চর্ম জীর্ণ ও রুক্ষ হইয়া উঠে এবং শুষ্কতার জন্য ফাটিয়া যায়। হাতের পৃষ্ঠের পুরু চৰ্ম্মের অত্যন্ত শুষ্কতা, এবং শীতকালে হাত শীতল এবং বিকৃত বর্ণ হইয়া যায়।
অপর নাম – অ্যালুমিনিয়াম অক্সাইড (Aluminium oxide) (Al203)
বা পিওর – ক্লে (Pure clay)
ইহা বিচুর্ণাকারে প্রস্তুত।
এলুমিনার – মূলকথা।
* কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতা (Constipation)
১। সরলাস্ত্রের নিষ্ক্রিয়তা, এমনকি নরম মলও নিঃসারিত করতেও যথেষ্ট
বেগ দিতে হয়।
২। স্ত্রীলোকদিগের রক্তশূন্যতা (anaemia); বিশেষ করে যে সমস্ত রমণী
শ্বেতসার, খড়ি, ন্যাকড়া, কাঠকয়লা, লবঙ্গ ও অন্যান্য অসঙ্গত ও অস্বাভাবিক জিনিস খেতে চায়, তাদের পক্ষে উপযোগী। গোল আল সহ্য হয় না, প্রভূত প্রদরস্রাব।
৩। নিম্নাঙ্গের অত্যন্ত ভারবোধ (heaviness), দুৰ্বলতা, তার জন্য বসে পড়তে হয়। গোড়ালির অবশতা (numbness), পিঠের মধ্য দিয়ে গরম লোহা প্রবিষ্ট. হচ্ছে, এরূপ অনুভূতি।
এলুমিনা – একটি আলোচনা
এই ঔষধটি ব্যবহারের জন্য এর প্রধান চরিত্রগত লক্ষণ পাওয়া যায় এর বিশেষ প্রকৃতি কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতায়। “সরলান্ত্রের নিষ্ক্রিয়তা, এমনকি নরম মল বের করতেও অতিশয় চেষ্টার প্রয়োজন”।
* ব্রায়োনিয়ার ন্যায় এলুমিনায়ও মলত্যাগের প্রবৃত্তি থাকে না। মনে হয় এই কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতা শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লীর ক্ষুদ্র ক্ষুদ্র কোষের শুষ্কতাবশতঃ হয়ে থাকে এবং ইহাও শুষ্ক ও কৃশ রোগীদের পক্ষেই উপযোগী। কিন্তু এছাড়া অন্যান্য কতকগুলি বিষয়েও এই দুটি ঔষধের সাদৃশ্য আছে এবং একে অপরের পরিপূৰ্বক। উভয় ঔষধই শিশুদের কোষ্ঠবদ্ধে সুন্দর কাজ করে; এমনকি যাকে দুরাবোগ্য বলে মনে হয়, তাতেও ইহা উপকারী। এনাকার্ডিয়াম, সিপিয়া, সাইলিসিয়া ভেরেট্রাম অ্যালাম ও সরলারে নিঃসরণ শক্তির অভাবে এলুমিনার সঙ্গে নিকট সম্বন্ধযুক্ত।
২। এলুমিনা আমাদের ক্লোরোসিস বা হরিৎপাণ্ডু বোগের একটি প্রধান ঔষধ। রাগিণীর বিবর্ণতা, দুর্বলতা, শ্রান্তি, বিশ্রাম নেওয়ার জন্যে বসে পড়া, প্রভৃতি লক্ষণ বর্তমান থাকে। স্বল্প ও বিলম্বিত ধাতুস্রাব হয়; যখন1 ঋতুস্রাব নির্গত হয়,তখন উহার বর্ণ ফ্যাকাশে। ধাতুস্রাবের পর রোগিণী অবসন্ন ও ফ্যাকাশে হয়ে পড়ে (কা এনি,ককিউলাস)। এছড়া আবার প্রভূত প্রদরস্রাব থাকে। উহা গোড়ালি পর্যন্ত গড়িয়ে পড়ে, বিশেষ করে যদি সে কাপড় দিয়ে না চেপে রাখে, তাহলে উহ পা দিয়ে গড়িয়ে পড়ে (সিফিলিনাম) ইহা ঋতুস্রাবের মতই পরিমাণে অধিক হয়। এরূপ বক্তশূন্য রোগিণীর প্রায়ই শ্বেতসার (চাল চিবিয়ে খায়), চক, ছেড়া ন্যাকড়া, কাঠকয়লা, লবঙ্গ ও অন্যান্য হাস্যকর অস্বাভাবিক বস্তু খেতে চায়। এলুমিনা এরূপ রোগিণীর পক্ষে একটি শ্রেষ্ঠ ঔষধ।
* ট্টোমমিউবে হরিৎ পাণ্ডুরোগগ্ৰস্তা রোগিণী রুটি খেতে পারে না অর্থাৎ রুটিতে তার অপবৃত্তি ঋকে। এলুমিনাব রোগিণী গোল আলু খেতে পারে না; তার সহ্য হয় না। পালসেটিলাব রোগিণী চর্বিযুক্ত খাদ্য ও পিষ্টকাদি খেতে পারে।
৩। এলুমিনা নাসিকার পুরাতন সর্দিতে পালসেটিলা সদৃশ এবং উভয় ঔষধেই বৈরাগিণীর ক্রন্দনশীলতা প্রকৃতি বর্তমান থাকে। কিন্তু এদের ধাতুগত গঠন বিভিন্ন এলুমিনার রোগিণী শুষ্ক ক্ষীণকায়, পালসেটিলার রোগিণী শ্লেষ্মা প্রধান।
* মল ও সরলান্ত্র সম্বন্ধে একটি কথা আমি উল্লেখ করতে ভুলে গেছি। এলুমিনা টাইফয়েড জ্বরে অন্ত্র থেকে রক্তস্রাবে আমাদের একটি প্রধান ঔষধ। বুক্ত যকৃতের ন্যায় বড় বড় চাপ বাঁধা আকারে নির্গত হয়। . ৪। এলুমিনা ধর্মযাজকদের গলতের ন্যায় পুরাতন গলতেও উপযোগী। গলার টাটানি ব্যথা, অবদন অনুভূতি (rawness), স্বরভঙ্গ ও শুষ্কতা থাকে।
এই শুষ্কতা থাকার জন্য রোগীকে ক্রমাগত খক খক করে কাশতে হয়। অনেকক্ষণ পরে একটুখানি গাঢ় চটচটে শ্লেষ্মা উঠে। এরূপ গলা গরম আহারে বা পানে অল্পক্ষণের জন্য উপশম হয়। এর নিকটতম ঔষধ এক্ষেত্রে আর্জেন্টাম নাইটিকাম। কিন্তু আর্জেন্টাম নাইট্টিকামে গলায় আঁচিলের মত উপমাংস থাকে। উভয় ঔষধেই গলায় সূঁচ ফোটার ন্যায় অনুভূতি আছে যেমন দেখা যায় হিপার সালফিউরিকাম, ডলিকস ও নাইট্রিক অ্যাসিডে।
এলুমিনার গলায় ও গলনালীতে একপ্রকার আকুঞ্চন বোধ (constriction) থাকে। এজন্য রোগীর গিলতে ব্যথা লাগে।
৫। এলুমিনা নিম্নলিখিত লক্ষণগুলিতে উপযোগী; বিশেষ করে প্রায়ই লোকোমোটর এটাক্রিয়া রোগে নিম্নলিখিত লক্ষণগুলি দেখা যায়।
“সন্ধ্যাকালে নিম্নাঙ্গে অতিশয় ভারি বোধ হয়; পা দুটি টেনে ফেলতে পারে না; হাঁটবার সময় শরীর টলমল করে এবং তাকে বসে পড়তে হয়।”
“দিনের বেলা ছাড়া চোখ না খুলে হাঁটতে পারে না।” “পা ফেলবার সময় গোড়ালি অবশ বোধ হয়।” “অত্যন্ত মূর্চ্ছাকল্প ও ক্লান্ত, রোগীকে বসে পড়তে হয়।” পৃষ্ঠবেদনা যেন একটি গরম লোহার দণ্ড
কশেরুকাসমূহের মধ্য দিয়ে চালান হচ্ছে।”
* আমি এই লক্ষণগুলি অপরের প্রামাণিকতার (authority) উপর নির্ভর করে দিচ্ছি। কারণ এইগুলি আমি কখনও পরীক্ষা করে দেখিনি।
+ Pure Clay. Aluminum Oxide. Al 2 O 3.
Used by the Old School, but only according to very poor indications. Hahnemann had proved the pure earth when Hartlaub edited a collection of 975 symptoms, obtained from four provers, in his Mat. Med. in 1829. The year after, Hahnemann published his own observations in Stapf’s Archiv., viz., 215 symptoms, from a much better preparation. Hartlaub simply purified his preparation by washing it, which can never suffice, but Hahnemann subjected this to red heat. A careful comparison of symptoms will show that there is a difference. In 1835, in the second edition of his Chronic Diseases, Hahnemann gives it place among the antipsorics, adding a few symptoms from Dr.Bute, and condensing Hartlaub’s collection to about 900 symptoms.
Boenninghausen published very remarkable cures with the pure metal, in the A. H. Z., being guided by the symptoms of the oxide.
The symptoms of a remarkable cure of spinal disease with Alum. metallicum, by Rehfuss, translated by Dunham, and distinguished by the abbreviation met., are here included.
Consciousness not clear.
Consciousness of his personal identity confused.
Great weakness or loss of memory.
Inability to recollect things or follow up a train of thought.
Confusion and obscuration of intellect; met.
Spinal disease.
Makes mistakes in speaking, using words not intended.
Time passes too slowly; intolerable ennui; an hour seems half a day.
Difficulty of thinking.
Mania to kill himself with a sharp weapon.
Seeing blood on a knife, she has horrid ideas of killing herself, though she abhors the idea.
Crying, against his will.
No desire to do anything, especially anything serious.
Depressed and lachrymose. Melancholia.
Sad thoughts in morning, joyless and comfortless on awaking.
Low-spirited, trifling things appeared insurmountable. Liver complaint.
Apprehensive of losing his reason.
Uneasy evenings, as from impending evil.
Fears he is not to recover.
Dread of death, with thoughts of suicide.
Great anxiety, is fearful and peevish.
Anguish, oppressive and vague fearfulness, or uneasiness, as if he had committed a crime.
Anxiety as if threatened with an epileptic fit; depressed with grief.
Variable mood, at one time confident, at another timid.
Disposition quiet and resigned; met. Spinal disease.
Peevish and whining, with hot earlobes.
Easily startled.
Sufferings following anger.
Mental symptoms agg. in morning on awaking.
Quickly passing vertigo in morning.
Vertigo: everything turns in a circle ; with nausea; agg. before breakfast; on opening eyes; on stooping; amel. after breakfast, and from wiping eyes; nausea, faintness, pain in nape of neck; as if drunken; with seeing white stars; when closing eyes.
Stupefaction, with dread of falling forward.
Heaviness of head, with pale, languid face.
Dullness and numbness of head.
Inability to walk, except with eyes open, and in daytime.
Locomotor ataxia.
Cloudiness and drunken feeling, alternating with pain in kidneys.
Easily made drunk, even by weakest spirituous drink.
When his eyes were closed, his whole body tottered; if not firmly held, he fell to ground; met.
Spinal disease.
Inner Head
Headache attended with nausea, pressure in forehead and congestion to eyes and nose, with nosebleed.
Pressure in forehead from without inward, or rather outward, or over eyes; in evening, sometimes with a chill, or nocturnal heat or sweat.
Throbbing, frontal pain, agg. going up-stairs, or stepping.
Burning, pressive pain, with heat in forehead, while standing or sitting, amel. in open air.
Headache sometimes in left side, agg. by walking in open air.
Lacerating pain in head.
Severe stitches in brain, with nausea and dullness of mind.
Sensation in head as if its contents were in a vise, with a weight on top.
Headache: from chronic catarrhs of head; with constipation; amel. by lying quiet in bed, or resting head upon a cushion.
Heaviness of head, with pale, languid face; vertex painful to touch.
Pulsations in vertex with congestion to eyes and nose.
Stupefying tightness in right temple, amel. by pressing upon it.
Heat in head.
Headache in region of both parietal bones. Spinal disease.
Pulsative headache in vertex, over right temple, early on waking.
Pain in vertex, agg. on moving head or stooping, amel. by pressure; shooting in vertex on coughing.
Tightness, with drawing and beating in right side of occiput.
Pain in head and nape of neck, it increases on going to bed, and only leaves off in morning on rising.
Semilateral affections of head, old rheumatic affections, always appearing on same side.
Increased pulsation of temporal arteries. Spinal disease.
Outer Head
Itching of scalp, with dry, white scales.
Humid scurf, agg. about temples, bleeding when scratched; agg.
in evening, or at new and full moon.
Scalp feels numb.
Pressure on forehead, as from a tight hat.
Headache, as if hair was pulled; with nausea.
Falling off and excessive dryness of hair; scalp sore when hair is touched; creeping and titillation of scalp.
Pain in head and nape of neck agg. on going to bed; leaves on rising in morning.
Itching on forehead.
Exanthema on forehead, feels as if glue had dried on it.
Sight and Eyes
Vision dim and eyes dry in evening. Chronic catarrh.
Seeing fiery spots; met. Spinal disease.
White stars before eyes, with vertigo.
Dim sightedness, like looking through a fog. or as if feathers were before eyes: must rub eyes.
Objects appear yellow. Liver complaint.
Burning and pressure in eyes.
Red eyes with lachrymation.
Eyes inflamed, itching at inner canthus; agglutination at night, and lachrymation by day; yellow halo around candle; burning and dryness, smarting, but with very little ulceration.
Sensation of coldness in eyes when walking in open air.
Spasmodic closure of lids at night, and burning in eyes in morning and evening. Ophthalmia.
Inclination to stare.
Strabismus of either eye; especially from loss of power of internal rectus.
Pressure in eyes, which are sensitive to light.
Stitches in eyes.
In evening pressure in canthus as from a grain of sand.
Eyelids thickened, dry, burning.
Chronic granular lids.
Eyelids stick together with matter: lachrymation.
Upper lids seem to hang down as if paralyzed, especially left.
Old, dry granular lids.
Burning and dryness in lids every morning, with pain in internal canthus of left eye, with much dry mucus in morning on waking.
Burning, dryness; burning on waking, especially on looking up, with dread of light.
Eyes generally amel. from being bathed.
Itching in canthi with burning.
Eyelashes fall out.
Tottering and falling when closing eyes; met.
Spinal disease.
Hearing and Ears
Buzzing as if outside ear.
Humming; roaring; whistling; sounds as of large bells.
Redness and heat of one ear; evenings.
Hot earlobes with peevishness and whining.
Sensation as if something lay before ear; on blowing nose it is felt, swallowing removes it.
Stitches in ears, evening or night.
Purulent otorrhoea.
Crepitation in ears on swallowing or chewing.
Smell and Nose
Sense of smell weak.
Nosebleed with pressure in forehead and congestion to eyes.
Disposition to colds in head.
Nose stopped up, more left side, with glairy mucus.
Fluent coryza, with frequent sneezing, free from one nostril, the other obstructed; lachrymation.
Chronic nasal catarrh, with scurfy sore nostrils, and discharge of thick yellow mucus.
Catarrhs of long standing with old people.
Discharge of dry, hard, yellow-green mucus from nose; nose swollen, red and sore to touch, agg. in evening.
Nose dry; met. Spinal disease.
Violent pain in root of nose. Ozaena.
Copious, yellow, sour-smelling mucus, with sore nostrils.
Septum nerium swollen, red and painful to touch; more painful evenings.
Redness of nose.
Nose ulcerated.
Swelling and hardness of left alae nasi.
Point of nose cracked.
After blowing nose, glittering before eyes.
Upper Face
Sallow skin.
Pale languid face with heaviness of head.
Tearing and lancinating in malar bone.
Tension of skin of face, as though white of egg had dried on it.
Itching of various parts of face; of forehead, with rough skin.
Blood-boils on face and nose.
Tetter on temples and forearm. Leucorrhoea.
Gloomy, pale, or alternately red and pale.
Heat and redness; met. Spinal disease.
Coppery cheeks.
Bloated places, like bulbous excrescences; nodular swellings.
Lower Face
Tension and drawing in jaws and cheeks, with increase of saliva.
Tensive pain in articulation of jaw, when chewing or opening mouth.
Upper lip covered with little blisters.
Lower jaw seems shortened.
Lips dry, chapped.
Involuntary spasmodic twitching of lower jaw, with hemorrhage of bowels; dark, offensive stools.
Teeth and Gums
Teeth feel long and sore.
Toothache; teeth feel loose and elongated, agg. from chewing, in open air, evening.
Drawing toothache, extending to other parts, as down larynx, neck or shoulders. During pregnancy.
Teeth covered with sordes.
Swelling of gums; they easily bleed and ulcerate.
Saltish blood seems to come from teeth.
Taste and Tongue
Taste flat; met. Spinal disease.
Tongue coated with a thin slimy fur; met. Spinal disease.
Taste: acrid, sweetish or fatty ; almost lost; like blood.
Tingling, itching on tongue, must scratch it.
During pregnancy.
Bites his tongue while asleep.
Inner Mouth
Musty, bad odor from mouth.
Small ulcers in mouth.
Saliva increased, although mouth may feel dry.
Sensation of soreness in mouth when eating.
Increased saliva and mucus.
Dryness in mouth.
Inflammatory redness in back of throat.
Transient stitches in throat.
Dryness of throat, as if parched.
Rawness and roughness in throat, inducing hawking or coughing in evening, with secretion of mucus.
Pressure in throat as from a plug, with soreness and dryness.
Sensation of swelling in sides of throat.
Sense of constriction from pharynx down to stomach, as if food could not pass.
Great dryness of throat especially on awaking, voice husky; constant hawking, and sensation of a lump in throat. Chronic catarrh.
Feeling of a splinter in throat, stinging on swallowing.
Copious, thick, tenacious mucus in throat, evening and morning on awaking; can be expectorated only in lumps, with great effort.
Thick mucus, dropping from posterior nares.
Ulcers in fauces, spongy; secreting a yellowish-brown, badly smelling pus; with boring pains from fauces to right temple and head.
Painful soreness in throat and upper part of oesophagus, agg. swallowing empty.
Throat feels relaxed.
Feels food whole length of oesophagus.
Swallowing painful, amel. after warm drinks; swallowing saliva or liquids often amel.; swallows solids with difficulty.
On waking in morning, pharynx feels narrower than usual, as if contracted and lame.
Violent, pressive pain, as if a portion of oesophagus was contracted or compressed, in middle of chest, especially during deglutition, but also when not swallowing, with oppression of chest, alternately with palpitation of heart, especially after a meal.
Swallowing causes crepitation in ears.
Pains in throat; agg. evening and night.
Appetite, Thirst, Desires, Aversions
No desire to eat.
Has no appetite, food has no taste.
Irregular appetite.
Longing for fruit and vegetables; potatoes disagree.
Aversion to meat; to beer; meat has no taste.
Thirst all day.
Appetite for starch, chalk; clean white rags; charcoal, cloves, acids, coffee or tea-grounds, dry rice, and other indigestible things. Chlorosis.
Eating and Drinking
Before eating: canine hunger; seems to quiver all over.
Amel. while eating.
Worse from eating potatoes. Colic.
Worse from tobacco smoke.
All irritating things, like salt, wine, vinegar, pepper, etc., immediately start cough.
Throat sore after using onions in food.
Easily drunken from weakest spirituous drinks.
Mucus in throat, tasting sweet, after dinner.
Worse from cold, amel. from warm diet.
Worse after eating soups.
After eating: languor in evening; must lie down at noon; phlegm in chest.
Eating removes faintness at stomach.
After breakfast: vertigo; nausea amel.
After dinner: sweet tasting mucus.
Aggravation or appearance of all symptoms immediately after dinner or in evening.
Worse from warm drink: chill.
Amel. from warm drink: throat.
Hiccough, belching, nausea and vomiting
Chronic inclination to belch, in old people.
Eructations: sour; bitter, after potatoes; agg. evenings.
Heartburn after supper; sourish risings, with profuse flow of water from mouth.
Nausea: with vertigo; stitches in brain; chilliness; pale face, desire to lie down, faintness; amel. after breakfast.
Frequent nausea; faint nausea.
Vomits mucus and water.
Vomiting of food, mucus or bile; met. Spinal disease.
Distension of stomach.
Constriction and twisting in stomach, extending up oesophagus to throat.
Stitches in pit of stomach, extending upward to chest.
Drawing or oppressive pain, going upward to chest and throat; after potatoes.
Pains in epigastrium and hypochondria when stooping.
Contractions in both hypochondria.
Spasmodic pains in hypochondria and stomach with dyspnoea almost to suffocation.
Liver pains, as if bruised, when stooping; stitches when rising again.
Tearing from liver to hip.
Shooting pain in region of spleen.
Stitches in both hypochondria; agg. from motion.
Shooting in left hypochondrium going upward and forward to cardiac region, agg. on deep inspiration.
Seems to hang down heavily, like a load, when walking, afternoons.
Reaching too high strains abdominal muscles.
Pains agg. sitting bent.
Pressing in both groins, towards sexual organs, evenings.
Stitching, pressing pain in region of abdominal ring, like from hernia, with tension as far as side of abdomen.
Flatulent colic, bellyache.
Colic in morning.
Painter’s colic.
Soreness and twitching of right inguinal glands.
Stool and Rectum
Inactivity of rectum; even soft stool requires great straining.
No desire for, and no ability to pass stool, until there is a large accumulation.
After each dysenteric stool, involuntary urination.
Severe hemorrhage from bowels with flow of urine.
Pressing to stool aggravates her symptoms.
Tenesmus in rectum and bladder at same time.
Stools too scanty.
Stools: hard and knotty or covered with mucus; like sheep’s dung, with cutting in anus, followed by blood; like pipe stems.
Constipation from great dryness of mucous follicles of rectum, with long-lasting pain in rectum.
Diarrhoea, urging in rectum, bloody, scanty stools.
Clots of blood pass from anus.
Dropping of blood during an evacuation.
Hemorrhoids, agg. in evening, amel. after night’s rest.
Itching and burning at anus.
Perineum: pressure when blowing nose; sweats and is tender to touch.
Soft and thin stool, passing with difficulty.
Chronic diarrhoea; agg. on alternate days; from walking; amel.
from a short sleep or warm applications.
Diarrhoea whenever she urinates.
Chronic diarrhoea. Chlorosis.
Blind piles protrude, become moist, with lancinating pain; are hard and itch.
During stool: rectum as if constricted and dried up; throbbing in small of back; excoriated feeling in rectum; chills all over; discharge of prostatic juice.
Varices become moist, sting and burn.
Itching with burning excoriation and great sensitiveness.
Fistula ani.
Sensation of weakness of sphincter ani.
Pulsating in anus.
Torpidity of rectum; rectum seems paralyzed.
Itching of anus.
Urinary Organs
Renal pains as from riding over a rough road; alternating with cloudiness as if drunk; dancing makes agg..
Frequent micturition. Prolapsus uteri.
Tenesmus vesicae. Dysentery.
Urine voided while straining at stool; or cannot pass urine without such straining.
Frequent urination at night.
Frequent emissions of very small quantities of light-colored urine with great straining, severe smarting and burning, with a feeling as though a few drops remained in urethra which could not be expelled.
Urine: scanty, with red sediment, in arthritic affections; copious and pale, in nervous diseases; with thick, white sediment; more frequent, copious and dark.
Urine red without sediment; met. Spinal disease.
Feeling of weakness in bladder and genitals, in evening, with fear that he will wet the bed.
Pouting of meatus urinarius, with swelling and discharge of light yellow pus from urethra.
During urination: burning, with discharge of urine and desire to evacuate bowels.
Urine smarting, corroding. Prolapsus uteri.
Male Sexual Organs
Excessive sexual desire.
Frequent and painful erections, agg. at night.
Involuntary emissions, followed by all his old symptoms.
Sexual desire lessened. Impotence.
feeling of weakness in bladder and genitals; he fears he will wet the bed.
Discharge of prostatic fluid during difficult stool.
Light yellow pus from urethra, causing itching of glans penis.
Sensation of weakness in penis.
Left testicle hard and very painful.
Tickling on genitals and thighs.
Sweat on perineum, with sensitiveness to touch.
Pressure in perineum at beginning of an erection or during coitus.
Female Sexual Organs
Sexual desire decreased.
Weakness of sexual parts.
Prolapsus uteri.
Bland, painless ulcers upon os. Prolapsus uteri.
Severe painful swelling in either or both ovaries, very sensitive to touch. Metritis.
During and evacuation before menses, she has pinching, writhing and pressing like labor-pains.
Menses: too early, short, scanty, and of pale blood; too early, preceded by headache; delay, finally appear, being pale and scanty.
Menses scanty, pale and painful. Prolapsus uteri.
Before menses: many dreams, on awaking face hot, headache and palpitation; abundant mucous discharge.
During menses: corroding urine and diarrhoea; bloatedness.
After menses: exhausted in body and mind.
Leucorrhoea: of transparent mucus, attended with tremor and sensation as if everything would fall out of abdomen; acrid, corrosive; profuse, relieved by cold washing; during day; with tetter on temples; corroding, profuse, running down to heels, often only in daytime, relieved by cold washes.
Painful throbbing in left side of vagina, like the tick of a watch.
Stitches in left side of vulva, extending up to chest.
Free light yellow excoriating discharge from vagina.
Itching and burning pimples on labia.
Inflammation and swelling of vagina.
Stitches, throbbing and itching in vagina.
Pregnancy, Parturition and Lactation
Gastric and abdominal symptoms during pregnancy: heartburn; constipation from inactive rectum ; groaning at night, crying out “it is not I,” begging them to stop; tongue tingles; mucous leucorrhoea, which runs down limbs.
Itching in mammae.
Constipation of sucklings.
Voice and Larynx, Trachea and Bronchia
Voice: has a nasal twang; husky; rough.
Hoarseness, evening and night, especially towards morning; disappearing while walking in open air.
Sudden, complete aphonia.
Hoarse afternoons and evenings, with roughness and dryness.
Voice hoarse, rough, hollow, almost aphonic; met.
Spinal disease.
Much talking, particularly in lively company, makes her hoarse.
Talking or singing makes him cough.
Talking increases soreness of chest.
Rawness in larynx on awaking.
Tickling in larynx, with irritation to cough.
Sensation of tightly adhering phlegm in larynx, not removed by hawking or cough; wheezing on inspiration.
Thyroid cartilage painful to touch.
Throat dry and voice husky on waking.
Rattling, asthmatic breathing; agg. coughing.
Oppression agg. when sitting stooped; amel. straightening up, or walking in open air.
Talking or singing makes him cough.
Breathing arrested by copious, thick, tenacious, saltish mucus.
Oppressive pain in chest, tight feeling.
Dyspnoea, with spasmodic pains in stomach and hypochondria.
Short-breathed when lying on back; goes off by turning on side.
Worse getting tired from exerting voice.
Worse from deep inspiration; shooting from left hypochondria to heart.
Wheezing inspiration, with tough mucus in larynx.
Dry, hacking cough, with frequent sneezing.
Cough: from sensation as of loose skin hanging in throat; from tickling in larynx; from elongated uvula; from talking or singing ; short; causes pains in right temple and top of head, sometimes also difficult breathing; soon after waking in morning ; every morning a long attack of dry cough, ending in difficult raising of a little white mucus ; with tearing pain and involuntary emission of urine, in old or withered looking people; sudden, violent irrepressible cough in evening while sitting; sometimes yields a piece of mucus mixed with blood; causes shooting in vertex.
All irritating things excite cough.
Painless evening cough.
Dry cough at night, with dryness of throat.
Continued dry hacking cough, with vomiting and arrest of breathing.
Sputum difficult and of a putrid taste.
Inner Chest and Lungs
Chronic bronchitis with inclination to sing.
Constriction of chest, with apprehension.
Oppression of chest, with constriction in oesophagus.
Violent, oppressive pain in chest, agg. at night.
Chest feels constricted, agg. from sitting bent or stooping, amel. on straightening up, or on walking.
Congestion of blood to chest and head, with redness of face and one ear, caused by suppressed haemorrhoidal flux.
Shooting stitches in chest right to left in afternoon, agg. on going down-stairs.
Talking increases soreness of chest; lifting aggravates or produces soreness in left chest.
Riding in a carriage gives pain in chest.
When stooping, a stitch from left side of abdomen to middle of chest.
Stitches extending from left side of vulva to chest.
Chest extending from left side of vulva to chest.
Chest feels as if too large.
Chilliness in chest.
Heart Pulse and Circulation
In cardiac region: shocks; shooting from left hypochondria.
Awakens with palpitation.
Palpitation of heart. Prolapsus uteri.
Palpitation irregular, large and small beats intermixed.
Pulse either unchanged, or full and accelerated.
Pulse hard, 90 to 100; met. Spinal disease.
Neck and Back
Itching in nape of neck and of throat.
Shooting in right side of neck, posterior portion.
Pain in back and small of back, as if beaten.
Pain in back, as if a hot iron was thrust through lower vertebrae.
At intervals, sudden sharp pains like a stab in lower part of back, which made her feel for the moment as if she could not straighten spine.
Cervical muscles drew head back during sleep; met.
Spinal disease.
Violent stitch in middle of back.
Gnawing pain in back.
Throbbing in small of back during stool.
Pain in small of back during rest.
Pain in sacrum. Uterine troubles.
Upper Limbs
Skin of hands peels off.
Red rhagades on hands, agg. in winter and from washing.
Panaritium, with brittle nails, lancinating pains and tendency to ulceration of finger-tips.
Brittle nails and brittle skin on tips of fingers.
Nail brittle, or thick; spots on nails.
Pain in arms when letting them hang down, or on stretching in bed.
Sudden jerk or concussion in shoulder.
Pain, as from a sprain, in shoulder joint, especially on raising arm.
Sense of tightness in arm, as from cold.
Burning on arms and fingers, and in elbow, as from a glowing iron.
Arms feel heavy, as if paralyzed; they go to sleep.
Arms feel shorter.
Tetter on forearm. Leucorrhoea.
Veins of hands distended.
Gnawing beneath finger nails, with crawling along arm, as far as clavicle.
Stitches in wrist while working.
Lower Limbs
Tearing in thighs and legs, when sitting and lying, especially at night.
Long continued tension in thighs and legs, almost like a cramp, extending downward.
Legs feel numb and stiff, especially at night.
Nates go to sleep when sitting.
Great heaviness in lower limbs, can scarcely drag them; when walking he staggers, and must sit down; evenings.
Burning and smarting itching on thighs, amel. from scratching.
Frequent cramps in calves.
Tearing in knees and patellae, or from knee to toes.
Trembling of knees.
Numbness of heel when stepping.
Soles of feet too sore to step on.
Pain in sole of foot, on stepping, as though it were too soft and swollen. Tabes dorsalis.
Itching and redness of toes, agg. after scratching.
Stitches in corns and toes.
Great weariness of legs when sitting.
Heaviness in feet with great lassitude of legs.
Cold feet, followed by burning under toes.
Smarting stitches in corns.
Pain as from fatigue, in articulation of foot when sitting.
Limbs in General
Arms and legs feel heavy.
Frequent stretching of limbs when sitting.
Trembling of limbs.
Jerking and twitching of limbs.
Pains in limbs as if bones were squeezed narrower, with pressure in joints.
Drawing in extremities.
Rest, Position and Motion
Resting head relieves headache.
Raising head: increases vertigo, nausea and vomiting; met.
Spinal disease.
During rest: pain in small of back.
Aversion to motion.
Complaints from carrying on back; or bodily exertion.
Pain in chest from lifting or carrying things.
Stitches in hypochondria, agg. from motion.
Moderate exercise (in open air) relieves.
Walking about or moving feet relieves uneasiness.
Headache, amel. lying, agg. walking in open air.
When attempting to walk, great weakness and uncertainty in lower limbs, has to be led; met.
Spinal disease.
When walking: abdomen hangs heavily; discharge of dark blood from rectum; fluor albus more profuse.
Talking or a short walk fatigues very much; causes numbness of limbs, flushes of heat.
Lying down: amel. headache; agg. lassitude, yet there is desire to lie down.
Going down-stairs: stitches in chest.
Worse from dancing: renal pains.
Worse ascending: frontal headache.
Stepping: agg. frontal headache; numbness of heel; pain in sole of feet.
Straining, lifting, etc., cause soreness in chest and abdomen.
Reaching high: strains abdominal muscles.
Sitting: weariness of legs; pain in foot joint; stretching limbs.
Sitting bent: pain in abdomen agg.; oppressed respiration; constriction in chest.
Stooping: vertigo; pain in vertex; constriction of chest; pain in scrobiculum, liver, hypochondria and abdomen; stitch from abdomen to chest.
Short-breathed lying on back, not on side.
Amel. lying on left side; agg. lying on right.
Worse from standing and sitting: pain and heat in forehead.
Want of bodily irritability.
Great exhaustion of strength, especially after walking in open air; accompanied by yawning, stretching, drowsiness and inclination to lie down: lying, however, increases lassitude.
Much fatigued by talking.
Faint and tired, must sit down.
Involuntary movements of single parts.
Spasms, with attacks of laughing and weeping.
Paralysis from spinal disease; cannot walk with eyes closed.
Rheumatic and traumatic paralysis, in gouty patients.
One-sided paralysis, especially of extensors.
Hysteria. Prolapsus uteri.
Excited condition of mind and body; acute smell, red face, tingling tongue, constriction in internal parts, involuntary jerks, all alternating with dullness of sight, loss of smell, pale face, lassitude and drowsiness.
Tremor. Leucorrhoea and prolapsus.
Tremulousness, when he touches anything, he feels electrified.
Suddenly jerks head backward; involuntary motions; laughing and crying.
Slow tottering gait, as after severe illness.
Drowsiness by day.
Lies awake from crowding of ideas or fancies, or from heaviness in arms.
Sleepiness, with inclination to lie down.
Unrefreshing night sleep; a mere slumbering, with feeling in morning as if he had not slept enough.
Restless sleep; turns frequently; feels too warm; lies uncovered in unrefreshing slumber, with many dreams and frequent awaking; starts in affright; muttering or crying.
Restless sleep, always awaking with palpitation of heart.
Dreams anxious; of boat foundering; ghosts; thieves; confused.
During sleep: lies on side; bites his tongue.
Frequent urination in night.
During sleep cervical muscles drew head backward; met. Spinal disease.
Worse on awaking: mind; weak and faint, until he eats; wakes unrefreshed; heat in face; huskiness; dryness in throat, tenacious mucus; rawness in larynx; palpitation.
Time passes too slowly.
Remission from evening until morning.
Worse evening and night: throat complaints.
Towards morning: hoarseness.
Before breakfast: vertigo, faint nausea, relieved after eating.
Morning: mental depression; transient vertigo; pain in head and neck amel.; burning in eyes; dry mucus in eyes; cough and sputa; pressure on chest; colic.
Worse morning and evening: burning of eyes; mucus in throat.
Worse all day: mucous leucorrhoea; drowsiness.
Worse alternate days: constipation; chronic diarrhoea; prolapsus uteri; chlorosis.
Worse afternoon: hoarseness.
Worse evening: apprehension; tetter on scalp; dim sight, dryness, pressure and burning in eyes; spasmodic closure of eyelids; one ear red and hot; tearing and stitches in ear; ozaena; toothache; pains in throat; eructations; hemorrhoids; weakness in bladder; hoarseness; languor; heaviness in lower limbs; heat.
On going to bed: pains in head and neck.
From 4 P.M. till going to bed she feels well.
At night: headache agg.; spasmodic closure of lids; pains in throat agg.; frequent urination; pain in chest agg.
New and full moon: tetter on scalp; heat.
Temperature and Weather
Unpleasant want of animal heat.
Warm food and drinks relieve throat.
She feels amel. in open air. Prolapsus uteri.
Takes cold easily sitting in room, gets hoarse; this lessens when walking in open air.
Generally amel. in warmth; agg. in cold air, outdoors.
Amel. walking, outdoors, in mild weather; inclination to be in open air.
Cannot bear the cold, nor a warm room.
Warmth of bed: body itches.
Open air: pain in forehead, dullness of sight, cold feeling in eyes; toothache agg.; hoarseness; oppressed breathing amel.; chilliness with headache.
Worse in dry weather; thin fecal stools.
Winter: rhagades; eruptions.
Cold washing: leucorrhoea amel.; rhagades.
Amel. in wet weather or moistening the diseased part.
Chill: with great thirst; with nausea.
Internal chill and shivering, with desire for warmth of stove, with stretching and bending of limbs, agg. after warm drink; often with heat of face.
Chill during day, heat at night.
Frequent repetition of chills in evening.
Heat at night, with anxiety and sweat.
Heat in evening, commencing in and spreading from face, sometimes of only right side.
Chill appeared after eating soup at dinner.
Slight chill in evening; met. Spinal disease.
Sweat at night, towards morning most profuse in face, frequently only on right side of face; less when walking out of doors.
Entire inability to sweat.
Attacks and Periodicity
At intervals sudden, sharp pains, like a stab.
Worse at new and full moon. Skin symptoms.
Worse in winter. Skin symptoms.
Worse on alternate days. Chronic diarrhoea.
Chlorosis. Prolapsus uteri.
Locality and Direction
Complaints chiefly in external parts (burning, etc.) Semi lateral affections of head.
Paralysis left sided, painless.
Pains go upward.
Jerks go from head over body.
Upper left, lower right side, most affected.
Drawing toothache, extending to other parts, as down to larynx, neck, shoulder, etc.
Left: headache; upper lid hangs down; pain in internal canthus; side of nose stopped up; throbbing from hypochondria to heart; throbbing in vagina; stitches in vulva.
Right: heat and sweat of face; inguinal glands sore and swollen; shooting in side of neck.
Right to left: stitches in lungs.
Cloudiness and drunken feeling; as if contents of head were in a vise; pressure on forehead as from a tight hat; as if hair was pulled; pressure as from a grain of sand in canthus; as if something lay before ear; as if white of egg had dried on face; teeth feel long and sore; as from a plug or lump in throat; as if food could not pass to stomach; as of a splinter in throat; pharynx feels narrower on waking, as if contracted and lame; abdomen seems to hang down heavily; rectum as if paralyzed; renal pains as from riding over a rough road; as if a few drops remained in urethra; as if everything would fall out of abdomen; like tick of a watch in left side of vagina; as of tightly adhering phlegm in larynx; as of loose skin hanging in throat; as if beaten in small of back; as if a hot iron was thrust through lower vertebrae; like a stab in lower part of back; sudden jerk or concussion in shoulder; arms feel shorter; as from fatigue in articulation of foot; as if bones were squeezed narrower; feels electrified when touching anything.
Pain: in vertex; in head and nape of neck; in root of nose; in throat; in epigastrium and hypochondria; in left testicle; in back; in small of back; in sacrum; in arms; in sole of foot.
Burning: in forehead; in eyes; of lids; at anus; in varices; in urethra; pimples on labia; on arms and fingers; on elbow; on thighs; under toes.
Tearing: in malar bone; from liver to hip; in thighs and legs; in knees and patellae; from knees to toes.
Lancinating: in malar bone; in hemorrhoids; in finger tips.
Lacerating: in head.
Gnawing pain: in back; beneath finger nails.
Cutting: in anus.
Stitches: in brain; in eyes; in ears; in throat; in pit of Stomach; in liver; in both hypochondria; in region of abdominal ring; in left side of vulva; in vagina; in middle of back.
Shooting stitches: in chest, right to left; from left hypochondria to cardiac region; in wrist; in corns and toes.
Smarting stitches: in corns.
Shooting: in vertex; in region of spleen; from left hypochondrium to cardiac region.
Stinging: on swallowing; in varices.
Drawing: in right side of occiput; in jaws and cheeks; toothache, extending to other parts; from stomach to chest and throat; in extremities.
Painful throbbing: in left side of vagina.
Spasmodic pains: in hypochondria and stomach.
Pressive pain: in forehead; as if a portion of oesophagus was contracted in middle of chest.
Tensive pain: in articulation of jaw.
Bruised pains: of liver.
Soreness: of scalp; in mouth; in throat, or right inguinal glands; in chest; of soles of feet.
Smarting: in urethra.
Rawness: in throat; in larynx.
Excoriated feeling: in rectum.
Urging: in rectum.
Pressure: in forehead; over eyes; in eyes; in throat; in both groins; in perineum; in joints.
Constriction: from pharynx to stomach; in stomach; in oesophagus; of rectum; of chest.
Contractions: in both hypochondria.
Cramps: in calves.
Tightness: in right side of occiput; in chest; in arm.
Tension: of skin of face; in jaws; in region of abdominal ring; in thighs and legs.
Stupefying tightness; in right temple.
Beating: in right side of occiput.
Throbbing: in small of back.
Pulsations: in vertex; over right temple; in temporal arteries increased; in anus; in vagina.
Roughness: in throat.
Sprained feeling: in shoulder joint.
Swollen feeling: in sides of throat; in sole of foot.
Weakness: of sphincter ani; in bladder and genitals; in penis; of female sexual parts; of legs.
Heaviness: of head; in abdomen; of arms; in lower limbs; in arms and legs.
Oppressive pain: in chest; in feet.
Weight: on top of head.
Paralyzed feeling: of arms.
Numbness: of head; of scalp; in legs; of heel.
Tingling: in tongue.
Itching: of scalp; at inner canthus; of canthi; of various parts of face; on tongue; at anus; of piles; of glans penis; of pimples on labia; in vagina; in mammae; in nape of neck; of thighs; on thighs; of throat; of toes; of whole body.
Crawling: along arm as far as clavicle.
Creeping titillation: of scalp.
Tickling: on genitals and thighs; in larynx.
Heat: in head.
Coldness: in eyes; of feet.
Stiffness: in legs.
Dryness: of hair; in eyes; of lids; in mouth; of throat; in throat.
Veins distended.
Mucous membranes very dry or secreting scantily.
Touch, Passive motion and Injuries
Touch and pressure relieve pain in right temple.
Sensitive to touch: vertex; scalp; perineum; ovaries.
Amel. from scratching, but bleeding follows.
Pressing teeth together aggravates.
Amel. from wiping eyes.
Riding in carriage gives her pain in chest.
Skin yellow. Liver complaint.
Intolerable itching of whole body, especially when getting warm and in bed; scratches until skin bleeds, which is then painful.
Eruptions humid, scabby, sore, gnawing.
Ulcerated surface secretes a yellow-brownish, badly smelling pus.
Blood-boils. Rhagades. Bulbous excrescences. Leprosy.
Dry, tettery, itching eruption.
Tetter itching in evening.
Formication in skin.
Stages of Life and Constitution
Suitable to persons of a scrofulous habit who suffer from chronic diseases.
Constitutions with diminished animal heat.
Infancy: constipation, especially when artificial food is used.
Cholera infantum: stools green ; acidity of prima viae.
Puberty: chlorosis, with longing for indigestible substances.
Dark complexion, excitable.
Mild disposition: mild, tearful, anxious. Constipation and catarrh.
Spare habit; dry, thin subjects.
Boy, age 12, cerebrospinal disease. After Bell., Phos. and Nux vom. had been given with very little improvement, Alum. met.30 cured.
Old people, hypochondriacal, or suffering from chronic diseases, especially catarrhs.
Vertigo in old people, with atheromata or earthy deposits on the cerebral or cardiac arteries.
Chronic catarrh of head.
Cough with involuntary emission of urine in old withered looking people.
Similar to: Bar-c. (hypochondriasis of aged; constipation); Bry. (peevish, irritable; gastric and abdominal symptoms; constipation; throbbing headache; dry cough with vomiting; stitches in chest; dryness of mucous surfaces; fever, etc.); Calc-c., Cham. (useful as an intermediate remedy); Conium (old people; loss of power of internal recti of eyes); Ferr. (chlorosis; relaxed abdomen; disgust for meat, etc.); Ferr-i.
(profuse, transparent leucorrhoea); Graph. (chlorosis; skin rough, chapped, itching; nails; blepharitis, etc.); Ip.; Lach. (sad on waking; climaxis); Puls. (tearful, peevish; head, etc., amel. in open air; ozaena; taste lost; averse to meat; chlorosis; scanty menses; complaints at puberty; lack of animal heat; soles of feet sore, agg. walking; toes red, itching, etc.); Plumbum (colic; constipation, etc.); Ruta (loss of power of internal recti of eyes); Sepia (irritable, tearful; ozaena; scanty menses; puberty; prolapsus uteri; inactive rectum: weakness in urinary organs, etc.);Sil., Sulphur; Zincum (inner canthus; granular lids).
Compare with the following in clergyman’s sore throat: Arg-n., Kali-bi., Lyc., etc.
Alumin. follows: Bry., Lach., Sulphur; and is followed by: Bry.
Alumin. and Bry. are complementary.
Antidotes to Alumin.: Bry., Camphor, Cham., Ip.
Alumin. antidotes: lead-poisoning, as in painters’ colic; ailments from lead.
Rubrics: 326 | Alum [998/326] |
Total |
[Complete ] [Mind]ANGUISH:Rising amel.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]ANXIETY:Heart region:Midnight, after:Four am. – five am.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]AWKWARDNESS:Menses:During: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]CONFUSION OF MIND:Spinal complaints, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]COURAGEOUS:Alternating with:Fear: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]COURAGEOUS:Alternating with:Timidity: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]DELIRIUM:Violent:Potters colic, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]DESPAIR:Stool, during: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]DULLNESS:Fear, with:Falling, of: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]FEAR:Bed:Of:Wetting: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]KILL, DESIRE TO:Knife, when looking at a:Gun, or a: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]LAMENTING, BEMOANING, WAILING:Involuntary: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]MOANING, GROANING:Heat, with:Ear lobes, of: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]MOROSE, SULKY:Heat, during:Ear lobes, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]PROSTRATION OF MIND:Menses:After: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]QUIET:Disposition:Resigned, spinal disease: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]SADNESS:Liver complaints, in:Trifles appeared insurmountable: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]STARTING, STARTLED:Urination, on beginning of: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]THOUGHTS:Frightful:Seeing blood or a knife: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Vertigo]ALTERNATING STATES:Pain in kidneys: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Vertigo]CLOSING EYES:Agg.:Focus, when out of: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Vertigo]CLOSING EYES:Agg.:Opening, or: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Head]PAIN, HEADACHE:Burning, smarting:Forehead:Standing agg.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Head]PAIN, HEADACHE:Pressing:Hat, as from a tight:Occiput: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Eyes]PAIN:Burning, smarting, biting:Looking:Upward: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Eyes]STRABISMUS:Dentition agg.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Nose]DISCHARGE:Yellow:Sour smell: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Nose]ERUPTIONS, INTERNAL:Crusts:Right: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Nose]SWELLING:Evening: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Face]SWELLING:Hard:Nose:Wing, left: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Teeth]PAIN, TOOTHACHE:Drawing:Pregnancy, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Teeth]PAIN, TOOTHACHE:Drawing:Extending:Shoulders, to: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Throat]DRYNESS:Swallowing:Agg.:Liquids: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Throat]PAIN:Onions, after: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Throat]PAIN:Esophagus:Food whole length of esophagus, feels: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Throat]PAIN:Digging, boring:Extending to:Head, right: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Throat]PAIN:Rawness:Onions, after: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Throat]PAIN:Sore, bruised:Onions, after: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Throat]PAIN:Sore, bruised:Esophagus:Food whole length of esophagus, feels: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Throat]ULCERS:Spongy: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Throat]ULCERS:Yellow brown: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Stomach]ERUCTATIONS:Bitter:Evening:Potatoes, after: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Stomach]ERUCTATIONS:Bitter:Potatoes, after: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Stomach]ERUCTATIONS:Sour:Evening:Bed, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Stomach]HEAVINESS:Potatoes, after: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Abdomen]PAIN:Pinching:Warmth amel.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Rectum]HEMORRHAGE:Clotted, anus:Bright: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Rectum]INFLAMMATION, PROCTITIS:Sensation of, perineum: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Rectum]PAIN:Extending:Downward:Ankles, to: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Rectum]PAIN:Pressing:Perineum:Coition, during: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Bladder]URINATION:Difficult, dysuria:Stool urging at, amel.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Male Genitalia]PAIN:Prostate gland:Coition:During: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Male Genitalia]PAIN:Prostate gland:Erection:Beginning of: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Male Genitalia]PAIN:Pressing:Prostate gland:Coition, during: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Male Genitalia]PAIN:Pressing:Prostate gland:Erection, at beginning of: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Female Genitalia]EXCORIATION:Washing with cold water:Amel.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Female Genitalia]INFLAMMATION:Leucorrhea, with:Washing with cold water amel.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Female Genitalia]LEUCORRHEA:Burning, smarting:Washing with cold water amel.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Female Genitalia]LEUCORRHEA:Profuse:Bathing, washing, cold, amel.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Female Genitalia]PAIN:Leucorrhea, in:Bathing, washing, cold, amel.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Female Genitalia]PAIN:Corrosive, gnawing:Bathing, washing, cold, amel.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Female Genitalia]PROLAPSE:Uterus:Hysteria, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Larynx & Trachea]INFLAMMATION:Larynx:Cartilage, thyroid, during cough: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Speech & Voice]HUSKY VOICE:Morning:Waking, on: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Speech & Voice]WANTING, LOST:Cold:Chronic, from: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Chest]OPPRESSION:Alternating with:Palpitation after eating: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Chest]PAIN:Compressing:Sternum:Behind: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Blood]ANEMIA:Production of red blood cells impaired:Iron deficiency, from, chlorosis:Inedible things, with desire for: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Back]PAIN:Tearing:Cervical region:Coughing: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Back]STIFFNESS:Cervical region:Sleep, during: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]UPPER LIMBS:Lying:While:Arms stretched out, with: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]HEAT:Feet:Night:Walking in open air, after: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]ITCHING:Toes:Evening:Scratching, after: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]SHOCKS:Fingers:Touch anything, when they: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Chill, Chilliness]DRINKS:Agg.:Warm:Soup: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Skin]ITCHING:Burning, smarting:Parts:Painful: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Generalities]SUMMER:Amel.:Mild: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Generalities]CONSTRICTION:External:Paralytic complaints, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Generalities]EMISSIONS, POLLUTIONS, SEMINAL:Agg.:Old complaints: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Generalities]FOOD AND DRINKS:Coal, charcoal, desires:Chlorosis, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Generalities]FOOD AND DRINKS:Inedible things:Desires:Anemia, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Generalities]FOOD AND DRINKS:Lime, slate pencils, clay etc., desires:Anemia, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Generalities]FOOD AND DRINKS:Sour, acid:Desires:Chlorosis, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Generalities]FOOD AND DRINKS:Tea:Desires:Grounds: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Generalities]LIE DOWN:Inclination to:Trembling, with: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Kent ] [Mind]PROSTRATION OF MIND:Menses, after: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Kent ] [Throat]SCRAPING:Dryness,from: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Kent ] [Chest]OPPRESSION:Bending :Head forward agg: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Kent ] [Extremities pain]PAIN:Gnawing:Fingers:Nails,under: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Murphy ] [Mind]BLOOD, CANNOT LOOK AT :Knife, bloody, cannot look at : | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Murphy ] [Mind]EXHAUSTION, MENTAL, PROSTRATION :Menses, after : | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Murphy ] [Chest]OPPRESSION, CHEST :Bending, backward amel. :Forward amel. :Head forward agg. : | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Murphy ] [Hands]GNAWING, PAIN :Fingers :Nails, under : | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Murphy ] [Intestine]BLEEDING, INTESTINES, FROM :Involuntary, with, spasmodic twitching of lower jaw : | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Murphy ] [Intestine]BLEEDING, INTESTINES, FROM :Urine, with flow of : | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Murphy ] [Pregnancy]VAGINAL, DISCHARGE, DURING PREGNANCY :Mucous, runs down limbs : | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Murphy ] [Stomach]DISORDERED, STOMACH, (SEE INDIGESTION) :Potatoes, after : | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Murphy ] [Stomach]INDIGESTION, GENERAL, (SEE FOOD, CHAPTER) :Potatoes, after : | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Murphy ] [Throat]CLEARING, THROAT, (SEE SCRAPING) :Dryness, from : | 3 | 1 / 1 |
10th April 2005, Vol-12, Issue 1
Dr. Mirza Anwer Baig
Cases / Therapeutics / Medicine
Anac / Calc / Rhus-t / Con / Puls / Nux-v / Lyc / Rob / Carc / Carb-v / Thuj / Dios / Alum
By – Dr. Mirza Anwer Baig
Mira Road, Thane
Introduction: Sudden & immediate urgency for stools with the onset of anxiety & excitement, or fright is seen in quite number of people. It has many symptoms including bloating, constipation, abdominal pain and diarrhoea. (but with no significant sign of any disease). Doctors may say they cannot find anything wrong in such type of patients. Or they may call this as a functional disorder Homoeopathically it can be defined as Pseudopsora, means not functionally alone? This may be a state of extreme chronicity or a miasmatic disease, now recognized in its own right with a long list of characteristics.
It is partly the number and sheer diversity of symptoms which make Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) so hard to diagnose. IBS is common in men, 20 times, while Non Ulcer Dyspepsia (NUD) is common in women, 30 times. IBS and the NUD are same, except, in IBS the problems related to the lower gut, while in NUD the upper gut is affected.
Homoeopathic understanding: Most of the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome are identical as of the symptom of vaccinosis, as described by Burnett; such as: Neuralgia, inveterate skin eruptions, chilliness, indigestion with great flatulent distension, are leading features of the vaccinal dyscrasia. Most of the children who receive BCG, Hepatitis B or Polio together may develop this kind of symptoms.
Clarke gave the example of whooping cough, as one allopath observed some cases of whooping cough got cured from smallpox vaccine, while most of the homoeopaths found cases of whooping cough after smallpox vaccine. Between 1970s to 1980s, whosoever received Hepatitis B vaccine as trial in gay people, developed this as functional disorder.
Causes: It starts from the itch of the bowel, due to histamine release, due to some nervous allergens. Susceptibles are sensitive & timid persons. However, actual cause is not known Some researchers relate this to some onchogenic lymphotropic viruses. Few people are aware to this that all of us carry parasitic yeast of a fungus in our bodies. On the whole this is nothing for us to worry about, unless this fungus is activated, due to an inferior diet, the use of steroids, antibiotics, or the contraceptive pills, etc. This is how the human immune system is finally affected Thus this condition is known only in the civilized world.
Clinical Remedies along with Guiding Symptoms: Colicky pains, flatulence, rumbling distension, indigestion, constipation and diarrhoea with sudden urge are common symptoms of the following remedies. In addition to these, differentiated guiding symptoms are as follows:
Anatherum-homosexuals (Gay bowels). Cynodon – chronic diarrhoea, dropsy (concomitant). Colocynth – least food or drink <, bending forward >. Aloes-Beer<, burning in anus. Dioscoria-usually women, rumbling flatulence, < bending forward. Staphysagria-acidic diarrhoea. Chenopodium G- ineffectual urging morning diarrhoea, (pressure in rectum, concomitant). Teucrium-unnatural appetite, nightly restlessness, worms, Nux, Puls, Lyco, Dulcamara & Lachesis, etc with their identical symptoms.
Intercurrent: Carcinosin, Thuja, Sulphur, & Virionum.
No.1: Mr. B.P.K.: 65 years, from a business class family. Family staying in USA. Used to travel frequently. Actually he came for his ankle problem and not for his bowel complaints. As per the symptoms, whatever treatment was given gave him palliation at the ankle, but brought up bowel symptoms that is how we came to know that in fact he is a patient of IBS. Then we treated him as per the totality, ankle & bowel both got better but then he developed old symptoms. But he went for palliative medicines & consulted other doctors, became worse finally consulted us again.
That is how we came to know more about the patient, and more symptoms were being recorded. Interestingly hisprescription was prescribed 3 times and the same remedy cured him finally.
First visit: 19. 2.97, for pain and sprain in the left ankle, > continuous motion . Swelling left ankle ++, naughty, gets anxious easily. Appetite more, vertigo from gases, Cannot walk on uneven ground, feels as if falls down. Congested headache. Chilly. Very impatient. As a person good and affectionate. Usually gets constipation, at times diarrhoea. Occasionally vertigo and hammering pain in the forehead. Doesnt know how he got sprain; May be twisted somewhere. Prescription, Anacardium, Calc carb and Rhus tox, during first few days, palliated at the ankle but aggravated bowel symptoms.
14/3/97: Anticipation, pain ankle not gone completely, head congested, biliary headache. Doesnt know how he got the sprain. Pain sudden, (possibility of a focus Neurogenic?), tissue trauma Cant walk on uneven ground, (is it vertigo?) Prescription: Conium 200/2 doses. (Analysis; heedless-cant remember how it had occurred, staying alone away from the family, tissue trauma & biliary headache).
10.10.97: Better, but now has acidity, some gases upset, for which he again went for palliatives, he himself was taking homoeopathic medicines & Unani, Ayurvedic medicines for trivial complaints. So we also prescribed palliative medicines as per symptoms which were; Robina, Pulsatilla, Nux vom, Lycopodium, etc. his symptoms got worse and then he consulted other doctors.
3.11.97: He consulted us again with his old agony, other doctors who diagnosed him as Hiatus Hernia, suggested surgery, thus patient got scared & came to us again. Now we took the case thoroughly. History revealed, he regularly used to go for business trips or for visiting his business establishments. Since many times while traveling to Pune. (by his own car) he always gets a sudden urge for stool, no pain but must find a place to defecate, or otherwise may lose the control over his stools. Stops driver on the way to get relieved. < while driving car, the urge> open air. Stops the car and comes out > in open air. Hilarious and malicious by nature, changing doctors frequently.
Always feels uncomfortable during daytime. Diarrhoea bilious associated with headache. But diarrhoea painless. Otherwise constipated or with diarrhoea. Ineffectual urge when home, but he has to rush while going in a car. Cannot walk on the uneven ground, feels as if would fall, stepping and jarring <<.
Anger +++, Anxiety ++++ (for cancer), also impatient, keeps on consulting doctors, Hakims, friends, etc. But with little relief doesnt turn up (heedless). Anger and anxiety very marked when sick otherwise happy and lively. Says cannot pass stool in morning, but gets sudden urge during car and traveling, travels only by his own car, just for his safety and due to his uncertainty. Anxiety marked; anxiety for trifles or when talking about his even simple problems, otherwise indifferent (heedless).
Talks in a poetic way, learned person, wants immediate help (as if time passes too slowly), wanted to come immediately for consultation. Showed many gastro-enterologists, but was not satisfied with any, (superstitious type).
Analysis: Is it a neuorogenic cause? Some focus Malignancy? Having half faith, (consult many doctors): Ankle pain Tissue trauma? Or again focus (metastasis) Ankle better, abdomen worst? Is it carcinoma in situ Since his anxiety for cancer was also very marked. He was very careful and impatient for every symptom & went on talking about the same to get (my) attention, but he, himself, after fixing various appointments (to meet me) did not turn up (heedless). I also gave importance to his diarrhoea, although painless, but with marked urgency and also during the daytime, particularly when he was driving car. Has morning constipation, but on driving gets diarrhoea (was a peculiar symptom), analyzed as constipation alternate diarrhoea and diarrhoea during the daytime.
Conium repeated again followed by Carcinosin, Conium covered all the symptoms this time again while Carcinosin was given as intercurrent.
He got cured completely for 5 years. That is to say few months back he called me again because of the same problem. Now the modalities were < during night, although anxiety & impatience was the same, fear for cancer was very marked, when I saw him he had already consulted 3 topmost gastro-enterologists of the town. This time also he fixed many appointments but did not turn up. Finally called me to his residence when he became very sick without any diagnosis. Symptomatic allopathic medication made him worse. He used to get severe pain over his left descending colon, with loose stool, flatulence, gases distension and constipation. He was investigated for every possibility but the cause was not cleared. They suspected diverticulitis. He was on antibiotics and anti-colitis drugs.
I suggested serology for CEA to confirm malignancy but he went to yet another gastro-entrologist whose endoscopic findings suggested diverticular disease (also known as diverticulosis). With his treatment he got worst. Now he turned up again with the report CEA, which was high, suggesting malignancy. Carbo veg 30/3 doses given initially followed by Conium 30 in repeated doses. Virionum 200/ single dose as intercurrent. His sufferings got stabilized, there after had no relapses until now, 6 months are over and is on placebo.
No.2: Ms. M. AC, 20 years; college student clinically diagnosed as Colitis, under allopathic treatment since many years, with frequent relapses. Investigations didnt reveal any specific cause. On examination, tongue was clear, face oily with hypopigmented patches, and teeth were crumbled.
Complaints, some kind of pricking pains inside the left side of abdomen, shifting up or down with sudden urge for stools. At times pains cramping before stool. History further revealed most of the time when she gets pain also gets urticarial eruptions. Says whenever I get pains urticarial eruptions start but no itch, doctors say irritable bowel syndrome, some say ulcerative colitis which has no treatment. Homoeopathy gives me some relief but I have to take medicine always, almost through out the year.
History also revealed that she also used to get recurrent cough and cold, almost throughout the year, for which she takes allopathy. Severe problem started since two years. She had jaundice before that. She also had Hepatitis B injection after that. As per the advice of an eminent allopath. He said my problems will be life long, and I have to take life long medicines, so I got scared and came for an alternative therapy. During one such attack she was also suspected for Gall bladder, pains usually get better on bending backward.
History also revealed that during childhood she had treatment for worms & for high fever. She said, she is short-tempered, cannot tolerate and kind of injustice, dedicated for good causes.
Analysis: Young, smart, beautiful and energetic college girl, with non-stop sufferings since childhood. At times worms, other times diarrhoea, fever, jaundice, etc. Having a soft corner for homoeopathy. During early childhood a homoeopath at Kolkata, saved her life? Her mother had told her I related all her problems because of vaccines
First prescription was Thuja, dated 7.11.2003, Dioscria as a clinical remedy, and was repeated. Phosphorus was decided as constitutional, but was never given. Carcinosin was her constitutional remedy. For the last two months she is on placebo; no relapse. No cough and cold, also no urticaria, no colitis. Now she eats every thing. Only she developed worms problem, for which no other medicine was given. Carcinosin (in molecular dilution-Nosode I) did all curative and prophylactic measures.
No.3: Retired colonel, Govt. gave him a land somewhere in Nasik. He came to us sometime 15 years back (records are not traceable, although his affidavit is with us). One of his friends who happen to be a lawyer brought him to us. He was very much disgusted with allopathic treatment. His complaints were uncertainty of bowels. He consulted all kinds of doctors but is problems remained unsolved.
His friend brought him to us since he had at least sympathy for homoeopathic pills (not doctors), which gave him life when he was declared dead, on one occasion His complaints were constipation with terrible pain, lower abdomen at time often 7 days without stool, if passed has a lot of difficulties as if he is passing hot oil Appetite less, prostration marked & anaemic. He felt very weak, and had difficulty to do routine work, even walking was difficult.
History also revealed that he changed his religion and became friendly to a lawyer who helped him in the court proceedings.
His aversion towards doctors was also logical, he consulted various doctors including gastro-entrologists but they could not diagnose the under lying disease with which he was suffering since two years. Finally he discovered his own way of healing. Some allopathic drug for pains, a homoeopathic remedy for gases, and an ayurvedic choorna for purging stools, that too with lot of difficulty. To me it looked as if he had developed semiparalytic ileus type of condition. He had to exert even for soft stool, even then they cant come out He had sensation of heat as he said, Garam tel nikalta hai, bahot koshish karne per.
But what made him sick? So I kept on asking him about the same, how that happened. Hence, he revealed that when he retired, Govt. honored him in the form of a plot (at Nasik) to build his home. For some related matter he had to go to another state (Gujarat) where he was posted during the time of retirement. There a wild dog had bitten him, for which he took anti-rabies vaccines at a private hospital. But with their treatment he lost his funds, so he consulted a public hospital, to complete the anti rabies treatment. What used to happen after taking vaccine everytime, he used to vigorously react in form of diarrhoea & skin rashes. The doctors at the private hospital used to treat vaccine complications & did not stop giving vaccines.
At the public hospital also, after every vaccine, used to get fever with chills, diarrhoea & weakness. They treated him symptomatically & also continued giving him anti-rabies vaccines. According to them vaccine treatment was very important. So he continued to suffer and was treated for complications, sides by side, finally broke down, became toxic, collapsed, then went into coma
They thought he is dead, instruction, shift the body to the mortuary. While transferring him on the trolley a nurse observed some signs of life. She made him aroused, told him, Pray to your God, gather courage and run from here. He did so, but collapsed on the way. Some passers -by took him to roadside Hakim who treated him with some homoeopathic pills. Some people left him on the railway station. Thats how he could reach home.
Now new set of doctors and new set of treatment but nothing helped him nor relieved his pains, prostration and constipation. He discovered self-help, homoeopathic pills for gases, allopathic for pains & ayurvedic for stools.
My analysis: Paralytic ileas, due to cytotoxic drugs and rabies vaccine. Peculiar symptom, cannot pass stool even after lot of exertion, if at all he does it is like hot oil. Interpretation; soft stools but cannot pass, if does with burning inside the perinea). Advancing pathology, neurogenic pains and progressive prostration were other supporting symptoms.
A dose of Alumina 200 restored his health gradually to normal.
Conclusion: My observation, by the time a person reaches 70, most of the cases of irritable bowel syndrome are converted into diverticulosis, a common condition now seen in both sexes. While they are young they may be susceptible to HIV.
Dr. Logan of Nottingham University Hospital, of the British Digestive Foundation describes, 20% people by the time they are 70, have diverticular disease, and 30% gall bladder stones in their sixties. I called this as Pitta dosha or Sycosis of Homoeopathy. Faulty bile cannot digest fat leading to formation of stones and then cancers. Diverticular disease and Gallstones can occur together and are more common in women than in men. In fact this state could be considered as carcinoma in situ, & that is how in most of the cases Carcinosin & Virionum help. I conclude large numbers of these cancers are virus-related, which resulted as a result of suppression of the immune system.
Our observation is if during treatment a child complains of worms problem, welcome that, which means better prognosis In such children Carcinosin helps as an anti-pseudopsoric remedy.
Recent studies show, in the United States colonic cancer death rate has fallen by 20.8 present. Possibly this would be because of their awareness towards immune system. Today most of the Americans opt for Naturopathy and Homoeopathy. But in India it may not be so, because of unawareness about everything.
A diverticulum is a small sac or pouch, which forms a weak points in the walls of the digestive gastrointestinal tract. If you have several of these its known as diverticulosis. In the civilized world this new condition is commonly found. In this area lots of germs and viruses reside, so more lymphatic tissue is needed to form a strong defense line. During any crises where attention of vital force diverted, this area would be left unguarded Thus causing symptoms like indigestion, constipation, diarrhoea and abdominal pain. Then more and more painkillers and antibiotics would lead to further crises resulting into relapse and causing chronic complications like IBS.
Consumption of alcohol, beer, food, additive, preservatives, pesticides, anti-gas and anti-acid, antibiotics, anti-worms are the other causative factors resulting this along with stressful life. In children vaccines and anti-worms drugs may be the cause to similar conditions.
HEAL THYSELF (The Homoeopathic World) A Popular journal of Medical, Dietetic, Social and Sanitary Science By J ELLIS BARKER.
1939 Apr Vol LXXIV No 880
Ellis Barker J.
Alum / Thuj / Ign / Ruta / Phytos.
By Ellis Barker J..
ON December 14th, 1938, I was visited by a Mr. McD. He came to me accompanied by his mother, who told me an interesting and sad story about her son. The patient was very big and strong, and looked the picture of health. The father and his sons all stood over six feet. After the interview I sent my directions to the patient in which I described the position as follows:.
“You have come to me complaining about fits which start with twitching of the hands, particularly the right hand. They are apt to come on early in the morning. The muscles feel dead and you feel dizzy and you get a tense feeling in the stomach, but soon after these fits you feel your old self again. These fits began when you were 13 years old, in 1934. At that time you had an attack of malaria and were given a large dose of a strong drug which was followed by a fainting attack. It is doubtful whether the drug was responsible for your troubles, for six months previously, on April 13th, 1934, you fell from a roof upon your head and were unconscious for two and a half hours. You were given at first half a grain of Luminal at night and then night and morning. The dosing with Luminal may possibly be a causative factor. Another possible causative factor is that you have seminal emissions two or three times a week which weaken you.
“You are extremely tall, perfectly made and proportioned, the picture of health and look super-normal Your tongue is slightly coated and you have one loose slightly darkish motion a day. You had smelly feet (this is an indication for Silica). You have had only a slight attack of malaria. Aluminium was used in the school which you were at and in other places where you have been living. You feel worst at night. You take enormous quantities of sugar and there has been diabetes in your fathers family. You were vaccinated when you were a baby and used to have dreams of falling”.
There was the possibility that the fits were due to drug poisoning or to the severe fall on the head which left the young man stunned for two and a half hours, that they were due to suppressed foot-sweat, a very serious matter, that they were due to aluminium poisoning, to vaccinial poisoning or to the abuse of sugar. Of course I forbade the over-use of sugar, put him on a fleshless and fishless diet to purify the blood and the alimentary canal. I forbade coffee, strong tea, white sugar and white flour in every form, and for medicine I gave him Sulphur 6x marked, “Blood clearing a dose first and last thing,” a combination of Nux vomica and Carbo vegetabilis marked, “Digestion and flatulence a dose to be taken before meals,” Silica 12x because of the possibility of suppressed foot-sweat, being the cause of his troubles, a dose to be taken between meals.
On Monday nights he was to take a dose of Alumina 200 as an aluminium antidote, on Thursday nights he was given dose of Lueticum 200 because his troubles were worst at night. On Saturday nights he was to have a dose of Thuja 200 as an antidote to vaccinial poisoning.
Fits are extremely difficult to cure. They are the despair of general practitioners and specialists. The cause of their occurrence is obscure, and most doctors and specialists limit their action to doping the patient with Luminal and Bromide. Bromide and Luminal are given to practically every case of epileptic and other fits, although these drugs have within my knowledge not cured a single case. I have seen scores of patients who suffered with epileptic and other fits. I usually ask them: “Did your doctor give you Bromide and Luminal or did he give you Luminal and Bromide ?” One of my patients had been to eight specialists and all eight prescribed nothing but Luminal and Bromide, drugs which have not cured a single case as far as I am aware, but which have ruined innumerable patients by injuring blood and brain.
On December 18th the mother of the patient, Mrs. McD., sent me additional information. She told me: “My son was born at the end of a very long hard labour, and was taken with forceps. Although I was utterly exhausted I noticed that the nurse would not show me his full face, and I demanded to see it. I then discovered his cheek was badly bruised and also his head. Another thing is that six weeks before his birth the wheel of the car I was in came off, and I had a big jolt”.
These facts indicated the possibility that the fits were due to injury to the mother while bearing the child, or to injury to the child in the act of being delivered. Besides, the child was starved when quite small and was so weak and ill that the doctors thought he could not live.
On Sunday, December 25th, my patient reported: “Six days ago I started your treatment. On Tuesday night I had a mild fit, and on Sunday night I had two emissions and the weather has been terribly cold. Since then I have felt very well and without shakiness. The Luminal has been cut down in accordance with your directions, and I only take now half a grain in the morning which I shall now halve. I very much enjoy the bran porridge and bran cake. My sugar consumption is much less than previously, and I consume great quantities of vegetables in accordance with your directions. It is too early yet to say whether I am feeling better, but I must say that I am a lot less shaky than I was before I commenced the treatment”.
As the young man had been doing quite well I saw no reason to change medication. On January 3rd, after two weeks treatment he reported:.
“This is my second weekly report, and I am very much better for the treatment. On Thursday the 29th, I had another mild fit while in bed. However, I am much better and I am never so shaky as I used to be when getting up in the morning”.
I repeated medicines as before. On January 7th, his mother wrote to me: “I think your treatment is undoubtedly doing my son good. He has cut down the daily dose of Luminal by half, and he is not as shaky in the mornings”.
The next report, dated January 10th told me: “This is my third weekly report which I think is very satisfactory. I am still feeling very fit and am going to stool regularly now. The emissions are now very occasional. Late nights have practically no effect on me now. I am very much better and am very grateful to you for your treatment”.
I continued the same medicines. On January 17th his mother reported: “Ronald, my son, continues to improve. He has almost given up Luminal. He is taking half a dose about three times or less a week, and he is brighter”.
On January 18th my patient wrote: “The emissions are very rare now. I am taking about one sixteenth of a grain of Luminal about every two or three days in the morning. I am enjoying my food more now than ever before, and everyone says when they see me, that I look much better than before”.
I continued the same medicines and added Phosphoric acid 1x with a small addition of Ignatia mother tincture, ten drops to be taken after meals in water. This is an excellent medicine for strengthening the nerves and counteracting the effect of seminal losses.
The next report came to me on January 28th. My patient told me: “This is my fourth weekly report. I have had some late nights but have felt no ill effect. Am very fit and I have stopped taking Luminal altogether. I find that I am now 14 stone 4 lb. without my clothes. Everyone remarks on my fitness now”.
I continued the medicines largely as before, but sent him some Crataegus mother tincture to strengthen his heart which was not as strong as it might be. On February 4th came another statement from my patient. He wrote: “This is my fifth weekly report. It is much the same as the others. I am very well, very rarely feel shaky now, and there has been a tremendous all-round improvement in my general health. I wish I could always live on your fleshless diet as I have grown to like it very much indeed”.
The poor young man had been suffering from fits for five years. He had been under treatment all the time by a number of doctors and specialists who had given the usual treatment of the textbooks and had merely doped him. I eliminated the Luminal gradually, as I usually do, and treated the complaint constitutionally by antidoting various factors which might be responsible, such as vaccinial poisoning, aluminium poisoning, and a possible hereditary factor. It is a moot point to me whether these fits should be called epileptic or epileptiform. The name does not matter, but it is known to every practitioner that slight and medium fits of long duration are very intractable and are apt to get worse in the course of years. I treated not only the fits, but every other possible factor as well.
As there was a possibility that the trouble was due to heavy seminal losses I dealt with that factor which had been completely neglected by the young mans doctors. The result was most gratifying, and the patient has continued to do extremely well. Hence, the subsequent history of the case is of no particular interest to readers.
ON February 3rd the patients mother wrote to me. “My son continues to keep fit and well. I am happy to say he had given up luminal, and the omission seems to have no ill effect, despite the repeated assertions of doctors and specialists that he would have to take the drug all his life. I cannot tell you how very grateful I am for this change. Needless to say he has recovered the confidence which had been so sadly shaken by the doctors. My son has now faith in you and confidence in his own future. Many thanks for the splendid results you are getting for my son”.
As the boy complained of eye strain I sent him Ruta 1x, a dose as needed, to be alternated with Physostigma 3x as needed, anticipating that his eyesight would improve. On February 23rd the young man reported: “I have kept very well indeed and I am very fit. I have had no traces of shakiness for a long time”.
On February 23rd his mother wrote to me, full of gratitude: “My boy is so very much better and his mind is alert and bright without those foul drugs which he had had. He is now writing little articles, very promising. I can never tell you how grateful I am to you. The doctors and the specialists both said he would always have to be under a drug, and did their utmost to wreck his hopes for the future and his confidence in himself. On your doorstep when leaving your rooms, he said to me, Well, if Mr. Barker wants me to give up luminal I cant do it. I had to persuade and coax him to come to you at all. His only theme was that he would get worse as he got older, and now I was almost afraid when he gave up Luminal so soon. Still, he has never taken it since the first week he was under you, and he is a different lad. I feel sure if he could take his school leaving exam now he would pass. They had done nothing but tell him he never would succeed, and thus they had stupefied his mind. I bless the day when I saw your journal in a window in Wigmore Street with an article by you on an epilepsy cure that led me to you”.
Apparently I have set the young man up for life. He has improved physically and mentally, he has never looked back, and it would be wearisome to quote further letters.
HEAL THYSELF (The Homoeopathic World) A Popular journal of Medical, Dietetic, Social and Sanitary Science By J ELLIS BARKER.
1939 Aug Vol LXXIV No 884
David Moore.
Puls / Berb / Chin / Ip / Lyc / Alum.
DEAR MR. BARKER,- A Mrs. J. called on me. This is her story : “Can you do anything for me ? I have a darling husband. He has been every patient with me, but I can see his patience is wearing very thin and I dont want to lose him.” Then she commenced to cry.
Pulsatilla was given at once. She was 49 years of age, born in India. As a baby her mother gave quinine and brandy as a prophylactic for malaria. At 8 years of age she commenced to vomit about every eight or nine days, and been subject to this for 41 years. When she came to me her case was chronic, having to take to her bed for one day per week. The vomit was mainly also neuritis in the right hip.
She had been under treatment in india, New Zealand, where she had 10 months in hospital, and had also had a course of hospital treatment in Australia. She also told me that her head felt tight and raw with ache from front to back. Before leaving my rooms I gave a dose of Berberis v. 30. I also prescribed Arsenicum 3, every four hours, and China 3x every eight hours.
She returned the following day to tell me that she had passed through the bowel over a pint of bile and that the neuritis had vanished overnight. Two weeks passed. She still complained of her head, burning sensation, and seemed a little depressed. I repeated the Berb.v., and prescribed Silica on retiring, Nux vomica 200 in the morning, China 6 before meals, Ignatia 6 after meals and the whole case cleared up. That was seven months ago. There had been no return.
In January of his year a Mrs. W. came for treatment. Her case card reads, “Nausea every morning for 25 years. Flatulence with loud rumbling and bubbling of the bowels. Never been right since flu. Catarrh (nasal and stomach). Prolapsus of bowel. Hot flushes. Easily frightened. Loquacious gets words and meanings mixed.” I gave Ipecac. 200 whilst in the rooms, and prescribed Thuja 200 on retiring, Lycopodium 6 before meals, Carbo veg. 6 after meals, with Ignatia 6 between meals.
Two weeks afterwards she called again with her married daughter. The daughter was laughing. I asked to be let in on the joke. The daughter said, “Let Mum tell you.” The mother then said, “I will tell him, Ill tell him what I told you and told your father, “I dont believe it, I dont believe it, I cant believe it.” Upon asking what it was that she didnt believe, she replied, “I dont believe that Im well, and I am.” I asked about the nausea each morning, the catarrh, bubbling of the bowels, prolapsus of the bowels, etc., she said, “They are all gone and I cant believe it.” Later she complained of pain in the right side and a cough. She had Lycopodium 200 and Alumina 30 and they cleared up overnight.
HEAL THYSELF (The Homoeopathic World) A Popular journal of Medical, Dietetic, Social and Sanitary Science By J ELLIS BARKER.
1939 Sep Vol LXXIV No 885
Ellis Barker J.
Ars / Arn / Ign / Rhus-t / Alum / Nat-p / Nux-v / Anac-oc / Thuj / Calen / Carb-v / Merc-d / Thyr / Diph / Hep / Arg-n.
BY Ellis Barker J.
ON February 21st, 1939, I was visited by Mr. O., a retired professional man, 62 years old, who came to me complaining about chronic indigestion with pain at the stomach outlet and a dull pain in the region of the caecum. This trouble had been in existence for more than twenty years.
Mr. O. had been thought the Great War, had received numerous wounds and injuries, and for more than twenty years he had been treated with anti-acids in the usual way. Besides he had been to well-known nature cure resort where he had been fasted and dieted, and the treatment had upset him badly. Every now and then he had a violent attack of indigestion which compelled him either to undergo a complete fast or to go on to a milk diet. Mr. O. used to weigh twelve stone, but his sufferings had reduced his weight to ten stone. After the War he had had a large number of carbuncles which were treated in the usual way by incision and drainage, without much success.
I was interested to learn that his pain was relieved by eating, a symptom which indicates Anacardium, and that he found vegetables and salad difficult to digest, a symptom which called for Arsenic. He had been vaccinated three times, and had obviously been upset. Vaccinated poisoning very frequently leads to the formation of polypi, and he had suffered from polypi. I gave him a lacto-vegetarian diet and gave him various remedies which were called for, particularly Arsenic 3 for fruit and salad indigestion, and Anacardium 3x which is indicated when digestive difficulties are relieved by eating. I gave him one a week a dose of Anacardium 200, and once a week a dose of Thuja 200 to antidote vaccination. Gentian is an excellent remedy to create an appetite assist digestion, and Calendula is an excellent wound disinfectant. It is particularly attractive because it is non- poisonous. I concluded that his chronic indigestion was largely due to the rawness of the stomach and the mucous membrane, a condition which was almost equivalent to that of an unhealthy wound. I gave him a mixture of Calendula tincture and Gentian tincture in equal parts, ten drops to taken in water half an hour before meals. Very promptly there was improvement. He found it no longer necessary to have periodic fasts or to subsist periodically on milk alone. He began to gain weight and strength after twenty years of suffering. He put on a great deal of weight became totally changed in mind and body.
In the course of months many different remedies had to be given. Each symptom had to be acted upon. I had to give him Hydrastis for his liver, Argentum nitricum for great acidity, Arnica for physical and mental fatigue, Ambra grisea for his nerves, Natrum phosphoricum for acidity, Lycopodium for flatulence, and so forth.
When he came to me he had lost all confidence in himself. Gradually he became a healthy, sturdy man, who was able to enjoy life one more.
On May 3rd, 1939, I was visited by Mr. W.H., who lived in the South of England. He had been a decorator before in the War, had done much painting, and he complained of most terrible suffering from chronic indigestion. As he had been a painter I had a suspicion that his sufferings might be due to lead poisoning. However, there were no indications of lead poisoning such as the well-known lead line on the gums.
His indigestion had started at the end of the War and he had been treated for gastric catarrh, colitis and for ulceration of the stomach. Mr. H. was well made and well proportioned, but prematurely aged. He had an earthy yellow skin, heavily lined, there were big bags under his eyes, and he complained of being completely strengthless. Physically and mentally he felt far below par. He was sentimental, could not digest fat, he had a dry mouth and little thirst. He was 10 stone 11 pounds when he came to me, and had lost more than a stone in weight. He felt depressed. He had to give up work long ago. He had lost all hope of recovery and came to me only when friends of his had urged him persistently to apply to me for help.
He improved rapidly. After a week he wrote to one: ” I have gained 12 pounds in weight.” After another week he told me: ” I can report a further gain of 2 pounds.” On June 7th he reported: “My weight is now 11 stone 4 pounds, the highest recorded although I am wearing lighter clothes”.
With increasing weight and improvement of digestion there came gain in strength. On June 28th he wrote: “For the first time months I have been able to work in the garden during the last two days without any exhaustion, and even with some pleasure”.
I saw Mr. H. on July 18th and found that he was a totally different man. He was no longer deeply jaundiced but had an almost normal colour, the whites of his eyes were white instead of being yellow, he was light-hearted, lithe in his movements, was far more active mentally, he had gained 10 pounds in weight, his rheumatism had practically disappeared, the terrible dragging in the abdomen had vanished, he was a totally different man, and full of gratitude.
On December 5th, 1938, I was visited by Mr. F., of Sussex, who came to me complaining of indigestion and colitis. Colitis is a scientific name for catarrh of the bowel. The patient was 53 years old, had retired from business, was living chiefly for his health exercising horses and dogs. Mr. F explained to me that he had suffered severely with digestion since childhood, had always been extremely thin, had a physical breakdown twelve years ago, and had been twice vaccinated. He had been a great meat earth, had treated by orthodox and by nature cure methods, and had always been constipated.
At the first glance I noticed that Mr. F. had deep and almost perpendicular lines at the sides of his mouth, lines of suffering which spelt dragging down of the abdominal organs, scientifically called enteroptosis. He was well over six feet in height, but terribly thin, and weighed only 82 stone. the right side of the body was the worst side, a symptom which indicated Lycopodium, and his need for Lycopodium was confirmed by prefering to go about with a hat, by his being shy, feeling best on rising and worst between 4 and 8 oclock in the evening, and by bloating of the abdomen, especially in the fight side, in the caecum area.
I gave him a diet designed to strengthen his muscles and organs. He was to take from two to three pints of milk a day plenty of eggs, cheese, wholemeal bread, wholemeal flour, and an abundance of bran to regulate his bowels. I gave him a combination of Ignatia and Carbo vegetabilis to his assist his digestion, Lycopodium 3x for bloating to be taken occasionally as needed, and he was to take first and last thing a dose of Lycopodium 12x because his symptoms pointed to the need for Lycopodium. For his colitis he was to take between meals doses of Mercurius dulcis 3x. Before meals he was given a grain of Thyroid to increase his appetite, every Thursday night he was to take a dose of Lycopodium 200, and every Saturday night a dose of Sepia 200 for the sagging down of his abdominal organs.
He improved immediately, and was very grateful, but of course there were setbacks. When a disease has been in evidence for decades one can never expect continued and uninterrupted improvement. Although there were many ups and downs, he improved most gratifyingly.
He visited me on May 2nd, 1939, and I wrote to him: ” You look extremely well, infinitely better than you did when I saw you the last time.” His bowel attacks disappeared completely, he no longer was afraid to eat, he ate hearty meals, became stronger than he had been for many years, went for longer excursions in the plains, went mountaineering in Corsica, etc.
Of course, I had to use many remedies to obtain this result, but those employed in the first instance proved well chosen and helpful.
On April 6th, 1939, I saw Miss C., who came to me in the following circumstances. A patient of mine, Miss W., had done exceedingly well. Her best friend was Miss C., and Miss C. had been desperately ill for more than four years. She had been a jolly, highly intelligent, powerful girl, but had developed a mysterious illness and had gradually declined until she was no longer able to walk or to stand or to use her hands. Her whole body was distorted, her power of speech had largely gone, and she and her friends were in despair.
My patient, Miss W., had frequently urged her to consult me, but Miss C. and her widowed mother were very much opposed to consulting anyone except qualified medical practitioners. Miss C.s mother was the widow of a doctor and both Mrs. C. and her daughter were convinced that if the best qualified specialists were unable to cure, it would be useless to go to an outsider who possessed no medical title.
After months of entreaty on the part of Miss W., Mrs. C. consented to her daughter consulting me. Miss C. was in a ghastly condition. She arrived in a car and had to be carried up to my consulting rooms by three people. Obviously she was strongly prejudiced against me, and looked at with eyes of hostility, if not of hatred. In order to steady her nerves I did a few passes on her head, but felt her resentment. I then gave her a dose of Ignatia which she swallowed with contempt. The mother started telling me at length what the doctors and specialists had said. She told me among other things that her daughter had lost more than 60 pounds in weight, and all the doctors and specialists had declared her daughter incurable, and informed her quite frankly that she could only get worse.
The recital of the views of the specialists made my blood boil. I brusquely told the mother: “I am not interested in the slightest in what the various specialists have said because they have done no good to your daughter, but I am very interested to learn what they have done.” It then came out that they had treated the poor woman with nothing but dopes. She was given dope to alleviate the intolerable pain, dope to make her sleep, dope to steady her nerves, etc. I had difficulty in controlling my anger.
Miss C. had a ghastly complexion, full of blotches which were largely caused by bromide, but I noticed a faint odour which told its own tale. I asked her mother, “How often does your daughter have a motion ?” “About once every fine days.” “And what is the character of the motion ?” “It is pestilential.” “What is her urine like ?” “Like thick soup.” “So the poor child has been poisoned from the bowels for years and years and the doctors and specialists have done nothing for the bowel poisoning, but have added to these poisons chemical poisons of the most dangerous kind”.
The hands of poor Miss C. were absolutely useless. They were completely distorted. She could not wipe her nose. I took one of her hands, manipulated it vigorously, and immediately it became slightly usable. Meanwhile the passes I had made on her head, the dose of Ignatia, and my general attitude had obviously done good. Miss C. looked distinctly better and brighter, and could not deny it when she looked into the mirror. For the first time in the course of years she had been given some reasonable hope.
I gave the girl a lacto-vegetarian diet, regulated the bowel with liquid paraffin, ordered the gradual reduction of sleeping draught, and gave her a combination of Nux vomica and Carbo vegetabilis to be taken before meals for her digestion, one grain of Thyroid to be taken after meals to increase her appetite. To clear her horrible skin and complexion she was to take a dose of Hepar sulphuris 2x first and last thing, and as her stiffness and pain were relieved by movement she was to take a dose of Rhus tox. 3x between meals.
If one wishes to treat a difficult case one must not only deal with the most striking symptoms presented by the patient, but must enquire into the past and deal with the far off causes of the disease. This point is usually neglected by doctors. Her trouble were obviously associated with very serious attacks of scarlatina and of diphtheria which had occurred many years ago. Besides aluminium was used in the kitchen, which very frequently produces stiffness of limbs and even paralysis. So the patient was to take a dose Scarlatinum 200 last think every monday, A dose of Alumina 200 last thing on thursday, and dose of Diphtherinum 200 last thing on Saturday.
The painfully stiff and useless limbs were to be massaged and manipulated with unrefined cod-liver-oil. Gradually various changes were effected. As the girl had been badly upset by vaccination occasional doses of Thuja 200 were administered.
On June 8th Miss C. was brought to me for the second time. I wrote to her mother: “I found your daughter greatly improved, to my great joy. She looks a totally different woman. She is very different as regards complexion, liveliness, feeling of muscles and hands and flexibility of joints, etc. It is absolutely essential that she has three motions a day and that she flushes her inside with quantities of liquid such as vegetable water, nettle tea and potato water.” I gave her occasionally homoeopathic tonics. the result has been very gratifying. Her weight had boon steadily going down until she came to me. In three months she gained 10 pounds n weight, could stand and could walk short distances unaided. Her fingers became more flexible and more usable. Instead of looking deeply jaundiced she acquired a beautiful clear skin, bright eyes, glossy hair and looked many years younger.
The process of treatment will necessarily be long drawn out, but the facts given suffice to show that even in the most desperate cases something can be done, and that very few diseases are incurable, that the diagnosis of incurable disease made by distinguished specialists can safely be disregarded in innumerable cases.
HEAL THYSELF (The Homoeopathic World) A Popular Journal of Medical, Dietetic, Social and Sanitary Science By J Ellis Barker.
1933 Feb Vol LXVIII No 806
Le Hunte Cooper R M.
(From the British Homoeopathic Journal).
I RECEIVED a letter from a lady, aged fifty, December 11th, 1931:.
“Bought aluminium saucepans and kettle, Christmas, 1930. A few weeks later, severe neuralgic pains head and eyes, mainly centred over left frontal eminence. Intractable to all treatment, even local injections. Frequently took six aspirin tablets without effect. In despair contemplated suicide.” Stopped aluminium cooking six weeks ago. First week pains shifted down to left side of face and ear, but were just as intense as ever. From then onwards the pain began to lessen in severity, till now only faint sensations left on that side.
Told to wait and see if all pains entirely went.
March 13th, 1932. Came to see me because still a faint trace left, now affecting left frontal eminence; so slight would not mind if it continued no worse. Alumina 3, repeated weekly.
Pains still continued in slighter form till June 20th, when Alumina 1m given (single dose).
July 5th. “Last remedy did more good than anything.”.
Feels wonderfully better. Former shoulder, arm and hand stiffness all gone, as well as the “dying feeling in the fingers.”.
July 19th. All pain completely gone.
September 24th, 1931. Lady, aged sixty-five. Enlarged puffy painful and tender knees for years (left the worst). Unable to sit in chair with legs bent. Has to constantly sit and rest when walking a short distance. Burning pains left thigh and leg, chiefly in anterior and posterior thigh. Has used aluminium cooking freely for years, and started aluminium teapot five years ago.
Examination – Knees very swollen and tender, especially over internal semilunar cartilages. Two marked egg-like popliteal swelling in each knee. Stopped all aluminium cooking and gave Alumina 200 every third day.
June 8th, 1932. Steady reduction in knees. Can sit with them bent. Can walk a mile without having to sit down. Tenderness only very slight over left internal semilunar cartilage. Egg- like swellings very greatly reduced.
May 9th. Insurance agent, aged 68. Recurring attacks of abdominal pain for years. all teeth removed for pyorrhoea four or five years ago. Bowels constipated, but a little laxative causes diarrhoea. Mucus passes from bowels. Abdominal pains have increased lately; they affect the left iliac region chiefly, coming on in the early morning with “feeling of great weight”. Some relief when the bowels act. Pain worse on empty stomach, relieved by food. Much drowsiness. Great uncertainty of bowel action; unable to receive invitations as they may act insistently at any time without warning. Frequent calls with often no result; want of expulsive power, great straining, felt chiefly in the left groin, as if he would burst something. Feeling always of “something left behind.”.
Examination: Intense abdominal tenderness all over colon. Peculiar “numb” feeling in left leg. Alumina 200 every third day.
May 30th (three weeks later). Feeling very much better. Not disturbed by bowels so much, which act much more regularly. No longer has to get up with useless calls at night. “Difficulty of expulsion” has now quite gone, says “it was awful before.” Motions six inches, formerly in little bits. (Has not altered his diet in any way.) Is definitely less “stiff” and left leg numbness is less.
Examination: General tenderness completely gone, leaving now only typical “aluminium tender spots,” viz., over gall bladder, pylorus, and McBurneys point. These are well marked.
July 12th. Practically all tenderness gone, and he has only trifling discomfort in the abdomen. Bowels acting very well without laxatives. Feels he can now empty the bowel perfectly.
THE DANGER OF ALUMINIUM [Danger of Aluminium]
HEAL THYSELF (The Homoeopathic World) A Popular Journal of Medical, Dietetic, Social and Sanitary Science By J Ellis Barker.
1933 Oct Vol LXVIII No 814
Ellis Barker J.
General Topics / Cases
Alum / Ars.
By Ellis Barker J.
MANY years ago, when going for long walks, I carried with me an aluminium flask full of cold tea. One day I did not take the flask and when on the following morning I wished to drink the cold tea I found it was as black as ink, aluminium having been dissolved by the tea. This gave me a great prejudice against aluminium which I found justified by scientific publications, which I read later on.
Messrs. John Bale, Sons & Danielsson, Ltd. have published at the price of 2s. 6d. a pamphlet by Dr. Leo Spira, “The Clinical Aspect of Chronic Poisoning by Aluminium,” in which we read:.
“Three main groups of symptoms are distinctly discernible, namely, gastro-intestinal, cutaneous and general. In the first group of outstanding feature is constipation. It appears that this complaint is present in almost every patient. Constipation is invariably accompanied by flatulence and colicky pain of such severity as in some cases to suggest the possibility of gastric or duodenal ulcer, gallstones, kidney stones, colitis or even acute abdomen, and resistance of the abdominal wall associated with tympanitis appears common. Some patients complain of dryness in the mouth and throat. The appetite is considerably impaired, or entirely lost, and there is retching during of after meals. The tongue loses the natural aspect of a flesh coloured, moist smooth surface. There appears a thick, white or dirty grey fur with the papillae red and enlarged. Later on, in much advanced cases, the tongue becomes indented by the teeth, raw and excoriated.”.
“Certain skin conditions also appear to be present. Acute and chronic urticarias (nettle rash) and in the acute cases the signs and symptoms are often of such unusual severity as immediately to suggest their being due to a highly potent irritant which in its action is closely similar to Arsenic. Cases of pruritus ( itching) generalized all over the body appear to be extremely common. Sometimes this is more pronounced in the hands and feet. Scattered over the skin small and large moles are observed. Loss of hair and horny degeneration of palms and soles and chilblains on the fingers and toes are frequently met with. The finger nails become soft and brittle.
“Turning to the third group of symptoms, frequent attacks of neuralgia and twitching of the legs must be mentioned. They occur mostly at night during sleep. Pain in the fingers and toes with numbness and deadness, in some cases even gangrene of the toes, occur. Pains of the most severe type, diagnosed as being of rheumatic origin, are a very common occurrence. Giddiness and excessive perspiration are frequently observed and anaemia is a regular feature. It must, of course not be assumed that all the symptoms in each case have been developed to the marked degree which has been described.”.
From the pamphlet it appears that Dr. Spira has studied cases of aluminium poisoning during ten years. He himself suffered from a weird eruption on the hands which no specialist could cure. Apparently it was cured by giving up the use of aluminium cooking utensils. Dr. Spira is an allopath and his treatments of cases of aluminium poisoning are extremely elementary regarded from the homoeopathic point of view. He gives to his patients vigorous laxatives and large doses of vegetable charcoal, being obviously guided by the allopathic superstition that drugs should be given in large quantities. The great value of Spiras pamphlet, which is not very well written, consists in a bibliography with more than a hundred entries.
I myself have seen some remarkable cases of aluminium poisoning. Miss P., a very tall girl, suffered from vomiting and diarrhoea which attacked her as soon as she started eating. Naturally she became totally emaciated and strengthless. Her motions frequently consisted of completely undigested food, which was rapidly swept through stomach and bowel. She was given the indicated homoeopathic medicines, a strengthening diet, and was told not to use aluminium cooking utensils, and she rapidly became well. Some months after she told me over the telephone that she had had one of her old attacks while with friends. She thought that it could not have been due to the food because she had had nothing except some biscuits and a glass of warm milk. I made her enquire whether the milk was heated in aluminium. It had indeed been heated in aluminium. Since then she has always enquired about aluminium when taking meals outside her house and there have been no further attacks of violent vomiting and diarrhoea during or immediately after meals.
A year ago a lady of my acquaintance sent to me her brother, Captain D., who was desperately ill. He was a man of magnificent physique, who told me that he had never been ill in his life, but he was gradually going to pieces. He looked and felt extremely ill and had become very weak, almost strengthless. Many symptoms suggested Arsenic poisoning and examination of the iris snowed numerous white cloudlets which are produced by given any medicine or tonic containing Arsenic or whether there was Arsenic in the wall paper, etc. He thought that there was no possibility of his having absorbed Arsenic. I then asked about aluminium which produces very similar symptoms and learned that in the kitchen only aluminium utensils were used. I thereupon regulated his diet, gave him a few suitable homoeopathic remedies, and Alumina 200, a single dose to be taken every Wednesday, as an aluminium antidote. After a few weeks he was completely restored and he told me that immediately after taking the aluminium antidote he had felt vastly better. Wednesday was a day to be looked forward to.
Messrs. John Bale, Sons & Danielsson have published two further pamphlets on aluminium, “The Danger of Food Contamination by Aluminium and Homoeopathy”. Both were written by Dr. Le Hunte Cooper and are obtainable at 2s. each. They are far more readable than the Spira pamphlet, but they lack a bibliography. Aluminium poisoning is very frequent. I have seen scores of cases myself. There are people who are extremely susceptible to aluminium poisoning like Miss P., and there are others who apparently can ingest aluminium in quantities. I have no doubt that both Miss P. and Captain D. would have died if aluminium poisoning had continued in their case, but the death certificate would not have mentioned aluminium poisoning as the cause of death. In the former case, the girl would probably have become tuberculous, while my military friend was in danger of dying of kidney disease.
Aluminium is produced by one of the wealthiest trusts in the world. Large advertisers are treated with the greatest consideration by journals dependent on their advertisement revenue. Further, a large and wealthy corporation can publish, regardless of expense, opinions of experts regarding the harmlessness of their productions. So-called experts feed a number of laboratory animals with small doses of aluminium and, if they do not show any ill-effect, we are told in scientific language that the consumption of aluminium in small doses is quite harmless to human beings. Of course laboratory animals and human beings react differently to different drugs. The only conclusive experiments are experiments on human beings. There is an abundance of evidence available that aluminium is a dangerous poison. Dr. Cooper, Dr. Spira, or some other medical man may erect a monument to himself by writing a book of few hundred pages in which the subject of aluminium poisoning is treated exhaustively with scores of examples and possibly with experiments made on human beings. An enthusiastic doctor should be able to organize a squad of twenty medical students to put aluminium to the practical test, and if a considerable percentage of these students should develop distinct signs of aluminium poisoning the aluminium question would be solved.
HEAL THYSELF (The Homoeopathic World) A Popular Journal of Medical, Dietetic, Social and Sanitary Science By J Ellis Barker.
1936 Aug Vol LXXI No 848
From Pacific Journal Coast of Homoeopathy.
IN the third act of “Siegfried” from Wagners drama “Die Niebelungen” it reads:”Loudly calls the Song, strongly summons the Magic.” So I felt, when our chairman insisted on asking me to speak about Sepia as a remedy for men, which, of course, did not refer to its action in sexual weakness and atonic pollutions, nor chronic gonorrhoea and prostatorrhoea in irritable, moody or weepy-melancholy men, but to its general usefulness in troubles of younger or older men. This is often overlooked; generally it is considered a womans remedy. No, I speak of a case from my practice, which may possibly be more interesting.
1. Mr. E. J., 31, came to me reporting: In January, 1932,I entered an employment; the work at the typewriter was very hard, but I succeeded well and without getting tired. Middle of September I felt formication in the right foot, thinking at first the foot had gone to sleep; when walking, I often had to sit down to rest; I felt so tired. But since it did not get better, I consulted my physician, who examined me thoroughly and prescribed Promota and Pine-needle baths with cold sponge rubs. There was no improvement, just the opposite, I noticed that work got harder for me. In October I noticed that I saw everything double. I consulted an oculist, who prescribed light baths for the head. After a week it was a little better, but recurred soon again with the addition of a left-sided facial paralysis, which the physician treated with electrical face massage. A blood examination proved negative. Not only did I fail to get better, but my right arm and right leg became clumsy; my physician sent me to a neurologist, who treated me till end of December with injections. Since no improvement occurred, I consulted another doctor, a nerve-specialist, who also treated me with injections, which did to help me, so I quit him. On February 8th I entered the hospital and had a very thorough examination by Professor P., who also made a lumbar puncture, which showed no blood corpuscles. Now albumin was found in my urine. Diagnosis: Multiple sclerosis. I was given half-and full baths. After three weeks I was sent to a spa, because the paralysis of arm and leg got worse after a short improvement. The physician in chief here made the same diagnosis. I was given Arsenic injections, baths and massage. My condition did improve a little, so I went home and then to the Northsea Bath Sylt. Beginning of November, 1933, vision in left eye was fast diminishing; the toes of the paralyzed leg contracted until I could not walk alone.
November 26th, 1933, patient came to me. I found a very sick young man in a desperate mood. He had formication and numbness of feet; the small of back was as if broken, with cramps in back; patellar reflexes increased; fissures on lips and nose; constipation; thirst, aversion to potatoes; walking very difficult. He was the picture of misery. Which remedy corresponds to the totality of the patient? None but ALUMINA. This was given in the 200th centesimal potency on three successive evenings, and this was followed by Placebos. After two weeks he reported that he was so much worse, that he could not be transported to me any more. Both hands were powerless, without tremors; he could not dress or undress without help. His vision also was less. I prescribed more Placebos. The middle of January a slow, but steady improvement set in, and in February he again could visit me without help. He now took walks, regained vital energy, and again enjoyed life. He continued to improve and took up his work once more.
Now you may ask: was the diagnosis correct? Or was this only a functional condition? Let the scientists debate this point. For me the totality of the sick man was deciding, which led me unerringly to the simillimum. During the entire treatment it was important that the patient have full confidence in me. You all know the importance of such a psychic condition, especially when a patient comes to us in utter despair, but leaves full of hope and confidence. It seems to me, that Alumina is not used often enough. Characteristic for its choice are the general weakness and paleness, the dryness of the mucous membrane, formication and numbness of hands and feet; the craving of warmth– in opposition to Secale –aggravation from walking in the dark; potatoes always agree poorly. But remember, Alumina acts deeply, slowly, and only in high potencies.
Now I shall relate another similar case:.
2. Mrs. M., 34, came to me March 23rd, 1933, with the following symptoms; Since the birth of her last child three years ago, a slowly developing paralysis of the lower extremities appeared, which interfered very much with her walking. She did not feel sick, but was very weak. She looked anaemic and delicate; she disliked the cold; felt better in moist weather; constipation with flatulency especially after eating potatoes; backache and numbness of soles of feet. She was very depressed, especially after menstruation; profuse leucorrhoea at times; patellar reflexes exaggerated. I prescribed Alumina 200th centesimal potency three doses on three successive evenings. On April 4th there was no appreciable change. For the next ten days she had Placebos. Then I gave her Arnica 30, a daily dose for fourteen days, on account of having had an instrumental delivery. On May 14th she returned full of happiness because she felt she could walk so much better. I continued Arnica every other evening till the middle of July when improvement stopped. Menstruation became more and more scanty, and the patient looked oedematous. This suggested endocrine dysfunction to me, so I gave her Thyroidin 30th, which was followed by a remarkable improvement. To-day patient seems to be entirely well. It was difficult to make a diagnosis, but without doubt, spinal cord trouble was present, which also prompted me to give Alumina, especially since the other symptoms seemed to indicate it. But while it acted so well in the first case, now it lost out entirely. Every case is different and must be considered not yet complete. It is difficult to free oneself from the experience in similar cases, but here we see again that strict individualizing is necessary in our homoeopathic therapy. The total condition and the total picture are more important for the selection of the remedy than for a diagnosis of a single organ.
The Homoeopathic Recorder By Bose N C.
1948 Mar Vol VIII No 12
Varney J D.
Alum / Con / Rhus-t / Cupr-ar / Berb-v / AUr / Stram / Phyt.
We. were all surprised to read an article published a few months ago in one of our eastern homoeopathic journals, written by a graduate of a so-called homoeopathic college, in which he states “Homoeopathy is no longer needed or desired Such a statement coming from a graduate of any homoeopathic college shows that there is something radically wrong either with the man making the statement or with the college giving him his training. For just as human beings live and get sick, just so long will they need homoeopathy to cure them of ailments that cannot be cured by any other system now to medical science. The homoeopathic principle cannot be destroyed, and cures will go on being made by prescribing remedies compatible with or covered by the symptoms of the individual being treated.
Now, is the failure to recognize this principle a failure of the doctor making such statement or the college giving him his training? I feel that the colleges are teaching too much modern research and losing sight of the necessity of teaching pure homoeopathy. I would not condemn research or have you believe that all the remedies it is bringing out are no good if properly used. In my opinion here is where this young man has made a great mistake; he has not only lost sight of what little homoeopathy has learned, but he has become too enthusiastic over some of the new remedies that have been brought out in lay magazines and the daily papers as well I would like to call his attention to a like enthusiasm a few years back over such drugs as cincophen dinitrophenol, and a few others, and ask him where they are today? After causing many deaths and blindness in as many more patients they have been consigned to the ash can. Now comes the sulfa group and alike enthusiasm and advertisement causing the abuse which is already bringing much harm and the doctors are reaping the results of their folly. In the May 2 issue of the A.M.A. Journal 1942 a note is made of serious damage to the mucous membrane of the nose caused by using sprays of one of these drugs. In the same issue is a report of four deaths caused by extensive damage to internal organs from their use. OD Quarterly in the April issue reports that sulfapyridine is causing stone in the kidney and urinary tract. The Science News Letter, April 25, reports that the Drs. McKenzie of Johns Hopkins have discovered that the sulfa drugs are causing enlargements of the thyroid.
Now I would like to ask this young man which shows the better sense, to stay by homoeopathy and learn the art well enough to get real results or fool with these remedies that will take human life if improperly used.
If the college fails to impress the student with the necessity of knowing homoeopathy, or the student fails to use what he does know of it, when he is thrown out on his own he wanders around like a ship without a rudder, and in place of getting down and digging out the indicated homoeopathic remedy he falls into the sloppy method of allowing some pharmaceutical house to suggest his treatment so in place of prescribing for his patient he just hands him some prepared pills and spends the spare time on the golf course. He gets by for a time, but not for long, for life is not made up that way for a successful physician. He who expects to succeed without effort will surely meet defeat.
Dr. John Sharp of the University of Nebraska in a recent article made this statement. First we must realise before using any specific procedure that successful treatment depends upon finding and eliminating the cause. Unless this fact is appreciated we will have poor or incomplete response or prompt relapse at the cessation of our treatment of our treatment.” No truer statement has ever been made, and right here is one place where homoeopathy cures many a case which is unrecognized by the allopathic form of prescribing for in early cases before we can have pathology we must have disturbed physiology which produces many symptoms, and the proper homoeopathic remedy prescribed on these symptoms will remove the cause and prevent the development of the pathology. And is chronic cases where pathology has already produced a chronicity no system of medicine of any school can equal homoeopathy.
But to be real homoeopathic prescriber will not be accomplished by denouncing homoeopathy, but only through hard work and study. Therefore I can see why these young men with little knowledge of homoeopathy, and with so much scientific research thrown at them, take the easy way out. I was not taught too much homoeopathy when I was in college but I was a firm believer in it and when I failed to get results I did not condemn it but got down to “brass tacks” and tried, anyway, to learn real homoeopathy, so now after holding diplomas from four different colleges and practicing over forty-two years with many post-graduate certificate to my credit, I feel competent to say that no other system to date can show the brilliant results of pure homoeopathy.
In support of this statement I want to report a few clinical cases, not because they are so unusual (any homoeopath could report thousands of like cases) but because every one of these had been treated, not only by one but by several old school. doctors who failed to give any relief; and I would like to say to this young man who wrote such an article that it is my opinion that if he would spend as much time studying homoeopathy as he does in condemning it, he might be able to show like results.
Case I Mrs. N. moved to Cleveland where she gave birth to a baby boy who suffered from an aggravated case of eczema and an obstinate case of constipation from birth. The old-school physician who confirmed her took the baby from the breast and treated him with all kinds of ointments and prepared milks and cathartics with no benefit. The baby cried almost constantly night and day, and I suppose that knowing nothing better, he wrote a prescription for phenobarbital to put the baby to sleep, so he and the parents could get a little rest. The mother who had been raised a homoeopath, objected to giving her baby “dope” so she wrote to me enclosing the prescription and asking if it were necessary to give this to a baby. She also gave me the following symptoms. Baby covered from head to foot with an eruption worse on the face and legs, for the baby rubs the face with his hands and rubs the legs together until they are raw and bleed. The eruption also oozes a clear straw colored serum. Vomits food badly stools are hard, dry and knotty, no movement without an enema, and when the bowels do move the anus bleeds. There also seems to be a good deal of itching of same as baby tries to rubs it. The baby now was three months old and had received treatment constantly from birth.
I sent her two powders of Alumina 1m, with instruction to give one powder and to wait ten days and not give other one unless necessary. In ten days she wrote me that babys bowels moved naturally the following morning after taking the powder, for the first time in his life, that the eruption was practically gone, and she wanted to know what to do with the other powder. She was instructed to keep it and if he ever needed it to give it to him. In about three months he became a little constipated and she gave him the other powder and he has remained a normal baby, with no more trouble to date, which is now going on four years.
Case II. Mr. K., a school teacher, aged 60, came to me from a neighboring town complaining of a severe vertigo and ringing in one ear. He had received treatment for three months with no relief Examination showed no pathology (and without pathology the “old school has no anchor”). His vertigo was aggravated by lying down and especially on turning over in bed, on raising up and when attempting to walk he had a tendency to fall to one side. Intercourse made him dizzy and nauseated He also complained of some prostatic irritation. One dose of Conium 1M cured him in a few days.
About six months later he returned, this time with an eruption on his arms and stated he had been given sulphur externally, internally and eternally, and when this failed to cure, his physician recommended that he go to Columbus to consult a specialist and offered to make an appointment for him, but he decided to come to me. Again he had no pathology, only an eruption which oozed a clear straw-coloured serum when the small blisters (of which it consisted) were ruptured. The itching was aggravated by washing, rubbing and in damp weather. He was given one dose of Rhus tox, 10m which cured in a few days and it never returned.
Case III. Mrs S., a tall dark complexioned girl, age 30, always in good health until about four years ago when she married and moved to another town, where she gave birth to a baby. While carrying the baby she developed a severe albuminuria, but she finally got through the birth, but was left with painful kidney condition. She was cystoscoped and sent to Dayton to have one kidney removed, but as I had been her physician before marriage she decided to come to me before submitting to an operation. At this time she was cured completely with Cuprum ars, and Berberis vulgaris.
About four years later her husband became involved in some heavy financial trouble and his creditors harassed him all the time, causing him to lose his job and his home. Constant worry over this condition and the fact that he seemed unable to improve his condition much, developed in her a neurosis to the point of mild insanity. Her physician failed to relieve her, so she was sent to Cincinnati to consult a specialist, who ordered her into a hospital for an operation; but they, having no money and not being much in sympathy with operations, pressed him to know what he was operating for. He admitted he could find no pathology upon which he could base his treatment, but thought that an exploratory incision might reveal some damage done at childbirth which would help him. When she reported to me I found her very nervous and carrying a big bottle of Bromides and phenobarbital. In discussing her trouble she would burst out crying and then look up with a smile and say “Why do I do this?” She was despondent, disgusted with life yet afraid to die, and to mention death or read of one in the papers would upset her for days. Oversensitive and somewhat peevish. Could not sleep and would get up at night and someone would take her out for a walk. She was given Passiflora for a few days until I could study her case further, and then she was given Aurum Metallicum 1 M Three doses cured her completely in three weeks.
Case IV. A tall dark- haired female age 28 married about ten years ago and became infected by her young husband with gonorrhoea. She later submitted to a double salpingectomy. Following this she had several attacks of mania for which she was treated by several different physicians who wanted to send her to the state hospital. The parents objected and worried along with her for around three years, giving her bromides, and as her brother was troubled with some nervous condition and in the habit of taking phenobarbital they gave her large doses of it, but as soon as the hypnotic effect wore off she was the same as ever. The night I called she was having one of the most violent attacks I have ever seen, raving, cursing and using the foulest language that I have ever heard coming from any womans mouth. She would kick, scratch and bite, tore off every stitch of clothing she had on and got away from the family out on the street and they had to resort to an automobile to catch her. One minute she was cursing and the next praying and singing, using her hands, swinging in rhythmic motion to her music (if you could call it that, for it was composed of words with no meaning). Her husband told me that at these times she had an irresistible desire for intercourse. I recognised Stramonium as her remedy but did not have it in my case, so I gave her the next best, which was Hyoscyamus. This did little good and she raved on. I drove home and got Stramonium 1 M and went back and got one dose down her by placing same in her drinking water. She soon went to sleep and when she awoke the following morning she was normal and has remained so ever since, something over one year.
Case V. Mrs H., a childless woman age 45, who had a hysterectomy about ten years before for a fibroid, discovered a tumor in her left breast which was discharging through the nipple. She consulted a surgeon who advised an operation at one, but at my request she deferred the operation for some medical treatment. Examination revealed no pathological condition except a tumor about the size next to the sternum, and a bland discharge from the nipple. Some pain which was worse by sitting up and moving about, and was better by lying on her stomach. I gave her Phytolacca 12x which she took night and morning for about six months. The condition completely disappeared and she has remained well to date- a period of about three years.
Learning from Seniors [Learning From Seminars]
1996 Nov / Dec Vol V No 6
Shahida A Baig.
Merc-s / Alum / Plb.
An approach to a case is a difficult topic. Every Physician has his own way and no one likes to loose his case just as no driver wishes for an accident. The basic knowledge of medical education trains a doctor to learn about his patient and disease. But for the rest, his intuition works. Medical science is an imperfect science. Whatever is written in books should not necessarily be also found correct in our day to day practice, which in fact is an art.
My introduction to Homoeopathy was incidental. I was very sick and declared incurable by my doctors. Those were bad days formed & my family but finally my sufferings and agony were treated by Homoeopathy. This gave an excitable joy to my husband, Dr. Mirza Anwar Baig, a famous allopath then and now a Homoeopath. He insisted that I learn Homoeopathy.
The clinical approach or a pathophysiological approach to assess Homoeopathic remedy requires a lot of clinical background. Here I would like to share my clinical experience with some of the critical cases treated by us. The first case is of my aunt.
Case 1:.
She was a known case of Diabetes and Hypertension with Ischaemic Heart Disease. She was admitted in intensive care unit of a hospital in Mumbai for the treatment of myocardial infarction. One day she developed severe chest pain with respiratory distress and became critical. My cousin sister called me desperately saying that the attending doctors have expressed their inability to manage the case, as she had a second massive attack and could die at any moment. “Call all your relatives” they said.
I saw she was in a state of collapse. She was deathly pale, prostrated and was restlessly fighting for her last breath. Her eyes were sunken, face swathed in perspiration and whole body was drenched even though fans and A/C were on. She caught my hand to lean forward, looked restless and begged; Beti, save me. I gave her a dose of Carbo veg 200 which gave her a little ease after two-three eructations but she still was critical.
I came out from the intensive room and phoned my husband. He prescribed Merc sulph 30, repeated doses. My aunt was discharged from the hospital after a couple of days. When I asked my husband about the diagnosis of the remedy which helped her so quickly, he explained: what I described on phone was a clinical picture of Acute Congestive Pulmonary Oedema which she developed because of the severe heart attack with signs of left sided failure.
Pulmonary oedema is one of the gravest emergencies in clinical practice. The patient is dyspnoeic, orthopnoeic and restless, actually drowning in own secretions. This matched with the clinical picture, I described of my aunt. Dyspnoea pathophysiologically was caused by an elevation in left ventricular end diastolic and left atrial pressure leading to back pressure & fluid collecting in the Lungs.
The rubric selected was DROPSY, in CHEST, Kents repertory; page 829. Nine remedies are listed with three marks. Amongst them two are restless. Since the patient was warm Arsenic was overruled and Merc-sulph was prescribed.
Case 2:.
He was a 10 year old boy suffering from obstipation (Chronic constipation). The boy was not able to pass his stools for fifteen days at a time. Enema and rectal suppositories were ineffective. The duration of his illness was three months. During this time he could only pass his stools twice and that too surprisingly,in the hospital, when he was administered barium for the purpose of investigations. His reports were normal and the doctors of two different hospitals were not able to find the cause of his disease. Serological reports were also normal. In spite of this, they gave him antitubercular line of treatment with no result.
The detailed history revealed that the child used to get frequent diarrhoea for which he was treated but it resulted in constipation. Thereafter he was treated as a T.B. patient. However the child did not experience any uneasiness because of the constipation.
I gave the boy Plumbum on basis of totality and later Pulsatilla on the basis of constitution but both the remedies failed. I discussed the case with my husband who gave me the clue to get the simile which finally worked.
The clue was that whenever he received barium meals he was able to pass stools. This was interpreted as similar to paralytic ileus. The barium meal is a heavy metal and has its own weight which passes out with the force of gravity and not with the bowel movement. The remedy was Alumina 1M single dose.
Similar pathology or state of intestines has been registered during the proving of Alumina, where the accumulated stools passed out at a time (ref. Dr. Herings Guiding Symptoms; page 157, vol. 1-2: No desire for, and no ability, until there is a large accumulation).
Case 3.
He was two and half year old with inability to stand or walk. (see photo below) His limbs had become flexed as if they had no life, although he was able to move them. The child was constipated with no appetite and was on antitubercular line of treatment. His CT Scan Brain did not reveal any pathology. He was treated as a polio case.
The detailed history revealed that the mother noticed twitching on the right side of the face. Later the child went into spasm, followed by loss of power. The history further revealed that the first problem of the child was diarrhoea following measles and was treated with antidiarrhoeal remedies for a long time. And gradually he developed loss of power. The history further revealed that the first problem of child was diarrhoea following measles and was treated with antidiarrhoeal remedies for a long time. And gradually he developed loss of power and weakness of his limbs along with wasting. The child was mentally active and mischievous with a constant desire to travel outside.
I prescribed Causticum but did not find any further change. On 17-11-969 the case was seen by my husband who prescribed him Plumbum met 200-3 doses, One dose every 3rd day. Next week when the patient reported there was not much improvement in the power of the muscles but the child had started eating food (earlier he was taking only biscuits, the mother had disclosed) and started passing normal stools. In the 2nd week the child started to step forward with the help of his father and from the 3rd week onwards he started walking with the help of father. On 8-12-96 the child was given Calcarea carb 200, single dose which further aided in the recovery.
Plumbum met was prescribed on clinical observation alone and that too on the basis of pathophysiology. The rubrics selected were two 1) Sardonic laughter (K R page 62) and 2) Flexed leg when tries to walk (page 1006).
Pathologically sardonic laughter and flexed limbs are actually rigidity due to painless tonic spasms of the masseter and lower limb muscles. This kind of tonic rigidity of the facial muscles and of the limbs matches with that of Plumbum. This typical picture one can see in a tetanus ward. Tonic rigidity is thought to be due to the action of the toxin on the neuro muscular end plates, whereas reflex spasm or convulsions are caused by the increased excitability of the anterior Horn cells.
In such cases CATSCAN or MRI will not reveal any clue, but of course the FACE of the patient will. The boy was given later a few weekly doses of Silica after long observation and reflection about his condition. Although he could walk with the help of parents, it is only if he can walk unaided that we can claim to have cured him. If silicon (silica) in the soil can provide grit and help the plant to grow erect we though it can also help this boy to walk erect. And, lo, the result of Silica was dramatic and the boy is now able to walk erect on his own.
1943 Dec Vol LIX No 6
Bernard Aschner.
Alum / Calc-p / Apis / Lach / Arn / Ran-b / Merc / Mez / Graph / Dros / Calc / Nat-s / Nat-m / Ign / Asaf / Tub / Calc-f / Hecla / Sil.
Dr. Von Hennes, Cologne, says pointedly: The homoeopathic remedies lend themselves particularly for an actual Constitution Therapy. The altering of the total constitution in the aim of every real cure. The symptom totality serves for the choice of the indicated remedy. Organ relations are only to be considered secondarily. Often the superficial opinion is voiced, that, e.g., a depressed or irritable frame of mind is a result of the chronic suffering. Yet one often sees at the second or third visit a happy change from the depression even though the local condition has not changed. If the view stated were correct, then the patient would have all reason to be still “more in the dumps” as long as the local condition had not changed. But one observes here that the slower reacting organs like the skin, liver, etc., lag behind the psychic symptom action of the remedy. This proved the deep operation of our remedies on the total constitution. The higher the potency, the deeper the penetration on the constitution.
CASE: 1. Child of two and a half years. Diagnosis: Atonic constipation; sthenic constitution; takes cold easily; enuresis, but not very often. Has loved to ear coal. Dyspepsia from taking laxatives. Prescription; Alumina 30x. every second evening a few globules to be sucked. Later: twice daily a tablet of Calcarea phosphorica 6X. to be taken the same way. In four weeks a total change; relatives could hardly believe it was the same child. Appetite and stool normal, no more enuresis, tongue clean, better complexion, happy disposition.
CASES II and III. Two cases of angina tonsillaris.
Student of 23; for two days fever up to 103 degrees; pain in right side of the throat, stitching, burning; urticaria-like eruption simulating scarlatina, but disappeared in two days; pharynx oedematous and as if lacquered; no coating on tonsils; no thirst. Prescription: Apis 6X. two drops in water for gargle every fifteen minutes.
After an initial aggravation of the throat symptoms no more complaints. Patient has had at least a dozen previous attacks lasting six to seven days. Is now taking a prophylactic course of Apis 60X., seven globules every fourth day.
Mrs. J., 51, has had constriction pains in left tonsil, better from swallowing, but when she awakened this morning the pain was so fearful in spite of a normal temperature that I was sent for. Examination showed the left tonsil covered with a smeary, pussy, foul smelling exudate. Prescription: Lachesis 10X., seven globules in a glassful of boiled water, a swallow every half hour. After two hours they telephoned that the patient was delirious with a temperature of 103 plus; palpitation. I gave her Lachesis 200X., and in less than thirty minutes there was much general improvement. The evening temperature was 98 degrees. Tonsillar coating practically disappeared. The next day the patient was only weak, but wanted to get out a bed. Lachesis 60X. and 200X. were continued from time to time, and patient claims she has not felt so well since the climacteric at thirty-eight. Neighbors confirmed spontaneously the change in her.
CASE IV. Mrs. J., 48 nurse. Diagnosis: Prepatellar bursitis on both knees for half a year. Tincture of iodine, aluminum oxide, had been used without result. Aspiration had helped only temporarily. Prescription: Arnica 30 every evening, seven globules to be sucked. Nights knee-pack with dry arnica flowers. Course: after four weeks complete cure. Patient reports that her fear complex and cardiac weakness, which she had not mentioned previously, were very much improved, and her superintendent has remarked upon it too. It is to be regretted that she did not have the courage to report the homoeopathic cure to her chief physician.
CASE VI. Mrs. S., 49, suffers from left-sided intercostal neuralgia since yesterday, cause not known, no fever. Pleura not involved. The pain is stitching, worse from touch. Prescription: Ranunculus bulbosus 4X., seven drops in water every hour. The next day typical herpes zoster. Remedy continued; clay compresses. Eruption increased, but heals off in a few days under Mercurius solubilis 10X., seven drops daily. During the entire course the pain was easily tolerated even without narcotics, and there was no residual pain.
CASE VII. In a case of residual pain after herpes zoster which had lasted for more than a year, Mezereum 30X. cured in two weeks.
CASE VIII. Mrs. G., 51, has suffered for five years from a dry eruption of fissured finger ends. Six specialists could neither agree on diagnosis nor cause. Salves, irradiation and injections had given temporary relief, but left the skin hard like parchment without any sensation. The general symptoms: worry, depression, congestions with palpitation, constipation without desire to stool, remained unrelieved. Prescription: vegetarian diet; Graphites 6X., three times daily before meals. After two weeks much improved and under Graphites 15X., 30X., 60X. and finally 200X. ended in a complete cure of the entire condition. There has been no return during two years. Patient states she feels much younger.
CASE IX. Rosemary S., two years, typical pertussis for two weeks, has been treated homoeopathically with Cuprum arsenicosum and Magnesia phosphorica, but no result was had. Since the attacks are worse after midnight with retching and vomiting of touch mucus, patient was given Drosera 3X. three drops hourly; after four days there was no improvement. Since the Calcarea typus was prominent, and the mother stated that the patient had difficulty in dentition and learning to walk, I prescribed Calcarea carbonica 30X. three times daily, seven globules. After this the pertussis was soon cured under Drosera 12X. and 30X.
CASE X. Mr. S., 26, has suffered from anal fistulae for six years; cause unknown. Suppuration often for two weeks, yet feeling well. When suppuration ceases yellow expectoration takes place with diffuse bronchitic auscultatory sounds and dyspnoea. On account of the reciprocal symptoms between and fistulae and bronchial symptoms patient was given Calcarea phosphorica 3X., three times daily, which increased both the fistulous and bronchial condition, hence the same remedy was prescribed in the 6X. potency, three times daily as much as a pea of the trituration, and later only twice daily. In seven weeks the fistulae were almost entirely closed, no pain upon pressure, and very little discharge; free of bronchial symptoms in spite of moist cold weather. The patient’s general condition was much improved, as also the accompanying anaemia. After Calcarea phosphorica 60X., seven globules every other evening, the rest of the symptoms disappeared in a few weeks. Patient feels that he has undergone a complete physical change.
CASE XI. Mr. M., 34. Diagnosis: Influenza, temperature 104 degrees, beginning somnolence, rales, rapid heart action, but strong and regular. Has been treated for liver trouble during last three or four years. Prescription: Natrum sulphuricum 6X., as much as a pea of the trituration every half hour to be dissolved in the mouth. Course: Remarkable improvement in seven to eight hours, followed by quick recovery, also as to liver condition later under Natrum sulphuricum 30X., seven globules every other evening. According to my observations this remedy is one of the best liver canalisators, and should be remembered in any disease in which there are symptoms of liver dysfunction.
CASE XII. Miss D., 29. Diagnosis: Obstipation especially upon mental depression; intestines dry, stool crumbly, at times bloody from anal fissures, with difficult expulsion. Emaciation in spite of good appetite; sleepy after meals. Nasal catarrh with obstruction and loss of the sense of smell. Patient is depressed, irritated by being consoled. Prescription: Natrum muriaticum 6X., a tablet sucked three times daily. After two weeks no improvement. When the same remedy was prescribed from another drugstore improvement was evident as to stool and generally. After four weeks the 15X. potency was given and later the 30th. To quote the mother: she changed in a few weeks from a hypochondriac old maid to a happy young woman.
CASE XIII. Mrs. T. was deeply depressed for two years, and she could not do any housework; headache on vertex, lack of appetite; much yawning; grinding of teeth in sleep till gums were bleeding. Cause: suppressed anger, jealousy. Prescription: Ignatia 30X., seven globules every other evening. On the fourth day a severe icterus developed with sensation of being very sick, and with increased depression; six days’ bed rest were ordered, and instead of the 30th potency the 200 was given, a dose every evening. Immediate improvement followed and a complete cure in less than five weeks.
CASE XIV. Mr. G., 23, has frequently suffered since childhood from pain and swelling of left foot; since his twelfth year tuberculosis of the bones of the foot; is now hospitalized awaiting amputation because all conservative treatments have failed.
He was dismissed from hospital upon demand and came under my treatment at his home. The foot is badly swollen and of livid color; from six fistulae ichorous pus of foul odor is discharged. In fistulae burning, stitching pain; and nocturnal pains in bones. Prescription; vegetarian diet, much raw fruit and vegetables, salt-free food; clay compresses in alternation with hay-flower packs; internally Tuberculinum 1M. every two weeks a dose. Asafoetida 10X. two times daily; later Calcarea phosphorica 6X., a tablet three times daily; followed still later by Calcarea fluorica 12X; after a while Hecla lava 4X. was given, and finally Silica 12X. After a year the foot was well and fully useful.
Very important is what Dr. Hennes (the compilator of these cases) and other reliable homoeopathists have to say about cases of carcinoma: Even if we cannot cure far advanced cases of the tumors and metastases, it often is possible to influence by homoeopathic remedies the physical conditions of these sufferers so favorably that they frequently live relatively comfortable and carefree without narcotics, and when the end comes they sleep away gently and peacefully without any agony.
NERVOUS MOMENTS OF A “G P ” [Nervous Moments Of G P]
The Homoeopathic Recorder By Allan D Sutherland.
1948 Nov Vol LV No 11
Elizabeth Wright Hubbard.
Nat-s / Camph / Sep / Lyc / Lach / Alum / Sil / Phos / Alum-sil / Crat.
To this august assemblage no explanation is needed that a G.P.” does not stand for general paretic, nor even for grateful patient, for in the I.H.A. (alias Internally Happy Altruists, or Intensely Homoeopathic Aggregate, or Immediately Helpful Aids, or whatever each of you feels the I.H.A. symbolizes) all your patients are grateful. No, “G.P.” stands for that precious anachronism in big cities today, the General Practitioner. You will not accuse me of needing Gels. or Arg. nit., or even Lyc. or Sil., when I assert that the G.P. of the best homoeopathy has his “nervous moments”.
At these critical times not only the life of the patient is at stake, and the doctors reputation, but the furtherance of faith in homoeopathy in some small but devoted purlieu.
CASE I. Woman, 46, complains of swelling and stiffness of the joints, markedly < in wet weather, bathing, or even drinking water; bitter taste, bright yellow coat on rear of tongue; rightsided flatus, < on waking, cant bear tight clothing, loose a.m. stools; violent impulse to harm her children; suicidal, has to restrain herself; red naevi. Natrum sulph. 10M., one dose.
Marked improvement for two months, when return of symptoms called for repetition.
CASE II. Woman, 84, diabetic; 4 plus sugar in urine cleared and blood sugar of 205 lowered a year ago by diet and Phos. 1M., one dose, followed in a few days by Dig. 10M. because of slow intermittent pulse, nausea and frequent urination. She then went south for the winter and felt so well she omitted medication. On returning she had sudden terrific diarrhoea, scanty stools, collapse, no sweat, dry mouth, blueness, icy fingers and toes, cold yet insisted on uncovering; acetone 4 plus, sugar 2 plus; apparently dying though not comatose. Camphora 10M., one dose.
Acetone cleared, sugar reduced to least trace; sat up in chair in twenty-four hours.
CASE III. Woman, 40; one child; hysterectomy years ago; has sudden profuse thick yellow burning leucorrhoea, two days duration, with bearing down sensation. Craving for sours since onset; all-gone sensation, nausea. Violent burning urination and frequency; pain up the rectum on urinating. Smear 4 plus for gonorrhoea. Sepia 10M., one dose. Second smear on third day, 1 plus. Distress almost gone. Smears at one-week intervals all negative thereafter. Monthly checks since negative. General health better than in years.
CASE IV. Man, 42, scalp eczema for many years, spreading. Patches circinate, red rims, dry, scaly, itchy mostly in the late afternoons; right lumbar backache, urine negative. Desires sweets lately. Irritable, marked inferiority complex; blood pressure low. Lyc. 10M., one dose.
Two weeks later red rims to eruption gone, less itch, looking and feeling better.
CASE V. Boy, 3 treated by sulfanilamide by suburban M.D. for streptococcus throat. Local condition and fever controlled, but child dwindling, low persistent fever, very low white count. Cant bear top button of shirt closed, wakes from sleep or nap cross and miserable. Left tonsil swollen and purplish, pain on empty swallowing, desires cold drinks, choking on eating. Pulse 120; yellowish facies; mitral systolic murmur (recent). Grandparents persuaded mother to try homoeopathy. Lachesis 1M., one dose.
No fever after second day. Normal rosy cheeks returned. Pulse 108. Throat better and choking gone. In one week murmur gone, pulse 90, child active and gaining; thriving steadily ever since.
CASE VI. Man, 38, with oozing, itching, cracking eczema of scrotum and groins, which had resisted salve and x-ray for months. Stout and gaining weight. Marked aversion to sweets of late. Worried, constipated, with knotty stool covered with mucus. Chilly recently. Cracks of fingertips in winter for three years. Graph. 2c., one dose.
Returned in three weeks, better but relapsed last two days. Graph. 10M., one dose. Not heard from for eight months. Recently wife came for herself with message “It was like a miracle. No more eruption or trouble since.”
CASE VII. Man, 33, life-long “migraines”, start with eye symptoms; sour burning from mouth to stomach; sour vomiting after which he can eat again; must move with headache. They come on after he gets home from mental strain or on days of rest. Iris v. 50M., one dose, controlled each one but did not stop tendency.
Chronic case study came to Graph. After the 1M. dose no vomiting or migraine for months.
CASE VIII. Man, 48, diagnosed as multiple sclerosis by full tests including spinal tap; recommended to try homoeopathy. Case repertorized to Alum., Phos. and Sil. Alumina 1M., one dose.
Relief moderate for five weeks. Repeated. Progressing slowly but favorably three months later. Alum silicata may follow.
CASE IX. Sea captain, 64, walked in my office with a pulse of 180, B.P. 188/70, complaining of choking spells at night, on waking, with loss of breath. Cant wear stiff collars. Craves air. Burning feet. Lach. 10M., one dose.
Pulse 90, but irregular, fibrillation. No more chokes. B.P. 140/70. No decompensation. Caught cold in chest muscles: intercostal neuralgia. Bell. 1M. relieved. After this Lach. repeated did not take hold. Times of fibrillation, weak pulse, < at night; restless. Aur. 2c., one dose. Little result.
Crataegus ox. 30, four times daily for a week, gave slow steady improvement.
Question: Would Crataegus 10M., one dose, helped more? What experience have you had with Crataegus high? It is one of the remedies I have not succeeded with high.
CASE X. Man, 42, very thin, dark. Spitting of bright blood by thimblefuls. Occasional cough with green thick sweet sputum. Weak feeling in chest. X-ray shows active bilateral tuberculosis., one healed cavity. Fever each night 99-100 F. Sputum positive. Marked double mitral murmur since a child. For financial and family reasons this man must work. Extra feeding, air and rest advised. Stannum 2c., one dose.
No more blood spitting after second day for three months. Gain of over two pounds. Cough and sputum stopped. No longer feels tired. Carried for over three years on Stann. and Alumen at two to three months intervals (with one dose of Iodum for a cold), never stopping work except for two weeks vacation yearly. No blood spitting in over a year. Holds his increased weight. Chest negative for acute findings. No fever or sputum. You will get nervous moments if I go on farther. But fifteen years strict homoeopathy has taught me, in nervous moments, to study your cases and your materia medica more; to go into training to keep yourself fit and intuitive, and then homoeopathy will not fail you. NEW YORK, N.Y.
DR. GRIMMER: I want to commend the doctor for the way she takes her case. Old Dr. H.C. Allen used to say, “A case well taken is nine-tenths prescribed for, ” and in every one of these cases the remedy was very clearly mapped out when you heard the doctors discussion. It was classical. That is one of the things this paper teaches us. Go into your case. Get the thing in its completeness, and you will find it is relatively easy to fit the remedy.
On the heart case the doctor spoke about, I do not know that she is to be criticized for giving the Crataegus especially, and evidently the prescription was justified by the results. The man is some better. You cannot expect too much from such cases. However, I would have thought of some other remedies, somewhat analogous to the symptoms of Lachesis, Ammonium carb., and Carbo veg.
DR. BOND: The case was very interesting to me because I had a heart case similar to that just before coming up here. The man was very short of breath and would not tolerate his collar buttoned or even the waist band tied around his wait. It was a typical Lachesis case apparently. I gave him the 50, 000-he had had the 1000th before-and it didnt help him. I waited quite a while and gave him CM., and it didnt help him. Then I resorted to my strictly “heart” remedies and gave this man 3X. Digitalis and Crataegus tincture, and there again I depend from the path a little bit and alternated those doses-two tablets of Digitalis 3x. and 10 drops of Crataegus tincture every four hours. The main is getting well. I dont know why.
DR. DIXON: I would like to ask Dr. Hubbard to recite to me the rule on some of the remedies that cover the feet and say why she did not give one of those when Lachesis failed to clear it up.
DR. HUBBARD: You mean one of the others? Lachesis has that effect. Well, I could not see indications for it. I do not remember the rule.
DR. DIXON: Just taking it by and large, I dont know the patient and you do, why would not a dose of Medorrhinum have done something in there?.
DR. HUBBARD: They say all sea captains need it. He certainly did not get over on his hands and knees.
DR. DIXON: I just wondered if a nosode would not have done something in that case. There is an underlying reason why Lachesis did not clear it up. That is the angle I got on it. I was wondering.
DR. STEVENS: Would Sulphur have done it?.
DR. HUBBARD: I thought about Sulphur, but I did not see any other symptoms for it. except that one. He was a most tidy, orderly, calm, sensible person. Doesnt go in for sweets; doesnt have any emptiness or diarrhoea or anything. I could not see it, but it may be there.
DR. MOORE: Dr. Hubbard may feel badly about her repetition. Dr. Dixon here has just got a wagon load of books from Texas, a most wonderful layout of homoeopathic literature, and anything he has I get for the asking, so I am delving into all of these things. Lately I have been going over the homoeopathic literature for 1873 and 1874. Through all of this reading-and I have had to do a lot of it for a long time- there is no one except Boenninghausen and Dr. Dixon that use nothing under the two hundreds-just those two fellows. I dont know of anyone else. You will find all sorts of irregularities all along the line in our best prescribers in curing cases.
I got from Dr. Boger once the idea of giving Merc. cor.; give it 200 three days and wait a week and give it 203 for three days.
Certainly Hahnemann didnt do it, but his friend, Boenninghausen, and his later friend, Dixon, have been at it.
DR. DIXON: I dont have to take that mans abuse if I dont want to. I can answer him. (Laughter).
DR. ENGLE: I feel as if I am in the hall of science. Dr. Hubbard invited us to “jump on her”. I dont feel I am able to jump on her. All I am asking for is knowledge and a little information as to whether when she prescribes Crataegus 30 in those doses, she considered Crataegus 30 the divided dose or whole potency.
Furthermore, I would like to know why she repeated Crataegus 30 so often.
DR. STEVENS: May I say that, through the influence of somebody who was a good deal older and knew more about homoeopathy than I, I have tried Crataegus in what is approximately the 1x., and sometimes I give one dose a day of that, in cases especially where there was breathlessness. I think that is one of the special indications, the very difficult breathing. Usually I give just one dose a day of the 1x. for a time. As it gets better, I stop it.
DR. HUBBARD: Dr. Engle delights me by putting me on the spot. I must confess that to me a 30th is a very low potency. I dont think I own anything less than 30, except Phosphorus, which I own in 12, in some cases. I may have been influenced by the fact that Crataegus 30 is the lowest I have in my special collection which I got from Dr. Kent.
I was give it is one dose. It seemed to me he was not getting well on the one dose and was immensely pathological, he wasnt throwing out symptoms as well as he should, and possibly he needed something more nearly physiological than I had been giving. It may have been entirely wrong.
I am afraid I was just plain experimenting with that 30. I went to see him carefully. After he had had the four doses, if he had been worse, I would have stopped it instantly. He appeared to get better. I told his wife to stop it instantly if he appeared to get worse at any moment, but he fooled us and got gradually better, so I am afraid I have no reason for it except God-given despair.
The Homoeopathic Recorder By Allan D Sutherland.
1930 Aug Vol XLV No 8
Young W W.
Alum / Puls / Op / Bry / Lyc.
Seeing a request in The Records for a report of cases successfully treated by medicines, which cases among the orthodox are required to undergo surgery in order to attain the blessed state of Nirvana, I send you the following, Being as mere youngster at the game, less than two years before the mast, I ask you to overlook the lack of finesse, hoping that the results will atone for my poor artistry.
The first is frank ferris, a man of 52, who reported to me on December 28, in very poor health. He had been to all other local doctors who unanimously agreed, seconded by the roentgenologist, that only an operation would save his life as he was wasting away excellently. He was obdurate, however, or perhaps fearful; I felt that he was stingy. At any rate. I found the man very thing, fretful, and hypersensitive. The trouble dated back fifteen years. It consisted of gastric distress with a tremendous amount of gas with vomiting on the slightest exertion. The attacks are paroxysmal and are also brought on by excitement, during which there is a craving for pork. There is a very obstinate constipation, pulsating of heart and a queer feeling in right hypochondrium. The vomits is tasteless; there is constant nausea. Very slight jaundice, and muscle. He was taken barrels of medicine and is very nervous. Morning is generally the worst time of day. He is worse from alcoholic drinks. doesnt recollect ever having had a desire for stool without the use of cathartic thirst at times and has tickling in right scapula. the tonsils are large and full of pus. there is poor tone of the heart muscles all else is negative. In fact, physical examination was misleading, as time, so I decided too on symptoms alone. Recollect, the was known as a good Scotchman, yet he had been spending money for years for medical attention. His last physician had told me how bad a case he was. I gave him opium followed by Aluminum in one week. both low and a constipation diet to the used for six months.
I forgot to tell him to have his tonsils out,. thereby closing twenty five easy dollars; and recommended petrolagar and regularity of going to Stool did not see him again until February 2, 1930. when I found that from his first visit this time he has been well, excellent, foes not use petrolagar or the diet; has gained and recently conducted his own successful political campaign for the provincial assembly. this man was supposed to have had a diseased gall bladder, septic chole cystitis, concomitant liver involvement and what not. I made no diagnosis and do not make an apology for so neglecting to do, for if I had Would very probably have given China, Chelidonium, cheonanthus, Collinsonia, Pulsatilla or some other remedy more closely pathological. Fortunately for the patient I paid more attention to him as a sick man.
The second case is that of a woman, Mrs. Mullins, aged 54,a perfect Pulsatilla type, fair, pudgy but active and not by any means given to fuss, though her husband was more than a trial and helped to make her worse by his solicitude. for some ten years she has had trouble with there stomach in one way or another, and hall doctors had advised during one attack or another, to demonstrate that her gall bladder was several sixes too big for her. In smug complacency she found solace in olive oil. I elicited that her trouble followed on the disappearance of a naso-pharyngeal catarrh which had been cured by atomizers, applications, and gargles. Though it is not scientific I permitted my imagination to picture his catarrh. Though cured, migrating through sheer contrariness, to the stomach, which would account for a host of gastric symptoms chronically appearing for years, till the march of progress reached the duodenum and gall passage. However that may be, she complained of the. Deadly ache in stomach-pit going to both scapulae and worse at eleven p.m. nausea and vomiting only when eating or drinking vomits bitter and yellow. the vomiting also occurs nightly. There is anorexia, dry mouth with no thirst and a flushed face. Of course fats, etc., do not agree; never did. the bowels have been costive; uses bran. The gas comes up very easily. she has never menstruated and there are no children. The blood pressure is 160- /120.
Pyorrhoea is present. The throat is in excellent condition. physical examination showed nothing but a distinct swelling over gall bladder with tenderness. Pulsatilla 3x was given, with improvement. It was not enough. However, I gave Pulsatilla 500 in two days,. with a terrific reaction, which caused her some delirium, and me, some loss of sleep.
Two days later, Nov. 18, 1929,she showed a thickly coated white tongue, no pain, restlessness, loss of weight, weakness, no sleep, snappy disposition, no thirst and plenty of vomiting, Ant. crud., 12x.
Nov.20, 1929. Better but not well, very impatient, chills and fever in alternation; no thirst or sweat; gas in volumes but no distress with it; abdomen tender all over and a short sharp pain in right hypochondrium, periodic, worse in motion; dry short cough. a consultation was demanded and assented to by me. the consultant gave here an ultimatum, the knife or-well, now guess. they decided to puts up with me a while longer, as I refused to have a hand in any cutting. I itched to give china, which ai did, the 3x.
Nov. 25, 1929. Excellent shape; wondered why they had spent their money so foolishly. I was a darn fine doctor. good appetite and digestion. Feels fine except that the sharp pain is still persisting at times. I gave a miliary drainage to see if that wayward catarrh was there, and lo and behold, I gained a number fill of stringiest, toughest bile one would wish to see. I game Bryonia with satisfaction, though the relief I feel was partially due to the drainages which were given periodically till the flow of he bile was easy and rapid.
On Dec. 5, 1929, she developed haemorrhoids, somethings had had long ago. these bled when she was at stool. No pain. Dry hacking cough; eats but with no relish. this time she got Nux vom. 500. which produced improvement till on Dec. 10, 1929,. Lycopodium caused her tore mark that she had never felt so fit in years,.
I send these two cases to demonstrate that the homoeopathic remedy can and does do much even in the hands of a beginner.
The Homoeopathic Recorder By Allen Sutherland.
1926 Jul Vol XLI No 7
Roberts H A.
Rhus-t / Lach / Gels / Alum / Lyc / Rhod.
Read before the Annual Meeting of the International Hahnemannian Association, New York, June, 1925.
H. A. Roberts, M. D., Derby, Conn.
Recently, in the middle of a busy day, a patient said, “Doctor, I should think you doctors would get everlastingly tired of diagnosing cases and treating the same old diseases, day after day, year in and year out.” “But my dear fellow,” I said, “the homoeopath does not treat diseases, he treats sick individuals, and no two patients ill with the same disease are ill in exactly the same way. The patients individuality is present, be he well or ill and the individuality is a part at least of the spice of medical life, which gives it variety enough to flavor it.” As I went on my rounds the train of thought he had aroused went with me persistently, and I present it you for your consideration.
Modern criminology has its rogues gallery, wherein it records photographs, measurements and thumb-prints of offenders against society. Homoeopathic materia medica has its Rogues Gallery, with just as unmistakable records. The homoeopathic physician follows the old adage and sets a rogue to catch a rogue.
Patient No. 1 comes in, “Phew, its hot here” It isnt hot, but the patient is, and the thumb-prints of the remedy are presented for my identification as she continues, “Doctor, I am so tired all the time, I cant get rested. I am more tired when I get up than when I went to bed, and when I sleep I have such terrible dreams.” The patient is about fifty years of age and is passing through the experience of the cessation of the function of the ovaries. She is ill and to cure her I must act the part of the angel in the Garden of Eden and drive out the serpent– Lachesis.
Patient No. 2. A young woman of twenty who had influenza in 1920, but was not under my care at that time. Since then she has had tonsillitis at intervals of three or four months. The inflammation always begins on the left tonsil and then goes over to the right side. The left tonsil becomes very much enlarged and the right follows suit. The throat is always very much more sore after sleep, even after a short nap and she always wakens choking. An “empty swallow” is always more painful than swallowing either solid or liquid food. With a temperature of 102, the patient complains of being both hot and chilly. Here is the trail of the same serpent. Lachesis cures the acute tonsillitis and removes the tendency induced by the influenza.
Patient No. 3. A woman of sixty-eight. She suffered during the night with acute pericardial pain, which extended down her left arm to her fingers. The pulse was very weak and irregular. A pallor extended all over her face. This patient has had similar attacks previously and they always come on during sleep and she has wakened with a start, in severe pain. Here we have a serious case of angina pectoris and again I bruise the head of the serpent Lachesis.
Patient No. 4 had to call me to “come in” when I rang the bell. I found her sitting on the side of a big chair, holding a cane. She had such severe pains in her left leg, extending from the left lumbar region down the back of the leg to the heel that she could not walk, but she could not keep still and had to get up and move in spite of the pain. Wet feet in cold rain the previous night was the opportunity seized by the rogue Rhus tox. to make his thumb-prints unmistakable.
Patient No.5 was almost hysterical, quiet physically and excited mentally. Her eyes were full of tears, the lids badly swollen, eyes half open. She was suffering from a severe headache with the pain coming in waves, the crest of the wave being in the occiput. Very frequent micturition of clear light colored urine. The menstrual period was just over. The face and thumb-prints of Gelsemium were unmistakable.
Patient No. 6 is Miss Baby, about a year old, well nourished, with an exceedingly white skin. She is extremely constipated. For several days there will be no stool, then the rectum will be packed with little hard lumps of fecal matter, held together by mucus.
I am not a great believer in heredity, but it is interesting to note that both the mother and the grandmother had the same arch enemy and the constipation of three generations, was cured by Aluminium.
Patient No. 7 is at the other pole in age. Seventy-four. A sharp chill in the night was followed by severe stabbing pains in the right side of her chest. Her face was pale except that her lips were very red. She sat propped up in bed, her chest filling rapidly with bloody mucus which was easily expectorated. There was constant nausea. Temperature 102, respiration 52. Remember that she was seventy-four years of age, and the symptoms listed above are grave at that age. Ipecac is unmistakably the thief to catch the thief. The patient made a good recovery from her pneumonia.
So also Patient No. 8 a girl of seventeen, who had had the characteristic chill and a sharp pain in the right side of her chest. She had a loose, rattling cough, with no expectoration. Labored breathing with dilation of the alae nasi at every respiration, temperature 104, thirst for large quantities of water. Lycopodium was recognized.
“Same old disease” pneumonia, but two individuals, each requiring a different remedy. I did not prescribe either Ipecac or Lycopodium for pneumonia, but Mrs. G–had the pneumonia of Ipecac. Miss D–had the pneumonia of Lycopodium. Both recovered.
I feel like quoting “Be sure your sin will find you out,” as I cite the case of Patient No. 9. Man of twenty-four. When I entered the room he asked me to close the door, thereby preparing me in a measure, for what followed.
“My right testicle is so sore and very tender to touch. If I keep still the pain extends to my back, and yet moving is very painful. He lay with his legs drawn up. Temperature 103–a good deal of aching all through his body. For two days previous he had been working in a cold rain. The testicle was very much swollen, about twice its normal size. He denied that there had been any discharge from urethra, also that he had been exposed to infection in any way. Here were all the identification marks of Rhododendron, so I set devil to catch the devil. The next morning the soreness and the swelling in the testicle were very much improved and I found what I expected to, a thick yellowish discharge from the urethra. He wondered how I knew that he had gonorrhoea? Do you?.
I have tried to present to you some of the individuals in my Rogues Gallery that I met in one forenoon. If I have made you see what I meant, when I said that “the homoeopath does not treat diseases, he treats individuals,” the object of this paper is accomplished.
HOW “MENTALS” HELP [How Mentals Help]
The Homoeopathic Recorder by Rabe R F.
1952 Apr Vol LXVII No 4
Rabe R F.
Lil-t / Acon / Alum.
Read before Bureau of Clinical Medicine, I.H.A., June 19, 1951.
Just to remind you how important it is to take careful case histories, I want to present a number of cases where the mentals pointed the way to curing various and interesting diagnoses.
(1) Miss. K. age 22, a stenographer. The other doctor said it was a nervous breakdown. Depressed, many heart symptoms, scanty menses, sensitive to slightest touch of vaginal tract. Upon questioning. I found she was afraid that her lover would be killed in the war, and that her illness dated back to the time he was sent to the South Pacific. Lilium tigrinum was her remedy and she was back at her office work and in normal health.
(2) A druggist in poor health for several years was finally persuaded by a mutual friend to come to me. I found on questioning him that his troubles started after his escape by inches from being hit by a fast train at a railroad crossing. He recovered after two many high doses of Aconite, but has never given Homoeopathy or me any credit for his recovery because some one persuaded him to be a vegetarian while the Aconite was working a cure So, if any of you ever have a similar case, do not forget to induce the patient to give up eating meat. It may help.
(3) This one is an infant one and a half years old. Bottle fed and strained vegetables. Always constipated, no bowel movement without an enema. The child put everything in its mouth, rags, pencils, dirt off the floor, etc. One dose of Alumina ten thousand cured. You cant call this a mental symptom but it takes careful case taking to direct the doctor to the KEY NOTE symptom and the similimum.
Journal Of Homoeopathic Clinics
1869-1870 Volume III, N-1
Case 415
Constipation.-Alumina.-D. B., a lovely, mild little girl of 12 years, complains of constipation; bowels not moved more than once or twice a week; mother suffered a great deal from the same trouble; has had Homoeopathic treatment, but not very lately; has shooting stitches through the temples from right to left, in the afternoon, especially on going down stairs; has no desire for stool or ability to pass stool, until there is a large accumulation of feces. Takes carriage ride every day, and with this exception gets out of doors but very little; perfectly healthy looking in every respect. Alumina 30, 1 dose, January 10th, 1870. and S. l.
In three days the stools were normally evacuated every morning, and she has had no return of the constipation since, March 11th, 1870
B. F. Betts.
Journal Of Homoeopathic clinic
1870-1871 Volume IV
Case 554
Sept. 22d, Mary E. aet. 10. Had measles six years, followed by lung fever, through which she passed without treatment. since then, has rattling, asthmatic breathing, always aggravated by coughing, and every morning a long attack of dry cough. Which ends at last with difficult raising of a little white mucus. Arsenicum no good. On Sept. 25th prescribed Alum.(2c), two doses.
Sept. 27. Much improvement, which continued, and months afterwards there had been no return of asthmatic breathing, nor paroxysms of morning cough.
(631) NITR. AC. Long-lasting cutting pain in rectum, after loose stool; with haemmorrhoidal troubles. C.G. R.
(632) ALUM. Long-lasting pain in the rectum, after each stool. C. Hg.
Journal Of Homoeopathic clinic
1870-1871 Volume IV
Case 555
Sept. 26. Mr. S.W. aet 37, of very spare habit, dark complexion, very active, animated but amiable disposition, teacher of singing, and has to exert his voice much every day, has “constitutional cough” for more than three years. Had lung fever three years ago, and another attack a year ago; had to work while he was sick. Since three weeks his cough afflicts him exceedingly:-sudden, violent, irresistible paroxysm while sitting in the evening; taking and singing makes him cough, but coughs particularly and habitually about six in the morning. After severe dry coughing there is a little expectoration; coughs some in the night; shortness of breath while walking; tension and pain across upper part of chest; hoarseness. appetite, stool and sleep good. Raised blood several years ago. Physical exploration of chest, showed great resonance on percussion; respiratory murmurs well marked, but mixed with considerable fine cracking sound; vibration of walls of chest on talking; respiration not easy; chest was fully inflated with some difficulty. Alum (2c) two doses.
Oct. 8. Patient had to walk about; could not sing much last week in hot weather; voice hollow, and more cough in the evening than hitherto. Alum. one dose.
Oct. 15. Evening paroxysms came later each evening and now are absent altogether; more cough at night. Alum. one dose.
Oct. 29. There only remains some cough in the morning, with difficult white expectoration; has been much exposed to the bad weather, and worked hard. Bryon. Drosera and other remedies were used subsequently, though the violence of the disease had abated; he has not had another severe attack since, though not perfectly well, owing to his great exertions in a profession which taxes his delicate respiratory organs too much. Stannum might seem in many respects to have been better indicated. Alumina, though indicated by the morning cough, which was and old symptoms, first removed the more recent one of evening paroxysms, and night cough.
✅ আমাদের সফল চিকিৎসার প্রমাণ দেখতে লিংকে ক্লিক করুণ।
১. টিউমার, ক্যান্সার ও সিস্ট রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
২. চর্ম, নখ ও চুলের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
৩. গাইনী, প্রসূতি ও স্তনের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
৪. নাক, কান, গলা ও শ্বাসতন্ত্রের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
৫. মানসিক রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
৬. রিউমাটোলজি, হাড় পেশী ও জয়েন্টের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
৭. নবজাতক ও শিশু রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
৮. ব্রেইন, স্পাইনাল কর্ড ও নার্ভের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
৯. যৌন শক্তি ও যৌন বাহিত রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১০. কিডনি, মুত্র, প্রোস্টেট গ্ল্যান্ড ও পুরুষ জননাঙ্গের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১১. গ্যাস্ট্রোএন্টারোলজি বা পেটের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১২. মলদ্বার, পায়ুপথ ও কোলনের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১৩. লিভার ও পিত্তের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১৪. চোখ, দৃষ্টি শক্তি ও চোখের পাতার রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১৫. জ্বর, সংক্রামক ও ইমার্জেন্সি রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১৬. ডায়াবেটিস ও হরমোন জনিত রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১৭. দাঁত ও মুখের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১৮. হার্টের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১৯. রক্ত, বোনম্যারু, প্লিহা ও লিম্ফ নোডের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
✅ আমাদের সফল চিকিৎসার ভিডিও প্রমাণ দেখতে ডান পার্শের মেনুতে রোগের নাম লিখে সার্চ করুন।
[videogallery id=”Success of Homeopathy”]