Ammonium Carbonicum [Am-C] এমোনিয়াম কার্বনিকাম

Am-c: বুকে ঘড়ঘড়ানি শব্দসহ নিদ্রালুতা, অচৈতন্য ভাব, হাত বাড়িয়ে কিছু ধরতে চায়।

Am-c: ঠোঁট নীল বা বেগুনী বর্ণের, জিহ্বা বাদামী বর্ণের।

Am-c: সকালে মুখ ধোয়ার সময় নাক হতে রক্তস্রাব হয়।

Am-c: শরীর হতে যে স্রাব বের হয় তা ক্ষতকর, কালচে, তরল ও জমাট বাঁধে না, গ্লান্ডের গ্যাংগ্রীন হওয়ার প্রবণতা।

Am-c: হাড় যেন ভেঙ্গে যাবে এমন ব্যথা।

Am-c: দিনে ভালো ঘুম হয় কিন্তু রাত্রে ভালো ঘুম হয় না, রাত ৩ টার সময় সব রোগের বৃদ্ধি।

Am-c: স্যাঁতস্যাঁতে আবহাওয়ায় শারীরিক ও মানসিক রোগলক্ষণ বৃদ্ধি।


বৃদ্ধি হয় উপশম হয়
< সন্ধ্যায়

< ধোঁয়ায়

< ঠান্ডা ভেজা আবহাওয়ায়

< মেঘলা আবহাওয়ায়

< ভেজা অবস্থায় থাকলে

< রাত ৩টা থেকে ৪টায়

< মাসিকের সময়

< জলপট্টি করলে

< নড়াচড়া করার সময়

< চিবালে

< দাঁত চেপে রাখলে

< খাওয়ার সময় বা পরে

< ডান দিকে

> চাপনে

> আক্রান্ত পার্শ্বে শয়ন করলে

> পেটের উপর শয়ন করলে

> শুষ্ক আবহাওয়ায়

> অমাবস্যায়

> খাওয়া-দাওয়া করলে

উপযোগিতা – যাদের রক্তস্রাবের প্রবণতা, রক্তে তরলতা, লাল রক্ত কণিকার ভাগ অল্প, ক্ষতে পচন ধরে তাদের পক্ষে উপযোগী । মোটাসোটা, মেদপূর্ণ স্ত্রীলোক—যারা বসে বসে দিন কাটায় তাদের বিভিন্ন অসুখে আবার স্ত্রীলোকেরা যারা কোমলাঙ্গী, হাতের কাজে স্মেলিং সল্টের শিশি রাখেন এবং শীতে, একটুতেই সর্দিতে ভোগেন তাদের ক্ষেত্রে উপযোগী । যে শিশু স্নান করতে চায় না । (এন্টিম-ক্রু; সালফ) যাদের ঘুমালে ‘দমবন্ধ হয়ে আসে, শ্বাস নিতে জেগে উঠতে হয় (গ্রিন্ডেলিয়া, ল্যাকে) তাদের পক্ষে উপযোগী । ঝড় বৃষ্টিতে ভেজা আবহাওয়ায় মেজাজ ভাল থাকে না ।

শিরঃপীড়া — মাথা যেন ভার (পূর্ণতাবোধ) মনে হয় কপাল ফেটে যাবে (বেল, গ্লোনয়িন)।

নাক হতে রক্ত পড়ে—সকালে হাত মুখ ধোওয়ার সময় (আর্নিকা, ম্যাগ-কা); খেলে পড়ে বানাক হতে রক্ত পড়ে ।

ওজিনা (ওজিনা = নাকের বিভিন্ন রোগে নাক হতে দুর্গন্ধযুক্ত পচা স্রাব)। প্রায়ই নাক দিয়ে রক্তাক্ত শ্লেষ্মা বার হয়, সামনে ঝুঁকলে নাকের ডগায় রক্ত আসে ।

রাত্রে প্রায়ই নাক বন্ধ হয়ে থাকে-মুখ দিয়ে শ্বাস নিতে বাধ্য হয় । ডিপথিরিয়া রোগেও এটা নির্দেশক লক্ষণ। সর্দি দীর্ঘদিনের, শিশুদের সর্দিতে নাক বন্ধ হয়ে যায়। (হিপার, নাক্স, স্যাম্বু, ষ্টিক্টা)।

গলায় ঘা তাতে পচন । টনসিলে গ্যাংগ্রিন হবার প্রবণতা, গ্র্যান্ডগুলিতে রক্তসঞ্চয় ।

ডিপথেরিয়া ও স্কারলেট ফিবারে শিশু ঘুমাতে পারে না কারণ সর্দিতে নাক বন্ধ হয়ে যায় ।

ঋতুস্রাব শুরুর সময় কলেরার মত লক্ষণ দেখা দেয় (বোভিষ্টা, ভিরেট্রাম)।

ঋতুস্রাব – শীঘ্র শীঘ্র, পরিমাণে প্রচুর, স্রাব শুরুর আগে খামচানো শূলব্যথা, স্রাবে হেজে যায়, উরুতে ঘা হয়ে যায়, রাত্রে ও বসে থাকলে স্রাব বাড়ে (জিঙ্কাম), সেইসাথে দাঁতে ব্যথা, পেটে ব্যথা, বিষন্নতা, বিশেষ করে উরুতে ক্লান্তিভাব ও বারে বারে হাই তোলা সেইসাথে শীত শীত বোধ ।

প্রদরস্রাব – জলের মত অথচ জ্বালা করে ও প্রচুর, তাতে ভগোষ্ঠ হেজে যায় ।

শ্বাসকষ্ট সাথে বুক ধড়ফড় করে পরিশ্রমে বা সামান্য দু-এক পা সিড়ি ভাঙ্গলেই বাড়ে, গরম ঘরে বাড়ে ।

এমফাইসিমা রোগের (এমফাইসিমা = ফুসফুসে ব্রঙ্কিয়োলগুলোর আয়তনের অস্বাভাবিক পরিবর্তন—একটা অপরটির সাথে জুড়ে যায় তাতে সঙ্কোচক ক্ষমতা নষ্ট হয়ে ঠিকমত শ্বাস নেওয়া ও ছাড়া সম্ভব হয় না) প্রধান ঔষধ।

কাশি — শুকনো, যেন গলায় ধুলা জমে সুড়সুড় করছে প্রতিদিন ভোরে ৩টা থেকে ৪টার মধ্যে বাড়ে (কেলি-কা)। আঙুল হাড়া—অস্থিবেষ্টনীর গভীর অংশে ব্যথা (ডায়স্কো, সাইলি) স্কারলেট ফিভারে আক্রান্ত রোগীর মত দেহ রক্তিম (তুলনীয় = এইল্যান্থাস)। গভীর ঘুমে আচ্ছন্ন সাংঘাতিক স্কারলেট ফিভারে শব্দযুক্ত শ্বাসক্রিয়া। জীবনীশক্তির দুর্বলতার জন্য মিলমিলের মত উদ্ভেদ বা উদ্ভেদ সামান্যমাত্র দেখা – দিয়েছে এরূপ অবস্থা ও মস্তিষ্কের পক্ষাঘাত হবার সম্ভাবনা (টিউবার; জিঙ্কাম)।

সম্বন্ধ — রাসটক্স বিষাক্ততা ও পোকামাকড়ের দংশনের প্রতিষেধক ।শরীরের ডানদিক বেশী আক্রান্ত হয় । ল্যাকেসিসের সাথে শত্রুসম্পর্ক ।

বাড়ে — ভেজা ঠান্ডা জলবায়ুতে; ভেজা পুলটিস লাগালে; জলে ধো্য়ার পরে, মেয়েদের ঋতুকালে ।

কমে – উপুড় হয়ে তলপেটে চাপ দিয়ে শুলে (এসেটিক-এসি); বেদনাযুক্ত পাশে চেপে শুলে (পালস্) শুকনো জলবায়ুতে ।

শক্তি – ৬ , ৩০, ২০০।

যে সকল রোগে এই ঔষধটি ব্যবহার হয়ে থাকে তা আমরা প্রায়ই দেখতে পাই শক্তসামর্থ স্ত্রীলোকের মধ্যে, যারা সব সময় ক্লান্ত ও পরিশ্রান্ত, যাদের খুব সহজেই ঠাণ্ডা লাগে, যারা ঋতুস্রাবের পূর্বে কলেরার মত উপসর্গে কষ্ট পায়। যারা অলসভাবে সময় কাটায়, যাদের মধ্যে সব কিছুতেই খুব ধীরে প্রতিক্রিয়া ব্যক্ত হয় এবং যারা প্রায়ই স্মেলিং বটল ব্যবহার করে থাকে। ঋতুস্রাব প্রচুর এবং অতি শীঘ্র শীঘ্র প্রকাশ পায়। শ্লেম্মাঝিল্লী, বিশেষতঃ শ্বাসযন্ত্রের শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লী বেশি আক্রান্ত হয়ে থাকে। মেদযুক্ত রোগী, তৎসহ দুর্বল হৃদপিণ্ড, বুকের ভিতর সাঁইসাঁই শব্দ, দমবন্ধ হওয়ার ন্যায় অনুভূতি। ঠাণ্ডা বাতাস কিছুতেই সহ্য হয় না। জলে বিতৃষ্ণা, কিছুতেই জল স্পর্শ করতে চায়না। ম্যালিগন্যান্ট স্কালেটিনা, তৎসহ ঘুম ঘুম ভাব, গ্রন্থি স্ফীতি, গলায় কালচে-লাল বর্ণের ক্ষত, এবং উদ্ভেদ গুলি ধীরে ধীরে প্রকাশ পায়। রক্তে ইউরিয়ার আধিক্য। সকল শারীরিক যন্ত্রে ভারী বোধ। শারীরিক দিক থেকে অপরিষ্কার অপরিচ্ছন্ন। শরীরের কোন অঙ্গের, গ্রন্থি প্রভৃতির স্ফীতি। স্রাব অম্লযুক্ত। খুব সামান্য বিষয়ে ক্লান্তি ভাব।

মন – সব কিছু সহজেই ভুলে যায়, অভদ্র, জলঝড় যুক্ত আবহাওয়ায় বিষন্ন। অপরিষ্কার-অপরিচ্ছন্ন। নিজে কথা বললে বা অন্যে কথা বলছে তা শুনলে রোগীর খুবই কষ্ট হয়। দুঃখিত, ক্রন্দনশীল, যুক্তি অনুপস্থিত।

মাথা – দপদপকর মাথার যন্ত্রণা, উপশম, চাপে ও গরম ঘরে।

চোখ – চোখের ভিতর জ্বালা তৎসহ আলো অসহ্য। চোখের ক্লান্তি (ন্যাট মিউর) । ক্ষীন দৃষ্টি। চোখের কোনে টাটানি।

কান – কানে শুনতে কষ্ট হয়। দাঁতে দাঁতে চাপ দিলে কান, চোখ ও নাকে ধাক্কা ।

নাক – নাক থেকে তীক্ষ্ণ, জ্বালাকর জল ঝরে। রাত্রে নাক বন্ধ হয়ে যায়, তৎসহ দীর্ঘকালীন সর্দি। কিছুতেই নাক দিয়ে শ্বাস নিতে পারে না। শিশুদের নাক বন্ধ হওয়া। মুখ ধুলে ও খাবার পর নাক থেকে রক্তস্রাব। নাকে পচা ঘা, নাক থেকে রক্তযুক্ত শ্লেষ্মা। নাকের অগ্রভাগে রক্তাধিক্য।

মুখমণ্ডল – মুখমণ্ডলের চারিপাশে ক্ষত। ঋতুস্রাবের সময় ছোট ফোঁড়া ও পুঁজ যুক্ত উদ্ভেদ। মুখগহ্বরের কিনারাগুলিতে ক্ষত, ফাটা-ফাটা ও জ্বালাকর।

মুখগহ্বর – মুখগহ্বরে ও গলার ভিতর অত্যধিক শুষ্কতা। দাঁতে যন্ত্রণা, দাঁতে দাঁতে ঘষলে মাথায়, চোখে ও কানে ধাক্কা লাগে। জিহ্বাতে রস যুক্ত উদ্ভেদ। অম্ন স্বাদ, ধাতব স্বাদ। চিবানোর সময় চোয়ালে ক্র্যাক্ করে শব্দ হয়।

গলা – টনসিল ও ঘাড়ের গ্রন্থির বিবৃদ্ধি। গলার মধ্য দিয়ে নিচের দিকে জ্বলণ। টনসিলে পচা ঘা তৈরী হবার প্রবণতা যুক্ত। ডিফথিরিয়া, যখন নাক বন্ধ হয়ে যায়।

পাকস্থলী – পাকস্থলীর উপরের অংশে বেদনা, তৎসহ গলা বুক জ্বালা, বমি বমি ভাব, মুখ দিয়ে জল ওঠে ও শীত বোধ। প্রচুর খিদে কিন্তু সামান্যতেই খিদে মিটে যায়। পেটে বায়ু সঞ্চয়জনিত অজীর্ণ।

উদর – পেটের ভিতর শব্দযন্ত্রণা। ফ্র্যাটুলেন্ট হার্নিয়া। মলত্যাগ কষ্টকর, মল শক্ত ও গুটলে গুটলে। রক্তযুক্ত অর্শ, ঋতুস্রাব চলাকালীন সময়ে বৃদ্ধি। গুহ্যদ্বারে চুলকানি, অর্শনলী বাইরে বেরিয়ে আসে, মলত্যাগের পর বৃদ্ধি, শুয়ে থাকলে উপশম।

প্রস্রাব — বারে বারে বেগ, রাত্রে অসাড়ে প্রস্রাব। প্রস্রাব থলিতে কোঁথ। প্রস্রাব সাদা, বালুকনা যুক্ত, রক্তমিশ্রিত, প্রচুর, ঘোলাটে এবং দুর্গন্ধ যুক্ত।

পুরুষের রোগ – অণ্ডকোষ ও রেতো রজ্জুতে চুলকানি ও যন্ত্রণা। কাম ইচ্ছা না থাকা সত্ত্বেও পুরুষাঙ্গের উত্থান। বীর্য স্রাব।।

স্ত্রী-রোগ – যৌনাঙ্গের চারিপাশে চুলকানি, ফোলা ও জ্বালা। প্রদরস্রাব জ্বালাকর, হাজাকর ও জলের মত। বিপরীত লিঙ্গের প্রতি বিতৃষ্ণা। ধাতুস্রাব, শীঘ্র শীঘ্র, প্রচুর, সময়ের আগে, প্রচুর, জমাটবাঁধা, কালচে, শূল্যব্যথার মত বেদনা ও মলশক্ত, মলত্যাগ কষ্টকর, তৎসহ ক্লান্তি বিশেষত উরুস্থানে। হাইতোলা ও শীতবোধ।

শ্বাস-প্রশ্বাস – স্বরভঙ্গ। কাশি প্রতিদিন সকালে ৩টার সময়। তৎসহশ্বাসকষ্ট, হৃদকম্প, বুকের ভিতর জ্বালা, উপরে উঠার সময় বৃদ্ধি। বুক পরিশ্রান্ত বলে মনে হয়। এমফাইসিমা। শ্বাস-প্রশ্বাস নেবার সময় বুকের ভিতর ভারীবোধ, যে কোন প্রকার শারীরিক পরিশ্রমে এবং উষ্ণ ঘরে প্রবেশে বৃদ্ধি অথবা উপরের দিকে মাত্র কয়েক পা উঠলে। অ্যাথেনিক নিউমোনিয়া, ধীরে, কষ্টকর, ঘড়ঘড় শব্দযুক্ত শ্বাস-প্রশ্বাস, শীতকালীন সর্দি তৎসহরক্তের ছিটযুক্ত পিচ্ছিল শ্লেষ্মা। ফুসফুসের শোথ।

হৃদপিণ্ড – হৃদকম্প শোনা যায় তৎসহ ভয়ভাব, ঠাণ্ডা ঘাম, অশ্রস্রাব, কথা বলতে কষ্ট, জোরে জোরে শব্দ করে শ্বাস-প্রশ্বাস ও হাত কাঁপে। হৃদপিণ্ড দুর্বল, কষ্টকর শ্বাসপ্রশ্বাস ও হৃদকম্প সহ নিদ্রভঙ্গ।

অঙ্গ-প্রত্যঙ্গ – সন্ধিস্থানে ছিঁড়ে যাওয়ার ন্যায় অনুভূতি, বিছানার গরমে উপশম, অঙ্গ প্রসারিত করার প্রবণতা যুক্ত। হাত ঠাণ্ডা ও নীলবর্ণ, শিরাগুলি স্ফীত। যখন বাহু নীচের দিকে ঝুলে থাকে, সেই সময় হাতের আঙ্গুলগুলি ফুলে উঠে। অস্থি আবরকের গভীরে যন্ত্রণা। পায়ের ডিমে ও পায়ের তলায় খিল ধরা। পায়ের বুড়ো আঙ্গুলে যন্ত্রণা ও ফুলে উঠে। আঙ্গুল হাড়ার শুরুতে কার্যকরী। দাঁড়িয়ে থাকার সময় গোড়ালিতে বেদনা। গোড়ালিতে ও পায়ের পাতার হাড়ে ছিঁড়ে যাওয়ার ন্যায় অনুভূতি, বিছানার গরমে উপশম।

ঘুম – দিনের বেলায় ঘুম ঘুম ভাব। শ্বাস বন্ধ হয়ে ঘুম থেকে চমকিয়ে উঠে।

চামড়া — তীব্র চুলকানি ও জ্বালাকর ফোঙ্কা। স্কার্নেট জ্বরের উদ্ভেদ। ঘামাচির মত উদ্ভেদ। ম্যালিগন্যান্ট স্কার্লোটিনা। জীবনীশক্তির দুর্বলতার জন্য উদ্ভেদ ধীরে প্রকাশ পায়। বৃদ্ধদের বিসর্গ, তৎসহ মস্তিষ্কের লক্ষণ বর্তমান থাকে। অঙ্গ-প্রত্যঙ্গের ভঁজের ভিতর, কুঁচকিস্থানে, গুহ্যদ্বারের চারি পাশে ও যৌনাঙ্গে একজিমা।

কমা-বাড়া  – বৃদ্ধি, সন্ধ্যায়, ঠাণ্ডা, ভিজে আবহাওয়ায়, ভিজা জিনিষ লাগালে, মুখ ধুলে, ও সকালে ৩ থেকে ৪ টার মধ্যে, ঋতুস্রাব চলাকালীন সময়ে।

উপশম – যন্ত্রনার দিক ও পাকস্থলীর উপর চাপ দিয়ে শুলে, শুষ্ক আবহাওয়ায়।

সম্বন্ধ – ল্যাকেসিসের প্রতি শুক্রভাবাপন্ন। কাজের দিক থেকে দুটি ঔষধই সদৃশ।

দোষঘ্ন – আর্নিকা, ক্যাম্ফর।

তুলনীয় – রাস, মিউরিয়েটিক অ্যাসিড, টাটার, এমেট। কাঠকয়লার ধোঁয়ার বিষক্রিয়ায় ব্যবহার হয়ে থাকে।

শক্তি – বেশি দিন রাখা হলে এই ঔষধটির নিম্নশক্তি খারাপ হয়ে যায়। ৬ষ্ঠ শক্তি সাধারণ ব্যবহারের ক্ষেত্রে শ্রেষ্ঠ।

যদি আমরা পুরাতন পদ্ধতি (এলোপ্যাথি) অনুসারে চিকিৎসা করিতাম এবং লক্ষ্য করিতাম যে, এমন কাৰ্বের কয়েকটি বিশেষ প্রস্তুতি কিরূপ আশ্চৰ্য্যভাবে উঠিয়া যায়, তাহা হইলে আমরা উহাকে মাত্র মূর্চ্ছা ও অন্য কয়েকটি সামান্য সামান্য রোগে উপশমকর ঔষধরূপে ব্যবহার করিতে পারিতাম এবং উহার জলীয় দ্রবকে বৃদ্ধা-কুমারী ও অপর কতকগুলি স্ত্রীলোককে সান্ত্বনা দিবার জন্য ব্যবহার করিতে পারিতাম। কিন্তু এমন কাৰ্ব্ব একটি দীর্ঘক্রিয়, ধাতুদোষ-সংশোধক ও সোরা দোষ নাশক ঔষধ। ইহা রক্তের দ্রুত পরিবর্তন জন্মায়, ইহা সমুদয় শারীরবিধানকে বিচলিত করে; এবং ইহা স্কার্ভিরোগ সদৃশ ধাতুর সৃষ্টি করে। ইহা স্রাবগুলি সবই অম্লাত্মক। ইহার লালা অম্লাত্মক হয় এবং ওষ্ঠ দুইটিকে হাজাইয়া দেয়, সুতরাং উহারা মধ্যস্থলে এবং কোনে ফাটিয়া যায় এবং ক্ষতযুক্ত, শুষ্ক ও মামড়ীবিশিষ্ট হয়। চক্ষুর ক্ষতকর স্রাবে চক্ষুর পাতা ক্ষতযুক্ত শুষ্ক এবং ফাটাফাটা হইয়া পড়ে। ইহার মলও অম্লাত্মক এবং হাজাইয়া দেয়। বিদাহী ঋতুস্রাব এবং প্রদরস্রাব হইতে স্ত্রী জননেন্দ্রিয় হাজাবিশিষ্ট ও ক্ষতযুক্ত হয় এবং চর্মের উপর যেখানেই ক্ষত থাকে, তাহা হইতে ক্ষরিত রস চারিপার্শ্বের চর্মকে হাজাইয়া তুলে।

এই ঔষধে কালবর্ণের রক্তস্রাব আছে; প্রায়ই রক্তটি তরল, কিন্তু উহা জমে না; রক্তস্রাব হয়-নাসিকা, জরায়ু, মূত্রাশয় এবং অন্ত্রাদি হইতে। রক্তের বর্ণ কাল, উহা হইতে বুঝা যায় যে, রক্তসঞ্চালনের যথেষ্ট বিশৃঙখল ঘটিয়াছে। চৰ্ম্ম নানারূপ দাগবিশিষ্ট ও বিবর্ণ হইয়া পড়ে।

ইহা হৃৎপিন্ডের উপর প্রবল ক্রিয়া প্রকাশ করে, দূর হইতে শুনা যায়,–এরূপ হৃৎস্পন্দন উপস্থিত হয় এবং প্রত্যেক সঞ্চালনেই হৃৎস্পন্দনের বৃদ্ধি হয়। ইহার সহিত সংযুক্ত থাকে প্রবল অবসন্নতা। ইহা একটি অদ্ভুত সঘটন যে, প্রাচীনেরাও জানিতেন, হৃৎরোগ সংক্রান্ত শ্বাসকষ্ট এমন কাৰ্ব দ্বারা প্রশমিত হয় এবং সেইজন্য আজকালও এমোনিয়া দ্ৰবক উল্লিখিত লক্ষণসমূহের অনুরূপ লক্ষণে ব্যবহৃত হইয়া থাকে। তাঁহারা ইহাকে উত্তেজক ঔষধরূপে ব্যবহার করেন, কিন্তু লক্ষণসাদৃশ্য থাকিলে ইহার একটিমাত্র মাত্রাই যথেষ্ট। প্রাচীনেরা আরও জানিতেন যে, দুষ্ট প্রকৃতির নিউমোনিয়া রোগের বর্ধিত অবস্থায় রোগ বাঁকিবার মুখে এমোনিয়া দ্রবক ব্যবহার করিতে হয় এবং এইরূপ ব্যবহার একটি পুরাতন এলোপ্যাথিক নীতি, কিন্তু কোন কোন ক্ষেত্রে এরূপ অবস্থায় ইহার হোমিওপ্যাথিক লক্ষণসাদৃশ্য থাকে। নিউমোনিয়া রোগের শেষে হৃৎপিন্ডের ক্রিয়া স্থগিত হওয়ার সম্ভাবনাযুক্ত ভয়াবহ অবসন্নতায়, একবার হয়ত তাহারা একটি রোগীকে ইহা দ্বারা আরোগ্য এবং যেহেতু তাঁহারা এরূপ একটি রোগীকে উপশম দিতে পারিয়াছিলেন, সেইজন্য, তখন, ভবিষ্যতের সকল রোগীর জন্যই ইহাকে ঔষধ বলিয়া গ্রহণ করা হইয়াছিল।

এমোনিয়াম কাৰ্ব্বে রক্তবিষাক্ততা সদৃশ লক্ষণ আছে, যেমনটি আমরা দেখিতে পাই অত্যন্ত অবসন্নতা এবং হৃৎপিন্ডটি যেন ঠেলিয়া বাহির হইতেছে—এরূপ শ্বাসকৃতাযুক্ত বিসর্প ও সাঙ্ঘাতিক প্রকৃতির আরক্ত জ্বরে। চর্মের উপর এক প্রকার তালি তালি বর্ণালি থাকে, কারণ। রক্তবহা নাড়ীগুলির পক্ষাঘাতবৎ অবস্থা জন্মে, সন্ধিগুলি ফুলিয়া উঠে এবং মুখমন্ডল কৃষ্ণাভ ও ফুলা ফুলা হয়। এমন কাৰ্ব্ব ঠিক এইরূপ অবস্থায় বহু শতাব্দী ধরিয়া এলোপ্যাথিক মতে ব্যবহৃত হইয়া আসিতেছে এবং ইহা, ইহার উপযোগিতা দ্বারা, ইহার হোমিওপ্যাথিক সম্বন্ধ সপ্রমাণ করিয়াছে।

ইহা সাধারণ দুর্বলতা, দুর্বল হৃৎপিন্ড ও শীর্ণতায় উপযোগী। রোগীর কোন বিশেষ নির্দেশক লক্ষণ থাকে না এবং কোন ঔষধেই প্রতিক্রিয়া জাগে না। রোগী বুক ধড়ফড়ানি এবং নড়িলে চড়িলেই শ্বাসকৃচ্ছ্রের জন্য বিছানায় শুইয়া থাকে। ইহা সম্পূর্ণভাবে দুর্বলতার ব্যাপার। এইরূপ একটি রোগী দেড় বৎসর ধরিয়া আমাকে বেশ আমোদ দিয়াছিল। এই সহরের (চিকাগো) একজন মহিলার অবস্থা ঠিক পূর্বোক্ত বর্ণনার অনুরূপ ছিল। তাহার রোগ ছিল হৃৎপিন্ড সংক্রান্ত একপ্রকার অদ্ভুত দুৰ্বলতা, তৎসহ শ্বাসকৃচ্ছ্রতা এবং নড়িলে চড়িলেই বুক ধড়ফড়ানি। আমি তাঁহাকে চিকিৎসা করিতেছিলাম, কিন্তু তাঁহাকে ভালভাবে পর্যবেক্ষণ করি নাই। আমার চিকিৎসায় তাহার উপকার না হওয়ায়, আমার হাত হইতে ছাড়াইয়া লইয়া একজন শ্রেষ্ঠ স্নায়ুতত্ত্ববিদের নিকট লইয়া যাওয়া হয়। তিনি তাহার উপর “বিশ্রামের দ্বারা উপশম” নীতি প্রয়োগ করিলেন এবং বলিলেন, ছয় সপ্তাহ মধ্যেই তিনি আরোগ্য হইবেন। কিন্তু ছয় সপ্তাহের শেষে তাঁহার রোগ আরও বাড়িয়া উঠিল এবং একজন হৃৎরোগ বিশেষজ্ঞকে আনা হইল। তিনি বলিলেন যে, তাঁহার হৃৎপিন্ড যে সবল নহে একথা সত্য, কিন্তু তাঁহার কোন যান্ত্রিক রোগ নাই, সুতরাং রোগিণী তাঁহার চিকিৎসা বিভাগের অন্তর্ভুক্তও নহেন। তারপর একজন ফুসফুস রোগ বিশেষজ্ঞকে আনা হইল এবং ক্রমে তিনি সর্বপ্রকার বিশেষজ্ঞগণের দ্বারাই পরীক্ষিত হইলেন। তাঁহার সকল দৈহিক যন্ত্রগুলি সম্পূর্ণভাবে পরীক্ষা করা হইয়াছিল এবং জানা গিয়াছিল যে, ঐগুলির কোন গোলযোগ নাই, কিন্তু ঐ দুর্ভাগা স্ত্রীলোকটি তাঁহার হৃৎপিন্ডের কষ্ট ও ধড়ফড়ানির জন্য হাটিতে পারিতেন না। তাহার সামান্য খুকখুকে কাশি ছিল, কিন্তু সে কিছুই নয়, কারণ তাহার ফুসফুস পরীক্ষিত হইয়াছিল এবং উহার কোনই দোষ ছিল না। তিনি এইভাবে প্রায় তিন মাস ভোগার পর এবং ক্রমশঃ অবসন্ন হইতে থাকিলে, ঐ পরিবারের আমার পক্ষীয় ব্যক্তিগণ অপর পক্ষকে বশীভূত করিয়া, পুনরায় আমাকেই ডাকিয়া পাঠাইলেন। আমি রোগিণীটিকে পরীক্ষা করিতে লাগিলাম, কিন্তু নির্দিষ্ট কিছুই পাইলাম না। পূর্বোক্ত কয়েকটি লক্ষণ ব্যতীত আর কিছু না পাইয়া, আমি অবশেষে এমোনিয়াম কার্বকেই স্থির করিলাম। তারপর তিনি আঠার মাস ঐ ঔষধে আছেন। এখন তিনি পর্বতারোহণ করিতে পারেন, যাহা কিছু করিতে চান সবই করিতে পারেন এবং গৃহস্থালীর কাজ করিতেও সক্ষম হইয়াছেন। স্নায়বিক অবসন্নতা হউক, মস্তিষ্কের ক্লান্তি হউক অথবা রোগ নির্ণয়কল্পে যে-কোন নামের রোগ চাপাইয়া দেওয়া হউক, তিনি এখন ঐ রোগ হইতে মুক্ত হইয়া সুস্থ স্ত্রীলোক হইয়াছেন এবং সুস্থ হইয়াছেন ঐ একটিমাত্র ঔষধেই। ইহা হইতে দেখা যাইবে—এই ঔষধটি কিরূপ গভীরভাবে কাৰ্য্য করে। এক মাত্রা ঔষধ সাধারণতঃ ছয় সপ্তাহ হইতে দুই মাস পর্যন্ত কাৰ্য্য করে এবং প্রত্যেকবারই তাঁহার স্বাস্থ্যের ক্রমিক উন্নতি সাধন করে।

প্রতিবার ঋতুকালেই অবসন্নতা দেখা দেয়। ঋতুর প্রথম দিনেই কলেরা অথবা যাহাকে কলেরা বলিয়া ভুল হয় এরূপ প্রবল উদরাময় দেখা দেয়। সময়ে সময়ে ভিরেট্রাম’ সদৃশ সবমন অবসন্নতা, তৎসহ শীতলতা, নীলবর্ণতা, হিমাঙ্গতা, শ্বাসকৃচ্ছ্রতা দেখা দেয়। এই শ্বাসকষ্ট, আমি যাহার কথা এতক্ষণ ধরিয়া বলিয়া আসিতেছি, তাহা হাঁপানিজনিত শ্বাসকষ্ট নহে; ইহা হৃৎপিন্ডের দুৰ্বলতাজনিত হৃৎপিন্ডসম্বন্ধীয় হাঁপানি। কিন্তু এই ঔষধে হাঁপানিও আছে এবং সেইরূপ হাঁপানির বিশেষত্ব—যদি ঘর গরম থাকে তাহা হইলে শ্বাসকৃতা বাড়িতে থাকে এবং ক্রমশঃ শ্বাসরোধের মত অবস্থা হয়, মনে হয় যেন শ্বাসের অভাবেই তাহার মৃত্যু হইবে। উপশমের জন্য সে ঠান্ডা হাওয়ায় বাহির হইতে বাধ্য হয়। হাঁপানি রোগের শ্বাসকৃচ্ছ্রতা গরম ঘরে বাড়িলেও, রোগীর শারীরিক লক্ষণ ঠান্ডাতেই খারাপ হয়। দৈহিক উপসর্গ এবং শিরঃপীড়া ঠান্ডাতে বাড়ে।

এই ঔষধের একটি সাধারণ সৰ্বাঙ্গীণ লক্ষণ হাড়ের মধ্যে কনকনানি। হাড়গুলি এরূপ কনকন করে যেন ঐগুলি ভাঙ্গিয়া যাইবে। আবহাওয়ার প্রত্যেকটি পরিবর্তনে, অথবা মুখমধ্যের উত্তাপের বাড়া-কমায় দাঁতগুলি ভীষণ কনকন করে । চোয়ালদ্বয় কামড়ায় অথবা দাঁতের গোড়ায় ব্যথা করে। আর একটি বিশিষ্ট লক্ষণ—চুলগুলি পড়িয়া যায়, আঙ্গুলের নখগুলি হলদে হইয়া যায়, দাঁতের মাড়ি দাত হইতে ছাড়িয়া যায়, রক্ত পড়ে, দাঁতগুলি আলগা হইয়া যায়,–এই সমস্তই স্কার্ভি রোগগ্রস্ত ধাতুর সদৃশ।

এই ঔষধে হিষ্টিরিয়া আছে এবং ইহাতে বিস্মিত হইবার কিছুই নাই যে, স্নায়বিক স্ত্রীলোকেরা তাহাদের হাতের সহিত এক শিশি এমোনিয়া ঝুলাইয়া রাখেন। অনেক স্ত্রীলোক এরূপ করেন কারণ, বদ্ধ স্থানে গেলেই তাহাদের মূর্চ্ছার উপক্রম হয় এবং তখন তাহারা নিশাদল দ্রবণ ব্যবহার করেন। স্ত্রীলোকদিগের এই অবস্থা যদি মৃদু প্রকৃতির হয়, তাহা হইলে উহা হিষ্টিরিয়া সঞ্জাত নহে, উহা স্ত্রীলোকদিগের স্নায়বিক প্রকৃতিজাত, কিন্তু ঐ অবস্থাই যদি আরও পরিস্ফুট হইয়া উঠে তাহা হইলে হিষ্টিরিয়া জন্মে। এমন কাৰ্ব্ব হৃৎপিন্ডের ক্রিয়াকে উদ্ৰিক্ত করিবে এবং উপশম দিবে।

এই ঔষধ মানসিক অবসাদে পরিপূর্ণ। রোগিণী, অত্যন্ত কাঁদেন। মূর্চ্ছার আক্রমণ হয়, নড়াচড়ায় উৎকণ্ঠা, অস্বচ্ছতা ও অবসন্নতা বোধ করেন। অন্য লোকে কি বলিল তাহা শুনিয়া স্নায়বিক হইয়া পড়েন। অপর লোকের কথা শুনিয়া উপসর্গগ্ৰস্তা হয়। মানসিক ও দৈহিক উভয় প্রকার উপসর্গই ঠান্ডা আবহাওয়ায় বাড়ে, তিনি ঠান্ডা, উন্মুক্ত, ভিজা, আবহাওয়ায় অত্যানুভূতিযুক্ত হন। উন্মুক্ত হওয়ায় তাঁহার গেঁটেবাত, স্নায়বিক রোগ, অবসন্নতা, হৃৎপিন্ডরোগ, শ্বাসকৃচ্ছ্রতা, শিরঃপীড়া উপস্থিত হয়। ভিজা আবহাওয়ায় এবং আবহাওয়ার পরিবর্তনে একপ্রকার রক্তসঞ্চয়জনিত শিরঃপীড়া দেখা দেয়। মনে হয়, যেন মস্তিষ্ক, চক্ষু ও কপাল দিয়া বাহির হইয়া আসিবে। “কপালে দপদপ করা, আঘাত করার ন্যায় অনুভূতি, যেন উহা ফাটিয়া যাইবে।” শিরঃপীড়া পা ফেলিলেই বাড়ে, বিশেষতঃ যেরূপ শিরঃপীড়া ঋতুকালে উপস্থিত হয়। শিরঃপীড়া প্রাতঃকালে বাড়ে। এই প্রকার শিরঃপীড়ার যে-সকল লক্ষণ আমি বর্ণনা করিলাম, তাহাতে এই ঔষধ ‘ল্যাকেসিসে’র সহিত প্রতিবিষ সম্বন্ধযুক্ত, কারণ ‘ল্যাকেসিস’ও এইরূপে অবসন্নকর অবস্থার সৃষ্টি করে। পুরাতন পাঠ্যপুস্তকে তুমি হয়ত দেখিয়াছ “ল্যাকেসিসের বিপরীত।” ইহার অর্থ উচ্চক্রমে ল্যাকেসিস’ দেওয়ার পর, উহা হয়তো আরোগ্যকর ক্রিয়া প্রকাশ করিবে না, কখন কখন উহা রোগের বিশৃঙ্খলা ঘটাইবে, লক্ষণগুলি গোলাইয়া দিবে। কিন্তু ল্যাকেসিস’ অতি নিম্নক্রমে দেওয়া হইয়া থাকিলে এবং রোগী অশক্তীকৃত ঔষধের দ্বারা বিষাক্ত হইলে, তখন এই ঔষধটি উচ্চক্রমে লক্ষণসাদৃশ্যহেতু প্রতিবিষের কাৰ্য্য করিবে। ইহা রোগীর বিষাক্ততার অধিকাংশ লক্ষণই দুর করিবে। যে লোককে সাপে কামড়াইয়াছে, তুমি যদি তাহার চেহারা পৰ্যবেক্ষণ কর এবং তারপর যদি এই ঔষধের ক্রমপ্রকাশন-পদ্ধতি পরীক্ষা কর, তাহা হইলে তুমি এতদূভয়ের মধ্যে যথেষ্ট সাদৃশ্য পাইবে। একথা সকলেই জানে যে, এই ঔষধ বহুক্ষেত্রে সর্পদংশনে ব্যবহৃত হইয়াছে। অবশ্য ইহা দ্বারা সেই সব রোগীর সকলেই বাচিয়া যায় নাই, কিন্তু ইহা সেই সব রোগীর নিশ্চিতই কিছু-না-কিছু উপকার করিয়াছিল, নতুবা ইহা এত বেশী সুখ্যাতিতে প্রতিষ্ঠিত হইতে পারিত না। ইহাকে সব সময়েই সর্পবিষের প্রতিবিষ হিসাবে ব্যবহার করিও না, কিন্তু যখন রক্ত বিষাক্ততায় এবং অন্তরুৎসেক্যসহ জীবজন্তুর দংশনে লক্ষণসাদৃশ্য পাওয়া যায় এবং ইলান্সে’র ন্যায় কৃষ্ণবর্ণ তরল রক্তস্রাবপ্রবণতা থাকে তখন ইহাকে ব্যবহার করিও। সর্প বিষয়গুলির সর্বত্রই কাল রক্তস্রাবের প্রবণতা আছে এবং ঐ রক্ত জমে না।

ইহার অনেকগুলি চক্ষু-লক্ষণ আছে। শিরঃপীড়ার সহিত সম্বন্ধযুক্ত চক্ষুর সম্মুখে অগ্নিস্ফুলিঙ্গ দেখা, একটি জিনিষ দুইটি দেখা, আলোকাতঙ্ক। “সেলাই করার পর চক্ষুর সম্মুখে বড় বড় কাল দাগ ভাসিয়া বেড়ায়।” আমি যেরূপ বর্ণনা করিয়াছি, সেইরূপ ধাতুগত অবস্থায় এই সকল বর্তমান থাকিলে এই ঔষধে চক্ষুর ছানিরোগ আরোগ্য হইয়াছে। ইহা রোগীকে আরোগ্য করিয়াছে এবং অবশেষে চক্ষুর আলোকাচ পরিষ্কার হইয়া গিয়াছে। চক্ষুতে জ্বালা, চক্ষুতে কুটকুটানি, চক্ষুর আরক্ততা।

ইহাতে শ্রবণশক্তির বিশৃঙ্খলা ঘটায়, ফলে রোগী কম শুনে এবং কান হইতে বিদাহী স্রাব নির্গত হয়।  যেরূপ বর্ণিত হইয়াছে, আমরা সেইরূপ স্কার্ভিরোগ সদৃশ নাকের সর্দিজ অবস্থা পাই। নাসিকাস্রাব বিদাহী। নাকের ঠিক উপরিস্থিত মস্তিষ্ক যেন স্বতঃই ঠেলিয়া বাহির হইতেছে এরূপ তীব্র যন্ত্রণা।” “প্রাতঃকালে মুখ-হাত ধুইবার সময় নাসাপথে রক্তপাত।” স্নান করিলে ইহার বহু উপসর্গ উপস্থিত হয় এবং একটি বিশেষ প্রকৃতি এই যে, স্নানের পর চৰ্ম্ম লালবর্ণ তালিতালি দাগে পূর্ণ হইয়া যায়। স্নান করিলে সর্বাঙ্গে যেখানে সেখানে রক্তোচ্ছ্বাস অনুভূত হয় এবং নাক হইতে রক্ত পড়ে। স্নান করিলে বুক ধড়ফড়ানি বাড়ে।

গলার মধ্যে আমরা যেরূপ অবস্থা দেখি, তাহা সাঙ্ঘাতিক আরক্ত জ্বর, ডিপথেরিয়া এবং অন্যান্য রক্তবিষাক্ততাযুক্ত রোগের ন্যায়; বেগুনিবর্ণ, স্ফীত, ক্ষতযুক্ত; রক্তপাতবিশিষ্ট ও বিগলিত ক্ষতযুক্ত; তৎসহ অত্যন্ত অবসাদ এবং টনসিল ও অন্যান্য গ্রন্থির স্ফীতি। গলা ও ঘাড়ের বাহিরদিকের গ্রন্থিগুলি স্ফীত এবং ডেলার ন্যায় অনুভূতিযুক্ত। ডিপথেরিয়া রোগে নাক বুজিয়া যাওয়ায় শিশু নিঃশ্বাসের জন্য হাঁপাইয়া ঘুম হইতে লাফাইয়া উঠে। এখানেও আমরা আবার ‘ল্যাকেসিস’ ও সর্পবিষের সহিত ইহার সম্বন্ধ দেখি, কারণ রোগী ঘুমাইয়া পড়ার অল্পক্ষণমধ্যেই শ্বাসরোধ ভাবের সহিত জাগিয়া উঠে। ডিপথেরিয়া ও অত্যন্ত অবসন্নকর বক্ষরোগে রোগী নিদ্রা পরই অধিক খারাপ বোধ করে।

অতি শীঘ্র শীঘ্র ঋতুস্রাব। “ঋতুস্রাবের রক্ত কৃষ্ণাভ এবং প্রায়ই চাপচাপ।” প্রদরস্রাব ক্ষতকর। “উদরে ও যোনিদেশে প্রবল ছিন্নকর বেদনা।” “ভগাঙ্কুরের উত্তেজনা।” জননেন্দ্রিয়ের স্ফীতি। এইবার আমি তোমাদিগকে এমন কিছু বলিব, যাহা এখানে বলা হয় নাই, কিন্তু তথাপি প্রয়োজনীয়। উহা—সমগ্র বস্তিকোটরের যন্ত্রগুলিতে ক্ষতবৎ ব্যথার অনুভূতি, সময়ে সময়ে মনে হয়, যেন তাহার সমগ্র আভ্যন্তরিক যন্ত্রগুলি হাজিয়া গিয়াছে। ইহা ক্ষততার অনুভূতি, কিন্তু সৰ্ব্বদা স্পর্শদ্বেষযুক্ত নয়। এই অনুভূতিটি গভীর স্থানের এবং ঋতুকালেই অধিক অনুভূত হয়। সমগ্র ঋতুকাল ব্যাপিয়া ক্ষততা এবং ছড়িয়া যাওয়ার ন্যায় বোধ হয়। “ঋতুস্রাব অগ্রগামী, প্রচুর কৃষ্ণাভ, প্রায়ই চাপচাপ; এবং তৎপূৰ্ব্বে কামড়ানি ও শূলবৎ ব্যথা।”

এই ঔষধ বুকে ও বায়ুপথে যথেষ্ট শ্লেষ্মার ঘড়ঘড়িযুক্ত সর্দি ও কাশি লক্ষণ আছে। শ্বাসের গুরুত্ব, একপ্রকার সর্দিজ শ্বাসকৃচ্ছ্রতা। লক্ষণ মিলিলে এই ঔষধ—ফুসফুসের অধঃপাতিত রক্তসঞ্চয়, তুলিয়া ফেলিতে কষ্টসহ ফুসফুস শ্লেষ্মায় পূর্ণ হইয়া থাকা, বুকে অত্যন্ত ঘড়ঘড়ি এবং দুর্বলতায় বিশেষ উপযোগী। ইহা যক্ষ্মারোগের শেষ অবস্থায় বেশ উপশমদায়ক ঔষধ। বুকের অত্যন্ত শীতলতা, অবসন্নতা ও দুর্বলতা থাকিলে একমাত্র এমোনিয়াম কার্ব দিবে। স্ট্যানামে যেরূপ বক্ষের দুর্বলতা আছে, ইহার দুর্বলতাও তাহা হইতে ভিন্নপ্রকার নয়। রোগী জোরে কাশিতে পারে না এবং এন্টিম টার্টে’র ন্যায় দুর্বলতার জন্য শ্লেষ্মা তুলিয়া ফেলিতে পারে না। হ্রস্ব হাঁপানির ন্যায় কাশি।

এই ঔষধের রোগগুলি বিশেষভাবে শেষ রাত্রে ৩টার সময় উপস্থিত হয়। কাশি ঐ সময়ে উপস্থিত হয়। যে-সকল বৃদ্ধ লোক বুকের সর্দিতে ভুগে, তাহাদের বৃদ্ধি-লক্ষণ শেষ রাত্রি ৩টার সময় উপস্থিত হয়, তৎসহ বুক ধড়ফড়ানি এবং অবসন্নতা থাকে, রোগী জাগিয়া উঠে, তাহার ঘৰ্ম্ম ও শ্বাসকষ্ট দেখা দেয়। সে প্রায় নাড়ীহীন হইয়া পড়ে; হৃৎপিন্ডের দুর্বলতা; বিবর্ণ ও ঠান্ডা মুখমন্ডল ।

“অত্যন্ত অবসন্নতা।” প্রবল বিষদুষ্ট রোগে, টাইফয়েড, ডিপথেরিয়া, আরক্ত জ্বর, ইরিসিপ্লাস প্রভৃতি রোগে অথবা ঐরূপ রোগের শেষদিকে অসম্পূর্ণ প্রতিক্রিয়া। যে-সকল রোগ চরম সন্ধিক্ষণে উপস্থিত হয়, তাহাতে রোগী সুনিৰ্বাচিত ঔষধ দেওয়া সত্ত্বেও অত্যন্ত অবসন্ন হইয়া পড়ে, তাহা হইলে তোমরা এরূপ একটি উদাহরণ পাইলে, যেখানে স্নায়বিক অবসন্নতার জন্য এই ঔষধটি আর্সেনিকের সহিত প্রতিযোগিতা করিতে পারিবে। তোমরা দেখিয়াছ পুরাতন মতাবলম্বিগণের সাহিত্যে “হার্টফেল হওয়া বলিয়া একটি কথা আছে। তাহারা বলেন যে, রোগীটির বেশ উন্নতি হইতেছিল, কিন্তু অবশেষে সে হার্টফেল করিয়া মারা পড়িল। বহুক্ষেত্রে সময় থাকিতে এমোনিয়াম কার্ব দিতে পারিলে, উহা রোগীর জীবন রক্ষা করিত।

“খোলা বাতাসে ভ্রমণ করিতে চায় না।” “শিশুরা স্নান করিতে চায় না।” শয্যার গরমে বাতবেদনার উপশম হয়, শীতের উপশম হয়। “গরম ঘরে শিরঃপীড়ার উপশম হয়।” “স্নান করিলে নাসিকার রক্তস্রাব, নীলবর্ণ হস্তদ্বয়, শিরাসমূহের স্ফীতি প্রভৃতি লক্ষণ প্রত্যাবৃত্ত হয়।” “ঠান্ডা হাওয়া বৃদ্ধি।

এইবার আমরা চৰ্ম্মের আকৃতিতে উপস্থিত হইলাম। “শরীর যেন আরক্ত জ্বরের উদ্ভেদ পূর্ণ হইয়া গিয়াছে, এরূপ লালবর্ণ।” তীব্র অনুভূতিযুক্ত দুর্গন্ধ চেপ্টা ক্ষত।” “নিদ্রালুতা,—নিদ্রায় চমকিয়া উঠার সহিত সাঙ্তিক আরক্ত জ্বর।” “মস্তক-লক্ষণ দেখা দিয়াছে, বৃদ্ধগণের এরূপ ইরিসিপ্লাস রোগ।” যখনই কোন গুরুতর প্রকৃতির রোগীর চিকিৎসা করিতে যাওয়া হয় এবং চৰ্ম্মের উপরে কাঙ্কল বা বিসর্পের ন্যায় কোন উদ্ভেদ প্রকাশ পায় এবং সেইজন্য রোগী উপশম পায় না, তখন বুঝিতে হইবে যে, বিপদের সম্ভাবনা। এরূপ ক্ষেত্রে শীঘ্রই একটি ঔষধ খুঁজিয়া , বাহির করিতে হইবে। রোগী যখন প্রবল আভ্যন্তরিক পীড়ায় ক্রমেই শয্যাগত হইতে থাকে, তখন অনেক সময়েই দেখা যায় যে, চর্মের উপর দুষ্টজাতীয় ফোঁড়া, কাৰ্বল অথবা ইরিসিপ্লাসের উদ্ভেদ বাহির হইয়া পড়ে। যদি এইগুলি প্রকাশের অব্যবহিত পরে রোগী উপশম বোধ না করে, তাহা হইলে অবস্থাটি সৰ্ব্বদাই সাঙ্তিক হইয়া উঠে। ইহাতে বুঝা যায় যে, একটি সাঙ্ঘাতিক অবস্থা, এতদিনও আটকান ছিল, কিন্তু আর তাহাকে চাপিয়া রাখা যাইতেছে না, সুতরাং উহার প্রচন্ডতা রোগীকে ধ্বংস করিতেই উদ্যত হইয়াছে। এইরূপ অবস্থার প্রসার দমন করিবার জন্য তুমি যে-সকল ঔষধকে খুঁজিবে, ইহা তাহাদের মধ্যে একটি। বস্তুতঃ যে ঔষধটি লক্ষণসমষ্টির সহিত মিলিবে, তাহাই প্রয়োগ করিবার উপযুক্ত।

অপর নাম – স্মেলিংসল্ট (Smelling Salt)

কার্বনেট অফ অ্যামোনিয়া (Carbon ate of Ammonia)

হোমিওপ্যাথি ঔষধার্থে অ্যামোনিয়াম কার্বনেটকে ৯ গুণ জলের সঙ্গে মিশিয়ে অরিষ্ট তৈরী করা হয়।

এমন কাৰ্ব্বের – মূলকথা

১। প্রাতঃকালে মুখ ধোয়ার সময় নাক দিয়ে রক্ত পড়ে।

২। দুৰ্ব্বলতা, বক্তশূন্য, থলথলে বা লাল চর্ম বিশিষ্ট রমণী। দুৰ্বলতার

জন্য প্রতিক্রিয়ার অভাব, যারা স্মেলিং সল্ট ব্যবহারে অভ্যস্ত তাদের

পক্ষে ইহা উপযোগী।

৩। গ্রন্থিসমূহের গ্যাংগ্রিন বা পচন হওয়ায় প্রবণতা, যেমন স্কার্লেটিনায়, কর্ণমূল গ্রন্থির (Parotids) পচন।

এমন কাৰ্ব্ব – পর্যালোচনা

গ্যারেন্সী বলেছেন যে, সকল নারী স্বভাবতঃ কোমলাঙ্গী, সহজে মূর্চ্ছা যায় ও সৰ্ব্বদা স্মেলিং সল্টের শিশি কাছে রাখে, তাদের পক্ষে ইহ বিশেষ উপযোগী। তারা দুৰ্ব্বল, রসপ্রধান ধাতু এবং প্রতিক্রিয়া শূন্য হয়। তারা উত্তেজক পদার্থ, বিশেষ করে স্পিরিট অফ অ্যামোনিয়া, ক্যাম্ফর, মাস্ক, অ্যালকোহল প্রভৃতি যে সকল পদার্থ । নাকে স্নায়ুর দ্বারা কাজ করে, সেই সকল পদার্থ চায়। * সেরিব্রোস্পাইন্যাল মেনিনজাইটিস রোগের আক্রমণের প্রথমেই সহসা অতিশয় অবসাদ জন্মে। তাই তখন প্রতিক্রিয়া শক্তিকে উত্তেজিত করার জন্য এবং উদ্ৰিক্ত জীবনীশক্তি যাতে পরবর্তী লক্ষণীনুসারে সুনির্বাচিত ঔষধের সাহায্যে বোগশক্তির সঙ্গে সংগ্রাম করতে পারে, এরূপ অবস্থা সৃষ্টি করার জন্য একে একটি উৎকৃষ্ট ঔষধ হিসেবে ব্যবহার করা হয়।

এমোনিয়াম কার্বনিকাম পুরাতন ও তরুণ শুষ্ক নাসাবদ্ধকারী সর্দির পক্ষে একটি উৎকৃষ্ট ঔষধ। রোগীর লক্ষণসমূহ রাত্রে বাড়ে, তাকে মুখ হাঁ করে শ্বাস নিতে হয়। স্যাম্বুকাস, লাইকোপোডিয়াম, নাক্স ভমিকা, ও ষ্টিকটা পালমোনিয়ার সঙ্গে একে তুলনা করা যেতে পারে।

* এর আর একটি নাসিকার লক্ষণ বার বার প্রমাণিত হয়েছে, যথা প্রাতে মুখ ধোয়ার সময় নাক দিয়ে রক্ত পড়া (কেলি কার্বনিকাম)। আমি জানি না কেন উহা তখন আসে, কিন্তু উহা আসে এবং এই ঔষধে আরোগ্যও হয়। আর একটি মাত্র রোগে আমি একে উপযোগী হতে দেখেছি, তা হল স্কার্লোটিনা। রোগীর দেহ অত্যন্ত লাল এমনকি প্রায় নীলাভ লাল। মনে হয় যেন গলাতেই রোগের কেন্দ্র ও শক্তি নিবদ্ধ থাকে এবং ঐ স্থানেই রোগের মারাত্মক হওয়ার প্রবণতা পরিসমাপ্ত হবে বলে বোধ হয়। উদ্ভেদণ্ডলি সামান্যই প্রকাশিত হয়, অথবা জীবনীশক্তিৰ দুৰ্বলতাবশতঃ উদ্ভেদ মিলিয়ে যাবে বলে মনে হয়। * (জিঙ্কে ঐ কারণে আক্ষেপ উপস্থিত হয়।)

বৃদ্ধ দুর্বল ব্যক্তিদের বিসর্প (erysiplas) বোগও ঐ শিরোনামের অন্তর্ভুক্ত। মদ্যপান জনিত আচ্ছন্ন নিদ্রার (drunken stupor) মত মস্তিষ্ক লক্ষণ উভয় রোগেই বর্তমান থাকে; মনে হয় সমগ্র দেহযন্ত্র রোগ বিষক্রিয়ায় অভিভূত হয়ে পড়েছে (এইল্যান্থাস দ্রষ্টব্য)। এইরূপ অবস্থায় কখন কখন এমন কাৰ্ব্ব দ্বারা উপকার পাওয়া যায়।

Am-c : Ammonium Carbonicum
Sluggish and dull minded state. Weakness and exhaustion.Epistaxis on washing the face.Tired, oppressed feeling in the chest.


Smelling salt


-Charcoal fumes

-Snake bite, stings of insects

-Exposure to cold, stormy, wet weather


< Evenings

< Washing

< From cold wet weather

< Cloudy weather

< Wet applications

< During 3 to 4 a.m.

< During menses

< Wet poultices

< During motion

< Chewing

< Pressing teeth

< While or after eating

< Right side

> Pressure

> Lying on painful side

> Lying on stomach

> Dry weather

> New moon

> Eating


-Active, but soon exhausted.

-Forgetful, ill – humoured, gloomy, during stormy weather.

-Headless and unruly, disobedience.

-Depressed with weakness of intellect.

-Vacant mind.

-Loss of memory < vexation.

-Hearing others talk or talking himself, affects him.

-Aversion to work.

-Peevish, fretting, as if crime has been committed.

-Disposed to weep, sadness.

-Tendency to make mistakes in speaking, writing and calculating.

-Timidity of character.


-Great restlessness in the evening.


-Quarrelsome during menses.

-Talking in sleep about what he thought when awake, reveals secrets in sleep.

-Fear of misfortune in the morning.

-Aversion to women. Aversion to sea.

-Reserved during menses.

-Irritability after eating, during headache, during menses.

-Oversensitive to sensual impression.


-It is adapted to stout, fleshy women, with various troubles in consequence of leading a sedentary life. Delicate women, who must have the smelling bottle constantly at hand.

-It is adapted to fat patients, with weak heart, with wheezing and suffocative feeling.

-Very sensitive to cold air.

-Great aversion to water, cannot bear to touch it. Children dislike washing.

-Pains-bruised and sore, there is internal raw burning.

-Discharges-hot, acrid, adherent.

-It is right sided remedy.

-Haemorrhagic tendency-blood dark, degenerated, watery, offensive and noncoagulable blood.

-Ulceration tends to gangrene.

-Heaviness in all organs.

-Head-Headache with sensation of fullness as if forehead, would burst, shocks through head.

-Mouth-Toothache during menses.

-Pressing teeth together, sends shocks through head, eyes and ears.

-Tender, bleeding gums.

-Throat-Putrid sore throat.

-Tendency to gangrenous ulceration of tonsils, glands engorged.

-Diphtheria, when nose is stopped up, membrane extends to upper lip.

-Nose-Nosebleed when washing the face and hands in the morning, from left nostril after eating.

-Stoppage of nose at night, with long continued coryza, must breathe through mouth.

-Loses breath when falling asleep, must awaken to get dream.

-Snuffles of children. Inability to blow the nose in children.

-Ozaena, blowing bloody mucus from the nose frequently, blood rushes to tip of nose when stooping.

-Respiratory system-Emphysema.

-Cough-dry, every morning from 3 to 4 a.m.

-from tickling in throat as from dust

-with dyspnoea, palpitation, burning in the chest

-after influenza.

-Rattling in the chest but gets up little breathless.

-Much oppression in breathing, worse after any effort.

-Asthenic pneumonia.

-Slow, laboured, stertorous breathing, bubbling sound.

-C.V.S.-Heart weak. Wakes with difficult breathing and palpitation.

-Palpitation audible, with fear, cold sweat, lachrymation, inability to speak, loud breathing and trembling hands.

-Female genitalia-Cholera like symptoms at the commencement of menstruation.

-Menses-too frequent, profuse, early, copious, clotted, black

-with colicky pains and hard, difficult stool

-with fatigue, especially of thighs

-with yawning and chilliness

-with toothache, sadness.

-Menses flow more at night or when sitting, then dyspnoea, and weakness.

-Leucorrhoea-copious, burning, acrid, watery from the vagina, with excoriation of vulva.

-Bleeding piles during menses.

-Extremities-Panaritium, deep seated periosteal pain.

-Pain in wrist joints when sprained long ago.

-Drowsy by day, sleepless by night.


1. Nosebleed when washing the face and hands in the morning, from left nostril, after eating.

2. Pressing teeth together sends shocks through head eyes and ears.

3. Cholera-like symptoms at the commencement of menses.

4. Children dislike washing.


-Weak, nervous, persons of a lymphatic or nervous temperament; stout, sedentary women who always have the smelling bottle at hand, unclean in body habit.

-Inflammation of mucous membranes tending to ulceration and gangrenous states.

-Sluggish circulation causing lividity, weakness, drowsiness and low vitality, with lack of reaction.


1. Stout, nervous, fleshy women leading a sedentary life.

2. Nosebleed when washing the face.

3. Stopping of nose mostly at night, must breathe through the mouth; snuffles of infants.

4. Cough < 3 – 4 a.m.

5. Cholera like symptoms at commencement of menses.


-Allergy, Bronchitis, Congestive cardiac failure, Epistaxis, Haemorrhoids, Pharyngitis, Pulmonary oedema, Rhinitis, Sinusitis, Thyroiditis.

-Cough following influenza when Bryonia does not work, give Am-c- Dr. Tyler.


Follows Well : Ars, Bell, Bry, Calc, Graph, Hep, Kali-c, Lyc, Merc, Nux-v, Phos, Puls, Rhus-t, Sep, Sil, Sulph.

Inimical : Lach.

Compare : Am-br, Am-m, Am-p, Ant-t, Apis, Arn, Ars, Aur, Bell, Calc, Cocc, Hep, Kali-bi, Kali-c, Lach, Laur, Nat-m, Phos, Puls, Rhus-t, Ruta, Staph, Sulph, Verat.

Antidoted By : Arn, Camph, Hep, Rhus-t.

It Antidotes : Brom, Cench, Piloc, Rhus-t.

Duration Of Action : 40 Days.


+ Smelling Salts. Ammoniae Sesquicarbonas. 2 NH4 O, 3CO2.

Much used and abused by the Old School and the people. Introduced by Hahnemann in 1828. Classed among the antipsorics in 1835, in the second edition, with additions from the six later provers. In 1859 were published Professor Martin’s provings on himself and students under his direction. Buchner’s proving was omitted by Allen.

Very forgetful and absent-minded; makes mistakes in writing and speaking.

Confusion and dullness of head.

Disposition to weep, particularly in evening.

Aversion to work, not disposed for anything.

Gloomy, depressed, with feeling of impending trouble, with sensation of coldness.

Anxious concern about one’s sickness.

Anxiety, with inclination to weep.

Anguish as if a crime had been committed.

Listlessness and lethargy. Hysteria.

Utter dejection of mind. Chlorosis.

Ill humor: during wet, stormy weather; after dinner, lasting whole day.

From thinking: pain in face.

Hearing others talk, or talking himself, affects him.

After vexation or fright, red spots in face.

Feeling of lightness in head.

Giddiness, especially in morning, when sitting and reading; amel. when walking.

Frequent giddiness, as if surroundings were turning with him in a circle, in morning after rising, lasting whole day, agg. in evening; also at night, when moving head.

Congestion of blood to head at night and when awaking, heat of face.

Vertigo mostly in morning; on moving his head sensation as if brain fell to and fro, towards the side where he stoops; sometimes with stinging pain.

Inner Head
Heaviness and beating in forehead after dinner.

Pressing fullness in forehead as from vapor of coal.

Sensation as if all was to be pressed out at forehead.

Sense of oppressive fullness, pushing as if forehead would burst.

Severe pain in forehead. Undeveloped measles.

Pulsating, beating and pressing in forehead, as if it would burst; agg. after eating; while walking in open air; amel. from pressure; in warm room.

Headache, thrusts in forehead, as if it would burst.

Tearing: in whole head; in temples; back of left ear, ascending to vertex.

Boring, stitching headache at night.

Stitches in various parts of head.

Sensation of looseness of brain; as if the brain fell to side towards which he leaned.

Congestive and menstrual headache.

When stooping, sensation as if blood was accumulating.

Headache: in morning in bed, with nausea and risings in throat, as if to vomit; in morning, but agg. in afternoon.

Outer Head
Pain in head resembling hammering or hacking with a flat instrument.

Drawing pain in periosteum of forehead, wakens from sleep in morning, passes off after rising.

Severe itching of scalp, especially on occiput.

Sensation as if hair would stand on end, with crawling and cold feeling on head, after coming into room from open air.

Scalp, even hair, painful to touch.

Sight and Eyes
Double Vision.

Aversion to light, with burning in eyes.

Optical illusions, particularly in white or bright colors.

Sparks before eyes at night. Headache.

Large black spots floats before eyes after sewing.

Eyes weak and watery, especially after reading; muscular asthenopia; affections from overstraining eyes.

Yellow spots on looking at white objects.

Cataract of right eye.

Burning in eyes all day.

Inflammation of eyes; vision obscured.

Eyes bloodshot, with lachrymation.

Pressure on eyelids so that he cannot open them, even though internally awake.

Pressure with cutting or stitching in eyes.

Smarting in eyes and itching on margin of lids.

Stye on right upper eyelid, with tension.

Hearing and Ears
Painful sensitiveness of dull ear to loud noise.

Dull sense of hearing.

Humming and buzzing before ears.

Hard hearing; ear itches and discharges pus.

Indistinct hearing.

Itching above ears, spreads over whole body.

Hard swelling of right parotid gland. Scarlatina.

Smell and Nose
Nosebleed; dry coryza, especially at night, without slightest air passing through; redness of tip of nose, when stooping.

Nosebleed; severe pain as if brain was forcing itself out just above nose.

Nosebleed: when washing face or hands in morning nose bleeds from left nostril; from right several days in succession, weakening boy. Undeveloped measles.

When stooping, blood rushes to tip of nose.

Bloody mucus blown from nose frequently. Ozaena.

Burning water runs from nose; agg. when stooping.

Stoppage, mostly at night; must breathe through mouth, with long-lasting coryza. Scarlatina.

Child’s nose stopped up, starts from sleep; rattling of phlegm in trachea.

Coryza in hysterical females, in feeble or aged people.

Pustules on nose.

Upper Face
Heat in face: during mental exertion; during and after dinner.

Heat in face, with red cheeks.

Redness of left cheek.

Pale face, bloated.

Hard swelling of cheek, also of parotid and cervical glands.

Pustulous eruption on forehead, cheeks and chin.

Small boils and indurations, emitting water and blood on cheek, at corner of mouth and on chin.


Lower Face
Herpetic eruption around mouth.

Itching eruption on lips.

Upper lip pains, as if cracked.

Lower lip cracked in middle, bleeding and burning.

Painful burning blister on inside of lower lip.

Blueness of lips.

Teeth and Gums
Pricking pain, especially in molars; agg. when masticating or touching decayed teeth with tongue.

Pressing teeth together sends a shock through head, ears and nose.

Teeth feel too long, too dull.

Violent toothache, evenings, immediately on going to bed.

Stitching pain in molars when biting; can use incisors only.

Drawing toothache during catamenia; amel. from eating, agg. from warm fluids.

Sensation as of an ulcer at root of a tooth.

Looseness and rapid decay of teeth.

Gums swollen, easily bleeding.

Taste and Tongue
Taste: sweetish; of blood, offensive; of food, sourish or metallic; bitter in morning.

Talking difficult at times, like from weakness of parts; also from pain.

Vesicles on tongue, at tip, on borders, burning, hindering eating and speaking.

Inner Mouth
Redness and inflammation of inner mouth and gullet; pain as if raw.

Sensation as if mouth was swollen.

Great dryness of mouth and throat. Scarlatina.


Swelling of internal mouth, especially inside of cheeks.

Has to spit a great deal.

Salivation with headache.

Pain in throat, as if right tonsil was swollen when swallowing.

Enlarged tonsils, bluish, much offensive mucus there.


Sensation as if something had lodged in throat, impeding deglutition.

Putrid sore throat; glands engorged. Scarlatina.

Tendency to gangrenous ulceration of tonsils.


Angina after checking an old ulcer on leg; ceased when ulcer returned.

Dryness of throat.

Burning pain in throat and down oesophagus as from alcohol.

Roughness and scraping in throat.

Diphtheria, when nose is stopped up; child starts from sleep, cannot get its breath.

Diphtheria; nose stopped both sides, membrane extends to upper lip, which is excoriated from watery discharge.

Appetite, Thirst, Desires, Aversions
Continual thirst; no appetite, excepting for bread and cold food.

Great hunger and appetite, yet a small quantity satiates.

Unconquerable appetite for sugar.

Eating and Drinking
Cannot eat (dinner) without drinking.

Worse during eating: heat in face; headache, nausea and prostration; dizziness.

Worse after eating: nausea; pressure in stomach and forehead; speech becomes difficult; sweat increased.

After dinner: is ill-humored; has headache; face is hot.

Worse from warm diet.

When masticating, decayed tooth pains more.

After eating: heartburn; drawing toothache during menses amel.

Toothache during menses agg. from warm fluids.

Hiccough, belching, nausea and Vomiting
Hiccough, morning after chill.

Eructations: empty ; imperfect; taste of food; sour.

Heartburn after eating.

Nausea and vomiting of all that has been eaten; afterwards sour taste in mouth.

Scrobiculum and Stomach
Stitches in pit of stomach, with cough.

Burning and heat in stomach.

Pain as from constriction in stomach, with nausea, water-brash and chilliness, amel. by pressure and lying down.

Stomach feels full, trembling.

Empty feeling in stomach.

Pressure in stomach after eating or at night; clothes feel oppressive.

Heat in stomach, spreading through bowels.

Pain in stomach, with tendency to water brash.

Burning pain in liver.

Boring stitches in liver in evening while sitting.

Pressure or sore feeling in hypochondrium.

Numbness in right hypochondrium.

Stitches in hypochondrium.

Splenic affections.

Pressure above navel, as from a button.

Pressive pain in left side of abdomen.

Sudden painful contraction of bowels, extending to epigastrium; amel. from pressure; on lying down it ceases.

Cutting pain, with retraction of abdominal walls.

Colic with pain between scapulae. Amenorrhoea.

Stitches through abdomen.

Elastic swelling (size of a fist) in left groin, evenings; bruised pain therein; cannot lie on left side; on awaking, both swelling and pain gone.

Painful concussion in lower part of abdomen when stepping.

Stool and Rectum
Painful diarrhoea.

Stool of feces and mucus.

Stools at first retarded, later soft.

Costiveness on account of hardness of feces.

Constipation; stool hard and dry, difficult to expel, with headache.

Constipation with hemorrhoids.

Protrusion of hemorrhoids after stool, with long-lasting pains; cannot walk.

Hemorrhoids protrude, independent of stool.

Burning at anus with tenesmus, prevents sleep at night; must rise from bed on that account.

Itching at anus.

Urinary Organs
Pressure of urine on bladder; with cutting pain.

Frequent urination at night.

Involuntary urination during sleep; urine pale with red sediment.

Pale urine, with sandy sediment.

Whitish sediment.


During micturition, vulva and anus, which are sore, become painful.

Male Sexual Organs
After coition, excited circulation and palpitation.

Forcing pain in testicles and seminal cords; sensitiveness of testicles to touch, aggravated by erections.

Testicles and scrotum relaxed, necessitating a supporter.

Erections without sexual desire, mornings.

Violent sexual desire, almost without erections.

Seminal emissions almost every night.

Itching of genitals.

Female Sexual Organs
Great excitement of female sexual organs.


Before catamenia: face pale; pain in belly and small of back; want of appetite.

Cholera-like symptoms at commencement of catamenia.

During catamenia: toothache; colic; face pale; very sad; great fatigue, especially of thighs, with yawning, toothache, pain in small of back and chilliness.

After a long drive in open air, courses come on four days too soon; they are very copious, especially at night, and when sitting and driving previously; she experienced griping colic, with want of appetite.

The courses come on six days too soon.

The menstrual blood is blackish, often in clots, passing off with spasmodic pain in belly and hard stools, with tenesmus; flow abundant.

Menstrual blood acrid, makes thighs sore; soreness causes a burning pain.

Acrid leucorrhoea, with sensation of excoriation or ulceration in vulva. Hysteria.

Leucorrhoea: watery, burning, from uterus; acrid, profuse, from vagina.

Violent tearing in abdomen and vagina.

Irritation of clitoris. Hysteria.

Swelling, itching and burning of pudenda.

Vulvitis with tendency to gangrene.

Menses premature, abundant, blackish, often in clots, preceded by griping and colic.

Menses scanty and too late, always accompanied by frontal headache.

Pregnancy, Parturition and Lactation
During pregnancy: albuminuria; yellow spots before eyes.

Right mamma painful to touch.

Voice and Larynx, Trachea and Bronchia
Slight difficulty in speech; incipient paralysis of laryngeal nerves. Softening of brain.

Great dryness of throat and hoarseness.

Hoarseness: with roughness in throat; cannot speak a loud word; agg. from speaking.

Larynx as if drawn shut from both sides of throat.

Rattling in larynx as from mucus.

Accumulation of mucus in trachea. Softening of brain.


Shortness of breath and palpitation after every exertion.

Dyspnoea, with palpitation of heart.

Great difficulty of breathing in going up even a few steps; less in open air.

Dares not come into a warm room, in which he becomes deathly pale and can do nothing but sit quiet.


Difficult breathing; causing short cough.

Oppression of breathing.

Catarrh, dyspnoea, asthma.

One of the best remedies in emphysema.

Chronic asthma, tendency to hydrothorax.

Oedema pulmonum with somnolence from poisoning of blood with carbonic acid.

Dry cough at night with tickling in larynx, headache.

Cough dry and agg. at night, like from feather down in throat.

Cough at night; every morning, at 3 o’clock, dry cough from tickling in throat, as of dust.

Cough: with spitting of blood, previous sweet taste and great dyspnoea, with stitches in small of back and pit of stomach; short, asthmatic, from irritation in larynx, with painful sensation of spasmodic contraction of chest; with asthma, evening in bed; with hoarseness, body being warm; with spitting of bloody phlegm, heaviness on chest, short breath, especially on ascending a hill.

Coughs up dark blood.

Roughness and bloody taste in mouth, succeeded by cough and sputum of light-red blood, with burning and heaviness in chest, face red and hot, body trembling.

Much hawking of saltish mucus at night.

Expectoration seldom; or morning and during day.

Sputa thin, foamy; adynamic state, with rattling of large bubbles in chest. Bronchitis in the aged.

Inner Chest and Lungs
Chronic weakness of chest and coryza.

Cracking in chest.

Burning in chest; also with hydrothorax.

Stitches in right chest: when stooping; when walking; when raising up in bed.

Stitches in left chest, prevents lying on left side.

Lower part of chest most affected.

Heaviness as from accumulation of blood in chest.

Rush of blood to chest (after writing).

Tearing from upper left chest to scapula.

Heaviness and oppression at sternum at night.

Heaviness and tightness when walking in open air.

Pneumonia with great weakness and suspected heart-clot.

Heart, Pulse and Circulation
Vehement palpitation of heart and great precordial distress, followed by syncope. Hysteria.

Palpitation of heart. Headache.

Palpitation and asthma after every exertion.

Frequent palpitation, with contraction of epigastrium and weak feeling in pit of stomach.

Audible palpitation, with attacks of great anxiety, as if dying; cold sweat; involuntary flow of tears; unable to speak; loud, difficult breathing and trembling of hands.

Pulse hard, tense, frequent.

Ebullition of blood at night; seems as if heart and veins would burst.

Angina pectoris.

Outer Chest
Small pimple on sternum; when touched it feels as if it had a splinter in it.

Red rash on chest.

Neck and Back
Burning on throat externally.

Lymphatic glands swollen. Scarlatina.


Pain in nape of neck.

Pain between scapulae.

Violent pain in small of back, with great coldness.


Pressive drawing pain in small of back and loins, only when at rest, during day; passing off when walking.

Stitches at coccyx, where before there was itching.

Upper Limbs
Axillary glands painful and swollen.

Tearing, also bruised pains in shoulders.

Weight and lameness in right arm; has no power in it, must let it hang; hand swollen.

Cramp in right arm, drawing it backward.

Rigidity of arms and fingers as if dead, at night, early in morning, and when gasping things.

Cracking of elbow joint when moved.

Boring pain in olecranon depression.

Itching eruption on inside of right forearm.

Pain in wrist joint which had been sprained some time ago.

Pain in wrist; in back of hands; in fingers and thumbs.

Trembling of hands.

Cracking of skin of hands.

Peeling of skin from palms.

Hands look blue and veins distended, after washing in cold water.

Fingers swell when hands hang down.

Whitlow, in beginning: red streak up to axilla.

Panaritium; finger inflamed; deep-seated periosteal pain.

Fingers “go to sleep.”

Lower Limbs
Restlessness in legs.

Great weakness and languor of lower limbs.

Soreness between limbs of children.

Violent pain in hip joint when walking.

Blue spot, with great burning, above knee.

Boring and drawing pains in knees.

Leg frequently “goes to sleep” when sitting or standing, also when lying on it at night.

Drawing pains in legs when sitting.

Cramp in leg; also in soles of feet.

Severe pain in heels when awaking in morning, as if ulcerated to bone.

Heel hurts when standing or walking much; sometimes suppuration.

Tearing in ankle and bones of feet; ceases when warm in bed.

Cold feet, particularly when going to bed.

Trembling of feet.

Ball of great toe painful and hot.

Great toe becomes red, swollen and painful, particularly in bed, evenings.

The big toe is hot and burns; agg. from pressure of boots.

Feet and toe swollen.

Crawling in toes.

Limbs in General
Pain in limbs at night, with gnawing pain in small of back.

Inclination to stretch limbs.

Burning of hands and feet.

Rest, Position and Motion
At rest: pain in back and loins agg.

Relieved lying on abdomen.

Lying down: pain in stomach amel.; pain in bowels ceases; leg goes to sleep.

Must lie down from debility.

Cannot lie on left side: bruised pain in left groin; stitches in left side.

Raising up in bed: stitches in chest.

When sitting: dizziness; boring stitches in liver; leg goes to sleep; drawing in legs.

Ascending steps: difficult breathing.

Ascending a hill: shortness of breath.

Stepping causes painful concussion in abdomen.

Standing: leg goes to sleep; heel hurts.

Walking: dizziness amel.; pulsating pressure and beating in forehead; painful commotion in bowels; stitches in chest; heaviness and tightness in chest; improves pain in back or loins; pain in hip.

Every exertion: heel hurts; weakness in limbs; palpitation and asthma.

Moving head: giddiness; sensation as if brain fell to and fro.

Stooping: brain seems to fall towards side leaned to; nosebleed; burning water runs from nose; rush of blood to tip of nose; stitches in chest.

Tetanic or epileptic convulsions from violent cerebral irritation.

Debility, must lie down; also with soreness of whole body.

Feeling of weakness in limbs amel. walking in open air.

Great lassitude.

Exhaustion with defective reaction.

Hysteria with symptoms simulating organic affections.


Loses breath at moment when falling asleep; wakens to get breath.

Must sleep in afternoon, or eyes pain.

Restless, unrefreshing sleep; tosses about.

Frequent violent starting out of sleep, with great fear afterwards.

Nightmare every night, sometimes in a sweat when awaking. Heart disease.

Somnolence, with blood over carbonized. Oedema pulmonum.

Dreams: vivid; romantic; lewd; anxious; of danger and want; of ghosts; of dying; of dead persons; offensive, of lice; of scolding.

Talks during sleep.

Heart-beats disturb sleep; stupor. Scarlatina.

Sleepless until 4 A.M.

Unrefreshing sleep.

Night: giddiness; rush of blood to head; boring and stitching in head; nosebleed; stoppage of nose; pressure in stomach; burning at anus and tenesmus; frequent urination; seminal emissions; cough agg.; hawks much saltish mucus; heaviness and oppression at sternum; ebullition of blood; rigidity of hands and arms; pain in all limbs; continuous sweat.

3 A.M.: dry cough from tickling in throat.

Early morning: rigidity of arms and fingers.

Morning: vertigo; headache with nausea, etc.; nosebleed when washing face; bitter taste; hiccough; erections without desire; expectoration; pain in heels on awaking; sweat most about joints.

All day: burning in eyes; continuous sweat.

During day: expectoration; pains in back and loins.

Afternoon: must sleep to relieve pain in eyes.

Evening: disposed to weep; giddiness agg.; violent toothache; boring stitches in liver; swelling in left groin; cough with asthma in bed; great toe swollen and painful in bed; chill alternating with heat till midnight; much flatus.

7 P.M.: strange uneasiness arousing child from sleep.

10 P.M.: child falls asleep suddenly after previous uneasiness.

Temperature and Weather
In wet, stormy weather; ill humor; agg. headache.

Winter: stout women readily take cold.

Very sensitive to cold air out-doors.

Worse in cold air; menorrhagia.

Worse from wet poultices.

From washing: reappearance of symptoms; nosebleed; blue hands, swollen veins.

Children dislike washing.

In a warm room: headache amel.; get deathly pale.


Better in-doors, from warmth, in dry weather.

Worse while walking in open air, evening.

Aversion to walking in open air.

After entering warm room from open air, sensation as if hair stood on end.

Aversion to walking in open air.

Open air: increases headache while walking; difficult breathing amel.; heaviness and tightness in chest when walking; weakness of limbs when walking; chill increased.

Warmth of bed: relieves tearing in ankle and feet.

In bed: great toe becomes red and painful.

Warm room: chill lessened.

Chill evening; frequently alternating with heat, till towards midnight.

Chill increased in open air, lessened in warm room.

Great chilliness with headache.

Thirst before chill.

In afternoon a chill followed by heat.

Heat, evening, particularly of face; with cold feet.

Hectic fever. Scurvy.

Sweat in morning, mostly at joints.

Sweat on lower part of body.

Continuous day or night-sweat.

Cold, cyanotic, semiconscious, pulse less. Beginning of spotted fever.

Attacks and Periodicity
Worse during new moon.

Locality and Direction
Right: stye on upper lid; cataract; swelling of parotid gland; tonsil feels swollen; numbness in hypochondrium; stitches in chest; weight and lameness in arm; cramp in arm.

Left: tearing behind air; cheek red; stitches in hypochondrium; pressing pain in side of abdomen; swelling in groin; tearing from upper chest to scapula.

Lightness in head; as if surroundings were turning with him; as if brain fell to and fro; as from vapor of coal in forehead; as if all were to be passed out at forehead; as if forehead would burst; of looseness of brain; as if hammering with a flat instrument on head; as if hair would stand on end; as if brain was forcing itself out above nose; a shock through head, ears and nose on pressing teeth together; as if mouth was swollen; as if right tonsil was swollen; as if something had lodged in throat; as from a button pressing above navel; larynx as if drawn shut; as of dust in throat; spasmodic contraction of chest; as of a splinter in pimple on sternum; fingers and leg “go to sleep;” as if ulcerated to bone, in heels; as if joints were sprained; as from festering under skin.

Pain: in forehead; between scapulae, with colic; in nape of neck; in small of back; in wrist; in back of hands; in fingers and thumbs; in hip joint.

As of an ulcer: at root of a tooth; in heels.

Thrusts: in forehead.

Stitches: in various parts of head; in eyes; in molars; in scrobiculum, with cough; in hypochondrium; through abdomen; in small of back and pit of stomach, with cough; in chest; at coccyx, preceded by itching.

Boring stitches: in head; in liver.

Boring pain: in olecranon depression and in knees.

Stinging: in head; thrusts in forehead; in warts.

Pricking: in molars.

Cutting: in eyes; in abdomen; in bladder.

Tearing pain: in head; temples; back of left ear to vertex; in abdomen and vagina; from upper left chest to scapula; in shoulder; in ankle and bones of feet; in joints; in warts.

Burning: in eyes; of lower lip; vesicles on tongue; in throat and down oesophagus; and heat in stomach; in liver; at anus; leucorrhoea; of pudenda; in chest; on throat; of hands and feet; in spot above knee; in warts; in vesicles and pustules. Smarting: in eyes.

Rawness: of mouth and gullet.

Painful constriction: in stomach; in bowels; of chest.

Cramp: in right arm; in leg; in soles of feet.

Painful concussion: in lower part of abdomen when stepping.

Bruised pain: in swelling in groin; in shoulder.

Pressive drawing: in small of back and loins.

Forcing pain: in testicles and seminal cords.

Drawing: in periosteum of forehead; in teeth during catamenia; in legs; in knees.

Gnawing pain: in small of back.

Pressure: outward in forehead; on eyelids; in eyes; in stomach: in right hypochondrium; above navel; in left side of abdomen; of urine on bladder.

Pulsating: in forehead.

Itching: of scalp, especially on occiput; on margin of lids; in and above ear; of genitals; at anus; at coccyx, followed by stitches; and stinging in skin; of eruption on inside of right forearm.

Tickling: as from feather in throat; in larynx.

Crawling: on head; in toes.

Heaviness: and beating in forehead; in chest; at sternum; in right arm; of internal parts.

Loose sensation: of brain.

Weak feeling: in pit of stomach; of legs.

Roughness and scraping: in throat.

Tension: on right upper eyelid, as from shortness of muscles.

Swollen feeling: in mouth; in right nostril.

Lameness: in right arm.

Numbness: in right hypochondrium.

Coldness: on head; with backache.

Dryness: of mouth and throat.

Hemorrhagic diathesis, from fluidity of blood and dissolution of red blood corpuscles; tendency to gangrenous ulcerations.

Hemorrhages: dark; from nose, gums and bowels.

Lymphatic and parotid gland swollen and indurated.

Erythema, then vesication; finally gangrenous degeneration.

Long used, it develops a scorbutic condition; muscles soft and flabby; teeth drop out; hemorrhages; hectic.

Touch Passive motion and Injuries
Worse from pressing teeth together.

Outer pressure: headache amel.; constrictive pain in stomach amel.; pain in bowels amel.

Pressure of boot aggravates pain in big toe.

After a ride: menses come four days too soon; agg. at night and when sitting.

Touch: scalp painful: testicles sensitive; right mamma painful; sensation of splinter in pimple.

Scratching: burning blisters appear afterwards.

After a fall from a horse and sprain of left great toe, frequent inflammation, joint red, hot and painful, and so sensitive to touch that he could not bear the bed covers; continual sensation as if joint was dislocated.

Chronic miliary eruption.

Violent itching; after scratching, burning blisters appear.

Itching lessened by scratching.


Itching and stinging of skin keep him awake.

Burning stinging, tearing in warts.

Burning vesicles and pustules.

Putrid flat ulcers with a pungent sensation, pain amel. by keeping limb elevated and from outward pressure; pus white and putrid.

Child becomes sore between legs.

Brought out measles after three months’ delay.

Strange uneasiness every evening, 7 o’clock, which arouses child from sleep; it tosses about in bed and screams until it falls soundly asleep, about 10 P.M.; during uneasiness head feels bloated and burning; next day rash on face as if scarlatina would break out.

Body red as if covered with scarlatina.

Malignant scarlatina with somnolence, starting from sleep; dark red or putrid sore throat; sticky salivation; parotitis; external throat swollen; stertorous breathing; involuntary stools with excessive vomiting; body red, with miliary rash, or faintly developed eruption; threatened paralysis of brain.

Scarlatina receding.

Erysipelas of old people when cerebral symptoms are developed; while eruption is still out, debility and soreness of whole body; tendency to gangrenous destruction.


Lepra vulgaris.

Stages of Life and Constitution
Scrofulous children.

Stout women, who lead a sedentary life, have various troubles in consequence, and readily catch cold in winter.

Erysipelas of old people.

Similar to its relatives, Am-m., Am-p., etc. and to Ant-t. (emphysema, etc.; blood poisoned with carbonic acid); Arn.; Ars. (inflammations); Aurum (heart); Apis (scarlatina, miliaria; burning stinging); Bell.; Cocc. (muscular asthenopia); Calc-c. (parotitis in scarlatina; pale, flabby, etc.); Hepar; Kali-bi.; Kali-c.; Lach. (erysipelas); Laur.; Nat-m. (muscular asthenopia); Phos.; Puls.; Rhus-t. (rash, scarlatina with parotitis, etc.); Ruta (muscular asthenopia); Staph.; Sulph.; Verat. (cholera-like symptoms during menses).

The presence of miliary rash may distinguish it from the sometimes similar Bell. in scarlatina.

Inimical to Lach.

Antidote to: poisoning with Rhus-t.; stings of insects.

Antidoted by: Arn.; Camphor; Hepar; vegetable acids; fixed oils, as castor, linseed, almond and olive oils.

The Chenopodium vulvaria exhales pure ammonia during its whole existence.

Rubrics: 323 Am-c
[Complete ] [Mind]DAY-DREAMING:Night: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]HYDROPHOBIA:Touch, cannot bear: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]IDIOCY:Uncleanliness: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]IRRITABILITY:Weather:Stormy, in: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]MOROSE, SULKY:Supper:Amel.: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]SADNESS:Chlorosis, in: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]SADNESS:Weather:Stormy:During: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]UNCONSCIOUSNESS, COMA:Semi-consciousness:Fever, in beginning of spotted: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Head]PAIN, HEADACHE:Lying:Agg.:Place, on a cool: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Head]PAIN, HEADACHE:Sore, bruised:Forehead:Dinner, after: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Head]PAIN, HEADACHE:Sore, bruised:Forehead:Room, warm, amel.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Head]PAIN, HEADACHE:Ulcerative:Occiput:Lymphatic tissue: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Head]SHOCKS, BLOWS:Chewing agg.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Eyes]LOOKING:Agg.:White objects, at:Yellow spots, with: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Eyes]PAIN:Burning, smarting, biting:Cold:Feeling, with: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Eyes]PAIN:Pressing:Sleep, on falling asleep: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Eyes]STARING:Anxiety, with: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Vision]BLACK:Spots:Sewing, from: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Vision]BLACK:Spots:Stripes, and bright: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Vision]MOVING:Letters:Convulsions, during: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Vision]SPOTS:Sewing, from: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Ears]PAIN:Pulsating, throbbing:Turning in bed amel.: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Ears]SENSITIVENESS:Deaf ear, in: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Ears]TENSION:Swelling of cervical lymphatic tissue, with: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Ears]TENSION:Extending to:Cheek bones: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Ears]TENSION:Twitching: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Hearing]HISSING:Sitting up amel.: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Nose]CONGESTION:Stooping agg.: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Nose]CORYZA:Burning in stomach, with: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Nose]DISCHARGE:Purulent:Dripping: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Nose]EPISTAXIS, HEMORRHAGE:Bathing, washing:Agg.:Hands: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Nose]OBSTRUCTION, STOPPED SENSATION:Night:Three am. – four am.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Nose]OBSTRUCTION, STOPPED SENSATION:Cold:Without: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Nose]OBSTRUCTION, STOPPED SENSATION:Pain in body, with:Chest: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Nose]PAIN:Tearing:Coryza, during: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Nose]PAIN:Tearing:Extending to:Elbow, left: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Face]CONGESTION:Nose:Tip:Stooping, on: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Face]ERUPTIONS:Pustules:Cheeks:Menses, during: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Face]PAIN:Lips:Upper:Left:Extending over cheek to ear: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Face]PAIN:Jaws:Coughing: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Face]PAIN:Tearing:Lips:Upper:Left, extending over cheek to ear: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Face]REDNESS:Nose:Tip:Stooping agg.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Face]STICKING TOGETHER:Lips:Dryness, with: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mouth]ERUPTIONS:Vesicles:Painless: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mouth]PAIN:Desquamation of palate, with: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mouth]PAIN:Gums:Touch agg.:Tongue, with: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Teeth]PAIN, TOOTHACHE:Eating:During:After, and: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Teeth]PAIN, TOOTHACHE:Drawing:Weather:Cold, damp, wet, agg.: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Teeth]PAIN, TOOTHACHE:Excoriating:Hollow teeth: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Teeth]PAIN, TOOTHACHE:Gripping:Night: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Teeth]PAIN, TOOTHACHE:Stitching:Chewing agg.: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Teeth]PAIN, TOOTHACHE:Stitching:Molars, bicuspids:Pressing edges together: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Teeth]SENSITIVE, TENDER:Menses, during: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Teeth]WEAKNESS:Biting teeth together agg.: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Throat]PAIN:Pressing:Eructations amel.: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Throat]ROUGHNESS, SCRAPING SENSATION:Burning, and:Extending upward after eating: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Stomach]FULLNESS:Menses:Before: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Stomach]PAIN:Pit of stomach:Heartburn, with: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Stomach]PAIN:Pit of stomach:Stretching agg.: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Stomach]PAIN:Cramping, gripping:Pit of stomach:Stretching agg.: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Abdomen]CONTRACTION:Pressure:Amel.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Abdomen]CONTRACTION:Warmth amel.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Abdomen]FLATULENCE:Menses:After: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Abdomen]PAIN:Liver region:Evening:Sitting, while: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Abdomen]PAIN:Boring:Liver region:Evening, when sitting: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Abdomen]PAIN:Stitching:Walking:Impeding: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Abdomen]PAIN:Stitching:Liver region:Evening:Sitting, while: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Abdomen]RETRACTION:Palpitations, with: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Abdomen]SWELLING:Elastic, inguinal region: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Rectum]CHOLERA:Menses, before: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Male Genitalia]PAIN:Spermatic cords:Both sides: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Female Genitalia]LEUCORRHEA:Acrid, corrosive, excoriating:Hysteria, in: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Female Genitalia]MENSES:Profuse:Riding in a carriage, while:Air, in cold: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Female Genitalia]STERILITY:Menses:Scanty, with: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Larynx & Trachea]MUCUS IN AIR PASSAGES:Salty, larynx: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Speech & Voice]DIFFICULT SPEECH:Eating, after: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Respiration]DIFFICULT:Room:Warm, agg.:Becomes deadly pale and must remain quiet: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Chest]CONGESTION, HYPEREMIA:Writing, after: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Chest]CRACKING NOISE:Bending backward agg.: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Chest]HEAVINESS:Burning: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Chest]INFLAMMATION:Chronic:Bronchial tubes:Atony, with: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Chest]PAIN:Extending to:Downward:Expiration agg.: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Chest]PAIN:Extending to:Downward:Standing, on: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Chest]PAIN:Sides:Right:Stooping agg.: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Chest]PAIN:Drawing:Extending:Downward:Expiration agg.: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Chest]PAIN:Drawing:Extending:Downward:Standing, on: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Chest]PAIN:Drawing:Lungs:Extending to:Downward: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Chest]PAIN:Pressing:Plug, as from a:Skin, external: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Chest]PAIN:Sore, bruised:Weariness of chest, with: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Chest]PAIN:Stitching:Singers and public speakers, in: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Chest]PAIN:Stitching:Sides:Right:Stooping agg.: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Chest]WEAKNESS:Coryza, during: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Heart & Circulation]RESTLESSNESS:Heart region:Hysteria, in: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Back]PAIN:Dorsal region:Scapulae:Colic, in: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Back]TENSION:Dorsal region:Scapulae:Between:Menses, during: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Extremities]BLUISH:Hands:Bathing, washing, cold, agg.: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Extremities]CONVULSIONS, SPASMS:Drawing upper limbs:Backward: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Extremities]FULLNESS:Hands:Bloodvessels:Washing in cold water agg.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Extremities]PAIN:Fingers:Tips:Extending to:Hand: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Extremities]PAIN:Toes:First:Weather, in damp, wet: 3 1 / 1


Vol-9, Issue 2 (1st December 2002)

Dr. D.E. Mistry, Dr. Neeta Chitale


Phos / Bac / Merc / Sulph / Ars / Nat-m / Viol-t / Ign / Thyr / Staph / Mimul / Chest-b / Lyc / Ictod / Lach / Am-c / Ferr / Cupr / Calc / Echi / Syph / Sil / M-aust / Carc / Cheir / Mag-c / Nux-v / Dros / Puls / Per / Sep / Sang

By Dr. Mistry and Dr. Neeta Chitale

NO. 1- A.T.B. male, 14 yrs. old studying in a school here was brought on 15.12.2000 with the complaints of repeated boils on the head, itching of scalp, dandruff and itching on the neck, back, ears and stomatitis. His detailed case history and analysis came to Phosphorus based on his mentals-which was given in 200 c potency. Subsequently he received as per indications-Bacillinum 1M, Merc sol 30, 200. Sulphur in 200c as intercurrent, Ars alb as an acute remedy for loose stools but his basic condition of dandruff and itching of scalp continued more or less in the same fashion. In Oct. 01 his mind symptoms changed and he went into a Nat Mur. picture (irritated, < consolation, liked salt etc.) and he received 2 doses of 1M potency at monthly intervals. Around August of this year he brought about crusty eruptions on scalp with underlying pus yellow discharge with itching of scalp as before > by warm applications. Repertorization of his scalp condition brought about many remedies and I decided to try a small remedy which was Viola tricolor. Boericke page 651 gives the following A remedy for eczema in childhood. Eczema of the scalp with swollen glands (plica polonica, crusta lactea). The skin reveals intolerable itching, eruptions particularly on head and face, burning, itching < at night, thick scabs with cracks which exclude a tenacious yellow pus underneath, sycosis miasm. He was given Viola tricolor 6c on 23/8/02 prepared radionically in my Libra Potentiser machine as I did not have the original centesimal potencies.

The medicine was continued in the same potency up to mid October and there has been complete improvement in the scalp condition especially dandruff and itching and also itching on his legs. After this remedy has exhausted its action he will need other remedies, perhaps Staphysagria as he seems to be under the domination of his father.

NO. 2- Mr. M.T.S. who first came to us on 31/3/99 with the complaint of lumbago, backache since 12 years and brownish, reddish discoloration on the neck with all normal reports with R.A. Negative test, was given Ignatia 1M mainly on his mentals , after repertorization. His complaints slowly reduced but he would periodically bring about bouts of urticaria for which a few doses of Thyroidinum 200 helped. His lumbar ache kept disturbing him during cloudy weather and also when he became angry and could not express his anger especially with his elders. This led us to give him Staphysagria. However, his family situation continued to give him mental tensions and on an off he would come with his lumbar problems again, needing SOS doses of Ignatia. Bacillinum 200 was also given intercurrently and he would have pain free bouts for 2-3 months at a stretch. He continued to receive various remedies including Bach Flower Remedies of Mimulus and white chestnut and also Lycopodium. Acute upper respiratory tract infections which he would bring about got relieved by doses of Pothos and Bacillinum. On 7/11/01 he came with left shoulder pain with inability to sleep on left side, worse from awakening from sleep. In addition he felt very hot and had nasal discharge along with nose obstruction. Lachesis 30X3 doses did nothing to relieve his shoulder pain. At this particular stage I thought of giving him a small intercurrent Cameo remedy which was Ammonium carb which has 3 marks in nasal obstruction and discharge and it also comes in pain in both the shoulders. This was given 30 C 5 doses with SL and was repeated on 20/11/01. He had total relief of his coryza and 80% of his shoulder pains had gone. Subsequently he stopped treatment temporarily for other reasons. The point here to be noted is that Ammonium Carb is supposed to be inimical to Lachesis, see Boericke page 1294 and yet it worked without any disturbing symptoms. The patient is still with us. The last remedy that has helped his left shoulder pain was Ferrum metallicm 30. Over the course of years we have found that Ignatia, Staphysagria and Lycopodium are remedies which seem to follow each other at various intervals and very often the prescriber is left to zig zag his way towards curing the case.

NO. 3: – Mr. S.D.M. age 30 came to us on 2/3/2000 with the history of grand mal epilepsy since 1985; since then he was on Gardinal 60 mg 2 1/2 tablets daily and Tab. Mazetol 200 mg one tab at night. His mother had Kochs and his repertorized remedies came closely to Calc. Carb and Sulphur with Tuberculinum and Carcinocin prominently as nosodes followed by Medorrhinum and Thuja. The remedy for his acute convulsive attacks was Cuprum Metallicum and after the attacks were over he was given a dose of Calc. Carb. 1M which was repeated on 11/8/2000. He also received intercurrent Echinacea Q for urinary tract infection which he said he never had before. In spite of allopathic medication and our own he had the feeling that he would get the convulsion which he used to have earlier in spite of allopathic medication. Excessive salivation and stomatitis were also his problems which led to Merc Sol and Syphillinum as intercurrents. Calc. Carb. 1M was repeated on 8/11/01 and on 16/5/01 and 4/9/01.

His EEG done on 20/10/01 was normal. Dry cough, coryza, perspiration chest, head and forehead intemittent breathlessness, past history of ear discharges and present ear pain with discharge led us to give Sil 200 single dose and a months later Sil 1M. We reduced his Mazetol and Gardinal further and gave no remedies for his acute convulsive attacks which were of very mild nature. Very often he mentioned that he continued to improve and that he would feel he would have a convulsion but not get one. On 7/6/02 he came with swelling and pain in great toe of left foot saying that he had injured it 15 days earlier but now was in considerable pain and strange to say he also complained of slight pain in the great toe of right foot. The right great toe showed no such picture. He was given Magnetis Polus Australis (south pole of magnet) Boerick page no. 1165 in which specific symptom of pain due to ingrowing toe nails and shoe bites is mentioned. Ingrowing toe nail is always associated with abscess formation but there is no mention of convulsions in its symptomatology. The remedy was given in 30 potency from 7/8/02 to 8/7/02 and there was 90% of improvement in the toe condition. Subsequently he has received Silicea in 6 CH potency both from the point of view of clearing the remnants of his toe situation and also because he continued to have mild convulsions and ear discharge. We have reduced his Gardinal to just 1 tablets at night only and his Mazetol to twice a day. He is still undergoing treatment. The point to be noted in this Cameo case is that patients do bring about sudden acute inflammatory or infective episodes whose concurrent treatment by the indicated remedy which could be a rare remedy, further leads to improvement of the general condition and also in the basic pathology of his chronic disease condition

NO. 4: – Mrs. M.N. age 21 years was brought to us on 29/9/97 with the C/o colds and sneezing and low grade fever since 4 years. The case was begun with Carcinocin 200 which came strongly in her food rubrics along with a strong H/o cancer in one grandparent. Subsequently she was on Nat. Mur as her general remedy with intercurrent Sulphur doses and Echinacea Q for mild urinary tract disturbances. On 25/2/02 she complained of pain over the right lower erupting 3rd molar. She was given Cheiranthus Cheiri the wall flower 30 C potency. See Boericke page 151 and 405 in which he mentions deafness, otorrhoea, nose block at night from irritation of cutting wisdom teeth. Mag. Carb is another remedy given for toothache from cutting of wisdom teeth in which the pains are worse during pregnancy and at night, worse cold with the peculiar sensation that the teeth feel too long. In this case as the patient had no other symptoms of Mag Carb, Cheiranthus cheiri was given in 30 C potency on 25/2/02 and repeated on 11/3/02. There was complete relief of tooth pain and the patient is subsequently still taking treatment with us for her menstrual problems.

NO. 5: – Mrs. S.B. came to us on 11/8/01 with the past history of chyluria due to intermittent filariasis and history of joint pains in the past. Her repertorized symptoms led to Nux vomica as the main remedy which was given in 1M potency and subsequently in various potencies which caused marked amelioration of her chyluria though she continued to suffer from headaches and dry coughs. Her coughs reduced by Drosera, Pulsatilla, and Pertussin somewhere around Feb. this year and her lumbar aches, burning chest, headaches worse sun and other symptoms led us to given her Nat mur which was also coming out as a 3rd remedy in the original repertorization. On 2/7/02 she suddenly started having pain in lower right wisdom tooth and some feverishness and lumbar ache. She needed only 6 doses of Cherianthus Cheiri 30 C which completely removed her toothache and subsequently she has had various other remedies chiefly Sepia 30, Sanguinary 30, and Nux vom her original remedy.






1942 Mar Vol V No 1

Rabe R F.



R. F. RABE, M.D.

This remedy is often neglected in the treatment of serious pulmonary and cardiac diseases. In a case of chronic valvular disease, with reduplication and a mitral regurgitant murmur, gradually failing compensation resulted in a marked oedema at the base of the lungs. Auscultation revealed moist bubbling rales in abundance. The cough was rattling, with expectoration of white, at time bloody, frothy, tenacious mucus. The cardiac action was very irregular, with violent and visible pulsation over the entire cardiac area, with jerking of the left arm. Face and lips cyanotic. Pain about the breast, with entire inability to lie upon the left side. The temperature varied from subnormal to slightly above the normal. Infusion of digitalis had been given without result; quite naturally, since the case was not a digitalis case. The pulse was irregular, weak and rapid. Three doses of Ammonium carb. 200, at intervals of two hours, brought quick relief and gradual improvement. A repetition of the remedy in the cm, a single dose, about a week later, removed all cardiac pain and permitted the woman to lie upon the left side with entire comfort. The cardiac action has since become much quieter and stronger. The murmur is, of course, unchanged. Remedies most likely to be compared with Amm. carb. in similar conditions are Arsenicum alb., Carbo veg., Kali iod. (greenish soap-suds like expectoration) and Antimonium tart. (inability to raise the sputum with gradually diminishing cough, symptoms of carbon dioxide poisoning and collapse).

In a case of asphyxiation from illuminating gas adrenalin, hypodermically, had apparently done nothing. A high saline enema had been given, and oxygen was constantly administered. The woman was decidedly cyanotic, totally unconscious, pulse very feeble, and a rattling cough was present. Gas cases usually die of pulmonary oedema or pneumonia. Ammonium carb. 200 was given to this case, teaspoonful doses of a watery solution being gently poured into the mouth. In about two hours the patient became conscious, the lungs rapidly cleared up, and the case was discharged from the hospital the next day. The case is of interest, although it is difficult to decide just how much credit should be given to the oxygen or to the remedy.


The following symptoms of Cannabis sativa have been verified in three case of bronchitis, two of them recent. Burning and rawness under upper third of sternum, with a sensation of constriction or tightness in the same locality. Dry, hard, painful cough, with little or no expectoration, excited by tickling in the trachea at the level of the suprasternal fossa. Voice slightly hoarse. Physical examination of the chest detects sibilant and sonorous rales. Respiration wheezing. No change in the percussion note. Later thick yellow expectoration, with general amelioration.

Given in the 200th potency this remedy has brought prompt relief. Repetition at three hour intervals for twenty four hours seems desirable. Phosphorus seems to be the nearest analogue, and may be mistaken. Reference to Allens Encyclopaedia, the Guiding symptoms and Clarks Dictionary of materia Medica is of interest.





The Homoeopathic Recorder By Allan D Sutherland.

1948 Feb Vol LV No 2

Royal Hayes.


Am-c / Sep / Sil / Phos / Caust / Bac / Calc / Kali-c / Psor / Kali-m / Syph / Nit-ac.

Read before I.H.A., Bureau of Clinical Medicine, July 27, 1939.


This paper is not well adapted for reading in convention, but should be of use to those who are interested in treating tumors as an armchair study of certain trails leading to cures.

1. Mrs. S., aet. 66, had an exostosis above the forehead several years. During the last two years she has been treated for many psychoneurasthenic symptoms, morbid fears, physical exhaustion, faint spells; confined to bed weeks at a time. Her first remedy was Ammonium carb. 1M. which helped and led directly to her more constitutional remedy which was phosphorus. During eight months treatment the 200th was given twice, the 500th four times, the 1000th twice, then the 30th once and the 60x. once, with restoration to a pretty fair state of health. The bony protuberance began to leave with the first 10,000th, a little over a year after beginning treatment. At the present time the exostosis is scarcely perceptible to palpation and of course the patient herself is now an active and useful member of her family.

The reason for mentioning this instance is to recall the counsel of the stalwarts of the early years who used to say, “Forget the patients pathology and first the remedy to his symptoms.” There is an important policy suggested in that advice, but it does not always accord either with the most reactible syndrome of the patient nor in some instances with a pathology which may have become an obstacle to constitutional reaction. In the present instance the exostosis had been forgotten until the patient remarked that her lump had begun to grow smaller. But ……

in other instances high potencies have failed to affect the pathological tissues, whereas a comparatively low one such as the 6th or 12th would act well on them. In choosing between high and low one must be guided by the significance of the symptoms. If functional symptoms are few and of little reactible import the choice may be decided first, by that fact itself; second, by pathological types or clinical local peculiarities; third, by temperamental types; fourth, by reputation of remedies; and of course by any of them together.

II. A young man discovered a growth on his coccyx two months previously as it began to hurt when stepping on the right foot, also while sitting. He had had a fall on the buttocks some years previously. Silica 1000, d.u., was given. In two weeks the pain was gone and the lump was larger – a good sign. One month later and the lump has disappeared.

III. Man, age 27, brought an exostosis on the center of the occiput which he said had been growing faster the last two years. Symptoms: Run down by business worries. Anxious trembling; hurry; shuns arguments; sensitive to noise; wants to be alone; “worrying” pain in abdomen, < by flexing the thighs and by lying. Sensitive to cold; averse to salt; desires sweets. Tired cut in the morning. Occasional bleeding from the navel. Sepia 1M., d.u., cured both the man and his bony nodule.

Here were three little bony tumors in which no outward differences could be observed, cured by three different remedies based on symptomatic complex is as different as could be. A hoary illustration of a principle that knows neither youth nor age.

IV. Man of 67 years presented a half inch lump of cartilaginous density on his upper left gum, fixed, slightly tender, no dental complications apparent (no x-ray). Sour breath; papules on back of neck; itching back; numbness of left fingers while lying. Scanty symptoms. Because of reputation and former experiences with Phosphorus that remedy was selected. The 1000th was allowed to run six months with lump reducing, then three months, the 5000th six weeks (without reaction), the tumor meanwhile becoming quite hard. Calcarea fluorica 6 was then given steadily two and a half months, then the 200th, d.u. Five months thereafter nothing remained and a wart had dropped off the back of the neck besides.

This illustrates the use of the low potency repeated and continued several weeks, until, the tumor having become sore, it was evident that susceptibility had been aroused. Then after a proper interval the higher potency of the same remedy did its work well.

V. A man of 80 having interpreted correctly some comparative results of surgical and medical treatment concluded that it would be worth while to travel several hundred miles to start treatment of a horn on the back of his neck. The base of it had become irritated by friction and was arousing the neighborhood in consequence. he had had numerous warts on the hands which had disappeared spontaneously. Black moles and fleshy warts on his back completed the skin picture while the history of surgical removal of a cyst on the left cheek furnished food for speculation in physiological dynamics.

The man had a mixture of courage and timidity. There was no fear of any person however tough and around his region he was dreaded as a scrapper, but was timorous about bees, horses, going into dark places, etc., showing in the mental sphere the two phases of hardness and liquidation peculiar to Causticum. Two prescriptions of Causticum 1000 two and one half months apart cured. The horn started up after the first prescription and grew larger up to the time of the second prescription and dropped off three weeks later.

When a wart or tumor grows more rapidly after medication it is often t he sign of a good reaction. The miasm is being expelled from the organism and that alone is no bid for change or repetition of remedy or potency. I once remarked to an expert prescriber that I believed practically all cancers could be cured by homoeopathic treatment if the patient could but live long enough to produce a full external expression of the disease, to which he agreed. Externalization is a great physiological and therapeutic principle which modern science sees but dimly and which modern medicine in practice ignores almost entirely.

VI. a pigmented mole which had been on the back of the neck of a maiden lady of 57, suddenly developed into a papilloma (naevo-carcinoma or melanotic carcinoma: Mackenna-skin). Five weeks previously she had been given Bacillinum 30 for recurrent colds and this warty resurgence was silently attributed to that, especially as the general condition had improved and an old constipation had been overcome.

The only symptoms to prescribe on were: pressure in the left occiput, ringing and pulsating in the ears while lying. Thuja was given with removal of these symptoms and added vital energy. Wart the same. Six weeks later the article had increased in size so much and alarming the patient and her relatives so much that I was influenced to prescribe Sepia because that remedy had done well for me with a papilloma of the same appearance. Nevertheless there was no result this time. So, under Skin in the Guiding Symptoms we found: “Unhealthy, ulcerative skin, sensitive to rubbing when washing, she must do it herself and very gently.” This fitted my otherwise symptomless patient perfectly. Also: “Warts; round, soft at base, upper surface hard, rough, horny shell, itching.” Calcarea ostrearum 1000 d.u., was given. In two weeks the wart had begun to loose on one side and in two months had dropped off, leaving only normal skin behind.

Here the catch for the prescriber is, how was the needle of Calcarea pulled out of the materia medica haystack? Answer: although there had been no apparent effect from Sepia the general energy had held up so well that with this consideration and the fact of a previous spectacular result from Sepia and having a great respect for sequence, Boenninghausens Relationships was referred to and Calcarea selected for consideration. The Relationships or Concordance of Boenninghausen have caused many a remedy to pop up that might otherwise remain hidden.

VII. This is the other papillo-carcinoma referred to above. There was no perceptible difference in the appearance of the two during the early stage but degeneration was more rapid with this one with its simile from animal sources.

The patient was a maiden lady of 60. She came Feb.18, 1932, much worried about the stirrings of what had always appeared to be a wen on the front of the right cheek. It was discharging pus, prickling, itching, and bleeding copiously. There was a drawing pain the back of the neck which the patient attributed to the growth. History of hypertension, constipation, and she was having some stiffening of the joints. Because of that and a slight horny crust which had formed, Causticum was given. Seven days later the little mass had become inflamed, was increasing rapidly in size and had assumed a warty appearance. S.L. Reported seven weeks later with a severe throbbing headache for which Glycerine 1000 was given. The cyst had remained stationary. April 21, the cyst was enlarging, had become deeply pigmented and subjective symptoms were now plentiful.

Weeping without reason, depressed; felt as if she were without thoughts; no incentive; tired, sleepy; ;heavy, waking often at night, beating in ears. Occasional spasmodic “catching of breath from a nervous action in stomach”. Violent aversion to noise or hearing people talk. Needing an unusual amount of clothing lately. Sepia 10M.F., d.u.

July 30, about three months later, found the patients health much improved but the tumor had become distinctly warty, about the size of a large mulberry, with a black, hard top; and a pellicle could now be distinctly seen. Occasional stitching pains. August 21, the wart had dropped but leaving a foul, suppurating base on which could be seen a new growth of spongy tissue pushing upward. A dreadful odor filled the room. S.L.

Sept. 14. The growth had decreased. S.L.

October 3. Frontal headache in the morning on waking, shifting to the back of the head, throbbing, unable to …. hold head up, > by cold application. Sepia 50M. Skinner.

Nov.7. Reported having had one headache. Papilloma growing. Here occurred one of those aberrations to which some prescribers are liable. kali mur. was given because of the hard black shell which had reformed over the top of the growth.

Nov.25. The shell had been shed but the situation had not improved. The patient was much upset by financial affairs as well as by her condition. Arterial tension 210/110 with constant pulsation in the head. Sepia CM. Sk., d.u.

Jan.14, 1933. The growth had been checked until it had been accidentally hit when it took on a faster pace. Sepia CM. Sk., d.u.

Jan.27. Patient feeling fine, growth developing rapidly. S.L.

Feb.9. Another crust cast off leaving an easily bleeding stem which felt full (subjectively) as if it would bleed at any time. S.L.

March 7. Growth decreasing.

March 31. Skin normal. Patient much better.

This report speaks so eloquently for homoeopathic procedure that I will leave it without further comment except to note the courage of a lady carrying a repulsive, foul smelling growth on the front of her face, able to persist and resist amid the dire predictions and importunities of friends and relative to “do something.”.

VIII. Mrs. M., 50, gave a history of severe malarial attacks in this country and England at the age of 10. Three months before consulting me she had discovered a small, hard kernel in the lower segment of the left breast. The breast had become much fuller and felt hot but the contour was normal. Both nipples were retracted. The breasts were sore before menstruation, the latter being always normal. She was subject to herpes labialis; rather sensitive to heat; easy perspiration; rheumatic pains in arms. Weeping telling symptoms. Very anxious about the lump. Suffering from an attack (her second) of haemorrhoids which she attributed to eating plums. Stinging, burning, ……scalded pain from heat of bed, cushions, etc., tearing during stool, most severe a half hour afterward. She thinks eating cranberries relieves the haemorrhoids. Had a haemorrhage from the rectum (without stool) of bright blood; the faeces soft. Kali carb. 1000, d.u.

In two weeks the lump was gone. A few months later a prescription of Kali carb. 30, then of Psorinum 10M. Sk. finished her troubles.

COMMENT: Probably it was just a “lump” that “Would have gone away anyhow.” But if lumps go away like that why so much determination toward prompt extirpation? Tumors and even cancers have been known to disappear “spontaneously”. Subtracting from these the number that were accidental cures, that is, resulting from unwitting good medication, what is the percentage of true spontaneous recoveries? The answer would be interesting.

IX. This condition is not reported as being a tumor, rather a mastitis, for the mother was nursing and the tumefactions were scattered throughout the breast. But it was already of three months duration and provided a foundation for more serious changes in the future. The left breast of a nursing mother; soreness comes and goes; sharp pains, burning while nursing. Had a similar experience ten years previously. Her milk is too rich; a yellow crust on the nipple precedes the spells of soreness; sensitive to cold and takes cold easily, Tremulous anxiety about the condition; touchy, irritable. Phytolacca was given without benefit but Magnesium phos. 900 (Fincke) cleared the condition. Magnesium phos. has cleared up fibroids for me.

X. Miss. F., 37. Ovate tumor, probably a fibroadenoma in the upper segment of the left breast having a firm, granular feel to the touch; about two by one inches.

Symptoms: Breasts sore before menstruation, the left worse, which is full and lower than the other. Menstruation early one month, late the next. Sensitive to cold, but feels generally worse during hot weather. Evidently suffering from the dread of her discovery. Kali mur. 12, q.i.d…. for two weeks, started in June. By the middle of November no tumefaction was perceptible.

Kali mur. has served me well in other cases. It has a decided affinity for the breasts. And its “soreness of breasts before menstruation” belongs, in my opinion, to the highest rank.

XI. Miss W., 21, lump in outer segment of the left breast about two by two inches, movable, hard. Familiar constitutional symptoms of Sulphur which were improved three and a half months; no change in the mass. Kali phos. 1000 was then given for cumulative effects of trying office work. A month later reported scanty menstruation, feeling exhausted at evening, dizzy headaches. Sepia 10M. Fincke, d.u. Slow diminution continued nine months during the first three of which she was annoyed by an aggravated nasal catarrh with bloody discharges and cough. But I was after the tumor so let the patient struggle along on S.L. At the end of the nine months the tumor had become quite hard and was not decreasing. Because of the reputation for hardness and no other symptoms to be found Phytolacca 900 was tried, then the 10M., but without effect. Sepia 50M. Sk., no change. After a strain from lifting the tumor now enlarged rapidly, accompanied with a constant drawing sensation. Calcarea fluorica 6 for a month did nothing. Psorinum 50M. the same. By that time the lump had become quite nodular like a butternut. Breasts had developed soreness before menstruation. Kali mur. 12 q.i.d. four weeks and the growth was wiped out entirely in a few more weeks.

XII. Boy of 16, round, hard, tender lump the size of a pea in the left breast near the nipple. Granulated lids, the only other symptom. Kali mur. 6 improved the lids; no effect on the lump. Psorinum 50M. seemed to arouse daily afternoon headaches. Lycopodium 1M. Sk. improved. Then the lid condition became acute. Afternoon frontal dizziness and exhausted feeling beginning at 11 a.m. Rapidly falling hair. lycopodium 50M. improved two months, then a general slump, sluggish even at play, absolutely lazy. Syphilinum 1000 was given, prescribed on..

the fact that various members of the family had needed Mercury and the Iodides several times in the past. Three months later the general vitality had improved and the lump had almost gone when a new one appeared in the other breast, both sore and growing rapidly. kali mur. 100, then the 6th, now improved the lumps and produced a good general reaction. Then both breasts became so tender that the boy shrank from any approach to touch them. There was no history of traumatism. Arnica 200 improved steadily two months, at the end of which time no lumps remained. Constitutional treatment was still needed, however, and continued four years before the young man attained to a healthy condition. Notable during this latter treatment was the effect of Syphilinum 45M. and Carcinosin 200. The family had a complication of inherited miasms with many outbreaks of acute illness. Appendicitis of rapid pace seemed to be a family trait. Carcinosin has been used to the decided benefit of several members of the family.

XIII. Miss H., 73, had a sore called lupus by her local doctor, but which at the time I saw it made me certain it was an epithelioma. It was on the left temple and had been healed by radiation a year before. Complained of being tired. The skin had always been sensitive, to adhesive plaster, for instance; easily affected. Constant nausea. Fond of sweets. Coldness and cold feet. Much worried. Sulphur 1M. Sk. started a reaction ceased, perhaps because of the intense anxiety, perhaps because Sulphur may not have been the best remedy. Coldness had also increased. Sleepless after midnight. Sudden attacks of weariness. Thirstless. Arsenicum 200, d.u. In six weeks the skin was normal and the patient fine.

A number of epithelioma have been cured with these two remedies in complementary sequence, with Arsenicum, I think, taking the lead.

XIV. Man of 49. rodent ulcer (basal cell carcinoma) on center of forehead ten years. The patient being of melancholic temperament, always pessimistic as to the future, …… had declined to have treatment except once in a while for some passing condition. Finally, the ulcer began to suppurate faster and to enlarge so that he was driven to it. The sore was about the size of a dime with raised fibrous edges on which were small black crusts; bleeding easily; punched out appearance. He was subject to catarrh, expectorating a thick, sticky mucus at night.

The first prescription of Kali bi. acted about five months, a second six weeks, then all progress ceased. The margin was now becoming elevated again; itching at times. It was recalled that the ulcer began in an old chickenpox scar. Psorinum 50M. Sk., d.u. Seven weeks followed with little change but at the end of that time Kali bi. 10M. SK. acted three months. Then the rim became more active, red, full, felt numb; blackish crusts, base suppurating and enlarging. Graphites 10M. Sk. reacted seven weeks.

The patient then went through his yearly winter catarrhal troubles, gastric and bronchial, and spring had arrived before we could again definitely get to the ulcer. But the results had been good. The patients vitality had become more enlivened and his mental outlook as well. This was shown also by increased activity in the ulcer. It suddenly enlarged, spread much faster, the crusts were thicker, now reddish. It was sensitive to the least touch, sore, throbbing, stinging, especially when crusts were forming. Throat dry, parts felt stuck together.

Nitric acid 10M. Sk. was allowed to act eight months. By that time an old eczema had returned about the eyelids with fine yellow scales and a crack in the external canthus of the right eye. Graphites 10M. went good two months and the base was healed, white, dry, but spreading on one side, the irregular, elevated rim moving to the right.

February having come again the patient slumped with tiredness and gripy symptoms. Nux Vomica and Bryonia in turn acted well, the ulcer improving famously after Bryonia. This last winter his annual illness were slight and cleared up easily with Kali carb. 1000. Only S.L. since last February, all healed and smooth with a ….slight rim of flat fibrous tissue remaining on a part of one side.

The interest here is that because a trace of a rim remains it cannot be called a cure. I would like to raise the question whether any cure is complete, vaccinosis for instance, as long as any scar tissue whatever remains.

XV. A man of 21 had a soft tumor of the vocal cord removed by a specialist after my treatment had failed to effect much benefit locally although Phosphorus had brought out positive improvement in the general condition. The operation was successful but the tumor promptly returned.

Because the tumor was reported to be a soft one Thuja, Carbo veg. and Rumex were given over a period of three months with some improvement in resonance at least from the latter remedy, then Sulphur, based on a few of its classic symptoms which had come up, brought positive improvement. The 5M. was given and followed later by the 50M. Five months from the first prescription of Sulphur an oblong piece of cartilaginous tissue about 3×1 m. was expelled. Slight huskiness remains but no trouble since, that is, the last twelve years.

XVI. A man of 52 had an epulis removed from the left gum, then the adjacent tooth extracted and the alveola curetted. But the growth returned on the gum and filled the resulting cavity besides. It had been bleeding every one to three days for a year when he came to me.

Symptoms: Dizziness rising from stooping. Tired in the morning. Aversion to salt. Craving sweets.

Graphites 1M. stopped the aching and bleeding and the little bunch reduced until one day a piece of bone was jammed into it while eating. Graphites repeated did nothing. Neither did Thuja. Seven months passed and the growth had then become tender, denuded on its upper surface and casting off foul smelling pus. Classic constitutional symptoms had developed for Sulphur. The 10M. ran ten months, repeated, ran seven months. The tumor was now sore again, bled a little at times, with a resurgence of sort tissue on the side of the gum. Mercurius vivus 1000 was given (unfortunately no reasons for the selection were recorded) with good effect, stopping the bleeding and reducing the growth by one half. The same remedy and potency were repeated after nine months, then the 10M. after twelve more months. Eight months after that no abnormality could be seen or felt. Over five years treatment in all.

So far so good. But what about the health of these patients? Obviously, the physical and mental condition of patients treated solely with medicines is uniformly better than it could possibly be by any local treatment. Moreover, the suffering of patients treated by surgery, x-ray and radium is much greater.

Some time, thousands of years hence, when the glitter of manual science has been dispelled by the demands of popular disillusion so that medical perception will have a mind to go beyond the material sense and to deal with what it sees there, these facts will be respected, just as it now considers more carefully whether, in the individual case of infection, it is better to refrain from entering the abdominal cavity.

Tumor is but an incident in the whole life of a patient. I cannot better discuss this than by referring to a report entitled Carcinoma: An Observation, read before this Association in 1915 by Dr. Patch, the discussion which followed and to many other cures reported in our literature.

The gist of the matter is as follows:.

Tumor is a constitutional condition culminating in local manifestation.

This local manifestation is but evidence of vital energy to remove cellular precipitation to the farthest distal point possible.

Inference with this vital procedure can only do harm.

Success with medicine can be attained only by close symptomatic and dynamic adjustment of remedies to patients.

One remedy is seldom sufficient to cure.

Complementaries and proved sequences are of great importance in second and subsequent selections, but must be controlled as nearly as possible by the principle of individual similarity of symptoms.

That Hahnemanns directions concerning the treatment of chronic disease and management of remedy selection and action in relation to miasmatic infection must be adhered to because they conform to ever present phenomena of natural principles manifested in the reactions of living beings.



DR. TAPLEY: I understood Dr. Hayes to say he thought cancer was curable by the internal remedy.

Some twenty years ago there was a journal published called The Journal of Homoeopathics. Probably some of you men remember it. In that journal, I read an article by Bernard Finke, who stated that a party with a wart on the end of his nose has been cured in three weeks by Causticum CM. About that time, an old fellow about eighty came in with an immense seed wart on the tip of his nose, and he told me it had been there for thirty years. I didnt ask him any questions. I had an office full of people, but I gave him Causticum 50M., three powders, one each night. He took them, and in two weeks the wart dropped off. He lived to be eighty-seven, without any recurrence. You would never know he had had a wart there.

A man from Oakland came to me with an ugly looking ulcer on the right side of his tongue which was burning, stinging and smarting. Two surgeons in San Francisco told him his tongue must be amputated, that that was the only thing that could be done. I quizzed him as well as I could, and got indications for Lycopodium. At the time, I told him I would not take the case unless he would have the amalgam taken out of his lower teeth, and substitute a black rubber plate for the red vulcanite plate he had.

He went across the street to the dentist and was told that I was a crank and didnt know what I was talking about. He came back, and I politely told him that since he would not follow my advice the only thing he could do was to get the best surgeon he could find in the United States. He had plenty of money. He went back to Oakland mad because I wouldnt give him anything:.

Pretty soon I got a letter stating that he had followed my advice …. and had had the amalgam removed and had substituted an up-to-date plate for the old red, vulcanite rubber plate, and asking if I would give him a remedy. I sent the remedy, Lycopodium 1M., one dose, and plenty of Sac.lac.

To cut a long story short, when he went back, the son took him to a surgeon. A microscopical examination was made and he was sent to a pathologist, who told the son that unless the tongue was amputated he would die in three months.

He had the amalgam removed, the plate removed, he took his remedy, and in less than three months he was well as he ever was, and five years later he never heard from his tongue.

Another case was a woman who had been treated by radium. The scar would not heal, but commenced to spread. The doctor told the son she would live about three months. She took Cadmium sulph. 50M. All her life she had been cooking her food in aluminum utensils, and eating milk gravies. The milk gravy was made from flour, milk, and the fat or burnt animal charcoal in in the bottom of the frying pan. She took the Cadmium sulph. and the ulcer commenced to heal. I used calendula externally, and she is doing her work and has gained about ten pounds, and feels as well as she has felt for years.

Lycopodium. In looking over the records of many years ago, my father found that Aconite was the remedy most often prescribed, and Lycopodium second. Since then it fell into disuse as we seldom prescribe it for several years, but it is again returning to use. Very useful in bed-wetting, especially if the urine is dark, and stains. Sand in urine. Muddy complexion, feels lame and sore; < 4 to 8 p.m. Whooping cough, > from a sip of cold water. Rumbling in bowels. Hungry, but soon satisfied. Fan- like motion of alae nasi. Music causes sadness. Dreads being alone. Laughs and cries at the same time. Obstinate, arrogant; memory weak; misapplies words; stupid, dull. – V.M. JOHNSON,M.D.





The Homoeopathic Recorder By Allan D Sutherland.

1931 Jun Vol XLVI No 6

George Royal.

Therapeutics / Cases

Phos / Nat-s / Ars / Chel / Sep / Crot-t / Am-c / Hydroc.


Let us now study a few remedies which cause and cure itching of the skin caused by the abnormality of other tissues or organs than the brain and nerves. Left which, in the second edition of his Index of Symptoms, page 79, gave sixty-one conditions in which the word itching or its synonymous formication or tingling appear. The list includes diseases all the way from anaemia of the brain to worms. Among them may be found drug rashes and arsenicum poisoning.


W.L.Kitchens in his Symptoms and Diseases Applied, states on page 105, Part II, that general itching of the skin is found under twenty diseases. Among these are carcinoma of the common duct and haemolytic jaundice. On page 531, Part IV, Dr.Kitchens puts general itching of the skin of the skin and enlarged liver, also jaundice, under the head of catarrhal jaundice and then adds, stools clay colored. Then, under cardiac decompensation he gives enlarged liver. The above shows that itching may be a prominent symptom of conditions of the liver, varying from a simple irritation to a most profound structural change.

CASE I. Mrs. B.E., grandmother and mother of healthy children. There had been menorrhagia during all her menstrual life. After the menopause, she was object to severe attacks of epistaxis, which was controlled only by plugging the nostril with cotton saturated with common table vinegar, one part vinegar to two parts of water. Three years ago I was called in haste because a dish had fallen on her head and cut a blood vessel. She had bled till she failed. Tying the artery and a diet for anaemia, plus Phos. 30th restored her to normal in seven months. About eighteen months later I was called and secured the following: “Beginning about two weeks ago I began to itch all over but more on my legs and feet. That has grown so much worse that I have not slept for three days and nights. I itch worse when undressing for bed or dressing when I get up.

Also, worse the two damp days of last week.” The skin and white of the eyes were light yellow, and there were little red spots on the legs and arms. The urine was loaded with bile. The patient said, “The stools are changeable, soft and hard, but almost white”. She ended with, “I must get some sleep tonight or I wont be here tomorrow”. I wrote a prescription for four ounces of chloroform and sweet oil, equal parts, to be applied to the red spots. I gave Natrum sulph. (B.& T.) 30th, five disks three time daily. Her diet to be mostly fruits and vegetables. She was herself again in six weeks. She used the chloroform and oil only three nights. The Natr. sulph. was continued, at longer intervals, for nearly four weeks. I have used Nat. sulph. in the 12x and 30th with success in many cases, but more for functional changes.

CARCINOMA. I have never been able to cure a patient of carcinoma of the liver though I have had several, including the case of my former partner, DR. A.M. Linn, who suffered intensely from itching insomnia, and rapid prostration. Post-mortem revealed carcinoma of the duct which was completely obstructed by three nodules. Nothing by way of drug therapy or artificial feeding seemed to check the rapidity of the course in Dr.Linns case.

In only one case have I been able to prolong life and allay pain in carcinoma of the liver.

CASE II. Mrs. M.G., age 42, with history of cancer in three generations; mother of healthy children; with good personal history until three years ago, when there developed pain and soreness over the liver, after an injury. The pain was at first an ache, but later burning. Some vomiting, green and bitter, followed; then jaundice and intense itching. The stools were dark and watery. Seven months after the injury, there were burning pain in the pelvis and a surgeon operated for ulcers of the cervix. The wound never healed and a vaginal-urethral fistula followed. She then took Kochs treatment, but without improvement. Two months after the operation she came into my hands Ars. alb. 6x (B. & T.( internally and a solution of the 1x and water, equal parts, externally gave some relief to the thing, the burning and also diarrhoea. She lived nearly eight months after the Arsenicum treatment was given.

CASE III. Mrs. B.N.W., age 74, dark, swarthy skin, sluggish temperament; F.H.good; P.H. “Always had liver had uterine trouble”. Patient gave the following, “Dr. A.M.Linn was my doctor until he dies. He used to give me Sepia 30th. I had some on hand and took it, but it does not help this time. My bowels became constipated, with hard and large stools, also light colored; then I began to bloat; then dull pains about my waist; worse on right side; then the skin became yellow, also the whites of my eyes; then a tight pain from the liver to pubis; and last of all a feeling as if everything would fall out. This time there is a new symptoms, a most violent itching, with a few pimples all over my body, and the more I scratch the more I itch.”.

Chelidonium, 3x (B. & T.) on disks, five, every three hours. six doses daily, cleared up the case. She took the Chel. five days. The itching was the first symptom to yield.

Sepia. Two years ago last spring a tall, slender, dark skinned woman came in with: “Doctor, give me something to stop this terrible itching or I will go crazy.” When asked for the location, she answered, “Everywhere, on my face, joints, body, but worst on my abdomen, low down to the pelvis. You remember I have had brown spots all over me before, but never this itching. My mother insisted it was my sluggish liver and six weeks ago had me take sulphur and molasses. It has made me neither tetter or worse. Scratching does no good, but I do scratch and make sores. Sometimes I think hot water makes it better, then again cold, either helps a little. The spots are worse on my abdomen. My bowels are always constipated. They were loose while I was taking the sulphur, but have been worse than ever since. I want to get off by myself and cry.”.

She was given Sepia 30th (B.& T.) tables, five in a glass of water every third morning. This restored her to normal, but not to a well woman. I had known her for twenty-three years and she was never in good health. She always complained about her liver.

Croton tig. T.F.Allen says Croton tig. is “a powerful drastic purge”, and compares it to Jatropha and Gambogia in this respect.

Allen also says: “When applied to the skin it produces an eruption of small pustules with inflamed areolae.” Boericke, under skin, has “feels hide-bound, intense itching, but scratching is painful.” Douglas says, “Croton tig. Any form of eczema unaccompanied with disease of other organs; watery diarrhoea, gushing our forcibly; excessive itching, but the patient cannot bear to scratch very hard or it hurts; a mere rub suffices to allay the itching.” Dearborn, page 353, writes: “Croton oil applied to the mucous membrane or the skin excites a catarrhal inflammation. Given internally it seems to have an elective affinity for the skin of the face and external genitals, producing a dark red erythema, vesicles and pustules, accompanied with corrosive itching, smarting, burning, tickling and other pruritic sensation. These are worse night and morning, from waking, touch, washing and exposure to air.”.

The only use I have made of Croton tig. is for poisoning with poison ivy, and eczema. With the former I give the 3rd of of diluted carbolic acid, two drams to a pint of water, applied to parts involved. For the eczematous patients, I give the 30th internally and a solution of the 3rd, one part to one hundred parts of water, locally. Next to the itching the urgent, watery, gushing stool is the ranking symptom of the group.


Arsenicum alb. Many of my diabetic patients have come to me and stated that though the amount of sugar was no larger than normal, yet for some unknown cause there was much more itching of the entire body, also that the skin and mouth were a good deal dryer than usual.

Such patients (including myself) always secure relief from the itching (which changes to burning on scratching) by Ars. alb. in potency suited to each individual.

Arsenicum bromatum will often excel the Ars. alb. in relieving the pruritus of the diabetic patients, who have syphilis as a complicating factor. I have used it only in the 1x, five drops in a teacup of water, three times daily.


Arsenicum alb. The two of the many conditions of the kidneys in which I have found itching a marked symptom are chronic interstitial nephritis and uraemia. In these, again Arsenicum alb. ranks first in frequently and effectiveness.

Ammonia carb. is the second in rank for Des Moines patients, due to the sudden rise and fall in temperature which causes patients of Ammonia carb. type, who are very susceptible to atmospheric changes, to suffer uraemia.

T.F.Allen says “Ammonia carb. is indicated in uraemia with the characteristic symptoms of the drug”, and Boericke gives these characteristic symptoms as follows: “Frequent desire; involuntary at night; urine white, sandy, bloody, copious, turbid and foetid.”.

In addition to what the patients usually call “a fresh cold”, I have found Ammonia carb. of great value for patients of low vitality when the eruption is caused by measles, scarlet fever, chicken or smallpox, and fails to appear at the proper stage or time, and there is a violent itching and the eruptions of the skin as ranking symptoms of the uraemic group. For the many cases I have had, the 3rd has always been used, and repeated at hours intervals, one to two hours.

Hydrocotyle: J.H.Clarkes gives it as useful in the following conditions: “Acne rosacea, elephantiasis, ichthyosis, lupus, follicular inflammation of uterus, pruritus of vagina.”.

T.F.Allen had the following: “Spots almost circular, with raised scaly edges. Yellowish spots on legs. Erysipelatous redness. Papules on face. Pustules on chest. Pricking on different parts, itching in several places.” Above in italics.

Under clinical be hives: “Suppurating lupus, lymphatic tumors, leprosy, elephantiasis, psoriasis, and dry eczema” as either cured or exfoliation of the epidermis is a strongly marked indication for its use (|Kreos.)”.

Wm. Boericke3 has the following in italics:” “Heat within vagina.

1. Dictionary, page 924, vol.I.

2. Handbook, page 458.

3. Materia Medica, page 384.

Glandular ulceration of womb. Great thickening of epidermoid layer and exfoliation of sales. Intolerable itching, especially of soles.” Boericke names the following conditions in which some or all of the above have been prominent, “Pruritus of vagina, psoriasis gyrata, acne, leprosy, and elephantiasis.”.

The three conditions for which the patients entrance complaint was itching and that I have successfully used Hydroc. in, are pruritus of the vagina, psoriasis and elephantiasis.

CASE 1. The pruritus case was a woman. Married, two children, age 37, dark skin. F.H.cancer in two generations. P.H.suffered with a profuse leucorrhoea since puberty, always had pimples on face at menstrual periods, also pimples and vesicles on inner side of thighs. But of late the skin on the soles of feet has grown thick and cracks appear between the toes and on the heels. “These cracks are painful but I could stand that were it not for the terrible itching of both feet and around the vagina, worse on feet.” Questioning failed to secure anything about the gastric or intestinal canal. She was given Hydrocotyle, B.&.Ts 30th, five (5) drops on disks night and morning. She was also to use a solution of one part of Hydroc. to ten parts of water as a douche and topical application night and morning.

Graph. first came to my mind but the results of the quizzing soon caused me to decide for Hydroc.

The improvement was slow, but without any other treatment she became normal. Yes, better than normal because she was cured of her leucorrhoea.

CASE II. A psoriasis case with a dry skin generally and profuse thick scales on elbows, legs and feet, with intense itching, was sent to me by her physicians, who said Sulph, and Ars. alb., high and low had utterly failed to make an impression. This case was cured by Luyties Hydroc. the 6th, five drops on disks. before each meal and at bedtime for two weeks, then once a week for two weeks, Her physician wrote up the case for me, I never saw the patient.

Elephantiasis of the scrotum very pronounced, and of the feet less pronounced with “no itching of the feet compared with that of the scrotum” was greatly improved by a course of Hydroc. the 6th.

The scrotum completely cleared up and remained so, but the swelling of the feet, and especially the itching will return now and then without any known cause that we can find.

Rumex crispus. Dearborn mentions Rumex under prurigo and urticaria but gives no symptoms.

Douglas gives the following for prurigo: “Itching better from warmth, contagious prurigo.”.

Bartlett, page 617, Vol. III, has: “The utility of Rumex appears to be limited to acute tracheitis with hyperaesthesia of the mucous membrane of the larynx and trachea.”.

T.F.Allen has : “Prurigo worse from cold, better from warmth; excessive itching on undressing. Chronic urticaria. (compare Rhus tox., Caust.)”.

Wm. Boericke has: “Intense itching of skin, especially of lower extremities; worse, exposure to cold air when undressing. Urticaria; contagious prurigo.”.

I am including Rumex because of the large number of my patients which it has cured. The make-up of the Rumex patient is of all varieties. The symptoms are, according to my experience, INTENSE ITCHING, caused by cold air both when undressing for bed or when undressing for bed or when getting out of bed. The “better from warmth” I have never found in this group but often in he respiratory organ group. I use the 3rd and 30th. People of the mid-west call contagious prurigo “prairie itch”.

Carbo veg. is like Rumex in a few symptoms but unlike it in a great majority of symptoms, vix., the Rumex patient (skin) is never seriously sick, while the Carbo veg. patient (skin or otherwise) is always seriously sick; the skin symptoms of Rumex are seldom accompanied by those of other tissues, while those of Carbo veg. are always accompanied by other conditions like carbuncle, gangrene, etc.; the Rumex itching is aggravated by cold air while the Carbo veg. coldness is aggravated by cold of any kind; the cough of the Rumex patient is better from warmth, and the coldness of Carbo veg. is better from warmth.

Use B. & Ts 1M or higher.


My purpose in presenting the articles on pruritus and prurigo is not to present a complete study of either condition and remedies used, but rather to give the authorities to which the reader used, but rather to give the authorities to which the reader may go for further information. I have given many of the tissues or organs effected so that our principle of elective affinity may be applied.


An invaluable piece of advice the master gives us concerning the examination of patients, its to let the sufferer tell of his pains, sensations and so forth, without interruption, for, he cautions us, if the patient be questioned before he has told his whole story he may, through confusion or timidity, forget some essential symptoms. Another equally important suggestion is to note down in writing all that falls from the lips of the patient, relating to his symptoms, and these, he counsels us, to take down as much as possible in the patients own words in the order given. Subsequently his statements may be corrected or corroborated by the attendants or friends. The master also particularly warns us, not to put leading or suggestive questions; or, in other words, we are to avoid making inquiries which may be answered simply in the affirmative or the negative. It may be necessary, unless the patient be in danger or in great distress, to defer prescribing until some of the effects of the medicine have passed away. Every one of these suggestions is worth its weight in gold-aye, a hundred fold more-as the observing homoeopathic daily realizes.-PROSPER BENDER, M.D, 1895.

Let us then say it-emphatically, loud and frankly-that the determining symptoms may appear in many respects to be insignificant and unimportant, and let us proclaim it to be a requisite condition, that in proving drugs and in examining patients, the insignificant are not to be neglected, but even to be noted and regarded with especial care.- PROF. DR.J.HOPPE, 1864.





The Homoeopathic Recorder By Allan D Sutherland.

1931 Aug Vol XLVI No 8

Margaret Burgess.


Am-c / Tub / Bry / Phos / Stict / Bar-c.

Presented at the I.H.A., Bureau of Obstetrics and Pediatrics, June 1931.


Helen was a thin, scrawny child, with a congenital heart lesion, a frequently recurring eczema of the head and face, and a very unstable nervous system. When the measles eruption should have been fully developed, there was only a pale, livid rash under the skin, the heart action was weak and failing, and the child looked extremely ill, with rapidly increasing prostration. Sulph. 1M produced prompt reaction, development of the rash, and normal course of the disease without further complications.

Edwards rash was developing slowly, when suddenly the temperature shot up to 106, with pulse and respiration correspondingly high, the whole chest being filled with rales. He was indeed a very sick child, the rash was under the skin and of a livid color, the cough was infrequent, the chest was filled with mucus, there was no expectoration and he was in a semi- stupor, being roused with difficulty. Edward had been under my care since birth and under such constitutional remedies as Sulphur and Tuberculinum, but in spite of carefully selected remedies at this critical time the temperature remained at 106, and there was no improvement in the symptom picture. Dr. Rabe was called in consultation from New York. Because of a similar appearing skin in an undeveloped rash in a recent case of scarlet fever, he advised Ammonium carb. which was given in the 200. In about five hours the rash appeared in full force, the whole body was covered with a drenching sweat, the chest symptoms were relieved, and Edward had turned the corner. A teasing persistent cough and an afternoon temperature of 100 and over called for Tuberculinum which completed the cure.

Barbara, sister of the above, during the course of measles, had a hard, deep, barking cough, with retching and vomiting. She would become greatly exhausted by the violence of the prolonged paroxysms, during which she would hold her chest with her hands. Drosera 1M relieved at once.

Richard was apparently making fine progress with an uncomplicated measles, when the rash suddenly receded, the temperature mounted to 105, and over night we had a fully developed right lobar pneumonia. Bryonia 1M redeveloped the rash and modified the chest symptoms, but Phos. was called for in thirty-six hours for the hard, dry cough and flapping of the nostrils. The pneumonia ended by lysis.

Susan was just recovering from a follicular tonsillitis when she came down bang with measles, hard, dry, racking cough, temperature 104, and pale undeveloped rash. Bryonia 1M developed the rash but the temperature persisted, both lungs being filled with rales, threatening broncho-pneumonia. We had a very sick little girl who could sleep neither night nor day because of the constant hard, dry cough. Sticta 200 relieved almost immediately, the cough subsided and the chest cleared. Another rise of temperature occurred, and we had a right sided otitis media with profuse greenish yellow, offensive, excoriating discharge. Several remedies were given without benefit. The chronic symptoms were taken into consideration, hypertrophied tonsils and foul smelling foot sweat. Baryta carb 200 not only promptly cured the ear condition, but shriveled the tonsils and greatly improved the foot sweat.



DR. R.E.S. HAYES: I trust that the essayist will forgive me for not saying very much. In a certain way she said it all.

Five little ones departed from the ordinary course of measures and took dangerous routes from which neither the most celebrated specialist, the most live wired clinician, the clearest visioned laboratorician nor the most zealous health official could have brought them. Life cannot be saved nor protracted illness prevented in conditions of that type unless the genius of the Hahnemannian principle is recognized.

With practiced eye and keen insight the homoeopath knew what to do and what to expect. Her work, as also the consultants in one of the cases, shows an understanding of influences far deeper than mere measles. It shows the master hand.

Reports like this always suggest the phrase. “That reminds me.” At our last state meeting Dr. B.S. Adams related the case of a boy who went through measles in the usual way but the disappearance of the rash was followed by a large swelling of the cervical glands. Belladonna was used with prompt recession of the adenitis. Then the boy went through another complete attack of measles just as though none had occurred before.

I am reminded of an experience which I may have related at some previous time. An apparently robust boy was convalescing from an ordinary course of measles in the ordinary way when he suddenly came down with a very high temperature, drenching sweat, marked pallor and prostration. The most spectacular symptom, however, was a remarkably rapid loss of flesh. His soft tissues appeared to melt away with the passing of every hour. I had never seen anything like it before nor have I since. Tuberculinum checked the whole process, whatever it was, almost at once, with prompt recovery as the sequel.





Journal Of Homoeopathic Clinics

1869-1870 Volume III, N-1

H. W. Rice



Case 370

S. H., a mechanic, age 31, came to me June 1, 1869, complaining of epistaxis. He had been affected so for about three years, and had been under the treatment of several allopathic physicians, without receiving any benefit. He stated the blood which came away was of a bright red color, and the quantity passed at any one time was from fifty to two hundred drops. His general health seemed good; he had no pain about his head; his appetite was normal, and as far as could be judged, his digestion perfect. Till within these last few years this man had never experienced any physical trouble.

The peculiarity of the epistaxis was, that though it always occurred in the morning, of itself, if I may use the expression, he could produce the bleeding at any time by simply wetting his face. This was a great annoyance to him, epistaxis having invariably followed washing his face, for three years.

He stated that he was in the habit of taking a glass of whisky or ale occasionally, but he did not consider the epistaxis was more apt to occur, or was freer, after such drinking.

Remembering a symptom in Lippe, under Ammonia carb., “re-appearance of some symptoms from washing, especially bleeding of the nose,” and this patient having no other prominent symptom, I decided to give this remedy. Seven powders of the 30th dilution were given, with direction to take one each morning. I also ordered him to refrain from liquors of any kind.

June 8. The patient returned, and stated his nose had bled only twice since taking the first powder, and at these times from violently blowing the nose after washing his face. I gave him Sacch. lac., for one week, and a powder of Amm. c. 30, to be taken at the end of that time.

A few days after the 4th of July, he returned, saying his nose had been bleeding. On questioning him, I ascertained that no bleeding had occurred from his last visit to me, until the 5th inst., also, that on the 4th he had gotten drunk; on the 5th the epistaxis commenced, and continued through the 6th and 7th, about 100 drops each day. I gave him Amm. c. 30, one dose, and the epistaxis has not recurred to this date, he, though cautioned against it, drinking a glass or two of whisky per diem.

H. W. Rice.

563 Silicea. Hard edged fistulous ulcers remaining after mammary abscesses.


564 Graphites. Hard scars remaining after disappearance of mammary abscesses.






Medical Advance

1884-1885 Vol XV No 3

J. T. Kent


Ars / Lyc / Phos / Sep / Sulp / Puls / Nat-m / Am-c / Ant-t / Asar / Colch / Iod


Dec. 11, 1883, B.W., aged 22. – Came to St. Louis from Las Vegas, New Mexico. In that place she had been sick some time much of that in bed. She had been sick of what was called pneumonia from which she never had recovered. There was some

coarse rattling in the bronchial tubes but she expectorated very little although she coughed very much. The rattling breathing could be heard distinctly in any part of the room. Close listening detected crepitant and sub-crepitant rales, but nothing more. A warm close room induced suffocation; she was compelled to have the windows open; much better in the open air. She cannot endure warm clothing, even in winter she sleeps with a thin covering; a general feverish feeling has always been present. She is very fond of bathing which cools her body and gives relief; her feet burn and she puts them out often to cool them. Menses last eight to ten days; dark, clotted and excoriate the parts. The flow smells sour; herpes on the labia at the menstrual period; leucorrhoea like white of egg before the menses; sometimes it becomes milk-like. Pain in the thighs and sacral regions much of the time.

She is costive; stool hard; after straining a long time gives up exhausted, having failed to pass any faeces. Headache over both eyes, and the eyes burn. Teeth are decayed and black; she has periodical deafness. The feet are oedematous; temperature 99 1/2; pulse 100. Night sweats and the scanty expectoration that she raises in the morning taste salty. She craves salty and sweet things. Aversion to lean meat, but craves fat meat and fat ham which agree. Aversion to men; a horror of men. She has been raised in a convent. She lives with her sister of whom she is very jealous even to selfishness. She wants her sister with her every moment and dislikes even a lady to speak to the sister. She wants to be with nobody but this sister.

While she hates men and does not want to be spoken to by a man, she suffers from marked nymphomaniacal symptoms when in bed with her sister, whom she embraces and kisses hotly, then trembles and becomes prostrated. She seems sinking rapidly and has been told by her physician that she would die shortly with “quick consumption”. Extensive questioning failed to reveal further symptoms. She was almost a skeleton so greatly was she emaciated.

It will be seen that no remedy can be forced to cover this entire picture, or what would to some seem a chaos of symptoms. She had taken cod liver oil and hypophosphites, and she had taken what some would call homoeopathic treatment. She had been treated on general principles, and taken everything but the appropriate homoeopathic remedy. What shall we do? This case as presented shows characteristics of several homoeopathic remedies. What can pathology do for us in such a case? I am confident that an able pathologist attempted this case before she came to me. I cannot expect to do better after the disease has progressed much further in its fatal action.

Nothing but the wilderness of symptomatology can help me in this very peculiar case. I therefore as usual made an anamnesis which brings to view all the remedies partially similar and brings order out of chaos.To shorten the anamnesis we may select the most peculiar symptoms and leave out the common little ones that only help to mix up the case, until lastly they may be brought in for the purpose of helping in the close decision. The most peculiar symptom is the peculiar erotomania coupled with the selfishness and jealousy. Hyoscyamus, Platina, Cantharis and Phosphorus have erotomania but not the peculiar sexual selfishness so marked in this case. This combination can only be covered by Sulphur.

In the morning she gets up a little sputa which tastes salty; Ars., Lyc., Phos., Puls., Sep., Sulph. And others.

Aversion to men : Amm. C., Puls., (Sulph.?) Lyc., Nat. m. I have several times cured this symptom with Sulph. Yet it is not in the repertory.

Craves fat which agrees : Mez., Nit. Ac., Nux v., but Sulph. Has cured several cases where this symptom was present, I see by reference to my case-book.

The constant feverish state, heat of the body compelling her to wear thin clothing : Ant., Asarum., Colch., Iod., Lyc., Puls., Sulph.

The neglected pneumonia which seems the next most important factor not to be overlooked : Lyc., Phos., Sulph.

The feet burn and she puts them out of bed to cool them off : Calc., Lyc., Kali c., Graph., Puls., Phos., Sil., Sulph and many others.

She is fond bathing and better in the open air, which would make a neophyte think of Puls., but several remedies have it as well; while Sulph. Has better in the open air and with the windows open, it seldom has better from bathing; it would therefore seem to be contra-indicated, but the many peculiar symptoms asking for it and the peculiar selfishness manifested in her disposition opposed the giving every remedy in the anamnesis but Sulph., which was given 55 m (Fincke) one single dose.

Six weeks later : the cough had mostly ceased, the swelling from the feet gone, erotomania entirely gone, and she has gained flesh remarkably. The remedy had become exhausted and was repeated, the same potency which lasted over two months when Sulph. CM(Fincke) was given. No more medicine. I am informed that she is in perfect health and perfectly free from her annoying symptoms. I am aware that this case will be disputed, but I am permitted to exhibit the case as reported and can substantiate every part of it. The first dose of Sulphur was followed by a severe aggravation of the cough and chest was marked until health was reached.





Medical Advance

1890 Vol XXV No 6




Dry catarrh of nose


Dry Catarrh.-Ammonium Carb.-Mr. H-, age 70, for many years suffered with a dry nasal catarrh; nose all the time obstructed; could not breathe through it. There was little discharge. For over a years I prescribed different remedies in various potencies with little or no effect. I finally gave Amm. carb. 3 x trituration in repeated doses, which relieved him.





Medical Advance

1891 Vol XXVI No 1

Edward Mahoney


Stram / Sil / Bell / Sulph / Con / Am-c / Calc-p / Bapt / Plb / Alum / Chel / Colch / Am-m

Belladonna. -Paroxysmal, sudden cough with fullness in head, heat of face, sore chest. Cough causes sickness. Belladonna 200, tu die sumend. Next day but one, better in all respects.

Sulphur. -Before going to sleep, dry cough a long time, evening in bed, and worse than during the day. Sulphur 200. Prompt relief same evening. In a young child.

Conium. -Since early morning, diarrhoea, painless, watery, followed by flatulency in abdomen. Conium 200 every two hours.

Next day, diarrhoea much less. Urging to micturition with urine scanty, high colored (medicinal?). Soon recovered.

Colic at epigastrium; chilly, fat disagrees, amiable temperament. Pulsatilla 200, three times a day. Next day but one, “considerable improvement”. Repeated Pulsatilla twice a day. Three day later, husband writes: “My wife is so far recovered that I think your contemplated visit tomorrow will not be required”.

Ammonium Carb. -Pain on taking hold of anything with the hands and fingers. Deadness of hands and fingers at night. Ammon. Carb. 30, three times a day. Reported in nine days, very much improved.

In a neurotic, middle aged woman, sensation as if the brain shook; all noises aggravate symptoms; griping in stomach; pains mist after supper. North pole of magnet applied locally by patient to painful spot whenever pain was severe. Greatly relieved; applied for one minute each time.

A middle aged lady, plethoric, nervo-bilious temperament, who had been fearfully maltreated and drugged for about twenty years, but under true Homoeopathy for about twelve months reported that for the last three or four years se had been subject to Ptosis and attacks of weight on the head with nausea, bringing up water only; drowsy also. She received Gambogia 200, four doses, one each nigh in water. Reported: after the first dose, in one minute felt it act on left side of brain only; also, as if it lifted off the finest filmy substance from the nerves or let in sunshine on semi-darkness; made her feel very happy and thankful. After the four doses great improvement in spine, very little pain and irritation. Uterine discharge increased, also discharge of yellow matter (probably leucorrhoea) with the usual pains.

Plumbum. -Ptosis left upper eyelid, with lachrymation, photophobia, and cloudiness before sight in an eczematous girl of sixteen. Plumbum 30, night and morning for a week, cured.

Weakness in lumbar region, better stooping forwards. Stabbing pains on waking, from chest to head and also downwards. Naja 6, night and morning, one pilule. In a fortnight weakness much less, pains gone. Has had also nausea, pains in stomach; morning headache in temples (med.?).

Alumina. -Stabbing as of a knife in joints of lumbar vertebrae. Alumina 200, three times a day. Relief very soon, in 2 days almost cured. Middle aged, tall man.

Bryonia – Conium. -After exposure to damp and draft, severe catarrhal pains in large joints. Bryonia has relieved partially. Now, short cough from deep inspiration. Conium 200. Next day but one cough greatly relieved.

Prunus. -Perspiration on forehead and upper nose, only during sleep. Prunus spinosa 200. Four days later, perspires now all over, sleeping or waking, feels weaker.

Chelidonium. -In a girl of 13; tinea decalvans in patches on head. Aversion to cheese always. Chelidon. 200. In nine days, skin of scalp red, hot, slight scales. Symptoms of menses appearing.

The same patient that was benefited by locally applying the North pole of the magnet, now writes, nearly three months later, complaining of a feeling of shaking at the top of the head, pain in the eyes especially the let on reading or working; pains at the back of neck and head when tired; unable to walk far from fatigue and weakness in the legs and aching of the thighs.

Crotalus 200, a dose each night. In six days writes, “I am feeling better since taking the medicine”.

Cuprum Sulph. -In a highly neurotic youth of fourteen, attacks on going to bed at night of nausea, accompanied by terror.

Stimulants palliate. Cuprum sulph. 6 every half hour during nausea greatly relieved.

Rhus Radicans. -In a middle aged man, eczematous eruption on perineum and scrotum with sweat in the cleft of the nates. Rhus radicans 12 bis die. Reports in a week: eruption much lessened, also the sweat.

Colocynth. -In a young lady, aged twenty-nine, spare habit, colicky pains all over abdomen, better from pressure and movement. Col. 30, one dose. Pain went same afternoon and she felt quite another person.

Colchicum. -In a gentleman aged seventy-four, drying of a complicated pathological condition: Broncho-pneumonia, anasarca,chronic vesical disease; note of his disease reads as follows: Unconscious from early morning; seen by me 9:30 p.m.

Respiration intermittent, face red, hot, fresh looking. Colchicum 200 every ten minutes, for 6 doses, changed the character of the breathing to quiet, regular movements with occasional puffing expiration, for about four hours; then sudden change, countenance pale, and in about fifteen minutes he was gone. He had one dose of China 200 when the sudden change occurred as the puffing expirations were marked. During the four hours he made several efforts to raise expectoration, and twice it came into his mouth.

N.B. Was this not a proof that homoeopathic potencies will act, in articulo mortis?

In a robust lady (single) of sixty-six, after three-fourth hour cross-questioning, nothing definite was made out, except that she passed much high colored urine only at night. For this, Oleum animale 12 was prescribed. Reported herself four days later: yawning (spasm?) almost gone; sobbing worse; a rigid sensation like wood in the right hand which had troubled her for some weeks, was improved; ankles less swelled; state of urine improved, and greatly improved in herself. The urine had been examined meanwhile and was found to be acid sp. gr. 1.020, and on pouring fuming Nitric acid into some when cold, a distinct orange tint occupied the lower half of the fluid, and some warmth developed. On boiling with Nitric acid no precipitate.

jacaranda. -Food tastes insipid. Nausea during eating. Capanapi 3 in pilules, soon cured.

Rheumatism in bones of forearms; bruised like, worse from touch, pressure, movement; has lasted some weeks. Cyclam. 200. In nine days, soreness nearly gone, feels better altogether.

Damp weather aggravates all complaints. Heat of fire aggravates. Chilliness at stomach after breakfast. Zinc 30, removed ina week.

After relief to pain passing downwards over glutei muscles, from Kali carb. 30 in a middle aged woman, subject to gout-there occurred smarting aching of dorsa of feet, especially night with wakefulness at nights.

Ranunculus sceleratus 3, three times a day in a week, removed both troubles.

In an army sergeant aged forty-nine, invalided for aneurism of abdominal aorta and who had been strikingly relieved under homoeopathic treatment, each medicines administered for the symptoms present at the time, there occurred while recovering from a catarrhal attack, and no medicine having been given for a week-coldness of the hands and feet not perceptible to himself. Ipecac 200 night and morning, shortly removed this-note in Mat. Med. Pura, under fever-“external coldness and internal heat”.

In a case typical typhoid in a youth of 17, with the delusion that one of his arms was detached and belonged to some one else, two doses of Baptisia 200 were given, 2 hours apart, during the night. After the second dose he felt as if a load were taken off him and at 11:30 a.m. had epistaxis with entire relief to headache. Pyrexia less in all ways and he felt more himself than he has been yet. No more medicine required for two days when Bryonia was indicated. Made a good recovery.

A middle-aged gentleman subject at times for the last 2 or 3 years neuralgia affecting the right parietal region, after extra mental or physical work and relived by stimulants: This side of head is warmer than the other. Ammon. mur. 200, one dose, whenever the pain occurs. Reported: took one powder and it stopped it at once and there now appeared a touch of gout in big toe of tight foot which Sabina 200 promptly relieved. Later on a second attack of neuralgia was permanently removed by a second administration of Ammon. mur.

A servant aged 23, subject at the menstrual period to a gnawing pain at the epigastrium, passing downwards; also leucorrhoea after periods, was greatly benefited in 5 days by Borax 200 night and morning, and Borax 31 taken for a week before the next period removed these symptoms entirely and an accompanying palpitation.

A young woman aged about 22, neurotic, nervo-sanguine temperament, is subject during menses, which are now on, to a headache in the right parietal region; severe, worse after dinner, with a flushed perspiring face. Morphiae acetas 12, every 2 hours soon relieved.

The wife of an artisan, about 30 years old, reports pain at the very bottom of the back (coccyx?) as if it were opening. Stramonium 200, glbs. to be taken when in pain. Boenninghausen, under “sensations”, gives: “sensation of joint being detached or wrenched open”, and compare Mat Med. Pura, vol. iv, p. 194. Reported: “The medicine acted at once on pain at bottom of back, taken at intervals as required”.

The same patient reported above as benefited by Gambogia, reports: all pains rise to a height and then suddenly disappear.

Pains in thighs during menses. Sulph. Acid 30, one dose, caused return of sensation of many old symptoms. Character of pains changed in a measure.

Calcarea Phos. -In a middle aged lymphatic man, inclined to be stout and always very depressed when ill, attacks weakness with burning all over. Calc. phos. 30, soon relieved.

Niccolum. -In a middle aged lady, loose hacking cough, day and evening, and at 9 a.m. : has to put arms on thighs when coughing. Niccolum 200, soon cured.

In an old woman aged seventy-eight, plethoric; two hard nodules in right breast, one above, the other below the nipple, which was retracted, and accompanied by a cold feeling in the breasts objective and subjective. Cimicifuga 200, eight doses, taken in four days, removed the cold feeling and gave general relief for a month.

Phosphoric Acid. -In an elderly woman, chronic dyspepsia, whining temperament; brown bread won’t digest, but passes through her unaltered; causes nausea. Phosphoric acid 30, one dose. In ten days reported, very greatly improved in all ways.

Oxalic Acid. -In a middle gentleman: sensation during the night of hot water flowing along the rectum, distinct; no stool or flatus followed; after one dose of several globules of Acid Oxalicum 6, taken thirty-six hours before.

Ammonium Carb. -In a woman at climaxis, pain on taking hold of anything in the hands and fingers. Deadness at night of hands and fingers. Ammon. carb. 30 ter die. In a week very much improved.

Spigelia. -The same person, a few months later, can’t turn her neck; worse in herself in sultry weather; cardiac fluttering, can’t lie on left side; great restlessness of limbs at night. Spigelia 200. In a week, all symptoms greatly relieved.

A railway guard, aged about thirty-five, spare habit, fair complexion, after having had sciatica cured by Rhus, complained of neuralgia on left side of face from a decayed tooth relieved by pressure. The pain is tearing: cause, wet feet. Saliva in mouth. On dose of Phosphorus 30 caused an almost immediate aggravation while in my consulting room lasting about fifteen minutes; he then became easier; previous paroxysms had lasted about two hours. He was cured.

A woman aged fifty, who was subject to headache from thinking, had had a fright and other shocks since, one being the death of a brother on the railway; drank much tea and had had much quinine; now complains of weakness of chest with dyspnoea and loose cough will expectoration difficult to raise; worse from excitement; flatulence on chest; wakeful in the early hours; sudden faints from emotions with consciousness. One dose of Nux vomica 200 relieved cough, headache, sleep and flatulence in five days.

An infant of fourteen days had a swelling on posterior edge of base of left scapula; displacement? The mother says it was a cross birth and had to be manipulated a good deal to restore animation when delivered. Symphytum 3, one dose. in four days swelling less and less appearance of displacement. No more medicine was needed.

Mrs. G3/4, very stout; used to be very thin; now complains of wheezing at times, worse in damp weather; desire to breathe deeply. Easy perspiration with exercise. Cough with blue, thick, easily raised expectoration, and pain in arms and some other symptoms-received Calcarea 200, one dose. in six days, pain in back, breast, arms, all less, also expectoration, and feels better in herself. No further medicine was required.

Pulsatilla. -A young woman. Catarrh with chilliness, thirstlessness, foul yellow tongue, pains in limbs, vomits everything. Pulsatilla 200, every three hours. Next day a friend reports: “all right this morning”.

Mrs. H3/4 Constipation with flatulence in the left hypochondrium and vertigo. Evening aggravations of all symptoms.

Headaches at times. Has taken much medicine, allopathic and other. Lycopodium 200, one dose, cured, after causing an aggravation during the first week, which she called a cold.

A girl of seventeen. Amenorrhoea; five weeks (last time profuse). Has lost flesh (naturally stout). Worse in herself, mornings. Easily fatigued. Rushes to head. Before menses, weary, breast painful, legs swell, constipation, leucorrhoea. Calcarea 500, one dose. In nine days reported: feels a “lot better”. Sleep greatly improved. No further medicine required.

Mr. J3/4 a singer in a church choir, states that colds affect notes of voice, upper or lower; likes something light round throat, which is now relaxed, posteriorly (fauces). Coffee loosens bowels if taken after dinner, and he has exercise. Stools twice a day, usually in the evening. Constipation with haemorrhoids. Micturition slow in commencing. Larynx sensitive to air. Hepar 200, one dose. In a week reported: throat cured in two days, slight relapse from extra work (singing) last Sunday. Micturition almost too free and easy. Stool still twice a day, costive; no haemorrhoids. Sac. lac.

Nine days later, states: return of slowness on micturition last two or three days; singing power increased; two stools daily, afternoon and evening. Sac. lac.

Ten days later-Slowness of micturition less; stools still twice a day; some return of throat symptoms since damp feet yesterday. Hepar 1 m. (F.C. ) one dose. In two days, throat dry on waking. Throat gave no further trouble except an occasional dryness, promptly relieved by Belladonna (low).

Miss K3/4 about climacteric period complains, among other things, of discharge occasionally of clear water from both nostrils, sometimes one or other nostrils is stopped at night or towards evening. Feels the cold very much. Pain in left hip joint when walking. Ammonium carb. 30, three times a day. In a week, great improvement in symptoms and in herself, and a smell of ammonia frequently before the nose, a symptom she used to have year ago.

Amm. carb. 200, given in the same way, diminished this at first, but it then returned and annoyed her at times for another two months, while being treated with Iodine for other symptoms.

Mrs. L3/4. Perspiration in sleep, hot the upper half of her body, cold the lower half. Great susceptibility of head to draft. Frequent urging to urinate, worse when standing; small quantities passed for weeks. Silicea 200, one dose.

The next day improved in all respects; the next, all symptoms improving, perspiration nearly gone, urine freer than for months.

Six days later, reports yesterday and the day before frequent diarrhoea, with griping; return of perspiration in sleep last night and night before, yet to-day she feels rather better and inclined to get up. The next day fresh symptoms occurred, calling for a different medicine.

Mrs. L3/4. Seen in consultation a week after confinement, primipara; natural, but retained placenta, which the attending physician had torn away. Doing well until day before yesterday, when probably from chill, there was some pyrexia; now 10 p.m. P. 112; sort of stupid state with complaint that her right arm will fall off. She received three doses of Baptisia 200, two hours apart; and next morning report was-all symptoms improved. Delusion gone, p. 100. Felt marked effect from first dose with increase of arm symptoms. Slept some hours. Had beautiful visions. Difficulty still in speaking. Mind acutely sensitive. Told me she thought bad smells from her body might cause fever (she was quite free from odors). In the afternoon told the other doctor she was quite calm, but should be gone within twenty-four hours. We agreed to give two doses of Aconite 30, one at 5:30, the next at 7:30. Calling at 10 p.m., we were told she had had some sleep after the first dose, and was quieter altogether. She made an excellent recovery.

Mr. R3/4, a young man, a publican, while taking Aconite 1x for tremor of approaching delirium tremens, with frequent thirst for small quantities, and restlessness, and improving greatly in all respects, went out twice contrary to orders, and was found at home at 9 p.m. with great increase of all symptoms; frantic, requiring two men to hold him, bathed in warm perspiration; seeing all sorts of figures, wanting to trample them down, etc. conjunctivitis, right eye. Stramonium 4, every half hour. Next morning all symptoms greatly relieved perspiration gone, he is quiet in bed. A few more doses of Stram. at longer intervals completed a good cure.

Edward Mahoney.

Liverpool, England.





Homeopathic Physician

1882 Vol II No 3

E. W. Rushmore


Dros / Aphis / Caps / Nux-v / Chel / Am-c / Nat-m / Sil / Puls

Certain well-known physicians of experience having lately publicly expressed a disapproval of, or want of interest in the publication of clinical cases, it has occurred to me to state what seems to be sufficient grounds for their publication. The study of the materia medica being at best a notably laborious work, whatever facilitates it should be cherished as a means to the end for which only the profession of medicine can logically and rightly exist, viz.: the healing of the sick. Probably all physicians will admit that their most ready and available knowledge of our remedies is that which has been impressed upon them in the successful application of those remedies; but the necessary limitations to individual experience prevents one from acquiring in this way all the knowledge he may need; and it is superfluous to remark upon the readiness of interchange by clinical reports. Said the venerable Hering: “Let every practitioner report his cases or at least his cured symptoms, and at the great harvest time they will help to separate the true from the false, and a new, much abridged materia medica may be issued, not based upon the arbitrary notions of one, but on the united experience of all.” If reports are perverted from their purpose of showing the probably verified symptoms, and lead to the use of a remedy for the name of a disease, the fault lies wholly with the perverter and is assuredly no new fault with him. I would therefore ask our master prescribers to remember how much the less experienced stand in need of the knowledge which forms their daily thought. It may be said that all knowledge is in our books, but meeting the same knowledge again in connection with cures gives it more than the excellent force of a common repetition; and it seems further probable that the number of reliable, but as yet purely clinical indications would by the faithful report of cases be increased.

To say that the value of clinical reports depends largely on the fullness with which the concomitants and conditions of the morbid phenomena are stated, is but to repeat a truism in Homoeopathy, for there are often the distinctive, and hence decisive elements of a case.

A lack of this fulness in some recent reports makes it impossible to say why some other remedy was not equally well indicated.

We derive additional assurance, if any were needed, of the superiority of prescribing upon the facts of diseases, rather than upon conjectures as to morbid anatomy, founded thereon, in the want of agreement between the pathological writers and in the unceasing succession of their hypotheses.

A report of a few cases is herewith subjoined:

Drosera 900 (F.) one dose quickly cured in a fleshy lady, pain in ankle on bending foot, especially in going up and down stairs.

Aphis chenopodii glauci CM (F.) cured at once a scraping, tickling and fullness in the throat, causing hawking, in a fleshy lady, soon followed by a heavy, dull griping in abdomen, going to sides, with drawing in occiput-antidoted by Nux vomica.

Capsicum 900 (F.) cured quickly a case described by letter, as bad catarrh; worse at time of grass-cutting; tickling in nose; eyes swelled with inflammation; weakness.

Nux vomica 200 (Dunham) given for four days, cured an ulcer of five or six weeks’ standing, on the left lower gum, in an elderly, spare lady; the ulcer sensitive and worse when dyspeptic or fatigued. The patient had dull headache and vertigo early in the morning, going off after breakfast; tasteless, empty eructations after eating, and a feeling of a load at the pit of the stomach.

Chelidonium 900 (F.), one dose cured the following: Letters run together while reading; left eyelids agglutinated in morning; lachrymation in wind. Allen gives lachrymation in open air. The concomitants were: Pain, from reading, in the eyes; worse from candlelight; also lachrymation from reading. These also were removed, though not in the materia medica.

Ammon. carb. CM (F. C.), seven powders, one every morning, cured a long-standing pain in the abdomen below navel, every morning before breakfast; ameliorated by the pressure of the hand, and still more by lying down; accompanied with left inguinal hernia, which also protruded less, and was less sore after taking the medicine.

Nat. mur. 900 (F.), followed with Lycopod. CM. Swan, cured a long-standing affection in a middle-aged man, as follows: Pain in stomach and abdomen on rising, in the morning, dull and heavy or sharp, relieved by empty eructations. Bad-tasting, dark-yellowish, thick mucus in the mouth in the morning. Pain in right shoulder-blade, worse from motion, better from lying on the affected side. Headache occasionally in the morning on rising, lasting all day. Pain in the lower back; worse from walking and stooping. All these symptoms were removed by the remedies mentioned.

Silicea, in different high potencies given on two occasions to a lady for dental fistula, relieved the same very much, but was followed both times by a feeling of cold in the head, so that she came to ask me if I had given her anything to give her a cold.

Pulsatilla CM (F.), one dose cured immediately and permanently, sleeplessness till after midnight, in a little girl of eight years, who had always slept well till two weeks before she got the medicine. The sleeplessness was attended with weeping, because she could not sleep.





Homeopathic Physician

1888 Vol VIII No 2

C. W. Butler


Acon / Puls / Am-m / Am-c / Coff

Nausea of Pregnancy.-Mrs. C. B., age thirty-six, at the third month of her fourth pregnancy, suffers from continuous and persistent nausea without vomiting. Ip., Sep., etc., have not relieved. Her mental symptoms, which had been concealed from me heretofore, were as follows: great fear; fears she will not survive her confinement; anxious and timorous; does not dare go on to the street alone; in constant fear when in crowded places, as church, market, etc., but does not know what she fears. Aconite 45m, F., one dose, relieved promptly not only the nervous apprehension but the nausea as well.

My friend J. H. Wilson, M. D., of Beliefontaine, Ohio, guided by the above mental symptoms, some years ago cured a case of “morning sickness” brilliantly with Acon, in a low potency.

Mrs. F. W. A., age twenty-nine, at the fourth month of her second pregnancy, complained of severe nausea and occasional vomiting, which annoyed her only late in the afternoon and evening; appetite good when not nauseated; no thirst; tendency to be chilly all the time (in August). Puls. mm (Tafel); one dose. Entire and prompt relief.

Sciatica.-Mr. H. M. R., age forty-eight, carpenter by trade, has been working during the cold weather in an exposed place. For three days has suffered from a severe drawing pain in the left leg, commencing at the nates and extending down the posterior aspect of the thigh to the popliteal space and on to the calf of the leg; better while lying quietly, with the leg extended, and while walking slowly, hut is unbearable while sitting. Rhus tox. and Pulsatilla afforded no relief (of course not), but for the two days he was wasting with these drugs he grew steadily worse till the only relief he had was by the recumbent posture. Amm. mur. cm (H. S.) relieved in two hours and cured in a day and a half. He received but one dose.

Pruritus Ani.-Mr. A. B., Jr., age thirty, a periodical dipsomaniac, tall, slender, of light complexion, and nervous temperament, has been for the last four years a sufferer from this disease. It troubles him all the time, but is much worse at night, The itching in and about the anus and forward along the perineum is so severe at night as to deprive him of sleep. It is relieved while scratching vigorously, and by application of cold water. When relieved by the compress he drops off to sleep, it quickly wakens him, and it is not unusual with him to be obliged to rise to apply these compresses every twenty or thirty minutes all night long. He has lost flesh and strength, has little appetite, and is very nervous and irritable. After several drugs had been exhibited without benefit, Amm. c. cc (Dunham), in repeated doses for forty-eight hours, cured him in ten days. For more than seven months to the present time there has been no return of the disease.

Dysmenorrhoea.-Miss L. S., age twenty-five, a school teacher, of large frame, coarse fibre, dark complexion, with tendency to adipose, has suffered for three years with dysmenorrhoea. Menses are regular as to time, rather profuse, natural in color, somewhat inclined to be offensive in odor. Leucorrhoea in inter-menstrual period. For the first twelve or eighteen hours of menstruation she has severe cramping pains low in the abdomen accompanied with nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea. The bowels move three or four times, usually loose and profuse (she is habitually constipated), but the vomiting continues throughout the first day. Amm. c. cm (H. S.), one dose. Two weeks after taking the Amm. c. menstruation appeared at the regular time. One stool at the commencement, freer than usual but not diarrhoea; slight nausea but no vomiting. She taught all this first day of menstruation, which she had not been able to do before for many months. Six weeks later menstruation normal and painless; no nausea, no vomiting; no further trouble to this tune, now more than a year. No report regarding the leucorrhoea was made. She received but one dose of the remedy.

Heart Disease-Palliation. Mrs. S., age about sixty-five, has had a mitral insufficiency for several years. For the last three months has been confind to her room, and her condition is now pitiable in the extream. She is unable to lie down, her legs and left arm are enormously swollen, and the abdomen filled with dropsical effusion. The skin of the legs below the knee is dark red tense, and glistening, while upon the left calf a large ulcer marks the death of tissue from the interference with circulation. A thin, excoriating fluid oozes continually from the skin of the legs and causes a sensation of burning in the skin. Under medication she has been relieved of her suffering very largely, so that now she complains of no pain except the burning already mentioned. But she is nervous, restless, sensitive to noises of all kinds, and sleepless. A feeling of excessive “nervousness” causes the restlessness and the sleeplessness, she says, but cannot explain more definitely except that it makes her unbearably miserable. Beseeching mood. “Oh dear doctor, pray do give me something to relieve me You must do something; help me, doctor, for I cannot bear this nervousness.” Coffea cr. cm (H. S-), one dose, was followed by the most gratifying and ever-surprising relief. The first night after receiving it she slept about six hours continuously, and so quietly that her nurse repeatedly went to her to see if she was living. Several times since she has needed the same remedy, the only one she takes when she evinces a tendency to the nervous state which called for it, and it has never failed to give prompt relief. Her nurse (trained in an allopathic hospital) will not believe that it is not some preparation of Morphine, and wonders that it does not produce the unpleasant features of that drug, which she has so often observed when it has been administered to her former patients.

✅ আমাদের সফল চিকিৎসার প্রমাণ দেখতে লিংকে ক্লিক করুণ।

১. টিউমার, ক্যান্সার ও সিস্ট রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

২. চর্ম, নখ ও চুলের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

৩. গাইনী, প্রসূতি ও স্তনের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

৪. নাক, কান, গলা ও শ্বাসতন্ত্রের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

৫. মানসিক রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

৬. রিউমাটোলজি, হাড় পেশী ও জয়েন্টের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

৭. নবজাতক ও শিশু রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

৮. ব্রেইন, স্পাইনাল কর্ড ও নার্ভের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

৯. যৌন শক্তি ও যৌন বাহিত রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

১০. কিডনি, মুত্র, প্রোস্টেট গ্ল্যান্ড ও পুরুষ জননাঙ্গের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

১১. গ্যাস্ট্রোএন্টারোলজি বা পেটের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

১২. মলদ্বার, পায়ুপথ ও কোলনের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

১৩. লিভার ও পিত্তের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

১৪. চোখ, দৃষ্টি শক্তি ও চোখের পাতার রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

১৫. জ্বর, সংক্রামক ও ইমার্জেন্সি রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

১৬. ডায়াবেটিস ও হরমোন জনিত রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

১৭. দাঁত ও মুখের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

১৮. হার্টের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

১৯. রক্ত, বোনম্যারু, প্লিহা ও লিম্ফ নোডের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

✅ আমাদের সফল চিকিৎসার ভিডিও প্রমাণ দেখতে ডান পার্শের মেনুতে রোগের নাম লিখে সার্চ করুন।

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About The Author

D.H.M.S (Dhaka), M.M (BMEB) Consultant Homoeopathic physician Researcher, books author and speaker Owner of HD Homeo Sadan  CEO of HD Health Lecturer: Ashulia Homeopathic Medical College

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