Am-m: দুই কাঁধের মাঝখানে ঠাণ্ডা অনুভূতি।
Am-m: অধিকাংশ রোগে মুখমণ্ডল পাংশু দেখা যায়।
Am-m: প্রচুর আঠা আঠা সর্দি স্রাব, মুখের ভিতরে, গলার ভিতরে (Pharynx) পিচ্ছিল অনুভূতি।
Am-m: ঘায়ের ব্যথার মত ব্যথা, হাত ও পায়ের অঙ্গুলিতে ঝাঁকুনিযুক্ত ছিঁড়ে ফেলার মত ব্যথা, কোমরে ব্যথা।
Am-m: সার্ভাইক্যাল গ্রন্থির (Cervical gland) স্ফীতি।
Am-m: বুকে ভর ভর শব্দ হয় ও চটচটে শ্লেষ্মা উঠে।
বৃদ্ধি হয় | উপশম হয় |
< রাত ৯টা থেকে ভোর ৫টা পর্যন্ত
< ঠাণ্ডা বাতাসে < শারীরিক পরিশ্রমে < ঠাণ্ডা এবং সেঁতসেঁতে, মেঘলা আবহাওয়ায় < শীতকালে |
উপযোগিতা — তাদের পক্ষে, যারা মোটা ও আলসে, যাদের দেহের উপরের দিক বড় ও মোটা কিন্তু পায়ের দিক সরু।
সর্দি – জলের মত অথচ হাজাজনক, ঠোঁট হেজে যায়। (এলিয়ম সিপা)। ঋতুকালে উদরাময়, পেট খারাপ, বমি হয়, অন্ত্র হতে রক্তস্রাব (ফস); ঐ সময় পায়ের পাতায় স্নায়ুশূল; রজঃস্রাব রাতে বেশী হয় (বোভিষ্টা, শুয়ে থাকলে = ক্রিয়ো)।
দুর্দম্য কোষ্ঠবদ্ধ — সেই সাথে প্রচুর অধঃ বায়ু বের হয়।
মল – শক্ত, ভেঙ্গে ভেঙ্গে বের হয়, মলত্যাগে অত্যন্ত বেগ দিতে হয়; মলদ্বারের মুখ হতে মল টুকরো টুকরো হয়ে বের হয় (এমন-মি) মলের রঙের পরিবর্তন দু-বারের মল একই রকম হয় না (পালস্)।
অর্শরোগ — ক্ষতবৎ ব্যথা, চিড়িক মারা ব্যথা, সেইসাথে জ্বালা ও হুলবেধার মত ব্যথা (ইস্কিউ, সালফ); বিশেষ করে শ্বেতপ্রদর চাপা পড়ার পর অর্শরোগ হলে উপযোগী।
শ্বেতপ্রদর – ডিমের সাদা অংশের (Albumen Part) মত; স্রাব শুরুর আগে নাড়ীর চারদিক কামড়ায়; বাদামীরঙের, পিছল, ব্যথাশূন্য স্রাব, প্রতিবার মূত্রত্যাগের পরে প্রদরস্রাব। পিঠে দুই কাঁধের মাঝে শীত বা ঠান্ডা অনুভূতি (ল্যাকেন্যানথিস) হাঁটতে গেলে পায়ের হ্যামস্ট্রিং পেশীতে (হ্যামস্ট্রিং = পায়ের পেছনে হাঁটু ও উরুর যোগাযোগকারী দড়ির মত শক্ত যে মাংসপেশী) ব্যথা করে—সন্ধিগুলিতে টানটানভাব মনে হয় যেন পেশীগুলো ছোট হয়ে গেছে (কষ্টি, সাইমেক্স)।
পায়ের পাতার ঘামে দুর্গন্ধ (এলুমিনা, গ্রাফা, সোরিন, স্যানিকি, সাইলি)।
সম্বন্ধ – এই ওষুধের পর এ-ক্রুড, ফস, পালস্, স্যানিকি ভাল কাজ দেয়।
শক্তি — ৩০, ২০০ ।
টাইফয়েড রোগাবস্তার ন্যায় একপ্রকার দুর্বলতা এই ঔষধটি তৈরী করে থাকে। সকল প্রকার শ্লেষ্মাস্রাবের পরিমান বৃদ্ধি পায় এবং ভিতরে জমে থাকে। এটি বিশেষভাবে মেদযুক্ত ও থলথলে ব্যক্তি, যারা শ্বাস-প্রশ্বাসের রোগে কষ্ট পাচ্ছে, তাদের ক্ষেত্রে বেশি উপযোগী। কাশির তৎসহ সর্দি ও যকৃতের রোগ। অনিয়মিত রক্ত চলাচল প্রবণতাযুক্ত, রক্তের মধ্যে প্রতিনিয়ত কোলাহল, যেন ধক্ধক্ করছে প্রভৃতি। বহুপ্রকার লক্ষণ ভাগের সঙ্গে কাশি, প্রচুর পরিমানে চকচকে ও চটচটে ভাব থাকে। এই ঔষধটির উপসর্গের বৃদ্ধির সময়ের সঙ্গে, আক্রান্ত শারীরিক অঙ্গের সঙ্গে বিভিন্ন প্রকারের সম্পর্ক আছে এবং এই লক্ষণটি একটি বৈশিষ্ট্যপূর্ণ লক্ষণ বিশেষ, যেমন, মাথা ও বুকের লক্ষণগুলির সকালের দিকে বৃদ্ধি হয়, পেটের লক্ষণ বিকালের দিকে, অঙ্গ-প্রত্যঙ্গের বেদনা, চামড়ার লক্ষণ ও জ্বরের লক্ষণগুলির বৃদ্ধি সন্ধ্যায় হয়। যেন ফুটছে এই জাতীয় অনুভূতি।
মন – বিষন্ন, আশঙ্কা যুক্ত, অন্তরের ভিতরে চেপে রাখা দুঃখের ফলে এরূপ অবস্থা দেখা দেয়। খুব কাঁদতে ইচ্ছা করে, কিন্তু পারে না। শোক-দুঃখের কুফল।
মাথা – মাথার চুল পড়ে যায়। তৎসহ মাথায় চুলকানি ও খুস্কি। মাথায় চাপবোধ, পূর্ণতার অনুভূতি, সকালের দিকে বৃদ্ধি।
চোখ – চোখের সামনে ঝাপসা, দৃষ্টি সংক্রান্ত ভ্রান্তি, ঠিক ছানি পড়ার পূর্বে, ক্যাপস্যুলের ক্যাটার্যাক্ট।
নাক – হাজার, গরম, জলের মত পাতলা সর্দিজ স্রাব, যার ফলে ঠোঁট হেজে যায়। হাঁচি, নাক স্পর্শ করলে টাটানির ন্যায় ব্যথা, নাকের ছিদ্রে ক্ষতবৎ বেদনা। ঘ্রানশক্তি কমে যায়, নাক বন্ধ, শ্বাসরোধকর অবস্থার ন্যায় অনুভূতি, সর্বদা জোরে জোরে শ্বাস নিয়ে এই অবস্থা কমাবার বৃথা চেষ্টা করে রোগী চুলকানি।
মুখমণ্ডল – প্রদাহজনিত মুখমণ্ডলের বেদনা। মুখগহ্বরে ও ঠোঁটে ক্ষতবৎ বেদনা ও হাজাকর অবস্থা।
গলা – টনসিল স্ফীত ও দপদপ করে, খুব কষ্ট করে ঢোক গিলতে হয়। আলজিহ্বার পিছনে ক্ষতস্থানের ন্যায় বেদনা, যা আহারে উপশম হয়। গলা বাইরের দিকে ও ভিতরের দিকে ফোলা তৎসহ আঠার মত চটচটে শ্লেষ্মা। এই শ্লেষ্মা এত চটচটে যে, চেষ্টা করে তুলে ফেলা যায় না। টনসিলের প্রদাহ। অন্ননলীর সংকীর্ণতা।
পাকস্থলী — লেমোনেড পান করার পিপাসা, ঢেকুরের সঙ্গে খাবার উঠে, মুখ দিয়ে তেতো জল উঠে। বমি বমি ভাব। পাকস্থলীর ভিতর দংশন করার ন্যায় বেদনা। খাবার প্রায় সঙ্গে সঙ্গে পেটের উপরের অংশে বা ইপি গ্যাসট্রিক স্থানে যন্ত্রণা। পাকস্থলীর ক্যানসারে।
উদর – প্লীহাতে সূঁচ ফোটার মত যন্ত্রণা, বিশেষতঃ সকালের দিকে, তৎসহ কষ্টকর শ্বাসপ্রশ্বাস। নাভীর চারিপাশে বেদনা। গর্ভকালে, পেটের লক্ষণগুলি দেখা দেয়। যকৃত স্থানে পুরাতন রক্তাধিক্য অবস্থা। পেটের চারপাশে মেদাধিক্য। প্রচুর পরিমানে বাতকর্ম। কুঁচকিস্থানে টান অনুভব করে।
সরলান্ত্র – চুলকানি ও অর্শ, ক্ষতের ন্যায় টাটানি তৎসহ পুঁজযুক্ত উদ্ভেদ। মলশক্ত, ভেঙ্গে ভেঙ্গে পড়ে অথবা চকচকে শ্লেষ্মা দ্বারা পূর্ণ। পেরিনিয়ামে হুল ফোটার মত বেদনা। পর্যায়ক্রমে সবুজ শ্লেষ্মাযুক্ত মল ও কোষ্ঠকাঠিণ্য। মলত্যাগের সময় ও পরে, . সরলান্ত্রে জ্বলন ও খোঁচা মারার ন্যায় বেদনা। প্রদর স্রাব চাপা পড়ার পর অর্শ।
স্ত্রী-রোগ — ঋতুস্রাব নির্দিষ্ট সময়ের অনেক আগে, প্রচুর, কালচে ও জমাট বাঁধা, স্রাব রাত্রে বেশী হয়। গর্ভকালে, পেটের বামদিকে টান ধরার মত বেদনা। ঋতুস্রাব চলাকালীন অবস্থায়, উদরাময়,মল সবুজ শ্লেম্মাযুক্ত ও নাভির চারিপাশে বেদনা। প্রদরস্রাব, অনেকটা ডিমের সাদা অংশের মত দেখতে। (এলুমিনা, বোরাক্স, ক্যালফস), তৎসহ নাভির চারপাশে বেদনা। প্রতিবার প্রস্রাবের পর বাদামী রঙের পিচ্ছিল স্রাব নির্গত হয়।
শ্বাস-প্রশ্বাস – স্বরভঙ্গ ও কণ্ঠনলীতে জ্বালা, শুষ্ক, খুকখুকে কাশি, চিৎ হয়ে অথবা ডানদিক চেপে শুলে বৃদ্ধি। বুকের ভিতর সুঁচ ফোটার মত ব্যথা। বিকালের দিকে প্রচুর কাশি, তৎসহ প্রচুর শ্লেম্মা নির্গত হয় এবং বুকের ভিতর ঘড়ঘড় শব্দ। বুকের ভিতর ক্ষুদ্রক্ষুদ্র অংশে জ্বালা, শ্লেষ্মা অল্প, কাশি তৎসহ প্রচুর লালাস্রাব।
পিঠ – কাঁধের দুটি অংশের মধ্যবর্তী স্থানে বরফের ন্যায় শীতলতা, এই ঠাণ্ডা ভাব গরম কাপড়ে ঢাকার পরেও কমে না, এরপর চুলকায়। বসে থাকার সময় ককসিক্স স্থানে থেঁতলে যাবার ন্যায় বেদনা।
অঙ্গ প্রত্যঙ্গ – হাতের আঙ্গুলের অগ্রভাগে ক্ষতের ন্যায় বেদনা। হাত ও পায়ের আঙ্গুলগুলির অগ্রভাগে তীর বেঁধার মত ও ছিঁড়ে ফেলার ন্যায় যন্ত্রণা। পায়ের গোড়ালিতে ক্ষতের ন্যায় বেদনা। হাঁটুর পেশী বন্ধনীর সঙ্কোচন। সাইয়েটিকার বেদনা, বসে থাকলে বৃদ্ধি, শুয়ে থাকলে উপশম। অস্ত্রোপচার হওয়া অঙ্গে স্নায়ুশূল। পায়ের পাতায় দূর্গন্ধযুক্ত ঘাম। ধাতুস্রাবের সময় পায়ের পাতায় যন্ত্রণা।
চামড়া – চুলকানি, সাধারণতঃ সন্ধ্যায়। শরীরের বিভিন্ন অংশে ফোস্কার মত উদ্ভেদ। তীব্র জ্বালা, ঠাণ্ডা প্রলেপ উপশম।
জ্বর – সন্ধ্যায় শুয়ে পড়ার পর শীত বোধ ও ঘুম থেকে জেগে উঠার পর, তৃষ্ণাহীনতা। হাতের তালু ও পায়ের তলা উত্তপ্ত। অস্বাস্থ্যকর জলবায়ুতে অল্প ঘুষঘুষে জ্বর। নিম্নতর শক্তি উপযুক্ত।
কমা বাড়া – উপশম, মুক্ত বাতাসে। বৃদ্ধি, মাথা ও বুকের উপসর্গ সকালে, পেটের লক্ষণ বিধানে।
সম্বন্ধ – দোষগ্ন কফিয়া, নাক্স, কষ্টিকাম।
তুলনীয় – ক্যালকেরিয়া, সেনেগা, কষ্টিক।
শক্তি – ৩য় থেকে ৬ষ্ঠ শক্তি।
সময়ে সময়ে কোন রোগী সৰ্ব্বদা দেহের সর্বত্র যেন রক্তবহা নাড়ীগুলির মধ্যে একপ্রকার জল ফোটার ন্যায় অনুভব করে। সে ঠান্ডায় অনুভূতিবিশিষ্ট। তাহার বহু রোগ খোলা হাওয়ায় থাকিলে বৃদ্ধিপ্রাপ্ত হয়। তাহার দেহে উত্তাপের ঝলকা উঠে এবং উহা ঘৰ্ম্মে পরিসমাপ্ত হয়। দেহের বহু স্থানে সে ছিন্নকর বেদনা এবং যাতনা অনুভব করে। শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লীগুলিতে জ্বালা এবং ছড়িয়া যাওয়ার ন্যায় অনুভূতি। বন্ধনীগুলি প্রসারিত, নচেৎ সঙ্কুচিত। ইহা একটি দীর্ঘক্রিয়া ঔষধ। ইহার বিশ্বাসযোগ্য মানসিক লক্ষণ খুব অল্পই জানা আছে। উদ্বেগ, কোপনতা, ব্যক্তিবিশেষের উপর বিরাগ। মস্তকে স্নায়বিক ও বাতজ বেদনা। মস্তকে ছিন্নকর বেদনা। শঙ্খদ্বয়ে উঁচবিদ্ধবৎ ও ছিন্নকর বেদনা। মস্তক-ত্বকে এবং অন্যত্র চুলকানি। সর্বাঙ্গে হামের ন্যায় উদ্ভেদ। লক্ষণ মিলিলে ইহা চক্ষুর উপপেটকের ছানি আরোগ্য করে। চক্ষুর সম্মুখে হলদে হলদে দাগ দেখে । গোধূলির আলোকে অথবা অস্পষ্ট আলোকে চক্ষুর পাতায় এবং চক্ষুগোলকে জ্বালা। উজ্জ্বল আলোকে চক্ষুর সম্মুখে কুয়াশার মত দেখে। ঠান্ডা হাওয়ায় বেড়াইলে কর্ণে জ্বালা করে। কানে কম শুনে। ডান কানে, গলায় ও কণ্ঠনলীতে সর্দি।
অত্যন্ত হাঁচি, জলবৎ জ্বালাকর স্রাব, তথাপি নাক বুজিয়া থাকে। কণ্ঠনলীতে জ্বালার সহিত সর্দি। ইহা জনশ্রুতি অনুসারে সৰ্দিরোগে বহুব্যবহৃত হইয়াছে। গলক্ষত এবং কণ্ঠনলীর প্রদাহ। এইরূপ রোগের জন্য প্রাচীনকালে একদলা নিশাদল সংগ্রহ করিয়া ছুরি দিয়া চাচিয়া উহার কয়েকটি দানা এক গ্লাস জলের মধ্যে ফেলিয়া দেওয়া হইত। সকলের ভাগ্যে এই একই ঔষধ জুটিত, লক্ষণ-সাদৃশ্য প্রয়োজন হইত না। ইহাতে জ্বর থাকুক আর নাই থাকুক, কতকগুলি রোগী আরোগ্য হইত। এখন আর এই ঔষধকে কেহ গ্রাহ্যের মধ্যে আনে না, কিন্তু ইহার লক্ষণগুলি যত্নের সহিত পাঠ করা উচিত।
ইহার বহু রোগের সহিত মুখের অত্যন্ত বিবর্ণতা থাকে। মুখের হাড়ে ছিন্নকর বেদনা। নিম্ন চোয়ালের এবং কর্ণমূল গ্রন্থিগুলির স্ফীতি ও তৎসহ সূঁচীবিদ্ধবৎ যাতনা। এমন কার্বের ন্যায় মুখে ও ঠোটে জ্বালা ও হাজা। জিহ্বা স্ফীত। ইহা লক্ষণশূন্য গলক্ষতের একটি উপযোগী ঔষধ; কিন্তু যদি স্পষ্ট জ্বালা এবং প্রচুর চটচটে শ্লেষ্মাস্রাব থাকে, ঘাড়ে ও ঘাড়ের গ্রন্থিতে দপদপানি থাকে, মুখমন্ডল অত্যন্ত স্ফীত ও বিবর্ণ হয়, গলার মধ্যে সূচীবিদ্ধবৎ যাতনা থাকে, গিলিতে অত্যন্ত কষ্ট হয়, তাহা হইলে তৃষ্ণা থাকুক আর নাই থাকুক, ইহা আরো বেশী উপযোগী হইবে।
যেরূপ খাদ্য খাওয়া হইয়াছে, তাহার উদ্গার এবং বমন। ক্ষুধার অনুভূতি কিন্তু পেটটি পূর্ণ—ঐ পূর্ণতা বায়ুস্ফীতি। শূন্যতাবোধ, পাকস্থলী ও প্লীহার কামড়ান ব্যথা। উদরে জ্বালাকর, সূঁচীবিদ্ধবৎ, ছিন্নকর বেদনা। বায়ুসঞ্চয়জনিত উদরস্ফীতি। অন্ত্রের মধ্যে যথেষ্ট কলকল শব্দ। কুঁচকি স্থানে অত্যন্ত বেদনা। ঋতুকালে পেটে ও পৃষ্ঠে বেদনা। উদর মোটা, শিথিল এবং ভারি হয় এবং নিম্নাঙ্গগুলি কৃশ হয়। মলত্যাগকালে ও মলত্যাগের পর বহুক্ষণ সরলান্ত্রে এবং মলদ্বারে জ্বালা এবং অবদরণ। মূলাধারে সূঁচীবিদ্ধবৎ ও ছিন্নকর বেদনা। শক্ত মল, ভাঙ্গিয়া ভাঙ্গিয়া পড়ে, নির্গত করা অত্যন্ত কষ্টকর, পেটের পেশীতে চাপ দিতে বাধ্য হয়। ইহার ন্যায় এমোনিয়ার প্রত্যেকটি লক্ষণেই যন্ত্রণাদায়ক অর্শ আছে। মল অন্ত্রের চাঁচুনির ন্যায়, রক্তাক্ত ও
জলবৎ হইলে অথবা প্রাতঃকালে সবুজ পিচ্ছিল হইলে, ইহা উদরাময় আরোগ্য করে। এমন কার্বের ন্যায় ঋতুকালে উদরাময় ও বমন। ইহা মূত্রাশয়গ্রন্থি ও জরায়ুর স্ফীতি আরোগ্য করিয়াছে।
ঋতুস্রাব প্রতিমাসেই নিয়মিত সময়ের পূৰ্ব্বে, তৎসহ পৃষ্ঠে ও উদরে বেদনা। ঋতুপ্রবাহ, অনেকটা এমন কার্বে’র মত কাল এবং চাপ-চাপ। ঋতুকালে কলেরার ন্যায় লক্ষণের সহিত কখন কখন অন্ত্রাদি অথবা সরলান্ত্র হইতে রক্তস্রাব হয়।
জরায়ু হইতে প্রচুর রক্তস্রাব। প্রচুর বৈদনাহীন সাদা প্রদরস্রাব। সর্বপ্রকার উদর এবং ঋতুকালীন উপসর্গের সহিত প্রচুর অধঃবায়ু, পেট-ডাকা এবং উদরশূল থাকে।
এই লক্ষণগুলি বিবর্ণ, রুগ্ন এবং দুর্বল স্ত্রীলোকদিগের ক্ষেত্রেই বেশী দেখা যায়।
সর্দিজ উপদ্রব সূচীবিদ্ধবৎ, ছিন্নকর, জ্বালাকর যাতনার সহিত কণ্ঠনলী ও বায়ুনলীসমূহে বিস্তৃত হইলে ইহা উপযোগী। স্বরভঙ্গ ও স্বরনাশ, তৎসহ কণ্ঠনলীতে জ্বালা। সৰ্ব্বদা কণ্ঠনলী হইতে সাদা শ্লেষ্মা গলায় ঘেঁকারি দিয়া তুলে। বাহুদ্বয় ব্যবহার করিলে অথবা কায়িক পরিশ্রম করিলে কষ্টকর শ্বাসপ্রশ্বাস। উক্ত ঠান্ডা হাওয়ায় বুকের উপর ভার বোধ। গলায় অবিরত সুড়সুড় করিয়া শুষ্ক কাশি। শ্বাসরোধক কাশি প্রত্যহ ঘুরিয়া ঘুরিয়া আসে। প্রত্যহ শুষ্ক কাশি এবং দ্রুত নাড়ী সংযুক্ত দুর্বল ব্যক্তিগণ, যাহারা ক্ষয়কাশের দিকে অগ্রসর হইতেছে, তাহাদের পক্ষে উপযোগী।
কোমরের উপর দিয়া ভীষণ পৃষ্ঠবেদনা, রাত্রিকালে বাড়ে। স্কন্ধদ্বয়ের মধ্যে শীতলতা।
অঙ্গ-প্রত্যঙ্গে সূচীবিদ্ধবৎ, টানিয়া ধরার ন্যায়, ছিন্নকর বেদনা। অঙ্গ-প্রত্যঙ্গে টানিয়া ধরার ন্যায় ব্যথা। নিম্ন অঙ্গে পেশী ও বন্ধনীগুলিতে টান ভাব। চলিতে গেলে ঊরুর পশ্চাদ্দিকে টানিয়া ধরার ন্যায় বেদনা। রাত্রিকালে শয্যায় পদদ্বয় শীতল হয়। রাত্রির শেষভাগে প্রচুর নৈশ-ঘৰ্ম্ম। উত্তাপ এবং জ্বরের আবেশ।
পাঠক যদি পরীক্ষাকালে প্রাপ্ত লক্ষণগুলি লন এবং ঐগুলিকে মনোযোগ দিয়া পড়েন, তাহা হইলে তিনি ইহাকে গ্রন্থ-নির্দেশিত পথে ব্যবহার করিতে পারিবেন এবং এসব সম্ভবতঃ গ্রন্থে লিখিত হয় না এরূপ অবস্থাতেও ইহার উপযোগিতা দেখিতে পাইবেন।
অপর নাম – ক্লোরাইড অফ অ্যামোনিয়া (Chloride of Ammonia)
হোমিওপ্যাথি ঔষধার্থে বিচুর্ণ বা অ্যালকোহল দ্বারা প্রস্তুত দ্রব্য ব্যবহৃত হয়।
১। পিঠের স্কন্ধাস্থিদ্বয়ের মধ্যে শীতলতা অনুভব – এই ঔষধের একটি বিশেষ লক্ষণ। এই লক্ষণটি এই ঔষধ প্রয়োগের একটি মূল্যবান সূচক বলে প্রমাণিত হয়েছে।
বক্ষঃস্থলের রোগে, যথা -কাশি বা কাশি ব্যতীত বক্ষবেদনায় সাধারণত এই লক্ষণটি দেখতে পাওয়া যায়। স্কন্ধাস্থিদ্বয়ের মধ্যবর্তী স্থানে জ্বালা যেমন লাইকোপোডিয়াম ও ফসফরাস নির্ভরযোগ্য বিশেষ লক্ষণ; এই শীতলতা অনুভবও এমন মিউরের তেমনি বিশেষ লক্ষণ।
২। কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতাতেও এই ঔষধ ব্যবহৃত হয়। কঠিন, শুষ্ক মল ভেঙ্গে ভেঙ্গে পড়ে ও অতি চেষ্টায় উহার নিঃসারণ এর প্রধান লক্ষণ। কখনও কখনও কষ্টিকামের মলের ন্যায় ইহা শ্লেষ্মা বা আম জড়ানো হয়। কষ্টিকামের মল শ্লেষ্মা মাখান, চকচকে যেন চর্ব্বি মাখান আছে।
৩। পেশী ও বন্ধনীতেও (ligaments) এই দুটি ঔষধের সাদৃশ্য আছে। এমোন মিউরে বেদনা থাকে এবং ঐ সঙ্গে পেশী সঙ্কুচিত বা ছোট হয়ে গেছে এরূপ অনুভূতি হয়। কষ্টিকাম আরও একধাপ এগিয়ে, সত্য সত্যই পেশীগুলি সঙ্কুচিত হয় এবং বাতজ অঙ্গবিকৃতি বা আথ্রাইটিস ডিফরমানস নামক অবস্থার সৃষ্টি হয় (সাইমেক্স, নেট্রাম মিউর)।
৪। এমোন মিউর ও বোভিষ্টা নামক দুটি ঔষধে ঋতুস্রাব অথবা জরায়ুর স্রাব রাত্রে প্রবাহিত হয়। তবে অন্যান্য লক্ষণ দৃষ্টে এদের নির্বাচন করতে হবে।
পার্থক্য –
ক্রিয়োজোটে স্রাব হয়, কেবল শুয়ে থাকাকালে, উঠলে বা চলে বেড়ালে উহা বন্ধ হয়ে যায়।
লিলিয়াম টিগে স্রাব হয় কেবল চলে বেড়ালে এবং স্রাব বন্ধ হয় চলা বন্ধ করলে;
ম্যাগনেসিয়া কাৰ্ব্বে কেবল রাত্রে অথবা শুয়ে থাকলে স্রাব হয় এবং চলে বেড়ালে বন্ধ হয়।
৫। এমোন মিউর সায়োটিকা রোগে কখন কখন উপকারী। এক্ষেত্রে টেনডন সমূহের ছোট হয়ে যাওয়ার ন্যায় অনুভূতি থাকে এবং রোগী বসে থাকলে যন্ত্রণা বাড়ে, চলে বেড়ালেও যন্ত্রণা বাড়ে কিন্তু শুয়ে থাকলে সম্পূর্ণ উপশম হয়।
এতে গোড়ালিতেও যেন ক্ষত উৎপন্ন হয়েছে, এরূপ বেদনা আছে। গোড়ালির বেদনায় ফাইটোলাক্কা, সাইক্লামেন, ম্যাঙ্গানাম, লিডাম ও কষ্টিকাম ব্যবহৃত হয়ে থাকে।
আমি একটি বোগীর অত্যন্ত বেদনা ভেলেরিয়ানা দ্বারা আরোগ্য করেছিলাম।
Am-m : Ammonium Muriaticum
Fat, puffy, with thin legs.
Irregular circulation-ebullitions, burnings or localized throbbings.
Glairy catarrhs. Noisy rattling.
Tightness; as if too short, tendons, hamstrings, lumbar region, etc.
Sore sprain or cold between scapulae.
Mineral salts
– Effects of grief.
– Mortification, humiliation, chagrin.
< Morning (head and chest symptoms)
< Afternoon (abdominal symptoms)
< Evening (skin, fever and limb symptoms)
< Night from 2-4 a.m. (limbs, fever, skin)
< Periodically
< Chronic sprains
< Walking erect
< During menses
< After stools
< After urination
> Open air
> Continued rapid motion
> Warm bath
> Rubbing the part
– Involuntary aversion to certain persons.
– Melancholy and apprehensive; as from internal grief.
– Desire to cry, but cannot.
– Great anguish, as from vexation or cares with inclination to shed tears.
– Fear of darkness.
-Adapted to fat, puffy and sluggish persons with excessive fatty deposit around abdomen, but legs are thin.
-BOILING sensation in blood vessels all over body. Irregular circulation; ebullitions, burnings and localised throbbing; or sensation of coldness in black between scapulae.
-Sore pain or ICY COLDNESS BETWEEN SCAPULAE with catarrhal conditions, not relieved by warmth.
-Tension and tightness, AS IF THE MUSCLES OR TENDONS ARE TOO SHORT (Caust, Cimex); in groins, hamstrings, lumbar region, etc.
-All mucous secretions are increased in ducts. PROFUSE, GLAIRY MUCUS DISCHARGES.
-Respiratory system-Free, acrid, HOT, WATERY CORYZA, corroding upper lip.
-Nose very sore to touch.
-Obstructed stuffy feeling as of a rough body obstructing upper nares- constant unavailing efforts to blow it out.
-Cough with profuse salivation or with liver symptoms < lying on back or right side.
-Profuse expectoration of ropy, tenacious mucus.
-Greenish, mucous stools or bloody, watery stools with blood from anus during menses.
-Large, hard stool, requiring great effort to expel, crumbling to pieces at the verge of anus. (Mag-m). Stool covered with a glairy, tough mucus.
-Burning and stinging in rectum for hours after stool (Aesc, Sulph).
-Female genitalia-Menses too early, too profuse, dark clotted with pain in abdomen and small of back; FLOW MORE AT NIGHT (Kreos, Bov).
-Leucorrhoea like white of an egg [Alum, Bor, Calc, Phos] or slimy brown, with pain about navel < after every urination.
-Extremities-Tense, sprained feeling in groins, must walk bent.
-Contraction of hamstring tendons which seems tight when walking but > by continued motion.
-SCIATICA, left sided, < sitting, somewhat > when walking and entirely > by lying down.
-Pain or ulcer on heel.
-Skin-Bleeding eruptions.
-Desquamation between fingers.
1. Tension and tightness as if muscles or tendons are too short.
2. Sensation of coldness in back between shoulders in catarrhal conditions and chest affections such as cough.
3. Haemorrhoids after suppressed leucorrhoea.
4. Blood from anus, or diarrhoea during menses.
– Body is fat and large, but legs are thin.
– Profuse glairy mucous discharges; watery acrid coryza.
– Noisy, rattling tenacious mucus in chest.
– Boiling sensation.
– Sensation as if muscles or tendons are too short.
1. Body large and fat, but legs too thin.
2. Acrid, watery coryza corroding upper lip.
3. Sensation of coldness in the back between scapulae.
– Brain paralysis, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Coryza, Hoarseness, Lumbago, Polyuria, Prolapse uterus, Sciatica.
– Neuralgic pains in stumps of amputated limbs > massage -Dr. Eugene Underhill.
Follows Well : Bry, Calc, Phos, Puls, Rhus-t, Sep.
Compare : Calc, Mag-m, Mur-ac, Nat-m, Rhus-t, Seneg, Sep, Stron-c, Sulph, Valer.
Similar : Aloe, Ant-c, Arg-n, Ars, Calc, Carb-v, Caust, Coloc, Con, Hep, Iod, Kali-bi, Kali-chl, Kali-iod, Mag-m, Merc, Merc-c, Nat-m, Nux-v, Phos, Rhus-t, Seneg, Sep, Sil, Sulph.
Antidoted By : Camph, Coff, Hep, Nux-v.
Duration Of Action : 20-30 Days.
+ Sal Ammoniae. Ammonium chloride. N H 4 Cl.
The first prover was the much slandered Nenning whose masterly provings comprising 448 symptoms were published by Hartlaub in his Annalen in 1833. Hahnemann added his own symptoms (84) in the second addition of the chronic diseases and a valuable proving of Rummel consisting of 23 symptoms and condensed Nenning 448 to 290 without thereby occasioning a loss. The symptoms from a poisoning by the fumes belong to Amm.causticum
Neither unconsciousness nor delirium; no apoplexy.
Desire to cry, and at times crying.
Disinclination to speak.
Involuntary aversion to certain persons.
Melancholy and anxious, as if laboring under some grief or sorrow.
Apprehensive and gloomy, like from internal grief.
Great earnestness.
Indifferent mood.
Fretfulness; irritability, mostly mornings.
Mood irritable, malicious.
Consequences of grief.
Fullness of head with giddiness; feels as if it was very heavy.
Heaviness of forehead, in morning after rising and during day.
Vertigo and fullness of head; at times as if she would fall sideways.
Inner Head
Dull heavy pains with vertigo and pallor.
Prevailing fever.
Congestive headache with flushed face and enlarged veins.
Prevailing fever.
Heaviness in forehead, frequently during day (internal sensation of heat and some sweat).
Pressure in forehead, towards root of nose, with sensation as if brain was torn; agg. after rising.
Tearing mostly in right temple, through right side of face.
Stitches in left temple and side of head, and when stooping, in vertex, with sensation as if head would split.
Contractive pain in occiput as though screwed in, extending to side of head.
Rheumatic, tearing pains in head, temple and occiput.
Rheumatic pains in head so severe as to cause nausea, burning of ears and deafness.
Neuralgic headaches.
Outer Head
Falling out of hair, with great itching of scalp.
Itching of scalp; also with dandruff.
Itching pimples on right side of occiput.
Sight and Eyes
Mist before eyes, agg. in bright light, out-doors; amel. in room.
Sensation in left eye as if a body arose which impeded sight.
Yellow spots before eyes.
Optical illusions in dark colors.
Capsular cataract.
Flying spots and points before eyes.
Burning of eyes at twilight; ceases after lighting lamp.
Eyes gum together in morning, with burning in canthi after washing.
Eyes dim, glassy, watery.
Yellow eyes.
Hearing and Ears
Humming and roaring in right ear.
Hard hearing, with discharge.
Itching in both ears, not relieved by scratching, with discharge of fluid earwax.
Stitches in ears, also with boring or burning, mostly when walking in open air.
Digging and tearing in right ear, also at night; when lying thereon, a rooting and rolling, as if something would come out.
Right ear affected for years; it commences in throat and he cannot talk right; it is as if ear and throat were connected.
Nose and Smell
Loss of smell, with coryza and stoppage of the nose.
Nose sore internally and at edges of nostrils.
Ulcerative pain in left nostril, with sensitiveness to touch.
External swelling of left nostril, with discharge of bloody crusts.
Bleeding from left nostril, preceded by itching.
Constant itching in nose, with irritation to blow it, and sensation as of a large rough body up in the nose, with obstruction.
Coryza, with stoppage of nose, hoarseness and burning in larynx.
Watery, acrid coryza, corroding the lip.
Frequent sneezing; roused her from sleep, with crawling in throat making her cough.
Coryza in children, with bluish discharge.
Coryza with stoppage, great soreness and tenderness of nose, and loss of smell.
The nose either more dry than natural, or a watery discharge and obstruction. Prevailing fever.
Upper Face
Very pale face.
Burning heat of face, passes off in open air.
Tearing in bones of face, especially in malar and lower maxilla.
Swelling of cheek, with swelling of a gland under angle of lower jaw, with , stitching pain.
Eruption on face which burns; he cannot sleep without cold applications.
Lower Face
Mouth and lips sore and excoriated. Prevailing fever.
Lips burn like fire.
Corners of mouth ulcerated.
Dry, shrivelled, cracked lips, must moisten them with tongue continually.
Pimples, blisters, on upper lip.
Tensive pain in articulations of jaw when chewing or opening mouth.
Submaxillary glands swollen; pulsating pains.
Teeth and Gums
Pain in a decayed root, ceases when pressed upon with finger.
Stitching pain in upper incisors.
Swelling of gums of lower left side, with stitches up to left temple
Taste and Tongue
Tongue swollen and pasty. Prevailing fever.
Blister on tip of tongue, with burning pain.
Tongue furred white.
Throat full and sore with increase of glairy mucus, and difficult swallowing. Prevailing fever.
Dryness in throat.
Stitches in throat during and between deglutition, also when yawning.
External and internal swelling of throat, with pressing pain when swallowing, and with drawing, stitching pain in swollen submaxillary glands.
Sore throat, with viscid phlegm; so tough that it cannot be hawked up.
Tonsils throb, but are not swollen, with uneasiness and oppressive anxiety.
Throbbing in glands of neck, which, however, are not swollen; with flushes of heat and want of air in throat.
Appetite, Thirst, Desires, Aversions
Loss of appetite.
Loss of appetite and thirstlessness. Prevailing fever.
Much thirst, mostly evenings.
Sometimes extreme thirst. Prevailing fever.
Want of appetite alternating with canine hunger.
Eating and Drinking
After eating, beating in breast near oesophagus, with heat of face and restless mood; agg. on an empty stomach, but also nearly always after eating; must often eat a little, but not enough to satisfy hunger.
Sore spot behind soft palate, which is relieved or passes away for a short time by eating.
Eating and drinking cold things aggravate cough.
After dinner: sudden prostration when walking in open air.
Hiccough belching, nausea and vomiting
Hiccough, with stitches in chest.
Eructations: empty; bitter; tasting of food.
Nausea: with water brash, after eating, with shudderings.
Regurgitation: of food; of bitter, sour water.
Frequent vomiting. Prevailing fever
Scorbiculum and Stomach
Stomach too apt to be overloaded, feels lame and sore, sometimes flatulent. Prevailing fever.
Empty or hungry feeling in stomach.
Sensation as from fasting, yet fullness in stomach; agg. after breakfast.
Rooting and rolling in stomach, in morning; passes off after breakfast.
Gnawing in stomach, as if worms were in it.
Burning and itching in scrobiculum, from thence drawing to right axilla, and into upper arm.
Empty sensation in stomach, but she cannot make up her mind to eat anything.
Intermittent pains in both hypochondria.
Stitching and burning in right hypochondrium, afternoons, when walking.
Splenic stitches, while sitting; also in morning on awaking, with difficulty breathing, obliging him to rise.
Liver complaint. Gallstones.
Abdomen full and distended, sometimes severe pains. Prevailing fever.
Bellyache, griping pains about navel.
Heaviness in lower abdomen, as from a load, with anxiety as if abdomen would burst; ceases after sleep.
Distension of abdomen, without accumulation of wind.
Stitches in abdomen, above left hip.
Pain from right side of pubes, to hip and small of back.
Cutting and stitches from both ossa pubium to small of back, with urging to urinate, evenings.
Stitches in right groin; coming out behind hip, when sitting.
Groins feel sore and as if swollen. Uterine displacement.
Tearing and tensive pain in groin when walking.
Pain as if sprained in left abdomen.
Pain as from a sprain in left groin. During pregnancy.
Pain in abdomen and back with menses. Prolapsus uteri.
Excessive amount of fat in abdomen; lax and hanging.
Stool and Rectum
The various affections of bowels are accompanied by flatus.
Prevailing fever.
Soreness up along rectum, when sitting.
Itching soreness of rectum, several pustules being formed at side of it; often with diarrhoea.
Much burning and smarting in rectum during and for hours after stool.
Stitching or tearing pain in perineum, when walking. Pregnancy.
Green, slimy, diarrhoeic stools, in morning.
Color of stools varies; white and undigested, or green and watery, or green slimy, or yellow and bloody watery and slimy.
Prevailing fever.
Diarrhoea after eating, with pain in abdomen, back, small of back and limbs.
Hard, crumbling stools, requiring great effort in their expulsion.
Obstinate and extreme constipation. Prevailing fever.
Watery stools copious, other kinds scanty, though often repeated.
Prevailing fever.
Stool hard, crumbling, scanty.
Stools like scrapings of meat or copious, consisting of coagulated blood. Prevailing fever.
Discharge of blood during stool.
Hard stool covered with mucus.
Glossy, tough mucus in stool.
Haemorrhoidal trouble with burning and stinging in rectum.
Hemorrhoids sore and smarting. After suppressed leucorrhoea.
Constipation changing with diarrhoea.
Urinary Organs
Constant tenesmus vesicae; agg. 4 A.M.
Frequent urging, with frequent urination.
Urging, yet only a few drops pass, until next stool, when it flows freely.
Profuse and frequent discharge during night.
Sediment like clay.
Copious urine smells strongly ammoniacal; sometimes mouldy or musty.
Male Sexual Organs
Stitches and beating in left spermatic cord.
Frequent erections.
Hypertrophy of prostate.
Blennorrhoea of urethra.
Strictures and contracted urethra.
Old gonorrhea.
Female Sexual Organs
Neuralgic pains in ovaries.
Hypertrophy of uterus.
Uterus displaced, with soreness in groins as if swollen; crumbling stools; menses.
Menses too early, with pain in abdomen and small of back, continuing at night; flow more profuse at night. Prolapsus uteri.
Menses black, clotted.
During menses: diarrhoea and vomiting; & bloody discharge from bowels ; neuralgic pains in feet.
Violent metrorrhagia; delicate, small-built woman, age 47.
Leucorrhoea preceded by pain around navel.
Constant leucorrhoea.
Leucorrhoea: with tension of abdomen, without collection of wind; like white of egg, preceded by griping about navel; brown, slimy, after every urination.
Painless leucorrhoea.
Pregnancy, Parturition and Lactation
During pregnancy: crumbling stool; feeling as if sprained in left groin; hemorrhoids.
Voice and Larynx, Trachea and Bronchi
Voice husky. Prevailing fever.
Hoarseness, with burning in larynx, afternoon; could scarcely speak.
Frequent hawking, with expectoration of small lumps of mucus, with sensation of rawness in throat, back of uvula.
Every branch of bronchial tubes affected to end.
Prevailing fever.
Constant hawking, groaning and crowing from a tickling in throat, with raising much mucus
Worse when taking a deep breath.
Shortness of breath.
Heaviness of chest, when walking in open air.
Asthma when moving arms with force and when stooping.
Many groups of symptoms are accompanied by cough.
Daily recurring, dry, rapid, suffocating cough, with inability to utter a single word during the paroxysms, attacks beginning at 6 P.M.; no sputa, but much water in mouth.
Cough deep and violent, attended by tolerably free expectoration.
Prevailing fever.
Cough: dry, from tickling in throat; night or day; dry in morning, with stitches in chest or left hypochondrium; becomes loose in afternoon; loose at night, with stitches in left hypochondrium, lying on back; agg. when turning on side; agg.
before eating or drinking cold things.
Expectoration of blood, following an itching in throat.
Inner Chest and Lungs
Heaviness on chest nights in bed, which awakes him, with restlessness; awoke again at 3 A.M.
Heaviness so great when walking she cannot breathe, must stand still.
Pressure, heaviness and stitches in chest, as if a morsel of food had lodged there.
Painful tension below right breast.
Bruised pain in lower right chest.
Lungs sore and paralytic. Prevailing fever.
Burning at small spots in chest.
Beating, like a pulse, at a small spot in left chest, only when standing, mornings.
In pulmonary affections, coldness between the scapulae.
Heart Pulse and Circulation
Soreness in left chest.
Tearing in region of heart, going thence into left forearm.
Pulse accelerated.
Outer Chest
Burning, itching, red spots on left chest, which pale under pressure.
Back and Neck
Stiff neck, with pain from nape to between shoulder, when turning.
Tearing pains in sides of neck, alternating with tearing in cheek.
A fatty swelling on neck, extending from ear to ear.
Small, painful, non suppurating tubercles on right scapula.
Bruised and sprained pain between scapulae.
Stitches in left scapula.
Pinching in muscles of right scapula.
Coldness in back and between shoulders, not relieved by feather or wool covering, followed by itching.
Pulmonary affections.
Backache, especially at night.
Pain in small of back, as if bruised or crushed, during rest or motion, also at night, in bed; could neither lie on back nor side.
Stiffness in small of back & severe pain in lumbosacral region.
Prevailing fever.
Upper Limbs
Swelling of axillary glands.
Rheumatic pain, first in right, then in left shoulder joint.
Tearing in left arm, as if in tendons, to fingers; ceases from strong motion.
Small, painful, non suppurating tubercles on right scapula.
Stitches in right scapula when inspiring.
Blisters on right scapula, tensive and burning; scurf forms.
Right arm heavy and feels rigid.
Drawing and tearing, from right elbow to fingers.
Itching on inside of forearm, with eruption in bend of elbow.
Fatty swelling on left shoulder, extending into axilla.
Right forearm heavy and as if “asleep.”
Tearing in left wrist, with swelling of back of hand.
Small blisters on wrist itching, then burning when scratched.
Pulsation in a finger like that from panaritium.
Stitches and painful beating under nail of left thumb.
Skin peels off between thumb and forefinger of both hands.
Lower Limbs
Languor and weakness of lower limbs, with dizziness.
Pain in left hip, as if tendons were too short, must limp when walking; when , gnawing pain in bone.
Tearing pain in front part of thighs, when sitting.
Drawing tension in legs when sitting or lying.
Restored mobility in knee, which had been swollen and stiff (child).
Stitches in knee joint, evening, when sitting.
Hamstrings painful when walking, as if too short.
Cramp like contraction in lower part of left leg.
Large buttocks.
Violent tearing and stitches, with ulcerative pain in heels; at times relieved by rubbing; occurs also at night, in bed.
Feet feel as if “asleep.”
Cold feet, especially in evening in bed.
Itching in sole of right foot: evenings.
Stitching in toes, coming slowly and going slowly.
Offensive sweat of feet.
Limbs in General
Tearing and painful jerks, now here, and again there, through all limbs.
Tearing rheumatic pains in extremities.
Rest, Position and Motion
Has to walk crooked. Uterine displacement.
Cannot walk erect, on account of a pain as from a sprain in groins.
During rest: backache.
Lying: drawing tension in legs; chilly in evening.
Lying on ear: sensation as if something would come out.
Lying on back: loose cough at night with stitches in left hypochondrium.
Cannot lie on back or side: with backache.
Walking: stitches in ears in open air; stitching and burning in right hypochondrium; tearing and tension in groin; stitching and tearing in perineum; heaviness of chest in open air; heaviness on chest very great; must limp from pain in left hip; hamstrings seem too short; sudden prostration.
Motion: backache; increases sweat; pains in limbs amel..
From exertion: heat and puffiness of face.
After rising: pressure in forehead.
Must rise: with stitches in spleen.
Stooping: stitches in head and splitting sensation; asthma.
Turning: pain from stiff neck to between shoulders.
Turning from back to side: cough with stitches in left hypochondrium agg..
gnawing in left hip bone, tearing in front of thighs; drawing tension in legs; stitches in knee.
Moving arms: asthma.
Must stand still: from heaviness on chest.
Standing: beating like pulse in left chest.
Ebullitions with anxiety and weakness as if paralyzed.
Sudden prostration after dinner, when walking in open air.
Great weakness, mornings.
Prostration and great weariness.
Languor during day, with laziness.
Constant yawning without sleepiness, mornings.
Sleepiness early in evening, eyelids fall shut; amel. after candlelight.
Cannot fall asleep before midnight, on account of cold feet.
Heat in head prevents sleep before midnight.
Restless sleep, and waking after midnight.
Anxious, fearful dreams, starts out of sleep.
Dreams: of falling into water; of sickness; lascivious.
Wakes at 2 A.M. from violent cutting in abdomen.
Wakes at night: from sneezing, with tickling in throat, causing cough; pain in of back.
Generally agg. after getting out of bed.
Worse after rising in morning.
Night: digging and tearing in right ear; frequent and profuse urination; menstrual flow most profuse; cough loose; heaviness in chest; backache; tearing in heels, in bed; cold feet in bed; restless sleep, awakes frequently; chill from uncovering; sweating, most copious after midnight.
2 A.M.: awakened by cutting in abdomen.
3 A.M.: awakened with heaviness in chest.
4 A.M.: tenesmus vesicae agg.
Early morning: sweating most copious.
Morning: irritability; heaviness of forehead after rising; eyes agglutinated; stitches in spleen; green diarrhoeic stools; cough dry; beating in left chest; great weakness; constant yawning and sleepiness; bruised pain all over after rising.
Night and day: dry cough; sweat.
All day: heaviness of forehead; languor and laziness.
Afternoon: burning and stitching in right hypochondrium; hoarseness and burning in larynx; cough loose.
Twilight: burning of eyes.
6 P.M.: attacks of cough begin daily.
Evening: has most thirst; cutting and stitching in ossa pubium to back; stitches in knee when sitting; itching in sole of right foot; sleepy early; chilliness; itching in various parts.
Midnight: cannot fall asleep till then from cold feet and heat in head.
Temperature and Weather
A warm bath relieves.
Warm covering: does not relieve coldness in back.
Out-doors: mist before eyes agg..
Open air: stitches in ears when walking; heat of face passes off; heaviness of chest when walking; sudden prostration when walking.
In room: mist before eyes amel.; heat and puffiness of face when warm.
In bed: tearing in heels; cold feet; itching in various parts becomes amel.
Uncovering: chilly at night.
After washing: burning in canthi.
Chilliness evenings, after lying down, and as often as she awakens; without thirst.
Chill, with external coldness in evening and from uncovering at night.
Chill running up back.
Chill alternating every half hour, with heat.
Chill and heat, ending with copious sweat; seventh day of typhoid.
Heat with red, puffed-up face, particularly in warm room, and after bodily exertion.
Thirst with heat.
Flushes of heat in frequent attacks, ending each time with sweat, which is most profuse in face, palms of hands, and soles of feet.
Sweat day and night, following heat.
Profuse night-sweat over whole body, most copious after midnight and early in morning in bed.
Sweat without thirst.
Sweat increased by every motion.
Sweat on lower part of body.
Attacks and Periodicity
Stitching pain in toes, comes slowly and goes slowly.
Septimania: chill and fever followed by profuse sweat every seventh day.
Daily: cough beginning at 6 P.M.
Chills alternating with heat every half hour.
Seventh day of typhus; chill and heat ending with copious sweat.
Flushes of heat ending with sweat in frequent attacks.
Locality and Direction
Tearing and jerking through all limbs change locality often.
Right: tearing in temple and side of face; itching pimples side of occiput; humming and roaring in ear; digging and tearing in ear; ear affected for years; burning and stitching in axilla, and in hypochondrium; pain from side of pubes to back; stitches in groin; painful tension below breast; bruised pain in lower chest; small tubercles, blisters, scurf on scapula; pinching in muscles of scapula; stitches in scapula when inspiring; arm heavy and rigid; tearing from elbow to fingers.
Left: stitches in temple and side of head; ulcerative pain in nostril; external swelling of nostril; bleeding from nostril; swelling of gums side of lower jaw; stitches in abdomen above hip; pain as if sprained in side of abdomen and groin; stitches and beating in spermatic cord; stitches in chest and hypochondrium with cough; beating at a small spot in chest; soreness in chest; red spots on chest; stitches in scapula; tearing in arm; tearing in wrist; stitching and beating under thumb-nail; pain in hip; contraction in lower part of leg.
Right and left: rheumatic pain in shoulder joint.
Diagonally: burning and stitching from scrobiculum to right axilla.
Before backward: stitches in abdomen and groin.
Tearing from heart to left forearm.
As if brain was torn; as if head was split; as if occiput was screwed in; as if a body arose in left eye which impeded sight; as if ear and throat were connected; as from a load in lower abdomen; as if abdomen would burst; swollen feeling in groins; as if a morsel of food had lodged in throat; blood seems to be in constant ebullition; a running sensation between skin and muscles.
Dull heavy pains: in head, with vertigo and pallor.
Pain: from right side of pubes to hip and small of back; in lumbosacral region; in left hip as if tendons were too short; in abdomen and back, with menses.
Stitches: in left temple and side of head; in vertex when stooping; in ears; in submaxillary gland; in upper incisors; to left temple, from swollen gums; in throat; in chest with hiccough or cough; on scrobiculum; in hypochondria; in spleen; in abdomen above left hip; from pubes to small of back; in right groin, coming out behind hip; in perineum; in left spermatic cord; in left scapula; in right scapula when inspiring; under left thumbnail; in knee joint; and tearing in heels; in toes.
Stinging: in rectum.
Cutting: from ossa pubium to small of back.
Tearing pain: in right temple and through right side of face; in temples and occiput; in head, causing nausea; in right ear; in bones of face; in groin; in perineum; from cardiac region into left arm; in side of neck, alternating with tearing in cheek; in left arm to fingers; and drawing from right elbow to fingers; in left wrist; in front part of thighs; and stitches in heels; through limbs.
Burning: of eyes; in canthi; of ears; in larynx; heat of face; eruption on face; of lips; in blister on tip of tongue; in scrobiculum; in right hypochondrium; in rectum; at small spots in chest; red spots on left chest; in blisters on right scapula; in small blisters on wrist.
Smarting: in rectum.
Rawness: in throat, back of uvula.
Soreness: and tenderness of nose; of nose and nostrils; of mouth and lips; in throat; in a spot behind soft palate; in stomach; in groins; in rectum; itching in rectum; in lungs; in left chest.
Pressure: in forehead towards root of nose; in throat when swallowing; and stitches in chest.
Bruised pain: in lower right chest; between scapulae; in small of back; in whole body in morning after rising.
Tensive pain: in articulations of jaw; in groin; below right breast; in blisters on right scapula; and drawing in legs.
Ulcerative pain: in left nostril; in heels.
Gnawing: in stomach; in left hip bone.
Boring and digging: in ears.
Pinching: in muscles of right scapula.
Griping: about navel.
Contractive pain: in occiput.
Cramp like contraction: in left hip; in hamstrings; in lower left leg.
Sprained feeling: in left side of abdomen; in groin; between scapulae.
Lame feeling: in stomach.
Rooting and rolling: in right ear as if something would come out; in stomach.
Neuralgic pains: in head; in feet.
Rheumatic pains: in head; in varices; first in right, then in left shoulder joint; in limbs.
Heaviness: with fullness in head; in forehead; in lower abdomen; of chest; and rigidity of right arm.
Fullness: of head; in throat; in stomach; in abdomen.
Empty sensation: in stomach as from fasting; in throat, with no desire to eat.
Pulsating: in submaxillary gland; in tonsils; in glands of neck; in breast near oesophagus; in left spermatic cord; small spot in left chest; in finger, like panaritium; under nail of left thumb; in various places.
Drawing: in submaxillary gland; from right elbow to fingers.
“Gone to sleep” feeling: in feet.
Itching: of scalp; pimples on right side of occiput; in ears; in nose with sensation of a foreign body; of rectum; in throat, followed by expectoration of blood; red spots on left chest; between scapulae; on inside of forearm; in small blisters on wrist; in sole of right foot; on various parts before going to bed.
Tickling: in throat.
Crawling: in throat, causing cough.
Coldness: between scapulae; of feet.
Stiffness: in small of back.
Dryness: in throat.
Orgasm of blood.
Produces an increased secretion of mucus; hence useful in catarrhs.
Burning, rawness, on mucous surfaces; later formation of vesicles and ulcers.
Tension in joints as from shortening of muscles.
Fatty tumors.
Touch Passive motion and Injuries
Touch: left nostril sensitive.
Pressure: with finger relieves pain in decayed tooth; red spots on chest become pale.
Scratching: does not relieve itching in ears; causes itching blisters on wrist to burn.
Rubbing: relieves pain in heels.
Itching on various parts of body, generally evenings, before going to bed, amel. afterwards.
Fine rash over whole body, like measles.
Smallpox more on trunk and upper limbs.
Blisters on various parts, with tension, burning and formation of scurf
Stages of Life and Constitution
Suitable to those who are fat and sluggish; body fat, but legs thin.
Similar to its relatives and to: Ant-c. (mucous membranes); Aloe (s) (abdominal symptoms); Ars. (catarrhs); Arg-n. (mucus in throat); Calc-c. (fat people; coldness between scapulae; profuse menses); Conium (night cough); Caust. (stiff joints, contractions of muscles; burning hoarseness); Carb-v. (hoarseness; burning on chest, etc.); Coloc. (in colic); Hepar; Iod.; Kali-bi. (stringy mucus, etc.,); Kali-chl. (catarrh); Kali-hydr. (pimples on back, etc.); Merc.; Merc-c.; Mag-m. (especially bloody sputum; crumbling stool; atonic bladder); Nat-m. (catarrh); Nux-v.; Phos.; Rhus-t (sprains; joints agg. sitting, etc.); Seneg. (fat people; mucous secretions; stitches in scapula with lung affections, etc.); Sepia (blisters about joints; atonic bladder, etc.); Sil; Sulphur.
Aggravations from Am-m. are relieved by a hot bath.
Antidoted by: bitter almonds; Coffea; Nux-v.
Rubrics: 367 | Am-m [931/367] |
Total |
[Complete ] [Mind]DREAMS:Eruptions:Rash, she has a: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]PERPLEXITY:Morning: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Head]HEAT:Chewing agg.: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Head]HEAT:Sneezing:Agg.: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Head]PAIN, HEADACHE:Pressing:Morning:Restless night, after: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Head]PAIN, HEADACHE:Pressing:Sides:Room, in: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Eyes]PHOTOPHOBIA:Washing amel.: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Ears]ERUPTIONS:Pimples:Purulent: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Ears]PAIN:Boring:Walking in open air agg.: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Ears]PAIN:Burning:Walking in open air agg.: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Ears]PAIN:Clawing, right: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Hearing]THUNDERING:Night: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Nose]BLOW THE:Inclination to:Itching in nose, with: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Nose]ITCHING, TICKLING:Epistaxis:Amel.: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Face]ERUPTIONS:Vesicles:Inflamed: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Face]PAIN:Tearing:Cheek bones:Coryza, in: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Face]REDNESS:Conversation, during animated: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mouth]OPEN, OPENING:Difficult to:Swelling of throat, from: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Teeth]PAIN, TOOTHACHE:Tearing:Evening:Bed:Amel.: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Throat]RESTLESSNESS:Tonsils: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Neck]PAIN:Tearing:Sides:Motion, on:Head, of: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Stomach]APPETITE:Wanting:Day and night: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Stomach]PAIN:Extending:Chest, into:Axillae, to:Right: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Stomach]PAIN:Burning:Extending:Arm, upper, to right: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Stomach]PAIN:Burning:Extending:Axilla, to right: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Stomach]PAIN:Corrosive, gnawing:Morning:Breakfast amel.: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Stomach]PAIN:Stitching:Extending to:Arm, upper, right: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Stomach]PAIN:Stitching:Extending to:Chest:Axilla:Right: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Stomach]VOMITING:Stool:During:Diarrhea:Menses, during: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Abdomen]HYPOCHONDRIA:Sitting:Amel.:Upright, erect: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Abdomen]PAIN:Umbilical region:Below:Stool, before: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Abdomen]PAIN:Spleen region:Morning:Waking, on:Respiration, with difficult, making him sit up: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Abdomen]PAIN:Cutting:Extending:Sacrum, to: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Abdomen]PAIN:Cutting:Hypogastrium:Urination:Urging, with: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Abdomen]PAIN:Diarrhea would appear, as if:Constipation, during: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Abdomen]PAIN:Dislocated, sprained, as if:Inguinal region:Walk bent, must: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Abdomen]PAIN:Stitching:Spleen region:Morning:Waking, on, with dyspnea making him sit up: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Abdomen]PAIN:Stitching:Spleen region:Sitting, while: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Rectum]PAIN:Tearing:Perineum:Walking, while: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Rectum]PAIN:Ulcerative:Sitting down, on: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Stool]MUCOUS, SLIMY:Fever:During: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Bladder]ANXIETY:Neck: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Bladder]PAIN:Blow, as from a, neck, extending outward: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Bladder]PAIN:Pressing:Shaking of body, with: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Urine]AMMONIA, ODOR LIKE:Fever, during: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Urine]STAINING:Chalk, like: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Male Genitalia]PAIN:Blow, as after a:Spermatic cords: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Female Genitalia]COITION:Coition, as after:Morning:Waking, on: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Female Genitalia]LEUCORRHEA:Brown:Urination, after: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Respiration]ASTHMATIC:Stooping agg.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Respiration]PULSATING, THROBBING:Tonsils, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Respiration]SWELLING, WITH:Sensation of:Throat: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Cough]NIGHT:Agg.:Lying agg.:Back, on: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Chest]PAIN:Biting:Left: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Chest]PAIN:Biting:Evening: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Chest]PAIN:Pressing:Middle:Afternoon: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Chest]PAIN:Screwed together, as if:Standing agg.: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Chest]PULSATION:Sternum:Behind:Eating, after: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Chest]SPOTS:Left: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Chest]TENSION:Eating agg.: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Heart & Circulation]PULSATION:Bloodvessels:Anxiety, with: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Back]COLDNESS, CHILLINESS:Dorsal region:Scapulae:Between:Tuberculosis, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Back]COLDNESS, CHILLINESS:Dorsal region:Scapulae:Between:Cough, with: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Back]COLDNESS, CHILLINESS:Itching, ending in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Back]PAIN:Night:Eleven pm. – midnight: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Back]PAIN:Night:Eleven pm. – midnight:Headache, with: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Back]PAIN:Cervical region:Muscles:Tendons: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Back]PAIN:Lumbar region, lumbago:Night:Sleep, during: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Back]PAIN:Aching:Night:Eleven pm. – midnight: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Back]PAIN:Broken, as if:Eleven pm. – midnight: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Back]PAIN:Drawing:Lumbar region:Extending:Inward: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Back]PAIN:Sore, bruised:Cervical region:Morning:Rising, after: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Back]PAIN:Sore, bruised:Coccyx:Sleep, during: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Back]PAIN:Violent:Eleven pm. – midnight: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Back]PAIN:Vise, as in a:Sitting agg.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Back]STIFFNESS:Painful:Erect, becoming: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]LOWER LIMBS:Rising:Amel.:Sitting, from:After: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]CONTRACTION:Thighs:Hamstrings:Walking:Continued, amel.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]CONTRACTION:Convulsive, spasmodic:Feet:Heels, evening in bed: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]ENLARGED:Buttocks, nates: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]FORMICATION, CRAWLING:Fingers:Tips:Afternoon: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]ITCHING:Fingers:Second, index:Tips:Scratching does not amel.: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]PAIN:Fingers:Tips:Walking in open air: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]PAIN:Thighs:Muscles:Flexor:Hamstrings: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]PAIN:Legs:Walking:Amel.:Bent: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]PAIN:Feet:Menses, during:Vomiting and diarrhea, with: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]PAIN:Feet:Heels:Night:Three am.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]PAIN:Contracting:Short, as if tendons too:Hip, left: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]PAIN:Contracting:Short, as if tendons too:Hamstrings:Walking, while: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]PAIN:Corrosive, gnawing:Hips:Sitting, on: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]PAIN:Drawing:Legs:Lying: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]PAIN:Drawing:Legs:Walking:Amel.:Bent: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]PAIN:Neuralgic:Feet:Menses, during, with vomiting and diarrhea: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]PAIN:Stitching:Fingers:Tips:Walking in open air: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]PAIN:Tearing:Fingers:Tips:Evening: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]PAIN:Tearing:Hips:Right:Extending downwards, through thigh, while sitting: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]PAIN:Tearing:Thighs:Right:Sitting down: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]PAIN:Tearing:Toes:Tips:Evening: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]PAIN:Ulcerative:Ankles:Outer, lateral: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]PAIN:Ulcerative:Feet:Heels:Right: | 2 | 1 / 1 |
The Bureau Of Homoeopathics By Clarence Willard Butler.
Edward Rushmore.
Sulph / Sep / Am-m / Con / Bell / Nat-m / Kali-c.
A young lady, scarcely grown, has for a long time suffered from melancholy and depression, a feeling as if she is going to die. She is dizzy and faint on rising in the morning, and has occasional obscuration of sight, when objects appear both dim and crooked, and it seems as if her eyes are not in their proper place. Besides, she has a had taste in the mouth, weakness at the stomach and eructations if she takes coffee, and constipation for which she has taken Aloe. The menses occur four or five days too soon, but are otherwise natural. She is sleepy by day, more so in the afternoon, but sleeps well at night. She is easily chilled and takes cold easily. To get the feet the least damp makes the forehead feel heavy, the eyes feel strange, and gives them a hollow look.
She received one dose of Sulphur cm. (F.C.). Six months later her father, visiting me for himself, told me she recovered both from the melancholy and the bodily ailments soon after taking the medicine, and that she had remained well to that time. I have every reason to think she had had no return of the symptoms.
A middle aged single, lady, living near swampy ground, has chilliness in the afternoon with coldness of the nose. She weakens at 3 A.M., with heat and throbbing in the abdomen, followed with perspiration of the feet and of the palms. Several other members of the family have had intermittents in former years. Sepia cm. (F), one dose dry, and subsequently repeated in water, cured her.
An old gentleman had prolapse of the rectum preceding very difficult stool. Ruta 900 (F), one dose, entirely relieved him of this difficulty. On another occasion the same gentleman complained of a dribbling, intermittent flow while urinating. He received one dose of Conium 900 (F), and said it fully relieved him. Of Ruta I would like to add that in the early stage of a malignant disease of kidney and bladder, it relieved for a considerable time the pain in the back, and was given because the pain in the back was > by lying on the back. This condition has been verified as a trustworthy indication for the use of Ruta in many other cases.
A gentleman wrote me from California that he had suffered there for several years with bronchitis and cough with a feeling of coldness between the scapulae. I sent him Amm. Mur. 20 m. (F), ten powders, to be taken at intervals. In about three months, he wrote to say he was so much better he thought he did not need more medicine.
I always examine Amm. Mur. in cases of cough, with coldness between scapulae or shoulders. It has nearly always been found suitable and helpful.
An aged lady complained of a sense of fulness and much bearing down in the lower abdomen, < in lying down and relieved by sitting up. Belladonna 50 m. (F.C.) relieved her in a short time.
An aged lady had a sense of coldness at the precordia, and of trembling of the heart. Natrum Mur. 900 (F), one dose, removed both these symptoms.
A boy of eleven years has grown very fast. He gets an ulcerated sore throat from slight exposure, and has often had a cough. A brother died before this patient was born, from scrofulous swellings, following scarletina, under the treatment of an eclectic homoeopath. He now has a severe cough day and night with vomiting of food. The cough is worse about 3 to 4’o clock in the morning. He sweats easily. The pulse is 114; temperature 101 to 102. There is sharp bronchial respiration in the upper part of the right lung, heard posteriorly. Loss of appetite and of flesh as well. He has been under the care of the same eclectic homoeopath.
He received one dose of Kali carbonicum cm.(F) graft. At the end of three weeks the pulse and temperature were normal, and the cough almost wholly removed.
A FEW CASES FROM MY PRACTICE [Few Cases From My Practice]
Jan99 to June99, VoI-VIII, Issue 1 & 2
Dr. K.J. James
Ars / Cedr / Psor / Ambro / Rhus-t / Am-m / Puls / Grat / Adren / Glon
Dr. K.J. James,
Parmar Complex.,
Pune – 44
A Case of Migraine
A middle aged lady suffering from Migraine for the last three years -recently the pain disturbs her all through 24 hours. After detailed case taking for 45 minutes, I could not get any worthwhile symptom, expect Desire for sweets. Then I called inside her husband and made them understand the importance of mental symptoms in the selection of Homoeopathic drugs. Her husband narrated a few incidents which clearly identifies state of mind: Though we are much rich, she is so much concerned about each penny we spend. At times we both go for shopping and when back at home, she would lament about the money we spent together. Recently our car was in the garage and had to pay Rs. 2,000 for which she complains every day The entire mental state depends on a MISERLY attitude and I took the rubric AVARICE in Synthesis, page 21. There is no drug having this symptom so intensely as Ars. Alb. The drug was administered in LM potency 0/1 in water, t.d.s, for 15 days. She got immediate relief and presently feels no LM 1 is continued. She may require Thuja or Sulphur etc. for a final cure: but let us learn HOW MISERLY OUR ARSENIC IS Also let us read from Dr. Rajan Sankaran from The Spirit of Homoeopathy Page 50.
Mental state and not Mental Symptoms
Aphorism 211 from Organon reads; This holds good to such an extent, that the state of disposition of the patient chiefly determines the selection of homoeopathic remedy, being a decidedly characteristic symptom which can least of all remain concealed from the accurately observing physician. Look at the words. It says the state of disposition; the state and not symptoms. Hahnemann did not write this holds true to such an extent that mental symptoms determine the choice of remedy. Try to understand. He did not ask us to record the symptoms. He asked us to understand the STATE of the patients mind. Dont write, contradiction, intolerant of or Dictatorial. These are all mere symptoms. Understand the state of mind from which these symptoms come. If you look at the symptoms, you will be lead to many remedies. But if you look at the state, there will be only one.
Cough Cured By Cedron:
Mrs. Y, came for complaint of cough for the last one week. She told me of a strange symptom which she suffers for years. If she wakes up any night at a particular time due to any reason, then all the subsequent nights she will wake up precisely at the exact time when she woke up for the first time, without change even in minutes. Ignoring the entrance complaint of cough, based on this PQRS, CLOCK LIKE PERIODICITY Cedron-30 only one dose was given. She got immediate relief of her cough. Leaving aside the particulars, the CNS symptoms or the Generals should be given even in acute cases.
A Case of Allergic Rhinitis:
Ms. Y. aged 26 phoned me up for severe sneezing, severe itching of eyes. Psorinum 1 M followed by Ambrosia 1 M in repeated doses gave some relief. Again the itching in the eyes was so severe that the patient felt like pulling away her eyes and she got thin white membranes in her eyes. Since the eyes are getting infected and the treatment is through phone, I told her to consult an E.N.T. surgeon, after trying Rhus tox 200 every 3 hourly. On the third day when I called her again, she said she is fine-no sneezing, no itching of eyes, no membranes forming in the eyes. How Rhus tox was selected? The patient told me that she gets aggravated in cloudy weather, and in a clear fine weather when the sun appears bright after a cloudy weather. Rhus tox is the only remedy given the highest grade in the Rubric (Synthesis, Page 1715)- weather cloudy.
Lumbago Cured By Ammon Mur
Mrs. R 40 years. Acute lumbago < standing . Three days before the pain started, she had a PQRS. Sensation of coldness between the scapulae. This is an important symptom of Amm. Mu. But in the rubric pain, aching < standing, this drug is missing. But the sensation is a CNS symptom, it can be always relied upon leaving aside the particulars. 200th, a single dose cured the patient instantly. Amm.mur is a very important drug. Dr. Bhattacharya says it fights against all the three Tridoshas Vath, Pith, Kaph. Dreams of water is an important symptom of this drug. Ammo. mur is the only drug having highest grade. Based on only this symptom, I have cured several diseases.
Cough alternating with any other disease or cough associated with liver troubles, cough without coryza but with a catarrh, are all important symptoms. In ailments from grief, it is a very effective drug. Hair falls out due to dandruff, with itching (use 3x). Sciatica, < sitting, > lying-this is a keynote symptom which you can always rely upon. Menses flow more at night. Hard crumbling stools.
Ailments After Fright Cured By Pulsatilla
Mr. X aged 21 got frightened by seeing thieves in their house at about midnight. The shrieking sounds of the other members of the family made the thieves flee. But this boy was terribly shocked and from the very day he never spoke to anybody almost all the time. He was weeping like a child. He had tremendous anxiety when alone. The little words he spoke shadowed fear of misfortune and worries. Though in all the major exams he was in the merit list he abandoned going college and was much worried about his sister. He was worried something may happen to her and to all members of the family.
The following rubrics are taken-
1 Ailments from fright.
2 Anxiety when alone
3 Cares, worries full of
4 Fear of misfortune
5 Forsaken feeling
6 Anxiety of future
Caust (7), Graph (7), Nat mur (8), Nux vom (8) Puls (12).
A few doses of Puls 30 and 200 cured him in a fortnight. He has passed M.B.A. and is working as a manager in a bank. Puls works in men with female attributes.
Hospitalised Patient Cured with Gratiola:
Mr A, firm believer in homoeopathy phoned me up by about 9.00 pm on third March saying that he had about 24 loose motions with vomiting right from 4.00 a.m. and he had intense weakness and too much sweating and Ghabarahat (palpitations). Since he was understood to have severe dehydration I advised him to get admitted in a hospital. He was immediately admitted to a private nursing home and there doctors tried their best to stop his diarrhea with allopathy. Vomiting stopped but diarrhea increased to every half an hour. After every bottle of saline he had to go for stool which was greenish in colour the stools were of gushing nature like water from in a hydrant. The stool was completely watery from March 3 to March 5. He was given 26 botles of intravenous fluids alongwith intravenous allopathy without the least benefit for his diarrhea. I collected his symptoms on phone and Gratiola 30 few doses two hourly cured him. The totality considered was stool greenish gushing stool, aggravation eating and drinking (every saline bottle gave the urge for stool), stool watery
The books used for repertorisation were Sound Treatment of Diarrhoea by Dr. P.S. Kamathan and Therapeutics of Diarrhoea by Dr. James B, Bell. Podo, Phos and Gratiola scored highest marks. The patient had tremendous fear of thunder and lightening so I thought of giving Phos but the present diarrhoea cannot be a constitutional diarrhoea and hence Phos omitted. Podo also was rejected since the stools were not offensive and aggravation morning symptom was missing. Hence Gratiola was prescribed.
Adrenaline 6 cured Tachycardia:
Mala aged 28 came with following complaints. Numbness of upper and lower limbs. Palms increasingly sweaty. Dyspnoea. Tachycardia. The person felt as if both his hands and legs have become exceedingly numb. He felt difficulty in breathing, his palms are cold and clammy. When I examined his heart it was found beating at a fast rate. His Blood pressure was 130/90 mm. We often get such types of cases in clinics where we can prescribe on pathological symptoms only. Definitely we have got lots of rare remedies in Boericke for use in such cases but our only weak point is we dont get any feedback regarding such remedies from any doctors or research wings. I have found Trichomonas vaginalis 30 an excellent medicine in obstinate leucorrhoea. Herpes 30 post herpes problems. Flagyl 30 good in any disease of anus, eruptions piles etc. Triple antigen 30 always gives good result in children of bronchitis when other remedies dont give desired results. Plumbum met works in obstructive jaundice with Fel Tauri (Kamal Kansal). Coming back to present case let us read page 8 of the Golden Beads compiled by Dr. A.K.C. Kunji, . . . Constriction of the peripheral arterioles with resulting rise in blood pressure. Its chief therapeutic use depends on its vaso construction action. All symptoms of Adrenaline. Adrenaline 6 a few doses two hourly cured the patient of all his symptoms except a headache which was cured by a few doses of Glonine 30.
Four Cases
1995 Sep / Oct Vol IV No 5
Sanjay Banerjee.
Ph-ac / Gymn / Sulph / Nat-m / Nat-ar / Tub / Thuj / Calc / Bac / Am-m.
CASE 1: Diabetes Mellitus
Mr. Jamini R, aged 42 years came with following complaints –
1) Polyuria more at night every hour.
2) Thirst increased.
3) Weakness and Vertigo.
4) Sudden loss of weight, sexual weakness, anxiety.
5) Appetite increased.
6) Flatulence.
Past History: Ringworm (age of 15 years), warts, otorrhoea.
Family History: Father had Heart attack. Grandfather had Kochs infection; Maternal Grandfather had Asthma. There was no history of Diabetes in family.
Investigations: Blood sugar fasting – 275 mg percent. Urine sugar +++ pus cells ++.
Treatment and Follow-up:
Acid-phos 200 followed by Gymnema-sylvestre Q
4-2-87 – No weakness. Thirst decreased, Appetite improved and flatulence less. The Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS) was 260 mg percent on 2-2-87 and Post Prandial Blood Sugar (PPBS) was 430 mg percent. Urine Sugar +++. The dimness in vision was more at night.
Treatment – Acid-phos 200 and Gymnema-syl Q.
19-2-87 – Urine sugar ++; Dimness in vision
Treatment – Gymnema-syl Q
9-3-87 – FBS 93 mg percent
Treatment – Gymnema-syl Q
8-4-87 – PPBS was 200 mg percent. Ringworm better by local application. Urine was scanty and offensive. Thirst poor. Sweats profuse. Appetite good.
Treatment – Sulphur 2c-0-2 and Gymnema-syl Q.
1-6-87 – No complaints. PPBS 86 mg percent. No weakness.
Treatment – Sulphur 2c-0-2 and Gymnema-syl Q.
15-7-87 – PPBS 88 mg percent
Treatment – Sulphur 2c-0-2 and Gymnema-syl Q
15-8-87 – Patient much better. PPBS 84 mgm percent
16-9-87 – PPBS 130 mg percent offensive mouth and urine no debility.
Treatment – Sulphur 2c-0-2D Gymnema-syl Q.
25-11-87 – PPBS 98 mg percent sometimes pain in left molar teeth worse while eating – Redness of right eye.
Treatment – Bell 200-2 and Gymnema-syl Q.
28-12-87 – Pain right knee after a history of injury; no other complaint.
Treatment – Arnica 200-2 and Gymnema-syl Q.
CASE 2: A Case of Epilepsy
Master KM 15 years of age came with the following complaints – 1) Fits with involuntary urination, occurring at yearly intervals. It was usually after eating. There were four episodes of fit since 1979 which started after a history of shock and fright.
2) Present complaint was a dullness with deviated expression of activity.
3) Headache worse in sun
4) Coated tongue.
5) Hard stools which requires straining.
Past History: shock, fright, septic tonsillitis.
Family History: Father has diabetes and maternal Grand-father has asthma.
Physical Generals:
Desires – Eggs, salty food, rich fatty food
Thermal – Hot
Sweats – on head and palms.
Irritable, whimsical, sensitive to disorder, washing mania, likes dancing, careless.
EEG – showed cortical dysarrhythmia.
Treatment and Follow-up:
14-5-84 – Nat-mur 200 on basis of onset after fright and shock.
19-7-84 – Family history of Epilepsy, likes salt and meat constipation and contradictory symptoms.
Treatment – Nat-mur 200 repeated.
25-10-84 – No attacks of fits. Memory and Irritability improved. Acne on face, Cough + cold, Oedema of lower eyelids. Stools regular, sometimes loose. Itching arms.
Treatment – Nat-mur 1M, 2 doses.
8-2-85 – No fit, pain hypogastric region, improper articulation. Treatment – Placebo.
30-9-86 – Restlessness, lack of confidence, fastidious. Treatment – Nat-ars 1M.
4-3-87 – No attack of fits. Restlessness, Irritable. Likes to study, hard stool, throat irritation with allergic dyspnoea to incense stick, has gained confidence.
Treatment – Placebo.
20-10-87 – Attacks of bronchial spasm, Irritable, catarrhal tendency. F-H of Asthma.
Treatment – Tub-bov 1M-2 doses.
CASE 3: Undiagnosed Chronic Fever
A male child aged 18 months came on 13-3-86 with following complaints –
Chronic fever since 3 months of age. The fever ranges from 99.5 F to 103 F. There is chill during fever with sweat on hands and feet after the fever declines. The fever was aggravated in at 3 pm and at 3 am.
2) Slight coryza
3) Loss of appetite with loose stool in the morning after eating.
4) Cries while passing urine
Investigations: X-ray chest was normal but Mantoux test was positive.
Past History – Loose stools in morning after eating. Improper small-pox vaccination.
Family History: Asthma, Koch, Rheumatism, Chronic migraine, cystitis, ring worm and mental disorders.
Clinical Findings: Cervical glands, slightly enlarged liver.
Other Treatment: Anti tubercular treatment with no result.
Treatment and Follow-up:
Thuja 200 then 1M and later followed by Calc-ars 200 was given on the following indication –
1) Aggravation of fever in afternoon and later part of night. (3 am and 3 pm)
2) Onset of disease after vaccination.
3) The fever comes on with chills and there is sweating of palms.
4) Crying during urination.
5) Loose stools in morning after eating.
6) H-o Rheumatism, cystitis in family.
The baby was fine in 2 months. The patient now enjoys good health except occasional catarrh for which Bacillinum was given with good result.
CASE 4: Typhoid with Haemorrhage
Master S aged 14 years came with typhoid fever which was complicated with bleeding from nose, mouth, gums and anus.
The patient was emaciated, prostrated with blocked nostrils and bleeding from nose and gums. Relapse of Typhoid after dietetic error. The patient had craving for lemonade.
Treatment – Amm-mur was prescribed on the basis of
1) Craving for lemonade.
2) Nasal blockage
3) Haemorrhage
4) Emaciation in the lower part of body.
The patient was a man in his sixties. He was a smoker, a hog and worst of all a drunkard. Dr. Weisberg warned him about the dangers of all these things and said, “They may well cause you to die early”.
The patient replied, “Doctor, you let me die and I will never speak to you again”.
1939 Mar Vol LIV No 3
Elizabeth Wright Hubbard.
General Topics / Cases
Ip / Arum-t / Am-m / Nat-m / Dros / Cor-r / Sulph / Sep / Merc / Euphr / Ferr-p.
[ Reads before I.H.A., Bureau of Obstetrics and Pediatrics, June 15, 1938].
One of the many boons of homoeopathy to the modern parent is its power to free them from fear of the contagious diseases. It does this by a medley of means. In the first place, it shows the usefulness of these supposed scourges of our young, to wit, that they are a means of ridding the system of some of its inherited taints, of the accumulated miasms of past generations. Children come out stronger and often with changes for the better in their personalities, after an exanthem wisely handled by a true homoeopath. To be sure, although the acute course is either brief or mild, out-croppings follow from the deeper layers which call our attention to the need for a chronic remedy. so much the better: the patient might not have noticed the chronic signposts, nor in these depression days, done anything about it, save for the acute trouble. These symptoms from the deeps should not be the conventional sequelae: none such should develop, with proper handling; but rather minor items which the wise doctor interprets into radical help for the childs constitution. Never discharge your acute cases in children till they have had a chronic to follow through. The adults who are sickly in a deep chronic way I find to be those who have not had the exanthems in their youth. And many who seem healthy in maturity die sudden deaths, and they also have usually NOT had the children;s diseases.
Mothers have a few instincts left, even in these times, and one is a distinct aversion to having their children shot full of this and that preventive serum or vaccine. Blessed and sane instinct When they realize that the same good end can be accomplished by mild internal protection by high potency, without introducing foreign blood rhythms and with no fear of bad reaction, they are delighted.
If children have been exposed to, say, whooping cough, I ask the parent whether this would be a convenient time to have them get it, in case they need to, by inner necessity. If so, no protection, if they are in good state to stand it. If not, then a prophylactic remedy; if they get it the case will be mild; if not, no harm is done. For I believe that the potency, instead of suppressing Natures legitimate urge to measles or whatever, gives Nature an out, releases forces, rouses the body to combat the incipient evil in itself.
A third comfort to parents is the inexpensiveness of the treatment, and the fact that the mild form can be well coped with in the home, and the time out from school reduced to the legal minimum.
May I give you a few cases in illustration?.
CASE I: Master B., an interesting but self-willed boy of 13, product of a disharmonious wealthy background-good soil for an eruption came down with scarlet fever. Throat abscess had been lanced. Sudden profuse, repeated haemorrhages occurred, eight in an evening. Pronounced not surgical, probably from the stomach. Liver and spleen enlarged and tender. Called in consultation, I found the patient plethoric, blond, capricious, cantankerous, disobedient; blood bright, gushing; constant nausea, clean tongue. Ipecac 2c., 3 doses, one hour apart if needed. No further bleeding after 20 minutes from first dose. Three days after, case study showed Arum triph. and Amm. mur. as the two most similar remedies. Arum was given, 10 M. 1 dose, with relief of corrosive saliva, etc. This might have carried the case safely from the start. The follow up was a dose of Nat. mur. 1M. Swift recovery after the Ipecac Was the loss of blood therapeutic? Was the Ipecac more truly related to the child than even I realized in the emergency prescription?.
CASE II: MAster A., aged 9, small pallid boy of tubercular stock on both sides, came down with whooping-cough. Red face with cough, better in the air, worse 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. Dros. 1M., 1 dose. Only slightly better for three days then cough incessant, weak, short, running from one spell into another; postnasal dropping; ulceration of the alae nasi. This latter peculiarity, together with the incredible continuance of the cough, led to Cor. rub. 2c., 1 dose. Brilliant improvement for exactly one week. Return of cough, though nose clear. Cor. rub. 1M., 1 dose. Startling amelioration for ten days. Return of cough as before caused me to give Sulph. 2c., 1 dose. Aggravation for several days of general condition rather than cough. Then cough returned in full vigor: Cor. rub. 10M., 1 dose and a speedy end to the trouble. Follow up: Sepia 1M., 1 dose. Boy gaining weight for the first time in a year and a half, rosy and peppy. would Cor. rub 10M. have settled the whole thing in the beginning? Was the Sulph. an error? Or did it lay some foundation for the Cor. to hold by?.
CASE III: Master M., 7, mumps, bilateral, hard swelling, constant need to swallow a lump, sensitive to weather change, oily sweat without profit, intense thirst for cold. This textbook picture responded at once to Merc. viv. 10M., 1 dose. No symptoms appeared calling for a chronic: as this child comes for one every two months or so anyway, none was given. This is a very psoric child. Were there no symptoms developed because the case was so perfectly covered by the Merc.? Or because the chronic remedies clear away enough anyway?.
CASE IV: Master R., 10, slight measles rash on neck, Koplik spots, only symptom subjectively: severe photophobia and aching eyes, with slight yellow pus in canthi. Euphr. 1M., 1 dose. Rash blossomed, eyes cleared, in three days felt well. Two weeks later, earache, flushed face, soft pulse, calm: Ferr. phos. 1M. Hives followed; Sulph. 1M. brought him round fast.
DR. MC LAREN About this first case, DR. Hubbard says it is a good thing for children, probably, to have these childrens disease, and I agree with her-so long as they are mild. Any case I have ever attended where Arm triphyllum was indicated has always been very severely ill. In other words, I don;t think you get Arum triphyllum indicated in a case which is not very ill. I think, had the Arum triphyllum been given first she would not have needed the Ipecac. To may way of thinking it is a much deeper acting remedy than Ipecac.
With regard to the second case, the dose of Sulphur, probably the Sulphur might not have been given just at that time, but I think the result and the good health of the child were probably due to the Sulphur.
DR. MOORE: I have just one comment. It was given by Dr. Hubbard but it wasnt emphasized. That is, where the Drosera is used, one dose.
DR. Grimmer: I am inclined to think with Dr. Hubbard that these acute exanthemata are beneficial in the main, that they do take a great deal of the psoric miasm away, especially if under the remedies good health evolves. No disease evolves ordinarily if we watch it. I think that is why a lot of these shots that are given nowadays are doing harm rather than good. They are suppressing, and these suppressions come out later on in changes, in pathological conditions in kidneys and vital organs. I think there can be no doubt but what the acute diseases are, as Hahnemann says, explosions.
dR. ROBERTS: Dr. Hubbard has brought out a point there that is worth while considering, and that is the filling of the vacuum in human life. That is really what it is., Why is it we have contagious nature has left a vacuum there that has got to be filed, and it is either filled by a constitutional remedy or by the epidemic disease. Either the constitutional remedy-the similar remedy-or the similar disease, cures the patient and produces the immunity. That is the function of the contagious disease.
DR. MC FALL: Would you call whooping cough and diphtheria exanthemata?.
DR. HUBBARD: No, I should not.
DR. GRIMMER: Dr. McLaren has suggested that I tell you something about the measles epidemic in Chicago this past spring. It was the greatest in the history of the Health Department.
Another peculiar thing about it was that quite a few of the cases developed so-called sleeping sickness. Of course I didnt have many of those cases. I had a few, but most of my work is chronic. I wondered if the use of coal tar derivatives hasnt something to do with the sleeping sickness.
1949 Jul Vol LXV No 1
Eugene Underhill.
Therapeutics / Cases
Calen / Hyper / All-c / Phos / Arn / Bell-p / Led / Ruta / Rhus-t / Am-m / Staph / Nat-m / Calc / Bry / Carb-an / Dulc / Caust / Psor / Sil / Seneg / Cham / Calc-ars / Bell.
Read before Bureau of Clinical Medicine, I.H.A., June 17, 1948.
Neuritis is defined as inflammation of a nerve. Pathological symptoms include pain, tenderness, more or less impairment of function, sensory disturbances and in severe cases areas of anesthesia and even paralysis.
Neuralgia, on the other hand, simply means nerve pain. A typical neuralgic pain is defined as severe, darting or throbbing in character, intermittent, with sensitiveness of the skin. Generally there is relief from warmth and pressure.
Back of both neuritis and neuralgia there is always some form of nerve irritation. Some cases are traumatic in origin, others toxic, still others are caused by nutritional deficiencies. Alcoholism and emotional stress are predisposing factors of considerable importance.
When the cause is traumatic such local treatment must be instituted as the case may require. Fixation and rest of the affected part may be indicated. There is always more or less damage to nerve tissue in any injury but the homoeopathic remedy by matching the symptoms of motor and sensory disturbance will afford the maximum of relief and restore function to the fullest extent possible.
Cases of nerve injury associated with a bone or periosteal bruise or where there are strained or over stretched tendons will respond to Ruta. Direct injury to nerves in which the tactile sense is highly developed will generally require Hypericum. This remedy is nearly always indicated following injury to the coccyx, also for bad effects following chilling of the buttocks and lower part of the back as from sitting for a long time on a cold, damp bench or on the cold ground. This form of chilling in which there is a damp, penetrating cold extending up the spine is one of the important predisposing causes of poliomyelitis. It is regrettable that the “March of Dimes” fails to provide enough pennies to inform the public of this fact and thereby prevent many cases of infantile paralysis. What are they waiting for, a new wonder drug or a polio-antitoxin?.
Punctured wounds of the extremities are best treated by cleansing the wound with Calendula solution and by giving Ledum internally in the thirtieth or two hundredth centesimal potency. This is a more effective prophylaxis against tetanus than the antitoxin and no risk of an unfavorable serum reaction is incurred. Hypericum may be required in the extremely few cases in which lymphangitis develops with red lines or streaks extending up the arm or leg.
Neuralgic pains in the stump of an amputated limb will generally be relieved by Allium cepa when the pains are fine, thread-like and shooting in character. Ammonium mur. is often indicated after amputation of the foot when there are tearing, stitching pains, worse in bed at night and better from massage. Arnica is the remedy following amputation through the fleshy parts of the arm or leg when there is the sore, bruised feeling and the history of considerable trauma to the muscular structure. Hypericum may be the remedy after amputation of the distal phalanx of any of the fingers following an accident in which the tip of the finger has been chopped or cut off. Sharp, shooting pains will extend up the arm, the pain being almost intolerable and associated, perhaps, with a degree of shock apparently out of proportion to the severity of the injury. Phosphorus is indicated after amputation in nervous, sensitive subjects when there was excessive bleeding during or following the operation and a weak, all-gone feeling with thirst for ice cold drinks. Staphisagria has sometimes been used on a routine basis after amputation but the indications are what might be called “clean cut” cases with little or no contusion and when the sensation as of a knife cutting persists long after the surgery.
A contusion causes local shock to the nerves in the involved area. A temporary paralysis results in an extravasation of blood from the capillaries into the surroundings tissues, then we have ecchymosis, bruise marks or a black nail if the injury is to the end of the finger.
These effects can nearly always be prevented by giving immediate and adequate mechanical support to the contused tissue until the local efferent nerves recover from shock. A severe hammer blow will not cause a black nail if very forceful pressure is instantly applied and maintained until the pain subsides, then ever so gradually relax the pressure.
Arnica is the remedy for bruises of the soft tissues and their nerves of supply. Painful soreness is characteristic with a bruised sensation which often extends beyond the area of trauma. Worse from light touch and better from hard pressure, worse from motion and better lying down. Arnica is often indicated following contusions to the abdomen.
Bellis perennis is especially suited to injuries to the blood vessels and following trauma to the coccyx, as in Hypericum. Often called for in gastralgia from ice cold drinks taken when overheated, also for neuralgia after exposure to cold and wet when overheated. As in Arnica, there is the sensation of bruised soreness. There is aggravation from cold and cold applications, amelioration from continued motion, as in Rhus tox.
Ledum is indicated following contusion of the eye with extensive ecchymosis and when there is marked relief from ice compresses.
Ruta for periosteal and bone bruises and for eye-strain from over-use of the eyes. Other remedies for eye-strain include Apis in which there is aggravation from heat and relief from cold applications; Natrum mur. when there are zigzags in front of the eyes and marked aggravation from sun-light and other bright lights; Senega when a certain object has been held in the field of vision for a long time and the eyeballs feel distended.
In the case of sprains as from over-lifting, over-exertion or trauma the most frequently indicated remedy is probably Rhus tox. with its aching, restlessness, aggravation when quiet and relief from continued motion. Often worse on beginning to move. Better from heat and worse from cold. Neuritis involving the left shoulder and arm after straining the heart from over-lifting or over-exertion. Involvement of the sciatic nerve, especially on the left side. Aggravation in wet weather, from getting wet and from dampness in general.
Calcarea carb., the chronic of Rhus tox. in the traumatic field. Bad effects from over-exertion whether mental or physical. Strained and sprained feeling following hill or mountain climbing. Aggravation from ascending is characteristic. Worse from cold and dampness. Plethoric type with easy sweating tendency.
Bryonia following injury to the chest and ribs with aggravation on the least motion and relief from pressure. Worse taking a deep breath, raising arms or coughing. Suited to cases of both pleurisy and intercostal neuralgia. Amelioration in either case by tightly strapping the chest.
Ruta for strained or over-stretched tendons, also for eye- strain as noted above. Worse from cold and from rest. Better from warmth and motion. Affinity for fibrous tissues, wrists, ankles and lumbar spine.
Ammonium mur. is frequently required for the chronic effects of sprains. Tightness as if the tendons were too short. Tense, sprained sensation in the groin with difficulty in walking erect. Better in open air and from continued motion.
Carbo animalis has the symptom “easily sprained from lifting even small weights”, also “great debility and easy spraining of the joints”. Elderly people who are feeble, subject to colds and when slight causes appear to produce unduly severe effects.
Sudden chilling when overheated or sudden suppression of sweat from a cold wind or in an air conditioned room when the outside temperature is in the nineties will often cause neuralgia or even a neuritis. In such cases Dulcamara may be the remedy when there is a sudden, severe drop in temperature from hot and dry to cold and wet in patients with a strong catarrhal predisposition. Causticum following exposure to dry, cold winds. Bells palsy, affecting especially the right side of the face. Paralysis of single muscles. Weakness of bladder with inability to control the urine.
Psorinum has an affinity for the nerve of supply to the deltoid muscle and has cleared many cases in psoric constitutions when the chronicity and recurrence are conspicuous features. Silicea following exposure to a draft, especially when perspiring, also for cases of neuritis following a suppressed foot sweat. Silicea patients are better from warmth and from wrapping up the affected part.
Anemia predisposes to many cases of neuritis. Toxic causes include many of the acute infections also malaria, gout, syphilis, lead poisoning and organic disease involving the cerebro-spinal axis. Dental caries and badly infected tonsils are responsible for some cases.
Remove the cause of the neuritis in so far as possible. Stop causing disease and then prescribe the indicated remedy. To neglect diet in patients with gout is to invite recurrence. Chronic lead poisoning or aluminum poisoning must be stopped at the source or the homoeopathic remedy will fail, or more correctly the physician will fail to cure the case.
Trifacial neuralgia (tic douloureux) cannot respond to proper treatment if there has been over-exposure to either the infra-red heat lamp or the ultra-violet, so called sun lump. Alcoholic injections and the x-ray have spoiled more cases than they have ever alleviated.
How foolish to prescribe “the apparently indicated remedy” in a case of beriberi without first removing the cause which is usually an obvious nutritional deficiency. Correct the diet and then prescribe the remedy. Either a food toxemia or a nutritional deficiency is the underlying cause of most cases of either neuralgia or neuritis. Much acute illness is due to a toxic over- load in the body. Much chronic illness is due to mild but multiple and therefore complex nutritional deficiencies, starvation in the midst of an apparent abundance of food.
As soon as an individual arrives at the age of personal responsibility, as soon as he is on his own, in other words, he then proceeds to cause disease through one or more avenues of unhygienic living:
1. Emotional stresses and conflicts.
2. Excesses and depletions.
3. Nutritional deficiencies.
4. Food toxemia.
The kind or type of disease from which he will suffer depends upon the direction of susceptibility in his own constitution. Disease attacks the weakest structures in the constitutional chain. The strong parts of the body are disease resistant.
DR. WILLIAM GUTMAN: I will never forget a case of acute neuritis because it was the most extreme expression of pain I have ever seen in my life and because it gives us such a good example of the importance of exact case taking.
A patient came to me with an acute neuralgia of both brachial plexi. He was rolling on the floor and crying out from pain. It was a terrific and terrifying picture. I was not able at first to establish a diagnosis, to get even words out of this man, but I found out, to make it short, that it was acute neuralgia of both brachial plexi due etiologically to suppression of sweat. He was standing in a draft in winter, sweating in his armpits just shortly before entrance to a house. I gave this man one dose of Belladonna 200. and the pain subsided in no time.
A couple of weeks later he was brought by car to my office in exactly the same condition, not the slightest difference, a terrific recurrence, maybe more terrific than the first one. Naturally, I gave a dose of Belladonna 200. No result. My office was full of people waiting, so this was one of the very few cases where I finally gave a hypodermic because the patient just begged me to do something in this terrific attack of pain. I did it with a very bad conscience, feeling I could make a chronic out of such a case, or a suicidal case out of such a condition. After fifteen to twenty minutes the pain subsided and he was brought home; but as I expected, in the late evening I was called again urgently to see the man. Naturally, I had given the man only a hypodermic, no curative remedy, so, seeing the patient again, I established that he was exposed to a situation which had caused a fit of anger which he had suppressed.
I gave him one dose of Chamomile. Within three minutes the pain was gone and never recurred. What the morphine could not do before fifteen or twenty minutes, being only a palliative, Chamomile in high potency did in three minutes and cured him.
It shows it is an example for teaching students how exact case-taking is in homoeopathy, even if you have a perfectly clear picture, and shows the extreme importance which Dr. Underhill stressed of the emotional influence in neuralgia.
DR. J. W. WAFFENSMITH: In reference to neuritis, very often we get typical Rhus toxicodendron symptoms and especially in sciatica, and there is a temporary favorable reaction to the Rhus toxicodendron but it doesnt hold.
I want to call your attention to Calcarea arsenicosa. It has been very beneficial to me in studying these cases. I had one case particularly through the winter, an aged gentleman whom I had treated constitutionally for several years, and he had this terrible case of sciatica, with characteristic Rhus symptoms, and the Calcarea arsenicosa fitted in nicely.
DR. A. H. GRIMMER: Dr. Underhill mentioned the effects of coffee, and it is true that excessive coffee predisposes not only to nerve conditions but extreme sensitivity. Here is a little remedy Clark mentioned, to add to what we know about Nux and Chamomilla and others, Guarana, a South American plant. Clark mentioned it as being a wonderful remedy for those who are prostrated or aggravated nervously or otherwise, from excessive coffee.
Medical Advance
1891 Vol XXVI No 1
A gentleman wrote me from California that he had suffered there for several years with bronchitis and cough with a feeling of coldness between the scapulae. I sent him Amm. Mur. 20 m. (F.), then powders, to be taken at intervals. In about three months, he wrote to say he was so much better he thought he did not need more medicine.
I always examine Amm. Mur. in cases of cough, with coldness between scapulae or shoulders. It has nearly always been found suitable and helpful.
Medical Advance
1891 Vol XXVI No 1
Edward Mahoney
Stram / Sil / Bell / Sulph / Con / Am-c / Calc-p / Bapt / Plb / Alum / Chel / Colch / Am-m
Belladonna. -Paroxysmal, sudden cough with fullness in head, heat of face, sore chest. Cough causes sickness. Belladonna 200, tu die sumend. Next day but one, better in all respects.
Sulphur. -Before going to sleep, dry cough a long time, evening in bed, and worse than during the day. Sulphur 200. Prompt relief same evening. In a young child.
Conium. -Since early morning, diarrhoea, painless, watery, followed by flatulency in abdomen. Conium 200 every two hours.
Next day, diarrhoea much less. Urging to micturition with urine scanty, high colored (medicinal?). Soon recovered.
Colic at epigastrium; chilly, fat disagrees, amiable temperament. Pulsatilla 200, three times a day. Next day but one, “considerable improvement”. Repeated Pulsatilla twice a day. Three day later, husband writes: “My wife is so far recovered that I think your contemplated visit tomorrow will not be required”.
Ammonium Carb. -Pain on taking hold of anything with the hands and fingers. Deadness of hands and fingers at night. Ammon. Carb. 30, three times a day. Reported in nine days, very much improved.
In a neurotic, middle aged woman, sensation as if the brain shook; all noises aggravate symptoms; griping in stomach; pains mist after supper. North pole of magnet applied locally by patient to painful spot whenever pain was severe. Greatly relieved; applied for one minute each time.
A middle aged lady, plethoric, nervo-bilious temperament, who had been fearfully maltreated and drugged for about twenty years, but under true Homoeopathy for about twelve months reported that for the last three or four years se had been subject to Ptosis and attacks of weight on the head with nausea, bringing up water only; drowsy also. She received Gambogia 200, four doses, one each nigh in water. Reported: after the first dose, in one minute felt it act on left side of brain only; also, as if it lifted off the finest filmy substance from the nerves or let in sunshine on semi-darkness; made her feel very happy and thankful. After the four doses great improvement in spine, very little pain and irritation. Uterine discharge increased, also discharge of yellow matter (probably leucorrhoea) with the usual pains.
Plumbum. -Ptosis left upper eyelid, with lachrymation, photophobia, and cloudiness before sight in an eczematous girl of sixteen. Plumbum 30, night and morning for a week, cured.
Weakness in lumbar region, better stooping forwards. Stabbing pains on waking, from chest to head and also downwards. Naja 6, night and morning, one pilule. In a fortnight weakness much less, pains gone. Has had also nausea, pains in stomach; morning headache in temples (med.?).
Alumina. -Stabbing as of a knife in joints of lumbar vertebrae. Alumina 200, three times a day. Relief very soon, in 2 days almost cured. Middle aged, tall man.
Bryonia – Conium. -After exposure to damp and draft, severe catarrhal pains in large joints. Bryonia has relieved partially. Now, short cough from deep inspiration. Conium 200. Next day but one cough greatly relieved.
Prunus. -Perspiration on forehead and upper nose, only during sleep. Prunus spinosa 200. Four days later, perspires now all over, sleeping or waking, feels weaker.
Chelidonium. -In a girl of 13; tinea decalvans in patches on head. Aversion to cheese always. Chelidon. 200. In nine days, skin of scalp red, hot, slight scales. Symptoms of menses appearing.
The same patient that was benefited by locally applying the North pole of the magnet, now writes, nearly three months later, complaining of a feeling of shaking at the top of the head, pain in the eyes especially the let on reading or working; pains at the back of neck and head when tired; unable to walk far from fatigue and weakness in the legs and aching of the thighs.
Crotalus 200, a dose each night. In six days writes, “I am feeling better since taking the medicine”.
Cuprum Sulph. -In a highly neurotic youth of fourteen, attacks on going to bed at night of nausea, accompanied by terror.
Stimulants palliate. Cuprum sulph. 6 every half hour during nausea greatly relieved.
Rhus Radicans. -In a middle aged man, eczematous eruption on perineum and scrotum with sweat in the cleft of the nates. Rhus radicans 12 bis die. Reports in a week: eruption much lessened, also the sweat.
Colocynth. -In a young lady, aged twenty-nine, spare habit, colicky pains all over abdomen, better from pressure and movement. Col. 30, one dose. Pain went same afternoon and she felt quite another person.
Colchicum. -In a gentleman aged seventy-four, drying of a complicated pathological condition: Broncho-pneumonia, anasarca,chronic vesical disease; note of his disease reads as follows: Unconscious from early morning; seen by me 9:30 p.m.
Respiration intermittent, face red, hot, fresh looking. Colchicum 200 every ten minutes, for 6 doses, changed the character of the breathing to quiet, regular movements with occasional puffing expiration, for about four hours; then sudden change, countenance pale, and in about fifteen minutes he was gone. He had one dose of China 200 when the sudden change occurred as the puffing expirations were marked. During the four hours he made several efforts to raise expectoration, and twice it came into his mouth.
N.B. Was this not a proof that homoeopathic potencies will act, in articulo mortis?
In a robust lady (single) of sixty-six, after three-fourth hour cross-questioning, nothing definite was made out, except that she passed much high colored urine only at night. For this, Oleum animale 12 was prescribed. Reported herself four days later: yawning (spasm?) almost gone; sobbing worse; a rigid sensation like wood in the right hand which had troubled her for some weeks, was improved; ankles less swelled; state of urine improved, and greatly improved in herself. The urine had been examined meanwhile and was found to be acid sp. gr. 1.020, and on pouring fuming Nitric acid into some when cold, a distinct orange tint occupied the lower half of the fluid, and some warmth developed. On boiling with Nitric acid no precipitate.
jacaranda. -Food tastes insipid. Nausea during eating. Capanapi 3 in pilules, soon cured.
Rheumatism in bones of forearms; bruised like, worse from touch, pressure, movement; has lasted some weeks. Cyclam. 200. In nine days, soreness nearly gone, feels better altogether.
Damp weather aggravates all complaints. Heat of fire aggravates. Chilliness at stomach after breakfast. Zinc 30, removed ina week.
After relief to pain passing downwards over glutei muscles, from Kali carb. 30 in a middle aged woman, subject to gout-there occurred smarting aching of dorsa of feet, especially night with wakefulness at nights.
Ranunculus sceleratus 3, three times a day in a week, removed both troubles.
In an army sergeant aged forty-nine, invalided for aneurism of abdominal aorta and who had been strikingly relieved under homoeopathic treatment, each medicines administered for the symptoms present at the time, there occurred while recovering from a catarrhal attack, and no medicine having been given for a week-coldness of the hands and feet not perceptible to himself. Ipecac 200 night and morning, shortly removed this-note in Mat. Med. Pura, under fever-“external coldness and internal heat”.
In a case typical typhoid in a youth of 17, with the delusion that one of his arms was detached and belonged to some one else, two doses of Baptisia 200 were given, 2 hours apart, during the night. After the second dose he felt as if a load were taken off him and at 11:30 a.m. had epistaxis with entire relief to headache. Pyrexia less in all ways and he felt more himself than he has been yet. No more medicine required for two days when Bryonia was indicated. Made a good recovery.
A middle-aged gentleman subject at times for the last 2 or 3 years neuralgia affecting the right parietal region, after extra mental or physical work and relived by stimulants: This side of head is warmer than the other. Ammon. mur. 200, one dose, whenever the pain occurs. Reported: took one powder and it stopped it at once and there now appeared a touch of gout in big toe of tight foot which Sabina 200 promptly relieved. Later on a second attack of neuralgia was permanently removed by a second administration of Ammon. mur.
A servant aged 23, subject at the menstrual period to a gnawing pain at the epigastrium, passing downwards; also leucorrhoea after periods, was greatly benefited in 5 days by Borax 200 night and morning, and Borax 31 taken for a week before the next period removed these symptoms entirely and an accompanying palpitation.
A young woman aged about 22, neurotic, nervo-sanguine temperament, is subject during menses, which are now on, to a headache in the right parietal region; severe, worse after dinner, with a flushed perspiring face. Morphiae acetas 12, every 2 hours soon relieved.
The wife of an artisan, about 30 years old, reports pain at the very bottom of the back (coccyx?) as if it were opening. Stramonium 200, glbs. to be taken when in pain. Boenninghausen, under “sensations”, gives: “sensation of joint being detached or wrenched open”, and compare Mat Med. Pura, vol. iv, p. 194. Reported: “The medicine acted at once on pain at bottom of back, taken at intervals as required”.
The same patient reported above as benefited by Gambogia, reports: all pains rise to a height and then suddenly disappear.
Pains in thighs during menses. Sulph. Acid 30, one dose, caused return of sensation of many old symptoms. Character of pains changed in a measure.
Calcarea Phos. -In a middle aged lymphatic man, inclined to be stout and always very depressed when ill, attacks weakness with burning all over. Calc. phos. 30, soon relieved.
Niccolum. -In a middle aged lady, loose hacking cough, day and evening, and at 9 a.m. : has to put arms on thighs when coughing. Niccolum 200, soon cured.
In an old woman aged seventy-eight, plethoric; two hard nodules in right breast, one above, the other below the nipple, which was retracted, and accompanied by a cold feeling in the breasts objective and subjective. Cimicifuga 200, eight doses, taken in four days, removed the cold feeling and gave general relief for a month.
Phosphoric Acid. -In an elderly woman, chronic dyspepsia, whining temperament; brown bread won’t digest, but passes through her unaltered; causes nausea. Phosphoric acid 30, one dose. In ten days reported, very greatly improved in all ways.
Oxalic Acid. -In a middle gentleman: sensation during the night of hot water flowing along the rectum, distinct; no stool or flatus followed; after one dose of several globules of Acid Oxalicum 6, taken thirty-six hours before.
Ammonium Carb. -In a woman at climaxis, pain on taking hold of anything in the hands and fingers. Deadness at night of hands and fingers. Ammon. carb. 30 ter die. In a week very much improved.
Spigelia. -The same person, a few months later, can’t turn her neck; worse in herself in sultry weather; cardiac fluttering, can’t lie on left side; great restlessness of limbs at night. Spigelia 200. In a week, all symptoms greatly relieved.
A railway guard, aged about thirty-five, spare habit, fair complexion, after having had sciatica cured by Rhus, complained of neuralgia on left side of face from a decayed tooth relieved by pressure. The pain is tearing: cause, wet feet. Saliva in mouth. On dose of Phosphorus 30 caused an almost immediate aggravation while in my consulting room lasting about fifteen minutes; he then became easier; previous paroxysms had lasted about two hours. He was cured.
A woman aged fifty, who was subject to headache from thinking, had had a fright and other shocks since, one being the death of a brother on the railway; drank much tea and had had much quinine; now complains of weakness of chest with dyspnoea and loose cough will expectoration difficult to raise; worse from excitement; flatulence on chest; wakeful in the early hours; sudden faints from emotions with consciousness. One dose of Nux vomica 200 relieved cough, headache, sleep and flatulence in five days.
An infant of fourteen days had a swelling on posterior edge of base of left scapula; displacement? The mother says it was a cross birth and had to be manipulated a good deal to restore animation when delivered. Symphytum 3, one dose. in four days swelling less and less appearance of displacement. No more medicine was needed.
Mrs. G3/4, very stout; used to be very thin; now complains of wheezing at times, worse in damp weather; desire to breathe deeply. Easy perspiration with exercise. Cough with blue, thick, easily raised expectoration, and pain in arms and some other symptoms-received Calcarea 200, one dose. in six days, pain in back, breast, arms, all less, also expectoration, and feels better in herself. No further medicine was required.
Pulsatilla. -A young woman. Catarrh with chilliness, thirstlessness, foul yellow tongue, pains in limbs, vomits everything. Pulsatilla 200, every three hours. Next day a friend reports: “all right this morning”.
Mrs. H3/4 Constipation with flatulence in the left hypochondrium and vertigo. Evening aggravations of all symptoms.
Headaches at times. Has taken much medicine, allopathic and other. Lycopodium 200, one dose, cured, after causing an aggravation during the first week, which she called a cold.
A girl of seventeen. Amenorrhoea; five weeks (last time profuse). Has lost flesh (naturally stout). Worse in herself, mornings. Easily fatigued. Rushes to head. Before menses, weary, breast painful, legs swell, constipation, leucorrhoea. Calcarea 500, one dose. In nine days reported: feels a “lot better”. Sleep greatly improved. No further medicine required.
Mr. J3/4 a singer in a church choir, states that colds affect notes of voice, upper or lower; likes something light round throat, which is now relaxed, posteriorly (fauces). Coffee loosens bowels if taken after dinner, and he has exercise. Stools twice a day, usually in the evening. Constipation with haemorrhoids. Micturition slow in commencing. Larynx sensitive to air. Hepar 200, one dose. In a week reported: throat cured in two days, slight relapse from extra work (singing) last Sunday. Micturition almost too free and easy. Stool still twice a day, costive; no haemorrhoids. Sac. lac.
Nine days later, states: return of slowness on micturition last two or three days; singing power increased; two stools daily, afternoon and evening. Sac. lac.
Ten days later-Slowness of micturition less; stools still twice a day; some return of throat symptoms since damp feet yesterday. Hepar 1 m. (F.C. ) one dose. In two days, throat dry on waking. Throat gave no further trouble except an occasional dryness, promptly relieved by Belladonna (low).
Miss K3/4 about climacteric period complains, among other things, of discharge occasionally of clear water from both nostrils, sometimes one or other nostrils is stopped at night or towards evening. Feels the cold very much. Pain in left hip joint when walking. Ammonium carb. 30, three times a day. In a week, great improvement in symptoms and in herself, and a smell of ammonia frequently before the nose, a symptom she used to have year ago.
Amm. carb. 200, given in the same way, diminished this at first, but it then returned and annoyed her at times for another two months, while being treated with Iodine for other symptoms.
Mrs. L3/4. Perspiration in sleep, hot the upper half of her body, cold the lower half. Great susceptibility of head to draft. Frequent urging to urinate, worse when standing; small quantities passed for weeks. Silicea 200, one dose.
The next day improved in all respects; the next, all symptoms improving, perspiration nearly gone, urine freer than for months.
Six days later, reports yesterday and the day before frequent diarrhoea, with griping; return of perspiration in sleep last night and night before, yet to-day she feels rather better and inclined to get up. The next day fresh symptoms occurred, calling for a different medicine.
Mrs. L3/4. Seen in consultation a week after confinement, primipara; natural, but retained placenta, which the attending physician had torn away. Doing well until day before yesterday, when probably from chill, there was some pyrexia; now 10 p.m. P. 112; sort of stupid state with complaint that her right arm will fall off. She received three doses of Baptisia 200, two hours apart; and next morning report was-all symptoms improved. Delusion gone, p. 100. Felt marked effect from first dose with increase of arm symptoms. Slept some hours. Had beautiful visions. Difficulty still in speaking. Mind acutely sensitive. Told me she thought bad smells from her body might cause fever (she was quite free from odors). In the afternoon told the other doctor she was quite calm, but should be gone within twenty-four hours. We agreed to give two doses of Aconite 30, one at 5:30, the next at 7:30. Calling at 10 p.m., we were told she had had some sleep after the first dose, and was quieter altogether. She made an excellent recovery.
Mr. R3/4, a young man, a publican, while taking Aconite 1x for tremor of approaching delirium tremens, with frequent thirst for small quantities, and restlessness, and improving greatly in all respects, went out twice contrary to orders, and was found at home at 9 p.m. with great increase of all symptoms; frantic, requiring two men to hold him, bathed in warm perspiration; seeing all sorts of figures, wanting to trample them down, etc. conjunctivitis, right eye. Stramonium 4, every half hour. Next morning all symptoms greatly relieved perspiration gone, he is quiet in bed. A few more doses of Stram. at longer intervals completed a good cure.
Edward Mahoney.
Liverpool, England.
Homeopathic Physician
1888 Vol VIII No 2
C. W. Butler
Acon / Puls / Am-m / Am-c / Coff
Nausea of Pregnancy.-Mrs. C. B., age thirty-six, at the third month of her fourth pregnancy, suffers from continuous and persistent nausea without vomiting. Ip., Sep., etc., have not relieved. Her mental symptoms, which had been concealed from me heretofore, were as follows: great fear; fears she will not survive her confinement; anxious and timorous; does not dare go on to the street alone; in constant fear when in crowded places, as church, market, etc., but does not know what she fears. Aconite 45m, F., one dose, relieved promptly not only the nervous apprehension but the nausea as well.
My friend J. H. Wilson, M. D., of Beliefontaine, Ohio, guided by the above mental symptoms, some years ago cured a case of “morning sickness” brilliantly with Acon, in a low potency.
Mrs. F. W. A., age twenty-nine, at the fourth month of her second pregnancy, complained of severe nausea and occasional vomiting, which annoyed her only late in the afternoon and evening; appetite good when not nauseated; no thirst; tendency to be chilly all the time (in August). Puls. mm (Tafel); one dose. Entire and prompt relief.
Sciatica.-Mr. H. M. R., age forty-eight, carpenter by trade, has been working during the cold weather in an exposed place. For three days has suffered from a severe drawing pain in the left leg, commencing at the nates and extending down the posterior aspect of the thigh to the popliteal space and on to the calf of the leg; better while lying quietly, with the leg extended, and while walking slowly, hut is unbearable while sitting. Rhus tox. and Pulsatilla afforded no relief (of course not), but for the two days he was wasting with these drugs he grew steadily worse till the only relief he had was by the recumbent posture. Amm. mur. cm (H. S.) relieved in two hours and cured in a day and a half. He received but one dose.
Pruritus Ani.-Mr. A. B., Jr., age thirty, a periodical dipsomaniac, tall, slender, of light complexion, and nervous temperament, has been for the last four years a sufferer from this disease. It troubles him all the time, but is much worse at night, The itching in and about the anus and forward along the perineum is so severe at night as to deprive him of sleep. It is relieved while scratching vigorously, and by application of cold water. When relieved by the compress he drops off to sleep, it quickly wakens him, and it is not unusual with him to be obliged to rise to apply these compresses every twenty or thirty minutes all night long. He has lost flesh and strength, has little appetite, and is very nervous and irritable. After several drugs had been exhibited without benefit, Amm. c. cc (Dunham), in repeated doses for forty-eight hours, cured him in ten days. For more than seven months to the present time there has been no return of the disease.
Dysmenorrhoea.-Miss L. S., age twenty-five, a school teacher, of large frame, coarse fibre, dark complexion, with tendency to adipose, has suffered for three years with dysmenorrhoea. Menses are regular as to time, rather profuse, natural in color, somewhat inclined to be offensive in odor. Leucorrhoea in inter-menstrual period. For the first twelve or eighteen hours of menstruation she has severe cramping pains low in the abdomen accompanied with nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea. The bowels move three or four times, usually loose and profuse (she is habitually constipated), but the vomiting continues throughout the first day. Amm. c. cm (H. S.), one dose. Two weeks after taking the Amm. c. menstruation appeared at the regular time. One stool at the commencement, freer than usual but not diarrhoea; slight nausea but no vomiting. She taught all this first day of menstruation, which she had not been able to do before for many months. Six weeks later menstruation normal and painless; no nausea, no vomiting; no further trouble to this tune, now more than a year. No report regarding the leucorrhoea was made. She received but one dose of the remedy.
Heart Disease-Palliation. Mrs. S., age about sixty-five, has had a mitral insufficiency for several years. For the last three months has been confind to her room, and her condition is now pitiable in the extream. She is unable to lie down, her legs and left arm are enormously swollen, and the abdomen filled with dropsical effusion. The skin of the legs below the knee is dark red tense, and glistening, while upon the left calf a large ulcer marks the death of tissue from the interference with circulation. A thin, excoriating fluid oozes continually from the skin of the legs and causes a sensation of burning in the skin. Under medication she has been relieved of her suffering very largely, so that now she complains of no pain except the burning already mentioned. But she is nervous, restless, sensitive to noises of all kinds, and sleepless. A feeling of excessive “nervousness” causes the restlessness and the sleeplessness, she says, but cannot explain more definitely except that it makes her unbearably miserable. Beseeching mood. “Oh dear doctor, pray do give me something to relieve me You must do something; help me, doctor, for I cannot bear this nervousness.” Coffea cr. cm (H. S-), one dose, was followed by the most gratifying and ever-surprising relief. The first night after receiving it she slept about six hours continuously, and so quietly that her nurse repeatedly went to her to see if she was living. Several times since she has needed the same remedy, the only one she takes when she evinces a tendency to the nervous state which called for it, and it has never failed to give prompt relief. Her nurse (trained in an allopathic hospital) will not believe that it is not some preparation of Morphine, and wonders that it does not produce the unpleasant features of that drug, which she has so often observed when it has been administered to her former patients.
1890 Vol X No 11
E. W. Rushmore
Sep / Ruta / Con / Kali-c / Sulph / Bell / Nat-m / Am-m
(Clinical Bureau, I. H. A.)
Intermittent Fever-Sepia.-A middle-aged, single lady, living near swampy ground, has chilliness in the afternoon, with coldness of the nose. She wakens at three A. M., with heat and throbbing in the abdomen, followed with perspiration of the feet and of the palms. Several other members of the family have had intermittent in former years. Sepia cm (F.), one dose dry, and subsequently repeated in water, cured her.
Prolapse of Rectum. Backache-Ruta, Conium.-An old gentleman had prolapse of the rectum preceding very difficult stool. Ruta 900 (F.), one dose, entirely relieved him of this difficulty. On another occasion, the same gentleman complained of a dribbling, intermittent flow while urinating. He received one dose of Conium 900 (F.), and said it fully relieved him.
Of Ruta, I would like to add that, in the early stage of a malignant disease of kidney and bladder, it relieved, for a considerable time the pain in the back, and was given because the pain in the back was relieved by lying down on the back. This condition has been verified as a trustworthy indication for the use of Ruta in many other cases.
Cough-Kali-carbonicum.-A boy of eleven years has grown very fast; he gets an ulcerated sore throat from slight exposure, and has often had a cough. A brother died before this patient was born from scrofulous swellings following scarlatina, under the treatment of an eclectic homoeopath. He now has a severe cough day and night, with vomiting of food. The cough is worse about three to four o’clock in the morning. He sweats easily. The pulse is one hundred and fourteen. Temperature one hundred and one to one hundred and two. There is sharp, bronchial respiration in the upper part of the right lung posteriorly. Loss of appetite and of flesh as well. He has been under the care of the same eclectic homoeopath.
He received one dose of Kali-carbonicum cm (F.), graft. At the end of three weeks, the pulse and temperature were normal, and the cough almost wholly removed.
Melancholy-Sulphur.-A young lady, scarcely grown, has, for a long time, suffered from melancholy and depression, a feeling as if she is going to die. She is dizzy and faint on rising in the morning, and has occasional obscuration of sight, when objects appear both dim and crooked, and it seems as if her eyes are not in their proper place. Besides, she has a bad taste in the mouth, weakness at the stomach, and eructations if she takes coffee, and constipation (if she takes coffee), for which she has taken Aloes. The menses occur four or five days too soon, but are otherwise natural. She is sleepy by day, more so in the afternoon, but sleeps well at night. She is easily chilled, and takes cold easily. To get the feet the least damp makes the forehead feel heavy, the eyes feel strange, and gives them a hollow look.
She received one dose of Sulphur cm (F. C.). Six months later her father, visiting me for himself, told me she recovered both from the melancholy and the bodily ailments soon after taking the medicine, and that she had remained well to that time. I have every reason to think that she has had no return of the symptoms.
Uterine Bearing Down-Belladonna.-An aged lady complained of a sense of fullness and much bearing down in the lower abdomen, worse in lying down, and relieved by sitting up. Belladonna 50m (F. C.) relieved her in a short time.
Heart Coldness and Trembling-Natrum-muriaticum.-An aged lady had a sense of coldness at the precordia, and trembling of the heart. Natrum-muriaticum 900 (F.), one dose, removed both these symptoms.
Chronic Cough-Ammonium-muriaticum.-A gentleman wrote me from California that he had suffered there, for several years, with bronchitis and cough, with a feeling of coldness between the scapulae. I sent him Amm-mur. 20m (F.), ten powders, to be taken at intervals. In about three months he wrote to say that he was so much better he thought he did not need more medicine.
I always examine Amm-mur. in cases of cough, with coldness between scapulae or shoulders. It has nearly always been found suitable and helpful.
✅ আমাদের সফল চিকিৎসার প্রমাণ দেখতে লিংকে ক্লিক করুণ।
১. টিউমার, ক্যান্সার ও সিস্ট রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
২. চর্ম, নখ ও চুলের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
৩. গাইনী, প্রসূতি ও স্তনের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
৪. নাক, কান, গলা ও শ্বাসতন্ত্রের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
৫. মানসিক রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
৬. রিউমাটোলজি, হাড় পেশী ও জয়েন্টের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
৭. নবজাতক ও শিশু রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
৮. ব্রেইন, স্পাইনাল কর্ড ও নার্ভের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
৯. যৌন শক্তি ও যৌন বাহিত রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১০. কিডনি, মুত্র, প্রোস্টেট গ্ল্যান্ড ও পুরুষ জননাঙ্গের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১১. গ্যাস্ট্রোএন্টারোলজি বা পেটের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১২. মলদ্বার, পায়ুপথ ও কোলনের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১৩. লিভার ও পিত্তের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১৪. চোখ, দৃষ্টি শক্তি ও চোখের পাতার রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১৫. জ্বর, সংক্রামক ও ইমার্জেন্সি রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১৬. ডায়াবেটিস ও হরমোন জনিত রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১৭. দাঁত ও মুখের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১৮. হার্টের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১৯. রক্ত, বোনম্যারু, প্লিহা ও লিম্ফ নোডের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
✅ আমাদের সফল চিকিৎসার ভিডিও প্রমাণ দেখতে ডান পার্শের মেনুতে রোগের নাম লিখে সার্চ করুন।
[videogallery id=”Success of Homeopathy”]