Apis: মৌমাছি হুল ফুটালে যেরূপ জ্বালা যন্ত্রণা হয়, সেরূপ জ্বালা যন্ত্রণা, অত্যন্ত স্পর্শকাতরতা, রোগ লক্ষণ সমূহ তীব্র ও দ্রুতবেগে আসে।
Apis: সমস্ত শরীরে বা চোখের নিচের পাতায় শোথ বা ফোলা।
Apis: তৃষ্ণার অভাব, ঘামের অভাব, প্রস্রাবের পরিমাণ কম।
Apis: অত্যন্ত বিমর্ষ ও অতি সহজেই কেঁদে ফেলে, যেন না কেঁদে থাকতে পারে না, খিটখিটে স্বভাব, অত্যন্ত ব্যস্ত ও চঞ্চল।
Apis: কোন কাজ করতে গেলে হাতের জিনিস পরে যায়।
Apis: ডিম্বকোষে থেঁৎলানো বেদনা।
বৃদ্ধি হয় | উপশম হয় |
< উত্তাপে – গরম ঘরে, উষ্ণ পানীয় পানে, পোশাক খুললে
< স্পর্শে, এমনকি চু্লের স্পর্শ পর্যন্ত সহ্য হয় না < ঘুমের পরে < বিকেল ৪টায় < চাপনে < উদ্ভেদ চাপা পড়লে < যৌন আকাঙ্ক্ষা চাপা পড়লে |
> ঠান্ডায় – ঠান্ডা বাতাসে, ঠান্ডা পানিতে গোসল করলে, উষ্ণ বিছানায়, গরম পানিতে গোসল করলে
> নড়াচড়ায় > সামান্য কফ উঠলে |
[মৌমাছির হুলের বিষ] [এপিয়াম ভাইরাস]
গন্ডমালাধাতু বিশিষ্ট (যাদের গালগলার গ্ল্যান্ড ফোলে), গ্রন্থি বা গ্ল্যান্ড বাড়ে ও শক্ত হয়। সিরাস ক্যান্সার বা খোলা ক্যান্সার, (সিরাস শক্ত যা ফাইব্রাস তন্তু থেকে উৎপন্ন)।
স্ত্রীলোক বিশেষতঃ বিধবাদের উপসর্গে, শিশু ও বালিকা, যদিও সতর্ক তবুও সময়ে সময়ে অপটু হয়ে পড়ে জিনিসপত্র নাড়াচাড়ার সময় হাত থেকে অজান্তে পড়ে যায় (বোভিষ্টা)।
তরুণ উদ্ভেদ সম্পূর্ণভাবে দেখা না দিলে বা চাপা পড়ার কুফলে (জিঙ্কাম) হাম, স্কারলেট-জ্বর, শীতপিত্ত, হিংসা, ভয়, রাগ, বিরক্তি, দুঃসংবাদ হতে উৎপন্ন রোগ। খিটখিটে, স্নায়বিক, চঞ্চল—তাকে সন্তুষ্ট করা কঠিন। কাঁদো-কাঁদো ভাবনা কেঁদে থাকতে পারে না। সাহসশূন্য হতাশাভাব (পালস্)।
জাগা বা ঘুমানো অবস্থায় শিশু হঠাৎ জোরে মর্মভেদী চিৎকার করে ওঠে (হেলেবোর)।
শোথ — চোখের নীচের পাতার থলির মত ফুলে থাকে (উপর পাতায় ফোলা- কেলি কার্ব;) হাতে পায়ে ফোলা; সোথ কিন্তু পিপাসাহীন(শোথ কিন্তু পিপাসা থাকে- এসেটি-এসি, এপোসাই)অত্যন্ত স্পর্শানুভূতি(বেল ল্যাকে)।
ব্যথা — জ্বালাযুক্ত, হুল বেঁধার মত, ক্ষতবৎ হঠাৎ এক জায়গা হতে অন্য জায়গায় সরে যায়। (কেলি-বাই, ল্যাক-ক্যা, পালস্)।
সর্বাঙ্গীণ শোথরোগে ও উদরী রোগে-তৃষ্ণা থাকে না। (উদরী— এসে-এসিড, যাতে মুখ মোমের মত ফ্যাকাশে ও অত্যন্ত তৃষ্ণা থাকে)।
প্রস্রাব চাপতে পারে না সেই সাথে মূত্রপথে অত্যন্ত প্রদাহ—এক মুহূর্তও অপেক্ষা করতে পারে না। মূত্রত্যাগের সময় মূত্রপথে গরম জলে ঝলসে যাওয়ার মত জ্বালা হয়। বারে বারে কিন্তু পরিমাণে অল্প, রক্তাক্ত, যন্ত্রণাদায়ক প্রস্রাব ।
কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতা — যেন পেটে কিছু চাপ বেধে আছে, জোরে চাপ দিলে যেন পেট ফেপে যাবে।
উদরাময় — মাতালদের, উদ্ভেদযুক্ত রোগে বিশেষতঃ যদি উদ্ভেদ (চর্মরোগ) চাপা পড়ে থাকে, একটু নড়াচড়ায় অসাড়ে মলত্যাগ মনে হয় মলদ্বার যেন খোলা রাখা আছে (ফস)।
ডানদিক আক্রান্ত হয়। ডান ডিম্বকোষ বা ডান অন্ডকোষ বড় হয় ও শোথযুক্ত হয়।
অবিরাম জ্বর – শীত ভাব আসে বেলা ৩টায় সেই সাথে পিপাসায় (ইগ্নে), গরম ঘরে বাড়ে, বাইরের উত্তাপে বাড়ে (থুজা—বেলা ৩টায় ও রাত ৩টায় বাড়ে)।
সম্বন্ধ – অনুপূরক নেট-মিউর। রাস-টক্সের আগে বা পরে চলে না। এপিসের পর আর্স ও পালস্ ভাল কাজ দেয়। স্কারলেট-ফিভার ও এলবুমেনযুক্ত প্রস্রাবে ক্যান্থারিস, ডিজিটা, হেলিবোর ব্যর্থ হলে এর দ্বারা রোগ সেরে গেছে।
বৃদ্ধি — ঘুমের পর (ল্যাকে); বদ্ধ বিশেষকরে গরম ও উত্তপ্ত ঘর রোগী সহ্য করতে পারে না; জলে ভিজে বাড়ে (রাস) কিন্তু জলে গা ধুলে ও আক্রান্ত জায়গা জলে মুছলে উপশম পায়।
উপশম — খোলা হাওয়ায়, ঠান্ডা জলে স্নানে, গায়ের কাপড় খুলে ফেললে, হাঁটাচলায় ও স্থান পরিবর্তনে, সোজা হয়ে বসলে ।
শক্তি — ৬, ৩০, ২০০ হতে উচ্চশক্তি ।
কৈশিক ঝিল্লীর উপর কাজ করে এবং এর ফলে চামড়া ও শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লীর উপর শোথ দেখা দেয়।
মৌমাছির হুল ফোটানোর ফলে যে সকল বৈশিষ্ট্যপূর্ণ লক্ষণ প্রকাশ পায় তাই দেখে আমরা ঔষধটিকে নানা প্রকার রোগে প্রয়োগ করতে পারি। শরীরের নানা অংশের ফোলাভাব, শোথ, লাল গোলাপী রঙের আভা, হুলফোটানোর মত যন্ত্রণা, স্পর্শসহিষ্ণুতা, উত্তাপ অসহ্য এবং সামান্য স্পর্শ সহ্য হয় না এবং বিকালের দিকে লক্ষণের বৃদ্ধি, এই কয়টি ঔষধ নির্বাচনের পথপ্রদর্শক লক্ষণ বিশেষ। হরিসিপেলাসের মত প্রদাহ, শোথযুক্ত এবং সর্বাঙ্গের শোথ, বৃক্ক ও অন্যান্য গ্রন্থিসকলের তরুণ প্রদাহ। এই জাতীয় বৈশিষ্ট্যপূর্ণ অবস্থায় এপিস উপযুক্ত। এপিস মূলতঃ শরীরের বাইরের অংশে কাজ করে। চামড়া, শরীরের ভিতরে থাকা যন্ত্রের আবরণ, শ্লেষ্মা ঝিল্লীসকল। এপিস মস্তিষ্ক, হৃদপিণ্ড, ফুসফুস প্রভৃতির আবরনীর প্রদাহ ও রস সঞ্চয় অবস্থা তৈরী করে। তীব্র স্পর্শকাতরতা এবং স্পষ্টভাবে সার্বিক ক্ষততাবোধ দেখা যায়। সংকোচনের অনুভূতি। আড়ষ্টতার অনুভূতি এবং মনে হয় শরীরের ভিতর কোন কিছু টানার ফলে ছিড়ে যাচ্ছে মারাত্মক দুর্বলতা।
মন — বিরক্তি, উদাসীনতা এবং অচৈতন্যভাব। আনাড়ি, জবুথবু, হাত থেকে জিনিষপত্র সহজেই পড়ে যায়। অচৈতন্য অবস্থা, তৎসহ হঠাৎ করে তীব্র চিৎকার ও চমকিয়ে ওঠা। পর্যায়ক্রমে অচৈতন্য অবস্থা এবং যৌন সংক্রান্ত উন্মাদনা। মরে যাবে এরূপ অনুভূতি। অমনোযোগী, পরিষ্কার করে কোন কিছু চিন্তা করতে পারেনা। ঈর্ষাপরায়ণ, চঞ্চল, সন্তুষ্ট করা ভারী মুশকিল। হঠাৎ হঠাৎ করে কান ফেটে যাবার মত তীব্র চিৎকার। ঘ্যানঘ্যান করে। সর্বদা কাঁদে। ঈর্ষাযুক্ত, ভীতি, রাগ, বিরক্তি ও মানসিক কষ্ট। পড়ার সময় কিছুতেই একাগ্রচিত্তে মনোনিবেশ করতে পারে না।
মাথা – সমগ্র মস্তিষ্ক খুবই ক্লান্ত বলে মনে হয়। মাথা ঘোরা তৎসহ হাঁচি, শুয়ে থাকলে এবং চোখ বন্ধ করলে বৃদ্ধি। উত্তাপ, দপদপ কর, ফুলে উঠছে এরূপ অনুভূতি যুক্ত বেদনা, চাপে উপশম এবং নড়াচড়ায় বৃদ্ধি। হঠাৎ করে ছুরি মারার মত বেদনা। মাথার পিছনের অংশে সামান্য ভারীবোধ, যেন কেউ ঐ অংশে আগে ঘুষি মেরেছিল এরূপ অনুভূতি, এই অনুভূতি ঘাড় পর্যন্ত প্রসারিত হয় (চাপে উপশম), তৎসহ যৌন উত্তেজনা। বালিশের উপর মাথা দিয়ে চাপ দেয় এবং তীব্র চিৎকার করে ওঠে।
চোখ – চোখের পাতাগুলি স্ফীত, লালচে, শোথযুক্ত, ভিতরের দিকে ঢোকামত, প্রদাহিত, জ্বালা করে ও হুল ফোটানোর মত বেদনা। কনজাংটিভা উজ্জ্বল লাল এবং ফোলা। চোখের জল গরম। আলোকাতঙ্ক। হঠাৎ করে খোঁচা মারার মত যন্ত্রণা। চক্ষু কোটরের চারিপাশে যন্ত্রণা। শ্লেষ্মাযুক্ত রসক্ষরণ, শোথ এবং তীব্র যন্ত্রণা। চোখের পুঁজযুক্ত প্রদাহ। কর্নিয়ার প্রদাহ, তৎসহ কনজাংটিভার মারাত্মক শোথযুক্ত অবস্থা। পুঁজযুক্ত প্রদাহের পর, কর্নিয়ার স্ট্যাফাইলোম্য। আঞ্জনি, এই ঔষধ ব্যবহারে আঞ্জনির পূনঃ সৃষ্টি বন্ধ হয়।
কান — বহিঃকর্ণ লাল, প্রাহিত ও টাটানি ব্যথাযুক্ত, হুল ফোটানোর মত যন্ত্রণা।
নাক – নাকের অগ্রভাগ শীতল, লাল ফোলা, প্ৰদাহিত তৎসহ তীব্র যন্ত্রণা।
মুখমণ্ডল – স্ফীত, লালচে, তৎসহ খোঁচা মারার মত বেদনা। মোমের মত ফ্যাকাশে, শোথযুক্ত। ইরিসিপেলাস তৎসহ হুল ফোটানোরমত যন্ত্রণা, জ্বালা এবং শোথযুক্ত। ডানদিক থেকে বামদিক পর্যন্ত প্রসারিত হয়।
মুখগহ্বর – জিহ্বা আগুনের মত উজ্জ্বল লাল, স্ফীত, টাটানি ব্যাথা যুক্ত এবং কাঁচাভাব, তৎসহ ফোস্কার মত উদ্ভেদ। মুখ গহ্বরেব ভিতর ও গলায় ঝলসে যাবার মত অনুভূতি। জিহ্বাতে ঝলসে যাবার মত অনুভূতি, লালচে, উষ্ণ এবং কম্পমান। মাড়ী ফোলা। ঠোঁট দুটি ফোলা, বিশেষতঃ উপরের ঠোঁটটি। মুখগহ্বরের ভিতর এবং গলার ভিতরের শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিলিলি চকচকে। লাল, উজ্জল, ও ফোলা। অনেকটা ইরিসিপেলাসের মত। জিহ্বায়, ক্যানসার বা কৰ্কট রোগ।
গলা – সঙ্কুচিত, হুল ফোটানোর মত যন্ত্রণা, আলজিহ্বা ফোলা, থলির মত। গলার ভিতরে এবং বাইরে উভয় দিকেই ফোলা, টনসিলদুটিস্ফীত, আগুনের মত লালবর্ণযুক্ত। টনসিলের ক্ষত। টনসিলের চারিপাশের কিনারা আগুনের মত লাল। গলায় মাছের কাঁটা বিধে রয়েছে, এরূপ অনুভূতি।
পাকস্থলী – টাটিয়ে থাকার মত অনুভূতি। তৃষ্ণাহীণ। ভুক্ত খাদ্যবস্তুর বমি। দুধ পানের প্রবল ইচ্ছা। (রাস)।
উদর – টাটানি, থেঁতলিয়ে যাওয়ার মত ব্যথা, চাপদিলে, হাঁচিবার সময়। পেটের নিম্নাংশ অত্যন্ত স্পর্শকাতর। উদরী। পেরিটোনাইটিস। ডানদিকের কুঁচকির স্থানে ফোলা।
মল — প্রতিবার নড়াচড়ার সময় অনৈচ্ছিকভাবে মল বেরিয়ে পড়ে। গুহ্যদ্বার হাঁ হয়ে আছে বলে মনে হয়। রক্তযুক্ত মল, যন্ত্রণাহীণ। গুহ্যদ্বার হেজে হাওয়ার মত মনে হয়। প্রসবের পর অর্শ, তৎসহ হুল ফোটানোর মত বেদনা। উদরাময়, জলের মত, হলুদ বর্ণের মল, শিশুদের কলেরার মত উদরাময়। কিছুতেই মল নির্গত না হয়ে প্রস্রাব হয় না। কালো, দূর্গন্ধযুক্ত, খাবার পর বৃদ্ধি। কোষ্ঠকাঠিণ্য, মনে হয় জোরে কোঁথ দিলে পেটের ভিতর কিছু ভেঙে যাবে।
প্রস্রাব – জ্বালা এবং টাটানি প্রস্রাবের সময়। অবরুদ্ধ, ময়লায় পরিপূর্ণ। বারে বারে প্রস্রাবের বেগ, অসাড়ে প্রস্রাব, হুল ফোটানোর মত বেদনা এবং কষ্টকর প্রস্রাব। প্রস্রাব অল্প, এবং গাঢ় রঙযুক্ত। অনিচ্ছায় প্রস্রাব। শেষের কয়েক ফোটা প্রস্রাব নির্গমনের সময় জ্বালা এবং তীব্র যন্ত্রণা।
স্ত্রীরোগ – ভর্গোষ্ঠ শোথযুক্ত, ঠাণ্ডা জলের প্রলেপে আরাম। টাটানি ও হুলফোটানোর মত বেদনা, ডিম্বাশয়ের প্রদাহ, ডানদিকের ডিম্বাশয় বেশি আক্রান্ত হয়। মাসিক ঋতুস্রাব অবরুদ্ধ, তৎসহ মস্তিষ্ক ও মাথার লক্ষণ প্রকাশ পায়, বিশেষতঃ কম বয়সী মেয়েদের।
যন্ত্রনাদায়ক ঋতুস্রাব, তৎসহ ডিম্বাশয়ে মারাত্মক বেদনা। অতিমাত্রায় ধাতুস্রাব, তৎসহ পেটের ভিতর ভারবোধ, মূর্চ্ছা,হুলফোটানোর মত বেদনা। কষে আছে এই জাতীয় অনুভূতি। পেটের ভিতর থেকে নীচের দিকে কিছু থেলে বেরিয়ে আসার মত অনুভূতি, যেন ধাতুস্রাব দেখা দেবে এরূপ অনুভূতি। ডিম্বাশয়ের অর্বুদ, জরায়ুর প্রদাহ তৎসহ হুল ফোটানোর মত যন্ত্রণা। পেটের উপর ও জরায়ু স্থানে হাত দিয়ে চাপ দিলে প্রচণ্ড ব্যথা অনুভব করে।
শ্বাস-প্রশ্বাস- স্বরভঙ্গ, শ্বাসকষ্ট, শ্বাস-প্রশ্বাস দ্রুত এবং কষ্টকর। কণ্ঠনলীর শোথ রোগী মনে করে যে কিছু আর একটি শ্বাস নিতে পারবে না। শ্বাসরোধকর অবস্থা। অল্পসময় স্থায়ী, শুষ্ক কাশি। ফুসফুসের শোথ।
অঙ্গ-প্রত্যঙ্গ – শোথ যুক্ত। আঙ্গুল হাড়ার প্রাথমিক দশা। হাঁটু স্ফীত, চকচকে, স্পর্শকাতর, টাটানি, তৎসহ হুল ফোটানোর মত বেদনা। পায়ের পাতা স্ফীত এবং আড়ষ্ট। পাগুলি বড়ো হয়ে যাওয়ার মত অনুভূতি। পিঠে এবং অঙ্গ-প্রত্যঙ্গে বাতজনিত বেদনা। আক্রান্তঅংশ ক্লান্ত, থেঁৎলিয়ে যাওয়ার মত অনুভূতি। হাত এবং হাতের আঙ্গুলের ডগাগুলি আড়ষ্ট। আমবাত, তৎসহ তীব্র চুলকানি। শোথযুক্ত স্ফীতি।
চামড়া – কামড়ের পর স্ফীতি, টাটানি, স্পর্শ সহিষ্ণু। হুলফোটানোর মত বেদনা। হরিসিপেলাস, তৎসহ স্পর্শ সহিষ্ণুতা ও স্ফীতি, গোলাপি আভাযুক্ত। কার্বাঙ্কল, তৎসহ জ্বালাকর, হুল ফোটানোর মত যন্ত্রণ। (আর্ম অ্যাথ্রাকসিন) হঠাৎ করে সমগ্র শরীরটা ফুলে উঠে।
ঘুম – ভীষন ঝিমুনিভাব। ঘুমের সময় ভাবনা ও পরিশ্রমের স্বপ্ন দেখে। ঘুমের মধ্যে চিৎকার করে এবং হঠাৎ করে চমকিয়ে উঠে।
জ্বর — বিকালের দিকে শীতবোধ, তৎসহ পিপাসা। নড়াচড়ায় এবং গরমে বৃদ্ধি। বাহ্যিক উত্তাপ, তৎসহ দমবন্ধহবার মত অনুভূতি। ঘাম অল্প, তৎসহ ঘুমঘুম ভাব। খুব তাড়াতাড়ি তা শুকিয়ে যায়। জ্বরের পর ঘুম আসে। ঘামের পর আমবাত। তৎসহ কাঁপুনি।
কমা বাড়া বৃদ্ধি – যেকোন প্রকার গরমে,চাপে, বিকালের শেষদিকে, ঘুমের পর, বদ্ধ ও উষ্ণ ঘরে। ডানদিক।
উপশম – মুক্ত বাতাসে, গায়ের চাপা খুলে দিলে, এবং ঠাণ্ডা জলে স্নানে।
সম্বন্ধ – অনুপূরক নেট্রাম মিউর। এটি এপিসের ক্যানিক বা পুরাতন অবস্থা, যেক্ষেত্রে লসিকাগ্রন্থি আক্রান্ত হয় সেখানে ব্যরাইটা কার্ব অনুপূরক। শত্রুভাবাপন্ন – রাসটক্স।
তুলনীয় – ওপিয়াম ভাইরাস, জিঙ্ক, ক্যাস্থারিস, ভেস্পা, ল্যাকেসিস।
শক্তি – মূল অরিষ্ট থেকে ৩০ শক্তি। শোথযুক্ত অবস্থায় নিম্নশক্তি ভালো কাজ করে। কোন কোন ক্ষেত্রে ধীরে কাজ করে। এই কারণে বেশ কিছুদিন থাকার পর ঔষধটি কাজ ধরতে শুরু করে এবং তখন প্রস্রাবের পরিমান বেড়ে থাকে। এপিয়াম ভাইরাস, ৬ষ্ঠ বিচূর্ণ।
এই ঔষধে দেহের উপরিভাগে এত অধিক সংখ্যক লক্ষণ আছে যে আমরা প্রথমে উহার বাহ্যিক অবস্থা সম্বন্ধে আলোচনা করিব। সর্বাঙ্গে একপ্রকার ঘন সন্নিবিষ্ট উদ্ভেদ প্রকাশ পায়, কখন কখন উহার বর্ণ গোলাপী। উহা খসখসে এবং হাত বুলাইলে আঙ্গুলের নীচে খসখসে বলিয়া অনুভব হয়। এই সময়ে রোগী উত্তাপে অত্যন্ত কষ্ট পায় এবং উদ্ভেদ থাকুক আর না থাকুক তাহার চর্ম স্পর্শকাতর হয়। এখানে ওখানে ডুমো ডুমো ফুলা প্রকাশ পায়, আবার মিলাইয়া যায়। তারপর যেখানে সেখানে, মাথার চারিদিকে, অত্যন্ত ফুলার সহিত মুখমন্ডল, চক্ষু এবং চক্ষুর পাতায়, ইরিসিপ্লাসের ন্যায় তালি তালি প্রদাহিত অবস্থা উপস্থিত হয়। ইরিসিপ্লাস যে-কোন স্থানেই দেখা দিতে পারে, কিন্তু প্রায়ই মুখে প্রকাশ পায়। উহাতে খুব বেশী রকমের প্রদাহ থাকে এবং তৎসহ হুলবিদ্ধবৎ, জ্বালাকর বেদনা ও ফুলা থাকে। হাতে পায়ে আমরা স্পষ্ট শোথ দেখিতে পাই এবং ঐ শোথযুক্ত স্থানে চাপ দিলে গৰ্ত হইয়া যায়। সাধারণভাবে সৰ্বাঙ্গীণ শোথও দেখা দিতে পারে। সময়ে সময়ে মুখমন্ডল অত্যন্ত স্ফীত থাকে, চক্ষুর পাতা জলপূর্ণ থলির ন্যায় দেখায়, আলজিভটি জলপূর্ণ থলির ন্যায় ঝুলিতে থাকে, উদরপ্রাচীর অত্যন্ত পুরু হইয়া উঠে এবং চাপ দিলে গৰ্ত হইয়া যায়, এবং যে-কোন স্থানের শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লী এরূপ দেখায়, যেন তাহা ফাটাইয়া দিলে, তাহা হইতে জল নির্গত হইবে। চাপ দিলে গর্ত হইয়া যায়—এরূপ ফুলা বা শোথ এমন একটি সাধারণ অবস্থা যে, তাহা যে-কোন প্রাদাহিক অবস্থায় বর্তমান থাকিতে পারে। সাধারণতঃ ঠান্ডায় উপশম এবং উত্তাপে বৃদ্ধি হয়। চৰ্ম্ম-লক্ষণ এবং রোগী নিজে উত্তাপে বৃদ্ধিযুক্ত হয়। এই অবস্থা মানসিক প্রকৃতিতে বর্তমান থাকে, প্রদাহিক অবস্থায়, হৃৎপিন্ড সংক্রান্ত রোগে, শোথ রোগে, গলক্ষতে এবং অনুরূপ অন্য রোগে বর্তমান থাকে। সময়ে সময়ে এই বৃদ্ধি, উষ্ণ পানীয়ে, উষ্ণ ঘরে, গরম কাপড়ে, আগুনের গরম প্রভৃতিতেও বৃদ্ধিলক্ষণে পরিণত হয়। উত্তাপ থাকিলেই রোগী অত্যন্ত খারাপ হইয়া পড়ে। মস্তিষ্কের উপদ্রবে যদি তুমি মস্তকে রক্তসঞ্চয়যুক্ত কোন এপিস রোগীর উষ্ণ জলে স্নান করাও, তাহার আক্ষেপ দেখা দিবে, সুতরাং গরম জলে স্নান সৰ্ব্বপ্রকার “মূর্চ্ছার পক্ষেই উপযোগী নয়। প্রাচীন মতের চিকিৎসা সম্বন্ধীয় পাঠ্য-পুস্তকে একথা এত বেশী শেখান হইয়াছে যে, বুদ্ধা স্ত্রীলোক এবং শুশ্রূষাকারিণীও জানেন যে, মূর্চ্ছার পক্ষে উষ্ণ জলে স্নান উপকারী, কিন্তু তুমি ঐরূপ করিতে গেলে ঠিক মৃত হউক না হউক, অনুরূপ একটি শিশুই পাইবে। এইরূপ মস্তকে রক্তসঞ্চয়ে সামান্য খেঁচুনি এবং মূর্চ্ছার সম্ভাবনা দেখা দিলেই, তাহারা শিশুকে উষ্ণ জলের স্নানপাত্রে রাখেন, কিন্তু তুমি যখন ঐখানে পৌঁছিবে তখন হয়ত শিশুটির অবস্থা সাঙ্ঘাতিক। মস্তিষ্কে রক্তসঞ্চয়ে যদি শিশুর ‘ওপিয়াম’ অথবা এপিস প্রয়োজন হয়, তাহা হইলে উষ্ণ জলে স্নানে তাহার মূর্চ্ছা বাড়িয়াই যাইবে। যদি শুশ্রূষাকারিণী ঐরূপ কাৰ্য্য করিয়া থাকেন, তাহা হইলে তুমি বাড়ীতে প্রবেশ করিলেই ঔষধটি জানিতে পারিবে, কারণ শুশ্রূষাকারিণী বলিয়া ফেলিবেন যে, উষ্ণ জলে স্নানের পর হইতেই শিশুটি আরও খারাপ হইয়া পড়িয়াছে, সে প্রেতের মত বিবর্ণ হইয়া পড়িয়াছে, তাহার ভয় হইতেছে যে শিশুটি মরিবার উপক্রম হইয়াছে। এখানেই তুমি উত্তাপে আক্ষেপের বৃদ্ধি লক্ষণ পাইলে, উহা তোমাকে ‘ওপিয়াম এবং এপিসের দিকে নির্দেশ করিতেছে। এপিসের ক্রিয়া সৰ্ব্বত্রই এইরূপ। পাঠ্যপুস্তকে একথা লেখা নাই যে, এপিসের গল-লক্ষণ উষ্ণ পানীয়ে বাড়ে এবং সে সর্বপ্রকারে ঠান্ডা জিনিষ চায় এবং গরম চায় না, কারণ তাহাতে বৃদ্ধি-লক্ষণ দেখা দেয়; কিন্তু আমাদের বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে একজন স্নাতক জানাইয়াছেন যে, আমাদের উপদেশ মত একমাত্র সর্বাঙ্গীণ লক্ষণসমূহের উপর নির্ভর করিয়া; এবং এপিস, রোগীর বাকী সমস্ত লক্ষণের সহিত মিলিয়া যাওয়ায় তিনি একটি ডিপথেরিয়া রোগীকে সুন্দরভাবে আরোগ্য করিয়াছিলেন; ঐ রোগীর ঠান্ডায় উপশম ছিল। ইহাতে দেখা যাইতেছে যে, সৰ্বাঙ্গীণ লক্ষণগুলি কিরূপভাবে বিশেষ লক্ষণগুলির মধ্যেও প্রসারিত হয় এবং কিরূপভাবে তাহাদিগকে কাজে লাগান যায়। সৰ্বাঙ্গীণ লক্ষণগুলিই আমাদের মেটিরিয়া মেডিকার গঠন ও সম্প্রসারণ করিয়া থাকে।
তাহা হইলে, আমরা দেখিতেছি যে, দেহের বাহির দিকে এপিসে রহিয়াছে শোথ, লালবর্ণ পীড়কা; উদ্ভেদ শীতপিত্ত, ইরিসিপ্লাস এবং ঐ সকল প্রদাহ শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লী পর্যন্ত বিস্তৃত হয়। মানুষের দেহের বাহির দিক বলিতে চৰ্ম্ম এবং শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লীসমূহ বুঝায়। যখন আমরা নরদেহের কেন্দ্র হইতে পরিধি পর্যন্ত আলোচনা করি, আমরা মনে করি যে, মস্তিষ্ক, হৃৎপিন্ড এবং অন্যান্য আভ্যন্তরিক যন্ত্রগুলিই জীবনকেন্দ্র এবং তাহাদের আবরণ ও আচ্ছাদনগুলি বাহ্যিক অংশ। এপিস এই সকল বাহ্যিক জিনিষ আক্রমণ করে, ইহা আবরক ও আচ্ছাদনগুলিকে আক্রমণ করে। তোমরা দেখিয়াছ যে, ইহা কত সচরাচর চর্ম ও চৰ্ম্মের নিকটবর্তী টিসু সমূহকে আক্রমণ করে, কিন্তু ইহা আভ্যন্তরিক যন্ত্রগুলির আবরক অথবা আচ্ছাদনগুলিকেও আক্রমণ করিয়া থাকে, যথা— হৃৎ আবরক। এপিস উহার রস-প্রসেকযুক্ত স্নৈহিক ঝিল্লী- প্রদাহ উৎপন্ন করে। এপিস মস্তিষ্ক ঝিল্লীর প্রদাহ উৎপন্ন করে। যেসকল স্নৈহিক কোষ হৃৎপিন্ড ও হৃৎবেষ্টকে আবৃত করে তাহাতে এবং অন্ত্ৰাবরণে ইহা ঐ একই প্রকারের প্রদাহ উৎপন্ন করে। এইরূপে আমরা দেখিতেছি যে, এপিসে দেহের আচ্ছাদকগুলি, যথা চৰ্ম্ম, শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লী এবং আভ্যন্তরিক যন্ত্রগুলির আবরণ বিশেষভাবে আক্রান্ত হয় এবং ইহার সঙ্গে আমরা পাই শোথ, সর্দি এবং বিসর্প। এই সকল প্রদাহে হুলফুটান ব্যথা এবং জ্বালা থাকে, কখন কখন জ্বলন্ত কয়লার ন্যায় জ্বালা, কখন কখন সূঁচীবিদ্ধবৎ অথবা ছোট ছোট সূঁচ ফোটানোর ন্যায় দংশন।
এপিসের মানসিক লক্ষণগুলি অত্যন্ত আশ্চৰ্য্য এবং মানসিক লক্ষণগুলির সর্বত্র সর্বাপেক্ষা আশ্চৰ্য্য এই যে, উহার বৃদ্ধি গরমে এবং গরম ঘরে। লক্ষণগুলি, যথা—অত্যন্ত দুঃখভাব; বিনা কারণে সৰ্ব্বদা চক্ষুজল ফেলা, দিবারাত্র ক্রন্দন, আশাভঙ্গজনিত চিন্তায় ঘুমাইতে না পারা এবং সবকিছুতেই দুশ্চিন্তা। মানসিক অবসন্নতার সহিত অবিরত ক্রন্দন। দুঃখ ও বিষাদ; অত্যন্ত উত্তেজনা প্রবণতা, প্রত্যেক বিষয়েই উৎপাত টানিয়া আনা। বোকার ন্যায় সন্দেহ ও হিংসা করা।
সম্পূর্ণ আনন্দহীন। যাহা তাহাকে সুখী বা আনন্দিত করিতে পারে, এরূপ বিষয়ে সম্পূর্ণ উদাসীনতা। যে-সকল জিনিষ তাহাকে আনন্দ দিতে পারে, তাহাতে নিজেকে নিযুক্ত করিতে পারে না। আনন্দকর জিনিষগুলি তাহার নিকট অন্যরূপ বোধ হয়। আঁতুড়ে স্ত্রীলোকদের এবং অধিক বয়স্কা স্ত্রীলোকদের বোকা, নির্বোধ শিশুর ন্যায় ব্যবহার; ছেলেরা যেরূপ কথা বলে, গুরুতর বিষয়ে সেইরূপ নির্বোধের ন্যায় বিড়বিড় করিয়া বকা। মানসিক লক্ষণের আর এক অবস্থা—প্রলাপ, উহা শিশুদের গুরুতর প্রকৃতির মস্তিষ্ক রোগে উপস্থিত হয়। শিশু ক্রমশঃ অচৈতন্য হইয়া পড়ে। সে অজ্ঞান অবস্থায় পড়িয়া থাকে, দেহের একপার্শ্বে কম্পন দেখা দেয়, অপর পার্শ্বে সম্পূর্ণ নিশ্চল হইয়া থাকে, একদিক হইতে আর একদিকে মাথা চালিতে থাকে, মস্তক আড়ষ্ট হইয়া পশ্চাতে আকৃষ্ট হয়, চক্ষুতারকা সঙ্কুচিত অথবা বিস্তৃত হয়, চক্ষুদ্বয় অত্যন্ত লাল, মুখমন্ডল চকচকে; নির্বুদ্ধি অবস্থা অথবা অৰ্দ্ধচৈতন্য অবস্থা। অসাড় হওয়ার ন্যায় শিশু অৰ্দ্ধমুদ্রিত চক্ষে পড়িয়া থাকে। সমস্ত লক্ষণ উত্তাপে বৃদ্ধি হইলে, ইহা মস্তিষ্কে রক্তসঞ্চয়ে মস্তিষ্ক ঝিল্লীপ্রদাহে অথবা পশ্চাদ্বক্রতাসহ মস্তিষ্ক-মেরুমজ্জা-প্রদাহে উপযোগী। ঘরটি যদি উত্তপ্ত হয়; তাহা হইলে শিশুর অবস্থা আরও ভীতিপ্রদ হইয়া উঠে। যদি ঘরটি অত্যন্ত উত্তপ্ত হইয়া উঠে তাহা হইলে শিশু সম্পূর্ণ মৃতবৎ ও বিবর্ণ হইয়া পড়ে। যদি শিশুর ক্ষমতা থাকে, সে আচ্ছাদনটি লাথি মারিয়া ফেলিয়া দেয়। সে যদি এমন একটি স্থানে থাকে যে, সেখান হইতে কোন খোলা উনান দেখিতে পাওয়া যায়, তাহা হইলে তাহার লক্ষণগুলির অত্যন্ত বৃদ্ধি হয় আমি এরূপ এপিসের শিশুদিগকে দেখিয়াছি, যাহাদিগকে খোলা আগুনের নিকট হইতে সরাইয়া লইয়া যাইতে হইয়াছিল। উত্তাপ নিয়ন্ত্রণ যন্ত্র অথবা খোলা উনান হইতে যে উত্তাপ আসে, তাহা হইতে সরাইয়া লইয়া যাইবার জন্য তাহারা কাঁদিতে থাকে। উত্তাপে তাহাদের প্রত্যেকটি লক্ষণের বৃদ্ধি হয় এবং সময়ে সময়ে তাহাদের সর্বাঙ্গে শীতল ঘর্ম দেখা দেয়, কিন্তু উহা দ্বারা তাহাদের জ্বর বা জ্বালাকর উত্তাপ কমে না। প্রায় ক্ষেত্রেই সে মাথা চালিতে ও মাথা এপাশ ওপাশ করিতে থাকে, দাঁত কড়মড় করিতে থাকে, আক্ষেপ সম্ভাবনার সহিত চক্ষু প্রদীপ্ত হইয়া উঠে, সময়ে সময়ে শিশু মাথায় হাত দিতে থাকে ইহা একটি অর্ধচৈতন্য অবস্থা এবং শিশু অদ্ভুতভাবে চিৎকার করিয়া উঠে; উহা দ্বারা বুঝা যায় যে—শিশুর মস্তিষ্কে রক্তসঞ্চয় হইয়াছে; উহাকে মস্তিষ্করোগ-সূচক চিৎকার (cri encephalique) বলে। এই চিৎকার এপিসের একটি প্রবল লক্ষণ। শিশুর মস্তিষ্কে উপদ্রব দেখা দিবার উপক্রম হইলে, সে নিদ্রার মধ্যে এইরূপ চিৎকার করিয়া কাঁদিয়া উঠে। পাঠ্য-পুস্তকে বলা হয়, “তীব্র চিৎকারে সুপ্তির ব্যাঘাত হয়।” ঔষধ পরীক্ষার সাধারণ প্রারম্ভ হইতেই আমাদিগকে বুঝিয়া লইতে হইবে যে, ঔষধগুলি কোন কোন রোগে উপযোগী হইবে, কারণ রোগের প্রবর্ধিত অবস্থায় সর্বদা ঠিক ঔষধটিকে ধরিতে পারা যায় না। আমরা রোগের প্রবর্ধিত অবস্থা দেখি এবং আমাদিগকে বুঝিয়া লইতে হয় যে, উহা প্রারম্ভে কিরূপ ছিল। প্রারম্ভিক অবস্থায় রোগটি যেরূপ ছিল, প্রারম্ভিক অবস্থার ঔষধটিও সেইরূপ ছিল। যে-সকল ব্যাপারের প্রারম্ভ একরূপ হয়, তাহাদের শেষও একরূপই হইয়া থাকে।
এপিসে বিড়বিড় করা, প্রলাপ এবং বাচালতা আছে। ইহাতে সকল প্রকার কাতর শব্দ এবং চিৎকার, তীব্র চিৎকার এবং অন্যান্যরূপ ভীষণ এবং কম ভীষণ চিৎকার আছে। মৃত্যুর পূৰ্বানুভূতি, মৃত্যুভয়, সন্নাসরোগের ভয় আছে। “অতিব্যস্ত, অস্থির, অকুশলতার সহিত রকম রকম কাজ করা।” এপিসের অকুশলতা, বিশেষতঃ হাতের আঙ্গুল পায়ের আঙ্গুল এবং অঙ্গ প্রত্যঙ্গাদিতে দেখা যায়। সমগ্র স্নায়ুমন্ডলীই সামঞ্জস্যের বিশৃঙ্খলা প্রকাশ করে। এই সামঞ্জস্যের বিশৃঙ্খলা ঔষধটির সর্বত্র দেখা যায়, “অকুশলতা, চক্ষু মুদিলে টলমল করা। চক্ষু মুদিলে মাথা ঘোরা।” “ভয়, রাগ, বিরক্তি, হিংসা, দুসংবাদ শ্রবণজনিত রোগ।” “গুরুতর মানসিক আঘাতের পর সমুদয় দক্ষিণ পার্শ্বের পক্ষাঘাতবৎ অবস্থা।”
এপিসের রোগগুলির সহিত তীব্রতা এবং দ্রুততা থাকে। উহারা অত্যন্ত দ্রুত উপস্থিত হয়, প্রচন্ডতার সহিত চলিতে থাকে এবং অবশেষে অচৈতন্যতায় পৌঁছায়। আমি মৌমাছির হুলফোটান হইতে বিষাক্ত বহু রোগী দেখিয়াছি। যখন কোন অত্যানুভূতিযুক্ত লোক মৌমাছির হুলে বিষাক্ত হয়, সে ভীষণভাবে পীড়িত হইয়া পড়ে। অধিকাংশ লোকই তাহাদের জীবনে মৌমাছির হুলবিদ্ধ হইয়াছে; তখন ঐ দষ্ট স্থানে সামান্য মাত্র ফোলা দেখা দিয়াছে, ফোলাটি একটি রবীন পাখীর ডিমের মত, বড়জোর মুরগীর ডিমের মত, কিন্তু উহার সহিত কোন ধাতুগত অবস্থা দেখা দেয় নাই; এই অবস্থা দেখা যায় যখন ব্যক্তিটি এপিসে অত্যানুভূতিযুক্ত নহেন। তিনি হয়ত অর্ধডজন স্থানে হুলবিদ্ধ হইয়াছেন এবং প্রত্যেক স্থানেই একটা ছোট ঢেলার মত ফুলিয়া উঠিয়াছে। কিন্তু তুমি হয়ত এমন একটি লোক দেখিলে যিনি মৌমাছির হুলে
অত্যনুভূতিবিশিষ্ট। যদি তাহার দেহের যে-কোন স্থানে একটি মাত্র হুল বিদ্ধ হয়, তাহা হইলে তিনি বমি বমি ভাব ও উৎকণ্ঠার সহিত শয্যাশায়ী হইয়া পড়িবেন, তাঁহার মনে হইবে যে, তিনি মরিতে বসিয়াছেন। দশ মিনিটের মধ্যেই তাঁহার পা হইতে মাথা পর্যন্ত সর্বশরীরে আমবাত দেখা দিবে, তাহার হুলবিদ্ধবৎ যাতনা ও জ্বালা উপস্থিত হইবে, তিনি ঠান্ডা জলে স্নান করিতে চাহিবেন, তাহার ভয় হইবে যে, তাঁহার যন্ত্রণা নিবারণের জন্য কিছু না করা হইলে তিনি মরিয়া যাইবেন। তিনি গড়াগড়ি দিবেন, এপাশ ওপাশ করিতে থাকিবেন, নিজেকে টুকরা টুকরা করিয়া ছিঁড়িয়া ফেলিতে চাইবেন । আমি দেখিয়াছি এপিস প্রয়োগের পরেও এইরূপ লক্ষণসমূহ উপস্থিত হয়। ইহার প্রতিবিষ কার্বলিক এসিড। আমি এইরূপ অবস্থায় কার্বলিক এসিড দিতেও দেখিয়াছি এবং রোগী বলিয়াছে যে, কার্বলিক এসিড গলা দিয়া নামিতে নামিতে তাহাকে স্নিগ্ধকর শান্তি দিয়াছে। সে বলিয়াছে, “কেন, ডাক্তার, আমি অনুভব করিতেছে যে, ঔষধটি আমার আঙ্গুলের ডগা পর্যন্ত চলিয়া গিয়াছে।” এরূপ অবস্থায় তুমি যদি কখন প্রতিবিষটি প্রয়োগ কর, তাহা হইলে শুনিয়া লইও যে, তোমার রোগী কি বলে। যখন তুমি একটি প্রাকৃতিক প্রতিবিষ পাও এবং সময়ে সময়ে যখন কোন রোগীর প্রকৃত আরোগ্যকর ঔষধটি পাও, যেরূপ উচ্চক্রমেরই হউক না কেন, রোগী বলিবে, “আমি উহার ক্রিয়া আমার চুলের গোড়া হইতে আমার পায়ের আঙ্গুলের ডগা পর্যন্ত অনুভব করিতেছি”। যখন প্রকৃত প্রতিষেধক ঔষধ, রোগীর শারীরবিধানের অন্তস্থল পৰ্য্যন্ত যায়, তখন এইরূপ অনুভূতিই হইয়া থাকে; এবং ঐ প্রকারেই আমরা সর্বদী ঔষধ প্রয়োগ করিতে চাহি; আমরা রোগীর লক্ষণ দ্বারা পরিচালিত হই, লক্ষণগুলিই বলিয়া দেয় যে কোন ঔষধটি প্রয়োগ করিতে হইবে এবং তারপর যখন ঔষধটি দেওয়া হয় তখন এই প্রকারের সর্বোৎকৃষ্ট প্রতিক্রিয়া দেখা দেয়।
যদি আমরা ভালভাবে এপিসের লক্ষণগুলির সহিত পরিচিত হই, তাহা হইলে অনেক সময়ে চক্ষুরোগ চিকিৎসার জন্য কোন বিশেষজ্ঞকে না ডাকিয়াও কাজ চালাইয়া লইতে পারিব। তাহারা উপকার করা অপেক্ষা, তাহাদের লোশনসমূহ কষ্টিক দ্রবণ প্রভৃতির দ্বারা অধিকসংখ্যক লোককে অন্ধ করিয়া থাকেন। পুরাতন ধরনের পদ্ধতি ছিল কপার এবং সিলভার নাইট্রেট দ্রবণ দ্বারা পোড়াইয়া দেওয়া, আধুনিক পদ্ধতিও তাহা অপেক্ষা বিশেষ ভাল নয়। বর্তমানকালেও যে হোমিওপ্যাথিক চিকিৎসক চক্ষু-লক্ষণের সহিত ফুসফুস লক্ষণ এবং শরীরের যে-কোন অঙ্গের লক্ষণগুলি গ্রহণ করিতে পারেন না তিনি ঔষধ ব্যবস্থা করিবার উপযুক্ত নহেন। হোমিওপ্যাথিক চিকিৎসকও চক্ষুরোগগুলির চিকিৎসা করিতে পারেন। হোমিওপ্যাথিতে চক্ষুরোগ চিকিৎসা অথবা অপর কোন যন্ত্রের রোগচিকিৎসা বলিয়া কিছু নাই, কিন্তু একটি বা দুইটি নহে, সমগ্র যন্ত্রগুলির সহিত সম্পূর্ণ রোগীটির চিকিৎসা আছে।
এপিস চক্ষুর একটি বড় ঔষধ। ইহাতে রোগের পরিণামস্বরূপ চক্ষুর গভীর অংশের প্রাদাহিক অবস্থা আছে। প্রদাহ উহা বিসর্পের ন্যায়, উহাতে শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লী ও চক্ষের পাতা দুইটি পুরু হইয়া উঠে, চক্ষুর পাতা দুইটি পুরু হইয়া উঠে, চক্ষুর উপরে সাদা সাদা দাগ দেখা দেয়, চক্ষুর অস্বচ্ছতা জন্মে। প্রদাহ-উহার সহিত অনেকখানি বিস্তৃত অথবা তালি তালি অব্রণ শুক্ল। বিবর্জিত রক্তপ্রণালী। যখন প্রাদাহিক অবস্থা প্রবল থাকে, তখন চক্ষুর উপর ও নিম্ন উভয় পাতাতেই ফুলা দেখা যায়, এবং সমগ্র মুখটিও সময়ে সময়ে ফুলিয়া উঠে, যেমনটি মৌমাছির হুল ফুটিবার পর তোমরা আশা করিতে পারো। চক্ষুপাতার শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লীর ফুলা এত বেশী হয় যে তাহারা উল্টাইয়া যায় এবং কাঁচা গো-মাংসের টুকরার ন্যায় দেখায়। প্রচুর পরিমাণে জল গালের উপর দিয়া গড়াইয়া পড়ে। আগুনের ন্যায় জ্বালা এবং হুলবিদ্ধবৎ বেদনা; ধৌত করিলে এবং ঠান্ডা প্রয়োগে উপশম, উত্তাপে বৃদ্ধি; রোগী ঠান্ডা প্রয়োগ করিতে চায়। পুরাতন দানাময় চক্ষুপত্র। পুরাতন প্রদাহের পরিণাম ফল বহুপ্রকার এবং বহুবিস্তৃত হইতে পারে। সাদা জিনিষের দিকে চাহিলে, বরফের দিকে চাহিলে, তাহার রোগলক্ষণ বাড়ে। চক্ষুগোলকে বেদনা, চক্ষুগোলকের গভীর প্রদেশে বেদনা, সূঁচীবিদ্ধবৎ, জ্বালাকর, হুলবিদ্ধবৎ, তীরবিদ্ধবৎ বেদনা। অর্জুনরোগ (chemosis) এপিস প্রায়ই গন্ডমালাদোষযুক্ত চক্ষুরোগে উপযোগী হয়। রক্তবহা নাড়ী সম্বন্ধীয় রোগ, শিরাগুলি প্রসারিত হয়। চক্ষুর উপতারা প্রদাহ, “চক্ষুতে রক্তসঞ্চয়- রক্তবহা নাড়ীগুলি বিনির্গত।” সমগ্র শ্বেতপটলটি প্রদাহিত। আলোকাতঙ্ক। বাতজনিত চক্ষু-প্রদাহ অর্থাৎ বাতগ্রস্ত ব্যক্তিদের অত্যধিক প্রদাহ। চক্ষুর সর্দিজ প্রদাহ। গন্ডমালাজনিত চক্ষু-প্রদাহ। চক্ষু হইতে উষ্ণ অশ্রু বেগে গড়াইয়া পড়ে, চক্ষুতে জ্বালা করে। চক্ষুর ও মুখের পার্শ্বদ্বয়ের ইরিসিপ্লাস, উহা ডানদিক হইতে বামদিকে প্রসারিত হয়। এইরূপ গতি আরও বহুক্ষেত্রে এপিসের একটি বিশেষ প্রকৃতি। ইরিসিপ্লাস মুখের ডানদিকে আরম্ভ হয়। ক্রমে নাকের উপরদিকে বামদিকে বিস্তৃত হয়। প্রদাহ উদর সম্বন্ধীয় যন্ত্রের ডানদিকে আরম্ভ হয় এবং বামদিকে বিস্তৃত হয়। ডিম্বাশয়ের প্রদাহে বামদিক হইতে ডানদিকই অধিক আক্রান্ত হয়। জরায়ুর ডানদিকই এপিসের অধিক প্রিয় স্থান। বস্তি-প্রদেশের সমগ্র ডানদিকের যাতনা বামদিকে প্রসারিত হয়। এখানে ওখানে জ্বালা, হুলফোটান ব্যথা ডানদিক হইতে বামদিকে বিস্তৃত হয়।
আরক্ত জ্বরের সহিত অথবা উহার পরবর্তী মধ্যকর্ণের প্রদাহ।
এইবার আমরা এপিসের গল-লক্ষণে উপনীত হইলাম। আমরা গলদেশের বহু উপদ্রব দেখিতে পাইব। এপিস ডিপথেরিয়া রোগ আরোগ্য করে, বিশেষতঃ যদি অত্যধিক প্রদাহ থাকে এবং পর্দাগুলি অল্প হয় এবং উহা ধীরে ধীরে ও অজানিতভাবে প্রকাশ পায়। উহা যেরূপ একটু একটু করিয়া বাড়িতে থাকে, তাহা দেখিলে বিস্মিত হইতে হয়। আক্রান্ত অঙ্গটি শোথযুক্ত হয়, কোমল তালু জলপূর্ণ থলির ন্যায় স্ফীত হইয়া উঠে, আলজিভটি জলপূর্ণ থলির ন্যায় অর্ধস্বচ্ছ দেখায় এবং ঝুলিয়া পড়ে। গলার চারিদিকে এবং মুখে শোথভাব থাকে; এবং এরূপ দেখায় যেন বিদ্ধ করিলেই জল বাহির হইয়া পড়িবে। গলায় জ্বালাকর ও হুলবিদ্ধবৎ যন্ত্রণা, উহা ঠান্ডায় উপশমিত হয় এবং উত্তাপে বৃদ্ধিযুক্ত হয়। সকল রকম গরম পদার্থ এবং পানীয়ে বিতৃষ্ণা। জিহ্বা ফুলিতে ফুলিতে মুখগহ্বরকে পূর্ণ করিয়া ফেলে, ফুলাটি জিহ্বার ডান অর্ধেকই বেশী এবং ডানপার্শ্বেই আরম্ভ হয়। জিহ্বার, গলগহ্বরের ও গলার কাচা গোমাংসের ন্যায় চেহারা, ছাল উঠিয়া যাওয়ার ন্যায় চেহারা। গলায় নানা রকমের ফোলা, মৃদু প্রকৃতির ফোলা, তৎসহ জ্বালা হুলবিদ্ধবৎ যাতনা এবং লালবর্ণ। প্রদাহের ফলস্বরূপ গলায় ক্ষত। আরক্ত জ্বরের আনুষঙ্গিক গুরুত্ব প্রকাশের গলক্ষতে এপিস উপযোগী। লক্ষণ মিলিলে, ইহা আরক্ত জ্বরও আরোগ্য করে; এবং যদিও উদ্ভেদ কখন কখন অসমান হয়, তথাপি এপিসে আরক্ত জ্বরে উপযোগী হওয়া কিছু অসাধারণ ব্যাপার নয়। আরক্ত জ্বরের উদ্ভেদ সব সময়ে মসৃণ এবং চকচকে হয় না। যখন উদ্ভেদ আদৌ বাহির না হয়, তখন গলার বেশীরকম প্রদাহের সহিত মুখ অত্যন্ত বিবর্ণ হইয়া পড়ে। পরিবারের মধ্যে আরক্ত জ্বর দেখা দিয়াছে, রোগীর চর্ম উদ্ভেদ ব্যতীতই লাল হইয়া উঠিয়াছে—এরূপ ক্ষেত্রে রোগী যদি উত্তাপে খারাপ বোধ করে, গাত্রাবরণ ফেলিয়া দিতে চায় এবং ঘরের উত্তাপে অনুভূতিযুক্ত হয়, তাহা হইলে এপিস উপযোগী। রোগী তাহার ঘরে কম উত্তাপ চায়, উত্তাপে খারাপ বোধ করে, ঠান্ডা জিনিষ চায়, বিশেষভাবে বিকীর্ণ উত্তাপ হইতে অথবা তাপনিয়ামক যন্ত্রের বা আগুনের উত্তাপ হইতে খারাপ বোধ করে। শরীরের উপর দিয়া সামান্য উত্তাপ বিকীর্ণ হইলে তাহার শ্বাসরোধের মত হয়। সবিরাম জ্বরের শীতের সময়েও সে উত্তাপে খারাপ বোধ করে, শীতের সময় উত্তপ্ত ঘরের মধ্যে থাকিলে তাহার শ্বাসরোধ হইয়া আসে। আরক্ত জ্বর, গলক্ষত এবং ডিপথেরিয়া রোগেও ঐ একই অবস্থা, বিকীর্ণ উত্তাপের সামান্যমাত্র ঝলকে তাহার শ্বাসরোধের মত হয়। সে দরজা জানালাগুলি খোলা রাখিতে চায়, কিছু ঠান্ডা জিনিষ চায়। সময়ে সময়ে উদ্ভেদ বাহির না হইলে আরক্ত জ্বরের রোগীর আক্ষেপ দেখা দেয়। এক্ষেত্রে এপিস সময়ে সময়ে উপযোগী এবং কুপ্রাম’, ‘জিঙ্কাম ও ব্রায়োনিয়ার সহিত ইহার তুলনা করিয়া দেখিতে হইবে। গরম জলে স্নান করাইলে আক্ষেপ বর্ধিত হয়।
“প্রাতঃকালে গলায় সঙ্কোচন ও ক্ষয় হইয়া যাওয়ার ন্যায় অনুভূতি।” গলক্ষত, স্ফীতি,। হুলবিদ্ধবৎ বেদনা। শক্ত খাবার গিলিতে পারে না।” এইপ্রকার উপসর্গের সহিত, প্রায়ই মৃদু কম্পন, কম্পন এবং সামান্য শীতভাবের সহিত জ্বর বর্তমান থাকে। অনেক সময় তুমি গরম কম্বল চাপা দিয়া আরাম দেওয়ার কথা ভাবিবে, কিন্তু উহাতে সে আরও খারাপ বোধ করিবে এবং কম্বলটি ফেলিয়া দিবে। শিশু তাহার গাত্রাবরণ লাথি দিয়া সরাইয়া দিবে। পূর্ণবয়স্ক ব্যক্তি শীতে কাঁপিতেছে এরূপ সময়েও কিছু চাপা দিয়া দিলে তাহা ফেলিয়া দিবে। এইরূপ বিস্ময়জনক এবং অদ্ভুত জিনিষগুলিই পরিচায়ক লক্ষণ, যদিও এইগুলির কোন ব্যাখ্যা দেওয়া সম্ভব নয়।
এপিসে অত্যন্ত উৎকণ্ঠার সহিত বমন, বমি বমি ভাব, উকিউঠা ও বমন আছে। পিত্ত ও সমস্ত খাদ্য বমন। তিক্ত ও অম্লজল বমন।
এপিস উদর এবং কুক্ষিদেশের সর্বত্র ক্ষরণবৎ বেদনা এবং টানটান ভাব উৎপন্ন করে। এপিসের অনেক রোগের সহিতই এই টানটান ভাব এবং পূর্ণতা কঠিনতা এবং ঢাকের ন্যায় স্ফীতি। সর্বপ্রকারের প্রাদাহিক রোগে, অন্ত্রাবরণপ্রদাহে, যকৃত-প্রদাহে, বস্তিগহ্বর-প্রদাহে অত্যন্ত টানটান ভাব ও দৃঢ়তা থাকে, কিন্তু এই টানটান ভাব সর্বাঙ্গীন নহে, উহা কখনও স্থানিক, তখনও সামান্য রক্তসঞ্চয়যুক্ত, কিন্তু টানটান ভাবটি উদরের সবটুকুতেই বর্তমান থাকে এবং এই টানটান ভাবের জন্য, কিছু ফাটিয়া যাইবে ভাবে, রোগীর কাশা অসম্ভব হইয়া পড়ে। কাশিতে গেলে মনে হয়, যেন কিছু ছিঁড়িয়া যাইবে। সে মলত্যাগ করিতে গিয়াও কোথ দিতে পারে না। ইহা স্ত্রীলোকদিগের উদর ও বস্তিগহ্বর সংক্রান্ত রোগে একটি সাধারণ লক্ষণ। স্ত্রীলোকটি বলিবে যে, সে মলত্যাগকালে কোঁথ দিতে পারে না, কারণ তাহার মনে হয় যে, কোঁথ দিতে গেলে কোন কিছু ছিঁড়িয়া আলগা হইয়া যাইবে । বুকেও ঐ একই অবস্থা। মনে হয়, যেন কাশিতে গেলে কোন কিছু ছিঁড়িয়া আলগা হইয়া যাইবে, যেন তন্তুগুলিতে টান ধরিয়া আছে এবং ঐগুলি বিস্তত হইতেছে।
যকৃতের স্পর্শকাতর অবস্থা, যকৃৎ এবং প্লীহার প্রদাহ। ক্ষুদ্র পাঁজরার হাড়গুলির নীচে বেদনা, বামদিকে অধিক। “পাঁজরার নীচে, বেদনা, উপরদিকে বিস্তৃত হইতে থাকে। কুক্ষিদেশে যন্ত্রণাদায়ক সঙ্কোচনের অনুভূতিবশতঃ সম্মুখদিকে অবনত হইতে বাধ্য হয়।” সমস্ত রোগেই রোগীকে সম্মুখদিকে অবনত করাইবে এবং টানটান ভাবটি যন্ত্রণাদায়ক বলিয়া অঙ্গ-প্রত্যঙ্গগুলিকে সঙ্কুচিত করাইবে।” পাকস্থলীতে স্পর্শকাতরতা। সমস্ত উদরে তাহার এত বেদনা যে, স্পর্শ করিলে অত্যন্ত যন্ত্রণা হয়; স্ত্রীলোকদিগের প্রদাহিক রোগে উদরে অত্যন্ত ক্ষততা বোধ ও যাতনা। উদরের মধ্যে ক্ষতবৎ অনুভূতি, ফাপ এবং হুলবিদ্ধবৎ জ্বালাকর বেদনা। পাকস্থলীতে জ্বালাকর উত্তাপ।
উদরের বহির্দিকে ফুলার ন্যায় অবস্থা। শোথ, সময়ে সময়ে বিশেষ অঙ্গে, সময়ে সময়ে সৰ্বাঙ্গীণ। অঙ্গ-প্রত্যঙ্গগুলি পূর্ণমাত্রায় ফুলিয়া উঠে, চাপ দিলে গর্ত হইয়া যায়; পায়ের পাতা এবং অন্যান্য অঙ্গ স্ফীত তৎসহ জালা হুলবিদ্ধবৎ যাতনা এবং অসাড়তা।
অন্ত্রাদি যেন থেঁৎলাইয়া গিয়াছে এরূপ অনুভূতি। জলবৎ উদরাময় এপিসে সচরাচরই দেখা যায়, মল হলদে, সবুজ, জলপাইয়ের ন্যায় সবুজাভ, জলের মত ইত্যাদি। প্রত্যহ ছয়বার হইতে আটবার উদরাময়ের মল, উহা পচা মাংসের ন্যায় দুর্গন্ধযুক্ত। ইহা শিশুদিগের একপ্রকার মলের বিশেষভাবে উপযোগী, মলে রক্ত, আম, ও খাদ্য মিশ্রিত থাকে; এবং উহা দেখিতে টমাটোর চাটনির ন্যায় হয়। মলের সহিত মলদ্বার বাহির হইয়া পড়ে এবং ফাঁক হইয়া থাকে। ফসফরাস’ ও ‘পালসে’র ন্যায় হাঁ-করা মলদ্বার। পুরাতন উদরাময়, আমাশয়, অন্ত্র হইতে রক্তস্রাব। ইহার কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতা প্রায়শঃই মস্তকের উপদ্রবের সহিত সম্বন্ধবিশিষ্ট থাকে। সে বহুদিনের মধ্যে একবারও মলত্যাগ করে না। মস্তকে রক্তসঞ্চয় ও তরুণ মস্তকোদক রোগের সহিত অন্ত্রাদি যেন সম্পূর্ণভাবে পক্ষাঘাতগ্রস্ত হইয়া পড়ে।
এপিসে বহুপ্রকারের মূত্রসম্বন্ধীয় উপদ্রব আছে। মূত্র অল্প, ফোঁটা ফোঁটা করিয়া পড়ে। মূত্র নির্গত হইবার পূর্বে অনেক বেগ দিতে হয় এবং তারপর কয়েক ফোঁটা মাত্র বাহির হয়; সামান্য মাত্র উত্তপ্ত মূত্র গড়াইয়া পড়ে, জ্বালাকর মূত্র, রক্তাক্ত মূত্র। যেই মূত্রাধারে কয়েক ফোঁটা মূত্র জন্মে, অমনি মূত্রবেগ আরম্ভ হয়, অবিরত নিষ্ফল মূত্রপ্রবৃত্তি। পরে প্রায় মূত্রনাশ অবস্থা উপস্থিত হয়। শিশু অনেকক্ষণ মূত্রত্যাগ না করিয়া, চিৎকার করিতে থাকে, মাথায় হাত দিতে থাকে, ঘুমের মধ্যে চিৎকার করিতে থাকে, আচ্ছাদনবস্ত্র লাথি মারিয়া ফেলিয়া দেয়। প্রায়শঃই একমাত্রা এপিসে উপকার পাওয়া যাইবে। আরক্ত জ্বরে মূত্র অন্ডলালে পূর্ণ হইয়া গেলে, সচরাচর ইহার প্রয়োজন হয়। মূত্রসম্বন্ধীয় উপদ্রবের সহিত জননেন্দ্রিয়ের স্ফীতি, স্ফীতিটি শোথের ন্যায়। লিঙ্গাচৰ্ম্মের: অত্যধিক বিস্তৃতির সহিত অথবা কোষবৃদ্ধি রোগে ছোট ছোট বালকদের স্বল্পমূত্র। প্রত্যেকবার মূত্রবেগ উপস্থিত হইলেই সে চিৎকার করিতে থাকবে, কারণ তাহার পূর্ববারে যে যন্ত্রণা হইয়াছিল, তাহা মনে পড়িয়া যায়। মূত্রপিত্ত ও মূত্রনলীর অথবা মূত্রাধার ও মূত্রপথের প্রদাহিত অবস্থা। সমগ্র মূত্রযন্ত্রটিই উপদাহিত হয়। ইহা ক্যান্থারিসে’র অনুরূপ অবস্থা এবং সেইজন্য এই দুইটি ঔষধ একে অপরের প্রতিবিষ। অশক্তীকৃত এপিস খাওয়ান হইয়াছে, এরূপ একটি ছেলেকে দেখিতে যদি তুমি আহত হও, তাহা হইলে সাধারণতঃ ক্যান্থারিস’ দিয়া প্রতিষেধন করিতে পারিবে। যদি তুমি এমন একটি স্ত্রীলোককে দেখিতে যাও যিনি পাপাচরণের উদ্দেশ্যে ক্যান্থারিস খাইয়াছেন, তাহা হইলে তুমি প্রায়শঃই তাহাকে এপিস দিয়া আয়ত্ত করিতে পারিবে। “ক্যান্থারিস’ প্রয়োগে যে উন্মত্ততা আসিয়া পড়িয়াছে, এপিস তাহার প্রতিবিধান করিবে। এপিসে মূলযন্ত্রে চিড়িকমারা, জ্বালাকর ও হুলফোটান যাতনা দেখা যায়। “অসাড়ে মূত্রপাত।” অসাড়ে মূত্রপাতের সহিত সূচীবিদ্ধবৎ যাতনা। মূত্রযন্ত্রাদির রোগজনিত উত্তেজনা। “মূত্রকৃচ্ছ্রতা, মূত্রত্যাগ করিতে উদ্বেগ। দুগ্ধপোষ্য শিশুদের মূত্রাবরোধ।” ইহা একটি অদ্ভুত ব্যাপার যে, এপিস পরীক্ষিত হওয়ার বহুপূৰ্বে বৃদ্ধ স্ত্রীলোকেরা, ক্ষুদ্র নবজাত শিশুর মূত্র না হইলে, মৌচাকের নিকটে গিয়া কয়েকটি মৌমাছি ধরিতেন এবং তাহাদের উপর গরম জল ঢালিয়া দিয়া তাহার এক চা-চামচ শিশুকে খাওয়াইয়া দিতেন এবং তাহাতেই শিশুটি আরোগ্য হইত। এইরূপ কতকগুলি গৃহস্থালী সংক্রান্ত ব্যাপার, বাড়ীর লোক ও শুশ্রুষাকারীদের মধ্যে জানা আছে এবং ঐ গুলি বেশ কাজেও লাগে; কারণ, আমরা যেজন্য এপিস দিয়া থাকি, এই ব্যাপারটিও ঠিক সেইরূপ। “মূত্র অল্প এবং দুর্গন্ধ; অন্ডলালা এবং রক্তকণাসংযুক্ত।” বিশেষভাবে তরুণ অন্ডলাল মূত্ররোগে। আরক্ত জ্বরে অথবা ডিপথেরিয়ায় অথবা তাহার পরে, অথবা তরুণ রোগের পরিণামে, যেরূপ হয়, সেইরূপ মূত্রগ্রন্থির প্রদাহের সহিত অন্ডলালমূত্র। যখন মূত্রগ্রন্থির প্রদাহ, রোগের শেষ অবস্থায় দেখা দেয়, তখন উহাতে এলোপ্যাথদের হাতে বহু রোগীর মৃত্যু হয়। কিন্তু হোমিওপ্যাথদের কখনও হয় না। এপিস স্ত্রী এবং পুরুষ উভয়ের জননেন্দ্রিয়ের সহিত ঘনিষ্ঠ সম্বন্ধযুক্ত। জননেন্দ্রিয়ের স্ফীতি এবং শোথ অবস্থা। এপিস স্ত্রীলোকদিগের এক পরম বন্ধু। লক্ষণ মিলিলে, মনে হয়, ইহা তাহাদের সর্বপ্রকার প্রদাহিক রোগই আরোগ্য করিতে পারে। অন্যভাবে বলিলে, এপিসে জরায়ু ও ডিম্বকোষের প্রদাহ এবং বাহ্য ও আভ্যন্তরিক জননেন্দ্রিয়ের ভীষণ যন্ত্রণা উৎপন্ন করে এবং আমাদিগকে এইরূপ প্রাদাহিক অবস্থার আরোগ্যের জন্য, শুধু আবিষ্কার করিতে হইবে যে, লক্ষণগুলি মিলিল কিনা। ইহা গর্ভস্রাবও নিবারণ করে। বিশেষভাবে গর্ভের প্রথম, দ্বিতীয় বা তৃতীয় মাসে, যদি কোন হতভাগা বদমাইস সন্তানটিকে নষ্ট করিবার চেষ্টায় গর্ভিণীকে ঔষধ খাওয়ায়, তারপর বেদনা দেখা দেয় এবং বেদনাটি যদি জরায়ুর আধেয়কে বাহির করিয়া দিবার মত প্রবল হয়, তাহা হইলেও এপিস গর্ভস্রাব নিবারণ করিবে। এরূপ অবস্থায় হয়ত সামান্য রক্তস্রাব দেখা দিয়াছে, কেবলমাত্র গর্ভস্রাবের সম্ভাবনা হইয়াছে, ঝিল্লীটি তখনও ছিন্ন হয় নাই, কিন্তু হয়ত শীঘ্রই হইবে, গর্ভিণীর হুলবিদ্ধবৎ ও জ্বালাকর বেদনা দেখা দিয়াছে, তিনি অনাবৃত হইয়া শুইয়া আছেন, সম্ভবতঃ ‘আর্গটে’র অতিমাত্রার জন্য তাহার উত্তাপ বোধ হইতেছে, কিন্তু এপিস গর্ভিণী দুঃখিত হইলেও গর্ভস্রাব নিবারণ করিবে। এইরূপ পাপাচার চলিয়া আসিতেছে। কিন্তু স্ত্রীলোকদিগের জীবনে দুর্ঘটনা এবং দুর্বলতা আছে, সেইজন্য তাহাদের সন্তান ধারণের ইচ্ছা থাকিলেও, অনেক সময় গর্ভস্রাবের সম্মুখীন হইতে হয়, এইরূপ ভাবী জননীর পক্ষে এপিস পরম বন্ধু। ডিম্বকোষদ্বয়ে বিশেষতঃ দক্ষিণ ডিম্বকোষে জ্বালাকর ও হুল ফোটান ব্যথা। অতিশয় বর্ধিত হইলেও, এমনকি কোষগর্ভ হইলেও, এপিস ডিম্বকোষের অকুঁদে আরোগ্যকর বলিয়া প্রমাণিত হইয়াছে এবং উহা আরোগ্যও করিয়াছে। ইহা কোষগর্ভ অর্বুদের বৃদ্ধি নিবারণ করিয়াছে এবং উহাকে অদৃশ্য করিয়াছে। দক্ষিণ ডিম্বকোষস্থান অত্যন্ত অনুভূতিসম্পন্ন। ঋতুর পূর্বে এবং ঋতুকালে জরায়ু ও ডিম্বকোষে বেদনা। হুলবিদ্ধবৎ, ছিন্নকর, বিদীর্ণকর বেদনা, ছুরি দিয়া কাটার ন্যায় বেদনা, উত্তাপে বৃদ্ধি। ইহা একটি সহজে প্রাপ্তব্য লক্ষণ; কারণ, অধিকাংশ যন্ত্রণাদায়ক লক্ষণেই, স্বভাবতঃ উপশমের আশায় উত্তাপ অথবা গরম জলের ব্যাগ ব্যবহার করা হয় কিন্তু এই ঔষধে উহাতে বৃদ্ধি দেখা দেয়। রোগিনী উহা পাল্বে ফেলিয়া দেন; কারণ, যন্ত্রণা উত্তাপে বাড়ে। “ডিম্বকোষ , বৰ্দ্ধিত” ইত্যাদি। ডান ডিম্বকোষের শোথ। ডিম্বকোষের অৰ্ব্বুদ।
অপর নাম—হনি -বী (Honey-bee)।
মৌমাছিকে ক্রোধাবিষ্টকরে ক্লোরোফরর্ম দ্বারা অচেতন করে, সমস্ত মৌমাছি থেকেই বিচূর্ণ বা অরিষ্ট তৈরী করা হয়।
তবে হুলযুক্ত অংশ কেটে ও পিসে বা বিষের থলি থেকেও (এপিয়াম ভাইরাস) এর মূল অরিষ্ট তৈরী করা হয়।
এপিসের- মূলকথা
১। জ্বালা,হুলবিদ্ধকর বেদনা (মৌমাছির হুল ফোটানোর মত), বিশেষ করে চোখের পাতায়, গলায়, নখকুনিতে বা আঙ্গুল হাড়ায়, অর্শে, ডিম্বাশয়ে (বিশেষত ডান দিকে), স্তন প্রদাহ বা ম্যাস্টাইটিসে, চর্মরোগে বিশেষ করে ইরিসিপেলাস,আমবাত এবং কাৰ্বঙ্কল প্রভৃতিতে এপিস মেল উপযোগী।
২। অভিশয় শোথ, সার্বিক বা স্থানিক, মুখমন্ডল, কান, চোখের পাতা বিশেষকরে নীচের পাতায় শোথ, গলায় (ডিপথিরিয়ায়), জননাংঙ্গে বিশেষ করে অন্ডকোষে, চামড়ায় ইরিসিপেলাস ও আমবাতে,সৰ্ব্বত্র, বা সৰ্বাঙ্গীন শোথে,ও উদরের শোথে এপিস মেল উপকারী। এই সব শোথ বা স্ফীতিতে চরিত্রগত বেদনা বা সম্পূর্ণ বেদনা শূনতা বর্তমান থাকে।
৩। মস্তিষ্কের পীড়ায় আচ্ছন্ন নিদ্রাসহ তীক্ষ্ম, আকস্মিক, বিকট চিৎকার (ক্রাই এনকোলিক)।
৪। তৃষ্ণাহীনতা, বিশেষ করে শোথ ও সবিরাম জ্বরের উত্তাপকালে।
৫। ত্বক পৰ্য্যায় ক্রমে শুষ্ক ও ঘর্মাক্ত।
৬। দম বন্ধকর অবস্থা, মনে হয় প্রতিটি নিঃশ্বাসই যেন শেষ নিঃশ্বাস, বিশেষ করে শোথে বা সবিরাম জ্বরের উত্তাপ কালে।
৭। হ্রাসবৃদ্ধি – ঘুমোবার পর, স্পর্শে (অত্যন্ত স্পর্শ সচেতন), গরমে ও গরম ঘরে বৃদ্ধি; ঠান্ডা ঘরে বা ঠান্ডা বাতাসে এবং শীতল বাহ্য প্রয়োগে উপশম।
৮। উদ্ভেদ রুদ্ধ হওয়া বা বসে যাওয়ার কুফলে বিশেষ করে হাম, স্কার্পেটিনা ও আমবাত বসে গেলে এপিস মেল উপকারী।
৯। অনৈচ্ছিক উদরাময়, সেই সঙ্গে মনে হয় যেন মলদ্বার বিস্তৃতভাবে খোলা।
এপিস মেল – পর্যালোচনা
১। আমার মনে হয় যে এই ঔষধটির প্রধান প্রকৃতিগত লক্ষণ পাওয়া যায় উহার অনুভূতিতে, যেমন জ্বালাকর, হুলবিদ্ধকর বেদনা।
ইহা এত তীক্ষ্ম ও দ্রুত উপস্থিত হয় যেন মৌমাছি হুল ফুটাচ্ছে। এই বেদনা আবার এপিস মেলের প্রকৃতিগত লক্ষণ, যেমন এগরিকাসের চুলকনায় শীত স্ফোটক, বা আর্সেনিক ও সালফারের জ্বালা বর্তমান থাকে। এপিসের জ্বালা ঠান্ডায় এবং আর্সেনিকের জ্বালা গরমে আরাম বোধ হয়।
তবে হুল ফুটান বেদনা আমারা অনেক রোগে এবং অনেক রকমের টিসুতে দেখতে পাই। বিশেষ করে যখন আমরা একে সেরাস মেমব্রেন বা মস্তিষ্ক আবরকে দেখতে পাই, তখন আমরা রোগীকে বিকট, আকস্মিকভাবে তীব্র চিৎকার করতে দেখি (ক্রাই সেরিব্রেলি (Cri-cerebrale)) ইহা সাধারণতঃ কতকগুলি সাংঘাতিক রোগে প্রকাশ পায়, যেমন হাইড্রোফেফালস, সেরিব্রোস্পাইন্যাল মেনিনজাইটিস ও টাইফাস সেরিব্রালিস প্রভৃতি রোগে এবং এই সব ক্ষেত্রে এপিসই উপকারী।
আমরা আবার এই রকমের বেদনা দেখতে পাই মিউকাস মেমব্রেন বা শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লিতে যেমন গলায় ও অর্শে, এই সঙ্গে অবশ্য অল্পস্বল্প জ্বালাও প্রায় সর্বদাই বর্তমান থাকে। এই কেনা ডিম্বাশয়েও খুব স্পষ্টভাবে বর্তমান থাকে। তাছাড়া ক্যানসার রোগেও যখন হুল ফুটান ও স্বালাকার বেদনা বর্তমান থাকতে দেখা যায় তখন এপিস মেলই উপকারী। আঙ্গুল হাঁড়াতেও এপিস মেল প্রয়োগে আঙ্গুল হাঁড়া দ্রুত সেরে যেতে দেখা গেছে।
ডা. হেরিং এপিস মেলের বেদনা বর্ণনা করতে গিয়ে বলেছে—
“বুক্তিমতা ও ফুলা সহ হুলফুটান ও জ্বালাকর বেদনা, বিশেষ করে চোখে, চোখের পাতায়, কানে, মুখমন্ডলে, ঠোঁটে, জিভে, গলায়, মলদ্বারে ও অন্ডকোষে দেখা গেলে এপিস মেল উপযোগী”। (এর সঙ্গে ঠান্ডা বাহ্য প্রয়োগে উপশম এই লক্ষণটিও অবশ্য থাকতে হবে)।
সুতরাং আমরা দেখতে পাচ্ছি কিভাবে এই ঔষধটির ক্রিয়ার অধীনে সমগ্র শরীরটি আসে। চর্মরোগে বিশেষ করে তরুন উদ্ভেদেও ইহাই পরিচালক লক্ষণ এবং বিশেষ করে চর্মরোগ বসে গিয়ে যখন মস্তিষ্ক ও মস্তিষ্ক আবরকের রোগ হয় তখনও ইহা উপযোগী।
২। অপর একটি সৰ্বাঙ্গিক অবস্থায়ও এপিস মেল প্রায় অমোঘ ঔষধ। বিশেষ করে সেলুলার টিসুতে ইফিউশান বা রস-প্রসেক হয়ে জল সঞ্চার হলে বা শোথের অবস্থায় ইহা উপকারী। তবে এই ইফিউশান সাধারণত প্রাদাহিক রোগের শুরুতেই ঘটে বা সম্প্রসারিত হয়ে রস ক্ষরণ ও পুরাতন শোথ জন্মায়।
৩। প্রবল ডিপথিরিয়া রোগে যখন সমগ্র গলা জলপূর্ণ স্ফীততায় অর্থাৎ শোথ যুক্ত হয়ে ফুলে উঠে, আলজিভ জলপূর্ণ স্বচ্ছথলীর ন্যায় ঝুলে পড়ে (কেলি বাইক্রোম, রাসটক্স), গলমধ্য ও স্বরযন্ত্রে অবরোধবশতঃ শ্বাসরুদ্ধ হয়ে রোগী মৃত্যুমুখে পতিত হওয়ায় আশঙ্কা দেখা দেয় তখন এপিস মেলই একমাত্র ঔষধ। এই সকল স্থানে জ্বালাকর হুল ফুটান বেদনাও থাকতে পারে, তবে সাধারণতঃ রোগটি বেশীদূর অগ্রসর না হওয়া পর্যন্ত কোন রকম কষ্ট থাকেনা, কিন্তু সমক্যভাবে এক প্রকার বেদনাশূন্য অবস্থা দেখা যায়। প্রকৃতপক্ষে এই বেদনাশূন্য অবস্থাই বেদনা যুক্তঅপেক্ষা বেশী বিপদজনক।
গলরোগে বেদনাহীনতা ব্যাপ্টিসিয়ারও লক্ষণ, কিন্তু এক্ষেত্রে এপিসের মত ব্যাপ্টিসিয়ার স্ফীততা এত দ্রুত জন্মায় না এবং এতে জলপূর্ণতা বা শোথ থাকে না।
রোগী বিবরণী-
কিছুদিন আগে নিউইয়র্কের ওয়াটকিন্স গ্লেন একটি খুব খারাপ অবস্থার ডিপথিরিয়া রোগীর সম্বন্ধে পরামর্শের জন্য আমাকে ডাকেন। ঐ পরিবারের ইতি মধ্যেই একজন মারা গিয়েছিল এবং ঐস্থানে ঐ দিন আরও চারজন মরে পড়েছিল। ঐ স্থানে প্রায় ৪০ জনেরও বেশী রোগী ডিপথিরিয়াতে মারা গিয়েছিল এবং মেলাযাত্রীদের মত লোক দলে দলে ঐ স্থান ত্যাগ করছিল। রোগিণীর ডাক্তারটি ছিলেন একজন মহানুভব শুভ্রাকেশ বৃদ্ধ। আমি তার দিকে তাকিয়ে বলেছিলাম যে তাকে পরামর্শ দেওয়ার পক্ষে আমি কিঞ্চিৎ অল্প বয়স্ক। তখন তিনি বললেন।
“ডাক্তার আমি সকলের কাছেই নতজানু কারণ রোগাক্রান্তদের সকলেই মারা গেছে। রোগিণী আমাদের কাছ থেকে দুটি ঘর তফাতে ছিল, কিন্তু তবুও আমি তার কষ্টকর শ্বাস-প্রশ্বাসের শব্দ শুনতে পাচ্ছিলাম। এপিস কিন্তু তখন এই রোগের পক্ষে পেক্ষাকৃত নূতন ঔষধ ছিল কিন্তু গলার ভিতর দেখামাত্র আমার মনে এপিসের থাই আসে এবং কয়েকটি প্রশ্ন করার পর এপিসই রোগীকে দিই। এক্ষেত্রে আমি যা মনে করেছিলাম তা ডাক্তারকে বলেছিলাম এবং জিজ্ঞাসা করেছিলাম তিনি উহা দিয়ে দেখেছিলেন কিনা। কিন্তু তিনি বলেন, না উহা আমার মনে আসেনি। তাছাড়া উহা একটি শক্তিশালী রক্তবিষ, তবে পরীক্ষা করে দেখুন”।
আমি রোগিণীকে এই ঔষধেই আরোগ্য করেছিলাম এবং কেবলমাত্র এই একটি রোগীই নয় অন্যান্য রোগীও সেরে গিয়েছিল বিশেষ করে যে সকল রোগী প্রথম থেকে এই ঔষধটি ব্যবহার করেছিল তাদের মধ্যে একজনও মারা যায়নি। সুতরাং ইহাছিল ঐ জাতীয় বহুব্যাপক রোগের একটি প্রতিষেধক ঔষধ।
৪। এপিসের জলপূর্ণ ফোলা অবস্থা শরীরের প্রায় সকল স্থানেই দেখতে পাওয়া যায়, বিশেষ করে স্পষ্টভাবে দেখা যায় মুখে ও চোখের চারদিকে (সমগ্র মুখমন্ডলে ফসফরাস) চোখের নীচের পাতা জলপূর্ণ থলির ন্যায় ঝুলে থাকে (উপরের পাতা- কেলি কার্ব)।
ইরিসিপিলাস বা বিসর্পেও চর্মের স্ফীততাও এইরূপ জলপূর্ণ স্ফীততার মতই হয় এবং সেইসঙ্গে হুল বেঁধান বেদনা থাকে। কখনও কখনও এই জলপূর্ণ ফোলাভাব যে পৰ্য্যন্ত না বড় বড় জলে ভর্তি ফোস্কার মত না হয় ততক্ষণ বাড়তে থাকে।
৫। এপিসের শোথজনিত স্ফীতি সৰ্ব্বাঙ্গীন বা স্থানিক ভাবে হতে পারে। ইহা বক্ষগহ্বরে, জরায়ুতে, উদরে, অন্ডকোষে এমনকি স্ত্রীজননাঙ্গেও দেখা যায়।
শোথ রোগের একটি বিচিত্র লক্ষণ হল- সম্পূর্ণ পিপাসা হীনতা। আর, এই লক্ষণটি দ্বারাই অন্য ঔষধ থেকে এপিসকে আলাদা করা যায় (পিপাসা সহ শোথ অ্যাসিটিক অ্যাসিড, আর্সেনিক ও এপোসাইনাম)।
এ পর্যন্ত যা লেখা হয়েছে তাছাড়া এমন আরো কতকগুলি বিশেষ রোগ ও লক্ষণের কথা আলোচনা করব, যাদের সাহায্যে এপিসকে নির্দিষ্ট করা যাবে।
১। এপিসের একটি অতি প্রয়োজনীয় লক্ষণ হল টাটানিভাব বা স্পর্শ সচেতনতা, যেন থেঁতলে গেছে এরূপ ভাব। ইহা বিশেষ করে উদরে, জরায়ুতে এমনকি ডিম্বাশয়ের ক্ষেত্রেও দেখা যায়, তবে এগুলি ছাড়াও আমরা সমস্ত শরীরেই অতি স্পর্শ সচেতনা দেখতে পাই, এমনকি চুলেও টাটানি বোধ হয় না (চায়না)। আবার এই অবস্থা প্রায়ই সেরিব্রোস্পাইনাল মেনিনজাইটিসে ও দেখা যায় এবং এপিসকে দৃঢ়ভাবে সূচিত করে। এছাড়া ইরিসিপেলাস বা বিপর্স রোগেও এই টাটানি ভাব প্রায়ই থাকে এবং উহা হিপার সালফ ও এপিস উভয় ক্ষেত্রেই থাকে।
২। এপিসের ঘুম হয়, তার খুব অস্থিরতা থাকে, মস্তিষ্কের রোগে গভীর সুপ্তি পরিলক্ষিত হয় এবং মধ্যে মধ্যে রোগী তীব্র চীৎকার করে উঠে। এক্ষেত্রে এপিসের কথা মোটেই ভুলবেন না।
৩। সকল প্রকার প্রদাহিত অবস্থার বা সবিরাম জ্বরে যদি কোন রোগীর ত্বক পৰ্য্যায় ক্রমে শুকনো ও গরম এবং ঘামে তাহলে এপিসের কথা চিন্তা করবেন। অন্য কোন ঔষধে এপিসের মত এই পৰ্য্যায় ক্রমিক লক্ষণটি এত প্রবল ভাবে নেই।
৪। প্রত্যেক শ্বাসই যেন তার শেষ শ্বাস—এই প্রকার অনুভব এপিসের একটি অতি বিশেষ লক্ষণ। কেবল যে বুকের শোথ রোগেই এই লক্ষণটি প্রকাশ পায় তা নয়, এটি স্নায়বীর লক্ষণও বটে।
৫। স্কার্লেটিনা রোগে উদ্ভিদ না উঠলে বা উঠে বসে গেলে এবং তার ফলে গুরুতর মস্তিষ্কের উপসর্গগুলি দেখা গেলে এপিসেই ব্যবস্থেয়। এছাড়া স্কার্লেটিনার পরবর্তী শোথেও লক্ষণের সাদৃশ্যে অন্য ঔষধের নির্দেশিত নাহলে এপিস ব্যবহার্য।
+ Poison of the Honey Bee. Apium Virus.
Among all our drugs this is one of which we have the most different preparations. There is but one right kind. It is the pure poison, which is obtained by grasping the bee with a small forceps, and catching the minute drop of virus suspended from the point of the sting, in a vial or watch crystal. After collecting a sufficient quantity it may be potentized in alcohol, distilled water, or prepared in oil or pure glycerine, for external use.
It is absurd to dispute the solubility of the poison in alcohol, and foolish to take the whole bee with all the foreign matter and impurities, which colour the tincture.
In 1835 a clergyman in Thuringia, the Rev. Brauns, the publisher of the first popular homoeopathic paper, mentioned cures he had made with the pure poison of the honey bee, which he called the Apisin. The same year he commenced a work, an attempt at treating homoeopathically domestic animals: Part I, horses 1835; Part II, cattle 1836; and Part III, sheep, 1843. A second edition of Part I was printed in 1837. He reported numerous cures with Apis, particularly of most obstinate diseases of horses.
The great problem to be solved with regard to the snake poison (and of course also the nosodes) was: can we use the symptoms from inoculation, as well as the symptoms obtained by proving the alcoholic tinctures. It was thought that the proving of the bee poison would solve the problem.
In 1850 dried and powdered bees were introduced by E.E.Marcy, in his Theory and Practice. In January, 1852, we received a pamphlet containing real provings, by the New York Central Hom. Society, reprinted in the N.A.Quarterly, same year, p.184-203, and Aug.10, 1852.
This was translated into German, and provings with the pure poison added; also all notices of effects of the sting that could be found, these being considered most important. The whole was printed in the form of a monography, in the Amerikanische Arzneiprufungen (American Provings), Vol. I, p. 271-422, and forms the most complete collection of the effects of any animal poison in medical literature.
In 1858, Dr.C.W. Wolf published a book on bee-poison, declaring it a polycrest, but he also used the tincture from the whole bee. It happened at the time to correspond to the genus epidemicus in Berlin, but Wolf recommended it in all intermittent fevers. His little book was translated in the same year and printed in New York; the author, however, was not allowed to add his notes, or he could have given the first provers in the country credit for what they had done.
The greatest number of confirmed symptoms were observed from the pure virus.
Loss of consciousness.
Lost all consciousness of things around him, and sank into a state of insensibility.
Loss of consciousness in eruptive disease.
Loss of consciousness and delirium. Meningitis infantum.
Unconsciousness, stupor, with muttering delirium. Typhus.
Sopor. Scarlatina.
Sopor, interrupted by piercing shrieks. Tubercular meningitis.
Child lies in torpor.
Impaired memory. Prosopalgia.
Lets everything fall out of her hand, or breaks things and laughs over it.
Very busy; restless, changing kind of work, with awkwardness, breaking things; lets everything fall out of his hands.
Dullness of mind.
Difficulty of thinking.
Could not bring his thoughts to bear upon anything definite. Diarrhoea.
Cannot bring his thoughts to bear on any subject continuously.
Imbecility, more frequent than insanity.
Thinks he will die. Organic disease of heart.
A strange boy lying in bed with him prevents sleep. Typhus.
Anticipation of death.
After midnight, slightly delirious. Typhus.
Delirium: with congestion; eruptions; heat; during sleep.
Slightly delirious. Diphtheria.
Muttering delirium. Measles.
Delirium. After suppressed scarlet eruption.
Muttering delirium alternating with stupor. Cancer of mamma.
Violent delirium, amounting to frenzy. Paralysis.
Manias, especially proceeding from a sexual cause in women.
Insanity, particularly nymphomania and apathy depending on or alternating with sore throat, indigestion or bladder affections.
Happy expression.
Acts foolishly or with a good deal of frivolous levity.
Busy, frivolous, disposed to laugh, excessively cheerful.
Muttering. Gastro-enteritis.
Continual moaning and screaming. Diarrhoea.
Sudden thrilling cries. Hydrocephalus.
Shrill screaming “oh my baby.” Pneumonia.
Crying out and screaming loudly as from stabbing pain. Cerebrospinal meningitis.
Screaming spells. Dysentery of infants.
Sudden sharp outcry during sleep. Scarlatina.
Children scream out suddenly and sharply during sleep, most at night; if asked what hurt them, they reply “nothing.” Dentition.
Single sharp shrill screams while sleeping or waking.
Incipient meningitis.
Shrill, sudden piercing screams. Hydrocephalus, pneumonia, and many other complaints.
Scream out very sharply and shrilly during sleep or when awake, “cry cerebral.” Encephalitis.
Shrieking. Eclampsia.
Violent shrieking and screaming spells at longer or shorter intervals.
Infantile marasmus.
Great tearfulness, cannot help crying.
Constantly busily engaged doing this or that, but do nothing right; young girls. Amenorrhoea.
Cannot bear to be left alone. Organic disease of heart.
Dreamy and indolent. Acute Bright’s disease.
Feels too lazy to get water, but thirsty. Catarrh of chest.
Exaggerated merriment; less frequently despondency.
Eccentric cheerfulness, despondency, or hopelessness.
Mental depression.
Lachrymose disposition, discouraged, desponding mood.
Sensitiveness of disposition.
Anxious feeling in head.
Premonition of death arose after a few minutes; “he believes he is going.” Dread of death or sensation as if he should not be able to breathe again.
Dread of apoplexy.
Will not take spirits of camphor, fears she will be poisoned. Nymphomania.
Apathy, unconsciousness, lying in a soporous condition, with delirious muttering, hard hearing, inability to protrude tongue. Typhus.
Languid and listless. Diarrhoea.
When asked if sick, he says: ” Nothing is the matter.” Typhus.
Fickle and inconsistent behavior.
Discouraged, desponding humor. Angina.
Irritable, contradictory humor, nothing pleases him.
Irritable and irascible mood; more rarely dejection.
Irritable disposition. Cerebrospinal meningitis.
Is irritable; hard to please; nervous; fidgety.
Very irritable and fidgety about the varices in anus.
Violence, amounting to frenzy.
Jealousy (in women).
All her ideas turn around jealousy, very talkative, some times disgusting salacitas. Mania.
Uneasiness; physical and mental.
Agitated, impatient, apprehensive. Organic disease of heart.
Mental excitement.
Ailments from fright, rage, vexation, jealousy, or hearing bad news.
After a severe mental shock, paralyzed on whole right side, with a swelling of right half of body, closing up right eye.
Vertigo on closing eyes, disappearing on opening them.
Vertigo when standing, sitting, lying down, shutting eyes, with obscuration of vision, nausea, headache and sneezing.
Spells of vertigo in Spring, after least effort.
Confused vertigo, agg. when sitting than when walking, extreme when lying and on closing eyes; nausea and headache.
Frequently vertigo, as if she would fall, with obscuration of sight, nausea and disgust for food. Erysipelas.
Head confused and dizzy, with constant pressive pain above and around eyes; somewhat amel. by pressure of hands.
Dull confusion of head, especially over eyes.
Dullness of head; dull, stupid state during day.
Tubercular meningitis.
Incipient hydrocephalus. Pannus.
Loss of consciousness.
Inner Head
Heat in head.
Anxious feeling in head.
Threatened effusion in cerebral diseases.
Congestion to head and face; fullness in head, pressure.
Suppressed menses.
Albuminuria during pregnancy.
Head as if too full, it seems too large.
Head dull and so heavy that she could not move it on pillow. Typhus.
General aching through head. Ascites.
Sudden stabbing pain in head. Dysmenorrhoea.
Jerking headache. Catarrh of chest.
Periodical headaches.
Brain feels tired; as if “gone to sleep,” tingling.
Pain from gums into head.
Pain in head and eyeballs.
Dull, heavy, tensive headache over eyes, with pain through orbits.
Pains in head, through eyes, above and around eyes.
Dull, heavy headache; slight erysipelatous inflammation about left orbit and down left side of nose. Frontal headache. Tonsillitis.
Pressing, sometimes stinging pain in forehead. Typhus.
Sense of weight and fullness in fore part of head.
Dull aching in forehead.
Violent pressive pain in forehead and temples.
Violent headache, stitching in temples, throbbing in forehead. Typhus.
Sharp shooting pain in temples.
Violent pain in temples. Tonsillitis.
Severe attack of neuralgia in and about left temple, with pain as if a bee had stung her, with frequent vomiting. During pregnancy.
Violent drawing from back of neck, extending behind left ear, spreading over left half of head.
Headache mostly on right side. Ovarian tumor.
Heaviness and fullness in vertex.
Pressure, fullness and heaviness in occiput.
Great pain in occiput. Cerebrospinal meningitis.
Burning and throbbing in head, agg. by motion and stooping, temporarily amel.
by pressing head firmly with hands; occasional sweat.
Heaviness, aching and pressure in head, especially on rising from sitting or lying posture, increased in warm room, relieved by compression with hands.
Headaches are amel. by exercise out of doors; by looking up and bending head backward; pressing head between hands; agg. when reading, in a warm room, from motion, stooping.
Dull pain over whole head is relieved by pressure.
Forehead aches from exertion of coughing (oil). Catarrh.
Dull pain in occiput agg. from shaking head.
Child lies in torpor; delirium, sudden shrilling cries, squinting, grinding teeth, boring head in pillow; one side twitching, the other paralyzed; head wet from sweating; urine scanty, milky; big toe turns up; nausea while lying; breath offensive; tongue sore. y Acute hydrocephalus. y After erysipelatous eruptions.
Pain in occiput, with occasional sharp shrieks.
Violent headache and rush of blood to head with delirium.
Headache with vertigo.
Particularly disagreeable pain in forehead, with dullness and confusion.
Chronic headache, violent pain in forehead and temples, at times involving eyes, attended by vertigo, nausea and vomiting, must hold head and eyes down.
Nervous headaches with indigestion.
Chronic sick headache.
Severe attacks of neuralgia in and about left temple, with pain as if a bee had stung her; with frequent vomiting. During pregnancy.
Pain over left eye, over whole left side of head, with nausea and vomiting.
Her whole brain feels as if tired, gone to sleep and crawling; she feels it at the same time in both arms, especially in left, and from left knee down to foot.
Threatening cerebral symptoms after scarlatina; if it was fairly out and recedes. Arachnitis. Meningitis.
Cerebrospinal meningitis in earlier stages.
Meningitis; after fully developed effusion.
Chronic meningitis with considerable cephalic disturbance and symptoms indicating threatening if not actual effusion of serum into cavity of arachnoid.
Apoplexia sanguine and serosa.
Apoplexy in old persons.
Hydrocephalus; child screams out very sharply in its sleep.
Hydrocephaloid symptoms. Scarlatina.
Hydrocephalus of children; meningitis infantum.
Hydrocephalus occurring suddenly after erysipelatous eruptions; prostration; unconscious; one side lame or jerking; big toe turning up; squinting; nausea while lying; breath offensive; tongue sore.
Hydrocephalus acutus; before stage of exudation.
Hydrocephalic condition following summer complaint of children.
Hydrocephaloid; stupor; eyes red, head hot, shrill shrieks; tongue dry, skin dry, hands cold and blue; urine suppressed; abdomen tender; diarrhoea mucous, offensive, involuntary, containing flakes of pus.
Inflammation of brain; they run head furiously against wall (horses).
Horses kick, and show inclination to run off.
Outer Head
Hydrocephalic enlargement of head.
Large head and large prominent eyes. Incipient hydrocephalus.
Fontanelles reopen at from six to ten months, with great restlessness and putting hand to head.
Bores head into pillow. Incipient hydrocephalus.
Eclampsia. Meningitis infantum.
Bending back and rolling of head. Hydrocephalus.
Inability to hold head erect. Meningitis infantum.
Scalp very sensitive. Erysipelas traumatic.
Drawing and tension in scalp.
Acute burning shooting in scalp.
Burning in back of head and neck, once or twice a week with nausea.
Head and whole surface of body hot and dry.
Copious sweat of head, of musk like odor. Hydrocephalus.
Itching prickling in scalp.
Itching on scalp (oil). Catarrh.
Whitish violently itching swelling on head, sometimes on neck. Paralysis.
Sensation as if head was too large.
Head feels swollen; integuments feel swollen and stiff.
Puffiness of scalp, forehead, and around eyes.
Innumerable spots on his head. Paralysis.
Erysipelas of scalp spreading to face; sphacelus spots.
Erysipelas in head followed by staphyloma.
Hair falls out; Bald places.
Hair had to be cut short as pediculi increased too much (oil). Spinal disease.
Sight and Eyes
Photophobia. Ophthalmia. Keratitis. Ophthalmia arthritica. Catarrh of chest.
Sensitiveness to light, with headache and redness of eyes.
Light gives pain during headache.
Shunning light, constant winking. Ophthalmia.
Keeps his eyes closed, light intolerable. Ophthalmia.
Severe pain in eyeballs, increased by exposure to light.
Could see amel. at night than in daytime (oil). Pannus.
Objects appear too large.
Diplopia. After meningitis.
Whirling before eyes.
Indistinct vision. Ophthalmia.
Vision very indistinct, as if a skin was drawn over eye.
Obscuration of sight. Cerebrospinal meningitis.
She could only observe light coming in at window when she turned herself towards it. Ophthalmia.
Did not see finger thrust towards eye. Hydrocephalus.
Whitish grey mist before eyes. Staphyloma.
Blindness from obscuration of cornea.
Eyes much inflamed; after maltreatment stone blind.
Dilated pupils. Meningitis infantum.
Pupil in left eye somewhat drawn towards outer side.
Pupil not discoverable through opaque cornea. Ophthalmia.
Pupil cannot be distinctly seen, but appears to be drawn laterally into an oblong shape.
Weakness of eyes, with dread of straining sight.
Weakness of sight, with feeling of fullness in eyes.
Eyes weak, not inclined to exert them; they tire easily; sensitive to light.
Eyes painful, feel sore or irritated when using them.
After reading for an hour or two by lamp light, eyes became irritated with a pricking feeling; they filled with water; conjunctival vessels slightly injected, and sight correspondingly indistinct.
Worse when looking fixedly at any object.
Asthenopic troubles, especially affections from using eyes at night, causing redness of eyes, with lachrymation and stinging pains.
Worse when looking at something white.
Heaviness of eyes, fullness and pressure.
Feeling of heaviness in eyelids and eyes.
Aching, sore pressing, tensive, shooting, boring, stinging, burning pains in and around eyes and in forehead.
In eyes from time to time, stitches and pressing (oil).
Aching pressure in left eyeball, mostly in lower part, for several hours; repeated twice.
Eyes feel as if they had sand in them.
Pain in eyeballs and across forehead; agg. right side.
Acute pain in eyeballs.
Rheumatic affections of eye.
Violent stitches in eye and around it; agg. at night. Arthritic ophthalmia.
Dreadful darting pain through eyes. Ophthalmia.
Severe darting, lancinating pain in eyes.
Burning, stinging, shooting pains. Keratitis.
Violent shooting pains through eyeball; tearing, shooting.
Violent shooting over right eye, extending down to eyeball.
Piercing in eyes; was obliged to remove spectacles while reading and writing (nearsighted woman).
Burning and stinging in eyes. Blepharitis.
Smarting and burning sensation in eyeballs and lids.
Pains throbbing and burning.
Smarting and sensation of burning in eyes, with bright redness of conjunctiva; very sensitive to light.
Pains aggravated by moving eyes.
Squinting of one or both eyes. Hydrocephalus.
Meningitis infantum.
Trembling of eyeball, agg. at night.
Twitching of left eyeball, or of both.
Quivering and twitching of left eyeball agg. at night.
Twitching and jerking of eyelids. Scrofulous ophthalmia.
Rolling of eyeballs, in sleep without waking.
Conjunctiva reddened, full of dark blood vessels, which gradually lose themselves in cornea.
Puffy chemoses congested condition of conjunctiva and bright red appearance.
Ophthalmia scrofulosa.
Keratitis and blepharitis, with tumefaction of lids.
Scrofulous keratitis (parenchymatous), with dim vascular cornea, hot lachrymation, contracted pupils, etc.
Pustular keratitis, with dark red chemoses conjunctiva and swollen lids.
Keratitis, with dreadful pains shooting through eye, with swollen lids and conjunctiva; with hot lachrymation gushing out on opening eyes; with photophobia.
Cornea thick, having dark, smoky spots; greyish, smoky, opaque. Keratitis.
Each cornea full of nebulous spots. Scrofulous ophthalmia.
Entire cornea scattered over with dark, smoky clouds; thickened and covered with a film. Ophthalmia.
Smoky opacity of cornea. Cerebrospinal meningitis.
Pupil could not be seen through smoky discolored cornea.
Opacity of upper half of cornea; opaque and white.
The disease went from left to right. Ophthalmia.
Opacity of almost whole cornea; only inferiorly and towards right about a sixth part is free.
Ugly looking conical tumor, occupying place of former pupil, preventing use of a glass eye.
Staphylomatous projection in right eye, with inflammation of both eyes.
Staphyloma cornea.
On edge of right cornea, ulcer size of a lentil, with dirty fundus.
Scrofulous ophthalmia.
Ulceration of cornea, vascular, with photophobia, lachrymation and burning pain; lids everted and often ulcerated on margins.
Ulcers and maculae on cornea. Ophthalmia.
Cicatrices of cornea.
Eyes brilliant. Thrombosis.
Pressing pain in lower part of eyeball. Hydrops retinae.
Stinging in ball and pain across forehead; aching pressing in lower part of left ball; fullness inside ball, with flushed head and face.
Stinging, itching in left eye; in lids and around eye.
Smarting and sensation of burning in eyes, with bright redness of conjunctiva; very sensitive to light.
Cutting, burning, with redness of eyes.
Congestion to eyes: blood vessels injected.
Eyes red and itching.
Sclerotic vessels injected; from inner corner many vessels and loose fibres running towards cornea, as if a pterygium would be formed.
Scrofulous ophthalmia.
The whole conjunctiva of sclerotica, as well as cornea, thickened, full of new blood vessels; cannot perceive slightest light; could not point where windows were; pupils could not be detected (oil).
Sudden and violent inflammation of right eye. Ophthalmia.
Greatly inflamed eyes. Measles.
Inflamed eyes, with eruptive diseases.
Left eye inflamed; pustule on cornea, and general diffuse inflammation over whole eye; lid swollen and red.
Inflammation; photophobia, but cannot bear eyes covered.
Often remedy for acute catarrhal conjunctivitis, in which there are bright redness and chemosis of conjunctiva, with stinging pains.
Inflammation of eyes, intense photophobia, increased secretions.
Ophthalmia, rheumatic, arthritic, catarrhal, strumous, erysipelatous, or oedematous, no matter what part of eye may be the seat of the disease.
Inflammations, with severe shooting pains, heat of head, red face, cold feet, etc.
First stage of catarrhal ophthalmia, especially in scrofulous children.
It is especially applicable to inflammations, with burning biting pains; inflammations following eruptive diseases.
Violent cases of Egyptian ophthalmia and ophthalmia neonatorum, with great swelling of lids and adjacent cellular tissue.
Ophthalmia; photophobia, but can bear no covering on account of soreness.
Left eye swollen, wholly shut, and mouth so swollen that he can scarcely open lips.
Erysipelatous inflammations of lids, with adjacent smooth swelling of face, especially with chemoses conjunctive, etc.
Edema of eyeball.
Puffy, chemoses congested condition of conjunctiva.
Chemosis of conjunctiva, with light discharge.
Copious mucous secretion and lachrymation. Pannus.
Flow of tears, with headache.
Profuse lachrymation. Ophthalmia.
Flow of tears, with sensitiveness to light. Catarrh of chest.
Eyes water and are painful when she looks at anything light.
Flow of tears, with redness and burning of eyes.
Hot tears gushed from eyes. Ophthalmia.
Scalding tears; profuse lachrymation, with burning, great sensitiveness to light.
Burning stinging in right eye, beginning with a dull heaviness, and causing flow of water.
Lachrymation, with burning in eyes and with photophobia; with pains in eyes on sewing evenings, with pain on looking at bright objects; with severe burning and sensation of a foreign body in eyes.
Slight inflammation of lachrymal sac.
Fistula lachrymalis.
Eyes wide open. Hydrocephalus.
Eyelids half open, pupils turned up. Incipient hydrocephalus.
Everted lids. Ophthalmia scrofulosa.
Heaviness of lids.
Right eye closed with paralysis of right side.
Headache on right side, extending into eye, must keep it closed.
Shooting, itching in eyes and lids.
Redness and smarting of lids.
Inflammation of eyes and eyelids, with pressing, itching, burning pains, with redness of lids.
Conjunctiva of lids, thickened and ragged (oil). Pannus.
Erysipelatous inflammation of lids.
Chronic blepharitis, with thickening of conjunctival layer, so that the lower lid is everted. Chronic catarrh.
Various forms of blepharitis, with thickening or swelling, such as incipient phlegmon, with great puffiness and stinging pains.
Pseudo-ophthalmia of old people. Witches’ sore eyes.
Lids dark-red, everted and swollen, with inflamed conjunctiva. Blepharitis.
Lids dark bluish-red, and so swollen as to close the eye, following severe pains; the swelling extends around eyes and down over cheek; conjunctiva becomes congested, puffy, chemoses, full of dark red vessels.
Swelling of upper lids. Sequel to scarlatina.
Eyelids swollen, inflamed. Ophthalmia scrofulosa.
Swelling of eyelids in eruptive stage. Variola.
Both eyes closed with a purplish-white swelling, marked by intense pain in right eye.
Lids and skin over orbits swollen, with redness, heat and great sensitiveness of outer surface; cold water applied gives relief.
Inflammation of lids; lids much swollen, red and blue, cannot open them; lachrymation, much pain, restlessness at night; cold water gives great relief.
Lower lids very much swollen, edges red, full of little knots, as if several styes would form, but had been checked. Scrofulous ophthalmia.
Lids oedematous; bag like swelling under eyes; lids feel stiff.
Upper lids hang like little sacs on face.
Lids much swollen, red and oedematous; often everted; upper lid hangs like a sac over eye. Erysipelas of lids.
Lids swollen; lower lids forming little sacs; edges red and puffy (oil).
Soreness of canthi.
Smarting on margin of lids and in canthi.
Excoriation of canthi and edges of lids.
Stinging itching in inner angle of left eye.
Stinging itching in internal canthi, or smarting of edges of lids.
Itching in and around eyes, on lids, and in canthi; with soreness.
Redness of eyelids.
Both lids of left eye inflamed, red and thickened; lining membrane same, eye suffused with tears; conjunctiva pale red; photophobia, margin of lids sore and scabby, some pimples on upper part of cheek.
Burning in margin of lids, causing lachrymation.
Soreness of lids and canthi, with agglutination.
Secretion of mucus during night agglutinating lids, causing much pain when attempting to open them. Ophthalmia.
Sticking together of lids. Ophthalmia.
Granulations on edges of lids. Blepharitis.
Hordeola, or styes.
Ulceration of margin of lids and canthi, with stinging pains.
Lupus of lower lid, which had gone on to ulceration.
Lashes pressed inward by excessive swelling. Ophthalmia.
Cilia very long, sticking together in little bundles. Scrofulous ophthalmia.
Falling out of eyelashes. Blepharitis.
Eyelids swollen, dark red, everted, destitute of lashes, granulations along their borders.
Pain over and in left eye, and over whole left side of head, with nausea and vomiting. Hemicrania.
Violent shooting pains over right eye, extending down to ball.
Burning, stinging and sensation of swelling around left eye and in superciliary ridge.
Shooting, itching, round about eye.
Swelling and redness about eyes. Ophthalmia.
Watery, erysipelatous swelling around eyes.
Puffy swellings of lids and eyes, with a feeling of burning and tightness of skin.
Puffiness around eyes. Diphtheria.
Piercing itching around eyes, in brows, lids, and eyes themselves, more in left, especially in inner canthi, with a desire to rub eyes, while pressing them hard; with this, soreness and smarting on margins of lids, in canthi, and in eye itself; quivering of eyeball, and a feeling in eyes all day as if there was mucus in them, especially in left Swelling under eyes, just as after a bee-sting.
Bag like swelling under eyes. Erysipelas. Uterine diseases.
Hearing and Ears
Sensitiveness to noise.
Noise frightens from sleep.
Hardness of hearing. Typhus.
Violent pain in left ear when chewing.
Shooting, burning of ears. Erysipelas.
Otitis after scarlatina; desquamation had completely ceased; traces of albumen in urine.
Redness and swelling of both ears. Erysipelas.
Tension about ears.
Raises hand to back of ears with each scream.
Incipient hydrocephalus.
Smell and Nose
Copious nosebleed towards morning. Typhus.
Creeping, then pressure in sinciput and vertigo.
Acrid discharge from nostrils.
Fluent coryza. Albuminuria.
Thick, white, fetid mucous discharge, mixed with blood.
Coryza, dry in morning, fluent in evening.
Coryza, with feeling of swelling in nose; dryness, burning of lips.
Sudden coryza, 4 P.M., with dryness of nose, then burning of lips and sensation as if they would chap.
Chronic nasal catarrh.
Chronic coryza with increased discharge and crusty nostrils. Scrofulous ophthalmia.
Dry nose. Scarlatina.
A fleshy mass more than an inch in length and half an inch in breadth, a real nasal polypus, was discharged from nostril and a week after another smaller one.
Tip of nose cold, with chilliness in evening.
Redness and burning in nostrils.
Itching, soreness, redness and swelling of nose.
Nose swollen, red and oedematous. Erysipelas.
Burning itching and stinging eruption upon nose.
Upper Face
Peculiar, happy, pleasant expression. Typhus.
Expression of terror; or, of apathy. Typhus.
Expression of face pitiful. Typhus.
Anxious expression. Ascites. Ovarian dropsy.
Appears as if in an apoplectic fit; features distorted, face dark and much swollen.
Pale face. Incipient hydrocephalus. Sopor. Acute Bright’s disease.
Countenance pale, sunken, sickly. Ascites.
Face pale or yellowish. Ascites. Albuminuria.
Face pale, waxen. Edema.
Paleness of face and very suspicious puffiness of eyelids with swelling of face, limbs and abdomen, external swelling oedematous, with water in abdomen. Post scarlatinal complaints.
Sallow countenance. Bilious diarrhoea.
Face and lips livid. Dropsy after scarlatina.
Livid, bluish-red colored face.
Countenance red, with increasing livid hue. Bronchitis.
Flushed face and head. Hydrops retinae.
Pale redness of face. Erysipelas.
Redness and puffiness of left cheek Hemicrania.
Peculiar burning, leaving a livid, bluish-red color of face.
Face swollen, red and hot, with burning and piercing, more right side.
Burning stinging heat in face which is purple.
Burning cheeks, with cold feet.
Face glowing, hot and red. Thrombosis.
Desire for washing face with cold water.
Stinging pain, pricking in face; puffiness below eyes.
Burning, shooting, with fullness, heat and redness in face.
Stinging pain in left malar bone.
Prosopalgia with or followed by impaired memory.
Oedematous swelling of face. Albuminuria. Meningitis.
Edema of face; eyelids puffed; sometimes feel stiff.
Edema of face and hands. After scarlatina.
Lying on his back with puffed face, slightly flushed face and ears; breathing with some difficulty.
Face puffy with a feeling of stiffness.
Puffiness of forehead of eyes. Albuminuria during pregnancy.
Face puffed and dark red. Typhus.
Face full and puffed, most about eyes, had an anxious expression. Dropsy after scarlatina.
Whole face swollen, dark red; tensive pain; delirium in sleep. Erysipelas.
Face swollen; skin waxy pale, translucent. Cholerine.
Hard purplish spots on face, forehead, neck and lower limbs; remaining hard and painful ten or twelve days.
Some red, inflamed, sore patches of inflammation on forehead like erysipelas; with general cold, shivering, headache, etc.
Eyelids and bridge of nose puffy.
Itching smarting blotches of urticaria coming and going upon face.
Hives with burning, stinging and itching; particularly in Fall.
Erysipelas of face.
Erysipelas of one side of face and nose, with swelling under eye resembling that from a bee-sting.
Erysipelas of face, most the pale, livid kind, only on half of face, of chin, lower jaw and cervical region.
Phlegmonous erysipelas, right cheek, creeping across nose and attacking left cheek.
Erysipelas: usually begins at one eye, goes right to left; face intensely hot and red, or only pink; puffy, shining; rarely pale, livid; either severe soreness to touch, or burning, stinging pains; dry, coated tongue, thirst; fullness of head; delirium in sleep, with nervous, fidgety restlessness.
Phlegmonous, facial erysipelas.
Erysipelas facie; pinkish, sometimes livid; sphacelus spots; comes periodically; right side mostly; delirious in sleep.
Chronic erysipelas, recurring periodically.
Face and limbs cold. Dropsy after scarlatina.
Phagedenic ulcerative eruption on face, spreading over left half of face and head; when it has healed white scars remain; eruption spreads only by one edge; the skin in front of it becomes red, swelled and painful, then small pustules appear, which spread rapidly and ulcerate into one another, the pus in meantime accumulating and forming a thick yellowish brown scab; had gonorrhea twelve years ago.
Formication and prickling in face.
Running as of an insect over cheek.
Desquamation of skin on face.
Lower Face
Spasmodic snapping of lower jaw.
Raging, violent pains in lips, extending to gums and head, finally to whole body.
Neuralgia of lips.
Lips livid and cold.
Lips dry, covered with a brown crust. Typhus.
Lips dry, with a black streak in red portion.
Burning in lips.
Lips oedematous; upper lip and nose swollen, hot and red.
Lips swollen; stiff and slightly tender; everted, hanging.
Prickling in lips; they feel as if they had received a contusion.
Roughness and tension in lips, especially upper.
Lower lip chapped. Gastric catarrh.
Burning on chin.
Teeth and Gums
If a stick is held before their mouths they bite into it with such force as to break their teeth, but never bite men or other animals.
Hydrophobia of sheep.
Sudden involuntary biting teeth together.
Grinding or gritting teeth. Hydrocephalus.
Meningitis infantum.
Jumping pain in left upper molars.
Jerks and throbbing in molars.
Jerking, twitching in left upper molars.
Toothache extending into head.
Teeth covered with yellow mucus. Typhus.
Teeth covered with brown sordes. Typhus.
Throbbing pain in a tooth, with numb sensation in gums.
Sore pain in several teeth, with swelling and redness of gums and cheeks.
Neuralgia of gums.
Swelling and redness of gums and cheek, with sore pain and stinging in teeth.
Gums bleed easily.
Gums sacculated, look watery, child wakens with violent screams; red spots here and there on skin. Dentition.
During dentition frequent waking at night with violent screams; red spots here and there.
Taste and Tongue
Bitter taste. Bilious diarrhoea.
Cannot taste anything; indistinct speech. Typhus.
Inability to talk or put tongue out; it trembles, catches in teeth. Typhus.
Protrusion of tongue. Meningitis infantum.
Neuralgia of tongue.
Tongue feels as if wooden. Typhus.
Tongue red at tip. Albuminuria.
Tongue red. Abscess after vaccination.
Red, hot, burning tongue. Scarlatina.
Dryness of tongue; fiery redness of buccal cavity, with painful tenderness.
Dryness, fiery redness, burning, shooting and swelling of tongue.
Tongue dry. Thrombosis.
Tongue dry and trembling. Typhus.
Tongue dry, with a brown streak down middle, sides moist.
Tongue dry and white. Chronic diarrhoea.
Dry tongue, with prickling sensation in tongue and fauces.
Dry tongue. Catarrh of stomach.
Dry, shining, yellow, swollen tongue.
Tongue swollen, looks dry and glossy.
Dry, swollen, inflamed tongue, with inability to swallow.
Tongue red, swollen, even to suffocation.
Inflammation of tongue. After a sting in temple.
Enteritis. Angina.
Tongue clean (oil). Catarrh.
Taste normal, tongue clean. Acute Bright’s disease.
Tongue looks as if varnished. Catarrh of stomach.
Tongue white. Catarrh of chest.
Tongue thickly covered with white phlegm. Typhus.
Tongue first covered thickly white, later covered with a brown crust.
Foul tongue. Gastro-enteritis.
The whole margin of tongue feels as if scalded, as if quite raw; little papular elevations appear along edge of tongue.
On tip of tongue, somewhat to left, a row of small vesicles painfully sore and raw.
Tongue deep red, and covered with vesicles, which burn and sting.
Tongue cracked, sore, ulcerated or covered with vesicles. Typhus.
Cancer of tongue.
Inner Mouth
Viscid, tough, frothy saliva.
Dryness of mouth, fauces and throat. Tonsillitis.
Scalded feeling in mouth and throat.
Inflammation of mouth.
Buccal cavity painfully sensitive.
Foetor of breath. Albuminuria. Headache. Gastro- enteritis. Diphtheria.
Diphtheria; characterized by great debility from beginning.
Diphtheria coming on quite unperceived, and progressing so insidiously as to offer but little hope of relief. Diphtheria.
Mouth, throat, pharynx bright red, glossy as if varnished; in places coated white, like scales; mucous membrane covered sometimes with dirty greyish tough membrane; not much pain, except in ears when swallowing.
Puffy, glossy varnished appearance of highly inflamed parts. Diphtheria.
Diphtheritis, accompanying scarlatina.
Morning and evening secretion of tenacious mucus from throat. Chronic catarrh.
Tenacious mucus in throat; very troublesome. Typhus.
Hawking and clearing throat every morning.
Inflammation of palate, mouth, fauces and throat.
Very long palate; looked as if filled with water.
Slight redness of velum palata; fauces rosy red; small blisters filled with clear lymph in clusters on back part of throat. Stomatitis.
Fauces bright red. Diphtheria.
Posteriorly and superiorly in fauces and throat; pressive pain, as from a hard body.
Soreness of throat and fauces; constant soreness. Organic disease of heart.
Fauces violet red; both tonsils enlarged, dark, with a throbbing pain.
Angina tonsillaris.
Tonsils red, swelled, painfully smarting.
Red, highly inflamed tonsils.
Tonsillitis, with cutaneous eruptions.
Left tonsil much inflamed. Scarlatina.
Tonsils and fauces erysipelatous.
Redness and swelling of tonsils, uvula and fauces.
Angina. Tonsillitis.
Very greatly enlarged tonsils, with redness and swelling.
Tonsils swollen, bright red, stinging when swallowing.
Tonsils swollen, hard; swallowing difficult. Scarlatina.
The right hypertrophic tonsil swollen since two years, is two-thirds lessened within four weeks. Scrofulous ophthalmia.
Dry ulcers on tonsils and palate; sloughing abrasions on tonsils.
Deep ulcers on tonsils or palate; erysipelatous and oedematous appearance around ulcers.
Effusion of fluid into tonsils. Scarlatina.
Dryness in throat without thirst.
Dryness in throat. Catarrh. Scarlatina.
Dryness and heat in throat.
Dryness, with burning stinging in throat. Chronic catarrh.
Stinging burning pain in throat. Variola.
Stinging itching, deep in throat, at lower part of neck, accompanied by a sensation of constriction.
Violent stitches and throbbing in throat. Chronic inflammation.
Stinging pain in throat. Scarlatina.
Smarting pain in throat. Angina. Tonsillitis.
Heat and smarting in throat, with occasional hacking cough.
Sensation as if raw in throat, with tough saliva and hawking.
Roughness and sensitiveness of pharynx.
Hot and inflamed throat, much phlegmonous inflammation diffused over fauces and velum.
Inflammation of throat.
Swelling of submucous tissue in throat.
Diphtheritic angina.
Vivid redness in throat, without much swelling, and a very clean tongue.
Throat painful, pharynx and whole mouth bright red, in some places as if covered with wine-dregs, in others three large whitish patches formed by lumps of matter, forming a kind of soft scab, seeming to incline to invade whole back of throat; in water every two hours, the throat was stripped of all clogged matter. Scarlatina, fifth day.
Catarrhal or habitual angina (with abdominal complaints) with tendency to ulceration.
Ulcers in throat; in scarlatina, when eruption does not come out.
Eruption of scarlatina just subsiding, throat intensely red, dry and glazed looking; numerous small grey ulcers on columns of arch of palate; feverish, headache, weak, exhausted, skin dry, pulse quick.
Erysipelatous and oedematous appearance around ulcers.
Ulcers in throat, erysipelatous or urticarious.
Deep ulcers, on tonsils, palate, etc.
Three open ulcers, with callous edges in throat, discharging an ichorous fluid (oil). Spinal disease.
Swelling in oesophagus.
Between intervals of swallowing, often a stinging pain in throat.
Swelling and sensation of narrowing in throat.
Throat felt constricted, and as if a foreign body was lodged in it; deglutition was painful.
Sensation of constriction and erosion in throat, in morning; increases to such a degree in eight hours that swallowing becomes difficult.
Throat sore, swallowing painful, especially solids and sour or hot substances, right side agg.; would wake at night with a strangling sensation; stringy phlegm in throat.
Stinging pains on attempting to swallow. Quinsy.
Talking painful, and a feeling when swallowing as if a large fish-bone was in throat.
Stinging, burning, smarting, shooting, especially on swallowing.
Pain in ears when swallowing. Diphtheria.
Unable to swallow except with extreme pain. Scarlatina.
Throat swollen, inside and outside; hoarse; breathing and swallowing difficult.
Shooting, itching, and contraction in throat, rendering deglutition difficult.
Often inclined to swallow, but there being no power in the muscles it is difficult.
Difficult swallowing, from absence of power in muscles.
Typhus. After Diphtheria.
Difficulty in swallowing. Typhus. Angina.
From north wind took cold; shivered, throat inflamed, uvula, arch of pharynx and tonsils being very red and swollen; constant pricking pain, shooting up both sides towards ears; almost entire loss of voice and difficulty in swallowing; feverish, and has a quick pulse.
Can swallow only a single drop, with swollen tongue.
Could not swallow solid food. Angina tonsillaris.
Shivering fit, ushering in an attack of synanche tonsillaris; throat intensely red and swollen, left side agg.; cannot swallow a drop of liquid; much fever, headache, pain in limbs.
Can swallow nothing; fauces and right tonsil red and swollen, and affected with sharp, pricking pain; has headache, is thirsty, pain in limbs and back.
No effort to swallow water which is put into his mouth. Typhus.
Appetite, Thirst, Desires, Aversions
Appetite good. Amenorrhoea.
Appetite and thirst normal (oil). Spinal disease.
No appetite or desire for food. Tonsillitis.
Angina. Diarrhoea. Infantile marasmus.
Ascites. Acute Bright’s disease. Menstrual derangements.
Appetite previously voracious now deficient. Albuminuria.
Appetite lessened, thirst not increased (oil). Catarrh Neither eats nor drinks. Typhus.
Four weeks without eating and without sleep. Mania.
No appetite, but much thirst. Typhus.
Thirst. Bilious diarrhoea. Scarlatina.
Constant thirst; before Ars. Hydrothorax.
Drinks often, but little at a time. Catarrh of chest.
Diphtheria. Cancer of breast.
Insatiable thirst. Abscess after vaccination.
So violent thirst that she would like to drink all the time. Typhus.
Disturbed by great thirst. Thrombosis.
Desire for a drought of water, with sinking of forces.
Thirst in some cases, in others none. Diphtheria.
Thirstless. Cerebrospinal meningitis. Ovarian and other dropsies.
Ascites. Pregnancy.
Hydrothorax. Keratitis.
No thirst, with dryness of throat and heat.
Absence of thirst and scanty urination. Dropsy.
Thirstlessness in dropsical disease, and many other complaints.
No thirst with the heat; mouth dry.
No thirst during sweat.
Craves milk, which relieves.
Child nurses by day, refuses at night. Abscess after vaccination.
Appetite for sour things.
Pure water does not taste good, wants vinegar mixed with it. Typhus.
Eating and Drinking
Continued swallowing relieves soreness and cough.
Heaviness at stomach after meals. Ascites.
Discharges renewed by food or drink. Diarrhoea.
After eating or drinking, distress in stomach.
Chronic gastritis.
Strong craving for food or drink, but nausea, belching, heat and burning therefrom.
Vomits food as soon as taken, followed by retching. Incipient hydrocephalus.
After meals, sleepy.
After warm sugar-water, retching and vomiting and bursting of tonsillar abscess. Angina tonsillaris.
Worse swallowing drink or food; also sour or hot substances.
Hiccough, Belching, Nausea and Vomiting
Water-brash. Gastric catarrh.
Heartburn, five or ten minutes after the sting.
Heartburn extending up into throat. Pregnancy.
Eructations, with taste of ingesta; increased after drinking water.
Bitter or acrid belching. Chronic gastritis.
Eructations, with flow of water into mouth.
Nausea, with inclination to vomit.
Disgust, nausea, with vertigo, faintness, sinking of strength till it comes to vomiting, with headache; swelling of head, pains in stomach and diarrhoea.
With nausea and vertigo, general distress and prostration, with mental anxiety.
Nausea, retching and vomiting. Meningitis infantum.
Chronic gastritis.
Sickness at stomach, and pain over whole body so severe as to occasion crying.
Desire to vomit. Meningitis infantum. Catarrh of chest.
Vomiting of ingesta and mucus. Acute Bright’s disease.
Vomiting of frothy mucus during day; after sudden nausea felt in throat.
Ovarian tumor.
Vomiting of mucus, with red specks. Albuminuria.
Vomiting of slime and ingesta without loss of appetite.
Acute Bright’s disease.
Bitter vomit.
Nausea and vomiting of bile. Organic disease of heart.
Vomiting of bile; of ingesta and slime. Gastric catarrh.
Morbus Brightii.
Vomiting of bile. Catarrh of stomach.
Vomiting, with inflammation of stomach.
Vomiting in beginning of gastro-enteritis.
Vomiting, extreme pain and tenderness in region of stomach and upper abdomen.
Vomiting, with diarrhoea.
Scrobiculum and Stomach
Pit of stomach sensitive; burning as from acidity; irritability of stomach; fullness; pressure aggravates pains. Gastric catarrh.
Sensitiveness of pit of stomach to touch.
Gastritis. Gastralgia.
Great soreness when touched in pit of stomach, under ribs, in abdomen.
Pit of stomach sensitive to pressure, and burning therein.
Burning in pit of stomach. Gastritis.
Pressure in pit of stomach.
Pain and tenderness in epigastrium. Erysipelas.
Sensation of burning in epigastrium like from acidity in stomach.
Excessive pain and tenderness of stomach region and epigastrium. Gastro-enteritis.
Weak, faint sensation in epigastrium, with loss of appetite. Ovarian tumor.
Pain in cardiac region, shooting, obstructing breath.
Sensitiveness, fullness and burning in stomach, with catarrh of throat.
Irritability of stomach. Chronic catarrh of stomach.
Sensation of soreness in stomach and abdomen.
Sensitiveness and burning of bowels; agg. on pressure.
Chronic gastritis.
Burning in stomach after erysipelas.
Burning heat in stomach.
Violent pain and sensitiveness in region of stomach.
Extreme pain and tenderness in region of stomach and upper abdomen, with vomiting. Gastro-enteritis.
Sharp, crampy pains in stomach and abdomen, followed by vomiting and diarrhoea at intervals, lasts two hours.
Gastralgia. Bilious diarrhoea.
Irritation of digestive organs, with hot or burning sensations. Dyspepsia.
Aching and pressure in stomach; pricking, sore feeling, burning and great tenderness.
Distension of stomach, with burning in epigastrium.
Erysipelas of stomach and bowels.
Contusions of stomach and bowels.
Pressure against diaphragm renders respiration laborious.
Soreness at insertion of diaphragm and in back.
Inflammation of diaphragm.
Under right ribs, sensation as if “gone to sleep.” Hyperaemic state of liver. Organic disease of heart.
Inflammation of spleen.
Considerable swelling of spleen, abdomen sunken in.
Pain left side, under short ribs and in mediastinum.
Chest complaint.
Pain under short ribs; agg. left side. Intermittent, apyrexia.
Soreness and bruised feeling, as after a contusion, most about last ribs, left side.
Severe burning pain under short ribs, on both sides; most severe on left, continuing there for weeks, depriving her of sleep.
Pains from below ribs, spreading upward.
Obliged to bend forward from a painful contractive feeling in hypochondria.
Tension over hypochondria, with pricking sensation.
Clothes could no longer be made to meet around his waist.
Sensation of soreness or burning under ribs.
Abdomen contracted.
Heavy painful pressure, violent contraction, compression and urging in belly.
Collapse of abdominal walls. Meningitis infantum.
Heaviness in abdomen. Menorrhagia.
Bearing down pain, with tenderness of ovarian region.
Prolapsus uteri.
Numbness in right side of abdomen.
Sick feeling in abdomen, inclining to sit quiet.
Burning, stinging in abdomen; sore to touch.
Soreness of bowels felt when sneezing or pressing on them.
Feeling as if intestines were bruised. Dysentery.
Feeling in belly as if something tight would break if too much effort were made at stool. Pregnancy.
Erysipelas from contusions in stomach and bowels.
Sore pains in bowels. Enteritis.
Soreness and burning pain in abdomen. Bilious diarrhoea.
Great pain in abdomen. Acute Bright’s disease.
Aching at umbilicus, agg. in morning. Albuminuria.
Violent cutting pains in abdomen. Morbus Brightii.
Severe griping pains in bowels.
Violent pains in belly when lying; amel. sitting up.
Pains in abdomen when walking.
Bellyache with call to stool in morning.
Inflammation of bowels. Ascites.
Peritonitis with exudation; often with metritis; urine scanty, dark.
Soreness of bowels, felt when pressing upon them, or sneezing. Ascites.
General soreness of abdomen. Chronic dysentery.
Abdomen sore to touch. Eruptive disease.
Burning in abdomen and tenderness to least pressure.
Fullness and tenderness of abdomen. Ascites.
Abdomen very tender to touch, even to pressure of bedclothes. Ascites.
Tenderness of entire peritoneum on pressure or on turning in bed.
When pressed on right side of abdomen she makes a wry face.
Tenderness of abdomen on pressure. Enteritis.
Diarrhoea. Dysentery. Typhus.
Burning, internal soreness, with external tenderness, even to pressure of bedclothes.
Great soreness of abdominal walls. Ascites.
Cutting pain in abdominal walls.
On pressing on ileo-caecal region a gurgling like from a fluid is heard.
Rolling and rumbling of wind in bowels, with diarrhoea.
Rumbling in abdomen. Flatulency. Typhus.
Enteritis. Chronic dysentery.
Great soreness and bloatedness in abdomen, as if she was inflated.
Meteoritic distension. Typhus.
Fullness and enlargement of abdomen. Ascites.
Sensation of fullness in abdomen, with dull pains, agg. on motion and from pressure.
Sense of fullness in bowels. Bilious diarrhoea.
Abdomen full, swollen and tender, with swollen feet and scanty secretion of urine.
Sense of fullness and tightness of bowels.
Belly feels full and hard. Dropsy after scarlatina.
Swelling of abdomen without thirst. Ascites.
Swelling of abdomen and limbs. Organic disease of heart.
Abdomen very much distended by fluid. Ascites.
Albuminuria. Dropsy after scarlatina.
Circumference of abdomen increased in one day by three- fourths of an inch.
Abdomen begins to swell, with much difficulty of breathing, especially after going up-stairs quickly. Amenorrhoea.
Walls of abdomen tense. Typhus.
Ascites and anasarca.
Enlargement of abdomen. Intermittent, apyrexia.
Ascites with vomiting and diarrhoea; can’t get breath except when sitting; even leaning backward causes suffocation; urine scant, dark, like coffee-grounds.
Ascites: from albuminuria; post-scarlatinal or with uterine tumors; after peritonitis.
Pain extending into thigh or upward to ribs.
Aching, pressive pain in hypogastrium, with bearing down in uterus.
Slow throbbing boring pain over left iliac crest, relieved by eructations.
Sensitiveness of ileo-caecal region. Typhus.
Severe aching in loins. Ovarian tumor.
Neuralgia in groins.
Swelling in right groin oblong, hard, large as a cucumber.
Hard swelling in right groin.
A large swelling in left inguinal region. Syphilis.
Long-standing inguinal hernia.
Stool and Rectum
Throbbing in rectum.
Electric shock in rectum before urging to stool.
Tenesmus. Diphtheria. Ascites.
Feeling of approaching diarrhoea, urging pressing and tenesmus in bowels.
Tenesmus, bowels feel bruised. Dysentery. Prolapsus ani.
Repeated inclination to have a discharge from bowels.
Organic disease of heart.
Passage of flatus before stool.
Distended and sore bowels with much flatulence and small alvine discharges affording no relief.
Tendency to diarrhoea. Enteritis.
Painless morning diarrhoea.
Diarrhoea (with the exception of dysentery) predominantly painless.
A painless diarrhoea appears before relief of chest complaint.
Painless diarrhoea, greenish-yellow.
Painless yellow diarrhoea. Gastritis.
Looseness of bowels in morning, thin, watery, yellowish discharges, generally painless, only at times griping.
Yellowish motions with a tinge of green with scarcely any pain. Erysipelas in stomach.
Painless diarrhoea, yellowish, sometimes greenish and slimy. Bronchitis.
Greenish, yellow, watery, mucous diarrhoea, without pain, especially in morning.
Frequent painless bloody stools. Dysentery of infants.
Watery diarrhoea. Catarrh of stomach.
Watery, frequent, copious, almost black motions.
Watery diarrhoea, with smarting at anus.
Stools: watery; yellow, watery, with griping; watery and foul smelling; watery, copious, black; thin yellow with extreme weakness; greenish-yellowish mucus; agg. mornings, slimy, mucus and blood; frequent, bloody, painless, olive green, slimy, profuse; full of bright red lumps.
Stools yellowish, greenish, with some bellyache.
Diarrhoea. Catarrh of stomach.
Yellow brown stools, with frequent painful urination.
Several thin, yellow stools with extreme weakness and prostration; stools occur with every motion of body, as if anus was constantly open.
Evacuation of mucus with pain, as if bowels were squeezed to pieces.
Excessive mucous secretions. Enteritis.
Slimy stools. Catarrh of stomach.
Olive green, slimy, profuse stools, full of bright red lumps like chopped beets, with colic and tenesmus. Incipient hydrocephalus.
Copious evacuations of blackish-brown, green and whitish excrements.
Stools soft and pappy, mixed with serum, as if soft feces had been beaten in water, but not dissolved, orange-colored.
Frequent discharge of gelatinous mucus with slight tenesmus. Chronic dysentery.
Brownish, watery or bloody discharges. Typhus.
Loose stools containing some mucus and considerable blood.
Frequent, bloody, painless; infantile dysentery; some-times only tenesmus with bruised feeling in bowels.
Small dark stools smelling brassy. Incipient hydrocephalus.
Fetid diarrhoea, then tenesmus, with passages of blood.
Stools watery, foul smelling.
Stools smelling very offensive. Typhus.
Every day six or eight diarrhoeic discharges of a smell like carrion.
Frequent, loose, painful, putrid, bloody involuntary discharges. Typhus.
Diarrhoea in morning or forenoon, returning at same hour.
Diarrhoea in morning for three or four weeks; thin, watery, yellowish, only sometimes with griping.
Soft stool, every morning, light-colored.
Diarrhoea in morning; hands blue, cold; faint; vomiting.
Cholera infantum.
Diarrhoea at night and following day, stool like oat grits.
Erysipelatous stools (Schonlein). Catarrh of stomach.
Diarrhoea. Intermittent. Measles. After erysipelas.
Chronic diarrhoea of a bilious or erysipelatous character.
Chronic diarrhoea with many small passages of blood and mucus: woman at critical age.
Nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea, first lumpy and not fetid; afterwards watery and very fetid; then pappy, mixed with mucus and blood.
Diarrhoea only temporarily stopped by Ars.
Ovarian dropsy.
Before stool: straining; passage of flatus.
During stool: straining, pinching, nausea, vomiting, frontal headache, backache.
Intestinal catarrh, with slimy diarrhoea and muttering delirium. Eruptive diseases.
Increasing prostration during diarrhoea.
Diarrhoea and vomiting.
Hemorrhage from bowels, with burning pains, excoriation of anus, constant tenesmus. Prolapsus ani.
After stool: faint, exhausted; tenesmus, discharge of blood; burning at anus (typhus); anus feels raw.
Frequent disposition to go to stool, with inability to accomplish anything.
Hard, regular stools, during menstruation.
Slight constipation. Incipient hydrocephalus.
Stools seldom and very difficult, with stinging pains.
Hard and costive motions. Erysipelas.
Retention of stool. Ovaritis. Typhus.
Prolonged difficult constipation. Abortion.
Prolonged constipation, but more frequently diarrhoea.
Costive, restless, screams in sleep; bright red pimples here and there.
Costive; large, hard, difficult passages. Ovarian dropsy.
Ovarian tumor.
Costive, with large, hard, difficult stools; stinging pains, and sensation in abdomen as from something tight, which would break if much effort were used. During pregnancy.
Stool once in eight or ten days (oil). Spinal disease.
Bowels very constipated, sometimes only open once a fortnight. Staphyloma.
Chronic constipation.
Constipation. Sopor. Cerebrospinal meningitis.
Meningitis infantum.
Hemorrhoids. Prostatic affections. Organic disease of heart. Typhus.
Abscess after vaccination.
Feeling in anus as if it was stuffed full, with heat and throbbing in rectum.
Sensation of rawness in anus with diarrhoea.
Small bilious discharges, producing slight smarting at anus and tenesmus.
Intolerable itching with swelling in anus.
Whitish-red swelling of anus with intolerable itching; child, age 15 months.
Stinging in anus and rectum, followed by fever, burning.
Bloody exudation with swelling of anus.
Prolapsus ani with hemorrhage from bowels, with burning pain, excoriation of anus and constant tenesmus.
Stool with every motion of body, as if anus was constantly open.
Small, protruding varices, which sting, burn and smart intolerably.
Much stinging pain in anus, constipation and scanty urine.
Excessive soreness and smarting of anus. Diarrhoea.
Excoriation of anus with burning pain. Prolapsus ani.
Sensation of burning at anus after each evacuation.
Swelling of anus.
Painful haemorrhoidal and other affections of anus.
Hemorrhoids, with stinging pains.
Intolerable, shooting, burning pains in haemorrhoidal tumor.
Piles with stinging; protruding, small; burn and smart intolerably.
Urinary Organs
Pain in region of both kidneys. Acute Bright’s disease.
Swelling in region of left kidney, with a dull percussion sound. Acute Bright’s disease.
Hyperaemic state of kidneys. Organic disease of heart.
Renal pains, soreness on pressure or when stooping. Morbus Brightii.
In albuminuria during desquamation in scarlatina.
Irritation of mucous membrane of bladder and kidneys.
Frequent sudden attacks of pain along ureters, lasting some minutes.
A very disagreeable sensation in bladder with a bearing down in region of sphincter.
Excessive pain in vesical region. Affection of prostate gland.
Vesical tenesmus with frequent slight discharges of red urine.
Tenesmus vesicae during and after urination.
Inflammation of bladder.
Irritable bladder, must urinate every half hour, day and night.
Frequent desire to urinate, so frequent that not only passing urine very often during day, but necessary to rise ten or twelve times during night.
Affection of prostate gland.
Discharge of urine very slow, with all the pressure it lasts often from ten to fifteen minutes; color normal. Spinal disease.
Difficulty in voiding urine, must press a long while before he can commence.
Affection of prostate gland.
Burning and scalding in urethra, especially near neck of bladder during and after urination.
Great irritation at neck of bladder, with frequent and burning urination.
Inflammation of neck of bladder.
Frequent desire to urinate and pressing down in region of sphincter vesicae.
Enlarged prostate.
Morbid irritability of urinary organs.
Flow of urine unconscious. Typhus.
Incontinence of urine, with great irritation of parts, agg. night and from coughing.
Stitching pain in urethra with enuresis.
Burning and smarting in urethra, as if it was scalded.
Burning and stinging in urethra.
Before urination, burning in urethra, as if scalded.
After urination, burning smarting in urethra; sharp cutting along ureters towards kidneys; pain in neck of bladder; mucus.
Micturition sometimes painful. Scarlatina.
During urination: burning, smarting, soreness, constriction of urethra; agony; uneasy feeling in cords.
With enuresis, itching in urethra.
Difficult urination with children.
Can pass little or no water with great pains.
Burning during emission of urine. Ovarian dropsy.
After urinating, pain in neck of bladder with shooting pains along ureters towards kidneys.
Sharp cutting pains in ovarian region, with scanty urine and constipation.
Ovarian dropsy.
Strangury. Affection of prostate. Metritis. After parturition.
Agony in voiding urine. Affection of prostate.
Stricture of urethra and strangury.
Strangury caused by mechanical injury.
Diuresis, dysuria.
Strangury, stricture, retained urine or inflamed bladder after abuse of cantharides. Albuminuria.
Frequent desire to pass water. Cystitis.
Continued desire to urinate. Affection of prostate.
Constant urging to make water, passing but little at a time; has to get out of bed about a dozen times in night. Ovaritis.
Frequent desire with passage of only a few drops; much pain. Dysmenorrhoea.
Frequent, painful, scanty, bloody urination.
Urine scanty, catheter used every day. Organic disease of heart.
Scanty urination. Meningitis. Cerebrospinal meningitis. Incipient hydrocephalus.
Hydrocephalus. Diphtheria. Hemorrhoids.
Acute Bright’s disease. Ovaritis. Ovarian dropsy.
Pregnancy. Sopor.
Dropsy after catarrh. Scarlatina.
Urine scanty and high-colored. Ascites.
Urine scanty and dark. Peritonitis.
Dysmenorrhoea. Scirrhus mammae.
Scanty urine, with thirstlessness. Anasarca.
Dropsy after scarlatina, etc.
Retention of urine; bladder but slightly distended. Cystitis.
Hydrocephalus. Typhus, etc., etc.
Retention of urine in nursing infants.
Suppression of urine.
Urine suppressed, with diarrhoea. Typhus.
Almost entire suppression of urine. Ascites.
Urine scanty, or quite profuse. Hydrocephalus. Dentition.
Repeated urination every few minutes, all day.
Increased micturition day and night.
Urine sometimes too profuse. Prolapsus uteri.
Great secretion of urine, of pale or straw color, depositing a reddish or brick dust sediment.
Frequent urging to urinate, with copious discharges of straw-colored urine.
Frequent and excessively profuse discharge of normal urine.
Copious, straw-colored urine. Diarrhoea.
Passed great quantities of urine frequently in night.
Enormous secretion of urine (four to six pounds daily), greatest when at some out-door exercise, with flatulence and some looseness of bowels (bee-bread).
Discharges of clear, colorless urine during dentition.
Very scanty, high-colored and often scalding urine.
Urine: scanty, high-colored; red, bloody, hot and scanty; scanty and fetid; scanty, reddish-brown; after standing, turbid; scanty, milky, albuminous; dark, with sediment like coffee-grounds; containing uriniferous tubules and epithelium.
Urine violent color. After albuminuria.
Urine of a greenish hue. Hydrothorax.
Urine scanty, of a dirty red color. Scarlatina.
Urine scanty, reddish-brown; after standing, turbid.
Reddish, has a brown-colored sediment. Dropsy after scarlatina.
Urine scanty, flows thick from catheter. Angina pectoris.
Urine scanty and dark, often burns or smarts.
Prolapsus uteri.
Urine dark, like coffee. Hydrothorax.
Urine of a peculiar dark color, resembling an infusion of black tea or water with dark molasses. Dropsy after scarlatina.
Urine scanty, dark, sediment like coffee-grounds.
Red urine. Bilious diarrhoea.
Frequent urging to urinate, passed small piece of black blood with urine, which was very scanty.
Sequel of scarlatina.
Urine bloody; blood corpuscles in rings. Ascites.
Frequent but scanty emission of a milky urine.
Hydrocephalus. Meningitis infantum.
Clouded appearance of urine. Dropsy after scarlatina.
Urine scanty, dark colored and frothy. Post-scarlatinal dropsy.
Urine scanty and fetid. Albuminuria.
A peculiar light red sediment or color of urine, not so much in urine as separating from it and adhering to sides as well as to bottom of vessel; color approaching more that of arterial blood than anything else.
Half the bulk of urine is albumen; girl, age 5.
Discharge of mucus after urination.
Urine contains largely albumen and blood corpuscles.
Acute Bright’s disease.
Urine contains uriniferous tubes and epithelium. Morbus Brightii.
Male Sexual Organs
Sexual desire increased or diminished.
Frequent and long-lasting erections.
Uneasiness in spermatic cords.
Sympathetic pains down cords and up through ureters to kidneys. Ischuria.
Swelling of testicles; more the right; it had hardly room in scrotum.
Testicles pain when touched.
Affection of prostate gland.
Discharge of prostatic fluid.
Gonorrhea; sycotic constitution.
Balanitis and condylomata.
Sycosis, with a copious secretion of a thin, ichorous discharge; with burning, stinging pain.
Inflammation of glans and prepuce. Syphilis.
A well-developed chancre of glans penis; given according to kind of pain.
Burning stinging pain in ulcer and inflamed surface.
Violent itching and redness of scrotum, sore to touch.
Dropsy of scrotum.
Hydrocoele in multilocular cysts.
Erysipelatous inflammation and swelling of scrotum, followed bee-stings on face and neck, with a boy, age 5.
Large boils on pubes.
Swelling of foreskin.
Erysipelas after circumcision in a child eight days old; a scarlet, bright redness, extended over entire hypogastrium to navel, downward over scrotum and out towards thighs; penis was erected, and glans had a dark blue appearance, the wound was also bluishly injected, and skin about edges of wound oedematously swollen.
Female Sexual Organs
Sexual desire increased.
Pains agg. from coition. Prolapsus uteri.
Pains in ovaries agg. from coition.
Stinging in ovaries after sexual intercourse.
Burning, stinging, like after sting of a bee, in ovaries or other parts.
Ovarian and uterine troubles. Peritonitis. Dysmenorrhoea.
Stinging, burning in one or other ovarian region more and more frequently, until labor pains set in.
Burning, stinging pain in right ovary for several months; 2C relieved in twenty-four hours.
Pain in each ovary, sharp, stinging, periodic.
During miscarriage.
Sharp, cutting, lancinating pains in ovarian region, extending down thigh; agg. right side; numbness in side and limb. Ovaritis. Ovarian tumor.
Cutting in left then in right ovary; drawing, shooting, with bearing down.
Sharp cutting pains in left ovary, agg. at intervals, extending down thigh.
Drawing in right ovarian region.
Tightness in ovarian region, agg. on raising arms.
Constant feeling of weight and heaviness in ovarian region, left side.
Ovarian dropsy.
Feeling of weight, heaviness, in ovarian region.
Cancer of mammae.
Irritability and pain mostly stinging in ovaries.
Steady ovarian pains, with bearing down in ovaries and uterus.
Painful bearing down in right ovary. Ovaritis.
Tenderness of ovaries on pressure.
Painful soreness of left ovary, agg. walking. Ovaritis.
Right ovarian region very sensitive during period.
Pain in right ovary before or during menses.
Prolapsus uteri.
Irritation of ovaries, tenderness of ovarian region, with severe pain on deep pressure. Dysmenorrhoea.
After metritis very severe pain in ovaries.
Soreness of right ovary. Ovaritis.
Pains in ovarian regions as if sprained; tender.
Pain in right ovary every fifteen or twenty minutes; each paroxysm lasting from one to three minutes.
Strained pain in left ovarian region, agg. when walking, evenings, followed after several hours by bearing down pain on right side, and lame feeling in shoulder blades, is compelled to bend forward when walking.
When stretching in bed, fine cutting pain in left ovarian region, going across to the right; first very faint, then stronger and stronger, increased after every repeated stretching, four or five times the same, then ceasing.
Pain in ovaries, least felt when lying on right side.
While lying on right side, a pulsation and movement.
Chiefly in right, rarely in left ovary. Swelling of ovaries.
Numbness and dullness, beginning in right ovarian region, extending to hip and ribs and down over whole thigh; amel. when lying upon it.
Inflammation, induration, enlargement, swelling and dropsy of ovaries, principally right.
Inflammation of ovaries with amenorrhoea.
Left ovary as large as a regulation baseball and a goof deal heavier.
Chronic enlargement and induration of ovaries, especially when they have been accompanied by occasional paroxysms of severe pains.
Enlargement of right ovary, with pain in left pectoral region, and cough.
Swelling and induration of ovaries: commencing on right side; with pains on stooping and on beginning to walk.
Dropsy of right ovary: with hardness and burning, stinging, bruised sore pain; with so great an accumulation of fluid that she was unable to move without great inconvenience.
Ovarian dropsy; burning, stinging, sometimes lancinating pain, thirstlessness, scanty urine; skin white, transparent; costive, large, hard, difficult stools.
A lump in left ovarian region.
Soft encysted tumors of ovaries.
Cystovarium size of a head, since six years.
Dropsical tumors with burning, stinging and bruised sore pains.
Ovarian tumors: patient passes more urine than is normal; stinging burning; pains on stooping or beginning to walk; menses irregular, lasting a day or two.
Ovarian tumor, with stinging, cutting and throbbing pains, agg. from standing, walking, and palpitation; pains often extending into right breast; tumor hard and on right side.
Firm swelling lying towards left side of navel.
Ovarian tumor, after tapping off eight quarts of a straw- colored fluid, and after Apis no return for two years; tapping again, six quarts; Apis again, remained well.
Stinging pains in region of uterus.
Stinging thrusting pains in region of uterus.
Metritis with peritonitis.
Sharp, plunging, stabbing pains in uterus, sometimes followed by convulsions.
Severe paroxysms of contractive, spasmodic, pressing pains at os uteri.
A sensation of weight and heaviness with downward pressing and stinging pains in uterus.
Hypertrophy of uterus.
Aching and pressive pain in hypogastrium, with bearing down in uterus, as if catamenia would appear.
Great tenderness over uterine region, with bearing down pain, leucorrhoea and painful urination.
Bearing down pain, with tenderness over uterine region.
Prolapsus uteri.
Violent labor like, bearing down pains, followed by discharge of scanty, dark, bloody mucus.
Heat and fullness of uterine region.
Ulceration and engorgement of os uteri.
Uterine dropsy; tumors with ascites.
Hypertrophy of uterus.
Six days previous to monthlies, sickness, sensation of weight and heaviness in ovaries.
Menses premature, copious, or scanty.
Before menses: eruption, labor like pains in abdomen.
Pain in right ovary, before and during menses.
Prolapsus uteri.
Catamenia too profuse or too scanty. Prolapsus.
Menorrhagia, with heaviness in abdomen, faintness, uneasiness, restlessness, yawning; red spots on body, stinging like bee-stings.
Menorrhagia resulting from acute congestion of ovaries.
Prolapsus uteri.
Metrorrhagia with red spots stinging like a bee-sting.
Metrorrhagia in second month of pregnancy, with profuse flow of blood, heaviness of abdomen, great uneasiness, restlessness and yawning.
Mucous menses. Prolapsus uteri.
Catamenia stops a few days and then returns, several times in alternation.
Menses at intervals of one day. Prolapsus uteri.
Interrupted catamenia.
Menses irregular. Prolapsus uteri.
Menses irregular, lasting but a day or two, accompanied by weakness. Ovarian tumor.
Violent, cramp like, bearing down pains, like from labor, followed by scanty flow of dark, bloody mucus, lasting twenty hours.
The catamenia more copious but lumpy, and with great pain in spleen, continuing after it and molesting with every walk, even when talking or coughing.
With much pain catamenia appeared in a copious discharge of clotted black blood, in appearance like masses of putrid calf’s liver.
Dysmenorrhoea: with ovarian neuralgia: congestive type; with scanty discharge of slimy blood.
Dysmenorrhoea from congestion of ovaries.
Prolapsus uteri.
During menses: eruption; labor like pains in abdomen, particularly in right ovarian region; constipation; heat of head; stinging in abdomen; great sensitiveness of right ovarian region; deep-seated tenderness, stinging and frequent micturition; pain in right ovarian region; bearing down pain in right ovarian region; swelling of ovarian region.
Sharp, cutting, stinging pain in swollen ovary; agg. during menstruation.
Stinging in abdomen during catamenia. Ovaritis.
Catamenia delayed. Ophthalmia.
Menses scanty. Prolapsus uteri.
Suppression of menses: congestion to head; congested or inflamed ovaries.
Amenorrhoea or dysmenorrhoea with scanty discharge of slimy blood; oedema of labia, ovarian pains.
Stinging pain or irritability with amenorrhoea.
Amenorrhoea with pain in right hypogastric region.
Prolapsus uteri.
Uterine catarrh with eruptive diseases.
Leucorrhoea: urethritis; acrid, profuse, green or yellowish; with frequent and painful irritation.
Neuralgia of labia; inflammation of labia.
Swelling of right labium pudenda, with violent inflammation and great pain. A child.
Extremely large and painful swelling of labia, attended with violent heat and stinging pains.
Oedema of labia.
Chronic diarrhoea, passages of blood and mucus.
Pregnancy, Parturition and Lactation
Threatened miscarriage.
Abortion during early months; stinging pains in ovarian region until labor pains ensue; scanty urine; no thirst; profuse flow.
Miscarriage in fourth month, with profuse flooding.
Stinging pains occur in one or other ovarian region, more and more frequently till labor pains are produced; sometimes flowing, and finally abortion.
Menorrhagia, with miscarriage.
During pregnancy: stools seldom and very difficult, with stinging pains and sensation in abdomen of something tight, which would break if too much effort were made.
Constipation or diarrhoea. Pregnancy.
Dropsy in latter period of pregnancy, followed by puerperal convulsions.
Hydrops amnii.
Puerperal convulsions.
Ovarian affections, inflammatory. Childbed.
Milk diminished with nursing women.
Mammae: burning, stinging, swelling, hardness, even suppuration.
Erysipelatous inflammation of mammae.
Mammae suppurated, opened twice; right breast hard, swollen and tender; used externally and internally.
Considerable swelling and hardness of mammae.
Stinging, burning in scirrhous tumors of mammae, or in open cancer.
Scirrhus of mammae.
Cancer of mammae; open cancer, with stinging, burning.
Ovarian affections, with inverted nipples.
Ulceration of umbilicus with newborn.
Difficult urination with children.
Urine scanty or very profuse. Dentition.
Voice and Larynx, Trachea and Bronchia
Hoarseness mornings, throat dry, but no thirst; soreness in suprasternal fossa and above clavicles; feelings as of cords from fossa pulling downward and sideways; stitches through lungs, hips and sides of chest, with aching all over, but agg. in left breast.
Hoarseness, with dryness and burning of larynx.
Chronic laryngitis.
Hoarseness and scraping of larynx and trachea.
Hoarseness, with tender larynx, rough throat and dryness.
Hoarseness in morning.
Hoarseness and dry cough.
Hoarseness. Albuminuria.
Voice hoarse, rough (oil). Catarrh.
Speaks in a thick voice, as in quinsy. Scarlatina.
Speaking is painful; feels as if it wearied pharynx, in which there is drawing pain.
Acting on lining membrane of larynx controls a state of inflammation greater than that for Bell., even after submucous infiltration has taken place.
Sensation of weakness in larynx. Diphtheria.
Difficulty of swallowing not caused by swelling in throat, but by irritation of epiglottis; every drop of liquid put upon tongue nearly suffocates him.
Oedema glottidis.
Chronic laryngitis.
Subacute and chronic laryngo-tracheal irritation.
Dryness of throat in morning, croupy cough and hoarseness.
Hoarse voice and hoarse cough from irritation of trachea.
Croup in extremis, preparing for tracheotomy.
Oedema of larynx.
Trachea, as if stopped up.
Rattling in bronchia, with inhaling and coughing (oil).
Foetor of breath. Albuminuria. Gastro-enteritis.
A deep inhalation excites cough (oil). Catarrh.
Breathing very frequent. Thrombosis.
Respiration prevalently quick.
Breathing hurried and difficult, with fever and headache.
Breathing accelerated, especially on moving, going upstairs or walking.
Rapid, painful, spasmodic respiration; agg. lying down, amel. in fresh air, and in an upright position.
Breathing, gasping and excessively rapid. Dropsy after scarlatina.
Shortness of breath, particularly on exercising.
Shortness of breath, oppression of chest on taking an inspiration. Asthma.
Shortness of breath. Hydrothorax. Intermittent.
Breathing feeble, interrupted; pale; lies stretched on a mattress. After a sting.
Arthritic symptoms, cough, choking pain in chest, agg. in cold weather.
Asthma after hives.
Oppression of chest, shortness of breath, especially when ascending; inability to remain in a warm room. Ascites.
Attacks of oppressed breathing, agg. at night in bed, or in warm room.
Chronic laryngitis.
Oppression over chest and epigastrium.
Breathing oppressive, can scarcely walk. Dropsy.
Respiration oppressed. Hydrothorax.
Respiration torpid, oppressed. Scarlatina.
Breathing accelerated and labored. Scarlatina.
Breathing labored; must forcibly exert abdominal muscles.
Labored breathing, as in croup. Bronchitis.
Respiration exceedingly laborious and difficult.
Breathing slow, difficult with contraction in throat.
Difficult and anxious respiration.
Breathing heavily and with difficulty, and gasping. Incipient hydrocephalus.
Coughed and breathed with great difficulty, as if he had croup, with muttering, delirium, etc. Chronic diarrhoea.
Difficult, heavy breathing, gasping. Incipient hydrocephalus.
Hydrothorax. Ascites, etc.
After sleep, difficulty in breathing.
Difficult breathing, agg. bending forward or backward; cannot breathe except when sitting. Ascites.
Breathing difficult when lying on left side.
Awakens at night with a strangling sensation.
Sense of fullness, constriction, or suffocation in thorax.
Dyspnoea, with eruptive diseases.
Dyspnoea; it seemed impossible to breathe; had to fan him to keep him alive.
Feels as if breathing would stop.
Great feeling of suffocation; it seems as if she could not long survive for want of air.
Feels as if each breath would be the last; great distress, anguish and restlessness. Pregnancy.
Hydrothorax. Heart disease. Pericarditis.
Cerebrospinal meningitis. Hepatic peritonitis. Dropsy after scarlatina.
Great feeling of suffocation; cannot bear anything about throat.
Intense sensation of suffocation; threw collar wide open; could bear nothing about throat; with dusky hue of face and bluish lips; he could hardly breathe, and said “I am suffocating.” Can’t get breath, except when sitting. Ascites.
Stupefaction and stertorous breathing, with an occasional start as from sharp pain. Cerebrospinal meningitis.
Cough, with that threatening resonance which denotes implication of upper parts of windpipe or bronchia. Bronchitis.
Cough: croupy; with ringing sound; dry, with gagging; with soreness of upper part of chest; with painful concussion of head; with labored breathing, as in croup.
Croupy cough. Measles.
Violent cough, like whooping cough. Measles.
Cough very dry, spasmodic, morning and evening, but most at night (oil).
Dry cough. Typhus.
Frequent fits of coughing, readily produced by slightest pressure on larynx.
Irritation to cough, in suprasternal fossa.
Short irritating cough. Chronic laryngitis.
Cough and tickling behind pit of throat; in morning; before midnight; after lying and sleeping; with painful concussions in head; ceases when least quantity is detached.
Cough dry, with gagging, agg. lying on left side.
Cough which loosens with difficulty, rouses from sleep before midnight, and ceases as soon as least particle is loosened, which is swallowed; expectoration seldom.
Obstinate night cough, incessant from 9 P.M. to 4 A.M.; woman, age 72, after acute bronchitis.
Cough, which ceases when least quantity is detached.
Cough pains chest and shakes head. Ascites.
With violent attack of cough, blue in face, and puffed (oil). Catarrh.
Coughing until it seemed as if she would vomit.
Cough pains in abdomen. Ascites.
Cough, with soreness in upper part of left chest.
Cough, with soreness of chest. Catarrh.
Heat, with cough. Albuminuria.
Expectoration seldom.
Expectoration sweetish or tasteless. Ascites.
Expectoration of a great quantity of transparent, somewhat frothy, bloody mucus.
Can raise sputa only to tongue, whence it has to be removed by wiping.
Cough in morning; expectoration sweetish and tasteless.
Short, dry cough, with expectoration in morning.
Ovarian tumor.
Laryngo-pharyngeal cough of horses.
Cough suffocative, painful, not so hard as Bell.
Cough, but with more dyspnoea, leading to diagnose a thickening of membrane, probably from effusion. With horses.
Painful hoarse cough, with a clear, ropy discharge from mouth, similar to Merc. With horses.
Inner Chest and Lungs
Sometimes dull, sometimes sharp pains in chest.
Sharp pains in chest.
Chest oppressed. Meningitis.
Pressure on chest, most on upper part.
Sense of fullness, constriction or suffocation in thorax.
Sensation of fullness in chest. Hydrothorax.
Dull aching pain in left side of chest, near middle of sternum, with sensation of fullness in chest and short breath.
Fullness in chest, he must sit up. Hydrothorax.
Stitches most in left side of chest.
Stinging pains in left side of chest. Ovarian dropsy.
Slight pleuritic stitches in sides of chest.
Burning, stinging pains throughout entire front of chest.
After a walk, seized with a sticking pain in right side of chest, region of fifth rib; agg. moving arm and body, extending to upper part of ensiform cartilage, somewhat impeding respiration. Rheumatism.
Pressure and burning in chest, with feeling as if raw or inflamed from inhaling frosty air.
Darting pains in chest.
Soreness under upper part of sternum (oil).
Hydrothorax. After pleurisy.
Hydrothorax, fullness in chest, dull or sharp pains; chest feels bruised.
Coldness or heat in chest.
Coldness in middle of sternum.
Sensation of heat in chest. Asthma.
If there is evidently a mutual sympathy between ovaries and lung. Ovaritis.
Hyperaemic state of lungs. Organic disease of heart.
Dull percussion sound below left collar bone (oil).
Heart, Pulse and Circulation
Great anguish; restlessness; feels as if each breath would be the last.
Cardiac distress. Amenorrhoea.
Sudden attack of acute pain just below heart, soon extending diagonally up toward right chest.
Feeling about heart as if something was breaking away.
Heart beat violently, could be distinctly heard all over chest. After scarlatina.
Every contraction of heart shook whole body.
Organic disease of heart.
Heartbeat intermitting. Thrombosis.
Rapid, feeble beats of heart.
Swelling in region of heart, sensitive to slight pressure.
Inflammation of pericardium.
Effusion into pericardium following inflammation.
Blowing sound with diastole; restless, but relief in no position.
Much pain about region of heart, with a sense of fluctuation when turning on her side.
Insufficiency of mitral valves, sutural valves diseased, eccentric hypertrophy of heart.
Rasping sounds of systole and diastole unmistakably audible.
Systolic sound of heart not well defined; tumultuous sound; diastolic sound of pulmonary artery increased. Organic disease of heart.
The circuit through collateral veins unusually developed.
The blood globule appeared diminished in size and irregular. Ascites.
Pulse not febrile, but temperature of skin had increased, and on fourth day a profuse sweat occurred with improvement. Chronic rheumatism.
Pulse frequent. Albuminuria.
Pulse 100, weak. Typhus.
Pulse 112, full and soft. Typhus. Albuminuria.
Pulse 120; age 11. Catarrh of chest.
Pulse 120, dicrotic. Typhus.
Pulse 130, hard. Thrombosis.
Pulse very quick, at least 140. Diphtheria.
Pulse 160. Abscess after vaccination. After scarlatina.
Pulse: frequent, full, strong; accelerated and predominantly large; quick and full, not hard.
Pulse frequent and wiry. Gastro-enteritis.
Pulse quick, somewhat wiry. Ascites.
Pulse quick and very hard. Inflammation of labia.
Pulse hard, small and quick.
Pulse quick, strong, hard. Typhus.
Pulse feels under fingers like shot gliding along.
Radial pulse not synchronous with heart’s systole.
Organic disease of heart.
Accelerated pulse, which soon becomes irregular, intermittent and hard.
Meningitis infantum.
Small and rapid pulse. Ascites.
Pulse small and trembling.
Pulse changes frequently in character. Scarlatina.
Irregular, slow pulse. Hydrocephalus.
Pulse unsteady, irregular, intermitting every third or fourth beat. Organic disease of heart.
Frequently changing, weak and intermitting pulse. Typhus.
Pulse variable and intermitting. Meningitis.
Pulse at times intermittent and imperceptible.
Pulse scarcely perceptible, surface of body cold. After stings.
Pulse indistinct. Dropsy after scarlatina.
Anaemic aspect. Acute Bright’s disease.
Outer Chest
Sticking in right side of chest at fifth rib, agg.
moving arm or body, extending to upper part of xiphoid, somewhat impeding respiration. Rheumatism.
Stitches in left side of chest.
Sudden attacks of acute pain just below heart, soon extending diagonally towards right chest.
Dull aching pain in left side of chest, near middle of sternum, several times during day, with sensation of fullness in chest and short breath.
Chest feels as if beaten or bruised.
Sensation of soreness; lame, bruised feeling, as if from recent injury, from being jammed, bruised or beaten.
Neck and Back
Rheumatic stitches in right side of neck.
Tensive pain from left shoulder to back of neck.
Throbbing pain in nape to left of shoulder, extending up over head; shoots to right with motion of head towards same side.
Sense of stiffness in neck and back. Cerebrospinal meningitis.
Pain with stiffness from neck down to between shoulders (oil). Catarrh.
Stiffness in back of neck.
Subcutaneous swelling of neck. Diphtheria.
Vascular goitre.
Glands of neck swollen. Erysipelas traumatic.
Several glands on neck swollen size of walnuts and stone hard (oil). Spinal disease.
Broad belt of erysipelatous inflammation extending across back, from point of right shoulder to upper part of left arm.
Spinal meningitis attended with a sense of suffocation, as if they could never breathe again.
Pain in back, under scapulae, agg. on moving.
Burning and heat, like prickly heat, on back.
Stiffness in back. Chronic rheumatism.
Exhausted, as after hard work, especially in back.
Peculiar and great weakness of whole back on both sides of spinal column; she could not lie on back.
Weakness, especially in back, by fits, with vertigo.
On stroking with both thumbs down along each side of vertebrae, the most pain is felt in lumbar region (oil). Spinal disease.
Lower posterior dorsal region, especially left, feels as if bruised.
Bearing down in small of back, as if menses would come on.
Ovarian dropsy.
Could not sit on account of most violent pains in sacrum (oil). Spinal disease.
Stiffness in small of back and sacral region.
Burning pressing in coccygeal region, agg. from any attempt to sit down; evening. Chronic rheumatism.
Upper Limbs
Violent rheumatism in right, later in left shoulder.
Tensive pain in left shoulder extends to nape.
Pain in right shoulder and forearm with pressure upon chest.
Pain of a sticking character fixed itself in right deltoid muscle, radiating to scapula and elbow joint by lifting and by motion. Chronic rheumatism.
Lame feeling in scapulae.
Pressure under scapulae, painful when moving.
Arm and shoulder swollen and sensitive to touch. Abscess after vaccination.
Several very red spots with painful red streaks to axillary glands. Abscess after vaccination.
Drawing pain in arms, beginning in shoulders and extending to ends of fingers.
Pain in arm increasing, darting, no longer able to raise right arm to head.
Chronic rheumatism.
Left arm as if gone to sleep.
Numbness and tingling in both arms; agg. in left.
Perfectly powerless, she could not take hold of anything, had to be fed and nursed (oil).
Spinal disease.
Right arm much swollen.
Red and white spots on arms.
Right arm red, hot, swollen, erysipelatous, with stinging burning pain.
Right mammary cancer.
Right arm swollen and bent in elbow joint, cannot be stretched, as tendons are shortened (oil). Spinal disease.
Sticking pains in right forearm, with a paralyzed feeling. Chronic rheumatism.
Wrist and finger joints swollen, stiff in right hand, contracted to a fist, extension impossible; in left hand other persons could stretch fingers, but they bent again immediately if let loose (oil). Spinal disease.
On inner side of right wrist a circular tetter, size of a dollar (oil).
Both hands turned inward (in pronation), thumbs flexed on palms; both hands cold (oil). Spinal disease.
Arm paralyzed; arm and hand swollen, white as putty.
Pricking and smarting sensation in hands and arms, afterwards affecting entire body slightly.
Itching, burning and chapping of hands.
Burning and shooting in hands.
Bluish and cold hands. Diarrhoea.
Hands and arms blue. Cholera infantum.
Hand swollen, slightly bluish-red; pressure makes white spots, which disappear slowly, and leave no indentation.
Redness, heat and swelling of hands.
Oedema of hands.
Marked redness of hands and wrists, also feet and ankles.
Sore and red spots in palms.
Sensation of numbness in fingers, especially tips, about roots of nails, which latter feel as if loose.
Vesicles between fingers, itching after much scratching, inclined to ulcerate.
Prairie itch.
A good deal of tumefaction on right forefinger.
Inflammation of fingers.
Throbbing pain occasionally extending from finger up to arm. Panaritium.
Panaritium, with burning, stinging and throbbing; very sensitive to touch; especially in run-around, after abuse of Sulphur.
Pain violently stinging, burning; whole finger much swollen, red as fire; after a few hours pain became tensive, tearing, while swelling continually increased and extended to forearm; finger very tense, burning hot, very red and numb; gradually pain duller, with feeling in neighboring fingers as of foreign bodies covered with velvet; in first moments after sting and swelling of place, a feeling of prickling heat spread over whole arm up to armpit, gradually changed into a painful itching and biting, especially along course of vessels.
Dissecting wound on hand.
Lower Limbs
Sore pain about left hip joint; later weakness, unsteadiness, trembling in joint.
Feeling of numbness and obtusion in right iliac fossa, extending to hip, almost to short ribs, down whole right thigh, amel. by lying upon it. Ovaritis.
Relaxation in hip joints.
Inflammation of hip joint.
At first only dull, gradually shooting and boring pain from middle of Poupart’s ligament, extending along inner side of thigh down to lower leg and into toes.
Complaints predominate on inner side of thigh.
Drawing through thighs to end of toes.
Burning pains in both lower limbs, from thigh to ankles, could not move feet.
Chronic rheumatism.
Pain in left lower limbs all the time increasing, most stitching, burning, shooting. Thrombosis.
Burning pains in both lower limbs, from thighs to ankles, could not move feet.
Bruised feeling in flesh of lower limbs.
Limb immovable, covered with reddish and bluish streaks and spots; hard, elastic, hot, exceedingly painful, especially along crural vessels and nerves.
Left lower limb, in evening, after unusual muscular exertion, as heavy as lead. Thrombosis.
Both lower limbs emaciated, most right; could not be moved, had to remain where they had been laid, for several days; both very cold to touch (oil).
Spinal disease.
The whole left lower extremity numb and heavy as lead. Thrombosis.
In morning feet heavy, stiff, full so that it pains, swollen.
Cold legs.
Coldness and deadness of extremities, agg. in cold weather.
Feet and legs up to middle of thighs always cold as ice, without sweat; even when he walked in Summer he did not perspire. Staphyloma.
Whitish clear appearance of broken limb.
Legs and feet waxy, pale and oedematous. Dropsy.
Swelling of limb of a whitish, transparent look.
Oedematous swelling of feet, ankles and legs. Ascites.
Legs oedematous. Albuminuria. During pregnancy.
Amenorrhoea. Puerperal convulsions. Infantile marasmus.
Scirrhus mammae.
Dropsy of limbs. Angina pectoris.
Left lower limb monstrously swollen; stretched out.
Edema of feet and legs in a man affected with chronic rheumatism and partial paralysis so that he could not move about.
Violent pain in left knee, more outside and to the front.
Pains about knee, swelling, burning and shooting.
Complaints predominant in hollow of knee.
Swelling from metatarsus up to knee, very painful. After hemorrhage from uterus.
Joints of knee, feet and big toes swollen, painful when pressed or lifted (oil). Spinal disease.
Left knee badly sprained by being thrown from a horse.
Acute synovitis of knee.
Swelling of knee.
Swelling of left leg from metatarsus to knee and accompanied by great tenderness; some of lymphatics near hip also affected, feeling like hard cords under skin and being extremely tender. Fibrous tumor of uterus, repeated and violent hemorrhages.
Numbness of limbs.
Numbness of lower limb same side on which ovary is affected. Ovarian dropsy.
Lower limbs feel paralyzed.
On both lower limbs dirty blue spots, remnants from suppurations caused by blisters (oil). Spinal disease.
Tetter like eruption on both legs; terrible itching as soon as crusts have formed; eruption oozes a sickly moisture.
Eczema of legs.
Eruption came out plentifully on calves.
Phlegmasia alba dolens.
Shooting in left outer ankle.
Ankles and feet very oedematous and clumsy.
Boring from thighs to ankles; could not move feet.
Pain in feet. Acute Bright’s disease.
Burning of feet and toes.
Suppressed foot sweat.
Foot sweat checked by cold. Staphyloma.
Swelling of feet and ankles of transparent whiteness.
Swelling of feet and ankles. Hydrothorax.
Swelling of left foot over instep to such a degree that he could not put on his boot.
At night, on removing boots, feet swollen, heavy and stiff.
Large painful swelling of foot.
Swollen feet. Ascites.
Swollen feet and scanty urine during apyrexia.
Painful turning up of big toe. Tubercular meningitis.
Painful turning inward of big toes, extorting cries from child. Meningitis infantum.
Shooting in toes.
Burning in toes, with redness; feet cold.
Sensation in toes and feet, as if too large, swollen and stiff; also at night on removing boots.
Drawing through thighs to tip of toes; the latter feel numb.
Nails as if loose.
Pain in limbs, with fever. Catarrh of chest.
Burning of hands and feet.
Heavy in all limbs, every motion causes pain.
Great soreness of all limbs and joints.
Intermittent, apyrexia.
Trembling of hands and feet.
Trembling of limbs. Meningitis infantum.
Occasional twitching of limbs on one side of body, and apparent paralysis of that of the other side.
Meningitis infantum.
Limbs cold, numb and bluish.
Limbs numb and cold. Diphtheria.
Rheumatic lameness of limbs, and effusion in joints, with affections of spinal marrow (oil). Spinal disease.
Numbness of feet and hands, even paralysis.
General paralytic feeling, especially in limbs.
Cold limbs; blood settled under finger and toe nails.
Phlegmasia alba dolens.
Bright red swelling, with red stripes along limbs.
Oedema of limbs. Albuminuria.
Dropsy of limbs. Organic disease of heart.
Rest, Position and Motion
Motion: headaches agg.; pain in eyes agg.; in diarrhoea, followed by stool; pain under scapulae; dull pain in abdomen agg.; causes stool.
Exertion increases vertigo and prostration; shortness of breath.
Dull pains in region of tumors, most on commencing to walk and on stooping.
Swollen ovaries.
Stooping: increases headache; renal pains; pains in ovarian tumors.
Rising after sitting: pain in head agg.; bruised pain in back and limbs agg..
Bending backward or forward: suffocation in ascites agg.
Obliged to bend forward in contractive pain in hypochondria. Ovaritis.
Bending head backward relieves headache.
Bores head back into pillow in hydrocephalus.
Must hold head and eyes down in chronic headaches.
Ascending increases oppressed breathing in ascites.
Raising arms increases tightness in ovarian region.
Moves right arm now and then in tubercular meningitis.
On removing boots, feet feel swollen and stiff.
Lying: vertigo, extreme; nausea in hydrocephalus; pain violent in belly; breathing agg.; cough agg..
Lying on back: puffed, flushed face, difficult breathing.
Lying on left side: difficult breathing in ascites; cough agg.
Recumbent posture aggravates many of the sufferings, which are amel. when sitting.
Lying: on right side; pain in ovaries agg.
Must lie down from weakness.
Sitting: vertigo agg.; shortness of breath in ascites amel.
Sitting in bed, head on hands, elbows on knee, cannot lie down, cough forces him up (oil). Catarrh.
Obliged to remain in his chair nearly all night. Ascites.
Attempting to sit down: pain in coccygeal region agg.
Inclined to sit quiet with sickly feeling in abdomen.
Standing: causes more pain in ovarian tumor; vertigo.
Relief in no position in heart disease.
Least movement, even that of hands, agg. pains in lower limbs. Chronic rheumatism.
Chewing: pain in ears.
Moving head to right side: rheumatic stitches in neck agg.
Walking and movement in general ameliorate many of the worst sufferings and attacks.
Walks with inconvenience. Ascites.
Going up and down-stairs quickly: difficulty of breathing with swelling of abdomen.
After unusual walking and climbing up-stairs. Thrombosis.
Walking: soreness of left ovary agg.; pains in abdomen.
Dyspnoea, especially after exercise. Chest complaint.
After overexertion dropsical symptoms returned.
After carrying a child during sleepless nights. Rheumatism of arm.
Very stiff, could with difficulty stoop and rise up again on account of great hardness and swelling of legs. Dropsy.
Lies like a skeleton in bed, and on back (oil).
Spinal disease.
Lies all the time on her back. Typhus.
He must lie down flat on ground.
Unable to lie down without panting. Dropsy.
Inability to lie in a horizontal position.
Unable to lie down. Organic disease of heart.
She could not lie down. Dropsy after scarlatina.
Had not been able to lie down for months for fear of suffocating. Anasarca.
Nervous irritability; restless, agitated.
Hydrocephalus. Diphtheria. Scarlatina.
Irritability and uneasiness.
Nervous excitability. Apyrexia in intermittent.
Nervous erethism.
Nervous restlessness at night, cannot remain in one place.
Restless, with cutaneous diseases.
Great restlessness and uneasiness. Scarlatina.
Great uneasiness and yawning. Intermittent.
Trembling and jerking of limbs. Hydrocephalus.
Trembling, with lassitude.
Weakness, with trembling.
A single involuntary jerk frequently repeated.
Sudden jerks through joints and other parts.
One-half of body twitching, the other lame.
Tubercular meningitis.
Sudden convulsions, followed by general fever. Meningitis infantum.
Convulsions. Hydrocephalus. Scarlatina. Tubercular meningitis.
Eclampsia, with inflammatory affection of brain.
Hysteric convulsions.
Faint, pale and cold, with vomiting and diarrhoea.
Faint, uneasy, restless, yawning. Uterine hemorrhage.
Sudden weakness, compelling him to lie down; he loses all recollection.
Frequent loss of all strength, with a trembling sensation.
Very weak, must lie down.
Great weakness of all limbs. Trichinosa.
So weak that she could only with difficulty stand on her feet. Ovarian dropsy.
Greatest weakness on sliding down in bed. Typhus.
Weak and pale. Scarlatina. Ascites.
Amazing weariness.
Tired, as if bruised in every limb.
Weariness, with debility in Spring, after least effort, with paroxysm of vertigo, paleness and chilliness.
Great debility as if he had worked hard; he is obliged to lie down.
Great debility from the beginning. Diphtheria.
Great debility. Chronic dysentery.
Intermittent, apyrexia. Ascites.
General feeling of lassitude and depression.
Lassitude; indisposition to mental or physical exertion.
Bilious diarrhoea.
Languid, listless, unaccountable feeling.
General feeling of lassitude, with trembling.
Greatest lassitude and languor. Incipient hydrocephalus.
Great prostration. Peritonitis. Eruptive diseases.
Prostration: peculiar; as from within; great, for several days; general, particularly in cold weather; sudden, with coldness.
Tendency to chilliness, and a quite peculiar prostration of vital force of nerve centers. Chest complaints.
Prostration and lassitude. Dropsy.
Great exhaustion, after all symptoms pass away.
Fell down and declared he was dying. After stings.
Anticipation of sudden death. Peritonitis.
Paralysis generally one-sided, often painful.
After excessive grief the whole right side paralyzed.
White puffy swelling of paralyzed arm and hand.
Whole nervous system under a paralyzing influence.
Sudden, right-sided paralysis.
Partial paralysis of right side, with numbness.
Cancer of breast.
Left side motionless; now and then moves right arm and leg. Tubercular meningitis. Hydrocephalus.
Yawning and great uneasiness. Uterine hemorrhage.
Yawning and great desire to sleep.
Sleepiness more after meals.
Great inclination to sleep; still he walks a tenth of a German mile.
Inclined to sleep. Acute Bright’ disease.
Incipient hydrocephalus. Keratitis.
Intermittent, etc.
Great inclination to sleep, but inability to do so from great nervous restlessness.
In daytime always sleepy, in a dull, stupid state; at night talking in her sleep, which was full of dreams; towards morning sleep so profound that she had to be shaken to awake her. Sopor.
Great desire to sleep, he felt extremely drowsy.
Very sleepy early in evening.
Sleepiness, prostration and vomiting of bile.
Continuous deep sleep. Hot stage of intermittent fever.
Sopor, with eruptive diseases.
Stupor; when shaken, looking about strangely.
Lies flat down in a stupor; even shaking does not bring him to consciousness.
Sleepless, mostly latter part of night.
Restless sleep; child restless, fretful, sleepless, hot.
Abscess after vaccination.
Cough prevents sleep. Typhus.
Restless nights. Hydrocephalus. Bilious diarrhoea.
Restless, sleepless. Erysipelas. Ovarian tumor.
Tension in face, shooting in skin, burning pain under left ribs, or other ailments prevent sleep.
Frequent waking.
Disturbed sleep. Scarlatina.
Wakefulness. Hydrocephalus. Intermittent.
Sleeplessness, with eruptive diseases.
No sleep for days.
Restless sleep and incessant dreaming.
Night sleep full of dreams; mostly of traveling.
Sleep restless, frequent waking, incoherent dreaming.
Anxious dreams.
Sleep disturbed by oppressed respiration and disagreeable dreams.
Disturbed sleep at night; dreams. Gastro-enteritis.
Dreams: of journeying; of flying; walking on a hot floor; of assembled people; full of care and trouble.
Sleep disturbed by oppression of breathing; by incoherent muttering.
Sleep disturbed at night by muttering and dreams.
Disturbed sleep, with muttering and incoherent talking.
Nights restless, without sleep, constantly delirious.
At night talking in sleep, dreamy state. Incipient hydrocephalus.
Starting out of sleep.
Anxious starting in sleep. With cough.
Suddenly starts from sleep with great anxiety and agitation.
All night delirious. Typhus.
Trembling, convulsive starting during sleep, as if in affright.
Frequent waking at night with violent screams.
Awakens from sleep with a shrill shriek.
Meningitis infantum.
Screaming in sleep; ” cri encephalique.” Sopor while lying in bed interrupted by sudden cries.
Meningitis infantum.
The child is restless, screams out in sleep.
Constipation of sucklings.
Agitation latter part of night. Incipient hydrocephalus.
Short sleep.
Long morning sleep.
Sleep in morning profound, cannot be waked without being taken out of bed, shaken and forced about for a time; girl, age 8. Incipient hydrocephalus.
Wakes from sleep in morning weary and unrefreshed.
Night: nursing child refuses milk, not so in day-time; squinting, trembling of eyeball; stitches in and around eye; difficult breathing in laryngitis; cough; strangling; feet swollen and stiff; restless, dreaming; sleepless in erysipelas, can see amel. than in daytime; irritation of urinary organs agg.; frequent urination.
Nocturnal sufferings, besides those dependent on sleep, are most in eye and chest.
9 P.M. to 4 A.M.: incessant cough.
Latter part of night: sleepless.
Towards night: increase of weariness, copious nosebleed, rigor, headache, mucus in mouth, bellyache, urging to stool and heartburn.
Always agg. towards morning. Dropsy.
5 A.M.: heat and fever followed by shaking chill.
Morning: aching at umbilicus; diarrhoea agg.; hoarseness; sleeps till late; dry coryza, bellyache with call to stool.
In morning less disturbed; weakened consciousness. Typhus.
Day: stupid state in tubercular meningitis; vomiting.
Day and night: must urinate every half hour.
3 to 4 P.M.: chill.
4 P.M.: sudden coryza.
Afternoon: fever, intermittent.
Evening: tip of nose cold, with chilliness; pain in coccygeal region agg.; chill agg.; fluent coryza; very sleepy.
Evening; suffering and vertigo, headache, pain in eyes, toothache, bellyache; hoarseness, but most cough, shivering and heat.
Before midnight: cough awakens.
Before going to bed in evening a hard shivering fit.
Chronic rheumatism.
Spring: spells of vertigo.
Fall: hives agg.
Temperature and Weather
Heat of stove increases chill.
Warm room: headache agg.; breathing in laryngitis and ascites agg.; chill agg..
Heated room intolerable.
Warmth of bed: rash with itching agg.; breathing in laryngitis agg.
In-door: sweat is increased.
Open air, out-of-doors: relieves headache; difficult respiration; rash with itching.
Inclination for open air.
Shunning cold air.
Uncovering relieves heat.
Cold water relieves eyelids (applied locally).
Worse getting wet through, but amel. from washing or moistening part in cold water.
Cold water relieves pains, swelling and burning.
Cold water desire for washing face.
Cold weather: increases asthma, cough; pain in chest; rash with itching; prostration.
Changing weather increases rash with itching.
Spring: spells of vertigo; prostration.
North wind: takes cold.
Disposed to chilliness.
Chilliness. Acute Bright’s disease.
Felt very cold, but was not cold to touch.
Chill on suffering part.
Chill increased by motion.
Chill, 3 to 4 P.M., agg. in warm room or near stove; begins in front of chest; thirst during chill, burning and oppression of chest as if he would smother.
Chill, mostly towards evening, 3 to 4 P.M.
Chill increased in warm room.
Evening before going to bed a hard shivering fit.
Always thirst during chill.
Shivering on slightest movement when sitting in evening, with headache, heat of face, hot hands.
Chilly every P.M. at 3 o’clock; she shudders, agg. in warmth; chills run down back; hands feel as if dead; feverishly hot after about an hour, with a hoarse cough; heat of cheeks and hands, without thirst; ceases gradually, but she feels heavy and prostrate.
Shivering followed by heat. Tonsillitis.
Slight rigors followed by flushes of heat over entire body, with headache, weariness in back and legs.
Severe chill, evening, following an operation lasting three hours; followed by high fever with great vascular excitement; the wound erysipelatous.
Erysipelas traumatic.
A shaking chill followed by great heat, during which whole lower limb swelled more and more, and pains in it became insupportable. Thrombosis.
Pungent heat of body while feet and hands are cold.
Hot head, cold feet. Ophthalmia.
After heat, rigor with an eruption of nettle rash.
With general heat, feeling of chilliness in feet and legs up to knee.
Increasing heat and fever for thirty-six hours, followed by severe shaking chill, 5 A.M.
Skin burning hot all over, or gradually grows cool in some places, hot in others.
Heat in some parts, coldness in others.
Febrile excitement. Heart disease.
Flushes of heat over hole surface of body.
Great fever heat. Hydrocephalus.
High fever. Phlegmasia.
Fever rises continually. Scarlatina.
Burning heat of skin with a stinging sensation.
Ovarian dropsy.
Dry burning skin. Typhus.
Little febrile excitement or other constitutional symptoms, only in a few instances considerable. Erysipelas, Burning heat all over.
Dry skin, no sweat. Mania.
Dry heat towards evening, with sleepiness.
Feverish heat during night, other times pale. Chronic diarrhoea.
Heat most about chest, belly and hands. Intermittent.
Heat must in chest, pit of stomach, bowels, female organs and hands, with muttering and unconsciousness. Intermittent.
Hot feeling all over body, especially on chest and in region of stomach.
During heat: delirium, muttering unconsciousness; diarrhoea; short-breathed; drowsy or sleepless.
During hot stage more or less violent headache, generally a continuous deep sleep. Intermittent.
Got hot all over, red in face as if he had scarlet fever, with an eruption like measles (after overdoses). Chronic diarrhoea.
Most violent fever, with a puffed, darkened face, eyes shooting, shining, with a wild, obstinate expression and unbearable headache. Typhus.
Thirst wanting during sweat; may or may not be present during heat.
Fever without thirst.
Heat, with (or without) thirst and inclination to uncover.
Fever constantly rising; dry hot skin. Scarlatina.
Violent fever, with dry skin, full pulse. Bronchitis.
High fever, full pulse. Incipient hydrocephalus.
Fever, with rapid, hard pulse; exacerbation during evening.
Heat, inclined to uncover, which is agreeable; rapid, hard pulse; after fever spell, sleep.
Heavy and prostrate in fever.
Whole surface glowing, hot, skin dry, brittle. Typhus.
Heat, redness and extreme soreness. Erysipelas.
Heat, with redness of skin; in evening and night; with excitement, headache, accompanying diarrhoea, swelling, coughs.
Dry hot skin, or alternate dry and moist skin.
Skin hot, moist. Diphtheria. Catarrh of chest.
High fever, moist skin. Diphtheria.
Sweat alternating with dryness of skin.
Alternate moisture and dryness of skin.
Dryness of skin, very little sweat. Intermittent.
Sweating stage either absent or of a very light grade.
Sweats easily.
Cold sweat. Dropsy after scarlatina.
General warm sweat during recovery from effects of an indescribably bad odor, causing physician a dull ache in forehead lasting several hours, until Apis 6 removed it. Typhus.
Partial clammy sweats. Typhus.
Profuse sweat relieves rheumatism.
Thirst wanting during sweat; may or may not be present during heat; always thirst during chill.
Sweat after trembling and fainting, then nettle rash.
Better after sweating; sweat increased in-doors.
Headache and sleeplessness; skin warm; profuse sweat on the fourth day and relief. rheumatism.
Chills and fever in seasons when flies sting with unusual vigor.
Low, muttering delirium; sometimes a happy expression; apathy; stupor; cannot put tongue out; tongue trembles, catches in teeth, or is cracked, sore and covered with blisters; abdomen sore, bloated, stool frequent, painful, foul, bloody, often involuntary. Typhus.
Typhoid forms of fever, especially enteric, cerebral, exanthematic forms; febris nervosa putrida.
Typhoid character of fever is scarlatina.
Intermittent. A very important antipyretic (in one of the most malarial Countries) given according to Wolf in the third centesimal, but for two years the one hundredth centesimal potency; they have seen results, such as they had not for many years witnessed from any other homeopathic remedy against intermittent fever, at least as regards the rapidity of the result. (Drs. Stern and Miskolez.) Tertian intermittent.
Since a year, sixty-five intermittent cases of various age and sex; nineteen among these had been suppressed by large doses of quinine, etc.
No relapse.
Apyrexia: pain under short ribs, left side; feet swollen; urine scanty; limbs and joints sore; restless; urticaria.
Attacks and Periodicity
Periodically: sick headache; erysipelas; pains in ovary; pains in diphtheria.
Suddenly: hydrocephalus after erysipelatous eruptions; coryza; pain along ureters.
Sharp sudden paroxysms of pain in belly.
Gradually: cold and hot places on skin.
Increasing more and more: stinging, burning in ovary.
Increasing for thirty-six hours: heat and fever.
Every half hour: must urinate.
For several hours: aching in left eyeball.
Every few minutes: repeated urination.
Every 3 P.M.: chill.
Every morning: hawking.
Every day: six or eight diarrhoeic discharges.
At same hour morning or forenoon: diarrhoea.
For three or four weeks: diarrhoea in morning.
In eight or ten days: one stool.
Every evening: erysipelas in face.
Every fifteen or twenty minutes: pain in right ovary; swelling of labium pudenda.
Lasts a day or two: catamenia, with ovarian tumor.
Alternately: dry and moist skin.
Pains suddenly migrate from one part and extend to another.
Distress in paroxysms lasting half an hour or more, generally taking place in morning. Organic disease of heart.
Once or twice a week: burning in head and neck.
Locality and Direction
Right side: headache agg.; pain in eyeball; shooting over and down into eyeball; eye closed in paralysis; Staphylomatous projection of eye; ulcer on edge of cornea; sudden inflammation of eye; sensation in ribs as if “gone to sleep”; pain in side of abdomen; hard swelling in groin; swelled testicle; ovarian tumor;dropsy of ovary; rheumatic stitches in neck; arm erysipelatous; paralysis.
The right eye from the beginning more affected (oil).
Left side: neuralgia in head; drawing over half of head; pain in eyeball; swelling around eye; pupil drawn to outer side; inflammation of eye; both lids inflamed; itching in inner angle of eye; pain in ear; redness and puffiness of cheek; pain in malar bone and upper molar teeth; sore throat; pain in hypochondrium; swelling about kidney; pain over iliac crest; pain in pectoral region, with enlargement of right ovary; aching stitches in chest; tension in shoulder; bruised sensation in dorsal region; swelling of leg; hip joint inflamed; knee, synovitis; side motionless; pain under short ribs.
The left eye being the last attacked improved first (oil).
Both sides: burning under short ribs; weakness along spine; tetter on legs; one half twitching, the other half lame.
Right to left: erysipelas of face; erysipelas across back; rheumatism in shoulders.
Left to right: ophthalmia; pain in ovarian region.
Descending: pains in ovary; drawing through thighs to toes; chill down back.
Descending, then ascending: pains in male sexual organs.
Descending and sideways: sensation as of cords pulling from suprasternal fossa.
Ascending: pains in left hypochondrium.
Diagonally: sudden acute pain from below heart to right chest.
Sensation as if head was too large; as of a small foreign body in eye; as if eyes had sand in them; running as of an insect over cheek; wooden feeling in tongue; as of a fish bone in throat; as if something tight would break in abdomen when making an effort at stool; as if bowels were squeezed to pieces; as of cords pulling from suprasternal fossa downward and sideways; as if something was breaking away about hear; trachea as if stopped up; nails feel loose; chest as if raw; as if each breath was the last; left arm as if gone to sleep; screams as from stabbing pains; as if he should not be able to breathe again; vertigo as if she should fall; as if brain had gone to sleep; as if a bee had stung her temple; as if a skin had been drawn over eyes; as if several styes would form; as if there was mucus in eyes; as if lips would chap; as if in an apoplectic fit; as if lips had a contusion; tongue as if varnished; tongue as if scalded; palate as if filled with water; throat as if raw; throat as if covered with wine-dregs; as if throat was narrowing; under ribs as if gone to sleep; as if intestines were bruised; as if she was inflated; as if anus was constantly open; anus as if stuffed full; urethra as if scalded; ovarian region as if sprained; feeling in neighboring fingers as of foreign bodies covered with velvet; toes and feet as if too large; tired as if bruised in every limb; oppression of chest as if he would smother; hands as if dead; as if his vitals were melting: itching as if from gnats.
Pain: from gums into head and eyeballs; through orbits; orbits; around eyes; in forehead; in temples; in occiput; in lips, to gums and head; in ears; in stomach and abdomen; in left hypochondria to chest, in kidneys; along ureters; in bladder; in testicles; in ovaries; in spleen during catamenia; in chest and head from cough; just below heart; under scapulae; in sacrum; in left knee; in feet; in limbs, with fever; in shoulder or forearm.
Acute pain: in eyeballs; below heart.
Sharp pains: in chest.
Violent pain: in temples; in forehead; in right eye; in left ear: in lips; in region of stomach and abdomen; in vesical region; in sacrum; in left knee.
Great pain: in occiput.
Cutting: burning in eyes; in abdomen; along ureters; in ovaries; in abdominal walls.
Lancinating: through eyes; in ovaries.
Darting: through eyes; in chest.
Thrusting pains: in region of uterus.
Plunging stabbing: in uterus.
Stabbing: in head; in uterus.
Stitches: in temples; across forehead; in eyes; in throat; through lungs and sides of chest; in urethra; through hips; rheumatic stitches in right side of neck; in lower limbs.
Stitching: in temples; in urethra.
Sticking pain: in r side of chest; in right deltoid muscle; in right forearm.
Pricking: in scalp; in eyes; in face; in lips; in tongue; in fauces; in throat; in stomach; in arms and hands.
Stinging: in forehead; in left temple; in eyes; in eyeball; in left eye; in lids; eruption on nose; in ears; in face; in left malar bone; in teeth; in lips; in tongue; in tonsils; in throat; in abdomen; in rectum; in anus; in hemorrhoids; in testicles; in urethra; in chancre; in ovaries; in uterus; in mammae; in chest; in panaritium; of hives; in fingers; of skin.
Shooting: in temples; in scalp; in eyes; over right eye into ball; of ears; in face; in tongue; from throat to ears; in ovaries; in hands; from Poupart’s ligament down leg; in lower limbs; in knee; in left outer ankle; along ureters to kidneys; in toes; in skin.
Boring: in eyes; from thighs to ankles; over left iliac crest; from Poupart’s ligament down leg.
Piercing pain: in eyes; in lids; in face.
Griping: in bowels.
Burning: in head; in scalp; in back of head and neck; in eyes; in lids; of ears; of lips; in nostrils; eruption on nose; of face; of cheeks; of chin; in tongue; in throat; in epigastrium; in pit of stomach; under ribs; in abdomen; in anus and rectum; in testicles; in urethra; in chancre; in ovaries; in mammae; in larynx; in chest; on back; in coccygeal region; in hands; in panaritium; in lower limbs; in knee; of feet and toes; in mucous membranes; in skin; of hives; in stomach.
Scalded feeling; on tongue; in mouth and throat; in urethra.
Smarting: in eyeballs; of lids; in tonsils; in throat; at anus; in arms and hands; in urethra.
Sore pain: in several teeth; about left hip joint.
Soreness: of canthi; of eyes; of nose; in teeth; in throat and fauces; in pit of stomach; under ribs; in stomach; in abdomen; in ovarian region; in suprasternal fossa and above clavicles; of chest with cough; under upper part of sternum; about left hip joint; of bowels; of limbs and joints.
Bruised feeling: under ribs; in intestines; in lower part of back; in limbs.
Drawing: from neck over left half of head; in scalp; in ovaries; in pharynx; in arms, from shoulders to fingers; through thigh to toes.
Tensive pain: over and in eyes; in scalp; in face; from left shoulder to back of neck; in left shoulder.
Sharp, crampy pain: in stomach and abdomen.
Stretching pain: in nape of neck to shoulder and head.
Tearing pain: in eyes.
Pressing: in head; in forehead and temples; in occiput; in eyes; in lower part of eyeball; in sinciput; in fauces and throat; in pit of stomach; in stomach; in abdomen; in hypogastrium, with bearing down; at os uteri; in chest; in coccygeal region; upon chest; under scapulae.
Aching: through head; in forehead; in eyes; pressure in left eyeball; in stomach; at umbilicus; in hypogastrium; in loins; in left breast; dull aching in chest.
Disagreeable pain: in forehead.
Strained pain: in left ovarian region.
Bearing down: in uterus; in bladder; in small of back; in ovarian region; in region of sphincter.
Scraping: in larynx and trachea, Rawness: in throat; in anus.
Throbbing: in forehead; in head; in eyes; in molars; in tonsils; in throat; over left iliac crest; in rectum; from finger to arm; in panaritium; in nape to left shoulder.
Twitching: in molars; of left eyeball; of eyelid.
Jerking: headache; of eyelids; in molars.
Jumping pain: in left upper molars.
Neuralgic pain: in left temple; in lips; in gums; in tongue; in stomach; in groins.
Rheumatic pain: in eyes.
Constriction: in throat; in thorax; of urethra.
Contractive feeling: in hypochondria; in abdomen.
Roughness: of lips; in pharynx.
Anxious feeling: in head.
Uneasiness: in spermatic cords.
Quivering: of left eyeball.
Twitching: of eyeballs; of lids.
Trembling: of eyeball; in left hip joint; of hands and feet.
Sensitiveness: of scalp; of pharynx; of pit of stomach.
Fullness: in head; in forehead; in vertex; in occiput; in eyes; in anus; in throat; in face; in abdomen; in chest.
Heaviness: over eyes; in vertex; in occiput; of eyes and lids; in abdomen; in ovarian region; in uterine region; in left leg, like lead; in feet.
Weight: in fore part of head; in ovarian region; in uterine region.
Pressure: in occiput in eyes.
Tension: about ears; in lips; over hypochondria; in face.
Tightness: in ovarian region.
Stiff feeling: in eyelids; in face, with puffiness; in lips; in neck and back; between shoulders; in sacrum; in feet; in muscles.
Lame feeling: in scapulae: paralyzed feeling in right forearm.
Formication: in face.
Prickling: in scalp; in face; in lips; in tongue; on back; palms; forehead.
Tingling: in brain; in arms.
“Gone to sleep” feeling: in brain; in left arm; under right ribs.
Dryness: of tongue; in throat.
Numbness: in gums; in right side of abdomen; in side and limb; in arms; of fingers; in right iliac fossa, extending up and down; of lower limbs; of right side of abdomen.
Electric shock: in rectum.
Tickling: in throat pit.
Itching: in scalp; in swellings on head and neck; in eyes; around eyes; in lids; of nose; eruption on nose; in throat; in anus; of scrotum; of hands; of vesicles between fingers; of tetter on legs; of hives; in urethra; all over body.
Stinging itching: in internal canthi.
Piercing itching: around eyes; in brows and lids.
Weakness: in larynx; in back; in hip joint; of all limbs; must lie down.
Heat: in head; in face; in throat; in chest; on back; pit of stomach; bowels; female organs; in hands.
Coldness: tip of nose; of face; in chest; in middle of sternum; of hands; of legs and feet.
Affections of circulatory apparatus and fluid, dropsies, phlebitis, varicose veins, ecchymosed spots, gangrene, unhealthy suppuration.
Hemorrhages dark; blood incoagulable or coagulates slowly.
Blood taken from veins is black, viscous, does not coagulate.
Varicose veins; burning, stinging.
Hyperaemic condition of liver, lungs and kidneys.
Organic disease of heart.
Ecchymosed spots. Fevers.
Skin dry, with a general anaemic appearance.
A thick, very sensitive string from middle of bend of thighs all along inner side of thigh. Thrombosis.
Bodies of the poisoned decompose rapidly.
Blood poisoning by virus of scarlatina.
Glands enlarged, inflamed.
Painful swelling of glands.
Lymphatic vessels affected, felt like hard cords under skin, and were very painful. After hemorrhage from uterus.
Serous membranes inflamed; effusions in serous membranes; synovitis.
Acts specifically upon serous membranes.
Serous membranes inflamed, painful, hot, burning, sore.
Serous membranes, muscular tissues, especially in region of diaphragm, a peculiar sensation of heat and like after a violent run when sitting down, ” as if his vitals were melting.” Tumors.
Indurations; scirrhus, or open cancers, with stinging, burning pains.
Unhealthy suppuration of ligatures. Traumatic erysipelas.
Suppuration rare; parenchyma seldom involved; sometimes dark, thick, fetid pus from ulcers.
Centre of erysipelas burst, discharging a great deal of pus. Abscess after vaccination.
Mortified cellular tissue in opening of vaccinal scab, easily extracted at each daily dressing. Abscess after vaccination.
Mucous membranes inflamed and catarrhal.
Irritation of mucous membranes.
Mucous membranes red, with burning, fullness, dryness; erysipelas (as in throat, etc.).
Periosteum inflamed; red about joints. Synovitis.
Pains felt mostly in joints and ligamentous tissue or in attachment of muscles.
Hydrops articuli.
Muscles stiff, tender on pressure, somewhat swollen; rigid; rheumatic inflammation.
Rheumatism and gout.
Gout; gouty nodes.
Skin and muscles rigid.
Redness and swelling, with stinging and burning pain in eyes, eyelids, face, lips, tongue, throat, anus, ears.
Redness of dermoid tissue, with pains of a burning or stinging character.
Burning and shooting in flat swellings, with redness or whiteness, or both.
Oedematous and erysipelatous swellings.
Sharp pain and an erysipelatous swelling very hard and white in middle.
Diffuse inflammation of cellular tissues, ending in their destruction.
Furuncular diathesis.
Rapid considerable swelling.
Swelling over entire side, closing right eye.
Swelling of diseased parts.
Hands, arms and face swollen. Dropsy.
Watery swelling in body, in limbs, hands and feet.
Swollen throughout body, from face to feet; urine highly charged with albumen.
Swelling of whole body.
Oedematous swelling.
Edema of lips and upper eyelids.
Edema of face or larynx, with bloody urine, without increased thirst.
Oedematous swelling of face and hands. Sequelae of scarlatina.
Edema of different parts of body. Prolapsus uteri.
Oedematous swelling of skin.
Oedematous form of erysipelas.
General oedema. Acute Bright’s disease.
Edema, or dropsy without thirst.
Anasarca: swelled from crown of head to soles of feet; several fissures on legs.
Whole body anasarcous. After scarlatina.
Renal anasarca following scarlatina; albumen in urine; waxy appearance of skin. Ovarian dropsy.
General anasarca. Amenorrhoea. Ascites.
Dropsical effusions.
Dropsical swelling of chest, abdomen, legs and feet, unable to lie down without panting. Ascites.
Dropsical affections, especially oedema and ascites, with albuminuria.
Dropsical swelling of chest, abdomen, feet and legs. After influenza.
Dropsy with oedematous lips and upper eyelids; albuminous, white, scanty urine; generally no thirst; skin pale, transparent, waxy.
General dropsy, skin burst on legs in several places, could not lie down, could hardly breathe.
Dropsical symptoms during desquamation.
Dropsy without thirst.
Dropsy with scanty urine; sleepless and thirstless.
Acute febrile dropsy following a chill.
Dropsy after scarlet fever; scanty urine, waxy paleness of feet and legs, which are much swollen.
Hydrops after scarlatina, even with uraemic symptoms.
After three weeks he weighed twenty-one pounds lighter.
Emaciation. Mania. Ascites. Chronic diarrhoea.
Dysentery. Infantile marasmus.
Hydrothorax. Dropsy. Menstrual derangement.
Touch, Passive motion and Injuries
Pressure relieves headache; pain about eyes; aggravates soreness of eyes, pains in stomach, soreness of bowels, renal pains, tenderness of stiff muscles; pit of stomach sensitive; against diaphragm in ascites increases difficult breathing; in swelling in cardiac region increases sensitiveness; makes white spots appear on swollen surfaces; produces cough.
Excessive sensitiveness to touch and to external pressure, most in abdomen.
Touch increases soreness of erysipelas, pains in stomach and abdomen, soreness of scrotum, sensitiveness of panaritium, sensitiveness of skin.
Whole surface of body becomes exceedingly sensitive to touch; every hair is painful when touched.
Skin extremely sensitive to contact; painful to slightest touch; could not bear sheet upon him.
Children stiffen when touched or moved.
Inflammation of brain.
Very sensitive to touch or pressure, with debility, exhaustion.
Scratching causes itching of vesicles between fingers.
Pains in ovaries from sexual intercourse.
Dissecting wound on hand.
Wounds and injuries, especially caused by stabbing instruments.
After tapping, ascites continually returned. Erysipelas after wounds or operations.
Wound much tumefied with blush of erysipelas extending for two inches around it. Erysipelas traumaticum.
Sting of bees, wasps, and perhaps stings of other insects.
Punctured and other wounds.
Heat, redness and form of swellings, as well as peculiar character of pain with it, resembling bee-stings. Erysipelas.
Ophthalmia from unslaked lime.
Hyperaesthesia of skin.
Eruptions sting and burn like bee-stings.
Stinging, burning, prickling, smarting, or itching of skin; sensitiveness to slightest touch. Prickling over whole body, most on back, palms of hands, face, forehead and under eyes, chiefly in circumscribed points.
When child screams out suddenly, as if from stinging pains; sleepless nights; eruption inclines to spread all over child, or to become gangrenous.
Sensation of burning heat and stinging in various portions of surface of body, at same time.
Burning, shooting, irritating, intolerable itching.
Intense burning itching all over his body, so severe that he retired to his room, and rubbed himself vigorously with his flesh brush.
Itching and burning eruption upon back, arms and legs.
Eruption itches and stings. Diphtheria.
Troublesome itching or stinging on face, ears, lips, nose, under eyes, brows, throat, hands, feet, wrists and ankles.
Violent itching, like needle pricks, recurring after motion, as if from gnats.
Itching, relieved by scratching.
Itching, on small, circumscribed spots, preventing sleep at night.
Itching pricking in skin in different parts of body, more on lower extremities and continued through day.
In evening an intolerable itching attended with a burning fiery sensation, commencing in arms and finally spreading over whole surface of body, reaching to feet.
Skin either hot or cold, has a bloated, swollen appearance.
Feels burning heat with actual heat of skin, followed by a livid purplish hue.
Skin very hot, red and irritated. Scarlatina.
Skin harsh and dry. Dropsy after scarlatina.
Dryness of skin.
Skin all the time dirty in spite of frequent washing (oil).
Spinal disease.
Skin of whole body dry, dirty, withered; pulse 66 (oil).
Spinal disease.
Skin and muscles rigid.
Pale skin. Hydrops ovarii.
Waxy paleness of skin. Prolapsus uteri. Dropsies.
Skin wax-colored. Menstrual derangement.
White, waxlike skin. Infantile marasmus.
Skin unusually white, almost transparent. Ovarian dropsy.
Skin pale, waxy, almost transparent or dark blue, almost black.
Patch of skin on arm remaining white amidst surrounding redness.
Skin turning a dark blue, almost black; sphacelus.
Skin very hot and red.
Eruption over whole body of red spots, which on close inspection revealed numerous small vesicles, which at times exuded a moisture, forming thin or yellowish scales and crusts; this eruption was attended with intolerable stinging, burning and itching, so severe as to cause patient to scratch her skin till it bled; eruption agg. by slightest breath of air, but was equally sensitive to warmth of room and bed.
Ovarian tumor.
An eruption appears upon skin, which itches and stings.
Elevations on skin, as after bite of insects, painfully sore, sensitive to touch.
Red spots like bee-stings upon skin and sensation as if stung by bees, in abdomen and different parts of body.
Red spots like bee-stings. Uterine hemorrhage.
Red blotches on chest and limbs, which itch violently on exposure to air or by scratching them.
Red spots scatter here and there over skin, often causing itching and restlessness, agg. at night.
Teething children. Remittent fever.
Numerous spots or little elevations all over body, red or purplish.
Cerebrospinal meningitis.
Intensely deep red rash. Scarlatina.
Bright red pimples on skin. Constipation of sucklings.
Covered with a dry, red, raised eruption, uncomfortably itching. Prairie- itch.
Bluish-red, painful, hard spots.
Hard, purplish spots on face, forehead, neck and lower limbs, lasting twelve days, hard and painful.
Eruptions, with painless yellow stools.
Eruption general, with exception of feet.
Receding eruptions.
Pale blotches.
White miliary eruption on chest and abdomen. Typhus.
Sudamina, miliary eruption.
Body covered with large, white wheals, deep scarlet inter spaces.
Hives; red and inflamed patches.
Itching and burning eruption upon lips, skin, nose, and under eyebrows; spots like hives upon chin and cheeks.
Hives and their sequelae, especially if it be asthma.
Rash, with violent itching; agg. from warmth of bed, and in cold or changing weather; amel. in open air.
Red, inflamed, raised patches, with burning stinging pains. Urticaria.
Urticaria, like bee-stings, or stings from other insects, with intolerable itching at night.
Urticaria; isolated elevations painful and tender to touch, assuming a purplish or livid hue.
Nettle rash, red spots, small white spots, with red areolas, itching violently.
Urticaria, with heat of skin, slight fever.
Itching and appearance of blotches like nettle rash, after scratching.
Red and white blotches over body, like nettle rash.
Nettle rash after fever.
Nettle rash about a week after wheals.
Urticaria. Apyrexia of intermittent.
Faintly visible spots of urticaria upon neck and forehead. Incipient hydrocephalus.
Spots of nettle rash tender to touch, with a purplish livid hue on the neck and forehead. Sopor.
Receding urticaria.
Swelling of skin, pale red, as if puffed, extending gradually further on the surface.
Acute subcutaneous oedema. Erysipelas.
Swelling (oedematous, erysipelatous) with red stripes.
Erysipelas: redness, with bruised sore feeling, frequently only a pale pink; later purplish, threatening gangrene; oedematous swelling, especially under eyes, about glottis, scrotum, etc.; sleepless nights, suddenly screaming out with shrill shrieks.
Erysipelas at times appearing upon lower limbs and other parts of body, dark purplish and painful tumefaction.
Erysipelas, with burning, stinging pains.
Erysipelas, with bruised sore pain and much swelling.
Erysipelatous redness: of variola eruption; of wounds; of ulcers; after vaccination.
In from two to six days spots become livid, and swelling, heat and pain subside, but new ones continue to appear. Erysipelas.
Metastasis of erysipelas from lower limbs.
Erysipelatous redness and swelling, with stinging, burning pains. Variola.
Erysipelatous inflammation, extending from boil further and further.
Smooth erysipelas; similar to that of Belladonna.
General heat and redness of skin, with eruption like measles.
Measles confluent, oedematous, with much prostration; or, imperfectly developing, with weakness and drowsiness.
Measles did not come out properly, had fever and cough, and emaciating diarrhoea.
Measles, with diphtheritis.
Roseola exanthem. Typhus.
Sequelae of measles. Chronic diarrhoea.
Scarlatina, skin intensely hot, rash very red; or, skin hot and cold in places; rash tardy, typhoid symptoms; throat erysipelatous, tonsils large; stinging when swallowing; eyes sensitive; or, ulcers in throat, with repelled or delayed eruption; stinging itching of skin, with fidgetiness.
Scarlet fever, with sore throat, tonsils enlarged, very red, with stinging pains when swallowing; stinging itching of skin, causing restlessness, with weeping and lamenting, scanty secretion of urine, or complete suppression. Eyes somewhat sensitive to bright light, but not so marked as with Bellad,; Apis 40M in water, in repeated doses, the intervals being lengthened as the patient improved.
Rash in red spots and points diffused over body.
During eruptive stage of scarlatina; not when glands began to swell or larynx was much affected.
Oedematous swelling of skin during desquamation.
Rash disappears suddenly, leaving scattered red spots or points.
Scarlet fever, with ascites.
Bad effects from scarlet fever, and suppressed scarlet eruptions.
Consequences of acute exanthemata that have been repercussed, suppressed, or never properly developed, such as nettle rash, scarlatina, measles, urticaria, etc.
After suppressed eruptions: inflammation of brain; hydrocephalus; sleepless, restless; scanty urine; great thirst, or none at all; short of breath; erysipelas leaves legs, and gastralgia develops; dropsy.
Eruption receding, short of breath, sleepless, restless, scanty urine, great thirst, or none at all. Confluent variola.
Eruption upon inner thighs, below knees, upon hands, face, back of neck, still more on central portions of body; small pustules, with burning, smarting, stinging, forming dry scabs of laminated form, scaly, brownish, sometimes light straw color.
Small pustules arose under skin, with burning, smarting and stinging; when ripe, small scales of them, dry, brownish, or straw-colored; on inside of thighs, under knees, or hands, in face or neck, most towards middle of body; tincture in water.
Pustules on a bluish-red, hard, hot base.
Itching pimples on joints.
Hard, red, somewhat conical swellings, occurring usually on lower limbs, below knees, sometimes on arms, rarely on the other parts of body, varying in number and size, from a half dime to an inch or two in diameter.
Body covered with large wheals, size of a silver half dollar, slightly elevated and white.
Large boils, burning and stinging.
Furunculi and carbuncles; to lessen pain.
Furunculi, with manifold scores of dead connective tissue.
Chronic furunculi, could not sit or lie.
Carbuncles, burning, stinging, or erysipelas far around; bluish-black.
Syphilitic-mercurial-scrofulous dyscrasia.
Stages of Life and Constitution
Newborn children; ulceration of navel.
Old people. Apoplexy. Pseudo-ophthalmia.
Apoplexies in old persons.
Hydrogenoid constitution. Diphtheria. Made agg. by vaccination.
Strumous diathesis. Dropsy.
Sanguine bilious temperament. Injured knee.
Dark complexion, bilious temperament. Ophthalmia.
Light complexion, spare and thin. Chronic diarrhoea.
Light complexion, lymphatic temperament. Ascites.
Fair complexion, lymphatic temperament.
Sanguine nervous temperament. Swollen eyes. Sanguine nervous bilious temperament. Paralysis.
Bilious nervous temperament. Hydrothorax.
Irritable people dissatisfied with everything.
Nervous lymphatic temperament. Dropsy.
Lymphatic temperament, light skin, blue eyes, feeble constitution. Ascites.
Weak children of a rambling disposition; diarrhoea.
Children; difficult dentition, infantile marasmus, diarrhoea, hydrocephalus, etc.
Child, age 5 months; diarrhoea.
Male infant, age 7 months; incipient hydrocephalus.
Nervous temperament, child, age 7; swollen anus.
A girl, age 2, treated for three days with Acon., Bry. and Hepar without any improvement; cured in three days by Apis 3; bronchitis.
Girl, age 3; inflammation of sexual parts.
Girls who, though generally careful, become awkward, and let things fall while handling them.
Boy, age 3 1/2; ascites.
Girl, age 4 1/2; acute Bright’s disease.
Boy, age 8; gastro-enteritis.
Girl, age 8; since a fortnight, stupid sleep; mother subject to urticaria.
Girl, age 9; dropsy after scarlet fever.
Boy, age 12, face livid; epidemic typhus.
A boy, age 12; ascites after dysentery.
Girl, age 15, weakly, decidedly scrofulous; right tonsil hypertrophic since quinsy; scrofulous ophthalmia of one year’ standing.
Girl, age 18, fair complexion, lymphatic temperament; ophthalmia.
A girl, age 20, after vaccination and a fall, inflammation in right ankle, horribly maltreated, getting sick again and again; lying in hospital, for eight weeks, finally given up (oil); spinal disease.
Woman, age 20; dropsical for some years.
Woman, age 24, unmarried, ovarian dropsy since eighteen months.
Woman age 26, subject to quinsy.
Woman, age 27, nervous temperament, irascible, but easily soothed, no catamenia for five or six years.
Woman, age 28, subject to sore throat.
Woman, age 30, married ten years, no children; ovaritis.
Woman, age 30, sanguine, nervous temperament; swelling of tongue.
Woman, age 32, bilious temperament; menstrual derangements.
A woman, age 40, with habitual dyspnoea and weak, irregular heartbeats; venous thrombosis with a fatty heart.
Woman, age 40; liable to erysipelatous attacks now and then in stomach.
Women, at climacteric period.
A woman, age 50, always of a weak mind, with some sinking of uterus; pale, lax muscles; nymphomania from scarlatina.
Woman of apoplectic habit; erysipelas.
Woman, age 50, dark complexion, bilious temperament; since three years ophthalmia.
Old woman, light complexion, lymphatic temperament, with dropsical swellings.
Woman, age 58, for years anasarca, lately hydrothorax.
A woman, age 80, sanguine nervous bilious temperament, had a paralyzed arm.
Women and children.
Infants and women (widows or not); erysipelas.
Cured chronic diarrhoea, with passages of blood and mucus, with woman at climacteric period.
A man, age 20, chancre; Apis3 every three hours; later at longer intervals.
Man, age 23, light complexion, thin, emaciated, without much muscular power, much addicted to tobacco; diarrhoea.
Man, age 28, sanguine nervous bilious temperament.
A man, age 30, after chancre was destroyed by cauterizing a year ago; see balanitis.
Man, age 32, weekly constitution, choleric temperament (oil); catarrh.
A man, age 35, strong, athletic; dropsy.
Man, age 38, athletic constitution, choleric temperament, frequent ophthalmia, badly treated (oil); pannus.
A man, age 70, feeble constitution, lymphatic temperament, light skin, blue eyes; dropsy.
Man, age 76, nervous bilious temperament; since sixteen years attacks of palpitation, treated by alternation and getting agg.; tincture was given in water, first every hour, later less often; solution was reduced for a week, finally the 2C, once a day, alternating with Cinched. 3. Rapidly convalescing; organic disease of heart.
Antidotes to massive doses and in poisonings: Nat-m., the substance, the solution, the potencies; sweet oil, as it contains table salt; onions; bleeding is decidedly a bad palliative and in most cases injurious.
Antidotes to potencies: after overdosing, Ip., low, relieved much; to drink coffee, seems indifferent; some have given Apis, high, Lach. and Lact-ac.
(Has been given in ailments from stings, from anthrax infection).
It is an antidote to Canthar. (ischuria, inflammation of bladder, acute Bright’s disease); abuse of Iod., Cinch., Digit.
It follows well after vaccination ( erysipelas, painless diarrhoea); after Sulphur, in panaritium.
After it follows well: Graphit. (tetter on ear lobe); Ars.(hydrothorax); Phosphor.(absorption of false membrane in diphtheria); Stram.
after Apis had removed jealousy in mania; Lyc. (in staphyloma); Sulphur (in hydrothorax, pleuritic effusion, hydrocephalus); Iod. (in puffy, swollen knee).
Complementary: Nat-m.
Has been given in alternation in cases when change of symptoms indicated it with: Iod. in swelling of knee; Sulphur in swollen eyes; Hepar in urticaria; Merc. in ascites with peritonitis; Lyc. in staphyloma.
It often disagrees after Rhus-tox. in eruptive diseases; and Rhus tox. given after Apis has often disagreed.
Collateral relation (belonging to same family); Bombus, Carbo, Vespa.
It has cured where Bell. failed in cough of horses; where Bry., Canthar., Digit., Hell., etc., had failed in albuminuria after scarlatina; cases in which Puls. seemingly indicated, failed, especially uterine complaints; when Thuj, Phos., Canthar., etc., had failed in affections of the prostate gland.
Concordances: Acet-ac. (dropsy); Acon.; Anac. (urticaria); Apoc. (dropsy); Arn. (bruised, sore); Ars. (typhoid forms; gangrene; dropsies; scarlatina; urticaria; chills); Bell. (meningitis, especially of cerebral meninges; faucitis; erysipelas; scarlatina; glandular organs, etc.); Brom.(swelling of ovary during menses); Bry.; Cantharides (erysipelas; urinary symptoms); Cinchona; Colch. (rheumatism, etc.); Crot-t. (urticaria); Euphr. (conjunctiva); Ferr.; Graph.; Hepar; Iod. (swollen knee); Lach. (typhoid states; gangrene; Lyc.; Merc.; Nat-a.; Nat-m. (chills; urticaria; tension in ovarian region, etc.); Puls.; Rhus-t. (eyes, but Apis has less suppuration; vesicular erysipelas, but darker than in Apis, and spreading left to right; typhoid states; restlessness, but in Apis more fidgetiness, etc.); Rumex. (painless, greenish-yellow diarrhoea); Sabin. (ovarian and uterine symptoms); Sepia; Sil. (ovary and inverted nipple); Sulphur (tubercular meningitis; checked eruptions, especially urticaria; asthma; hydrothorax); Terebe. (urinary symptoms); Ther. (vertigo); Thuj (sycosis, evils of vaccination); Urt-u.; Zincum.
Rubrics: 1370 | Apis [4308/1370] |
Total |
[Complete ] [Mind]AWKWARDNESS:Puberty, in, girls: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]BREAK THINGS, DESIRE TO:Laughing about it: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]BUSY:Young girls, in amenorrhea, doing nothing right: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]COMPANY:Desire for:Heart, in organic disease of: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]CONFUSION OF MIND:Scarlatina, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]DEATH:Conviction of:Heart, in organic disease of: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]DEATH:Presentiment of:Constriction of chest, with: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]DEATH:Presentiment of:Sudden, in peritonitis: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]DELIRIUM:Diarrhea, in:Chronic: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]DELIRIUM:Meningitis cerebrospinalis, encephalitis, in:Infantum: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]DELIRIUM:Muttering, typhomania:Diseases, in eruptive: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]DELIRIUM:Muttering, typhomania:Measles:In: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]DELIRIUM:Raging, raving:Paralysis, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]DULLNESS:Daytime:Meningitis, with tuberculous, incipient hydrocephalus, pannus: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]EXCITEMENT, EXCITABLE:Diphtheria, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]EXCITEMENT, EXCITABLE:Heart complaints, in organic: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]EXCITEMENT, EXCITABLE:Scarlatina:During: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]FEAR:Poisoned:Being:Camphor, with spirits of: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]FOOLISH BEHAVIOR:Hysteria, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]INDIFFERENCE, APATHY:Matter, says nothing is the:Fever, in typhoid: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]LAUGHING:Silly, foolish:Puberty, in, girls: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]MUTTERING:Diarrhea, in chronic: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]MUTTERING:Incoherent, disturbing sleep: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]RAGE, FURY:Night:Fever, in typhoid: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]RESTLESSNESS, NERVOUSNESS:Children, in:Constipation, with: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]SADNESS:Angina, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]SADNESS:Stool:During: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]SHRIEKING, SCREAMING, SHOUTING:Sleep:During:Dentition agg.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]TALK, TALKING, TALKS:Irrational:Menses:Suppressed, from: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]TOSSING ABOUT:Tries to get out of bed: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]UNCONSCIOUSNESS, COMA:Alternating with:Escape, desire to:Cancer of mammae, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]UNCONSCIOUSNESS, COMA:Eruptions:With: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]WEEPING, TEARFUL MOOD:Discouraged, in tonsillitis or angina: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]WEEPING, TEARFUL MOOD:Scarlatina, in: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]WORK:Mental:Aversion to:Diarrhea, in bilious: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Head]BRAIN:Eruptions, after suppressed:Acute: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Head]HYDROCEPHALUS, DROPSY:Eruptions, suppressed, agg.: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Head]PAIN, HEADACHE:Stitching:Temples:Cold amel.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Eyes]CLOSED:Paralysis of face, with: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Eyes]ERYSIPELAS:Right:Left, to: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Eyes]EVERSION OF LIDS:Lower: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Eyes]IRRITATION:Reading agg.:Lamplight, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Eyes]LUPUS:Lids:Lower: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Eyes]PAIN:Pannus, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Eyes]PAIN:Lids:Midnight, after: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Eyes]PAIN:Lids:Warmth amel.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Eyes]PAIN:Burning, smarting, biting:Sewing agg.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Eyes]PAIN:Stitching:Bathing, washing:Cold, amel.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Eyes]PAIN:Stitching:Pannus, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Eyes]REDNESS:Pale:Canthi: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Vision]DIPLOPIA:Fever, during:Heat: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Vision]LOSS OF, BLINDNESS:Stool:Amel.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Vision]WEAK:Evening:Exertion of eyes agg.: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Nose]DRYNESS, INTERNAL:Scarlatina, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Face]CONGESTION:Menses, suppressed, agg.: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Face]CONGESTION:Pregnancy, in: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Face]ERUPTIONS:Phagedenic: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Face]ERYSIPELAS:Eyes, around:Right, extending to left side of face: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Face]PAIN:Neuralgic:Lips: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Face]SWELLING:Eyes:About, around:Left: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mouth]DRYNESS:Tongue:Center:Edges moist: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mouth]REDNESS:Fiery:Tongue:Cheek, inner: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mouth]YELLOW:Shining, tongue: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Throat]ERUPTIONS:Crusts, scabs:Soft, whitish: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Throat]PAIN:Sour things, after: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Stomach]ERUCTATIONS:Food, of, regurgitation:Drinking agg.: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Stomach]ERUCTATIONS:Food, of, regurgitation:Tasting like:Drinking water agg.: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Stomach]RETCHING, GAGGING:Lying on left side agg.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Stomach]RETCHING, GAGGING:Sugar water agg.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Stomach]THIRST:Extreme:Vaccinations, after: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Stomach]THIRSTLESSNESS:Abortion, in: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Stomach]VOMITING:Sugar-water, after: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Abdomen]CONGESTION, HYPEREMIA:Liver:Heart complaints, in:Organic: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Abdomen]DROPSY, ASCITES:Respiration, with difficult:Lying on left side: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Abdomen]NUMBNESS, INSENSIBILITY:Inguinal region:Fossa, right, amel. lying on it: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Abdomen]PAIN:Sore, bruised:Walls:Ovarian complaints, in: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Abdomen]PAIN:Sore, bruised:Walls:Pressure agg.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Abdomen]SWELLING:Painful:Sore, bruised: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Abdomen]TENSION:Inguinal region:Raising arms: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Stool]CHOPPED:Beets, tomatoes: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Kidneys]SUPPRESSION OF URINE, ANURIA:Delivery, parturition, after, puerperal: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Kidneys]SUPPRESSION OF URINE, ANURIA:Meningitis, in: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Urine]MILKY:Scanty:Frequent, in hydrocephalus, with unconsciousness and delirium: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Urine]PROFUSE, INCREASED:Exercise in open air agg.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Male Genitalia]HYDROCELE:Multi locular: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Male Genitalia]PAIN:Prostate gland:Extending to:Downward: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Male Genitalia]PAIN:Pressing:Prostate gland:Extending downward: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Male Genitalia]RESTLESSNESS:Spermatic cord: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Male Genitalia]RESTLESSNESS:Spermatic cord:Urination, during: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Female Genitalia]CONGESTION:Ovaries:Menses:Suppressed: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Female Genitalia]DROPSY:Uterus:Os uteri: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Female Genitalia]ERYSIPELAS:Edema, with: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Female Genitalia]MENSES:Mucous:Last day: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Female Genitalia]MENSES:Short, too:One day only:Appear, at the interval, of: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Female Genitalia]MENSES:Suppressed:Frivolous women, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Female Genitalia]PAIN:Ovaries:Right:Lying on right side amel.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Female Genitalia]PAIN:Ovaries:Right:Pain in right pectoral region, with: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Female Genitalia]PAIN:Ovaries:Abortion, in: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Female Genitalia]PAIN:Ovaries:Cough, with: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Female Genitalia]PAIN:Ovaries:Stretching:Bed, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
Jan-Mar 1995, Volume No4, Issue 1
Dr. S. R. Wadia
Vario / Ran-b / Apis / Sulph
By Dr. S. R. Wadia
Alipur Bilding, 29 Colaba
BOMBAY 400005
Mrs. M. K. aged 51 years came to me on 27/08/94 (Saturday) with c/o severe pain near her left eyeball, left eyebrow, left side of forehead, head and behind left ear. There were 7-8 small vesicles confirming my diagnosis of acute attack of Herpes Zoster. According to her history she had developed pain from Monday. i.e.22/08/94 her physician just gave her Combiflam (i) TDS and Citron 250 mg (i) Cap-ODS By Saturday her pain became unbearable with more vesicles developing. Since besides pain and vesicles there were no signs and symptoms I gave my regular prescription for HerpesVariolinum 200, two doses and Ranunculus Bulbous 200, every 2 Hourly. On Monday i.e.29/08/94 she came back with excruciating pain with multiple vesicles but this time her vesicles had definite shape as if small plastic water bags-her left eye couldnt open because it looked as if pressed under a water nag. All the signs were pointing at APIS and prescribed Apis 200, every hourly as her disease was progressing very fast but before giving Apis I gave her one dose of Sul 200 as an antipsoric Plus keeping in mind that from the first 6 days she had taken antibiotics therefore the disease was suppressed. Whenever this type of suppression takes place I give Sulphur or Thuja according to the signs and symptoms. Patient phoned me on Tuesday and said she was 75% better within 24 hours. I just prayed and thanked God and Dr. Hahnemann for the help he has provided to suffering humanity.
Vol-V, No3 (July-Sep 1996)
Dr. K. J. James
Ox-ac / Apis / Dol / Lil-t / Pyrog / Holly / Lach
Dr. K. J. James.
Bldg. 2. Flat 3.
Parmar Complex, Nigdi.
Pune 411 044.
A 25 year old patient approached me for pain in lower end of left chest in a spot. This was not a constant pain, but daily five to six times the pain would come. Pulse, when examined every third beat intermits. I had then advised him to consult a cardiologist. He said his pulse was like that from early days and that he went to a doctor for some other complaints at the age of seventeen, this fact was first detected but he had to chest pain in those days, rather no complaints till about a year back. On a trial basis I had given him Oxalic Acid 30, advising him to take whenever he feels the pain. After about three months I met him in the office. He said after a week he never got the pain, but occasionally he is continuing the medicine. Out of my curiousity I checked his pulse then, and found that the pulse is absolutely normal.
Pain in a spot only, in the lower portion of left lung is a sure symptoms of Oxalic Acid. Of course this is one of the medicines to be used in emergencies of Cardiac troubles.
In other case of mild dyspnoea with every third beat intermits (the third beat is delayed) again I used Oxalic Acid and there was again a miraculous cure. I feel evey third beat intermits is a strong symptom for Oxalic Acid. It is realy a setback that our drugs cannot be provided till pathological symptoms are produced.
The first patient came to my clinic for consultation of his relative recently after seven years and I found that his pulse is still normal and has no chest pain nor any other complaints.
Like Kali Bich, this medicine also has pain in a spot. Both the patients were NOT having the symptoms: aggravation when thinking of complaint.
Case II:
A boy, 16 years, suffering from fever. I was called by his mother at midnight to see him. The boys eyes were intensely red owing to the high temperature 104 degree F. One strange thing was that the boy had not passed the urine since 10 O clock in the morning. Cold sponging was given instantly and Apis M 30 in water hourly after the third dose. The boy passed urine, dark red urine; with the fifth dose he had perspiration and fever subsided in the next morning.
I could cure many fever cases with Apis M 30, where the patient had not passed urine for a longer time. Hot feeling and thirstlessness are additional sure indications.
Case III:
Some ten years before I was treating a girl of ten years for Icterus. Various medicines used symptomatically did not improve her. She showed a peculiar symptom: Itching without eruption. Dolichos 30 repeated doses cured her completely in a short time.
Case IV:
A lady aged 40, came to me complaining that she felt a kind of aching in her pelvis and a kind of occasional prolapsed sensation. As I could not reach any medicine I had asked her what she would do when alone. She replied: Doctor. I would like to be busy always in my kitchen work, lest some bad thoughts might come into my mind. On further talks she clearly expressed that she meant sexual thoughts only. This is a PQRS symptom of Lilium Tig and a single dose of 200th cured in to minutes.
Let us read from hand book of Allen (page 652):
Desire increased in a woman: relieved during physical effort, increasing until suddenly ended by an orgasm, during these attacks a hurried feeling as of imperative duties and inability to perform them. Afterwards mental depression and apprehension of moral obliquity, then sudden return of the sexual excitement, this alternation lasted more than 4 months: sudden excitement with disposition to use obscene language, the sluggishness and despondency, them hurried feeling of being impelled to work without herself desiring to work.
Case V:
Some years before when I was giving lecture to junior doctors in Kerala, one of the doctors aws seen leaning to the table in distress. When I asked her what the matter was, she replied that she was getting a boil on the thigh and she was having fever. Since I felt that on the spot treatment may spoil my name in case a good result wont come, I called the director of the organisation, an elderly doctor. He prescribed Bry seeing her dull feeling and looked at me for confirmation. But seeing her pulse rate and temperature I felt there is a disproportion: Also I felt that Bry would not cover the pathology the septic condiction with the boil. As the other doctor was an elderly man, with a lot of reluctance I expressed my desire to give Pyrog 200. 2 hourly. With the very first dose her fever subsided and she was seen fine in afternoon session of the class.
Case VI:
An elderly man of 70 years came to me at midnight saying that he feels panicky, having distension of stomach and contant belching. He was thirstless and wanted fan full. Puls and Carb veg did not give any relief.
Then I doubted the trouble must be of Psychosomatic level because I know this person well: he always had bitter feelings against his children, though they are all good: he has no divine love for his children. A single drop of Holly (flower remedy) brought on the spot relief. With another course of Holly QID, even after one year, he is not having any serious troubles.
Case VII:
A person suffering from abdominal distension and flatulence for the last seven years came for treatment. On examination his abdomen was found very hard and distended. He had pain in left ileum. And occasionally pain in left chest, lower side. He was talking with me continuously without much serious gist in it. Pains are left sided plus loquacity pointed to Lachesis. A single dose of 200th gave instant relief for a disease lasting for the last seven years. Who can say Homoeopathy is slow?
Editors Remarks:
It is an interesting account of experience. Dr. K. J. James has shared with us while dealing with acute cases very effectively. Here we gain the confidence that Homoepathy could be very useful to the people if it attains the status of First Line of Treatment. Readers should note the use of the Bach flower remedy Holly in Case No VI. I wonder what equivalent Homoeopathic remedy could have been selected on such a short time.
TWO CASES FROM MY RECORDS [Two Cases From My Record]
Jan98 to June98, VoI-VII, Issue 1 & 2
Dr. Kasim Chimthanwala
Nat-m / Apis / Berb / Ser-ang / Arg-m / Hyos / Caust / Mang
Dr. Kasim Chimthanwala
Case. I
A housewife aged about 35, suffering from recurrent UTI since the first childbirth 12 years back, presented on 3-2-95 with feeling of heaviness in the entire body, generalized weakness and scanty urine for more than 6 months. Her BP used to rise during all the three pregnancy periods but returned back to normal limits within a month after the child birth without much medication. But now after the last child birth (4th) on 21/9/94, the complaints continued. Diuretics, antihypertensives and others helped temporarily. Temperamentally, she was sensitive but of late has become very much depressed and looked worried due to her deteriorated condition. She relished table salt but was prohibited because of high BP, hence her food intake was reduced by half. On examination pulse was 98 per minute good in volume and tension, BP 148/92 mm of Hg, Urine showed albumin ++++, 2 to 5 epithelial cells and occasionally pus cells/ HPF. Blood urea ranged from 90 to 120 mgs/100ml. On the basis of this totality, one dose of Nat mur 1M, was given on the first day itself, but not much relief. Even Apis and Berb vulg didnt help.
Then on the pathological totality of hypertension with albuminuria without palpable oedema feet or face Serum Angiola Icthyotoxin (Eels Serum) 30 tds for 3 days was administered. The drug obliged beyond expectations from the fifth dose itself.
The first effect was on urinary excretion. The output increased to 900 to 1000 ml within 24 hours and the blood urea touched 58 mg% on the 8th day.
Urine albumin started reducing from 12th day onwards and it was only 1 + on 28th day. The patient was kept under observation for three months thereafter.
The symptoms started relapsing from 10.05.95 and on 23.5.95 the urine albumin became +++ and blood urea again to 75 mg%.
Eels serum 1000 was given once a day there days. Expectedly, the levels stated receding and they returned back to normal limits within 25 days.
On 12.6.95 blood urea was 40mg% and urine albumin+
One dose Nat mur 1M, her constitutional remedy, was given on 1.7.97 to prevent relapses. It is more than three years that the patient is fine and healthy.
Comments. It is about a decade back when I first heard about the clinical significance about Eels serum. Since then I am using it quite frequently at my indoor now in millicemal potencies, more or less as an adjuvant in all renal cases.
I feel pleasure to pen noted observations obtained from a small survey of twelve cases in which this less used drug was applied. It was conducted by me in 1997, at our indoor homoeopathic hospital under direct supervision of a nephrologist. Out of the total, 7 cases were diagnosed as chronic renal failure (3 were on peritoneal dialysis), 2 were of bilateral renal cysts with hypertension and rest were acute renal failure due to bad effects of allopathic drugs (Aspirin and Quinine).
It was found that Eels serum works as a dependable catalytic agent or a good palliative in
1. early cases in whom not much drugging has taken place.
2. in cases where the urine out put is more than 500 ml per 24 hours.
3. in patients below 45 years of age.
4. in cases who have undergone dialysis not more than 2 to 3 times.
5. in whom the blood urea didnt exceed beyond 90 to 100mg%.
From 26th Jun 1998 we have undertaken clinical trials of this renal tonic at three different centers in the city. We have also involved the indoor hospital of four renowned cardiologists for this research activity. We shall publish a detailed report by the year end.
A case of laryngeal polyp by Manganum acet.
A lecturer in junior college, an orator of first grade came on 3.4.94 with the complaints of chronic hoarseness of voice with recurrent throat infections more during rainy season, cold damp weather and after lecture. He had developed a habit of constant swallowing of saliva because it relieved his throat irritation temporarily. His voice used to become hoarse and heavy specially when he remained outdoors for long, was better after smoking, while at rest and on lying down. At time there was dry cough along with change of voice which was also better on lying down.
He also suffered from painful piles, particularly after eating fried and night watching. Hamamelis and Aesculus given by a previous colleague didnt help.
On the basis of above stated symptom totality, number of doses of Arg met, Hyoscyamus, Causticum and a few others in varying potencies were given, but they didnt yield expected results.
After about 9 months of treatment when all the apparently indicated remedies failed to deliver the goods, I was compelled to repeat the entire exercise of case recording (which I normally do if I fail) once again.
Along with the above stated symptoms, a characteristic extra finding was the complaint of body pain. The patient reported my entire body feels sore to touch. Even I dont like my wife touching me.(An Arnica like symptom).
On this peculiar characteristic which individualized his laryngeal polyp, one dose of Manganum acet 1M was given on 13.10.94.
There was no change for three weeks thereafter hence one dose was repeated.
Relief started after the third repetition which continued till 23.3.95, when he got his severe attack of hoarseness after a sudden exposure to dry cold winds (during picnic). One dose of Causticum 1M which was his similimum, was given which settled the case once for all.
10th April 2005, Vol-12, Issue 1
Manisha Sandugade
Apis / Hydr / Puls / Bell / Merc / Thuj
Written by Manisha Sandugade
Patient-Mrs. M.J., age 65 years, a case of cancer of uterus with secondaries from squamous cell carcinoma. Her reports were brought to me by her son on 27/9/02. After a brief history I gave her Dr. Baigs Virionum in 30th potency and Cantharis 30, 6 doses.
As she was unable to come, her history was taken at her place on 9/10/02. She had following complaints.
1) Severe pain in abdomen on right side since 20 years. Complaints started after her last delivery. There were cramping and throbbing type of pains < walking > hard pressure.
2) Leucorrhoea since 3 years. She was examined for the sane and complaints increased since then. Pricking and turning in abdomen.
Laparotomy was done and biopsy taken in April 2002. Report – Secondaries from squamous cell carcinoma. USG pelvis showed posterior wall fundal fibroid with calcification. Doctors opined that operation was not possible; also patient could not afford the operative expenses.
3) Frequency of urination with burning in abdomen and burning at urethral meatus during urination since 2 months.
4) Loss of appetite since 2 months -was on liquid diet.
5) Weight loss of 10.12 kg within 3 months.
6) Stools unsatisfactory since 2 months, used to pass stools like sheep dung, but since 15 days had loose stools with mucus.
Past history-
Chicken pox in childhood.
Vaccines-small pox vaccine only.
Epistaxis in childhood.
Eczema over heels at the age of 40 years treated with some home medicines and then reduced.
Operated for cataract both sides about 4 years back.
Fall from a ladder 6 months back.
Dog bite 5 months back but no treatment taken.
Family history-Father had chronic cough and asthma. Mother expired due to old age.
1 sister expired due to Kochs. 3 brothers out of them 2 expired due to alcoholism, 4 sons out of them 2 expired in very young age, cause not known. Rest 2 sons are healthy. Did not know about grandparents.
Personal history-Mixed diet, could tolerate hunger. Likes to eat warm and fresh food. Desire- buttermilk++, fat+, sweet+. Thirst – moderate. Perspiration – scanty over chest, neck. Sleep-used to sleep on sides, sleeplessness due to pains now. Dreams-not specific. Thermals-sensitive to both heat and cold since 2 years.
Menstrual History – menarche at age of 12 years. Menses were regular. Menopause, 1 year after last delivery.
Obstetric History- all 7 deliveries were FTND, she had vomiting of pregnancy every time.
Life situation-she had come form a very poor family, married at age of 7 years, was the second wife of her husband. She was hardworking, courageous but irritable and easily angered. She had one step son, who was driven out from the house by her 9 years back, but nowadays she had very good relations with him.
Her second son would trouble her a lot who stayed separately in the same house. She had grief due to it. Also she was sad due to poor financial condition of her family. She liked company, did not like pets.
She had burning at urethral meatus and in abdomen, thirst on lesser side, slight swelling over lower limbs, pricking pains, was irritable, jealous and thermally hot so was given Apis mel 12C tds doses.
7/10/02, burning in abdomen and burning at meatus increased but the amount of urine was increased and loose stools also were bit more however no mucus in stools. Irritability also was more and she refused to take medicine.
9/10/02, Burning meatus was reduced, irritability much less, but stools were not passed for 3 days so next day a suppository was advised.
17/10/02, burning almost 60-70% reduced but now restarted since 2-3 days. Urine-frequency increased, stools were not passed for 4 days so again suppository was advised. Apis 30 x 1 dose. Hydrastis Q drops tds in water was tarted.
19/10/02, a new complaint started, swelling of both parotids and pain in throat. Urine frequency and burning in abdomen were the same.
22/10/02, status quo so Pulsatilla 6 C x 6 doses were given as complementary to Apis.
23/10/02, parotid swelling was same with throbbing pains, no medicines were given as burning abdomen and meatus was less than before.
26/10/02, condition was same. Belladonna 30, Merc sol 30 was alternately given.
28/10/02, swelling over parotids, reduced, swelling over face reduced. Burning in abdomen and urethral meatus much reduced, so Merc sol and Bell were continued with Hydrastis Q.
31/10/02, she demanded meat and her condition was status quo. Baigs Virionum 30, one dose was given.
08/11/02, she was much better, stools were satisfactory.
21/11/02, had irrelevant talk, could not, recognize people. No medicines were given. Irrelevant talk reduced next day but sleepiness had increased urine, stools-NAD. No medicine.
28/11/02, patient was comfortable.
30/11/02, Dr. Baigs Virionum 30, one dose repeated.
06/12/02, swelling over ankles, wrist. Thuja 30 x 1 dose as complementary to previous nosode and 5-phos 1 QID.
16/12/02, swelling ankles, wrist was less, slight swelling over both lower eyelids. Urine stools: regular and satisfactory. Dr. Baigs Virionum 30, one dose.
19/12/02, She passed away 11.00 A.M., peacefully without any trouble.
Editors comments-This patient of cancer uterus with secondaries in pelvis was too far-gone for a cure. She was seen and treated at her residence and in the end she had a very peaceful death – a very effective palliation of an incurable case. I have found the nosode Virionum prepared by Dr. Mirza Baig particularly useful in such advanced malignancy cases.
RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, URTICARIA (CHRONIC), ANOSMIA [Rheumatoid Arthritis, Urticaria, Anosmia]
10th April 2005, Vol-12, Issue 1
Dr. Mehjabeen H. Shaikh
Mag-m / Apis / Thuj
By Dr. Mehjabeen H. Shaikh
Homoeocure Clinic
Solarpur (M.S)
Lady, 49 years old. R.M. Occupation Aanganwadi Teacher. Resident of Chinchwad, Pune.
I) Skin Complaints: since 1998-99.
Itching of whole body head, front and back of thigh, forearm, cubital fossae, lower eyelid, pubic area etc. Itching lasts continuously for hour, but is on and off the whole day. Itching and scratching followed by urticarial eruptions. Pains as if stinging. No change in terms of aggravation or amelioration by hot or cold water application. Itching < cold weather ++. > Only on taking Anti allergic tablet Avil.
II) Complaints of musculo-skeletal system since Dec 2001: Complaint started from right knee and then in left knee, interphalangeal joints, face, elbow, para-spinal muscles. Stiffness +++ – < morning +++, lasts till 11 AM in the morning. Swelling +++, < morning +++. Stiffness and swelling > after 4-5 hours of housework. Taking steroids since 1-2 months with temporary relief.
III) Had only one episode of headache in year 2001. Bursting sensation in head. Vertigo < light ++, > closing eyes ++, > pressure +++. No nausea, no vomiting.
IV) Sense of smell is considerably less since 95-96. Can smell only strong & offensive odours.
Menstrual history-Menarche at the age of 13 years. From then till 1989 i.e. till her third delivery menstrual cycle was regular with normal flow for 7 days. Menses used to appear only for a day in 1989. Blood-color dark red, not any specific odor, stains indelible +++. Menopause since 1998. Pregnancies- All FTND. No abortions.
Personal History-Perspiration scanty upper lips, chest, nape of neck ++, entire face only in summer. Craving sweets +++, milk ++, green veggies, fish ++. Aversion not any. Thermal state- Cannot tolerate cold air and winter, likes open air. Sleep-usually sleeps better if exerted physically, otherwise sleep disturbed due to dreams.
Dreams – Patient has one specific dream which comes on and off i.e. 3-4 times. Patient is lost in a jungle forest and continuously trying +++, making efforts to come out or finding her way out but does not succeed, then she sees a womans face she guides her, but she still does not see herself finding her away out of forest. She sees staircase continuously running up and down in succession. Patient is in some or the other problem and making unsuccessful efforts.
Past History – chronic cough at the age of 11 years. Appendectomy in 1973 or 74. Viral fever in 1998, admitted for 8 days.
Family History-Mother died of heart attack. She had rheumatoid arthritis, low BP, tuberculosis. Father -hypothyroid, piles, acidity ++ gastritis. Elder sister-diabetes, hypothyroid, hypertension. Youngest Sister-diabetes, fibroid uters, paranoid schizophrenic.
No investigations were done, RA test was also not done due to poor financial condition.
Patient is an averagely built tall lady, with wheat colored skin complexion. Patient told all her physical symptoms in detail but when asked about her mental symptoms were hesitant but on probing, opened up. Patient when asked about her lifes tension, she started with her younger sisters problem, her younger sister is having some psychiatric problem, a schizophrenic. She stays in front of her house, abuses the patient a lot and has done this thrice in front of the people of mohalla, but patient maintains silence, because she dos not want to hurt he own image by doing the same and so suppresses her anger. Patient always maintains silence and suppresses her anger, as she does not want to talk loudly like her sister. Patient does feel bad about this episode but internally knows very well that she is right and has done no wrong to her sister, and all her (sisters) complaints against her are wrong, specially the one, that she has done black magic on her.
Patient when asked about suppressing her anger said that this suppression business is age old in her. Patient is the 3rd sibling among 5 sisters together. She remembers that in childhood, whenever her father would buy new dresses for all, her sisters, she had to take the last, remaining dress, after everyones choices are over. She used to feel that, why she has to accept the last dress and would feel utterly bad, but would not show anything from outside, this she said was because she went doing things against her wish and was tagged as samazdar and that gave her dilasa. She got this image of Good Girl and allowed it, paying the price of suppressed emotions, she would cry, so much at night, all alone, but never uttered it to anybody, nor cried up to this session of her case taking, but at this juncture she cried while narrating to the physician.
Patient since childhood had been feeling a sense of inferiority about herself. Her elder sister was pampered a lot by her father, because she was clever and so patient would feel bad about it and get angry on parents, but this was all internally suppressed anger. As a student she was very weak in English and Maths, she tried hard to work on it, but was fruitless. Patient thought that her basic for these subjects was not good, as she belonged to Urdu medium and lost hope, and felt frustrated.
Patient passed 10th standard after 2 attempts and did a teaching course and became an Aanganwadi teacher, with a very low payment. Patient now since 2-3 years is a union leader, goes all the way to Delhi to fulfill unions demand. Patient does not like to talk rashly and loudly and so the subordinate complaints that her low tone voice and mild nature are the hurdles for fulfilling their demands. Patient says that she cant speak loud and hurt people. Patient does not like fights, if there are fights, she avoids them and just goes to resolve them, to stop them.
Patient is supposed to be a supervisor now, patient goes on thinking that if ever she becomes supervisor then people will notice her spelling mistakes in Marathi languages and that fear is too much. Patient teaches her students with a full heart and loves it, as it satisfies her soul and gives her happiness.
Patient works hard +++ for a particular function of her school, she feels that her school should rank and be ahead, she does all work and later the acknowledgement goes to someone else, it feels that they have not appreciated her for her work and feels that this is injustice. Patient cant tolerate any injustice. The other e.g. of this is that her neighbour and she had fight because of a string-meant for drying clothes was tied to the patients door, by her neighbour. Patient and her family had the problem with the dribbling of water of clothes on their door, so she requested the neighbour to remove the rope, as it was creating inconvenience to her family, but instead her neighbour abused and threatened her that she will patients husband, patient could not tolerate this and she went and launched complaint against her in a police station.
Patient is angry with her husband as he is an Engineer (Mechanical) who had a good paid job during their marriage, but then he left it due to some insult done to him and because of this the patient has to work 24 hours, she runs a mess (tiffin preparation for people). Patient is very hardworking, though she is angry on her sisters, still she loves them a lot. Patient expects returns of her love in the same way, if not then she does not like the person, and this attitude is towards her friends also. Patient is close to her mother who died last year of heart attack. Mother and father stayed with her in Poona, as she does not have any brother. Patients mother’s death was a disturbing phase but was under control. Patient always was asking whether her illness would get cured or not? Was very anxious.
Rubric Taken
-Dreams forest of going astray in forest
-A/F suppressed anger
-Injustice cant support
-Sensitive to aggression
-Want of recognition / acknowledgement
-Hardworking / Busy
-Anxiety health about
-Cr-Sweets+++, Fish++, Milk++, green, vegetables ++
Perspiration ++, nape of neck ++, whole face
-Urticarial eruption < cold air
-Headache Bursting
-Vertigo > closing eyes ++
-Stiffness > hot fomentation ++
-Indelible stains
After repertorisation
1) Sepia covers most of the rubrics
2) Mag mur 2nd covering the most important rubrics including dreams forest.
3) Mag carb
4) Sulphur
5) Nat sulph / Nat mur.
Miasmatic coverage Thuja.
Analysis- It is a struggle for good image with repressed feeling inside and neglected feeling from her parents and their preference to her elder sister. She adopted the compensatory mechanism of holding good image by suppression.
Suppressed anger emotions but no negativity-silent grief.
Sensitive to aggression does not like harsh and loud talking peace loving resolves and stops fights.
Sensitive to Injustice.
Hard working Carding for her parents / sisters / husband specially about husband, who does not work and has left job but still she is working hard all alone.
– Wants recognition / acknowledgement
– Want appreciation for her.
Mag mur was thought of considering
a) Sensitive to aggression / peace loving
b) Sensitive to injustice
c) Want of recognition / appreciation / acknowledgement.
d) A/F suppressed anger
e) Dream of forest going astray in forest trying to find way out this is covered only by Mag mur, Sepia
f) Cr-sweets, green vegetables, milk, fish
g) Smell acute wanting, lost
Follow up was on phone as patient stays in Pune.
15th Nov 02 Mag mur 30 3 HS i.e. thrice in a week at bed time, for a month. Apis mel 200 sos for urticarial rash.
Criteria for follow up
Knee pain / Joint pains:
Intensity / Frequency stiffness, swelling, smell sensation
Headache episodes Intensity / frequency
Itching Intensity / Frequency
Urticarial eruptions
Sleep / Dreams.
20 Dec 2002 Knee pain > 80%, stiffness > 80%. Swelling > 80%, patient can now sit and work for long time, as she has to cook for 50 Tiffins in her mess. Itching > 20% – Intensity >+ Frequency6 >+. Smell sensation – no change. Headache not asked. Asked to continue the same Mag mur 30 3 HS in a week for a month.
13th Jan 2003 Patient not satisfied with urticarial result tempted to take allopathic tabs but did not take. Asked her to take Mag mur 30 (7) HS i.e. daily dose in a week.
13th Feb 2003. Itching >++ than before intensity >++, knee pain very minimal, swelling stiffness is considerably less. Asked to take the same dose seeing improvement. Apis 200 sos.
20th March 2003 Patient not that satisfied with urticarial rash again, at times due to stress it was getting more intense. This means urticaria was A/F stress asked to take Mag mur 200 (3) HS in a week for a month.
April-May 03 Itching is better than before, Intensity is reduced duration of itching is definitely reduced needed Apis mel on and off. Knee pain >+++, stiffness, swelling >+++.
June-July:- Patients phone in July after 2 months reported to further progress still needed Apis mel on and off, asked to take Thuja 200 and Mag mur 200 (7) HS daily dose.
21st August Phoned saying there is good a improvement in arthritis s compared to urticaria. No headache, no knee pain, no stiffness, no dreams, no swelling. Asked to take Mag mur 1M 1HS in a week for a month.
23rd Oct better Itching >+++, minimal on stress sudden felt could smell everything since 8 days, patient is happy. No headache, Sleep (G) Dream of water. Once 2 days back no other dream especially those kinds of dreams mentioned earlier during case in a year. Itching, > +++, duration of itching is very minimum since 25 days. No medicine totally better. 2 days back minimal itching, only if she is idle and thinks about her complaints of itching.
Remedies used
Mag mur 30, 200, 1M
Thuja 200
Apis mel 200
Chronology of Cure
1st, Knee pain that was since Dec 2001
Stiffness / swelling
2nd , headache, since Dec 01
Headache only one episode in earlier months after Rx. Patient said this later.
3rd, itching urticaria, since 98-99
4th, sense of smell, since 95-96
Investigations on 22nd Nov 2003
ESR 23 mm of 1 hour
RA test is negative
Hb% 12 GM%
Editors remark – Note the frequent repetition of the main remedy in this patient.
10th April 2006, Volume 13, Issue 1
Dr.Anita Fernandes
Cases / General Topics
Apis / Lyc
Dr.Anita Fernandes BHMS. MD (Hom.)
Lecturer, Fr. Muller Homoeopathic Medical College,
Mangalore 575 002
The ovarian enlargement may be cystic or solid, may occur at any age. Functional and inflammatory enlargements of the ovary develop almost exclusively during the child bearing years. They may be asymptomatic or produce local discomfort, menstrual disturbances, infertility, rarely cause acute symptoms due to complications like haemorrhage, rupture or torsion.
Ovarian tumours may be physiological or pathologic and may arise from any tissue in the ovary. Most benign ovarian tumours are cystic and the finding of solid elements makes malignancy more likely. The most common symptoms include: abdominal distension, abdominal pain or discomfort, lower abdominal pressure sensation and urinary or GIT symptoms. Masses that are unilateral, cystic, mobile and smooth are most likely to be benign. Acute pain may occur with adnexal torsion, cyst rupture, or bleeding into a cyst.
Symptoms: oligomenorrhoea to amenorrhoea, hirsutism, virilization, anovulatory cycles and infertility, obesity, bilateral polycystic ovaries.
Presentation of a benign ovarian cyst, tumours
Age: These arise at any age; the average incidence is 20-40 years.
Symptoms: many benign ovarian tumours are found incidentally in the course of investigating another unrelated problem or during a routine examination. Many simple cysts will resolve spontaneously if observed over a period of 2-3 months.
Acute pain: Acute pain from an ovarian tumor may result from torsion, rupture haemorrhage or infection. Torsion usually gives rise to a sharp, contsant pain caused by ischaemia of the cyst. Haemorrhage may occur into the cyst and cause pain as the capsule is stretched. Chronic lower abdominal pain sometimes results from the pressure of a benigh ovarian tumour but is more common if endometriosis or infection is present.
Abdominal swelling: Patients seldom note abdominal swelling until the tumour is very large. Gradual swelling of the abdomen is the presenting symptom.
Pressure symptoms: Gastrointestinal or urinary symptoms may result from pressure effects. In extreme cases, oedema of the legs, varicose veins and haemorrhoids may result. Sometimes uterine prolapse is the presening complaint in a woman with an ovarian cyst or frequency and retention of urine, palpitation and dyspepsia. Occasionally the patient will complain of menstrual disturbances: These may be menopathioa haemorrhagica, post menopausal bleeding.
Signs: In a huge tumour, paient may become anaemic, emaciated with ovarian cachexia.
Per abdomen: – Inspection: The abdomen becomes uniformly enlarged with flattening of the flanks, dilated veins may be seen on the lower abdomen.
Palpation: An intra abdominal swelling with well defined margins on all sides except the lower one, surface is smooth and consistency is tensely cystic or rarely solid, movable from side to side. Tenderness may be present.
Percussion: The tumour area in the midline of abdomen is dull on percussion with bowel resonance around it. Fluid thrill may be elicited in a huge benign cyst.
Ausculation: The tumour is silent.
Vaginal bimanual examination: The swelling felt to be pelvic or pelvi-abdominal in position. Its lower pole is felt through one of the vaginal fornices and normal uterus is felt separate from the swelling.
-Measure the haemoglobin and white cell count, which will suggest infection.
-X-ray abdomen/pelvis may demonstrate a soft tissue shadow or teeth in a dermoid.
-Ultrasound can demonstrate the presence of an ovarian mass.
-Diagnostic laparoscopic examination
Homoeopathy can be defined as system of drug therapeutics based on the law of SIMILIA SIMILIBUS CURENTUR.
The successful application of the law of similars depends entirely on the concepts of individualization and susceptible constitutions, which form the corner stone of homoeopathic practice.
A well selected constitutional remedy of a patient gives the prescriber, an insight into some of the predisposition and cryptic manifestations of the disease.
The patient, Mrs. V. 30-years old, came to our O. P. D. on 30th Oct 2002 with presenting complaint of pain in the right iliac region since 2 months increased since 2-3 days. She had severe pain in the lower abdomen, pain aggravated during menses, < touch, > by open air. Menses are too profuse, lasts for one week, menstrual cycle 40 days.
There was feeling of faintness++ present as the associated complaint. She didnt have any major illness in the past.
Personal history
Thermal state Hot patient. Appetite Good. Thirst- 4-5 Glasses per day. Sleep Good. Micturition D/N 3-4/1-2. Cravings sweets3. Aversion No particular. Bowels- Constipated. Habits- Nil. Perspiration-Normal.
LMP- 28-10-2202, Menstrual cycle regular 5/40 days. Character of menses delayed and profuse. Pain in abdomen during menses.
Pulse rate-80/min
R. R.-18/min
B. P-122/80mm of Hg
No pallor, cyanois. Clubbing, oedema, lymphadenopathy.
Per abdominal- Tenderness ++ in right iliac region. No mass felt per abdomen. On auscultation bowel; sounds heard normally.
Ultrasonography of abdomen (report enclosed)-Right ovarian cyst with thick debris (Partial torsion).
The acute remedy prescribed was Apis mel 30/4 pills there times a day on 30th Oct 2002 on the basis of pain in right iliac region that was < touch3 and > by open air and extreme tenderness on examination with feeling of faintness.
The patient reported on 2/11/2002 saying that she was feeling better. The chronic constitutional totality was then considered and the case was worked out.
Mental Generals:-
1 Anxiety3- apprehensive.
2. Fear2- of being alone.
3. Weak memory2.
5. Irritable3-least things make her angry.
Physical Generals:-
6. Hot patient
7. Cravings sweets3
8. Stools-hard
Characteritic particulars:-
9. Pain in right iliac region < dring menses3
10. Pain in right iliac region < touch3
11. Menses are too profuse
12. Delayed menses
Lycopodium 200 was given (1 dose) on 3/11/2002 and 1 dose afer 5 days.
Ultrasonography of abdomen was repeated by the patient on 11/11/2002 and the ovaries were normal.
Thus, in this case, we can see how a right ovarian cyst with parial torsion can be effectively treated with the constitutional similimum.
HEAL THYSELF (The Homoeopathic World) A Popular Journal of Medical Dietetic Social and Sanitary Science By J Ellis Barker.
1935 Sep Vol LXX No 837
Bennett F J.
SOME years ago I was commissioned to procure a swarm of bees for making the homoeopathic tincture of Apis mellifica, so I got into communication with a friend of mine who rather prided himself upon his practical knowledge of bee-keeping, and accordingly I arranged to meet him at his place in Essex to collect the swarm.
Having been stung in my time, I did fancy the job, but forewarned is forearmed, and I took with me some solution of Camphor, Belladonna, and Apis mellifica in case of accident, and, with a large wide mouthed bottle and a bottle of dilute alcohol, I arrived at my friend;s house. He soon invited me to an inspection of the hives, warning me at the same time that the bees were in a very excitable state owing to their having been disturbed some days before. Of this we soon had experience, for, on approaching the hives, we were warned of immediately by a swarm hovering angrily about us. In the circumstances we thought it best to beat us. In the circumstances we thought it best a retreat and wait an opportunity to approach the hive when all was quiet.
My friend then placed the wide mouthed bottle over the exist of the hive and tapped gently at the back of the hive, and the bees made a rush for the opening to escape were inside there was a terrific fight, as they were endeavouring to sting his hands which they could see through the glass, covering the bottle on the inside with their virus. When they had exhausted themselves I poured in the dilute Alcohol and soon all was quiet. Suddenly, however, we were attacked by about a dozen bees from another hive, and they began to settle about my friend;s head. I made a hasty retreat to escape their vengeance, but he, being more accustomed to their attack, was not so careful and brushed them away with his hand. At the time he remarked that he was not quite sure whether he had or had not been stung, but he seemed to think no more about the matter when, shortly after, he began to feel unwell, went indoors and lay on the cough. He became faint and slightly delirious-the poison had worked very rapidly.
The remedies I had provided for myself came in useful. I gave him 5 drops of solution of Camphor every five minutes, and the third dose removed all feeling of faintness and he felt better. But now the most remarkable symptoms followed-his face and neck became swollen and a rash came out on the neck became swollen and a rash came out on the body resembling Scarlet Fever. I gave him Belladonna, five drops every half hour for 6 doses. He went to bed, and I heard from his wife that the Belladonna had removed the rash and inflammatory condition of the skin and he was feeling normal, but a swelling had appeared round both ankles and his feet were uncomfortable, and there was a suppression of the renal functions. I had left some Apis mellifica 3x with him with instructions to take five drops every two hours should any other symptoms follow; I heard later that the Apis mellifica had cleared up all signs of the sting.
This was a remarkable case, as my friend had kept bees for years, and this was the first accident.
HOW TO TREAT THE GRAVELY SICK [Treatment Of Gravely Sick]
HEAL THYSELF (The Homoeopathic World) A Popular Journal of Medical, Dietetic, Social and Sanitary Science By J Ellis Barker.
1933 Mar Vol LXVIII No 807
Boger C M.
Apis / Merc-d / Merc-i-f / Phyt.
No sooner had medicine begun to free itself from the deadly incubus of superstition than it fell headlong into the clutches of an all-embracing materialism. Orthodox medicine has reached its present unhappy state along purely materialistic lines. It treats symptoms, not causes.
Hahnemann first diluted drugs to lessen their violent action and in doing so incidentally hit upon the principle of potentization. He thereby opened a door into the supersensible world of matter. He took a step leading into the realm of intangible forces which govern our state of being and keep our living house swept clean from within.
If we mean to cure we must take our first observation in the temple of the mind from whence flow the influences which affect the physical state. If the prescription eases the body, but leaves the mentality untouched, the sufferer is headed toward incurability. For this reason above all others the practitioner should obtain the completest possible account of what seems wrong before he attempts to fit a drug thereto. Fragmentary symptoms are the easiest to obtain, but also the quickest to mislead us into partial and perhaps actually harmful prescribing.
Symptoms are reactions and as such show an inter-relationship that may not be denied. The coarser ones usually portray the common acute diseases while the finer ones are less obvious. The latter are particularly important in the treatment of chronic affections for they point toward the more deeply acting remedies. Acute diseases are sharp outbursts of dynamic activity and picture, in their essence, some phase of a deep lying abnormality. They are, therefore, best studied in the finer and deeper symptoms which call for a fundamentally acting remedy, which displays them in a greater degree than it does the more obvious ones. These deeper symptoms also have a much longer ancestry than the acute ones.
The question as to which class of symptoms should take precedence must not be answered without due reflection. It is certain that the urgency of apparent indications sometimes amounts to a command, but not as often as is frequently supposed because the remedy indicated by the basic constitutional state is capable of arousing a general reaction powerful enough to sweep all before it if a sufficient reserve force is available. The difference amounts to deciding whether we will be satisfied with a palliating similar remedy or a curative simillimum. Here time and the reactive power available count heavily and may well be the deciding factor. In very acute dangerous diseases the gravity of the situation may decide for the former method, but this view always grows rarer and rarer as experience accumulates.
A child of seven showed a patch of diphtheria of the mixed type on each tonsil but more on the right. The face had a puffy, doughy pallor, both glands below the jaw were swollen and there was considerable fever, prostration and evil smell, with mental dullness and craving for cold water. The leading remedies for right-sided diphtheria, better from cold water, are Apis, Mercurius-dulcis, Mercurius-iodatus flavus and Phytolacca. The general appearance of the patient was decisive and he received a single dose of Mercurius-dulcis DMM of Swann at 5 p.m. In ten hours the crisis came with profuse sweat and great relief; by the third day he was out of danger. This looks like an easy success and perhaps it was for it had behind it the old allopathic practice of giving Calomel for mixed diphtheritic infection, with the added and more definite homoeopathic indications and the result was all that could be reasonably expected.
A student aged 20 had an attack of flu with sleepiness, backache and pain in left shoulder. His history showed pneumonia of right lung with empyema at the age of five. Rapid emaciation with weight dropping 30 lb. to 162 followed this influenza. He did not do well under regular treatment and was referred to me. He brought with him an X-ray picture which showed a small cavity toward the inner side of the left apex of the lungs, with infiltrated areas spreading downward along the bronchus. The morning temperature averaged about 97.6, the afternoon 98.8. There was a loud systolic swish in the left carotid artery just above the clavico-sternal junction (anaemia). The cough was excited by a slight choking, with grey-green expectoration in the morning until noon, but it was dry in afternoon. There was stiffness below the left collar-bone, then sore spots and a tired weak feeling in back; he could not sit upright. There were easy night sweats on the trunk. The face was pale, except for red cheeks; water blisters were present. The mouth was dry in the morning and there was thirst. He craved bread, meat, milk and eggs. He was averse to company and talking, was sleepy on damp of rainy days and in cool air. Always tired out by evening. Was always worse when lying on left side or back and better from warmth. On 16th April he received Arsenicum Jenichen. Now, 26th November, he weighs 210 lb. and seems normal in all respects. He has had no other medicine, having spent the intervening months in the open air.
The diphtheria case shows how the force of circumstances may restrict our choice to the nearest similar as the most available remedy. The basis for the Arsenicum prescription in the case of tuberculosis lies, as you will see, in the constitutional trend exhibited by the outstanding symptoms which point strongly toward the remedy which cured.
HEAL THYSELF (The Homoeopathic World) A Popular Journal of Medical, Dietetic, Social and Sanitary Science By J Ellis Barker.
1933 Jun Vol LXVIII No 810
Barlee H J W.
Brom / Iod / Merc-c / Bell / Apis.
TOWARDS the end of the year 1863 diphtheria was raging with extreme violence in St. Petersburg. In one family alone all the children, eight, died. The disease was of a very virulent form.
Among the doctors practising at that time in the capital of Russia was a Dr. Beck whom I knew personally when he had retired and was living in a little Swiss village.
The following facts were related to me by him. While this epidemic was raging, he went one day to the house of a colleague of his, a Dr. de Villers, whose only son was stricken with the disease, to enquire how he was progressing. He was at once asked upstairs to see the boy who was apparently dying. The father, and the doctor elbows on the foot of the bed and thought. He was so long silent that Dr. de Villers at last said to him : “Can you do nothing, do you not see that my son is dying ? ” “I am thinking,” said Dr. Beck. “He has symptoms of Mercury poisoning and symptoms of Cyanide poisoning, a combination of the two should be able to help.” “Quick, doctor, write the prescription,” said the father. Three similar prescriptions were then written and the father of the dying boy rushed downstairs, called three sledges and gave each driver a prescription, promising the driver who brought the remedy back first a gold piece over and above his fare. The three sledges started and soon the salt was brought and the doctors quickly made a potency and one drop of Mercurius cyanatus 6 was administered in a teaspoonful of water every two hours. This was during the afternoon. By the evening the severity of the symptoms had lessened. The next night he had three doses of Iodum, as Dr. Beck was not yet familiar with the action of Mercurius cyanatus. A few days passed and the child was out of danger and quickly recovered.
Dr. Beck then told me of a most interesting sequel to this wonderful cure. Very many years after at a Homoeopathic Congress at, I think, Munich, he had read a paper on this subject. When he had finished a young doctor jumped up and cried out : “I am the patient Dr. Beck cured. I am the son of Dr. de Villers.” There was then quite an ovation for old Dr. Beck.
I will now translate the second case cured by Dr. Beck with this remedy. M- aged 25, a healthy man, except for some acne on his cheeks and nose, complained of feeling ill. There was shivering and a painful dryness of the throat. I saw him the next day. Swelling, redness and intense dryness of the soft palate, the uvula and tonsils. Constant desire to swallow with sharp darting pains in the throat, greatly aggravated by swallowing. Feeling of suffocation on throat. Pain in neck and at angles of jaws by the least movements of the tongue, which is swollen at the base. Great thirst, very weak, hard frequent pulse ; dark red burning urine. Belladonna 6 every two hours.
Evening visit, aggravation of all symptoms, Belladonna 3.
The third day. Special odour from the mouth, which was filled with a sticky saliva. The whole tongue was swollen. The swollen parts of the mouth were now violet. Very severe pain in throat. Whitish-grey deposit on the uvula, tonsils and palate. Hoarseness and hollow cough worse by speaking. Snuffling ; painful nose ; mucus dropping from nose ; the nostrils glands. Stiff neck. General symptoms persist. Extreme prostration. Mercurius vivus 6 was given.
At my seconds visit the deposit had increased. Cough worse, patient almost speechless, respiration very difficult. The acne has disappeared. Mercurius vivus 4, a drop every half hour.
Fourth day. Bad night, difficulty of breathing much worse, pulse small and frequent, 115-120. Skin burning, very little urine passed. All local symptoms aggravated. The deposit has reached the inside of cheeks, the lips the gums and under the tongue. The parts not already attacked by the diphtheritic deposit, are violent in colour. Swallowing is almost impossible ; and pain behind the breastbone and at the root of the neck makes one think that the disease has reached the oesophagus, the swallowing tube. The nose is swollen hot and completely blocked. The eyes are bloodshot and weep. The swelling of the sub-maxillary and the parotid glands has greatly increased and extends to the sides and back of the neck. The cough, more frequent, brings on suffocation, and the face is livid.
From now on to the sixth day the disease made rapid progress. The salivary glands became enormous. False membranes were visible right up to the nostrils from which a foul, bloody, corrosive and fetid liquid escapes. The inside of the mouth as far as one could see was covered with a thick grey membrane. The tongue protruded beyond the teeth. The unhappy patient has his mouth half open and makes continual and violent efforts to breathe and to get rid of the membranes which block his respiratory tract. Pulse 150 and miserable. No urine since the day before. He can no longer speak and points to his stomach to show he has pain there.
He has had Iodine 3, Bromium 3, Mercurius corrosivus, Apis 6.
Burning fever drowsiness and sub-delirium, and the irregularity and weakness of the pulse point to a fatal termination of his sufferings. Friends wanted tracheotomy and I had not forbidden it, but with the patient in the states he was they do not insist.
It was now that I ordered Mercurius cyanatus 6 every half hour. Four hours later I returned to see the dying man, and I noticed with extreme delight a slight change for the better. The cough was looser, not so much suffocation. The pulse was better, there was less drowsiness. Continue the remedy. That evening the improvement was incontestable, drowsiness gone. The brain is free, swallowing easier, cough loose, dyspnoea, much less, a little dark urine has passed, fever abated. A dose every hour.
The night was relatively better, three hours of sleep, great pieces of false membrane are coughed up. The respiratory symptoms improved. The inside of the mouth where the false membrane was, shows a bloody purulent surface. The membranes stink.
On the eight day the patient tells me in a low voice that he feels much better, and the throat is freer, he can begin to shut his mouth without needing to breathe through it. He pulls strips of membrane from his nostrils. The pulse is better, 90-100. Moist skin. The swelling of the salivary glands is going down. The face has a better colour, and he has a desire for food. The night was quite six hours sleep, broken, however, by thirst and cough. Same remedy every two hours.
During the day he had several liquid, brown, horribly fetid stools containing an extraordinary quantity of false membranes. The cough, which makes him vomit, brings up quantities more. Passed urine twice. Pulse 85-90 better.
From now on he makes rapid progress till the seventeenth day when nothing remained but weakness, a loose cough and extreme emaciation. Mercurius cyanatus was stopped and other remedies were given. The acne re-appeared during the convalescence.
This was the second case in which Mercurius cyanatus was tried. Dr. Beck thought he had to exhibit first the usual remedies. From this time on, however, he always began with Mercurius cyanatus when diphtheria was diagnosed.
This paper shows how homoeopathic remedies are discovered and the two cases constitute a triumphant vindication of homoeopathy.
HEAL THYSELF (The Homoeopathic World) A Popular Journal of Medical, Dietetic, Social and Sanitary Science By J Ellis Barker.
1933 Aug Vol LXVIII No 812
Edmund Carleton.
Phos / Kali-bi / Apis / Caust / Sep / Dulc / Clem / Ars
(First Article).
AT the close of one of my clinics at the New York Homoeopathic Medical College a visiting English physician said to me.” This is interesting. Can you cure cancer ?” Here is my answer :.
I have seen my modest share of cancer. None of the cases have I treated by name, or pathologically. Each case has been individualized and prescribed for homoeopathically, according to its peculiar needs, to the best of my ability. Every case has been helped thereby, far more, I am sure,than would have been possible by any other means. Every year I operate less than before; and when I operate it is upon the ground of expediency. My sole reliance for cure is upon Homoeopathy. The statistics improve correspondingly. I never operate primarily. medicine precedes and follows the knife. Excluding a few cases of carcinoma and sarcoma thus treated, which have got well (excepting for the mutilation of course) and remained well, I will now give the histories of a few cases cured by homoeopathy alone, the only means I believe, that is able to cure.
A little, slender, shrivelled, feeble old woman, with trembling voice, was referred to me by her physician, who expected me to excise a cancer from her forehead. It was an open sore with regular edges, which had started from the bone, situated slightly to the right of the centre of the forehead, measuring two inches vertically and an inch and a half laterally, and presenting a corrugated surface which was suffused with dark, grumous blood and pus, and which bled freely under slight provocation. She complained of boring, tearing, burning pains in the affected part.
The patients figure, the location of the growth, the character of the pains in it and its disposition to bleed, all pointed to Phosphorus,. The well-known ability of phosphorus to disorganize bone and its reputation in the treatment of fungus haematodes corroborated the choice. The homoeopathic remedy was plainly indicated. This fact was explained to the patient, also the fact that the cancer was not a thing which could be cut away and thus end the trouble; but was the visible expression of a diseased organism, which would disappear as soon as the organism should be cured by the similar medicine, and not before. She gladly consented to have internal medication in place of local interference; and we went to work, February 9th 1897.
She took phosphorus, two hundredth centesimal potency, for times a day with little interruption for about one year. When improvement was well under way, medication was correspondingly abated. On two occasions, a change of symptoms and a lack of progress led to the temporary abandonment of phosphorus and the substitution of, first, Hepar sulphuris calcareum, and, in the last instance, Nitric acid; but each of these movements was soon found to be mistaken, and, therefore, was stopped.
In September, 1898, she w as discharged cured, the forehead being normal and her health in other respects good. The contest had lasted nineteen months. She remained well a number of years and then died of pneumonia.
CASE.2 EPITHELIOMA OF THE NOSE. A widow,70 years of age, exhibited a sore on the end of her nose, which destroyed one- third of that member before it could be brought under control. Specialists declared it to be epithelioma. The management of the case developed upon me. She received three remedies at my hands. When local burning heat predominated, with dryness of the skin, thirst, restlessness, then Arsenicum two hundredth was given. When that phase yielded and was replaced by pricking pain and some gnawing, then Nitric acid two hundredth ruled. When the sore experienced sensations like “bed bug bites”, she took Kali bichromicum two hundredth. These three remedies shared pretty evenly and were given in the order of succession named. She was cured in about three years, and so remained the rest of her life, reaching the age of 84.
CASE 3. EPITHELIOMA OF THE NOSE. A woman, 62 years of age. The malady first appeared as a scale or scab devoid of sensation. The scab fell off, leaving a raw place which increased in size and again scabbed. This process was repeated many times. Eventually the raw surface became an elevated, red, fungating, easily bleeding sore which could be made to scab with difficulty. Sensations : Burning, pricking, stinging with itching, which was sometimes felt at the tip of the nose. As the morbid process yielded to medicine, the steps, which have been described, were retraced in the inverse order of their development and ended in complete cure. Over four years of time were required to do this. During that period four principal remedies were used, namely, Arsenicum, Nitric acid, Causticum and Apis, according to the prevalence of the burning, pricking,itching or stinging. At long intervals this order was interrupted, once by Sepia when a yellow saddle bestrode the nose; again by Lachesis for left-sided sore throat accompanied by hot flashes and intolerance of clothing about the neck, and again with Zincum when she was exhausted by the care of an invalid, and nervous, with fidgety feet. These remedies were all given in the 100,000th potency of Fincke, a dose about every two months or when improvement ceased. She is perfectly well. Two pictorial illustrations in my volume Homoeopathy in Medicine and Surgery, Boericke & Tafel, 1913, give some idea of the original and present appearances of the nose.
CASE 4. EPITHELIOMA OF THE LIP. The responsibility for the cure of the following case is divided between three physicians.
In 1886, a gentleman, 63 years of age, was obliged to relinquish to a considerable extent his active literary pursuits on account of neurasthenia. His sleep was poor, he could not concentrate his thoughts without headache, beginning in the nape of the neck and extending upwards to the top, with coldness across shoulders and vertigo, which was increased by looking up and around. He had an indolent ulcer upon the outer surface of the left leg, flat, shallow, with bluish-white base and clearly-cut edges. Every tyro in homoeopathic practice knows that the prescription was bound to be Silica in high potency, and believes my statement that at the end of two years of medical treatment his strength was nearly restored. It ought to be but probably is not superfluous to add that no medicated applications were made to the ulcer. Sole reliance was placed upon internal medicine. He lived in Boston, and much prescribing was done by means of correspondence.
Then it was headaches gone, ulcer healed, vigour in great measure restored and work resumed that a hard, rough, cracked, sensitive,painful, slightly discoloured tumour developed in the border of the left side of the lower lip. Epithelioma stared me in the face. I turned to page 379 of Vol. IX of Herings Guiding Symptoms, and read, among much other relevant and interesting text, “Swelling of lower lip.” “Cancer of lower lip.” Silica continued to be the remedy. I gave a dose very high. It relieved the situation somewhat. Relatives and friends took alarm and held anxious conferences. Excision, plasters, escharotics, and nostrums were discussed and urged. It seemed that control of the case could be maintained better by closer personal contact between physician and patient. I therefore asked to have Dr. William P. Wesselhoeft, of Boston, take on the case. He did so; and now kindly consents to let me quote him. After consulting his books, he writes :.
“I find that in 1888 he received, February 18th, Silica 100,000th potency one dose.” During his absence from home, which soon followed, Dr. Wesselhoeft assigned the case to his colleague, Dr. James B. Bell, who writes :.
” I have no doubt of the diagnosis from the macroscopic appearance. I treated him from June 18th, 1888,to December 29th, 1891, and the remedies were Clematis and Dulcamara, at long intervals and in the highest potencies. The indications for Clematis were simply “Cancer on the lip”. and for Dulcamara, the warty character of the growth. I do not remember that there were any modalities. He had occasional interruption of the treatment for more or less acute conditions, but there was gradual progress toward a cure and the remedies were not repeated as long as progress, was discernible. As I remember, the cure was complete and continued until his death.”.
Dr. Bells recollection is good. The subject remained well until 1896, when he died suddenly of cerebral haemorrhage.
CASE 5. CANCER OF THE STOMACH. Mrs., nurse, multipara, fifty years of age. Hard, irregular tumour at pylorus, the opening of the stomach towards the bowel, sensitive to manipulation, the seat of burning pain; thirst, water producing an indescribable, nauseating effect; inability to retain food, which returned partially digested; vomiting of slime and blood; bloody ejections. Yellow scrawny and emaciated. The staff of the Bond Street Dispensary confirmation my diagnosis of cancer of the stomach. Arsenicum two hundredth, in water every two hours brought amelioration. Then the doses were placed farther apart; expedited when exacerbations ensued, and so in. In not quite two years she was well, and so remained for the rest of her life. No trace of cancer could ever after be discovered. One remedy cured. She finally perished with pneumonia a number of years after the cure of the cancer.
CANCER, HOMOEOPATHY AND ORTHODOX TREATMENT [Cancer Homoeopathy & Orthodox Treatment]
HEAL THYSELF (The Homoeopathic World) A Popular Journal of Medical, Dietetic, Social and Sanitary Science By J Ellis Barker.
1933 Aug Vol LXVIII No 812
Paul Chavanon.
Thuj / Hep-s / Lach / Apis / Bell.
(L Homoeopathic Moderne, Feb. 1933).
MR. LOUIS C., fifty years old, furniture remover, was sent to the hospital Saint-Antoine on April 27th, 1926 for constantly increasing hoarseness. He had had no venereal disease, had been a very moderate smoker, and had given up smoking since he noticed the pain in the throat. He has a good appetite, but can no longer swallow solid food, and has a never-ceasing pain in the throat, resembling that produced by wooden splinters, and the pain is aggravated by swallowing. During the last week the swallowing of liquids also has become more and more difficult, and during the last five weeks he had great trouble in swallowing. He complained about a disagreeable taste, he had a very dirty tongue, and an un-ending thirst for cold water. He had much salivation, and, as swallowing the saliva gives him pain, he is continually spitting. he had lost a great deal of weight during the last six months, slept badly, had heavy night sweats, was very talkative.
Examination of the throat showed a large oedematous swelling, a large cauliflower-like growth with fetid ulceration, infiltration of the healthy tissues, and the whole throat had been pushed to the left side. The ganglions and arteries of the throat and the glands had also been affected. As the case was too advanced for surgical treatment in any form, Dr. Louis Leroux of the hospital handed the patient over to me. I immediately took some blood for a blood test and excised two small portions of the growth for microscopic examination. Before he had gone to the hospital he had received from his orthodox physician a large number of medicines which had in no way slackened the progress of the disease. I told him to weigh himself the next day, gave him a single dose of Thuja 200 and told him to take every morning a single dose of Hepar sulphuris 30.
On May 3rd, a week after our first interview the patient called on me. He told me that during the last forty-eight hours swallowing had greatly improved, that he was less hoarse, and that the dose of Thuja 200 upset him badly during the first forty-eight hours. His weight was fifty-seven kilogrammes. The Wassermann test for syphilis was negative and the two excised sections of the growth were declared cancerous by the pathologist. I gave him a dose of Lachesis 30, and told him to continue taking Hepar sulphuris 30 every morning.
On May 8th I saw the patient again. His weight had increased from 57 kilos to 572 kilos. He told me that the dose of Lachesis had caused a sensation as if he had swallowed fire, that he felt much better in general health, slept well, and was no longer troubled with night sweats. His appetite had greatly improved. He now eats everything that comes to hand, even meat, of which he is very fond, and salivation had increased. Inspection of the throat shows improvement, ulceration looks more wholesome, and the margins are more clearly defined. The growth seems smaller, and the patient no longer complains of pain when the tongue is pulled forward. He was given a single dose of Thuja 200 to be taken on May 12th, and was told to continue taking Hepar sulphuris 30 every morning. He was also told to take Lachesis 30 on May 9th and 14th, half an hour before the evening meal.
On May 15th, Mr. C. called again. His weight had increased to 58.2 kilos. The dose of Lachesis 30, taken on May 9th, had caused him to perspire during the whole night, but had not given him the sensation of fire in the throat. The dose of Thuja 200 taken on May 12th had caused him to cough and spit during the whole of the following day and had caused much pain in the throat. The dose of Lachesis 30, taken on May 14th had not produced any reaction. The patient told me that he felt well in general health, no pain in the throat, but still much salivation. He can eat everything and tells me with delight that he can even eat and swallow crusty bread. He has a tremendous appetite and a perfect digestion. Sleep is excellent. Formerly he emptied his bowels the moment he got out of bed, but now he has motions at odd times, is still very thirsty for cold water and has gone back to the strenuous work of furniture removing. The ulcer looks clean and wholesome, showing fleshy vegetations. He was told to take Lachesis 30 on May 19th and 24th and to continue Hepar sulphuris 30, to be taken now only every third morning.
On May 29th, a month after the beginning of the treatment, he weighed 59 kilos, an increase of 42 lbs. He told me that the two doses of Lachesis had caused tiredness and increased salivation, that his appetite and sleep were excellent, that the swallowing pain had practically disappeared and he was delighted with his progress. He spits less, cough is still present, and he is still thirsty for cold water. The diameter of the throat ulcer has shrunk, and the ulcer surface is skinning over, but swelling and redness of the throat persist. I gave him a dose of Thuja 200 to be taken first thing in the morning and, because of the swelling and redness, I prescribed Belladonna 30 and Apis 30 to be taken in alternation every three hours.
On June 5th the patient weighed 60.3 kilos. The dose of Thuja 200 had produced a fearful reaction, with horrible pain, complete sleeplessness and cough, which lasted three days. After these three days, improvement has been continuous, but it seems that the doses of Belladonna and Apis were placed too near one another because they produced an aggravation lasting one or two hours. There is little cough; appetite and sleep are excellent; the disagreeable taste has disagreeable taste has disappeared; the tongue is clean; there is less thirst, but salivation is still pronounced. There is no longer any swallowing difficulty. The ulcer is healing, and has shrunk to very small proportions, about as large as a lentil, but there is still much swelling and redness and he has still occasionally a splinter sensation in the throat. He was told to take a dose of Lachesis 200 on waking first thing on June 6th, a dose of Belladonna 30 on the other mornings, and a dose of Hepar sulphuris 30 every fourth day, half an hour before dinner.
On June 19th I saw him again. He weights 63.1 kilos, cough has disappeared, salivation is still in evidence, he has no longer a splinter sensation which has disappeared while taking Hepar sulphuris which causes and cures that symptom. The throat is as red as it was, but the swelling is not so large, healing by scar formation has continued. He was told to take a dose of Lachesis 200 both on June 26th and on July 29th, a dose of Thuja 200 on July 14th, a dose of Lachesis 30 every Thursday evening, and a dose of Belladonna 30 for the inflammation of the throat two or three times a day.
On August 9th, six weeks after our last interview, my patient weighed 66 kilos, having gained 9 kilos or 20 lbs. in three months and a half. There is still much salivation. For several weeks he has taken no medicine but he complains that during the last few days he has had the sensation of the throat being pricked with hot needles. I scolded him for having kept away from me for six weeks, risking thus failure of treatment. Inspection of the throat showed that the condition was as it had been on June 25th. I gave him a dose of Micrococcin 200 (the French equivalent of Carcinosinum), a cancer product, to be taken first thing in the morning of the following day and gave him Lachesis 30, a dose every Thursday, Hepar 30 a dose every Sunday, and Apis 30 for the swelling, a single dose per day. Having given these directions I went on my holidays.
Three weeks later, on August 29th, my patient wrote to me that he suffered so much from rheumatism in his knees that he had gone to the hospital where they had kept him. Two days after receipt of this letter, on September 2nd. I returned to paris. Soon afterwards I went to his hospital, and he showed me his knees which were somewhat swollen. He had been given every day an injection of Salicylate of soda. These injections had given no relief whatever, but they had been continued all the same. Moreover, after the third day his old throat pain had returned, but no one had paid any attention to it. I urged him to leave the hospital as soon as possible. Three months later, on November 20th, I called at the hospital and I learned that he had been sent away from the hospital on October 30th, two months after my visit, and the entry had been made, “Dismissed, cured of rheumatism of the knee.”.
Not having heard from my man for a long time, I became anxious and on December 9th went to see him at his house. I was horrified when I entered his room. He was lying in bed. He had become a wreck, was totally emaciated and he sobbed constantly, coughing, “Oh, doctor, doctor, here you are Those wretches at the hospital have killed me Look what they have done with me ” He wept like a child and lifted off his clothes to show me that he had become a skeleton covered with skin. When I had left paris for my holidays a few months ago he was fat and rosy and muscular. He was now only skin and bones. He told me that during two months Professor X and his assistant had given him daily injections of Salicylate of soda, although he had fever every evening. During that time he was almost daily dragged from one lecture room to the other, and was tortured with every possible test, but no one had ever looked at his throat. He caught a chill in one of the unheated corridors, and then develop a fearful diarrhoea. He emptied his bowels on an average twelve times a day and became terribly weakened for his appetite had disappeared. Nature had obviously tried to eliminate the poisons injected into his veins. On October 30th, disgusted and furious with the ill- treatment he had received, he had at last taken my advice and had left the hospital. Returned to his home, he had been looked after by a local doctor who had given him eleven different medicine which had done him no good. He had been afraid to ask me to come to the rescue. I was astonished to find that he could still swallow easily.
I set to eliminate his diarrhoea with homoeopathic remedies and to rebuild his system. By Christmas his motions had fallen to three a day and he could get out of bed. At the beginning of march, 1927, his motions had been reduced to a single formed one and he began once more to put on weight while his throat improved steadily. When I called on him on March 28th I was amazed to find only his wife. She told me that a health visitor had called a number of times and has urged her husband unceasingly to come to a clinic at Auteuil, where he would be given a comfortable well- lighted and well-warmed room with every attention, and where he would be given injections to rid him of his pain instead of worthless homoeopathic treatment. Against his will he was dragged there and on April 2nd I received a black-edged letter telling me that he had died on April 1st.
I had another very serious cancer case. The patient had almost recovered. An orthodox physician happened to call, he gave him an injection and in ten minutes he was dead.
HEAL THYSELF (The Homoeopathic World) A Popular Journal of Medical, Dietetic, Social and Sanitary Science By J Ellis Barker.
1936 Apr Vol LXXI No 844
Dorothy Shepherd.
Sulph / Rhus-t / Bry / Puls / Apis / Dulc / Rhod / Cimic / Macrin.
AFTER two years of drought England is once more living up to its reputation of grey, weeping skies and damp muddy roads, and we shall get again our usual crop of rheumatism and allied diseases due to exposure to wet, though there is another class of case which is more affected by heat and dry atmosphere. I recall the pathetic wail of a man in one of the daily papers in which he condemns the incompetence of the medical profession in being unable to deal successfully with such common or garden complaints as rheumatism and “can somebody tell me,” he plaintively writes, “why rheumatism, which is a wet weather disease, comes on with me during the height of summer. If it is a brilliantly warm cloudless day I am crippled, and, moreover, when I get into bed and get comfortable and hot, then my enemy, rheumatism, begins to plague me, and doctors only shrug their shoulders and do nothing.” One wished that this poor man could have been introduced to Homoeopathy. He describes the pains which are found under Sulphur and which Sulphur alone would rapidly remove. A Sulphur patient revels in the damp and cold, he is limber and active in the damp, but during a dry, warm, summery spell, he gets the knees of a worn-out cab horse, painfully and stiffly he drags along. He hates the nights, for the warmth of the bed heats up his muscles so that they burn and ache, and he has to search for the cool places in the bed or hand his feet out, and how easily he gets cured one he gets under the right regime It may be just muscular rheumatism or myalgia or rheumatic fever or even that dreaded rheumatoid arthritis where the deeper structures of the joints are affected; if you find these symptoms Sulphur will help: quickly in muscular rheumatism and more slowly in rheumatic fever, you have to repeat the doses more often in an acute inflammatory condition, and where there are organic changes such as you find in arthritis, you will have to wait some time before the recuperative forces of nature are able to undo the damage that has been done and loosen up the stiffened joints.
There was a lady who came some time ago from the West of England with the tag “Arthritis”, she had been crippled with arthritis of the left knee for over a year or more, and was unable to do much or enjoy life with her husband. Her sister had been cured very quickly by homoeopathy some years previously of her rheumatic knee by alternate does of Rhus tox. and Bryonia; a very favourite prescription of mine if the symptoms agree, and one has the authority of Hahnemann for this alternation. Well, this good lady arrived, her left knee was stiff, she could not bend it at all and had to sit very gingerly on the edge of the chair with her leg out in front of her: there was tightening of the hamstring muscles at the back of the knee, but no definite involvement of the knee joint; she could not kneel and walking was a great trial to her. The symptoms again worked to Rhus tox. and Rhus tox. 6 in pellets, three time only was prescribed. One did not see her again for six months or so. For some reason or another she had been unable to come up town to report, but had continued with the pellets, and when she paid the second visit she was able to bend the knee and there was only a slight tenseness of the muscles behind the knee, and then at the third visit she only came to report complete recovery; she was as spry as ever she had been before, and marvelled only how a few small pellets could make such a difference, when all the other remedies she had tried had proved a failure. Yes, Rhus tox. is a miracle worker in rheumatic troubles, if you have Rhus tox. symptoms, the exposure to damp, the stiffness and pain on first beginning to move which disappear on continued motion. There is fibrositis, a new favourite diagnosis of the present day Aesculapias, which is only another name for the old fashioned rheumatism. You feel the hard nodules in the muscles which are so painful to touch and movement and which take such ages to remove with massage and hot air baths and radiant heat, etc.
By the by, dont put a Sulphur patient into hot air baths or give him radiant heat, and if by chance he is a peppery old colonel, you will hear about it if you start up his pains with the radiant heat or the infra red rays. Give the patient with the fibrotic nodules the remedy which is indicated by this symptom, and if they are only recent nodules they will melt away in a very short time; if they are old and thick they will take longer, but they will go, too. I am not decrying such auxiliary measures as infra red lamps of Turkish baths or radiant heat; they are very soothing and comforting and often very helpful, and sometimes when the indicated homoeopathic medicine takes a long time to act, which in a long standing chronic case is often the case, all these accessory measures are of use, as the individual patient feels something is being done, and the psychological effect of coloured lamps and infra red rays is not to be despised.
One remembers a case far advanced with rheumatoid arthritis, there were the typical pear-shaped swellings of the wrists and ankles: she was not able to raise her arms in order to attend to her hair even; she was brought at first in a bath chair as she could not walk. I dont know how many years she had been like it. She had radiant heat and infra red heat; faithfully she came twice a week for two years, and gradually the distorted joints took on a more normal appearance, the movements became freer and easier. She could do her own hair, she discarded her bath chair and became tripping along on her own feet. She was able to discard various artificial appliances to correct flat food, and she was very pleased with herself. But I was not; the moment she gave up her light treatment back would come the pains, and the muscles would tighten up again. One bethought oneself, why not try homoeopathic medication. I know some of the homoeopathic writes do not hold out much hope in advanced cases of crippling arthritis, but why not try? One took some of the symptoms and one found that she was a gentle, timid soul, easily moved to tears, affected by warm weather, even though she liked warmth for her local aches and pains; she disliked fat food, and Pulsatilla was so plainly her constitutional remedy that she was given Pulsatilla and after three months on Pulsatilla continued with artificial sunlight treatment the progress was not only more rapid but it was maintained without the aid of further light baths. This is over two years ago. Nobody would know nowadays, looking at her joints, that she had arthritis, she has had no return of pain or crippling stiffness and deformity, and had had no treatment during all this time. And she continues well, so the report goes. The remarkable point was that three months homoeopathic treatment equalled in her case nearly one years treatment without it. That is her progress during the last three months under homoeopathy, very much quicker than during the twelve months on light treatment alone, and, moreover, it was maintained. A very satisfactory result from the patients point of view.
Some time ago it was mentioned in the press that bee-keepers very rarely suffered from rheumatism, and the bright suggestion was made that people should allow themselves to be stung in order to cure their rheumatism. A very painful and unpleasant procedure The homoeopaths have known of the action of the bee poison in rheumatism for over 100 years, ever since Hahnemanns days in the eighteenth century. But it only acts in a certain type of rheumatism, and only through the homoeopathic way of taking a case and finding the symptoms can you cure the kind of rheumatism which yields to Apis, the poison of the honey bee, and you do not often come across Apis symptoms except in acute inflammation of the joints. One remembers the case of a nurse who presented such an Apis picture: Inflammation of the right knee joint, which looked red, felt hot to touch and pitted on pressure. There was oedema all round; she complained of stinging and burning pains in the joints which were worse in the warm bed, worse hot application, worse sitting near the warm stove; all this nearly drove her crazy. I found her sitting up in a cold room with the knee exposed to the cold air, and basin of cold water near her, which she applied to her knee to cool the burning and stinging in the joints. One soon saw that this could only be Apis, and Apis m, four hourly, was prescribed, and the relief was instantaneous almost. In twenty-four hours the swelling had gone down, and a week later the patient was back at work.
It is no use to apply the bee poison to all and sundry rheumatic patients, you would have many failures; it would only do good in those cases which present the typical Apis symptoms: the swelling, oedema, redness, tenderness to touch, the burning, stinging pains which are made worse by heat. Take each case of rheumatism individually and find out the particulars, the aggravations, the amelioration of the pains, the cause of the rheumatism, and you will get cures in almost every case.
One remembers a young woman, she had been to the winter sports and came back crippled with rheumatism. One found out that she had become hot skating, it was brilliant warm sunshine, she had thrown off some of her clothes, suddenly a cold wind had come up, the sun had gone behind clouds and it had begun to snow. The result of the sudden change from hot to a cold temperature and the exposure to cold, damp snow plus the suppressed perspiration had led to rheumatism of the neck muscles and back. This was a typical Dulcamara case and Dulcamara speedily put her right. You will get Dulcamara rheumatism frequently in climates where there are great differences in temperature within twenty-four hours, and in England especially in the autumn warm sunny days and cold nights, especially if there is a cold damp atmosphere, if heavy rain follows on a warm day.
One remembers another patient, she was an elderly woman who suffered a great deal from stiffness in the neck and pains in the head, shooting tearing pains, so that she had to wrap up her neck and head to get relief. These pains were always worse in cold wet weather. I tried Dulcamara with very little benefit. On further enquiry she volunteered the information that she always knew when there was thunder about, for the pains became unbearable before a thunder storm. Rhododendron has such an aggravation before thunder storm and Rhod. 1M, four hourly, for a week, cleared up the pains and the stiffness which had lasted for many weeks.
“Stiff neck” is quite a common rheumatic affection: Rhus tox. and Bryonia often helps, but there is another remedy which has a particular relationship to the muscles of the nape of the neck and that is the American plant, Cimicifuga: a Black Cohosh. Shall we quote a case illustrating the effect this medicine has? A stout middle aged woman was seen at the Dispensary: her head was drawn back and she could not turn it either to the right or the left. She could not lie on her back because the muscles of the back were tightly contracted, neither could she lie on her side because the muscles jumped and jerked. She was extremely depressed and gloomy about her condition, nothing could do her any good, she could not get well, she was gone. It was no use trying. She was persuaded to try the Cimicifuga: she was not told, of course, what she had. She thought she got some kind of aspirin, but it was Cimicifuga in very minute dosage — in fact Cimicifuga 30, three hourly, and the next time she was seen all the depression and gloom had gone; the muscles of the nape of the neck were soft and flexible. She could turn her head whichever way she wished, and all this in less than forty-eight hours. And for a wonder she was quite grateful The late Dr. Clarke speaks very highly of the action of the resinoid Macrotin found in this plant. He usually used the Macrotin found in this plant. He usually used the Macrotin in the 3x trituration for lumbago and stiff neck. One has not so far had occasion to use this resinoid, but should a case come along with the Cimicifuga particulars, one would then apply the Macrotin on Dr. Clarkes authority and expect a cure.
✅ আমাদের সফল চিকিৎসার প্রমাণ দেখতে লিংকে ক্লিক করুণ।
১. টিউমার, ক্যান্সার ও সিস্ট রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
২. চর্ম, নখ ও চুলের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
৩. গাইনী, প্রসূতি ও স্তনের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
৪. নাক, কান, গলা ও শ্বাসতন্ত্রের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
৫. মানসিক রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
৬. রিউমাটোলজি, হাড় পেশী ও জয়েন্টের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
৭. নবজাতক ও শিশু রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
৮. ব্রেইন, স্পাইনাল কর্ড ও নার্ভের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
৯. যৌন শক্তি ও যৌন বাহিত রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১০. কিডনি, মুত্র, প্রোস্টেট গ্ল্যান্ড ও পুরুষ জননাঙ্গের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১১. গ্যাস্ট্রোএন্টারোলজি বা পেটের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১২. মলদ্বার, পায়ুপথ ও কোলনের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১৩. লিভার ও পিত্তের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১৪. চোখ, দৃষ্টি শক্তি ও চোখের পাতার রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১৫. জ্বর, সংক্রামক ও ইমার্জেন্সি রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১৬. ডায়াবেটিস ও হরমোন জনিত রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১৭. দাঁত ও মুখের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১৮. হার্টের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১৯. রক্ত, বোনম্যারু, প্লিহা ও লিম্ফ নোডের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
✅ আমাদের সফল চিকিৎসার ভিডিও প্রমাণ দেখতে ডান পার্শের মেনুতে রোগের নাম লিখে সার্চ করুন।
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