CANCER, (70) |
1 alum, 1 alumn, 1 anag, 2 apis, 2 arg-n, 1 arn, 2 ars, 2 ars-i, 3 ASTER, 2 aur-ar, 2 aur-m-n, 2 bad, 1 bapt, 1 bar-i, 2 bell, 2 bell-p, 2 brom, 1 bry, 3 BUFO, 1 calc, 1 calc-i, 2 calen, 2 carb-ac, 3 CARB-AN, 1 carbn-s, 1 carb-v, 2 carc, 1 caust, 1 cham, 2 chim, 1 cic, 1 cist, 2 clem, 1 coloc, 3 CON, 3 CUND, 1 dulc, 1 ferr-i, 1 form-ac, 2 gali, 3 GRAPH, 2 hep, 2 hydr, 1 kali-c, 2 kali-i, 1 kreos, 2 lach, 1 lap-a, 2 lyc, 3 MERC, 2 merc-i-f, 1 nat-cac, 2 nit-ac, 1 ol-an, 2 ox-ac, 2 phos, 3 PHYT, 1 plb-i, 2 psor, 1 puls, 2 sang, 2 scirr, 1 semp, 2 sep, 3 SIL, 2 sulph, 1 strych-g, 1 tarent-c, 2 thuj, 1 tub |
CANCER, bleeding (7) |
1 carb-an, 1 kreos, 1 lach, 2 phos, 1 sang, 1 strych-g, 1 thuj |
CANCER, bloodly discharge from livid red spot on tumor, gradually invading whole breast, discharging (1) |
2 aster |
CANCER, burning, pains, better from external warmth (1) |
3 ARS |
CANCER, burning, pains, better from external warmth open tumor (3) |
3 APIS, 1 ars, 2 hydr |
CANCER, burning of edges, with bad odor (1) |
2 hep |
CANCER, contusion, from (3) |
2 bell-p, 3 CON, 1 phyt |
CANCER, cracked tissue, with (1) |
1 cund |
CANCER, discharge of blood and fetid ichor from livid red spot on tumor (1) |
2 aster |
CANCER, drawing pain toward axilla (1) |
2 carb-an |
CANCER, emaciated and cachectic (3) |
1 ars, 1 cund, 1 hydr |
CANCER, epithelioma (20) |
2 arg-n, 2 ars, 2 ars-i, 1 brom, 3 BUFO, 1 calc, 1 calc-p, 2 clem, 3 CON, 2 hydr, 2 kreos, 2 lach, 1 merc, 2 merc-i-f, 2 phos, 2 phyt, 2 sep, 2 sil, 1 sulph, 1 thuj |
CANCER, face gray, earthy, oldish, with (1) |
3 BROM |
CANCER, hen’s egg in, size of (2) |
1 hydr, 1 phyt |
CANCER, heaviness of breast, with (1) |
2 con |
CANCER, hidden, occult (1) |
3 BUFO |
CANCER, hot, nipples, with (1) |
2 phos |
CANCER, immovable mass (1) |
2 con |
CANCER, indurated (4) |
1 brom, 1 cist, 2 con, 1 phos |
CANCER, indurated stony hard (1) |
3 CON |
CANCER, inflamed, hard, very painful, worse by exposure to air (1) |
2 phos |
CANCER, injury, caused by (4) |
1 bell-p, 2 con, 1 phyt, 1 symph |
CANCER, itching, with (1) |
1 sil |
CANCER, lancinating pains (2) |
3 ASTER, 2 lach |
CANCER, lancinating pains bleeding easily (1) |
2 phos |
CANCER, large as a small egg, as (1) |
2 hydr |
CANCER, left breast (7) |
1 aster, 1 carb-ac, 1 carb-an, 1 carc, 1 con, 1 cund, 1 hydr |
CANCER, left breast feels drawn in (3) |
1 aster, 1 carb-an, 1 hydr |
CANCER, left breast ulcerated and open (1) |
2 hydr |
CANCER, mastectomy, after (3) |
1 calen, 1 graph, 1 sil |
CANCER, mastectomy, after cancer appears in the other breast, after (3) |
1 lach, 2 lac-c, 1 lyc |
CANCER, nightly, pains (1) |
2 aster |
CANCER, open tumors (8) |
3 APIS, 1 ars, 1 bufo, 1 carb-an, 1 cund, 2 hydr, 2 phyt, 2 sil |
CANCER, pains, with (3) |
1 ars, 2 aster, 2 hydr |
CANCER, raw feeling (1) |
3 MERC |
CANCER, right (6) |
2 apis, 1 carc, 1 cund, 2 hydr, 1 lyc, 1 phyt |
CANCER, right open, with burning pain (1) |
2 hydr |
CANCER, scars, cancer in old (2) |
3 GRAPH, 1 sil |
CANCER, scars, cancer in old abscesses, after repeated (1) |
CANCER, sharp pains (3) |
2 aster, 1 clem, 2 con |
CANCER, sharp pains shoulders and uterus, pains with (1) |
1 clem |
CANCER, shooting pains (1) |
2 con |
CANCER, skin, purple spots and wrinkled (1) |
1 cund |
CANCER, skin, purple spots and wrinkled red spots over tumor (2) |
1 aster, 2 carb-an |
CANCER, sleep from pain, cannot (2) |
2 aster, 2 carc |
CANCER, smells like old cheese (1) |
2 hep |
CANCER, sore pain (1) |
3 MERC |
CANCER, stinging pain (2) |
1 apis, 1 hep |
CANCER, stinging of edges, smells like old cheese (1) |
2 hep |
CANCER, stony hard, large as tea cup (1) |
3 CON |
CANCER, ulceration (8) |
2 calc, 1 cund, 2 hep, 2 hydr, 2 phos, 3 PHYT, 3 SIL, 1 sulph |
CANCER, cancer, breast, scirrhus (16) |
2 arg-n, 1 ars, 2 aster, 2 brom, 3 BUFO, 2 carb-an, 3 CON, 1 cund, 1 hydr, 1 kreos, 1 lap-a, 1 phyt, 1 sars, 2 scirr, 2 sil, 1 sulph |
CANCER, cancer, breast, scirrhus burning pain, with (1) |
2-Sep |
CANCER, cancer, breast, scirrhus discharge, ulceration with fetid, bloody and sloughing (1) |
1 cund |
CANCER, cancer, breast, scirrhus emaciated and cachectic (1) |
1 cund |
CANCER, cancer, breast, scirrhus hard as cartilage and uneven, which has grown to size of a hen’s eg (1) |
2 con |
CANCER, cancer, breast, scirrhus heaviness (1) |
2 con |
CANCER, cancer, breast, scirrhus injury, caused by (3) |
1 bell-p, 2 con, 1 hyper |
CANCER, cancer, breast, scirrhus left, of (1) |
2 carb-ac |
CANCER, cancer, breast, scirrhus left, of occasionally twitching in affected part, the mass is immov (1) |
2 con |
CANCER, cancer, breast, scirrhus left, of very painful, worse in cold weather and during night (1) |
2 clem |
CANCER, cancer, breast, scirrhus painful of right, about an inch in diameter, hard but movable, nipp (1) |
2 chim |
CANCER, cancer, breast, scirrhus purple, skin, in spots and wrinkled (1) |
1 cund |
CANCER, cancer, breast, scirrhus right, in (1) |
1 cund |
CANCER, cancer, breast, scirrhus right, in adhering by entire base to thoracic walls (1) |
2 aster |
CANCER, cancer, breast, scirrhus right, in itching, with (1) |
1 sil |
CANCER, cancer, breast, scirrhus sharp shooting pain (1) |
2 con |
CANCER, cancer, breast, scirrhus skin and axillary glands involved (1) |
1 cund |