BORING, pain (7)
1 arn, 2 coloc, 1 kali-i, 2 kreos, 1 lil-t, 2 mez, 1 rhod
Murphy – Hips
BORING, pain gluteal muscles (2)
1 merc, 1 staph
Murphy – Hips
BORING, pain left, in (1)
1 nit-s-d
Murphy – Hips
BORING, pain night (1)
2 kali-i
Murphy – Hips
BORING, pain night 4 a.m. (1)
2 coloc
Murphy – Hips
BORING, pain right, in, waking him about 4 a.m. (1)
2 coloc
Murphy – Hips
BORING, pain right, in, waking him about 4 a.m. alternates with numbness and boring, sensation of wh (1)
2 kreos
Murphy – Hips
BORING, pain right, in, waking him about 4 a.m. drawing, in (1)
1 lil-t
Murphy – Hips
BORING, pain right, in, waking him about 4 a.m. shifting to various parts, worse at night, cannot fi (1)
2 arn
Murphy – Hips
BORING, pain right, in, waking him about 4 a.m. soreness or stitching, in (1)
1 lil-t
Murphy – Hips