Aconitum Napellus [Acon] একোনাইটাম নেপেলাস

Acon: শুষ্ক শীতল বাতাস অথবা অতি উত্তপ্ত বাতাস লেগে অসুস্থতা।

Acon: কোনো রোগের হঠাৎ আক্রমণ, প্রচণ্ড প্রকোপ ও অসহনীয় বেদনার সহিত ছটফটানি।

Acon: অস্থিরতা, কাতরতা, রোগী সর্বদা ছটফট করে, এপাশ ওপাশ করে, কিছুতেই শান্তি পায় না।

Acon: ভয়, মৃত্যুভয়, লোক সমাগমে ভয়, বাহিরে যেতে ভয়, সর্বদা শঙ্কিত ও ভীত, মৃত্যুর সময় পর্যন্ত নির্দিষ্ট করে বলে দেয়।

Acon: ঘর্মহীনতা তবে হৃদরোগে প্রচুর ঘর্ম হয়।

Acon: পানি ভাল লাগে না, তবুও পানি পান করে যেনো পানির তৃষ্ণা মিটেই না।

Acon: এক গাল লাল অপর গাল ফ্যাকাশে।

Acon: গান শুনতে অসহ্য লাগে, গান তাকে আরো দুঃখী করে তোলে।

Acon: হেলে থাকা বা অর্ধশোয়া অবস্থান থেকে উঠলে, লাল মুখটি মারাত্মক ফ্যাকাশে হয়ে যায়, সে অজ্ঞান হয়ে যায়।

Acon: আতঙ্কের ফলে, রক্তাধিক্যপূর্ণ মেয়েদের মধ্যে বাধক বেদনা দেখা দেয়।


বৃদ্ধি হয় উপশম হয়
< অত্যাধিক আবেগে [ভয়, শক, বিরক্তি]

< ঘামের সময়, ঠান্ডা ও শুষ্ক বাতাসে

< শব্দে বা গোলমালে

< আলোতে

< রাতে

< দন্তোদগমের ফলে

< আক্রান্ত পার্শ্বে, চিৎ হয়ে বাম কাতে শয়ন করলে [Hep, Nux-m]

< বিছানায় গেলে

< বিছানা থেকে উঠার পর

< বদ্ধ উষ্ণ ঘরে

< তামাকের ধোঁয়ায়

< চাপনে, স্পর্শে

< মাসিকের সময়

< রোদ্রে ঘুমালে

< সঙ্গীতে

< অনুপ্রেরণা দিলে


> বিশ্রামে

> উষ্ণ ঘাম হলে

> স্থির হয়ে বসে থাকলে (বাত)

> ওয়াইন পান করলে

> খোলা বাতাসে [Alum, Mag-c, Puls]

যুবক-যুবতীদের বিশেষতঃ বালিকাদের (যুবতী), যাহারা পূর্ণ রক্ত প্রধান ধাতু বিশিষ্ট এবং অলসভাবে সময় কাটায়; আবহাওয়ার পরিবর্তনে সহজেই অসুস্থ হয়ে পড়ে, যাদের চুল এবং চোখের তারা কাল ও দৃঢ় পেশীতন্তুর অধিকারী, সাধারণতঃ তাদের তরুণ ও তীব্র  রোগে উপযোগী ।

রোগের উৎপত্তি — শুকনো ঠান্ডা বাতাসে, শুকনো উত্তর বা পশ্চিমা বাতাস লেগে, অথবা ঘর্মাবস্থায় ঠান্ডা বায়ু (প্রবাহ) শরীরে লেগে, ঘর্ম অবরোধ হয়ে তার কুফলে । ভয় অত্যধিক এবং মানসিক উদ্বেগ তৎসহ অত্যন্ত স্নায়বিক উত্তেজনা; (ঘরের) বাইরে যেতে, উত্তেজনাপূর্ণ কোন স্থানে জনতার (ভীড়ের) মাঝে যেতে, রাস্তা পার হতে (যে স্থানে অনেক গাড়ীঘাড়া, লোকজন আছে সেই রাস্তায়) ভয় পায় ।

মুখের অভিব্যক্তি ভীতিপ্রদর্শক; ভয়ে জীবন দুর্বিষহ হয়ে পড়ে; নিশ্চিতভাবে মনে করে তাহার রোগটি সাংঘাতিক; মৃত্যুর দিন সম্বন্ধে ভবিষ্যৎ বাণী করে বসে; গর্ভাবস্থায় মৃত্যুভয়ে ভীত হয় ।

অস্থির এবং উদ্বিগ্ন, সবকিছুই তাড়াতাড়ি করতে চায়; বারেবারে অবশ্যই স্থান পরিবর্তন করে; সবকিছুতেই চমকে ওঠে ।

বেদনা— অসহ্য, তাকে উন্মাদগ্রস্ত করে তোলে; বেদনায় অস্থির হয়, রাত্রে বেদনা (বৃদ্ধি) ।

হ্যানিম্যান বলেনঃ “হোমিওপ্যাথিক মতে একোনাইট নির্বাচন কালে সর্বোপরি মানসিক লক্ষণগুলি লক্ষ্য রাখিবে, সাবধান যেন উহা (রোগলক্ষণের) সদৃশ হয় মানসিক ও দৈহিক উদ্বেগ, অস্থিরতা এবং কিছুতেই শান্ত হয় না এরূপ অবস্থা বর্তমান আছে কি না লক্ষ্য রাখতে হয় ।”অতি তুচ্ছ অসুখেও এই মানসিক উৎকণ্ঠা, উদ্বিগ্নতা এবং ভয় বর্তমান থাকে ।

গান বাজনা অসহ্য মনে হয়, রোগিনী বিষন্ন হয়ে পড়ে  ।(ঋতুকালে সঙ্গীত সহ্য হয় না = স্যাবাইনা; নেট কার্ব) আধশোয়া অবস্থা হতে উঠে বসলে লালচে মুখ মড়ার মত ফ্যাকাশে হয়ে যায় অথবা মূর্খা আসে, মাথা ঘুরে পড়ে যায় ।আবার উঠে বসতেও ভয় হয়; এছাড়া কখনও কখনও এর সাথে দৃষ্টিলোপ হয় এবং অজ্ঞান হয়ে পড়ে ।

রক্তপ্রধানা যুবতীদের রজঃলোপ; ভয় পাইয়া রজঃলোপ; একোনাইটে রজঃরোধ দূর হয় ।

স্থানিক (Local) অবস্থায় আগে প্রদাহের রক্তসঞ্চয় অবস্থায় উপযোগী ।

জ্বর — চর্ম শুষ্ক ও উত্তপ্ত, মুখমন্ডল লালাভ অথবা পর্যায়ক্রমে ফ্যাকাশে ও লাল; অত্যধিক পরিমাণে ঠাণ্ডা জল পান করার জ্বালাকর পিপাসা; অত্যন্ত স্নায়বিক অস্থিরতা, যন্ত্রণায় এদিক ওদিক করতে থাকে—এইভাব সন্ধ্যায় ও ঘুমাতে যাবার সময় অসহ্য হয়ে ওঠে ।

তড়কা – শিশুর দন্তোদ গমকালে,—উত্তাপ, উৎক্ষেপ একদিকের পেশীতে ঝাঁকানি দেয়, শিশু তাহার হাতের                              মুঠো কামড়ায়, খিটখিটে ভাব প্রকাশ করে, চিৎকার করে; গাত্রচর্ম শুষ্ক ও উত্তপ্ত, তার সাথে প্রবল জ্বর ।

কাশি — ক্রুপ—শুষ্ক, স্বরভঙ্গ হয়, শ্বাসরোধ মত হয়, উচ্চশব্দযুক্ত, কর্কশ, ব্যাঙের আওয়াজের মত, কঠিন, খনখনে, শীষ দেওয়ার মত—এইরূপ

শ্বাসত্যাগকালে (কষ্টিকাম) (ঐরূপ শ্বাসগ্রহণকালে—স্পঞ্জিয়া) । শুষ্ক ঠাণ্ডা বায়ুতে অথবা প্রবল বায়ুপ্রবাহে কাশির উৎপত্তি হইলে ব্যবহার হয় ।

শুধুমাত্র জ্বর দমন করার জন্য একোনাইট প্রয়ো্গ করা উচিৎ নয় এবং এই উদ্দেশ্যে অন্য কোন ঔষধের সাথে পর্যায়ক্রমে প্রয়োগ করা উচিৎ নয় । একোনাইটের ক্ষেত্র হলে অন্য কোন ঔষধের প্রয়োজন হবে না—একোনাইটই সেই রোগ সারাবে । উত্তেজক কারণ নির্দেশ ছাড়া টাইফয়েড জ্বরের প্রাথমিক অবস্থায় প্রায় সর্বদা ইহার প্রয়োগ ক্ষতিকারক হয়।

বৃদ্ধি — সন্ধ্যায় ও রাত্রে বেদনা অসহ্য মনে হয়; গরম ঘরে, বিছানা হতে উঠে বসলে; আক্রান্ত পার্শ্বে চেপে শুলে (হিপার, নাক্স-মস) ।

উপশম — খোলা বাতাসে (এলুমি; ম্যাগ-কা; পালস্ স্যাবাইনা )।

সম্বন্ধ – জ্বর, নিদ্রাহীনতা ও অসহ্য বেদনাবো্ধ লক্ষণে কফিয়া অনুপূরক । আঘাতে আর্নিকা অনুপূরক; সালফার সকল অবস্থায় অনুপূরক । যে সকল জ্বরে উদ্ভেদ দেখা দেয় তাহাতে কদাচিৎ উপযোগী ।

একোনাইট সালফারের তরুণ অবস্থায় উপযোগী, তরুণ প্রদাহে উহা একোনাইটের পূর্বে ও পরে উভয় সময়েই ব্যবহৃত হয় ।

শক্তি —১x, ৩x, ৩০, ২০০, ১ এম ।

“পুরাতন অবস্থায় মানসিক অবস্থায় বর্তমানে উচ্চশক্তি ফলপ্রদ”-ন্যাশ , টেস্ট্রিমনি অফ দি ক্লিনিক)।

ভীতি, আতঙ্ক যুক্ত অবস্থা; মানসিক ও শারীরিক যন্ত্রণা, শারীরিক ও মানসিক অস্থিরতা, ভীতি, একানাইটের সর্বাধিক গুরুত্বপূর্ণ লক্ষণ। তরুণ লোগ, হঠাৎ করে এবং মারাত্মক ভাবে রোগাক্রমণ, তৎসহ জ্বর, থাকলে ঔষধটির প্রয়োজন হয়। কিছুতেই স্পর্শ সহ্য করতে পারে না। হঠাৎ করে প্রচন্ড দুর্বলতা। রোগ ও মানসিক উদ্বেগের কারণ হল, শুষ্ক, ঠান্ডা, আবহাওয়া, প্রচুর ঠান্ডা বাতাস লাগন, ঘাম বসে যাওয়া, এছাড়া খুব বেশী উষ্ণ আবহাওয়া, বিশেষতঃ পেটের রোগ প্রভৃতি। প্রদাহ এবং প্রদাহিক জ্বরের প্রথম ঔষধ। শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লী ও পেশীতন্তু দারুনভাবে আক্রান্ত হয়। শরীরের আভ্যন্তরীণ অঙ্গে জ্বালা, ঝিনঝিন করা, শীতলতা ও অসাড়ভাব। ইনফ্লুয়েজ্ঞ। ধমনীর অসাড়ভাব ; মানসিক, শারীরিক ও আবেগজনিত উদ্বেগ দ্বারা বহু লক্ষণের ব্যাখা পাওয়া সম্ভব হয়। একোনাইট ব্যবস্থা করার সময় একথা অবশ্যই মনে রাখা প্রয়োজন যে, একোনাইট কেবলমাত্র শারীরিক ক্রিয়াবিকার জাতীয় অবস্থা সৃষ্টি করে থাকে, টিস্যু বা তন্তুর কোন পরিবর্তণ এই ঔষধ করতে পারে। এরূপ প্রমাণ নেই, এর কার্যকাল খুবই স্বল্পক্ষণস্থায়ী হয় এবং রোগ পর্যায়ক্রমে প্রকাশ পায় না। এটির কাৰ্য্যক্ষেত্র কোন তরুণ রোগের শুরুতেই এবং যান্ত্রিক পরিবর্তণ দেখা দেবার পর এর ব্যবহার নিষিদ্ধ। রক্তাধিক্যে এই ঔষধ ব্যবহার হয়ে থাকে কিন্তু রস নঃসরণ হলে এর ব্যবহার হয় না।

ইনভুয়েঞ্জা (ইনফ্লুয়েঞ্জিন)

মন- তীব্র ভয় ভাব, মানসিক উৎকণ্ঠা ও উদ্বেগ যে কোন প্রকার রোগেই থাকে, সেক্ষেত্রে রোগ যত সামান্যই হোক না কেন। ভূলবকা বা প্রলাপ বকার বৈশিষ্ট্য হল,

অসুখী, উদ্বেগ, ভয়, উত্তেজনা, কিন্তু অজ্ঞান ভাব খুব অল্পক্ষেত্রেই দেখা যায়। অমঙ্গলের আশঙ্ক এবং ভয়ভাব। মৃত্যুকে ভয় কিন্তু রোগী বিশ্বাস করে সে খুব শীঘ্রই মারা যাবে ; মৃত্যুর দিন আগে থেকে বলেদেয়। ভবিষ্যৎ সম্বন্ধে আতঙ্ক, বহুলোকের মধ্যে যেতে ভয়, রাস্তাপার হতে ভয়। অস্থিরতা, ছটফট করে, কোন কিছু শুরু করার প্রবণতা। কল্পনা প্রবল, দিব্যদৃষ্টি ; যন্ত্রণা অসহ্য ; যন্ত্রণায় রোগী পাগলা হয়ে উঠে। সঙ্গীত অসহ্য ; রোগীনিকে বিষন্ন করে তোলে (এমব্রা)। রোগী মনে করে তার চিন্তাসকল পাকস্থলী থেকে উঠে আসছে – রোগীর মনে হয় শরীরের কোন অংশ অস্বাভাবিক ভাবে মোটা হয়ে পড়ছে। রোগী মনে করে সাম্প্রতিক সময়ে যা কিছু করেছে তা স্বপ্ন।

মাথা – পূর্ণতাবোধ ; ভার বোধ, দপদপকর, গরম, ফেটে যাবার ন্যায় অনুভূতি, জ্বালাকর ও তরঙ্গের ন্যায় অনুভূতি। মস্তিষ্কের ভিতরে চাপবোধ (হেডেরা হেলিক্স)। জ্বালাকর মাথার যন্ত্রণা, রোগীর মনে হয় মাথার ভিতর গরম জলের প্রবাহ রয়েছে (ইন্ডিগো)। মাথাঘোরা, উঠে দাঁড়ালে বৃদ্ধি (নাস্ক, ওপিয়ান ) ও মাথা নাড়ালে। রোগীর মনে হয় মাথার তালুর উপর থেকে চুল গুলো টানা হচ্ছে অথবা চুলগুলি খাঁড়া ভাবে রয়েছে। রাত্রিকালীন মারাত্মক ধরনের প্রলাপ।

চোখ – লাল, প্রদাহিত। শুষ্ক ও উষ্ণ অনুভূতি যেন বালুকণা থাকার ন্যায়। চোখের পাতা ফোলা, শক্ত ও লালচে। আলোকাতঙ্ক ;শুষ্ক, ঠান্ডা বাতাস লাগাবার পরে বরফের উপর আলোর প্রতিফলনের প্রভাবে, চোখের ভিতর কয়লার গুঁড়ো বা অপর কোন বস্তু পড়ার পর চোখ দিয়ে প্রচুর পরিমানে জল ঝরে।

কান – শব্দে বিরক্তি; সঙ্গীত অসহ্য ;কানের বাইরের অংশ নরম, লালচে, যন্ত্রণাকর এবং ফোলা। কানের যন্ত্রণা (ক্যামোমিলা)। বাম দিকের কানে এক ফোঁটা জল থাকার ন্যায় অনুভূতি।

নাক — ঘ্রাণশক্তি প্রখর। নাকের মূলদেশে যন্ত্রণা, সর্দি ;প্রচুর হাঁচি নাকরে ভিতর দপদপানি। প্রচুর উজ্জ্বল রক্ত স্রাব, শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লী শুষ্ক, নাক বন্ধ ; শুষ্ক অথবা তৎসহ নাক থেকে খুবই অল্প জলের মত সর্দিজ স্রাব নির্গত হয়।

মুখমন্ডল – লালচে, উষ্ণ, ফোলা। গালের একদিক লাল অপরদিক ফ্যাকাশে (ক্যামোমিলা ঈপিকাক)। উঠার সময় লাল মুখমন্ডল মৃতের ন্যায় ফ্যাকাশে দেখা যায়, অথবা রোগীর মাথা ঘোরে। গালে ঝিনঝিন্ করে ও অসাড়তা। স্নায়ু শূল, বিশেষত ও বামদিকের, তৎসহ অস্থিরতা, ঝিঝি ভাব এবং অসাড়তা, চোয়ালের যন্ত্রণা।

মুখ গহ্বরে – অসাড়, শুষ্ক এবং ঝিনঝিন কর । জিহ্বা স্ফীত ; অগ্রভাগ ঝিনঝিন করে। দাঁতগুলি ঠান্ডা সহ্য করতে পারে না। মারী উষ্ণ ও প্রদাহিত। জিহ্বা সাদা লেপাকৃত। (এন্টিম ক্লুড)।

গলা – লাল, শুষ্ক, সংকুচিত, অসাড়, খোঁচা লাগার ন্যায়, জ্বালাকর, হুলফোটানোর ন্যায়, টনসিল স্ফীত ও শুষ্ক।

পাকস্থলী – বমি, তৎসহ ভয়, গরমভাব, প্রচুর ঘাম এবং প্রস্রাবের পরিমাণের বৃদ্ধি। ঠান্ডাজল পান করার ইচ্ছা। প্রতিটি বস্তুর স্বাদই তিতো কেবলমাত্র জল ব্যতীত। প্রচুর পিপাসা। জলপান করে, বমি করে এবং রোগী ঘোষণা করে সে মারা যাবে। বমি পিত্তযুক্ত, শ্লেষ্মযুক্ত, রক্তযুক্ত ও সবুজ। পাকস্থলীতে চাপবোধ তৎসহ শ্বাসকষ্ট, রক্তবমন, পাকস্থলী থেকে খাদ্যনলী পর্যন্ত জ্বালা।

উদর – গরম, শক্ত, ফাঁপা। স্পর্শকার। পেটের শূলবেদনা, কোন অবস্থানেই রোগী আরাম পায় না। গরম ঝোল জাতীয় কিছু খাবার পর পেটের বেদনা কিছুটা নরম পড়ে। নাভীস্থলে জ্বালা।

সরলান্ত্র – গুহ্যদ্বারে রাত্রিকালে চুলকানি ও সূঁচ ফোটানের ন্যায় যন্ত্রণা। বারে বারে একটু একটু পায়খানা তৎসহ কোঁথ ;সবুজ, অনেকটা কুচানো শাকের ন্যায়। মল সাদা, তৎসহ লাল প্রস্রাব। কলেরার মত পায়খানা তৎসহ শারীরিক পতনাবস্তা, অস্থিরতা ও উদ্বেগ। রক্তযুক্ত অর্শ (হ্যামামেলিস)। শিশুদের জলের মত পায়খানা। শিশু কাঁদে, খিটখিটে, ঘুমায় না এবং অস্থিরতা থাকে।

প্রস্রাব — অল্প, লাল, গরম ও যন্ত্রণাকর, প্রস্রাব থলির গ্রীবাদেশে জ্বালা ও কোঁথ। প্রস্রাবনলীতে জ্বালা। প্রস্রাব কমে যায়, রক্ত প্রস্রাব। সর্বদা প্রস্রাব করার পূর্বে আতঙ্ক প্রস্রাব অবরুদ্ধ, তৎসহ চীৎকার ও অস্থিরতা, এবং রোগী লিঙ্গ চটকায়, বৃক্ক স্থান স্পর্শকাতর, প্রচুর প্রস্রাব, তৎসহ প্রচুর ঘাম ও পাতলা পায়খানা।

পুরুষের রোগ – লিঙ্গমুন্ড বা গ্লান্স পেনিস অংশে হুল ফোটানোর মত ব্যথা, সুড়সুড় করে। অন্ডদ্বয়ে থেলিয়ে যাবার মত ব্যথা, ফোলা, শক্ত, বারে বারে লিঙ্গ খাড়া হয় এবং বীর্য পাত হয়। যন্ত্রণাকর লিঙ্গোদ্রেক।

স্ত্রী রোগ – যোনি পথ উষ্ণ, শুষ্ক ও স্পর্শকাতর। প্রচুর ঋতু স্রাব তৎসহ নাক দিয়ে রক্ত পড়ে, বাধাপ্রাপ্ত, দেরিকরে দেখা দেয়। ঋতুদেখা দিলে পাগলের মত হয়ে উঠে। ভয় পাবার পর, ঠান্ডা লাগার পর ঋতুস্রাব চাপা পড়ে, বিশেষতঃ রক্ত প্রধান ধাতুরস্ত্রীলোকের, ডিম্বাশয়ে রক্তাধিক্য ও যন্ত্রণা হয়। জরায়ুতে তীক্ষ্ন, তীর ফোটার মত ব্যথা। যন্ত্রণা তৎসহ ভয়ভাব ও অস্থিরতা।

শ্বাস প্রশ্বাস – সর্বদা বাম বুকে চাপ বোধ ;সামান্য নড়াচড়াতে শ্বাস কষ্ট। স্বরভঙ্গ যুক্ত, শুষ্ক, ঘুংরি কাশি, জোর শব্দের সঙ্গে কষ্টকর শ্বাস-প্রশ্বাস। শিশু যখনই কাশে, সেই সময় সে দুই হাত দিয়ে তার গলা চেপে ধরে। শ্বাস নেবার সময় শ্বাসনলীতে বাতাসের প্রবেশে কষ্ট। শ্বাসের সময়কাল ছোট হয়ে আসে। স্বরনলী স্পর্শকাতর। বুকের ভিতর সূঁচ ফোটানোর মত ব্যথা। কাশি ক্ষণস্থায়ী, শুষ্ক, রাত্রে এবং মধ্যরাত্রের পর বৃদ্ধি। ফুসফুসে গরম বোধ।

হৃদপিন্ড – হৃদপিন্ডের দ্রুত ক্রিয়া। হৃদপিন্ডের যাবতীয় পীড়ার সঙ্গে বাম কাঁধে বেদনা। বুকের ভিতর সুঁচ ফোটানোর মত ব্যথা। বুক ধড়ফড় করা তৎসহ আতঙ্ক, মূর্চ্ছা ও হাতের আঙ্গুলে সুড়সুড় করে। নাড়ী পূর্ণ, শক্ত, টানযুক্ত ও উল্লম্ফনকারী ; কোন কোন সময় সবিরাম নাড়ী। বসে থাকার সময় দুই রগের ধমনী অনুভব করা যায়।

পিঠ – অসাড়, আড়ষ্ট ও বেদনা দায়ক। থেঁৎলিয়ে যাবার মত ঝিনঝিন করে। ঘাড় আড়ষ্ট। দুটি স্কন্ধাস্থির মধ্যবর্তী অংশে থেঁৎলিয়ে যাবার মত বেদনা।

অঙ্গ-প্রত্যঙ্গ – অসাড় ও ঝিনঝিন করে ; তীর বেঁধার ন্যায় বেদনা ;হাত – পা বরফের মত ঠান্ডা ও অসাড়। বাহুগুলি থেঁৎলিয়ে যাবার মত, ভাববোধ, আড়ষ্ট। বাম বাহুর নীচের দিকে বেদনা, (ক্যাকটাস, ক্রোটেলাস, ক্যালমিয়া, ট্যাবেকাম)। হাত দুটি গরম এবং পা দুটি ঠান্ডা। সন্ধিস্থানে বাতজ প্রদাহ ;রাত্রে বৃদ্ধি ;লাল চকে ফোলা : অতিরিক্ত স্পর্শকাতর। হিপ জয়েন্ট ও উরু স্থান খোঁড়ার মত মনে হয় ; বিশেষতঃ শুয়ে পড়ার পর। হাঁটুর স্থিরতার অভাব ;চলার সময় পায়ের পাতা বেঁকে যায় (ইসকিউলাস) সকল সন্ধির সন্ধি বন্ধনী গুলি দুর্বল ও শিথিল। সকল সন্ধিতে বেদনাহীণ ভাবে কড়কড় শব্দ হয়। দুটি হাতের হাইপোথেনার অংশ উজ্জ্বল লাল। জলের ফোঁটা উরুর ভিতর দিয়ে নীচের দিকে গড়িয়ে পড়ছে এই রকম অনুভূতি।

ঘুম – রাত্রে বোবায় ধরে। রাত্রে উন্মাদনা, আতঙ্ক যুক্ত স্বপ্ন। নিদ্রাহীণতা, তৎসহ অস্থিরতা ও ছটফটে ভাব (এই সময় ৩০ শক্তি ব্যবহার করবে)। ঘুমের মধ্যে ঝাঁকি দিয়ে উঠে। দীর্ঘকাল স্থায়ী স্বপ্ন তৎসহ বুকের ভিতর আতঙ্ক। বয়স্কদের অনিদ্রা।

চামড়া — লাল, উষ্ণ, ফোলা ফোলা, শুষ্ক , জ্বালাকর। ঘামাচির মত উদ্ভেদ। হামের মত উদ্ভেদ। সুড়সুড় কর ও আড়ষ্ট। পিঠের নীচের দিকে সুড়সুড় কর ও ঠান্ডা ভাব। চুলকানি, উত্তেজক বস্তুতে উপশম।

জ্বর – শীতল অবস্থা বৈশিষ্ট্য যুক্ত। ঠান্ডাঘাম এবং মুখমন্ডল বরফের মত ঠান্ডা। পর্যায়ক্রমে ঠান্ডা ভাব ও উষ্ণতা। সন্ধ্যাকালীন শীত ভাব বিছানায় যাবার সঙ্গে সঙ্গে চলে যায়। শরীরের ভিতর দিয়ে ঠান্ডা তরঙ্গের বয়ে যাওয়া। তৃষ্মা এবং অস্থিরতা সর্বদা দেখা যায়। চাপা না নিলে অথবা স্পর্শ করলে শীত শীত ভাব। মুখমন্ডল শুষ্ক, উষ্ণ ও লালবর্ণ। জ্বর কমার ভালো ঔষধ তৎসহ যদি মানসিক আতঙ্ক, অস্থিরতা প্রভৃতি থাকে। শরীরের যে দিক চেপে শুয়ে থাকে সেই দিক ঘামে ভিজে যায়; এরপর সকল কষ্টের উপশম হয়।

কমা -বাড়া – মুক্ত বাতাসে ভালোবোধ ; রাত্রে উষ্ণ ঘরে ও সন্ধ্যায় বৃদ্ধি ; বৃদ্ধি, আক্রান্ত অংশ চেপে শুলে, সঙ্গীতে, ধুমপানে, শুষ্ক, ঠান্ডা বাতাসে। এই ঔষধের বিষক্রিয়া. বেশী পরিমানে ভিনিগারে নষ্ট হয়।

সম্বন্ধ – অম্ল, মদ, কফি, লেমনেড, টকস্বাদ যুক্ত ফল এই ঔষধের কাজ সংযত করে। ম্যালেরিয়া জ্বর, স্বল্প জ্বরে, বিষাক্ত জ্বরে, ঘুসঘুসে জ্বরে এবং প্রদাহ যখন কোন স্থানে কেন্দ্রীভূত হয় তখন এই ঔষধ নির্দেশিত হয় না। এই ঔষধের পর সালফার ভালো কাজ করে। ক্যামোমিলা ও কফিয়া, তীব্র যন্ত্রণায় ও অনিদ্রায় তুলনীয়। এগ্রসটিস জ্বরে ও প্রদাহে অ্যাকোনাইটের মত কাজ করে। স্পাইর‌্যানথেসও এরূপ কাজ করে থাকে।

অনুপূরক – কফিয়া ;সালফার। সালফারকে অ্যাকোনাইটের ক্রনিক বলা হয়। যে রোগের চিকিৎসা অ্যাকোনাইট দ্বারা শুরু হয়েছে, তার শেষ হয় সালফার দ্বারা, তুলনীয় বেলোডোনা ;কফিয়া ;ক্যামোমিলা; ফেরাম ফস্।

একোনাইটিন – (সীসার মত ভারবোধ ;সুপ্রা অরবিট্যাল স্নায়ুর বেদনা, ঠান্ডা বরফের ন্যায় অনুভূতি, ক্রমশঃ উপর দিকে উঠে ;জলাতঙ্কের মত লক্ষণ কানের ভিতর ঝিঁ -ঝিঁ শব্দ, ঝিন ঝিন অনুভূতি।)

একোনাইটাম লাইকোটোনাম —(গ্রন্থির ফোলা, হজকিনস্ ডিজীজ। শূকরের মাংস খাবার পর উদরাময়। নাক, চোখ, গুহ্য দ্বার ও যোনি কপাটে চুলকানি। নাকের চামড়া ফাটাফাটা; রক্তের ন্যায় স্বাদ।)

একোনাইটাম ক্যান্সারাম – (মাথার যন্ত্রণা, মাথাঘোরা, কানের ভিতর ঝিঁ – ঝিঁ শব্দ। জিহ্বা, ঠোঁট ও মুখমন্ডলের আড়ষ্টতা।)

একোনাইটাম ফেরক্স – ইন্ডিয়ান একোনাইট একোনাইটাম নেপেলাসের থেকেও এর কাজ বেশী ভয়ংকর। এই ঔষধটি যত বেশী প্রস্রাব কারক তত বেশী জ্বরঘ্ন নয়। প্রমাণ হয়েছে, এটি ভালো কাজ করে হৃদপিন্ডের দোষে শ্বাসকষ্ট, স্নায়ুশূল, ও তরুণ বাত রোগে। শ্বাসকষ্ট, রোগী সর্বদা বিছানায় বসে থাকে। শ্বাস-প্রশ্বাস দ্রুত। আতঙ্ক তৎসহ শ্বাস-প্রশ্বাস ক্রিয়া চালক পেশীসমূহের আড়ষ্টতার জন্য শ্বাসরোধ ভাব। (অ্যাকাইর‌্যানথেস – মেস্কিকো দেশের একটি ঔষধ বিশেষ – জ্বরে একোনাইটের সদৃশ, কিন্তু বৃহৎ ক্ষেত্রে, এটি টাইফয়েড ও সবিরাম জ্বরে কাজ করে। পেশীর বাত, ৬ ব্যবহার করা)। ইর‌্যানথিস হিমন্যালিস্ (শীতকালীন একোনাইট – ঘাড়ে ও মাথায় পিছনে বেদনা)।

শক্তি — অনুভাবকশক্তির বিক্রিয়ায় ৬ষ্ট শক্তি; রক্তাধিক্যে ১ম-৩য় শক্তি। তরুণ রোগে পুনঃ পুনঃ ঔষধ অবশ্যই প্রয়োগ করবে। একোনাইট দ্রুত কার্যকরী ঔষধ। স্নায়ুশূলে ক্ষেত্রে টিংচারই বেশী উপযোগী, এক ফোঁটা করে (বিষাক্ত), অথবা পুনরায় ৩০ শক্তিতে, রোগীর অনুভূতির উপর নির্ভর করে।

একোনাইটের ক্রিয়া স্বল্পকালস্থায়ী। ইহার লক্ষণগুলি দীর্ঘকাল স্থায়ী হয় না। অধিক মাত্রায় ইহা তীব্র বিষ; হয় ইহা দ্বারা জীবন নষ্ট হয়, নতুবা শীঘ্রই ইহার ক্রিয়ার অবসান ঘটে; সুতরাং যদি ইহা দ্বারা রোগী আরোগ্য হয়, তাহা হইলে আরোগ্যক্রিয়া বিলম্বিত হয় না। ইহার কোন রোগই পরে পুরাতন আকার ধারণ করে না। ইহার আক্রমণ প্রবল ঝড়ের ন্যায় আসে, এবং অল্পক্ষণ থাকিয়া শেষ হইয়া যায়। একটু চিন্তা করিলেই আমরা বুঝিতে পারিব যে, এগুলি কি প্রকৃতির রোগ এবং কি প্রকৃতির রোগী সাধারণতঃ এরূপ দ্রুত-প্রকাশিত এবং স্বল্পকালস্থায়ী রোগে আক্রান্ত হয়। অভিজ্ঞতা ও হোমিওপ্যাথিক পৰ্যবেক্ষণের সহিত এক মুহূর্ত ভাবিলেই আমরা সেই সকল বলিষ্ঠ, রক্তপ্রধান ব্যক্তিগণকে চিনিতে পারি, যাঁহারা ঠান্ডা লাগিলেই প্রবলভাবে শয্যাশায়ী হইয়া পড়েন, কিন্তু পক্ষান্তরে দুর্বল লোক, রুগ্ন লোক তরুণ রোগে ধীরে

ধীরে পীড়িত হইয়া ধীরে ধীরে আরোগ্য লাভ করে, কখনই ঐরূপ প্রচন্ডভাবে বা হঠাৎ আক্রান্ত হয় না। ইহা হইতে এবং একোনাইটের দ্রুত ক্রিয়া সম্বন্ধে অনুসন্ধান করিয়া সহজেই দেখা যাইবে যে, যে-সকল ব্যক্তি একোনাইট জ্ঞাপক পীড়ায় আক্রান্ত হন; তাঁহারা রক্তপ্রধান ধাতু। বলিষ্ঠ হৃষ্টপুষ্ট ব্যক্তিগণ এবং সামান্যমাত্র পরিচ্ছদধারী গরিব ঘরের শিশু ও বালক বালিকাগণ অল্প ঠান্ডা লাগায় অথবা অল্পক্ষণ খোলা হাওয়ায় থাকায় পীড়িত হয় না;—অধিকতর ভীষণ প্রকৃতির খোলা হাওয়া লাগাইলে তবেই পীড়িত হইয়া পড়ে। তাহারা অপ্রচুর বস্ত্রাদি পরিয়া খোলা হাওয়া লাগাইলে হঠাৎ আবহাওয়ার প্রবল পরিবর্তনে, বহুক্ষণ উত্তরের শুষ্ক শীতল বাতাস লাগাইলে। পীড়িত হয়। কোন বলবান ব্যক্তি পাতলা বস্ত্রাদি পরিয়া থাকায় অথবা মধ্য-শীত ঋতুর ঘন ঘন তীব্র পরিবর্তনশীল শীতল শুষ্ক বাতাসে বহুক্ষণ ঘরের বাহিরে থাকায়, সন্ধ্যা হইতে না হইতেই প্রবল রোগ-লক্ষণের সহিত শয্যাশায়ী হইতে পারেন। এইরূপ রক্তপ্রধান ও বলিষ্ঠ ব্যক্তি, যাহাদের হৃৎপিন্ড সবল, মস্তিষ্ক কৰ্ম্মঠ, রক্তসঞ্চালন ক্রিয়া প্রবল এবং তীব্র খোলা হাওয়ায় থাকিয়া সহসাই রোগাক্রান্ত হন, তাহাদের পক্ষে একোনাইট প্রয়োজন।

একোনাইটের প্রকৃতিগত প্রদাহিক রোগের পর সাধারণতঃ কিছুই রোগাবশিষ্ট থাকে না। ঝড়টি এত শীঘ্র শেষ হইয়া যায় যে, মনে হয় যেন পূর্বের অবস্থাটিই ফিরিয়া আসিয়াছে। এই সব বলিষ্ঠ রোগীর আকস্মিক রক্তসঞ্চয় সম্ভবতঃ উত্তম প্রতিক্রিয়া দ্বারা বিদূরিত হয়। রোগীর অকস্মাৎ প্রবল মৃত্যুসম্ভাবনা দেখা দেয় বটে, কিন্তু তাহার আরোগ্য ক্রিয়াও অতি সত্বর হইয়া থাকে। সুতরাং (ডাঃ) ডানহাম যেরূপ বলিয়াছিলেন, ইহা একটি প্রবল ঝড় এবং শীঘ্রই তাহা শেষ হইয়া যায়। ডানহামের মেটিরিয়া মেডিকায় এই ঔষধটির আলোচনা খুব কবিত্বপূর্ণ এবং পড়িবার যোগ্য।

শুষ্ক শীতল হাওয়ায় অনাবৃত থাকার ফলে রোগাক্রমণ হয়। রক্তপ্রধান শিশুদিগের প্রবল জ্বর সংযুক্ত অথবা আক্ষেপ সংযুক্ত আকস্মিক মস্তিষ্কে রক্তসঞ্চয়ে আমরা ইহার নিদর্শন পাই। শরীরের যে-কোন যন্ত্র,-মস্তিষ্ক, ফুসফুস, যকৃত, রক্ত, মূত্রগ্রন্থিতে আমরা ইহার আকস্মিকতা ও প্রচন্ডতার পরিচয় পাই। শীতের প্রবল ঠান্ডায় অথবা গ্রীষ্মকালের অতিরিক্ত গরমে যে-সকল – রোগ অকস্মাৎ উপস্থিত হয়, ইহা তাহাতেই উপযোগী। শীতকালে ইহার মস্তিষ্ক ও ফুসফুস সংক্রান্ত রোগ এবং গ্রীষ্মকালে ইহার অন্ত্র-প্রদাহ ও পাকস্থলীর গোলযোগ প্রকাশ পায়। আমরা জানি এই সকল রক্তপ্রধান লোক কিরূপে হঠাৎ অত্যধিক উত্তপ্ত হয় এবং ভীষণভাবে পীড়িত হইয়া পড়ে। তাহাদের এই আকস্মিক আক্রমণ দেখিলেও ভয় হয়। এই সকল প্রাদাহিক অবস্থার সহিত রক্তসঞ্চালনের প্রবল উত্তেজনা, হৃৎপিন্ডের প্রবল ক্রিয়া, মস্তিষ্কের তীব্র উপদাহ এবং অত্যধিক আবেগের সহিত যথেষ্ট ভয় বর্তমান থাকে।

একোনাইটজ্ঞাপক মানসিক লক্ষণগুলি প্রায় সব ক্ষেত্রেই স্পষ্টভাবে প্রকাশিত থাকে। রোগী তাহার ভীষণতা অনুভব করে, কারণ তাহার প্রবল স্নায়বিক উপদাহ এবং উত্তেজনা বর্তমান থাকে। তাহার মুখের ভাবে ভয় চিত্রিত থাকে এবং হৃৎপিন্ডের ক্রিয়া এতই বিভ্রান্তিকর হয় যে, সৰ্ব প্রথমেই তাহার মনে হয় যে সে মরিবে, ইহার নিশ্চিত অর্থ মৃত্যু, যাহাকে সে ভয় করে। ইহা তাহার মুখের ভাবে প্রকাশিত থাকে। সে বলে, “ডাক্তার, আর কি প্রয়োজন, আমি ত মরিতেই চলিয়াছি।” অনেক সময়ে সে বাস্তবিকই তাহার মৃত্যুকাল বা মৃত্যুর সময়টি পূর্বেই বলিয়া দেয়। যদি ঘরে ঘড়ি থাকে, সে হয়ত বলিয়া দিবে যে ঘণ্টার কাঁটাটি যখন একটি নির্দিষ্ট স্থানে পৌঁছিবে, তখনই তাহার মৃত্যু হইবে। যখন আমরা এই অত্যধিক ভয়, এই তীব্র উৎকণ্ঠা, এই প্রবল অস্থিরতা এবং এই রোগাক্রমণের ভীষণতা ও আকস্মিকতা দেখি, তখনই বুঝিতে পারি যে, রোগীটি একোনাইট বিষে মরিতে যাইতেছে অথবা তাহার একোনাইটই দরকার। একোনাইটের বিষক্রিয়ার অনুরূপ লক্ষণযুক্ত রোগীর পক্ষে অত্যল্প মাত্রায় একোনাইট প্রয়োজন হয়। ইহা যে একটি স্বল্পকালক্রিয় ঔষধ তাহা সর্বদাই মনে রাখিতে হইবে।

আমাদের বিবেচনায় শরীরের কোন অংশে আমরা প্রাদাহিক অবস্থা দেখিতে পাইব, তাহাতে কিছুই আসে যায় না। কিন্তু শরীরের বিশেষ অংশ অথবা প্রদাহের বিশেষ স্থান অগ্রাহ্য করিয়া, রোগহীন যে চেহারার বিষয় আমি বর্ণনা করিয়াছি, তাহাই গ্রহণ করিতে হইবে। রোগীর মুখের ভাব, তাহার মানসিক লক্ষণ, তাহার অস্থিরতা, রোগের প্রচন্ডতা—এইগুলিই হইল প্রধান লক্ষণ এবং এইগুলিই তোমাকে সর্বাগ্রে লক্ষ্য করিতে হইবে। এই ভয়, এই উৎকণ্ঠা ব্যতীত আরও অনেক কম প্রয়োজনীয় ক্ষুদ্র ক্ষুদ্র মানসিক লক্ষণ থাকিতে পারে, কিন্তু সে লক্ষণগুলি এই রোগী পরিচায়ক বিশিষ্ট লক্ষণচয় দ্বারা চাপা পড়িয়া যায়। সে তাহার বন্ধুগণের প্রতি সমস্ত স্নেহ হারায়, তাহাদের কি হইবে তাহা সে গ্রাহ্য করে না, তাহাদের সম্বন্ধে তাহার এতটুকু কৌতুহলও থাকে না । সময়ে সময়ে এই রূপ উদাসীন অবস্থা দেখা দিতে পারে।

এই যাহা আমি বর্ণনা করিলাম, তাহা হইতে যে-কোন ব্যক্তি অনায়াসেই দেখিতে পাইবে যে, এরূপ চিত্র মেটিরিয়া মেডিকার সকল ঔষধের মধ্যে নাই। বস্তুতঃ ইহা একমাত্র একোনাইটের মধ্যেই আছে। অন্য যে-কোন ঔষধের সহিত তুলনা কর না কেন তুমি ইহা একমাত্ৰ একোনাইটের মধ্যেই দেখিতে পাইবে। তুমি ইহার কোন কোন লক্ষণ পাঠ্যপুস্তকের অপরাপর ঔষধের মধ্যে দেখিতে পাইবে, কিন্তু যে লক্ষণগুলি আমি একত্রিত ভাবে বর্ণনা করিলাম, তাহা একমাত্র একোনাইটের মধ্যেই দেখিতে পাওয়া যায়। মানসিক লক্ষণগুলি ধর— প্রাবল্যই তাহাদের প্রত্যেকটির বিশিষ্টতা। যদি উহা প্রলাপ হয়, তাহা হইলে সে প্রলাপ উগ্র তাহার সহিত উত্তেজনা, ভয় এবং উদ্বেগ থাকিবে। প্রলাপের মধ্যে রোগী বিশেষভাবে উৎপীড়িত হওয়ার ন্যায় উত্তেজনা ও ভয়ে কাঁদিতে থাকিবে। প্রবল উত্তেজনা, ভয়, মৃত্যুভয়। কি জন্য সে কাঁদিতেছে তাহা ভাবিয়া তুমি বিস্মিত হইবে। ইহাতে সর্বপ্রকার মনোভাব আছে, কিন্তু প্রত্যেকটিই একোনাইটের ভয়ের সহিত সংমিশ্রিত । ইহাতে গোঙানি ও উত্তেজনা থাকিতে পারে, রাগে জিনিষপত্র ছুঁড়িয়া ফেলা থাকিতে পারে, কিন্তু সবকিছুর মধ্যেই প্রচন্ডতা ও উৎকণ্ঠা থাকিবেই। এই লক্ষণগুলি, যাহাদিগকে আমি প্রধানতম বলিয়া বর্ণনা করিয়াছি, তাহারা অন্য সকল লক্ষণের সহিত সংমিশ্রিত থাকে।

যাতনায় চিৎকার করিয়া উঠা।” এই যাতনা ছুরি বসানর মত হুল ফোটানর মত, কাটিয়া ফেলার মত, ছোরা মারার মত। একোনাইটের যাতনার প্রাবল্য বিস্ময়কর, সুতরাং যদি স্নায়ুশূল দেখা দিয়া থাকে, তাহা হইলে সে বেদনা অতি তীব্র। রোগীর মনে হয়, নিশ্চয়ই তাহার সাংঘাতিক কিছু ঘটিবে, নচেৎ এত ভীষণ যন্ত্রণা হইত না। পাঠ্যপুস্তকে লিখিত আছে যে, সে তাহার মৃত্যুর দিনটি বলিয়া দেয়। যে ভীতিভাব তাহাকে আচ্ছন্ন করিয়া রাখে, ইহা বহুলাংশে তাহারই ফল। আর নিউমোনিয়ায় শরীরের যেকোন অংশের প্রদাহিক অবস্থায়, মূত্রগ্রন্থি, যকৃৎ, অন্ত্র প্রভৃতির প্রদাহে এই মানসিক, চিত্রটি সৰ্ব্বদাই বর্তমান থাকে।

এই লক্ষণচিত্রের সর্বত্রই শিরোঘূর্ণন বর্তমান থাকে। “শিরো ঘূর্ণন উল্টাইয়া ফেলার মত এবং ঘুরাইয়া ফেলার মত।” কোন মহিলা হয়ত জিনিষপত্র কিনিতে বাহির হইয়া একটি কুকুর দেখিয়া বিপরীত দিকে দৌড়াইতে থাকিলেন, এবং ইহার ফলে তাহার এরূপ মাথা ঘুরিতে লাগিল যে, আর গাড়ীতে উঠিতেও সক্ষম হইলেন না। “শিরোঘূর্ণনটি দেখা দেয় ভয় পাইয়া, অকস্মাৎ ভয় পাইয়া এবং ইহার ফলে তাহার এরূপ মাথা ঘুরিতে লাগিল যে, আর গাড়ীতে উঠিতেও সক্ষম হইলেন না। “শিরোঘূর্ণনটি দেখা দেয় ভয় পাইয়া, অকস্মাৎ ভয় পাইয়া এবং ভয় পাওয়ার ভয়টি থাকিয়া যাওয়ায়।” ভয়ের কিছুটা অংশ থাকিয়া যায়, কিন্তু উহা যেন তোমাকে জোর করিয়া ‘ওপিয়ামের দিকে টানিয়া না লয়। “ভয় পাওয়ার ফলে রোগ।” ভয় হইতে মস্তিষ্কের প্রদাহ, ভয় হইতে শিরোঘূর্ণন, এমনকি ভয়ের ফলে কোন বিশেষ অঙ্গে রক্তসঞ্চয়। সমগ্র স্নায়ুকেন্দ্রের বিপর্যয়। মনে হয় যেন সব কিছুই ঘুরিতেছে।

শিরঃপীড়া এত তীব্রভাবে উপস্থিত হয় যে, তাহা বর্ণনা করা যায় না। মস্তিষ্কের মধ্যে মস্তক-ত্বকে ছিড়িয়া ফেলার মত জ্বালাভাব, তৎসহ ভয়, জ্বর, উৎকণ্ঠা। ঠান্ডা লাগার ফলে শিরঃপীড়া, নাসিকার সর্দি চাপিয়া যাওয়ার ফলে শিরঃপীড়া। খোলা হাওয়ায় থাকায়, উত্তর অঞ্চলের শীতকালীন শুষ্ক শীতল বাতাসের ন্যায় বাতাসের মধ্যে গাড়ী-ঘোড়া চড়ায় রক্তপ্রধান ব্যক্তিদের সর্দি হঠাৎ বন্ধ হইয়া যায়। তাহার ফলে চক্ষুর উপরে ভীষণ শিরঃপীড়া। মস্তকে রক্তসঞ্চয়, রক্তসঞ্চয়হেতু শিরঃপীড়া, তৎসহ উদ্বেগ এবং উত্তপ্ত মুখমন্ডল।

যে-সকল চক্ষুলক্ষণে তোমাদিগকে একোনাইট দিতে হইবে তাহা অসংখ্য। অকস্মাৎ চক্ষুর প্রদাহিত অবস্থা। চক্ষুতে রক্তসঞ্চয় । চক্ষু রক্তের মত লালবর্ণ। ঠান্ডায়, শুষ্ক ঠান্ডা হাওয়া লাগার ফলে চক্ষুর সমস্ত তন্তুর প্রদাহ, যোজকত্ব প্রদাহ।

বহুদিন হইতে একটি শিক্ষা প্রচলিত আছে-প্রদাহের প্রথম অবস্থায় একোনাইট দিবে। সকল পাঠ্যপুস্তকে থাকিলেও ইহা উৎকৃষ্ট শিক্ষা নহে। উহাতে বলা হয় নাই যে, কিরূপ ধাতুযুক্ত ব্যক্তিকে অথবা কিরূপে রোগাক্রমণটি আসিলে উহা দিতে হইবে। এভাবে চিকিৎসা করিও না। যদি সম্ভব হয়, একোনাইটের রোগের সব লক্ষণগুলি লও, নতুবা অপেক্ষাকৃত সদৃশ অন্য ঔষধ দাও। আর এক প্রকারের শিক্ষা চলিয়া আসিতেছে—জ্বর হইলেই একোনাইট দাও। আমাদের পূর্বেকার বাঁধা নিয়মাবলম্বী বহু চিকিৎসকেরই একোনাইট জ্বরের ঔষধ ছিল; কিন্তু ইহা কুচিকিৎসা।

একোনাইটে যে চক্ষু-প্রদাহ আছে তাহা এত হঠাৎ উপস্থিত হয় যে, কিরূপে এত অল্প সময়ের মধ্যে প্রদাহটি দেখা দিল, তাহা ভাবিয়া বিস্মিত হইতে হয়। চক্ষু খুব ফুলিয়া উঠে, হয় কোন স্রাব থাকে না, নতুবা সামান্যমাত্র জলবৎ শ্লেষ্মস্রাব থাকে। ঘন স্রাবের সহিত যে প্রদাহ হঠাৎ দেখা দেয় তাহা কখনও একোনাইটের নহে। একোনাইটের প্রদাহের কোনই জের থাকে

যেরূপ অবস্থায় প্রদাহের জের থাকিয়া যাওয়ার সম্ভাবনা, তাহাতে সৰ্ব্বদাই অন্য ঔষধ প্রযোজ্য হইবে । ঠিক একোনাইটের রোগী না পাইলে তোমরা জ্বরে একোনাইটের কথা চিন্তা করিও না। একোনাইটে জ্বরে আলোকাতঙ্ক থাকে। “জ্বরের সহিত একান্ত অস্থিরতা।” রোগী একদৃষ্টে চাহিয়া থাকে, কিন্তু চক্ষুতারকা সঙ্কুচিত হয় এবং চক্ষুগোলকের গভীর প্রদেশে ভীষণ টনটনানি ও প্রদাহ থাকে। যখন লক্ষণ মিলিবে, মাত্র তখনই একোনাইট দিবে। যে প্রদাহ দীর্ঘকালস্থায়ী হইবে, যাহাতে পুঁজ সঞ্চয় হইবে, অথবা যে, শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লী হইতে পুঁজস্রাব দেখা দিবে, তাহাতে কখনই একোনাইটের লক্ষণ নাই। আরক্ত জ্বর, আন্ত্রিক (Typhoid) জ্বর প্রভৃতিতে আমরা যেরূপ রক্তদুষ্টি দেখি, তাহাতে কখনই একোনাইট দিবে না। এরূপ অবস্থায় আমরা একোনাইট লক্ষণের কোন প্রচন্ডতাই দেখিতে পাই না। এরূপ ক্ষেত্রে স্নায়বিক উপদাহ কখনই বর্তমান থাকে না, বরং ঠিক বিপরীত সংজ্ঞাহীনতা, জড়তা, বেগুনে বর্ণের গাত্রচর্ম থাকে, কিন্তু একোনাইটের গাত্রত্বক উজ্জ্বল লোহিত বর্ণ। বিষদুষ্ট স্পর্শাক্রমক কোন রোগে কখনও একোনাইট দিবে না, কারণ ইহাতে বিষদুষ্টির ইতিহাস নাই। ধীরে ধীরে প্রকাশিত একজ্বরে একোনাইটের কথা ভাবাই উচিত নহে। একোনাইটের জ্বর সাধারণতঃ অল্পকালস্থায়ী, তীব্র জ্বর। ইহার সহিত সবিরাম জ্বরের কোনই সম্বন্ধ নাই, কারণ ইহাতে ঐরূপ কোন লক্ষণ নাই। সবিরাম জ্বরের প্রথম আক্রমণে তোমরা হয়ত প্রতারিত হইবার মত কিছু দেখিতে পার, কিন্তু দ্বিতীয় আক্রমণটি দেখা দিল, মাত্র এই ঘটনা হইতেই একোনাইটকে বন্ধ করিয়া দিবে । অনেকগুলি ঔষধে নির্দিষ্ট কাল ব্যবধানে আক্রমণ অথবা ঢেউয়ের মত আক্রমণ আছে, কিন্তু একোনাইটে ঐরূপ অবস্থা নাই। একোনাইট যদি ঔষধ হয়, তবে জ্বরের তীব্র আক্রমণটি এক রাত্রেই ছাড়িয়া যাইবে। যদি তাহা না হয় তাহা হইলে তোমাদের একোনাইট প্রয়োগের ভুলটি দুঃখের কারণ হইবে, কারণ ইহা দ্বারা সময়ে সময়ে ক্ষতি হইয়া থাকে। কোন রোগের যত কিছু লক্ষণ সবই গ্রহণ করিতে হয়, মাত্র যেটুকু ঔষধ লক্ষণের সদৃশ সেইটুকুই নহে, যেটুকু ঔষধ লক্ষণের মধ্যে পড়ে না সেটুকুও বটে।

একোনাইট জ্বালা ও আকস্মিক ফোলা সংযুক্ত চক্ষু-প্রদাহ আছে। পাতাগুলি এত শীঘ্র ফুলিয়া উঠে যে, বহুকষ্টে তাহাদিগকে খুলিতে পারা যায় এবং যখন পাতাগুলির প্রান্ত একটি সন্না দ্বারা ধরিয়া জোর করিয়া খোলা হয়, তখন ভিতর হইতে ফোটা ফোটা গরম জল পড়ে, কিন্তু পুঁজ পড়ে না। ঠান্ডা লাগার ফলে শীঘ্রই এরূপ ঘটিয়া থাকে। যখন শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লীর উপরিভাগ  প্রদাহিত হয়, তখন রক্তাক্ত জল বাহির হইবার সম্ভাবনা। অকস্মাৎ রক্তচলাচলের নাড়ীগুলি অতিপূর্ণ হইয়া ক্ষরণ আরম্ভ হয়। রক্তচলাচলের নাড়ীগুলি ফাটিয়া যায় এবং কৈশিকাগুলি হইতে রক্তক্ষরণ হইতে থাকে।

কর্ণ-প্রদাহও ঠিক একই রূপ অকস্মাৎ উপস্থিত হয়। “কর্ণে দপদপানি, তীব্র কাটিয়া ফেলার ন্যায় যাতনা।” শিশু যথেষ্ট পোষাক না পরিয়া ঠান্ডা উত্তরের হাওয়ায় বাহির হইবার পর বাড়ী ফিরিল, আর তার পরই চিৎকার করিতে লাগিল, কানে হাত দিতে লাগিল। এরূপ আক্রমণ দিবাভাগে বাহিরে থাকার পর সন্ধ্যার দিকেই দেখা দেয়। জ্বর ও উৎকণ্ঠা; শিশুকে কোলে লইয়া বেড়াইতে হয়। যন্ত্রণা তীব্র হয়। গোলমাল অসহ্য বোধ হয়। শ্রবণশক্তি এত তীক্ষ্ণ হয় যে গানের শব্দ যেন প্রত্যেকটি অঙ্গ-প্রত্যঙ্গের মধ্যে প্রবেশ করিতে থাকে। শরীরের সর্বত্রই আমরা এই একইরূপ তীক্ষ্ম অবস্থা দেখিতে পাই। যেখানেই রোগ হয়, তাহাই তীব্র ও প্রবল হয় এবং রোগী সৰ্ব্বত্রই এক প্রকার উকণ্ঠা ও উত্তেজনার মধ্যে থাকে। “কর্ণে হুলবিদ্ধবৎ, জ্বালাকর, বিদীর্ণকর, ছিড়িয়া ফেলার মত, কাটিয়া ফেলার মত বেদনা।

সর্দি যদি তীব্র শিরঃপীড়াসংযুক্ত হয়, এবং দিবাভাগে ঠান্ডা লাগানোর পর অকস্মাৎ রাত্রিকালে উপস্থিত হয়, তাহা হইলে এই স্বল্পকালক্রিয়, অতি দ্রুত কার্যকরী ঔষধটি প্রযোজ্য হইবে । কাৰ্ব্ব ভেজে যে সর্দি হয় তাহা প্রকাশ পায় খোলা হাওয়া লাগানোর কয়েক দিন পরে। সালফারে যে সর্দি হয়, তাহাও খোলা বাতাসে থাকার কয়েক দিন পরে প্রকাশ পায়। কাৰ্ব্ব ভেজে’র রোগী অতি উত্তপ্ত হয় এবং এমনকি অফিসে আসার সময়, ওভারকোট পরিয়া থাকিলেও সর্দিতে আক্রান্ত হয়। একোনাইটের রোগী হাল্কা পোষাক পরিয়া ঠান্ডা হাওয়ায় বাহির হয় এবং রক্তপ্রধান লোক হইলে মধ্যরাত্রির পূর্বেই পীড়িত হইয়া পড়ে।

কিন্তু বিশেষভাবে ইহা হৃষ্টপুষ্ট গোলগাল, রক্তপ্রধান শিশুদের সর্দি-রোগেই সাধারণতঃ নির্দিষ্ট হয়; রুগ্ন পান্ডুর শিশুদের রোগ নহে। রুগ্ন শিশুরা অনেক দেরীতে পীড়িত হয়, তাহাদের জীবনীশক্তির কার্যকারিতা এত কম থাকে যে, দুই তিন দিনের আগে তাহাদের রোগলক্ষণ প্রকাশ পায় না। সুতরাং তুমি যদি একই পরিবারের একটি রুগ্ন ও বলিষ্ঠ শিশুকে লইয়া খোলা বাতাসে যাও, তাহা হইলে একজনের সেই রাত্রেই ত্রুপ কাশি দেখা দিবে এবং তাহার জন্য একোনাইট প্রয়োজন হইবে, কিন্তু অপরটির ঐ রোগ প্রকাশ পাইবে পরদিন সকালে এবং তাহার জন্য প্রয়োজন হইবে ‘হিপার।

সর্দিরোগে যে-সকল লক্ষণ প্রকাশ পাওয়া সম্ভব, তন্মধ্যে নাসাপথে রক্তস্রাব, শিরঃপীড়া, উদ্বেগ ও ভয় অন্যতম। একোনাইটের রোগীর যে লক্ষণগুলি প্রকাশ পায়, তন্মধ্যে সর্বপ্রথম হইল উৎকন্ঠাপূর্ণ মুখভাব। একোনাইটের নিউমোনিয়া প্রায়ই মুখের ভাবেই প্রকাশ পায়। মুখের দিকে চাহিলে, দেখিবে যে, সেখানে প্রবল উৎকণ্ঠা রহিয়াছে। একোনাইটের পরীক্ষাকালে প্রকাশিত লক্ষণসমূহের অনেক কিছুই ইহার মধ্যে পাওয়া যায়। তোমরা জান যে, মুখের ভাবে এমন অনেক কিছুই আছে, যাহা দ্বারা শরীরের মধ্যে যাহা ঘটিতেছে তাহার সবটুকুই জানিতে পারা যায়; উহাই যেন কাহিনীটিকে বলিয়া দেয়। আনন্দ ও দুঃখ, পারিবারিক দুর্দশা ইহাদের অনেক কিছুকেই তুমি বিশেষ শ্রেণীভুক্ত করিয়া লইতে পার, একটি মাত্র দৃষ্টিতেই বুঝিয়া লইতে পার যে, কোন একটি গুরুতর ব্যাপার ঘটিয়া গিয়াছে। ঠিক জিনিষটি ধরিবার পূর্বে তোমাকে হয়ত কেবলমাত্র দুই একবার অনুমান করিয়া লইতে হইবে। একোনাইটের ক্ষেত্রে তুমি পাইবে—“উৎকণ্ঠা”।

“এক গাল লাল এবং অপরটি পান্ডুর”-এই লক্ষণটি অনেকগুলি ঔষধের মধ্যেই আছে, কিন্তু নাই উৎকন্ঠাপূর্ণ মুখভাব, ভয়, উত্তাপ এবং আকস্মিক রোগাক্রমণ, যেমনটি রক্তপ্রধান ব্যক্তিগণের ক্ষেত্রে দেখা যায়,—আর “পূৰ্ব্বদিন শুষ্ক ও ঝটিকাময় ছিল” এই কথাটিও তুমি একোনাইটের সহিত যোগ করিয়া লও। অন্যরূপ অবস্থা বর্তমান থাকিলে, অপর ঔষধগুলির কোনটির প্রয়োজন হইবে। “মুখমন্ডলের স্নায়ুশূল যেন মুখমন্ডলের উভয়পার্শ্বে উত্তপ্ত লৌহতার চলাচল করিতেছে”- কোন ব্যক্তি হয়ত শীতল শুষ্ক হাওয়ার মধ্যে গাড়ী ঘোড়া চড়িয়াছিল,

তাহার মুখমন্ডল হয়ত ঠান্ডা হাওয়ায় উন্মুক্ত ছিল। এইবার সে অসাড়তা বোধ করিবে এবং তারপর যাতনা—তীব্র যাতনা দেখা দিবে। সে ছুরিকাঘাতের মত, কাটিয়া ফেলার মত বেদনায় ক্রন্দন করিতে এবং চিৎকার করিতে আরম্ভ করিবে। একোনাইট তাহাকে শান্তি দিরে। “পিঁপড়া হাঁটার ন্যায় সুড়সুড়ি, সড়সড়ানি”—একোনাইটে স্নায়ুসমূহের উপর দিয়া এইরূপ অনুভূতি আছে। গৃধ্রসী বাত—যখন স্নায়ুর উপর বরফ জল ঢালার ন্যায় অনুভূতি থাকে। “মুখমন্ডলে যন্ত্রণাযুক্ত অথবা যন্ত্রণাবিহীন সুড়সুড়ি ঝিনঝিনি এবং সড়সড়ানি”—ঐ সঙ্গে মুখমন্ডলে প্রখর উত্তাপ ও প্রবল জ্বর থাকে। মুখের যে পার্শ্বে চাপিয়া শয়ন করে, তাহাতে ঘাম হইতে থাকে, কিন্তু রোগী যদি পাশ ফিরিয়া শোয় তাহা হইলে সেই পাটি তৎক্ষণাৎ শুষ্ক হইয়া যায় এবং অপর পার্শ্বটি ঘামিয়া উঠে।

” আহা! দাঁতের বেদনার পক্ষে ইহা কি শান্তিদায়ক ঔষধ! দাঁতের বেদনায় ইহা এতই উপযোগী যে আজকাল প্রায় প্রত্যেক বয়স্কা মহিলাই একটু তুলার উপরে এক ফোটা একোনাইট ঢালিয়া, তাহা দাঁতের পুরাতন গর্তের মধ্যে প্রবেশ করাইয়া দিতে জানেন। ইহা দ্বারা প্রায়ই উপশম পাওয়া যায়। একমাত্ৰা একোনাইট সেবন করিলে আরও ভাল কাজ হয়। কিন্তু আবার সেই পুরাতন কথাটি মনে রাখিতে হইবে দন্তশূলের তীব্রতা, শুষ্ক ঠান্ডা বাতাস হইতে রোগাক্রমণ, রক্তপ্রধান ব্যক্তির পোকায় খাওয়া দাঁত, দাঁতে প্রবল, কৰ্ত্তনবৎ, তীরবৎ বেদনা। কখন কখন এরূপ বেদনা সুস্থ দন্তেও দেখা যায় এবং বেদনাটি সমগ্র দন্তপাটিকে আক্রমণ করে। খোলা বাতাস লাগান, যথা-বাতাসের মধ্যে ঘোড়ায় চড়ার ফলে তীব্র যাতনা। একমাত্র একোনাইট দেওয়ার পরই, এই বেদনা প্রশমিত হয় এবং চলিয়া যায়।

স্বাদের বিকৃতি, পাকস্থলীর গোলযোগ। জল ব্যতীত সবকিছুই তিক্ত লাগে। আর একোনাইটের রোগীর জলের উপর কি টান! জল খাইয়া তাহার আর আশ মেটে না, আর জল ভালও লাগে।

এই ঔষধের সবকিছুতেই জ্বালা’ লক্ষণটি আছে, তোমরা সৰ্ব্বপ্রকার যন্ত্রণার বর্ণনাতেই উহা পাইবে। জ্বালা মাথায়, জ্বালা স্নায়ুসমূহের উপর, জ্বালা মেরুদন্ডের উপর, জ্বালা জ্বরের মধ্যে, সময়ে সময়ে যেন লঙ্কাবাটায় আবৃত রহিয়াছে—এরূপ জ্বালা।

গলার প্রদাহ রোগে একোনাইট একটি প্রয়োজনীয় ঔষধ, যখন জ্বালা, চিড়িকমারা, শুষ্কতা এবং টনসিল, গলগহ্বর ও সমুদয় গলদেশের অত্যন্ত আরক্ততা লক্ষণ থাকে। কখন কখন কোমল তালু খুব ফুলিয়া উঠে। গলদেশ বলিয়া কথিত স্থানে যাহা কিছু দেখা যায় তৎসমুদয়ের অত্যধিক প্রদাহ, তরুণ-প্রদাহ। কিন্তু একমাত্র ইহা দ্বারাই একোনাইট সূচিত হয় না। একোনাইট এই প্রকৃতির রোগ আরোগ্য করে; উহা গলার প্রদাহ আরোগ্য করে সত্য, কিন্তু প্রত্যেক হোমিওপ্যাথিক চিকিৎসকই জানেন যে, আমি যাহা বলিয়াছি, ঠিক তাহাতে একোনাইটের ন্যায় আরও চল্লিশ পঞ্চাশটি ঔষধ নির্বাচিত হওয়া সম্ভব। আমি কেবলমাত্র একটি খাপছাড়া বর্ণনা দিয়াছি। এই প্রকার লক্ষণের সাহায্যে কোন হোমিওপ্যাথিক চিকিৎসকই ঔষধই ব্যবস্থা করিতে পারে না। তোমার গলার এই অবস্থাটি লিখিয়া দিলে, প্রত্যেক চিকিৎসকই মনে মনে প্রশ্ন করিবেন—“এরূপ গলার জন্য কেন একোনাইট প্রযোজ্য হইবে?” এবং তারপরই প্রশ্ন আসিবে যে গলাটি না দেখিয়াও তিনি ইহার জন্য ঔষধ ব্যবস্থা করিতে পারেন না? বুদ্ধিমান চিকিৎসকের নিকট রোগীটির স্বরূপ উপস্থিত করিবার জন্য গললক্ষণের বিশেষ প্রয়োজন নাই। যদি আক্রান্ত অংশটিকে তৎস্বরূপে চিকিৎসকের মনের সম্মুখে উপস্থিত করারই প্রয়োজন হয়, তাহা হইলে তিনি যকৃতের চিকিৎসা কিরূপে করিবেন? তিনি তো যকৃৎটিকে দেখিতে পাইবেন না।

কিরূপে তিনি পাকস্থলীর জন্য ঔষধ ব্যবস্থা করিবেন? তিনি তো উহা দেখিতে পাইবেন না। তাহা হইলে আমাদিগকে আগেকার কথাতেই ফিরিয়া আসিতে হইল-বুদ্ধিমান চিকিৎসকের নিকট রোগীর বিশিষ্ট প্রকৃতিটি উপস্থাপিত হইলে, তখনই তিনি ঐসব অবস্থার মধ্যে কতকগুলি কারণ দেখিতে পাইবেন। যদি তুমি একোনাইটের রোগীকে ভালভাবে মনে করিয়া রাখিতে পার, তাহা হইলে তুমিও ঔষধ ব্যবস্থা করিতে পারিবে। অবশ্য যাহা চোখে দেখা যায়, তাহা দেখাই ভাল। যদি যকৃৎটিকে দেখা যাইত আমি বলিতাম, তুমি উহা দেখিয়া লও। যদি হৃৎপিন্ডটি দেখা সম্ভব হইত আমি বলিতাম, তুমি উহা পরীক্ষা কর।

এই গলার মধ্যে কি লক্ষণ থাকিলে রোগীকে ঠিক মত চিনিতে পারা যায়? বস্তুতঃ গলায় যেকোনরূপ ব্যথা থাকিলেই গিলিতে কষ্ট হয়। আমি বুঝাইতে চাই যে, ব্যথার মধ্যে এমন। কিছুই নাই যাহা একোনাইটের রোগীকে চিকিৎসকের নিকট ঠিকভাবে চিনাইয়া দেয়। যদি লোকটি রক্তপ্রধান হয়, যদি সে দিনের মধ্যে বহুক্ষণ ঠান্ডা শুষ্ক হাওয়ায় গাড়ী-ঘোড়া চড়িয়া থাকে, এবং যদি সে রাত্রে ভীষণ জ্বালাকর, ছিড়িয়া ফেলার ন্যায় গলবেদনায় জাগিয়া উঠিয়া থাকে, যদি তাহার গিলিতে কষ্ট হয়, প্রবল জ্বর দেখা দেয়, ঠান্ডা জলের তৃষ্ণা থাকে, জল পান করিয়া আশা না মেটে, উৎকন্ঠাপূর্ণ জ্বরাবেশের মধ্যে পড়িয়া থাকে, তবেই তুমি ঔষধ একোনাইট ব্যবস্থা করিবার মত রোগী পাইলে। অনেক সময় তোমার পর্যবেক্ষণে রোগীরা এত বুদ্ধিমান হইবে যে, পরিবারের কোন লোক কিরূপ আচরণ করিতেছে তাহা সঠিকভাবে লিখিয়া জানাইবে। যে ভ্যাসারবাসিনী (শিক্ষিতা) স্ত্রীলোক আমাকে লিখে, “ডাক্তার, আমি গলার ভিতর দেখিয়াছি, উহা লাল; আপনি দয়া করিয়া ঔষধ পাঠাইয়া দিবেন”, তাহার চেয়ে অনেক সময়েই অশিক্ষিত লোকেরা উৎকৃষ্টতর রোগবিবরণী দিয়া থাকে।

পাকস্থলীর লক্ষণের সহিত, কি ভয়ানক উৎকন্ঠাপূর্ণ রোগীই আমরা পাইয়া থাকি! যন্ত্রণা। অতি ভয়ানক। ঠান্ডা লাগার ফলে জ্বালাকর, ছিন্নকর বেদনা, তৎসহ উদ্বেগ, অস্থিরতা, জ্বর। অতি ভোজনের জন্য নহে, কিন্তু ঠান্ডালাগার ফলে। বরফজলে উনুক্ত হইয়া স্নানের ফলে ঠান্ডাটি পাকস্থলীতে জাকিয়া বসিয়াছে, অথবা গ্রীষ্মকালের প্রখর উত্তাপে রোগটি দেখা দিয়াছে, তৎসহ বলিষ্ঠ শিশুদের ক্ষেত্রে মস্তকের উপদাহ থাকে। বমন, ‘কাঠবমি—উহা যেন ছিড়িয়া ফেলার মত,—ঐ ভয়ঙ্কর বমি বমি ভাবে অভ্যন্তরস্থ সবকিছুই যেন বাহির হইয়া পড়িবে। রক্তবমন; উজ্জ্বল লাল রক্ত। পাকস্থলীরোগের অবস্থাটি সাধারণতঃ এইরূপ থাকে। জ্বরাবস্থায় সে তিক্ত দ্রব্য, মদ্য, বিয়ার, ব্রান্ডি আকাঙ্ক্ষা করে, কিন্তু উহা পাকস্থলীতে পৌঁছিবামাত্র বাহির হইয়া আসে। সে ঝাল দ্রব্য চায়, কিছুই তাহার কাছে বেশী ঝাল বোধ হয় না। আর যদি সে কিছু তিক্ত দ্রব্য খাইতে পাইত!” তথাপি খাদ্যদ্রব্য তাহার নিকট তিক্ত বোধ হয়, একমাত্র জল ব্যতীত, সবকিছুই তিক্ত লাগে।

পাঠ্যপুস্তকে চিকিৎসা বিজ্ঞানের ভাষায় ইহাকে “পাকাশয়ের সর্দি” বলে। ইহা অত্যন্ত তীব্র এবং তরুণ পাকস্থলী-প্রদাহ। বমি বমি ভাব, পিত্তবমন, রক্তবমন। পাকস্থলীতে কিছু না থাকিলেও নিষ্ফল কাঠবমি । আর ইহার সহিত থাকে উদ্বেগ, অস্থিরতা, মৃত্যুভয়। ঐ ভয় মুখের ভাবে চিত্রিত থাকায় তাহাকে ভয়ানক দেখায়। হঠাৎ আক্রমণটি দেখা দিলে, একোনাইট যকৃৎ-প্রদাহের একটি উপযোগী ঔষধ। পুনঃ পুনঃ আক্রমণে ইহা সেরূপ উপযোগী নহে, কিন্তু প্রথম আক্রমণে উপযোগী। যকৃতের প্রবল প্রদাহ, তৎসহ ভয়ানক ছিন্নকর বেদনা এবং প্রবল জ্বালা। তারপর ঐসঙ্গে থাকে—অস্থিরতা, উৎকণ্ঠার পীড়ন, অবিরত সঞ্চালন, মৃত্যুভয়, লাল মুখমন্ডল, কাচের ন্যায় চক্ষু এবং প্রবল তৃষ্ণা। একমাত্র “উৎকন্ঠাপূর্ণ অস্থিরতা” কথাটি দ্বারাই উপরোক্ত সব লক্ষণগুলিই প্রকাশ করা চলে।

ঠান্ডার মধ্যে অনাবৃত থাকিয়া, ঠান্ডা লাগানোর ফলে পেটে তীরবৎ বেদনা, জ্বালা, হুলবিদ্ধবৎ ব্যথা। আমাদিগের শীঘ্রই উপলব্ধি হইবে যে, রোগটি কোন অঙ্গে দেখা দিয়াছে তাহাতে বিশেষ কিছু যায় আসে না; আমাদের চাই একোনাইটের রোগী। আমরা আরও সমগ্র উদরগহ্বরটির প্রাদাহিক রোগ পাইতে পারি। উহা হয়ত প্রবল সর্দিজ প্রদাহ। উহা যদি অন্ত্রের নিম্নাংশের অথবা বৃহদন্ত্রের সর্দিজ প্রদাহ হয় তাহা হইলে আমাশয় রোগ হইবে। আমাশয় রোগে আমরা মলত্যাগ পাত্রে যাহা দেখিতে পাইব তাহার প্রায় সবটাই রক্ত, তাজা রক্ত এবং তৎসহ সামান্য আম। রোগীর যেন মলত্যাগক্রিয়াটি শেষ হইতেই চায় না। সামান্য রক্তবমন এবং সরলান্ত্র হইতে রক্তাক্ত আম নির্গমন। সব সময়েই সে বলে যে, আজ রাত্রেই অথবা কয়েক ঘন্টার মধ্যেই তাহার মৃত্যু হইবে। দেখিলে মনে হইবে, সে যেন মৃত্যুযন্ত্রণা ভোগ করিতেছে।

সমগ্র শরীরটিই যন্ত্রণাময়, কিন্তু কুন্থন, খালধরা এবং মলত্যাগ প্রবৃত্তি একেবারে ভয়াবহ। তাহার জলবৎ উদরাময় থাকিতে পারে, কিন্তু উহা সেরূপ মূল্যবান লক্ষণ নহে, যদিও হেরিংয়ের পুস্তকে উহা দুই দাগ দিয়া চিহ্নিত করা হইয়াছে। যখন তাজা রক্ত নির্গত হয় এবং কোথানির সহিত আম পড়ে অথবা শিশুদের গ্রীষ্মকালীন রোগের সহিত অল্প অল্প সবুজ বর্ণ আম নির্গত হয়, অথবা সুশ্রী হৃষ্টপুষ্ট শিশুদিগের হঠাৎ জ্বরাগমের সহিত তাজা রক্ত ও ঘাসের ন্যায় সবুজ মলত্যাগ হইতে থাকে, তখন একোনাইটের কথা মনে করিবে। শিশুদিগের অন্ত্রের অধিকাংশ উপদ্রবই প্রখর উত্তাপ হইতে আসে। উত্তাপ হইতে শিশুর যকৃৎপ্রদাহ দেখা দিতে পারে, আর তখন মল সাদা এবং চটচটে। শিশু হলদে হইয়া যায় এবং যন্ত্রণায় চীকার করে।

একোনাইট মূত্র সংক্রান্ত রোগে, মূত্রাশয় ও মূত্রগ্রন্থির রোগে উপযোগী। প্রাদাহিক অবস্থার সহিত রক্তমূত্র। অল্পমূত্র, মূত্রনাশ অথবা মূত্রাবরোধ। মানসিক আঘাতের ফলে মূত্রাবরোধ। মানসিক আঘাতের ফলে মূত্ররোধ লক্ষণে ইহা সদ্যজাত শিশুর মূত্রাবরোধের একটি শ্রেষ্ঠ ঔষধ হইয়াছে। পৃথিবীতে সদ্য ভূমিষ্ট শিশু হঠাৎ মানসিক আঘাত পাইয়া থাকে। তুমি দ্বিতীয়বার তোমার রোগিণীকে দেখিতে গেলে ধাত্রী হয়ত বলিবে, “শিশুটি এখনও প্রস্রাব করে নাই।” ইহার অর্থ,—শিশু যে প্রবল মানসিক আঘাত পাইয়াছে, তাহার ফলে উহার যান্ত্রিক কাৰ্যগুলি এখনও ঠিকমত প্রতিষ্ঠিত হয় নাই।

কর্ত্তনবৎ, ছেদনবৎ বেদনাসহ মূত্রাশয়-প্রদাহ। জ্বালাকর প্রস্রাবের সহিত জ্বালাকর বেদনা। মূত্র উত্তপ্ত, ঘোরাল, লালবর্ণ; লালবর্ণ এবং পরিষ্কার অথবা রক্তময়। মূত্ররোধ, বিশেষতঃ শিশুদিগের, তৎসহ ক্রন্দন ও অস্থিরতা। বয়স্ক ব্যক্তি অথবা শিশুদের মূত্রাধারের প্রদাহে একোনাইট-রোগী-জ্ঞাপক সৰ্ববিধ মানসিক লক্ষণ বৰ্ত্তমান থাকিবে।

যদি আক্রমণটি অকস্মাৎ উপস্থিত হয়, তাহা হইলে একোনাইট অতি ভয়ানক অন্ডকোষ প্রদাহ আরোগ্য করে। রক্তপ্রধান ব্যক্তিদের ঠান্ডা লাগায়, শীতার্ত হওয়ায় অন্ডকোষ-প্রদাহ। কিন্তু রুদ্ধ গণোরিয়া স্রাব হইতে সাধারণতঃ যেরূপ অন্ডকোষ-প্রদাহ হয়, তাহাতে একোনাইটের উপযোগিতা নাই।

স্ত্রীলোকগণ তাহাদের সহানুভূতি ও স্বাভাবিক স্নায়বিকতার জন্য স্বভাবতঃই একোনাইটের রোগিণী। স্নায়বিক সঙ্ঘাত হইতে এবং ভয় হইতেই তাহারা সাধারণতঃ পীড়িত হন; এবং সাধারণতঃ যে-সব কারণে পুরুষেরা পীড়াগ্রস্ত হন, রমণীদের পীড়ার কারণ তাহা হইতে ভিন্নরূপ থাকে। পুরুষ ভয় পাওয়ার ফলে কদাচিৎ প্রদাহ বিশিষ্ট হইয়া থাকে; কিন্তু রক্তপ্রধানা বলিষ্ঠা, উত্তেজনাশীল রমণীগণের জরায়ু ও ডিম্বকোষ-প্রদাহের কারণ সাধারণতঃ ভয়। ভয় হইতে সাধারণতঃ গর্ভস্রাব হয়, কিন্তু সময় থাকিতে দিতে পারিলে একোনাইট ভয় হইতে গর্ভস্রাব নিবারণ করিবে। ভয় অথবা আকস্মিক মনোবেগের পর আমরা সময়ে সময়ে একোনাইটের সূচীবিদ্ধবৎ, জ্বালাকর, ছিন্নকরণবৎ দেখিতে পাইব। সময়ে সময়ে গর্ভবতী নারী বলিবেন, “ডাক্তার, আমার আঁতুড়ের জন্য উদ্যোগ আয়োজনের প্রয়োজন নাই; আমি বুঝিতেছি এই আঁতুড়েই আমার মৃত্যু হইবে” যদি ঔষধ ব্যবস্থা করিবার মত বিশেষ একটি লক্ষণ থাকে, তবে ইহাই সেইটি। একমাত্র একোনাইট দাও, তারপর কথা প্রসঙ্গ বদলাইয়া দাও; রোগিণী ‘চলিয়া যান; তারপর কয়েকদিন পরে তাহাকে সেই ভয়ের কথা জিজ্ঞাসা কর, রোগিণী বলিবেন, “ওঃ, সে কথার আর উল্লেখ করিবেন না।” এইরূপ অনেক ক্ষুদ্র ক্ষুদ্র বিষয় বাছিয়া লওয়া যাইতে পারে। কিন্তু এই ভয়ের অবস্থাটি; ইহা একটি অদ্ভুত জিনিষ এবং ইহা দ্বারা স্ত্রীলোকটির সম্পূর্ণ প্রকৃতি ও সত্ত্বা তৎস্বরূপে প্রতিভাত হয়। রোগিণী তাঁহার মৃত্যুদিন সম্বন্ধে ভবিষ্যদ্বাণী করেন। শিশুদের পীড়ায় একোনাইট যে এত অধিক ব্যবহৃত হয়, তাহার কারণ শিশুরা ভয়। হইতেই প্রায়শঃ পীড়িত হইয়া থাকে।

রক্তপ্রধানা রমণীগণের জননেন্দ্রিয়ের প্রদাহ।” পুরুষ অপেক্ষা স্ত্রী ও শিশুদের রোগেই একোনাইট বেশী ব্যবহৃত হয়। স্নায়বিক প্রকৃতি, বলিষ্ঠা, উত্তেজনাপ্রবণ স্ত্রীলোক। শুষ্ক ঠান্ডা বাতাস লাগানোর ফলে প্রাদাহিক অবস্থা দেখা দিলে ইহা পুরুষদের ক্ষেত্রে ব্যবহৃত হয় আর আক্রমণটি যদি তরুণ এবং প্রথমবারের হয়, তাহা হইলে তুমি রোগীকে একোনাইট প্রয়োগ করিয়া দেখাইয়া দিতে পার যে, কত শীঘ্র তাহার ঘর্ম দেখা দিয়া জ্বরটি ছাড়িয়া যাইতে পারে এবং হোমিওপ্যাথিতে কিরূপ সব আশ্চৰ্য্য জিনিষ আছে।

“বিরক্তিকর ও কষ্টদায়ক সন্তান প্রসবের পর তীব্র ভ্যাদাল ব্যথা। তীরবিদ্ধবৎ, ছিন্নকরণবৎ ভ্যাদাল ব্যথা, তৎসহ জ্বর” জরায়ু স্রাবে উজ্জ্বল লাল রক্ত এবং মৃত্যুভয়। প্রসব ক্ষেত্রে ঠান্ডা লাগার ফলে উৎপন্ন রোগে একোনাইট যাহা করে, তাহা বিস্ময়কর, কিন্তু ইহাকে সূতিকা-জ্বরের সহিত মিশাইয়া ফেলিও না। প্রথমোক্ত অবস্থাটি সাধারণ প্রকৃতির, পচনশীলতা শূন্য, হয়ত স্তনদ্বয় আক্রান্ত হইতে পারে, সেইজন্য স্তনে বেদনা এবং দুধ জমিয়া জ্বর দেখা দিতে পারে; কিন্তু যদি প্রসবান্তিক স্রাব বন্ধ হইয়া থাকে তাহা হইলে একোনাইট দিও না।

ফরসেপ যন্ত্র ব্যবহারের পর অথবা ক্লান্তিকর প্রসবের পর, নবজাত শিশুর শ্বাসকষ্ট; শিশু বেদম হইয়া পড়িয়াছে, তাহার হৃৎপিন্ডে কষ্ট দেখা দিয়াছে, কয়েক ঘন্টার মধ্যেই জ্বর দেখা দিল। একোনাইট এখানে একটি অতি সরল ঔষধ। শিশুর মূত্ররোধ একোনাইট প্রয়োগের এমন একটি সাধারণ ক্ষেত্র যে তোমাকে কদাচিৎ অন্য ঔষধ ব্যবহার করিতে হইবে। শিশু তখন কথা কহিতে পারে না, সে খুব স্পষ্ট করিয়া প্রকাশ করিতে পারে না। সুতরাং এই অবস্থায় চিকিৎসককেও কতকটা বাঁধা-ধরা নিয়মাবলম্বী হইতে হয় এবং এই কারণেই বাঁধা-ধরা নিয়মাবলম্বী চিকিৎসকগণ মূত্ররোধ একোনাইট দ্বারা অল্পবিস্তর কৃতকাৰ্য্যও হইয়া থাকেন। আর, এ কথাও সত্য যে মাতার মূত্ররোধ হইলে অনেক স্থলেই একমাত্র কষ্টিকাম’ দিলেও উহা আরোগ্য হয়।

একোনাইট ক্রুপ কাশির একটি বাঁধা ঔষধ, কিন্তু ইহার অপব্যবহারও হইয়া থাকে। দিনের বেলায় যে-সব রক্তপ্রধান শিশু মাতার সহিত ঠান্ডা হাওয়ায় বাহির হইয়া, শুষ্ক ঠান্ডা বাতাসে অনাবৃত থাকিয়া, হঠাৎ ক্রুপ রোগাক্রান্ত হয়, একোনাইট তাহাদের ক্ষেত্রে ব্যবহার্য্য। শিশুকে শোয়াইয়া দেওয়া হইল, তারপর হয়ত রাত্রি ৯টা, ১০টা বা ১১টার সময় সে ঘুম হইতে জাগিয়া উঠিল। সে গলাটি চাপিয়া ধরিয়া প্রবলভাবে কাশিতে লাগিল, কাশিটি ঘংঘং করা, শ্বাসরোধক এবং স্বরভঙ্গমুক্ত, কুকুরের ডাকের ন্যায়। দিবাভাগে ঠান্ডা লাগায় এবং রাত্রিকালে হঠাৎ রোগাক্রমণে, ক্রিয়ার দ্রুততার দিক হইতে আর কোন ঔষধই ইহার সমকক্ষ নহে। যে ক্রুপ দিবসে অনাবৃত থাকার পর, তৎপর দিন সকাল অথবা সন্ধ্যার পূর্বে প্রকাশিত হয় না, তাহার জন্য অনেক ঔষধ আছে, বিশেষতঃ ধীরক্রিয় ‘হিপার। আর উহা কতকটা ভগ্নস্বাস্থ্য এবং পুনঃ পুনঃ ক্রুপ কাশিতে ভোগে এরূপ শিশুদের পক্ষেই অধিকতর উপযোগী। স্পঞ্জিয়া’ও অনেকটা অনুরূপ, কিন্তু ভগ্নস্বাস্থ্য শিশুদের যে-সকল উপসর্গ দেখা দেওয়া সম্ভব সেই সকল এবং সৰ্ব্বদাই সর্দি লাগার স্বভাব ইহাতে দেখা যায় না। পরোগের ক্ষেত্র একোনাইট ও স্পঞ্জিয়ার রোগীর চেহারার মধ্যে পার্থক্য নির্ণয় করা কঠিন, কারণ উভয় ঔষধেই পরোগসুলভ উৎকন্ঠাপূর্ণ মুখভাব আছে। একোনাইটের ক্রুপ ভীষণ ক্রুপ-উহা অতি দ্রুত আবির্ভূত স্বরযন্ত্রের প্রদাহ এবং তৎসহ স্বরযন্ত্রের আক্ষেপ। স্পঞ্জিয়ার ক্রুপে প্রদাহটি অপেক্ষাকৃত কম এবং উহা আক্ষেপের সহিত ক্রমান্বয়ে বাড়িতে থাকে। যদিও স্পঞ্জিয়ার রোগী শ্বাসকষ্ট ও শ্বাসরোধের ভাব লইয়া রাত্রি ১১টার সময় জাগিয়া উঠে তথাপি তাহার মধ্যে একোনাইটের ন্যায় প্রবল জ্বরের উত্তেজনা অথবা উদ্বেগ থাকে না, কিন্তু তাহার একোনাইট সদৃশ সর্ববিধ শুষ্কতা থাকে। একোনাইটের ক্ষেত্রে শুষ্কতা একটি স্বাভাবিক অবস্থা অথবা সামান্যমাত্র জলবৎ স্রাব থাকিতে পারে। স্পঞ্জিয়া’ সম্পূর্ণভাবে শুষ্ক, শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লীর প্রদাহ থাকিলে তাহাও শুষ্ক। একোনাইটের ত্রুপ লক্ষণে আমরা পাই স্বরযন্ত্রে স্পর্শদ্বেষ, “শুষ্ক ঠান্ডা হাওয়ায় অনাবৃত থাকিবার পর, প্রথম নিদ্রা হইতে জাগিয়া ক্রুপ কাশি।”

একোনাইটে যথেষ্ট শ্বাসক্রিয়ার গোলযোগ আছে—উহা হাঁপানি রোগের ন্যায় ক্ষুদ্র ক্ষুদ্র বায়ুনলীগুলির সঙ্কোচনহেতু শ্বাসকষ্ট। ইহা ক্যাপিলারী ব্রঙ্কাইটিসের শ্বাসকষ্টে ব্যবহৃত হয়। ইহা রক্তপ্রধান লোকদিগের ঠান্ডা লাগায়, অনাবৃত থাকায় অথবা মানসিক সঙ্ঘাতের ফলে হৃৎপিন্ডে উত্তেজনাজাত শ্বাসকষ্টে ব্যবহৃত হয়। স্নায়বিক স্ত্রীলোকগণের (শ্বাসকষ্ট), উত্তেজনাপ্রবণ, সহজেই বিচলিত স্নায়বিক রক্তপ্রধান স্ত্রীলোকগণের ভয় যেরূপ শ্বাসকষ্ট উপস্থিত হয়। শ্বাসক্রিয়া হ্রস্ব, কষ্টকৃত, উদ্বেগপূর্ণ এবং দ্রুত। ইহা একপ্রকার হাঁপানির শ্বাসকষ্ট এবং সাধারণতঃ ইহাতে শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লীর এবং ক্ষুদ্র ক্ষুদ্র কৈশিকগুলির শুষ্কতা বর্তমান থাকে।

“রোগী সোজা হইয়া উঠিয়া বসে এবং আর যেন শ্বাস লইতে পারে না।” একোনাইটে এইরূপ আকস্মিক হৃৎপিন্ডের উত্তেজনা ও কম্পমান, দুৰ্বল, পূর্ণ এবং উল্লম্ফনশীল নাড়ী থাকে। সে শয্যায় উঠিয়া বসে, গলাটি চাপিয়া ধরে, সব আচ্ছাদনই খুলিয়া ফেলিতে চায়; মধ্যরাত্রির পূৰ্বে উত্তপ্ত গাত্র-ত্বক, প্রবল তৃষ্ণা, অত্যন্ত ভয়—সমস্তই একসঙ্গে বর্তমান থাকে।

“শ্বাসকষ্টের সহিত যাতনা। শ্বাসকষ্টের সহিত অকস্মাৎ হৃৎপিন্ডস্থানে যন্ত্রণা।” সমস্তই একসঙ্গে থাকে। “অত্যন্ত শ্বাসরোধভাব।’ এই ভয় এবং উৎকণ্ঠা হইতে সে প্রচুর ঘামিতে থাকে, সে ঘামে সিক্ত হইয়া যায়, কিন্তু তথাপি তাহার গাত্র উত্তপ্ত থাকে। যখন উদ্বেগটি চলিয়া যায়, তখনও তাহার গাত্র উত্তপ্ত হইয়া উঠে। সুতরাং রোগীর ভয়ানক উৎকণ্ঠার সহিত উত্তাপ ও ঘৰ্ম্ম থাকিয়াই যায়। নাড়ী সুতার ন্যায়।

“শ্বাসত্যাগের সময় ভাল বোধ হয়।” কণ্ঠনালীর আক্ষেপ সাধারণতঃ নিঃশ্বাস লইবার সময় উপস্থিত হয়। “নিশ্বাস লওয়ার কালে খারাপ বোধ; অবিরত হ্রস্ব, শুষ্ক কাশি; কষ্টকর শ্বাস-প্রশ্বাস, বক্ষব্যবধায়ক পেশীর উঠাপড়ার সহিত শ্বাসক্রিয়া,—বক্ষের রোগসমূহ, যথা—নিউমোনিয়া।” একোনাইট অতি সত্ত্বর বক্ষগহ্বরের যন্ত্রসমূহের, প্লুরার, ফুসফুসের, বায়ুপথস্থিত শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লীসমূহের প্রদাহ উৎপন্ন করে। ফুসফুস-প্রদাহ রোগে আমরা এই অতি দ্রুত আগত শ্বাসকষ্ট দেখিতে পাই। যদি উহা দ্রুত বিস্তৃত হয় তাহা হইলে নিউমোনিয়া রোগই উপস্থিত হয়। প্রদাহ এত প্রবল হয় যে, শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লী হইতে চেরী ফলের ন্যায় লালবর্ণ রক্ত ক্ষরিত হইতে থাকে, অথবা যে সাদা শ্লেষ্মা উঠিতে থাকে তাহার গায়ে প্রচুর উজ্জ্বল ও লালবর্ণ রক্ত জড়াইয়া থাকে। ব্রঙ্কোনিউমোনিয়া রোগীর শয্যাপার্শ্বে গেলে তুমি থুতু ফেলার পাত্রের মধ্যে উজ্জ্বল লাল রক্ত জড়ান শ্লেম্মা দেখিতে পাইবে। এইবার চিন্তা কর,—রোগটি কিরূপে প্রবলভাবে উপস্থিত হইয়াছে, রোগীর উৎকণ্ঠা ও অস্থিরতা,—সে তাহার মৃত্যুসময়ের কথা বলিয়া দিতেছে; একোনাইটের রোগীর অবস্থা এইরূপই হয়। নিউমোনিয়া রোগে একোনাইট নির্দিষ্ট হইলে ফুসফুসের যে অংশ আক্রান্ত হয়, তাহা সম্ভবতঃ বাম ফুসফুসের উপরের অর্ধাংশ। সময়ে সময়ে সমুদয় শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লী, দৃশ্যমান কণ্ঠনলী, স্বরযন্ত্র, গলকোষ, বায়ুনলীসমূহ, সবকিছু হইতে রক্তক্ষরণ হয়; কখন কখন প্রদাহ এতই ভীষণ হয় যে, একমুখ করিয়া রক্ত উঠিয়া আসে। এই প্রকার বুকের রোগে তীব্র যন্ত্রণা থাকে। তীরবিদ্ধবৎ জ্বালাকর, ছেদনবৎ যাতনা; রোগী কতকটা উঁচু অবস্থায় চিৎ হইয়া শুইয়া থাকিতে বাধ্য হয়। এক পার্শ্ব চাপিয়া বা সম্পূর্ণ চিৎ হইয়া শুইতে পারে না। কোন পার্শ্বে চাপিয়া শুইলে বেদনার বৃদ্ধি হয়। (রোগের কারণটি) শুষ্ক ঠান্ডা বাতাস। সুস্থ, বলবান, সতেজ রক্তসঞ্চালন বিশিষ্ট ব্যক্তির আকস্মিক মানসিক সম্মাত। এই রক্ত উঠা, যাহার কথা বলা হইল, তাহা যক্ষ্মারোগীর রক্ত উঠার মত নহে। এই রক্ত উঠা অনৈচ্ছিক, সামান্য কাশির সহিত উহা উঠিয়া আসে। কেহ হয়ত ভগ্নস্বাস্থ্য, দুৰ্বল রোগীর এরূপ অবস্থায় একোনাইট দিয়া প্রতারিত হইতে পারেন, কিন্তু ঐরূপ ক্ষেত্রে ইহা প্রযোজ্য নহে, আমাদের ঐরূপ অবস্থার জন্য আরও ভাল ভাল ঔষধ আছে। রোগী যে সব সময়েই নিউমোনিয়াগ্রস্ত হইবে এরূপ কথাও নাই, ক্ষুদ্র ক্ষুদ্র বায়ুনলীসমূহের প্রদাহ থাকিলেই হইল।

“শুষ্ক কাশি, বমন, বমি বমি ভাব, প্রবল জ্বর, রক্তাক্ত গয়ের তোলা।” জলের মত শ্লেষ্মা ও রক্ত ছাড়া আর কোন কিছুই উঠে না। এই ভাবে অনেক কিছুই দেখা দিতে পারে। শুষ্ক কাশি, সমস্ত বুকের মধ্যে শুষ্কতাবোধ, স্বরযন্ত্র ও কণ্ঠের মধ্যে শুষ্কতার অনুভূতি। সে বেশী পরিমাণ ঠান্ডা জল পান করে, তারপর এক একটি প্রবল কাশির ধূমকের পর, সামান্য রক্ত তুলে। কিন্তু গয়ের সাধারণতঃ শ্লেষ্মাময়ই থাকে।

নিউমোনিয়া রোগে সাধারণতঃ যে গয়ের উঠে তাহা প্রায়শঃ লোহার মরিচার ন্যায় থাকে, যেন লোহার মরিচা উহার সহিত মিশাইয়া দেওয়া হইয়াছে। ‘ব্রায়োনিয়া’, ‘রাস টক্স’ এবং আরও কয়েকটি ঔষধের প্রকৃতিগত লক্ষণে সাধারণভাবে এইরূপ গয়ের দেখা যায়, কিন্তু একোনাইটের গয়ের চেরী ফলের ন্যায় উজ্জ্বল লাল। ইহার রক্তস্রাবও উজ্জ্বল লাল এবং সময়ে সময়ে প্রচুর হয়।

নিউমোনিয়া হউক, ক্রুপকাশি হউক, অন্য কোন বুকের রোগ হউক—সব কাশিই অকস্মাৎ উপস্থিত হয়, এবং যদি সে ঘুমাইতে যায় তাহার কণ্ঠনলীর শুষ্কতার সহিত কণ্ঠনলীর আক্ষেপ দেখা দেয়। সে যখন ঘুমায়, তাহার কণ্ঠনলী শুষ্ক হইয়া যায়; জাগিয়া উঠিয়া সে কণ্ঠনলীটি চাপিয়া ধরে; মনে হয় তাহার যেন শ্বাসরোধ হইতে চলিয়াছে। এই সমস্তই ঠান্ডা হাওয়া লাগার ফলে উপস্থিত হয়। বলিষ্ঠ লোকেরা ঝোড়ো হাওয়ার মধ্যে বাহির হয়, ঠান্ডা লাগায় এবং তাহারই ফলে একোনাইট লক্ষণ উপস্থিত হয়।

একোনাইটের প্রদাহিত স্থানগুলিতে অনুভূত হয় যেন, ঐ সকল স্থানে গরম বাষ্প জোরে প্রবেশ করিতেছে, যেন উত্তপ্ত রক্ত প্রবাহিত হইতেছে অথবা যেন “ঐ সকল স্থানে উত্তাপের ঝলকা উঠিতেছে।” পেশীসমূহের উপর দিয়া উত্তাপ অথবা শীতলতার অনুভূতি।

জ্বরের সময়ে নাড়ী থাকে সর্বাপেক্ষা প্রবল, পূর্ণ এবং উল্লম্ফনশীল; বলবান এবং পুষ্ট। আক্রমণটি যখন প্রথম আসিতে থাকে এবং ভয়ানক উৎকণ্ঠা ও স্নায়বিক আততি বর্তমান থাকে, তখন নাড়ী অত্যন্ত ক্ষুদ্র থাকে, কিন্তু হৃৎপিন্ডের ক্রিয়া ভালভাবে স্থাপিত হইলেই নাড়ী বলবান হইতে থাকে।

“মেরুদন্ডের উপর দিয়া ছিন্নকর বেদনা; যন্ত্রণাদায়ক গ্রীবাস্তম্ভ। মেরুদন্ডে পোকা হাঁটার ন্যায় সড়সড়ানি।” এই পিঁপড়া হাঁটার ন্যায় অনুভূতি ইহার একটি বিশেষ লক্ষণ, উহা ঠান্ডা হইতে এবং হঠাৎ ঠান্ডা লাগায় উপস্থিত হয়। কত সমতা এইসব আকস্মিক তরুণ আক্রমণের সহিত “হস্তকম্পন।” এইসব আকস্মিক তরুণ প্রাদাহিক আক্রমণের সহিত “হস্তাঙ্গুলিসমূহে সড়সড়ানিবৎ যন্ত্রণা”, “বরফের ন্যায় শীতলতা, পদতলে বরফের ন্যায় শীতলতা; হস্ততল গরম।” কখন কখন হাত গরম ও পা ঠান্ডা একসঙ্গে বর্তমান থাকে । সন্ধিসমূহের বাতজ অবস্থা; কিন্তু উহা প্রথম আক্রমণরূপে উপস্থিত হওয়া চাই। পুরাতন বাত বা গেঁটেবাতের আক্রমণ নহে, কিন্তু যে আক্রমণটি তরুণ বাতরূপে উপস্থিত হয়, যাহা ঠান্ডায় অনাবৃত থাকায় দেখা দেয়, ঠান্ডা হাওয়ার মধ্যে দীর্ঘকাল গাড়ী-ঘোড়ায় চড়ায় দেখা দেয়। এইরূপ বাতের সহিত জ্বর থাকে, উদ্বেগপূর্ণ অস্থিরতা থাকে, পূর্বোক্ত, পুনঃ পুনঃ বর্ণিত সঙ্গীন মানসিক অবস্থা থাকে।

“পেশীসমূহের কম্পন, ঝিনঝিনি, আক্ষেপ,” —কিন্তু স্নায়ুগুলি একোনাইটের লক্ষণ এবং একোনাইটের যন্ত্রণায় পরিপূর্ণ। রক্তপ্রধান ব্যক্তিদিগের স্নায়ুপ্রদাহে একোনাইট একটি আশ্চর্য্য ঔষধ। ঠান্ডা হইতে, অনাবৃত থাকায় স্নায়ুর উপর দিয়া অসাড়তা। স্নায়ুসমূহ, বিশেষতঃ যেগুলি শরীর-ত্বকের নিকট দিয়া গিয়াছে, সেইগুলি বরাবর অসাড়তা ও ঝিনঝিনি। “স্নায়ুকোষসমূহের প্রদাহ। স্নায়বিক উত্তেজনা। অত্যন্ত অস্থিরতা।”

একোনাইটের সহিত সালফারে’ বিশেষ সম্বন্ধ আছে। উহাতে অনেকগুলি একোনাইটের সদৃশ লক্ষণও আছে। অনেক পুরাতন দীর্ঘকালস্থায়ী পীড়ায় যেখানে বলবান হৃষ্টপুষ্ট ধাতুতে ‘সালফার’ ব্যবহৃত হয়, সেইরূপ ক্ষেত্রে আকস্মিক আক্রমণে একোনাইট উপযোগী, আর পুরাতন ক্ষেত্রে সালফার উপযোগী। একোনাইট লক্ষণযুক্ত তরুণ আক্রমণে অর্থাৎ সম্পূর্ণ আক্রমণে, রোগীর ধাতুতে অনুরূপ পুনরাক্রমণের প্রবণতাটি থাকিয়া যাইতে পারে। এরূপ প্রবণতার উপর একোনাইটের কোন শক্তি নাই, কিন্তু ‘সালফারের আছে। অবশ্য অধিকাংশ লক্ষণ মিলিয়া গেলে তোমাদের নিকট অনেক সময়েই মনে হইবে যে যেখানে তরুণ রোগে একোনাইট উপযোগী, সেখানে পরে সালফার’ লক্ষণ আসিবে। অনেক সময়ে প্রবল আক্রমণের পর রোগীর ধাতুতে যে দুৰ্বলতাটি থাকিয়া যাইবে, তাহা দূর করিবার কোন ক্ষমতা

একোনাইটের নাই। উহার রোগের পুনঃ পুনঃ আক্রমণ নিবারণ করিবার ক্ষমতাই নাই। উহা যাহা কিছু করিতে সক্ষম তাহা সমস্তই এককালে করিবে এবং ঐখানেই উহার শেষ। কিন্তু ‘সালফারের ক্রিয়া ঐরূপ নহে।

একোনাইটের পর আর্ণিকা ও বেলেডোনা’ বেশ উপযোগী হয়। একথা সত্য যে, সময়ে সময়ে তোমাদের মনে হইবে—রোগের মধ্যে যাহা কিছু আছে, একোনাইটই তৎসমূদয় দূর করিতে সক্ষম। কিন্তু দীর্ঘকালস্থায়ী রোগাবশেষ কিছু থাকিয়া যাইতে পারে এবং আর্ণিকা’, ‘বেল’, ‘ইপিকাক, ব্রায়োনিয়া প্রভৃতির ন্যায় ঔষধ অথবা সময়ে সময়ে সালফার’ ঐ রোগাবশিষ্ট দূর করিতে প্রয়োজন হয়। খুব সচরাচর ‘সাইলিশিয়া লাগে। সুতরাং আমাদিগকে ঔষধের সম্বন্ধ-বিচার পাঠ করিতে হইবে। তা সব যদি তুমি পুনঃ পুনঃ একোনাইট প্রয়োগ করিয়া থাক, অথবা অত্যন্ত স্হূল মাত্রায় দিয়া থাক এবং সেইজন্য তোমার রোগীর রোগারোগ্য বিলম্ব হয় অথবা তোমার রোগী নিজেই যদি অবিবেচকের মত একোনাইট খাইয়া থাকেন, তাহা হইলে কফিয়া’ অথবা নাক্স’ তোমার রোগীকে অপেক্ষাকৃত ভাল অবস্থায় লইয়া আসিবে।

অপর নাম মঙ্কসহুড (Monkshood)

ঊলফসবেন (Wolfsbane)

[Aconite – akoniton, a poisonous plant, Monkshood, from the shape of its flowers; Wolfbane, from its use to poison animals.]

রেনানকিউলেসী জাতীয় একোনাইট ন্যাপেলাস নামক বৃক্ষটি এশিয়া ও মধ্য ইউরোপে জন্মে। সাধারণ পাহাড়ের চূড়ায় ও উচ্চ জমিতে যেসব গাছজম্মায়, তা থেকেই হোমিওপ্যাথি ঔষধ তৈরী করা হয়। এর পাতা, ফল ও মূল ঔষধ প্রস্তুতে ব্যবহৃত হলেও কেবল এর মূল থেকে অ্যালকোহল মিশিয়ে মূল অরিষ্ট তৈরী হয়ে থাকে।

কাউপার খোয়েট অবশ্য পুষ্পোদগমকালে সমস্ত গাছ থেকেই মূল অরিষ্ট তৈরী করার কথা বলেছেন।

একোনাইট ন্যাপেলাস – সংক্ষেপে

১। ভয় – মৃত্যুভয়, জনতার ভয়, বাইরে যেতে ভয়, যে কোন বিষয়েই সবসময়

ভয়ভয় ভাৰ।

২। ঠাণ্ডা লাগলেই অসুখ, বিশেষ করে শীতল বাতাস লাগানোর ফলে পীড়া।

৩। উৎকণ্ঠা, উত্তাপ ও অস্থিরতা সংযুক্ত রক্তসঞ্চয় ও প্রদাহ, প্রদাহের তরুণ ও. প্রথমাবস্থায় রোগী যন্ত্রণায় ফটফট করলে ও গাত্রাবরণ ছুঁড়ে ফেলে দিলে একোনাইট প্রযোজ্য । তাছড়া প্রদাহিক জ্বরেও ইহা প্রযোজ্য।

৪। অসহ্য বেদনা; রাত্রে বৃদ্ধি বিশেষ করে সন্ধ্যেবেলা বাড়ে, স্নায়ুশূল বেদনা।

৫। মুখমণ্ডল অত্যন্ত লাল টসটসে কিন্তু বিছানা থেকে উঠলে ফ্যাকাশে হয়ে যায়।

৬। সাধারণত স্বরযন্ত্র (ক্রুপ); বায়ুনালী (ব্রঙ্কাইটিস),ফুসফুস ও ফুসফুস আবরক (নিউমোনিয়া ও প্লুরিসি); সন্ধিস্থলসমূহ (বাত),হৃৎপিণ্ড ও রক্তসঞ্চালনতন্ত্র (এরিথিজম) আক্রান্ত হয়ে থাকে।

৭। উপশম ও উপশয় বক্ষলক্ষণ ও বেদনা সন্ধ্যেবেলা বাড়ে, বাঁ পাশে চেপে শুলে বাড়ে, গরম ঘরে ও গরম আচ্ছাদনে বৃদ্ধি, অনাবৃত হলে রোগী ভাল বোধ করে,লাথি মেরে কাপড়-চোপড় ফেলে দেয়।

একোনাইট – পর্যালোচনা

একোনাইট,আর্সেনিক ও রাসটাক্স—এই তিনটি ঔষধেই অস্থিরতা আছে। এরা আমাদের কাছেঅস্থিরতার ত্রয়ী (Trio of restless) নামে পরিচিত। এই তিনটি ঔষধেই অস্থিরতা লক্ষণ আছে, কিন্তু তারা বিভিন্ন, তাই তাদের একটিকে মনোনীত করতে কোন অসুবিধাই নেই।

একোনাইটে অস্থিরতা সাধারণতঃ উগ্ৰপ্ৰাদাহিক জ্বরের সঙ্গে বর্তমান থাকে। অল্পকয়েকটি কথায় হেরিং একোনাইটের জ্বরের যে বর্ণনা দিয়েছেন, তা হল-“জ্বরে পিপাসা সংযুক্ত উত্তাপ; দৃঢ়, পূর্ণ ও চঞ্চল নাড়ী,ব্যাকুলতা ও অধৈৰ্য্যভাব, তাকে শান্ত করা যায় না, আত্মহারা ও যন্ত্রণায় ছটফট করে”।

তবে প্রাদাহিক রোগে একোনাইট ও বেলেডোনার পৰ্য্যায়ক্রমে ব্যবহারের যে প্রথা এতদিন ধরে চলে আসছে, তা কু-প্রথা। দুটি ঔষধ একই সময়ে কখনও উপযোগী হতে পারেনা। তবে অনেক ক্ষেত্রে এই রকমের পর্যায়ক্রমে ঔষধ ব্যবহারে রোগ আরোগ্য হতে দেখা যায় বটে, কিন্তু সেক্ষেত্রে নিশ্চয়ই অনির্দেশিত ঔষধটির ক্রিয়া সত্ত্বেও (যা কেবল রোগ সারাতে বাধা দেয়) নির্দেশিত ঔষধের দ্বারাই রোগটি সেরে গেছে ঐ রোগীর ক্ষেত্রে ঔষধ দুটির কোনটিরই সাহায্য ছাড়া রোগ আরোগ্য হয়েছে।

তাছড়া এরূপ ঘটনাই ঘটে যেখানে চিকিৎসক কোন একটি রোগী সেরে যাওয়ার পর আনন্দিত হন। কিন্তু বাস্তবিকভাবে এ ক্ষেত্রে উহা ছিল স্বাভাবিক রোগমুক্তি, যার জন্য ডাক্তারের কোন কৃতিত্বই নেই।

  • এখন আমরা একোনাইটে ও বেলেডোনার প্রকৃতিগত পার্থক্যগুলি আলোচনা করব।

পার্থক্য –

ক) রোগীর দেহত্বকের অতিশয় উত্তাপ দুটি ঔষধেই আছে। কিন্তু একোনাইটের

ত্বক শুষ্কও গরম এবং তাতে ঘাম থাকে না । বেলেডোনার দেহের উপরিভাগে

অত্যন্ত উত্তাপ দেখা যায়, কিন্তু আবৃতস্থানে ঘাম হয় ।

খ) একোনাইটের রোগী অতিশয় মৃত্যুভয় সহকারে যন্ত্রণায় ছটফট করে আর

বেলেডোনার রোগী প্রায়ই অসুপ্ত (semi-stupor) থাকে ও ঘুমের মধ্যে তার বিভিন্ন অঙ্গে ঝাকানি ও স্পন্দন দেখা যায়।

গ) একোনাইটের হৃৎপিণ্ড ও বুকে অতিশয় যন্ত্রণা থাকে, বেলেডোনার সব কিছু উপদ্রবেরই কেন্দ্রস্থল মস্তিষ্ক।

ঘ) একোনাইটে অধিক প্রলাপ ঘড়াই মৃত্যুভয় থাকে আর বেলেডোনায় প্রলাপসহ কাল্পনিক জিনিসের ভয় হয়। এইভাবে আমরা এই দুটি ঔষধের বহু প্রভেদ সূচক লক্ষণের উল্লেখ করতে পারি। তবে যিনি হেমিওপ্যাথির আরোগনীতি বোঝেন, তিনি কখনই এই দুটি ঔষধকে পর্যায়ক্রমে ব্যবহার করেন না।

২। বেদনা একোনাইটের আর একটি প্রধান লক্ষণ। তবে যদি আমাদের, বেদনার তিনটি প্রধান ঔষধের নাম করতে হয় তাহলে ওরা হবে একোনাইট, ক্যামোমিলা ও কফিয়া।

পার্থক্য –

একোইটের বেদনার সঙ্গে সবসময় যুক্ত থাকে অত্যন্ত অস্থিরতা,উৎকণ্ঠা ও ভয়। রোগী যন্ত্রণায় ছটফট করে, বেদনা সহ্য করতে পারে না, স্পর্শ সহ্য করতে পারে না এবং অনাবৃত হওয়াও সহ্য করতে পারে না । তবে তুমি হয়ত বলবে একোনাই ও বেলেডোনা উভয় ঔষধেই দেহের অতিশয় উত্তাপ থাকে, কিন্তু একোনাইটে চরিত্রগতভাবে চৰ্ম্ম শুষ্ক ও উত্তপ্ত এবং ঘাম থাকে না। বেলেডোনায় দেহের উপরিভ্রগ অত্যন্ত উত্তাপ দেখা যায় ও আবৃতস্থানে ঘাম হয়।

প্রত্যেক হোমিওপ্যাথি ঔষধেই বেদনা লক্ষণ আছে, কিন্তু এটা মনে রাখতে হবে, সব ঔষধেই এত বেশী বেদনা নেই।

ওপিয়াম ও স্ট্রামোনিয়ামে বেদনা অপেক্ষা বেদনাহীনতাই প্রধান লক্ষণ। একোনাইটের বেদনা অসহ্য, সাধারণতঃ উহা সন্ধ্যায় বা রাত্রিতেই বাড়ে। তবে কখন কখন একোনাইট জ্ঞাপক বেদনা সহকারে অথবা অনেক সময় একোনাইটের সঙ্গে পৰ্য্যায়ক্রমে অবশতা, অসাড়তা, ঝিন ঝিন করা অথবা কীট বা পোকা হেঁটে বেড়ানোর ন্যায় অনুভূতি বর্তমান থাকে। এই অনুভবে একোনাইটের সঙ্গে রাসটাক্সের সাদৃশ্য আছে। তবে একোনাইটে অবশতা অত্যন্ত বেশী থাকে, বেদনা ছিড়ে ফেলার মত বা কেটে ফেলার মত হয় এবং তাতে রোগী মরিয়া (ক্ষিপ্ত) হয়ে উঠে । (রাসটাক্সে -অসাড়তাসহ টাটানি ও মন্দ মন্দ কামড়ানি ব্যথা থাকে)।

ঠিক এখানেই আমরা একোনাইটের প্রধান প্রকৃতিগত লক্ষণের উল্লেখ করতে পারি। কারণ একোনাইট সুনির্দিষ্ট হলে উহা সব সময়েই বর্তমান থাকে এবং উহা এক কথায় প্রকাশ করলে তা দাঁড়ায়-ভয়।

৩। ভয় — একোনাইটের একটি প্রধান পরিচালক লক্ষণ। ভয়, বিশেষ করে মৃত্যু ভয়, রাস্তা পার হতে ভয়, লোক সমাজে যেতে ভয়, কোন কিছু ঘটবে বলে ভয়, অনির্দিষ্ট ও অকারণে ভয়, ইত্যাদি প্রায় একোনাইটে থাকে। তবে এত বেশী পরিমাণে ভয় একোনাইট ছাড়া অন্য কোন ঔষধে নেই। আর এই ভয় ও বেদনাতেই রোগীর সবচেয়ে বেশী অস্থিরতা জন্মে।

পার্থক্য –

আর্সেনিকের অস্থিরতার সঙ্গে অত্যন্ত অসন্নতা ও জীবনী শক্তির হ্রাস থাকে। রাসটাক্সে রোগীর নড়লে চড়লে বেদনার উপশম হয় বলে রোগী নড়াচড়া করে। আর্সেনিকের রোগীও একস্থান থেকে অন্য স্থানে নড়াচড়া করে কিন্তু তাতে উপশম হয় না।

একোনাইট ও আর্সেনিকের রোগী নড়তে চড়লে রাসটাক্সের মত শান্তি পায় । আবার আর্সেনিকে একোনাইটের মত এত অধিক পরিমানে ভয় নেই।


৪। জ্বর-

জ্বরে একোনাইটের বিস্তর অপব্যবহর হয় । এমন কি অ্যালোপ্যাথিক চিকিৎসকগণও তথা কথিত অ্যান্টি-ফ্লোজিষ্টিক চিকিৎসা অপেক্ষা উৎকৃষ্টতর হোমিওপ্যাথিক চিকিৎসার সুফল দেখে আশ্চর্য হয়ে এবং একোনাইটকে বিশেষ ভাবে প্রাদাহিক পীড়ায় ব্যবহৃত হতে দেখে তাদের প্রতি যুক্তি অনুসারে স্থির করেন যে, একোনাইটে কোন রকম নিদানের ছাপ দিতে পারলে উহা দ্বারা কেবলমাত্র জ্বর আছে, এই কারণে সবকিছু কাজ করে নেওয়া যেতে পারে। কিন্তু তারা খুব শীঘ্রই দেখতে পান যে প্রাদাহিক জ্বরে উহা কতকগুলি রোগীর পক্ষে যতই উপকারী হোক না কেন, টাইফয়েড জ্বরে কোন কাজ করে না । আর এইভাবে প্যাথলজিক্যাল দিক থেকে সাধারণ অনুমান বা সিদ্ধান্ত আর একবার হতাশায় পরিণত হয়েছে, যেমন উহা সৰ্ব্বদাই হতে বাধ্য । এদিকে বহু হেমিওপ্যাথিক চিকিৎসক রূপে ভুল করেন , এই ভেবে যে, একোনাইট যখন অনেকগুলি উৎকট জ্বরের বেশী সারিয়েছে তখন সকল জ্বরেই উহা অমোঘ । তাই তারা প্রাদাহিক রোগের প্রথম অবস্থা সবক্ষেত্রেই এই ঔষধ ব্যবস্থা করে, পরে অন্যান্য উপযোগী ঔষধ দিয়ে সময় রোগটি সারানোর গতানুগতিক রীতি অবলম্বনে অভ্যস্ত হয়ে পড়েন । কিন্তু একোনাইটই যদি প্রাদাহিক জ্বরের একমাত্র ঔষধ হত, তাহলে আমরা রোগীকে এইভাবে আঁকাবাঁকা পথে আরোগ্য করার দিকে নিয়ে যাওয়া অপেক্ষা আর কিছুই ভাল করতে পারতাম না ।

ডানহ্যাম লিখেছেন-

জ্বর প্রশমিত করার জন্য প্রথমে একোনাইট এবং তারপর রোগ আরোগ্য করার জন্য পর্যায়ক্রমে অন্য ঔষধ কখনও দেওয়া উচিত নয় অর্থাৎ জ্বর দমন করার জন্য একোনাইটকে পৰ্য্যায়ক্রমে অন্য কোন ঔষধের সঙ্গে কখনও ব্যবহার করবেন না । জ্বর যদি একোনাইটের হয়, তাহলে অন্য কোন ঔষধ ছাড়াই জ্বর সেরে যাবে। তবে এক্ষেত্রে জ্বরে যদি অন্য কোন ঔষধ নির্দেশিত হয় বলে মনে হয়, তাহলে সেই ঔষধটি খুঁজে বের করতে হবে এবং তাতেই জ্বর আরোগ্য হবে ও অন্যান্য উপসর্গ দূর হবে। কারণ একোনাইট ছাড়াও অনেক ঔষধ জ্বর উৎপন্ন করে এবং প্রত্যেকের জ্বর ভিন্ন ভিন্ন অর্থাৎ প্রত্যেক ঔষধেরই জ্বর নিজের নিজের মত।

৫। একোনাইটের দুটি মূল্যবান হ্রাসবৃদ্ধি লক্ষণ আছে, যথা- ভয় ও শুষ্ক শীতল বায়ু থেকে সকল রোগের উৎপত্তি । এই প্রসঙ্গে বলা যায় এই কথাগুলি (লক্ষণগুলি) অত্যন্ত সত্য এবং কেউ যখন এগুলিকে পড়েন এবং উহাদের সত্যতা পরীক্ষা করে দেখেন, তাহলে তারা উহাদের মহৎ লেখকের কথা মনে করে বোধ হয় মনের আবেগে বলে উঠেন-মরে গেছেন কিন্তু তবুও কথা বলেছে। কারণ ভয়ের অব্যবহিত পরেই যেসকল তরুণ বা পুরাতন ব্যাধি উৎপন্ন হয়, তাদের ক্ষেত্রে একোনাইট অব্যর্থ। তবে প্রথমে অন্ধকারে ভয় পেয়ে তারপরে যদি অন্ধকারে রোগীর ভয় জন্মে তবে একোনাইট উপযোগী। আবার ভয় থেকে উৎপন্ন মাথাঘোরা, মূৰ্ছা, কম্পন, গর্ভপাতের সম্ভবনা ও রজঃলোপেও ইহা উপকারী। তাছড়া ভয় পাওয়ায় জণ্ডিস বা উহার পুরাতন অবস্থাতেও ইহা উপযোগী।

*তবে ভয় পাওয়ার ফলে উৎপন্ন রোগে আরো কয়েকটি ঔষধ ব্যবহৃত হয়, তাদের মধ্যে প্রধান প্রধানগুলি হল-ওপিয়াম,ইগ্নেসিয়া ও ভেরেট্রাম অ্যালবাম।

৬। শুষ্ক –শীতল বায়ু থেকে যে সকল তরুণ প্রদাহ জন্মায়-একোনাইট তার সৰ্ব প্রধান ঔষধ । শুষ্ক শীতল বায়ু লেগে ক্রুপ রোগ জন্মালে কুড়িটির মধ্যে ১৯টিই একোনাইটের দ্বারা সেরে যায়। তাছাড়া আমি যেখানে বাস করি, সে অঞ্চলে ক্রুপ কাশির খুব প্রাদুর্ভাব এবং তাই উহা সারানোর যথেষ্ট সুযোগ আমি পেয়েছি।

তাছড়া ঐ কারণে প্লুরিসি, নিউমোনিয়া ও বাত জন্মালেও একোনাইট উপকারী। তবে অবশ্য এইসকল রোগের সঙ্গে প্রায়ই একোনাইটের তীব্র জ্বর,যন্ত্রণা,অস্থিরতা ও ভয় থাকে, তবে শুষ্ক-শীতল বায়ু ভোগবশতঃ স্থানিক রক্ত সঞ্চয় বা প্রদাহ জন্মালেও একোনাইটের অন্যান্য লক্ষণের সহিত সাদৃশ্য থাকলে একোনাইটে উহা সেরে যায়।

* শুষ্ক বায়ুজনিত রোগে ব্রায়োনিয়া, কষ্টিকাম, হিপার সালফ ও নাক্স ভূমিকাও অন্যান্য প্রধান ঔষধ। তবে আর্দ্ৰবায়ুজনিত রোগে ডালকামারা, নাক্স মস্কাটা, নেট্টাম সালফ ও রাসটক্স উপযোগী।

✅ আমাদের সফল চিকিৎসার প্রমাণ দেখতে লিংকে ক্লিক করুণ।

১. টিউমার, ক্যান্সার ও সিস্ট রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
২. চর্ম, নখ ও চুলের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
৩. গাইনী, প্রসূতি ও স্তনের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
৪. নাক, কান, গলা ও শ্বাসতন্ত্রের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
৫. মানসিক রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
৬. রিউমাটোলজি, হাড় পেশী ও জয়েন্টের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
৭. নবজাতক ও শিশু রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
৮. ব্রেইন, স্পাইনাল কর্ড ও নার্ভের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
৯. যৌন শক্তি ও যৌন বাহিত রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১০. কিডনি, মুত্র, প্রোস্টেট গ্ল্যান্ড ও পুরুষ জননাঙ্গের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১১. গ্যাস্ট্রোএন্টারোলজি বা পেটের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১২. মলদ্বার, পায়ুপথ ও কোলনের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১৩. লিভার ও পিত্তের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১৪. চোখ, দৃষ্টি শক্তি ও চোখের পাতার রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১৫. জ্বর, সংক্রামক ও ইমার্জেন্সি রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১৬. ডায়াবেটিস ও হরমোন জনিত রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১৭. দাঁত ও মুখের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১৮. হার্টের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১৯. রক্ত, বোনম্যারু, প্লিহা ও লিম্ফ নোডের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।

Acon : Aconitum Napellus

Terror, anxiety, agonizing fear, restless, excited, nervous, impatient.

Sudden, violently acute, painful effects. Congestions. Inflammation. Haemorrhages.

Sticking, tearing pains with numbness. Burning thirst. High fever.

Monkshood, Wolfsbane


Tincture of fresh plant

Heart- Inhibitory paralysis, decreases B.P.

Circulation- Vasomotor paralysis

Temperature- Depressed with diaphoresis

C.N.S.- Paralysis

Mucus membrane- Inflammation

Stomach- Emesis, congestion, neuralgia.

Lungs- Enteric vagi paralysis, congestion, inflammation

Tendons and fibrous tissue- Rheumatoid inflammation

Serous membrane- Plastic inflammation.

-Fear, fright, shock.

-Chill, dry cold weather

-Heat especially of sun

-Injury, surgical shock

-Draught of cold air

-Checked perspiration

-Very hot weather (G.I.T.)

< Violent emotions [Fright, Shock, Vexation]

< Chilled by cold, dry winds while sweating

< Noise

< Light

< Night

< Dentition

< Lying on the left side on back on affected side [Hep, Nux-m]

< After getting in bed

< Rising from bed

< In closed (warm room)

< Tobacco smoke

< Pressure, touch

< During menses

< Sleeping in the sun

< Music

< Inspiration

> Repose

> Warm sweat

> Sitting still (rheumatism)

> Wine

> Open air [Alum, Mag-c, Puls]

– Great FEAR, anxiety, worry accompany every ailment however trivial.

– With fear; screams, moans, gnaws fists, bites nails, wants to die.

– Inconsolable anxiety, piteous wailing, vexation about trifles.

– Fears death, believes that he will soon die, predicts the day. Fear of death during pregnancy or labour, predicts time.

– Fear of future, of crowds, crossing the streets, of touching others passing by, of narrow places, of earthquakes [Morrison].

– Terror stricken.

– Great timidity especially after a fright, afraid in the dark, fear of ghosts, etc. Afraid to go out of the house.

– Restlessness; tossing about.

– Impatient; besides himself, frantic from intensity of pain.

– Pain insupportable, driving to despair.

– Undertakes many things, perseveres in nothing.

– Desires light, company.

– Music is unbearable, makes her sad [Ambr, Sabin] [During menses- Nat-c]

– Thinks his thoughts come from stomach, that parts of his body are abnormally thick.

– Delirium is characterized by unhappiness, worry, fear, raving, early unconsciousness.

– Physical and mental restlessness.

– Acute sudden violent invasion with fear.

-Symptoms- acute, violent, painful, appear suddenly, remain for a short while.

-Pains- sticking, tearing. Parts remain sore or numb after pains.

-Tingling coldness, numbness.

-Dryness, heat, especially of skin with unquenchable thirst for large quantity of cold water.

-Acute stage of inflammation; violent.

-Haemorrhages bright red [Bell].

-Special senses acute.

-Most symptoms disappear while sitting quietly, but at night in bed they are insupportable.

-Vertigo- < on rising [Nux-v, Op], shaking the head.

-Head- Fullness, heavy, pulsating, hot, bursting, burning.

-Eyes- Profuse watering of eyes after exposure to dry cold winds, reflection from snow, after extraction of cinders, or other foreign bodies.

-Nose- Pain at root of nose.

-Mucous membranes dry, nose stopped up, dry or with scanty watery coryza.

-Face- On rising, red face becomes deadly pale, or he becomes dizzy.

– Neuralgia especially of left side of face with restlessness, tingling numbness.

– Anxious look.

– One cheek red, other cheek pale [Cham, Cina, Ip].

– Sensation of face growing larger or swelling.

-Mouth- Tongue coated white [Ant-c], or thick yellow white, swollen, tip tingles.

– Bitter taste of everything except water.

-G.I.T.- Throat dry, red, constricted.

– Vomiting and fear, heat, profuse sweat, urination.

– Intense thirst < iced drinks.

– Craving- Beer, acids, bitter drinks, wine, brandy, cold drinks.

– Aversion- Tobacco, artichokes.

– Milk < Ices < Wine >

– Abdomen sensitive to touch.

– Meteorism, vomiting, inability to urinate.

– Burning, cutting in intestines < pressure or lying on right side.

– Stools of pure blood, slimy grass green, or like chopped herbs, or white < hot days cold nights [Dulc, Merc-c].

– Frequent stools, tenesmus, small broken, painful at last bloody or pure blood passes without faeces.

-Urinary system- Retention of urine after delivery in infant or mother.

– Micturition painful, difficult, drop by drop, urine fiery scalding hot, red or dark coloured.

-Female genitalia- Menses suppressed from fright, in cold plethoric subjects.

– Active uterine haemorrhage with much excitability, giddiness, cannot sit up, fear of death.

-Respiratory system- Croup awakening in first sleep, agony tossing about.

– Hoarse, dry, whoopy cough, short, hacking, on expiration grasps larynx < night, after midnight.

– Short, barking, ringing or whistling cough. < every inspiration, night, drinking >lying on back.

– Agony; sits up straight, can hardly breathe, pulse thread-like, vomiting, sweat with anxiety, swelling under short ribs after scarlet fever.

– Pneumonia, first stage in robust persons, chill of more or less severity, followed by intense fever, hot dry skin; laboured, incomplete respiration, dry hard cough.

-C.V.S.- Palpitation from anxiety, during fever, after fright, after motion, on waking.

– Pulse full, hard, tense, bounding, sometimes intermits.

– Uncomplicated cardiac disease, especially numbness of left arm, tingling in fingers, fainting.

– Myocardial infarction with pain in left shoulder < sitting erect.

-Extremities- Pain down left arm [Cact, Crot-h, Kalm, Tab].

– Hot hands, cold feet.

– Bright red hypothenar eminences of both hands.

-Fever- Cold waves pass through him during chill.

– Thirst, restlessness always present.

– High fever; dry burning heat, must uncover.

– Chilliness towards evening, hot head, face and cheeks red, headache pressing outwards.

– Sweat on uncovered, affected parts, on drinking, wants covers.

-Skin- Red, hot, swollen, dry, burning, shining.

1. Predicts the day he will die

2. One cheek red other pale.

3. Music is unbearable, makes her sad.

4. On rising from a recumbent position, the red face becomes deathly pale, he faints.

5. Amemorrhoea in plethoric girls, from fright.

1. Great fear of death.

2. Mental and physical restlessness.

3. Sudden violent onset.

4. Initial stage of inflammation before pus forms.

– This drug is indicated in plethoric persons, in the first stage of inflammation before localisation and exudation has occurred, and is marked by redness, dryness, heat and severe pains.

– Complaints come suddenly with great anxiety, often with an overwhelming fear of death.

-Angina pectoris, Anxiety disorders, Bell’s palsy, Cerebral accidents, Colds, Conjunctivitis, Cystitis, Facial neuralgia, Gastritis, Influenza, Injury, Labour, Myocardial infarction, Orchitis, Otitis media, Panic disorders, Pneumonia, Shock, Tonsillitis, Toothache, Urinary retention or haemorrhage.

-Aconite is the acute of Sulphur – both precedes, follows it well in acute inflammatory conditions.

Complementary : Arn, Coff, Sulph.

Follows Well : Ars, Bell, Bry, Calc, Hep, Ip, Lyc, Merc, Nux-v, Phos, Puls, Rhus, Sep, Spong.

Compare : Bell, Cann-i, Cham, Cocc, Con, Dulc.

Antidoted By : Acet-ac, Cham, Cimic, Coff, Nux-v, Par, Petr, Sep, Sulph.

It Antidotes : Arn, Aspin, Astac, Bell, Bry, Cact, Canth, Cham, Chel, Cit-v, Coff, Croc, Dol, Glon, Graph, Kalm, Kreos, Lyc, Merc-p, Mez, Morph, Nux-v, Petr, Sep, Sol, Spong, Stry, Sulph, Ther, Verat, Vib-p.

Duration Of Action : 1 Hour To Several Weeks.


+ Monkshood Ranunculaceae

Abundant in the mountain forests of France, Switzerland and Germany. Also cultivated in gardens.

The root is stronger than the herb, and the seed most uniform in strength. The symptoms of the herb, root and seed have not been separated, not even those of somewhat different species.

Now perfectly conscious, now raving.

Clairvoyance; conscious that his beloved, miles away, was singing a certain piece.

Dullness and confusion of mind.

Unconscious, as if dying; speechless. Apoplexy.

Insensible, stupid; also during convulsions.

Stupid, eyes closed, facial muscles twitch, mouth compressed, no power of speech.

Memory lively, or weak; what has just been done seems like a remote dream; cannot remember dates.

Ideas haunt him, cannot get rid of them.

Cannot finish a half-written idea without great effort.

Attention distracted while reading, thought seems to cease.

Cannot reflect, ideas seem to come from stomach; after two attacks of vertigo, thought is again normal.

Excited, or sits buried in thought.

Rapid change of thought; great exertion is required to fix train of thought.

On attempting to think of one thing, another intrudes; this is soon supplanted by another and so on.

Diminished intellectual power, cannot perform even light mental work.

Lively imagination.

Ecstasy; inclined to be gay, to dance and sing.

Delirium, crying out, staring look. Inflammation of brain.

Delirium, with convulsive motions. Myelitis.

Delirium, with great heat, dilated pupils or convulsions; childish, nonsensical talk.

Delirium, with talk about death. In childbed.

Delirium, especially at night, raves, springs out of bed; in morning, excessive sweat.

Pains are so intolerable, they drive him crazy; he becomes very restless.

Desire to be alone; shuns people.

Disposition to weep; cried violently, with facial jactitation.

Loquacity; speech hurried.

Alternate laughter and crying; at one time gay, at another gloomy. Moaning, anxious lamentations; reproaches from trifling causes.

Screams aloud at slightest touch, screams with pains; cannot bear light; will not be touched or uncovered; buzzing in ears.

Impatience, throws himself about, constantly changes position.

Restlessness, agony, internal anxiety; does everything in great haste; must move about or change position often.

Cannot continue long at one thing.

Dislikes to talk; answers laconically yes or no.

Music is unbearable, it makes her quite sad.

Sadness with solicitude; concerned about future; about her recovery or fears loss of reason.

Extreme timidity, especially after a fright; afraid in dark.

Fears to go where there is any excitement or many people; thinks she is jostling against every one she meets; countenance expressive of timidity; constant dread lest she stagger and fall.

During pregnancy.

Fear of ghosts.

Fear of death: during pregnancy or confinement; with prolapsus uteri; with great loquacity or anxiety in region of heart.

Thrice he became blind and affirmed that death was at hand.

Predicts day of death; bids her friends good-bye.

In childbed.

Inconsolable anxiety, piteous wailing; peevish and impatient.

Anxiety: transiently amel. by drinking cold water; followed by apathy; with cold sweat (prolapsus uteri).

Has no affection for anybody. During pregnancy.

Morose, misanthropic, peevish; malicious mood.

Children get angry and have spells of rage. Vexed at trifles; takes every joke in bad part.

Quarrelsome, with constantly varying delirium; chatters like a child, is gay.

Obstinate, tosses about impatiently.

Sinks into lethargy, but rarely sleeps; complains of crawls.

Ailments from fright: afraid in dark; vertigo; faintness; trembling; cardiac weakness; threatened miscarriage; impending cessation of menstrual flow; burning in stomach.

Remote effects of fright, especially jaundice.

Ailments from vexation, with fear or vehemence: congestion; palpitation; fever; anxiety, beside himself ; threatened miscarriage; apoplectic congestion.

Confusion: as after drunkenness, with pressure in temples; early in morning on awaking.

Head feels dull, stupefied. Coryza. Fevers.

Dull, stupid; pressure outwards, worse sitting up; with anxiety and fear of death. Sunstroke.

Apoplexy or apoplectic congestions.

Vertigo: after fright; from congestion, as in sun; on stooping; staggers to right; as if drunk, with nausea, worse on rising from seat, amel. while walking, none while sitting; blackness before eyes when shaking head; with nosebleed; from sudden suppression of catamenia by cold.

On rising from a recumbent posture, red face becomes deathly pale, or he becomes dizzy and falls over, he fears to rise again; often accompanied by nausea, vanishing of sight or unconsciousness.

Vertigo, headache, nausea, gagging, coldness.


Turns suddenly red and falls unconscious.

Teething child.

From a fall or concussion; face pale or red, but no stupor.

Fullness of head, with erratic pains in right supraorbital, temporal or frontal regions.

Suddenly faints while standing to urinate; all blood seemed to rush to head; he fell unconscious.

Alternate stupefaction and restlessness, with mild delirium twitchings, starts as in a fright, pulse frequent. Brain fever.

Stupor, with cold feet.

Inner Head
Constant burning in forehead. Jaundice.

Burning headache, as of brain agitated by boiling water.

Headache, as if a hot iron was bound around head.

Fullness and heavy feeling, as if everything would push out of forehead.

Squeezing in forehead above root of nose, feels as if she would lose her reason; worse walking in open air.

Furious headache, vision obscured, pain mostly pressing and contracting in upper part of forehead; face swollen, pale; worse from light or noise; amel. lying quietly in a dark room.

Pressing shooting pain in forehead. Coryza.

Violent headache limited to a small spot over left supraorbital ridge.

Pulsation in left side of forehead along with attacks, as from severe blows in right side of forehead.

Headache in vertex, as if compressed uniformly by a pitch cap; ceases when walking in open air.

Sunstroke; especially from sleeping in sun’s rays.

Headache, as if brain was moved or raised; worse during motion, drinking, talking or sunlight.

Congestive headaches. Menorrhagia.

Congestion, anxiety; face hot and red, or pale; carotids pulsate strongly; pulse full, strong, or small and quick; worse toward evening. Apoplexy.

Headache, with increased secretion of urine.

On going into a warm room, forehead feels as if compressed.

Throbbing in temples. Rheumatic ophthalmia.

Pressure in forehead, temples and top of head.

Headache and roaring in ears. Coryza.

Pressive, stupefying headache; sleeplessness.

Childbed fever.

Congestion to head. Heart disease.

Head hot, throbbing carotids, limbs cold; left side lame; staring; burning pain in brain. Apoplexy.

Inflammation of brain in children.

Congestion to head. Cystitis.

Outer Head
Head excessively hot.

Bends head far back. Croup.

Sensation in vertex as if pulled by the hair.

Sensation of crackling, as from bending tinsel, in temples, forehead and nose; worse toward evening from motion; amel. from sitting.

Formication of scalp, amel. by heat.

Constantly tosses head about. Croup.

Sensation as if hair stood on end.

Vertex feels hot to touch; hair bristles up.

If he raises his head, he vomits phlegm or what he drank.

Inflammation of brain.

Constantly puts hand to head. Meningitis.

Amel. lying with head high.

Stitches under scalp.

Sweat on head; amel. out of doors.

Cold sweat on forehead.

Sight and Eyes
Disturbed by flickering; fears he may touch others passing by.

Vision of sparks, with burning and twitching in eyes.

Vision as if through a veil; difficult to distinguish faces; anxiety and vertigo.

Total blindness after catching cold.

Optical illusions in dark colors, or black.

Sensitive to light, especially sun; light dazzles.

Desire for light; photomania.

Eyes excessively hot and dry; conjunctiva of lids very red, constant winking and closing of lids, could hardly force them open, temporary relief from cold water; asthenopia from straining eyes.

Staring. Apoplexy. Asthma.

Eyes glaring. Pleuritis. Pneumonia.

Eyes contorted. Tetanus.

Pupils contracted, then dilated.

Eyeball feels enlarged, as if coming out of socket.

Sclerotica yellow. Enteritis.

Eyes bloodshot.

Sticking pains in right eyeball.

Rough feeling, as from sand in left inner canthus.

Inflammatory conditions, resulting from irritant action of foreign bodies, as chips of steel, or stone, or coal, in cornea, which produce dry rubbing of lid over ball, with injected vessels; irritation caused by ingrowing lashes.

In true Sclerotica, acute stage, with contracted pupils, sticking or tearing pains, photophobia, a blue circle around cornea and violent aching in balls.

Eyes red, inflamed, vessels deep red; burning, pressive shooting pains, especially on moving balls; no discharge; conjunctivitis from exposure to cold, dry winds.

Catarrhal inflammation, first stage prior to exudation; chemosis of conjunctiva, with pains so terrible that one wishes to die.

Ophthalmia neonatorum; in beginning.

Acute aggravations of granulated lids and pannus of cornea, with excessive hyperaemia, heat and dryness, especially if induced by overheating from violent exercise, or by exposure to dry, cold air.

In earlier stages of violent acute inflammations of deep structures of ball, when it becomes sensitive to touch and feels as if it were protruding; rarely after exudation.

Itching, smarting, burning in eyes, worse in evening.

Sticking and tearing pains around eyes; worse at night.

Violent pain over right eye.

Stitches in upper orbital region, from pressure and toward evening.

Upper half of eyeball sore when moved; feels as if it would be forced out of orbit (amel. on stooping).

Eyes water, worse evening and night; tarsI sore, red, inflamed.

Profuse lachrymation with intense pain; tears flow, with or without local inflammation.

Copious tears and red conjunctiva. Coryza. Cough.

Lids feel dry, burn and are sensitive to air.

Pressure in upper lids as if whole ball was pushed into orbit, causing a bruised pain in eye.

Lids hard, swollen, red, with a tense feeling; worse mornings.

Hearing and Ears
Averse to noises, they startle him; they are intolerable.

Music goes through every limb; makes her sad.

Roaring in ears; humming; ringing.

Left ear deaf, with buzzing in whole head.


Tearing pain (left ear); pains in right ear.

Stinging in ear; meatus red and narrowed: external ear hot and red ; noise intolerable.

Smell and Nose
Sense of smell very acute, especially for unpleasant odors.

Distressing cramp or pressure at root of nose.

Nosebleed; blood bright red. Plethora. Fever. Endocarditis.


Nose bleeding and headache. Menorrhagia.

Frequent sneezing.

Nose dry, stopped up, cannot breathe through nose.

Coryza: dry, with headache, roaring in ears, fever, thirst, sleeplessness, caused by cold, dry winds; checked with headache; amel. in open air, worse from talking; fluent, frequent sneezing; dropping of a clear, hot water; fluent mornings; inner nose red, swollen, interfering with breathing.

Anxious expression; frightened.

Face: pale with restlessness and expression of anxiety; burning fiery red; red and pale alternately; livid; lips blackish; bloated, unequally red ; feels as if it was growing larger.

Red cheeks with fear of death. In pregnancy.

One cheek red, the other pale.

Between attacks, face pale; now and then flying heat. Croup.

Face and whole body pale. Measles.

Face dark red. Apoplexy.

Face dark red, lips blue. Croup.

Rush of blood to face. Fever.

Convulsive twitching of facial muscles.

Neuralgia of trigeminus, left side; face red and hot; restlessness, anguish; rolling about, screaming.

Rheumatism in face and teeth.

Sweat on cheek on which he lies.

Sensation as if muscles were firmly but not spasmodically contracted; numbness, heavy feeling of whole face.

Creeping, tingling, crawling in face.

Lower part of Face
Lips: blue; dry, black, peeling off swollen, inflamed.

Complaints on upper lip.

Burning and numbness of lips and mouth; heat and tingling.

Burning of lips and tongue, as after eating pepper or smoking.

Swelling of lower jaw, with aching in face.

Stitching thrusts in lower jaw.

Mouth drawn to one side (right). Convulsions.

Lips on left side motionless, during breathing.



Constantly moving lower jaw, as in chewing.


Teeth and Gums
Cold feeling in incisors.

Grinding teeth.

Teeth sensitive to air.

Toothache: even in sound teeth; with throbbing in one side of face, intense redness of one cheek, congestion to head, restlessness; most left-sided, or going from right to left: caused by dry, cold winds; taking cold in raw air; during pregnancy; especially in young, plethoric sedentary persons.

Teeth feel as if they would fall out.

After getting wet, tearing, beating pain in a carious molar, increasing after going to bed.

Taste, Speech and Tongue
Taste: bitter ; everything tastes bitter except water ; slimy (jaundice); foul; fishy; flat; nauseous, compels hawking of tough mucus, which he swallows.

Mouth as if filled with air tasting of rotten eggs.

Things which formerly tasted strong now have no taste.

Agg. from talking; stinging, choking, in throat.

Headache. Checked coryza.

Trembling and temporary stammering.

Speech imperfect, lisping. Apoplexy.

Tongue feels swollen, burning, prickling and tingling.

Tongue numb; also mouth and lips.

Sensation of dryness and numbness in middle of tongue, without thirst.

Sensation of dryness and rawness in middle of tongue.

Burning on tip of tongue and lips.

Burning vesicles on tongue.

Sensation of cold air passing over tongue.

Tongue coated white or thick yellow-white.

Bilious fever.

Tongue dry, furred, white. Fevers.

Tongue red, with great thirst. Liver complaint.

Tongue dry, red on sides, center thinly coated white.


Tongue red and dry. Cystitis.

Chronic affections of tongue.

Inner Mouth
Mouth dry.

Burning, biting in mouth.

Saliva frothy, copious , streaked red, sweet taste in mouth.

Accumulation of water in mouth. Seat worms.

Orifices of salivary ducts sore, as if corroded.

Yellowish-white thick fur in mouth. Jaundice.

Palate and Throat
Dry feeling in palate and posterior nares.

Redness of uvula and soft palate.

Uvula: swollen and elongated; feels as if elongated and coming in contact with tongue. Cough.

Feeling of dryness and as if something stuck in throat.

Acute inflammation of throat (palate, tonsils and fauces) with high fever, dark redness of parts, burning and stinging in fauces.

Burning sensation in back of throat, causing him to hawk.

Severe sticking pains in posterior fauces.

Burning and numbness in throat; throat almost insensible.

Pricking, burning in throat and along eustachian tube, compelling swallowing.

Roof of mouth and fauces dotted with eruption.


Burning sensation in pharynx.

Constriction of throat, causing hawking and spitting even to an irritation to vomit.

Swallowing: stinging choking in throat.

When swallowing food, it feels as if it had lodged in cardiac region. Stricture of oesophagus.

Swallowing much impeded. Tonsillitis.

Muscles extremely sore in swallowing.

Almost entire inability to swallow. Hoarseness.

Urging to swallow.

Burning from mouth along oesophagus to stomach.

Tingling in oesophagus.

Appetite, Thirst and Desires
Lively sensation of hunger, renewed soon after eating.

Excessive hunger and thirst, but eats slowly.

Thirst burning, unquenchable. During all stages of fever.

Local inflammations.

Excessive thirst, yet can retain nothing. Cholera.

No appetite; loathing of food, qualmishness.

Desires: wine; brandy; beer ; bitter drinks.

Eating and Drinking
Agg. before breakfast.

After eating: distressed feeling; vomits food (liver complaint); bitter vomit; violent pain in stomach, with warmth and tenderness; hiccough ; nausea (after meat broths).

Momentary relief from cold water. Anxiety.

Generally worse after drinking.

Gastric catarrh from chilling stomach with ice water, especially when overheated.

Drinking ice water excites cough; generally amel. from cold drink, especially anxiety.

Agg. from smoking. Palpitation.

Wine generally relieves, but sometimes brings on congestions, haemoptysis or palpitation, and augments rheumatic pains.

Hiccough, nausea and vomiting
Painful hiccough.

Hiccough and belching.

Amel. from eructations. Tension in stomach.

Nausea in oesophagus or stomach, rarely in throat.

Violent but ineffectual urging to vomit. Gastric catarrh.

Gagging, retching, gasping for breath. After scarlatina.

Vomiting: of lumbrici; of green masses, with diarrhoea of same appearance; of mucus; of blood, of bloody mucus; of what has been drunk, followed by thirst.

Vomiting bile. Incarcerated hernia with inflammation.

Vomiting with anxiety, heat, thirst, profuse sweat and increased micturition.

Green vomit, like verdigris. Meningitis.

Vomiting, meteorism and inability to make water.


On sitting up, vomits clear water. After a fall on head.

Vomiting and purging of a green water. Cholera.

Vomits sour phlegm. Cholera sporadica.

After repeated vomiting and stools, still complained of a feeling as if a cold stone lay in stomach.

Scrobiculum and Stomach
Region of pit of stomach sore to touch and meteoristic.


Burning from stomach up through oesophagus to mouth.

Sudden excruciating pain, with gagging, retching, vomiting blood, gasping; cold sweat on forehead; congestion of mucous lining of stomach.

Scarlatina; desquamation.

When breathing, pit of stomach is drawn to spine.


Palpitation in pit of stomach, with peevish anxiety.

Pressure in stomach and pit of stomach, as from a weight or hard stone.

Stitch-like, burning, pressing pain in pit of stomach, with fear of death. Gastritis from chilling stomach.

Warmth in stomach.

Pressive, tensive pain, as from fullness or an oppressive weight in stomach and hypochondria.

Anxious feeling in precordia.

Liver somewhat sensitive to deep pressure.

Burning, stinging, hepatic pains.

Hot, tense swelling under right short ribs.

Pressure and constriction in hepatic region, with obstruction of breathing.

Acute hepatitis, with violent fever.

Pain on pressure over left lobe of liver.

Tension and heaviness in hypochondria.

Agony, has to sit straight up, can hardly breathe, pulse thread-like, vomiturition, sweats with anxiety; abdomen swollen, particularly under short ribs.

After scarlet fever.

Stitches in region of liver taking the breath.

Severe and constant pain in epigastrium, pressing outward.


Stitches and heat in diaphragm.

Pain going to umbilicus, or changing from stomach to liver.


Jaundice: during pregnancy, liver atrophied; in new-born children; after fright; from a cold, with catarrh of small intestines.

Splenitis with inflammatory fever.

Abdomen and Loins
Colic forces him double, yet relieved in no position.

Inflammatory after a cold.

Colic involving bladder, contraction of hypogastrium in region of bladder; constant ineffectual urging to urinate.

Cutting in intestines, extending through chest to right shoulder, almost making him cry out, during stool.

Burning in umbilical region.

Umbilical region hard swollen. Seat worms.

Meteorism, vomiting, inability to urinate.


Abdomen burning hot, tense, tympanitic, sensitive to least touch, cutting pains, fever, anguish.


Abdomen puffed and hard.

A feeling of weight, as if a heavy load were resting on abdomen and bearing one down.

Paralyzed, inactive feeling in intestines, worse about transverse colon.

Hernia, recent and small, also incarcerated with bilious vomiting and cold sweat; burning as from coals of fire.

Sensitiveness of lower abdomen to touch.

Pain in loins, as if bruised.

Stools and Rectum
Diarrhoea: watery; frequent small stool; like chopped spinach (summer complaint); bilious, of infants, with colic, which no position relieves; from getting wet; slimy, bloody, violent pains in bowels; tenesmus, also between discharges.

Scanty, loose, frequent, with tenesmus; small, brown, painful; at last bloody. Dysentery.

Pure blood passes without feces. Dysentery.

Urging, slimy stools; intolerable nightly tingling, itching at anus. Seat worms.

Dysentery or inflammatory diarrhoea during hot days and cold night.

Cutting, griping, followed by frequent urging to stool, after anger or fright.

Hemorrhage from bowels bright red, in streams.

Alternate slimy stools and constipation. Icterus.

Constipation; clay-colored stools.

Stool and urine suppressed. Myelitis.

Stool white, with dark red urine.

Stool white, with saffron-colored urine. Jaundice.

Stool black, with dry skin and fever; despondency, anxiety.

Cholera, congestive stage; stage of reaction.

Involuntary stools, passing when flatus passes.

Bleeding piles; stinging and pressure in anus, burning and heat in piles.

Sensation as of a warm fluid escaping from anus.

Urinary Organs
Stinging and pressing pains in region of kidneys.


Kidneys act but slightly; urine contained albumen and fragments of casts (poisoning).

Renal region sensitive, with shooting pains.


Violent burning in bladder. Cystitis.

Inflammation of bladder; constant urging, water passes in drops, with burning, admixed with blood; tension, heat and tenderness over pubes.

Burning in neck of bladder when not urinating.

Tenesmus of neck of bladder.

Painful anxious urging to urinate.

Children reach with hands to genitals and cry out.


Burning in urethra when urinating.

Must rise each night between 12 and 3 A.M. to urinate. In pregnancy.

Dysuria during pregnancy.

Urine scanty, red and hot. Rheumatism.


Urine: hot, dark colored; red, with white feces ; red and clear.

Urine dark brown, frothy or yellow. Jaundice.

Urine turbid. Enteritis.

Urine yellow-red and no sediment. Peritonitis.

Ischuria. Cholera.

Involuntary urination. Apoplexy.

Enuresis, with thirst.

Diuresis, with headache and profuse sweat.

Retention or suppression of urine, with pressure in bladder or stitches in region of kidneys.

Retention from cold, especially in children, with much crying and restlessness.

Haematuria, with hemorrhoids of anus or bladder; burning distress in urethra.

During urination: faint feeling; splashing sensation in region of bladder; pinching about navel; pain in glans penis.

Male Sexual Organs
Increased sexual desire; lascivious dreams; fits of lasciviousness.

Sexual desire lessened, parts relaxed; tingling.

Emissions even after coitus.

Testicles feel swollen and hard, as if surcharged with semen.

Bruised pain in testicles.

Violent orchitis.

Slight drawing pain in right testicle and slight uneasiness in right renal region.

Scrotum drawn up.

Skin of left side of scrotum studded with minute vesicles, pouring out a humid discharge.

Severe painful, fugitive stitches in glans, as though poles of a galvanic battery had been applied to part; pains came on most unexpectedly.

Gonorrhea, first stage.

Female Sexual Organs
Stitching pains, more to right of fundus uteri; sharp, shooting pains, abdomen exceedingly sensitive.

Ovaritis from suddenly checked menstrual flow.

Prolapsus uteri, occurring suddenly, with inflammation, bitter vomit, cold sweat, or dry, hot skin; with or without hemorrhage.

Labor-like pressing in womb; has to bend double, but relieved in no position. Dysmenorrhoea.

Uterine hemorrhage, active, much excitability, giddy, cannot sit up, fear of death.

After a fright with vexation; during catamenia, to prevent suppression.

Menses too late, diminished and protracted; plethoric females, who lead a sedentary life.

Menses profuse in plethoric women.

Menses suppressed by getting feet wet, or by a cold bath.

Amenorrhoea during puberty; nosebleed; palpitation; congestions.

Restores menses of plethoric women, after their suppression from any cause.

Inflammation of genitals. Prolapsus uteri.

Vagina dry, hot, sensitive.

Leucorrhoea copious, tenacious, yellow.

Pregnancy and Parturition
During pregnancy: restlessness , fear of death, predicts time of death ; jaundice; blood-spitting; disturbed between 12 and 3 o’clock at night, compelled to get up to urinate; has no affection for anybody.

Impending abortion from fright, with vexation; circulation excited, rapid breathing.

Pains of labor: distressing; vagina hot, dry, tender and undilatable; violent, following in rapid succession, particularly with a large child (head seems immovable), contractions insufficient, pains overwhelming; shrieking; red, sweating face; thirsty; head and hands glowing, pulse hard, skin scarcely moist, increased action of heart; ineffectual from defective position of child.

Puerperal convulsions, cerebral congestion, hot, dry skin, thirst, restlessness and fear of death.

After tedious and difficult parturition.

After-pains too painful, too long-lasting.

Milk-fever with delirium; mammae hot, hard, tense with scanty milk.

Lochia offensive, bloody, slimy. Childbed fever.

Return of lochial discharge, when women commence going about after confinement.

Childbed fever after suppression of lochia; mammae lax, no milk; dry, hot skin; hard, frequent pulse, or tensive, contracted; fearful, wild, staring, glittering eyes; dry tongue, great thirst; inflated abdomen, sensitive to slightest touch.

Newborn children: asphyxia, apoplectic symptoms, hot, purplish, breathless, pulseless; icterus; ophthalmia; retained urine; vomit blood, with bloody stools.

Voice, Larynx and Trachea
Voice tremulous; croaking.

Hoarseness and rattling. Coryza.

Hoarseness, with pain when talking. Measles.

Hoarseness after speaking or singing.

Voice crowing, croupy.

Voice husky, can scarcely speak, points to larynx, wants to cough, but cannot. Croup.

Larynx sensitive to touch and to inspired air, as if denuded.

Laryngitis, with inflammatory fever; also with suffocative spasms (spasms of glottis).

Laryngeal complaints after straining voice.

Dryness in windpipe causing a frequent little cough.

Croup: awaking in first sleep; child in agony, impatient, tosses about; dry, short cough, but not much wheezing nor sawing breathing; cough and loud breathing during expiration; every expiration ending with a hoarse, hacking cough; after exposure to dry, cold winds.

Burning low down in larynx. Peritonitis.

Breath cold. Cholera.

Breath hot. Croup. Blood-spitting.

Breath fetid.

Breathing: short, in sleep, after 12 P.M.; labored, anxious or quick, and superficial ; deep, slow, sighing; difficult, must breathe deeply; slow, rattling (apoplexy), whistling (croup in old age), short, when raising one’s self.

Asthma from active hyperaemia of lungs and brain; face red, eyes staring; after emotions; can talk but little at a time.

Asthma after suppression of acute rash; feeling of band around chest; muscles of chest rigid; occasionally vomiting; urine scanty, dark; after paroxysm, sputa yellow or blood-streaked.

Agony, sits up straight, can hardly breathe; pulse like a thread, vomiturition; sweat, with anxiety; swelling under short ribs. After scarlatina.

Oppression of chest when moving fast or ascending. Heart disease.

Inhalation difficult and noisy. Tracheitis.

Agg. during inspiration; amel. during expiration.

Constant short, dry cough, with feeling of suffocation, which increases with every inspiration.

Difficult breathing. Endocarditis.

Breathes only with diaphragm. Pneumonia.

Cannot breathe freely from a sensation as if lungs would not expand; frequently takes deep breaths.

Clear ringing or whistling cough, caused by burning, pricking in larynx or trachea.

Cough short, dry, forcible, excited by scratching in throat.

Short cough after 12 P.M., from tickling in larynx; the more he attempts to repress it, the more severe it becomes.

Cough hoarse, dry, loud; spasmodic, rough, croaking, with danger of suffocation; dry, hard, ringing.

Infantile bronchitis.

Dry cough, with shooting in chest; with raw pain in chest, caused by change of temperature.

Wants to cough, but cannot. Croup.

Cough hollow, hoarse, choking, causing blueness of face.

Violent hollow cough at night; shorter and more panting during day. Laryngitis.

Dry, barking cough. Measles.

Dry, whistling cough; beginning of pertussis; feverish, anxious, restless.

Haemoptysis: blood comes up with an easy hawking, hemming or slight cough; expression of anxiety; great fear of death; palpitation, quick pulse, stitches in chest; caused by mental excitement; exposure to dry, cold air, or after taking wine.

Sputa: absent ; thin, gelatinous, more mornings and during day; scanty, falls in round lumps, dark cherry-red (pneumonia) ; bloody or blood-streaked ; bright red blood.

Expectoration brownish-red, rust-colored; cough frequent, with severe pains from shock through chest.

Cough awakens him from sleep, is dry, croupy, suffocating; great anxiety.

Cough amel. lying on back; worse on side.

Cough with nervous excitability.

Cough worse: after eating or drinking; lying, must sit up from a constrictive feeling and suffocation (tracheitis) until 3 A.M.; evening, night, more after 12 P.M.; from tobacco smoke ; during sleep; from vexation, especially fright; when overheated; from dry, cold winds, or currents of air ; from walking in open air; when assuming an upright position; from deep inspiration; from speaking.

Inner Chest and Lungs
Tightness of chest.

Oppression of chest, feeling of great weight, must breathe deeply, with anxiety.

Pressure, weight and burning under sternum.

Pain in middle of chest drawing toward back, worse with every motion of body. Esophagitis.

Stitches in right side of chest, but only when lying on that side. Endocarditis.

Stitches: when breathing; with cough; from lowest rib, right side, through lung to apex of scapula, at every inspiration ; in left chest; last rib, right side, through to back; transient, now here, now there; worse bending sideways: between scapulae, on deep breathing; and burning shooting in chest.

Cannot lie on right side, only on back. Pleurisy.

Lancinating through chest, with dry heat, difficult breathing, often violent chill.

Synochal fever, hot sweat, oppression; children have rattling in chest; sensation of fullness in chest; must lie on back.

Pneumonia, first stage.

Cough after drinking, sputum thin, frothy, blood-streaked; burning, shooting in chest; dullness on percussion. Pneumonia, second stage.

Heat in lungs.

Rush of blood to lungs. Childbed fever.

Heart Pulse and Circulation
Palpitation, anxiety, restlessness; worse lying; face pale, anxious. Blood-spitting.

Hyperaemia of lungs, violent palpitation of heart; face red; spitting of blood.

Palpitation, feeling as if boiling water was poured into chest.

Oppression about heart, burning flushes along back.

Anxiety about precordia, heart beats quicker and stronger; fear of death. During pregnancy.

Anxiety, difficulty of breathing, flying heat in face, sensation of something rushing into head.

Feeling of fullness; pulse hard, strong, contracted; stitches at heart; lies on back, with raised shoulders; constriction of chest. Pericarditis.

Uncomplicated cardiac hypertrophy; especially with numbness in left arm and tingling in fingers.

Great agitation of heart, anxiety. Acute rheumatism.

Heart beats quickly, pulse slow, apparently intermitting with attacks of powerlessness.

Heart’s action feeble, quick, incomplete; pulse small and weak; cardiac weakness.

Intense pains in all directions, especially down left arm, with numbness and tingling; anxiety, fear of death, coldness, cold sweat; feeble pulse. Angina pectoris.

Fainting, with tingling. Hypertrophy.

Pulse quicker than beat of heart; during three beats apex strikes only once.

Pulse strong, full, hard. In fever and inflammations.

Full, strong, hard pulse, with heat and thirst.

Meningitis infantum.

Pulse: small, intermitting, irregular (asthma); accelerated, with heat of skin (Jaundice); contracted; full, powerful, over 100 per minute; full, powerful, intermitting every six beats with cardiac heaviness; slow, intermittent; slow, feeble, weak and small; like a thread, with anxiety; quick, hard and small (peritonitis).

Carotids beat violently. Apoplexy.

Veins of throat expanded. Inflammation of lungs.

Outer Chest
Muscles rigid. Asthma.

Neck and Back
Neck sore and painful; glands swollen. Scarlet fever.

Drawing in muscles of throat and neck.

Weariness in neck on motion as if involving single muscles, especially evenings and nights.

Tearing in nape of neck.

Painful stiff neck, worse moving neck; pains down neck to right shoulder.

Bruised pain between shoulders.

Drawing, tearing pain in scapulae.

Stiffness of back.

Burning, shooting in spine.

Cutting pains extending in a circle from spine to abdomen.

Crawling in spine, as from beetles; formication.

After injury or checked sweat. Spinal meningitis.

Pains in small of back, last lumbar vertebra, as if beaten.

Numbness of small of back, extending into lower limbs. Spinal meningitis.

Spasms from inflammatory affections of spine.

Slightest touch of spine excites spasms.

Tensive, pressive pain in lumbar and sacral regions, noticed on stepping.

Upper Limbs
Tearing pain in shoulder-joint.

Formication in arms, hands and fingers.

Arms hang powerless, as if paralyzed by blows.


Numbness of left arm; can scarcely move hand; tingling of fingers. Heart disease.

Shooting, tearing, erratic; in arms, forearms, wrists and finger-joints.

Shooting in wrist joint as if from needles.

Automatic motion of left hand; he strikes his face.


Drawing and tearing pains in wrists and fingers.

Trembling of hands.

Paralysis of wrists.

Palms of hands quite insensible.

Creeping pain in fingers.

Creeping in fingers, also while writing.

Hand icy cold; cold, sweaty palms.

Finger-nails blue.

Hot palms.

Red pimples on back of hands; stinging itching.

Lower Limbs
Hip and hip-joint (left) swollen, hot and exceedingly painful to touch; feverish, thirsty, anxious.

Acute articular rheumatism.

Drawing tearing in left hip-joint on moving.

Sensation as if drops of cold water trickled down front of thighs.

Thighs when walking feel as if tightly bandaged.

Drawing pain, especially in joints of limbs.

Drawing in tendinous expansions of lower limbs.

Lower limbs sore. Peritonitis.

Shooting, tearing pains in legs, knees, ankles, toes, etc.

Legs almost powerless; after sitting, numbness.

Spinal meningitis.

Numbness in gouty limb.

Trembling of limbs.

Unsteadiness of knees; bend while standing or walking.

Knees swollen; painful, throbbing, cutting, stinging pains; cannot sleep, had to sit up. Acute rheumatism.

Knife like pains in knee joint.

Legs stiff when moved, after taking cold.

Coldness of knee, alternating with flying shooting.

Cramps in calves, also in feet.

Legs and feet feel numb; tingling, commencing in feet and spreading upward.

Ankles feel as if tied with a ligature.

Hot pricking in toes; they “go to sleep ” while walking.

Coldness of feet and ankles; soles and toes cold and sweaty.

Limbs in General
Drawing, tearing pains in limbs.

Transient pains, like bone pains, in long bones of limbs and in metacarpal bones.

Rheumatic inflammation of joints, worse evening and night; intense, bright red, shining swelling of parts; sensitive to least contact, with high fever.

Crawling in upper and lower limbs.

Trembling and tingling in limbs, accompanied by shooting pains.

Convulsive trembling of limbs.

Convulsive contraction of limbs.

Slight starting of limbs, alternating with trembling.


Limbs feel weak, heavy and painful. Coryza.

Limbs feel tired during repose.

Lameness and numb feeling in affected parts; pain intolerable.


Numbness, icy coldness and insensibility of hands and feet.


Bruised, heavy feeling.

Coldness of extremities.

Hot hands and cold feet.

Twitching of fingers and toes.

Rest, Position and Motion
Rest: generally amel., but during night, in bed, pains intolerable; limbs feel tired; rigors worse

Lying: headache amel.; palpitation worse; shudders; fever unbearable.

Lying on back: cough amel.; stitches in chest amel..

Lying with head high: headache amel.

Lying on right side; stitches in chest.

Lying on side: cough worse; cheek lain on sweats.

Must lie down: with vertigo.

Cannot sit up: uterine hemorrhage.

Sitting: vertigo amel.: crackling in forehead amel.

Sitting up: pressure in sunstroke worse; cough worse.

Must sit up: in difficult breathing; with painful knees.

Rising from a seat: vertigo.

Rising from recumbent posture: red face becomes pale.

After sitting: legs numb.

Rising: shortness of breath; fainting.

Springs out of bed: in delirium at night.

Changes position constantly: when impatient; during anxiety; at night; puts hand to head.

Standing: faints while urinating; causes great weakness.

Stooping: vertigo worse; as if eyeballs were forced out amel.

Bent backward: head in croup; body in spasms.

Bending sideways: stitches in chest.

Must bend double: colic; dysmenorrhoea.

Shaking head: vertigo; blackness before eyes.

Raising head: vomits.

Walking: vertigo amel.; squeezing in forehead worse; vertex headache amel.; cough worse; thighs feel as if bandaged; unsteady knees; toes ” go to sleep. ”

Stepping: tensive, pressive pain in back.

Must walk or move about: at night restlessness, fever.

Motion: sensation as if brain moved worse; crackling in temples, forehead and nose; of eyeballs painful; pain in chest worse; weariness in neck worse; stiff neck worse; drawing, tearing in left hip; legs stiff; chill; rigors amel.

Violent exercise: produces overheating and conjunctivitis.

Restless, though motion worse pain. Pleurisy.

Nervous excitability. Prolapsus uteri.

Timid and uncertain in his actions.

Excessive restlessness and tossing about for several hours.

Trembling and tendency to palpitation.

Jerks of left leg or arm, grinding teeth; comatose; restless, moaning. Measles.

Convulsions of teething children; heat, startings, twitches of single muscles; child gnaws its fists, frets, cries; costive or dark, watery stools.

Spasms of eyes; clenched jaws; body becomes rigid and bends backward; limbs distorted with spasms.

Loud lamentations; body rigid and bent backward; fists clenched across throat; gnashing of teeth; eyes drawn up spasmodically under lids.

Towards noon convulsions of whole body. Myelitis.

Whole body feels as heavy as lead; swollen in size and stature, except head and neck.

Great muscular weakness, weariness, prostration, almost total inability to stand.

Progressive failure of strength.

Feeling very drowsy, languid and unable to rise from couch; obliged to discontinue all work; system feels prostrated with sense of inward fever.

Numbness, tingling; left side. Paralysis of limbs.

Sudden falling down senseless. Apoplexy.

Collapse; cholera.

Faintness on attempting to sit up.

Formication, now in one, now in another part.

Sleepiness; spasmodic yawning.

On going to sleep: fever becomes intolerable; jerks; restless tossing.

Somnolency, eyes closed; in a little child.

Senseless; snoring. Apoplexy.

Sleeping light, imagines in morning he has not slept at all, yet not weak.

During sleep: delirium; starts; profuse sweat; hot, restless and talking; slow breathing.

Restless nights; must walk or move about; alternately cold and hot, partial sweat.

Excessive wakefulness; nervous sleeplessness.

Sleeplessness after midnight with anxiety, restlessness, continual tossing about; eyes closed.

Sleeplessness caused by fear, fright or anxiety, with fear of future. Consumption of lungs.

Vivid dreams of day’s occurrences.

At night anxious dreams, several times waking with start.

Long dreams with anxiety in chest, taking away breath and causing him to awaken.

Anxious heavy dreams with oppression of chest.

Awakened: by asthma; by nightmare; with starts; by cough.

Agg. after sleep.

Night: delirium; sticking, tearing around eyes worse; lachrymation; violent hollow cough; weariness of neck; rheumatic pains in joints worse; sleepless; dreaming; shuddering; alternate heat and chill; pains intolerable.

Midnight: burning in throat, causing hawking.

After midnight: short breath during sleep; short cough; sweat.

Midnight to 3 A.M.: must rise to urinate.

Until 3 A.M.: cough worse.

Morning: excessive sweat; anxious lamentations; confused as if drunken; swollen eyelids worse; coryza fluent; thin, gelatinous sputum; thinks he has not slept.

Towards noon: convulsions.

Day: short cough and panting; thin, gelatinous sputum.

Towards evening: congestion to head worse; crackling in head; stitches in orbital region; fever unbearable.

Evening: congestive headache worse; crackling in temples, forehead and nose; itching, burning, smarting in eye; stitches in eye worse; lachrymation; cough worse; weariness of neck; rheumatic pains in joints worse; sudden chill.

Temperature and Weather
Heat of sun: headache worse.

Rays of sun: produce erythema; sunstroke.

Heat: relieves formication of scalp.

Warm room: forehead feels compressed; chill worse.

Overheating: causes eye troubles; cough results.

In bed: fever unbearable.

When covered: sweats.

Uncovering: will not be uncovered.

Open air: headache in forehead worse; vertex headache amel.; sweat on head amel.; eyelids sensitive; headache from checked coryza amel.; teeth sensitive; cough worse.

Cold, dry winds: conjunctivitis, coryza, toothache, croup; cough worse; articular rheumatism.

Raw air: produces toothache.

Cold water: relieves conjunctivitis and anxiety.

Ice water: causes gastric catarrh; excites cough.

Cold bathing: suppresses menses.

Getting wet: causes tearing and beating in carious molar; diarrhoea; suppresses menses.

Hot days, cold nights: dysentery.

Sensation of coldness in blood vessels.

Chill: anxious; on slightest movement; being uncovered or touched; ascends from feet to chest ; with formication between shoulders and down back; finger tips cold, nail blue, worse in a warm room.

Shuddering on lying down at night.

Rigor commencing in limbs and going over whole body, with gooseflesh; worse in rest; disappearing on motion.

Skin cool, dry or cold and viscous; or cold to touch, but patient feels as if burning. Cholera.

Whole body stiff and cold. Myelitis.

Rigors and vomiting. Puerperal convulsions.

Frequent shudders. Inflammation of lungs.

Cold crawls over back, with hot skin. Catarrh.

Sudden chill in evening, followed by heat.

After a violent chill, dry heat with difficult breathing and lancinating pain through chest.

With chill, internal heat, anxiety, red cheeks: body chilly, hot forehead and ears, internal heat.

Chill at beginning violent, more in evening after lying down, often with one hot cheek and contracted pupils.

Alternate heat and chill all night; restless, wants to uncover, yet chilly therefrom.

Face hot, hands and feet cold; face flushes, with cold hands and feet, mostly evenings.

Skin hot and dry, with anxious tossing about.


Heat and dry skin. Prolapsus uteri.

Heat with thirst, hard, full and frequent pulse, anxious impatience, unappeasable, beside himself, tossing about with agony.

Heat, with agonized tossing about.

Dry, burning heat, generally extending from head and face, with much thirst for cold drinks.

Heat, with inclination to uncover; fever unbearable towards evening and after getting into bed.

Heat, with chilliness at same time.

Red cheeks, with obstinacy, complaining mood; burning in region of navel and pressive headache.

Thirst for beer during heat; burning thirst during heat.

Inflammatory fevers and inflammations, with much heat, dry burning skin, violent thirst, red face, or alternate red and pale face; nervous excitability, groaning and agonized tossing about; shortness of breath, and congestion to head. Synochal fever.

Profuse sweat, with copious flow of urine and diarrhoea.

Free sweat.

Profuse sweat during sleep, even in consumptives; sweat after 12 P.M.

Long continued, general sweat, of a somewhat sour odor.

Affected parts and covered parts sweat; likes to be uncovered.

Agg. while sweating; amel. afterward.

Profuse sweat relieves rheumatic pains.

Bad effects of suppressed sweat: catarrhs; fever; local inflammations, etc.

Cold sweat.

Attacks of pain, with redness of face and thirst.

Suddenly: turns red and falls unconscious; faints while standing to urinate; excruciatingly pain in stomach (scarlatina).

Alternately: heat and chill; stupefaction and restlessness; face red and pale; slimy stools and constipation; coldness and shooting in knee.

Locality and Direction
Right: staggers to side; erratic pains in head; pains like severe blows in forehead; sticking in eyeballs; pains over eye; ear painful; mouth drawn to right side; tense swelling under short ribs; drawing in testicle and uneasiness in renal region; stitching pains in fundus uteri; stitches in chest; pains in neck and shoulder.

Left: pain in small spot over supraorbital ridge; pulsations in forehead; side lame; apoplexy; as if sand in inner canthus; deafness, with buzzing in head; tearing in ear; neuralgia of trigeminus; lips motionless during breathing; toothache; lobe of liver painful; side of scrotum studded with vesicles; stitches in chest; numbness of arm; tingling in fingers; hip swollen; jerking of arm or leg; side lame.

Within outward: pressure in head; fullness in forehead; eyeballs feel as if protruding; pressing in epigastrium.

Out inward: pressure in upper eyelids.

Below upward: cutting in intestines; numbness and tingling in lower extremities; chill.

Left to right: paralysis (poisoning).

Right to left: toothache; blows in forehead, pulsations.

Front to back: pain in chest.

Towards right side: staggers to right in vertigo.

Limited to a small spot: headache over left supraorbital ridge.

Pains intolerable; more so at night.

Stitches here and there; erratic.

Stinging burning, as if in skin.

Tearing, cutting, wandering pains. Rheumatism, etc.

Neuralgia with congestions, from dry cold air or checked sweat.

Trembling, like a boiling and seething, as if parts were going to sleep; or as if becoming drunk; always with an unpleasant sensation of coldness.

As if bruised or beaten in different parts.

As if ideas came from stomach; as if she would lose her reason; as if brain was agitated by boiling water; as if a hot iron was bound around head; as if everything would push out of forehead; pulsation as from severe blows in forehead; vertex as if compressed by a pitch cap; headache as if brain was moved or raised; as if pulled by hair on vertex; as from bending crackling tinsel in temples, forehead, nose; as if hair stood on end; as if eye would be forced out of orbit; as if eyeball was pushed into orbit; music goes through every limb; as if face was growing larger; as if muscles of face were spasmodically contracted; tongue feels as after eating pepper or smoking; as if teeth would fall out; mouth as if filled with air tasting of rotten eggs; as of cold air on tongue; as if uvula was elongated and touching tongue; as if something had stuck in throat; as if food had lodged in cardiac region when swallowing; as if a cold stone lay in stomach; anxious feeling in precordia; as if a heavy load were resting on abdomen; splashing in region of bladder; as though poles of a galvanic battery had been applied to glans penis; feeling of a band around chest; feeling of suffocation; as if boiling water was poured into chest; as of beetles crawling on spine; arms as if paralyzed by blows; as of needles in wrist joints; as if drops of water trickled down front of thighs; as if thighs were tightly bandaged when walking; ankles as if tied with a ligature.

Pains intolerable; more so at night.

Stitches here and there; erratic.

Stinging burning, as if in skin.

Tearing, cutting, wandering pains. Rheumatism, etc.

Neuralgia with congestions, from dry cold air or checked sweat.

Trembling, like a boiling and seething, as if parts were going to sleep; or as if becoming drunk; always with an unpleasant sensation of coldness.

As if bruised or beaten in different parts.

As if ideas came from stomach; as if she would lose her reason; as if brain was agitated by boiling water; as if a hot iron was bound around head; as if everything would push out of forehead; pulsation as from severe blows in forehead; vertex as if compressed by a pitch cap; headache as if brain was moved or raised; as if pulled by hair on vertex; as from bending crackling tinsel in temples, forehead, nose; as if hair stood on end; as if eye would be forced out of orbit; as if eyeball was pushed into orbit; music goes through every limb; as if face was growing larger; as if muscles of face were spasmodically contracted; tongue feels as after eating pepper or smoking; as if teeth would fall out; mouth as if filled with air tasting of rotten eggs; as of cold air on tongue; as if uvula was elongated and touching tongue; as if something had stuck in throat; as if food had lodged in cardiac region when swallowing; as if a cold stone lay in stomach; anxious feeling in precordia; as if a heavy load were resting on abdomen; splashing in region of bladder; as though poles of a galvanic battery had been applied to glans penis; feeling of a band around chest; feeling of suffocation; as if boiling water was poured into chest; as of beetles crawling on spine; arms as if paralyzed by blows; as of needles in wrist joints; as if drops of water trickled down front of thighs; as if thighs were tightly bandaged when walking; ankles as if tied with a ligature. Violent pain: over right eye; in stomach; down left arm.

Burning: headache; in eyes; of lids; of lips and mouth; of tongue; on tip of tongue; vesicles on tongue; in fauces; in back of throat; in throat; along eustachian tube; in pharynx; along oesophagus to stomach; from stomach up to mouth; in pit of stomach; in hepatic region; in umbilical region; in hernia, like coals of fire; in anus; in bladder; in neck of bladder; in urethra; in larynx; under sternum; in spine.

Prickling: in tongue; in throat; in larynx or trachea; in toes Smarting: in eyes.

Stitches: under scalp; in orbital region; in pit of stomach; in region of liver; in diaphragm; in region of kidneys; in glans; to right of fundus uteri; in chest.

Shooting pains: in renal region; in uterus; in chest; in upper limbs; in legs, knees, ankles, toes.

Stitching thrusts: in lower jaw; in spine.

Knife like pains in knee joint.

Stinging: in ear; in throat; in fauces; in hepatic region; in anus; in region of kidneys; in knees.

Sticking pains: in right eyeball; in sclerotitis; around eyes; in posterior fauces.

Cutting: in intestines; in a circle from spine to abdomen.

Twitching: in knees; in eyes.

Choking: in throat.

Swollen feeling: of tongue; of testicles; of many parts, generally with shuddering, cold or rigor.

Pain: in right ear; in epigastrium; in glans penis; in middle of chest.

Tearing pains: in sclerotitis; around eyes; in left ear; in a carious molar; in nape of neck; in scapulae; in shoulder joint; in wrists and fingers; in left hip joint; in limbs.

Pressive shooting: in eyeballs.

Aching: in eyeballs; in face.

Bone-pains: in long bones of limbs and metacarpal bones.

Drawing pain: in right testicle; in muscles of neck and throat; in scapulae; in wrists and fingers; in left hip-joint; in joint of limbs; in tendinous expansions of lower limbs; in limbs.

Pinching: about navel.

Squeezing: in forehead, above root of nose.

Pressing shooting: in forehead, coryza.

Pressure: in upper part of forehead; in temples; in vertex; in upper lids; at root of nose; in stomach and pit of stomach; in hepatic region; in anus; in region of kidneys; in bladder; under sternum; in lumbar and sacral region.

Bruised pain: in eye; in loins; in testicles; between shoulders; in small of back.

Fullness: in forehead.

Throbbing: in temples; in one side of face; in carious molar; in pit of stomach.

Constriction: of throat; in hepatic region.

Contracting: in upper part of forehead.

Cramps: at root of nose; in calves.

Tensive pain: in lumbar and sacral regions.

Tense feeling: in eyelids; in stomach and hypochondria.

Tightness: of chest.

Heaviness: in forehead; in hypochondria, in abdomen, bearing down; under sternum; in limbs.

Paralyzed feeling: in intestines.

Formication: of scalp; on spine; between shoulders; in arms, hands and fingers.

Creeping: in face; in fingers.

Creeping pain: in fingers.

Crawling: in face; in spine; in limbs.

Tickling: in larynx.

Tingling: in face, lips and mouth; in tongue; in oesophagus; at anus; in sexual parts; in left arm; in fingers; in feet, spreading upward; in limbs.

Roughness: as from sand in inner canthus.

Rawness: in middle of tongue.

Raw pain: in chest.

Distressed feeling: after eating.

Labor like pressing: in womb.

Scratching: in throat causing cough.

Soreness: neck; of lower limbs.

Weariness: in neck.

Stiffness: of back.

Tired feeling: in limbs during repose.

Numbness: of lips and mouth; of tongue; in left arm; of small of back; in gouty limb; in legs and feet; with rheumatism of hands and feet.

Stinging itching: pimples on hands.

Itching: of eyes; at anus.

Heat: in eyes; of external ear; of lips and mouth; in stomach; in diaphragm; in vagina; in lungs; of palms; in left hip joint.

Coldness: in incisors; of hands; of palms; of knee; of extremities; in blood vessels.

Dryness: of eyes; of lids; of tongue; in palate; in posterior nares; in throat; in windpipe.

Has but little effect on disorganized blood-globules, hence seldom useful in true typhoid states.

Acts more on arterial system.

Plethora; active capillary congestions (from overactive serous membranes).

Local congestions and inflammations.

Neuritis, with tingling.

Complaints in joints: shooting, cramp, cracking, loss of power; drawing in joints and aponeuroses.

Articular rheumatism, much fever, restlessness and anxiety; swellings are red and hot or pale; shifting from one point to another; especially if caused by suddenly checked sweat or by dry cold air or winds.

Acute catarrhs, with usual Aconite fever.

Skin and muscles rigid.

Muscular rheumatism with high fever.

Glands painful, hot, swollen.

Touch, Injuries
Touch: causes loud screams; pains worse; eyeballs sensitive; soreness in pit of stomach worse; pains of peritonitis worse; lower abdomen sensitive; larynx sensitive; excites spasms; hip painful; rheumatic swelling of joints sensitive; chilly.

Pressure: stitches in supraorbital region worse; liver sensitive.

Scratching: no effect on itching.

Fall or concussion: vertigo.

Foreign bodies: irritation and inflammation of eyes.

Wounds painfully sensitive after surgical operations; fever.

Shock from injury or surgical operations.

Skin dry; absence of sweat.

Tingling over whole surface.

Red, shining, hot swellings; violent pains.

Fine prickings, as from needles, here and there.

Spots like flea-bites; itching unchanged by scratching.

Erythema from sun’s rays; papular erythema.

Erysipelas, smooth skin; violent fever.

Yellow skin. Jaundice. During pregnancy.

Red rash all over, except on abdomen. Childbed fever, second week.

Measles: dry, barking cough; painful hoarseness; eyes red; cannot bear light; tongue red; jerks of left leg or arm, or grinding of teeth; restless moaning and lamenting; lying in a comatose state; pains in joints; free sweat.

In red miliary fever: increasing restlessness, agonizing anxiety and heat of body.

Rash of children.

Seldom in scarlatina, except as specified below or during desquamation.

Scarlet rash, with high fever.

Scarlet fever, with dry skin and very great restlessness and distress; must frequently sit erect in bed in consequence of dyspnoea.

Skin cold and dry; cold, clammy.

Single long dartings, here and there, mixed with a raw sensation, ending with pain as of a wound.

Stages of Life and Constitution
Children’s disease; with high fever.

Especially persons with tonicity (rigidity) of fibre.

Old age; sleeplessness.

Contraindicated in fevers which bring out eruptions or are otherwise salutary, unless there is agonizing tossing with dry skin.

Dark hair and eyes.

Persons leading a sedentary life; plethora, etc.

Tendency to apoplectic congestion; plethora.

Antidotes to Acon.: Acet-ac., Paris, Vinca.

Is antidote to Bellad ., Cham. , Coffea , Nux-v. , Petr., Sepia, Sulphur , Verat. , and secondary symptoms of Morphine. After Acon. follows well: Arn. , Bell. , in gastric states; after pulmonary febrile affections: Ip., Bry., Hepar, Puls., Sepia and Sulphur ; in colic: Ars. ; in cough: Bry. , Spong.; in croup: Spong. or Hepar; in strangury of children: Puls.; in dysentery: Merc.

Acon. may often be indicated after Arn., Coffea, Sulphur and Verat.

Complementary to Coffea, in fever, sleeplessness, intolerance of pain; to Arn. in bruises; to Sulphur high in all cases.

Ailments from: Cimic., Cham. , Coffea , Nux-v. , Petr., Sepia, Sulphur.

Abuse of Acon. calls for Sulphur.


+ Common name Monkshood

A. napellus, L. (including also A. Stoerckianum, Reich., in part).

Natural order: Ranunculaceae.

Preparation: Tincture from the whole plant and root when beginning to flower.

Nightly raging delirium; he will not be kept in bed; in the morning excessive sweat.

He did all things hurriedly, and ran about the house.

Transient frenzy.

Hope is aroused, immediately after vomiting.

Crazy folly.

He commenced to be delirious, and played upon a leaf.

Maniacal delirium.



Exalted spirits.

Gayety, with inclination to sing and dance (1/2 h).

More gay and excited than usual (1st h).

He cannot remain long at one occupation.

Excessive disagreeable restlessness; without occasion for hurrying, he is in the greatest haste, every obstacle that delays his rapid pace is excessively annoying; he knocks against some people who do not get out of his way fast enough, and runs in breath less haste up the steps; this hurried disposition lasted two hours.

He raves, though awake; jumps out of bed and imagines he is driving sheep (4 h).

Lucid (clairvoyant) vision.

(* Hahnemann’s note explains that he was conscious that his beloved, fifty miles away, was singing a certain piece. *) Lively memory.

Lively imagination.

Great activity of mind.

He sits buried in thought.

Rapid change of thought, great exertion is required to fix the train of thought.

Unsteadiness of ideas; on attempting to think of one thing, another forces it out of the mind, and this if supplanted by another, and so on, until he becomes quite confused.

Restlessness, uninterrupted, unpleasant; he must now sit, now stand, now walk, he does not know what is the matter.

Excessive restlessness, all movements and actions are performed with great haste and hurry.

Impatience, he throws himself anxiously about, and constantly changes his position, etc.

Hurried speech.

Speaks much and rapidly.

Alternate attacks of opposite moral symptoms.

Variable humor, at one time gay, at another dejected.

At times he seemed to weep, and at times he sang.

Now he doubts his recovery, now he is full of hope.


Now he was perfectly conscious, and then again he raved.

Quarrelsome, with constantly varying delirium, he chatters childish nonsense, and is extravagantly gay.

Morose, peevish.

Quarrelsome (6 h).



Vexation about trifles.

Extremely inclined to be vexed (1/2 h).

Great in-difference, irritable.

The slightest noise is unbearable (1/2 h).

Over-sensitive to light and noise.

He takes every joke in bad part (3 h).

Cannot bear pain, nor to be touched, nor uncovered.

Great anxiety.

Anxiety only transiently relieved by drinking cold water.

Anxiety as though a great misfortune would happen to him.

Increased anxiety, followed by total apathy.

Anxiety which does not allow him to remain in one place, he must constantly walk about.

He is made restless by internal anxiety.

Anxiety and peevishness, with fine dartings in the side of the chest, then palpitation at the pit of the stomach, and pressive headache.

Inconsolable anxiety and piteous howlings, with complaints and reproaches about trifles (5 h).

Dolorous anxious complaints, with pusillanimous fears, despair, loud wailing, and weeping, and bitter reproaches.

His anxiety and fright rose to great pitch.

Flickering before vision makes him anxious on the street, he thinks he constantly jostles the passersby.

Anxiety, he believes he will soon die.

Fear of approaching death (2-12 h).

Excessive fear of death.

Feeling as if his last hour had come.

Thrice he became blind, and affirmed death to be at hand.


Extreme fearfulness (1/4 h).

Dread of some accident happening.

He cannot banish anxious apprehensive thoughts, even in gay company.

Fear lest he might stagger and fall.

Great timidity after a severe fright, afraid to go out unattended after dark, is unable to control his feelings of apprehensive fear.

Fear of ghosts.


Depression of spirits.

Sadness, solicitude.

Dejected, as if she had no life in her (2 h).

Dejected, disinclination for everything, depression even while walking.


Music is unbearable, it goes through every limb, and makes her quite sad (24 h).

She began to cry violently, with convulsive twitching of the facial muscles.

Every now and then she uttered a peculiar plaintive cry.

Dislike to company.

Desire to be alone.

Disinclined for conversation.

Anthropophobia (3 h).



Staid resolute, not lively humor (secondary, curative action, 8 H).

Disinclination for mental labor.

Disinclined to exert body or mind.

Disinclined to read (several).

Unable to think or perform even the slightest mental labor (several).


Unusual distraction of ideas.

Distraction of the attention while reading or writing, owing to frequent cessation of thoughts.

Thinking slow, all attention disturbed.

He cannot think nor reflect, knows nothing, and has no idea of anything in his head as usual, but feels that all the mental operations transpire in the region of the stomach; after two hours he has two attacks of vertigo, and then the usual thinking power returns again to the head.

Prepossession of the mind, the thoughts he has already conceived and half written down he is unable to register completely without an effort to recall them (3 d).

Want of memory, what has just been done appears like a dream, which he can scarcely call to remembrance.

Weakness of memory (5-9 h).

Memory very weak.

Loss of memory.

Loss of memory for dates.

Diminished intellectual powers.

Great confusedness both of thought and action (4 h).

Dullness and confusion of mind.

Prostration of mind.



Loss of consciousness transient.

Loss of consciousness during the convulsions.

He lies in a stupid condition, at evening, eyes closed, twitching of the facial muscles, mouth, compressed, without power of speech. Coma.

Confusion in the head as after intoxication, with pressure in the temples.

Confusion of the head evenings with pressure in the forehead (several).

Confused and muddled feeling in the head early in the morning after waking (several).

Confusion with heaviness and fullness of the head, aggravated by motion (several).

Confused head and pressive pain in the forehead, mornings on waking (19 h).

Confusion of the head soon changed to a sense of heaviness, and pressive pain in the vertex and forehead (19 d).

Muddled sensation in the head.

Easy stupefaction from tobacco smoke.

Vertigo, (and several). (many) vertigo to falling.

Confused vertigo all day.

Frequent attacks of vertigo, feeling as if about to fall over.

Vertigo as after slight intoxication, with distraction of mind.

Vertigo, the child totters and cannot stand.

Vertigo and stupefaction on entering a warm room, as if intoxicated.

Vertigo, especially on stooping; she staggers, especially to the right (36 h).

Vertigo, everything seems to go around in a circle, she can scarcely get into bed (37 h).

Vertigo as if intoxicated, all goes around, she staggers as if about to fall; with nausea, worse on rising from sitting, less while walking, not at all while sitting (1/2 h).

Staggering as from concussion after a fall on the occiput.

Vertigo, sense of swaying hither and thither in the brain.

Vertigo while stooping.

Vertigo while standing.

Vertigo on rising up.

Vertigo with confusion in the head forenoons daily for 16 days after leaving off the drug.

Vertigo on motion and on rest.

Vertigo great after dinner.

Vertigo when walking or driving.

Vertigo much increased by shaking the head, whereby complete blackness comes before eyes.

Vertigo, and headache in forehead and occiput, both worse on stooping (20 min).

Dizzy heaviness of the head, chiefly in the forehead on stooping, with nausea and sinking in the pit of stomach (2 h).

Dizzy confusion of head, on right side of forehead, on walking in the open air.

Vertigo with commencing staggering, it seems to him as if he could not stand on his feet.

Vertigo with headache, especially in the occiput.

Vertigo with distending pain in the occiput.

Vertigo and headache, not affected by violent motion 1/4 h).

Vertigo with obscuration of vision.

Whirling in the head so that she dare not move it, with a sensation as if the eyes would close. (Vertigo with difficult respiration, dry cough, and pain in the hips).

Vertigo with nose bleed.

Vertigo with nausea.

Vertigo with vomiting and exhaustion.

Staggering on attempting to walk.

Head thrown back.

Stupid feeling in the head, in the morning; stupidity increasing, cannot think, forget what I intended to do a moment ago.

Do not know in what street I am walking (third day).

Heat in the head (several).

Heat in the whole head followed by soreness, particularly of the forehead, lasting all the evening (11 h).

Burning headache as if the brain were agitated by boiling water.

Head warm, it feels smaller to the hand.

Headache as if a hot iron were bound around the head.

Headache as if the skull were laced externally with a band and drawn tightly together.

Head seems bound around with a band.

Pain over the whole skull as if compressed from all sides equally; sometimes the pain is concentrated with the greatest severity in the orbits (typically recurring).

Weight in the head.

Pressive pain in whole head.

Heaviness in the head.

Head heavy and dizzy in the morning, as if he had drunk wine the evening previous.

Headache, etc. – violent headache with trembling.

Pressive headache with pressure in the eyes.

Pressive troublesome headache, first in the vertex, then drawing to the forehead, where it causes a sensation of heaviness and fullness, lasts several hours; aggravated by motion; forenoons.

Dull headache, as if bruised with a bruised feeling in all the limbs.

Pressive constrictive headache extending over the whole arch of the skull, especially over the left eye; ameliorated by lying on the cool hand.

Drawing in the whole head, especially in the temporal muscles.

Fullness in the head (several).

Fullness of the head with erratic pains in the right supraorbital, temporal, and frontal regions.

Headache as if the brain were pressing outward (1/2 h).

During all the proving sudden and frequent congestion of the head with anxiety, followed by rigor over the back.

The brain seemed much congested, and the jugular vein was opened with great relief; she felt as if whirled suddenly from a close, hot, dark room into a spacious, light one.

Shooting, pulsating headache, as if from an internal ulcer, sometimes prevents speaking.

Headache as if a part of the brain were raised up here and there, increased by slight motion, drinking and speaking (1/2 h).

Heaviness of the head, waving, and shaking in the brain.

A fine pulsating here and there in the head.

Humming in the head.

Numbed feeling in the head, as if there were a board before the forehead (1/4 h).

Sensation as if something were drawn out of the head, causing the upper lids to be drawn upwards (1/2 h).

Head felt as if forcibly turned around.

Sensation of crepitation (as produced by bending gold tinsel backward and forward) in the temples, nose, and forehead.

Fullness and heavy feeling in the forehead, as if an out pressing weight lay there, and as if everything would come out at the forehead (1/4 h).

Fullness of the forehead on stooping, as if everything would fall out (25 h).

Out pressing pain in the forehead.

Wedge-like pressing asunder headache in the region of the right brow, worse in the room than in the open air.

Forepart of the head feels as if nailed up in a warm room.

Tension all over the forehead.

Contractive pain in forehead.

Feeling of contraction of the brain under the forehead (20 h).

A squeezing in the forehead, over the root of the nose, with a feeling as if she would lose her reason (was sick in her head), aggravated by walking in the open air (4 h).

A pinching and squeezing in forehead, as if in the bones; she feels sick, as if madness would ensue (12-24 h).

Squeezing tensive pain close behind the orbits.

Very sensitive acute pressive pain over the forehead.

Pressive pain in forehead, especially over the right superciliary ridge, with dread of jarring by riding.

Pressive stupefying pain in forehead, worse evenings.

Slight pressive headache in right frontal protuberance, extending toward the orbital border, with flushes of heat chiefly in the face and ears.

Pressive headache, especially over right brow.

Pressive shooting, nauseating headache over orbits, extends down toward upper maxilla, like that produced by vomiting from an emetic (2 h).

Peculiar drawing pressive sensation in forehead (nerve trigeminal). grows more intense, and becomes continuous and violent.

Most furious headache; vision obscured; the pain was chiefly in the upper part of the forehead, pressing and contractive; head not hot; face swollen and pale; light or noise increased the pain, lying quiet in a dark room removed it (from 2D dil).

Violent headache limited to a small spot above left supraorbital ridge.

Frontal headache all day, worse at evening, afterwards more particularly confined to the left frontal eminence (2d d.).

Frontal headache, sometimes shooting, sometimes pulsating, sometimes pressive while walking, relieved by sitting.

Violent headache, especially in right half of forehead.

Heaviness in the forehead and parietal bones.

Headache, pulsation in the left side of forehead along with attacks of strong blows in right side of forehead (3 h).

Stitches in forehead extend to right temple, and then in left side of the occiput.

Jerking, shooting in the head, especially in the forehead.

Violent sticking pain in upper orbital border, extending upward across the forehead, and across the temples and cheeks into the molar teeth; worse on pressure and toward evening, the supraorbital region becomes swollen in consequence.

Headache in the temples.

Pressing out pain in temples, fullness in forehead, with pricking and biting of lids evenings.

Stupefying, drawing, pressing inward pain in left temple.

Pressive pains in temporal region, followed by jerkings in the occiput, and afterwards confusion of head and contractive pain.

Headache, as if the head were compressed with screws at both temples.

Shooting, throbbing pain in temples.

Neuralgic pains in right temporal region.

Tearing pain in left temple.

Jerking, shooting pain in left temple; stitches through temples into the head.

Tearing pain in left temple with roaring in the ears.

After sleeping, awake at 4 A.M., with unpleasant sensations, which urged him to rise, when he experienced dizziness and very heavy headache, apparently about temporal muscles above each ear, with transient nausea and gush of cold sweat.

Pressure on the vertex, as if a cap were pressed tightly on the head.

Headache in the vertex, as if head were compressed equally on all sides by a pitch cap, removed by motion in the open air.

Dull pain in vertex, extending toward the temporal region, increased by stooping.

Pressure and sensitive stitches in the vertex.

Pain in vertex like a great weight.

Feeling as though the head were compressed, starting from the vertex (several).

Pressure and heaviness in the vertex.

Troublesome pressure in vertex forenoon (19 a).

Troublesome pressive headache, first in vertex, then extending to the forehead, where it produces a sensation of fullness and heaviness, aggravated by motion (19 a).

Pressive pain in vertex nightly.

Continual pressure on vertex.

Pressive pain in vertex evenings.

Pain in top of head, relieved by washing in cold water.

Sensation as if a ball rose from umbilical region, and spread a cool air over the vertex and occiput.

Violent, pressive, gradually increasing headache in both sides in the parietal region, somewhat relieved by cold water.

In the evening, headache increasing to a violent pressure in both parietal region that kept awake all night.

Semilateral drawing in the head.

Pain in left side of head.

Pain as if head were compressed in left side of head.

Creeping in left side of head, as from a brush.

Pain in right side of head.

Jerking, shooting, drawing, tearing pain in right side of head superiorly.

Pain in occiput.

Pain in occiput and throat.

Pressure in occiput.

Posterior part of brain feels very much injected.

Jerking, tearing pain in occiput.

Painful jerks in occiput.

Pressive shooting pain, at one time in occiput, at another in forehead.

A shooting in occipital bone.

As if one had taken cold after a profuse sweat, headache, roaring in ears, coryza, bellyache, especially in the morning.

Headache increased by speaking.

Headache on bending forward.

Head drawn backward.

Itching and formication of scalp.

Formication relieved by heat.

Formication, especially in temporal region.

Stitches in right temporal muscle.

Stitches under the scalp.

Several spots sensitive to touch and cold air.

Painful tickling, especially on top of head, on touching the hair.

Scalp feels swollen and numb.

Sensation in places, as if the hairs stood on end, with increased sensitiveness of them.

Sensation as if the hairs stood on end.

The hair seemed to bristle, and the scalp was painful to touch in several places, and sensitive to cold air.

The roots of the hairs are felt.

Sensation as if someone drew him upward by the hair.

An increase of temperature on the vertex externally; it felt hot to the touch, and the hair bristled up there.

Throbbing of temporal arteries.

Cold perspiration over the head.

The forehead covered with cold sweat.

Staring eyes.

Glassy eyes.



Protruding and swollen.

Protruding and fixed.


(Distorted, with gnashing the teeth about midnight).


The look becomes wandering.

The eyes turn upward, so that only the whites are seen.

Eyes very movable.

Sparkling (19 d).

Dimness of eyes.

Eyes becomes yellowish.

Eyes dull, encircled by blue rings.

Eyes seem tightly constricted.

Inflammation with lachrymation, which causes so much pain and fright that he wishes for death.

(Cold feeling in eyes in open air).

Burning in eyes, twitching, and vision of sparks.

Burning and itching of the eyes and lids, makes him rub them; the eyes are very sensitive to the air, but not to the light.

Inflammation extremely painful (chemosis).

Burning, and pressure in left eye and over the brow.

Burning, first in one then in other.

Sensation as if eyes were much swollen (5 h).

Pressure in eyes, most felt on looking down or around, with heat in them.

Sensitiveness of eyes.

Sticking and tearing pains around the eyes, especially worse nights.

Lachrymation, more particularly in the evening and at night; the edges of lids are sore, red, and inflamed (1 d).

Lachrymation with cough.

Pricking and biting in lids like beginning coryza, evenings.

Dryness of upper lid, almost, causing a pressure in eyes (4 h).

Hard, red swelling of right upper lid, with feeling of tension, especially in the morning.

Slight irritation of the edges of the lids, which were almost raw from the violence of the lachrymation.

Marked pain at right internal canthus, dull and deep seated.

Several times repeated sensations as if left upper lid was long, heavy, and hung down as if paralyzed (though it looked natural).

Heaviness of lids, they seem too heavy on raising them.

Rough feeling, as of sand in left internal canthus (13 h., lasted two minutes).

Lids swollen hard, with tensive sensation; they are red and hot.

Lids convulsively closed as from irresistible sleepiness.

Conjunctiva, especially toward internal canthus, highly injected.

The balls feel enlarges, as if coming out of the orbit, and stretching the lids.

Pain in the interior of the eye, as if it would be pressed out when the lids are opened; the pain extends to the supraorbital region and interior of the brain (21 h).

Sensitiveness of upper part of ball on moving it, as if it were pressed out of the orbit; relieved by stooping; changed to a dull pain on bending the head back.

Pressure on upper lid, and sensation as if the whole ball would be pressed into the orbit, which makes the eye pain as if crushed.

Severe pressure, sometimes stinging or burning in the front part of the ball.

Sense of pressure in the balls.

Fine sticking pains in the balls during the course of a half hour, momentary.

Pupils dilated (immediately).

Pupils dilated; right nearly oval, left irregularly polygonal.

Pupils contracted.


Cannot look at strongly lighted objects without blinking.

Sight weak (long lasting).

Eyes dazzled on coming to consciousness.

Sharp vision.

Photomania, desire for bright light (3 h).

Warmth and undulation in eyes with involuntary half closing the lids, and a feeling as if it were too dark to read in a well- lighted room (12 d).

As though she were removed from a narrow dark room to a light one; after bleeding.

Dimness of vision (several).

Vision as through a veil.

Dim vision with wide-open eyes.

Cloudiness came before vision.

Loss of vision.

Cloudiness of vision with sense of giddiness.

On going out in the evening from a half dark room into the street; flickering before eyes, the lamp-light quivered; he could with difficulty see the passers; he seemed to see worse at a short than at a long distance; he became anxious and dizzy on account of it.

Flickering before eyes.

Black spots floating before the sight.

An intensely white and bright spot, about the size of a small plate, appeared before the eyes both when shut and opened; it was impossible to determine before which eye it was, though it seemed more nearly in axis of right eye; it had the refulgence of highly furnished silver, this gradually changed to a straw or light golden color, then the whole field of vision became of a delicate lilac hue, which disappeared to give place to the same spot, which was now of a beautiful and bright azure; the whole lasted one half hour.

Burning, itching, and darting in both ears while yawning, worse in the evening and in open air, better after eating.

Tickling sensation in right ear as if a worm were crawling in it.

Acute stitch in right meatus externus.

Tearing in left ear.

Pressure in ears.

Pains in left ear.

Pains in right ear.

San occasional burning pain in left ear and upper jaw while perspiring.

Pain behind left ear, as from pressure with the thumb.

Pain just below right ear.

Sensation of swelling on the bone around the external ear.

Feeling as if a drop of water were in left ear.

Sensation as if something stopped up the left ear.

Sensation as if something lay before the ear.

Roaring in ears; great sensitiveness to noise.

Roaring in ears.

Ringing in ears (10 min. 29).

Humming in ears.

Humming, hissing noise in ears.

Continual dull buzzing before ears, and then faintness.

Intense singing in the ears.

External ear red, hot, swollen, painfully sensitive.

Feels tightly constricted.

Stupefying compression at the root.

Marked pain between orbits at the base of nose.

Furuncles at the tip.

Nose feels quite dry.


Blows much bright red blood from nose for several successive mornings.

Frequent violent sneezing. Frequent sneezings with shootings in chest.

Sneezings frequent, violent, with pain in abdomen.

Sneezing frequent, profuse nasal flux, and sense of extreme stuffing in the head.

Forcible sneezing.

Sneezing interrupted by pain in left side of chest.

Clear fluid flows from nose.

Threatening coryza; one or two hot clear drops fall from nose, attended by slight lachrymation.

Attacks of catarrh and coryza (8-12 h).

Fluent coryza in the morning. (Attack of coryza).

Severe coryza.

Sensation as if coryza were about to commence.

Discharge of thick yellow mucus from nose as in old coryza.

Great sensibility of the olfactory nerve; bad smells have a powerful effect.

Countenance pale and anxious.

General sickly appearance.

Livid and ghastly.

Pale and altered.

Extreme paleness.


Uneasy expression.

Pale, with expression of anxiety and restlessness (5 h).

Appearance of fright and imbecility.

Expression of fright.

Livid countenance.

Face blue, like that of a strangled person.

Livid purple with white blotches.

On looking at herself in the glass the face seemed blue and indistinct.

Bluish face, black lips.

Blue lips.

Face red.

Red and hot (several).

Flushed face.

Redness and heat of both cheeks, with a sensation of the face growing large.

Glowing cheeks.

Glowing heat in face (several).

Face hot, especially in the evening (several).

Face hot, hands and feet cold (19 d).

Increased warmth of cheeks.

While the left cheek seemed swollen and hot it is really cool to the touch.

Puffy swelling of the face and forehead.

Cold sensation in face, though it is hot to the touch (several).

Face seemed to be swelling.

Sensation of swelling in forehead and face, especially left side.

The face, red when lying, becomes deathly pale on rising up.

Cheeks red and pale alternately, or one red the other pale.

Warm perspiration on face.

Sweat on the cheeks, whichever side is lain on.

Sweat on the upper lip under the nose.

Face covered with cold clammy sweat.

Cold sweat stood on his brow.

Pain in zygomatic process, as from an internal ulcer.

Shooting pain from right supraorbital ridge, branching out upwards across the forehead to the hairy scalp, sideways to temples, and downwards to the cheeks and into two or three teeth; increased by pressure, and becoming so excessively violent toward evening, when it was accompanied by constant cough, that all other symptoms were thrown into the shade; the next day the supraorbital ridge was swollen (15 d).(420).

Pain in face.

Creeping pain in cheeks.

Sensation as if cheeks were swollen to double their size.

Crawlings in right cheek.

Crawling in face, and sensation of burning in skin.

Violent face ache.

Peculiar drawing sensation in the cheeks, upper jaw, forehead; grows more intense, and becomes continuous and violent.

Very violent pain in the jaws, as if they would fall off, causing him to put his hands to them.

Pain in the maxillary joint, behind the zygoma while chewing.

Stinging and drawing in left upper and lower jaw.

Shooting jerks in the under jaw.

Pressive aching in the under jaw.

Involuntary pressure of the under jaw against the upper, with flow of saliva into the mouth.

Pressive and digging pain in chin.

Itching and formication of the face.

Tickling on face.

Peculiar tickling on the face.

Face almost insensible.

No feeling in face.

Most remarkable sensation of distortion.

Twitching of the muscles of the face, etc.

Distortion of the facial muscles.

Continued distortion of face.

Convulsive contraction of face.

Jaws and face rigid.

Heat-rash on the forehead.

Itching pimples on the upper lip (24 h).

Lips black.

Lips swollen, inflamed.

Burning of lips with sensation of swelling.

Burning of lips and tongue, as after eating pepper or smoking (several).

Lips and interior of mouth burning, painful, and inflamed.

Burning and numbness of lips and mouth.

Lips blue.

Heat and tingling, followed by numbness of lips and tongue. Feeling of the most strange distortion of countenance at times, as if a single muscle had bulged out to the size of a pigeon’s egg, then as if the whole jaw was thrust to one side, as in partial dislocation; at other times as if the lower jaw were pushed up or raised into the cavity of the mouth, conveying the idea that the face must look like that of an old man who has lost all his teeth, and in consequence has his lower jaw thrown forwards and upwards (no visible change).

Several times sensation as if all the muscles of the face were firmly but not spasmodically contracted, attended with a numb, heavy, paralytic feeling of whole face; similar sensations simultaneously in both arms, from shoulders to the tips of fingers, conveying the idea that the arms were paralyzed, though they obeyed the will perfectly.

Frequently repeated sensation as if the lower and anterior part of the face were firmly compressed from both sides by a heavy but not painful weight, until the idea became irresistible that that portion of the face was very thin (no change of features noticed).

Sensibility of the teeth to open air.

Cold feeling in the incisors.

Pain in teeth.

Shooting pain in various teeth.

Shooting pain in right molars.

Sticking and drawing in right back teeth.

Teeth of right side ache.

Pressive toothache in left upper jaw.

Teeth feel as if they would fall out.

Blunted sensation in teeth.

Throbbing, one-sided toothache, with redness of the cheek, etc.

Teeth spasmodically clenched.


Tongue and lips swollen.

Sensation as if the tongue were swollen (several).

Tongue feels too large for the mouth.

Tongue seems to have grown thicker.

Tongue feels as if getting longer.

Tongue white, thick, cold.

Tongue furred yellow.

Tongue furred moist with dry mouth (19 d).

Burning in tongue. Burning in tip of tongue and in lips.

Burning long-lasting.

Burning vesicles on tongue.

Burning on sides of tongue.

Burning increases intensity for four hours.

Burning in tongue after eating.

Burning violent.

Slight burning under the tongue.

Fine penetrating stitches in the point of the tongue. Momentary flying stitches in the tongue with salivation.

Occasional singles stitches in right, under surface of tongue. Pricking sensation at the back of tongue as from pepper, with salivation.

Peculiar tingling on tongue extending to lips.

Biting sensation in Tongue toward tip.

Tingling in tongue and jaws, and burning, so that the teeth seem to wobble.

Momentary tingling, numbness at tip of tongue. Peculiar crawling sensation on tongue as from peppermint, extends to lips and lower part of palate.

Tickling on tongue then on lips.

Numbness, tingling, and sense of distension of Tongue and lips.

Numbness of Tongue and mouth and lips.

Transient paralysis of Tongue Sense of dryness and rawness in middle of Tongue without thirst (1 h).

Numbness in Tongue with difficult swallowing.

Cramp-like sensation at root of Tongue Sensation as of cold air passing over the Tongue (several).

Cold Tongue, as in a cholera patient.

Tongue felt like leather.

Tongue moved continually around the interior of the mouth; at times it was thrust out beyond the lips, and moved from side to side.

In the mouth biting, burning feeling.

Burning in mouth.

Burning from lips to pharynx.

Dryness of Mouth.

Dryness and coolness of mouth without thirst.

Feeling of dryness in the front of the mouth.

Dry sensation, first in lips, then in interior of mouth, with heat mounting from chest to head (without redness of the cheeks).

Convulsions in the mouth.

Mouth drawn to one side.

Copious flow of saliva, etc.

Flow of frothy saliva.

The secretion of saliva compels him to swallow often.

Increased secretion of clear watery saliva (several).

Saliva mixed with red streaks, with sweet taste in the mouth (16 days after leaving off the drug).

Soreness of the orifices of the salivary ducts, as if they were corroded.

Bitter taste in the mouth.

Intensely bitter taste.

Bitter taste by day. (Bitter taste with loss of appetite, and pain in chest and under false ribs). (Peppery taste).

Strong taste of pepper.

Peppery taste in pharynx.

Astringent taste. Sourish taste, with loss of appetite.

Flat, nauseous, sweet taste; compels hawking up though mucus, and then swallowing it.

Nauseous taste relieved by eating; returns after eating.

Insipid fishy taste, as from stagnant water.

It seems as though her mouth were filled with air having the taste of rotten eggs.

Taste and sensations changes; in spots there is a feeling of fuzziness.

Things that formerly tasted strong and good are now tasteless.

Speech stammering.

No power of articulation; he uttered only unintelligible sounds.

She lost all power of speech.

Uvula swollen and elongated; the fauces and pharynx injected dark red; feeling as if an angular many-pointed body were sticking in the throat; prickling burning in the palate, throat, and along the Eustachian tube, increased by swallowing, with oppression of the chest, headache, and increased flow of saliva; the throat symptoms increased by walking in the open air, and relieved after eating.

Soft palate, tonsils, and fauces reddened, with feeling of warmth and dryness of lips.

Redness of the soft palate and uvula.

Pain in throat.

Disagreeable scratching in throat, provoking dry cough.

Scraping in throat with difficult swallowing.

Scraping sensation ceases on clearing throat.

Drawing from the side of the throat to behind the ears.

Fine stinging sensation in the back of the throat, as from the small pricking hairs of the seed of the dog rose (Rosa canina) (1 h).

A sticking choking sensation in a small spot on left side of throat, worse when swallowing and speaking, but felt also when at rest; after one-fourth hour it passed into the right side, while the painful sensation in the left side ceased; it remained there one-fourth hour, then disappeared(550).

Creeping in pharynx.

Transient pressure and tension in the soft palate and fauces, as if these parts were swollen.

Slight congestion of fauces.

The throat seemed to be growing narrow. Constrictive sensation in the back of throat, as from astringents.

Warmth and constriction of fauces (several).

Burning in throat.

Burning in glottis and gullet.

Burning and numbness of throat.

Sensation of burning of throat and stomach with inclination to vomit.

Burning and fine stinging pain in back of throat.

Burning sensation in pharynx.

Heat in pharynx.

Burning sensation in back of throat, causing him to hawk up (14 h).

Fine burning in fauces.

Burning and dry sensation in the soft palate and pharynx, not disappearing even after eating, and frequent empty swallowing.

Complaints of throat and burning along oesophagus.

Sensation of heat and constriction in throat.

Constriction of throat.

Throat seems to swell, with feeling of a quantity of mucus there that he could not get rid of by hawking.

Scraping and constriction of throat.

Constriction in the oesophagus, not relieved by drinking cold water, with dryness of the palate.

Scratching and constriction in the uvula and soft palate, causing constant hawking and spitting, even amounting to an irritation to vomit.

Sensation as if the palate had fallen down and rested on the tongue, forcing one to hawk and spit constantly (for several hours).

Dry feeling in palate and posterior nares.

Dryness in oesophagus with great thirst; the water seemed not to moisten the parts it passed over.

Feeling of dryness, as if something had stuck in the throat.

Dryness of throat increased by tobacco smoke.

Raw feeling in throat, with frequent secretion of mucus from the larynx.

Raw scraping feeling at back of throat with constant desire to hawk up, lasting 12 hours.

Raw sensation in the pharynx.

Rawness in throat, especially in posterior nares, which compels him to clear the throat frequently, as if very though mucus extended through the choanae over the soft palate and uvula.

Pressure in throat, especially during empty deglutition.

Inability to swallow.

Several sticking pains in posterior fauces.

Pricking in right Eustachian tube, compelling him to swallow.

Strong peppery feeling in throat.

Tickling in pharynx.

Throat almost insensible.

He frequently pulled at the throat.

Coldness down the oesophagus, as after peppermint.


Appetite completely gone, unable to take solid food (1 d).

Long continued anorexia and aversion.

Loathing of food and qualmishness (1/4 h).

She will eat nothing.

No appetite, etc.

No appetite, food creates nausea.

Uncommonly good appetite.

During the day appetite very much increased, at noon and evening enormous; he ate to distension and then felt hungry.


Lively sensation of hunger, which is renewed even after eating.

Great thirst.

Thirst for beer, which lies heavy on the stomach.

(Hiccup after eating and drinking). (Hiccup, mornings, long lasting).

Hiccup painful.


Eructations empty,; after eating,; with taste of the drug,; of air (several).

Ineffectual attempts to eructate, he wishes to but cannot.

Eructations of air with nausea going off after breakfast.

Risings of sweetish water like water-brash, with noises in the ears.

Rising of sweetish water with nausea.


Risings from the pit of the stomach amounting to nausea, fasting.

Scraping from the pit of stomach to throat with nausea, and sinking in pit of stomach, as if water were about to flow into the mouth.

Nausea, etc.

Nausea and vomiting.

(Nausea, vomiting, thirst, general heat, and profuse sweat with flow of urine).

Nausea, loathing, and general sick feeling, with painful heaviness of the limbs (19 d).

Nausea, and sinking in pit of stomach; worse while sitting; almost entirely removed by walking (immediately).

Flesh broth nauseates him.

Nausea while walking in open air.

Nausea, first in pit of stomach, then under the sternum, lastly in the throat without flow of saliva.

Nausea and sinking, qualmishness (1/4 h).

Nausea, as after eating some disagreeably sweet or fat substance (1 h).

Nausea relieved by eating, with sweet taste, and hawking up phlegm.

Felt sick, but could not vomit.

Faint, sick feeling, without definite nausea.

Inclination to vomit with much diarrhoea.

Violent vomiting.

( Vomiting of lumbrici).

Vomiting twice of greenish-gray watery fluid (3D ).

Vomiting, followed by violent thirst.

Vomiting very violent, first of food, then of mucus, frothy, lasting an hour, with burning of lips, mouth, and throat, soon extending to stomach.

Bilious vomiting Green vomit Vomiting of green bile (1 h).

Vomiting mucus.

Vomiting of all the food.

Vomiting after each drink.

Vomiting of green masses with diarrhoea of same appearance.

Vomiting of fetid, black, bilious mucus (with relief).

Vomiting artificially excited, only temporarily restored the patient from his state of syncope.

Vomiting with anxiety.

Vomiting with great disposition to stupor.

Vomiting with stools, accompanied by cardialgia and violent colic.

After repeated vomiting and many stools he still complained of a feeling as if a cold stone lay in the stomach.

Vomiting of mucus mixed with blood, three or four successive days.

Vomiting of bloody mucus, followed by profuse perspiration.

Vomiting blood.

Food distressed after eating.

After dinner heartburn and pain in stomach.

Pressure in pit of stomach after eating.

While eating pressure in stomach, as if she had eaten something indigestible, with feeling of warmth and tenderness in pit of stomach.

Pains in stomach, etc.

Spasmodic pains.

Pressive stomachache.

Pressive pain in pit of stomach changes into constriction of the chest (2 1/2 h).

Pressure, as from a stone in pit of Stomach going through to the back, with a squeezing sensation as from a strain, like stiffness.

Sense of extreme oppression at pit of Stomach all day, as of excessive repletion, feeling as if nothing could pass further than the stomach.

Pressive pain at pit of Stomach while sitting, walking, and standing.

Pressive pain in stomach, as from a weight (11/2 h).

Pressive tensive pain, as from fullness or an oppressive weight in stomach and hypochondria (11/2 h).

Pressive and swollen feeling in pit of Stomach.

Pressure in stomach with splashing in bowels (5-10 d).

Pressive sensation in pit of Stomach and upper abdomen.

Sense of weight in stomach.

Sense of weight in stomach with constriction in throat, and nausea.

Pressive and burning pain along the oesophagus down into pit of stomach Feeling as if the stomach were alternately distended and collapsed; the hand laid on it feels distinctly the rising and falling.

Sticking and tension in epigastrium, as from flatulent colic.

Tensive sensation in pit of stomach, relieved by frequent offensive eructation.

Felt like a ball in pit of stomach, that rising up spread a cool air over vertex and occiput.

Contractive feeling in stomach, as from as astringent.

Feeling of emptiness in stomach.


Heartburn all day.

Burning in stomach Burning and numbness in stomach Burning feeling from stomach up through the oesophagus to the mouth.

Warmth in stomach with sweat.

Warm feeling in stomach.

Feeling of anxiety in pit of stomach, especially in a warm room.

Swelling of stomach region, which is sensitive to touch.

Pain in pit of stomach, as if it were swollen internally, with loss of appetite and dyspnoea.

Anxious pulsation and shooting in pit of stomach with burning in umbilical region, etc.

Stomach sensitive to touch.

Pressive pain, as from a weight in the hypochondria (12 h).

Feeling of violent constriction in the hypochondria.

Sensation of anxiety in the hypochondria.

Pains in the upper abdomen with ineffectual straining at stool (several).

Stitches in the liver and bowels as with needles.

Continued constriction, especially in the right hypochondrium, not permitting a deep breath.

Stitches in hepatic region, hindering a deep breath.

Pressure in the hepatic region, obstructing respiration, followed by pinching bellyache above the navel.

Violent jerks in the hepatic region, taking away the breath.

Constrictive pain in the region of the gall-bladder, preventing respiration, on sitting.

Shooting in the spleen while walking.

A sharp stitch under the ribs on the right side on laughing aloud.

The upper abdomen below the ribs is the seat of a tense painful swelling.

Dull stitches under the ribs on the left side on inspiring.

Burning in the umbilical region.

Burning sensation in umbilical region, which rapidly traversed it and spread toward the pit of the stomach, with anxious pulsation and shooting there; after a short time came a rigor over the whole body, whereupon the hot feeling and the painful sensation in the umbilical region disappeared (11/2 h).

Pinching sensation in umbilical region.

Clawing and scraping in umbilical region.

Pinching in umbilical region, as if from nausea, followed by slight diarrhoea.

Drawing bellyache on both sides of navel, also excited by bending forward.

Compression of the navel, followed immediately by intermitting pressure, like jerks, in the navel.

A painless feeling above and to the left of navel, as if something cold (a fold finger) were pressing from within outward.

Retraction of navel, especially in the morning before eating.

Flatulent colic in hypogastrium, as from a flatulent purgative.

Sensitiveness of lower abdomen to touch.

Abdomen sensitive.

Sensitiveness of abdomen to touch, as from slight peritoneal inflammation (6 d).

Exceedingly fine prickings, as from needless, in left hypogastric region.

Faint sinking feeling in lower abdomen (19 d).

Darting in the bowels, as from needles.

Cutting in intestines which extend through the chest toward the right shoulder, like sharp knife thrusts, and almost make him cry out, during stool.

In morning in bed intolerable (cutting) pains in abdomen so that he knows not what to do with himself, he tosses about the bed (16 h).

Burning in abdomen.

The child complains of the pain in abdomen.

Painful tension of the abdomen with borborygmus.

Great swelling of abdomen, which is painful to touch.

Drawing pains in bowels here and there.

The flanks more tense, painful and felt hard.

Pressing pain in parietes of abdomen, first right then left, and almost typically recurring for several days.

The abdomen swelled as if he had dropsy.

The abdomen seemed as if full of water.

Abdomen swelled, distended as from ascites, The recti abdominis stretched as hard as a board.

Colicky, distensive stretching, and pressive pains in abdomen as from flatulence.

Violent colic.

Slight gripings.

Gripes with swelling of the abdomen, relieved by expulsion of flatus (several).

Fine sharp pains in different parts of the abdomen, as from flatus.

Pains in abdomen, as from flatulence.

Very hot flatus. (9 h).

Painful rumbling in bowels, and discharge of flatus with relief (19 d).

Rumbling in bowels.

Rumbling after eating.

Rumbling and grumbling all night.

Rumbling and grumbling with sensation of rawness.

Grumbling fermentation in abdomen.

Rumbling and gurgling, relieved by expulsion of flatus.

With shooting and contractive pains here and there.

Gurgling, with itching in rectum, provoking scratching, and call to stool.

Loud gurgling in lower abdomen, as after a purgative with sensitiveness in sacral region.

Weakness of bowels, as from abuse of purgatives.

The intestines feel paralyzed and unable to expel their contents; this sensation is observed more in the region of the transverse colon than in the rectum, notwithstanding the stool when discharged is not unusually hard.

Abdomen symptoms are relieved after warm soup.

Rectum and Anus
Pain in rectum (1 h).

Burning and heat in hemorrhoids (4 d).

Frequent itching in rectum, with discharge of white, hot mucus, for sixteen day after leaving off the drug.

Itching and pressing in the hemorrhoidal vessels.

Bleeding hemorrhoidal.

(An itching in anus associated with hemorrhoidal pressure, disappeared; curative).

Violent, very painful contractions in the anus; stitches through anus and urethra.

Shooting and pressure in anus.

Sensation as of warm, fluid escaping from anus.

Transient paralysis of the anus, involuntary evacuation.

Involuntary stools.

Thinking to pass merely flatus, there occurs an unexpected evacuation of thin faces (4 h).

Urine and faces involuntary (in convulsive fit).

In his faint he had some evacuation of the bowels.

Watery diarrhoea.

Three thin watery stool of dissolved offensive faeces (19 a).; with slight bellyache (19 a.); with grumbling in abdomen, and faint sinking feeling (19 a).

Three thin fluid stools with some cutting in abdomen (2D d)., (19 b).

Diarrhoea of thin fluid.

Between 6 and 7 A.M. an urgent desire for stool and copious discharge of soft faeces with straining (19 d).


Painless diarrhoea preceded by pinching about the navel.

Looseness of bowels.

Tendency to looseness of bowels.

During diarrhoea copious flow of urine and moderate perspiration.

Pasty evacuation.

Soft scanty stool three or four times daily, accompanied by straining.

Nausea, with sweat, at times before, at times after, the diarrhoea.

Several very white stools during the day.

White color of stool.

White faeces and red urine.

Green stools.

Stool like chopped spinach.

Slimy, bloody stools, with violent pains and tenesmus (constant tearing pinching pains).

Black and very fetid stools (after an injection).

Constipation, clay-colored stools.

Hard evacuation a few hours earlier than usual, requiring a great effort.

Hard stool with effort.

Very hard faeces.

Hard stool this morning (2D d).

Constipated bowels,; for several days.

Urinary Organs
A slight sensation of splashing in the bladder while urinating.

Pain in the bladder while talking (4 h).

Burning in neck of bladder when not urinating.

Tenesmus of the neck of the bladder (4 h).

Temporary paralysis of neck of bladder, involuntary emission of urine. (Pressure on the bladder with retention of urine).

Single momentary stitches in the urethra while walking.

Burning in urethra when urinating.

Violent shoots in glans penis while urinating.

Shooting and pinching pains in the glans penis while urinating.

Stinging crawling in the glans, with subsequent violent stitches in the meatus urinarius.

Frequent urination, etc.

Frequent urination, the urine contains many flocks and strings of mucus (from a rheumatic patient).

Painful urging to urinate, she must urinate very often because the bladder speedily fills with a large amount of clear watery urine.

Frequent desire to urinate.

Desire to urinate on touching the abdomen.

Anxious desire to urinate.

Desire to urinate, the urine is uncommonly scanty, and discharged not without pain, with slight pinching in the umbilical region (from smell of the).

Urine passed with anxiety.

Urine passed with difficulty (dysuria), (12-18 h).

Fainting kind of feel on urinating.

Diuresis. (Diuresis, with profuse perspiration, and frequent watery diarrhoea with colic).

Diuresis, with distortion of the eyes, and spasmodic contraction of the feet.

Diuresis, and constant sweat.

Frequent and copious flow of urine.

Increased discharge of urine, which deposits blood on standing.

Frequent passage of clear watery urine.

Scanty discharge of urine.

Suppression of urine (several).

Suppression of urine, with pinching in the region of the kidneys.

Urine scanty and dark.

Though he drank much during the night he made no water (contrary to his usual habit); next morning he passed red urine with burning along the urethra.

Urine hot, dark-colored, etc.

Urine red, with white feces.

Urine dark-colored, etc.

Urine reddish and clear (19 c).

Urine brown, passed with burning sensations, with brick dust deposit.

Brownish colored urine, depositing a dirty brown sediment.

The urine passed in the morning hours is brown, after awhile it becomes turbid and deposit.

Brownish colored urine, depositing a dirty brown sediment.

The urine passed in the morning hours is brown, after a while it becomes turbid and deposits a sediment of smutty brownish color (19 b).

Urine thick, sedimentous, and reddish.

Urine much clouded.


Sexual Organs, Male
Itching in the prepuce, relieved by rubbing, but soon returning.

Several sharp momentary prickings in both glans and prepuce.

Voluptuous itching in the glans penis.

Several flying painful stitches in the glans, as though the poles of a galvanic battery had been applied to the part; the pains came on most unexpectedly.

Dull burning in the fossa navicularis.

Slight but disagreeable creeping in the genitals.

Retraction of the scrotum.

Violent itching of scrotum compels scratching till blood is drawn.

Skin of left side of scrotum studded with minute vesicles pouring out a humid discharge.

Simple pain in the testicles, like that caused by a bruise (2 h).

Bruised pain in the right testicle.

Bruised pain in right testicle, and momentary sticking pain in left side of prepuce.

Slight drawing pain in right testis.

Testes feel swollen and hard, as if they contained a large amount of seminal fluid.

Testicles swollen, hard, hot, and sensitive to touch.

Sexual desire increased.

Fits of lasciviousness.

In the evening excessive sexual desire (with the warmth and perspiration).

Greatly increased sexual desire, quickly alternating with relaxation.

Increase of sexual desire.

Frequent erections, with increased sexual desire.

Diminished sexual desire.

Frequent emissions (several).

Emissions only in the morning (by no means subject to it).

Two emissions in a single night.

Erections and emissions without dreams.

Emission during the night, and that after coition.



The menses, which had ceased the day before commencing the drug, reappear (1/4 h).

Reappearance of menses, which had been arrested by a cold bath.

Reappearance of menses, which had been suppressed by a cold but followed by a very offensive white discharge, lasting four days.

Sharp pains in the loins when the menses appear.

Rage when the menses appear.

Profuse, tenacious, yellow leucorrhoea.

Increased milk in the breasts.

Suppressed menstruation from fright.

Vagina dry, hot, sensitive.

Respiratory Apparatus
(* See also “Nose.” *)

Larynx sensitive to inspired air, as if its mucous membrane were divested of its coating.

Sensation as if the larynx were compresses on both sides.

Tickling in the larynx provoking cough.

Tickling in the larynx from smoking tobacco.

Pain in larynx on coughing.

On going from warm room into open air irritation of larynx on coughing.

On going from warm room into open air irritation of larynx and dry cough.

Sensitiveness of larynx to touch.

Dry sensation in the trachea.

Sensation of numbness in the trachea, under the sternum (8 h).

Rattling vibration of trachea.

Pressive and burning pains in trachea, extending down to pit of stomach (21st d).

Raw feeling in throat along course of trachea, Provoking frequent short cough.

Morbid condition (paralytic attack) of the epiglottis; food and drink easily pass into the windpipe on swallowing, threatening suffocation, swallowing saliva.

On breathing, a sensation as if the air-passage were too wide, so that the air streamed out with extraordinary facility.


Hoarseness in morning (8 h).

Hoarseness all day.

Voice hoarse and rough.

Hoarseness and partial loss of voice.

Very weak voice.

Loss of voice with prostration.

Short cough, etc.

Constant irritation to cough.

Short dry cough, etc.

Dry cough (several).

Dry forcible cough.

Dry short excited by scratching in throat.

Cough from irritation in larynx.

Short cough from tickling in larynx, after midnight every half hour, the more it is attempted to be repressed the more frequent and severe it becomes.

Hacking cough from a tickling in larynx, after midnight every half hour, the more it is attempted to be repressed the more frequent and severe it becomes.

Hacking cough from a tickling at the epiglottis (immediately).

Hoarse, dry, loud cough.

Short frequent, distressing, and uncontrollable cough, but without expectoration (1 d).

Frequent dry cough, with raw pain in chest, and smarting in larynx.

Violent cough, with painful shootings in different parts of chest, compelling him to lie always on the back, and preventing his lying on the side.

Cough, with shooting in chest.

Dry cough, with raw pain in chest, caused by change of temperature.

Cough very severe, with a peculiar dull tone, causing a great strain at the chest; almost dry.

Cough and pain in chest, increased toward evening, with oppression of the chest.

Violent dry cough, whereby a little fluid is brought into the mouth, of a sweetish salt taste, like blood, tasted only at the root of the tongue.

Frequent dry cough with occasional expectoration of bright red blood (3D d)., (19 b).

Morning cough, with blood-streaked expectoration.

Frequent dry cough, with severe pains from the shock through the chest; expectoration sometimes brownish-red, rust- colored.

Violent dry cough, with cramp like constriction of the anus.

Cough during sleep.

Severe cough from tobacco smoke (in one accustomed to smoke).

He (though accustomed to smoke) cannot smoke without constantly hemming and coughing, either because the epiglottis permits the entrance of smoke into the larynx, or because the epiglottis is more sensitive than usual (6 h).

Cough with viscid mucous expectoration.

Expectoration of blood (several).

Hemoptysis, etc.

Expectoration of thin, frothy, white mucus, mixed with streaks of bright red blood.

Expectoration of blood and mucus with raw sensation behind the sternum.

Slow, difficult respiration (very many).

Difficult respiration.

Impeded respiration.

Difficult respiration, with necessity to breathe deeply.

Difficult respiration, relieved by coughing.

Deep sighing (several).

Sighing on account of slow circulation, and distinct feeling of congestion of blood in the lungs.

Breathing much affected, must often sigh deeply.

Frequent deep breathing (several).

On breathing deeply, oppression, anxiety, and painful stitches between the shoulders.

Frequently inclined to breathe deeply without sighing, as if he would give to the blood an impulse through the lungs (follows the hurried mood.

Oppressed respiration, dry hacking, much thirst, and chilliness.

Oppressed respiration, with slight pressure under the sternum, and transient heat.

Oppressed respiration (several).

Fear of suffocation.

Inspiration often affected by a feeling of compression in the middle of the sternum and anterior part of the chest, or by pinching, especially in the right flank, or violent shoots deep in region of liver.

Inspiration through the nose impeded, especially in sleep.

Respiration short, imperfect, laborious.

Short breath in sleep, after midnight.

Breath short and scarcely perceptible.

Respiration quickened.

Respiration hurried.

Respiration rapid (25 to min).

Respiration superficial (19 c).

Dyspnoea, and hot feeling in the lungs.

Fear of suffocation with anxiety.

Anxiety impeding respiration, with warm sweat on the forehead.

Difficult respiration, anxiety, gasping for air (several).

Breath hot.

Breath fetid.

Respiration loud, noisy, with open mouth.

Respiration stertorous.

Mucous rales, audible at a distance.

Mucous rales posteriorly.

Tightness of chest.

Tightness of chest with strong loud respiration.

Sensation as if chest were contracted.

Constriction of the chest, to the right of the sternum, a kind of tightness.

Constriction of chest.

Construction of the chest in central anterior part, hindering deep breathing.

Contractive pain in chest, as if the ribs of both sides were drawn toward each other.

The cavity of the thorax seems narrowed.

Squeezing pain in chest.

Pressive squeezing pain in chest under the sternum.

Pressive tight pain in side of chest.

Constrictive sticking pain in sides of chest.

Anxiety in the chest, and oppression on the right side, afterward in the whole chest.

Oppression of chest, with raw pain under the sternum on inspiration.

Oppression of chest, etc.

Oppression and anxiety in chest.

Great oppression of chest, and feeling as if a hundred weight upon it.

Great oppression of chest, making him breathe deeply, with flying shoots in it.

Heaviness and oppression of chest relieved by wine.

Pressive pain in chest relieved bending the body backward, but renewed on resuming a straight position (12h).

Pressure, especially on the right side of chest.

Pressure on chest, first on right side then on left.

Pressive pain in left side of chest superiorly, the part is sensitive to touch.

Pressive pain in the region of the second left rib near the sternum, limited to a spot the size of the palm, increased on deep inspiration.

Pressure and burning under the sternum.

Feeling of weight on chest, as if the whole chest were compressed from all sides, Weight under the sternum preventing deep inspiration; painful pressure from the sternum, to the spine.

Weight on the chest, with a quick succession of fine but violent stitches in left side from without inward.

Heaviness on the chest.

Heaviness and fullness in the chest, as if he could not expand the thorax, which frequently makes him breathe deeply, with internal uneasiness, anxiety, and palpitation, forenoons on walking (19 a).

Heaviness on chest, difficult respiration, sometimes sighing, violent palpitation, with dry cough, and clear, bloody expectoration (19 h).

Oppression of chest, superficial, frequent respiration, and frequent deep breathing and sighing (19 c).

Heaviness and fullness in chest, anxiety and palpitation (19 c).

Shooting pressive pain on right side of the sternum.

Stitches in the chest on breathing.

Violent stitches through the chest.

Painful stitches in the right side of the chest, about the last rib, going through to the back (10 h).

Superficial stitches in the chest and cardiac region.

Stitches in lower part of the chest toward the false ribs.

Violent stitches in the chest with suspension of the respiration.

Stitches in chest, with cough (several).

Single large stitches in the side toward the back (24 h).

Stitches from the lowest rib in the right side to the apex of the shoulder-blade, through the center of the chest, accompanying every inspiration, with complaining humor.

On rising in morning, acute lancinating stitches in cardiac region, as if in the pleura costalis, that prevent him assuming an upright posture or breathing deeply, with an inclination to cough; after rubbing the skin, and making gradual efforts to breathe deeply, these symptoms went off, but that part of the thorax remained sensitive even to external pressure (20 doses 2D dil).

Stitches in left chest.

Periodical stitches through chest with dry cough.

On the 11th day violent stitches in the region of the eighth, ninth, and tenth ribs, but not affecting deep inspiration; the 12th and 13th days, these stitches still continued, and often extended to the loins.

Transient stitches in chest, now here now there (several).

Slight stitches in the left upper half of the chest, as of paralysis.

Sensitive stitches in the left upper half of the chest, as of paralysis.

Sensitive stitches in various parts of the thorax, aggravated by bending sideways.

On deep breathing stitches between the shoulder-blades and in the sides of the chest.

Violent stitch in left half of chest.

Transient stitches in pectoralis major and intercostals, left side.

Dull, oppressive stitches in the left side, near the axilla.

In the evening flying stitches here and there, in the ribs, the abdominal parietes, the joints; great swelling of the belly, which is painful to the touch.

Toward evening, shoots in the center of the sternum, with particularly good humor.

Flying shoots along the sternum and betwixt the ribs.

Pain in the chest, like a shooting, interrupting respiration.

Shooting in the side, followed by palpitation and pressive headache, with anxiety and ill humor.

Fine, burning, shooting pain in the chest.

Shooting in the lower half of the left side of the chest, going off on lying down.

Shooting, boring, burrowing pain in the left side, between the fourth and sixth ribs, lasting ten minutes.

Shooting in the right side of the chest with complaining, lachrymose humor.

Pinching, scraping pain in the right side of the chest, between the third and fourth ribs, not affected by anything; it goes away of itself.

Painful shocks in left chest superiorly, especially on taking a deep breath.

Pain in right side of chest (19 c).

Pain as from a bruise in the lowest rib, very much increased by the touch, whereby the patient is very uneasy, and complains.

Pain in the middle of sternum, as from a bruise, increased by touch.

Soreness on posterior surface of sternum, as if he had bruised himself, evening.

Chest painful externally on several places, particularly the right side.

Heat on and in the chest.

Heat in the lungs.

Burning in the lungs, not affecting respiration; it seemed as if a hot fluid would come into the mouth.

Feeling as if hot water were being poured fluid would come into the chest.

Chest warm.

Fatigued, exhausted feeling in the chest; slight speaking is an exertion.

Creeping pain in the chest.

Crawling in the chest, as from beetles.

Gnawing pain in the right clavicle.

A digging, boring pain from the right scapula to the front of the chest, increased by deep inspiration, but not by expiration, and so in no way relieved; lasting twelve minutes.

Heart and Pulse
Slight stitches in cardiac region.

Transient stitches in heart region (sometimes noticed in rest), especially on walking, forenoons (19 a).

Anxiety in cardiac region, and oppression of chest, with contracted pulse and constriction of the chest, when sitting after much motion.

Palpitation, with great anxiety, difficulty of breathing, and great weariness in all the limbs; sensation as of something rushing into the head, with confusion and flying heat in the face.

Palpitation and anxiety, with increased heat, especially of the face.

Palpitation of heart (several).

Palpitation on walking, with great anxiety, etc. (19 c).

Palpitation of the heart, with great anxiety and restlessness, and pressive pain in the cardiac region.

Sudden violent palpitation while sitting quietly, quiet, increased by walking.

Tendency to palpitation, with trembling.

The heart beats quickly while the pulse was slow, apparently intermitting with attacks of powerlessness.

Heart’s impulse weak.

Heart feebly fluttering.

The heart beats but once to every three pulsations against the chest.

The left ventricle was consonant with the pulsations against the chest.

The left ventricle was consonant with the pulse, but the right auricle seemed to be in a convulsive state, its movements were rapid, irregular, and not related to be in a convulsive state, its movement were rapid, irregular, and not related to the beats of the ventricle.

Pulse contracted, full, powerful, febrile, exceeding 100 beats to minute (in adults), (several).

Pulse strong, full, and quick, etc.

Auscultation revealed mucous rales posteriorly, but one beat of heart to three beats of pulse, still the pulsations of left vena cava were equal to the arterial pulse; rapid, irregular motion of right auricle, synchronous with the beats of the vena cava.

Pulse rose from 95 to 112 on going in from open air.

Toward evening the pulse became full and quick; he felt the beating of the temporal and carotid arteries, while sitting.

Pulse full, rapid, 80 to 90.

Pulse 96 during afternoon, fever.

Pulse 13-, feeble.

Beat of heart powerful; pulse full, hard, and strong, moderately frequent (19 c).

Pulse quick, irregular.

Pulse 67, small, and soft, after this it rose in an hour to 102, was full, and hard, then an agreeable warmth came over the body, followed by perspiration, the legs all the time continuing cool.

Pulse full, powerful, intermitting every sit beats of the heart and radial artery, with heaviness of chest, especially in the cardiac region.

Pulse intermitting and irregular; two or three beats followed rapidly in succession, and then came a pause of as long a duration.

Pulse febrile and intermitting.

Pulse intermitting, with general dullness.

Pulse soft, irregular.

Pulse, at first with beginning warmth, frequent, sinks below normal; becomes weak, and at times intermittent.

Pulse at first frequent, then retarded.

Pulse slower, full, and soft (19 c).

Pulse 54, unequal, soft, and full.

Pulse sinks, irregular, small, weak.

Pulse slow, irregular.

Pulse sinks, irregular, small, weak.

Pulse slow, irregular.

Pulse slow, intermittent.

Pulse seems as if the blood did not fill the artery full.

Pulse slow, feeble,; weak,; small,; small and weak,; almost imperceptible.

Pulse feeble, soft, and occasionally intermits (every fifteenth beat).

No pulse perceptible.

Pulse thready, with anxiety.

Neck and Back
Nape of neck stiff.

Pain as if the flesh were separated in the nape, with feeling as if the neck would not support the head, and the head would on that account fall forward; on moving the head, shootings in the nape.

Rheumatic pain in the nape, felt only on moving the neck (after 5-9 h).

Stiff feeling in the nape of the neck in the evening.

Stiff feeling in the nape, with chilly hands and feet.

Drawing pain to the left of the nape and in the scapula on moving the neck.

Single stitches in both sides of the nape.

Weariness in the neck on motion, as if involving single muscles, especially evenings and nights.

Drawings in muscles of throat and neck.

Fine shooting in the neck, externally.

Drawing pain into the neck, into the ear and shoulder.

Stiff and bruised feeling in the left side of the neck, to the left shoulder-joint and a portion of the dorsal muscles; worse on lying better on moving (5th d).

Pressive pain in the left side of the cervical vertebrae.

Pressive pain in the neck, as of a pressure with the point of a finger inwards toward the trachea.

Stretching in the cervical muscles on turning the head.

Pain extends from neck towards right shoulders.

Bruised pain between the shoulders.

Stitches between the scapulae (several).

Drawing, tearing pain in scapulae.

Slight drawing in right scapula.

Crawling pain in back, as if from beetles.

Dull rheumatic pains in muscles of back and shoulders, in the places where the chilly or numb sensations had been most marked.

Creeping as of insects over back, arms, and things.

Stiffness of the back.

Shootings in the back.

Coldness along the vertebral column.

Feeling of heartburn all down the back.

Violent shooting, digging pain in the whole of the left side of the spine to the small of the back, so much increased by inspiration as to bring tears into the eyes; this lasted four hours.

Violent drawing pain on both sides of the spine, along the mm., sacrolumbalis and longissimus dorsi, increased by pressure, and rendering every movement difficult; this went off after four hour, but passed into the antagonist muscles, the recti abdominis, which were stretched as a board.

Burning, gnawing pains near the right side of the spine.

Pain in the loins, like labor-pains, while walking.

Pain in loins.

Pressive pain in the small of the back.

Momentary sticking and drawing in small of back.

Violent tearing pain in small of back, aggravated by pressure.

Painful boring on the left side of the small of the back.

Pressive pain on the left side of small of the back.

Painful stiffness in the small of the back and hip-joint, as if paralytic, on movement (after 2 h).

Numb sensation in the small of the back into the legs (several).

Paralytic pressure in the small of the back, relieved by movement and bending forward (3D and 5th d).

Shooting and creeping in the small of the back.

Sensitiveness of the renal region.

Shooting in the kidneys.

Transient, but painful aching in region of left kidney.

Slight uneasiness in region of right kidney.

Tension and drawing in the lumbar vertebrae, or as if bruised, with gripes, as if from flatulence.

Tensive, pressive pain in the lumber and sacral regions, noticed on stepping.

Pain as if bruised, in the last lumbar vertebrae, at its junction with the sacrum; the back feels as if beaten.

Pain as if from a bruise, from the loins through the back into the nape of the neck (after 4 h).

Cutting pain, extending from the spine over the left hip, round to the abdomen, in a circle.

Extremities in general
Trembling and tingling in the limbs, accompanied by shooting pains (1/4 h).

Convulsive trembling of the limbs.

Twitching of fingers and toes.

Convulsive contractions of limbs.

Involuntary stretching of limbs.

Distortion of extremities.

He was unable to keep himself upright, and was attacked by convulsions, the upper and lower extremities were drawn inward, the first clenched and the thumbs doubled into the palms so that he could not open the hand.

Weariness of arms and legs.

Weariness and exhaustion of all the limbs, with stretching and straining.

Weariness of the limbs, especially the legs, with constant sleepiness and ill-humor.

Heaviness and stiffness of limbs in open air.

Painful heaviness of limbs (19 c).

Stiffness and difficulty of moving limbs.

Difficulty of moving limbs.

An arm and a leg feel paralyzed.

A paralyzed feeling in left arm and thigh; the power of moving was gone in both, only slightly remaining in the hand.

When the left side lost this it came into the right side in the same way; when he could raise the right arm he could not the left, and vice versa; as length could raise them both.

Feeling as if the limb had gone to sleep.

It seemed as though the circulation stopped in all his limbs; no circulation at all was felt by him from the wrists to the finger ends, and from the ankles to the tips of the toes.

Weakness and unsteadiness in the ligaments of all the joints (46 h).

Feeling as though the ligaments of the joints were relaxed.

Great weakness of the joints, especially the knee and joints of the foot, with jerking in the tendons so that he can scarcely walk.

Numbness in the tips of the fingers and toes.

Coldness of extremities.

Bruised feeling in the limbs.

Pain as from a contusion in shoulder and hip-joints, after sleeping, as if the bed had been too hard.

Drawing now in the knee and calf, now in elbow.

Drawings here and there in the joints.

Drawing, tearing pains in limbs.

Transient pains, like bone pains, in the metacarpal and long bones of upper and lower extremities.

Stretching pains in the limbs.

Pain in the elbows, knees, and hips; pressure after walking pains in left middle finger and right heel.

Shuddering of the extremities.

Crawling in upper and lower limbs.

Pain in the joints.

All the joints are painful (7 h).

Painless cracking of all the joints especially the knees.

Upper Extremities
Pain in left shoulder-joint.

Slight pain in shoulder-joints.

Pain in left shoulder.

Tearing pain from the shoulder down the arm to the wrist and fingers, on every motion; during the pain the hand is blue (after 1, 14 h).

Tumor in the muscles of the shoulder, extremely painful to the touch, as if bruised (after 4 h).

The shoulder is painful, and feels as if it would sink down.

Some transient stitches in the left shoulder.

Numbness in the shoulders.

Drawing, tearing pain in shoulder-joint.

Pressure in right shoulder and upper arm.

Pressive pain in left shoulder, and posterior-exterior side of left upper arm.

Violent drawing and tearing, with paralytic sensation in head of left humerus.

Tingling down the arms.

The arms feel bruised and sink down powerlessly.

Weariness of arms.

Coldness and insensibility of the arms.

No feeling in arms.

Pinching, as if with blunt forceps, on some spots of the left arm, often returning.

Throws the arms about.

Single shootings in middle of right upper arm, anteriorly, while at rest, not changed by motion or pressure.

Sudden drawing and shooting pain in right upper arm posteriorly.

Drawing and paralytic stiffness in right upper arm.

Weariness of left upper arm.

Tickling itching on inside of left upper arm.

Drawing pain in the elbow-joints.

Drawing-tearing pain in the elbow-joints.

Several rheumatic-like pains in left elbow-joint.

Dull, rheumatic pains about right elbow-joint.

Violent shooting in the elbow-joints down to the wrists, on the outside of the arm, on flexing the fingers to the wrist- joint.

Sensation of weight in the arms, from the elbow to the fingers; they feel as if they would fall, with sensation in fingers as if they were asleep, on grasping anything.

Drawing-tearing pain in the forearm.

Pain in the forearm, as if from a violent blow.

Drawing, shooting pain in the bones of the forearm, excitable by movement.

Crawling in right forearm.

Paralytic feeling in right forearm and hand (on writing), relieved by violent motion, but returning while writing, or at rest, but less severely.

Drawing-tearing pain on the outside of right forearm.

Cramp like pain in the whole of the left forearm, not relieved by anything.

Undulating, tearing pain in the upper end of the left forearm.

Acute pain in right forearm, along the flexor tendons of the little finger, increased by movement.

Numb, tingling sensations in arms and hands, as though the poles of a galvanic battery were being held.

Numbness in arms, and hands.

Much formication in arms and hands.

Immediately (from a portion of the juice getting into a wound in the thumb), horrible pain throughout the arm, and especially at the wounded spot.

The arm became bright-red, much swollen; the pain so intolerable that he nearly fainted.

A numbing-like paralysis of the left arm (and thigh), so that he can scarcely move the hand.

Prickling and tingling down the arms and fingers, and a painful numbness across the wrists (in five minutes).

Pain in the arm and the fingers.

Jerking, drawing pain in the lower and internal surface of the left forearm, over the wrist to the palm of the hand.

Shooting in the wrist-joint, as if from needless (several).

Drawing, paralytic pain in the right wrist-joint.

Tearing pain in the wrist.

Trembling motion in the wrist on moving the hand.

Drawing and tearing pains in wrist and fingers.

Icy coldness of the hands (several).

Trembling of hands.

One hand becomes ice-cold, and insensible as if benumbed (after 2 h).

Cramp like pain, with fine shootings, in the right hand, relieved by moving it.

Swelling of the hands, with frequent cough, and ordinary appetite.

Hands cold and pulseless.

Clenched hands.

Same sprained feel in joints of right hand.

Stinging, itching little red pimples on the back of both hands, like fleabites.

Transient stitches in dorsum of left hand.

Increased warmth of palms, evenings.

Cold sweat in the palms.

Palms of hands quite insensible.

A few pulsating stitches in the hollow of the right hand, as if from a sharp needle.

Morbid, contractive pain in the hollow of left hand, so that the fingers can scarcely be extended.

Transient, lame pains in both metacarpi.

Creeping pain in the fingers.

Creeping in the fingers, felt also while writing.

Hot prickling in the tips of the fingers, night.

Nails blue.

Crawling and sensation of warmth in middle and index fingers of left hand.

Cutting, pressive pain on the side of the right forefinger, next the middle finger, during motion and when at rest.

Strange, intermittent, lame, growing-like forefinger, lasting for about ten minutes, and causing great awkwardness in bending it.

Drawing lame pains in right forefinger.

Paralytic pain in the thumbs.

Pain as of dislocation in the right thumb-joint on moving it.

Jerking pains in the right thumb.

Painful drawing in the left thumb.

Drawing pains, several times, in right thumb.

Lower Extremities
Drawing pain in the border of the left hip-bone.

Drawing pain in left hip-joint on moving it.

Painful pressure in hip-joint while walking.

Powerlessness in the head of the femur, or inability to walk, owing to an indescribable, intolerable pain, almost like a crushing of the head of the femur, which sometimes declines and sometimes increases, and occurs after lying down and after sleep (after 5 h).

Powerlessness and pain in the head of the femur, producing unsteady gait.

Drawing pain in the head of the femur, while standing and sitting, but still more while walking.

Tired feeling in the lower limbs during repose.

Sensation of heaviness in the limbs, as if they were asleep (several).

Bruised pain in the limbs, especially in the knees.

Stiffness and heaviness of the limbs, when walking preventing him from walking quickly.

His limbs trembled as he walked.

Trembling of limbs.

The lower extremities were in perpetual movement, even when he sat down.

He loses the sensation of standing firm.

Legs fail her on attempting to go up stairs.

The legs bend under her.

The child staggers to his feet; his face brightens up; but soon standing becomes impossible.

Step uncertain.

Drawing pain especially in the joints of the limbs.

Drawing in the tendinous expansions of the lower of limbs.

Small vesicles on left lower extremities, very painful.

“No use in legs.”

No feeling in legs.

Drawing pain in left lower extremity, here and there.

Weariness of limb.

An almost paralytic powerlessness of legs and thighs, after sitting.

Tight pressure in the thighs, as if from a tightly drawn bandage, with great fatigue while walking.

Drawing pain, first in one thigh, then in the other, then in both together, only while walking.

Drawing pain, first in one thigh, then in the other, then in both together, only while moving.

Numbness in the thighs and feet (several).

Strange sensation down forepart of both thighs, as if drops of cold water trickled over them; it lasted for fully five minutes.

Drawing-tearing pain in thigh.

Fine shootings, as if from needless, in the muscular substance of the thigh.

Cold feeling running down from the middle of the thigh, especially on the knee and leg.

Bruised pain of thigh and coldness of soles.

Drawing along the thigh, and discomfort in the knees.

Unsteadiness of the knees; they bend while standing or walking.

Unsteadiness of the knees, especially of one; it bends under the body, while walking (immediately, and after 1 h).

Slight pain in right knee.

Deep, slow, shooting over the right knee.

Jerking-tearing in the inside of the knee.

Shootings in the left knee.

Icy coldness of the knee alternating with flying shootings.

Drawing, tearing pain in knee-joint.

Knife-like pains in the knee-joint.

Tension in knee-cap, hindering walking.

Pain in patella, as from a blow.

Pain in patella on walking.

On walking in open air, an acute pressing pain by fits in the left patella, right Tendo Achilles, and dorsum of left foot.

Pressing gnawing pain in patella.

Pressive pain in patella and in Tendo Achilles.

Painful drawing in leg, from the knee to the heel, and back again.

Cramps and pains in the legs.

Marked feeling, as if a heavy weight, about the size of the palm, were laid on the outside of both legs, about eight inches above ankle.

The legs got very cold in an hour; worse in a warm room and when walking.

Stitching and drawing in tibiae.

Violent shooting from the heel to the popliteal space (from olfaction).

Paralytic drawing in right leg and Tendo Achilles to heel.

Drawing in Tendo Achilles.

Tendo Achillis feels shortened and bent.

Cold creeping on inside of leg.

Itching on inside of leg.

Weakness in lower legs, morning.

The lower part of the legs and feet and as of numb and asleep.

Legs and feet feel numb.

Heaviness and tension in the calves.

Pain in calves as from cramp.

Cramp in the calves.

Pain in the ankles, with despairing thoughts, and contemplation of death.

Sensation in the ankles, as if they were tightly tied with a ligature, in the morning.

Horrible pain in the ankle, relieved by compression (after 7 h).

Tearing pain in left outer ankle, going upward (after 14 h).

Sharp, transient, rheumatic-like pain in anterior part of left ankle-joint (3D d).

Coldness of the feet to the ankles, with sweat of the toes and soles.

Coldness of the feet, particularly of the toes.

Feet covered with cold sweat.

Heaviness of the feet (immediately).

The feet feel as heavy as lead (several).

Weariness of feet on ascending steps.

Paralytic drawing in the feet (several).

Pressure on right instep.

Transient stitches on dorsum of left foot.

Pain in right heel, principally when treading (several).

Hot pricking in toes, night.

Sleeping of the toes of the right foot while walking (several).

Repeated sharp, painful shootings in right fourth toe.

While sitting at tea, most unexpectedly, three very sharp and painful stitches in third and fourth toes of right foot.

Shortly after getting to bed, several momentary lancinating pains in right big toe, on the inside of ball in particular; also in third and fourth right toes.

Sensation of numbness and tingling commenced in feet and spread rapidly upward.


Clonic spasms.

Spasms of the eyes; clenched jaws; the body became rigid and bends backward; the limbs are distorted with spasms, and he dies.

Convulsive attacks; the upper and lower limbs drawn inward; the legs in constant motion; face covered with cold sweat; the eyes turned up; the joints crack during the spasms.

Violent convulsive fit; the eyes drawn up under the lids; the fists clenched across the throat; the teeth grate violently against one another, and a thick ropy saliva was forced through the lips. In the evening sudden crying out, gnashing of teeth; then, from long-continued hiccup, stiff immobility like a statue (catalepsy).

Twitching of tendons.

The symptoms at last become chiefly confined to the tendinous or muscular structures, such as shortened feeling of the tendons of the ham and of the Tendo Achilles.

Twitching of various groups of muscles, especially of the forearm, as if he held the conductors of an electromagnetic apparatus in his hand, only the pains come and go slower.

Excessive restlessness and tossing about for several hours.

She gave an occasional sigh, tossed her arms backward above her head and sought to shift her position by jerks.

Extreme sense of nervousness.

Extreme nervousness and agitation.

Fearful and uncertain in his actions.

Sensitiveness to fresh air.

Remarkable degree of sensitiveness to the least draft of cold air.

Feeling as if he would take cold.

All the symptoms of having caught cold.

Sensation as if all the blood vessels were congealed.

Very shaky and nervous.

Trembling and tendency to palpitation.

Great trembling.

Increased tremulousness and vertigo.

General muscular tremors.

Paralytic and bruised pains in arms and legs, with violent trembling all over the body, especially in the extremities, which prevents walking; with very pale face, dilated pupils, faintness, palpitation, cold sweat on the back, and dizzy headache in the temples, soon followed by burning head of the face, with a sensation of tension and redness of the face, and sleepiness after dinner (46 h).

He complained of lassitude of the whole body, great weakness, and pressure at the heart.

General sore, tired feeling in the body.

On awaking in the morning such great exhaustion he was unwilling to get up; it went off, however, on rising.

Frequent attacks, almost every other hour, of extreme weakness and insensibility, so that he can stir neither hand nor foot, and cannot sit up in bed; he does not feel his former pains, cannot see nor hear, nor even speak aloud; the legs are stretched out (after a few h).

Grew very weak and almost blind in half an hour, though still conscious.

Prostrated, weak, and sleepy.

Great muscular weakness, weariness, prostration, almost total inability to stand.

Great loss of strength.

Progressive failure of strength.

Great weariness, as if after walking far.

Feeling very weary, languid, and unable to rise from the couch; obliged to discontinue all work; the system feels prostrated, with sense of inward fever.

Great laziness (19 d).

Unusual fatigue.

Walking and talking tire him; he feels very much affected.

Easily tired when walking, and especially going up stairs.

He loses his ability to stand, must sit down.

She hates movement, prefers sitting.

She must lie down in bed she feels so sick; head so confused, dizzy, and painful, and the limbs so heavy (19 a).

Complains of his head being heavy, his strength and spirit exhausted, so that he had to lie down.

Urgent desire to lie down.

She must lie down (2-5 h).


Faintness on attempting to sit up.

Attacks of fainting follow constructive sensation of the chest, and icy coldness.

Went quite suddenly and unconsciously into a swoon in the evening while standing up urinating; all thee blood seemed to rush to his head, and he feel heavily to the ground (first time in his life).

Fainting fit directly after urinating; everything whirled around him; for the time he completely lost all consciousness; hands bedewed with cold sweat, and for some time after he remained quite prostrated.

Impaired sensibility of the surface.

Touch diminished, so that he cannot distinguish small objects by the feeling.

Formication and crawling, now in one place, now in another, with an uncomfortable shuddering sensation, especially on the upper arm and lower leg.

The paralytic condition soon quit the left side and passed over to the right.

Numbness and tingling over the body.

Muscles sore and stiff.

Sensation as if the whole body, from the shoulders downward, was heavy as lead, while a heavy pressure, from all sides and from above downwards, seemed to render the whole body smaller in size and stature, the head and neck seeming to retain their natural proportions.

Sensation of swelling of many parts of the body, generally accompanied by shuddering cold or rigor (several).

Sense of swelling of almost the whole body, especially of the left side, which after awhile becomes a numb sensation, with bruised feeling of the muscles, and weariness in the bones.

Feeling of swelling all over, especially in left side, with bruised pain in ribs and arms, and crampy feeling about the heart; the swollen feeling changes to a numb feeling.

General anxious sensation, as though the blood would overflow the vessels, with constant chilliness, especially with cold face, even in a warm room; worse in the open air and on motion.

Anxious tremblings, like a boiling and seething through the whole body, as if the hands and feet would go to sleep; something as if one is just on the point of becoming intoxicated, always accompanied by a predominating unpleasant sensation of coldness.

Swelling of the part (on which the juice had been laid), and acute inflammation, going on to profuse suppuration.

General feeling of illness.

Sensation as if she had just recovered from a severe illness or risen from a sick-bed (6 h).

Feeling all day as of impending fever, with nausea, went of appetite, and aching gnawing pains throughout the whole body, extremities particularly.

General sick feeling, nausea, and qualmishness, with painful heaviness in the limbs.

Drawing pains wander over the whole body in rapid succession, nowhere lasting longer than one minute.

Painful drawings, now here, now there, most frequently in various parts of the thorax, and in the upper and forearms.

Drawing, tearing pains, wandering without order from one place to another, but mostly alternating with heart symptoms.

After the delirium pains in stomach, head, jaws, and here and there in his joints, which in seven hours becomes more general.

Rheumatic pains, chiefly in the knee.

Frequent flying pains all over the body.

Transient pains in different parts of the body.

Bruised pains in different parts (several).

Neuralgic pains.

Very fine stinging, or stinging burning pains in many parts, as if seated in the skin, sometimes combined with a sense of heaviness, numbness, or swelling.

In the evening flying stitches here and there, in the ribs, walls of abdomen, and joints.

Stitches in the forehead, back, sides of chest, back of hands, and other parts, as if he stood on the isolated plate of an electrical machine, and one took sparks from him.

Constriction of body.

Gradually all part of the body becomes black, the whole body swells up, the eyes protrude, the tongue hangs out of the mouth.

A peculiar feeling over the whole body, to be compared with that experienced in a vapor bath, when the steam falls rapidly on the skin, and drops are felt on it.

Unusually comfortable feeling in whole body.

(Painfulness of whole body with increasing weakness).

The whole body sensitive to touch; the child will not allow itself to be moved; it whines.

Burning through all the mucous membranes.

Most of the symptoms are accompanied by shivering and anxiety (several).


Skin becomes yellowish.

The skin appears peculiarly elastic and smooth.


Skin dry and unperspiring.

Vesicular eruption on both temples.

Spots like fleabites on hands, face, &c..

Red pimples on flexor side of the thumb, index and middle fingers, painful to pressure (con. 5 d).

Skin seems dotted with red spots.

(Isolated vesicles, here and there, fill with yellow lymph and dry up).

Red pimples, filled with acrid fluid, all over body (from patient with sciatica).

Broad, red, itching pimples all over body (from patient with rheumatism).

Chiefly on face, forehead, nape, and various parts of the body, isolated vesicles, the size of a pin’s head, containing a serous fluid, and attended with itching; successive eruptions appeared for a fortnight, which dried up and fell off gradually.

Itching all over the body, especially on the pudenda (from a patient with sciatica).

Itching in several muscular parts, especially the forearms.

Constant itching and smarting on various parts of the skin.

Great heat all over the body, and burning-itching, especially on the inside of the thighs and about the knees.

Creeping, itching, and desquamation of the skin, especially on the affected parts.

Sensation in the skin as if the epidermis were separated from the cutis by an intervening layer-a kind of wandering, creeping, and running all over the body, with uncomfortable shuddering feeling.

Formication and biting, especially on the hairy parts of the body, with the exception of the head, as if from fleas, making him scratch.

Fine pricking, as if from needles, here and there on the body.

The tingling sensation spread gradually over the whole body, until it took in all the limbs.

Pricking, pressure, pressing-gnawing, now here, now there, in the skin, as from a strong electromagnet.

Skin warm (19 c).

Cold clammy skin.

Skin becomes cold and dry.

Single long-continued dartings, here and there, mixed with a raw sensation, and at last ending with pain as of a wound.

Sleep and Dreams
Interrupted yawning; she cannot yawn enough,-Yawns often, without being sleepy.

Yawning and stretching, (19 c).

Frequent yawning; (shivering and) Frequent yawning on rising in the morning.

Yawning, with ringing in ears.

Yawning, with sleepiness.

Intense yawning, without sleepiness.

Great sleepiness; spasmodic yawning (19 d).

Sleepiness and laziness; uncommon sleepiness, even while walking.

Irresistible sleepiness by day.

Sleepiness; sleep (after 2 h).

Quiet sleep, for four of five hours.

Sleepiness toward noon.

Great sleepiness in the afternoon; the eyes close involuntarily; he wakes, however, readily, at the least noise, but always falls asleep again.

Uncommon sleepiness after a meal.

Falling asleep while standing.

Inability to keep awake.

Tendency to stupor.

He cannot be awake, his hands are cold and he is senseless.

Light sleep (1 to 5 h).

Sleep very light, superficial, so that in the morning he imagines he has not sleep at all; without being weak.

Frequent waking, with excessive wakefulness.

Disinclination to go to bed; he could not sleep when he went to bed, owing to excessive wakefulness.

Sleeplessness on account of severe pressive pain in vertex.

Could not sleep for some time after the decline of the symptoms, owing to inability to keep the eyes closed.

Sleepless night.

He sleeps sitting, with head bent forward.

In the morning, he lies asleep on his back, the left hand laid under the back of the head.

He felt as if he were sleeping in the air, and had nothing under him.

On lying down at night, shuddering.

Frightful convulsive jerking on falling asleep.

Frequent starting out off sleep, He starts up in a fright, moves much and talks in his sleep.

She starts up in her sleep, and says someone is holding her.

Violent twitching of the extremities on falling asleep, so that he was waked up by it.

Very restless nights (several).

Restless nights.

Restless nights, must walk about.

Went to bed very restless and excited, and slept with difficulty; not refreshed on rising next morning.

Very wakeful and restless.

Nights always restless; and, in rising next morning, feels as if he had been drunk over night.

Restless tossing in bed.

Nights very restless; she leaves the bed frequently, without being in a condition to lie down again without help.

Nights restless; alternating cold and heat, partial sweat.

Nights, much thirst, restlessness, chill and heat.

He cannot lie on the right side nor on the back; he turns in bed from one side to another with pain.

Sleep at night often disturbed by cough.

He wakes often at night on account of dryness in the mouth and throat, wherefore he must drink often.

On falling asleep, great itching of the limbs, so that he is wake up by it.

Slow breathing when asleep.

(Inspiration with a double jerk, like the bleating of a goat, while asleep).

After lying down at night, and while sitting during the day, he is in a state of waking dreaminess, and imagines erroneously that he is far from home.

In a kind of half-sleep, tormented by the most extravagant dreams, till morning.

Nightly phantasies in a half-waking state.

Restless nights, with vivid dreams, about the events of the day.

Passed a restless night, body very hot, tossed about much, and had excessively vivid dreams.

Restless and disturbed sleep; strange dreams.

Restless night, disturbed by fearful dreams.

Stupid sleep, from which she arouses herself with difficulty, after awaking several times, with confused dreams; morning on waking, the head is confused.

Sleep full of dreams of a confused and vivid character.

Long, confused dreams.

Dreams in which he spoke much.

He has a very vivid dream towards morning, and obtains an accurate explanation of a circumstance that was a riddle to him while awake (after 20 h).

Very vivid dreams all night (several).

Vivid, remembered dreams of the day’s occurrences (several).

He dreams half the night of a single subject, which also occupies his attention for many hours after he awoke, so that this subject alone is in his mind (like the fixed idea of a monomaniac), which is very troublesome and disagreeable to him.

Dreams of subjects that, for eight years, had been foreign to his thoughts.

At night, anxious dreams, and several times waking with a start.

Anxious dreams at night.

Long dreams, with anxiety in the chest, taking away the breath and causing him to awake (nightmare).

Anxious, heavy dreams, with oppression of the chest.

Frightful dreams.


Cold over the whole body.

She is cold, and shivers.

Cold and rigors.

Anxious chilliness (after 3 h).

Chilliness on the slightest movement (after 10 h).

Chilliness from being uncovered.

Body and extremities cold.

General coldness rapidly increasing, especially on the extremities, with blueness of the nails of the fingers and toes.

Coldness in a warm room.

Chilliness evenings, especially in hands and feet.

Extreme chilliness nearly all day.

Had rigors, and felt icy cold.

Felt icy cold, and nearly fainted; during the day frequent recurrence of the rigor, with violent pain in right temple.

Violent shaking chill.

He lay quiet, but freezing and shivering, and wished to be covered up with many clothes.

Slight degrees of chilliness.

Continual diminution of temperature.

Constant shivering.

Constant shuddering.

Shivering for several hours, as if between the skin and flesh, especially over the back and abdomen; felt even when perspiring from rapid walking.

Shivering and frequent yawning on rising in the morning.

Shuddering from the middle of the spine to the lumbar muscles of both sides, as if from taking cold.

Chilliness over the back, as before the outbreak of catarrhal fever.

Constant coldness through the arms and legs, and shivering even in the face.

Chilliness and formication between the shoulders and down the back, with cold tips of fingers and toes, blue nails, even in a warm room (several).

Shivers run through her, from below upward to the chest.

Shivering in the evening, especially in the hands and feet.

Attack of faintness, with shivering.

Shuddering on lying down at night.

Shuddering, with paleness and sunken features.

Coldness in the hands and feet, shuddering over the back, while the head and body are warm.

Rigor over back and arms.

Arms and hands cold and pulseless, legs and trunk much the same.

First coldness, rigor, and paleness of the finger-ends, then of the fingers; thereafter cramped sensation in the soles of the feet and calves, and finally coldness in the forehead (after 1/4 h).

Coldness under the skin; slight, frequently repeated rigor, not followed by heat.

Rigor commencing in limbs, then going to whole body, with goose flesh; it seems to be between skin and muscle; disappears on motion; worst when the rest.

The rigor continued to increase in the afternoon, and he became icy cold, no coverings suffice to warm him.

In the afternoon rigor all over the body, in a hot room.

Rigor down the back, especially in the evening.

Rigor along the spine, with goose-skin creeping along the galea aponeurotic; hands and face blue; he seeks the heat of the stove.

Felt better after breakfast, but soon afterward, when in open air, had severe attack of rigor over the back and chest, followed by great heat (with frontal headache), which the least movement brought back.

On the 9th day and attack of rigor after mid night, which seemed to arise from the precordia and extend to the limbs; attacks of this awoke him frequently during the night, and were followed by burning dry heat with febrile pulse; in morning moderate perspiration.

Violent continued rigor; short-lasting heat, and copious sweat, with heaviness of head, with waving and swaying of the head.

Violent rigors; icy coldness, with very gratifying yawning and stretching the limbs; after some hours moderate warmth and sweat; during chill and heat many concomitant symptoms.

Chilly sensation after eating; weakness; sleepiness; at night increased heat, tossing about, and sleep interrupted by lively memorable dreams.

Fever; chilly feeling, even coldness over whole body, especially in the red, hot cheeks; pulse gradually rises from 71 to 102, is full and hard, with pleasant warmth and anxiety, and sensation of heat around to head; lastly, general sweat.

Dry heat and exhaustion; violent rigor in the evening with headache, lasting till midnight.

Flushing of the face, and cold hands and feet, especially in the evening (19 a).

At night thirst, restlessness, rigors, and heat till morning.

Fever; coldness of whole body, with hot forehead, hot ears, and inward dry heat.

Fever coldness and stiffness of the whole body, redness and heat of one, coldness and paleness of the other cheek, with open, fixed eyes, and contracted pupils, which only dilate slightly and slowly in the dark.

Toward evening rigor and coldness of the hands and feet; then nausea felt about the middle of the sternum, which continues even when partaking of food; after eating the nausea goes off, and is followed by heat of the face, accompanied by sad and despairing thoughts.

Cold shuddering, from the crown of the head down the back to the sacrum, followed by an agreeable sensation of warmth in the skin.

Heat of skin, then coldness.

Alternation of coldness and heat.

Alternation of heat and chill all night.

Alternating attacks (after 3, 4, 6 h).

Either along with redness of the cheeks, childish merriment, with sensation of heat all over the body, and headache on moving the eyes upwards and sideways.

Or along with redness of the cheeks and heat of the head; shuddering all over the body, with proper taste in the mouth.

Or along with redness of the cheeks, rigor, with weeping and pressive headache.

Or along with redness of the cheeks, an obstinate disposition, burning in the region of the navel, and pressive headache.

After the siesta, which usually makes him warm, feeling of rigor throughout the body, and cold of the upper arm; the cold feeling persisted even while walking, and in the evening gave way to a short, disagreeable feeling of warmth, like a catarrhal fever.

Toward evening burning heat in the head and face, with redness of the cheeks and out pressing headache; at the same time rigor over the whole body and thirst (after 14 h).

Heat in the head; forehead hot to the touch, with rigor over the body on the slightest movement.

The 14th day, at night, a rigor, followed by excessively copious perspiration, sleeplessness.

Internal rigor from back over the legs, with cold sweat; the face feels icy cold in a sunny day and warm room; this lasted four hours, till evening, when heat and rapid pulse and symptoms of coryza came on, with general laziness and heaviness of the limbs. 15th day; another rigor at night, followed by dry, hot skin, and perspiration.

Face hot; hands and feet cold (19 c).

Flushed face.

Extreme redness of the cheeks, with a discontented, complaining, lachrymose disposition (after 3 h).

Head and face suddenly very warm.

Toward evening dry heat in the face with anxiety.

In the evening heat of the palms and cheeks.

Sensation of heat, first in the hands, then all over the body, even in the chest, without perceptible external heat (after 4 h).

Sometimes heat creeps over the back.

(Heat, and throwing off the clothes).

Flying heat.

Flushed of heat evening.

Dry heat all over the body.

Skin burning hot. General heat and thirst.

Great internal heat with thirst.

During the heat moderate desire for beer.

(She drinks little during the heat, yet has dry lips).

(During the heat the cough is troublesome).

(Great heat, from ten in the evening till after midnight, with dyspnoea; she would like to cough but cannot, and speaking is difficult; at the same time there is the greatest restlessness, and complaints about pain in the bowels, feet abdomen, and back; she stamped with her feet, and would not allow herself to be touched).

Increased warmth all day, with exhausted feeling and loss of appetite; the heat increased toward evening, with internal heat and swollen veins.

Evenings prostration; increased warmth of skin; flying stitches along the sternum and between the ribs.

On going to bed the heat of the body increased, especially of thee extremities; perspiration appeared on the inside of the thighs and of the scrotum, and accompanied by great itching; he scratches till the blood comes.

After getting to bed all the feverish symptoms become much aggravated, and almost intolerable.

Increase of febrile symptoms toward evening.


Attack of fever at 3 p. m.

Throughout the whole afternoon a sense of feverishness hung about him, attended by great powerlessness and prostration of entire body, the extremities particularly.

The feverishness continues without interruption all though the night, but abated a good deal this morning.

Sense of inward fever attended by chilliness; desire to sit over the fire, and a disposition to nausea; feverishness abated on going out into the open air, and walking about.

Sense of inward fever, with the feeling of prostration.

Dry heat and tightness of the skin over the whole body.

Warmth extends over the whole body, especially stomach and abdomen, accompanied by sweat.

Whole body warm and sweating.

Slight warmth and moderate sweat.

Pleasant warmth of the whole body, especially in back, with moderate sweat.

Perspiration, with febrile rigors (after 3 h).

Febrile perspiration.

Sour-smelling sweat all over the body.

Profuse sweat.

Cold sweats (several).

Surface cold, and covered with clammy sweat.

Moderate perspiration all over the body.

Skin inclined to transpiration (several).

General warm, steaming sweat (several).

Exhalation and sweat all over the body.

General sweat, especially on the forehead and precordia.

Sweat toward noon.

Sweat after midnight.

Nocturnal transpiration (several).

Violent sweat without exhaustion.

Though his speech was bold and his look animated cold sweat stood on his brow, and his pulse could scarcely be felt.

In the morning excessive sweat (after nightly delirium).

Profuse sweat, with copious flow of urine.

Profuse sweat, with the diarrhoea and increased flow of urine.

Copious sweat followed the convulsions.

Conditions Aggravation
(Morning), Confusion, etc.; muddled and empty sensation in head; head heavy and dizzy, etc.; blowing of much bright-red blood from nose; fluent coryza; hiccup; hurried call to stool; acute stitches in cardiac region, etc.; weakness in lower legs; sensation in ankles as if tightly tied, etc.; great exhaustion, etc.; Shivering and frequent yawning; excessive sweat; frequent yawning, lies asleep on back, etc.; hard, red swelling of right upper lid, etc.

(Forenoon), Sweat; sleepiness; vertigo, etc.

(Afternoon), Great vertigo; violent, sticking pain in upper orbital border, etc.; cough; pain in chest, etc.; shoot in center of sternum, etc.; pulse full and quick, etc.; rigor, etc.; heat, etc.; fear; attack of fever, 3 p. m; great sleepiness; shooting pain in right supraorbital ridge, etc.

(Evening), confusion of head, etc.; headache; pain in forehead; pressive headache in vertex; pressing-out pain in temples, etc.; burning-itching in both ears; face hot; flying stitches, here and there, etc.; stiff feeling in nape; warmth of palms; transient stitches, etc.; chilliness; shivering, etc.; rigor down back; prostration, etc.; heat, etc.; lachrymation.

(Night), Delirium; pressive pain on vertex; hot prickings in tips of fingers; hot prickings in toes; transpiration; much thirst, etc.; state of waking dreaminess, etc.; lachrymation; pains become into intolerable.

(Before Midnight), Shuddering; all the feverish symptoms.

(After Midnight), Short cough, etc.; short breath; attack of rigor, etc.; very vivid dream, etc.

(Open Air), Dizzy confusion of head; squeezing in forehead over root of nose, etc.; cold feeling of the eyes; burning, itching and darting in both ears; the throat-symptoms; nausea; irritation of larynx and dry cough; general anxious sensation, etc.; severe attack of rigor, etc.

(Bending body forward), Vertigo; vertigo, etc.; vertigo and headache; giddy heaviness of head, etc.; headache; fullness of the forehead, etc.; dull pain in vertex, etc.; headache; fullness of the forehead, etc.; dull pain in vertex, etc.; drawing bellyache etc.

(Bending body sideways), Sensitive stitches in thorax.

(On going to bed), Heat of body.

(After getting to bed), All the feverish symptoms.

(Drinking), Cough.

(On falling asleep), Jerkings; itching of limbs.

(Flexing fingers to wrist-joint), Violent shootings in elbow-joint, etc.

(Driving), Vertigo.

(Eating), Uncommon sleepiness.

(Going in evening from half-dark room into street), Flickering before eyes, etc.

(Grasping anything), Sensation of weight in arms, etc.

(During heat of body), Cough.

(Inspiration), Dull stitches under ribs of left sides; oppression of chest, etc.; pain in left side of spine, etc.

(Deep inspiration), Oppression of chest; oppression and anxiety of chest; pains in chest; pressive pain in region of second left rib, etc.; stitches between scapulae, etc.; painful shocks in left chest, superiorly; pain from right scapula to front of chest.

(Laughing aloud), Sharp stitch under ribs on right side.

(Light), Headache.

(Lying), Stiff and bruised feeling in left side of neck, etc.

(Lying on side ), Violent cough.

(After lying down), Powerlessness in head of femur, etc.

(Lying on back), heart symptoms.

(Mental exertion), Pain in head and face.

(Motion), Confusion in head, etc.; headache, etc.; headache, first in vertex, etc.; weariness in neck, etc.; painful stiffness in small of back, etc.; tearing pain down arm, etc.; pains in bones of forearm; acute pain in right forearm, etc.; drawing pain in thighs, etc.; general anxious sensation, etc.; chilliness; severe attack of rigor, etc.

(Appearance of Menses), Rage; sharp pain in loins.

(Moving affected part), Rheumatic pain in nape; drawing pain to left of nape, etc.; trembling in wrist; pain, etc., in right thumb-joint; drawing pain in hip-joint.

(Moving the head), Vertigo; shooting in nape; stretching in cervical muscles. (Rising up), (Rising up), Vertigo.

(Noise), Headache.

(Laying on cool hand), Headache, etc.

(Pressure), Pain on right supraorbital ridge, etc.; violent drawing pain in both sides of spine, etc.; violent tearing pain in small of back; violent sticking pain in upper orbital border, etc.

(Rest), Single shootings in middle of right upper arm, etc.; paralytic feeling in right forearm; tired feeling in lower limbs; rigor, etc.

(Standing), Vertigo; pressive pain in pit of stomach; drawing pain in head of left femur.

(Sitting), Nausea, etc.; pressive pain in pit of stomach; anxiety in cardiac region, etc.; drawing pain in head of left femur; powerlessness of legs and thighs.

(Speaking), Headache.

(Stepping), Tensive pressure in lumbar and sacral regions.

(In sleep), Inspiration through nose impeded.

(After sleeping), Pain in shoulder and hip- joint; powerlessness in head of femur, etc.

(On attempting to sit up), Faintness.

(While sitting during day), State of waking dreaminess, etc.

(Treading), Pain in right heel.

(Change of temperature), Dry cough, etc.

(Tobacco-smoke), Easy stupefaction; dryness of throat; tickling in larynx; severe cough.

(Touch), Pain in lowest rib, etc.

(Urinating), Sensation of splashing in bladder; stinging in fossa navicularis; fainting kind of feel; burning in urethra; pains in glans penis; shootings in glans penis.

(Walking), Vertigo; dizzy confusion of head, etc.; the throat symptoms; nausea; pressive pain in pit of stomach; shooting in spleen; pain bladder; single momentary shock in urethra; palpitation, etc.; pain in loins, etc.; pressure in elbows, knees, hips; painful pressure in hip-joint; drawing pain in head of left femur, etc.; stiffness and heaviness of limbs; great fatigue, etc.; pain in patella; acute, pressing pain in left patella, etc.; sleeping of toes of right foot.

(When not urinating), Burning in neck of bladder.

(Warmth of room), Vertigo and stupefaction; forepart of head feels as if nailed up; headache, etc.; dry cough; anxiety in pit of stomach; legs very cold.

(Writing), Paralytic feeling in right forearm.

(Morning), Feverishness.

(Open air), Much relieved; headache, feverishness, etc.

(Bending body backwards), Pressive pain in chest.

(Cold Water), Headache, etc.

(Compression), Pain in ankle.

(Drinking cold water), anxiety.

(Eating), Burning, itching, and darting in both ears; nauseous taste; the throat symptoms; nausea.

(Heat), Creeping in scale.

(Deep Inspiration), Lancinating stitches in region of heart, etc.; oppression of chest.

(Lying quiet in dark room), Headache.

(Lying on back), Violent cough.

(Lying down), Shooting in lower half of left side of chest.

(Motion), Stiff and bruised feeling in left side of neck, etc.; paralytic pressure in small of back; paralytic feeling in right forearm.

(Moving affected part), Pain in right hand.

(Quiet), Palpitation, etc.

(Rubbing), Itching in prepuce; lancinating stitches in region of heart, etc.

(Sitting), Frontal headache.

(Stooping), Sensitiveness of eyeball; pressure in small of back.

(Warm soup), Abdominal symptoms.

(After vomiting), Hope aroused.

(Walking), Vertigo; nausea and sinking in pit of stomach; feverishness, etc.

(Washing cold water), Pain in top of head.

(Wine), Heaviness and oppression of chest.

(Wine and coffee), removed symptoms for a short time only.

Notes and Additions
Symptom 1, bracket; Symptom 3, note, not found in the original (Hughes);.

Symptom 4, note, mental effect of vomiting after an antidote had been given; Symptom 92, read “it seemed to him that he could not think, understand, or know anything in his head as formerly, but that all these mental processes took place in the precordial region, and about the pit of the stomach; after two hours he was twice attacked with vertigo, and then the ordinary thinking power returned in the head,”; S. 147, note, ailments from which the patient suffered before taking Aconite; S. 242, for “right” read “left;” S. 316, for “balls” read “right ball,” S. 3349, before “water” insert “hot;” S. 479, note, local effect; S. 487, see note to S. 479, see note to S.479; S. 616, note, “not found,” S..795, note, the bladder was previously unhealthy; S. 813, bracket; S. 865, bracket; S. 866, bracket, note, this discharge coincided with the dispersions of the iliac swelling; S. 1077, read instead of “as long a duration;” “no long duration;” S.

1174, bracket; S. 1177, see S.1420; S. 1223, note, “with stupor,” S. 1225, note, local action, see note to S.147; S. 1235, bracket “With frequent cough,” see note to S.147; S. 1238, for “same” read “lame,” S. 1347, and in left metacarpal bones;” after S.

13365. add (as if one had taken co 1D after a profuse sweat; headache, roaring in the ears, coryza, bellyache, especially mornings), note, the actual effect of a chill; not as a chill; S.

1403, note, see S.1223 and note; S.1415 for “gnawing” read “growing;” S. 1433, note, ending in death. S. 1447, bracket, note, as this eruption appeared the pain ceased.

S. 1448, bracket, see note to 1447; S. 140, bracket, see note to 1447; S. 1474, bracket, note, symptom of convalescence; S. 1481, for “awake” read “wakened;” S. 1591, add “with restless sleep;” S. 1635, note, reaction from 1550.

Note omissions, owing to imperfect index; very kindly pointed out by Dr. Berridge, of London.

(Fragmentary proving by Robinson)

(>) On getting into a warm bath the feeling of formication and tingling came on again in the fingers.

Lame, sprained feeling in the right metacarpus.

Several strange dreams; woke, and found himself laughing heartily.

Momentary drawing pain in the right forefinger, and at the same time pain in the left ankle as before.

Itching, nettle-rash like eruption on the back of both hands, the spots being very well marked.

Flying, growing-like pains all forenoon in metacarpal and finger joints of both hands.

Considerable rumbling of flatulence in bowels.

On going into open air felt much relieved, but on getting within doors again all the symptoms of feverishness became greatly aggravated.

Violent coryza and lachrymation.

Harsh, dry cough.

Trifling cough, but without expectoration.

Several sharp, flying stitches in the third and fourth right toes shortly after getting to bed.

Paralyzed, inactive feeling in the intestines.

The pain over the right eye and behind the mastoid process quite persistent.

Food distresses me after eating.

Lascivious dreams.

Aphonia lasted more than two weeks.

Rubrics: 562 Acon
[Complete ] [Mind]ANGER:Reproaches, from:Twitching of face, with: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]ANXIETY:Hemoptysis, in: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]ANXIETY:Sleep:Falling asleep, on:Ten to fifteen minutes after: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]ANXIETY:Heart region:Sitting, while:Motion, after: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]DELIRIUM:Motion:Convulsive, spasmodic, in myelitis: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]DELIRIUM:Crying:Staring look, with, in inflammation of brain: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]DELUSIONS, IMAGINATIONS:Limbs:Displaced: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]DELUSIONS, IMAGINATIONS:Lips:Thick, too: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]DELUSIONS, IMAGINATIONS:Stomach:Mental operations take place in the pit of the stomach: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]DELUSIONS, IMAGINATIONS:Thoughts:Stomach, coming from: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]DREAMS:Clairvoyant:Solving important questions of the day: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]DREAMS:Long:Anxiety in chest, with, taking breath and on waking: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]DREAMS:Reveling:Perplexed situation when waking, a: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]FEAR:Gnawing of fist, with: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]FEAR:Pregnancy, in:Anxiety in heart region, with: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]FEAR:Crossing:Streets:Pregnancy, in: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]FEAR:Death, of:Abortion, in:Hemorrhage, from: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]FEAR:Death, of:Hemoptysis, in: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]FEAR:Death, of:Pregnancy, in: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]FEAR:Death, of:Prolapse of uterus, in: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]FEAR:Falling, of:Pregnancy, in: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]FEAR:Jostling against everyone she meets, during pregnancy: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]FEAR:Panic attacks, overpowering:Alternating with tranquility: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]FEAR:Subways, of: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]IMPATIENCE:Throws himself about: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]OBSTINATE, HEADSTRONG:Red cheeks, with: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]OBSTINATE, HEADSTRONG:Tossing about impatiently: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]RESTLESSNESS, NERVOUSNESS:Convulsions:During:Delivery, parturition, after, puerperal: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]SHRIEKING, SCREAMING, SHOUTING:Children, in:Grasping at genitals: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]WEEPING, TEARFUL MOOD:Children, in:Restlessness, with, with retention of urine from cold: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Head]BRISTLING, STANDING ON END, HAIR:Sensation:Spots, in: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Head]FORMICATION, CRAWLING:Heat amel.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Head]HEAT:Forehead:Coldness of:Body, with: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Head]PAIN, HEADACHE:Burning, smarting:Boiling water, as of, brain: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Head]PAIN, HEADACHE:Cramping:Catarrh, from suppressed: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Head]PAIN, HEADACHE:Nail, as from a:Forehead:Room, in warm: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Eyes]PAIN:Extraction of teeth, after: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Eyes]PAIN:Foreign bodies, as of:Extraction, after: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Eyes]SENSITIVE:Lids:Air, to cold: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Face]ANXIOUS EXPRESSION:Pregnancy, in: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Face]PARALYSIS:Tingling, with: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Face]PERSPIRATION:Hot:Forehead:Anxiety, with: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mouth]COLDNESS:Air, as of cold, tongue: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mouth]SALIVATION:Reddish:Streaks: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mouth]TINGLING, PRICKLING:Coughing and swallowing, on: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Neck]STIFFNESS:Fever heat, during: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Stomach]INFLAMMATION:Eruptions, after suppressed: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Stomach]NAUSEA:Stool:After:Loose: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Stomach]PAIN:Burning:Fright, fear agg.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Stomach]PAIN:Pressing:Stone, as from a:Cold: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Abdomen]HYPOCHONDRIA:Stool:Urging to: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Abdomen]CONSTRICTION:Sitting agg.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Abdomen]CONSTRICTION:Extending to:Spine, vertebrae: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Abdomen]CONTRACTION:Wandering: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Abdomen]PAIN:Extending:Chest, to:Stool, during: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Abdomen]PAIN:Liver region:Stool:Before: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Abdomen]PAIN:Drawing:Bending forward agg.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Abdomen]SWELLING:Painful:Touch agg.: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Rectum]DIARRHEA:Anger, vexation agg.:Cutting and griping, with: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Rectum]DIARRHEA:Fright, fear agg.:Cutting and griping, with: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Rectum]HEMORRHOIDS:Bleeding:Burning:Hot: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Rectum]MOISTURE:Warm: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Rectum]NUMBNESS, INSENSIBILITY, ANUS:Hemorrhoids: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Bladder]INVOLUNTARY URINATION:Thirst and fear, with: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Bladder]URGING TO URINATE, MORBID DESIRE:Anxious:Urination, on beginning of: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Bladder]URINATION:Difficult, dysuria:Anxiety, with: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Kidneys]PAIN:Cutting:Extending to:Abdomen, around: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Female Genitalia]PAIN:Ovaries:Bending:Amel., does not: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Larynx & Trachea]CROUP:Expiration agg.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Larynx & Trachea]GRASPING AT:Larynx, involuntary at every cough, feels as if larynx would be torn:Drinking, when: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Respiration]INSPIRATION, DURING:Sleep agg.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Expectoration]BLOODY, SPITTING OF BLOOD:Pregnancy, in: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Expectoration]BLOODY, SPITTING OF BLOOD:Wine, after: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Chest]FLABBY MAMMAE:Lochia, with suppressed: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Chest]PAIN:Pleura:Cold, after taking: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Chest]PAIN:Cutting:Chill:After: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Chest]PAIN:Rawness:Temperature, from change of: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Heart & Circulation]HYPERTROPHY, HEART:Fear, with: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Heart & Circulation]HYPERTROPHY, HEART:Restlessness, with: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Heart & Circulation]HYPERTROPHY, HEART:Sleeplessness, with: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Heart & Circulation]INFLAMMATION:Heart, carditis:Lie on back with head raised, must: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Heart & Circulation]PAIN:Stitching:Lancinating, heart region:Sit upright, erect or breath deeply, cannot, rubbing amel.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Heart & Circulation]PULSE, HEARTBEAT:Thready:Anxiety, with: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Heart & Circulation]WEAKNESS:Heart:Fright, fear agg.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Back]PAIN:Digging:Spine, vertebrae:Left: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Back]PAIN:Hacked off, as if, cervical region: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Extremities]FORMICATION, CRAWLING:Fingers:Writing, while: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Extremities]NUMBNESS, INSENSIBILITY:Lower limbs:Gouty limbs: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Extremities]NUMBNESS, INSENSIBILITY:Gouty, legs: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Extremities]PAIN:Rheumatic:Wine agg.: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Extremities]PARALYSIS:Upper limbs:Meningitis, in: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Chill, Chilliness]SHAKING, SHIVERING:Night:Lying down agg.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Fever, Heat]BURNING HEAT:Dry, burning heat, extending from head and face, with thirst for cold drinks: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Fever, Heat]PUERPERAL:Cold, after taking: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Perspiration]HOT:Delivery, parturition:During: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Perspiration]PROFUSE:Diarrhea:Urine, with: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Perspiration]ROOM:Amel.:Warm: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Generalities]FALLING:Easily:Unconsciousness, in:Turns red suddenly, during dentition: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Generalities]FORMICATION, CRAWLING:Heat amel.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Generalities]PAIN:Stitching:Burning:Fine: 4 1 / 1


Medical Advance

1882-1883 Vol XIII No 1

C. C. White


Ars /Acon /Apis /Bry /Ip /Chin /Ham /Graph /Kalm /Merc /Sabin /Sulph /Phos /Nux-v.

M.D., Columbus. Read before the state homoeopathic medical society of Ohio

Case I.-Chronic inflammation of the fauces, with a great accumulation of thick, tenacious mucus, causing a great deal of hawking; hacking cough. The throat feels as if something was in it which she could not get out; tickling sensation worse when talking. Allopathy had been resorted to without effects or relief. Gave her Merc. sol., which effected a radical cure.

The patient was a large, fleshy woman, dark complexion, and bilious temperament.

Case II.-Same lady, some time after, was affected with facial neuralgia, depending upon paramenia. The pains were very agonizing and aggravating; sometimes she was almost frantic with pain. Gave her Sabina I; relieved entirely in about six hours. She was entirely clear from the neuralgia for three years; since that time have knowledge of her.

Case III.-A lady, aet. thirty; delicate nervous system; thin in flesh; black eyes and hair; rather lightish complexion.

Neuralgia, affecting the whole nervous system, and depending upon paramenia. Generally one week prior to her menstruation her nervous suffering was very great and agonizing. It seemed to shock her like electricity, prostrating her very much.

“Frequent shudderings”; “chilliness the whole day”; “intolerable, burning heat in the whole body, with great restlessness”; “great nervous irritability”. A great deal of pain during the first day of the menses; after that profuse flowing. she had been treated by Allopathy for seven years without any relief; she grew worse every year. I commenced giving her Sabina 2 one week prior to her menses, and during that time gave Sabina every two hours, which soon relieved her of the terrible neuralgic pains. I continued Sabina every evening for one month. Menses came without any disturbance to her nervous system.

She remained well for years afterward; never had any more trouble with neuralgia. This case occurred twenty-six years ago.

Case IV.-A lady, who was affected with neuralgia facialis; very fleshy; lymphatic temperament; soft flesh; fatty. Had been troubled with this affection for a long time; had taken a good many heroic remedies without any benefit. Her pans were relieved by going into the open air. Gave Kalmia lat., with partial relief; then gave Sabina 3, which effected a radical cure.

Case V.-A lady, aet. thirty; fair complexion; lymphatic temperament; was attacked with pneumonia, accompanied with a severe chill, followed with high fever also followed with abortion. Gave the patient Quinine and Aconite, which soon broke up the chill and fever. Copious, yellow expectoration followed. Gave Phos., Bry., and Sulph., and good, nourishing diet; patient convalesced rapidly.

Case VI.-Lady, aet. sixty; acute inflammation of the stomach; great thirst; vomiting everything in the shape of fluids; fever, 103; great prostration; great desire for cold water. She had been treated by an allopathic physician for seven days prior to my taking the case, and growing worse every hour. The characteristic symptoms were : Great thirst, vomiting, great prostration. Gave her Arsenicum 3, ten drops, third dilution, in a goblet half full of good, pure water; ordered a teaspoonful every hour until relieved. Never vomited once after the firs dose had been given. She convalesced rapidly.

Case VII.-A lady, aet. fifty; delicate constitution; was afflicted with psoriasis over the whole body, legs and arms. Had been treated with Fowler’s Solution of Arsenic for one year without benefit. Gave her Graphites 6th trit. three times a day for two weeks; after that a powder every evening for four weeks. A complete cure followed.

Case VIII.-A lady, aet. thirty-five; was pregnant three months; frequent vomiting day and night; woman in terrible distress.

Her physician had given her many remedies without effect. I was called in to sec her. Gave Nux., Ip. and several other remedies; none availed anything. I then gave her two drops of the oil of Ergot every six hours. In twelve hours she was completely relieved, and remained well until confinement.

Case IX.-A lady, aet. thirty; third-day ague, chill coming on at 2 p.m. and lasting about two hours; high fever, ending in profuse perspiration; great difficulty in urinating, with stinging sensation in the urethra; also stinging sensation in different parts of the body, as if being stung by bees. She had been troubled with the disease at different times for four or five years. She had taken Arsenicum, China and Quinine, but the paroxysms kept returning every few weeks. I gave her Apis 3, one prescription; never had a return of the fever to my knowledge.

Case X.-A lady, aet. about twenty-five years, was attacked with severe dysentery, passing a great deal of blood, attended with a good deal of pain; was treated by an allopath, and was given up to die. She wanted cooked tomatoes, but was not given any. I was called to see her; she begged me to give her some tomatoes. I did so, giving her at the same time Hamamelis I; she recovered in a week. So much for tomatoes and Ham.



A CASE OF CONCUSSION [Case Of Concussion]

Vol-II, Issue 3 (July-September 1993)

Dr. D.E. Mistry


Arn / Acon / Nat-s / Phos / Ruta / Symph



Consulting Surgeon and Homoeopath

A female patient aged 16 years Miss Shah has been under Homoeopathic treatment from the age of 2 years and was diagnosed by pediatricians as a case of progressive myositis ossificans. From that day till today she has been on Homoeopathic treatment and has survived so far with some residual defect of bony formation in her muscles due to her basic pathology still remaining. Life expectancy of such children is between 8-10 years only; she has a younger sister with similar condition who is also under treatment like this patient.

However the present case is not about the whole life span treatment but about a particular incident of head injury which is as follows.

On 11/6/93 she was knocked down by a sector while walking and remembers to have fallen down on her head on occipital region, but though complaining of vertigo, pain and inability to coherently recollect the incidence she could go home and send a report to me for medication around 12.30 noon same day.

She was sent Arnica 200 8 doses, initially every 15 min 2-3 doses then hourly and two hourly.

The case was seen at her home. Following points were noted.

1) Patient dazed but conscious lying on the back.

2) Speaks well and complains of heaviness of whole head with pain over frontal area and a spot on the occipital area.

3) No C.L.W.

4) Pupils normal reacting to light

5) Pulse 80/min

6) B.P. Normal

7) No other injury anywhere

8) Patient anxious somewhat frightened and doesnt recollect the event how she was knocked down.

Clinical diagnosis: Concussion.

Rx. Aconite nap 30 1 dose was kept on the tongue and few doses of 30c were given to be alternated with previous Arnica Montana doses.

5.30 p.m. seen at her home same day. 6 to 7 vomits otherwise general condition and pupils were same. Interpretation; It looked to me that this was a reaction to concussion; here could have been a mild cerebral oedema over injured sites of the brain. Rx. Natrum sulphuricum 200 single dose was given.

7.00 p.m. same day. Patient was sleeping but was easily aroused from her sleep and complained of headache. She had vomited milk and water which she had taken after my 5.30 p.m. visit.

Clinically Pulse 80/min.

B.P. 126/86 mm of Hg.

Pupils equally reacting to light

Rx. Natrum sulphuricum 200 was kept in her tongue at 9.30 p.m. Received report from her parents that after second dose of Natrum sulph she had no vomiting and she could eat something and retain it.

Rx. Arnica 200 / 4 hourly.

12/6/93 Seen at 9 a.m. Reported that during the night she had one more vomit after Mosambi juice but after Arnica doses she slept well. She complains of headache, demands to press her head and talks well but says headache is slightly better after cold packs. Pulse, B.P. and Eye signs same.

Rx. Phosphorus 200 3 doses to be taken about 4 hourly 7.00 p.m. Patient walks in to my consulting room saying she still had some vertigo feeling but has not vomited after above dose (Phos. 200) Rx. No medicine.

13/6/93 Reports that she went for a marriage ceremony of a relative. Had no trouble there. Rx. No medicine.

14/6/93 Complains of heaviness of head and reeling of objects on moving the head especially to right side. Head is still heavy. Eyes having pain. Regular menses started today. No medicine.

15/6/93 Complains of no proper appetite still feels, a little bit drowsy. Head feels heavy and painful at the site of injury. No complains about menses. Rx. Natrum Sulphuricum 12x. 4 doses 6 hourly.

17/6/93 Less reeling, less of heaviness. Reports old complaint of pain in left knee at the site of her original operation as a child. Operation was done to remove a piece of abnormal bone from the muscle which pathological condition is a tendency to form abnormal bone in muscles as a part and parcel of her original disease Myositis ossificans. Rx. Ruta 30.

19/6/93 Patient reported bleeding from nose right side. She remarks similar episode 2 days before head injury which she had not told to me. She remarks she gets such nose bleeds often, and does not complains of heaviness of head or headaches. Rx. No medicines.

6/7/93 Patient reported complaints of mild pain still over the site of the fall on her head and says there is a swelling there. Clinically the bone over that area on touching feels slightly lumpy and elevated. Rx. Symphytum 30 4 doses only.

21/7/93 Reported no headache at all. No other complaints.

Authors Remarks: This case of concussion otherwise would have been treated in a hospital allopathically by their usual treatment of IV fluids, Mannitol and pain killers etc. However with Homoeopathic medication she responded beautifully with Arnica and Aconite doses. Then Natrum Sulph controlled her vomiting to some extent by controlling the cerebral oedema aspect. However Phosphorus seemed her basic remedy based on vomiting 15 minutes after drinking; plus headaches ameliorated by cold packs. In both rubrics from Kent Phosphorus has three marks. With previous history of nosebleeds which she subsequently gave confirmed the choice of Phosphorus. However the lingering pain over the site of head injury ceased after Symphytum, which is as one knows a useful remedy for bony traumas irrespective of whether there is a fracture or not. It should be noted that it is not always easy or possible to treat such cases at the patients residence unless one can repeatedly watch the progress and be aware of the likely complications that can intervene any time. In this case there were no signs of progressive brain compression which had they occurred would have needed craniotomy.




July- December 1995

Dr D.E. Mistry


Sulph / Chol / Acon / Rhus-t / Bry / Ant-t / Ars / Phos / Lyc / Cupr-ar / Kali-bi / Med / Carc / Merc / Myric / Hydr / Coloc / Passi / Aur

By Dr D. E. Mistry, Solapur

Mr. S.S., aged 55 years reported to me on 4.1.95. with the following history that he was admitted in the Railway hospital and was diagnosed as obstructive jaundice.

Subsequent investigations revealed that he had Adenocarcinoma of Gall Bladder and gall bladder malignancy. According to the scan report, the growth had already involved porta hepatis, liver substance, peripancreatic region and retroperitoneal lymph nodes. Additional multiple gall stones were also revealed.

A biopsy was performed at Bombay, an Adenocarcinoma of the gall bladder was the report.

The patient initially had a percutaneous transhepatic drainage and finally a ten Fr. teflon endoprosthesis as placed in the hepatic duct and the stent was reported to be well functioning and was expected to work for 6 months.

P/H of the patient revealed a perforated ear tympanum right side with childhood otorrhoea.

Mother Operated for gall bladder stone 25 yrs ago.

Father Expired when patient was 6 yrs. old.

One brother and one sister Hypertensive.

Patient also revealed that he had small pox as a child, but no other childhood history was forthcoming.

Some of the symptoms which I could get out of him were

Desires Ghee++, Sour + +

Thirst Normal, Drinks little at a time

Hot patient dislikes summer.

Very punctual in his habit.

Irrelevance in timings upsets him.

Likes to work.

Lot of friend.

Fond of reading.

Calm and quiet

Upset when discipline is not maintained. Fond of neatness.

Sound sleep with no dreams.

Sympathetic to sufferings of others.

Likes to dwell on nature and says he would

Like to get clues from natures secret.

When he was well, he was neither disturbed by winter nor by summer, but preferred winter

At present, he craved coconut water, sweet, ghee.

Being intelligent, the patient was aware of his problem and he could not explain why he suddenly developed this disease.

TREATMENT The case was begun with a dose a Sulphur 1M.

13.1.95. said his sleep was better and felt more energetic. Cholesterin 3x BD was given.

17.1.95. Reported with sudden pain in the sternal and intercostals region which began the previous night. Chest pain as intermittent but no vomiting and sweating. He seemed worried about his children. Seeing his anxiety a few doses of Aconite 30 were given.

25.1.95 Sudden lumbar pain, unable to lie flat on the back. Better by sitting or slow walking. Backache started suddenly last night. Chilly. Treatment Rhus tox 200 x 3 doses.

26.1.95. Pain > but complained of bitter taste in the mouth. Thirst increased, not passed stools.

Treatment Bryonia 200 x 3 doses.

28.1.95. Sudden development of hiccoughs at night with cough and pain in the liver region, unable to expectorate. Thirsty + + +, dryness in mouth taking sips of water. Chill and shivering with fever for half hour which came down automatically with sweat. White coating of the tongue.

Treatment Ant. tart. 30 and Ars. album 30 a few doses were advised.

29.1.95. Though, he was better the previous night, his relatives admitted him in the railway hospital as he complained of low backache. Muttering Delirium, incomplete answers to questions. Fever and chills. Drank little water. At the Rly hospital he as given antipyretics, Novalgin and Calmpose etc.

31.1.95. Still at the hospital

B. P. 100/60 mm of Hg.

Thirsty for cold drinks. Constantly changing position. Burning in the stomach, desires ice cubes, thick coating of tongue. Treatment Phos. 30 x 3 doses.

Relatives reported that he slept well with the second dose but the hiccoughs which had stopped stared again. At this time the case was seen by Dr. H. H. Agarwal, my younger colleague as I was out of station. On seeing the following:

Red sand in urine, hiccoughs, thick coated tongue, evening to night agg. Lyco. 6×7 doses evey hour as advised in the moming.

At night one dose of Lyco 30 was put as he seemed to sleep better with each dose of Lyco. Desires to go home saying he is going to die, nervous, cried while talking. jerks of the limb, asking his visitor to forgive him.

2.2.95. Reports Sr. Biliburin -3.4; Sr.Creatine 1.5.; Blood urea 123; Urine Bile salts and bile pigments present.

Discharged by the railway doctors saying that they couldnt do anything much. He was seen at home by Dr. Agarwal and was advised Lyco 200 x2 doses to be taken 8 hourly.

3.2.95. Seen at home by me and Dr. Agarwal. Visibly jaundiced, muttering delirium, weakness, hiccoughs, thirst + + and drowsiness. Treatment Lyco 200 again single dose.

4.2.95. Sticky mucus in throat, difficult to expel. Satisfied by holding ice cubes in the mouth, Disturbed sleep awakening at 2.30 a.m. due to hiccoughs. Treatment Cuprum ars. 200 one dose was given.

5.2.95. Hiccoughs stopped but he had vomiting after drinking water, but tolerated could drinks, coconut water. Complained of thick stringy expectorate from the throat. Treatment Kali bich. 30 x 6 doses 4 hourly, sent. Evening was admitted in Homoeopathic hospital for I. V. Therapy, as he could not take adequate fluids.

6.2.95. I saw him at his residence. Sleeps on abdomen. Desires cold drinks. Treatment Medo 200 single dose was given at 11 a.m. and by 8 p.m he was much better. The sticky sputa was much less. Slept well though slightly disturbed due to intermittent cough.

7.2.95. Strong demand for ice yet in general he was deteriorating. Anxiety, nervousness, talking about death, anting family members by his side. Treatment Phos. 200 single dose.

8.2.95. Condition more or less the same, intermittent hiccoughs still disturbing him.

9.2.95. Report by Dr. Agarwal. Patient is restless, incontinence of urine, thirsty. Fever previous night, no proper ansering to questions. Treatment Ars. Alb 30 x 5 doses 3 hourly was advised.

10.2.95. No improvement with tremors of limbs and speech. Treatment Carcinosin 200 was given.

Reports Bilirubin 4.0. mg Blood urea 121 mg.

At 7 p.m. he developed oedema of the feet. Cough subsided, no fever. Trembling of limbs. The patient was going into hepato renal failure. There was still stringy saliva. Night <, Thirst for cold water. Treatment Merc. Sol 200 single dose.

11.2.95.- to 14.2.95. He was given Cholestrin 3X, Myrica 6 and Hydrastis 30. We passed a Ryles tube to feed him but there was no further improvement. Doses of Hydrastis 30 was increased on 15.2.95.

16.2.95. Condition remained the same.

17.2.95. Urine output less though, the flapping tremors of the extremities was better. He was better in bouts mentally but developed severe abdominal pain at night and Colocynth 30 was given.

18.2.95. Made an attempt to commit suicide by jumping of the gallery in the early hours in the morning and reoeated this attempt after three hours, he said he did this due to the pain, Aurum 200 one dose was immediately given along with Colocynth 30 SOS and passiflora 6 drops.

He still complained of hiccoughs, and of infrequent urination. Marked irritability yet sensitive weepy and resigned to his fate. Oedema of the feet was still there. Thirst more, urine output less. We have him Merc. Sol 30x 5 doses followed by Myrica 30 x 3 doses.

21.2.95. He passed away at 8.20 p.m. Retrospectively, it is surprising that the stent began to get obstructed so soon. All the subsequent symptoms that he developed were due to renal and hepatic insufficiency. Such cases have to be treated not only on day to day basis but even more frequently, the whole aim being to relieve the patient of his distressing complaints so that he can pass away as peacefully as possible at his residence.

It is not possible to prescribe a single remedy and expect it work all the time.

Cases of this type coming to me have been many and it is because of the help of my colleague Dr. Agarwal and other assistants that it has been possible to treat such cases palliatively. (When they have been declared untreatable by all allopathic doctors.).




July- December 1995

Dr. Prakash Shinde


Acon / Morph / Kali-m

By Dr. Prakash Shinde, Gayatri, Samarthnagar, Kolhapur -8,

An executive, aging around 45, approached me with the complaints of

1) Scanty urination.

2) Pruritus all over the body.

3) Depression.

4) Extreme nausea.

The case was diagnosed as of Renal Failure.

Detailed history showed that the meritorious rise of the patient from the lowest post to todays post of executive. Athlete at college, No complaint till 1990 except accidental detection of Hypertension and was taking anti-hypertensive drugs only. Was having a touring job, met with a fatal vehicular accident in April 1990, somehow survived from that deadly accident and almost 6 months after that fatal accident began to develop frequent nausea, scanty urinating many eminent urologists and continuing the allopathic treatment, when the Blood urea level remained around 102 and Serum Creatinine around 5, finally decided to seek Homoeopathic treatment.

On contemplating over the case, I took the fatal accident as an important event in his life. I thought the sudden shock of the accident might have brought about suppression of urine.

Hence, I came out with following rubrics

1) Sudden fear of death and

2) Ailments from accident. (Synthetic repertory Acon., Opium.)

Lest importance was paid to symptoms like general pruritus, scanty urination etc. as those symptoms like general pruritus, scanty urination etc. as those symptoms were considered to be sequelae of the sudden accident. Hence,

On 27/10/94 Aconite nap. 1M, single dose with placebo.

28/10/04 Improvement on urine output, decrease in nausea, could eat some food, itching decreased by almost 80%, had a nice sleep. Placebo for 5 days.

4/11/94. Recurrence of nausea. Aconite nap. 1M.

6/11/94. Allowed to go out of station with Aconite nap. 1M as SOS.

20/11/94. Reported no complaints.

5/12/94. Riding om a two-wheeler on a very rough road a day resulted into severe pain at anus, reflex constipation, drawing pain at hypogstric region, scanty urinaion, edema on face and feet, profound depression, irritability and vertigo on least moving the head. However, itching and nausea were conspicuously absent.

Considering the bruised sesation at rectum with constipation and uraemia, Morphinum 200 1BD x 3day, with kali mur 6X.

7/12/94. Improvement in urine output. Lowered edema. Blood urea down 104 to 85, and Sr. Creatinine from 7 to 4.

16/12/94. Increase in levels of Blood urea and Sr. Creatinine. Advised o refer to a higher allopathic centre at Bombay.

At Bombay, found left kidney 100% functioning and Right kidney finctioning 40%. After a dialysis, underwent a kidney Transplant Surgery succesfully.

Authors comments If Aconite nap. had been given immediately after the fatal accident, could it have prevented Renal Failure?.




Vol-V, No3 (July-Sep 1996)

Dr. G. K. Shanloo

Medicine / Cases

Nux-v / Calc / Acon / Podo / Sulph / Tub / Lyc / Puls / Merc

Dr. G. K. Shanloo

70/59. Rani Mandi.

Allahabad 211 003.

Introduction of the disease:

The name of the disease itself defines it. The disease involves bones and as the name suggests there is imperfect formation of bones. The bones are unduly fragile and multiple fractures occur following trivial injuries. Progressive deformity occurs because of the multiplicity of the fractures. A child prone to too many fractures may die before he acquires adult age.

Histology and Characteristics:

Histologically bones are normal and the fractures unites without any difficulty.

The disease has autosomal dominant inheritance and there is mesenchymal disorders characterised by increased fragility of bones and multiple fractures, blue sclera and deafness which occurs in late childhood.

The disease is of two varieties viz. 1) congenita and. 2) tarda. In congenital variety the fractures occur during intrauterine life and such children mostly die shortly after birth.


The long bones hsve osteoporotic bent and slender. The bone ends may appear large and sometimes cystic.


As regards treatment is concerned there is no curative treatment in conventional system for this disease. The fractured bones are made to unite by the use of plaster of paris and the deformity of long bones are minimised by use of intramedullary nail.

It is a matter of great pride to me and to all homoeopathy brothers and sisters that Homoeopaths have been able to cure Osteogenesis imperfecta through homoeopathy. As we all know that in homoeopathic system of treatment each case is thoroughly individualised and uncommon and peculiar symptoms are carefully noted. Family history of the patients is also of utmost importance in such cases.

Here I will prefer to narrate the cases of osteogenesis imperfecta which I have cured.


Name of the patient: SHK, Allahabad

Age at the time of admission: 3 months

Date of admission: 28.10.92

Opinion of orthopaedic surgeoons: The patient was examined by orthopaedic surgeons at local S. N. children hospital and also at Sanjay Gandhi P. G. I. Lucknow and at B.H. U. Varanasi. All of them diagnosed the disease as osteogenesis imperfecta and declared in clear terms that it is incurable.

Signs and symptoms of the Patient:

* Bones easily get fractured from slightest cause. 1st fracture occurred at one month of age.

* Excessive perspiration on scalp during sleep and also while he weeps wets his pillow

* Starts in sleep and weeps

* Coldness of hands specially of feet in the evening

* Feverish at night

*Appetite less, Bowels constipated stool large hard and foul smelling.

* Mother took too many allopathic drugs during pregnancy to prevent abortion.

* Family history asthma and diabetes in family

When the patient was brought to me his both lower limbs and left upper limb were under plaster.


28.10.92 Nux Vom. 200 given on the 1st day at bed time and it was followed by Calc Carb 200 the next day.

13.11.92 Acute coryza with cough and fever. Aconite Na 30 in distilled water every three hours. Relieved.

14.11.93 Relieved of coryza and cough. Diarrhoea, loose, frothy, forcible and foul smelling stools. Podo 30 in distilled water every three hours.

16.1192 Diarrhoea relieved. The patient had a fracture on right upper limb on 15.11.92 after a fall. Sul 30 in the morning followed by Calc carb 200 the same evening. Calc carb 200 was repeated succesively on 3.11.92, 3.1.93, 17.1.93,31.1.93 and 15.2.93 with marvelous result.

The patient had only one fracture on 15.11.92 during course of my treatment. Later on he had no fracture even after an injury or after a fall. The patient was kept under observation for a few months.

10.05.93: Calc Carb 1M was given. He is hale and hearty with no tracde of the disease.


Name of the patient: Miss.A of Kanpur (UP) Age: at the time of admission: 2 years and 3 months

Opinion of orthopadic surgeon: Osteogenesis Imperfecta and being declared as incurable disorder.

Signs and symptoms of the patient:

-The disease was diagnosed when the patient had fracture for the first time after an injury at the age of one year and three months. It healed in normal course.

-Fracture occurs only after an injury or after a fall

-Sclera is bluish

-Increased perspiration specially on scalp. Wets her pillow during sleep

-Teeth erupted at 5 months of age and are slightly blackish

-Had measles twice and diarrhoea once. Desires sweets and also desires to take Extra salt.

Thirst less even in summers

Urine involuntary urination during sleep occur almost every night.

Mind obstinate and irritable

Family history mother anaemia and low B. P., Grandmother had T. B. History


As the patient came from a distant place, medicines were prescribed for four weeks

24.9.94 Calc carb 200 every week for three weeks followed by Tub 200 in the fourth week.

21.10.94 Fracture of right femur occurred. Bluishness of sclera is less maked, Calc Carb 200 every week for three weeks followed by Tub 1M in the fourth week.

21.11.94 The patients father told me that palms and sole of the patient remain hot. 1st part of her stool is hard and knotty and there is extreme thirstlessness. Sul 200 in the 1st week followed by Lyco 200 in the 2nd and 3rd week and Puls 1M in the 4th week.

06.1.95 Better general. No fracture occurred. Increased perspiration on scalp during sleep. Inreased salivation during sleep. Tooth look more blackish. Calc Carb 1M in the 1st week followed by Mere sol 200 in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th week were given.

21.2.95 Marked improvement. Car carb 1M in the 1st week followed by Mere Sol 200 in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th week.

21.4.95 Marked improvement. Calc Carb 1M in th 1st week followed by Mere Sol 200 in the 2nd , 3rd and 4th week.

19.6.95 Marked improvement. Calc Carb 1M in the 1st week followed by Merc Sol 200 in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th week with perfect improvement. The follow up is still continuing.

Editors Remarks:

The above two cases show the remarkable effects of Calc Carb and other remedies on these two cases. We do not commonly see blue sclera in India but if I did see such a picture my first thought would be Carcinosin. Readers must have noted that the physician had to prescribe remedies in the sequence which is not commonly followed (Lyco is given after Sul in Case II even though such sequence is generally contraindicated). Masters like Dr. Nash have rightly mentioned that they would not hesitate to give the prescription of inimical remedies if the strong indications are present.




July, 99 to Dec 99, Vol-III, Issue 3 & 4

Dr. Veerbhadra Rao


Acon / Sulph / Thuj / Phos / Arn / Malar / Lach / Calc / Ars / Camph / Fic / Puls / Med / Bry

Dr. Veerbhadra Rao, M.S. (E.N.T.)

Elluru – 534 007 (A.P.)

A Case of Pyrexia

On 13.0.98 Miss V.C. F/30 consulted me for fever since 2 months. The fever starts in evening time without any definite time modality swinging between 101-105F. The pattern was chill followed by fever ending in sweat. As the patient was a nurse in a nursing home, she used to take paracetamol tablets, whenever fever crosses 102F. She desires to cover herself during chill and the chill was associated with shivering, and the chill starts along the spine and spreads to rest of the body. During fever she becomes highly sensitive to noise. Detailed clinical examination did not reveal any positive finding.

Inspite of careful probing there was no particular symptom of importance during the lucid periods because patient lost appetite, as nutritionally suffered she used to take 3 or 4 bottles of fluid every day. The allopath treated the case with routine antibiotic like ampicilline etc. As the case did not improve case was referred to a senior physician he investigated for pulmonary tuberculosis, malaria and typhoid. Inspite of elaborate laboratory investigations nothing positive could be made out. Case was referred to a teaching hospital. At this juncture patient consulted me. This patient was a bad case of rheumatoid arthritis treated with Phos and Medo 5 yrs ago. At that time except 2 small deformities of fingers the case was arrested and patient was symptom free.

Having confronted with meagre symptoms repertorisation was done with Boger Boenninghausen repertory.

Aconite 6c 4 doses were dispensed as it was the only potency available with me at that time. So adviced to take 5 pills a day. Third day patient was symptoms free. Inspite of my instruction she went out of the town returned after a month. Health was normal.

The result puzzled me as it is not the usual picture where we prescribe aconite. Hence 15 materia medicas were consulted George Royal wrote as follows – Aconite is always indicated at the beginning, the very outset of a disease. Even the exception is more apparent than real E.g, a condition which called for the remedy years before but which has not changed, will yield to the drug.

A Case of Mixed Miasm

Master V.C. aged 12, was presented with hard, rough, sessile warts on back of fingers on 10.5.06. The warts developed insidiously. Physical examination did not reveal any gross pathology in the body. Mother had MTP done once, before the child was born. The movement of the baby during pregnancy was more. Mother took pregnadoxin tablets for a long time. Family history – paternal grandfather has vitiligo, Maternal grandmother died of rectal cancer and maternal grandfather died of diabetis nephropathy. Personal history – child had infantile hydrocele subsided on its own accord. Chicken pox at the age of three and Measles at the age of five. Loose motions after eating little more than wanted. Patient had allergic reaction to Brufen given for an injury. History of urethral stricture dilated one year back.

Homoeopathic history taking revealed following symptoms.

Wounds heal slow

Cold water bath aggravates

Aversion open air

Unsatisfactory stool, hard and green in colour

Dandruff present

Desires sweets

Aversion onions

While sleeping he crosses legs at ankles

Talks during sleep

Pleasant dreams

Sweat on neck and forearms

Aggravation rain

Headache on exposure to sun

Body hot to touch

Desire company

Palpitation due to anger

Postponing all work

Aversion covering


Eleven prominent symptoms were taken and repertorisation was done in which Sulph worked out. So Sulph 0/1 was dispensed. Even after fifteen days of medication, no change was seen. In view of the stricture urethra and warts, Thuja 200 one fragmented dose was given. Warts disappeared. Patient did not turn up but sent word about the result. One year later, for no apparent reason the patient developed distention of urinary bladder. The case was thoroughly investigated by an Urologist (Super specialist), he could not find any cause for paresis, treating the condition as an Idiopathic Paresis of Urinary Bladder, he advised self catheterization and nothing more could be done. Only prescribed multi vitamin and multimineral tabs. At this stage he reported back to me. Probing patiently revealed only the old symptoms. Hence Sulph 0/1 was prescribed again. Fifteen days later Sulph 0/2 was dispensed and case was reviewed after an other fifteen days. Patient is symptom free till to date.

A Case of Hemiplegia

Master M.P. aged one year was presented on 23.10.98 with the complaint of paralysis of both right limbs since birth. The child is not able to sit but crawls on left side of the body. It was a case of postmaturity. The labour pains started but labour did not progress. So, Caesarean was conducted under spinal anaesthesia and the baby was delivered. From the time of birth there was strabismus of right eye, paralysis of the both right limbs. Past history of induced abortion with drugs in second month of pregnancy. From maternal and parternal side there were no gross hereditary disorders. It was not a consanguineous marriage. The health of mother was good during pregnancy andshe did not suffer from hyperemesis gravidarum.

After the birth, the development of the body was normal but delay in holding the head, learning to talk, learning to walk. Other symptoms noted were child cannot tolerate hunger and cried incessantly till he was fed. Thirst for large quantities frequently. Perspiration more on head, dribbling of saliva from right side. Child sleeps on abdomen. Child is sensitive to touch. These are the only positive symptoms found.

Repertorisation was done. Phos was worked out.On 23.10.98, Phos 0/1 was dispensed. A month later except slight movement in the limbs, progress was not very satisfactory. So Arnica 200 one dose was given with an instruction to use twice in a week. The child is on Phos 0/4 now child is able to run and play with the right hand also. Child is unable to raise the hand above the head. Applications of Acupuncture was contemplated, but in view of steady mprovement needling was withheld.

A Case of Hyperthyroidism

Mrs. V.V. female aged 42, working as a Lecturer consulted me on 10.07.97 with a complaint of swelling of the thyroid gland and change in voice aggravated by talking. Clinical examination revealed uniformly swollen thyroid gland without any nodules and no bruit heard on the thyroid. She is having neurofibromatosis in multiple areas on both arms. She gave history that her father suffered from glaucoma and neurofibromatosis and her own vision is deteriorating forcing her to change spectacles every six months. She is also suffering from haemorrhoids producing haemorhage of red drops before and after stool. She was thoroughly investigated at a reputed laboratory. Thyroid stimulating Hormone (TSH)-18 Units (normal being 0.3 to 6.9 Units.), T4-6.6 units (Normal range 6 to 12 Units) .Clinical examination of Ear Nose and Throat showed only thickening of vocal cords, no ulcer or polypus seen. Having noted the pathology, the case was studied Homoeopathically.

The following symptoms were noted. Itching urticaria, aggravation due to cold air, Menses dark red, leucorrhoea in between periods. Off late she was feeling hungry during night sleep. Hence she was habituated to keep some biscuits and other eatables with her. She is a highly industrious woman working as a lecturer on hourly basis in a tutorial college and giving tuitions in her house in early hours. She is avaricious to the extent that her husband is dissatisfied and children grumble. But her contention was that it is a hard earned money which should not be spent. She is intolerant of contradiction and she demands an absolute obedience from all her children. When things do not go as per her wish or a filmsy comment from her own children, she gets offended easily. She gave history of having suffered from small pox at the age of 3rd year and later infantile asthma and typhoid during high school period.

So the repertorisation done worked out to sulphur. On 10.09.97, Sulph 0/1 was dispensed. She attended on 07.09.07, Sulph 0/1 was dispensed. She attended on 07.10.97. Improvement present. Sulph 0/2 was given with an instruction to be taken once in two days. Later she was kept on sac lac for sometime. She attended clinic on 04.07.98 Sulph 0/3 was given with instruction to take drug once in a week. Two months after she was reviewed, the symptoms of hoarseness urticaria etc., subsided, but the thyroid swelling has not come down. Confronted with the situation of absence of symptoms and presence pathology, to find the way out, probing was done in different ways. She confided that all the pathology started after she suffered from malaria which lasted for one month with irregular symptoms. So Malaria Officinalis was given. She attended the clinic on 16.09.98 later 13.12.98. The change was remarkable. Thyroid hypertrophy had entirely gone, her skin became more smooth, deterioration of vision was and the glasses had to be changed again as vision had improved. TSH estimation was ordered but she refused to submit as she is feeling better and test was costly.

A Case of Hypothyroidism

Name: Mr. P.S. Date of consultation: 4.8.1988.

Female: Married occupation : House wife.

Age of presentation: 25 years. Code No. 88/M/13. Present Illness; Hoarseness of voice, Roughness of skin.

History of Present Illness. She did not conceive for four years after marriage. Gynaecologist could not find any abnormality except that uterus was bulky. So she was given only some tonics. Later when she conceived, she aborted in 5th month. In the present pregnancy she was given regular doses of progesterone injections. She had to undergo caesarean section as the membranes leaked prematurely. The present complaint developed slowly. After delivery she gained weight, complexion became dark. Sweating diminished, previously it used to be profuse. With all these complaints 2 months before consulting me she had been to her Gynaecologist who ordered for T3-T4 levels. T3 in normal range but T4 was only 4-8 so thyroid supplementation was suggested but she opted for Homoeopathy.

Past History: Chicken Pox, in childhood. Suffered asthmatic attacks before marriage. Nasal polyp was removed by me during her childhood (that was during my pre Homoeopathic period) and a village practitioner had given some homoeopathic treatment. The name of drug was not revealed. Polyp has not recurred.

Past history: Frequency of micturition with pus cells in Urine, after marriage. Jaundice at the age of 10 years.

Family History: Mother asthamatic. Grand Mother developed diabetes in old age.

Social History: Postgraduate qualified, but not doing any job. Husband is a lecturer in local college. Emotionally well adjusted.

Homoeopathic History:

Appearance; Fair complexion

Skin:-Generalised itching, modalities not marked.

Weight: 69 kgs. Height : 54. Head: Hair fall.

Dress: Tidy, Ear, Nose and Throat: Normal. Respiration: Normal.

Manner: Suspicious looks. Talk: is very guarded

Mentals: Angered Easily. Desires company

Effect of warmth: She does not like hot weather but no ailments.

Effect of Cold: Nil particular.

Generals:Likes open air Desires: Sour foods.

Sleep: Light sleep, previously she used to enjoy deep sleep she always sleeps on right side cause of which she could not explain.

Menstruation: Attained menarche at the age of 14 Years. Since the Menarche she used to suffer from loose motions for two days before every menstruation. She took many medicines but it could not be controlled. Periods 30 days cycle but always late by 5 to 6 days clots present, colour of blood red, discharge moderate, not offensive.

Bowels regular.

Physical Examination: BP: 110/80 Pulse: 70/Minute

Lungs: N.A.D Heart: N.A.D. Abdomen: Soft Extremities: Cracks on soles

Diarrhoea before Menses. Page No. (614), Menses late (727) Desires sour foods (486) Itching generalized (1327) Desires open air (1343)

Drug Selected: Lachesis:- Reasons for this drug selection. This is the only drug covering all the rubrics of her constitution and the change brought at the present stage. Her suspicious looks and jealous nature (admitted by husband) also favoured the selection of the drug.

4.08.1988. Lach 0/1 given the instructions to take daily dose

20. 08.88. Sleep better feeling light in weight.

Lach 0/2. Hair fall increased.

27.08.88. Lach 0/3. Improvement steady. Sleep and thirst returned to normal.

04.09.1988. Frequency of micturition and leucorrhoea developed but subsided in 2 days without any medicine (she confessed she forgot to mention about leucorrhoea before pregnancy)

25.09.88: As the patient is improving and old symptoms are recurring it was decided to continue the medication. 0/6 dispensed

11.10.1988: She came back and reported all her original symptoms appeared gradually. So under the impression that the Lach is losing its hold on the case Sulph 200 was given. But later, on meditation it was suspected to be an aggravation. So on drug was prescribed and she was asked to get T3/T4 levels done. Placebo given.

14. 11.1988: T4 level 6.8 ug. As it is normal only placebo given and advised to report later.

03.01.89: Weight: 69 kgs. No complaints so she was asked to report if there is any problems.


As the drug suited her constitutionally and psychologically and also to the change in her body that occurred after pregnancy the result was gratifying. She was interviewed 3 years later and found to be healthy.

A case of Haematemesis

Name: P.G.K. Male: Aged 11 years

21.2.89. Present Complaint: Vomiting of Blood since 1 year

History of Present illness.

The child was healthy since birth. During 1988 winter pt. suddenly developed vomiting of blood roughly 5 cc in quantity. There is reeling sensation and tendency to fall towards right side. When the vomiting is free he does not have any pain. When there is nausea but if he does not vomit he gets severe pain behind sternum. He was examined by family physician, later by a General Surgeon. Routine Investigations were normal so he was referred to a Gastro Enterologist. He did a barium meal and gastroscopy but could not come to any conclusion regarding the site or the cause of bleeding. The child was kept on styptics. He continued to suffer till the summer set in. The problem subsided on its own accord. In this winter again there is vomiting of blood and he was examined by an other set of Senior specialists. There was no improvement so the parents opted for Homoeopathy.

Past History: Jaundice. Mild attack in Sixth year.

Scabies in eighth year treated by an Allopath.

Family History: Father Healthy, Mother suffering from Eczema on both ankles. Grand Father asthmatic. No History of Tuberculosis, Diabetes or Cancer on either side.

Social History: School going kid, bright in his studies, only sister healthy. No family quarrels, well taken care of by parents.

Appearance: Average Height, Black Hair, Fair Complexion, Moderate Build.

Weight: 22 Kgs. Dress: Neat. Manner: Soft spoken not anxious about health. Mind: Nothing Particular. Effect of Heat: Likes Dry warm

Weather:-Effect of Cold:- Nil. Aggravated during winter.

Scanty sweat watery/Evenly distributed. Sleep: Falling into sleep late at night.

Cannot sleep in illuminated room. Constantly moving in bed, during sleep.

Time Modality or marked: Attacks 5 to 6 times a day. Periodicity: Not Marked. Desires: Not prominent. Aversions: Not prominent. Head: N.A.D. Vertigo: Reeling sensation with tendency to fall towards right. Mouth: Tongue Clean. Eyes, Ears: N.A.D. Throat: Bleeding spot could not be located. Stomach: Nausea Associated with pain in abdomen: Bowels: Regular. Urine: N.A.D. Extremities: Normal. Skin: Normal. Physical Examination: B.P.80/ 60. Pulse: 76 per minute. Liver and spleen not palpable. No mass felt in the abdomen. Heart and Lungs: N.A.D. C.N.S: Normal.

Investigations: T.C.-B.C.-E.S.R. – C.. B.T are normal. Urine for sugar albumin: Nil.

Clinical Diagnosis: Haematemesis ? Cause.

Aggravation Winer Page No. (1422) Sleeplessness (1251) endency to fall right side (99) Suppressed Eruptions (1313) Vomiting of Blood (536)

Drus Selected: Calc carb.

Due to the paucity of symptoms the drugs which covered all the rubrics and scoring high was preferred.

21.02. 89 Calc carb 0/1 given to be taken daily.

25. 02.89: No change. Had attacks of bleeding four times on different days further probing no additional information could be gained. So Calc carb 0/3 was given.

23.03.89: No improvement so next high scoring drug was given- Ars 0/1.

25.03.89: Aggravation of all symptoms loss of appetite and bleeding with stool developed. Parents were worried due to this new symptom, so Camph 200 was given to antidote.

29.03.89: As the bleeding continued on and off ficus religiosa Q five drops in one ounce of water to be taken thrice daily was prescribed. This is purely a Symptomatic prescription.

01.04. 89: had bleeding twice. Taking the location as eliminating rubric. Sulph scored high so it was given in 0/1 potency.

09.04.89: Relieved completely. Sulph 0/2 was given.

14.04.89: No bleeding at all but he was asked to take the same drug only once in a week four times.

Appraisal: As the mother is suffering from Eczema and Grand Father Suffered from Asthma the child has inherited a highly Psoric condition which produced recurrent bleeding. The precipitating factor could not be made out but it was cured by the great antipsoric. This case was reviewed annually till to day. He is OK.

A Case of Under Developed Uterus

22.02.88 Name: Mrs. N. S., Female: 22 Years.

Married: House wife.

Present complaint: Repeated Abortions:

History of Present Illness:

Uneducated village woman married at the age of 19 conceived immediately after marriage. But aborted in the 3rd month of pregnancy attended by an Allopathic Doctor. Next year again she aborted in fourth month of pregnancy. She consulted a senior obstetrician. Patient was told that her uterus is under-developed and the chance of having full term baby is very less but may have it after few more attempts. Patients aunt is a senior nurse in General Hospital. She brought the patient for Homoeopathy.

Past History: Measles at the age of 6 Years.

Family History: parents and 2 sisters are healthy.

No history of Tuberculosis, Hypertension or Diabetes.

Social History: Her husband is the only son to his parents. As the patient aborted twice, mother-in-law is threatening to arrange for divorce.

Homoeopathic History: Small Stature. 5 feet 2 inches, dark complexion wiry build weight 40 kgs. Manners casual very shy person does not talk to new people I had to spend lot of time to elicit symptoms. Very mild in nature soft spoken. Mental symptoms: Fear of crowd cannot stay alone.

Generals: Effect of Warm-Nil particular.

Effect of cold: Nil Particular.

Weather: Aversion to open Air.

Sweat: Scanty sweat on face, it is offensive.

Time aggravation: Not marked.

Appetite: Normal

Aversion: Milk

Desires: Nothing specific.


Sleep: N.A.D.

Menses: Menarche: 14 Years of Age. Periods: 30 days Cycle lasts only one day, offensive, red not clotted.

Leucorrhoea: Watery before menses.

Particulars: Head: N.A.D

Respiratory System: N.A.D.

Abdomen: Bloating present.

Bowels: Unsatisfactory.

Urinary System: N.A.D

Physical Examination:

B.P.: 110/70

Pulse: 76 per minute.

C.V.S. : N.A.D

Extremities: N.A.D

Gynaecological Examination: N.A.D except small size of Uterus.

Clinical Diagnosis: Under developed uterus.

Rubrics: (Kents Repertory)

Timidity: Bashful Page No. 89

Thirstless Page No. 530

Leucorrhoea before menses Page No. 722

Leucorrhoea Watery 728

Menses Offensive 727

Aversion Milk 481

Offensive sweat on face 391

Perspiration is scanty 1300

Abortion 714

Fear of Crowd 43

Drugs Selected: Puls: Reasons for selecting the Drug. Though Puls scored high marks it did not cover scanty sweat and aversion to open air. But consultation of B.B. Repertory reveals it covers both the rubrics whereas other drugs did not. As Puls has affinity to uterus mental, symptoms pointing towards Puls it was felt that the drug is similimum to the case.

22.02. 88: Puls 12 C was given as there is organic defect. She was advised to take 1 dose and 15.03.88

Practically not much of change in the body except sense of wellbeing. Offensive smell during menses has come down. Puls 30-3 doses dispensed. Report after 15 days.

01.04.88 Puls 200-3 doses given with instructions to come after 15 days.

She never returned. Through relatives it was learnt that she became pregnant and delivered 2 male babies at full term. She never became pregnant again, cause not known. She consulted for her childrens’ ailments 2 years after that. She is not willing to take medicine as she does not want more children.

Appraisal: Puls suited her constitutionally and pathologically hence the result is good.

A Case of Respiratory Allergy

Name: Miss. N.S.

02.10.1988 Age: 15 Yrs, Female.

Present Complaint: Recurrent attacks of sneezings and breathlessness since 2 years.

History of Present Illness: The complaints of sneezings started insidiously 2 years back. Cause not known. Sneezings, discharge with itching of nose, nasal block. Itching of inner canthi of eyes, watery LACHRYMATION and redness. Itching of palate and sometimes breathlessness. These attacks are more during night, during rainy season. Gets mild relief by sitting. The attacks are usually precipitated by consuming coconut. Expectoration scanty, white non offensive.

History of Past Illness:

Measles: 4th year.

U.T.I: 8th year. Had all vaccinations.13th year: She developed allergic rash to paracetamol tablet which she took for viral fever. Father states that she developed respiratory symptoms only after this incidence. For all these problems she had allopathic treatment. She used to have Deriphyllin Injection during the height of breathlessness.

Family History: Parents and one brother are healthy, no diabetes, no hypertension in family.

Social History: school going girl. Emotionally well adjusted.

Homoeopathic History:

Appearance: Lean tall girl 5 feet 2 inches fair complexion. Weight 30 kgs.

Dress: Neat and Tidy.

Manner: soft spoken, well behaved girl.

Mind Symptoms: Fear of Crowd, Desires company.

Effect of Cold and Warm: Normal.

Sweat: Moderate, watery non staining.

Sleep: Cant sleep if disturbed during sleep.

Dreams: Indescribable.

Time Modality: Agg Night.

Periodicity: Nil

Desires: Sweets++, warm food+, Warm food +, Warm Drinks+, Agg. by draft of air.

Menstrual History: Menarche: 12th year, 28 days each, 4 days, moderate quantity occasionally clotted, bright red in colour. No concomitants to menstruation. Except vague body pains.

Leucorrhoea: Not significant.

Abdomen: N.A.D.

Bowels: Regular

Physical Examination: BP:110/80

Pulse: 76 per minute.

Head: N.A.D.

Lungs: Clear

Nasal Mucosa: Pale, no pus seen.

Throat: N.A.D

Eyes and Ears: Normal.

Investigations: X-ray Chest: within normal limits.

X-ray paranasal sinuses: Mucosal Oedema. Seen in both, Maxillary antra.

Blood: T.C.8600/CMM.

D.C.P 60% L.27% E.13%

Stool: OVA Nil Cyst: Nil

Urine: Sugar: Nil

Albumin: Nil

Microscopic Examination: N.A.D.

Clinical diagnosis:- Respiratory Allergy

Rubrics: (Kent)

Desire Company Page No 11
Fear of Crowd 43
Desire Sweets 486
Warm Drinks Desire 486
Warm food Desire 486
Agg. Cold Wet Weather 1350
Agg. Night 1342
Agg. Sitting 1401
Menses: Bright Red 725
Sleeplessness after waking 1254
Drug Selected: Ars alb.

Reasons for Drug Selection: Ars alb alone has covered all rubrics and scored high marks. More over this is well indicated in allergy to allopathic drugs.

02.10.1988 Ars alb 200 3 doses to be taken at 12 hours interval. She was advised to avoid all allergic foods. She was instructed to search for allergic foods among her best loved food stuffs.

24.10.88: Improved but mild attacks still present. Ars alb 200/3 doses.

03.11.88: Recurrence of all symptoms. More over she did not respond to usual allopathic medication which she used to get in her place during the attacks. Parents were very apprehensive about it. Considering the event of allergic reaction to paracetamol tablet now Paracetamol 30/3 doses given, advised to report after 10 days with instructions not to use any allopathic drug.

27.11.88: She had urticarial rash on second day and subsided after 2 days. Since then she is very much better. Sulph 200 given, advised to return after month.

20.2.89: She wrote a letter saying that she is keeping good health. No attacks.

Appraisal: Though homoeopathic drugs are sufficient to correct the reaction to allopathic drugs occasionally Tautopathic drugs are needed, to cure the condition.

A Case of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Name: Ms. V.C. 23 Years. Female: Unmarried


Complaint : Pain in small joints of all limbs since 20 months.

History of Present Illness: This female is of reasonable good health, started having mild pain in right toe. It increased in severity slowly, first right ankle afterwards left ankle involved. The joints were swollen, movements gradually restricted. Later joints of both hands involved. In both fourth fingers there is flexion deformity present. Case was examined by General Physician and Orthopaedic Surgeon, later investigated by Senior Orthopedic Surgeon at Hyderabad. She was kept on Analgesics, Antirheumatics but the condition detoriated. She was unable to move and walking is very painful. The pains were agg. by pressure, slightly amel, by movement, pains associated with numbness, sensation as if dislocation of joints prominent. Sitting in sunlight gives slight relief of pain. Type of pain could not be described, pains are more in morning specially on waking. At night the pains prevent sleep and she had to take increased doses of analgesics. During last ten months she had irregular attacks of fever, had to cover herself heavily during fever.

Past History: Typhoid at the age of 10 yrs. Gastroenteritis 4 years ago. No other major illness, only occasional viral fevers.

Family History: No History of cancer, Tuberculosis, Diabetes on either side, Mother suffered from thick leucorrhoea in her youth. Father healthy.

Social History: Unmarried works as untrained nurse in a Paediatric Nursing Home. Her two sisters and one brother are healthy. Respected by her colleagues and patients due to her devotion to work and her extreme desire to help the suffering children.

Homoeopathic History: Appearance: Short Stature 4 feet 9 inches. Dark hair, lean, dark complexion of skin.Weight: 35 kgs.

Manner: Pleasing manner inspite of pain, wants in work inspite of suffering.

Mind: Fear to stay alone. Does not like to express her anger. She is not effected by sympathy.

General Symptoms: Effect of Heat: Nothing Particular.

Effect of Cold: Averse cold water bathing, likes warm water bath.

Weather: Nothing abnormal

Sweat: Moderate watery more in axilla and along spine.

Time Agg: Morning on waking.

Appetite: Normal. Aversion: Sweets.

Desires: Pickles, Sour foods, spicy foods produces constipation.

Thirst: For large quantity of water.

Sleep: Dreams unremembered, cannot sleep in illuminated room.

Particulars: Dandruff ++ Hair fall ++

Ears, Eyes, Throat: N.A.D

Respiratory: N.A.D. Stomach: Vomiting on the day of Menstruation. Feels comfortable after Vomiting.

Abdomen: N.A.D. Menstruation: 28 days cycle, 3-5 days red colour, clotted, offensive. Leucorrhoea: Insignificant.

Skin: itching on Perspiration. Physical Examination: B.P. 110/70 Pulse: 74 per minute. C.V.S. & C.N.S.: N.A.D.

Extremities: N.A.D.

Investigation: Blood, V.D.R.L.: Negative T.C.: 8,500/cm.

D.C.: P58: L-30 E.S.R.: 5 MM/1 st HR. Blood for Rh. Factor: Positive. Urine : Sugar: Nil. Albumin: Nil.

Diagnosis: Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Rubrics: Kent.

Fear of being alone Page No.43

Aversion to sweets 482

Desires sour foods 486

Menses Offensive 727

Dreams Unrememberable 1243

Sensitive to light 78

Vomiting during Menses 534

Pressure Agg. 1392

Motion Amel. 1374

Thirst for large quantities of water 529

Remedy: Phos.

Reasons for Selecting Remedy:

Though the motion amelioration was not covered by Phos constipation due to spices and her desire to help the suffering people inspite of her suffering indicated Phos and it has scored high marks.

17.05.71: Advised to stop all allopathic drugs and Phos 0/1 disposed with instructions to take daily single dose.

03.06.91: Swelling, pain in the joints reduced. Cough and cold set in. The patient admitted that she had similar problems before the onset of joint pains. So it was taken as surfacing of old symptom and it was ignored. But new symptom of pinching pain in her rectum and bleeding during stool started. So the drug was stopped. No Medicine.

12.06.91: Bleeding and pain remained static

Medo 1 M given.

07.08.91 Marked reduction and swelling noted. She is able to walk with slight limp. The finger deformity has improved to half. 25% of pain still present so Phos 0/2 given.

26.08.91: Sensation of distension, vomiting of food half an hour after meal. Very sensitive to odours. So the drug was discontinued. No medicine.

06.06.1992. Phos 0/3 given as there is mild recurrence of pain. She was asked to take on does once in week.

05.03.93: Ankylosed finger and mild swelling of ankle joints remained. No pain, she is able to walk freely. She was asked to report if there is any problem. There is no symptom to indicate another remedy.

Appraisal: the drug suited her well. The disease progress was arrested. No recurrence of fever, restitution of damaged part was partial. She was advised to have the contracture released surgically. She declined, as she is a poor women.

A Case of Wryneck

Name: B.B.R. 9 yrs. Female Student.

Present complaint: Inability to turn head to right side/since birth.

Present Illness: Child was delivered normally in a nursing home, breech presentation.15 days later it was noticed that child is keeping head bent to the right side. Examination revealed small nodule on sternomastoid area. Case as shown to an Orthopaedic Surgeon. It was diagnosed as wryneck and operation was deferred till 2nd year of age. A senior surgeon did the operation and some exercises prescribed. But the child developed contracture of ternomastoid and was unable to turn the head to the right side. So at the age of 5 yrs another orthopaedic surgeon resected on it twice at an interval of 5 months. But again child slowly developed the contracture and the Sternomastoid is now seen as a thick cord.

History of Past Illness: No Major illness except occasional viral fevers.

Family History: Parents are healthy. Grand parents Hypertensive. Mother did not suffer from any disease during regnancy.

Social History: School going bright child, Emotionally well adjusted

Homoeopathic History: Appearance: Average Height Weight 25 kgs. Fair complexion.

Manners: Soft spoken well behaved girl.

Dress: Neat.

Mental: Fear of cats.

General: Effect of weather- sun heat Agg.

Desire draft of air.

Effect of Cold: Nil

Aversion: Milk

Desires: Ices++

Agg: Only foods produces indigestion and irritability.

Sleep: Fearful dreams Frightful Otherwise normal.

Sweat: Oily, Excessive not staining.

Appetite: Normal.


Head: Dandruff

Eyes : Ears, Nose, Throat:- NAD, Stomach

Nausea when she is hungry.

Abdomen: N.A.D, stool: Normal

Respiratory: Nil.

Physical Examination:

Three operated scars on right sternomastoid, child unable to turn beyond midline unable to extend neck backwards.

S.M. Area: Not tender.

Pulse: 70 Min.

General condition: Good.

Investigation: Urine, stool, Blood, for TC, DC, ESR, Normal (done recently preparing for another operation.)

X-ray Neck: A.P. and lateral views normal.

Clinical Diagnosis: Wry Neck.


1. Oily perspiration 299

2. Agg. sun heat 404

3. Aversion Milk 481

4. Desire Ices 483

5. Nausea during Empty Stomach 489

6. Dandruff 114

7. Frightful dreams 1240

8. Agg.Fats 1363

Drug Selected: Bryonia.

Reasons for drug selection: Though Bryonia does not cover desire for ice, fear of cats, this is the only drug which covered all over rubrics. Because of is well known affinity for fibrous tissue this was selected.

16.10.92 Bry 0/1 given with instruction to take daily dose and to continue neck exercises prescribed.

10.11.92 All her general symptoms subsided but no change in neck. Bry 0/2 given.

10.12.92 No change in neck condition. But no new symptoms. Bry 0/3 given with instruction to take only once in every week for two months and report later.

27.05.93: Neck freely mobile fibrous cord could not be palpated. Seen by Orthopaedic surgeon. No other drug was given as there are no symptoms.

Appraisal: Very good result as drug suited constitutionally and in its tissue affinity.

A case of Thromboangitis Obliterans

15.03.89 Name: Mr. P.S. Male: 46 years.

Present Complaint:- Darkening, swelling and coldness of left little toe.

History of present Illness: The present complaint started 15 days ago a mild burning pain in the little to increased gradually with swelling, and discolouration. He consulted a General Surgeon who prescribed vasodilators and advised him to stop smoking completely. He did not get any relief.

History of past Illness: Typhoid 10th year

Measles: 12th year

Fistula in ano:- 25th year.

Lumbar sympathectomy on right side in 1978, amputation of right great toe in 1980. Inspite of Vasodilators and amputation patient suffered from severe pain in the right foot. I applied Acupuncture and he was relieved of pain.

Family History: Wife and 2 children healthy, parents lived to the age of 70 years. No history of Tuberculosis, Diabetes or hypertension social history.

Social History:- He is a typist in a Government Office. He is irregular in his duties. He is inveterate smoker, alcoholic and Gambler. So there used to be frequent quarrels in his family and his wife and children left him for some time.

Homoeopathic History: appearance: Lean, short 5 feet 4 inches. Weight: 40 kgs. Dark complexion. Dress: Untidy.

Manner: Soft spoken, disheartened talk, agony of pain seen in his face.

Mental symptoms: Desires to be alone.

Generals: Draft of air agg. Hot water application agg. Winter Agg. Cold water bath produces shaking chill. Sun heat -Increases the pain in the discoloured area. Wounds heal slow.

Sweat: Scanty that too only on thighs.

Sleep: Gets up with pain, he cannot sleep in the night due to pain the only position he can sleep is propped up position with pillows. Leg raised and kept on pillow and bent at knee. In this position he sleeps an hour or two late in the night and gets up with pain.

Thirst: Thirstless, drinks while eating.

Particulars: Head: N.A.D. Face: Wrinkles, rough.

Ear, Nose and Throat: Normal, Respiratory:- Normal

Abdomen: Normal

Extremities: Sensation of coldness below the knees. Burning and shooting in the left leg. Blackness of left foot, Covering of the part agg. pain

Skin: Cold to touch. Cracks in the sole of foot during the whole year.

Physical Examination: B.P.: 110/70 Pulse: 76/Minute. Heart and lungs: N.A.D

Femoral pulsations Right +++ Left +++

Popliteal pulsations +++ ++

Dorsalis Pedis ++

Left foot cold to touch

Sensations normal about the ankle on the dorsum


Blood: V.D.R.L. Negative Routine urine, Blood:Normal

X-ray foot: No destruction of bones.

Clinical Diagnosis: Thromboangitis Obliterans.

Rubrics Selected: Kent.

Lying Page No. (1371)

Desire for open air (1343)

Sun, exposure to (1404)

Draft of air (1344)

Winter (1422)

Aversion to company (12)

Drug Selected: Pulsatilla.

Reasons for selecting the Drug. Sulph and Puls scored equally and cover all rubrics present. Other minor points also thought of but both drugs were scoring equally in the particular position in which he is able to sleep while lying keeping the limb elevated and flexed at knee could not be located in repertory. So, Herrings guiding symptoms was consulted. Exact symptoms is seen under Pulsatilla so this was selected.

15.03.89: As the Vitality of the patient was low and pain was severe it was decided to go slow. Thus Puls 6C pills were given advised to take 5 pills twice daily.

30.03.89: Patient improved slightly able to sleep but logical Pathology remains same. Puls 12 C was given with instructions to take regularly one dose a day.

15. 04. 89: Steady improvement but has slow action Puls 30/3 doses given.

30.04.89: Puls 200, 3 doses given improvement satisfactory.

15.05.89: As the patient improved steadily with Puls it was thought to be the appropriate medicine so it was dispensed in ascending potencies.




30th November 2003, Volume 10, Issue 2

Mrs. Lakshminarayanan


Rhus-t / Arn / Mag-p / Hyper / Gnaph / Coloc / Cist / Nux-v / Puls / Thuj / Acon / Pyrog


Mrs. S. aged 81 years though suffering from hypertension is basically a healthy person with her anti hypertensive allopathic medicine. Of late on account of advanced age, she has become feeble with constant pain in her legs and great and permanent exhaustion.

She had been taking painkillers daily religiously for the past few years for the pain in the legs and living happily until she read in the newspaper about the danger of painkillers, which might damage kidneys. She immediately stopped the tablets and would avoid taking them until and unless absolutely necessary. It has also been found that these pain killers are not that effective any more.

In the month of July 2002, this lady suddenly developed sciatica in her left hip and the nerve along that line was paining severely. Painkillers did not help her. Her nephew and nieces are allopathic doctors. On consulting they advised her to put up with the pain and manage it with pain killers etc. as its is not desirable to operate upon her at this age. However she was advised to take an X-ray to be shown to an orthopedic.

She turned to me for relief. I advised her not to bother about X-ray and prescribed Rhus tox 200, and later 1M with little result, Arnica 200 & 1M did not give much relief. She told me then that sitting and lying on the affected side and hot application gave her good relief. I prescribed Mag Phos-200 1 dose and it aggravated the pain beyond tolerance. She suffered shooting, excruciating and unbearable pain. Hypericum 30 one dose brought down the shooting pain immediately the basic pain continued. Gnaphalium Q was being given 3 to 5 drops in an ounce of water 2 to 3 times a day, which was palliating the pain for some time. 14/7/02-as she was persistently getting relief with hard pressure. Colocynth 30 was prescribed. With only one dose, she got relief. Later she was maintained on placebo for 2 to 3 days and pain has not returned so far. So, she was cured of sciatica which would have been a surgical case had she not been old and feeble.


Mr. D. a businessman, shop on a busy road is subject to dust and pollution of the road. He suffered from severe dust allergy. He suffered from frequent and violent sneezes, cold, throat irritation, cough and catarrh. Allopathic tablets were not giving him much relief though they were being swallowed religiously.

I have been reading Homoeopathic Drug Pictures by Dr.M.L. Tyler. I just happened to open the drug picture of Cistus Canadensis. It was a coincidence that this persons wife came to consult me at that hour only.

This drug has frequent and violent sneezing-chronic nasal catarrh, worse for cold air etc. It fitted the case all around. This patient had great and irresistible craving for cheese. This was so marked that one went to repertory for drugs that craved for cheese and found Arg n, Ast-r, Cist, Ign, Mosch, Puls. So I immediately prescribed Cistus 30, 3 doses and he improved and got over the complaints completely. Later occasionally he would get the little throat irritation, little cold, one or two sneezes which would subside on its own. Now after a period of more than two months I am told that he is completely free from this allergy.


Mrs. R. aged 42 years, short, plump, flabby, fair person had undergone strenuous period, what with alteration done to the rooms, painting the entire house and entertaining half a dozen relatives for about a fortnight. Due to overwork and excessive physical strain for a period of about 2 to 3 months she was extremely tired. On 17/10 she complained of formication in both arms continuously for 24 hours of the day which was nagging and annoying.

She always had cold nose which lead me to prescribe Arnica which fitted the case with her exhaustion. Arnica 30 3 doses morning and almost relieved the sensation of formication except occasional formication in fingers on some strai.

14/11 previous night again felt severe numbness in the right arm. She was also having severe cold. Nose block and throat irritation. In the materia medica by Dr. William Boericke-under locomotor system upper extremities-arm- numbness, fall asleep-I found Nux vom which fitted the case with cold and blocked nose etc. Nux vom 30 dose improved everything and she was completely O.K. thereafter.


Miss M-18 years old had been dreaming about dogs and she was particularly being frightened by a ferocious black dog. She was scared even to close her eyes and night after night the dream was persisting. This continued about a fortnight. She was so scared that she got fever.

In Kent’s repertory in the chapter sleep under dreams page 1238 frightened by a black dog, Pulsatilla is the only drug in plain letters. This also one of the many drugs though in plain letters only under dreaming of dogs in general. I prescribed Pulsatilla 30 one dose and she has just been free from this menacing complaints.


A girl child- 5 year old, was brought to me for a wart under her right eye on her cheek. She is an orphan adopted by a family in her neighborhood after her parents’ death due to AIDS. This child was not breast fed by her mother since her birth and present guardian family used to look after her even when her mother was alive. But this childs blood has not been examined so far; probably the adopted parents do not want to know the truth though the child may actually be free from this horrible disease. At present she is healthy, active, intelligent. I prescribed Thuja 6, 5 doses daily for 5 days. The warts shriveled. After 2 weeks she got fever 102 degF. and was brought to me. As it was due to expose to dry winter cold, I prescribed Acon-30 3 doses to be given at hourly interval, & were given at 9.00, 10.00, and 11.00 pm. At 10 pm the temperature rose to 105 deg but they religiously gave 2nd and 3rd dose. After 3rd dose the child slept well and the temperature came down to normal next morning. One more dose was given in the morning. The child was active throughout the day but the temperature rose again in the evening. As aconite has evening rise in temperature (Kents repertory page 1279- Aconite appears in black letter) I gave Aconite 200 1 dose. Temperature did not rise further and next morning it again touched subnormal. Next day there was again a slight rise 99 deg to 100 deg. I consulted my teacher and gave one dose of Pyrogenium 200 and she recovered completely.

I was scared to treat this case because of AIDS background and was worried when it was not controlled for 3 days though the temperature was reaching normal. But she recovered fully and uneventfully quickly after a dose of Pyrogenium.

Editors Comment: – It is gratifying to see the intense interest that Mrs Lakshminarayanan has as a new recruit to the ranks of homoeopathy of course as the wife of late Dr. Lakshminarayanan who passed away about 2 years ago. Mrs. Lakshminarayanan had the good fortune of seeing and actively assisting Dr. Lakshminarayanans therapeutic efforts. She has read and digested all the basic books of the old masters and guided by the homoeopathic presence of her late husband she has achieved remarkable successes in the cases that she has been treating for the last 2 years. As I always feel it is never too late to study homoeopathy nor ever too late to practice it. Age is no bar to genuine interest and effort in homoeopathy and myself and Dr. Meher wish her all the best in her newly discovered homoeopathic career.




10th April 2005, Vol-12, Issue 1

Dr. Subhash Meher


Merc / Syph / Echi / Calen / Nit-ac / Kali-m / Nat-m / Acon / Bry / Gels

Patient- Mr. K.S., age 21 years working as a salesman in a shop of his small town drawing only Rs 1500 per month as a salary. First consulted on Monday, Feb 23, 2004. (Report created and updated on Friday, Apr 8, 2005).

Chief complaint- Painful eruptions with burning sensation, whitish and lacy in appearance were present all over the tongue and on buccal mucus membrane. A thick black scab on lower lip was noticed. Lesions were very painful with burning sensation. Difficulty in eating, drinking and talking due to severity of extensive ulcerations was quite obvious. This complaint used to recur every 3 to 4 months and subsided for sometime after the allopathic treatment by a skin specialist. This complaint started since Oct 2000 and first eruption appeared on the lip followed by affection of oral mucosa, palms, soles and abdomen. As this case was not responding to the treatment of 2 to 3 super specialists of the city, they referred this case to an experienced specialist of Poona.

Clinical diagnosis was Oral Lichen Planus not confirmed by biopsy report.

Oral lesions were followed by itching eruptions on palms and soles. Eruptions are multiple, of size of larger than pin head, polygonal shaped, slightly elevated, flat, later on turned black and symmetrical in distribution. Other points noted during the course of treatment were-excessive salivation, ropy, thick white saliva (photograph inside back cover). Tongue-ulcerated border and larger flat reddish-white eruptions, resembling thick white patchy coating. Deep central fissure.

First eruption appeared on lip and then on oral mucus membrane and tongue.

Occasional mild burning urination. Sweating excessive. Desire for sweets, salt + Sleeps in open shade outside his house in all the seasons. Bowels constipated. Dreams of snakes chasing him. Dreams of daily chores. Mild, non quarrelsome. Cooperative, smiling, shy. Detailed history taking was impossible due to his inability to talk. Prescription – Merc sol 30 (Local symptoms).

Thursday, Feb 26, 2004. Agravated, cannot open the mouth, can not speak, eat or drink. Prescription-Syphilinum 1M, 1 dose (bilaterally symmetrical eruptions on palms resembling secondary syphilis). Echinaecea Q and Calendula Q-for gargling.

Saturday, Feb 28, 2004-Severity remains the same. Prescription-Acid nit 30, 6 doses (local pathology). Kali mur 6x (whitish discolouration of tongue with thick white ropy saliva).

Sunday, Mar 7, 2004-much better since last 2 days. Can open mouth. Swallowing and chewing is less painful. Ropy thick white saliva (not this characteristic in the photograph). Tongue thick white coating +++. Prescription-Kali mur 6x, following by Nat mur 6x, BD for 10 days.

Friday, Mur 19, 2004-almost completely better. No medicine given.

Tuesday, Mar 30, 2004- Mild diarrhoea lasted for 3 to 4 days and needed no medicine. Appetite- normal. No oral ulcers except mild painless depression on tongue. Wt- 45 kg. No medicine given.

Sunday, May 16, 2004- Small one or two ulcers appeared inside lower lip and cheek and cleared within a day or two. No medicine given.

Feb 5, 2005-Came back approximately after one year with following complaints.

Sudden high fever, severe headache and bodyache, with drowsiness. He was exposed to hot and cold weather a day before the onset of fever. Prescription-Aconite 30 followed by Bryonia 30 and Gelsemium 30 relieved him within 24 hours. Mild dryness of lips, scaly with tiny eruptions of them. Mild heaviness of head, thirst and desire for salt. All these symptoms cleared quickly after a dose of Nat mur 30.

Monday, Apr 11, 2005 – Today, no recurrence or any other complaint. No Medicine given. *In this case due to paucity of mentals and other generals-medicines were selected only on local pathological symptoms.



BEGINNERS CORNER [Beginner’s Corner]

Aug / Dec 2006 Volume No 13, Issue 2, 3

Mrs. Sudha Laxminarayanan


Rhus-t / Bell / Ars / Ip / Nat-m / Calc / Calen / Staph / Hep / Sil / Hyper / Arn / Hecla / Sep / Nit-ac / Influ / Bac / Nux-v / Acon


Mrs. Sudha Laxminarayan


Case 1

We had gone on a pleasure trip to Goa and South Canara during Dassera holidays. Suddenly the weather became damp cold, there were continuous rains and drizzling and we were getting drenched now and then whenever we alighted the bus to see places. By evening, my 8 year-old daughter was shivering with cold but she persisted with eating ice-cream and the next hour she was down with high fever. Rhus tox 200, 2 doses hourly had no effect. Fortunately for me, there was no thermometer, as high fever would make everybody panic and insist for an allopathic treatment. I resisted use of Crocin, etc. If I went to an allopathic doctor and he prescribed injections and drugs and if they produced some adverse, reactions who would help us during our journey? I then gave Belladonna 200 as I felt her face was flushed and also it was a sudden development. But it did not help her. We coaxed her to eat some biscuits and drink milk, but she refused.

We stayed in a hotel in the night. At about 2:30 AM. She woke up saying she was feeling very sick, uneasy and horrible. I was damn scared, as I had not treated fevers earlier. There was nobody whom I could consult and I did not have many medicines and potencies. However, I made her eat one biscuit and drink warm milk, which I had kept in a flask, and prescribed Ars alb 30 one dose for 2:30 AM. aggravation. Her fever came down by 5:00 AM. But it started rising again. I repeated the dose and she was better. Next day, I reversed to Rhus tox 200; a 3rd dose was given and we reached Hyderabad in the early morning. The fever was rising again slightly. I repeated the medicine and with 2-3 more doses given morning and evening, it brought down the fever and she recovered. But then she developed cough and she was coughing till she vomited. With Ipecac 30, 2 to 3 doses the cough was controlled completely and she recovered fully and uneventfully.

Thus, I succeeded in treating first case of fever.

Case No 2

19-12/2003-May ten year old daughter was getting headaches off and on. Once she complained of headache early in the morning. I gave her Nat mur 30 and she got relief.

But later, it was observed that there was always a sudden onset of headache, which was also severe. Her head in general is very sensitive. A slight plucking of her hair or a slight hit on her head was very painful, very much out of proportion to the cause.

So Belladonna 30 was prescribed, which relieved her headache within half-an-hour.

Once her headache started suddenly before going to school and she left for school without taking medicine. The headache became so severe in the school that she started crying. An Ayah of the school escorted her. My daughter could not even guide the auto driver to the house properly due to her suffering. Bell 30 did not give her relief and with Bell 200, after half-an hour, she went to sleep immediately. She woke up fresh after two hours, but headache started again and was becoming severe. Second dose of 200 did not help her and I had to give Bell 1 M, with which She was completely alright.

But after a week or ten days, she again got headache. This time I prescribed Calc carb, which is chronic of Belladonna in 30C, and with one dose she was relieved of the headache within half-an hour as usual. This also continued for some time and she continued to get headache every week to ten days and she would be relieved with one dose of Calc carb 30.

Then, as the results were not being sustained, I gave her Calc carb 200, when she had headache next time and it gave her relief within half an hour. She had a head wart of the size of a big moong on the middle knuckle of her index finger, which used to pain while writing. She also had number of small warts on her toes.

As I had not treated chronic cases, I was not treating her warts. But on the 3rd day of her taking Calc carb 200, the warts on the finger just disappeared totally as if it never existed. All the other warts on her toes also disappeared shortly. Such miraculous results left me dumb founded. Such results should be an eye opener first to homoeopaths and then to practitioners of other schools of medicine.

As I had not treated chronic cases, I was not treating her warts. But on the 3rd day of her taking Calc carb 200, the warts on the finger just disappeared totally as if it never existed. All the other warts on her toes also disappeared shortly. Such miraculous results left me dumb founded. Such results should be an eye opener first to homoeopaths and then to practitioner of other schools of medicine.

Actually, these days people are attracted towards alternative system of medicine but practitioners of the standard of Dr Tyler, Schmidt etc. are yet to be found. In the absence of good practitioners, people still dont feel very confident to consult homeopaths in emergencies. Is this not proper time for homeopaths to assert themselves with such wonderful drugs on hand?

Case No.3

On November 4th, my 10-year-old child got a deep wound in her leg while climbing a wall studded with glass pieces. It was a deep cut, with a lump of flesh coming out and blood gushing. I immediately dressed it with Calendula tincture pouring generously on the wound and gave Staphysagria 200 three doses every half-an-hour. The bleeding stopped shortly and the child was at peace.

On consulting my teacher, I was asked to give Hepar sulph if the child complained of any pain. Being winter, I expected her to have a bad night but she slept well. On the following 2-3 days, I gave 2-3 doses each of Hepar sulph and Silicea 30, whenever she complained of pain. But on the 3rd or 4th day, the wound pained and these drugs were not controlling the pain. Then I referred the book on trauma, Traumatic Diseases and their Sequelae by Dr D Lakshminarayanan page 46-47 and found Hypericum for sore and excruciating pain after cuts and surgery. Hypericum is also a drug for injury to nerves.

I gave Hypericum-1M dose and the child who was in great distress was relieved of the pain very shortly. After that during a period of 2-3 weeks, I was dressing the wound every alternate day with calendula and must have given 2-3 doses of Hypericum 1M off and on whenever the child complained of severe pain. On the whole, the wound healed beautifully without any complications and dried up completely within a month.

Such fast results have to be seen by people to believe how Homoeopathy can work with lightning speed in relieving severe pains in acute conditions. The general belief among the people that Homeopathy works slowly and is no match with allopathy in alleviating the sufferings of the people in acute conditions must be removed by Homeopathy by showing such wonderful results. They must be made to know that Homoeopathy works as fast if not faster than allopathic pain killers, and is absolutely safe without any harmful side effects. So, this wound healed beautifully without any T.T. injections, antibiotics or pain killers.

Case No.-4

On an afternoon at about 3:00 pm, I crushed my left hand thumb in the door of a cupboard. I immediately took Arnica and Ruta 30, alternately every 15 minutes, 3 doses each. The pain seemed to come down. I went for a meeting, but when I returned at about 6:00 pm, the pain increased. The thumb had become black. The above medicines in 200th potencies of 2 doses each at hourly intervals did not give any relief. I took Arnica 1 M, at 9:00 pm. It gave me little relief. Though I did not pass a bad night, 2-3 doses of Arnica 1 M, at frequent intervals did not give me substantial result. Then I took Arnica 10M one dose next morning and it relieved the pain free from the pain. I had to take a dose or two of Arnica 10M during that week and I was completely alright. The dead nail was left in its place till the growth of the new nail as recommended by Dr D Lakshminarayanan on Page No.46 of his book on Trauma. Later, the dead nail dropped off and a beautiful new nail has grown in its place. You can never make out now that any accident had ever occurred to the thumb.

Case No.5

Mr.X, a young boy 24 years old crushed his thumb while fixing a portrait in my house. I immediately prescribed Arnica 200 one dose and he left my house. Later he developed severe pain but was not available for medication. I sent Arnica 1M 5 doses, three doses to be taken at hourly interval in the evening and the remaining 2 doses at intervals of three hours. I also gave one dose Arnica 10M to be taken next morning. The boy didnt get the medicine till he returned late in the night. He was having severe pain in the thumb. He simply took all the 5 doses at one hourly interval and took Arnica 10M next morning and he was completely free from the pain thereafter.

Case No.6

A young girl 18 years of age, suffers from tonsillitis and sinusitis. She came to me for treatment when her tonsils flared up. She had heavy cold, pain in the throat on swallowing, the pain extending to the ear and tonsils swollen. It was due to change of weather.

Her general symptoms are, she sweats in the nights on the head heavily and the sweat rolls down the head, neck and face, wetting the pillow. Her hands and feet were always cold.

As it is a clear symptom of Calcarea, which is also indicated in the pain in the throat extending to the ear, being one of the drugs in italics in Kents repertory Page No. 460, pain in the throat due to change of weather, Calcarea is the only drug in black Page No.458, and sore pain Calc. being one of the many black drugs Page 463, I prescribed Calc. 30, 3 doses, to be taken morning and evening. The pain and other troubles receded and she was all right within 2-3 days.

Then she started getting fever. She is a working girl. She used to feel feverish daily in the afternoon and was returning home in the evenings with slight temperature. She would have fever the whole night. It would recede by next morning and she would go to work again. Because the fever was only about 99 degrees she never cared and this went on for about a week. Then one night, she had three vomitings. In the morning, the fever was 100 degrees. Her mother came to me. The patient was thirstless, had loathing for food and had nausea. Her face was flushed. Her flushed face suggested Belladonna, which was in black (i.e. highest degree) in Kents Repertory Page No. 504, in loathing of food and nausea, in italics in thirst less and vomiting on Page 530 and 531.

As it also happened to be acute of Calcarea, I prescribed Belladonna-30, 3 doses. By the time the mother went home at about 11:30 am, the fever was 101 degrees. One dose was given. The temperature came down to 100 degrees within an hour. 2nd and 3rd doses were given at 3 hourly intervals but the temperature didnt come down further. Next day morning, the temperature was 99 degrees, which rose to 100 degrees during the day. Another two doses were given; to take morning and evening, and 3rd day the temperature reached subnormal at 96 degrees.

Her menstrual cycle had been very irregular with some hormonal treatment during past six months, the menses would either delay or once started would not stop until further hormones were taken (she is an employee of a star hospital). Presently, she was

having discharge for the past 1-1/2 months non-stop. Her mother mentioned this while reporting aforesaid acute conditions and I promised to look into it once she got over the present acute phase.

But during this treatment of acute tonsillitis and fever, the discharge stopped and didnt recur for about 20 days. It was spotted once but stopped again. It might become regular failing which, another dose or two of her constitutional remedy i.e., Calcarea might put the cycle in order.

This result produced while treatment of her acute condition with her constitutional drug Calcarea carb. Belladonna left me with reverence and awe towards Dr Hahnemann who discovered Homoeopathy, which is nature itself. How a constitutional remedy puts the entire person, his vitality and health into order. She recovered completely and uneventfully. Not feeling weak or jaded in spite of such acute sufferings. How true my husband was when he told me just half-an-hour before his death that Homoeopathy is so great Homeopathy is God It is God indeed

NB: She had menses in time; the discharge was normal and stopped after 5th day.

Case No. 7

My left molar was troubling me off and on whenever breadcrumbs or any other food particles got stuck in the molars. It used to pain severely which was always relieved with Hekla lava-6. This recurred a few times over a period of 2-3 years and I was carrying on with it happily.

Then I developed a complaint. My right lower molars were not able to tolerate hot or cold drinks and cool air if sucked. Chewing was also difficult, but somehow, I never cared. Suddenly one day, I developed severe pain in the molars. It became so severe and unbearable that I was in tears. The pain was extending to the ear.

I repertorised and found on Page 440 of Kents Repertory Pain extending to the ear Sepia and Staphysagria among other black letter drugs. I took Sepia 30 at 9:30 am. There was no change, took a 2nd dose at 10:00 am and within 15-20 minutes, the relief ensued. I felt very much better. I should have left it at that. But forgetting the rule Never try to make a good thing better I took 3rd dose at 10:30 am i.e. 3 doses were taken at half hourly intervals. Immediately the pain shot up. I took another dose three hours later at 1:30 pm and somehow managed to have lunch but I was having lot of pain and discomfort. Then I took Sepia 200 at 2:30 pm. I had a peculiar experience and I could feel the drug working on the molars and by evening the pain decreased. The improvement continued and I was 90-95% better by next morning. I was able to tolerate hot and cold drinks and the pain was much, much better. But my eyes started watering due to inflammation of the eyes with discharge of mucus and blurred vision followed. Instead of allowing the action of the drug to settle down, I took Natrum mur-30 one dose in the evening, it being complementary to Sepia and my toothache returned with full force though my eyes cleaned.

I left all the medicines for 2-3 days as suggested by my senior homoeopath but the pain and the distress continued. I repeated Sepia 200 and 1 M, with no result.

We were to go on a pleasure trip to Goa and South Canara during Dassera holidays. As I wanted to be completely free from the pain during our trip, I took Staphysagria-30, 200 and 1 M, morning and evening in spite of my teachers advice. The pain decreased but as it had not gone completely, I took Staphysagria 10M one dose and the turbulence calmed down completely. We proceeded on our trip next day i.e. on 06-10-2002. I had been free from the pain ever since and hot and cold drinks are happily being tolerated.

What an experience Got confirmation of the rule Never try to make a good thing better. When my toothache had vanished but eyes were watering due to inflammation of the eyes, I should have left it and it would have adjusted in a day or two. Why did I disturb the working of the medicine by taking the complementary? I suffered intensely on account of my own folly.

Let such results be seen by people who think that the action of the homoeopathic drugs is only psychological and gives only placebo effect even though they have been used for infants and animals so successfully.

Another opinion prevailing among the people is our drugs never do any harm if they cannot benefit a person. But this case shows clearly how the potencies have to be handled with homoeopathy is extremely difficult and a spoilt case may sometimes go beyond repair. Beware Never take homoeopathy for granted

Case No.8

These days I feel quite confident in treating cases of trauma, burns, crush injuries etc. My neighbours cook got her right hand burnt while frying papads. The hot oil spilled on her hand and all her fingers were badly burnt. But it was still superficial only.

As per modern practice she immediately dipped her hand in cold water and blebs appeared. She went for allopathic treatment of course as the general belief is Homoeopathic treatment never helps in such acute emergencies and even if it does it is very slow. She used the ointment etc., for 4-5 days with no result. Then she was brainwashed to come to me.

As it was a superficial burn only, I asked her to apply Calendula tincture on her hand. On page 38 of Traumatic Diseases & their Sequelae by Dr L N i.e. my husband, he describes Arnica is prophylactic of pus infection (Boericke). The effect of Arnica on threatened pus formation or actual pus in injured surfaces is something that even a homoeopath has to see to believe. The absorption of pus in such cases can be observed within a few hours of Arnica in potency. The higher potencies are much more rapid and effective. I prescribed Arnica-200, 3 doses every one hour, then one dose in the afternoon and one in the evening. Next day, all her blebs broke, the serum oozed out and the pain was much less. I continued only Arnica 200 internally three times a day for next day with calendula tincture for external applications and twice a day for another two days. It started improving fast and there was considerable improvement within four days. Her middle finger had lost pigmentation completely and it had become pinkish white.

I continued to give Arnica 200 at longer intervals and stopped when she was completely relieved. The pigmentation started developing and after 2 months, the finger became so normal that one could not say which was the finger burnt and had lost pigmentation. It is a satisfying result for a beginner like me and I am thankful to my Master for this. This treatment gave so much confidence in the patient that she started consulting me all her minor complaints.

Case No.9

Mrs X is about 55 year old polio patient. Her right leg is affected and she walks because of unequal distribution of weight while walking, her back aches. She was also told that there has been a ligament tear and if she walks long distance, she feels excruciating pain in her lower spine.

Treating this as Chronic effects of shock to spine, I put her on Arnica Hypericum, Nitric acid, all in 200C potencies morning, afternoon and evening to be repeated every week for 3 weeks reference Page 104 of Homoeopathic Therapeutics of Traumatic Disease and their Sequelae. This was later followed by Calcarea 6 to be taken daily for alternate weeks for another 3 weeks and it relieved her of that pain completely for more than a year.

Again in August 2006, she had Chikungunya and developed the ligament pain along with other pains in ankle joint, feet, soles, knees specially while sitting an getting up from a seat, knuckles, fingers and swelling in all the joints. On 04-09-2006, I again gave her medicine for ligament tear, the trio of Arnica, Hypericum & Acid Nit in 200 potencies followed by S/L for a week. Immediately, all the pains were aggravated badly on 5/9. I left the patient alone and the pains started decreasing from the very next day, & within 2-3 days almost disappeared. The Chikungunya pains improved upto 40% but still very troublesome.

17/09/2006 Influenzinum-30 + Baccillinum-30 (mixture) morning & evening 2 doses followed by S/L over the next week.

There was no significant improvement. Calc carb 6 daily once for a week was repeated for another week alternately after a gap of one week. Pains decreased but still persisted. 22-10-2006 Rhus tox 30, 3 doses morning & evening. 31-10-2006 the report is that she is much better with all her swelling gone. As she had strained her right polio affected leg with unequal distribution of weight on this leg while walking, I propose to give her Arnica-200 morning & evening, 3 doses, which I think, will relieve her of this pain, which is mainly due to the strain on this leg. I have been able to relieve Chikungunya pain in few patients with Rhus tox & Calcarea carb.

Case No.10

A child, about 6 years of age used to suffer from frequent fevers at least twice a month from very long time and was constantly under antibiotics of an allopathic doctor who happened to be my friend. Then he asked the mother not to subject her to any more antibiotics and sent the case to me in November 2004. When the child came to me she was not suffering from any fever and was okay. But she was a puny dried up child, not much appetite, and no growth. As it is I have been a beginner and I do not have much confidence in treating fevers. I was quite annoyed at the doctor friend of mine. However, taking the background of heavy medication with antibiotics, I gave 3 doses of Nux vomica 30 C-3 doses to be given once daily followed by Sac lac for a week. The child started improving with improved appetite and slight all-round improvement. She got fever of about 102 F on 29-12-2004 and they came to me. As it was dry cold, I gave Aconite 30 3 doses to her given every hour to be followed by 2 more doses, one to be given in the night with a gap of 3-4 hours and 5th dose next day.

30/12/04 Though the temperature dipped in the night, morning again it was 100 F, which rose during the day. I gave Aconite 200 doses to be given afternoon and night, and report in the morning. But again the temperature dipped a little by morning. Again it was 100 F. I gave Aconite 1 M one dose and asked to report to me later in the day.

01-01-2005 I never got any report. I thought they might have gone for allopathic treatment and I thought it to be good riddance. But on 2nd morning I got their report that with one dose of Aconite 1M the temperature came down never to rise again and she became completely normal. As my phone was continuously engaged on account of new years greetings being exchanged, they could not get in touch me though they were trying for me frantically. As the child was completely normal, they were quite happy. When I recently contacted them to ascertain the childs condition, I was told that she never got fever that and has been free from fever till this day. What a satisfying result for a beginner like me

Editors remark- Mrs Sudha Laxminarayanan is a very ardent devotee of homoeopathy. She started prescribing homoeopathic remedies after the demise of her renowned husband the late Dr D Laxminarayanan. She may have the beginners luck for sure but she is also an ardent reader of homoeopathic books. Her enthusiasm is admirable and her love for homoeopathy would make even Hahnemann happy.




HEAL THYSELF (The Homoeopathic World) A Popular Journal Of Medical, Dietetic, Social and Sanitary Science By J Ellis Barker.

1935 Jun Vol LXX No 834

Round G.


Acon / Puls.

DEAR MR. BARKER, – Knowing that “a little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men,” I enclose you something which will make you smile, a cutting from the Cape Argus of November 3rd, 1934.

Evidently your most interesting and instructive articles in the “HEAL THYSELF” and your News Lives for Old annoy “Medicus” exceedingly: apparently the very idea of anyone being cured (not patched up) by homoeopathy is utterly preposterous to him. It would be very laughable, were it not deplorable, to see the attitude of the orthodox M.Ds who do very little, and who thunder (or should I say “bray” ?) at those who believe in homoeopathy and who have received lasting benefit from it.

May I, without trespassing too much on your valuable space, quote my own case: For about ten years I suffered most severely from acute inflammation of the eyes. The attacks lasted from fourteen days to six weeks during which time I was dosed by different allopathic doctors with liberal doses of Salicylic Acid and with eye drops of Atropine. During the attacks I was compelled to sit in darkness with bandages over my eyes as the least glint of light was as if a knife stabbed me.

This continued until about 1920 when I went to Kimberely and was there attacked again. Fortunately there was a homoeopathic doctor there who was called in. He gave me (I think) Aconite and Pulsatilla. In a week I was well (the shortest attack I ever had) and have never had an attack since. I wonder what “Medicus” would say to this.

Apologizing for trespassing and trusting that you will enjoy a very hearty laugh over the enclosure,

I am, very sincerely yours,





HEAL THYSELF (The Homoeopathic World) A Popular Journal Of Medical Dietetic Social and Sanitary Science By Ellis Barker j.

1935 Nov Vol LXX No 839

William H Dieffenbach.


Canth / Hyos / Iod / Acon.


From The Journal of the American Institute of Homoeopathy.

WHEN medical literature regarding the mortality of pneumonia treated according to orthodox methods still shows a high mortality, averaging 30 per cent, and over, for certain types, and one scans the January number of the Journal of the American Institute of Homoeopathy and finds an article on the treatment of pneumonia rejoicing in a mortality of 35 per cent., once is astounded at the lack of progress made in the treatment of this bacterial infection. But 10 If one investigates further, the discovery is made that homoeopathic medication is ignored in both sources mentioned.

One finds that regular homoeopaths still maintain that the average death rate of pneumonia when treated by unsoiled methods according to the principle of similar is seldom over 5 per cent. and some maintain a lower rate.

My experience when in general practice brought me in contact with a number of orthodox physicians and they all acknowledged their inability to cope with pneumonia, which is one of the shining examples of homoeopathic therapeutic success.

Our treatment of pneumonia was carried on along hygienic, dietetic, hydrotherapeutic and homoeopathic lines.

For the older dyed-in-the-wool homoeopaths, the following recital of personal experiences may be trite reading, but for the younger groups, now groping around for light, it may stimulate and encourage them to adhere to a medical system, which has proven its worth for over a century.

CASE I. After conducting a funeral service at an open grave on a cold fall afternoon, our pastor reached home with a heavy chill and promptly went to bed. His usual remedy for an acute chill or cold was hot lemonade and some quinine pills, which were taken with no results. Late in the evening the patient with the exclamation “You are too late this time_ I am going to die-I caught cold once too often.” The temperature was 103 F., pulse hard, fast and strong, respiration laboured and voice affected. Skin was hot and dry. Examination showed flatness on percussion on right lower lobe and dry rales.

Here were presented a group of symptoms:

(I) Chill after exposure to cold wind.

(2) Anxiety-fear of death.

(3) Fever with fast, hard pulse.

(4) Dry hot skin.

(5) Hoarseness and dry cough-little or no expectoration, unable to collect specimen for diagnostic purposes.

This was a picture of Aconite.

Ten drops of Aconite 3x were given in a glass of water with orders to give a teaspoonful of this dilution half hourly until improvement set in.

Fruit juice were ordered. The family had some home-made raspberry juice which was diluted with water and administered frequently as it relieved the cough.

The next day the patient was better and at the end of the week the pastor was in the pulpit and praised God for his prompt recovery. Hahnemann should have shared the glory.

CASE II. While attending to my daily service at Broad Street Hospital, New York City, the superintendent was taken with lobar pneumonia and placed himself in the care of the medical chief, an orthodox physician of diagnostic ability. All the staff regularly inquired concerning the condition of the patient and after more than one weeks illness the attending physician accosted the writer in the hall and stated, “I am afraid the superintendent is slipping away; his pneumonia is not resolving, his cough, temperature, respiration and pulse are unsatisfactory. Have you as a Homoeopath anything to suggest?” The chart showed that the patient had been ill ten days, had received codeine for the cough, digitalis to support the heart and whisky as a diffusible stimulant. Beef tea and other inappropriate foods were in the dietary.

He was placed in a semi-recumbent position to help his respiration and had excellent nursing care.

An examination of the chart showed the typing to be III and this knowledge appeared to dampen the spirits of the attending physician.

We advised suspending the codeine, digitalis and whisky at once.

The particular symptoms presented by this patient for homoeopathic analyses were the following: .

(I) Patient was anxious and nervous, scolding about his food, claiming it was not satisfying-always hungry.

(2) He had dyspnoea, a dry cough with sharp pains when coughing. Stethoscopic examination showed complete involvement of the right lung.

(3) Patient craved air, wanted the bed clothes lifted and aired, he objected to being warm. The indicated remedy, Iodine, was selected on these symptoms.

Two drops of the tincture of iodine in a glass of warmed raw milk to be given thus every two hours until further notice.

Sectional sponging of the body with hot mittens, twice a day was advised.

Fruit juices were offered hourly to increase the alkalinity of the blood plasma.

The patient responded and in one week was ambulant.

Two McGill University interns who were attending to the usual details approached the writer after attending convalescence with their little notebooks in which they had written: Dr. Dieffenbachs treatment for pneumonia: “Two drops tincture of iodine in a glass of raw milk every two hours”.

The writer was obliged to disabuse the interns and inform them that some other remedy might be indicated in the next pneumonic infection, but this philosophy was not appreciated by these physicians with orthodox training. The regular attending physician refused to admit that Homoeopathy had anything to do with the recovery, but the superintendent believes otherwise.

CASE III. Late one evening the telephone bell rang and a voice at the other end requested the writer to come to Rye, N.Y., some distance from the city, to visit a former patient who had developed pneumonia after la gripe and was attended by a a Johns Hopkins graduate. The latter had announced to the family that after battling for twelve days for his patient, he believed the end to be near and that they should prepare for the worst. After this pronouncement the call was sent to me, as the former family physician. On arrival at midnight, three nurses were found walking about in fur coats with all windows wide open. The doctor presented the chart, on which was noted a mixed pneumonic infection, with type II predominant.

The medication noted was morphine, 1/8, whisky, digitalis and urotropin. The patient was semi-conscious, muttering and unable to respond to my greeting. A rapid examination of the confirmed a bilateral involvement. Consolidation especially in the right side.

Patient was delirious at times, picking at the bed clothes and extremely restless. Head was hot and congested.

Temperature at time of visit, 104 F., pulse irregular, but fairly strong. Incontinence of urine and faeces had supervened.

After discussing the situation with the Johns Hopkins graduate he suggested that I use any method familiar to me as he was prepared to sign the death certificate the next day.

I prepared to spend the night at the home and as a first measure ordered all windows closed to prevent chilling of the body and ventilation was secured indirectly. The nurses were shown the technic for hot, sectional ablutions and were ordered to keep up this measure for several hours to increase elimination of toxins through the skin.

The remedies morphine, urotropin, urotropin, digitalis and whisky were set aside and ten drops of Hyoscyamus niger 3x were given diluted in a glass of water-one teaspoon of this dilution every half hour until improvement set in. This remedy was suggested by the following symptoms:.

(I) Congested head (pia mater); delirium; semiconsciousness; chattering; muttering.

(2) Attempts to uncover-picking at the bed clothes.

(3) Shallow breathing. Dry cough.

(4) Incontinence of faeces and urine.

(5) Difficulty in swallowing.

Fruit juices and dilute Kalak water were offered frequently to combat the acidemia.

The attending physician admitted he had never heard of the use of Hyoscyamus in pneumonia, but did not interfere with any of our suggestions. He said he was through. On his visit the next day he confirmed that the patient had improved. The patient recognized the visitors and spoke a few words. His temperature as compared with previous mornings was better; his toxemia appeared to be relieved.

The hygienic measures, the alkaline water and fruit juice were continued and the Hyoscyamus was suspended.

It had done its work.

The next day phosphoric acid controlled the incontinence of faeces and urine and this was followed by indicated remedies and convalescence was had in ten days.

The John Hopkins graduate in discussing the result attained attributed it to the hydrotherapeutic measures which relieved the toxemia and ignored the value therapeutically of the homoeopathic remedies selected.

some six months later on meeting a member of the family, I was informed that this physician had himself died of pneumonia a short time previously, no doubt under orthodox auspices.

CASE IV. A recent patient, a member of the family, aged 89, was afflicted with an cute cold which developed into broncho- pneumonia.

There was a fairly high fever, dry cough which sometimes brought up blood-streaked mucus. The pulse rate was not increased and the condition relaxed and weak.

An orthodox physician called into consultation suggested ammonium carbonate in appreciable dosage but deferred to our suggestion to try Ferrum phosphoricum ex, two tablets every three hours until improvement set in. The following day the patient developed cystitis with urging and tenesmus which a few intercurrent doses of Cantharis 6x in water controlled.

The following day drowsiness and liquid rales heard all over the thorax suggested Antimonium tartaricum 6x which was administered every three hours for twentyfour hours.

Owing to the advanced age (eighty-nine) of the patient, no active hydrotherapeutic measures were employed excepting one hot, sectional sponging daily. Fruit juice were given ad lib. and enjoyed. Other nutrition soon followed and in ten days the patient was ambulant.

The orthodox physician who visited almost daily and stood ready to give advice was impressed with the results accomplished without heart stimulants or expectorants. He was particularly pleased at the results following Ferrum phos. and Antimonium tart.

Many experiences such as the above can no doubt be exhumed from the index of cards of hundreds of Homoeopathic prescribers and clearly proves the superiority over orthodox practice in bronchial and pulmonary infections.

Why graduates of Homoeopathic hospitals and colleges should deviate from the clear indications of Homoeopathic practice and follow the ignis flatus of shifting orthodox practice is basically unsound philosophy and will lead to ruin. We should stand by our heritage and compare results at the home and clinics with current orthodox practice and the results will justify our continued adherence of Similia similibus Curentur.




HEAL THYSELF (The Homoeopathic World) A Popular journal of Medical, Dietetic, Social and Sanitary Science By J ELLIS BARKER.

1939 Aug Vol LXXIV No 884

Varney J D.

General Topics / Materia Medica / Cases

Acon / Lat-h / Cact / Spong / Naja / Crat / Dig / Cham / Adonis / Stroph.

[ Read before Bureau of Clinical Medicine at the Southern Homoeopathic Medical Association, at St. Louis, Mo., October 13, 1938.]


Dayton, Ohio.

(From the Journal of the American Institute of Homoeopathy.).

IN the last decade deaths from heart disease (especially coronary) have been increasing with alarming rapidity. This depression with all its headaches and financial difficulties doubtless has something to do with it, as well as our fast living ; use of tobacco, liquors, etc., are all prime factors in this trouble. In a survey of 2,000 cases by the Mayo Clinic, doctors were found to head the list by two to one, bankers coming second and lawyers and preachers tying for third place and labourers constituting a poor fourth. So it would seem that the long, arduous training and mental strain of a physicians work have something to do with the condition.

A physician;s first duty in treating disease is to remove the cause, but as we cannot control the lives of our patients it is up to us to find the best method of relieving this condition and prolong lifes span as long as possible.

While my subject is entitled “better prescribing” in heart cases, I would like to make it a general plea for better prescribing in all cases of disease. Of course, in a paper of this kind time will not permit of great detail, so I shall attempt only to outline a principle (for those of you here who do not understand Homoeopathy0 and a few of the more common heart ailments which we see in everyday practice.

The longer I live and practice medicine the more I see and feel the fallacy of slipshod ,methods of prescribing, and the seeking for specifics to cure from a pathologic standpoint (there are no specifics). Of course, every system of medicine has its virtues but to my mind all are inferior to Homoeopathy, for they cure only when they are homoeopathic to the case. Those of you who prefer to use cured methods I would advise to stick to crude Homoeopathy rather than resort to poisonous drugs before their merits have been determined. To convince one of the truth of this statement, we have only to review the literature of the past decade and note the trouble caused by using dangerous drugs.

You remember a few years ago they brought out dinitrophenol and every old-school journal in the country was full of the wonderful treatment they had discovered for obesity, but soon their enthusiasm began to cool when reports of blindness came pouring in from all parts of the country. Then came cinchophen and a like advertisement, and again like reports soon began to come in from deaths of cirrhosis of the liver from its use, and after it was too late came the caution to be careful of its use, for it is dangerous. Then the last but not least was the late lamented sulfanilamide which, as you remember, has around 117 deaths officially recorded due to its use- and we do not know how many more that were not reported. Now let me ask in all candidness does it pay to fool with such remedies when we know we can save these lives if we take a little time to become more proficient in individual prescribing in a system that has been proven safe and sound ? Now lets see why this statements is true : Homoeopathy teaches us that drugs do not act directly on any pathologic condition, but act through the blood stream, assisting nature in building up anti-bodies which combat the disease. We also known that about 25 per cent. of the patients consulting doctors do not have any pathologic condition. So if you attempt to prescribe for these patients from a pathologic standpoint, you only poison your patient and create a condition worse than the supposed disease. However, we do know whether it be a a disturbed physiology or some pathology, it will produce some irritation on the organ or tissue affected and that this disturbance will be transmitted through the afferent and efferent nervous and manifest some symptoms. It may be a nerve pain, a soreness in some muscle or a stiffness in a joint. These are all subjective symptoms and can be noted only in the human, but when recorded become important guides in prescribing a drug which is know (through provings) to produce similar symptoms on the human body.

Knowing this, could there be anything more logical than to believe that this drug would have some action upon this disturbed condition ? But you say what is this action-just how does it do it ? Well, tell me just how or why does bichloride of mercury produce acute nephritis or strychnia cause paralysis of the spinal cord ? If this question could have been answered, the whole question of drug action would have been settled a long time ago. But just as we know the mercury and strychnia do cause pathologic conditions, just so do know that these same condition. If it is known that we can take these dangerous drugs and render them non-poisonous by trituration and still increase their power to cure disease, any honest unprejudiced mind would have to admit that such a system is superior to one using dangerous poisonous drugs that kill.

This is Homoeopathy and it embraces the only curative law thus far known in medicine. Its principals cannot be blotted out ; they may be exploited under another name. Still these same principles constitute the only curative measures known outside of the homoeopathic remedies. I refer to the vaccines, serum and allergic remedies which are homoeopathic in principle whether they go under that name or not. Each day the homoeopathic principle is being exploited more and more and some day will become the universal law of medicine regardless of what it is called. Remember there is a great field still to be explored under the similia law.

About four years ago one Dr. Peck of New York City came out with an article in Popular Science lauding the wonderful action of lachesis, that which he had just discovered, by using it in dilution one in 3,000 it would check haemorrhage. I answered the article and was surprised to have Popular Science give me space enough to tell its readers that Constantine Herring brought the first snake poison into America in 1828, and that the Homoeopaths had been using it ever since. Even the pictures were taken from Boericke and Tafels catalogue which they have used since opening a homoeopathic drug house.

A short time ago Dr. James Small of Philadelphia published an article in which he started by saying that this will sound like Homoeopathy but has nothing to do with it. He had found that by diluting streptococcic serum 1-16 and injecting 5/100 of cc. it would control some forms of arthritis and rheumatoid carditis. He also found that a dose small enough not to cause severe reaction was the best. So I think the trend of all schools is to the small dose. We now put 4 oz. of iodine into a standpipe of water to prevent goitre ; also a small amount of chlorine in a like amount of water to prevent typhoid and it works. No one would advise large doses of the tincture of iodine to school children to prevent goitre. So I think it is logical to see that the smallest possible dose to bring about reaction is the best treatment. This is as true in heart disease as any other. Why is it that mortality rate is so much higher in coronary troubles under other treatment ? Simply because the idea of pathologic prescribing will not work work ; their sheet anchor of the xanthine group has been proven by Gold and Otto of New York to be of No therapeutic value, so all that is left is large doses of morphine to kill the pain, and if the already damaged heart can stand the added poison, they are too often followed by a large dose of digitalis, which usually completes the job. Now do not think that digitalis is not a good remedy for heart condition, for it is one of the best, when indicated ; but it is very seldom, if ever, indicated in coronary conditions, and I very much doubt if ever indicated in physiologic doses for the so-called digitalization ; for as you know it acts profoundly upon the muscular substance of the heart and arteries through the pneumogastric and vasomotor nerves, causing violent systolic contractions which go on to paralysis in poisoning by the drug. In digitalization we get the physiologic action and if the heart muscles is not strong enough to stand the strain it is just too bad.

How many of you have ever used Aconite in coronary conditions? If you have used it or studied its action, you have noticed that it has almost a complete picture of this condition. Your severe agonizing pain often accompanied with numbness, great anguish of mind and fear of death, extreme restlessness, oppressed breathing, tachycardia, sensitiveness to all noise, intermittent pulse, increased desire to urinate, etc. Another symptoms that has been noted by several different prescribers and claimed to be pathognomonic of coronary disease is a “bright redness of the hypothenar eminences”. All these symptoms come under Aconite, and if you use it early you will not be called upon to use morphine. And while on Aconite dont forget that it is indicated in “peri- and endocarditis” of acute rheumatic origin, and when used early will prevent 90 per cent. of the trouble from ever developing. You know that many writers now believe that acute rheumatic fever is a product of heart disease in place of the heart disease being caused by the fever.

Latrodectus is another remedy that comes in for equal honours in coronary disease. It attacks the entire precordial region, causing violent griping pain extending to the axilla, down left arm and often up into the neck and back of the head. Patient fearful and screams with the pain, dyspnoea severe. Patient fears he will lose his breath. Has numbness in lower limbs and a sinking sensation in epigastrium, which increases his fear of death.

Cactus.- Indicated when you have that characteristic iron-band constriction. Patient in a cold sweat, pain running down left arm and ring finger. The pains of Cactus are not usually over the whole left chest but seem to start from the apex of the heart and shoot upwards. They are aggravated by pressure and lying on left side.

Spongia is a remedy often forgotten in these cases. Patient awakened usually after midnight with a violent pain, badly frightened and thinks he will suffocate. Has violent palpitation heart feels as if it were trying to push its way up through the chest.

These are desperate cases and a doctor is anxious and worried and inclined to resort to morphine, but if you keep your head and know you materia medica you will relieve your patient and will not have to combat the damage done by morphine. Of course, you will have to treat your patient after the acute attack and here dont forget NAJA ; it is especially indicated in thrombosis, which will rapidly form an embolus if not checked. Following this probably Crataegus is one of our best remedies, but almost any remedy might be indicated, for it is the patient you are treating and not one symptoms.

Angina pectoris often is confused with coronary disease and rightly so, as sometimes it is very difficult to make a correct diagnosis. However, there are a few symptoms that will help to distinguish between them. In angina the patient will get into a certain position and will not move for fear of increasing the pain, while in coronary trouble the patient will move about trying to find some position to relieve the pain. Angina will be benefited by the nitrites, while they have little or no effect on coronary conditions. In angina both the pulse and blood pressure will be accentuated, while in coronary trouble the pulse is apt to be irregular but the blood pressure is usually low, and a rise in same is a good symptoms. For an acute attack Amyl nitrite, Glonoin, Cactus or perhaps some of the above-mentioned remedies will usually control, but as this is purely nervous trouble the after-treatment must be directed to the constitutional nervous condition.

Mitral Cases.- Another condition that gives us a good deal of concern is the old mitral case. The heart of fifty or sixty with a history of “Flu” or pneumonia of inflammatory rheumatism, a heart that perhaps has already been weakened by heavy drinking or some other physical ailment, falls easy prey to this infection. Examination reveals dilatation, especially of the left side, marked mitral murmurs, first sound weakened or obliterated altogether, a failing compensation, oedema about the ankles, may or may not find albumin in the urine. Anyway, it is the beginning of the end unless checked immediately. You may be called in the night and find the patient rapidly failing perhaps unconscious, with weak, rapid, irregular pulse, loud irregular breathing. Often incontinence. These are cases needing immediate stimulation to support the failing heart, so a hypodermic of Glonoin or Coramin. The latter I always give into the blood stream ; it is about as quick in action as Glonoin and lasts much longer, and will usually stimulate the failing heart and keep the patient alive until you can substitute some of the more substantial remedies. You often will get fibrillation but don;t think you have to give Digitalis or Quinidine in large doses for Digitalis or China in potency will do the work for you.

Crataegus to follow up will do wonders in these old cases. It acts through the cardio-inhibitory vagus, strengthens and slow the hearts action. Especially indicated in high tension, this remedy alone will often keep these old cases alive and comfortable for years. It does not have an accumulative effect and can be given in substantial doses over long periods of time with no danger.

Digitalis in potency is indicated when the muscle is weak and accompanied with a good deal of dropsy. It stimulates the cardiac ganglion, it has an accumulative effect and is very slowly eliminated and must be carefully watched.


THE keynote of this drug is restlessness and peevishness with pain and all the symptoms are relieved by active or passive motion. The child is bad tempered with pain, asks for a toy and throws it at the head of the nurse and wants to be carried about the nursery all the time. It is excellent for severe pains in all potencies and occasionally high potencies, such as the 200th, are best.

Adonis vernalis often is an excellent remedy to follow Digitalis. It also has also good deal of dropsy, the weak slow pulse, low vitality, a fatty heart accompanied with a good deal of pain, and does not have the accumulative effect of Digitalis.

Strophanthus has much the same indications as Digitalis. Especially indicated in tobacco smokers, does not have the accumulative effect, does not affect the vasomotor nerves ; this it is much safer for the old, weak heart, especially when there is threatened oedema of the lungs.

The old cardiorenal case is like the poor : we have them with us always. And in the treatment of these cases I would like to give three of four outstanding cases and their treatment :.

Mrs. F.- The patient, a female fifty years old, was found sitting and partly lying on sofa with the limbs over the edge and and feet on floor. The limbs were burst open in many places and discharging serum which was running across the linoleum. Examination revealed a marked mitral murmur as well as an aortic regurgitation. The mitral murmur was well transmitted to all parts of the chest. Heart enlarged transversely, accentuation of the second pulmonary sound. Failing compensation with marked hypostatic congestion through lower lobes of lungs. Dyspnoea so great that she could scarcely talk. Abdomen seemed to contain buckets of water which was causing a good deal of pressure upon the heart. The urine when examined contained large quantities of albumin and casts and some pus cells. A short history was obtained from the husband which he admitted showed a plus Wassermann. She was given intravenous injections of a mercury preparation called Novasurol, and given Digitalis in potency, with the most marvellous action I have ever seen. Within three days the dropsy had all disappeared and the woman could lie down in comfort. She was then placed on Crataegus which carried her through for six years, and she not only did her housework but cared for a large garden.

Mr. P., captain of the Civil war, was another case given up by his physician. His examination was essentially the same as the former case except he had no aortic lesion and practically no dropsy. He was placed on Crataegus and lived for five years and enjoyed very good health, finally dying from the infirmities of age.

Mrs. A., female, age forty-eight, had been sitting in a chair for weeks unable to breathe at all lying down. Her dropsy was also extremely marked ; her limbs also had burst and were discharging serum freely. Her heart was enlarged and had all the abnormal sounds ever heard in one heart. Action was extremely weak and was accompanied by nausea and faintness. The urine was suppressed and passed only by drops. The least movements caused violent palpitation. She was given Digitalis which has removed all symptoms except the murmurs. This was ten years ago and she is able to do her own work and goes to town like any other woman. Seems perfectly well.

Mabel H.- One more case and I will stop. This was a case of a “blue-baby” in which the valve never closed, and at the age of eighteen months she became paralysed on the entire right side. At the age of four the case was turned over to me by another doctor who had failed to help her at all. She had NO use of the right leg and very little of the arm. The cyanosis was extremely marked ; her tongue was as black as that of a Chow dog. Her heart had NO normal sounds and evidence of some degeneration of the pulmonic valve which gradually increased as she grew older. Under Gelsemium she was relieved of the paralysis and got so she could walk with the support of something to steady her. She was kept on Crataegus with now and then a dose of some other indicated remedy, and lived to be fourteen, which I understand is several years longer than any other like case on record.

Of course, in treatment of these cases as well as any case it is essential to look after the bowels, the diet, see that they have proper rest, and correct any abnormal condition that they may have ; and i believe as times goes on and we better understand the vitamins, that they will become one of the greatest adjuncts we have in medical. But dont forget that even the heart may be only one symptoms of a diseased body which must be treated as a composite whole and not as a single unit.




HEAL THYSELF (The Homoeopathic World) A Popular journal of Medical, Dietetic, Social and Sanitary Science By J ELLIS BARKER.

1939 Oct Vol LXXIV No 886

Dorothy Shepherd.

General Topics / Cases

Ars / Gels / Acon / Arg-n / Ign.


ALMOST overnight everything has altered, old values have gone, new values have appeared. We have got to accommodate ourselves to a totally different would, and one thing among other we have been told is to keep calm and collected. This is a difficult thing to do, when everything round one crashes; business and trade nearly gone. Many people who have responsibilities find themselves reduced almost to the point of penury. Others find their family circle broken up, fathers separated from wives and children-not because they have been called up to face the enemy on the battlefield, but because the whole of England is now a potential battlefield and the weaker vessels, old and frail people and the children and their mothers have been moved out to presumably safer areas. This brings forth many new problems, problems of adaptation. Another problem we have all got to face is the problem of air raids, and A.R.P., as it is called in the short, snappy way, does not only mean splinter proof and blast proof shelters, sandbags and the rest. It also means putting on a mental armour to protect ourselves against the insidious enemy of fear and anxiety. Here homoeopathy is a valuable friend and help against the effects of fear which produces and empty feeling round the umbilicus, a burning, gnawing sensation, a cleaving of the tongue to the roof of the mouth, a shaking and trembling of limbs; all of it due to the upset of the supra-renal gland.

There are several remedies in our pharmacopoeia which give us moral protection.

I mention the most common. There is Argentum nitricum, the fidgety, nervous individual whose nerves are all to pieces. He is always in a hurry, anxious hurry, so hurried and scared, he feels he must run or walk quickly, he can never walk fast enough, he feels he must fly, feels as if all the “furies of the underworld” were after him, and he runs until he is dead beat, always anticipates th worst, lives in a perfect welter of fear and anticipation, breaks out in a sweat at the mere though of a raid. But this anxiety and fear brings on internal troubles and disturbances of the gastro-intestinal tract, the stomach refuses to digest anything, vomiting may come on quite suddenly when an air raid warning is sounded, or even diarrhoea many suddenly set in. The stomach is full of gas and quantities of wind pass upwards which usually relieve the distension. Silver nitrate in the 3rd or 6th decimal potency would relieve such an over- anxious, frightened, hurried individual, so that he can face the inevitable with more equanimity.

A remedy with very similar effects is Gelsemium. He is also in a state of funk due to anticipation, fear, shock from fear, sudden fearful surprises. As Kent puts it: A soldier going into battle gets diarrhoea. He becomes weak and exhausted and faint, and tired in all his limbs from sudden fear, from sudden shock, such as being awakened at night by a raid warning. Palpitations of the heart accompany this sudden shock. He has not courage, his limbs tremble; but he is struck dumb, almost paralysed with fear; the restlessness and hurry and anxious running about of the Argentum nit. Patient is absent. Thus you have to individualize and find the right remedy for each state or nerves.

Another anxious, restless patient may want Arsenicum. Here you get great fear, great anxiety, great restlessness and prostration. Some people take the blackest view of any situation which might arise. These are the folk which will say, “What is the use of doing anything?” They will ring their hands and wail, :Where can I go? I am not safe anywhere; if I remain here, the bombs will drop here, and if I go away into the country, they are sure to follow me there. These over-anxious people, who are much worse when alone, will need Arsenic, and it will calm the troubled waters of their mental fear and unrest.

Aconite also had symptoms of fear. He is frightened i a crowd, wont mix with people, afraid of public places and public shelters full of anguish, full of restlessness, afraid of the dark, much affected by the black-out, dark street, darkened rooms. He gets violent palpitation of the heart, the fear, attacks the heart, not the stomach, and the umbilicus as Argentum nitricum and Gelsemium do. He predicts the next bomb will hit him, and predicts the time of death. He broods over this, and this fear makes him sleepless and restless and full of anxiety.

We have another valuable remedy for air raid fear in Ignatia. This is the hysterical individual who faints at the slightest provocation, collapses into the arms of the nearest male for protection; is tearful, nervous, full of twitches and jerks, full of grief; her husband is away, she is always sighing, she has a feeling of emptiness in the stomach and abdomen, along with trembling, is continually sighing, sad at having said good-bye to her son, or her fiancee or her husband. She is apprehensive all the time the something may happen. Ignatia is the best antidote I know for the stressed feeling one gets after a sudden bereavement, when the unfortunate person who is left behind to face the world lies there with dry, burning eyes, hour after hour, and can hardly believe that it is true that her dear one has left her.

These are hard times, but with these medicines to help us, which the genius of Hahnemann has discovered and worked out, we can face the dark days before us perhaps with a better heart.




HEAL THYSELF (The Homoeopathic World) A Popular Journal of Medical, Dietetic, Social and Sanitary Science By J Ellis Barker.

1940 Aug Vol LXXV No 897

Arnold Burton.


Sulph / Ars / Con / Nux-v / Ign / Acon / Verat-v.


(This article received the prize one guinea).

I HAD been reading “HEAL THYSELF for years and had followed Mr. Barkers advice and got a number of books from the Homoeopathic Publishing Company and had become quite an earnest student of the science of healing. Theoretical study is not much use and I was anxious to practise. My first patients were my cart and my dog. The cat had an eruption which the veterinary surgeon was unable to cure. He looked dirty and mangy and shunned the fire. The s seemed to me Sulphur symptoms and I gave the poor animal Sulphur 3x night and morning and the result was amazing. In three weeks time the eruption had disappeared, the cat looked years younger and he had abandoned his dirty habits and washed himself all day long. It seems to be always wise to give Sulphur to people who are dirty or look dirty.

My second patient was the dog. I have a fox terrier who is very friendly with the cat, but he sniffed contemptuously at the cat when the cat was ill, dirty and neglected looking. He was a very merry dog, but some time ago he was obviously unwell. He refused his food, he had a hot nose, he no longer rushed about but walked sedately. He seemed to be unhappy about his hindquarters, which frequently inspected as far as he could, and he was very thirsty and apparently feverish. I did not know exactly what to do so I gave him Aconite 2x. His fever improved and he looked a little brighter but he continued to refuse food and did not look well. As there were no obvious symptoms to treat I gave him a few doses of Sulphur 3x because Sulphur is supposed to bring out symptoms and also it is an internal cleanser and drives out trouble by the skin. Sulphur disappointed me and then I thought he might be constipated so I gave him a laxative. Again there was no result. The poor dog was obviously unwell and in pain. Suddenly, to my horror, he started vomiting blood and then he had bloody diarrhoea. He looked aged, his eyes became as dull as the eyes of a boiled fist and the veterinary surgeon shook his head and spoked vaguely of injections, without telling me what he was going to inject.

I had no wish to have y dog experimented upon and, on looking through my books, I discovered that Arsenicum produces bloody vomiting and diarrhoea. An indication of Arsenicum is restlessness with weakness. The dog was restless and weak. Another very important indication is that people needing Arsenicum feel chilly and crave heat. It was winter, and the dog who used to keep away from the fire crept inside the fender and moaned dreadfully. Without hesitation I gave him Arsenicum 3x every hour. Possible I gave him doses too frequently. I dare say a homoeopathic doctor would have given him a single dose of Arsenicum 200. Anyway, the result was magical and after three doses Prince feebly wagged his tail, he looked grateful and gave e to understand that he felt better. He also looked interestedly at the little box from which I had produced the Arsenicum pillules. I then gave him Arsenicum every two hours right through the night. In six hours his bloody vomits had stopped, in nine hours his bloody diarrhoea had come to an en and he allowed me once more to feel his stomach and abdomen and he licked me with a hot tongue full of gratitude. In three days he had quite recovered.

When the veterinary surgeon called, Prince jumped at him with delight. The man of science was amazed when I told him about the Arsenicum I had given him in doses of one thousandth of a grain. He shook his head and said those little doses could not do anything, but he was pleased to see that the dog had quite recovered and it was miraculous.

My next patient was my uncle, who is a jolly old man of 56. He is a City man who attends numerous City dinners. O occasionally he make speeches. He is very popular, red-faced, red-nosed, obese; he takes no exercise and he believes in eating under-done steaks once or twice a day. He used large quantities of condiments, smokes big cigars and, like so many heavy meat eaters, believes in moistening his meals with generous libations to Bacchus. As a matter a fact he was not unlike Bacchus and most of his friends called him that name.

One day Uncle came for dinner. We gave him roast beef, which he proclaimed was the finest thing to give him strength and energy He had sherry before dinner and several whiskies, with the minimum of soda, during and after the meal. While smoking one of his cigars we noticed he looked depressed and serious. At first we teased him and asked whether he had lost money in the City or whether he was in love. He sadly shook his head and said it was no joking matter. He had had a headache at the back of his head for week and his doctor had given him some medicine but it had had no effect so his doctor had sent him to a specialist in Harley Street. He had been that afternoon and the specialist had taken his blood pressure, listened to his heart, taken a cardiogram and performed various other scientific rites. At the end of the interview the specialist told him, with a serious and sympathetic face, “I am afraid, sir, you have a high blood pressure and there is undoubtedly some hardening of the arteries, scientifically called arteriosclerosis.” The specialist had warned him that one day he might have a stroke. That horrified my uncle as he was quite unprepared for such a verdict and he asked him what could be done. The specialist told him he must live very quietly, not rush about, or stoop, as it might produce a stroke, and he must give up golf. He said his condition was typical of that found amongst successful City men, and although he could give him some medicine, it was not much use and he must make up his mind that he could no longer live the life of a young man and he must be prepared for trough. My uncle paid the usual fee and that was that.

Curiously enough I had just read something written by our editor on high blood pressure and I was tremendously keep to have an obese City man as a patient, although I had only had a little experience in dealing with human beings, such as giving a few of my friends Aconite for colds and Nux vomica for stomach aches, etc. I told my uncle that I was an earnest student of Homoeopathy and I though that I could guarantee to put him right. Moreover, I would charge him guineas but would leave the fee to his well- known generosity, treating him on the principle, “No cure, no fee”. I told him the medicines would have very little taste, if any, and could not possible do him harm, but he would have to stick to a stick diet which I would give him.

Uncle John made a grimace and said: “Surely you are not going to take steaks away from me,” and I told him that was exactly what I was going to do. I did not want him to look like Bacchus, but I wanted to turn him into an Adonis. I said, “I mean to free you of your Bacchus paunch and shall enable you ton play golf. I am quite sure your trouble is due to over-nutrition and under exercise.” I tried to look very professional and very imposing. Anyway, my uncle was rather desperate, especially as him family doctor had confirmed the diagnosis of the specialist.

Being a disciple of our editor, I put my uncle on a fishless and fleshless diet. For breakfast he was to have bran porridge with China tea and nothing else. Instead of having a sumptuous City luncheon at the Club he was to have three Ryvita biscuit with a little chess or an egg, a large salad, raw fruit and soda water, without the whisky. For dinner I gave him any quantity of vegetables, potatoes, an egg, salad raw fruit. At first uncle was indignant and told me the diet was insufficient for a by ten. I replied that he could make up the balance by living on his own superfluous fat, of which he could consume three or four pounds a week. We almost quarrelled, but I did not give way and I did not make the slightest concession to his appetite. I also forbade all condiments and allowed him only one small whisky as a nightcap.

For medicine I gave him Nux vomica 3x before meals, Sulphur 6x as a blood clearing medicine, first and last thing, and between meals he was to have Veratrum viride 3x, which is good for high blood pressure, headaches at the back of the head, etc, My uncle made feeble jokes at the tasteless sugar pills and prophesied that he would die and that he would cut me out of his will. He said he was afraid to have meals with friends as they would laugh a him. We had an argument, but I refused to have a lengthy discussion an told him in the best Harley Street manner that he must follow my orders or communicate with his undertaker. He swore and grinned, grinned an swore, but I took no notice. Anyway, during the first week he lost 42 lbs., and confessed to me that he was much better.

During the two that followed he lost 3 lbs. a week, and I rated him, but he assured me he had kept strictly to my diet. During the forth week he lost 4 lbs. and his clothes were much too big for him, and friends told him that he was looking ill and worm, but by this time he realized that he was on the right road.

Occasionally I changed his medicines. I gave him some Conium for giddiness, Ignatia 3x for depression, and I regulated his bowels with paraffin and then induced him to take walks. He had tender feet and detested walking, but he trudged grumblingly around the park with me and then during the week-ends went for walks in the country.

I treated uncle for three months. He became more and more enthusiastic and told me I was a medical genius and introduced me to his friends as him Harley Street specialist, etc. Uncle has become a totally different man, his trousers, waistcoats and coats have been taken in by inches and he no longer has a Bacchus paunch. He has visited his Harley Street specialist again and the specialist was amazed at his improvement. His headaches have disappeared and his nose is now pink instead of being fiery red. He is tremendously grateful to me and had promised me a car which I am to have after the war.




HEAL THYSELF (The Homoeopathic World) A Popular Journal of Medical, Dietetic, Social and Sanitary Science By J Ellis Barker.

1933 May Vol LXVIII No 809

Ellis Barker J.

Reader’s Choice / Cases



DEAR MR. BARKER, I am glad to hear that the circulation of your Journal has greatly increased.

Yesterday Professor Lendner, who is Professor of Pharmacology at Geneva University, visited me with his students to attend an all-afternoon lecture and demonstration regarding the preparation and preservation of homoeopathic remedies. They saw the modern machines, such as dynamizator, auto-dynamizator and fluxio-dilutioner. The necessity of thorough trituration was shown by a trituration of Fuchsine 1 percent. It was first triturated during five minutes and then for a whole hour. After the five minutes trituration the drug was almost white. After an hours trituration it had assumed a deep red colour. It was heartening to see the interest with which this demonstration was watched by those present. The representatives of orthodox medicine were evidently deeply impressed by what they had seen.

I am,

10 Rue St. Victor, Very truly yours,



DEAR MR. BARKER, I am deeply grateful to you for the article “Brief Hints for Influenza,” which you had in the February issue. It recommended Aconite 3x and some other remedies. On a Tuesday my daughter Eileen was suddenly taken ill with influenza. As her symptoms pointed to Aconite I immediately gave Aconite to her, and in a few hours her temperature dropped from 102 to 99. My little girl feared that she would die. Happily I remembered reading in your paper that Aconite should be given to patients in fear of death. The girl rapidly improved and within a week she became practically quite well, a most remarkable thing, because previous attacks of influenza were followed by illness lasting for many months. This has been the first time she has had homoeopathic treatment for influenza and the result has been wonderful.

My neighbour , Mrs. Davis, of 21 Birkenhead Avenue, has a daughter of 15, who had had a bad cough for weeks which kept her awake night after night. Everything had been tried but no medicine would stop the cough. The girl was given about four pillows to prop her head up and even then she could not sleep. I told her how wonderful had been the cure of Eileens cough and gave her four of the little pilules, two doses. She called two days afterwards to tell me that her daughter had only taken one dose, that she had not coughed since, and had slept all night. She was delighted and amazed. The cure has lasted. Four weeks have gone by and my neighbour daughter has not had the slightest return of the cough. Mrs. Davis told me that the cure was so miraculous that she is telling everybody about it. I and my neighbour bless homoeopathy and we are very grateful to you.

I am,.

15 Birkenhead Avenue, Very sincerely yours,

Kingston-on-Thames. MAUDE GOSLING.


DEAR MR. BARKER, Please accept my hearty congratulations on the excellent success of Heal Thyself, a success which is all due to genius. I cannot help expressing my sense of gratitude for the world of good your fertile brain and beautiful heart are doing for dear homoeopathy. I wish ever-increasing success to you and to your journal which you so richly deserve.

I am,.

Yours gratefully,

Moga, India. DR. H. V. SONPAR.


DEAR MR. BARKER, I am writing you to let you know how much I appreciated you book, Miracles of Healing. I ran across this in our Free Public Library. The title drew my attention to the book. After reading it, I became so enthusiased that I ordered a copy from the London publishers, which arrived to-day. As a matter of fact, until reading your book homoeopathy was something I never heard of before. I have the good fortune to be friendly with a medical man. Through him I was given the address of a doctor who practises homoeopathy in a small town about a hundred miles from here. As I am a layman with very little knowledge of medicine I would sincerely appreciate hearing from you as to how I should go about to study homoeopathy.

I am,sincerely yours,


National Construction Company,

Saint John, N. B. Canada.




HEAL THYSELF (The Homoeopathic World) A Popular Journal of Medical, Dietetic, Social and Sanitary Science By J Ellis Barker.

1933 Jun Vol LXVIII No 810

Ellis Barker J.

Cases / Veterinarian Homoeopathy

Ars / Acon / Ipec.


MY dog Teddy did not feel well. He refused his food, looked depressed, had a very dirty tongue, his eyes were full of mucus he sneezed a lot, and wheezed slightly. Two nights previously, when it was raw and damp, he had broken open the door of his kennel and might have become chilled. There was a distinct possibility of gastritis, his wheezing made one think of asthma, and as he had a temperature and as all mucous membranes were inflamed, there was the possibility of distemper. An exact not need a pathological diagnosis. He acts upon symptoms.

Aconite is an excellent normalizer of temperature, and a princely chill medicine, while Arsenic has a wonderful effect upon inflamed mucous membranes and bronchies, and it is a good stomachic. In large quantities it causes inflammation of mouth, stomach, bronchies, etc. I gave Teddy in alternation doses of Aconite 3x and of Arsenic 3x. a dose every two or three hours, and kept him in a warm place because of the possibility of pneumonia. The two medicines rapidly brought his temperature down and improved hid condition, but the wheezing became much worse and when I took him out for a few minutes he had to stop owing to wheezing bouts which almost prostrated him. Besides he tried to vomit. The indicated remedy for asthma with nausea is Ipecacuanha, described by Dr. and Mrs. Wheeler on another page. I gave Teddy a few doses of Ipecacuanha 3x. In two days he was perfectly normal and on the hills. He joyfully rushed backward and forward during nine hours and covered at least a hundred miles. Homoeopathic treatment of dogs and human beings is infinitely superior to the orthodox treatment.




HEAL THYSELF (The Homoeopathic World) A Popular Journal of Medical, Dietetic, Social and Sanitary Science By J Ellis Barker.

1933 Nov Vol LXVIII No 815

Ellis Barker J.

Therapeutics / Cases

Acon / Bapt / Gels / Eup.

ONCE more influenza stalks the land. During the last ten years about 200,000 people died in the United Kingdom from influenza and its consequences, while in 1918 the disease slew about 150,000. Orthodox medicine is helpless when faced with it. Doctors give quinine, aspirin, high diet, low diet, nothing but oranges, etc. When the modern doctor is not furnished by the laboratory with a “specific” serum or vaccine, he is as helpless as a child. The homoeopath is in a vastly superior position. He treats every disease, including, of course, influenza, according to the symptoms observed in the patient, without enquiring overmuch into the official designation of the complaint. Effective treatment without diagnosis is infinitely superior to the most scientific diagnosis without adequate treatment.

Influenza may slight or severe, deadly or very deadly. No one can foretell its course at the onset. Therefore it is wise to take the matter seriously. At the slightest indication of trouble, whether it is or is not serious, the possibility of influenza should be considered. The disease may begin with running eyes and nose, cough, a slight temperature, depression, stomach upset, etc. Under these circumstances, the best course, when influenza is about, consists in treating every doubtful deviation from normality as influenza, whether there is heart or shivering, fever or no fever, troubles in throat or chest or anywhere else. Of course, the skilled homoeopath draws on the whole rich store of our remedies in every individual case, matching disease symptoms with the indicated drug which has produced the same symptoms with the indicated drug which has produced the same symptoms in provers. My readers cannot keep in stock all the remedies which may be required, and therefore I would give a few for the principal once. However, before describing the various medicines, I would remind my readers that a most excellent medicine which should be applied at one is ordinary plain common sense. Those who feel out of sorts in influenza time should keep themselves thoroughly warm, avoid exposure, draughts, constipation, indigestion, and take an abundance of liquid, such as extremely weak China tea, lemon water, orange juice, barley water, etc., to wash themselves out.

Very frequently an attack which begins with chill or shivering can settled by common sense alone. A very hot bath, possibly strengthened with salt, soda or mustard, a hot drink, and a good sweat in bed which can be promoted by an abundance of blankets or by a newspaper between the blankets if too many would be too heavy, will frequently put matter right without medication. By a very hot bath outside and a hot drink inside we raise the body temperature, produce an artificial fever, and kill the disease organisms in Natures way. The principal influenza remedies are:-.

ACONITUM NAPELLUS 3x. this remedy should be given in the first place. It normalizes temperature and acts like quinine without the objectionable features possessed by quinine. It is indicated if there is shivering, chilliness, fever, anxiety, restlessness, far of death.

EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM 3x is a most excellent remedy for that from of influenza which is characterized by intolerable pain in the bones of limbs, back, skull, etc.

BAPTISIA TINCTORIA 3x is indicated in gastric influenza, in attacks during which the patient complains about a very foul tongue, foul taste in the mouth, nausea, evil breath, foul smelling motions and urine, foul perspiration.

GELSEMIUM 3x is excellent in all those forms of influenza where there is shivering, trembling, and where the nervous system is affected and upset.

At the first sign of influenza give doses of Aconite preferably dissolved in very hot water, every hour or two if the trouble is slight, but every half-hour, ten minutes or five minutes if the trouble is very severe and acute. On improvement, doses should be given less frequently. If the principal complaint is bone pain, then Aconite should be followed by Eupatorium, given more or less frequently, or, if the case is urgent, Aconite and Eupatorium may be given alternatively, preferably dissolved in hot, but not boiling, water. If the leading symptom is shivering, trembling, nerve affection, then Aconite and Gelsemium are indicated and should be given in the same way, and the combination of Aconite and Baptisia will be helpful if there is gastric influenza.

A patient who has recovered from an attack of influenza, particularly from a severe attack, should, after recovery, keep indoors for at least days. A deceptive sense of well-being often induces the patient to go out into the open, and he may come back with death in his chest. My gardener, a magnificent man, the fifties, had chest. My gardener, a magnificent man, in the fifties, had got over an influenza attack during which he had kept indoors. It was Saturday when he felt normal. He put on hat and coat and did the family shopping. He came back after half an hour. Next day pneumonia developed and in a few days he was dead. I dare say Homoeopathy could have saved him. Unfortunately he sent for his panel doctor. I hope my readers will err on the side of caution.



HOW I CURED A SEVERE COLD [How I Cured Severe Cold]

HEAL THYSELF (The Homoeopathic World) A Popular Journal of Medical, Dietetic, Social and Sanitary Science By J Ellis Barker.

1933 Dec Vol LXVIII No 816



Acon / Bell / Ars / Kali-b / Caps.


FORTY or fifty years ago a wise old doctor told me smilingly: If your do not treat a cold it gets well in a fortnight, it you treat it carefully it gets well in two weeks. “Ever since I have treated my colds and chills by not taking much notice of them and allowing them to get well of themselves. A few days ago I went for a long country tramp in ice weather, insufficiently clad and took a cold bath on returning. A night or two afterwards, sleeping with an open window through which the wind blew straight on to, I felt very cold, but took no notice and had my usual cold bath in the morning. Soon afterwards I noticed that I had a very severe chill. I felt very miserable, icy cold, shivery, throat felt very hot and burning, and I had the distinct feeling that this was not an ordinary chill or cold, but that serious trouble was brewing. So I thought I would try homoeopathic treatment.

Homoeopathy has no specifics for colds, but it acts according to the most pressing symptoms of the moment, which have to be matched with the corresponding drug. As the trouble was undoubtedly caused by exposure to dry cold, I did not trouble to take my temperature, I took a few doses of Aconite, which promptly made me feel warm and comfortable, and then I took a few doses of Belladonna 3x, which promptly improved the inflammation and irritation of the throat. These symptoms being eliminated others appeared. My nose began to run with thin water. So I left off Belladonna and took a few doses of Arsenic 3, which caused the thin, irritating liquid to disappear. However, the trouble was not settle because then large quantities of thick, sticky, yellow mucus began to come from my nose, and I had the feeling of stuffiness which suggests inflammation of the cavities which stand in connection with the nasal passages. To deal with this trouble I took Kali bichromicum 3x, but as son as symptoms changed I changed over to Aconite, Belladonna, or Arsenic, whichever seemed indicated. The result was that in considerably less than twenty-four hours my apparently very severe chill and cold was completely gone. If I had dosed myself with aspirin or quinine in accordance with the usual practice, the cold would probably have became very fully developed and it might have lasted the usual fortnight. Homoeopathic treatment is far more complicated than orthodox treatment. It needs care, close observation, and ample knowledge of the characteristics of the various drugs, but it is worth while.


SOME years ago a naval officer bearing an historic name told me over the telephone: My wife is suffering from an inflamed mastoid and she has terrible pain. It is driving her frantic. Her sister has had the same trouble and has been operated upon. We would like to avoid an operation. What do you advise ?” I replied: Bring her a look at her.”.

The mastoid cells form a delicate and most sensitive structure at the back of the ear, and they perform very important function. Their inflammation is frequently accompanied by fever, swelling and th formation of pus, and unless help is promptly rendered there is the danger of loss of hearing and of inflammation of the brain and death. In slight cases leeches and hot fomentations are applied and sedative drops are instilled into the ear to give relief. But if the inflammation dose not subside promptly, the mastoid structure is opened surgically and drained.

The telephone call came in the afternoon about tea-time. The officer and his wife be round in about twenty minutes. I asked my secretary to get tea ready and I out some suitable medicines on the tea table. I selected Belladonna 3x, which is an excellent remedy for inflammation in general and Capsicum 3x, which is a specific for mastoid inflammation. We read in Boerickes “Materia Medica” endear the heading “Capsicum”: “Burning and stinging in ears. Swelling and pain behind ears. Inflammation of mastoid. Tenderness over the petrous bone. Extremely sore tender to touch. Otorrhoea and mastoid disease before suppuration”.

The pair arrived. The husband was very nervy. The wifes face was distorted with pain. I asked them to sit down and take tea and immediately gave to the lady a dose of Belladonna. Ten minutes later I gave her a dose of Capsicum. After a further ten minutes she had another dose of Belladonna, following ten minutes later by a second dose of Capsicum. Meanwhile half an hour gone b and we had talked with the utmost animation about her sisters mastoid operation, operations in general, and various other things. I had observed that the expression of Mrs. C. S. had changed completely in the meantime, and I asked her suddenly: “How is the pain ?” With wide open eyes of amazement the lady exclaimed: “It has gone, completely gone It is marvellous ” The pair stayed a little longer and then they went back to their car with two little boxes of pilules, one containing Belladonna and the other Capsicum, with instructions to take doses alternatively at lengthening intervals and to let me know instantaneously if there should be any further trouble. There was no further trouble.

Some time ago a Mrs. V., of Eltham, an old patient mine, was attacked by mastoid inflammation. Her husband told me this over the telephone. Instead of notifying me at once, the lady had tried treating the trouble herself with hot fomentations and she appealed to me only when the pain had become exceedingly severe. As they had no mother car to send me, further delay was occasioned by the despatch of medicines by post and again I selected Belladonna 3x and Capsicum 3x, which had rendered such excellent service in the previous case. This patient caused me great anxiety. Her attack was exceedingly severe. The pain was excruciating, the swelling very great, she feared to los her reason. I told them of the danger of delay if an operation should be needed. However, the lady, who had undergone surgical treatment, was quite determined that she would rather die then be operated upon and she caused me the gravest anxiety by refusing to call in a local doctor or surgeon. However, alls well that ends well. The inflammation and swelling became steadily worse, and then it broke open, happily discharging toward the outside. In a few she was he old self again.



CURES BY A VILLAGE SCHOOLMASTER [Cures by a Schoolmaster -3]

HEAL THYSELF (The Homoeopathic World) A Popular Journal of Medical, Dietetic, Social and Sanitary Science By J Ellis Barker.

1934 Jun Vol LXIX No 822

Wiener A.


Ant-ar / Chel / Chion / Acon / Tub / Graph / Ars-i / Calc-f / Canth / Puls.

(From Volkstumliche Homoopathische Arneiwirkungslehre).



Many years ago I was consulted by an old builders labourer, who as pale as chalk, and he complained that he got the most terrible attacks of asthma round about midnight, and that he could get relief only by bringing up masses of white phlegm, which he could raise only with the greatest difficulty. He had consulted numerous doctors without benefit. The materia medica taught me that Antimonium arsenicum ought to the indicated remedy. I told him to take a dose of that medicine in the fourth decimal potency. Three days afterwards he came to me and told me apologetically that he had dropped my medicine into the salt solution with which he gargled. I replied that I was glad he had done so because otherwise he would have gone on gargling with salts an my medicine might not have helped him. He was very surprised and asked whether chewing tobacco also would upset the medicine. I said “Certainly. You must leave off chewing tobacco and must not talk any spirits either.” Having given me a solemn promise to abstain from his gargle, chewing tobacco and spirits, I gave him another supply of Antimonium arsenicum 4x. Six weeks afterwards he came to me and was jubilant: “I am so well, so well, I can now go up and down ladders carrying any quantity of bricks. I am a different man.”.

A few weeks after a lady who acted as housekeeper on a large estate sent me a letter and asked me whether I could cure her of asthma, and she sent me a description of her symptoms which were identical with those of the builders labourer, and told me that she had consulted a homoeopathic physician, who had given her Antimonium arsenicum 4x, which she had talk without any benefit. I wrote to her in reply that for her particular from of asthma I knew no better remedy than Antimonium arsenicum 4x and that she should continue it exactly as ordered by her doctor. Six or seven weeks afterwards she wrote to me that her asthma was cured, and that she would now tell me the truth. She had distrusted the homoeopathic medicine, and had not taken the Antimonium Arsenicum until I had written to her, and then it had cured her promptly. Arsenic has the peculiarity that it produces and cures aggravation of symptoms about midnight.


One of my colleagues enquired by letter whether I could recommend something for jaundice. He had been treating a girl of eighteen years, who was suffering from fever without perspiration, by giving her Aconite, which was clearly indicated by the symptoms. fever without perspiration certainly calls for Aconite. The fever had disappeared, but now the girl had been attacked by jaundice and she was as yellow as a lemon, and was troubled with fearful itching of the skin, a symptom which frequently accompanies jaundice and is due to the gall getting into the blood. I replied to him that I did not care to treat by correspondence people I had never seen and that he should choose a remedy guided by the leading symptoms. Very likely Chionanthus 6x or Carduus marianus 2x might come in question. Two months afterwards my colleague told me that he had given both alternatively and that they had cured the jaundice.


More than forty years ago Dr. Mau, of Kiel, created a sensation by publishing his success in treating glandular disease with Tuberculin 30. Encouraged by his accounts, I sent to a lady who suffered from tuberculous glands of the neck a small quantity of Tuberculin 15, and advised her to talk a dose twice a week. I was horrified to hear a fortnight afterwards that, after talking my medicine, the swellings had opened and had formed abscesses, and that she suffered violent pain. I was terrified. Fortunately she wrote to me a few weeks afterwards that the wounds on her neck had closed, and that she was perfectly well.

Shortly after this event I had a similar case. A carpenter came to me and complained that he had suffered for twenty years from swollen neck gland, which were every year open up and scraped out by his doctor. Lately he had in addition developed piles, he had become terribly constipated, his digestion gave him great trouble, and he was suffering from sleeplessness and nervousness. In order to prepare the way for the treatment of his tuberculous disposition, I sent him Calcarea iodata 4x, Silica 6x, and Fluoric acid 4x to bring about absorption of the swellings. When these had done their work I sent him some Tuberculin 15, a dose to be taken twice a week. My patient wrote to me that after starting tuberculin the swelling of the gland came to a standstill during the first week. The glands went down during the second week of the treatment, and after three or four weeks thy had not only completely disappeared, but all his other complaints had vanished as well. Years afterward I made his personal acquaintance. He was then a man of imposing physique, he was in perfect health, and he told me that he had never had recurrence.

A lady had been suffering for many years from swollen tuberculous neck glands which formed large, and which periodically swelled up. She was sent the identical reminds and was told to begin treatment only when the glands were beginning to go down of themselves. Six weeks after I was told that she had stopped the treatment because the swelling had completely disappeared.


A lady asked me to help her little boy who had suffered for a whole year from a serious eruption on the scalp. None of the doctors who had been consulted had been able to cure it, and she had been told that it was incurable because it was tuberculous. I sent the lady some Tuberculin 30, a dose to be given twice a week, but at the same time I sent her some Arsenicum iodatum 4x, a dose to be taken every three hours because the child complained of great irritation on the head, caused by liquid under the crust of eczema, which created a fearful burning sensation. She was to given the Arsenicum iodatum until the formation of fluid under the crust had disappeared. When the eczematous crust had become quite dry, the child was to be given three times a day dose of Graphites 3x. six weeks afterwards the lady sent me a very happy letter, in which she thanked me for the service I had rendered to her, and told m that she had felt the inclination to tell me weeks ago that a complete cure had been affected, but she had delayed writing to make sure that there would be no recurrence.


The following case created a sensation. A young man who lived on the Island of Wollin suffered from numerous tuberculous abscesses which frequently had been operated upon the hospital. At last the surgeons had told him that his condition was incurable and had sent him home. A kindly soul took pity on him and gave him occasional doses of Tuberculin 30 and some other remedies in accordance with the leading symptoms. A few weeks afterwards his mother told joyfully to all her acquaintances that the mysterious sugar pills had cured her son. It was a permanent cure, for the young man has became a very old man and is now in perfect health.


Christ told his disciples: “Heal the Sick.” That is an injunction which we must obey. Years ago very religious parents brought me their son, a boy of ten years, who had been treated at a hospital for a very long time. They had kept him for months in extension splints and had then dismissed him as incurable. He could not walk because one of his legs would not function, the hip joint being completely displaced. I gave him Tuberculin 30 and a few other remedies, chosen by the leading symptoms, such as calcarea Fluoric 6x, Calcarea iodata 4x, Silica, etc. A few weeks afterwards one of my friends told,me beaming with happiness: ” A miracle has been wrought in the case of the little boy. He runs about as quickly as a young chick.” Indeed he had walked with his parents from their house to the railway station, a distance of two miles, and has never had a recurrence.


Many years ago daughter told me that, while visiting friends, she had made the acquaintance of a woman in the country, who suffered from a diseased unhealing thumb, which no one could cure. Doctors had tried in vain for a long time to cause an abscess to close, but had not succeeded. Then the woman had tried homoeopathic remedies, but had been disappointed. I recommended her to take Tuberculin 15 as an intercurrent remedy twice a week, and in a few weeks the abscess had closed and healed and the thumb was perfectly sound. Whenever it happens that an abscess does not heal under homoeopathic treatment, we may assume that there is actual or latent tuberculosis which impedes the cure and we can eliminate that factor by using tuberculin.


A woman had on her leg a swollen gland as large as ones fist and as hard as a stone. She had suffered from it for years, but the swelling did not given her any pain. to soften the swelling, i gave her Calcarea fluorica 6x which is indicated in hard swellings. I also gave her occasional doses of Tuberculin 15. Soon afterward the swelling became larger and softer and remained painless. At last it broke open, discharged a large mass of pus, and then it disappeared.


I was visited by a lady who had only one wing to her nose. The other wing had been cut off by doctor who had explained to her that she suffered from lupus. The disease had extended from the nose to the upper lip and had greatly disfigured it, and it had caused the appearance of large blisters which caused violent burning. For her blisters and burning sensation she was given Cantharis 4x and for the lupus she was given Tuberculin 30 twice a week. She recovered completely in a few weeks and bought me another patient who suffered similarly and who was cured by the same remedies.


More than forty years ago a young healthy girl, while washing clothes in the river, got thoroughly wet and chilled, and her monthly period came to a stop. She became very anaemic, weak, and she was promptly sent to the hospital so that she should be given the best attention. During three months she was treated in accordance with the best practice of that time, and was given quantities of steel drops, Blauds pills etc., which did not do any good, and at last she was sent home as incurable. She was as white as a sheet, had become completely emaciated and she suffered much from a nasty cough accompanied by a greenish expectoration in large quantities and tinged with blood. As professional medical treatment had come to an end, she having been declared incurable, I was asked to treat her. I gave her Pulsatilla 4x to antidote the iron she had received and she was to take five drops three times a dry. From that moment she improved from week to week and an in six weeks she was as healthy and as strong as she had been before her illness.




HEAL THYSELF (The Homoeopathic World) A Popular Journal of Medical, Dietetic, Social and Sanitary Science By J Ellis Barker.

1934 Jun Vol LXIX No 822

Messie Melville.


Acon / Bell / Arn / Arg-n / Gels / Calen / Ham / Spong.


DEAR MR. BARKER, -Since coming to the Mission Field fourteen years ago I have had a good deal of medical work to do one way and another, as most missionaries have. I am neither a doctor nor a nurse but have had to take the place of both on occasion when I took charge of a station in my second year. Along with another colleague I was left with a few homoeopathic remedies and Dr. Ruddocks Vade Mecum which I used to read in my leisure moments. As years went by, I gradually in creased my stock and, although knowing very little of the action of the different drugs on the human system, I learned quite a from experience and had a certain amount of success.

Two years ago when at home, I met with a friend who is a subscriber to your magazine and who has given me some valuable help, and last year he sent me your magazine for the whole year. I cannot tell you what a help it has been to me, but I would just like to quote a few instances where I have used Homoeopathy with great success. I have now gathered a collection of works on Homoeopathy, but nearly always go back to Ruddock, he explains so fully.

One day I was called out to a confinement case. The woman had in labour for some hours and was making no found the patient rather exhausted, having been in labour all night and bleeding rather profusely. On examination I found the vagina sloughy, but no sign of a head. So I gave two doses of Hamamelis O and went home for other remedies. There seemed to be no abating of the haemorrhage so I gave Arnica 3x, two doses, and started off to bring a homoeopath in whom I have great faith a spare Hindu man of gentle habits but it was his day of prayer and silence and nothing would induce him to come out even to see me. So I went off a bit disappointed and went back to my patient, who by this time was getting on with the job, and within half an hour a man child, strong and howling, was born into the world, and in two days the mother got up and sat down beside me outside in the sun, having had the minimum of discomfort.

Another case was a first child (we are only sent for as a last resort) and, as I have next to no practice, having a boarding school to look after, I felt a little doubtful about being able to help. Anyhow the prospective after was very persistent. So I armed myself with a few remedies and accompanied him to the village. This case also was in rather an exhausted condition, having been in labour for a long time and the head had been in the vagina for some hours, so you may guess my hope was very slight of being able to do anything. Anyway I gave a dose of Pulsatilla and left a few more doses to be taken at intervals of half an hour, and promised to return, leaving the woman a bit more life-like. I returned in three hours but nothing had happened, so gave a dose of Gelsemium and left her again. This was about 7 P.M., and a living child was born in the small hours of next morning and I hear he is still alive and doing well.

A child of four got croup last July and I did not recognize the symptoms, never having had to deal with croup before, and so it had gone on for there days before I knew what was wrong. I gave Aconite and Spongia and called the homoeopath who gave the same and told me there was no need to get alarmed. The child was very ill indeed and I doubt very much if she would have recovered with any other remedies, as she is very obstinate in sickness. She simply refused to look at milk in any form, and if tried to force her to take anything she fought like a tigress and usually managed to upset everything. The only nourishment she would look at was lightly poached eggs and orange juice, and these I gave her. About a month later she had another attack, but I began early with the Aconite and Spongia and finished with Hepar sulphuris without having to call the doctor.

Pneumonia has no terrors for me, and I have never lost a patient through it and I have had some bad cases, too. One case of boy of about twelve went up to 107 before I knew he was ill, and in an hour with Aconite and cold packs every five minutes I got him down to 104 degree and he recovered. I am rather keen on cold packs, and often pneumonia occurs here in the very hot weather. So there is no risk.

I find Calendula very good for sores, burns and cuts. Applied immediately, it heals in a few hours. For ophthalmia, if I can get at the beginning, I always am successful with Argentum nitricum 30.

On Friday we had a play in the school and the head mistress worked very hard for two days in preparation. On saturday morning she was down with flu, panting and moaning with fever and pain all over her body. I remembered an article in one of you magazines on influenza and got he Baptisia and Gelsemium on the job. At mid-day I saw her again and she was perspiring freely but had still got pain, the fever was down to 100.6. I told her to keep on with the medicine but take it every three hours instead of every two. I saw her again in the evening and she complained of severe headache, especially on the right side of the face. So I gave her two doses of Belladonna 3x. I did not see her again till next morning, but she sat up in bed and told me her head was quite better, she had a good night and there was only a little aching in her legs. Monday morning she went off to school. I wanted her to have another day in bed but she insisted it was imperative she should go to school. I know she ought to have Quinine nitricum now to complete the cure, but I have never been able to secure it from any of the homoeopathic chemists.

These are only a few examples of my experience with homoeopathic remedies, and only wish I knew lots more.

I have been very interested in Mr. Henry Cooks articles about foodstuffs and find that, besides being more healthy to live as he says on the natural products, it is much cheaper. We get freshly ground wheat her cheaper than flour, and in the winter months especially vegetables are very plentiful and cheap. Raw sugar is also very cheap as the sugar cane grows here, and I use practically nothing else now but the unrefined cane sugar. I also find that where the food seemed rather tasteless before and required spicing up, now it is full of flavour.

I must now get off an order for some more medicines, as my stock is running low and I dont like getting too big a quantity at a time.

In closing I would just like to say what an excellent work you are doing with your little magazine, “HEAL THYSELF” and I only wish everybody would take it and keep their health.



PNEUMONIA AND ITS TREATMENT [Pneumonia &amp; Its Treatment]

HEAL THYSELF (The Homoeopathic World) A Popular Journal of Medical, Dietetic, Social and Sanitary Science By J Ellis Barker.

1934 Nov / Dec Vol LXIX No 827

Petrie Hoyle.

General Topics / Cases

Dig / Acon / Bell / Bry / Phos / Ant-t.


BY DR. Petrie Hoyle.

AN orthodox authority says that “ten per cent of all deaths in the civilized countries are due to pneumonia and that practically thirty per cent. of all pneumonia cases are sure to die.” When pneumonia is treated homoeopathically less than five per cent. die. These two averages are for adult cases, of all classes and all ages. What I have to say to you regarding the terrible difference in death risks demands your earnest and immediate attention.

The mortality statistics prove many things. The orthodox figures are taken from their own records. They were complied for the guidance of their own men and this guarantee likewise holds when homoeopathic figures are given. The very great difference in death rates shows the serious extra risk you run if you are being treated by orthodox methods. You are much safer if you employ homoeopathy. Of course you should try and obtain the services of a doctor practising homoeopathy, but if you cannot obtain a homoeopathic doctor you will fare better if you take a homoeopathic materia medica or family manual and match the personal symptoms of any given case, speaking now of pneumonia, and then give or take the homoeopathic remedy which produces most nearly the disease symptoms found at the moment.

It is the “peculiar personal symptoms” of any patient which point to the one drug required. Diagnosis, which may be incorrect, is of secondary importance. Nature speaks with exactness through the patients expressions of suffering and these must be matched exactly with what we homoeopaths have recorded in our materia medicas. Were I suffering with a pneumonia and were no Homoeopathic doctor at hand, I would prefer to be treated by a layman or woman of average intelligence armed with one of our books and remedies than by the most famous orthodox diagnostician and lung specialist.

There is much to be said on the subject, all of vital importance. I have several points to make:.

(1) To prove that there is a very great difference in the death risks between the two schools of medicine, orthodox and homoeopathic.

(2) To make my second point I must quote the bewildered groping of orthodoxy as to their own drugs, the use of which results in a thirty per cent. death loss. At the same time I must register some of the orthodox warnings as to the actual dangers of their own drugs and, note well, we homoeopaths never give warnings about any drug we use because we have no need to do so. There is no danger in any medicine we employ, and babies may be given any drug we name.

(3) To offset the dangers of orthodox medical measures I must lay before you a clear but brief description of a few important homoeopathic remedies which enable us to save so many lives. Each homoeopathic drug will portray clearly a particular type of phase of a pneumonia process and it is necessary to match the patients symptoms with one of the drugs described when an amelioration or cure will ensue. If you select correctly, you cannot fail.

Homoeopathy never indulges in such weak expressions as this or that drug “may be tried” which is common to many orthodox medical works. This bespeaks a bungling and bewildered groping.

Now for the contradictions and dangers of orthodoxy. It was no less a man that Dr. Blumgart who in his five public lectures sponsored by the Faculty of Medicine of Harvard University Medical School stated that “thirty per cent. of all pneumonia cases are sure to die”. He, an orthodox doctor, speaking for the “second to none” medical school in U.S.A. gave his message to the laity and we are following suit now with our side of the question and testimony.

The late Sir William Osler (Oxford University) put their orthodox death risk at higher than this thirty per cent. (see statistics). Note well that all my statistics are taken from public institutions and not from private practice. The classification and diagnoses were all made at the bedside, with many onlookers present, including the nurses, and many nurses are exceedingly intelligent. So doctors are not likely to make too many errors in diagnosis. In fact that work is left to well- known diagnosticians. We may take it that the mistake of the disease pneumonia is not often made. When death occurs, the physicians cannot be expected to enter the cause of death as Digitalis, Strophanthin, or some antipyretic or serums. So the cause of death is put down to pneumonia. Therefore we may take it that the mortality rates of the hospitals are as stated. The type or class of pneumonia which kills is more or less a matter of personal opinion. There are at present four classes or types of pneumonia. I read last week that some diagnostician has divided one class into twenty-seven varieties, though he did not pretend that this reduced the mortality one iota, and so it goes on ad infinitum, with a fairly constant death rate of orthodoxy of thirty per cent, which has held good for the last fifty years.

How many tens of thousands of lives could have been saved in this half century had homoeopathy only been employed?.

Homoeopathy has a guiding rule, Similia, to help the prescriber. Orthodoxy has no rule. It relies on personal opinions. Their works on medicine are out of date every few years as the second- hand bookshops will tell you. This quick change is not advance. It is bewilderment.

Homoeopaths, both professional and lay supporters, know what medicine to give and exactly why.

Sir Farquhar Buzzard, when addressing the Birmingham University Medical School in 1929, said to graduates and undergraduates: “If our profession as a whole is to attain its rightful position, let us cease to profess to cure.” I ask you not only how this strikes you, but what effect it must have had on all the undergraduates soon to be let loose on the suffering public?.

An Oxford University Medical Textbook (orthodox, of course), states: “In fifty years to come the lay people will stand aghast at the barbarities perpetuated in the name of medicine to-day.”.

Dear orthodox colleagues (for I know that some of you reads this journal) and my unknown lay readers, I am fighting and “HEAL THYSELF” is fighting to save peoples lives. So do not treat this information lightly, or you may live to regret it.

Listen to this levity on the part of an orthodox leader. The late Sir William Osler, Regius Professor of Medicine, Oxford University, a man at the top of the orthodox medical tree, said (see page 278, Practical Medical Series, 1931): “The family as well as the patient must be treated, and any concoction with a striking colour, a definite taste and pleasant smell, and finally above all being perfectly harmless, will often aid not only the family, but indirectly the patient and the physician.” This serves to show us all how little the orthodox believe in their medicines.

The Public Health Department of Massachusetts, U.S.A., compiled the very latest information as to the orthodox practice in treating pneumonia. They inform the orthodox profession “that their much vaunted sera have fallen into disuse in consequence of their obvious disadvantages, such as the immense dosages necessary, the technical difficulties of their administration … the very serious reactions (deaths) following serum sickness being common … Theoretically sera ought to do good but they have failed. We (the orthodox) lack a serum free from defects due to the amount of protein present in horse serum, which gives frequent and violent chills, as well as very high temperatures and a number of fatal cases immediately following injections have been reported (and how many such deaths not so reported?) Specific treatment of pneumonia by serum is by no means solved.” So seemingly is the knell sounded on the much vaunted serum “experiment” of orthodoxy, and what of the recipients of such treatment? Many are beyond making any sort of report.

I only mention a few drugs in everyday use by the orthodox in their pneumonia cases. They carry innumerable and very grave warnings issued by the authors to the orthodox profession.

Heroin is a preparation derived from Morphia. It has hosts of trade names. It allays cough. I can vouch for this personally as I was treated thus in France during the War and I nearly “turned my toes up to the daisies.” It stopped my cough by drying up the secretions in the lungs which should have been coughed up. I nearly suffocated. Fortunately I was able to crawl out of my bed and get hold of my own homoeopathic remedies. It surely stops coughs; but the patient is found to be in a worse plight than before. He has a pneumonia plus a drug disease.

Orthodoxy warns its practitioners thus about Heroin: It has a depressant action on the cord and especially on the respiratory centre, very much greater than that of Morphia. It is advisable to commence with very small doses as some persons are easily affected by it. Repeated doses have produced poisonous symptoms. It is a highly dangerous drug which ought not to be allowed in practice.

Digitalis. Nearly every case of pneumonia in orthodox hands receives this drug. Let us examine as briefly as possible some of its terrible risks, which would fill a book. I have read some important orthodox medical works of reference in which not one word was said of the cumulative action of Digitalis. Yet others emphasize that its action does pile up in the patient to a most dangerous degree. This danger being known, it is little short of wickedness when this is not stated as a warning. The following are brief extracts from a number of standard orthodox medical works:.

“There is no evidence of benefit from Digitalis in pneumonia, except in a possible 5 per cent. of cases. There is actual harm to the patient if the drug is given until its toxic symptoms appear. There is no justification for its routine use as is the custom in so many hospitals. There is considerable danger in prescribing Digitalis. Digitalis requires the greatest caution to avoid toxic (poisonous) symptoms. (From Massachusetts Board of Health warnings to the profession.).

Blumers edition of Billings-Forcheimer (Therapeutics of Medicine, Vol. II, p. 782 et seq.), frankly advises thus: “It is sufficient to Digitalize the heart (which flatly contradicts the warnings of the former authority and these contradictions appear throughout orthodox medical works.).

At this point I must quote what a very great homoeopathic author and college professor had to say about Digitalis. In his materia medica Dr. J. Tyler Kent pictures the drug thus: “Digitalis has done more mischief in orthodox hands than any other drug. EVery patient who has a fast beating heart or anything the matter with the heart is given Digitalis. It has caused more deaths than any other drug. The orthodox call it a sedative; yes, it is a sedative. It makes the patient very sedate. You have seen how sedate a patient looks after he has been in the hands of an undertaker and has on his best clothes.” That is what Digitalis does and yet it is one of the three chief drugs of the orthodox for pneumonia.

When an average orthodox doctor thinks he dare not give another drop of Digitalis he turns at once to Strophanthin, or Strophanthine. It is mentioned in all their medical works.

Strophanthine (Massachusetts Board of Health advice, page 148). This drug is warmly advocated by Meara and others, but it should not be given in a case of pneumonia when Digitalis has been given JUST PREVIOUSLY, as instances of sudden death following its use have been recorded. The action of Strophanthine is but little more prompt than Digitalis and because of the danger attending its use it seems to be of little value, etc.” Keeping in mind and having to guess at what is meant by “not just previously” I turn to the Quick Reference Book of Medicine and Surgery, by Dr. Rehberger of Johns Hopkins University, sixth edition and read that “it must not be used for at least two days after Digitalis has been administered. It may cause paralysis of the voluntary and involuntary heart muscle by direct action (and this is printed notice is found under Strophanthine, yet under Digitalis there is no word of warning that Strophanthine must not follow on Digitalis. Here indeed is a very great danger and who waits “two whole days” in any pneumonia case to give the next dose of medicine?.

In this connection one more quotation is absolutely necessary and if anything I suggest that it almost puts the last two authors in the “criminal negligence category.”.

I read in Blumers Billings-Forcheimers Therapeutics of Internal Diseases, Vol. II, p. 792. “Never give Strophanthine to those who have had Digitalis. Cases of death follow. Strophanthine should under no circumstances whatever be given if Digitalis has been employed any time within at least a week.” Here are some death dealing eros in standard orthodox professional works having International sue and very large sales.

My dear orthodox colleague please explain to me, what happens to all those thousands of patients who get the two drugs after “two days interval”, whilst the number who have had the combination of these two drugs though “not just previously” whatever that may mean, why – God help them and the orthodox men who follow that advice.

If the authority who demands that “full seven days must elapse between Strophanthine and Digitalis or they will kill” is correct then many have been just “plain killed-by-misadventure-or- ignorance” and perhaps this explains the 30 per cent. death rate in some degree.

Having quoted from American authorities, I must now quote a British source, as this is mainly fro a British reading public. Turn to The Principles and Practice of Medicine written by the late Sir William Osler, Regius Professor of Medicine at Oxford University and formerly of Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, and later at McGills University at Montreal, professorships which proclaim his pre-eminence in orthodox matters. Recent editions are by Dr. McCrae. It has run to the eleventh edition with well over a quarter of a million copies sold.

A weak feature in this work is that “may be tried is used, as also “may be given” which sounds like experiments on the sick. For pneumonia this work advises Optochin, a Quinine derivative, explaining that “experiments on the sick. For pneumonia this work advises Optochin, a Quinine derivative, explaining that “experimentally on mice its value is encouraging but scarcely good enough.” Further an overdose of this drug causes disturbances of vision. Bleeding is again in fashion (orthodox) to be done. “late in the disease”. If my memory does not play me false, Sir Clifford Allbutt (Regius Professor or Medicine at Cambridge University) suggests bleeding early. So the profession may toss up, having equal authority, early or late, whatever happens.

Oslers book advises Serum,contrary to many U.S.A. authorities. Vaccines are of no value “now”, though they had their experimental rage a few years ago.

Here is a jar for the profession (and some patients). Osler and McCrae advise Digitalis and Strophanthine for pneumonias in adjoining lines (page 105, eleventh edition) with absolutely no mention of any dangers. There is, moreover, no mention of any cumulative power and danger when speaking of Digitalis, and as their dose of this drug when given is XV minims three or four times daily, one must wonder what has happened to thousands of pneumonia cases so treated.

To quieten the nervous system Osler and Co. advise Bromides, Chloral hydrate, Morphia, Barbital (so recently sternly warned against by Sir William Willcox). Osler and Co. also advise Codein, Heroin, and Morphia to quieten the cough and they warn that “expectorant drugs upset the stomach”. There is not much comfort to be gained from a survey of this book which has been sold well in excess of 250,000 copies.


I will now describe some homoeopathic remedies for pneumonia with a clearness of detail absolutely unknown an any orthodox medical work. I think a few orthodox medicos may read these lines. To such I say: Have you every watched one of your own family die, feeling that the illness need not, should not, have ended in death? Did you ever, in the chill silent hours of a long sleepless night wonder what those homoeopaths would do for such a case which was weighing you down ? Perhaps you even cursed your orthodox Materia Medica teachers and all your medical works. Well, you can learn what the homoeopaths would do and have done.

To the laity I say: Whilst you are waiting to obtain a professed homoeopathic doctor study homoeopathy seriously and “HEAL THYSELF” will help you. With care you cannot lose half the cases that the orthodox practitioner does. Shun all “fever-breakers”. They kill. The heart burdened by a pneumonia cannot stand the extra load of a fever-breaker not Digitalis, Strophanthine, Heroin, etc.

The following homoeopathic remedies help us to keep our death rate at under 5 per cent. in public hospitals though in private practice I thoroughly believe the death rate is very much lower.

Aconite (3x, 6x to 30). At the first possible moment, when it is thought that a chill has been contracted, which may turn into many things and when shivers and shudderings are first noted, take doses of Aconite every fifteen minutes. As favourable reaction is felt take every two hours. Stop medicine the moment the patient feels better. Let the drug work on. It may be found in a few hours that the chill has been conquered and the normal restored. So always have a bottle of homoeopathically diluted Aconite on hand. When a chill is more serious, besides the shiverings some fever will be felt. Continue the Aconite until it is felt that there is some local congestion, when another drug must be considered whose symptoms compare with the new disease symptoms. The new and local symptoms will fix the attention of the patient or the attendant so consider them at once. It is not necessary to wait until pneumonia is apparent. This cannot be told well under twenty-four hours, when precious time has been lost, but of Aconite has been taken immediately the slightest chill has been felt any threatened trouble will have been reduced in severity or thwarted entirely.

The most common serious symptoms requiring Aconite are as follows. Mind: Great fear and anxiety; fears he will be ill a long time, very restless. Head: Fullness, heavy, hot, bursting pain, burning heat, vertigo, worse on rising and in extreme cases the mind may wander even to some delirium. The eyes feel hot and dry. Face is red, hot, flushed, or one cheek is red and the other pale (this is more often seen in the very young). Chest: oppressed breathing, shortness of breath, hoarse dry cough, with all symptoms worse at night and after midnight. Heart beats felt, pulse full and hard, tense and bounding, arteries easily felt, especially in the temples and throat. There will be very marked thirst. The skin will be hot and dry to the touch. There will be shudderings which merge into tiny shivers. Such are the chief symptoms of an acute chill. Aconite taken early enough will thwart many such attacks overnight.

I have for many years relied on using in alternation Aconite and Belladonna which is the only instance in my work of using two drugs almost at one time. I have used them all through my four years War work and since. To mix ones drugs as a rule weakens ones judgment. Professor Hempel said that Aconite controls and corrects the arterial circulation, whilst Belladonna acts in same manner on the venous circulations. I have adopted his life-long method of alternating Aconite with Belladonna in the 3x or 6x potency in every case of chill or suspected chill, which, if not stopped, might run on into pneumonia, bronchitis, pleurisy etc. These two drugs are given fifteen minutes apart, alternately, for some five or six doses each, then drop to two hours apart during waking hours, not being like the night nurse who woke her patients regularly to give them their sleeping medicine.

If Aconite has been given, or Aconite and Belladonna in alternation, the original symptoms will probably be soon replaced by a different disease picture, which calls for a remedy matching these new symptoms. A few examples will show how a subsequent medicine is selected.

Bryonia Alba 3x, 6x or 30. Bryonia cures or alleviates the following symptoms: “Stitching cutting pain in various parts of the chest of lungs. Patient is irritable and fretful. Pains grow worse and at last become tearing in character. A child too young to speak will vaguely try to place it hands on the painful region. The cough is very dry and hurts acutely and, most important, the patient will try by every means to lesson the movement of the chest wall of lungs. Bryonia is particularly indicated in pneumonia, rheumatism, etc., if the patient is worse by movement. A sick man needing Bryonia lies absolutely still and as pressure relieves he lies on the painful side. Another characteristic is great thirst for large quantities of fluid, due to dryness of membranes, lips dry and parched, mouth and tongue dry, tongue coated yellow or brown. The Bryonia-needing patient is usually constipated and had dry stools. Phlegm raised by much coughing is very tough and stringy. The pains of the patient needing Bryonia are particularly of a stitching character. Bryonia is all-important in pleurisy and should be prescribed for the symptoms mentioned, whether there is pleurisy or not.

Phosphorus 6x to 30 will alleviate and cure the following very grave symptoms. The patient has high fever with a hard full pulse, expectoration are dark, blood-stained, due to dead, cast- off blood cells. This expectoration is called prune juice expectoration and it occurs in a very grave phase. The cough is hacking and weakening and there are pronounced burning sensations in many parts. Hands and feet are uncovered continually to get cool, breathing is oppressed and laboured, mucous is purulent and profuse, cough is excited by a tickling sensation, burning heat alternates with shivering and there is a great thirst for cold drink. The Phosphorus-needing patient often vomits the cold drink as soon as it has become warm in the stomach. This is a leading symptom calling for Phosphorus. Phosphorus will snatch out of the jaws of death many patients who have these most grave symptom.

For a time orthodox doctors employed Phosphorus but they had not properly learned from the homoeopaths how to use it. They grave Phosphorus in huge doses and did much mischief. Professor Schroff wrote in his Pharmacology, page 418: ” The internal use of Phosphorus has been abandoned for the reason that even the most cautious employment of this drug involves danger. Phosphorus is no longer used except by the homoeopaths and the veterinary surgeons.” In the minute doses of homoeopathy Phosphorus carries no risk whatever and is a magnificent help in cases which from the orthodox point of view are incurable.

Antimonium tartaricum 3x, 6x or 30. This drug is of the greatest value in cases where there is deficient reaction, and it is specially called for in the treatment of the old and the very young. The patient needing Antimonium tartaricum is becoming stifled with phlegm which he cannot raise. He will try to sit up in order to breathe. Attacks of coughing provoke a sensation of suffocation. Coughing is often followed by vomiting, sensations of nausea, and the expectoration is always thick and terribly difficult to bring up. The patient is always hoping that the next cough will rid him of the mucous but it does not do so and he is becoming rapidly exhausted by trying to raise the tough phlegm, which blocks the lungs and will drown the patient. Orthodox medicine gives Antimonium tartaricum in the usual large and dangerous doses which do infinite mischief.

Every phase of the disease must be matched with the corresponding remedy. The few examples given must suffice to show the principles by which homoeopathy acts and saves those who would die under orthodox treatment. I now would give some comparative statistics, giving the mortality from pneumonia under orthodox and homoeopathic treatment. These speak for themselves and they show the superiority of homoeopathy over orthodox medicine.


Dr. J. Robertson Day was Senior Physician for “Diseases of Children” at the London Royal Homoeopathic Hospital for many years, so it is to be presumed that he was thoroughly conversant with the death rates of his own and many other hospital in Great Britain. His heart and soul was in this work, and he would not juggle any figures for any price. I have known him well for about forty years.

These figures of ADULT LOSSES are worth the study by all adults, and the Governing bodies of the nation, as well as at all hospitals, if they have the public welfare at heart. The different rates in child losses should go to the heart of every woman, indeed every parent. Wont you make the study of Homoeopathy a real LIFE WORK ? and then spread the value right and left.



PSORIASIS AND GENERAL WEAKNESS [Psoriasis &amp; General Weakness]

HEAL THYSELF (The Homoeopathic World) A Popular Journal of Medical, Dietetic, Social and Sanitary Science By J Ellis Barker.

1937 Mar Vol LXXI No 855

Ellis Barker J.


Sulph / Kali-bi / Ign / Thuj / Acon / Eupat.

BY Ellis Barker J.

ON January 5th I was visited by a Mr. J.P.L., a business man in the West End of London, who complained to me about psoriasis. He had a scaly eruption, very red, particularly noticeable around the abdomen. The trouble had been in existence for a great many years, and he had received numerous treatments from orthodox doctors and specialists with the usual lack of result. Only outward treatment had been given to him. At last he went to a well-known nature cure institute and was rigidly fasted for a number of weeks. As usual, the psoriasis disappeared but came back very promptly when the fast was over. I have met cases of psoriasis where dozens of long and short fasts had been tried in vain. After all, psoriasis, like every skin disease, is a blood disease which, as a rule, cannot be cured by applications on the skin, or by attending to the digestion. While fasting is usually quite ineffective, one can often cure skin disease by a vegetarian diet and by a limitation of condiments, especially salt. The patient insisted, of course, upon showing me the various parts of the body which were disfigured by the eruption, information which is not very helpful. After all, one wants to know the cause of whatever trouble the individual suffers from.

I discovered that he had been vaccinated as a baby and had had frequent dreams of falling, a sign of vaccinial poisoning. This was only one cause. Besides, he hardly perspired at all, and thus retained impurities which should have been eliminated by the skin.

The patient looked weak and pale, largely because he lived on a low diet in the hope of starving out the disease. He had a great deal of catarrh, caught colds easily, felt always chilly, largely owing to under-nutrition, was very sentimental, and could not stand fatty food. He therefore had plenty of Pulsatilla symptoms. He used no salt in the cooking or at the table. this is frequently done by nature curers and their disciples, who have the notion that nature curers and their disciples, who have the notion that the food contains all the salt they need. This is not the case. We lose salt in sweat from the pores, in tears, and in many other ways, and salt is needed for carrying on the bodily functions. Salt is particularly necessary to vegetarians. We know that wild deer and cattle travel hundreds of miles to the salt licks and that they will risk death to get the salt.

Heat aggravated the skin symptoms, a fact which indicated his needing Sulphur. He had icy feet, digestion was poor, there was splashing in the stomach, he was very depressed, he took far too little liquid, and he had been given many inoculations. He was altogether in a poor condition, and the most important thing was to feed him up.

I gave him a vegetarian diet with an abundance of wholemeal bread, and especially bran. He was to take nine heaped tablespoonfuls of broad bran, two to three eggs, 2 to 3 pints of milk in every form, 2 to 3 ozs. of mild cheese per day, increasing his intake gradually. I gave him as medicine Sulphur 6x, a dose night and morning, Kali bichromicum 3x for the catarrh, to be taken between meals, and a combination of Ignatia and Carbo vegetabilis, to be taken with meals for his digestion and depression. Once a week he got a dose of Thuja 200 as a vaccination antidote.

When he came to me he weighed 8 st. 92 lbs. Being used to a very low diet, he was horrified at the idea of eating such enormous quantities, and proclaimed that it would be quite impossible to eat so much. However, he was assured that he would be able to do it, and told that he must increase his intake gradually and cautiously.

A few days after the beginning of treatment he got influenza, which, of course, pulled him down considerably. I sent him Aconite and Eupatorium to be taken in alternation, which rapidly got him into order. On January 24th, after less than three weeks treatment, he wrote to me that his weight had increased from 8 st. 92 lbs. to 9st. 12 lbs., an increase of 6 lbs. He wrote with delight:.

“An increase of 6 lbs. even taking into account my recent recovery from flu, which had run me down severely, quite took my breath away. Friends tell me I am looking much better and fatter in the face”.

“The skin shows as yet no appreciable change. However, the skin in general is more ready to act, and I find when the night turns warm that a gentle perspiration will commence”.

“The catarrh is improving”.

Skin action was obviously considerably improved. On February 1st, after four weeks treatment, he wrote to me:.

“I am pleased to be able to send a favourable report again. My weight on Saturday in the same clothes I wore when you weighed me at 8 st. 92 lbs. touched the beam at 9 st. 4 lbs., an increased of 82 lbs. since the commencement, which is excellent. I have been feeling well and energetic and have not felt the cold to the same extent as previously. The catarrh has almost gone, except for some stuffiness in the morning, as to-day, when we have had two wet and unpleasant days, but the nose feels comfortably clear during most of the day. The post-nasal catarrh has not quite gone but is very much improved”.

“I go regularly first thing in the morning, and on most days later in the day or last thing at night. The diet suits me well, and in the day or last thing at night. The diet suits me well, and in spite of occasional fears that my bilious headaches, which used to incapacitate me for twenty-four hours, would return, I have so far had no sign of them”.

“With regard to the psoriasis it is certainly not worse, and I see slight signs of improvement. The patches are not easy to assess, as the appearance varies from day to day, according to the amount of dry skin on the surface. I quite 18 months. This was over eight years ago. I felt it had been a waste of money. After trying one treatment after another, I have so often come to a similar conclusion. This time I feel more confident, as there is a marked improvement in general health”.

Since then I have seen Mr. J.P.L. His weight has further increased. His health and strength have improved greatly. His catarrh is gone: his headache has disappeared, and the skin trouble is rapidly improving. Of course, it will take time to eliminate the skin trouble completely.





1951 Feb Vol XI No 11

Daniel Coleman.


Nat-m / Con / Phyt / Calc-f / Mill / Kreos / Kali-c / Ars / Chel / Acon / Stram

[ Read before I.H.A., Bureau of Materia Medica, June 6, 1935.].


H.R. July, 1936.

Cancer, “Chief banqueter at (deaths) feast”, the Grim Reapers most faithful ally; this is the tragic subject chosen for the paper. The star tragedian in the playhouse of disease stalks on as yet unconquered. Has no therapeutic Saint George arisen to slay this morbid pathological dragon, who strikes with relentless malevolence regardless of person ? The mighty voice of Tamagno, the greatest of all tenors, was forever silenced by the vulturous claws of this hideous monster, sinking its poisonous talons into the very organ that held countless audiences spellbound with its clarion notes. Grover Cleveland, a truly great President, was secretly operated on aboard a private yacht in Long Island Sound in order that his highly efficient services at the chief executor could be continued. Alas, this rugged individualist, who believe in upholding the traditions of a government “by the people, for the people”, survived only a few short years. General Ulysses S. Grant, who saved the Union, fell by the attack of this more deadly foe than he had ever encountered in battle. Dr. William Tinninghast Bull fought with his scalpel this demon of scourges for many years. He himself fell by the hand of the powerful antagonist he had failed to conquer.

Can nothing be done for those suffering from this dread disease? Although, as I said before, this malady is as yet unconquered, much can be done to relieve, and sometimes even to cure, this dreadful enemy of mankind.

Surgery, X-ray and radium are practically the only therapeutic measures used by the majority of the medical profession today. The hundreds of so-called “cures” investigated by the various cancer hospitals have proved impotent.

Surgery says operate early, at the very incipiency of the disease. Then and only then is there hope of recovery. If operated later a return of the growth is almost certain. Operations on gastrointestinal cancers, under the most favorable conditions, can promise only about two short years of life.

X-ray and radium have the power to destroy the cancer cell in the superficial epithelial variety. It is significant that they are capable of destroying lesions similar to those that they produce. They are therefore homoeopathic. If we apply a weak emanation, as would happen with a deeply situated growth, conditions would be made worse. Small doses stimulate, large doses destroy (Arndt-Schultz). After the disease has extended to the surrounding tissues and the lymph nodes have become involved, neither x-ray nor radium therapy holds out hope of curability.

It is the object of this paper, however, to tell what homoeopathy can accomplish to combat this horrible spectre which hangs over thousands of otherwise happy homes. We must be careful to make no false claims or exaggerated statements. To do so would defeat the very object that we have in view, to show that in homoeopathy lies the greatest hope of eventually conquering this disease. We lack remedies which are capable of producing growths similar to true carcinoma. Recently three chemicals have been discovered which have produced in mice tumors similar to malignant growths. No homoeopathic provings or verifications have been made, however. I may be in a position to discuss these in a later paper. We, as homoeopaths, can do much to palliate, to prolong life, and possibly to cure some cases with the remedies already at our disposal. Many patients are seen during thirty- four years practice. The following are selected in the way of illustration.

The first set of cases comprise those in which a definite diagnosis of cancer could not be given. It has been my personal opinion that many patients successfully operated have been of this class. We could have cured them without an operation.

CASE 1. Female, age 37. Lump the size of a marble under left arm. Discovered eight months previously. Cured in six months by Phytolacca 3x.

CASE II. Female, age 45. Hard lump in left breast of two years duration. Subjective symptoms: Melancholy, depressed, trembling of the limbs, fluttering in the epigastrium, awaking suddenly at night with feeling of suffocation., etc. Lump disappeared in less than two months under Natrum mur. 30x four times daily. Lump returned in a little over a year. Conium 3x followed by Phytolacca 3x cured completely in three weeks.

CASE III. Female, age 52. Lump in breast characterized by stony hardness. Cured by Conium 3.

CASE IV. Female, age 41. History of a blow on the left breast, followed by indurated lumps. Cured in three weeks by Conium 3.

CASE V. A young lady appeared at my office in a most apprehensive state of mind. Her father had died of duodenal carcinoma. Her own doctor, an excellent prescriber, was out of town. I concentrated to treat her until he returned. She presented a lump the size of a small plum in the right breast. Considerable pain of a spreading character. I prescribed Conium 30 four times daily. I saw her again in two weeks. The pain had ceased after the first day under the remedy and the lump was much smaller. She continued treatment under her own physician.

CASE VI. Female. Lump in left breast about two inches long and one and a half inches wide. Cured in a few months by Conium 3 followed by Calcarea fluorica 6x.

I could give more similar cases, but these will suffice. Were they cancer? “Ah theres the rub.” They were saved from operation, however.

The following are cases in which positive diagnosis of malignancy were established.

CASE 1. Female, age 60. Hard swelling in left breast with retraction of the nipple. Thin exudation. Prescribed Conium 3 four times daily. Prompt and continued improvement, lump diminished in size and the lymphatics did not become involved. Remedy discontinued and resumed as indicated. In six months the tumor was greatly reduced in size. Phytolacca was then indicated. The growth was very much smaller in six weeks, but I detected another in close proximity. Perhaps I had overlooked this before because of the swelling. I prescribed Iodine tincture, gtt. v in quarter glass of water, two teaspoonfuls q.i.d. A profuse discharge resulted with complete disappearance of the growths. This condition of apparent cure was interrupted by slight relapses These were controlled by Conium 2x, Baryta carb. 2x and Kali iod. 2x as indicated. Later I prescribed Conium 30 with marked success.

I did not see her for some time. During the interval she yielded to the advice of “friends” and was operated. What remained of the original tumor was removed. The pathological examinations proved it malignant.

The indicated remedy caused marked improvement for seven years which only ceased when she discontinued treatment. Her general health was always benefited by the medication. If the treatment had not been interrupted, might not a complete cure have resulted without an operation? There has been no return of the trouble, now twenty-two years later.

CASE II. Female, age 65. Indurated tumor size of a small egg, involving nipple. I decided to remove this growth to learn its true character. I made a rapid enucleation. The axillary nodes were not involved. The tumor proved to be a scirrhus. Almost as rapidly as the heads of the seven-headed Lernaean hydra reappeared after being severed by Hercules, another growth manifested itself in close proximity to the situation of the first. I prescribed Conium 3 in repeated doses on the indication of stony hardness. The tumor disappeared rapidly. If this was simply senile degeneration, why did not the original tumor degenerate? There never was a return. She died many years later of senile cardiac insufficiency.

CASE III. Female, age 72. Inoperable mammary carcinoma of five years duration. She had been under the care of a fine homoeopathic prescriber. The growth was indurated and showed signs of breaking down. It was the size of an orange. She suffered from sharp, lancinating pains. Conium 3 stopped the pain completely. Later, the growth broke down, profuse haemorrhages appeared. Millefolium tincture, gtt. x in half glass of water, teaspoonful every five minutes. The blood would drop after the first dose, and cease after the second. Sloughing then developed. The characteristic odor was intolerable. External deodorants (used by the family) proved valueless, Kreosote 6, later 3x, prescribed on the indications, ulceration with thin discharge and bluish color of the parts, completely removed the odor and checked the ulceration.

The patients general health would improve after each prescription. The last few weeks of her life were spent in a well-known cancer hospital. They were surprised at the result of the treatment, especially the power of Millefolium to control the haemorrhages. I treated her until the last. She died in her eighty-third year, over fifteen years after the growth was first discovered.

CASE IV. Female. Carcinoma of liver. Symptoms: Great weakness, emaciation, hunger, thirst, constipation, etc. . I prescribed Natrum mur 30x several times daily. She gained weight and improved so much that the family thought she would recover. This continued several months. I told them that no cure was possible, but that I could relieve her suffering. Finally, no remedy would improve her condition and she passed on to the inevitable end.

CASE V. Female, age 70. Severe lancinating pain in the left hypochondrium with profuse bright red haemorrhage. Nodular mass present. Kali carb. 30 controlled pain and bleeding.

CASE VI. Cancer of face. Morphine, given before I treated the patient, no longer relieved the intense burning pain. The pain was relieved by heat. Arsenicum alb. 30 brought complete relief which lasted until the end.

CASE VII. Female, age 72. Cancer of the liver. Nodular growth in the abdomen. Large doses of codeine given by previous physician produced unpleasant results. Chelidonium tincture, gtt. vii in half glass of water, teaspoonful in repeated doses, completely relieved the pain.

I improved the general condition of another liver case with Hydrastis 3x. The characteristic mucous discharge from the nose and throat was present.

CASE VIII. Female, age 65. Very malignant carcinoma just above the left breast. Constitutional involvement, no hope of recovery. Had x-ray treatments. Various remedies were given at different times according to indications. The lancinating pains were controlled by Conium 3. Aconite 3 often relieved the intense fear and restlessness. Later, when she became weak, Arsenicum 3 accomplished the same. Sometimes Ignatia 3x was given for the hysteria. Mental symptoms developed. I prescribed Stramonium 3 with perfect success. The chief symptoms were great loquacity and desire for light, she wished the light left on all night. She gradually grew weaker but did not suffer. The homoeopathic remedy prevented this. Finally she passed peacefully to her final rest.

Some years ago it was believed, by many that cancer developed more readily in those suffering from acidosis. This conception has been reversed, those suffering from alkalosis are more prone to the disease. A slight acidosis is beneficial. I read an interesting article in the January, 1934, number of the Medical World on the acid treatment of cancer.

In conclusion, I wish to assert that although we cannot claim a universal cure for cancer, much can be done therapeutically for those suffering from this disease. Dr. Buckley, for many years connected with the New York Skin and Cancer Hospital, believed in treating the patient rather than operating. Although not a member of our school, he possessed considerable knowledge of the homoeopathic principles. He had a vast experience with cancer.


DR. GRIMMER: I want to commend the Doctors position. I am in agreement with him, especially in the proposition that homoeopathic treatment and remedies are the only things that will help to solve the cancer question.

The Doctor paints an entirely different picture from our friends of the old school. He does bring hope; at least if the case is so far advanced that we may not cure them, we can relieve their sufferings and give them a peaceful ending, without the massive doses of morphine or drugging, or the other methods the old school has to employ.

We should not criticize them for giving the things they do, when they havent the weapons we have to deal with. The only criticism I have to offer against the old school is the position they take in the face of their dismal failures. They still brand anybody else who is practicing differently, who doesnt subscribe to their methods, as a quack and a charlatan, until one wonders just who the charlatans are.

The question of potency does not need to disturb us so much. There is no doubt cures have been made with remedies from the tincture to the highest potencies. It is the question of the remedy, and every doctor must be the best judge of what he prefers to use from his experience in this work.

I think that some of our homoeopathics, notably Dr. Stearns and others, are on the road to increasing our valuable remedies for these conditions. I think we will get more searching remedies, remedies that will probably take care of cases farther advanced than we now can hope to do with our present group, because with this work we are dealing more directly with the vital processes which are, after all, more important than any chemical change that can take place, or any change of tissue. That is where it begins; that is where the beginnings of this work are in the vital forces, and even the old school has become convinced of the inherited tendencies of families. There can be no question that cancer is an inherited condition that is handed down from generation to generation and some families are much more susceptible to the influence.

Now, the homoeopathic remedy is the only one that can reach down into the germ of the chromosomes and change inherited tendencies.

There is one more thought I want to leave and that is the power that homoeopathic remedies have if we could get our patients early enough. The real cure, the real future of homoeopathy is putting that patient in such a state of health that cancer cannot attack him, and I believe that is possible. I know it is possible from my observations, personally, and from talking with a great number of good prescribes who keep records. I know there isnt one case in a thousand who has the advantage of good homoeopathic prescribing, that will develop cancer, even in cancer families.

DR. V. E. BALDWIN: Dr. Grimmer has given you an incentive to give homoeopathic remedies. Perhaps I can recall to him several years ago I had a case with osteosarcoma behind the ear, developing secondary to an operative mastoid. I used at his recommendation Calcarea natrum fluor. The girl had been an invalid and had spasms of a serious type and following the operation had a growth around the mastoid; that patient got sound and well and since then has been married and become the mother of children, and is in rugged health; although she has a hole back there where the old operator left, it, the other part is well.

In the last ten years I have had, I expect, as large an opportunity as anyone in my territory to prescribe for these patients because they have stayed by me. I will not take up your time but will tell you remedies and I have pictures and records with me at my hotel, of some hundred or more patients I have treated for cancer, who are at least on the way to Wellville; some are dismissed and consider themselves well.

The remedies I have used; Calcarea iodide, and I want to say this: In any type of malignancy that as hardness or involvement of glands, that case nearly always needs some form of the iodide, Cadmium iodide, Calcarea iodide, Aurum iodide, Conium and Phytolacca, for these types with glandular involvement, and especially a great deal of hardness in it. Then there is Cadmium sulph., Calcarea fluor., and Calcarea sulph. and Hepar sulph., and Phytolacca, especially for those who have softer tissue, especially in the abdomen or along the alimentary canal.

Cadmium sulph. has been remarkable in the recovery developments in most any types of malignancy that involves the alimentary canal. It hardly ever fails to give you some help and relief along that line, especially if the liver is involved.

You will be surprised how much Chionanthus will help you, in a higher potency, by the way, or Chelidonium, beginning in the lower potency and going upward. It has been tremendously helpful and I believe I have positively cured cases with the use of these remedies.

I want especially to mention this matter: So many patients come to you sent by other men, or from other institutions who claim to have cancer, who really dont have cancer. They have some form of tertiary syphilis or some outbreak of a syphilitic miasm, and in several instances I have had patients referred to me who were positively cured by Syphilinum.

Then there are Arsenicum iodide. and Phytolacca, and Asterias rubens, in those cases where you suspect malignancy, which may not be that, but tuberculosis.

I have a picture of a patient with me, here. This patient came to me with a whole breast involvement, not deep, superficial, clear out under the arm and across the breast bone. You could never two or three layers with your hand. She had been to Indianapolis and was tested out at a laboratory and they said she had cancer. She got well on Asterias rubens. It took two years, but I stuck to it to the end, and she was cured finally by the action of that remedy.

I have a patient coming to me who had radium used over the abdomen and developed a radium burn which the doctor who had been using the radium said he thought had turned into cancer. This is over two years ago. This patient got Phosphorus C.M. in the beginning, with some improvement.

I learned something in working on that patient. She wanted something to relieve the burning. She had become intolerant to the touch of her clothes over it, and Phosphorus didnt relieve it at all, so I tried several kinds of ointment. Every time I tried an ointment with a mineral in it, I dont care what it was, it irritated the surface and made the trouble worse. I finally saturated cloths with pure tincture of Calendula, and you would be surprised what happened. She got along fine and a little later I gave her a series of radium from the 30 up to CM., and that woman is perfectly comfortable, the redness is gone and she seems to be recovered.

DR. GRIMMER: Cadmium iodide will take that out.

DR. BALDWIN: Maybe I am giving the credit to the radium. I gave her Cadmium iodide and following the Phosphorus, and since then radium– nearly a year.

DR. GRIMMER: The three remedies I find the best antidotes to compare with for radium burns are Phosphorus, Fluoric acid, and Cadmium iodide.

Dr. BALDWIN: She has practically recovered from her inconvenience and trouble.

Dont forget Hydrastis in those stomach cases, especially where there is lots of burning and disposition to vomit, and intolerance to food, especially more suffering when hungry, how much Hydrastis will relieve them.

I am especially interested in cancer and anything that can be given me here while I am here, that will be a help to my patients I will appreciate and anything I can give to you while I am here I will be mighty glad to be of service.

DR. BOGER: I want to mention that I havent heard this touched on here — it is one thing to remove a cancerous growth, and it is something better possibly to remove the toxemia which remains afterward.

As has been hinted, a good many cases of so-called cancer are syphilis, especially with cancer blood. I had a case a few years ago in the left ear like the one you mentioned. It did not do well. I am satisfied today it was a case of syphilis, because she had a child and the child was an imbecile. I prescribed a few times for the child and didnt make progress to suit me; and I came to the conclusion that it needed a dose of Syphilinum. The child has been getting better ever since and making wonderful progress on the Syphilinum. I am satisfied I should have had the blood examined for syphilis instead of trying to cure for cancer.

DR. BALDWIN: I want to show you a picture to illustrate that point. You see how that mans nose is eaten out –a case sent from the laboratory for cancer is often nothing but syphilis, and Syphilinum and Calcarea iodide, and Aurum iodide saved that man for nearly ten years.

DR. ALFRED PULFORD: I have a little article here that I am sure will interest everybody interested in cancer. I will be brief.

“Readers of the Truth Teller will doubtless be glad to have the opinion of the Medical Times (London), April, 1935, on the subject of cancer research, which is as follows:.

“We submit that cancer research is being conducted on wrong lines. Our opinion is confirmed rather than shaken by a perusal of the Eleventh Scientific Report of the Imperial Cancer Research Fund which has been recently issued. We agree with Dr. Lockhart Mummery, the well known surgeon, when he says that a very real danger to the best interests of cancer research is a tendency for animal experimentalists to get out of touch with the surgeon and pathologist who are dealing with the disease in human beings.”.

We have had remedies offered for cancer. I think I have got one and that is the entire homoeopathic materia medica. I have had considerable experience with cancer. I have a case now and I reported here nine years ago a case of osteosarcoma diagnosed by the allopath, operated on, and the mans face all indented, the X-ray used, and radium used, and all failing, and he was cured by the 10M. of Phosphorus. He is now in perfect health and the parts are normal as they every were.

If we had more people investigating homoeopathy and the homoeopathic materia medica, then hanging crepe on it, we should get somewhere.

DR. COLEMAN: There is one erroneous statement that has come before the public of late, in the last few years, that cancer is on the increase. That, like the acid theory, has been exploded. That is not true. Cancer is not on the increase. It is simply the statistics, and in the days gone by, before diagnosis of internal cancer could be made by the X-ray examination, the superficial cancers that could be diagnosed physically were the only cancers that were counted.

Now these superficial cancers are not on the increase, no more today than they were twenty-five, or thirty, or forty, or fifty years ago, but the seeming increase of cancer is due to the fact that the gastro intestinal cases of cancer that were not capable of being diagnosed fifty years ago are diagnosed today by the aid of the X-ray, and they have been added to the present cases that can be diagnosed by a physical examination, and they have made a seemingly larger incidence of cancer, whereas actually no more cancer cases today than there were fifty years ago; in other words, cancer is not on the increase and it doesnt have to be on the increase to be a very malignant condition to treat and very dangerous to the life of the community.



BEHAVIOUR PROBLEMS OF CHILDREN &amp; THEIR TREATMENT [Behaviour Problems Of Children &amp; Treatment]


1942 May Vol V No 3

Roy R.


Glon / Cupr / Acon / Hyos / Bell / Calc / Nux-v.

R. Roy, M.D. (F. C. H.).

Some physicians often either get puzzled or neglect in differentiating the behaviour problems of children from that of their actual diseases from which they emanate. To avoid such mistakes or negligence, while treating children, careful consideration should at once be imparted to their behaviour before undertaking to prescribe medicine for them.

The attainment of mental health in children is now gradually receiving such attention as it has always been paid to their physical health. To understand the mind of a child a thorough study is necessary. Mental ill-health or disharmony is depicted outwardly in what are termed behaviour problems. Most of the behaviour problems in children are the result of a wrong handling of perfectly natural tendency and the lack of understanding of what is both necessary and purposeful for the development of a well-adapted and well-developed personality. To inhibit both the behaviour problems of children and the neurosis of adults, it is necessary to study and understand natural phases of development, their behaviour associated with them and their purposeful nature.

Under the classification of Normal Development it is noticeable that when children of different ages play freely and naturally, certain activities are common to certain age groups. For example, most of the 15 months old children will be occupied in some activity incorporating fitting things into one another; fitting nests of boxes, putting stones into boxes, or sand or water into buckets. On the other hand, the three years old groups will remain busy with toys which push and pull, or which they can peddle. They will fix things together, toy carts, horses or cars and then perform most complicated manoeuvres with them, trying to turn them and reverse them. In this activity two or three children may be co-operating. Through any activity the child makes contact with the objective world and is helped in his three -fold developments, physical through the use of his muscles, intellectual, adding to his knowledge of the qualities of the objects, and emotional, through having to accept the limitations inherent in any particular object. These are the outward expression of some unconscious inner urge or instinct. The year old child banging bricks together does not consciously or purposely choose that activity. He acts in this manner quite naturally when he reaches a certain phase of development of this activity. Walking can be taught. The baby walks when he has reached that phase of development when he instinctively walks. No amount of teaching him to walk before this, will do the slightest good and no teaching will be necessary when he reaches the phase, because he will just walk. Sitting up, talking, cutting teeth, are all the natural results of a process of maturation. In gauging physical development these landmarks are used as standards for assessment.

Emotional and intellectual development follow the same laws in relation to maturation, the play-activity of children being dependent on and characteristics of the childs development phase. Its play again is the outward expression of an unconscious natural urge related to its development. Lack of recognition on the part of adults of these natural tendencies leads to difficulties and problems of behaviour, hinders development, and in many cases lays the foundation of endo-physic conflict and a neurotic personality.

In dealing with any behaviour problems in childhood it must always be decided if the behaviour under consideration is not natural for that particular age. Children of 3 or 4 years are often accused of lying, whereas it is often the result of their particular way of thinking at that time and their inability to understand what they see, or their wrong interpretation of reality due to their lack of experience.

A small boy was asked why he had broken the glass, who replied that he had not done so. When his mother asked he must have dropped it he immediately replied “Oh yes I dropped it but it broke itself.” He acknowledged dropping it but the quality of “breaking” was to him something belonging to the glass. The “natural lying” however, is often the basis of lying as a problem. The child who is punished for confessing his misdemeanour will in future deny his guilt in order to avoid punishment. Therefore, to prevent lying never punish a child for a misdeed confessed.

The actual behaviour problems for treatment are many, a few examples are given below.

A boy of about 6 years was once placed under the treatment of the writer, who suddenly and completely lost his conscience and became fast asleep. In the first place I put his tongue back in to his mouth, and loosened his dress just to have free air pass into and around his body; raised his head slightly and cleansed the foam issued from his mouth. Then felt his pulse, quick, breathing difficult, his face became pale and the veins of the forehead distended; his heart action was violent and irregular. I concluded that the child got fright of being scolded for breaking anything, and on an enquiry was informed that he broke a marble Taj Mahal placed on a teapoy in his fathers room. I gave him 6 half-doses of Glonoine 30 and 6 half doses of Cuprum Met 30 in water Why both these medicines? Was there no sure indication for any medicine, one at a time? Want of repertorizing leads to such gun-shot prescriptions. [Ed.] and gave the mother instructions to sponge the boys body especially the head. It was 11 A.M., and in the evening the boys father called at my place with the news that the child got back to his sense soon and on feeling hungry was given only milk diet. I told him to continue the same medicines every three hours+ +Violation of philosophy, for the child was now normal and required no more dosing. [Ed.] and to give liquid food, such as either Horlicks or milk and sago. I did not give the boy any further medicine the next morning, but only six half doses of Sac lac.

A boy of two years was brought to me, his mother complained that he was crying at the slightest thing, sometimes becoming sick with crying. He had therefore been punished. Here is a child whose phase of development has been entirely misunderstood. Treatment in such a case consisted in giving the mother some understanding of the normal self-willed, as the child got nervous. As usual, after obtaining a short history I gave him Acon. and Hyos. both 30 alternately Alternation is violation of Hahnemanns Organon. for 3 days and after this the child was found O.K.

A girl of 3 years was placed under my treatment for screaming at night. She would not go to bed without the mother also retiring. What was wrong with the child? The causes may be hereditary tendency, tumours, inflammations, insects in the brain (?), malformation of, or deposits in, the skull, fright, nervous derangement mental and physical prostration, stomach disorder, worms, repelled eruptions, etc., etc. A very careful examination of the whole body was made, but found nothing helpful; pulse, heart seemed alright. I carefully listened to all that was said by the girls father and concluded that she must have been suffering from stomach disorder and undergoing severe pains caused by it especially at night.+ +The physical side received all attention, while the mental side was overlooked. She was afraid and timorous to go to bed without her mother. Lippes Repertory mentions 33 drugs covering this symptom and Belladonna is one of them. [Ed.] I remembered reading such a case in one of the leading authors books in which he described a similar case having been cured by giving the patient, who was brought to him after being treated by several Allopaths, a few doses of Bell 30. The girl was thus given six doses of Bell 30, the first 3 doses at two hours interval and the balance at 3 hours. The next day the same medicine was repeated and by the grace of Almighty I became successful. The childs habit of screaming at nights has since never been complained of.

A boy 4 years old was once reported to have started vomiting after half an hour he had milk to drink in the evening. In the beginning he vomited curdled milk of a strong sour smell. After a while the matters vomited looked like clear water mixed with food which he had about 3 hours before. The belly was full, hard and tender, sour or foetid eructations occurred, the bowels were obstinately constipated. There was no fever, but the temperature sank very low and the child lay with half-closed eyes and in a half-stupor condition. His skin was harsh, dry and loose, tongue ulcerated coated or cracked. Vomiting may be attributed to too early weaning and too early use of starchy food. I prescribed for him Calc. carb 6 which, I am glad to state, acted wonderfully. Instructed the parents to rub the boy with mustard oil and to sponge him at least twice a day with tepid water. After the crisis was over the boy was given Nux Vom.6 for 3/4 days.

With older children much can be done through getting the childs confidence when he will talk freely about his difficulties. Dreams are also useful in giving an indication of the conflict. In younger children contact is made through play in which the child freely expresses his thoughts, ideas and fantasies.




Homoeopathy By Dr M L Tyler.

1938 Mar Vol VII No 3

Tyler M L.



A child of 1 year 8 months, brought to Casualty on the evening of January 19th, 1938. Acute bronchitis, sudden onset in cold weather; flushed face, startled look; carotids throbbing. Temp. 103.2x; Pulse 158; Respiration. 72.

Aconite 30, hourly, given.

Much improved in the morning; completely well the following day.





1995 Vol 30 No 3

Shangloo G K.


Nux-v / Calc / Acon / Podo / Sulph / Tub / Lyco / Puls.

*Paper presented at 16th National Homoeo Congress of I.E.H.P.

held on 19th Nov. 95 at New Delhi.

Dr. G.K. Shangloo** (B.Sc. B.M.S.)

**Ex-President H.S.S., 70 / 59, Rani Mandi, Allahabad.


The name of the disease itself defines it. The disease involves bones and as the name suggests there is imperfect formation of bones. The bones are unduly fragile & multiple fractures occur following trivial injuries. Progressive deformity occurs because of the multiplicity of the fractures. A child prone to too many fractures may die before he acquires adulthood.


Histologically bones are normal and the fractures unite without any difficulty.

The disease has autosomal dominant inheritance and there is mesenchymal disorder characterised by increased fragility of bones and multiple fractures, blue sclera & deafness which occurs in late childhood.

The disease is of two varieties viz.

(1) Congenital and (2) Tarda. In congenital variety the fractures occur during intra-uterine life & such children mostly die shortly after birth.


The long bones are osteoporotic, bent and slender. The bone ends may appear large and sometimes cystic.


(A) ALLOPATHIC TREATMENT: As regards treatment is concerned there is no curative treatment in allopathy for this disease. The fractures bones are made to unite by use of plaster and deformity of long bones are minimised by use of an intramedullary nail.


It is a matter of great pride to me and to all homoeopaths that I have been able to cure “Osteogenesis Imperfecta” through homoeopathy. As we all know that in homoeopathic system of treatment each case is thoroughly individualized and uncommon and peculiar symptoms are carefully noted. Family history of the patient is also of utmost importance in such cases.

Here I will prefer to narrate the cases of Osteogenesis Imperfecta which I have cured.


Name of the patient: Syed Hasan Kamal, Allahabad.

Age at the time of admission: 3 months

Date of admission: 28.10.82.

Opinion of Orthopaedic Surgeons: The patient was examined by Orthopaedic surgeons at local S.N. Children hospital & also at Sanjay Gandhi P.G.I. Lucknow and at B.H.U. Varanasi. All of them diagnosed the disease as Osteogenesis Imperfecta and declared in clear terms that it is incurable.


* Bones easily get fractured from slightest cause. 1st fracture occured at one month of age.

* Excessive perspiration on scalp during sleep and also while he weeps. Wets his pillow.

* Starts in sleep & weeps.

* Coldness of hands specially of feet in the evening.

* Feverish at night.

* Appetite – less; Thirst – normal; Stool – Constipation – large, hard and foul smelling stool.

* Mother took too many allopathic drugs during pregnancy to avoid abortion.

* Family History – Asthma & Diabetes in family.

When the patient was brought to me in both lower limbs & lt. upper limb were under plaster.


As the patient came through allopathic hands I began treatment with Nux Vom.


Nux Vom 200 two doses in 15 min. interval was given on the 1st day at bed time and it was followed by Calc. Carb 200 two doses at 15 min. interval the next day.


Acute coryza with cough & fever. Aconite Nap 30 in distilled water every three hours relieved.


Diarrhoea, Loose, frothy, forcible & foul smelling stools. Podophyllum 30 in distilled water every three hours relieved diarrhoea.


The patient had a fracture of right upper limb on 15.11.92 after a fall. Sulphur 30 two doses at 15 min. interval in the morning followed by Calc Carb 200 two doses at 15 min. interval the same evening. Calc Carb 200 was repeated successively on 30.11.92, 3.1.93, 17.1.83, 21.1.93 and 15.2.93 with marvellous result.

The patient had only one fracture on 15.11.92 during course of my treatment. Later on he had no fracture even after an injury or after a fall. The patient was kept under observation for a few months and finally on 10.5.93 Calc Carb 1000 two doses at 15 min. interval was given. He is hale and hearty with no trace of the disease.


Name of the patient – Km. Avantika of Kanpur (U.P.)

Age at the time of admission – 2 yrs. & 3 months.

Opinion of Orthopaedic Surgeons – Same as in Case I.


* The disease was diagnosed when the patient had fracture for the first time after an injury at the age of one year and three months. It healed in normal course.

* Fracture occurs only after an injury or after a fall.

* Sclera is bluish.

*Increased perspiration specially on scalp. Wets her pillow during sleep.

* Teeth erupted at 5 months of age and are slightly blackish.

* Had measles twice and Diarrhoea once.

* Appetite – normal, Likes sweets and also desires to take extra salt.

* Thirst – Less even in summers.

* Urine – Normal but involuntary urination during sleep occurs almost every night.

* Mind – Obstinate & irritable.

* Family – Mother – Anaemia & low B.P., Grand Mother – Had Tuberculosis.


As the patient came from a distant place, medicines were prescribed for four weeks.


Calc Carb. 200 two doses at 15 min. interval – to be repeated every week for three weeks followed by Tuberculinum 200 two doses at 15 min. interval in the fourth week.


Fracture of right femur occured. Bluishness of Sclera is less marked. The same prescription was repeated but this time Tuberculinum was given in 1000 potency.


The patients father told me that palms and soles of the patient remain hot. 1st part of her stool is hard and knotty and there is extreme thirstlessness. Sulphur 200 two doses in the 1st week followed by Lycopodium 200 two doses in the 2nd and 3rd week and Pulsatilla 1000 in the 4th week.


Better in general, no fracture occured. Increased perspiration on scalp during sleep. Increased salivation during sleep. Tooth look more blackish.

Calc. Carb 1000 two doses in the 1st week followed by Merc. Sol. 200 two doses in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th week were given.


Marked improvement. The same prescription was repeated on 22.2.95 for eight weeks, on 21.4.95 for eight weeks and on 10.6.95 for four weeks with perfect improvement. The treatment is still continuing.



UNPROVEN NOSODES THEIR USE, AND SOME THOUGHTS THEIR ON [Unproven Nosodes Their Use, &amp; Some Thoughts Their On]


1995 Vol 30 No 1

Fraser Kerr.


Rub / Influ / Acon / Cob / Caus / Pert / Pneu.

Case I

Priscilla B, age 9. Rubella.

A poor wee thing, three inches shorter than twin brother. Pustules on skin and in nose, these cause nose to swell. Headaches, eyes inflammed sleeps lightly, tired; tires too easily. Giant urticaria makes life a misery occasionally. Always ailing.

Had German measles at 4 years, very poorly for one week, and again at 6, when she was very ill with a vivid rash and a high temperature for a whole week. It was three before she was allowed out of bed. Rubella 30, 200. Was given, and caused a lot of reaction. Tickling here, there and everywhere (an old symptom), but no rash. Her sinuses hurt, scabs blown from nose and septic spots on skin. A nettle rash continued to come, and wax and wane, and several pustules came during six months of placebo with great mental and physical improvement.

Case II

Eileen F., age 6. Influenzinum

Weight 31 lb. (Normal 37 – 50 lb.)

Began life well, was blue-eyed with long lashes, clear skin, pink cheeks and furry back that makes one think of Tuberculinum. At 18 months had influenza, and was weeks getting over it, measles At 3 was queried as T.B. abdomen, but improved with U.V.R. At 4 1 / 2 had influenza, and a third time at 5. This left her with a pale, dirty skin, large abdomen, and pain in right side, and a head that became alive easily. She eats coal or anything gritty, and is queried as “coeliac” disease. She had Influenzinum 200. seven daily plussed doses in September, 1941. After the second dose she complained of pain in the knees, and could not walk for a few hours. In a week she was 61 / 2, I was told that home conditions were “impossible” and food of the worst. I sent Influenzinum 200, 1M. In December, 1958, When she was 24, I was informed that she had only had two days in bed in the 17 years interval, that she is now happily married and had just given birth to a lovely baby with a 3 or 4 hours confinement. Four months is rather a short interval between doses for these nosodes, but, it paid in this case. I expect you have noticed the great similarity to the tubercular child in this Influenzinum case, and the beautiful homoeopathic aggravation for the second of the seven daily doses.

Case III

Mrs. L. Yellow Fever Vaccine.

Here I have one case of infectious jaundice in a lady of 39 when I first saw her in 1955. This illness lasted a long time in the summer of 1953 in India, because she had to nurse most of her family at that time. She had never been really free from pain in the G.B. Region since, and had gone a good way down hill. Tests showed nothing but a slightly enlarged and tender liver. A growth was suspected since she had lost 35 lbs.

Various remedies helped and then failed. Those that helped longest were Aconite (the first remedy given), and Cobalt. Found by emanometer.

Working on the great similarity between infectious jaundice and yellow fever I gave one dose of Yellow Fever Vaccine 30. This helped very satisfactorily for six weeks, when up came a series of shivering turns typical of malaria but recurring every hour. Temperature running up 102 F. and pulse 120. This was symptomatical the same as the malaria which she had several times before the jaundice. I felt I had to stop the malaria with one dose of Camoquin. Two days later I had to give Causticum 200. for the cough and headache, which were also typical of the previous malaria with one dose of the previous malaria. She has improved steadily since, but this case is not finished (April, 1960. After other remedies the colour is coming back into her cheeks, but it seems to me that the yellow fever vaccine unlocked the case.)

Case IV

Miss B., age 63. Pertussin.

Indigestion with much pain and rumbling increases during the afternoon and evening, and goes on half the night, much worse during the menses. Buccal ulcers and bowels costive all her life, the stool so large it hurts. Headache constant all life so severe she would hit her on head something. Worse during thunder. Is frustrated, suffer from indecision, and has many fears. Menses had been very heavy, with sickness faintness, and diarrhoea, sending her to bed for two days. Menses had been irregular and usually late up to six weeks, but would appear if anything special had been arranged.

She had chickenpox, mumps, and measles, but whooping cough was much the worst-was in bed for six weeks, and too weak to walk for a further six weeks.

I gave Pertussin 200, 1M, 10M, and repeated this in six months. A month panicky and frustrated feelings and does not now procrastinate. Perfectly well now for two years.

Case V

J.W.K. age 41 Pneumococcin.

At 21 year had sinuses washed out because of findings of neurologist. At 30 had crop of boils, ended with carbuncle. Penicillin. Off work 8 weeks. At 32 boil in right grain-lanced- heat treatment, off work three months. At 34 growth under right axilla, thought to be a fatty tumour, removal advised Removed 14 months later, believed to be malignant. Deep X-ray with much pain after each regular dose. Age 40 lump under left arm – hospital – more radiation. December, 1958, headache came suddenly right side, worse after each sinus wash-out, worse with head down, must sit up in bed. March, 1959, right eye bloodshot and very dark under, said to be acute iritis, with even more severe headache. Cortisone eased and he got back to his work as a very expert teaching laboratory technician for one week only.

In April, 1959, his wife came for my help, because headache was continuous day and night. He is going downhill, wants to be alone, and hates noise. He is chilly, craves fresh air. His chest has always been a weak spot with a fair amount of phlegm. Coughing makes him to hold his head even though touching the hair of the right side hurts. His sleep used to be very good, now gets hardly any. Fog and mist or fumes cause cough. Sense of smell very acute, Is averse to fats. Has had some eczema for over 20 years, wool irritates.

Shy, averse company, has always been very quiet, almost morose. Lacks self-confidence though a most brilliant technician. Recently a pain in the throat, a tickle causes him to swallow all the time. Out of all this we would normally take the symptoms: Averse company, lacks self-confidence, sensitive to noise, indisposed to talk, aversion to fat, desires fresh air. There are also: Chilly, smell very acute, scalp and hair tender to touch, cough worse by fog or mist or fumes, and skin irritated by wool. Repertorizing gives Nat-Carb. 8, Phos. 9, Carbo anim. & Carbo veg. 11 each, Bry. a. and Nat. mur. 12, and Pulsatilla 15.

But I have kept you in the dark, when I dug deeper into his history I found that he had had pneumonia at 5, so badly was not expected to live, and again 18 months ago when he was 39 or 40. This attack came after Asian influenza, when he was very ill, and since this illness has rapidly gone downhill. These two illnesses had not been told to me by his intelligent and very co-operative wife as they had (to her) no obvious relation to his illness which is regarded as a probable cerebral tumour by the hospital authorities. He has no relish for further use of X-rays.

My prescription was: Pneumococcin 30, 200, 500, 1M, in daily doses. In six days he was fit to travel, in eight days he began to have a little energy, though he was wise enough to lie down for an hour every afternoon. within a fortnight the headache had gone.

It is much too early to do more than say it is a very interesting case. (He had required no further prescription up to April, 1960.). But I think I have demonstrated my point, that the history can show up an illness which almost had the patient down for the full count, and may indicate an unproven nosode as the remedy of choice. In this last case the illness was repeated and from that time the patient has been going steadily downhill, with many, from the diagnostic angle, apparently unconnected symptoms.

In writing out this case I am caused to think that here we have a great deal of suppression of disease, and the best definition I have seen is that “suppression simply causes an energy storage effect that leads to eventual explosive release.”

So far I have given you cases which everyone who has used these remedies can equals and my observation is that these unproven nosodes are less often wanted than those of our remedies which are proven thoroughly, and much.

J. Fraser Kerr

Reprint from British Homoeopathic Journal, 1960.



Turtles An Approach to a Case


1996 Nov / Dec Vol V No 6

Venkatesh N Hegde.


Acon / Euphr.

The marvellous power of Homoeopathic remedies is not confined to human beings but it is applicable to animals also in this case of Turtles. This fact has been universally recognised and witnessed by successful cures which are reported from time to time. In his editorial for Heritage, Nov. 1996, Dr. Alok Pareek of Pareek Hospital and Research centre, Agra says that Homoeopathy has proved useful in horticulture, flori-culture and agriculture as well, and that “diluted spray of potentised Tellurium has been found effective in preventing fungal diseases in citrus plans; and diluted potentised Urea has been found very effective in maintaining a healthy green lawn, in addition to being cost effective in terms of using large quantity of manure.” EDITOR.

Opthalmia: Treatment of Fresh water Turtles.

Records of Homoeopathic treatment of cold blooded animals like the turtle (both fresh water and seawater) are virtually non- existent. This is more so because Homoeopathic veterinary treatment has been restricted to warm blooded animals like pet dogs, cats, cattle, horses, pet birds and poultry. I have treated large sea-turtles with severe afflictions including fractures (see NJH May – June, 1993).

Fish hobbyists earlier used to keep fresh water turtles along with aquarium fishes or by themselves. The genus in demand was Kachuga tentoria circumdata – the Indian pink – ringed ten turtle which commonly occur in the Ganges and Brahmaputra. These turtles are brought to the Bombay Hobbyist Fish Market when they are about 21/2″ in length (a few weeks after they are hatched) and are palmed off at very high prices, to hobbyist, as “Singapore Turtles.”.

The hobbyist then keeps the turtles in the same tanks as the fishes. Actually the turtles require some dry rocks for resting. However not knowing this fact, the fish hobbyist does not provide a resting place, with the result they tend to cling to aquatic plants. Once they get tired they go down to the bottom of the tank. After few days the hobbyist seeing them in this motionless state at the top of the tank or at the bottom keeps the turtle in a separate tank with water straight from the tap, not “old water” which has been kept standing for at least 2 days, in cities like Mumbai where water is highly chlorinated. Therein lies the hitch.

The first case was brought to me on 6th Sept. 88 when I was working as Asst. Fisheries Dev. Officer in the Taraporewala Aquarium, Mumbai. In fact a majority of such opthalmia in these freshwater turtles were treated during my tenure there. These cases also led to the discovery of a peculiar type of opthalmia in these freshwater turtles.

The lady in question brought to me the turtle in a box filled with a little water. She informed me that the turtle suffered from swollen eyelids and had not eaten for more than a week. She had tried Neomycin eye ointment, which failed and thereafter she had taken the suffering animal to the Veterinary Hospital at Parel whose in-charge had directed the lady to us for the treatment of the turtle.

When the turtle was brought to me it had developed severe opthalmia; strong light and sunlight caused it immense suffering. I asked the lady for a complete history of events and it turned out that she had bought a pair of turtles from a pet shop at the Mahatma Phule Market [Crawford Market], from an aquarium fish seller. These were kept in an aquarium tank which was filled with regular tap water. This water was changed every 2 days, because it gave off a foul smell [due to the dead and decaying tubifex worms, with which the turtle was fed].

The turtle, one of the pair, developed opthalmia of unknown etiology. The lady also informed me that the tank was not provided any filtration unit. If refused to have any food. It sat on the rocks with troubled breathing and in great pain. I therefore decided that if it were to start eating then I would have to do something about the opthalmia.

I selected Aconite 30 and fed the turtle 2 drops every 15 minutes. This was continued with great difficulty till 10.00 p.m. after which I went home. The next day the dose was repeated but at 1/2 hour intervals. This continued for the third day as well. On the fourth day the opthalmia had reduced. Fortunately there was no encrustation or exudate or chapping of the conjunctiva. I was able to force feed it a little and Aconite was continued. On the 6th day, the inflammation had reduced greatly and the turtle was able to open and close its eyes; however the redness persisted. Euphrasia 30, followed well in reducing the redness and was administered once every 2 hours.

On the 9th day the swelling and redness were almost gone and the turtle had started feeding on its own, I felt that after another 2 days the turtle would be able to become its original self and so I called its owner to come on the 16th of Sept. to collect her turtle. When the lady came I explained to her that the method of keeping a turtle differed very greatly from that of keeping fishes and that turtles needed to come to the surface periodically to breathe air.

Based on this experience, I was able to cure a few more cases with varying degrees of affliction. However I was interested more in finding about the frequent cause of opthalmia. This would help prevent such frequent occurrence and save many other animals which would have otherwise died due to starvation, at the hands of their owners.

After much experimentation and study, the culprit was found to be chlorinated water since turtles kept in filtered fresh water did not develop opthalmia. Reversal from opthalmia took as long as 20-25 days. Therefore Aconite and Euphrasia were essential for quick healing. But prevention is always better than cure. So after this whoever sought advice on keeping pet turtles were given correct advice especially including not using chlorinated tap water directly.



A case of Hysterical Depression [Case Of Hysterical Depression]

National Journal Of Homoeopathy By Vishpala Parthasarathy.

1992 Jan / Feb Vol 1 No 1

Frank Johnson.


Acon / Sulph.

Dr. Frank Johnson

[We have selected this case from BHJ-1972 as it highlights the pitfalls and stumbling blocks of prescribing and the open unbiased attitude required to convert this to a self learning process. Your cases are the best teachers of drug pictures if one adopts a learners mind process. Your cases are the best teachers of drug pictures if one adopts a learners mind through out life Editor]

I wish to present a case of hysterical expression which presented itself to me two and half years ago. It made me realise that as a newcomer to homoeopathy, I could not see the wood for the trees. Secondly it made me realize that failure to succeed is not the fault of homoeopathy but so often lies with ourselves. Thirdly it made me read more and more of Materia Medica and cross reference all my remedies.

A farmers wife, aged 52, lived with her husband on a well- appointed and prosperous farm in Northumberland. She had two married sons who worked on the farm and lived in the village. She was president of the local womens institute and was fully committed to amateur dramatics and village activities.

Previous medical history

She was delivered after a long labour and was born with paralysis on the right side of her face, which had partially recovered over the years. She had some residual facial muscle weakness especially when tired.

At the age of 7, she had fallen and sustained a forced extension injury to her cervical spine which had required a couple of weeks in hospital. She had a hysterectomy at the age of 44. She had an appendicectomy at the age of 45. She had medical treatment for smallpox vaccination reaction at the age of 50. Her arm had been in a sling for ten days and she had to stay in bed.

As a teenager she had migraine, related to the commencement of the school term. The pain used to start in the occiput and rapidly move over the top of her head to her forehead, becoming most acute over her right eye and peri-orbital area. The pain was of a thumping or thudding type. It reached a crescendo at about the age of 30, when she experienced pain like a tight band more around the head. The attacks commenced at about 3 oclock in the morning and lasted for about ten hours. Better from darkness and worse for sitting or lying down. The attacks ceased after the hysterectomy.

One year earlier she experienced a numbness in her left hand and forearm, stocking love in distribution. This happened when she was lifting an ornament. After some minutes she felt as a stinging pain in the same area, which made her weep. The whole episode lasted for an hour. She had a tight band of pain around the head afterwards. She had three similar attacks about three months apart after this initial episode. The attacks had taken place after breakfast in each case and always on a Monday morning. In each instance there had been a fairly violent quarrel between husband and wife on the day preceding. She had been on phenobarbitone and amitriptylene which had been withdrawn by her husband a month before.

Family history

Her father had been a prosperous farmer who developed a dread of poverty in his middle forties, became introspective and “took to religion”. In his early fifties he began to drink whisky heavily, became unkempt and died, at the age of 52 in a mental hospital.

Present history

I was called by her husband. He told me that life had become intolerable. She had taken to whisky drinking in moderate amounts. She had become argumentative and indolent. Their social life was nil because she wouldnt bother to dress or change into evening clothes. On the rare occasions when they did go out, she would drink to excess and argue with her hostess or just sit and brood.

When reprimanded she would weep and adopt an attitude of woe is me.

I called to see her at home. She seemed pleasant in conversation. Her forebears were Spanish and her skin and hair colouring typified this. She had a slight drooping of her right facial muscles. Her husband opened the conversation with “tell the doctor about your temper and that you would argue with a fly, “I considered him to be overbearing and garrulous and asked him to leave the room.

She admitted she was depressed, and possibly causing some domestic concern. She kindly poured me tea which slopped into the saucer without comment. She had been trained as a domestic science teacher. She told me that she would quickly lose her temper if the handless of the pans on the stove were not neatly arranged. She had worked and worked to a time schedule. She was rather fastidious, but now couldnt care less. To use her words, “England is in a hell of a mess,” from this began a long dissertation on politics.

She liked fresh air but her headache which was always there in the morning was better in a warm or even a hot room. Although at times when she had hot flushes, when she didnt sweat, she had to open the window.

Music made her weep and then she became depressed. She liked company of her own choosing but never bothered now. She did not like to be consoled. She was sympathetic to others but did not like sympathy. She never read the newspapers now. Books and television were a waste of time, she felt.

She was very afraid of heights and a little afraid of her husband.

She was rather florid, skin was dry and a little hairy. It was warm. She looked minimally untidy. She wore cross-strapped shoes and these were undone. Her fingernails were not too clean. Her handkerchief was dirty.

My limited mind began to work like company., fastidious., conscientious., periodicity. There was a good history of injury. Recent illness had been a vaccinia. I wrongly gave her Arsenicum. I was soon to realize why. One week later I received an urgent call on Sunday evening around half-past nine. The house was in an uproar. Husband and two sons were sitting at the dining room table. My patient was stomping around the room in what I took to be hysterical temper. She was shouting at her husband and saying that he ought to have her headache which was sledge hammering. I placed my hand upon her shoulder which was cast aside. She was florid, not sweating. She was mentally agitated, irrational and looked frightened. She started talking about her father that he was put away, died when he was 52 and that so would she, he died on a Sunday and so on. I gave her Aconite 30c, not without difficulty. After about half an hour she settled down. She told me that the farm was heading towards bankruptcy. Her husband and sons told me this had been bothering her for weeks. I advised her to see the accountant and the bank manager. She agreed to do this.

Meanwhile on my return home I read Aconite in Tyler and found Sulphur to be the chronic. I read Sulphur. Couldnt care less, untidy. disorderly, periodicity. Desire to imbibe alcohol, which I found in Tyler. Argumentative. Mentally and bodily lazy.

I called next day and gave her Sulphur 10M.

I read Wheeler who stated “a person not notably of the Sulphur type may approximate to it under stress. “I had made the grave mistake of giving her Arsenicum which I now think she was BEFORE she became ill. I have watched her change to normal over the months without a recurrence. In two and a half years she has had only four doses of Sulphur.

Sulphur has not got many “Fears” and Kent does not give it in heavy type under this heading. In ordinary type my patient was covered with six headings. Poverty, Misfortune, Insecurity, Death, High places, Starving. Her father sounded like a Sulphur. This made me read more about Psora. I present this case as one of my early pitfalls. It taught me that knowing ones drug pictures was essential to successful practice. I soon developed the habit of reading from as many sources as possible all aspects of the remedy I used in any particular case. Remedies are learnt by reference and cross reference. Success with a case must also be gained only by seeing things as they are and not what one thinks they should be.



Cases From Great Masters

National Journal Of Homoeopathy By Vishpala Parthasarathy.

1995 Mar / Apr Vol IV No 2

Jagruti Jani.


Acon / Stram.


Mrs. Anne, a 43 year old lady, went to the toilet in her compound premises. Suddenly she heard some unusual sound from outside and got frightened. From that time onwards she talked abnormally. Next day she was more frightened and compelled her husband and children to sit by her side all day. There was a great fear of death. She started predicting the day she would die, especially in the evening and night. She was given all possible medicines but in vain; ultimately she was recommended ECTs etc. for which they were not ready, so Homoeopathy was given a chance.

On 11-11-91 at 7 p.m., when I visited her I saw her in a frightened and agonized state. She was sitting on her bed with her husband and children by her side. She had a terrified look. At that time, a baby cried suddenly in the neighboring room and this shocked the patient because of its suddenness. She was affected much by any sudden noise. She would not allow her husband or children to leave her bed. She would often say that something bad would happen very soon and she wanted some poison. She alternately laughed and cried. In the past she perspired profusely. But since this mental trouble began the perspiration stopped. There was complete dryness of the body and mouth. Due to dryness she used to wet her lips with cold water. She passed urine in bed, she used used to say that she had passed urine and stools – once daily. For 9 days, she didnt take any food saying that she was fasting and didnt want to break her fast. However she would take a few sips of tender coconut water. She had not slept for nine days. She worshipped God often. At times laughing and gay but suddenly felt frightened and said that she would die soon. There was a history of suppressed grief. She sighed deeply and occasionally cried while thinking about her son who was away and she feared something would happen to him. Consolation gave relief. Sudden exhibition of fright when talking intelligently.

Very affectionate and sympathetic to her two children and others. She repented quickly and said that she had sinned and did something bad to others.

On the basis of this causative factor of sudden fright – Aconite 30, one powder was given at 8 p.m.

9 p.m. – Unexpectedly she took a cup of rice kanji – after 9 days of fasting.

The 2nd powder of the same medicine was given at 5 p.m. Next day she slept for two hours and took breakfast without washing her teeth and face. So Sac Lac 4 powders BD were given. After 2 days husband reported that there was no further change.

So Aconite 200, one powder was given, followed by SL for 5 days.

The next evening, husband reported that she slept well; the following morning she cleaned her teeth and took normal diet both morning and noon. Was normal in every respect and medicine was not repeated. There has been no recurrence of the symptoms since then.

(Dr. I.K. Madhavan in The Hahnemannian Gleanings – May 1995)


Mr. FXR aged 56, matriculate was the third child of a family of a nine children. No mental cases in the family. Joined fathers business early in life. Business included a bakery, building contracts.

Married and has 5 sons and 1 daughter. Eldest son aged 21 failed BSc this year, 4th and 5th sons failed in 3rd and 7th stds.

Recently quarrelled with wife for giving a male servant too much of liberty in the day-to-day bakery business. As a result of wife rebuke, he would leave the house in the morning and subsisted on snacks for 2 or 3 days at friends houses to return home only at night. Wife was threatened that she did not dismiss the servant his (Husband) would leave the house.

Now he talks too much and confidently, while formerly he was taciturn. Says he believes in nature cure and not in doctors. Does not talk nonsense but repeats incidents in which he considers himself the central figure who can advise others how to run their business. Wants to help poor Christians to earn a living by taking govt contracts for fuel and charcoal and giving charity.

Takes cold bath at 1 a.m. and then prays. He rests after this and then goes early to church, and prays for 4 hours. This activity has started since the last one month appears to have commenced after the servants incident. Complains that he perspires too much.

He has developed a religious attitude and gives advice to all and sundry to attend church and receive sacraments daily. Says he has a special mission in life to do good and help people to live better. Goes out of his way to show sympathy to the less fortunate or to any person who appears to be friendly and would hear him.

Since his return to Bombay from abroad, he has been spending freely on charity for candles and small donations to the church, buying toys for children.

His wife arrived later and insisted that he should visit a doctor as he was weak. He wanted to know whether she thought he was mad and had to be sent to a lunatic asylum. However the patients brother coaxed him to see a doctor.

His wife made some remarks about the offending servant the previous night. This again upset him and both were shouting at each other at the top of their voice, until the patients brother brought peace. Wife cried in self-pity and threatened to go back the next day.

It was also surmised that the people had no sex life for the last two years but this could not be verified.

The patient felt that his sons also joined with their mother and aligned themselves against him regarding the servant.

Wife works hard in the business in confectionery section, but being full of self pity is unable to show him the consideration needed in this state of health.

Though financially sound there was constant bickering between the patient and his wife about how to run the bakery business.

Had had remorse of conscience on two occasions in the past with regard to money belonging to joint family, which his wife had concealed from other family members. The rubrics chosen for arriving at the similimum were:-

a) Remorseful (KR 71)

b) Loquacity (KR 63)

c) Praying (KR 69)

d) Religious (KR 71)

e) Extravagance (KR 41)

Stramonium appeared to cover the case and was given three doses in 200 potency, six hourly on 17-9-60.

By the 20th definite improvement could be seen in his case and in a weeks time he became completely normal. He came to thank personally on his way back to town. Till now (Feb. 61) he is well.

Before this, he had already had several sedatives and hypnotics but they had all failed. Therefore it was seriously being considered that he should be given ECT to restore him to sanity. Surely, Homoeopathy must take credit for restoring him to health so easily, gently and quickly.

(Dr. P. Sankaran in Homoeopathic Outlook, June 1961).



How Homoeopathy should not be practiced


1995 Nov / Dec VOL VI NO 6

Wadia S R.


Guaic / Cimic / Ran-b / Benz-ac / Bry / Colc /Mag / Acon / Sulph / Kali-i / Lyc / Tub / Phyt / Staph.


No history taken, 6 medicines at a time. This is our college doctor who was a 1st class student – LCEH (Bom) and a house physician also. We would print original prescription but 1 full page cannot be wasted. Complaints – Rheumatoid arthritis. Occasional constipation.


18-10-93: Guaicum 10M, Formica 1M –

1 dram pills, Cimicifuga 10M, Actea-sp, Ranunculus 1M, Benzoic – acid 1M and Bryonia 10M.

29-10-93: a) Cimicifuga 10M

b) Actea-sp 1M

c) Ranunculus 1M

d) Benzoic-acid 1M and

e) Bryonia 10M

Bryonia 10M, Medorrhinum 1M and Calc-fluor 10M – 2d.

TDS x 2ds

30-10-93 : 1) Guaicum 10M and Actea-sp 1000 – 2d.

20-11-93 : 2) Ranunculus 1000, Formica-r 50M – 2d

6-12-93: 1) Guaicum 10M,

2) Actea-spicata 1M

3) Colchicum 10M and Benzoic-acid 1M – 2d

4) Bryonia 1M and Cimicifuga 10M – 2d

Case 2:

A case of leucoderma of a young girl; see the remedies given –

June 1990 : MG 30 and Aconite 30 for two days followed by

Lyco 30 and MG 30 for for three days followed by

Aconite 30 and Sulph 30, 6 hourly.

Kali-iod 30, Lyco 30, MG 30

June 1990: Tuberculinum 1M for 2 days

June 1990: Phytolacca 30 (6)

Staphysagria (9)

Tuberculinum (12)

Staphysagria (15)

This is a good example of the type of Homoeopathy not to be practised Editor.



Few Specimens of Quick Cures


1993 Sep / Oct Vol II NO 5

Sarla Sonawala.


Ars / Acon / Apis / Podo / Sil / Cham.


A seven weeks old infant had pneumonia with fever upto 102 degree F since 6 weeks despite antibiotics. Meningitis was suspected with the fever shooting further to 103.6 degree F and the child was moved to a hospital. While preparations were being made to do a lumbar puncture, the childs grandfather thought of homoeopathy and took the child home against medical advice. With a family history of tuberculosis in the background, I gave Tuberculinum 1M as a precaution against meningitis turning tubercular. This proved a waste of 12 hours. Next, I could think of nothing but Arsenic-alb in this case of wriggling child and debilitating fever. Arsenic 200 every 3 hours brought down the fever to 99 degree F within 12 hours, and then to normal.


A child of 2 years had loose watery stools around 12-14 per day. Advised against homoeopathy, the parents took him to an allopath. After the medicine, the child started vomiting. He could nor retain even water. He came back to homoeopathy. Ars-alb 200 repeatedly given, stopped the vomiting but the diarrhoea persisted. Podophyllum 200 one dose was given which stopped the diarrhoea. In the evening the child passed a well formed stool.


On a cold and wintery night, I was called to see an old gentleman in the neighboring building. He had sudden high temperature of 104 degree F. Aconite 1M every four hours brought the fever down to 100 degree F. The next evening the venerable old man climbed up the staircase to my house to report his good health.

CASE 4: Mrs. N.J. 29, years old, had Status asthmaticus since the last few days. No medicine helped. I saw her, folding her legs against the chest. Medorrhinum 1M every few hours took away the intensity, then the continuity of breathlessness and bronchial spasms in 24 hours.

CASE 5: The heroine was me. I was cleaning the corners of my house with great vigor and suddenly an insect bit the tip of ;my right middle finger. I had a wave of stinging burning pain along my right hand. Ledum? No Apis 200. One dose and the current of fire was switched off, as if.

CASE 6: Toothache is no emergency. However, its pain can madden even a philosopher. I, being a mere mortal, writhed in agony with my left molar aching wildly. As pain was a little better by warm drinks, I took Silicea 1M. No relief. Suddenly I realized that I pressed my head down against the table – so why not Sanguinaria? A dose or two and I could give my Materia Medica lecture in college in the next hour.

CASE 7: Forty years back, my daughter – (the editor of your NJH) – howled with colic – and raised her feet against the abdomen with every spasm. I was not a homoeopath then, but had written down a few remedies from my trusted Dr. Maganlal Desai. Reading my notes, I found Colocynth 30 suitable. The child quietened down quickly with loud flatus from the lower end Once when she was bitten by a dog, Ledum 30 helped down her cries, against all the members of the family clamouring for anti-rabid vaccine. Likewise, I once brought her fever of 101 degree f down with Ferr-phos 30 amidst my layman confusion over Belladonna – Bryonia – Rhus-tox – Ferr-phos. More often than not, I have hit her with Chamomilla pills (not with a stick) when she indulged in her temper tantrums Perhaps those titbits of quick cures paved the way to my studying homoeopathy in later years.



Angina? Homoeopathy Wins [Angina Homoeopathy Wins]


1993 Nov / Dec Vol II NO 6

Ranga Krishnan.


Arn / Carb-v / Acon / Hyper / Calen / Ars / Ruta.

And the postman came late

Editor: These cases were too late for inclusion in the Emergency issue. We have therefore published them in this Rare Remedies issue.

Case 1

May 1985

Seeing some commotion at my neighbours, I went over to see what had happened. My neighbour the patient, was very restless, complaining of pain in chest and feeling very uneasy. Gelusil did not give any relief. Knowing that he had a history of hypertension, and that the medicines for dyspepsia had not helped. I suspected Angina Pectoris.

Arnica 1m every 15 minutes (3 doses) was given and advised hospitalisation. When he reached there the pain was less. The ECG confirmed the mild attack.

Case 2

June 1986

My husband had a very severe attack of belching. They were very loud, associated with pain in the chest and profuse sweat that ran down the legs. He was also turning very blue. Carbo Veg 1m every 15 minutes did the trick and relieved him. The complaint has not recurred since then.

Case 3

April 1980

Mrs. V, a young lady in the 8th month of her pregnancy accidentally hurt her right toe by a stone. It was bleeding with agonizing pain. I cleaned the area well with Calendula Q, bandaged it with Symphytum Q and one dose of Aconite 1m was immediately given for the shock. It was followed by Hypericum 1m tds for one day and Calendula 1m tds the next day. By the sixth day the toe was nicely fixed, no scar and no pain.

Case 4

Mrs. N suffered from burns on her back due to spilling of boiling water. Urtica Urens ointment was given for local application and Ars-Alb 200 every fifteen minutes internally. After an hour as there was no sigh of blister formation, I staggered the dose to tds for the next two days and the back healed well with no pain, no scar

Case 5

Mr. R, an executive suffered from recurrent non-stop dry cough at 11 p.m. since the 12 years. The only peculiarity was that it would come annually, start suddenly, last of many days and stop suddenly (after 5 to 7 days). All clinical investigations were normal and every kind of remedy tried. No relief.

On further questioning he recounted a car accident 12 years ago. When he was driving his car he accidentally hit a tree, and on impact he was jammed behind the steering wheel for some time and was pulled out much later.

I immediately saw the connection. Boericke on Pg. 886 lists Ruta under chest affections injury to chest followed by phthisis. So I gave Ruta 200 for 2 days and the cough stopped after the third dose. It has never recurred.

About The Author

D.H.M.S (Dhaka), M.M (BMEB) Consultant Homoeopathic physician Researcher, books author and speaker Owner of HD Homeo Sadan  CEO of HD Health Lecturer: Ashulia Homeopathic Medical College

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