Antimonium Tartaricum [Ant-T] এন্টিমোনিয়াম টার্টারিকাম

Ant-t: মানসিক লক্ষণ এন্টিম ক্রুডের মত।

Ant-t: মুখমণ্ডল পাংশু, রুগ্ন, নাক সরু ও ছোট, চক্ষু কোটরাগত ও চোখের চারিদিকে কালিমা পরে, ঠোট বিবর্ণ ও কুঞ্চিত, মুখমণ্ডল শীতল, শীতল ঘর্ম।

Ant-t: ঘন ঘন শ্বাস প্রশ্বাসসহ শ্বাসকষ্ট, কাশির সময় গলায় ঘর ঘর শব্দ হয়, মনে হয় বুকে অনেক শ্লেষ্মা জমে আছে কিন্তু উঠছেনা।

Ant-t: রেগে গেলেই শিশু রোগীর কাশি হয়।

Ant-t: অদম্য নিদ্রালুতা বা অচৈতন্য ভাব (প্রায় প্রত্যেক রোগেই হয়)।

Ant-t: জিহ্বায় পাতলা সাদা ময়লা এবং তার দানাগুলো (প্যপিলি) অল্প অল্প লাল, জিহ্বার কিনারা লাল।

Ant-t: বমি, ভয়ানক বমিভাব, অবসাদ, শীতল ও শরীরে ঘর্ম।


বৃদ্ধি হয় উপশম হয়
< সন্ধ্যায়

< রাতে শুয়ে থাকলে

< উষ্ণতায়

< স্যাঁতসেঁতে ঠান্ডা আবহাওয়ায়

< টক জিনিস এবং দুধ খেলে

< সকালে

< বসে থাকলে

< বসা থেকে উঠলে

< বসন্তে আবহাওয়ার পরিবর্তনে

> সোজা হয়ে বসে থাকলে

> উদগারে

> কফ উঠলে

> বমি হলে

> ডান কাতে শুয়ে থাকলে

> নড়াচড়ায়

> ঠান্ডা, খোলা বাতাসে

হত বুদ্ধি জড় প্রকৃতি, সর্দিশ্লেষ্মায় ভোগে। ডাঃ ভন্ গ্রভোগল বর্ণিত রসপ্রধান ধাতুর লোকদের পক্ষে উপযোগী। (হাইড্রোজেনয়েড = রসপ্রধান ধাতু, (হাইড্রো-জল) শরীরে জলের আধিক্য, জলীয় আবহাওয়ায় বা জলে। উৎপন্ন দ্রব্যসকল খেলে যাদের রোগ বাড়ে)

স্যাঁৎসেঁতে মেঝে বা মাটির নীচে ঘরে বাস করে রোগ ভোগ করে। (আর্স, এরানিয়া-ডা, টেরিবিন্থ) বা রোগের উৎপত্তি। নিউমোগ্যাসট্রিক নার্ভে (পাকাশয় সংযুক্ত স্নায়ু) উত্তেজনা আনে ও শ্বাসপ্রক্রিয়া ও রক্ত চলাচলে বাধা দেয়।

এ ওষুধের প্রধান নির্দেশক লক্ষণ দেখা দেয় তা হল-“রোগী যখন কাশে মনে হয় বায়ুনালীতে প্রচুর শ্লেষ্মা জমা আছে (ঘড়ঘড় করে) মনে হয় কাশলে অনেক কফ বের হবে কিন্তু কিছুই আসে না।

শিশু – যে কাছে থাকে তাকেই জড়িয়ে ধরতে চায়, কোলে কোলে বেড়াতে চায়, কাঁদে, ঘ্যানঘ্যান করে যদি কেউ ছুঁতে চায়। ডাক্তারকে নাড়ী দেখাতে চায় না (এ-ক্রুড, স্যানিকি) মুখমন্ডল ঠান্ডা, নীলবর্ণ, বিবর্ণ, ঠান্ডা ঘাম দেখা দেয় (ট্যাবেকাম) ।

জিহ্বা – লেপ থাকে, চটচটে, পুরু, সাদা, লালবর্ণ প্যাপিলা, ধারগুলি লাল; (প্যাপিলা ছোট ছোট দুধের বোটার মত উঁচু বা স্ফীতি)। লাল, খুব লাল লাল ডোরাকাটা-মাঝে শুকনো মত; আপেল খাওয়ার অস্বাভাবিক ইচ্ছা (এলো) (টকদ্রব্য ও চাটনী খেতে চায় এ-ক্রুন্ড)।

বমন- যে কোন অবস্থানে কিন্তু ডান দিকে চেপে শুলে হয় না। মূর্চ্ছা না হওয়া অবধি বমি। বমির পরে ঘুমঘুম ভাব ও অবসন্নতা। উদরাময় যুক্ত কলেরায় বমি সেই সাথে ঠান্ডা ঘাম দেখা দেয় (কোলাপ্স হওয়ার মত হয়)। প্রতিবার বমির পর এক মাত্রা করে দিতে হয় (ভিরেট্রাম)।

শ্বাসরোধ – যান্ত্রিক যথা জলে ডোবার ফলে, শ্বাসনালীতে শ্লেষ্মা জমলে, ফুসফুসের আসন্ন পক্ষাঘাতের সম্ভাবনায়, স্বরনালী বা কণ্ঠনালীতে বাইরের কোন কিছু আটকনোর ফলে আসন্ন মৃত্যুর অবস্থা, সেইসাথে তন্দ্রালুতা ও আচ্ছন্নভাব।

প্রায় সব রোগেই ভীষণ ঘুমঘুমভাব ও ঘুমাতে যাবার একান্ত ইচ্ছা (নাক্সমস; ওপি) ।

জন্মের পরই শিশু ফ্যাকাশে, শ্বাস রোধ, নিঃশ্বাস নেওয়ার জন্য হাঁপাতে থাকে। সদ্যোজাত শিশুর শ্বাসরোধ, মৃত্যুকালে গলায় ঘড়ঘড় করলে উপশম দেয় (মৃত্যুকষ্ট কম হয়) (ট্যারান্টুলা) ডানদিকের ফুসফুসে নিউমোনিয়া সেইসাথে কামলা রোগে প্রযোজ্য। (কামলা–জন্ডিস)।

সম্বন্ধ – লাইকোর সমগুণ কিন্তু লাইকো-তে নাকের পাখনা ওঠানামা করে এতে নাকের ছিদ্র বড় হয়ে যায় বা ফুলে যায় ।

ভিরেট্রামের সমগুণ— উভয়েই উদরাময়, শূলব্যথা, বমি, শীতভাব ও অমুদ্রব্যে স্পৃহা ইত্যাদি লক্ষণ আছে। ইপিকাকের সমগুণ কিন্তু এতে শ্বাসক্রিয়ার বিশৃখলাহেতু ঘুমঘুম ভাব বেশী এবং বমিবমিভাব বমি হওয়ার পরে কমে যায় ।

যখন ফুসফুসের ক্রিয়া বন্ধ হবে বলে মনে হয়, ঘুমঘুমভাব আসে, কাশি কম পড়ে বা বন্ধ হয়ে যায় তখন ইপিকাকের প্রয়োগ বন্ধ রেখে এটা প্রয়োগ করা দরকার ।

বাইরের কোন দ্রব্য স্বরযন্ত্রে বা কণ্ঠনালীতে আটকে শ্বাসকষ্ট দেখা দিলে সাইলিশিয়া দেওয়ার আগে এটা প্রয়োজ্য।

গণোরিয়া চাপা পড়ে শ্বাসকষ্ট হলে পালস ও স্যাঁতসেঁতে মেঝেতে বাস করে শ্বাসকষ্টে টেরিবিন্থিনা প্রদেয়।

কাশিতে এ-টার্টের উপযুক্ত ক্ষেত্রে প্রয়োগ করে’ও শিশুর বিশেষ কোন উপকার না হলে হিপার-সালফ ব্যবহার্য। বসন্ত ও শরতে যখন ভেজা আবহাওয়া শুরু হয়, তখন শিশুদের কাশির বৃদ্ধিতে উপযোগী।

বাড়ে — ভিজা, ঠান্ডা জলহাওয়ায়, রাত্রে মেঝেতে শুয়ে, ঘরের গরমে, বসন্তকালে জলহাওয়ার পরিবর্তনে (কেলি-সালফ, নেট-সালফ)।

কমে – ঠান্ডা খোলা বাতাসে, সোজা হয়ে বসলে; কাশিতে কফ বার হলে, ডানদিকে চেপে শুলে (ট্যাবাকাম)।

শক্তি – ৩x, ৬, ৩০, ২০০।

এই ঔষধের বহু লক্ষণ এন্টিমোনিয়াম ক্রুডামের ভিতরে আছে। কিন্তু এই ঔষধটির নিজের বহু অদ্ভুত বৈশিষ্ট্য পূর্ণ লক্ষণ আছে। লক্ষণের উপর নির্ভর করে রোগ চিকিৎসার সময়, এটা প্রমাণিত হয়েছে যে, শ্বাসযন্ত্রের নানাপ্রকার রোগে ঔষধটি বিশেষভাবে কার্যকরী, বুকের ভিতর ঘড়ঘড় শব্দ, তৎসহ অতিসামান্য সর্দি উঠা এই ঔষধের একটি পদনির্দেশক লক্ষণ বিশেষ। প্রচণ্ড ঝিমুনি, দুর্বলতা ও ঘাম এই তিনটি ঔষধটির বৈশিষ্ট্যপূর্ণ লক্ষণ, এবং যেখানেই ঔষধটি দেওয়া হয় প্রায় সব ক্ষেত্রেই লক্ষণগুলি বর্তমান থাকে। মদ্যপ ও গেঁটেবাত যুক্ত ব্যক্তির পাকাশয়িক গোলযোগ। কলেরা মর্বাস। রক্তবহানলীর ভিতর শীতল অনুভূতি। জলের ভিতর থেকে কাজ করে এরূপ ব্যক্তিদের একবিশেষ প্রকারের চর্মরোগ। হোমিওপ্যাথিক তত্ত্বানুসারে যন্ত্রনাদায়ক প্রস্রাব, কষ্টকর প্রস্রাব, রক্তপ্রস্রাব, অ্যালবুমিন যুক্ত প্রস্রাব, মূত্রনলী ও মূত্রথলীর প্রদাহ, সরলান্ত্রে জ্বালাবোধ, রক্ত ও শ্লেষ্মাযুক্ত মল প্রভৃতি ক্ষেত্রে এন্টিমোনিয়াম টার্ট ব্যবহার করা যেতে পারে। সমগ্র শরীরে কম্পন, প্রচণ্ড দুর্বলতা, ও মূর্চ্ছা। কোমরের বেদনা। শীতভাব, পেশীর বেদনা। লিঙ্গমুণ্ডের উপর আঁচিল।

মন এবং মাথা – পর্যায়ক্রমে মাথাঘোরা ও ঝিমুনি ভাব। প্রচণ্ড হতাশ বা মনমরা ভাব। একা থাকতে ভয় পায়। বিড়বিড় করে, ভুল বকে এবং হতচেতন ভাব। মাথাঘোরা তৎসহ নিস্তেজ ও মানসিক ভ্রান্তি। কপালের উপর বন্ধনী দিয়ে বাঁধা রয়েছে, এরূপ অনুভূতি। মুখমণ্ডল ফ্যাকাশে ও কোটরগত। শিশুকে স্পর্শ করলেই ঘ্যানঘ্যান করে। বন্ধনী দ্বারা চাপা রয়েছে মাথা, এরূপ অনুভূতিযুক্ত মাথার যন্ত্রণা। (নাইট্রিক অ্যাসিড)।

জিহ্বা – জিহ্বা সাদা পুরু লেপ যুক্ত, লেইয়ের মত দেখতে, তৎসহ জিহ্বার কিনারা লাল। লাল এবং শুষ্ক, বিশেষতঃ জিহ্বার কেন্দ্রস্থল। বাদামী।

মুখমণ্ডল – শীতল, লালচে, ফ্যাকাশে, ঠাণ্ডা ঘামে আবৃত। চিবুক ও নিম্নচোয়াল নিরন্তর নড়তে থাকে। (জেলস)।

পাকস্থলী – তরল বস্তু গিলতে কষ্ট হয়। ডানদিক ভিন্ন, যে কোন অবস্থানে বমি। বমিবমিভাব, ওআক তোলা, এবং বমি, বিশেষতঃ খাবার পর। তৎসহ মৃতের ন্যায় আচ্ছন্নভাব এবং দুর্বলতা। ঠাণ্ডা জলপানের পিপাসা, একটু একটু এবং বারে বারে এবং সাধারণতঃ আপেল, ফল এবং অম্লজাতীয় বস্তু খাবার ইচ্ছা। বমি বমি ভাব ভয়ের উদ্রেক করে, তৎসহ হৃদপিণ্ড স্থানে চাপবোধ, এরপর মাথার যন্ত্রণা তৎসহ হাইতোলা ও চোখ থেকে জল পড়া এবং বমি।

উদর – পেটের নিম্নাশে আক্ষেপিক বেদনা, প্রচুর বাতকর্ম। পেটে চাপ বোধ, বিশেষতঃ সামনের দিকে ঝুঁকলে। কলেরা মর্বাস। উদ্ভেদ যুক্ত রোগে পাতলা পায়খানা।

প্রস্রাব – প্রস্রাবের সময় এবং প্রস্রাবের পরে মূত্ৰনলীতে জ্বালাকর বেদনা। শেষের কয়েক ফোঁটা প্রস্রাব রক্তযুক্ত তৎসহ প্রস্রাব থলিতে বেদনা। প্রস্রাবের রোগের বৃদ্ধি। মূত্রনলীও প্রস্রাবথলির প্রদাহ। মূত্রনলীর ভিতরের অংশে সংকোচন বা ষ্ট্রিকচার। অণ্ডপ্রদাহ।

শ্বাস-প্রশ্বাস- স্বরভঙ্গ। বুকের ভিতর সর্দির প্রচণ্ড ঘড়ঘড়ে শব্দ, কিন্তু খুবই সামান্য পরিমানে উঠে। বুকের ভিতর মখমলের মত কোমল ও নরম বলে মনে হয়। বুকের ভিতর জ্বালাকর অনুভূতি, যা গলা পর্যন্ত উঠে আসে। দ্রুত, কষ্টকর, ছোট ছোট শ্বাসপ্রশ্বাস, মনে হয় যেন শ্বাস বন্ধ হয়ে যাবে। উঠে বসতে বাধ্য হয়। বৃদ্ধ ব্যক্তিদের এমফাইসিমা। পর্যায়ক্রমে কাশি ও হাইতোলা অথবা বড়ো করে মুখ হাঁ করে থাকা। বায়ুনলীগুলি শ্লেম্মাতে পূর্ণ থাকে। খাওয়ার পর কাশি বাড়ে, তৎসহ বুকে ও কণ্ঠনলীতে বেদনা। ফুসফুসের সাথে এবং ফুসফুসের পক্ষাঘাত আসন্ন। তীব্র বুক ধড়ফড়ানি, তৎসহ অস্বস্তিকর গরম অনুভূতি। নাড়ী দ্রুত, দুর্বল ও কম্পমান। মাথাঘোরা, তৎসহ কাশি, শ্বাসকষ্ট ঢেকুর উঠলে কম পড়ে। কাশি এবং শ্বাসকষ্ট ডানদিক চেপে শুলে কম পড়ে – (ব্যাডিয়াগার বিপরীত)।

পিঠ — স্যাক্রো – লাম্বার স্থানে তীব্র যন্ত্রণা। নড়াচনার সামান্য চেষ্টায় বমি উঠে আসে এবং ঠাণ্ডা, চটচটে ঘাম। চঞ্চু অস্থি স্থানে বা ককসিক্স স্থানে ভারী বোঝার মত অনুভূতি স্থানটি সর্বদা নীচের দিকে টেনে ধরে থাকে। পেশীর নর্তন, অঙ্গ-প্রত্যঙ্গের কাঁপুনি।

চামড়া – পুঁজ যুক্ত উদ্ভেদ, শুকিয়ে গেলে উদ্ভেদ স্থানে নীলচে লাল রঙের দাগ থাকে। গুটি বসন্ত আঁচিল।  জ্বর — শীতলতা, কাঁপুনি এবং শীত শীত ভাব। প্রচণ্ড গরম, প্রচুর ঘাম। ঠাণ্ডা, চটচটে ঘাম তৎসহ প্রচণ্ড আচ্ছন্ন ভাব। সবিরাম জ্বর তৎসহ দুর্বলতা।

ঘুম — সর্বদা ঝিমুনিভাব। ঘুম আসার পর বিদ্যুতের মত ঝাঁকুনির অনুভূতি। যে কোন প্রকার শারীরিক গোলযোগে ঘুমিয়ে পড়ার প্রবণতা যুক্ত।

কমাবাড়া — বৃদ্ধি সন্ধ্যায়, রাত্রিতে শুয়ে পড়লে, গরমে, ভিজে স্যাঁতসেঁতে আবহাওয়ায়, যেকোন প্রকার অম্লজাতীয় বস্তুতে এবং দুধে।

উপশম – খাড়াভাবে বসে থাকলে, ঢেকুর উঠলে এবং শ্লেষ্মা উঠলে।

সম্বন্ধ – দোষঘ্ন – পালস, সিপিয়া।

তুলনীয় – কেলি সালফ, ইপিকাক।

শক্তি – ২য় এবং ৬ষ্ঠ বিচূর্ণ। নিম্নশক্তিতে কোন কোন সময় অবস্থার বৃদ্ধি ঘটায়।

আর এন্টিমোনিয়াম টার্টের রোগীর বিষয় পাঠ করিতে যাইয়া সৰ্ব্বপ্রথমেই আমরা যে জিনিষটি দেখি, তাহা রোগীর মুখমন্ডলে প্রকাশিত হয়। মুখ বিবর্ণ ও রুগ্ন দেখায়, নাকটি আকৃষ্ট ও কুঞ্চিত থাকে, চক্ষু বসিয়া যায় এবং চক্ষুর চারিদিকে কৃষ্ণমন্ডল দেখা দেয়। ওষ্ঠদ্বয় বিবর্ণ ও কুঞ্চিত হয়। নাসারন্ধ্রদ্বয় প্রসারিত, নাকের পাখা উঠা-পড়া করে এবং নাসারন্ধ্রের মধ্যে ঝুল জমার ন্যায় দেখায়। মুখমন্ডল ঠান্ডা ঘামে আবৃত, ঠান্ডা এবং বিবর্ণ হয়। মুখমন্ডলের চেহারা যন্ত্রণাব্যঞ্জক হয়। ঘরের মধ্যের হাওয়া ঝাঁঝাল, দুর্গন্ধ, পচা গন্ধ হইতেও ঝাঁঝাল এবং মনে হইবে যে, উহাতে মৃত্যুর গন্ধ রহিয়াছে। পরিজনগণ বিচলিত হইয়া পড়িয়াছেন, তাহারা ছুটাছুটি করিতেছেন, শুশ্রুষাকারী উত্তেজিত ও ব্যস্ত হইয়া পড়িয়াছেন, এই সময়ে তুমি এই দৃশ্যের মধ্যে হোমিওপ্যাথিক মতে ঔষধ ব্যবস্থা করিতে আসিলে। ইহা একটি উত্তেজনার অবস্থা এবং এমন অবস্থা যে, তুমি দ্রুত কিছু করিতে পার না, কিন্তু তোমাকে তাড়াতাড়ি ঔষধ ব্যবস্থা করিতেই হইবে। এইসব ব্যাপার হয়ত তোমার চিন্তায় কিছুটা বাধা দিবে, কিন্তু ঐসময়ে তোমাকে সুন্দরভাবে চিন্তা করিতে হইবে এবং অতি দ্রুত চিন্তা করিতে হইবে।

এক্ষণে, কি প্রকার রোগে আমরা এই অবস্থা এরং চেহারা দেখিতে পাই; কখন সমস্ত অবস্থা ও লক্ষণাবলী এদের প্রকৃতির সহিত মিলিয়া যায়? প্রথমতঃ সর্দিসংযুক্ত রোগীতে, ভগ্নস্বাস্থ্য ব্যক্তির ক্ষেত্রে, দুৰ্বল শিশুতে, বৃদ্ধ ব্যক্তিগণের মধ্যে। শ্বাসনলী এবং বায়ুনলীগুলির সর্দিজ অবস্থা আমাদের কান খোলা থাকিলে আমরা বক্ষে মোটা ঘড়ঘড়ি এবং ভুড়ভুড় শব্দ শুনিতে পাইব। তুমি যদি কখন মৃত্যুমুখ ব্যক্তির ঘরে গিয়া থাক, তাহা হইলে যাহাকে মৃত্যুঘড়ঘড়ি বলে তাহা শুনিয়াছ। উহা ঠিক এইরূপ মোটা ঘড়ঘড় শব্দ। সময়ে সময়ে এক মুখ করিয়া ফিকে রংয়ের সাদাটে গয়ের উঠে। ইহা এমন একটি অবস্থা যে, বক্ষদেশটি ক্রমাগত শ্লেষ্মায় ভরিয়া উঠিতে থাকে। প্রথম প্রথম সে হয়ত ইহা তুলিয়া ফেলিতে পারে, কিন্তু অবশেষে বক্ষদেশ ও ফুসফুস উহা তুলিয়া ফেলিতে অক্ষম হওয়ায় বুক শ্লেষ্মায় ভরিয়া থাকে এবং তাহার শ্বাসরোধের ভাব উপস্থিত হয়। ইহা ফুসফুসের একপ্রকার পক্ষাঘাতিক অবস্থা। ইহা ইনফ্লুয়েঞ্জা রোগ দেখা দিতে পারে। প্রথমে রোগটি হয়ত দ্রুত উপস্থিত হইয়া দ্রুতগতিতে অগ্রসর হইতে থাকিবে। হয়ত রোগটি দ্রুত অর্থাৎ তিন-চারদিন অথবা এক সপ্তাহের মধ্যে রোগীর অবসন্নতা উৎপাদন করিবে। এরূপ রোগে প্রথম কয়েক দিন; এন্টিম টার্ট নির্দিষ্ট হইবে না। যতক্ষণ পর্যন্ত ভাল প্রতিক্রিয়া থাকে এবং রোগীর দেহে বল থাকে, ততক্ষণ তোমরা এই ঔষধের আকুঞ্চিত পান্ডুর বদন, অবসন্নতা, শীতলতা এবং ঠান্ডা ঘর্ম দেখিতে পাইবে না। তুমি বুকে ঘড়ঘড় শব্দ শুনিতে পাইবে না, কারণ ঐ লক্ষণগুলি সক্রিয়তার অভাবজ্ঞাপক অবস্থার লক্ষণ। এন্টিম টার্টে থাকে দৌর্বল্য এবং প্রতিক্রিয়ার অভাব। সুতরাং আমরা দেখি যে, এন্টিম টার্টের উপযোগিতা সেইসব ক্ষেত্রে যেখানে ঐরূপ অবস্থা বর্তমান থাকে অথবা সেই সকল রোগীর পক্ষে, যাহারা এতই দুৰ্বল যে, রোগে পড়িলেই প্রতিক্রিয়াহীন ও শিথিল অবস্থায় উপস্থিত হয়। নিউমোনিয়া সংযুক্ত ব্রঙ্কাইটিস, শ্বাসনলী-প্রদাহ বায়ুনলীসমূহের প্রদাহে সাধারণতঃ প্রদাহের সহিত শুষ্কতা এবং শ্লেষ্মাস্রাবের স্বল্পতা থাকে। কিন্তু রোগ যদি প্রবল হয়, তাহা হইলে কয়েক দিনের মধ্যেই উহা শিথিলতা ও দুর্বলতার অবস্থায় পৌঁছে। প্রথম অবস্থায় এন্টিম টার্ট উপযোগী হয়। প্রথম অবস্থার জন্য ইপিকাক, ব্রায়োনিয়া প্রভৃতির ন্যায় ঔষধের প্রয়োজন; আর তোমার যদি ধারণা থাকে যে, ঐ ঔষধগুলির কোনটি প্রযোজ্য হইলে তাহা সমগ্র রোগটির পক্ষেই যথেষ্ট হইবে, তাহা হইলে তোমার ধারণা কতকগুলি ক্ষেত্রে সত্য হইবে, কিন্তু অপর কতকগুলি ক্ষেত্রে হইবে না;—যেখানে গোড়া হইতেই দুৰ্ব্বলতা থাকে অথবা যেখানে তোমার ঔষধে রোগারোগ্যের উপযুক্ত যথেষ্ট প্রতিক্রিয়া শক্তি জাগাইয়া তুলিবার ক্ষমতা থাকে না। এইরূপ অবস্থায় দ্বিতীয় ঔষধের প্রয়োজন হয় এবং এন্টিম টার্টের ক্রিয়া আরম্ভ হইবার ইহাই উপযুক্ত সময়।

ইপিকাকে কিছুটা মোটা ঘড়ঘড় শব্দ আছে, কিন্তু উহার সহিত ফুসফুসের শ্লেষ্মা তুলিবার মত শক্তিও থাকে যথেষ্ট। এই ঔষধে যে মোটা ঘড়ঘড়ি থাকে তাহা রোগারম্ভের বহুদিন পরে উপস্থিত হয়। ইপিকাকে উহা রোগের প্রথম কয়েক দিনের মধ্যেই উপস্থিত হয়। এই ঔষধে কাশি, শ্বাসবদ্ধভাব এবং বমি বমি ভাব আছে, কিন্তু তাহা দেখা দেয় অত্যন্ত শিথিলতা, অবসন্নতা ও শীতলতার অবস্থায়। বোধ হয়, যেন সে মরিয়া যাইবে। তুমি তাহার কাশি শুনিলেই তৎক্ষণাৎ বুঝিতে পারিবে যে, তাহার ফুসফুস শক্তিতে প্রগাঢ় দুর্বলতা আছে। আমরা জানি যে, ফুসফুসের শক্তিই দীর্ঘ শ্বাসক্রিয়ার সহিত শ্লেষ্মা তুলিয়া ফেলিবার শক্তি উৎপন্ন করে। এন্টিম টার্টে ফুসফুসের ঐরূপ শক্তি থাকে না। বক্ষদেশ শ্লেষ্মায় পূর্ণ, উহা ঘড়ঘড় করিতেছে, কাশিটি ঘড়ঘড়ে প্রকৃতির, কিন্তু শ্লেষ্মা উঠে না অথবা সামান্য মাত্র শ্লেষ্মা উঠে, কিন্তু তাহাতে উপশম হয়। রোগীর বুক শ্লেষ্মায় পূর্ণ, তাহার শ্বাসরোধ হইতেছে, সে সত্যই মরিতে চলিয়াছে,“তুলিয়া ফেলিবার ক্ষমতার অভাববশতঃ কার্বনিক এসিড বিষাক্ততায় মরিতে চলিয়াছে। নিউমোনিয়া রোগে যখন রোগী শীতের সহিত প্রথম শয্যাগত হয়, তখন আক্রমণটি ভীষণ হইতে পারে;

এরূপ আক্রমণে রোগের ভীষণতা হইতে শীঘ্র অর্থাৎ তিন-চার দিন পরে অবসন্নতা দেখা দেয়। ইহা রোগের গোড়ার দিকে শীতের সময় দেখা দেয় না এবং প্রদাহের তীব্র অবস্থাতেও দেখা দেয় না কিন্তু রসসঞ্চয় অবস্থায় দেখা দেয়। রোগের ভীষণতাই তাহাকে অবসন্নতার অবস্থায় লইয়া আসে কিম্বা সে যেন বৃদ্ধ হইয়া পূৰ্ব্ব হইতেই দুর্বল ছিল এই সেইজন্য সহজেই এই রোগে শিথিল ও অবসন্ন হইয়া পড়ে। একোনাইট, ‘বেল’, ইপি এবং ব্রায়ো ইহার সম্পূর্ণ বিসদৃশ; কারণ, তাহারা প্রচন্ডতার মধ্যেই শয্যাগত থাকে—ঐরূপ অবস্থার ঠিক বিপরীত ভাব থাকে এন্টিমোনিয়াম টার্টে। সামান্য জ্বর, ঠান্ডা ঘৰ্ম্ম, শীতলতা, শিথিলতা-পান্ডুর বিবর্ণ চেহারা।।সুতরাং ইহা ভীষণ প্রকৃতির ব্রঙ্কাইটিস ও নিউমোনিয়া রোগের শেষ দৃশ্যের ঔষধ, অধিকাংশ রোগীই এন্টিম টার্ট সদৃশ অবস্থায় মারা যায়। এইরূপ রোগী পুরাতন সন্ধিবাতগ্রস্ত, দীর্ঘকাল রোগে ভুগিয়া দুৰ্বল, সৰ্ব্বদা কম্পান্বিত, বিবর্ণ এবং সন্ধিগুলির বৃদ্ধিযুক্ত হয়। প্রত্যেকবার ভিজা আবহাওয়া আসিলেই, তাহার বুকে, কণ্ঠনলীতে, বায়ুনলীতে সর্দিজ অবস্থা উপস্থিত হয় এবং উহাতে প্রচুর শ্লেষ্মাস্রাব হইতে থাকে। সে সঙ্গে সঙ্গেই শয্যাগত হয়, মোটা ঘড়ঘড় শব্দের সহিত অবসন্ন হইয়া পড়ে। শিশুদের মধ্যে যাহারা ঠান্ডা, ভিজা আবহাওয়ায়, শরৎকালে, বা বসন্তকালে ঝড়বৃষ্টি হইলে এবং মেঘলা আবহাওয়ায়, পুনঃ পুনঃ ব্রঙ্কাইটিস রোগে আক্রান্ত হয়। একবার ঠান্ডা লাগা কাটাইতে না কাটাইতেই তাহাদের আবার ঠান্ডা লাগে। তরুণ অবস্থা তাহাদের পক্ষে কখনই ভীষণ হয় না, কিন্তু তাহাদের ঐ প্রতিক্রিয়াহীন ঘড়ঘড়ে সৰ্দিটি থাকিয়া যায়। বুকে পুনঃ পুনঃ ঘড়ঘড়ানি উপস্থিত হয়। সে শীতার্ত ও বিবর্ণ হইয়া পড়ে। এইরূপ সুকুমার শিশুগণ, যাহাদের সর্দি লাগিলে রুগ্ন দেখায় না, অল্পাধিক বলিষ্ঠ থাকে, বুকে ঘড়ঘড় করে, কিন্তু দুর্বলতায় ভাঙ্গিয়া পড়ে না এবং উহাতে শয্যাশায়ী হইয়াও পড়ে না, কিন্তু ঘড়ঘড়িটা থাকে, তাহাদের পক্ষে ক্যালি সালফ’ প্রয়োজন। এইখানেই আমরা একটি প্রভেদসূচক লক্ষণ পাইলাম, দুর্বলতা থাকিলে, তাহাই এই ঔষধটির (এন্টিম টার্টের) কথা বলিয়া দিবে। যেসকল ভগ্নস্বাস্থ্য বৃদ্ধ লোকের বহু বৎসর যাবৎ বুকের সর্দি থাকে, সেই সকল অতি বৃদ্ধ লোকের এইরূপ দুৰ্বলতা হয়। প্রত্যেকবার শীতকালে তীব্র শীত পড়িলেই, বুকের সর্দি প্রকাশ পায়, ঘন সাদা শ্লেষ্মা উঠিতে থাকে এবং অত্যন্ত শ্বাসকষ্ট দেখা দেওয়ায় তাহাকে শয্যা ছাড়িয়া উঠিতে হয়। তাহাকে বিছানায় বসিয়া থাকিতে হয় এবং তাহাকে হাওয়া করিতে হয়; শ্বাসকষ্টের জন্য এবং বুকের পূর্ণতাবোধের জন্য শুইতে পারে না। মৃত্যুর পূর্বে অনেক বারের আক্রমণে এন্টিক টার্ট তাহাকে উপশম দিবে। এইরূপ কোন বৃদ্ধি ব্যক্তির শ্লেষ্মা যদি হলদে ও পুঁজমিশ্রিত হয়, তবে এমোনিয়াকাম’ তাহাকে বহু শীতকাল পার করাইয়া দিবে। আমরা বহু বৃদ্ধ লোককে দেখি, তাহারা শীতকালে বুকের সর্দিতে ভুগে, তাহাদের এরূপ অবস্থা বহু বৎসর ধরিয়া চলে এবং তাহারা আর ভাল হইবার আশা করে না। শ্লেষ্মা যদি হলদে হয় তাহা হইলে। ‘এমোনিয়াকাম”, আর শ্লেষ্মা যদি সাদা হয় এবং তৎসহ অবসন্নতা, ঘর্ম, শীতলতা, বিবর্ণতা এবং মুখের নীলবর্ণ থাকে, তাহা হইলে এন্টিমোনিয়াম টার্ট তাহাদিগকে সুস্থ করিয়া তুলিবে। চিকিৎসাক্ষেত্রে এইগুলিই এই ঔষধের প্রধান ব্যবহার।

এই ঔষধে অনেক প্রকার বেদনা ও কামড়ান ব্যথা আছে। এন্টিম টার্ট বহু পরিমাণে ‘এন্টিম ক্রুডে’র ভিত্তির উপরে গঠিত। ঐ ভিত্তির উপরেই উহার বক্ষলক্ষণগুলি বহুলাংশে নির্মিত হইয়াছে। উহার বহু লক্ষণ ‘এন্টিম ক্রুড’ সাদৃশ্য উত্তপ্ত হইলে এবং অতিরিক্ত কাপড়চোপড় পড়িলে বহু লক্ষণের বৃদ্ধি হয়। তুমি দেখিবে যে, এই ঔষধের রোগী ঘাড়ে বা কাধে কোন কাপড় না রাখিয়া এবং নিঃশ্বাস লওয়ার জন্য রাত্রের পোষাক অনেকখানি খুলিয়া ফেলিয়া বিছানায়। বসিয়া থাকে। অতিরিক্ত গরম ঘরে তাহার দম আটকায়। এই লক্ষণগুলি উহা ‘এন্টিম ক্রুড’ হইতে পাইয়াছে। এন্টিম ক্রুডে’র ন্যায় ইহারও ঠান্ডা জলে স্নান করিলে বৃদ্ধি-লক্ষণ আসে। ‘এন্টিম ক্রুডে’র ন্যায় ইহারও শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লীগুলি সাদা পুরু লেপে আবৃত থাকে। আর সে চায় না যে, কেহ তাহার সাহিত্য আলোচনা করুক অথবা বিরক্ত করুক। সবকিছুই বোঝা মনে হয়। শিশু পীড়িত হইলে চায় না যে, কেহ তাহাকে স্পর্শ করুক; কথা বলুক অথবা তাহার দিকে চাহিয়া থাকুক। সে একা থাকিতে চায়। শিশু সৰ্ব্বদা করুণভাবে ঘ্যানঘ্যান বা খুঁতখুঁত করিতে থাকে। অনেক ক্ষেত্রে নিঃশ্বাসের মধ্যেও করুণ স্বর শুনা যায়। বুকের ঘড়ঘড়ানির সাথেও করুণ স্বর থাকে । সৰ্ব্বদাই বদমেজাজে থাকে অর্থাৎ কেহ বিরক্ত করিলে অত্যন্ত ক্রুদ্ধ হইয়া উঠে। যে-কোন প্রকার গোলমালে, তাহার শ্বাসক্রিয়া বাড়িয়া উঠে এবং সে বিরক্ত বোধ করে এবং রাগিয়া উঠে। ইহাতে বিস্মিত হইবার কিছুই নাই যে, রোগী আশ্চৰ্য্যরূপ উৎকণ্ঠিত থাকে, কারণ তাহার চেহারা হইতেই আমরা বলিতে পারি যে, সে নিশ্চয় মনে করিতেছে যে, সে মরিয়া যাইবে। তাহাকে এরূপ দেখায়, যেন সে অবসন্ন হইয়া পড়িতেছে এবং যদি সে শীঘ্র উপশম না পায়, তাহা হইলে নিশ্চয়ই মরিয়া যাইবে; কারণ তাহার বুকটি পূর্ণ থাকে এবং সেইজন্য তাহার শ্বাসরোধ হইতে থাকে এবং মনে হয় যে, তাহার শ্বাসরোধভাব ও শ্বাসকৃচ্ছতা ক্রমেই বাড়িয়া চলিতেছে। নাসিকার পক্ষদ্বয় ‘লাইকোপোডিয়ামে’র ন্যায় নড়িতে থাকে। লাইকোপোডিয়াম’ ইহার সমকক্ষ ঔষধ এবং ইহার সদৃশও বটে।

এন্টিমোনিয়াম টার্টে বহুজাতীয় শিরঃপীড়ার কথা লিখিত আছে, কিন্তু মনে হয়, এন্টিমনি ধাতুদ্বারা সৃষ্ট শিরঃপীড়ায় ‘এন্টিম ক্রুড’ই সমধিক উপযোগী এবং এই ঔষধটি এন্টিমনি ধাতু দ্বারা সৃষ্ট বক্ষরোগে অধিকতর উপযোগী। উভয় ঔষধেই বিশেষভাবে নিশ্চিত পাকাশয়িক লক্ষণ আছে। অবিরত বমি বমি ভাব, বমন ও অজীর্ণতা। এন্টিম টার্টে কষ্টকর শ্বাসপ্রশ্বাসের সহিত পাকস্থলীর রোগ থাকে। তাহার সবকিছুতেই বিতৃষ্ণা, খাদ্যে বিতৃষ্ণা, এমনকি জলও বমি করিয়া ফেলে। তাহার আবার শান্ত অবস্থাও আছে, এত যন্ত্রণা সত্ত্বেও তাহাকে যদি চুপ করিয়া থাকিতে দেওয়া হয়, তাহা হইলে সে ঘুমাইয়া পড়ে এবং এমন অবস্থায় পৌঁছায় যে, আর কিছু অনুভব করিতে পারে না। সে কাশিতে কাশিতে ঘুমায়, শ্বাসকষ্টের মধ্যে নাক ডাকায়; সুতরাং সে বহুভাবে ‘এন্টিম ক্রুডে’র সদৃশ, কিন্তু এন্টিম ক্রুডে’ প্রাদাহিক শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লী হইতে প্রচুর শ্লেষ্মাস্রাবের মত কিছু নাই। উহাতে সমগ্র শারীর বিধানের ক্রিয়াহীন অবস্থার ন্যায় কিছু নাই। উহার পরীক্ষায় হতাশ হইবার মত কিছু নাই, উহার রোগী দেখিতেও তত ভীতিপূর্ণ নহে।

রোগীক্ষেত্রে, এন্টিম টার্টের ব্যবহার প্রধানতঃ বক্ষের শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লীসমূহেই সীমাবদ্ধ, কিন্তু ইহাতে দেহের সমস্ত শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লীরই ক্রিয়াহীন অবস্থা আছে। চক্ষু হইতে সাদা শ্লেষ্মা স্রাব। “চক্ষুদ্বয় উদ্গত এবং উজ্জ্বল; অপরিচ্ছন্ন ও জলে ভাসমান; গনোরিয়াজনিত চক্ষু-প্রদাহ।” কিন্তু বাত অবস্থা এই ঔষধের আর এক মূৰ্ত্তি, ‘এন্টিম ক্রুড’ সদৃশ্য আর এক দৃশ্য দেখায়। সন্ধিগুলি আক্রান্ত হয়, ক্রিয়াহীনতার সহিত ধীরে ধীরে রসসঞ্চয় হয়, ক্রমে শোগ্রস্ত হয়, শোগ্রস্ত হইয়া ফুলিয়া উঠে। সন্ধিগুলিতে গেঁটেবাতজাত রসসঞ্চয়, উহা বিশেষভাবে ঠান্ডা ভিজা আবহাওয়ায় বাড়ে। এইরূপে গেঁটেবাত প্রকৃতির চক্ষু-লক্ষণ। চক্ষুর সন্ধিগুলি বরাবর রসসঞ্চয়; সুতরাং চক্ষুর গেঁটেবাত অবস্থা উপস্থিত হয়। এই গেঁটেবাতজ অবস্থা সারা দেহকে আক্রমণ করে। শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লীগুলি লাল ও উজ্জ্বল না হইয়া বিবর্ণ হইয়া পড়ে, উহা বিবর্ণ ও শিথিল হয় এবং মনে হয়, উহা হইতে রস ক্ষরণ হইবে, উহার উপরে শীঘ্রই শ্লেষ্মা সঞ্চয় হয়। বক্ষের মধ্যেও ঠিক ঐ একই অবস্থা ঘটে। আর্স এবং অপেক্ষাকৃত তরুণ রোগের ঔষধসমূহে যেরূপ জ্বালাকর হাজার ন্যায় অবস্থা দেখা যায় ইহাতে সেরূপ হয় না, যদিও অবসন্নতা, উদ্বেগ ও শীতল ঘৰ্ম্ম লক্ষণে ইহা ‘আর্সে’র সদৃশ।

তারপর এই গেঁটেবাত অবস্থা দাঁতগুলিকেও আক্রমণ করে। সমস্ত দাঁতগুলিই বাতগ্রস্ত হয়। “দাঁতগুলিতে বাতজ বেদনা”, তৎসহ সন্ধিগুলিতেও বাতজ বেদনা। দাঁতগুলি স্পর্শকাতর। “দাতগুলি শ্লেষ্মায় আবৃত।”

এই সমস্ত উপসর্গের সহিত পাকস্থলীর উপসর্গগুলি প্রকাশ পায়; বমি বমি ভাব দেখা দেয়, পরিপাকের অক্ষমতা এবং খাদ্যে বিতৃষ্ণা। পাকস্থলীতে যাহা কিছু পৌঁছায়, তাহাই বমি হইয়া যায়, এক চামচ জল খাইলেও তাহা বমি হইয়া যায়। এই ঔষধের অধিকাংশ রোগেই তৃষ্ণা থাকে না। তৃষ্ণা থাকিলে তাহাকে ব্যতিক্রম মনে করিতে হইবে। সাধারণতঃ এই সকল শ্বাসকৃচ্ছ্রতার আক্রমণকালে, রোগীর বন্ধুরা কোন কিছু করিবার জন্য, সম্ভব হইলে এক গ্লাস জল হাতে দিবার জন্য, উদগ্রীব হইয়া রোগীর পার্শ্বে দাড়াইয়া থাকে। কিন্তু রোগী একটু জল খাইতে বলিলে উত্তেজিত হইয়া উঠে। সে বিরক্ত হয় এবং বিরক্তি প্রকাশ করে। শিশুকে জল দিতে গেলে ক্রুদ্ধভাবে ঘ্যানঘ্যান করে। প্রচুর শ্লেষ্মাস্রাব এবং বুকে অত্যন্ত ঘড়ঘড়ানিযুক্ত বায়ুনলীর উপদ্রব থাকা সত্ত্বেও তৃষ্ণাহীনতা। সময়ে সময়ে পাকস্থলীতে ঠান্ডা জিনিষ পাইবার দুর্দম্য ইচ্ছা থাকে, কিন্তু উহা ব্যতিক্রম। “অম্ল ও অম্ল ফল খাইতে চায়, কিন্তু উহাতে সে পীড়িত হয়। ‘এন্টিম ক্রডে’র ন্যায় ভিনিগার হইতে, টক জিনিষ হইতে, অম্ল মদ হইতে, টক ফল হইতে পাকস্থলীর উপদ্রব। দুধ কিম্বা অন্য যে-কোন প্রকার পুষ্টিকর খাদ্যে বিতৃষ্ণা, বিশেষতঃ দুধে বমি বমি ভাব ও বমন উৎপন্ন করিয়া রোগীকে পীড়িত করে। পাকস্থলী ও উদরে বায়ুসঞ্চয় হয়। উদর ফাপিয়া উঠে। পাকস্থলী ও অন্ত্রলক্ষণের সহিত অবিরত বমনেচ্ছা থাকে, কিন্তু উহা বমনেচ্ছা অপেক্ষা অধিক, উহা প্রত্যেক প্রকার খাদ্যে বা পুষ্টিকর খাদ্যে বিতৃষ্ণা; এরূপ একটি চিন্তার সহিত বমনেচ্ছা যে, যদি সে পাকস্থলীতে কিছু গ্রহণ করে, তাহা হইলে সে মরিয়া যাইবে। ইহা কেবল মাত্র খাদ্যে অপ্রবৃত্তি নহে, বমনের পূর্বে যে সাধারণ বমনেচ্ছা হয় তাহা নহে, কিন্তু খাদ্যের প্রতি একপ্রকার ভয়ানক বিতৃষ্ণা। তাহার দৌর্বল্য বাড়িয়া উৎকণ্ঠায় পরিণত হয় এবং তাহাকে খাবার দেওয়া হইলে, দম বন্ধের মত হইতে থাকে। দয়ালু লোকেরা খুব সচরাচর তাহাকে কিছু খাওয়াইতে চাহে, কারণ সে হয়ত সমস্ত দিন বা সমস্ত রাত্রি কিছু খায় নাই, কিন্তু খাদ্যের চিন্তাতেই তাহার শ্বাসকষ্ট বাড়িয়া উঠে, তাহার বমি বমি ভাব, তাহার বিতৃষ্ণা, তাহার কষ্ট বাড়িয়া উঠে। এই ঔষধে বমন একটি সহজ ব্যাপার নহে। বমন অল্পাধিক আপেক্ষিক প্রকৃতির। “ভীষণ উকিউঠা, দমবন্ধ ভাব এবং উকিউঠা ও বমি করিতে চেষ্টা করা। অত্যন্ত কষ্টের সহিত শ্বাসকষ্ট ও দম বন্ধ হওয়া”। পাকস্থলী যেন আক্ষেপিকভাবে কার্য করিতে থাকে এবং অত্যন্ত কষ্টে এবং পুনঃ পুনঃ প্রবল চেষ্টা করার সামান্য একটু উঠে, তারপর আর একটু এবং এইরূপ চলিতে থাকে। অনেক পরিমাণে শ্লেষ্মার সহিত পাকস্থলীতে যাহা কিছু গিয়াছে তাহা সমস্তই বমি হইয়া যায়।” সময়ে সময়ে রক্তের সহিত সাদা দড়ির ন্যায় শ্লেষ্মা। “অনেক চেষ্টায় লালা বমন করে। প্রচুর পরিমাণে শ্লেষ্মা বমন করে। দুচ্ছেদ্য শ্লেষ্মা বমন করে”; লালার সহিত পিত্ত বমন করে; দড়ার মত জলীয় শ্লেষ্মা, তারপর কিছু খাদ্যবস্তু, তারপর কিছু পিত্ত বমন করে।” “কিন্তু প্রধানতঃ যে জিনিষ বমন করে তাহা ঘন, সাদা, দুড়ির মত শ্লেষ্মা, উহা সৰ্ব্বস্থানের শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লী হইতে নির্গত হয়।” শক্ত এবং দড়ির মত, উহাকে দড়ির ন্যায় টানিয়া লম্বা করা যায়। যখন এই ঘন, দড়ির ন্যায়, সাদা শ্লেষ্মা গলনলী এবং মুখ হইতে নির্গত হয়, তখন রোগীর সচরাচর শ্বাসরোধের মত হয়। মুখ উহাতে পূর্ণ হইয়া যায়। রোগীকে পাকস্থলীর আধেয়, যাহা শ্লেষ্মা বা শ্লেষ্মামিশ্রিত পিত্ত, তাহা হইতে পরিত্রাণ পাইবার জন্য অত্যন্ত চেষ্টা, আক্ষেপিক চেষ্টা করিতে হয়। বমনের প্রথম দিকে শ্লেষ্মা উঠে, তারপর অনেক চেষ্টার পর। পাকস্থলীতে পিত্ত উঠিতে থাকে এবং তারপর পিত্ত হইতেই ক্রমাগত বমন হইতে থাকে। অতিচেষ্টার ফলে পাকস্থলীতে রক্ত প্রধাবিত হয় এবং পাকস্থলীর আধেয় রক্ত রেখাঙ্কিত হইয়া পড়ে। সৰ্ব্বত্র শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লীতে ক্ষত জন্মে। ইহাতে নাকে এবং কণ্ঠনলীতে ক্ষত আছে এবং সেই ক্ষত হইতে রক্তপাত হয়। পাকস্থলীতে রক্তপাতিযুক্ত ক্ষত, সুতরাং রক্তবমন হয়।

‘এন্টিম ক্রুডে’র ন্যায় ইহাও পুরাতন মদ্যপায়ীদের পক্ষে উপযোগী। পুরাতন মদ্যপায়ীরা সময়ে সময়ে দুর্বলতা গ্রস্ত হয় এবং তাহাদের পুনঃ পুনঃ ঠান্ডা লাগে। খুব বড় রকমের ব্যভিচার করিয়া এবং ঐ পথে বহুদিন থাকিবার পর, তাহারা শিথিল এবং সর্দিপ্রবণ হইয়া পড়ে; ঠান্ডা লাগিলে বুক শ্লেষ্মায় ভরিয়া উঠে, এবং তাহারা বমি করিতে থাকে, দম বন্ধ হইতে থাকে, আবার বমি করিতে থাকে। পুরাতন মদ্যপায়ীদের বুকে শ্লেষ্মার ঘড়ঘড়ি।” কখন কখন এন্টিম ক্রুড টার্টের প্রয়োজন হয়। উপসর্গগুলি প্রধানতঃ পাকস্থলীতে সীমাবদ্ধ থাকিলে এন্টিম ক্রুড; আর বর্ধিত উৎকণ্ঠা এবং শীতলতা এবং অবসন্নতা দীর্ঘকাল মদ্যপানজনিত অবসন্নতার সহিত বক্ষ-লক্ষণ বর্তমান থাকিলে এন্টিম টার্ট। পুরাতন গেঁটেবাত রোগী; পুরাতন মদ্যপায়ী, পুরাতন ভগ্নস্বাস্থ্য ধাতু। শিশুদিগের ভগ্নস্বাস্থ্য ধাতু থাকিলে মনে হয় যেন তাহারাও বৃদ্ধ হইয়া পরে। তাহাদের সর্দি লাগিয়া বুকে ঘড়ঘড় শব্দ হইলে এই ঔষধ আবশ্যক হয়।

খুব সচরাচর পাকস্থলীতে উদ্বেগ থাকে, উহাকে সব সময়ে যন্ত্রনা বলিয়া বর্ণনা করা যায় না। কিন্তু এক প্রকার উৎকন্ঠার ভাব, একপ্রকার মারাত্মক অবসন্নতা, পাকস্থলীতে একপ্রকার অবর্ণনীয় অবসন্নতা, যেন সে মরিতে চলিয়াছে। পাকস্থলীতে উৎকন্ঠার সহিত বমি বমি ভাব। যকৃতে অপ্রবল রক্তসঞ্চয়, তৎসহ বমন ও পিত্তবমন ।

এই ঔষধে যথেষ্ট কাটিয়া ফেলার ন্যায় বেদনা আছে। পাকস্থলীর মধ্যে খঅমচান যন্ত্রনা। শূলবেদনার ন্যায় যন্ত্রনা। উদরের স্ফীতি। উদর রক্তাম্বু  দ্বারা পূর্ণ হতে পারে। অথবা বায়ুদ্বারাও পূর্ণ হইতে পারে। ছুরি দিয়া কাটার ন্যায় তীব্র কর্ত্তনবৎ বেদনা, উদরে অত্যন্ত তীব্র যন্ত্রণা, এন্টিমোনিয়ামের সর্বপ্রকার  প্রস্তুতিতেই শোথ একটি স্বাভাবিক অবস্থা। আমার মনে পড়ে যে, একজন উৎসাহী পশু চিকিৎসক, দেশে বিশেষ প্রকার দূষিত কীটাণুর আবির্ভাব হইয়া যখন উহা সকল আস্তাবলের মধ্যে প্রবেশ করিয়াছিল, তখন প্রত্যেকটি ঘোড়াকেই কাল এন্টিমনি খাওয়াইতেছেন, আমি যখন জানিলাম যে তিনি সব ঘোড়াকেই কাল এন্টিমনি খাওয়াইতেছেন, তখন উপদেশ দিলাম যে, আমার ঘোড়াকে যেন আমি যে ঔষধ দিয়াছি যে, তাহা ছাড়া আর কোন ঔষধ দেওয়া না হয়। যে সকল ঘোড়োকে তিনি চিকিৎসা করিয়াছিলেন, তাহার প্রায় সবগুলিই শোথ রোগে  শেষ হইয়াছিল এবং পায়ে কাপড় জড়ান অবস্থায় বহুদিন এবং বহু সপ্তাহ পড়িয়াছিল। ইহাতে এন্টিমোনিয়ামের একটি পরীক্ষা হইল। এন্টিম টার্ট শোথে পরিপূর্ণ। পূর্বে একটা প্রথা ছিল যে, নিউমোনিয়া ও জ্বররোগের পর বৃদ্ধ  এবং ভগ্নস্বাস্থ্য লোকদিগকে এন্টিম টার্টের উপর রাখিয়া দিতে হইবে, কিন্তু সর্ম্পূন সুস্থ হইবার পূর্বে তিন চার মাস ধরিয়া প্রায় ক্ষেত্রেই তাহাদের পায়ের পাতায় ফুলা থাকিত। এরূপ না হইলে তাহাদের  জ্বরক্ষত হইত। এন্টিমোনিয়াম এরূপ জ্বরক্ষতের একটি সাধারণ কারণ। ইহা একপ্রকার দীর্ঘকালস্থায়ী অলস প্রকৃতির ক্ষত, যাহা ভগ্নস্বাস্থ্য ব্যক্তিগণের পুরাতন জ্বরের পরে পায়ে উপরে প্রকাশ পায়। কখন কখন তাহারা এই ক্ষত হইতে মুক্তি পায় না আমাদের  মতাবলম্বী কোন চিকিৎসকের হাতে না পড়িলে, তাহারা তখনই উহা হইতে মুক্তি পায় না।

অপর নাম – টার্টার এমেটিক (Tartar Emetic)

এন্টিমোনিয়াম টার্টারিকামকে টার্টার এমেটিক নামে অভিহিত করা হয়। ইহা এন্টিমনি ও পটাশ মিশ্রিত একপ্রকার ক্ষারাম্ল পদার্থ।

এন্টিম টার্টের- মূলকথা

১। মোটা ঘড়ঘড় শব্দ সহকারে গলায় অত্যধিক শ্লেষ্মাসঞ্চয়; রোগী উহা তুলে ফেলতে পারে না; ফুসফুসের পক্ষাঘাতের সম্ভাবনা।

২। রক্তে অক্সিজেনের অভাবহেতু মুখমণ্ডল অত্যন্ত ফ্যাকাশে ও নীলবর্ণের।

৩। অধিকাংশ রোগেই অতিশয় তন্দ্রালুতা (coma) বা নিদ্রালুতা।

৪। অবসন্নতা সহকারে বমন ও অত্যন্ত বিবামিষা (nausea), সৰ্বাঙ্গীন শীতলতা, ঠাণ্ডা ঘর্মও নিদ্রালুতা।

৫। মাথার ও হাতের আভ্যন্তরিক কম্পন।

৬। বসন্তের গুটির মত ঘন উদ্ভেদ (eruptions) প্রায়শঃই গোলাকার (ব্রনের মতো) ও মটরের মত বড় হতে থাকে।

৭। শ্লেষ্মা তুলে ফেললে উপশম বোধ।

৮। জীবনের উভয় প্রান্তে – বাল্যকাল ও বৃদ্ধকালে এই ঔষধ

উপযোগী; রোগী তার কাছে বা আশেপাশের ব্যক্তিগণকে জড়িয়ে ধরে, ‘কোলে উঠে বেড়াতে চায়; তাকে কেউ স্পর্শ করলে কাঁদে ও ঘ্যান ঘ্যান করে, নাড়ী দেখতে দিতে চায় না।

এন্টিম টার্ট – পর্যালোচনা

এন্টিমোনিয়াম টার্টারিকাম একটি প্রবল বমন কারক ঔষধ। আমার সেই সময়ের কথা মনে পড়ে যখন সেকালের অ্যালোপ্যাথগণ একে নির্বিচারে ব্যবহার করতেন বমনকারী ঔষধরূপে, যেমন -বোটানিস্টরা লোবেলিয়া ইনফ্লেটা ব্যবহার করতেন পাকস্থলী পরিস্কারের জন্য। আজকাল “হালের পদ্ধতি অনুসারে পাকস্থলী ধোয়া ও এনিমা দ্বারা স্থূলান্ত্র ধোয়াও ফ্যাশান হয়ে দাঁড়িয়েছে। এর কারণ খুবই সঙ্গত, কারণ তারা তাদের ঔষধ ব্যবস্থা বিদ্যায় অতিশয় পঙ্গু।

তাছাড়া এই সব উন্নতি সাধন সত্ত্বেও এখনও “দেহ পরিস্কার করার নামে” যথেষ্ট অন্ত্রের ঘষামাজা করা হয়; এক্ষেত্রে মনে হয় সুস্থ অবস্থায় থাকলেও অন্ননালী যেন একটি স্বয়ং-পরিস্কারক প্রতিষ্ঠান নয় এবং উহা পরিস্কার রাখার জন্য নির্দিষ্ট ও নিয়মিতভাবে অর্থাৎ মাঝে মাঝে একবার “আগাগোড়া পরিষ্কার করতে হয়” (যেমন ঘরদোর পরিস্কার করা হয়ে থাকে)। ইহা নিশ্চই মুখতা, তবে তারা যা জানে তাই করুক। আমাদের হোমিওপ্যাথি এন্টিমোনিয়াম টার্টারিকাম বা অন্য কোন বমন কারক ঔষধ রোগ আরোগ্যের জন্য বমন নোদ্দেশ্যে কখনও ব্যবহৃত হয় ।

রোগ আরোগ্যের জন্য আমরা অন্যান্য ঔষধ যেভাবে ব্যবহার করে থাকি একেও সেই রকমভাবে সমঃ সমং সময়তি’ নীতি অনুসারেই ব্যবহার করি। এই ঔষধের গা বমি বমি ভাব ইপিকাকের মতই প্রবল কিন্তু ঐরূপ সদস্থায়ী নয়; বমি করলে উহার উপশম হয়।

২। কলেরা – ২৫ বছরেরও বেশী কাল ধরে আমি (ডাঃ ন্যাশ) দেখছি ইহা কলেরা মৰ্ব্বাস রোগে একটি অব্যর্থ ঔষধ (অবশ্য কোন রোগেরই কোন অব্যর্থ ঔষধ নেই)। আমাকে কদাচিৎ অন্য কোন ঔষধ ব্যবহার করতে হয়েছিল তবে সেক্ষেত্রে পাকস্থলী ও অন্ত্রের দরুন খাল ধরা ছিল তাই কুপ্রাম মেটালিকাম ব্যবহারেই তা প্রশমিত হয়।

এন্টিমটার্টের প্রয়োগ লক্ষণগুলি হল গা বমি বমি বা বিবমিষা, বমন, তরল মল, অবসন্নতা, শীতল ঘৰ্ম্ম ও তন্দ্রালুতা বা সুপ্তি (stupor); কলেরা রোগের মন্দ অবস্থায় প্রায়ই এই সকল লক্ষণ দেখা যায়। আমাকে বাধ্য হয়ে প্রতিটি বমনের পরে পরে এক মাত্রা করে ঔষধ ব্যবহার করে দু-তিন মাত্রা ঔষধ ব্যবহার করতে হয়েছে এবং তাতেই রোগী সেরে গেছে।

সাধারণতঃ পাঠ্য পুস্তকে এই রোগের জন্য এই ঔষধটির উল্লেখ করা হয় না। কিন্তু আমি আমার বহুল অভিজ্ঞতাও পৰ্যবেক্ষণ থেকে এটি জানতে পেরেছি। তাছাড়া ইহা একটি রত্ন বিশেষ।

৩। শ্বাসযন্ত্র

এন্টিমোনিয়াম টার্টারিকাম শ্বাসযন্ত্রের উপর বিশেষ ক্রিয়া প্রকাশ করে, বিশেষ করে এন্টিম টার্টের যদি এই একটি মাত্র আরোগ্যকর শক্তিই থাকত তাহলে ইহা অপরিহার্য্য ঔষধ হিসেবেই গণ্য হত। ইহা ব্রঙ্কাইটিস, নিউমোনিয়া, হুপিংকাশি ও হাঁপানি প্রভৃতি যে নামের রোগেই ব্যবহৃত হোক না কেন, সব ক্ষেত্রেই এতে স্থূল ঘড়ঘড় শব্দসহ অতিশয় শ্লেষ্মা জমা থাকে এবং সেই সঙ্গে বক্ষের পূর্ণতা সহ উহাতে গয়ের তুলে ফেলার কোন ক্ষমতা থাকে না। তাছাড়া ইহা সকল বয়সেও সকল প্রকার ধাতুর পক্ষেই ব্যবহার্য, বিশেষ করে শিশু ও বৃদ্ধদের পক্ষে উপযোগী।

এই সকল ক্ষেত্রে রোগীদের প্রায়ই একটি লক্ষণ বর্তমান থাকতে দেখা যায়। তা হল অতিশয় তন্দ্রালুতা বা নিদ্রালুতা, এমনকি কখন কখনও কোমার মত হয়ে থাকে। ইহা কেবল শ্বাসযন্ত্রের পীড়াতেই নয় ইহা শিশু কলেরা বা কলেরা মৰ্বাস ও সবিরাম জ্বরেও দেখা যায়। নিউমোনিয়ায় টার্টার এমিটিক ও ওপিয়াম উভয়েরই অতিশয় তন্দ্রালুতা থাকতে পারে; কিন্তু এক্ষেত্রে নির্বাচন সম্বন্ধে কোন গণ্ডগোল হওয়ার সম্ভাবনা নেই। কারণ ওপিয়ামের মুখমণ্ডল কালচে বা বেগুনে এবং দীর্ঘনিশ্বাস বা নাশাশব্দকারী শ্বাসক্রিয়া থাকে।

টার্টার এমিটিকের মুখমণ্ডল সৰ্ব্বদাই ফ্যাকাশে অথবা নীলাভাযুক্ত, উহাতে কোন লাল ভাব থাকে না এবং শ্বাসেও শব্দ হয় না।

তবে ওপিয়াম, টার্টার এমিটিক ও নাক্স মস্ক্যাটা – এই তিনটি ঔষধই নিদ্রালুতার জন্য খ্যাত; এছাড়া এদের মধ্যে অন্যান্য কোন সাদৃশ্য নেই।

৪। নিউমোনিয়ার পরে ফুসফুসের যে হেপাটাইজেশান থাকে তাতে এন্টিমোনিয়াম টার্ট একটি অত্যুৎকৃষ্ট ঔষধ। এক্ষেত্রে অঙ্গুলি দ্বারা ফুসফুসের উপর আঘাত করলে যখন ঘন গর্ভ বা ডাল (dull) শব্দ হয়, নিশ্বাস প্রশ্বাসের মার্মার (murmur) ধ্বনির অসদ্ভাব বা অভাব ও শ্বাসের হ্রস্বতা থাকে, এবং রোগী ফ্যাকাশে, দুর্বল ও নিদ্রাতুর হয় তখন ইহা ব্যবহৃত হয়।

এই অবস্থায় সালফার দ্বারা আশোষন ক্রিয়া (absorption) না বাড়লে টার্টার এমিটিক দ্বারা তা অনেক সময়েই হয়ে থাকে। আমি (ডাঃ ন্যাশ) এই ঔষধের ২০০ থেকে সি. এম পোটেন্সি পর্যন্ত ব্যবহার করে সমান উপকার পেয়েছি।


Ant-t : Antimonium Tartaricum, Tartarus Stibiatus

Congestion and catarrh of respiratory tract.

Coarse rattling with wet sounding cough, but scanty, difficult expectoration, unable to get it out. Suffocating. Cyanosis.

Irritable, peevish.

Overwhelming sleepiness.


-Tartar Emetic

-Tartrate of Antimony and Potash.


-Anger, vexation.


-Damp basement



-After eating


< In evening

< Lying down at night

< From warmth

< In damp cold weather

< Sour things and milk

< Morning

< Sitting down

< When seated

< From rising from a seat

< Change of weather in spring

> Sitting erect

> Eructations

> Expectoration

> Vomiting

> Lying on right side

> Motion

> Cold, open air


-Fear of being alone.

-Bad humour. Despondent.

-Frightened at every trifle.

-Muttering delirium.

-Stupid on awakening.

-Apathy or easily annoyed; wants to be left alone.

-Peevish; whining and moaning.

-Despair of his recovery.

-Child continuously wishes to be carried erect, unwilling to be looked at, or touched.

-Clings to attendants.

-Consciousness wanes on closing eyes.

-Melancholy, complains of numerous sufferings.

-Fretfulness, whining and crying before the attack of sickness.

-Restlessness in children > being carried about.


-Adapted to persons of hydrogenoid constitution of Grauvogl, torpid, phlegmatic persons. It is suited to old people and children to gouty subjects and drunkards with respiratory affection.

-Ill-effects of vaccination when remedies fail and Silicea is not indicated.

-All complaints are attended with irresistible to desire to sleep.

-Entire absence of thirst.

-Nausea, vomiting, coldness and drowsiness.

-Sweat runs through the whole of this remedy.

-Lack of reaction.

-Head-Vertigo alternates with drowsiness, with dullness and confusion.

-Band like feeling in forehead.

-Head hot and sweaty.

-Eyes-Eyes are sunken with dark rings around them, the lips pale and shriveled.

-Nostrils are dilated and flapping with a dark sooty appearance inside them.

-Upper lip drawn up.

-Expression is that of suffering, anxious despairing.

-Face-Cold, blue, pale, covered with cold sweat.

-Incessant quivering of chin and lower jaw.

-Mouth-Tongue-coated, pasty, thick while with reddened papillae and red edges, or red in streaks.

-dry in the middle.

-flow of saliva during pregnancy.

-mouth remains open after yawning.

-imprints of teeth on border after the tongue.

-G.I.T.-Craving for apples, acids, acid fruit, sour things, strong liquor.

-Aversion to milk and tobacco.

-Nausea, retching and vomiting especially after food with deathly faintness and prostration.

-Nausea comes in waves.

-Nausea produces fear with pressure in precordial region, followed by headache with yawning and lachrymation.

-Vomiting in any position except lying on right side.

-Vomiting forcible, then exhaustion and sleep.

-Eructation like bad eggs.

-Spasmodic colic, much flatus.

-Cholera morbus. Diarrhoea in eruptive disease.

-Respiratory system-Ant-t affects the mucous membrane especially of bronchi and lungs.

-Causing great accumulation of mucous with coarse rattling and bubbling rales in the chest- coarse, like the death rattle; thereby respiration is impeded and heart’s action becomes laboured, defective oxygenation in the circulation of blood occurs.

-All these conditions cause cyanosis, depression of vital power.

-Great rattling of mucus when very little is expectorated.

-Chest seems full, yet less and less in raised.

-Bronchial tubes overloaded with mucus.

-Rapid, short, difficult breathing, abdominal breathing, seems as if he would suffocate, must sit up to breathe or cough.

-Cough followed by vomiting or sleep.

-Emphysema of the aged.

-Oedema and impending paralysis of lungs.

-Coughing and gasping consecutively.

-Cough excited by eating, with pain chest and larynx < 3 a.m.

-Dyspnoea relieved by eructation, by lying on right side.

-Asphyxia neonatrum, child breathless and pale when born.

-Nursing infants let go the nipple and cry out as if out of breath.

-Child coughs when angry.

-Child bends backward with cough.

-Expectoration thick and white.

-Thirstlessness with all these bronchial troubles with copious discharge of mucus and great rattling in the chest.

-C.V.S.-Palpitation with uncomfortable hot feeling.

-Pulse rapid weak and trembling.

-Back-Violent pain in sacro-lumbar region < lifting.

-Slightest effort to move may cause retching and cold, clammy sweat.

-Sensation of heavy weight at the coccyx, dragging downward all the time.

-Vertebrae seems to rub against each other.

-Extremities-Trembling of whole body.

-Chills and contractures and pain with music.

-Skin-Convulsions when eruptions fail to appear.

-Pustular eruptions, leaving a bluish red mark.

-Small pox.

-Warts on glands penis.


1. Extraordinary craving for apple.

2. Great rattling of mucus but very little is expectorated.

3. Coarse rattling, like death rattle.

4. Vomiting in any position except lying on the right side.


-Through the pneumogastric nerve, it depress the respiration and circulation, causing great accumulation of mucus, great rattling of mucus. Death rattle, but very little is expectorated.

-Nausea, vomiting, coldness, drowsiness, prostration, sweat runs through the whole of this remedy.


1. All complaints are attended with irresistible desire to sleep.

2. Nausea, vomiting, coldness, drowsiness, prostration, sweat, runs through the whole of this remedy.

3. Great accumulation of mucus, very little expectoration.

4. Extraordinary craving of apple.

5. Tongue thick, white, pasty, with reddened papillae and red edges and red in streaks.

6. Nausea and vomiting in any position except lying on right side.

7. Complete absence of thirst with bronchial troubles.

8. Violent pain in sacro-lumbar region < lifting, slight effort to move, may cause retching and cold clammy sweat.

9. Pustular eruptions like small pox.


-Bronchitis, Chicken pox, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Congestive heart failure, Cyanosis, Impetigo, Pertussis, Pneumonia, Respiratory infections, Sepsis.

-Ant-t 30X almost a specific for babies who had diarrhoea and also vomited- Dr. Starr.

-Ant-t 30 or 200 almost specific for impetigo-Dr. Foubister.

-Ill-effects of vaccination when Thuja and Silicea are not indicated.


Follows Well : Bar-c, Bell, Bry, Camph, Caust, Ip, Merc, Nux-v, Phos, Puls, Rhus-t, Sep, Sulph.

Compare : Acon, Ars, Bar-c, Brom, Camph, Ferr-p, Hep, Iod, Ip, Kali-i, Lach, Lyc, Phos, Puls, Ter, Verat.

Antidoted By : Asaf, Chin, Cocc, Con, Ip, Laur, Op, Puls, Sep.

It Antidotes : Bar-c, Bry, Camph, Caust, Puls.

Duration Of Action : 20-30 Days.


+ Tartar Emetic. 2 (K(Sb O) 4C H4 O6) H2 O.

An invention of the alchemists very popular with them forbidden by the French academy finally introduced and much used and abused by the old school .

Proved by Hahnemann and some of his students. Published by Staph, in 1844, and proved since by many others. We have made use of masterly monograph of Dr. R Henke, of 1874 who collected all provings, poisonings and cures.

Unconsciousness, but rarely.

Stupefaction, with numbness of head.

Stupid and sleepy; stupefying meningitis.

Confusion of head; with feeling as if he ought to sleep.

Dullness of mind; imbecility.

Apathy and indifference to everything, even death would have been welcome.

Delirium, with pleasant expression. Bronchial catarrh.

Contradiction between mind and will.

The child must be carried, it cries if touched.

Anxious face.

Moaning and groaning, with oppression on chest.

Crying with cough.

Pitiful whining before and during attacks.

Infantile catarrh.

Continual crying and whining of a child for three days, gets only little sleeps of fifteen or thirty minutes. Summer complaint.

Child cries on attempting to take breast.

Child clings to those around, calls for help in a hoarse voice, with cough.

The child will not allow itself to be touched without whining and crying.

Fear and dread of being alone.

Uneasiness of mind, indisposed to work, apparently proceeding from abdomen.

Bad humor. Bronchial catarrh.


Despondent and apprehensive that he would not recover; t.

Hopelessness, despondency.

Hopeless mood. Colic.

Hopeless and despairing when awake. Intermittent.

Despondent, hypochondriacal; inclined to violence.

Melancholic. Chronic metritis.

Complaints about his numerous symptoms. Pneumonia.

Despairs of his recovery. Pneumonia.

Depression of mind and fear that he will never get well.

Apprehensive and restless.

Great concern about future with beating in stomach.

Anxiety and restlessness.

Anxiety during paroxysm, often lasting two to three hours.


Anxiety with nausea.

Indescribable anxiety and oppression of chest.


Anxiety. Intermittent.

Despair and hopelessness, with lethargy, with cold sweat.

After attacks, in good humor, playing. Catarrhal croup.

Merry all day, in evening anxious and full of fear.

Gayety, wild mirthfulness, with subsequent till humor and anxiety for future.


Desire to bite.

Excessively peevish and quarrelsome (a boy age 3).

Peevishness. Laryngo-tracheitis.

The children get angry, weep and cry. Whooping cough.

Mental excitement.

Frightened at every trifle.

Highest degree of mental restlessness.

Consequences of anger or vexation.

Worse after getting angry. Cough.

Strong emotion followed by amblyopia. During pregnancy.

Heaviness of head.

Stupefying dullness with unconquerable drowsiness.

Felt giddy and sick; immediately.

Dizziness, with cough.

Vertigo with alternate drowsiness.

Vertigo: on closing eyes; on walking; when lifting head, must lie down, with nausea.

Pressing pain in forehead with vertigo, stupor and dullness of head, slightly delirious, drowsiness, but cannot sleep. Influenza.

Vertigo with flickering before eyes. Rheumatism.

Vertigo with dimness of vision and a pressing headache.


Vertigo and violent chills running through body with a sudden shock.

Fainting, with sweat on forehead.

Child gets insensible, limbs cold, pulse weak, almost imperceptible; recovery after brandy and water.

Fainting after a cold feeling in scrobiculum, followed by sleep.

Asphyxia; t.

After vomiting once, a heavy asphyxia, and when coming to herself again, violent colic.

Asphyxia from drowning.

Inner Head
Cerebral congestion.

Arachnoid membrane too opaque; t.

Dull head, like a strong pressure, more in right forehead, with boring, sharp shooting tearing deep in brain. Rheumatism.

Violent pain in forehead and giddiness.

Headache, as from a band compressing forehead.

Tensive pain in forehead and one side of head, as if brain was in one lump, with drowsiness, agg. evening, after eating and sitting bent; amel. sitting up, lying high with head and in the cold.

Pressing headache, as if brain was put together in lumps.

Feels as if brain was pressed together; stupid and sleepy; more when resting; in evenings and at night; amel. when moving about, or after washing head.

Heavy pain in forehead like waves increasing and decreasing.

Reverberation of pulse in head.

Very sensible pressure on vertex, with violent pulsation in the temples.

Throbbing in right forehead, agg. evenings, sitting bent, from warmth and amel. sitting up and in cold.

Pressive pains in forehead; stitching extending downward into left eye.

Painful drawing in right temple, extending down to zygoma and upper jaw.

Tearing pains in head.

Stitches in left parietal bone, on stooping, extend forward.

Headache and feeling as if paralyzed. Pneumonia.

Stupefying headache. Meningitis.

Occiput heavy, requires support.

On stooping, feeling in occiput as if something fell forward.

Headache with vomiting.

Headache. Variola.

Headache with sensitiveness of region of stomach.

Violent headache during heat. Tertian.

Headache also in apyrexia. Intermittent.

Inflammation of brain.

Apoplexia nervosa and serosa.

Headache: agg. evening; lying down; getting warm in bed; after eating; sitting bent; in rest; amel. sitting upright; in the cold; lying high with head; moving about; after washing head.

Outer Head
Head very hot. Rheumatism.

Head dull, forehead warm, less strength, and displeased with everything.

Forehead covered with sweat; head is cold.

Sweat on forehead and on neck.


Plica polonica.

Scalp very sensitive, with heaviness of head.

Chronic trembling of head, most after coughing, with sense of inner trembling, chattering of teeth and great desire to sleep; agg. evening and from warmth.

Chronic trembling of head and hands, with great debility.

Numbness of head, with stupefaction and somnolence.

Cold sweat on head, with cough.

Head hot and sweaty. Atelectasis pulmonum. During efforts at vomiting.


Lifting head.

Sight and Eyes
Flickering before eyes.

Sees only as through a thick veil.

Vanishing of sight.

It gets dark before eyes and his senses leave him.

Amblyopia after strong emotion, and colic during pregnancy.

Amblyopia. Meningitis.

Oversensitive retina.

Photophobia. In scrofulous persons.

Weak eyes, next day headache, most in forehead.


Cataract. Of cattle.

Tearing pains in eyes.

Eyeballs pain, as if bruised, especially on touching them.

Burning and smarting in eyes and canthi with redness of conjunctiva, evenings.

Eyes open; pupils closely contracted.

Eyes turned upward, with difficult breathing. Catarrhal croup.

Dim, swimming eyes. Diarrhoea.

Eyes prominent, glaring. Pneumonia.

Jerking, shooting in inner canthi and pressure in eyes.

Eyes fill with tears when gaping.

Eyes feel tired, as if lids would close.

Inclination to press lids tightly together.

On closing eyes, vertigo.

Inclination of shut eyes, without shunning light.

Eyes sunken.

Eyes sunken and surrounded by dark circles. Cholera.

Edges of lids covered with mucus. Pneumonia.

Lids and external canthi granulated.

Injected eyes.

Eyes slightly inflamed, staring, dull, unsteady, half open or one closed.


Inflammation of conjunctiva with much lachrymation.

Red, inflamed eyes, engorged ciliary vessels.

Eyes somewhat reddened, aching with suppuration of lids.


Gonorrheal ophthalmia.

Ophthalmia rheumatica or arthritica.

Hearing and Ears
Roaring in ears.

Fluttering before left ear, as from a large bird; at same time, warmth of ear.

Twitching, tearing in right concha; evening on lying down; disappears in bed.

Smell and Nose
Uncontrollable epistaxis with spongy gums, as in scurvy.

Nose dry. Rheumatism.

Sneezing, fluent coryza and chilliness, with loss of taste and smell, and a feeble voice.

Stoppage of nose, alternating with fluent coryza.

Nosebleed, followed by fluent coryza, with sneezing.

Stupefying tension over root of nose, as from a band.

Well-marked motion of alae nasi with a child. Pertussis.

Nostrils widely dilated.

Nose pointed.

Nostrils dark, sooty and dilated.

Nostrils black, smoky, inflated and moving rapidly, like wings. Pneumonia.

Upper Face
Face animated, tongue red, moderate thirst, region of stomach sore, headache.

Face expresses greatest anxiety. Acute oedema of lungs.

Anxious look. Bronchial croup.

Despairing anxiety depicted on face. Pneumonia.

Suffering face, livid red. Pneumonia.

Remarkable distortion of countenance with spasms.

Convulsive twitches in almost every muscle of face. With cough.

Tearing pain in whole side of face, even head and neck of that side.

Rheumatic toothache.

Burning heat of face.

Face very much flushed. Catarrhal croup.

Congested face, with difficult breathing.

Face dark red or purple. Puerperal convulsions.

Face red, puffed. Bronchial croup.

Face red, bloated, anxious. Pneumonia.

Despairing, anxious look, face cool, pale and earthy; nostrils dark, sooty and dilated. Pneumonia.

Face pale, bluish; anxious.

Pallor. Bronchial catarrh.

Pale, sunken face. Diarrhoea. Cholera.

Face pale, circumscribed redness on cheeks. Catarrh.

Face cool, pale earthy, bluish around nose.


Face as pale as a corpse, with bluish spots, distorted and cold. Cholera.

Face pale, nose pointed, eyes sunken with blue margins; lips livid.

Asphyxia. Child after birth.

Cold and livid countenance, bathed in cold sweat.

Sweat on forehead: with nausea; with cough; with heat.

Maculae in face.

Pustules on face; sometimes they leave ugly blue-red scars.

If ulcers last awhile on limbs, ulcers also appear on face.


Lower Face
Mouth closed spasmodically.

When gaping he cannot open the mouth fully.


Mouth remained open after gaping, he could not shut it for a while.


Mouth open, parched, upper lip drawn up.


Lips: dry, scurfy; chapped, nights; pale, livid; blue; swell much and quickly, and have excoriations on many places; erythematous eruption; covered with little blisters; (after intermittent); itching vesicles.

Eruption around mouth, of rheumatic origin.


Aphthae around mouth. Influenza.

Burning, as from hot coal, on right side of chin.

Teeth and Gums
Teeth chatter with inward trembling.

Tearing in roots of teeth after eating (l. side posteriorly).

Violent toothache in morning.

Rheumatic toothache of intermitting type.

Gums: bleed as if scorbutic; red; spongy, with nosebleed; scurvy.

Teeth covered with mucus.

During dentition catarrhal hyperaemia.

Taste and Tongue
Taste: flat; salty; sour; bitter; as from rotten eggs.

Food seems tasteless; tobacco has no taste.

Sour taste of sputa.

A very unpleasant taste in mouth.

Mouth slightly bitter. Pregnancy.

Flat or bitter taste. Influenza.

Taste bitter, with a slimy, furred tongue.

Bitter taste in mouth, especially all night.


Speechlessness; speech difficult, tongue swollen.

Difficult, even painful, to move tongue.

Tongue: very thinly white, with reddened papillae, red edges; very red, dry in middle; red, in streaks; dry and red; cold, pale, covered with a thin, white, slimy fur (cholera); coated, bitter taste and nausea; slimy, furred; covered with a thick, white, pasty coat; furred, yellowish-brown, dry; covered with a flocculent, tough coat; covered with a false membrane.

Tongue has a thick white fur. Rheumatism.

Thick, white or bilious fur on tongue, with retching of phlegm, nausea and vomiting. Influenza.

Tongue, brown, dry. Pneumonia.

Imprints of teeth on border of tongue.

Small round ulcers with lard like borders, on tongue.

Inner Mouth
Much heat in mouth with eruption; t.

Mucous membrane of cavity of mouth and pharynx covered with a soft, grey, false membrane not continuous.

Tongue moist and yellow in middle.

Mouth so sore can scarcely swallow, morning after rising.

Small, circular patches, like smallpox pustules, in and upon mouth and tongue.


Blisters and pustular eruptions on mucous membrane of whole cavity of mouth.

Salvation. During pregnancy.

Mouth and lips swollen and excoriated as from salivation with mercury.

Ptyalism with buccal eruptions; t.

Copious salivation with nausea.

Copious salivation, spits all the time.

Spits much after recovering from his faint; t.

A membranous exudation peels off in pieces.

Sensation of soreness of posterior part of palate when not swallowing.

Soft palate and upper part of pharynx very red and full of little blisters, and so much swollen that he could not swallow anything, even some fluid; it interferes with breathing.

Soft palate and throat deep red, covered with small vesicles; surrounding parts swollen and coated with mucus.

Lips, tongue, hard and soft palate covered with a score of vesicles or pustules, of a yellowish white color, flattened, depressed in the center and filled with a purulent liquid, of a milk white color; t.

Back of pharynx covered with mucus.

Mouth, tongue and pharynx covered with a soft, pale, disconnected false membrane; mucous membrane beneath reddened, or covered with grey, sometimes transparent, flakes.

Fauces covered with pustules, which spread over body and limbs on two days following.

Burning in fauces.

Rapid swelling of tonsils and cervical glands.

Acute angina.

Saltish rising in throat.

Much mucus in throat with short breathing.

Roughness in throat, with sensation as if a small leaf obstructed windpipe on hawking.

Throat full of phlegm, with cough.

Heat and constriction in throat.

In throat, mouth and tongue a sensation of tension, with some pain and a well- marked metallic taste.

Esophagus dry.

Erythematous sore throat: t.

Mucous membrane of digestive tube, from mouth to cardia, shows traces of pustular or pseudo-membranous inflammation; t.

Phlegmasia of a portion of intestinal canal with false membrane, completely tubular, obstructing oesophagus; t.

Intercurrent pseudo-membranous sore throat.

All along mucous membrane of alimentary canal innumerable small conical pustules filled with serum; membrane pale; t.

Difficulty in swallowing.

Violent irritation in throat with difficult swallowing.

Swelling of tonsils and highly reddened pharynx.

Throat so swollen and mucus coated, he was unable to swallow even liquids, and his breathing was obstructed.

Dysphagia. Meningitis.

Appetite, Thirst, Desires, Aversions
Good appetite with flat taste, and somewhat dry mouth.

Canine hunger on walking in open air.

Appetite diminished.

Less appetite in apyrexia. Tertian intermittent.

Loss of appetite, anorexia.

Loss of appetite, without much thirst. Influenza.

Weariness, with no appetite; in apyrexia. Tertian.

Disgust for food during pregnancy.

Disgust for food, frequent nausea and relief by vomiting. Gastric derangement.

No appetite at noon.

Little thirst, no appetite. Rheumatism.

Not much appetite, no thirst. Pregnancy.

No appetite, great thirst. Rheumatism. Pneumonia.

Very little thirst. Acute catarrh.

Thirstlessness. Diarrhoea. Bronchial catarrh.

Great thirst.

Eager desire for water with vomiting smallest quantity.

Greedy desire for water. Summer complaint.

Irresistible thirst for cold water. Catarrhal diarrhoea.

Much thirst; drinks little and often.

Thirst with burning sensation in fauces, stomach and abdomen.

Thirst after stool.

Desire for acids, for fruits, or for any cold drink.


Extraordinary appetite for apples, and thirst for cold water.

Aversion to milk. Diarrhoea.

Aversion and disgust for milk and every other kind of nourishment; child age 3 months. Summer complaint.

Great disgust for whiskey.

No desire for tobacco.

Eating and Drinking
Food relieves somewhat pressure in abdomen.

After eating: cough with vomiting of food and of mucus; sleeps; uncomfortable feeling; toothache; squeamishness; pressure in stomach; backache.

Relishes food, but often attacked with loathing after eating.

Worse after warm drinks, especially milk. Whooping cough.

After drinking: cough.

All food is immediately vomited up.

After eating he vomits ingesta, but without relief.


Eating sour food or drinking tart wine brings on attack.


After every drink, nausea and pressure in pit of stomach.


Febrile motion after every meal, with pungent heat in face.


Hiccough, belching, Nausea and Vomiting
Violent hiccough without vomiting.

Frequent retching with eructations tasting of food, bitter or acid.

Belching, which relieves. During pregnancy.

Eructations tasting like rotten eggs, with sensation as if stomach had been overloaded, at night.

Foul eructations. Pneumonia.

Rising of saltish water in throat.

Loathing: with desire for cooling things; after eating.

Qualmishness in stomach after dinner.

Nausea with anxiety.

Nausea causes great anxiety. Diarrhoea.

Continuous anxious nausea, straining to vomit, with sweat on forehead.


Nausea with restlessness and great anxiety.


Nausea with faintness. Pregnancy.

Nausea with bitter taste.

After nausea, stomach feels empty.

Nausea, often disgust, with an apparent full stomach, with vertigo and dull head.

Nausea during loose stools.

Nausea, sweat, weariness and apathy continue till late in night.

Long-continued tormenting nausea. Yellow fever.

Nausea and incessant vomiting all night.

Nausea, vomiting and want of appetite.


In morning, nausea and vomiting of slime, followed by sweat.

Nausea with frequent vomiting of bitter-sour substances.


Violent retching, nausea and vanishing of senses.

Cold and hot flushes, finally vomiting of slime, followed by a mushy substance and bilious fluid, with very great exertion of chest and abdomen, and breaking out of anxious sweat.

Nausea and vomiting of phlegm, with increase of pulse from 62 to 75 beats, which frequently continues into night.

Nausea and vomiting with constipation. Pneumonia of drunkards. Remittent fever.

After nursing at breast, nausea and vomiting lumps of milk.

Copious vomiting. Cholera.

Vomits at every motion.

Vomits even smallest quantity of drink, with eager desire of water. Summer complaint.

Vomiting immediately after taking a cup of broth.

Vomits food and drink, even before attack. Pertussis.

All food immediately ejected from stomach.

Violent retching and vomiting food with cough.

Vomits with great effort. Diarrhoea.

Vomiting slime with great exertion.

Vomits mucus; with mucous diarrhoea.

Vomiturition with diarrhoea, great masses of phlegm brought up. Pertussis.

Vomiting of large quantities of mucus. Pregnancy.

Vomits tenacious mucus. Diphtheria.

Vomiting of slime and bile; of tough, watery mucus, then pasty food, then fluid, mixed with bile; of bilious masses with great violence; of bitter, mushy and fluid matter of a bad odor, and acid reaction; matter tinged with blood; bloody foaming fluid.

Gastric and bilious vomiting with bitter taste in mouth, vomiting bitter- sour.

Violent painful vomiting of much mucus and bile, with some blood next day.

Vomiting bloody mucus. Pneumonia in children.

Haemoptysis. Delirium tremens.

Vomiting in any position, except lying on right side; with headache and trembling of hands.

During efforts of vomiting, head hot and sweaty.


Vomiting until he faints away.

Vomiting and fainting. Meningitis.

Pressure on stomach causes vomiting.

Vomiting with pain in belly and purging.

Vomiting and diarrhoea in August, with a child, age three months.

Vomiting is followed by great languor, drowsiness, loathing, desire for cooling things. Diarrhoea.

In morning vomiting and cramps in arms and legs, after diarrhoea all night.


Retching, then vomiting, followed by great prostration, chilliness and sleepiness.

Vomiting returning after sleep.

Scorbiculum and Stomach
Pressure in pit of stomach, dullness of head, and anxious difficult breathing.

Tingling and pinching in pit of stomach, with violent, sudden beats of heart.


Violent tickling in pit of stomach (and trachea), irritating to cough.

Beating and throbbing, particularly in pit of stomach or abdomen, with great concern about future.

Pit of stomach sensitive, with meteorism, nausea and vomiting. Pneumonia of drunkards.

Coldness in pit of stomach with fainting.

No pain in pit of stomach or abdomen. Cholera.

Sensation of emptiness in stomach. Influenza.

Stomach feels empty after nausea.

Pressing in stomach with belching; diminished appetite.

Pressure in stomach after eating.

Violent pains in region of stomach, constantly increasing until they cause fainting.

Cramps in stomach.

Unpleasant feeling of warmth in region of stomach, followed by violent pain in forehead and in back part of throat; t.

Unpleasant feeling of warmth in region of stomach, gradually increasing until it is a painful burning, and causes great restlessness.

Burning heat in region of stomach.

Stomach very sensitive, no appetite.

Irritation in stomach with nausea.

Sensation as if stomach had been overloaded; eructations frequent, like foul eggs; sleep restless.

Violent pains at the epigastrium, which was tense; t.

Burning heat and pain in epigastric region.

Burning under sternum.

Retraction of epigastrium with cough.

Great precordial anxiety with vomiting of mucus and bile.

Pressure in hypochondria with distension, most in region of liver.


Region of liver sensitive to touch.

Gastric and hypochondriac regions sensitive and distended.


Icterus with pneumonia, especially of right lung.


Upper part of abdomen tense and painful.

Shocks and jerks proceeding from abdomen when asleep.

Violent colic as if bowels would be cut to pieces; agg.

sitting bent forward.

Violent bellyache after vomiting.

Sharp cutting colic before stool. Diarrhoea.

Violent pain in abdomen with vomiting and purging.

Colic, during loose stools.

Colic around umbilicus, amel. after stool.

With colic: pain going down thighs.

Cutting in bowels with purging.

Abdominal pains increasing and very frequent discharges from bowels of watery matter.

Most violent pain in abdomen, sacral and coccygeal region and in loins.

Chronic metritis.

Burning in abdomen.

Beating and pulsation in abdomen.

Engorgement of abdominal viscera.

Abdomen feels as if stuffed full of stones; though he has eaten nothing, and it does not feel hard.

Shifting of flatulence, with rumbling in bowels and diarrhoea.

Rumbling in bowels, painless.

After much rumbling in intestines a second discharge from bowels.

Meteorism and diarrhoea.

Abdomen tympanitic and very sensitive to pressure. Acute catarrh.

Pressure and aching in hypogastrium, with cold shivers.

Much enlargement at sides near hips.

Painful sensation in hypogastrium, causing highest degree of mental restlessness and aversion to all work; towards evening hopeless mood, with chilliness and great sleepiness.

Violent burning soreness in right groin.

Violent cutting and labor like tearing from above down- ward across groins, through thighs down to knees.

Pain in groins and cold creeps before menses.


Violent pain at epigastrium and through whole abdomen, with constant spasmodic contractions of abdominal muscles.

Abdominal breathing.

Sensitiveness of external abdomen, with pinching and tension inwardly.

Sensitive abdomen with mushy stools.


Stool and Rectum
Stitches in rectum.

Sudden violent stitch from hypogastrium down through rectum.

Burning at anus, after loose stool.

Desire for stool ineffectual, though bowels seem full and pressing.

Tension in perineum.

Unsuccessful urging to stool with apparent full abdomen.

Tenesmus during and after loose stools.

Stool, after much rumbling in intestines.

Violent shifting of flatulence without distension of abdomen, before stool.


At first cutting pains in limbs, then purging.

Relief of pains after loose stools.

Copious alvine evacuations.

Soft, semi-fluid stool, with much discharge of urine, forenoon and evening.

Frequent, profuse, loose stools.

Mucous diarrhoea with colic and restlessness.

Small, slimy, diarrhoeic stools. Pneumonia.

At times pituitous, not copious diarrhoea. Influenza.

Diarrhoea slimy and of appearance of yeast, with a marked cadaverous smell.

Watery, mucous, bloody diarrhoea.

Watery, slimy stools, with noise in bowels and urging, and now and then some nausea.

Watery, sometimes slimy and greenish diarrhoea, increased each time after taking breast.

Stools as green as grass, slimy. Summer complaint.

Diarrhoea with grass-green, slimy stools and collapse.

Evening, a few watery stools, thirty or forty during night.


Vomiting with rice-water discharges. Cholera.

Violent vomiting and purging.

Cholera when vomiting is copious and there is coldness, and threadlike or trembling pulse.

Constant involuntary stools; profuse, copious diarrhoea.

Involuntary discharge, with much phlegm and dead ascarides.

Involuntary stools. Meningitis.

Stools: yellowish-brown; thin, bilious, mucous; liquid greenish, with heat at anus; slimy, appearing like yeast and of cadaverous smell; light brownish-yellow, fecal.

Diarrhoea with flatulency.

Colliquative diarrhoea, with meteorism.

Purging with colic.

Thin fluid stools, with very acute drawing pain in bowels, constant sickness and nausea, uncomfortable feeling, now chill, now heat, and after frequent drinking of sugar water frequent emission of pale urine.

Diarrhoea in pneumonia, smallpox and other eruptive diseases, especially if eruption is suppressed.

Diarrhoea of drunkards.

Stool seldom, somewhat hard, with tenesmus. Rheumatism.

Costiveness for several days. Acute catarrh.

Constipation with nausea and vomiting. Pregnancy.

No stool. Pneumonia.

After stool: tenesmus, thirst; burning at anus; colic less.

Urinary Organs
Sharp stitches in region of kidneys on moving arms.

Stricture of urethra.

Burning from rectum through urethra.

Spasm of bladder, urine scanty and red. Pneumonia.

Painful urging, with scanty, dark red, frequently at last bloody urine; violent pains in bladder.

More frequent urination.

Urine albuminous.

Urine dark brownish-red, turbid, of strong odor; or becomes cloudy and deposits a violet colored earthy sediment.

Urine acid.

Urine profuse; also at night.

Urine deposits bloody, red filaments on standing.

Highly reddened urine. Pneumonia.

Urine at first clear, then it deposits a flour like sediment.

Urine scanty, dark, with a brick dust sediment.


Violent tension in perineum, especially on walking, with strong inclination to urinate.

Violent and painful urging to urinate, with scanty or bloody discharge. Diarrhoea.

Urinary discharge interrupted during whole time; only in evening, on third day, scanty dark urine. Catarrhal croup.

Male Sexual Organs
Excitation of sexual system.

Pain in testicles; after checked gonorrhea. Orchitis.

Secondary orchitis.

Warts behind glans penis, with ulcers elsewhere.


Pustules on genitals and thighs.


Female Sexual Organs
Sensation as if a heavy weight was tugging at coccyx. Chronic metritis.

Severe bearing down in vagina. Diarrhoea.

Menses too early, weak, and only for two days.

Before menses, pains in groins and cold creepings.


Leucorrhoea of watery blood, agg. when sitting; comes in paroxysms.

Pustules on external genitals.

Violent itching of pudenda. Diarrhoea.

Itching in vulva.

Pregnancy, Parturition, Lactation
Gastric derangements; vomiting of mucus; belching; disgust for food; salivation; nausea with faintness; amblyopia after colic or strong emotions.

Puerperal-like convulsions containing after birth of foetus; breathing short, difficult; oppression of chest; loose rattling cough, no sputa; suffocative fits; face dark purple; great jactitation of muscles.

Child at birth pale, breathless, gasping, although cord still pulsates.

Asphyxia neonatorum.


Voice and Larynx, Trachea and Bronchia
Voice weak and changed, in evening.

Feeble voice, burning under sternum, cough and sneezing.

Voice weak, soundless; indescribable anxiety and oppression on chest, with moaning and groaning.

He cannot speak a loud word. Bronchial croup.

Unable to speak a word. Acute oedema of lungs.

Groaning and moaning with a weak, hollow, soundless voice. Cholera.

Speech short, interrupted. Pneumonia.

Great hoarseness even when cough is slight.

Creeping in larynx excites cough.

Child grasps at its larynx with cough.

Painfulness of larynx to touch; sawing respiration. Croup.

Rattling of mucus when coughing or breathing.

Rattling originates in upper bronchi and can be heard at a great distance. Bronchial catarrh.

Great rattling in larynx extending down to trachea, neither cough nor vomiting brought up phlegm. Tracheal stertor, bronchial rhonchi.

Much rattling of mucus in trachea; cannot get it up.

Sensation as of a leaf obstructing windpipe. Chronic bronchial catarrh.

Bronchiectasis and senile catarrh.

Croup with inability to swallow.

Catarrhal (not membranaceous) croup; croup of adults.

Obviates paralysis in croup.

Breathing short. Quick breathing.

Breathing quick, short, trembling, as it were. Pneumonia.

Breathing frequent. Bronchial croup.

Breathing short, frequent. Acute catarrh. Pertussis.

Children breathe more quickly when lying down than when carried about in an upright position.

Much phlegm in throat and short breathing.

Breathing short and difficult. Puerperal convulsions.

Shortness of breath from suppressed expectoration, especially if drowsy.

Slow respiration. Meningitis.

Respiration short and labored without stertor.

Breathing carried on only by aid of abdominal muscles.

Attacks of unequal breathing.

During sleep, frequent attacks of unequal, intermittent breathing.

The unequal breathing, now shorter, then longer, is much more frequent in lying down, amel. when child is carried upright. Bronchial catarrh.

Breath panting, more depending on abdominal muscles than on chest; right half of chest immovable.


Fullness and oppression in bronchia.

Difficult, anxious breathing.

Inspirations gasping; Expirations long and slow.

Gasping inhalation. Asthma.

Gasps for air at beginning of every coughing spell.

Gasping. Child after birth.

Breathing with a moaning sound, and raising shoulders.

Catarrhal croup.

Child expels air with a kind of bellowing. Pneumonia.

Air expelled with a crowing, almost barking sound.

The noise of breathing became more sharp and rough, a continued whistling and purring could be heard in chest. Bronchial catarrh.

Sawing respiration. Bronchial croup.

Breathing from fifth to seventh rib (r. side behind) indistinct, but bronchial rattling. Pneumonia.

Such rattling that it threatens to suffocate child.


Respiration with great rattling of mucus.

Breathing impeded on account of a swelling of upper part of throat and accumulation of tough mucus in that region; with it fever and delirium.

Breathing obstructed.

Difficulty of breathing, rattling, etc., in convulsions.

Great difficulty in breathing, shoulders raised, eyes turned upward, face congested.

Child cannot nurse, but ends each attempt with crying.

Bronchopneumonia, etc.

Great difficulty in breathing. Convulsions.

Bronchial catarrh. Pneumonia.

Oppression of breathing, relieved by expectoration.


He has been asthmatic ever since the proving.

Anxious asthma and feeling of fullness and contraction of chest.


Every night suffocating attacks. Asthma.

If the attack of difficult breathing is very violent at night, all next day breathing is impeded.


Must be supported in a sitting posture in bed.


Dyspnoea: in croup; nostrils widely dilated, thorax elevated, much rattling; with heat in chest; when awakening.

Not much pain in chest, but much dyspnoea.


Extreme want of breath. Pneumonia.

Danger of suffocation with rattling of phlegm, always comes on suddenly.


Great orthopnoea. Acute oedema of lungs. Dilatation of heart.

Suffocated and oppressed about 3 A.M., must sit up to get air; after cough and expectoration she became amel..

Suffocation with cough.

Suffocative attacks with heat about heart.

Spells of suffocation. Pneumonia. Puerperal convulsions.

Spells of choking, in evening, in bed; with constriction.


Child is breathless after birth.

Asphyxia: from mechanical causes, as apparent death from drowning; from pneumonia, capillary bronchitis, atelectasis; from accumulation of mucus which cannot be expectorated; neonatorum; from emphysema, acute oedema pulmonum with hydrothorax; with impending paralysis of lungs; accompanied by drowsiness or coma ; pale or dark red face; blue lips; delirium, muscular twitchings; threadlike pulse.

Relieves the “death-rattle.”

Frequent little cough, without expectoration. Pneumonia.

Cough day and night, returning at short intervals, no sputa. Acute catarrh.

Whooping cough.

Whooping cough: preceded by the child crying, after eating or drinking, or when getting warm in bed; after attack, somnolency.

Cough with the peculiar sound of whooping cough.

Cough in attacks, with a hissing hoarseness, raises hand to larynx, which is sensitive to touch. Catarrhal croup.

Short cough with a shrill sound. Bronchial catarrh.

Tormented from time to time by painful coughs of a shrieking sound. Catarrh of a child.

Cough compels patient to sit up, is moist and rattling, but without expectoration. Bronchial catarrh.

When child coughs there appears to be a large collection of mucus in bronchial tubes, and it seems as if much would be expectorated, but nothing comes up.

Rattling cough, sounding as if it were moist, without really being so.

Great rattling, but little expectorations. Pertussis.

Loose rattling cough, no sputa. Puerperal convulsions.

Cough, with dentition of children, in which the rales are so loud that they can be heard at a distance; disappearing as soon as children finish their bout of coughing.

Between the coughs faint or loud cries for help.

Catarrhal croup.

Cough, accompanied by crying out; dizziness; trembling of head; drowsiness; cold sweat on head and hands.

Pale face; retraction of epigastrium; retching and vomiting of food.

Violent cough after each meal, ending with vomiting of food. Bronchial catarrh.

Cough hollow, excites vomiting, accompanied by great pain.


Tickling cough, with violent eructations and retching, even vomiting of watery, tough slime; with it a running coryza.

Uninterrupted cough, with frequent vomiting of bloody, frothy, thin fluid masses. Acute oedema of lungs.

Great hoarseness, even when cough is slight.

Gasping for breath at commencement of cough.

Cough with suffocating attacks.

Distracting cough day and night, with short breath and rattling in chest.

Catarrh of a child.

Child springs up, clings to those around; calls for help in a hoarse voice, or bends backward and grasps at its larynx.

Cough with rattling of large bubbles and purring in chest.

Every cough causes unbearable pains in sides of chest or in abdomen.


Every attempt to cough increases the torture. Pneumonia.

Pain in chest when coughing. Intermittent.

Cough seroalbuminous kind. Influenza.

Profuse mucus with feeble expulsive power. Bronchitis of infants and old people.

Profuse mucous sputa, easily expectorated.

Nightly cough, with expectoration of mucus.

Expectoration not constant; in morning and during day.

Difficult expectoration, continual shooting pain in left side of chest.

Pleuritis rheumatica.

Expectoration: thick; bloody sputa; of tough mucus.

Sputa thick and yellow. Bronchial catarrh.

Expectoration tough, foamy, mixed with blood. Pneumonia.

Frequent cough, with frothy, sanguineous sputa.

Blood spitting when after attack there remains for a long time a bloody, slimy expectoration.

Scraping cough, with a great deal of pus like expectoration; after shaking chills, copious sweating, with chilliness at every motion.

Expectoration of a sour or salty taste.

Cough excited by creeping in larynx or trachea.

Gasps for air in beginning of a coughing spell.

Irritation to cough with tenacious phlegm from bronchia.

After cough lasts a while, it gets loose and relieves contraction of chest.


After suffocative fits at night cough with increase of asthma.

Cough grows less frequent, patient shows signs of “carbonized blood.” Cough amel.: sitting upright; carrying child in an upright position; from expectoration.

Cough agg. after midnight; after eating; after getting angry; sleeping in damp cellars; getting warm in bed.

At 11 P.M. sudden violent cough. Acute oedema of lungs.

Cough agg. every morning. Bronchial catarrh.

Inner Chest and Lungs
Full feeling of chest.

Crushing weight on chest. Variola.

Constriction of chest.

Oppression amel. after cough.

Great oppression on chest. Puerperal convulsions.

Oppression before eruption appears. Smallpox.

Velvety feeling in chest. Heart disease.

Anxious, with oppression of chest and warm rising from heart.

Heat in chest with dyspnoea.

Pain dull, pressing and burning extending to sternum.


Burning in chest extending towards throat.

Stitches in left chest, oppressed breathing in evening.

Shooting in chest. Influenza.

Violent pains from chest to shoulder, lancinating and tearing. Pleuritis rheumatica.

During five hours had at least six pounds of fluid evacuated, and still both lungs seemed filled with a fluid secretion. Acute pulmonary oedema.

Motion of chest very quick but heavy, like under a heavy load, with suffocative anxiety and stertorous rattling of phlegm.


Slight motion of chest; principally abdominal breathing.


Rattling in chest.

Mucous and subcrepitant rales and dull percussion over summit of right lung.

Rattling of large bubbles with purring in chest. With cough.

Constant rattling, can be heard at a distance, mostly on right side. Acute catarrh.

Rattling of phlegm in bronchia very audible, with increased irritation to cough. Bronchial catarrh.

Rattling of phlegm on chest, amel. when carried in an upright position, agg.

lying down; with oppression.

Bronchial catarrh. Croup.

After pneumonia rattling continuing, with much cough and copious, white, frothy expectoration.


Rales heard over hepatized parts; too weak to expectorate.

On upper right side and whole left side, numerous fine rales. Pneumonia.

Oedema of lungs.

Inflammation of respiratory mucous membrane.

Grippe; acute pneumonia; bronchopneumonia ; pleuro- pneumonia.

Sputa blood-streaked, rust-colored, adhering like glue to vessel. Pleuro- pneumonia.

Gastric or bilious pneumonia.

Rheumatic affections of pleura or peritoneum. Pneumonia.

Strong bronchial breathing in front, right side, above and behind; crepitation in left lung; expiratory murmur. Pneumonia.

Coarse and fine rales; very weak vesicular breathing.

Edema of lungs.

Complete hepatization. Pneumonia.

In front, right side, a dull, empty percussion sound.


Percussion sound tympanitic. Edema of lungs.

Percussion behind and below, right side, up to third rib, empty tympanitic.


Atelectasis, with symptoms of asphyxia belonging to remedy; with edema of unhepatized portions of lungs; breathing labored, orthopnoea; mucous rales.


Edema of lungs.

Frequent vomiting of a bloody, foamy fluid.



Tuberculosis (palliative).

Impending paralysis of lungs. Typhus pneumonia.

Heart Pulse and Circulation
Heat about heart and warmth rising up from it.

So warm about heart that she must let arms sink down, with great general weakness. Dilatation of heart.

More frequent and shorter beat of heart and general increase of bodily temperature.

Violent sudden beats of heart. Pleurisy.

Beat of heart is felt in head.

Palpitation of heart, without anxiety.

Palpitation of heart with loose stools.

Pericarditis with pleuro-pneumonia.

Dilatation of heart from rheumatism, with feeling as if heart was strained; velvety feeling in chest; warmth about heart; orthopnoea; cyanosis.

Oppression of heart and small unequal pulsations.

Heart’s action feeble and intermittent.

Heart’s impulse scarcely perceptible.

Cyanosis. Dilatation of heart.

Sensation of coldness in blood vessels.

Pulse frequent. Summer complaint.

Pulse increases from 62 to 75 beats, and remains frequent until night.


Frequent and full pulse with quicker breathing.

Pulse frequent, but not quick. Bronchial croup.

Pulse frequent and strong.

Pulse very frequent and unequal. Catarrh of a child.

Somewhat irritated pulse with slight sensation of chills.

Pulse 132, small, hard. Pneumonia.

Pulse free and hard, skin warmer.

Pulse hard and quick, in old people.

Pulse 112. Pneumonia.

Pulse 120 with a child. Pneumonia.

Pulse hard, full and strong; sometimes trembling; very much accelerated by every motion; when fever abates it is often slow and imperceptible.

Pulse is sometimes accelerated, sometimes retarded, in same person.

Pulse almost ceases or is violent, reverberating in head.

Dilatation of heart.

Pulse small and contracted; t.

Pulse small. Influenza.

Pulse quick and small. Diarrhoea of a child.

Pulse small, hard, very quick, intermitting.


Pulse weak, quick and trembling. Bronchial catarrh.

Threadlike or trembling pulse. Cholera.

Small threadlike pulse. Meningitis.

Pulse small. Threadlike, 120, with very little increased temperature; girl, age 11. Acute catarrh.

Pulse confused, cannot be counted or estimated.


Pulse difficult to be felt, now quick, then slow; t.

Beats of pulse much retarded, with indifference.

No pulse could be felt on radial arteries, and on carotids only a slight vibration, a man, age 30. Cholera.

Outer Chest
Crawling as of insects above left mamma.

Neck and Back
Does not like anything to touch him; inclination to unbutton collar of his shirt.

Cramp in muscles of neck.

Pain in back as from fatigue, especially after eating and while sitting.

Stiff neck. Influenza.

Neck stretched out, head bent back. Catarrhal croup.

Backache with chill. Intermittent.

Drawing down back, heaviness in limbs; before a leprous eruption broke out.

Burning in back.

Sharp stitches in region of kidneys, on moving arms.

Violent pain in sacro-lumbar region; slightest effort to move causes retching and cold clammy sweat. Lumbago.

Pain in sacrum with sensation of lameness. Pneumonia.

Sensation as if a heavy load was hanging on end of coccyx, dragging downward all the time. Chronic metritis.

Upper Limbs
Tearing and stitching pains.

Pain, as from dislocation, in right shoulder.

Most violent pain, like dislocation in left arm, as if flesh were torn from bones, from axilla down to tips of fingers. Rheumatism.

Could not move arm unless assisted by the other.


Right arm and hand are cold to touch.

Twitching of muscles.

On moving arms sharp stitches in region of kidneys.

Rheumatic pain in left elbow.

Pain in wrists, knees and ankles.

Tremor of hands and picking of bedclothes or anything within reach.

Hands sweat and are cold.

Trembling of hands.

Hands cold and moist; or, hot and moist.

Dampness in palms of hands. Pregnancy.

Tips of fingers appear dead, dry and hard; without sensation.

Brown spots on fingers.

Fingers firmly contracted and muscles quite rigid.

Fingers are contracted, flexors bent inward. Leprosy.

Itch like eruption on wrist, which itches violently; itching disappears after scratching.

Lower Limbs
Rheumatic pains about hips, thighs and calves.

Drawing tensive pains in lower limbs.

Tearing and drawing in lower limbs.

Violent cutting, tearing across groins and down thighs; with colic.

Fatigued in lower limbs.

Numbness and coldness in legs.

Tension in hamstrings on walking; also on instep.

Spasmodic starting of muscles of legs.

Painful cramps in legs.

Cramps in legs; with lumbago.

Trembling of knees.

Painful cramps in calves.

Dropsy of left knee joint.

Pains in foot extending to other articulations.

Weariness in feet.

Feet feel as if beaten.

Feet go “to sleep” immediately after sitting down.

Numbness and coldness of feet.

Cold feet.

Veins of feet distended.

Some swelling in knuckles of right foot and stiffness of foot.

The big toes of both feet feel cold when touched.

Limbs in General
Heaviness in limbs followed by a leprous eruption.

Soreness in calves of legs and shoulder blades.

Limbs over fatigued; a sensation coming from back.


Weakness, insensibility and coldness of limbs.

Rheumatic and bruised sensation in limbs, on and shortly before rising.

Rheumatic pains with sweat, which does not relieve; pains are tearing, beating, stinging.

Right arm and hand and great toes of each foot were cold to touch.

Jerking up of limbs during sleep, with loose stools.

Tonic spasms in arms and legs, most in forearms and calves.


On tips of fingers and toes small ulcers, not very deep, little discharge and not much pain, they spread and destroy one joint after another, and one phalanx after another falls off, finally hands and feet are separated in their joints; a slight livid redness around ulcers. y Leprosy of the Society Isles.

Rest, Position and Motion
Worse resting: headache; stupor and drowsiness agg.

Sitting bent forward: colic agg.

Child bends backward: with cough.

After sitting down: feet go to sleep.

While sitting: pain in back; Leucorrhoea agg.

Sitting erect: headache amel.; cough amel.

Can only breathe when sitting up. Pleurisy.

Has to sit up, and supported he moves continually to and fro. Acute oedema of lungs.

Had to sit on a chair and lay head on table to be relieved.


Sitting posture in bed.

Lying down: earache agg..

Lying on r side: vomiting amel.

Could lie on his right side only; any change from his position was sure to induce vomiting; t.

Lying down: quick breathing.

Cannot lie on side affected. Pneumonia.

Child lies with head bent back. Pneumonia.

Lies on her back, somewhat to left, doubled up. Acute catarrh.

On walking: vertigo.

Worse on walking: tension in perineum; in hamstrings.

Walking, sitting and lying are equally unbearable. Chronic metritis.

Constant inclination to stretch.

On rising: bruised sensation.

Stooping: headache agg.; pain in occiput, as though some- thing fell forward in occiput.

Moving about: headache amel.

Moving tongue: is painful.

Moving arms: stitches in region of kidneys.

Slightest effort to move: causes retching and vomiting; trembling of hands; aggravates heat.

Pain agg. from motion. Pneumonia; stupor and drowsiness amel..

Moving limbs: tonic spasms.

Every motion accelerates pulse; chilliness.

Carried about in upright position: children amel. Croup.


Before rising: bruised sensation.

Alternations of unsteadiness and syncope.

Extreme restlessness and anxiety.

Tossing about with great restlessness. Meningitis.

Child tosses about with anxiety. Pneumonia.

Great restlessness. Bronchial catarrh.

Child throws its arms about all the time. Pneumonia.

Unusual volubility and activity.

Jactitation of muscles.

Trembling: of whole body; internal; of head and paralytic trembling of hands on every motion; of drunkards.


Convulsions with loss of consciousness.

Clonic spasms. Meningitis.

Convulsions partial or general. Meningitis.

Violent convulsions and spasms.

Convulsions from repelled or non appearing eruptions; skin pale, cold, great difficulty in breathing.

Constant spasmodic contraction of muscles, particularly of upper limbs.

Tonic spasm when moving limbs. Intermittent.

Tetanic rigidity and spasms of jaws. Tetanus.

Great weakness and lassitude. Intermittent.

Enormous weakness. Cholera. Pneumonia.

Great loss of strength, slipping down in bed.

Pneumonia. Acute catarrh.

Great prostration and sluggishness of body with bad humor.

Complete prostration from frequent vomiting.

Prostration and collapse. Summer complaint.

Great apathy, alternating with restlessness in night.


Lies comatose with half-closed eyes, when spoken to he is fully conscious.


Very much weakened and exhausted, falls in a kind of coma and can hardly be awakened, only a new coughing attack interrupts it. Pertussis.

Attacks of fainting, with coldness in pit of stomach.

Insensibility; he lies motionless; paralysis;

Frequent incomplete gaping. Bronchial croup.

Drowsiness, with loose stools. Diarrhoea of a child.

Unconquerable sleepiness.


Great sleepiness; irresistible inclination to sleep, with nearly all affections.

Somnolency after cough.

Sleepiness with sweat. Intermittent.

Sopor, especially from imperfectly oxygenized blood.

Sopor, with starting. Pneumonia. Hydrothorax.

Coma with pale, puffed face. Bronchitis.

Stupor with coma.

With muttering delirium she fell into a stupid sleep.


Deep sopor. Meningitis.

Even in a sopor appears as if suffocating.

Bronchial catarrh.

Coma. Bronchial catarrh.

Child lies in a stupid sleep, starting sometimes.


Stupor and drowsiness, evening and night, agg. in rest, amel. from motion and washing head.

Had scarcely fallen asleep when he was seized with shocks and jerks, all of which came from abdomen.

During sleep jerks through body.

Sleep at night full of dreams, in morning dull head.

Very little sleep on account of pain. Chronic metritis.

Sleeplessness. Pneumonia.

Nightly sleeplessness on account of violent pains in head and arm.


Cannot sleep till towards morning, a few hours.

Rheumatic toothache.

Restless all night with anxious tossing about; in morning pressure in forehead and occiput.

Morning awakening with a dizzy head, heaviness and feeling very uncomfortable.

Awakens with dyspnoea.

Vomiting returns after sleep.

After sleep very great weariness, but otherwise amel..

When awake, hopeless, despairing. Chill and fever.

In morning when awaking sweat all over and clear remembrance of heavy, anxious dreams.

Most attacks at night, with vomiting of slime and food.

Catarrhal pertussis.

11 P.M.: Sudden violent cough.

Worse night, loose stools.

During night much agg. Catarrhal diarrhoea.

Worse at night and sleepless. Bronchial catarrh.

At night: lips chapped; belching like rotten eggs; bitter taste, nausea and vomiting; profuse urine; cough agg.; profuse sweat; sleep full of dreams.

3 A.M.: oppression.

After midnight: cough agg.

Morning: head dizzy and dull; toothache; mouth sore; hoarseness; expectoration; pressure in forehead and occiput.

During day: expectoration; hilarity.

Towards evening: bellyache; wild gayety.

Evening: headache; earache; voice weak; choking; drowsiness; anxious, timid; oppressed breathing; biting itching over whole body.

Morning 9 o’clock: heavy rigor with shaking. Intermittent.

Considerable aggravation towards evening, continuing all night. Rheumatic toothache.

Temperature and Weather
From heat: headache agg.

In warm place: drowsiness.

In bed: earache; cough agg.

Worse from lying in bed, especially on becoming warm there.

Whooping cough.

Warm drinks agg. cough. Pertussis.

Desires cool things.

Cold air: headache amel.

Walking in open air: hunger.

Longs for open air.

Even when riding in open air he could scarcely keep awake.

Worse in damp, cold weather: whooping cough.

Worse from remaining in vaulted chambers, churches, cellars. Whooping cough.

After washing head: headache amel.; stupor and drowsiness amel.

Keeping warm lessens pain. Rheumatism.

Warmth aggravates, even getting warm in bed. Rheumatic toothache.

After taking cold: rheumatism of joints.

After taking cold in summer: diarrhoea.

After getting cold feet: asthma.

High degree of sensitiveness to every change of weather.


In spring and Fall when damp weather commences: rheumatic toothache.

Cold water lessens: rheumatic toothache.

After a change in temperature during Fall: coughs with children get agg.

Sudden fall of temperature. Meningitis.

Slight chilly feeling.

Chill predominating.

Chill spreading from within and from vertebrae over abdomen and limbs, with retching, belching and a drawing tensive pain in lower limbs.

Great debility of limbs, feeling of fullness in chest, tearing in joints, with chilly feeling.

Chill and sensation of heaviness in limbs and some trembling, cannot get warm.

Chill, with external coldness, coming on at all times of day, with somnolency; mostly with trembling and shaking; frequently as if cold water was poured over one.

Rigor with shuddering and cold skin all over, remaining longest on hands, with it headache, small contracted pulse, thirst, restless, excited mood and drowsiness.

Cold skin.

The whole body very cold. Cholera.

Insensibility and coldness of limbs, with a weak, scarcely perceptible pulse; without vomiting (child).

Skin of whole body, in spite of many covers, icy cold, covered with colliquative sweat, great thirst, pulse frequent (cannot be counted), like a thread.

Violent palpitation and great anxiety. Edema of lungs.

Cold, pulse less, speechless and apparently insensible.

Shivering over whole body, nausea, retching and cold sweat.

Violent crawls fly through body, with vertigo; t.

Crawls over whole body, cold sweat.

Nausea, retching and inclination to vomit.

Skin chilly, with very copious sweats, which do not relieve. Influenza.

Chill and heat alternating during day.

Chilliness as if water was poured over him, with gooseflesh, gaping, want of thirst; drowsiness, following heat with dullness in head.


Chill lasting 45 minutes followed by vomiting, headache, heat and thirst; after drinking, retching. Intermittent.

Violent but not long-lasting heat succeeding a long chill, aggravated by every motion.

Long-lasting heat, after a short chill, with somnolency and sweat on forehead.

Temperature increased. Pneumonia. Rheumatism.

General warmth over whole body.

Heat about heart.

Skin dry and warm.

Violent fever in delirium.

Sudden flushes over face.

Heat, does not want to nurse, and is costive. Catarrh of a child.

Feverish heat, body hot and dry. Rheumatism.

Thirst not constant during hot stage, but marked between heat and sweat.

Skin burning hot, only somewhat moist in scrobiculum and upon chest.


Heat long and great, with much sweat, intense thirst and delirium. Tertian intermittent.

Hot and sweaty head.

Copious sweat.

Profuse sweat all over, also at night. Intermittent.

Profuse night sweats.

Pains and night sweat make restless and sleepless.


The sweat follows long after, in afternoon during sleep.


The affected parts sweat most profusely.

Skin covered with a running, sticky sweat. Bronchial catarrh.

Worse while sweating; but rather amel. after sweat.

Fever, copious sweats, which do not relieve pains.


Sweat is frequently cold and clammy.

Skin on head and limbs cold and viscous; t.

Forehead covered with sweat, hands sweat and are cold; t.

Cold sweat and retarded pulse; t.

Gastric rheumatic character of intermittent.

Bilious fever and profuse hemoptysis.

Remitting type of fever; nausea and vomiting, drowsiness; red, itching rash over body; mostly with children.

Soporous intermittent.

Attacks and Periodicity
Wavelike increase and decrease of pain in forehead.

Paroxysms return at regular intervals, and there is comparative freedom between attacks.

At short intervals: cough.

Every morning: cough agg.

Every night: suffocating attacks.

Attacks antepone several hours. Tertian.

Two days only: menses.

Every two months an attacks lasting two weeks. Bronchial catarrh.

Every afternoon some chills followed by great heat, with thirst and sweat, heat lasted all night.


Locality and Direction
Rheumatic pains first in right hand, then through both legs from above downward, especially in knees.

Right: temple, headache; tearing in ear; burning of chin; lying on right side, vomiting amel.; soreness in groin; rattling in lung agg.; upper side fine rales; lung inflamed; shoulder as if dislocated; arm and hand and great toe cold; half of chest immovable; swelling of knuckles of foot.

Left: parietal bone, headache; fluttering before ear; toothache; mamma, crawling; pain in elbow; pain in side of chest; stitches in chest; whole side fine rales; dropsy of knee joint.

Down into left eye: headache.

Extending down to zygoma and upper jaw: headache.

From above downward: bellyache.

Downward: to rectum.

From chest towards throat: burning.

Extending forward: headache.

Insensibility, sensation of numbness (not want of irritability).

As if brain was in one lump; as if brain was pressed together; as of band compressing forehead; as if something fell forward in occiput when stooping; as if abdomen was stuffed full of stones; as if bowels would be cut to pieces; as if a small leaf obstructed windpipe; as of weight tugging at coccyx; as if flesh was torn from bones of left arm; feet as if beaten; as if he ought to sleep, as if head was paralyzed; eyeballs as if bruised, as if lids would close; fluttering before ear as from a large bird; burning as from hot coal on right side of chin; gums bleed as if scorbutic; taste as from rotten eggs; as if stomach had been overloaded; cough sounds as if it was moist; crawling as if insects above left mamma; in a sopor, appears as if suffocating; as if water was poured over him.

Pain in forehead like waves increasing and decreasing.

Pain: violent, in forehead; in teeth; in stomach; at epigastrium; in abdomen; in groins; in bladder; in testicles; in back, as from fatigue; in sacro-lumbar region; in wrists, knees and ankles; in foot; in joints.

Violent pain: in forehead; in stomach; in epigastrium; in abdomen; sacral and coccygeal region; in loins; in epigastrium; in sacro-lumbar region; in head and arms.

Stitches: in left parietal bone; from forehead into left eye; in left chest; in rectum; in region of kidneys; in upper limbs.

Pinching: in pit of stomach.

Lancinating: from chest to shoulder.

Shooting: in chest; in brain; in inner canthi.

Stitching pain: in upper limbs.

Cutting: in bowels; through groins and thigh to knee; in limbs.

Boring: in brain.

Tearing pain: deep in brain; in head; in eyes; in right concha; in side of face, head and neck; in roots of teeth; in all limbs; in belly.

Beating: in stomach; through whole body; belly and pit of stomach.

Burning: in eyes and canthi; heat of face; as from hot coal on right side of chin; in fauces; in chest, to throat; in stomach; under sternum; in abdomen; at anus; from rectum through urethra; in back.

Smarting: in eyes and canthi.

Violent burning soreness: in right groin.

Violent cutting and labor like tearing from above downward, across groins through thighs down to knees.

Soreness: on posterior palate; in calves and shoulder blades.

Painful drawing: in right temple to zygoma and upper jaw.

Bearing down: in vagina.

Pressing pain: in forehead; in vertex; in stomach; in hypochondria; in hypogastrium.

Heavy pain: in forehead.

Drawing: in right temple to zygoma; in bowels; in back; in lower limbs; in belly.

Constriction: in throat; of chest.

Cramp: in stomach; in muscles of neck; in legs; in arms; in calves.

Aching: in lids; in hypogastrium.

Spasmodic contraction of abdominal muscles.

Pain as from dislocation: in right shoulder; in left arm.

Tingling and pinching: in pit of stomach.

Rheumatic pains: in teeth; in chest; in left elbow; about hips, thighs and calves.

Rheumatic sensation: in limbs.

Bruised sensation: in limbs.

Tensive pain: in forehead and one side of head; stupefying over root of nose: in throat and mouth; in perineum; in lower limbs; in hamstrings.

Tension: in throat; of abdomen; in hamstrings; in instep.

Pressure: in stomach in hypochondria and liver; in hypochondrium.

Heaviness: of head; in forehead; in occiput; in limbs.

Numbness: of head; in legs; of feet; of external parts.

Throbbing: in right forehead; in pit of stomach; in abdomen.

Twitching: muscles of face; of muscles.

Roughness: in throat.

Tickling: in pit of stomach excites cough.

Sense of inner trembling: with trembling of head.

Tired feeling: in eyes.

Fluttering: before left ear.

Creeping: in larynx.

Heat: in mouth; in throat; in stomach; spreading from heart.

Unpleasant warmth: in region of stomach.

Coldness: in pit of stomach; in legs; of feet; in scrobiculum; in veins.

Itching: on whole body, in evening; of rash and pustules; eruption on wrist; of pudenda; in vulva; vesicles on lips.

Hemorrhages bright red.

Oligaemia; anaemia; chlorosis; t.

Varices with stitching pains.


Signs of poisoning of blood with carbonic acid.

Where gastric membrane was most inflamed there were two or three white spots, size of a split pea, appearing under glass as spots of commencing ulceration; t.

Inflammation of mucous membranes of stomach and intestinal canal.

Jejunum studded with a considerable number of pale, hypertrophied follicles; t.

Muscular relaxation.

Acute arthrodynia.

Dropsy of synovial membranes.

Collection of synovia in joint. Hydrarthrosis.

Pain in joints, going from one joint to another.

Joints somewhat swollen, reddened, hot; very painful at every attempt to move them. Rheumatism.

Shifting rheumatism.

Acute articular rheumatism.

Mucous membranes: catarrhal inflammation; conjunctivitis; gastritis, enteritis; laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, extending even into air-cells; cystitis.

Pustular eruption: on conjunctiva; face; mouth and fauces; oesophagus, stomach, jejunum; genitals.

Emaciation. Acute catarrh.

Granular vegetations.

Emaciation of scrofulous children.

Dropsical effusion after checked transpiration.

Nausea with coldness followed by sweat.

Skin on face and limbs cold and pale;

Touch Passive motion and Injuries
The child wants to be carried, cries if any one touches it; will not let you feel the pulse.

Touch: larynx painful.

Pains increased by every touch. Rheumatism.


Asphyxia from drowning.

Skin pale.

Skin slightly icteric. Pneumonia.

Skin shrivelled, dry. Acute catarrh.

Skin dry, wilted; cool.

Skin as if dead.

Skin dry, on chest and hands burning hot, on feet cool.


Skin hot and dry. Bronchial croup.

Biting itching on whole body in evening.

Itching in skin.

Ecthyma on face and hands, and after a scratch on hand a large flat ulcer on side of it; amel. after Rhus; rash increased.

Red itching rash over body; with fever.

Rash mixed with phlyctenae and furunculi; after vaccination.

Erythema infantum.

Itching pustules, which soon dry up.

Blisters filled with serum and erysipelatous tension of skin.

Vesicular eruption over body.

Morphia; crusta lactea; vitiligo; prurigo; scabies; obstinate pustules; pustular impetigo; desquamation of cuticle.

Variola: backache, headache; cough and crushing weight on chest before or at beginning of eruptive stage; diarrhoea, etc.; also when eruption fails.

The breast and anterior surface of upper arms, wrists, hypogastrium and inner surface of thighs were thickly covered with an eruption of bright red, small, conical, hard pimples, having an inflamed base resembling lichen, itching intolerably. This eruption began to show itself after the fifth day of taking four grains daily, and abated about third day after its discontinuance; t.

Skin gets hot, bright red; small, isolated nodules are developed, have a red halo, between them skin somewhat swollen, soon they get larger and fill with lymph, etc., very similar to smallpox.

Vesicles over whole body, filling quickly with pus, very painful, soon drying up and forming crusts.

Pustules and vesicles first on face and forearms, next on back, fill up with pus in a few days and form crusts.

Eruption of small papule and vesicles which rapidly enlarge and fill with pus, and of a dark red color at base, so as to resemble mature variolous pustules, and were very painful; in a few days they were dry and crusted over.

Eruption appeared first on inner side of forearm, then over whole back, where pustules were partly solitary, partly grouped.

If the use of Ant. tart. was continued after it had produced an eruption like smallpox, the pustules got large, full of pus, deepened in center and became confluent; with great pain, crusts were formed, leaving deep scars.

Pustular eruptions all over; pustules size of peas, some covered with brown crusts.

Pustular eruption leaves bluish-red marks on face; also similar eruption on genitals, thighs etc.; painful.

Eruption fails to appear and convulsions set in; varicella, etc.

Thick eruption like pocks, often pustular, as large as a pea.

Stages of Life and Constitution
Hydrogenoid constitutions.

Torpid, phlegmatic constitutions.

Women: suppressed lochia; chlorosis, hysteria, etc.

Woman in fifth month of pregnancy, good constitution.

Febrile motions.

When the newborn child is pale and breathless, although the cord may still pulsate.

Infancy and childhood: hydrocephalus; asthma Millari; whooping cough; capillary bronchitis, bronchopneumonia; croup; spasms; cyanosis; asphyxia, etc.

Teething children with rattling cough.

A sickly lean child, looking pale and bluish.


Constitutions worn out by vomiting, in metastasis of hydrocephalus.

A girl, age 6 months. Catarrhal cough.

A weakly girl, age 1, after fever and cough, catarrh in larynx; next day in bronchia.

Child, age 18 months, after febrile catarrh and spasms.


A boy, age 2, short build, large head, blonde, subject to catarrh. Catarrhal croup.

A boy, age 2 years. Bronchial inflammation.

Boy, age 3 years. Whooping cough.

Boy, age 10. Bronchial croup.

Girl, age 11 years. Acute catarrh.

Girl, age 18, fever, oppression on chest and prostration, three days.

Inflammation of lungs.

A man, age 27, of a weakly constitution. Asthma.

A man, age 27, weakly; oedema pulmonum. 2 grs. every hour, cured in one day.

Woman, age 40, weak and nervous. Pneumonia.

Man, age 52. Periodically returning asthma.

Often suitable for spasmodic whooping cough of adults.

Old age: orthopnoea; bronchitis; trembling; paralysis.

Man, age 30, habitual alcohol drinker, got 4 grains of Tart. emet. daily in his liquor; in 15 days he was poisoned.

For drunkards. Diarrhoea.

Similar to: Acon. (croup, spasm of larynx); Ars. (asthma; heart symptoms; gastric catarrh, etc.); Bar-c.; Bromine (croup); Camphor; Hepar; Iod.; Kali-hydr. (oedema pul., pneumonia); Lach. (dyspnoea on awaking, sensitive larynx, asthma, asphyxia, etc.); Lyc. (catarrh on chest; but spasmodic motion of alae is replaced by dilated nostrils in Ant-tart.); Verat. (both have colic, vomiting, coldness and craving for acids); Ant-tart. has more jerks, drowsiness and urging to urinate; Verat. more cold sweat and fainting.

Similar to Ip. (but has more drowsiness from defective respiration). It must supplant Ip. when lungs seem to fail, patient becomes sleepy and cough ceases or becomes less frequent.

Effects of vaccination when Thuja fails, and Sil. is not indicated.

With Phosphor., hydrocephaloid in worn-out constitutions; also similar in laryngitis, pneumonia, etc.

Follow with Sil. for dyspnoea from foreign substances in windpipe.

Puls. in gonorrheal suppression.

Terebe. in symptoms from damp cellars.

Conium cures pustules on genitals caused by Ant-tart.

Camphor., Ip., Puls., Sepia, Sulphur follow Ant-tart. well.

Ant-tart. follows well after Bar-c., Puls., Camphor and Caustic.

Antidotes to Ant-tart.: Asaf, Cinch., Cocc., Ip., Laur., Opium, Puls. and Sepia.

Ant-tart. antidotes: Sepia.

Opium in large doses is the best antidote in poisoning.

Kali-sulph. increased the symptoms.

Merc. and Ant-tart. always differ by Merc. acting only indirectly on mouth, while Ant-tart. exercises a purely local action, similar to its action on skin.

In diarrhoea similar to Verat.

Useful after Bry. and Caustic. in dyspepsia.

After Puls. did not relieve. Rheumatic toothache.

The 25th part of a grain, every half hour, in all half a grain. Cholera.

First trituration, as much as lies on the point of a knife, in two tablespoonfuls of water, a teaspoonful every hour. Summer complaints.

Rubrics: 495 Ant-t
[Complete ] [Mind]CLINGING:Children, of:Touch, with aversion to: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]DELIRIUM:Asphyxia, with: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]DELIRIUM:Expression, with pleasant, in bronchial catarrh: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]DELIRIUM:Muttering, typhomania:Sleep, in:Stupid, in pneumonia: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]DESPAIR:Fever:During:Intermittent: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]FEAR:Pregnancy, in:Paroxysms, during, lasting two or three hours: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]HOWLING:Looked at, when: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]RESTLESSNESS, NERVOUSNESS:Alternating with:Indifference:Night, in influenza: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]SHRIEKING, SCREAMING, SHOUTING:Sleep:During:Fixed eyes and trembling, with: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]UNCONSCIOUSNESS, COMA:Cough:During:Waking him: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]WHIMPERING:Touched, when: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Vertigo]ALTERNATING STATES:Sleepiness: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Head]CONSTRICTION, CONTRACTION:Bathing, washing agg.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Head]CONSTRICTION, CONTRACTION:Band or hoop sensation:Forehead:Root of nose, above: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Head]PAIN, HEADACHE:Forehead:Nausea:After: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Head]PAIN, HEADACHE:Pressing:Brain:Night: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Head]PAIN, HEADACHE:Pressing:Brain:Bathing, washing amel.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Head]TREMBLING:Cough, during: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Head]TREMBLING:Hands, and: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Face]ERUPTIONS:Pustules:Scarring, purple: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Face]HEAT:Pregnancy, in: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Face]PALE:Newborns, in: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mouth]APHTHAE:Influenza, in: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mouth]OPEN, OPENING:Wide:Remains, after yawning: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mouth]REDNESS:Tongue:Cough, in whooping: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mouth]WHITE:Milky:Tongue:Prominent papillae, red edges, with: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Stomach]NAUSEA:Alternating with:Restlessness: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Stomach]NAUSEA:Fever:During:Remittent: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Stomach]VOMITING:Food:Daytime: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Abdomen]FULLNESS:Sitting:Bent forward agg.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Abdomen]HEAVINESS AS FROM A LOAD OR WEIGHT:Stone, as from a:Sitting:Bent forward agg.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Abdomen]PAIN:Pressing:Stone, as from a:Sitting bent forward agg.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Abdomen]PAIN:Tearing:Labor, like, extending downward: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Respiration]ASTHMATIC:Sour food, after: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Respiration]ASTHMATIC:Wine, after:Herb, sour: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Respiration]DIFFICULT:Alternating with:Cough: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Respiration]DIFFICULT:Heat, during:Heart, of: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Respiration]RATTLING:Carried in upright position amel.: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Respiration]SHORT:Expectoration, suppressed, agg.: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Cough]HISSING:Hoarseness, with, raises hand to larynx, which is sensitive to touch: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Cough]RATTLING:Convulsions, puerperal, during: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Cough]SMALLPOX, VARIOLA:Before: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Cough]SUFFOCATIVE:Expectoration amel.: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Cough]WHOOPING:Milk, warm, agg.: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Chest]IMMOVABLE:Right: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Chest]INFLAMMATION:Bronchial tubes, bronchitis:Children, in:Discords between parents, from: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Chest]INFLAMMATION:Catarrhal:Coma, in: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Chest]OPPRESSION:Coughing:Amel.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Chest]PAIN:Burning, smarting:Extending to:Sternum: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Chest]PAIN:Dull:Extending to:Sternum: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Chest]PAIN:Tearing:Extending to:Shoulders: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Chest]PARALYSIS:Lungs:Parts: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Chest]PURRING NOISE:Cough, during: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Heart & Circulation]PULSE, HEARTBEAT:Hard:Old people, in: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Heart & Circulation]PULSE, HEARTBEAT:Weak:Children, in: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Heart & Circulation]WARMTH, HEART:Extending upward: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Back]HEAVINESS, WEIGHT:Tugging, tweaking, coccyx: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Back]PAIN:Coccyx, coccygodynia:Metritis, in chronic, violent: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Extremities]TENSION:Thighs:Tendons, hamstrings:Evening: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Extremities]TENSION:Thighs:Tendons, hamstrings:Walking, when: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Extremities]TREMBLING:Paralytic:Hands:Motion agg.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Perspiration]PROFUSE:Parts:Affected: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Skin]ERUPTIONS:Pustules:Bluish:Red mark, leaving a: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Skin]FORMICATION, CRAWLING:Mouse, running like a:Cold:Menses, before: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Generalities]FAINTNESS, FAINTING:Cough:Between paroxysms of: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Generalities]FOOD AND DRINKS:Apples:Desires:Water, with desire for cold: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Generalities]FORMICATION, CRAWLING:Cold:Menses, before: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Generalities]TREMBLING:Shrieking in sleep, with: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Generalities]YAWNING:Children, in:Coughing agg.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Generalities]YAWNING:Coughing:With:Children, especially of: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Clinical]ASPHYXIA, DEATH APPARENT:Suffocation, from:Foreign bodies in air passages, from: 3 1 / 1
[Kent ] [Face]TWITCHING:Coughing,when: 3 1 / 1
[Kent ] [Perspiration]PROFUSE:Affected parts,on: 3 1 / 1
[Kent ] [Generalities]CONVULSIONS:Small-pox fails to break out,when: 3 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Mind]CLINGING, BEHAVIOR :Grasps, at others :Bystanders : 3 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Children]CLINGING, CHILD, AWAKENS TERRIFIED, KNOWS NO ONE, SCREAMS, CLINGS TO THOSE NEAR :Grasps, at others :Bystanders : 3 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Children]IRRITABLE, CHILDREN :Scream, by touch : 3 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Clinical]CONVULSIONS, GENERAL, (SEE EPILEPSY) :Smallpox, fails to break out, when : 3 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Intestine]JEJUNUM, GENERAL :Pustular, eruption : 3 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Perspiration]PROFUSE :Affected parts, on : 3 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Pregnancy]BELCHING, PREGNANCY :Relieves : 3 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Pulse]FAST, PULSE, ELEVATED, EXALTED, (SEE QUICK) :Motion, by : 3 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Pulse]HARD, PULSE :Elderly, people, in : 3 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Pulse]LOW, PULSE, (SEE IMPERCEPTIBLE, WEAK) :Fever, after : 3 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Pulse]SLOW, PULSE :Fever, during :After : 3 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Pulse]TREMULOUS, PULSE :Cholera, in :Bronchial catarrh, with : 3 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Pulse]WEAK, PULSE :Bronchial catarrh, in : 3 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Skin]ERUPTIONS, SKIN :Pustules, skin :Bluish :Red mark, leaving a : 3 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Sleep]YAWNING, GENERAL :Coughing, when :Children especially : 3 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Vision]DIM, VISION, (SEE AMBLYOPIA) :Diarrhea, in : 3 1 / 1
[Boenning ] [Cough]CONCOMITANTS:Forehead:Sweat on: 3 1 / 1
[Boenning ] [Cough]CONCOMITANTS:Hands:Sweaty: 3 1 / 1
[Fever ] [Fever Apyrexia]TONGUE:Red:White and, in streaks: 3 1 / 1
[Fever ] [Fever Symptoms]DESIRE FOR (SEE LONGING FOR) :Apples: 3 1 / 1
[Fever ] [Fever Symptoms]TOBACCO:Has no taste: 3 1 / 1
[Miasms ] [Asthma]DIFFICULT:Mucus:In trachea from:Hot: 3 1 / 1
[Miasms ] [Spasms]DURING THE ATTACK:Skin:Pale and cold: 3 1 / 1
[Miasms ] [Spasms]ATTACK CAUSED OR AGGRAVATED BY:Moving limb: 3 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Mind and Disposition]ANXIETY:Pregnancy, in, during paroxysm lasting two or three hours: 3 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Mind and Disposition]ANXIETY:Rheumatism, in: 3 1 / 1


Jan-Mar 1995, Volume No4, Issue 1

Dr. D. E. Mistry


Cortiso / Ars / Thuj / Calc-p / Sulph / Ant-t / Sil / Ip / Puls / Nat-s / Tub-a

By Dr. D. E. Mistry, Solapur

A patient female, aged 3 years, was first seen by me as extreme case of Status asthmaticus, not responding to steroids and aminophyllin about 2 weeks before this date 25-4-77

Brief history

No trouble at birth. Vaccinated for BCG, Polio and Small pox, said to have coryza at birth at 4th month of life. Severity of attack started a year back around July ’76 with coryza, cough, vomiting and dyspnoea, was hospitalized earlier for one day in another hospital and was kept on oxygen. When seen in the hospital around middle of March 77, the child was already in an advanced state of Status asthmaticus for the 5th day in succession in spite of corticosteroids, aminophyllin, transfusion and antibiotics. In the hospital the child was given potencies Cortisone 30 and Ars Alba 30. Alternately all allopathic drugs were stopped except fluids and tapering of cortisone. Response was dramatic. Condition began to improve in 2 hours and the child was discharged on the same medicines after a week.

Past History- Measles 3 years back. Asthma in great grandfather and Diarrhoea during teething.

Patient reported after discharge to my consultation with the following complaints.

Mild temperature, coughs with expectoration, vomiting of yellowish mucoid stuff in the vomit, nasal coryza. Treatment started with Thuja 200 one dose only and three days later child was kept on Calc phos 6x QID; 2/6/77 Calc phos 30 x BD

15/6/77 Sulphur 6, single dose and Calc phos 30 continued.

7/7/77 Thuja 200 1 dose with SL.

24/7/77 Stronger attack of coryza with bronchitis. Ant. Tart 6 followed by Phos 30

27/7/77 Occasional cough, no coryza, no temp. Sweats on neck and head. No other complaints. Silica 30 x OD, subsequently the patient was managed on intercurrent doses of Ant. Tart and Ipecac 6.

2/9/77 Single dose of Calc phos 1M and repeated on 5/9/77.

30/9/77 Presented with complaints of fever, ear discharge and mild coryza.

20/10/77 Silica 1M.

7/11/77 Silica 1M repeated.

13/12/77 Silica 1M repeated.

27/12/77 Silica 1M repeated.

14/1/78 Silica 1M repeated.

26/1/78 Silica 1M repeated.

6/3/78 Silica 1M single dose.

26/3/78 Once again fever, vomiting, sweats

On head more but chest mildly involved, subsequently the patient was kept on Antim tart 30, Puls.30 on and off in acute stage.

3/6/78 Single dose of Nat Sulph 1M given because of rainy weather and mild return of complaints and repeated it on 9-6-78. Subsequently the patient was kept on a few doses of Puls for minor bouts of cough and vomiting.

1/12/78 and on 12/12/78 Puls 1M was given and Puls. 30 was given in between such treatment and was continued up to 28/2/79.

2/4/79 First time pustules on fingers were observed. Sulphur 1M single dose and was repeated on 27/4/79.

21/6/79 Again in rainy season Nat. Sulph 200 was given after which the patient remained free from complaints. Puls 200 single dose was given in August, September and December 79 and Jan 80 and in between the patient was without any complaints.

16/1/80 Slight return of wheezing and coryza. Tub av. 30

29/2/80 Small dose of Puls. 30.

28/3/80 Puls 200, single dose.

12/4/80 Ars. Alba 1M, single dose on the basis of aggravation at 10 p.m., extreme neatness and fastidiousness in his mental outlook. Patient remained well and treatment was stopped around 16/6/80. Since then she had not got any return of her asthmatic problems.

Authors comments This case was given up and lost by the allopathic consultants as she was a case of status asthmaticus non responsive to any of their treatment. Ars. Alb was selected simply because the father volunteered the statement that the child was worse in midnight and was given only sips of water which she was taking. Tautopathic cortisone had to be alternated in order to make the system more responsive to Ars. Alb and to wean off from allopathic cortisone which had been already given in massive doses. Thuja, Puls., Silica, strong antisycotic remedies along with Calc phos was needed to counteract the strong sycotic background. Puls probably aided in improving her digestion as very often these children do get their attacks in a base of digestive disturbances which may be either causative or concomitant. The psoric miasm then showed its signs by eruptions on fingers as was expected which needed a few doses of Sulphur and then back again to the antisycotic remedies till the last constitutional dose of Ars. Alb which was her first dose gave enough of clearance of vital force and the child has remained well ever since. We now see in this case three valuable lessons.

a) the response of homoeopathic remedies in advanced status asthmaticus when the correct indicated remedy is given.

b) role of vaccination in bringing about disease.

c) the internal sycotic environment

d) the minor role of digestive disturbances which most of these patients have.





Jan-Mar 1995, Volume No4, Issue 1

Dr. D. E. Mistry


Thuj / Ip / Ant-t / Calc / Puls / Ars / Syph / Sil / Psor

By Dr. D. E. Mistry

A female, aged 6 years, reported on 28/4/77 with History of normal birth.

All vaccines given. Late in talking and walking. Diarrhoea during dentition. Bouts of cough and cold thrice in month. Oily food disagrees and gives rise to attacks. Likes food cold and likes to take liquids cold. H/o- Boils on head. Cannot tolerate cold but tolerates heat.

Grandparents Asthma and eczema.

Rubrics repertorised were

1) Patient chilly

2) Agg. by oily food.

3) Likes food and liquids colder side.

4) Vaccinosis

5) Sycosis hereditary

The remedies came to be Ars. Calc., Lyco.

Patient was given single dose of Thuja 200 to start and then kept on Ipecac 30 followed by Ant. Tart. 30 with consider able improvement but no total clearance of the chest condition.

4/5/77 Calc. 200 single dose x SL

10/5/77 Puls 30 was given and this improved the condition till 16/5/77 Calc Carb 200 repeated.

3/6/77 Pulsatilla followed by Ipecac and Ars.

6/6/77 Response not complete. Syphillinum 1M gave H/o abortion in mother.

13/6/77 Return of cough and wheezing. Syphillinum 10 M. From 26/6/77 with slight return of complaints to 5/7/77 on and off she was kept on Puls. 30.

8/7/77 Silica 30, 3 doses up to 7/9/77.

7/11/77 and 25/11/77 Silica 200 and 1M single dose repeated.

23/12/77 and 6/1/78 Silica 200 and 1M given respectively.

10/1/78 Return of complaints on eating ground-nuts and kept on Puls. 30 on and off till 26/5/78.

29/5/78 Puls 1M, single dose.

25/7/78 Puls. 1M repeated. She was relatively well.

6/10/78 Psorinum 200 given and she remained all right.

5/12/78 Silica 1M, single dose was repeated on return of slight cough.

22/3/79 Developed mumps-Puls. Was given and this was continued on & off in 30 potency till she left station on 24/4/79 after which she is reported well.

Authors Comments This case of infantile asthmatic bronchitis sharing the miasmatic complication as her elder sister of tonsillitis needed Puls. Mainly in acute episodes with help of Ant. Tart especially when the basis was consumption of oily food. However, being a chilly patient and with H/o Asthma in grand parents it needed Silica in various strengths aided by Psorinum single dose to so change her constitution that she could then manage not to have attacks.





July- December 1995

Dr D.E. Mistry


Sulph / Chol / Acon / Rhus-t / Bry / Ant-t / Ars / Phos / Lyc / Cupr-ar / Kali-bi / Med / Carc / Merc / Myric / Hydr / Coloc / Passi / Aur

By Dr D. E. Mistry, Solapur

Mr. S.S., aged 55 years reported to me on 4.1.95. with the following history that he was admitted in the Railway hospital and was diagnosed as obstructive jaundice.

Subsequent investigations revealed that he had Adenocarcinoma of Gall Bladder and gall bladder malignancy. According to the scan report, the growth had already involved porta hepatis, liver substance, peripancreatic region and retroperitoneal lymph nodes. Additional multiple gall stones were also revealed.

A biopsy was performed at Bombay, an Adenocarcinoma of the gall bladder was the report.

The patient initially had a percutaneous transhepatic drainage and finally a ten Fr. teflon endoprosthesis as placed in the hepatic duct and the stent was reported to be well functioning and was expected to work for 6 months.

P/H of the patient revealed a perforated ear tympanum right side with childhood otorrhoea.

Mother Operated for gall bladder stone 25 yrs ago.

Father Expired when patient was 6 yrs. old.

One brother and one sister Hypertensive.

Patient also revealed that he had small pox as a child, but no other childhood history was forthcoming.

Some of the symptoms which I could get out of him were

Desires Ghee++, Sour + +

Thirst Normal, Drinks little at a time

Hot patient dislikes summer.

Very punctual in his habit.

Irrelevance in timings upsets him.

Likes to work.

Lot of friend.

Fond of reading.

Calm and quiet

Upset when discipline is not maintained. Fond of neatness.

Sound sleep with no dreams.

Sympathetic to sufferings of others.

Likes to dwell on nature and says he would

Like to get clues from natures secret.

When he was well, he was neither disturbed by winter nor by summer, but preferred winter

At present, he craved coconut water, sweet, ghee.

Being intelligent, the patient was aware of his problem and he could not explain why he suddenly developed this disease.

TREATMENT The case was begun with a dose a Sulphur 1M.

13.1.95. said his sleep was better and felt more energetic. Cholesterin 3x BD was given.

17.1.95. Reported with sudden pain in the sternal and intercostals region which began the previous night. Chest pain as intermittent but no vomiting and sweating. He seemed worried about his children. Seeing his anxiety a few doses of Aconite 30 were given.

25.1.95 Sudden lumbar pain, unable to lie flat on the back. Better by sitting or slow walking. Backache started suddenly last night. Chilly. Treatment Rhus tox 200 x 3 doses.

26.1.95. Pain > but complained of bitter taste in the mouth. Thirst increased, not passed stools.

Treatment Bryonia 200 x 3 doses.

28.1.95. Sudden development of hiccoughs at night with cough and pain in the liver region, unable to expectorate. Thirsty + + +, dryness in mouth taking sips of water. Chill and shivering with fever for half hour which came down automatically with sweat. White coating of the tongue.

Treatment Ant. tart. 30 and Ars. album 30 a few doses were advised.

29.1.95. Though, he was better the previous night, his relatives admitted him in the railway hospital as he complained of low backache. Muttering Delirium, incomplete answers to questions. Fever and chills. Drank little water. At the Rly hospital he as given antipyretics, Novalgin and Calmpose etc.

31.1.95. Still at the hospital

B. P. 100/60 mm of Hg.

Thirsty for cold drinks. Constantly changing position. Burning in the stomach, desires ice cubes, thick coating of tongue. Treatment Phos. 30 x 3 doses.

Relatives reported that he slept well with the second dose but the hiccoughs which had stopped stared again. At this time the case was seen by Dr. H. H. Agarwal, my younger colleague as I was out of station. On seeing the following:

Red sand in urine, hiccoughs, thick coated tongue, evening to night agg. Lyco. 6×7 doses evey hour as advised in the moming.

At night one dose of Lyco 30 was put as he seemed to sleep better with each dose of Lyco. Desires to go home saying he is going to die, nervous, cried while talking. jerks of the limb, asking his visitor to forgive him.

2.2.95. Reports Sr. Biliburin -3.4; Sr.Creatine 1.5.; Blood urea 123; Urine Bile salts and bile pigments present.

Discharged by the railway doctors saying that they couldnt do anything much. He was seen at home by Dr. Agarwal and was advised Lyco 200 x2 doses to be taken 8 hourly.

3.2.95. Seen at home by me and Dr. Agarwal. Visibly jaundiced, muttering delirium, weakness, hiccoughs, thirst + + and drowsiness. Treatment Lyco 200 again single dose.

4.2.95. Sticky mucus in throat, difficult to expel. Satisfied by holding ice cubes in the mouth, Disturbed sleep awakening at 2.30 a.m. due to hiccoughs. Treatment Cuprum ars. 200 one dose was given.

5.2.95. Hiccoughs stopped but he had vomiting after drinking water, but tolerated could drinks, coconut water. Complained of thick stringy expectorate from the throat. Treatment Kali bich. 30 x 6 doses 4 hourly, sent. Evening was admitted in Homoeopathic hospital for I. V. Therapy, as he could not take adequate fluids.

6.2.95. I saw him at his residence. Sleeps on abdomen. Desires cold drinks. Treatment Medo 200 single dose was given at 11 a.m. and by 8 p.m he was much better. The sticky sputa was much less. Slept well though slightly disturbed due to intermittent cough.

7.2.95. Strong demand for ice yet in general he was deteriorating. Anxiety, nervousness, talking about death, anting family members by his side. Treatment Phos. 200 single dose.

8.2.95. Condition more or less the same, intermittent hiccoughs still disturbing him.

9.2.95. Report by Dr. Agarwal. Patient is restless, incontinence of urine, thirsty. Fever previous night, no proper ansering to questions. Treatment Ars. Alb 30 x 5 doses 3 hourly was advised.

10.2.95. No improvement with tremors of limbs and speech. Treatment Carcinosin 200 was given.

Reports Bilirubin 4.0. mg Blood urea 121 mg.

At 7 p.m. he developed oedema of the feet. Cough subsided, no fever. Trembling of limbs. The patient was going into hepato renal failure. There was still stringy saliva. Night <, Thirst for cold water. Treatment Merc. Sol 200 single dose.

11.2.95.- to 14.2.95. He was given Cholestrin 3X, Myrica 6 and Hydrastis 30. We passed a Ryles tube to feed him but there was no further improvement. Doses of Hydrastis 30 was increased on 15.2.95.

16.2.95. Condition remained the same.

17.2.95. Urine output less though, the flapping tremors of the extremities was better. He was better in bouts mentally but developed severe abdominal pain at night and Colocynth 30 was given.

18.2.95. Made an attempt to commit suicide by jumping of the gallery in the early hours in the morning and reoeated this attempt after three hours, he said he did this due to the pain, Aurum 200 one dose was immediately given along with Colocynth 30 SOS and passiflora 6 drops.

He still complained of hiccoughs, and of infrequent urination. Marked irritability yet sensitive weepy and resigned to his fate. Oedema of the feet was still there. Thirst more, urine output less. We have him Merc. Sol 30x 5 doses followed by Myrica 30 x 3 doses.

21.2.95. He passed away at 8.20 p.m. Retrospectively, it is surprising that the stent began to get obstructed so soon. All the subsequent symptoms that he developed were due to renal and hepatic insufficiency. Such cases have to be treated not only on day to day basis but even more frequently, the whole aim being to relieve the patient of his distressing complaints so that he can pass away as peacefully as possible at his residence.

It is not possible to prescribe a single remedy and expect it work all the time.

Cases of this type coming to me have been many and it is because of the help of my colleague Dr. Agarwal and other assistants that it has been possible to treat such cases palliatively. (When they have been declared untreatable by all allopathic doctors.).




CASE OF WILSONS DISEASE [Case Of Wilson’s Disease]

30th November 2003, Volume 10, Issue 2

Dr. D.E. Mistry


Nux-v / Ant-t / Bac

This patient, a 6 year old boy named M.K. came to us on 28/6/2003. His case was referred to us by some of his relatives who are our patients since many years. The brief history of this child is as follows- he was the 1st child of his parents & the mother during pregnancy had low BP & was given transfusions after delivery. The child was breast fed for a year & all the routine vaccines viz polio, triple etc. were given. He is said to have enteric fever at the age of one year. One dose of Hepatitis B vaccine a year back. His complaints started with fever, pain in abdomen & vomiting about 3 months back & was treated with various anti-malarial around May 2003. The patient was taken to a prestigious hospital in Belgaum where they diagnosed his condition is due to Wilsons disease. After 10 days of hospitalization he was discharged & sent home after being given albumin intravenously. He was OK only for a week & redeveloped nausea, abdominal swelling which was temporarily treated by local doctor at his home town & then again shifted to the original Pediatric unit of the hospital at Belgaum where they treated him with Penicillamine & other medicines. He was sent back home & partly because of the high cost of the treatment he was admitted in a surgical clinic at Solapur on 27.06.03. He was treated by a Pediatrician & his complaints were evening fever, distention of abdomen, vomiting of blood & mucus, & passes small worms in the stool with the H/O having passed no urine since 24 hours. Some of the history available to us was desires spices, aversion milk, drinks a lot of water, likes eggs, scanty perspiration over neck & chilly. He had a tendency to watch horror serials & is said to have dreams of ghost many times. He was irritable with strong fear of thunderstorm & loud noises & considerable obstinacy. At this stage I was unwilling to accept his case since he was in a polyclinic under treatment by a pediatrician who had continued the same line of treatment as was given in Belgaum. He was kept on IV fluids, though the history revealed that the child had not passed stools/urine for 24 hours prior to admission in this clinic. However I sent his papers to assess to Dr. R.A., M.D. Physician who is quite sympathetic & well tuned to Homoeopathy, & this physician after going through the paper opined that we could admit this case in his nursing home & he would see to the allopathic side & I gave the homoeopathic medicines concurrently.

So he was transferred to Dr. R.As nursing home & I saw this child at 2.30 pm. He showed a semi comatose state, slight drawing of neck backwards, distention of abdomen with doubtful free fluid & oedema over face, eyes & feet & considerably restless. We started on him Nux. Vom. 1M in water a teaspoonful every hour with reason chilly, irritable, fear of loud noises & history of allopathic medication & Nux is also seen in opisthotonus in a very strong degree. I saw this child again at 8 pm when some amount of very dark coloured urine had passed according to the childs mother. There was no grinding of teeth & child was not irritable. However a new situation was manifest in the form of rattling in the chest which meant that the lungs were getting involved which was not there when we had 1st seen him. The physician remarked that since afternoon the drip had been so slow that hardly 120 ml. of I.V. fluid had gone. We gave him Ant.tart. 1M in water every hour with 2 doses of intercurrent Bacillinum 30. The patient expired at midnight after a small bout of haematemesis & still had respiratory distress in some amount at the time of death.

Remarks-it is difficult for me to understand the strange course of events which this childs destiny made it come all the way from Mugod his some town in Karnatak State go to Belgaum land in Solapur 1st at a surgical clinic & then at the nursing home where he passed away. There was nothing obvious in the childs background why the child developed Wilsons disease a very rare condition where there is excessive deposition of copper in the live.

Allopathic medicine does have medication by which many cases are benefited provided they come early before the disease process has not damaged the liver. Speaking for myself as far as the treatment part goes it is always easy to be wiser after the event but nonetheless extremely difficult to assess & manage in the heat of battle. I ask myself what could have been the role of Cina in his case & actually it was my next remedy, which I had thought after Nux Vomica. That Nux did show some effect was evident by passage of some urine after its administration signifying some return of the previously blocked kidney function. I also ask myself whether giving of I.V. fluids at the polyclinic contributed to his edematous state as even there the kidney function had not returned. Could his pulmonary condition be the cause of excessive fluid intake in a previous state of anuria or was it just a shift of the vital force from the kidneys to the lungs, once the kidney function started improving. These are questions for which I have no answers. Readers can well judge for themselves how they would have treated such a case if they were in my shoes.


This is an inherited autosomal recessive disorder resulting in abnormal copper metabolism that causes excessive copper to be deposited in the several organs leading to damage in their respective functions. The gene responsible for this situation is situated on the chromosome No.13. Normal dietary copper is rapidly absorbed from stomach & proximal intestine, taken into the liver & stored & incorporated into coeruloplasmin which is secreted into the blood. The excessive accumulation of copper in the normal course is prevented by being thrown out via the bile. In Wilsons disease there is an unknown failure of biliary copper excretion with resulting accumulation in the body. Associated with this failure is also failure of synthesis of coeruloplasmin, in at least 95% of such cases. The organs most affected are liver, basal ganglion of brain, eyes, skin & skeleton. The predominant clinical features are symptoms of serious hepatic disease, neurological damage syndrome, dementia, haemolysis, osteoporosis, & renal tubular damage phenomenon. The observation of Kayser-Felischer rings in the eyes as greenish brown in colour around the corneal margin are characteristics of this particular disease & they are known to disappear with treatment. A low serum coeruplasmin is the best single laboratory clue to the diagnosis along with low serum copper concentration and a high hepatic copper content. The drug of choice in allopathy is the copper binding agent penicillamine, given in range of 1 to 4 gms a day. After remission this medicine is supposed to be continued for life. The prognosis is said to be good if treatment is started before irreversible damage has begun.

In this case though penicilliamine was continued throughout this patient’s course; he apparently succumbed to hepatic & kidney failure.




PNEUMONIA AND ITS TREATMENT [Pneumonia &amp; Its Treatment]

HEAL THYSELF (The Homoeopathic World) A Popular Journal of Medical, Dietetic, Social and Sanitary Science By J Ellis Barker.

1934 Nov / Dec Vol LXIX No 827

Petrie Hoyle.

General Topics / Cases

Dig / Acon / Bell / Bry / Phos / Ant-t.


BY DR. Petrie Hoyle.

AN orthodox authority says that “ten per cent of all deaths in the civilized countries are due to pneumonia and that practically thirty per cent. of all pneumonia cases are sure to die.” When pneumonia is treated homoeopathically less than five per cent. die. These two averages are for adult cases, of all classes and all ages. What I have to say to you regarding the terrible difference in death risks demands your earnest and immediate attention.

The mortality statistics prove many things. The orthodox figures are taken from their own records. They were complied for the guidance of their own men and this guarantee likewise holds when homoeopathic figures are given. The very great difference in death rates shows the serious extra risk you run if you are being treated by orthodox methods. You are much safer if you employ homoeopathy. Of course you should try and obtain the services of a doctor practising homoeopathy, but if you cannot obtain a homoeopathic doctor you will fare better if you take a homoeopathic materia medica or family manual and match the personal symptoms of any given case, speaking now of pneumonia, and then give or take the homoeopathic remedy which produces most nearly the disease symptoms found at the moment.

It is the “peculiar personal symptoms” of any patient which point to the one drug required. Diagnosis, which may be incorrect, is of secondary importance. Nature speaks with exactness through the patients expressions of suffering and these must be matched exactly with what we homoeopaths have recorded in our materia medicas. Were I suffering with a pneumonia and were no Homoeopathic doctor at hand, I would prefer to be treated by a layman or woman of average intelligence armed with one of our books and remedies than by the most famous orthodox diagnostician and lung specialist.

There is much to be said on the subject, all of vital importance. I have several points to make:.

(1) To prove that there is a very great difference in the death risks between the two schools of medicine, orthodox and homoeopathic.

(2) To make my second point I must quote the bewildered groping of orthodoxy as to their own drugs, the use of which results in a thirty per cent. death loss. At the same time I must register some of the orthodox warnings as to the actual dangers of their own drugs and, note well, we homoeopaths never give warnings about any drug we use because we have no need to do so. There is no danger in any medicine we employ, and babies may be given any drug we name.

(3) To offset the dangers of orthodox medical measures I must lay before you a clear but brief description of a few important homoeopathic remedies which enable us to save so many lives. Each homoeopathic drug will portray clearly a particular type of phase of a pneumonia process and it is necessary to match the patients symptoms with one of the drugs described when an amelioration or cure will ensue. If you select correctly, you cannot fail.

Homoeopathy never indulges in such weak expressions as this or that drug “may be tried” which is common to many orthodox medical works. This bespeaks a bungling and bewildered groping.

Now for the contradictions and dangers of orthodoxy. It was no less a man that Dr. Blumgart who in his five public lectures sponsored by the Faculty of Medicine of Harvard University Medical School stated that “thirty per cent. of all pneumonia cases are sure to die”. He, an orthodox doctor, speaking for the “second to none” medical school in U.S.A. gave his message to the laity and we are following suit now with our side of the question and testimony.

The late Sir William Osler (Oxford University) put their orthodox death risk at higher than this thirty per cent. (see statistics). Note well that all my statistics are taken from public institutions and not from private practice. The classification and diagnoses were all made at the bedside, with many onlookers present, including the nurses, and many nurses are exceedingly intelligent. So doctors are not likely to make too many errors in diagnosis. In fact that work is left to well- known diagnosticians. We may take it that the mistake of the disease pneumonia is not often made. When death occurs, the physicians cannot be expected to enter the cause of death as Digitalis, Strophanthin, or some antipyretic or serums. So the cause of death is put down to pneumonia. Therefore we may take it that the mortality rates of the hospitals are as stated. The type or class of pneumonia which kills is more or less a matter of personal opinion. There are at present four classes or types of pneumonia. I read last week that some diagnostician has divided one class into twenty-seven varieties, though he did not pretend that this reduced the mortality one iota, and so it goes on ad infinitum, with a fairly constant death rate of orthodoxy of thirty per cent, which has held good for the last fifty years.

How many tens of thousands of lives could have been saved in this half century had homoeopathy only been employed?.

Homoeopathy has a guiding rule, Similia, to help the prescriber. Orthodoxy has no rule. It relies on personal opinions. Their works on medicine are out of date every few years as the second- hand bookshops will tell you. This quick change is not advance. It is bewilderment.

Homoeopaths, both professional and lay supporters, know what medicine to give and exactly why.

Sir Farquhar Buzzard, when addressing the Birmingham University Medical School in 1929, said to graduates and undergraduates: “If our profession as a whole is to attain its rightful position, let us cease to profess to cure.” I ask you not only how this strikes you, but what effect it must have had on all the undergraduates soon to be let loose on the suffering public?.

An Oxford University Medical Textbook (orthodox, of course), states: “In fifty years to come the lay people will stand aghast at the barbarities perpetuated in the name of medicine to-day.”.

Dear orthodox colleagues (for I know that some of you reads this journal) and my unknown lay readers, I am fighting and “HEAL THYSELF” is fighting to save peoples lives. So do not treat this information lightly, or you may live to regret it.

Listen to this levity on the part of an orthodox leader. The late Sir William Osler, Regius Professor of Medicine, Oxford University, a man at the top of the orthodox medical tree, said (see page 278, Practical Medical Series, 1931): “The family as well as the patient must be treated, and any concoction with a striking colour, a definite taste and pleasant smell, and finally above all being perfectly harmless, will often aid not only the family, but indirectly the patient and the physician.” This serves to show us all how little the orthodox believe in their medicines.

The Public Health Department of Massachusetts, U.S.A., compiled the very latest information as to the orthodox practice in treating pneumonia. They inform the orthodox profession “that their much vaunted sera have fallen into disuse in consequence of their obvious disadvantages, such as the immense dosages necessary, the technical difficulties of their administration … the very serious reactions (deaths) following serum sickness being common … Theoretically sera ought to do good but they have failed. We (the orthodox) lack a serum free from defects due to the amount of protein present in horse serum, which gives frequent and violent chills, as well as very high temperatures and a number of fatal cases immediately following injections have been reported (and how many such deaths not so reported?) Specific treatment of pneumonia by serum is by no means solved.” So seemingly is the knell sounded on the much vaunted serum “experiment” of orthodoxy, and what of the recipients of such treatment? Many are beyond making any sort of report.

I only mention a few drugs in everyday use by the orthodox in their pneumonia cases. They carry innumerable and very grave warnings issued by the authors to the orthodox profession.

Heroin is a preparation derived from Morphia. It has hosts of trade names. It allays cough. I can vouch for this personally as I was treated thus in France during the War and I nearly “turned my toes up to the daisies.” It stopped my cough by drying up the secretions in the lungs which should have been coughed up. I nearly suffocated. Fortunately I was able to crawl out of my bed and get hold of my own homoeopathic remedies. It surely stops coughs; but the patient is found to be in a worse plight than before. He has a pneumonia plus a drug disease.

Orthodoxy warns its practitioners thus about Heroin: It has a depressant action on the cord and especially on the respiratory centre, very much greater than that of Morphia. It is advisable to commence with very small doses as some persons are easily affected by it. Repeated doses have produced poisonous symptoms. It is a highly dangerous drug which ought not to be allowed in practice.

Digitalis. Nearly every case of pneumonia in orthodox hands receives this drug. Let us examine as briefly as possible some of its terrible risks, which would fill a book. I have read some important orthodox medical works of reference in which not one word was said of the cumulative action of Digitalis. Yet others emphasize that its action does pile up in the patient to a most dangerous degree. This danger being known, it is little short of wickedness when this is not stated as a warning. The following are brief extracts from a number of standard orthodox medical works:.

“There is no evidence of benefit from Digitalis in pneumonia, except in a possible 5 per cent. of cases. There is actual harm to the patient if the drug is given until its toxic symptoms appear. There is no justification for its routine use as is the custom in so many hospitals. There is considerable danger in prescribing Digitalis. Digitalis requires the greatest caution to avoid toxic (poisonous) symptoms. (From Massachusetts Board of Health warnings to the profession.).

Blumers edition of Billings-Forcheimer (Therapeutics of Medicine, Vol. II, p. 782 et seq.), frankly advises thus: “It is sufficient to Digitalize the heart (which flatly contradicts the warnings of the former authority and these contradictions appear throughout orthodox medical works.).

At this point I must quote what a very great homoeopathic author and college professor had to say about Digitalis. In his materia medica Dr. J. Tyler Kent pictures the drug thus: “Digitalis has done more mischief in orthodox hands than any other drug. EVery patient who has a fast beating heart or anything the matter with the heart is given Digitalis. It has caused more deaths than any other drug. The orthodox call it a sedative; yes, it is a sedative. It makes the patient very sedate. You have seen how sedate a patient looks after he has been in the hands of an undertaker and has on his best clothes.” That is what Digitalis does and yet it is one of the three chief drugs of the orthodox for pneumonia.

When an average orthodox doctor thinks he dare not give another drop of Digitalis he turns at once to Strophanthin, or Strophanthine. It is mentioned in all their medical works.

Strophanthine (Massachusetts Board of Health advice, page 148). This drug is warmly advocated by Meara and others, but it should not be given in a case of pneumonia when Digitalis has been given JUST PREVIOUSLY, as instances of sudden death following its use have been recorded. The action of Strophanthine is but little more prompt than Digitalis and because of the danger attending its use it seems to be of little value, etc.” Keeping in mind and having to guess at what is meant by “not just previously” I turn to the Quick Reference Book of Medicine and Surgery, by Dr. Rehberger of Johns Hopkins University, sixth edition and read that “it must not be used for at least two days after Digitalis has been administered. It may cause paralysis of the voluntary and involuntary heart muscle by direct action (and this is printed notice is found under Strophanthine, yet under Digitalis there is no word of warning that Strophanthine must not follow on Digitalis. Here indeed is a very great danger and who waits “two whole days” in any pneumonia case to give the next dose of medicine?.

In this connection one more quotation is absolutely necessary and if anything I suggest that it almost puts the last two authors in the “criminal negligence category.”.

I read in Blumers Billings-Forcheimers Therapeutics of Internal Diseases, Vol. II, p. 792. “Never give Strophanthine to those who have had Digitalis. Cases of death follow. Strophanthine should under no circumstances whatever be given if Digitalis has been employed any time within at least a week.” Here are some death dealing eros in standard orthodox professional works having International sue and very large sales.

My dear orthodox colleague please explain to me, what happens to all those thousands of patients who get the two drugs after “two days interval”, whilst the number who have had the combination of these two drugs though “not just previously” whatever that may mean, why – God help them and the orthodox men who follow that advice.

If the authority who demands that “full seven days must elapse between Strophanthine and Digitalis or they will kill” is correct then many have been just “plain killed-by-misadventure-or- ignorance” and perhaps this explains the 30 per cent. death rate in some degree.

Having quoted from American authorities, I must now quote a British source, as this is mainly fro a British reading public. Turn to The Principles and Practice of Medicine written by the late Sir William Osler, Regius Professor of Medicine at Oxford University and formerly of Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, and later at McGills University at Montreal, professorships which proclaim his pre-eminence in orthodox matters. Recent editions are by Dr. McCrae. It has run to the eleventh edition with well over a quarter of a million copies sold.

A weak feature in this work is that “may be tried is used, as also “may be given” which sounds like experiments on the sick. For pneumonia this work advises Optochin, a Quinine derivative, explaining that “experiments on the sick. For pneumonia this work advises Optochin, a Quinine derivative, explaining that “experimentally on mice its value is encouraging but scarcely good enough.” Further an overdose of this drug causes disturbances of vision. Bleeding is again in fashion (orthodox) to be done. “late in the disease”. If my memory does not play me false, Sir Clifford Allbutt (Regius Professor or Medicine at Cambridge University) suggests bleeding early. So the profession may toss up, having equal authority, early or late, whatever happens.

Oslers book advises Serum,contrary to many U.S.A. authorities. Vaccines are of no value “now”, though they had their experimental rage a few years ago.

Here is a jar for the profession (and some patients). Osler and McCrae advise Digitalis and Strophanthine for pneumonias in adjoining lines (page 105, eleventh edition) with absolutely no mention of any dangers. There is, moreover, no mention of any cumulative power and danger when speaking of Digitalis, and as their dose of this drug when given is XV minims three or four times daily, one must wonder what has happened to thousands of pneumonia cases so treated.

To quieten the nervous system Osler and Co. advise Bromides, Chloral hydrate, Morphia, Barbital (so recently sternly warned against by Sir William Willcox). Osler and Co. also advise Codein, Heroin, and Morphia to quieten the cough and they warn that “expectorant drugs upset the stomach”. There is not much comfort to be gained from a survey of this book which has been sold well in excess of 250,000 copies.


I will now describe some homoeopathic remedies for pneumonia with a clearness of detail absolutely unknown an any orthodox medical work. I think a few orthodox medicos may read these lines. To such I say: Have you every watched one of your own family die, feeling that the illness need not, should not, have ended in death? Did you ever, in the chill silent hours of a long sleepless night wonder what those homoeopaths would do for such a case which was weighing you down ? Perhaps you even cursed your orthodox Materia Medica teachers and all your medical works. Well, you can learn what the homoeopaths would do and have done.

To the laity I say: Whilst you are waiting to obtain a professed homoeopathic doctor study homoeopathy seriously and “HEAL THYSELF” will help you. With care you cannot lose half the cases that the orthodox practitioner does. Shun all “fever-breakers”. They kill. The heart burdened by a pneumonia cannot stand the extra load of a fever-breaker not Digitalis, Strophanthine, Heroin, etc.

The following homoeopathic remedies help us to keep our death rate at under 5 per cent. in public hospitals though in private practice I thoroughly believe the death rate is very much lower.

Aconite (3x, 6x to 30). At the first possible moment, when it is thought that a chill has been contracted, which may turn into many things and when shivers and shudderings are first noted, take doses of Aconite every fifteen minutes. As favourable reaction is felt take every two hours. Stop medicine the moment the patient feels better. Let the drug work on. It may be found in a few hours that the chill has been conquered and the normal restored. So always have a bottle of homoeopathically diluted Aconite on hand. When a chill is more serious, besides the shiverings some fever will be felt. Continue the Aconite until it is felt that there is some local congestion, when another drug must be considered whose symptoms compare with the new disease symptoms. The new and local symptoms will fix the attention of the patient or the attendant so consider them at once. It is not necessary to wait until pneumonia is apparent. This cannot be told well under twenty-four hours, when precious time has been lost, but of Aconite has been taken immediately the slightest chill has been felt any threatened trouble will have been reduced in severity or thwarted entirely.

The most common serious symptoms requiring Aconite are as follows. Mind: Great fear and anxiety; fears he will be ill a long time, very restless. Head: Fullness, heavy, hot, bursting pain, burning heat, vertigo, worse on rising and in extreme cases the mind may wander even to some delirium. The eyes feel hot and dry. Face is red, hot, flushed, or one cheek is red and the other pale (this is more often seen in the very young). Chest: oppressed breathing, shortness of breath, hoarse dry cough, with all symptoms worse at night and after midnight. Heart beats felt, pulse full and hard, tense and bounding, arteries easily felt, especially in the temples and throat. There will be very marked thirst. The skin will be hot and dry to the touch. There will be shudderings which merge into tiny shivers. Such are the chief symptoms of an acute chill. Aconite taken early enough will thwart many such attacks overnight.

I have for many years relied on using in alternation Aconite and Belladonna which is the only instance in my work of using two drugs almost at one time. I have used them all through my four years War work and since. To mix ones drugs as a rule weakens ones judgment. Professor Hempel said that Aconite controls and corrects the arterial circulation, whilst Belladonna acts in same manner on the venous circulations. I have adopted his life-long method of alternating Aconite with Belladonna in the 3x or 6x potency in every case of chill or suspected chill, which, if not stopped, might run on into pneumonia, bronchitis, pleurisy etc. These two drugs are given fifteen minutes apart, alternately, for some five or six doses each, then drop to two hours apart during waking hours, not being like the night nurse who woke her patients regularly to give them their sleeping medicine.

If Aconite has been given, or Aconite and Belladonna in alternation, the original symptoms will probably be soon replaced by a different disease picture, which calls for a remedy matching these new symptoms. A few examples will show how a subsequent medicine is selected.

Bryonia Alba 3x, 6x or 30. Bryonia cures or alleviates the following symptoms: “Stitching cutting pain in various parts of the chest of lungs. Patient is irritable and fretful. Pains grow worse and at last become tearing in character. A child too young to speak will vaguely try to place it hands on the painful region. The cough is very dry and hurts acutely and, most important, the patient will try by every means to lesson the movement of the chest wall of lungs. Bryonia is particularly indicated in pneumonia, rheumatism, etc., if the patient is worse by movement. A sick man needing Bryonia lies absolutely still and as pressure relieves he lies on the painful side. Another characteristic is great thirst for large quantities of fluid, due to dryness of membranes, lips dry and parched, mouth and tongue dry, tongue coated yellow or brown. The Bryonia-needing patient is usually constipated and had dry stools. Phlegm raised by much coughing is very tough and stringy. The pains of the patient needing Bryonia are particularly of a stitching character. Bryonia is all-important in pleurisy and should be prescribed for the symptoms mentioned, whether there is pleurisy or not.

Phosphorus 6x to 30 will alleviate and cure the following very grave symptoms. The patient has high fever with a hard full pulse, expectoration are dark, blood-stained, due to dead, cast- off blood cells. This expectoration is called prune juice expectoration and it occurs in a very grave phase. The cough is hacking and weakening and there are pronounced burning sensations in many parts. Hands and feet are uncovered continually to get cool, breathing is oppressed and laboured, mucous is purulent and profuse, cough is excited by a tickling sensation, burning heat alternates with shivering and there is a great thirst for cold drink. The Phosphorus-needing patient often vomits the cold drink as soon as it has become warm in the stomach. This is a leading symptom calling for Phosphorus. Phosphorus will snatch out of the jaws of death many patients who have these most grave symptom.

For a time orthodox doctors employed Phosphorus but they had not properly learned from the homoeopaths how to use it. They grave Phosphorus in huge doses and did much mischief. Professor Schroff wrote in his Pharmacology, page 418: ” The internal use of Phosphorus has been abandoned for the reason that even the most cautious employment of this drug involves danger. Phosphorus is no longer used except by the homoeopaths and the veterinary surgeons.” In the minute doses of homoeopathy Phosphorus carries no risk whatever and is a magnificent help in cases which from the orthodox point of view are incurable.

Antimonium tartaricum 3x, 6x or 30. This drug is of the greatest value in cases where there is deficient reaction, and it is specially called for in the treatment of the old and the very young. The patient needing Antimonium tartaricum is becoming stifled with phlegm which he cannot raise. He will try to sit up in order to breathe. Attacks of coughing provoke a sensation of suffocation. Coughing is often followed by vomiting, sensations of nausea, and the expectoration is always thick and terribly difficult to bring up. The patient is always hoping that the next cough will rid him of the mucous but it does not do so and he is becoming rapidly exhausted by trying to raise the tough phlegm, which blocks the lungs and will drown the patient. Orthodox medicine gives Antimonium tartaricum in the usual large and dangerous doses which do infinite mischief.

Every phase of the disease must be matched with the corresponding remedy. The few examples given must suffice to show the principles by which homoeopathy acts and saves those who would die under orthodox treatment. I now would give some comparative statistics, giving the mortality from pneumonia under orthodox and homoeopathic treatment. These speak for themselves and they show the superiority of homoeopathy over orthodox medicine.


Dr. J. Robertson Day was Senior Physician for “Diseases of Children” at the London Royal Homoeopathic Hospital for many years, so it is to be presumed that he was thoroughly conversant with the death rates of his own and many other hospital in Great Britain. His heart and soul was in this work, and he would not juggle any figures for any price. I have known him well for about forty years.

These figures of ADULT LOSSES are worth the study by all adults, and the Governing bodies of the nation, as well as at all hospitals, if they have the public welfare at heart. The different rates in child losses should go to the heart of every woman, indeed every parent. Wont you make the study of Homoeopathy a real LIFE WORK ? and then spread the value right and left.





HEAL THYSELF (The Homoeopathic World) A Popular Journal of Medical, Dietetic, Social and Sanitary Science By J Ellis Barker.

1936 Sep Vol LXXI No 849

Wiener A.


Bry / Nux-v / Chel / Mag-p / Tub / Calc-p / Phos / Ant-t / Lach / Nit-ac.

A POSTMAN, when handing me my letters in the morning, told me that he was afraid that he would have to go to the hospital in order to be operated upon for appendicitis because he had in the right lower abdomen, in the appendix region, considerable pain which was present all the time and which was getting worse from day to day. I told him that an inflamed appendix was not a joke, and that he should consult his doctor at the earliest opportunity. At the same time I gave him a small bottle of Bryonia mother tincture, and told him to rub a little into the aching part night and morning. Notwithstanding my advice, he did not go to his doctor. Bryonia cured the complaint and he told everyone that I was a miracle worker and that by rubbing on a little of the tincture only once he had lost the gnawing pain, which had never returned.

I was visited by a gentleman who also had been suffering for several days from the premonitory symptoms of appendicitis. In order to relieve him promptly I made him rub into the appendix region a few drops of Bryonia while he was at my house. I advised to consult his doctor without delay. He felt so promptly relieved of his pain that he also did not go to the doctor. Two hours after his visit to me and the Bryonia application he started digging up his garden and he has kept perfectly well ever since.

A third patient with all the symptoms of appendicitis was more docile and did himself much harm by following my advise. He came to me and told me that his son had an attack of appendicitis. I gave him the usual advice and a bottle of Bryonia mother tincture. He rubbed on the tincture and immediately afterwards took his boy to the hospital for the sake of safety. At the hospital they did not await the effect of the Bryonia application but operated instantaneously. The anxious father stayed in a waiting room to hear the result, and he was told after the operation that it had not been necessary because the inflammation had visibly begun to go down.


A girl, about 20 years old, told me that she had always pain in the appendix region. She was given the usual advice and Bryonia tincture, but she was not benefited by rubbing a few drops on the place where she felt the pain. When she told me about the non- success of the treatment, I asked her, of course, whether she had any other troubles, and she told me only then that she had been troubled for many years by constipation. Notwithstanding the condition of her bowels, she looked perfectly well. It was obvious that the pain was due not to an inflamed appendix but to an overloaded bowel. I therefore prescribed for her Nux vomica 3x, a dose to be taken every two hours, and an enema of warm water every three days if necessary. Apparently enemas were not needed because she told me that the medicine alone had sufficed to regulate her bowel and to cause the disappearance of the pain.


A lady, who told me that she had suffered from gallstones for twelve years, and that she had been treated without success by various doctors at last found the way to my house. I gave her the three remedies which were most clearly indicated by the study of the Materia Medica, namely, Chelidonium 3x as the principal remedy, Cholesterin 3x to dissolve the gallstones, and Magnesia phosphorica 5x to relieve the violent colicky pains produced by the passing of gallstones. In a few weeks she was freed of her complaint. When she went to her doctor who had treated her unsuccessfully for years and told him that she had been cured by homoeopathy, the doctor laughed aloud, and told her that homoeopathy was humbug.

A relatively young woman had had the most terrible attacks of gallstone colic, her pain was agonizing, and the local clergyman and all her friends had urged her to see a surgeon and be operated upon. As she had an instinctive horror of operations she resolved at last to try homoeopathy and came to me. I gave her the three remedies above mentioned and she also was relieved promptly and permanently.

A very religious woman in my neighbourhood had suffered terribly from frequent gallstone colics. At last she could not bear the pain any longer, and she made up her mind that she would be operated upon. she went to the hospital to make the necessary arrangements, but she fell in conversation with one of the nurses, who told her that lately three patients had died while being operated upon for gallstones and she advised her to try homoeopathy before trying surgery. She took the nurses advice, she came to me and she was completely and permanently cured in a short time by the three medicines mentioned before.

I am inclined to believe that about 10 per cent. of gallstone patients cannot be cured by my favourite homoeopathic medicines. I remember two gallstone patients whom I myself advised to be operated upon, having tried in vain during three months to cure them by medicine. In the two cases where I advised operation, the patients did very well and were able to leave the hospital after a fortnight. In both cases the gallstones were so hard that the vital force had been unable to reduce and eliminate them. Those who wish to treat gallstones should give during the gallstone attack frequent doses of Magnesia phosphorica 5x dissolved in hot water to reduce the pain, and after the attack they should give every three hours a dose of Chelidonium 3x, and in addition the patient should have every day a good dose of Cholesterin 3x.


A young friend of ours, a girl of 20, had many complaints about her health. She was very anaemic because her periods were far too profuse. Besides, she had suffered from scrofulosis in her childhood. The doctor had cut out her tonsils, and she had been troubled ever since with a chronic nasal cold and catarrh of the throat. The operation on the tonsils did not cure the fundamental trouble, the scrofulous tendency. It merely caused that tendency to cause local manifestations of a different kind. I could not advise her because she was being treated by a doctor. Notwithstanding continued medical treatment her troubles became worse and worse and at last she resolved to abandon her doctor and to come to me for advice. I gave her a dose of Tuberculinum 30 twice a week and Calcarea phosphorica 3x three times a day, and after a few weeks she was perfectly well.


On a winters night, when it was freezing hard, I was asked to see the wife of a colleague of mine, who suffered severely from pneumonia. Obviously her chest was full of phlegm. That was apparent from the wheezing and rattling noise of her breathing. I found her in bed in an unheated room. My colleague, an old man, made some ridiculous excuses for not having called in a doctor and for allowing his wife, who was about 70 years old, to be in an unheated room. I told him to take the patient immediately into a well-heated room, put her to bed, and give her Phosphorus 5x and Antimonium tartaricum 4x, every half hour a dose, changing all the time from one medicine to the other. Weeks afterwards I heard that the old lady got up a few days afterwards, feeling perfectly well, and she is still alive at the present day.


At the time when I was teacher in K., the son of the miller was attacked by diphtheria, which rapidly spread to the nose. This is an exceedingly dangerous symptom. The miller fetched a doctor, who immediately gave the child an injection. Unfortunately the boy died the same night. Soon afterwards the millers second son fell ill of diphtheria, which in his case also rapidly spread to the nose. The position seemed desperate. Very late at night, when everyone was asleep, the sick nurse, who was looking after the millers second son, knocked at my house and asked for advice and I gave her a helping of Nitric acid 4x. She came to me in the dead of night because she would undoubtedly have been dismissed if it had become known that she had treated a patient homoeopathically behind the doctors back. Happily the child recovered, grew up, and joined the army.


A lady in our parish had a badly swollen and inflamed finger tip, which is learnedly called panaritium. My daughter gave her the common-sense advice to put the finger with the whitlow in hot water. As long as the finger was in hot water she felt no pain, and the inflammation went down while the finger was exposed to heat. Unfortunately the pain became worse when the finger became cold and dry. Very logically the lady resolved to put her finger into hot water for hours and the inflammation disappeared very promptly.

A servant from the next village came to me and asked my advice with regard to a similar condition. In her case the whitlow was already ripe for operation, and as the nearest doctor lived many miles away I acted for the first time in my life the part of the surgeon. I took a needle and stuck it into the dead skin of the swelling. She did not feel the prick. I then asked her to put the finger into a cup of hot water, into which I had put a few drops of caustic potash solution. The liquid drew out all the pus. I told the girl to bathe her finger every day in the same way, and a cure was produced very promptly.


A gentleman had developed an ulcer on the navel, and his doctor had advised him to put a disinfectant powder on it, which did no good. He then suggested an operation. Wishing to avoid an operation he wrote me a letter and asked me for advice. Of course I replied that if his doctor thought an operation necessary, he should act in accordance with the advice given. Before my letter reached him the ulcer had broken open. As he knew my prescription for treating an ulcer of the finger, called a whitlow, he prepared for himself a large basin of caustic potash solution, and put his abdomen into it. The treatment was very effective, for the hot solution not only drew out all the pus, but a large solid prop of matter, and the severe pain which he had felt before disappeared immediately.


Years ago I myself had a very bad boil in the back of the neck, a carbuncle. Happily it gave only little pain and did not cause fever. I took every two hours a dose of Lachesis 5 and applied an onion poultice made from the roasted inner layers of onions. In my case also there was a thick prop of matter which, however, was not expelled. It was dissolved in about a week while I was steadily taking Lachesis 5.


A man in my neighbourhood had such fearful neuralgic pains in the leg that he was sweating from every pore. The doctors could not relieve him and at last they advised amputation. His wife was horrified. She rushed to my house. I gave her a bottle of Hypericum mother tincture and advised her to rub the mans leg with it. It produced relief immediately and he was perfectly well in a short time. However, it must not be believed that Hypericum is a universal remedy for sciatica.




VALUES OF HIGH POTENCIES IN SURGERY [High Potencies &amp; Surgery]

HEAL THYSELF (The Homoeopathic World) A Popular Journal of Medical, Dietetic, Social and Sanitary Science By J Ellis Barker.

1936 Oct Vol LXXI No 850

George Burford.

General Topics / Cases

Rhus-t / Ant-t / Lyc / Sulph.


THE writ of Homoeopathy runs in all departments of the Art of Healing. From Hahnemann down to Burnett and Clarke the masters in Homoeopathy have furnished leading cases of the successful application of the Law of Similars in the rarer forms of ante- natal or post-natal medicine, as well as in atypical maladies of the adolescent or adult. In the hands of those competent to adjust the similar remedy, crises and complications attest the validity of its operation with a definiteness that allows no quibbling about post or proper hoc.

Surgery has long scraped the idea of Homoeopathy, and the two procedures have been held to be mutually exclusive. Well, so much the worse for surgery. The book of Homoeopathy is full of records of the work of Surgeons helped to a successful issue by Homoeopathy; also of cases where alternative Surgery has been supplanted by the powers of “Similia similibus”, and of yet other instances in which post-operative complications have been canceled by the introduction of the Hahnemannian rule of practice. Later in the text of this report a clinical history is given belonging to this category.

Hitherto, the field of high potencies as controls in the critical issues of surgery has not been systematically tilled, although sporadic instances have been reported again and again of its extraordinary fertility on cultivation. In recent time, Dr. Howard Patrick gave to the British Homoeopathic Society a series of cases where super infinitesimals had functioned to the surprise of the surgeon, the delight of the patient, and the reasoned anticipation of the physician. Later come Dr. John Weir, who selected Rhus as a type of high potency for the surgeon, acting as a clinical control before and following operation, and whose remedial polyvalency had quite inexcusably dwelt in the shade. The object lesson which is embodied in the text of the ensuing communication is given in consecutive form and in more specific detail than its forerunners.

My colleague, Dr. Fergie Woods, of Harley Street, desired a specialists judgment in the case of a married lady in her early forties who was troubled with a large abdominal tumour. That this was pelvic in origin was soon determined, and that it possessed the characters of a uterine fibroid was plain beyond cavil. She also showed early arthritic changes in the left knee, consequential on a defective metabolism of no apparent magnitude. The Period was not copious, but repetitive: i.e. it would recur immediately after its apparent cessation. The mental counterpart was a dread of malignant development.

Taking into account the totality of the physical condition one of the increasing limitations it was decided to relieve the patient of her chief embargo by operation. Detailed examination ad hoc revealed a troublesome laryngeal catarrh and some submucous rales in the chest; and also a type of urine containing creatine and creatinine a condition of things I have learned to regard as closely allied to a definite glycosuria.

Some days were occupied in getting rid of the catarrh and bringing the renal secretion to an apparent normal; and not until then was operation carried out.

During the actual surgical procedure the anaesthetist commented on the outpouring from the mouth of a quantity of coffee-ground- coloured fluid, and attributed this to gastric ulcer. But there were no signs or symptoms of ulcer of the stomach. Other than this the operation proceeded as is customary. Anaesthesia was induced by a duplicate form of spinal and general anaesthetic. The operation was that of sub-total hysterectomy.

For the first three post-operative days the course was uneventful; then the clinical hurricane broke. The temperature suddenly rose to 101 degree; the breathing became markedly embarrassed; sleep was fitful. Antimonium tart. was given for twenty-four hours.

Dr. Fergie Woods now saw the case with me. He found definite evidence of pneumonia in the right lung; and on various indications, including a maximum temperature at 4 p.m., Lycopodium 1m was given repeatedly for eighteen hours. The patients condition was now so threatening that an auxiliary physician remained on duty the whole night.

On the ensuing morning the condition became still more critical. An alarming crisis of genuine air hunger developed, shortly before mid-day; the patient became cyanosed, the respirations rose to 34 per minute; and this stressful situation continued for some two hours. In addition to the characteristic aggravation time of Sulphur, 11-12 noon, the patient was constantly putting her feet out of bed to cool them, and she showed great disinclination to be covered. Accordingly Sulphur 1m was now prescribed. Improvement commenced forthwith; the breathing became more comfortable, and four and a half hours of natural though fitful sleep were obtained during the night. The sudden change was as that from darkness to light.

Apparently the Lycopodium had done this much it had brought out clearly the indications for the true remedy.

The next day the improved condition (temperature 99 degree respiration 26) continued, but did not advance; the night was less restful, and between 9 and 11 p.m. another crisis of air hunger, but much less severe than before, developed. Dr. Fergie Woods (who continued to see the patient with me day by day) changed the potency of Sulphur to 10m. No further crisis developed; the patient slept increasingly soundly the succeeding nights; the lung condition cleared up day by day, and a continuous convalescence followed, during which the highest temperature was 99 degree. The organism in the sputum were found to be of the streptococcus and pneumococcus type.

The foregoing clinical history is sufficiently striking; but an element quite as spectacular is to be included. The urine before operation contained creatine and creatinine, and for this reason glucose was looked for each day in post-operative time. On the third day it appeared in some quantity; on the fifth day it reached an estimated average (laboratory examination) of twelve grains per ounce of urine excreted, totalling some three-quarters of an ounce of glucose in the twenty-four hours. By the eighth day the sugar had materially diminished; on the ninth day it entirely disappeared. Even more disconcerting than glucose were the Ketone bodies diacetic acid and acetone present also in threatening quantities. These vanished more slowly than the glucose, continuing some days after the urine was free from sugar. The patient returned home exactly four weeks after operation.

A curative development more spectacular I do not recall in my professional experience. Without doubt the pulmonary stress was increased considerably by the glycosuria and acetonemia; and it is notable that the former of the Ketone bodies disappeared some days before the latter. The prescription of Sulphur was throughout on solely symptomatological grounds; pathology afforded no guidance. Sulphur cm wound up the latter part of the convalescence.





The Homoeopathic Recorder By Bose N C.

1948 Mar Vol VIII No 12

Lutze F H.


Ant-t / Op.


Clara H.3 years, had a severe attack of bronchitis with rattling of mucus in the chest and trachea as if a quantity of it must come up with the cough, which often was followed by vomiting, but even then but little was ejected. She was worse lying down especially the breathing, was drowsy and ill-tempered, would not let me come near her nor even look at her contrary to her previous disposition, for we had always been good friends.

R/- Antim tart 200 improved her so much in a few days that the parents considered her entirely well again, and contrary to my advice dispensed with further treatment.

Yet she apparently quite well for several months until the parents took her out to an entertainment in a country church one stormy winters evening. She was very sick again the next morning, when I found her in about the same condition and the same symptoms as before, but in a rather aggravated form.

R/- Antim tart in various potencies had very little or no effect now, and though she would not allow me to come near her, much less examine, yes, even look at her, and was always irritable in my presence- the rapid breathing, increasing dyspnoea, cyanosis and prostration certainly indicated pneumonia. The mother said she coughed but little and it seemed loose rattling. Antimon tart having clearly failed to produce any good result Bell., Chelid, Lycopodium, Phos, given on seemingly good symptoms furnished by the mother, also failed to improve her. The perfunctory question asked daily. “Did the bowels move?” was always answered in the affirmative, but on the tenth or eleventh day the mother added to this answer, “But I have to make her”

When questioned regarding the meaning of this she explained as follows; “Clara will sit on her little chair when I tell her, but she gets up at once, and I have to make her sit and keep her sitting for a long time before she has a stool. “Then has no desire for stool?” “Nor, for urine, or food or anything else.” “Is she always so irritable as she is when I am here.? “Oh no, not at all, she is very good always, I have no trouble at all with her; she sleeps most of the time.

Here then, I had to deal with a paralytic form of Pneumonia and I gave her Re/- Opium (200) in aqua. The following day there was a decided improvement in her condition, which continued under the same remedy and was followed by a complete recovery on the third day thereafter.




The Role of Homoeopathy in Acute Emergencies [Role Of Homoeopathy In Acute Emergencies]


1993 Sep / Oct Vol II NO 5

Tiwari M L.


Hep / Cham / Ant-t / Sulph / Podo / Aeth / Nux-v / Gels / Arg-n / Tab.


1. Introduction

2. Cases from practice

3. Discussion on the cases and conclusions drawn in each case.

4. General guideline for managing an acute emergency.


Homoeopathy has achieved a unique place in the medical world as concerns the management of chronic diseases. However in acute emergencies, people think twice before they consult a homoeopathic physician and their first impulse is to rush to allopathy.

Therefore, a homoeopath mainly gets chronic cases and only occasionally has to face acute emergencies.

These acute emergencies are of two types:

(a) One in which the patient is already under treatment for a long standing chronic disease and an acute exacerbation occurs (a crisis state). For example, a case of hypertension comes with a suddenly shot up blood pressure and stroke.

(b). An acute illness which is sudden and unexpected and which requires immediate attention for e.g. bronchopneumonia, ureteric colic, acute dysentery, encephalitis, lung abscess, cortical blindness, head injury, etc.

Acute emergencies, specially cases of infants and the aged require immediate attention because the mortality rate is high.

Out of the above list, let me discuss 3 cases:

CASE 1: Bronchopneumonia

On 3-10-79 at 9 A.M., a child of two and a half years, came with complaints of coryza, cough and fever 100 degree F. Chilly patient.

Hepar-sulph 30 one powder, mixed in 6 tsp of water, to be given every four hours.

At 10:30 A.M., the mother telephoned to report that the child was very irritable with a lot of coughing, swelling of gums. The child was biting his own fingers. Chamomilla 30 one powder in 6 tsp was given four hourly.

The next morning the mother came again with the child with fever of 103 degree F. The cough had increased and there was breathlessness. The patient was very irritable when awakened, but otherwise dull and drowsy.

On examination – T 103 degree F, Resp. Rate 90 / min, pulse 120 minute. Basal bilateral crepetitions. In 24 hours the whole picture had changed.

The mother became very anxious and wanted the child to be admitted to a hospital. Antim-tart 10M four hourly was given.

The next morning i.e., 5-10-70 at 9:30 A.M., the child was still dull and drowsy and irritable when awakened. Fever was 102 degree F, refused feeds. Respiration was still fast with a RR of 80/ min, pulse of p 130-min and basal bilateral crepitations. The picture fitted Antim-tart well. So the remedy was continued and patient asked to report in the evening.

In the evening at 8 P.M., there was still no change in the patients condition. Antim-tart 50 M was given and the patient was asked to report the next morning.

Early next morning i.e., 5 A.M. on 6-10-70 the mother telephoned and informed that the patient was dull and had passed neither urine nor stool. The breathing was heavy. Hands and feet were cold. Everybody in the house was in a state of panic. so at 5:45 P.M., I went for a visit to the patients home and made the following observations –

1. The patient was dull (3+) and drowsy (3+), not responding to stimuli.

2. Pupils dilated but reacting to light. There was no neck rigidity.

3. Pulse – 130-min, T – 103 degree F and R R – 90 / min.

4. Auscultation of chest revealed bilateral rales.

5. Coldness of palms and soles, which were not covered.

I found myself in an extremely difficult situation. 72 hours and no relief. Ant-tart, which was the indicated remedy did not benefit the patient in any manner and the condition of the child had been deteriorating. A miasmatic block.

I gave Sulphur 1M and asked the patient to report in a few hours.

At 10 A.M. the same day the mother reported that there was a severe cough and vomiting half an hour after administration of the drug. The patient was irritable and passed urine and stool. There was an active demand for feeds but it was vomited out. The breathlessness was better by 50 percent.

I visited the patient at 6 P.M. on 7-10-79 and noticed the following –

1. The child was active.

2. T – 99 degree F, P-100 min, regular; R R – 40 / min.

3. Chest auscultation – fewer rales.

The patient was given placebo and he recovered in the next four hours.

Discussion: This case raises the following questions:-

1. What is the relationship between time and totality?

Totality in the morning on the 3rd October 1979 (9 A.M.), in the evening on the 3rd (10:30 P.M.), in the morning (9 A.M.) and evening of 4th were changing patterns.

2. Why was the response slow? Probably due to –

a) Level of similarity was peripheral.

b) Choice of potency

c) Repetition of the dose

d) Miasmatic block.

(EDITOR: What do you think? Do write to us.)

CASE 2: Acute dysentery.

Master A, 2 yrs. and 2 months, of age, was under my treatment. Medorrhinum was given on 11th June 85. His deep acting remedy was Lycopodium, which was given in 200 potency on 12th June 1985.

His acute medicines were as follows – Chamomilla 1M, Podophyllum 200, Aethusa 200, Nux-v 200 and Gelsemium 200.

On 9th July 1985 he had a severe attack of diarrhoea due to dentition. He passed 3-4 stools, profuse and offensive, between 7-8 A.M. The child was weak. On examination the tongue was coated white, Liver was palpable. Ant fontanelles were closed.

Podophyllum 200 one dose was given, after which he was alright the whole day.

In the morning on 10th July he again passed 3-4 stools after retaining a cup of milk. Stools were offensive, profuse and after passing he became drowsy. Aethusa 200 one dose was given and was to be repeated if the child passed another profuse stool. Two doses of Aethusa 200 were given at two hours interval after which the child was active throughout the day.

On 11th July 1985 Aethusa was again given single dose.

12th July at 7:30 A.M. the child passed stool with sticky mucus and slight blood and tenesmus which was better after passing stool.

Nux-vom 30 two doses were given. It did not relieve the complaints. The childs mother decided to take a Pediatricians opinion. All throughout the travel to the Pediatricians consulting room the child was howling as he was getting an aggravation from hot humid draft of air. He asked his uncle to drive slowly. At the consulting rooms he asked the mother to take him home. He started crying and passed stools which were greenish with mucus and blood. He did not let the Pediatrician examine him.

Later at 12:30 the child developed a fever and again passed greenish stools with mucus and blood. At 4:00 P.M. the temperature rose to 103 degree F. with drowsiness, no thirst. Gelsemium 200 was prescribed. The response to Gelsemium was not as desired and so the totality was reviewed.

A / f exposure to humid air.

Anxiety fear – concomitant

Stool greenish with mucus and blood.


Chronic: Gels – Arg-nit – Sulph


Argentum-nit 30 was given. The next day when the patient reported the stools were well formed, no blood, no mucus, no fever. The child was however irritable. Three doses of Arg-nit were given. On 14-7-85 the patient was fine, but irritable.

Sulphur 200 single dose was given after which there were no complaints.


1. Remedies like Podo, Aethusa, Nux-v gave only a partial response. Why?

2. Why was the susceptibility throwing different forms?

3. What is the importance of mental concomitants in acute prescription?

4. Concept of remedy relationship and its importance in acute prescribing.

CASE 3: Acute Abdomen

(Case treated at the M.L. Dhawale Homoeopathic Research Centre, Malad. Date of Admission 11th April 92, 11:45 P.M.)

A young lady came to the casualty, with acute pain in the abdomen. She was much prostrated with agony on her face.

She was recently married, with two months amenorrhoea. Pregnancy test was positive.


Location – Abdomen; left lumbar region. Pain radiating to anterior, posterior and suprapubic region. Pain gradually increasing. Pain comes slowly and goes slowly. Peak is intense and prolonged.

Sensation and Complaints –

Colicky (3+) pain. Unbearable.

Modalities – Agg. least motion (3+), after urination. No amelioration after vomiting or pressure.

Concomitant – Nausea (3+) especially when the pain increases in intensity. Retching. Vomiting. Perspiration.

Thirst – Normal.

Coldness of hands and feet.

Chilliness after vomiting.

Physical Examination –

Looked weak and exhausted.

BP 110 – 70 mm of Hg. Pulse – rapid, low volume.

Tongue – White coated.

Per Abdomen – Tenderness of left lumbar region.

Hands and feet cold to touch.

While she was being brought to the hospital from her residence, the pain had started to increase. By the time she narrated the history the pain had reached an intense stage and she started vomiting. She dropped down on the floor and was unable to get up due to the weakness and exhaustion.

Probable diagnosis – Ureteric colic. There was no past history of similar attack. An important point was that the patient was two months pregnant.

Investigations: An Ultra sonography was necessary but could not be done as the next day was a Sunday. A KUB contra-indicated due to pregnancy.


Structure affected – Urinary tract in pregnant state. Spasms of a hollow organ.

Form – Prominent concomitants thrown in the form of prostration, severe nausea, vomiting, coldness of extremities and perspiration with severe colic.

Function – Pains increase after micturition. Urine deep coloured and concentrated.

Time – Rapid evolution: within a few hours, with early instability in vital signs.

Remedy Diagnosis:

This evolutionary understanding of the episode clearly indicated Tabacum as the remedy with remedies like Verat-alb, Ocimum-can coming up for differentiation. The strong General concomitants are not covered by Ocimum-can. The profuse discharges and the thirst of Verat-alb are absent. A quick look in Bogers Synoptic Key helped confirm Tabacum as the remedy.


Tabacum 30 one dose was given immediately at 12:05 in the casualty. At 12:15 the patient could walk and shift to the ward, with much less pain. By 1:00 A.M. a total of four doses was given which significantly improved the general condition of the patient. By next morning the patient was fine and had no complaints whatsoever.


1. Importance of clinical diagnosis in the management of Acute emergency.

2. Importance of Concomitants in acute Prescribing.




THE MM POTENCY AND MULTIPLE TOTALITIES [MM Potency &amp; Multiple Totalities]


1951 Aug Vol LXVI No 3


Philosophy & Discussion / Cases

Phos / Sulph / Puls / Aur / Ant-t.

Read before the Bureau of Materia Medica, I.H.A., July 7, 1950.


The title of this paper may appear puzzling. Some of you will wonder what connection there could exist between these two topics. No other connection than that they both are exemplified in this paper by one and the same case history.

About ten years ago I was asked to treat a boy then seven years old and who had been suffering from convulsions of hystero- epileptic nature. At first, these convulsions came on in the night, yet gradually established themselves also in the day. They were characterized by loss of consciousness, clonic jerking in the limbs, blue lips, foam before his mouth and were followed by a temporary paralysis of tongue and throat.

He was mild-natured, generous, considerate, affectionate and not a quarrelsome boy. He was a good friend, liked children, liked strangers, liked company, but these positive qualities were more than counter-balanced by the following very negative symptoms of cerebro-spinal origin. He was indifferent, not dependable, did not care and was very sensitive. He was indifferent, not dependable, did to care and was very sensitive. he was easily offended, could be very contrary, mad and stubborn if not handled right. He was afraid of the dark if alone and would not go to sleep alone. On the other hand, he could not go to sleep if lights were on, and noises woke him up easily. He was afraid of dogs, chickens and almost all the other animals; was immature for his age and grew too slowly though he ate much.

Despite his being almost in constant motion, he was otherwise slow, phlegmatic and awkward in everything, in fact so awkward that he could not tie his shoes and that his mother had to peel apples for him. He stumbled easily and was also clumsy in talking while his restlessness found its expression in his constant picking of fingers and nails.

He had an aversion to raw eggs, craved candy and ice-creams and drank much cold water. He liked to wash his face with cold water but not his body. After bath he chilled easily. He hated hot sun but liked personal magnetism. The time after midnight was better for him that that before midnight. Rx. Phosphorus 10M.

Two months later came the report which was thoroughly disappointing. The remedy did not improve the bodys condition in any way.

After a pause of a year another prescription was requested. This time Phosphorus cc was given. Its result was no better than that of the 10M potency.

Another year elapsed after which time Phosphorus 1M was prescribed but, alas, with the same negative result. This produced so much discouragement in the boy and his parents that for five years they did not want to try homoeopathy again. however, after five years their discouragement was forgotten and they let me try again.

In order to be sure of the remedy I subjected the boy to another thorough questioning and secured the following additional symptoms:.

He now fancies seeing things. He also hears imaginary noises and thinks someone will attack him. He has developed a changeable mood and lacks ambition. His memory which was good before is now quite poor and he is slow to grasp and to coordinate ideas. He is lazy, discontented, tired and hates to study. He sits, broods, is not gregarious any more and has no boy friends. His movements which had been quick in the day have now become slow, while in his sleep he is moving constantly. His feet especially are in perpetual motion during sleep, partly because they get hot and he wants to find a cool spot for them.

In convulsions his whole body jerks, his face twitches and his lips become purple. These convulsions come slowly and with fear of something indefinite, as well as with a sensation of chilliness which starts in the head and goes down to the legs. He is ravenously hungry near an attack but has a poor appetite otherwise. He also vomits water in spells and is often car sick. At all times his eyes are sunken, have no lustre and are surrounded with blue rings. The pupils are contracted, his speech hesitating and stuttering. His chewing is unsatisfactory and his swallowing difficult. He is constantly picking his nose, lips and fingers. He laughs little and when he laughs, it is a silly laugh over some trifle. He is dizzy, his head is heavy and at the table he supports it with his hand. His legs are tender and have developed aching and shooting pains, if he stands or walks much. His knees are sore and stiff if he runs too much, while slow and short walks limber them up. His feet perspire and the skin on them peels. There is a crawling sensation on his face. He uses more covers than other people and feels chilly when he does not feel well; however, when he has a cold, he does not developed any fever. he is a poor sleeper, falls asleep late and in the morning he thinks he did not sleep at all. His face and his legs itch. He often has headaches which are worse in P.M. and grow with the day. He occasionally has cold sores and a kink in the neck, meaning a sensation as if sprained.

This time again the prescription was Phosphorus, only the potency was raised to MM and it did not disappoint. Six weeks later his parents reported in a letter, saying, “The boy is much improved, his nerves are better, he is much easier to get along with and we now have more faith than for years that you will cure him”.

In all, the MM potency was repeated three times at longer intervals. Its second dose was given three months after the first, and six months after this second dose a report was received which expressed great satisfaction with the results obtained. Even the boys strabismus seemed to be cured and he was taking so much more interest in school work that he graduated from high school during that time. He did not need any more medicine for a year and a half. The cure, however, did not prove permanent because after one year and a half the attacks returned with a severity which was almost the same as a few years before. The third dose of Phosphorus MM was then administered. This dose was efficacious again but held only about ten months. While earlier the boy thought that his attack relapsed on account of physical over-exertion, this last time he alleged an entirely different cause. He had just become interested in a girl when the convulsions returned, so he concluded that the feeling of love – as he expressed it – caused them. He felt himself confirmed in this opinion because when one day he got mad at the girl, he started to feel better.

This last relapse finally made me suspicious and I started t doubt the correctness of the prescription. What if Phosphorus was not his similimum? I re-studied the case and prescribed Agaricus muscarius 1M. The fact that after an apparent cure the spells returned twice made me think that they were only palliated. Besides, there was another reason prompting this doubt. I, namely, had the opportunity to treat also this boys father who was a difficult chronic case, too. If there ever was a patient having strong Phosphorus symptoms, it was this man. He was afraid of death and disease, of darkness and water, of storm and wind, of loneliness and insanity. He hated nights and cloudy days. Darkness, storm, wind, excitement depressed him. He was very affectionate, very sensitive and very excitable. He was jealous, vain, talkative, quickly angered and quickly discouraged. He was thirty when waking up in the night and his skin was easily abraded and he bled freely when shaving. He was extremely clairvoyant and maintained that all his dreams came true. He received Phosphorus, not one dose but the whole gamut of potencies from the 30th to the MM without any appreciable benefit. He surely was a puzzling case. In spite of presenting more Phosphorus symptoms than any of my Phosphorus patients, he failed to respond. This not because of lack of reaction, but he evidently was not a Phosphorus case but at the time of treatment he suffered from a chronic lumbago which was of gouty etiology not of Phosphorus nature and with no definite symptoms to prescribe upon. He developed this gouty constitution in his later years and the conclusion is justified that it was in no way related to the Phosphorus pathogenesis. His system was harboring two different constitutions, his original Phosphorus constitution and the therapeutically undefined gouty constitution. This last one developed over the first, covering or enveloping the first so tightly that Phosphorus even in the highest potencies could not penetrate through it and reach the deeper-seated Phosphorus constitution in order to afford relief. It is evident that the gouty constitution should have been removed first before Phosphorus could have been expected to act. His symptoms were of such a nature that at that time I did not even suspect that I had to deal with two different totalities requiring two different remedies.

Double totalities do exist, sometimes even triple. For the most part we encounter only one. Usually a mans constitution does not change much in the course of his life except if unusual and deep acting causes supervene. E.g.: Somebody may have a Calcium constitution in his younger years but, when 18 years old, he suffers from a violent and prolonged typhoid fever which will make a Psorinum case of him. A farmer may be a Sulphur case but one harvest season he works exceedingly much and strains himself excessively so that he produces a chronic passive congestion of his venous, as well as portal, circulations which makes him a Carbo veg. patient. Or a silica boy becomes a miner and in the mining camps he lives almost exclusively on cooked meat and potatoes, a diet which will make a Sulphur patient of him. Or a woman who may have been a Pulsatilla case in her first 20 years of life but in the subsequent 20 or 30 years, by partaking excessively of chicken, turkey, ham and cakes, all of which foods contain devitalized proteins and cause gout, high blood pressure and hypertrophy of the heart, becomes an Aurum met. patient and later, running around for years with hypertension she finally exhausts her circulatory system, becomes decompensated and in consequence of this long lasting decompensation she develops into an Antimonium tartaricum case. You may find Pulsatilla, Aurum and Antimonium tartaricum symptoms intermingled in such a case, but only the administration of Antimonium tartaricum will afford substantial relief; the other two will fail. After Antimonium tartaricum has done its full duty, Aurum met. will come in and, after this has restored the circulation to normal, Pulsatilla will be indicated. Pulsatilla or Aurum, if given first, wound not work or would work only partially and temporarily, would only palliate. In the case of this epileptic boy, only the MM potency had the power to penetrate through the outer shell of the Agaricus constitution, to improve the Phosphorus constitution and remove the convulsions temporarily, while in the case of his father the gouty shell seems to have been too dense even for the highest potency. It is known that chronic gout is the most difficult trouble to treat even for the most experienced homoeopath.

In order to prescribe for cases with more than one totality, it is extremely important that their symptoms be correctly evaluated. It is more decisive to ascertain the chronological incidence of a symptom as far as this is possible than to determine its quality. Mental symptoms, no matter how strong, must be disregarded, if they do not belong to the totalities which we have to treat first. Of the greatest value are those generalities, either mental or physical, which have cropped up last. They should be taken as key-notes. In multiple totalities, therefore, mental symptoms belonging to the uppermost totality are of first importance while mental symptoms seemingly just as strong, yet belonging to other totalities, are not important at all but will become important later. For years I have been making mistakes in complicated chronic prescribing because I did not know this rule.

In spite of all ones personal experience with the remedies, gathered over many years of hard and tiresome work, it is not possible to distinguish between the different totalities in chronic cases without constant referring to the Materia Medica. To consult the repertories alone is insufficient. The symptoms must be compared with the help of the fullest reference books, such as the Guiding Symptoms of Hering, Encyclopaedia of T.F. Allen and the Dictionary of John. H. Clarke. Nor is hurry allowed in taking the case history. The whole past of such cases from the cradle must be scrutinized, pitfalls lurk everywhere, omissions are costly, constant digging, searching and reviewing are necessary, only thorough work brings permanent results with respect for homoeopathy as a deserved addition.



DR. ROGER A. SCHMIDT [San Francisco, California]: This is a very thought-provoking paper. It brings up a number of problems that are not entirely solved and that need further discussion among ourselves.

The question of constitution, for example: We use terms that might have a different meaning among ourselves. My definition of “constitution” would be somatic condition of the body and the inherited factors that are imposed by the parents upon the being. Constitution is carried from the cradle to the grave. You cannot alter the somatic features that develop.

Things that are motivated are called temperaments. Temperament is an expression of the functional changes that occur with age. Possibly what Dr. Bellokossy referred to I would have called temperaments, and the person described in his paper developed different pictures as he developed throughout his youth into adulthood.

“Totality” being such a “total” term, if we take it to mean what it seems to mean, how could we have more than one “totality”? It would be rather a contradiction. We should not call it “totality,” if it is not something that is a total.

You stated that we should discard a number of mental what it seems to mean, how could we have more than one “totality”? It would be rather a contradiction. We should not call it “totality,” if it is not something that is a total.

You stated that we should discard a number of mental symptoms; yet, according to our rules, mental symptoms should be considered as the most important in the case. I quite agree with you, however, that such should be the case, because we have common symptoms and peculiar symptoms. I believe neurotic individuals (and the man whom you described seemed to be a perfect example of a neurotic individual) have many symptoms that are common among all neurotics whom we see. If there is one that is different from what we find in other neurotics, that one might be picked as the one that fits into the totality of the picture for prescription consideration.

What potency was the MM potency? Was it a Fincke, a Jenichen or centesimal?.

DR. BELLOKOSSY: It is really not possible to say, No matter who made those potencies, it is impossible to say whether they were exactly MM. I made the potency myself and it was approximately MM.

DR. SCHMIDT: It is another of those approximate things that we should sometimes, I believe, bring up for earnest consideration. We have to establish something exact. Science is progressing tremendously along the line of classifying things in such a way that you can compare them and evaluate them. If something is approximate, how can one evaluate it? An MM potency Jenichen is certainly entirely different from Korsakov or Hahnemann MM, isnt it? Mathematically I am sure there is a tremendous discrepancy.

DR. BELLOKOSSY: I made it out of CM according to my judgment, and I thought it was MM.






1949 Apr Vol LXIV No 10

Anne Elizabeth Cannon & Lucy Swanton Clarke.


Bell / Bry / Penic / Ip / Ter / Phos / Merc-i / Apis / Puls / Acon / Cupr / Zinc / Ant-t / Sulph / Med / Aven.

Read before the Bureau of Pediatrics, I.H.A., June 18, 1948.




Treatment of measles in ten years practice has taught me several things. The first two cases got immune serum with such terrific reactions it has not voluntarily been used since. The children were more sick with the measles, had higher temperatures, and took longer to get over it, than those since treated with homoeopathic remedies.

Here are several cases haphazardly taken from the files:.

CASE 1: Boy, 5 years; Belladonna 3x, every two hours; uneventful recovery; no complications.

CASE 2: Girl, 32 years; Bryonia 3x every two hours; uneventful.

CASE 3: Brother, 18 months, caught it; mother gave Bryonia ex; child developed bronchial pneumonia on third day when doctor was called. Given Penicillin, Bryonia, Belladonna, and Phosphorus; later Ipecac, all in the 3x. One week later had bloody urine. Was given Terebinth 6x, one every two hours; also baking soda water, 4 teaspoonful to a glass; on the third day seen by urologist and no changes noticed. Better on fourth day. Uneventful recovery and, after three years, no complications.

CASE 4: Girl, 3 years Bryonia 3x given; uneventful for ten days. Then another rash appeared similar to first. Bryonia 3x repeated also a combination remedy of Aconite, Bryonia, Belladonna, Mercurius iodide. Rash cleared. Two days later hives developed; Apis 3x and Pulsatilla 3x given. Five days latter the child was carried into the office in convulsions; Belladonna; Aconite and Bryonia 3x given in combination. Rales were found throughout the left chest. By late evening the chest was perfectly well with no after effects or recurrences in four years time.

CASE 5: Girl, 5 years: Bryonia 3x; uneventful; no complications.

CASE 6: Girl, 4 years; very sick, temperature 104, pulse 120; Belladonna 2x, one every three hours, and Bryonia 3x every two hours; uneventful recovery.

CASE 7: Girl, 3 months exposed in hospital to measles; got two “shots” of immune globulin; no reaction; in measles. Perhaps maternal antibodies were still resent. This child was a breech with one leg (femur) two inches shorter than the other. X-rat showed the the entire body to be moth eaten with calcium deposits. Diagnosis: Chondrodystrophia, with a a prognosis of about one year to live. It is now 12 years old, walking and talking, about one or two months behind the first childs record which was about normal.

SUMMARY: Serum globulin used twice; both children got much worse on it. Aminopyrine used twice; both children seemed much worse afterward. Low potency homoeopathic remedies used many times and the children seemed to improve at once and continue to an uneventful recovery, even if sometimes complications developed.

Homoeopathic treatment of measles is satisfying and safe causing no serious complications.

Also I have notice that blondes get sick more easily, with higher temperatures, and also get well quicker; that brunettes, if they appear equally ill with similar temperatures, are really sick, and it takes them longer to recover. This is an illustration of the fine differential points that homoeopathy draws in the reaction of different individuals to the same diagnosis.

Also I have found that when the brothers or sisters of the measles patients develop the measles, the mothers will immediately start Bryonia with the coughing, and just phone the doctor that the measles is about to break out. Very often it will not even be necessary to see the child, and recovery will proceed normally.


Two cases of measles with the family are reported. Dr. Maybelle Gilbert saw the first case just as the cough was starting, smelt his breath, and said, “That child is coming down with measles. You can smell it. Give him a hot bath and Bryonia an the rash will come out.” On the second day of the rash the face was puffy and red. Apis 2c. cleared it right up almost miraculously. Recovery proceeded rapidly with no fever after the second day. Second case was practically the same except that labored respiration developed with the puffy face; both were quickly relieved by Apis.

I have learned that measles has a “smell” distinctive to it, and that there is a peculiar dry, having cough preceding the rash and accompanying it, and that homoeopathic remedies can effect a seemingly rapid cure.



DR. ELIZABETH WRIGHT HUBBARD: I am very much intrigued with the notion that blondes get sick fast and get over it fast, that brunettes are apparently much more sick but get over it slower. I would be interested to hear whether anybody else has made that observation. Our typical blond Belladonna children get things suddenly and are over it, but I wouldnt have thought of brunettes as being more lingering in their illnesses, though often we have heard the old which says that “The blue eye is the merry eye; the brown eye is the loving eye.”.

I think often brown-eyed people take things harder and take longer or get over them than the blue or “glad-eyed people” in life, but I never thought of it in Homoeopathy.

DR. DAYTON T. PULFORD: I think as a general rule brunettes have a little thicker skin than blonds and probably more of a tendency to pigment, and it might be an exanthem would not come out as quickly a sin a blond individual.

DR. F.K.BELLOKOSSY: I think the brunettes are more encumbered, more loaded with toxins than the blonds.

Another point in the paper-I am surprised at the fact the higher potencies are not used. Boenninghausen, a hundred years ago, wrote of how much better higher potency, 1M is than 30. or 6x,m and still we find so many using these low potencies. When a thing has been known for a hundred years, we should take advantage of it.

I have mostly associated measles with Aconitum and Pulsatilla, not with Belladonna and Bryonia. Aconitum and Pulsatilla are more often recommended so I would like to know why these doctors use Belladonna and Bryonia. Pulsatilla and Aconitum are more related to the skin than Belladonna and Bryonia pulsatilla especially is more of skin remedy than Belladonna and Bryonia.

Apis is something interesting. Apis has been use, which I approve of very much, because Apis is such a very strong skin remedy and very often brings out the exanthem quicker than any other remedy.

DR. ALLAN D. SUTHERLAND: I dont know Dr. Cannon except thought the fact that she was elected to membership in the organization this morning. I do know a little bit about her, however, and I know that she has been struggling with Homoeopathy for some years, without very much help. I think perhaps her use of low potencies might be cause of her feeling of insecurity so far as the remedy is concerned. Perhaps she is not yet quite certain of herself as a homoeopath, a state through which a great many of us have gone, and through which I personally am still going, so I dont thin she should be criticized.

The essential thing is that the remedy be chosen according to the law of similars. The potency then is not so important. As far as the use of Bryonia or Belladonna for skin manifestations, we are prescribing for people; we are not prescribing for skin, whether it is measles or what-not.

I dont think it is a condition that expresses itself on the surface of the body that should necessarily be considered in choosing a remedy; if the patients indications call for Belladonna, that is the remedy to use. I have used it in patients with eruption, the eruption we call measles, with success. I have used Phosphorus, and Bryonia, and Pulsatilla; in fact, I think all of our proven remedies are at our command to use, if the symptoms indicate them.

DR. ELIZABETH WRIGHT HUBBARD; Bryonia is one of the five remedies most often spoken of in the literature as bringing our a rash. We think of Cuprum and Zincum, and so forth, where the rash has not come out at all, because of feebleness, or being suppressed as by a sudden chilling, or hot bath; but Antimonium tartaricum, and Bryonia, as well as our old and friend, Sulphur, bring out a laggard eruption.

Secondly, I was interested in Dr. Bellokossys remark about the toxemia of the dark people. It gives one to think. The typical darkest-skinned and darkest haired person is often the every feeble adrenal type, who is, I think, markedly toxic, and that is an interesting thought to watch.

DR. HARVEY FARRINGTON: Dry cough, pathognomonic of measles. Rather unusual, at least in the beginning to moist cough, therefore dry cough should be characteristic of all those remedies usually given for measles in the first stage. In the experience of many, including myself, Aconitum is usually the first remedy, but, of course, there would have to be Aconitum symptoms there. Rarely is if Pulsatilla, yet many routinists give Pulsatilla from the beginning because they think it is good for measles, and they often spoil their cases and retard the cure.

I have been Bryonia cure a case of measles without any other remedy having to be given, and there you find the dry throat, the Bryonia thirst, Bryonia cough, often headache and a rough rash, but I have seen them get well just a well under it, as quickly as under my remedy. It is routine to give Bryonia because it is supposed to bring out rash. Later on, when the rash does not come out, to if it is suppressed, then Bryonia comes in very frequently.

DR. LAURA B. HURD: I should like to ask Dr. Farrington if he has used Medorrhinum.

DR. FARRINGTON: Yes, but only as a prophylactic.

DR. MARION BELLE ROOD: In our neighborhood a lay remedy in to boil out straw and give as an infusion, and Avena sativa has been very helpful this spring in measles. It shortened the four days of symptoms from first fever to final eruption down to less than one day sometimes, and the people who used it were thoroughly satisfied that their children did not need any other prescribing at all but that.

DR. EDWARD WHITMONT: What potency?.

DR. ROOD: I gave ten drops of the tincture in a glass of water, a teaspoonful ever thirst minutes until the rash appeared, which would be in about two or three hours, and then stopped the remedy.





The Homoeopathic Recorder By Allan D Sutherland.

1954 Aug Vol LXX No 2

Bhattacharjee M.


Lach / Ant-t / Sil / Bar-c / Syph / Tub / Puls / Med.


Einstein, by expounding his theory of relativity, invalidated all previous conceptions of gravitation, the ether, geometry and other matters. Some cynic may give him a buffet in the retort that his theory of relativity itself is only relatively true. Whatever it may be, we may vouch for it that it works in the province of medical verdicts. When some authority, some specialist, or a first grade surgeon pronounces a case to be singularly hopeless, bafflingly incurable or typically surgical, we cannot but smile over it, as we know that the verdicts of those honourable persons are significant for their magnificent errors of commission and omission, which, when counted, seem to range from fifty to ninety per cent. A few cases will illustrate our proposition.



1. Hepatic Abscess.

A medium-statured, dark, thin, emaciated, prostrated school teacher consulted me three years back for his suppurating liver. His liver abscess had started ten months previous to my visit and, during the intervening period, he had all along been treated by orthodox methods in one of the best hospital in India, with all the antibiotic and other therapy available and under the care of one of the best surgeons in India, who aspirated the liver ten times and subsequently operated upon it thrice, but ultimately was to give the prognosis: The liver would discharge daily and for eight months about a pint of thin, bloody, offensive pus, through the openings made by the surgeon, which showed no tendency to close. The patient was extremely anaemic, prostrated, hot thirstless, and night sweats, could not cover head and face during sleep, was constipated and had no appetite. There was a periodic hepatic pain ameliorated by copious purulent discharge, a very great tenderness to jar and pressure in the hepatic region to which only a moderate degree of applied heat was grateful. Lachesis 1 M, applied in two dose morning and evening and repeated in a single dose after an interval of one month, cured the patient completely in two months, converting the verdict of “hopeless” into a hopeful one.

2. Cholera Infantum.

I had to visit a two-year-old, flabby boy, who had been suffering from purging and vomiting for more than a week. The usual treatment was with intra-muscular Glucose, Coramine, rectal saline, and sulpha drugs. At about 8 P.M., on the eighth day of his suffering, the patient collapsed, his extremities, nose, forehead and breath were ice-cold, his pulse, could not be felt, eyes were upturned and the whole body was in clinic spasm, while the death rattle could be heard from a distance. The relatives were weeping by his side. A cameraman being unavailable, the mother was trying to have finger-and foot-prints of her dear child on a piece of polished paper, to be preserved as a valued momento. The attending physician, a man of repute in the locality, who met me to give a short history of the case, pronounced the verdict: hopeless. But Homoeopathy does not believe in such a verdict, as it considers the patient as a whole and not in fragments, as it counts upon the vital reactive power of the organism to remedies and disease and not on the state of its component parts. It is, therefore, not in favour of offering one thing for the heart, another for the bowels, some, other thing for the bacterium, so as to drive all the process to failure. Just as it conceives of man as a whole, so it considers his diseased manifestations as a whole. Here, the whole picture pointed to one and the same central disturbance, e.g., that produced by suppressed measles, which manifested itself in so varied and tremendous symptoms, indicating favourably for the patient one and the same remedy, e.g., Antimonium tart., and it thus became prognostic of a probable cure in sight. Antimonium tart., administered in four doses of the 200th, every three hours, brought about the desired effect in five hours, when the convulsions ceased, the extremities became warm, the pulse could be felt and the patient gained consciousness. The next morning, to the surprise of us all, the baby looked a different picture, heartily smiling in his mothers arms. Three days later, as the diarrhoea abated, measles reappeared, which, of course, subsided of itself, needing no other medicine.


1. Epilepsy.

A fourteen-year-old boy had been suffering from idiopathic epilepsy for ten years, and the diagnosis was encephalographically confirmed in Calcutta. The prognosis given was: incurable. A slender, tall, dark, chilly, arrogant boy, thirstless, constipated with clammy, sweaty palms unhealthy skin, and helminthiatic manifestations, had from fifteen to thirty typical epileptic fits daily (during waking hours or in sleep). which were aggravated definitely during new and full moon. The fits were preceded by an aura of indescribable sensations proceeding from the left great toe to ascend the whole left side, when the patient became unconscious. To us a clear picture was visible, and so foretold a hopeful culmination. Silicea 1M, 10M and 50M, applied in gradually ascending potencies, cured the patient, who has had not a single fit during the last three years. The incurable, now, came to be curable.

2. Cretinism.

A nine-year-old, fair, thin, small-headed, stooping girl, whose father had periodic fits of insanity, was a perfect picture of idiocy. She could not walk steadily, could not utter anything else than day, could not masticate properly, did not know when, how and what to eat and drink, started during sleep, and had fear of strangers and animals, especially of dogs. She had the misfortune not only of having the prognosis of incurability declared, but of a very short span of life prophesied at the high alter of specialists. Yet, what has come to pass is that after three years of homoeopathic treatment, with Baryta carb. 1M, 10M, 50M, Syphilinum 1 M, 10 M and Tuberculinum bovinum 1 M, 10 M, the patient talks and walks freely, has become more rational than could be imagined, shows bright physical developments, and the parents, now, expect her to be established in life ultimately. The augury of the specialists about the incurability of the case and the short span of life of the patient shows no sign of fulfilment until now.


1. Caesareanize.

A twenty-four-year-old, dark lady, medium-statured, Para 11, having conceived during her three-month-old suffering from malaria, showed extreme toxaemia of pregnancy, became highly anaemic and ultimately developed lower abdominal pains, for which she was hospitalized in the eighth month of her pregnancy. Under usual treatment with Camo-Quinine, Vitamin, Iron, etc., her general condition improved to some extent, but the abdominal pain showed no sign of lessening. Her uterus was X-rayed and a most unfavourable position of the foetus, even after the thirty-seventh week, was observed. The gynaecologist, who thoroughly examined her, gave the verdict of immediate caesarean section. The husband of the patient, dismayed by the adverse prospect of a major operation, consulted me. I advised him to keep the patient in the hospital, but at the same time to request the gynecologist of defer the operation till the actual onset of labour. Meanwhile, Homoeopathy was started informally. As I, an outsider, could not visit the patient in the hospital, the husband gave me the constitutional and local symptoms. The patient was dark, docile, hot, sensitive and of an emotional nature. She enjoyed a daily cold bath, wanted to be in open air, was rather diarrhoeic and thirstless, liked pungent food and warm food and drink most, was anaemic and highly drugged with iron, had an evening aggravation on pains and was running a low evening temperature. As is evident, the picture pointed to Pulsatilla which, administered in two does of the 1 M potency, morning and evening, brought about a hopeful change in a fortnight, in the position of the foetus, as was observed from the second X-ray reading. A single dose of the same remedy in the same potency was administered at this stage and it effected such a radical change in the position that, after the third X-ray finding the gynaecologist was amazed and obliged to take back his verdict and let it alone. So, at term, after a short labour of five hours only, the gentle lady delivered a healthy body under three doses of Caulophyllum 200., applied every two hours. The change of the position of the foetus was hailed as a mercy of God, but when it was disclosed, after all, that is was the God of Homoeopathy that effected the magic, many faces in the hospital area glowed with tributes and magic, many faces in the hospital area glowed with tributes and admiration, while those of the few placed high on the staff showed gloom.

2. Calcaneal Spur.

A fifty-year-old fat gentleman had extremely difficult walking for three months, due to an awfully tender spot under his right heel. The affected area was tender o pressure and jar, and even coughing and sneezing would hurt the part. There was an occasional burning and throbbing pain in the whole of the right foot. X-ray investigation showed a calcaneal spur, a bone excrescence, on the lower surface of the os calcis, for which an immediate surgical intervention was advised. But, on scrutiny, the patient disclosed considerable weakness of memory, irritability of temper, hurriedness of behaviour and a rheumatic diathesis, which formed a complex of constitutional phenomena upon which were engrafted the aforesaid locals-the whole combining again to point to Medorrhinum. Medorrhinum 1 M, 10M and 50M, in gradually ascending potencies and administered at long intervals, removed the spur completely in six months, as no further X-ray investigation could trace, it, and the patient experienced not the least discomfort about his heel afterwards. Thus, Medorrhinum falsified the validity of the verdict of surgical intervention and maintained the relativity of verdicts in medicine.

Berhampore, Subhas Road,

Post Khagra, Dist, Murshidabad,

West Bengal, India.




CLINICAL PATHOLOGY-AN AID OR HINDRANCE IN PRESCRIBING [Clinical Pathology An Aid Or Hindrance In Prescribing]

The Homoeopathic Recorder By Allan D Sutherland.

1930 Feb Vol XLV No 2

Irving L Farr.

General Topics / Cases

Ant-t / Ign / Spig / Bell-p / Arg-m.

Read at the I.H.A., June 1929, Bureau of Clinical Medicine.


At first thought, clinical pathology has no part in the making of a homoeopathic prescription for the whole fabric of homoeopathy is based upon the proving of remedies on well persons, with a recording of the abnormalities and peculiarities, or so-called symptoms then produced.

But these symptoms were the result of changes produced in the bodies, organs or minds of the provers, and these changes were seen, therefore they were clinical. The provers were temporarily ill. Now illness is a departure from a state of health or regular function of the bodily economy; perhaps due to transitory pathological changes and the recorded symptoms might be evidence of pathological difference. If these premises are tenable, then clinical pathology should be an aid to prescribing.

To illustrate: A physician and an ambulance surgeon were sent for, post haste, late one summers afternoon, to minister to a fat Italian woman who spoke no English. Neither doctor spoke Italian.

The woman was gasping for breath, the face was alternately red and bluish, the chest filled with bubbling mucous rales and it was plain to both doctors that the woman had a broncho- pneumonia and was drowning in her own secretions. The ambulance surgeon turned on his heel and said, “Nothing can be done. I cannot take her to the hospital, she will die before I arrive and I will only bring censure on myself.” So the ambulance left. Here was a dying woman. She could not give her symptoms, yet the clinical pathology wrote the symptoms so clearly that the ambulance left her to die. The frantic family begged that something be done. As Antimonium tartaricum seemed well indicated, the sixth was prescribed, rather for the sake of attempting something, than with the real belief that the remedy would save a life.

The physician left with the promise to look in again before bed time. Imagine his surprise when he called later to find, not a corpse, but a fairly comfortable woman. The prescription was repeated and next morning, in the midst of the smiling family, the woman decided that the doctor need not call again. “Me all wella, now”, she said.

Here the clinical pathology proved both a hindrance and an aid, just depending upon its interpretation.

So far as is known, the old masters of homoeopathy, with no laboratory facilities, had only a general knowledge of pathology and therefore their writings, as well as many of their close followers, verbally discourage the seeing of aught but the symptoms in the taking of the case. Their successes were and are phenomenal, and cure after cure has been reported, while today, even with all the added aids to diagnosis and treatment, more and more patient each year come to operation, many times for conditions which should be curable by medicines if prescribed according to the Hahnemannian law.

Yet, with modern requirements of teaching in our medical colleges today; with the lack of enthusiasm among our recent graduates to keep up the study of homoeopathic materia medica as laid down in the books; with the skepticism manifested by the medical student and even by the graduate in the action of the infinitesimal dose; if with their training in pathology, they can see symptoms as written by clinical pathology, it may lead to a keener interest in correct prescribing. As an illustration note the following case: Again it is an Italian woman, pale, emaciated, with suffering written all over her. She had had a major operation, an abdominal section three months previous. As the woman spoke very little English it was impossible to learn what was done. Following her return from the hospital, she had been in almost constant pain. Several doctors had been to see her with no relief. The pain was sharp, confined to the left side, travelling from the abdomen up the side, through the heart and chest to the head. It was spasmodic and interfered with the heart. This description of the pain is supplied by the physician, for the woman could only murmur “Pain, pain, pain”, and sweep her arm from the pelvis to the head, and hold the hand over the heart.

What pathology had made necessary the operation, was not learned, for only the verbal symptoms of pain was given. the fact that an operation produces trauma to nerve as well as muscle tissue and that it was a left sided, spasmodic, clinical picture, suggested Spigelia which was given in 3x potency. The next day the woman looked happier, and while she said she had pain, it was less severe. three days later the family said the doctor need not come any more for the patient was well.

Because clinical pathology may aid in the selection of the remedy does not make it a scheme , per se, for prescribing. It is to be considered as one more plan to be tried when other modes of reasoning do not bring results. Again, a knowledge of pathology cannot be substituted for a knowledge of a materia medica, for no one can prescribe a remedy homoeopathically until he has some idea of its symptomatology, as well as sufficient knowledge or experience to make remedy homoeopathically until he has some idea of its symptomatology, as well as sufficient knowledge or experience to make remedy comparisions. For example, consider the following case of an intelligent, cultured American lady suffering from a tendency to neuritis, only manifest when she became over-fatigued or exhausted from long hours, or undue exposure. She had been seen in a number of attacks and had soon cleared under Rhus tox., Bryonia, Cimicifuga, Anacardium and Sulphur according to the symptoms. The attack in question was a bit more general in location, in that it involved the hands and wrists, then the shoulder, and finally settled in the left knee. Here it remained and none of her accustomed remedies did any apparent good. Electricity yielded no better results. The knee was stiff though she could walk, yet it was painful to climb the stairs or get in and out of a car.Pain and soreness were of only moderate degree. At last both doctor and patient became worried, the doctor because he took pride in relieving the patients attacks, the patient because she was soon to take an automobile trip, on which she wished to do some walking and climbing. Therefore the doctor again went over the case and discovered that the good woman has slipped on the ice, some months previous, had wrenched this knee but had not thought it worth while to speak of it. Clinical pathology, in the form of trauma to deep tissues, of long standing, pointed the way to a deep-acting remedy for bruised tissue, tincture of Bellis Perennis, as recommended by Dr.Burnett of England. This was prescribed and the patient took her trip and walked in comfort.

In conclusion, may it not be suggested that clinical pathology oftentimes comes as an aid in remedy selections. MONTCLAIR, N.J.


DR. HUTCHINSON: The old teachers of homoeopathic art stressed very delightfully an interpretation of t he symptoms and frequently used as an illustration the infant who, of course, never gave any symptoms verbally. The homoeopathist was quite ready to interpret any action of the sick infant by his emotions, his appearance, his color, the history or complaint and other clinical symptoms.

It seems to me this delightful paper of the doctors brings us back to that important phase of things in estimating case, the analysis of the case just as it stands, with all its symptoms assembled and evaluated.

DR.KAVCIC: Sometimes we are obliged to prescribe only on pathology, because we have nothing else. I had very important case where I prescribed only on one pathological symptom. that was a cartilaginous sarcoma of the second right rib. It was as large as my fist, and was growing very rapidly,. The woman had already been treated allopathically with x-rays and with all sorts of external remedies, without success. I found that Argentum metallicum was the remedy. I gave it and it acted promptly. In three weeks the sarcoma was completely cured.

DR.GRIMMER: The doctor has stated clearly the tenets laid down by some of our leading masters from Hahnemann down. We study the Organon and the writings of Hahnemann. We find that he stresses the totality of the symptoms. He didnt mean just the totality of the mental symptoms alone; he included every symptom that he could get. hahnemann went over his patients; he examined them. Everything that he could learn about his patient was recorded. That formed his picture. And so it is with the use of pathology. Dr. Kent says it has a place, a relationship, it is in the schema; it has a valuable place sometimes. As the doctor here just stated, sometimes there is nothing left for us. How many unconscious cases of apoplexy are we called to prescribe for, often very successfully, only on what we can see?.

DR. KRICHBAUM: The totality of the symptoms very often is quite a confusing term. What is the totality of the symptoms? Often you get nothing but one pathological symptom. Is that symptom a fact or a condition? You will have nothing on which to base a prescription., There was a woman who had been to the Mayos, she had been x-rayed in Minneapolis, she was in New York, for a while, and I failed just as completely as the others on the two first attempts.

I went up to see her again but could get no definite symptoms, no new ones, at all. I sat and talked and laughed with her but I was trying to think. She had been losing her hearing for ten or twelve years and my conclusion was that the woman had suffered from grief and nothing else during this period.

I had no symptoms whatever to prescribe on, except the one of suppressed grief, I didnt find an Ignatia symptom about her. I gave her Ignatia, however, and she has never had the pain since, so I infer that Ignatia was her remedy. With pathology we get the same thing.

DR.STEVENS: In a good many of these cases that have been cited, it seems to me that the question is reduced to finding the cause, and that is one thing that we have to stress over and over again. If we find the cause, it may be part of the clinical pathology, but it certainly leads us to the remedy.

DR. FARR: There are one or two points which have come up in the discussion that I want to mention. I am glad that the point has been brought out relative to the totality of the symptom, because I consider that the whole story, and that was the thought that was in my mind when I prepared the paper. the whole schema of homoeopathic prescribing is to fit the totality of the symptoms to the similimum and anything can be used which will help to produce this result.

To attempt to detail the symptoms of all the drugs that cure catarrhs, I should have to read the materia medica from beginning to end; not only read the nasal symptoms of each drug, but detail the peculiarities of each, noting all accessory symptoms: for if a patient presents himself to us asking to be cured of the catarrh, he makes a great mistake; he wants to be cured as a patient, and we are bound to cure him as such. If he speedily dies of consumption, the catarrh disappearing, we have lost the patient even though the catarrh be cured.

Further, the local catarrh manifestations are of the least importance in finding our remedies. Six patients may, any day, come to us with organic changes in the nasal passages; the extent of change may be equally great and yet six different remedies will have to be given. The treatment must, in the highest sense of the word, be constitutional.-T.F.ALLEN, 1865.

We claim superiority homoeopathy in that it gives us the means of selecting our remedies with a reasonable certainty of their effects, and we rightly claim that medicine should not rest content with anything short of a method which, given the symptoms of a disease, points us to a certain remedy if our materia medica contains it; or, given the pathogenesis of a drug, indicates to us, a priori, the complex of symptoms which the drug will remove. – American Homoeopathic Review, 1864.





The Homoeopathic Recorder By Allan D Sutherland.

1940 Dec Vol LV No 12

Gracia Trevino E.

General Topics / Cases

Carb-v / Ant-c / Cup-m / Ant-t / Apis / Kali-bi / Kali-c / Seneg / Sulph / Calc / Ars-i.

Read by title before I.H.A., Bureau of Materia Medica, June 18,. 1940.


Bronchial asthma continues to be one of the greatest puzzles to modern medical science. Its etiological factors are still obscure and it has been designated by many as a respiratory neurosis. After studying quite a number of cases, Drs. P. De Barsaques and A. Berat, two Frenchmen, stress the presence in all cases of asthma of a neurovegetative instability and arrive at the conclusion that psychic factors are most important, as many patients psychopathic. “Asthma apparently has no single cause; rather three causes are of equal importance in the pathogenesis: (1) respiratory factor, (2) neurovegetative system instability and (3) hepatic factor.”.

A great deal of blame has been put today on allergy, and many of our patients come to us overloaded with the multiple test innoculations from all substances of known sensitivity.

To others, heredity takes an important part as an etiological factor for this distressing condition, and we all have met with families where two or more cases have been treated. Anatomical abnormalities of the nose or preexistence of a chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, bronchitis or a latent tuberculosis are also unquestionable determining causes. In many instances it is a case of suppressed skin disease.

Asthma remains a condition in which the “regular school” of medicine is at a loss, the reason being obvious: it is imperative for them to find the actual cause in order to be able to eradicate it. And here is where the homoeopathic school clearly shows its advantage: we need not know the cause to be able to help Nature get rid of it. The cause unknown,they must rely upon symptomatic treatment to give relief, if only temporary. Ephedrine, epinephrin or adrenalin, oxygen, etc., are only palliative. Such treatment is a mere cause of palliation versus cure, for we all know that the former has to be always at the expenses of the later:

the more we palliate the less we cure. And “The physicians high and only mission is to restore the sick to health, to cure,” the greatest teaching of the great founder of homoeopathy.

We must therefore try to cure all cases of asthma that come to us. They are too complicated, that is true, for they come with a heavy background to remove: heredity, suppression, a preexistent chronic condition. Besides,they present the most variable groups of symptoms, the purely respiratory with its spectacular dyspnoea, the nervous and mental symptoms which are always there and the gastro intestinal disorders as frequent manifestations of dietetic errors, many times acting as the exciting cause for an attack of asthma.

But can we cure asthma cases? Yes, we can. We may not cure asthma, for we never cure diseases; but we cure patients suffering with asthma. We can cure all those cases in which we succeed in removing the underlying condition, whatever it may be. We have the means of doing it by closely following and accurately performing the teachings of Hahnemann.

It is in the interest of bronchial asthma where we confirm time and again the importance of Hahnemanns discovery regarding the nature of chronic diseases. If we take special care to dig out the complete history of the case, marking down all the events, but particularly those referring to past illness, past treatments, vaccinations and hereditary influences, we will surely find at the bottom of every single case the history of a suppression, whether it be a skin eruption by means of topical applications of any imaginable nature, the suppression of a discharge with irrigations or instillations or the suppression of a most important defense symptoms of an acute condition like cough in bronchitis or fever in malaria. We will show these influences more plainly in the cases we will present later on.

It is in this type of cases where we meet more frequently with recurrence of the attacks, irrespective of the fact that the patient has well responded to the previous treatment, and the properly indicated homoeopathic remedy has cut the attacks short and prolonged the intervals of its repetition. Why do the attacks repeat? Because – and let me quote here from Dr.Tyler, of London, when she so well expressed the teaching of the Master:.

The symptoms which a patient is again and again putting up, whenever he gets a chill, or an indigestion, or a strain, mental or physical, are only part of a primitive malady, to cure which you must cover the original latent disease, whether inherited or acquired.

Hahnemann claims that he discovered the nature and treatment of chronic diseases which had remained uncured till his time.

And we are more and more demonstrating this point, viz., the victim of a latent chronic disease will not be cured of even his recurrent, recent troubles, unless the original condition is sought out and brought into the picture, and treated by remedies that should have been given perhaps half a lifetime before.

In no other cases is Hahnemanns miasmatic theory so plainly confirmed as it is in cases of asthma. They are hard to handle because they demand immediate relief and are very hard to hold because they usually come to the Homoeopathic physician after having experienced the apparently gratifying results of palliation, disregarding the injurious after-effects. But the well indicated remedy, that is, the homoeopathic remedy to the particular case, can bring about relief even quicker than any palliative drug. And it is after the distressing condition of an acute attack when the real treatment must begin, the treatment that will take hold of the underlying condition, the one that will succeed in removing the chronic miasm, and only then a complete cure will be effected. We must, therefore, educate our patients to realize that the really curative treatment will have to be instituted between the attacks; that they must refrain from any dietetic errors and must avoid any physical or mental strains.

Of course we must find out the patients allergic sensitivities and protect him against them. We will have to begin by correcting any anatomical defects whenever present. Mechanical conditions can only be treated mechanically. And then institute the homoeopathic remedy. During an attack it may be one or perhaps more that will fit exactly into the picture at the moment and will give quick relief, yet with just a temporary action, but clarifying the case for the proper selection of the constitutional remedy that will complete the cure, the remedy that will eradicate the condition underneath,.

The following cases will illustrate the foregone statements.

CASE 1. Miss C.M., age 17. Diagnosis: bronchial asthma.

Previous History: Began suffering from asthma since five years of age. Some time before she suffered a skin condition – “the itch” – on the abdomen that was locally treated with ointments. She delicate and predisposed to colds ever since. Other history unimportant.

Family History: Her father suffered bronchial asthma when 15 years of age. Cured some five years later with a change of climate.

Present History: On October 24, 1939, I was called by an allopathic colleague, a very intelligent and honest young man, to see her because he had used in vain all the classic allopathic remedies: adrenalin, ephedrin, ephetonine, etc. It was a desperate case. We saw her that evening at 7 o clock, the eighth day of attack. She started two weeks before with a fluent coryza that later degenerated into an intense asthmatic bronchitis. The patient lay with her head practically buried on several pillows, her eyes closed, apparently in profound sopor. Her face with marked cyanosis, even her lips and tongue were bluish, also the nails of her fingers. A loud, shallow, difficult respiration that moved her whole body. Her limbs covered with a cold sweat, especially the lower, from the knees down. The entire picture anticipated a near collapse. The room, with three windows and two doors, was almost closed and the air vitiated with the strong odor from a vessel where they were burning some of “Dr. Schiffmans stramonium leaves”, a patent medicine. Out first move of to get rid of such deleterious stuff and open the doors and windows. The intoxicating effects had gone so far that we even had to resort to use of oxygen, although very cautiously applied.

My first prescription was Carbo veg. 200. At 2 a.m. that same night, the patient was worse, there was no change in her respiration and she was beginning to have some convulsive movements. Cuprum met. 200 was given.

October 25, 10 a.m. No more convulsions; cyanosis slightly less; patient began coughing, but unable to raise any expectoration; tongue totally covered with a thick white fur. Cuprum helped in clarifying the case for the next remedy, Antimonium tart. 200. At 7 p.m. the same day the whole picture had changed at the end of the first twenty-four hours. No signs of cyanosis were left, patient was expectorating freely and was even talkative and smiling. Instructions were given for the collection of a specimen from the expectoration in a sterile glass vial for the purpose of preparing an auto-nosode, according to Dr. Duncans method, and following rules of Class V of the Pharmacopoeia. The filtrate was run up to the 30th decimal potency.

October 30. The patient had been doing fine up to this day when she had another spell. A single dose of the Auto nosode 30 was given and the attack subsided.

November 15. Patient developed today a new attack of acute coryza. Another dose of the Auto-nosode, same potency, and symptoms were relieved.

November 19. At 4 a.m. on this day while I was out of town she began with another very acute attack of asthma caused by eating some spicy food (enchiladas) the night before, and for which one more dose of the Auto-nosode 30 was prescribed by Dr. Jose G. Garcia, a very clever young homoeopath who frequently takes care of my patients while I am away.

November 20. Patient still worse, Dr. Garcia gave her a dose of Antimonium crud. 10M., because symptoms corresponded to those of the remedy, especially the typical Antimonium tongue. The attack subsided within a few hours and the patient has been free from any new attacks ever since, and without any further medication.

COMMENT: Antimonium crud. was undoubtedly the deepest acting remedy for this case and if continued to use whenever necessary, it will eventually effect the complete cure. There is a possibility that the Auto-nosode might have acted well if it had been used in higher potencies, but we do not have the means of preparing them.

CASE II. W.M., a young man, 20 years of age, a brother of Case I. Diagnosis: bronchial asthma.

Previous History: Has been suffering attacks of asthma since the age of 9. Very predisposed to colds which usually end in an asthmatic bronchitis. Parents cannot recall whether he h ad a skin trouble or any other disease every suppressed, except chicken-pox when he was eight years old, and his pustules were treated locally with some yellow ointment. He is subject to furuncles, having been operated on for one in back of his neck a year and a half ago.

Present History: Four days with a head cold that developed into an attack of asthma on October 26, 1939, while his sister was still in bed recovering from that very serious attack for which we began treating her. He received several injections for his cold from the hands of an allopathic physician. He complains of an itching sensation over the entire body every time he perspires after exercising. By noon the dyspnoea is very intense, he can only sit on a chair, loud coarse rales all over his chest and , although coughing,. he cannot raise any expectoration. Tongue white. Antimonium tart 200 failed to relieve. The next morning at 2 a.m., face swollen, cyanotic, respiration still more difficult. Apis 200 gave some relief. Another aggravation at 6:30 p.m. for which another dose of Apis failed to help and was changed to Sambucus 30 in fractional doses.

October 28. Slight better.

October 29. Another, still more intense aggravation at 4 a.m. Ammonium carb. 1M. with no relief. At midnight a change was made to Kali carb.200 which produced a free and easy expectoration and a decided amelioration of all symptoms. A specimen was collected for the preparation of an auto-nosode.

November 8. After a hot bath he went out last night and a decided amelioration of all symptoms. A specimen was collected for the preparation of an auto-nosode.

November 8. After a hot bath he went out last night and ate some enchiladas (corn meal tortillas with red pepper sauce and cheese) with hot chocolate. Another attack at 3 a.m. with much gas in the stomach. Auto-nosode 30, a single dose.

November 9. Not much relief. Went back to Kali carb. 200.

November 10. After some amelioration, another strong aggravation at 6 p.m. that Kali carb. failed to help, when repeated. Another dose of Auto-nosode 30 given.

November 12. At 5:30 p.m. another intense attack that the Auto-nosode failed to relieve. A very distressing sensation of fullness over the whole abdomen; expectoration difficult to heavy stringy mucus. Kali bi. 200.

November 13. Respiration still rapid and shallow; rales all over chest but expectoration even more difficult. Sulphur 200.

November 15. Patient still complaining of his inability to raise any mucus. “If I can only get rid of this phlegm,” he said, “I know I will feel better.” Antimonium tart. 200.

November 27. Had been much better for the last nine days, but after an exposure to cold air last night, he began this morning with an aching pain in the head, vertex and occiput, which signs of an acute coryza. Senega 10M.

November 28. Much better.

November 29. Another very intense attack of asthma today at 4 p.m. A repetition of Senega 10M. without results, followed again by kali carb.200 which seemed to have ended the attack.

December 3. Because of the use of heavy wool underwear and too much perspiration, patient developed an intense irritation, rather extensive, on the skin of the perineum and scrotum, with a profuse exudate and an itching and burning sensation. He had had it for three days before he mentioned it. A dose of Sulphur 200 cleared it quickly.

December 18. After being somewhat better for about a week, apparently entirely free of his symptoms, another marked aggravation this afternoon with no response to a new dose of Antimonium tart. 10M. Patient had to sit straight up in bed, throwing his shoulders back with the help of his hands pressing hard on the bed; tightness of chest; drinking milk would make the oppression of breathing worse; instead of milk he wants eggs which he has always craved.

The symptoms pointed clearly to Calcarea carb. and I gave him a single dose of the 10M. This was the end of this attack and the patient was able to enjoy Christmas time a few days later, something for which he was earnestly hoping.

January 13, 1940. Patient reported today, entirely free from all symptoms. A continuation of Calcarea carb. 10M. January 17. Still coughing. A continuation.

January 18. Today symptoms of an acute coryza. Merc. viv. 200.

February 4. Another head cold this morning. Another dose of Merc. viv. 200.

February 6. He began this morning with a new attack of asthma. Went back to Calcarea carb. 10M.

February 8. Respiration slightly better, but cough worse and with difficult expectoration. Antimonium tart. 200 was given, but patient continued to aggravate and that same night I changed again to Calcarea carb., but this time in the 200th potency to use in fractional doses.

February 10. Another aggravation about 2 a.m. this morning. A single dose of Calcarea carb. 10M. after which patient continued to improve.

Most unfortunately the patient was tired of getting the attacks so frequently, although milder every time. His father took him to another doctor in town who, after having x-rayed the patient, advised diathermy. The father tells me that he has not had any other severe attack, but that every time he feels one coming, he goes for his diathermic treatment which seems to stop it.

COMMENT: This is a typical case for erring. The acuteness of the attacks and the cry for immediate relief made me change remedies more frequently than I should, muddling ;up the case to a greater extent. First, I shouldnt have used the Auto-nosode instead of Kali carb., when this remedy had so beautifully ended the first attack. A repetition of the latter would have been the reasonable thing to do, paving the road, perhaps, to the truly homoeopathic remedy, Calcarea carb., which I believe is the constitutional remedy for this particular case, as proven later on when at the climax of the attack, on December 18, the symptoms began to subside within the first half hour after the remedy was given, and kept the patient free from all suffering for almost a month. and then came the second mistake: to repeat the 10M. potency of the remedy, when he came back of complaining of a dry cough on January 16. A repetition of such a deep and long acting remedy, and at a such a high potency when it should have been but a continuation Then the interfering with Merc.viv., because of a fluent coryza only to make the case more confused. Fortunately the unnecessary detour came to and, and I found the way back to Calcarea carb. to a successful termination of the attack, but finding a pretty well tired out patient, ready to desert.

CASE III. The presentation of this case will be a very short one, but very interesting because of the fact of the patient being a third member of the same family, treated while the other two were still under our care.

Miss A.M., age 22. While a child, she suffered several attacks of bronchitis of an asthmatic type. Four years ago she had a “touch” of malaria for which she was given arsiquinine, a preparation very widely used in our midst, malaria being a prevalent disease here.

On January 18, 1940, she began complaining of back ache and some digestive disorders, fullness in the stomach p.c., lack of appetite, etc. Carbo veg. 200 was prescribed.

On January 22. Patient developed today a dry cough although rales could be heard all over her chest, with difficult respiration. kali carb.200.

January 23. Condition unimproved; on the contrary, patient very nervous, desperate, with great anxiety and fear, had not been able to sleep the night before. I sent Arsenicum iod.200 which she took only to make her worse; her father called on me that evening to tell me that her condition was decidedly aggravated since the dose of Arsenicum. knowing the nervous temperament of the patient and thinking that she was exaggerating her condition, I was fixing up a powder of Chamomilla to send with her father, when her mother called on the phone begging of me to come and see her personally, which I did. The patient was extremely restless, with great anxiety, tossing about, her temperature had gone up and she was very thirsty, but drinking little at a time. In one word, she asked the parents if she had ever been given arsenicum in massive doses, and it was then that I was informed of her having been sick with malaria for which had received arsiquinine four years before. “I have never been well since that time,” the patient said, “everything that I eat seems to disagree and I have not been able to regain my lost weight.”.

The whole thing was clarified in my mind: it was a true Arsenicum aggravation that the patient had immediately after taking Arsenicum iod., because her system was still intoxicated with the drug taken four years previously. I proceeded to give her an antidote to Arsenicum, trying to select one that could also cover some of the respiratory symptoms now present. The remedy was Hepar sulph. 200 and the results were amazing. She took it about midnight and two hours later the patient was so much better, her respiration much easier and she was resting more quietly, that I left her house convinced that she was going to sleep the rest of the night. Next morning the symptoms were practically gone and the patient continued under the action of that prescription for four weeks, when I had to give her another dose of the 200th potency because of a slight cold that soon yielded to it. The young lady was married last month.

COMMENT: I will make the comment on this case by quoting from the great homoeopath, a personal friend and disciple of Hahnemann, Boenninghausen, when he says:.

Every beginner will probably at times have seen, what in the case of experienced and observant homoeopaths is recurring more and more rarely, that even with very careful selection and apparent adaptability of the remedies, success does not always come up to the expectations, and at times no action at all or even an aggravation of the patients troubles ensues. In such cases we may safely depend upon it, either that the remedy given has been formerly misused in allopathic doses and on that account its symptoms have become habitual and very manifest, or that, on account of the oversight of one or more symptoms of the disease which would contraindicate the remedy, its choice was a mistake and therefore without effect. in the former case there will be, as a rule, an increase in the patients sufferings, in the latter no noticeable change will be observed; in the former case there must then be made an attempt…..

to destroy the old drug disease by homoeopathically selected antidotes, and in the latter case by a careful examination of the disease image, and by a circumspect selection of the remedy, the previous mistake should be rectified.

I have presented these three cases in order to show how manifest is the hereditary or family influence in cases of asthma. Also to insist upon the fact that there is no single exciting etiological factor in the determination of the attacks; it might be an acute respiratory condition, a gastro-intestinal disorder or a nervous or mental commotion. And above all, to prove that cases of asthma can be cured only if we succeed in removing the miasmatic underlying condition, the eternal handicap, whether it be syphilitic, sycotic, or due to a suppression or a combination of two of them or of all three. And we all know that homoeopathy is the only system of medicine that possesses curative means of removing the miasms. The problem lies in the proper selection of the deep acting constitutional remedy, capable of removing it, for each particular case. Even in cases where allergy plays a decisive factor, the homoeopathic remedy will build up a resistance to the allergic element.

I have been treating two other cases where all these facts are plainly shown. A very nervous young mother, Mrs. A.R.B., and her twelve year old son, E.B. The mother will get into a nervous crisis and will bring on the attack, and the boy will go out of the household and eat disorderly and will soon come down with a spell. For the last two years I have been able to fairly control these two cases, the mothers with Kali carb. and the childs with Ammonium carb., to the extent of delaying the attacks and making them much milder each time. They are so well satisfied with the results of the treatment that I am almost sure to be able to hold the cases long enough to successfully remove the miasmatic underlying conditions, by doing which we will some day effect a complete cure.

A long list of helpful remedies for asthma can be found in materia medica, but we will always have to look for the antipsoric, the antisyphilitic or the antisycotic remedy which when used with due opportunity, will set the “machinery” of the patients organism on the road to complete recovery.

Can an auto-nosode, as I have called them perhaps improperly, homoeopathically prepared form the patients own sources, play this most important role in the treatment of asthma cases? I do not know, for I have used them inefficiently, as mentioned above. I have tried them because I once treated successfully a case of hay fever with the patients auto-nosode; and I present these cases in which I have used them, in order to bring the question before you to learn from your own personal experiences.

Allow me to end this paper by stressing the need of educating our patients, if we are to cure asthma cases, to the point of being convinced that their treatment will have to be over a long period of time, long enough to successfully cure, together with the asthmatic condition, the more chronic constitutional disease that forms and gives shape, mentally and physically, to his whole being, without which he will be able to enjoy complete health. And that the most proper time to institute this constitutional treatment will be apparently healthy intervals between the attacks, when the patient usually fails even to report to the doctor because of his feeling better. How long that period of time will be, it is hard to predetermine; but it will surely be in direct proportion to the patients cooperation.



DR. GRIMMER: Mr. President, I think this paper is very valuable to us in showing one way not to prescribe for asthma. He has plainly shown that it is a mistake to do too much palliation, even homoeopathic palliation. Get to the basic remedy and stick to it in a series of potencies, and you will cure your cases.

I really think that that case, instead of being Calcarea carb., was Kali carb. The aggravation was very consistent throughout, and the general type of patient, and it did respond some to the lower potency. I think if he had stepped up at intervals he would have brought the patient up with Kali carb.

DR. DIXON: His comments on his failures are rather illuminating, and I am sure we have all been guilty of doing things just about as badly as that, in those old chronic cases. He shows that he has an insight into the homoeopathic philosophy, and I am sure with a few more failures he Will be scoring many successes.





Medical Advance

1883-1884 Vol XIV No 2

W. W. Walker



Pneumonia right side second stage with foreign body in lungs


I was called last winter to see John R. aet. 40. Suffering with pneumonia. Right side, second stage; dullness over circumscribed spot at about bifurcation of right bronchus, cough bloody, expectoration great dyspnoea. This man called me in place of an old school doctor who he said gave him nothing but quinine and stimulants. He had suffered more or less at different periods for the last nineteen or twenty years with a heavy burning feeling and after every attack of cold a considerable pain in this region. After prescribing several remedies as the case advanced, I placed him on Ant. tart. and while taking this, and during a severe fit of coughing, he expectorated what to all appearances appeared to be a solid tubercle. Quite a quantity of fresh blood followed but finally ceased. He preserved the cyst until my next visit, and on cutting down through it I found embedded in its centre a complete coffee-bean, slightly softened but in a complete state of preservation.

The man remembered well that while cooking coffee on the field during the war, a battery opened fire upon them a shell bursting among the camp kettles scattering things generally on the instant he felt something pass down the wind pipe as he expresses it. I suppose the shock of the exploding shell produced a sharp sudden inspiration at the instant the coffee bean passed through the glottis, it produced a great deal of pain and severe cough at the time, but subsided to some extent with an occasional trouble after great exertion or taking cold as I have stated. This foreign substance had passed as far into the tube as its caliber would admit, and had become encysted and was only removed by a sloughing process induced by a severe pneumonia nineteen or twenty years after its lodgment.

The case recovered speedily after this, with the exception of some dullness over this region. He is fleshy and well, and of course better than he has been for twenty years.





Medical Advance

1884-1885 Vol XV No 3

J. T. Kent


Ars / Lyc / Phos / Sep / Sulp / Puls / Nat-m / Am-c / Ant-t / Asar / Colch / Iod


Dec. 11, 1883, B.W., aged 22. – Came to St. Louis from Las Vegas, New Mexico. In that place she had been sick some time much of that in bed. She had been sick of what was called pneumonia from which she never had recovered. There was some

coarse rattling in the bronchial tubes but she expectorated very little although she coughed very much. The rattling breathing could be heard distinctly in any part of the room. Close listening detected crepitant and sub-crepitant rales, but nothing more. A warm close room induced suffocation; she was compelled to have the windows open; much better in the open air. She cannot endure warm clothing, even in winter she sleeps with a thin covering; a general feverish feeling has always been present. She is very fond of bathing which cools her body and gives relief; her feet burn and she puts them out often to cool them. Menses last eight to ten days; dark, clotted and excoriate the parts. The flow smells sour; herpes on the labia at the menstrual period; leucorrhoea like white of egg before the menses; sometimes it becomes milk-like. Pain in the thighs and sacral regions much of the time.

She is costive; stool hard; after straining a long time gives up exhausted, having failed to pass any faeces. Headache over both eyes, and the eyes burn. Teeth are decayed and black; she has periodical deafness. The feet are oedematous; temperature 99 1/2; pulse 100. Night sweats and the scanty expectoration that she raises in the morning taste salty. She craves salty and sweet things. Aversion to lean meat, but craves fat meat and fat ham which agree. Aversion to men; a horror of men. She has been raised in a convent. She lives with her sister of whom she is very jealous even to selfishness. She wants her sister with her every moment and dislikes even a lady to speak to the sister. She wants to be with nobody but this sister.

While she hates men and does not want to be spoken to by a man, she suffers from marked nymphomaniacal symptoms when in bed with her sister, whom she embraces and kisses hotly, then trembles and becomes prostrated. She seems sinking rapidly and has been told by her physician that she would die shortly with “quick consumption”. Extensive questioning failed to reveal further symptoms. She was almost a skeleton so greatly was she emaciated.

It will be seen that no remedy can be forced to cover this entire picture, or what would to some seem a chaos of symptoms. She had taken cod liver oil and hypophosphites, and she had taken what some would call homoeopathic treatment. She had been treated on general principles, and taken everything but the appropriate homoeopathic remedy. What shall we do? This case as presented shows characteristics of several homoeopathic remedies. What can pathology do for us in such a case? I am confident that an able pathologist attempted this case before she came to me. I cannot expect to do better after the disease has progressed much further in its fatal action.

Nothing but the wilderness of symptomatology can help me in this very peculiar case. I therefore as usual made an anamnesis which brings to view all the remedies partially similar and brings order out of chaos.To shorten the anamnesis we may select the most peculiar symptoms and leave out the common little ones that only help to mix up the case, until lastly they may be brought in for the purpose of helping in the close decision. The most peculiar symptom is the peculiar erotomania coupled with the selfishness and jealousy. Hyoscyamus, Platina, Cantharis and Phosphorus have erotomania but not the peculiar sexual selfishness so marked in this case. This combination can only be covered by Sulphur.

In the morning she gets up a little sputa which tastes salty; Ars., Lyc., Phos., Puls., Sep., Sulph. And others.

Aversion to men : Amm. C., Puls., (Sulph.?) Lyc., Nat. m. I have several times cured this symptom with Sulph. Yet it is not in the repertory.

Craves fat which agrees : Mez., Nit. Ac., Nux v., but Sulph. Has cured several cases where this symptom was present, I see by reference to my case-book.

The constant feverish state, heat of the body compelling her to wear thin clothing : Ant., Asarum., Colch., Iod., Lyc., Puls., Sulph.

The neglected pneumonia which seems the next most important factor not to be overlooked : Lyc., Phos., Sulph.

The feet burn and she puts them out of bed to cool them off : Calc., Lyc., Kali c., Graph., Puls., Phos., Sil., Sulph and many others.

She is fond bathing and better in the open air, which would make a neophyte think of Puls., but several remedies have it as well; while Sulph. Has better in the open air and with the windows open, it seldom has better from bathing; it would therefore seem to be contra-indicated, but the many peculiar symptoms asking for it and the peculiar selfishness manifested in her disposition opposed the giving every remedy in the anamnesis but Sulph., which was given 55 m (Fincke) one single dose.

Six weeks later : the cough had mostly ceased, the swelling from the feet gone, erotomania entirely gone, and she has gained flesh remarkably. The remedy had become exhausted and was repeated, the same potency which lasted over two months when Sulph. CM(Fincke) was given. No more medicine. I am informed that she is in perfect health and perfectly free from her annoying symptoms. I am aware that this case will be disputed, but I am permitted to exhibit the case as reported and can substantiate every part of it. The first dose of Sulphur was followed by a severe aggravation of the cough and chest was marked until health was reached.





Medical Advance

1888 Vol XXI No 6

E. B. Nash


Ant-t / Cuprm


I wish here to call attention to the very great value of this remedy in this affection. Raue says, Veratrum is the most important and the most frequently indicated remedy, and does not even mention Antimonium tart. Bell does not give it prominent place. Jahr does not mention it in his Forty Years. I first cured myself of a most severe attack of cholera morbus after the failure of Ipecac and Veratrum. The relief was so positive and the action of the medicine so sensibly felt, and felt again after a return of the symptoms, which were relieved within two minutes after the first dose of a few pellets of the third centesimal upon the tongue, that I shall never forget it.

Now the symptoms, which were present and which I have often found present in many cases and are invariably relieved by this remedy (see symptoms 19, 20, and 21, Lippe’s Text-Book) are:

“Violent straining to vomit, with perspiration on forehead.

“Continuous nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea.

“Vomiting of food with great effort, followed by debility, chilliness and sleepiness.”

For the last twenty years I have found this remedy oftener indicated in cholera morbus than any other. I use it above the 6th. Another remedy not mentioned by the above-named authorities has cured like magic three cases of this disease:


In all these cases the violent cramping in the stomach was the leading indication. In the last case the cramps were so sudden and so violent that they would jerk the patient (a young strong man) right up from a lying to a sitting position in the bed, while he would scream with the pains, vomiting and stool occurring as often as every five minutes. After Cuprum 200 he had only two more stools; the cramps and vomiting were all gone and he was sleeping in half an hour.

In the other two cases I used the 6th in one, and the cm. (Fincke) in the other. All acted equally well so far as I could discover. In the case in which the cm. was used the patient had been subject to the attacks for years and was generally confined to the house for three or four days after. After this attack he was out the next day.





1892 Vol XII No 1

W. E. Ledyard



Pneumonia.-February 16th, 1891. Male child, aged two and one-half years, fair complexion, large head, very cross; objects to being looked at, spoken to, or touched.

At night, face red with thirst; waking up frightened.

Eyes dull; breathing hurried; cough-short, dry, with sweat on forehead. Auscultation showed crepitant r?les at base of right lung, posteriorly.

Ant-t. 200, dose, repeat night and morning, if necessary. A few doses cured.

✅ আমাদের সফল চিকিৎসার প্রমাণ দেখতে লিংকে ক্লিক করুণ।

১. টিউমার, ক্যান্সার ও সিস্ট রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

২. চর্ম, নখ ও চুলের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

৩. গাইনী, প্রসূতি ও স্তনের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

৪. নাক, কান, গলা ও শ্বাসতন্ত্রের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

৫. মানসিক রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

৬. রিউমাটোলজি, হাড় পেশী ও জয়েন্টের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

৭. নবজাতক ও শিশু রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

৮. ব্রেইন, স্পাইনাল কর্ড ও নার্ভের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

৯. যৌন শক্তি ও যৌন বাহিত রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

১০. কিডনি, মুত্র, প্রোস্টেট গ্ল্যান্ড ও পুরুষ জননাঙ্গের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

১১. গ্যাস্ট্রোএন্টারোলজি বা পেটের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

১২. মলদ্বার, পায়ুপথ ও কোলনের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

১৩. লিভার ও পিত্তের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

১৪. চোখ, দৃষ্টি শক্তি ও চোখের পাতার রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

১৫. জ্বর, সংক্রামক ও ইমার্জেন্সি রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

১৬. ডায়াবেটিস ও হরমোন জনিত রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

১৭. দাঁত ও মুখের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

১৮. হার্টের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

১৯. রক্ত, বোনম্যারু, প্লিহা ও লিম্ফ নোডের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

✅ আমাদের সফল চিকিৎসার ভিডিও প্রমাণ দেখতে ডান পার্শের মেনুতে রোগের নাম লিখে সার্চ করুন।

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About The Author

D.H.M.S (Dhaka), M.M (BMEB) Consultant Homoeopathic physician Researcher, books author and speaker Owner of HD Homeo Sadan  CEO of HD Health Lecturer: Ashulia Homeopathic Medical College

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