অরাম মিউরিটিকাম AURUM MURIATICUM [Aur-m]

Aur-m অরাম মেটের মত বিষাদ, জীবনের প্রতি ঘৃণা, আত্মহত্যার ইচ্ছা।
Aur-m শরীরের নানাস্থানে জ্বালাযুক্ত বেদনা।
Aur-m কথা বললে বা কোনরূপ শব্দ হলে রোগী চমকে উঠে।
Aur-m ভয়ানক বুক ধড়ফড়ানি, বুকে ব্যথা ও ভারী অনুভূতি এবং হৃদপিন্ড আড়ষ্ট হয়ে উঠে, রোগের বিষয় চিন্তা করলে বুক ধড়ফড় করে।
Aur-m প্রদাহযুক্ত গ্রন্থি সমূহ ফুলে শক্ত হয়ে উঠে।
Aur-m বিলম্বে হজম হয়,আহারের পরক্ষণেই দাস্ত হয়।
Aur-m ক্লান্তিঅনুভূতি ও কাজকর্ম করতে আলস্যঅনুভূতি।
Aur-m : Aurum Muriaticum
< Thinking of the complaints.Sleep is disturbed by PALPITATION, cannot sleep unless heart is quiet.


Chloride of gold. AuCl3. The solution contains 48% of Gold.


-Chagrin, anger


-Vexation, mortification

-Abuse of mercury


< Ascending stairs

< Warmth

< Walking fast

< Thinking about complaints

< Cold washing, weather

< Motion, walking slowly


-< Thinking about complaints. If left alone, thinks nothing but of his ailments, and gets more and more out of humour.

-Desires company in angina pectoris.

-Sadness during menopause.

-Sadness after abuse of mercury, delivery, parturition, puerperium and failure.

-Suicidal thoughts, they have high expectations, then fail and feel unappreciated.

-Religious affections.

-Morose, cross, ill-humoured, fretful, peevish, when alone, when thinking of complaints.

-Anxiety, with palpitations, imagines he has every disease.

-Restless < in open air.

-Absentminded, starts when spoken to.

-Horrible things, sad stories, affect her profoundly.


-It is a SYCOTIC REMEDY, causing suppressed discharges to reappear.

-Sclerotic and exudative degenerations of nervous system.

-Catarrhal and glandular affections are marked.

-Excessive physical irritability.

-Sensation of heat > cold washing > cold open air. Desire for OPEN AIR, < WARMTH.

-SLEEP is disturbed by PALPITATIONS, cannot rest until heart is quiet.

-Dropsy, in heart disease, from liver disease.

-Tendency to high blood pressure.

-Desire for coffee and wine, though both <.

-Sensation of floating when walking.

-Warts appear on various parts-tongue, genitals.

-G.I.T.-Tumour or cancer of the tongue as hard as leather.

-Distension of single places in abdomen.

-Digestion is slow, diarrhoea after eating.


-Distressing pain under the sternum.

-Sensation as if heart would burst on fast walking and suffocation in a warm room or from tight clothing.

-Respiratory system-Left sided sinusitis, (frontal sinusitis), with offensive, purulent discharge. < stooping, warm room > external cold, open air.

-Deep cracks in nostrils. Extreme sensitiveness of nasal bones to pressure.

-Female genitalia-Tendency to abortion.

-Tumours, fibroids, myoma.

-Pimples before menses.

-Uterine haemorrhages at climacteric.

-Extremities-Hypertrophy of all the fingers.

-Swelling of lower limbs. Painful to touch, especially on inside of tibia.


1. < Thinking of the complaints.

2. Sleep is disturbed by PALPITATION, cannot sleep unless heart is quiet.

3. Painless whitlow.


-Sycotic Remedy.

-Produces sclerotic and exudative degeneration of nervous system.

-Melancholy, sad, depressed, suicidal.

-< Thinking of complaints.


-Causes suppressed discharges to reappear.


1. Morose, more out of humour, when thinking about complaints.

2. Desires fresh open air < warmth > motion, walking slowly.


-Cancer, Diarrhoea, Palpitations, Tumours, Warts, Whitlow.


Compare : Acon, Am-c, Arg-m, Arg-n, Ars, Bell, Cinnb, Ferr, Glon, Lyc, Merc, Nit-ac, Phos, Plat, Sil, Sulph.

Antidoted By : Bell, Cinnb, Merc.

✅ আমাদের সফল চিকিৎসার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

(ডান পার্শের মেনুতে রোগের নাম লিখে সার্চ করুন)

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About The Author

D.H.M.S (Dhaka), M.M (BMEB) Consultant Homoeopathic physician Researcher, books author and speaker Owner of HD Homeo Sadan  CEO of HD Health Lecturer: Ashulia Homeopathic Medical College

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