Anacardium Orientale [Anac] এনাকার্ডিয়াম অরিয়েন্টালিস

Anac: স্মরণ শক্তির হ্রাস, বিশেষত কোনো জিনিস বা লোকের নাম মনে থাকে না।

Anac: সর্বদা অকথ্য ভাষায় গালাগালি ও শপথ করার ইচ্ছা।

Anac: মনে হয় যেন দুটি ইচ্ছা রয়েছে, একটি করতে বলে অন্যটি বারণ করে।

Anac: সন্দেহ প্রবণ, হতাশা ভাব, প্রত্যেক জিনিস ও মানুষকে ভয়, চলার সময় মনে হয় কেউ যেন পিছনে পিছনে আসছে, যেন কেউ চুপিচুপি কথা বলছে।

Anac: অদ্ভুত স্বভাব, গুরু বিষয়ে হাস্য করে আবার হাসির বিষয়ে গম্ভীর হয়ে পড়ে।

Anac: পাকস্থলী খালি থাকলে বেদনা হয় কিন্তু আহার করলে উপশম।


বৃদ্ধি হয় উপশম হয়
< পেট খালি থাকলে

< খাওয়ার অনেক পরে (২-৩ ঘণ্টা পর)

< নড়াচড়া করার সময়

< সন্ধ্যা থেকে মধ্যরাত পর্যন্ত

< মানসিক পরিশ্রমে

< তীব্র গন্ধে

< ঠান্ডা দমকা হাওয়ায়

< কঠিন পদক্ষেপ গ্রহণ করলে

< খোলা বাতাসে

< আবেগে

< সকালে

< রাগ, ভয়, যত্নে

< কথা বললে

> খাবার খেলে

> শুয়ে থাকলে বা ঘুমিয়ে পড়লে

> হজমের সময়

> ঘর্ষণে

> কাত হয়ে শুয়ে থাকলে

> উত্তাপে

> রোদে গেলে

> গরম পানিতে স্নান করলে

উপযোগিতা : হঠাৎ স্মৃতিশক্তি হারিয়ে ফেলে। সব কিছু স্বপ্ন বলে মনে হয়, স্মৃতিশক্তি হারানোর জন্য অত্যন্ত কষ্ট পায়, সব গোলমাল হয়ে যায়, মনে হিংসার প্রবৃত্তি জন্মায়, কুকর্মের ইচ্ছা জাগে মনে , ব্যবসায়িক কাজকর্ম অনুপযুক্ত হয়ে পড়ে ।

অভিশাপ দেওয়ার ও শপথ করার (যেমন—এটা করবই করব; তোর সর্বনাশ হবে ইত্যাদি)। অদম্য ইচ্ছা (ল্যাক-ক্যা; লিলি-টি; এসি-নাই। সর্বদা প্রার্থনা করে—স্ট্র্যামো)।

নিজের ও অপরের প্রতি আস্থার অভাব ।

মনে দুইরকমের ইচ্ছাশক্তি কাজ করে—একবার কোন কাজ করতে চায় আবার পরক্ষণেই করতে গিয়ে পিছিয়ে আসে ।

পথচলায় উৎকণ্ঠা, মনে হয় পেছনে কেউ অনুসরণ করছে। চারপাশের সব কিছুতেই (লোকজন, জিনিস পত্র) সন্দেহ জাগে। সমস্ত ইন্দ্রিয় দুর্বল হয়ে যায় রোগী হাইপোকনড্রিয়াক (Hypochondriac)—একধরনের স্নায়ুর গোলমাল যাতে রোগী কল্পনায় অনেক কিছু ভয়ের জিনিস চিন্তা করে, বিষন্ন হয়ে পড়ে সাধারণতঃ হজমের গোলমাল থেকেই এ জিনিসের উদ্ভব। সেই সাথে অর্শরোগ ও কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতা ।

অদ্ভুত রকমের মেজাজ; গুরুতর ব্যাপারে হেসে ওঠে, হাসির ব্যাপারে ভীষণ গম্ভীর হয়ে পড়ে। নিজেকে দৈত্য মনে করে, অভিশাপ দিতে থাকে ও শপথ নিতে থাকে ।

অনুভূতি — শরীরের কোন অংশ লোহার পাত বা ফিতে দিয়ে বাঁধা আছে (ক্যাক্টাস, এসি-কার্ব; সালফ) বা কোন ভোতা কোন কিছু দিয়ে আস্তে আস্তে চাপ দিচ্ছে; যেন শরীরের ভিতরে কোথাও একটা গোঁজ ঢোকানো আছে ।

শিরঃপীড়া – আহারের সময় সম্পূর্ণ উপশম (সোরিন)

ঐ বৃদ্ধি – রাত্রে শোয়া অবস্থায়; যখনই ঘুম আসছে সেই সময়; নড়াচড়ায় ও কাজকর্ম করলে । পাকাশয়জাত বা স্নায়ুবিক শিরঃপীড়া—যারা বসে বসে দিন কাটায় (আর্জ নাই; ব্রায়ো; নাকস) তাদের ।

পান-আহারের সময় গলা গন্ধ হয়ে আসে (ক্যানা-স্যাট, কাভা-কাভা, এসি-নাই)। পান-আহার খুব তাড়াতাড়ি করে, আহারকালে সব রোগলক্ষণ দূর হয় (কেলি-ফস, সোরিন)।

পাকস্থলী – পেট যেন খালি, মনে হয় উপোস করে আছে খালি পেটে এই অনুভূতি আসে—আহারে উপশম হয় (চেলিডো, আয়োডি), ভুক্তদ্রব্য হজম হওয়ার সময় উপশম (ব্রাই-ও নাক্সে ঠিক এর বিপরীত)।

আঁচিল – হাতের তালুতে (নেট্রাম-মি)।

মলত্যাগের প্রবল ইচ্ছা মলত্যাগের চেষ্টা করলে কিন্তু মূলত্যাগ না হয়ে মলবেগ চলে যায় মনে হয় মলদ্বার অক্ষম, পক্ষাঘাগ্রস্ত সেইসাথে মলদ্বারে যেন গোঁজ দেওয়া আছে এই অনুভূতি থাকে ।(অনিয়মিত পেরিষ্টালটিক ক্রিয়া বা অতি-ক্রিয়া = নাক্স)। (পেরিষ্টালটিক মিশন = অন্ত্রে জোঁকের মত গতিবিশিষ্ট একরকমের ক্রিয়া বা স্বেচ্ছাকৃত, যাতে পাকস্থলী হতে বর্জ্য পদার্থ মলরূপে এসে বৃহদান্ত্রে জমা হয়ে মলরূপে বের হয়ে আসে ।অল্পক্রিয়ায় কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতা ও অতিক্রিয়ায় উদরাময় হয়)।

সম্বন্ধ – রাস-রেডি; রাস-ট: রাস-ভেনে তুলনীয়। রোগলক্ষণ ডান হতে বায়ে যাওয়ার প্রবণতা ।লাইকো ও পালসের পরে ভাল কাজ দেয়। এনাকার্ডিয়ামের আগে ও পরে প্লাটিনা উপযোগী ।

শক্তি — ৩০, ২০০ হতে উচ্চশক্তি ।

স্নায়বিক দুর্বলতাগ্রস্ত রোগীদের অধিকাংশই এনাকার্ডিয়ামের রোগী দেখা যায়। এই ধরনের রোগীদের মধ্যে এক প্রকার স্নায়বিক অজীর্ণরোগ দেখা যায়, যা খাওয়ার পর উপশম হয়, স্মৃতিশক্তির দুর্বলতা, বিষন্নতা ও উত্তেজনা, সকল ইন্দ্রিয়ের কার্যকরী শক্তি হ্রাস (ঘ্রানশক্তি, দৃষ্টিশক্তি, শ্রবনশক্তি)। সিফিলিস ধাতুগ্রস্ত রোগী প্রায়ই এই জাতীয় উপসর্গে কষ্ট পায়। লক্ষনের সাময়িক বিরাম। ছাত্রদের মধ্যে পরীক্ষা ভীতি। সকল ইন্দ্রিয়ের দুর্বলতা, দৃষ্টি, শ্রবন, প্রভৃতি। কাজ করতে অনিচ্ছা, আত্মবিশ্বাসের অভাব, শপথ করা ও অভিশাপ দেবার অদম্য ইচ্ছা। শরীরের বিভিন্ন অংশে গোঁজ আটকিয়ে থাকার ন্যায় অনুভূতি। চোখ, সরলান্ত্র, প্রস্রাবথলি প্রভৃতি, এছাড়াও শরীরের বিভিন্ন অংশ বন্ধনী দ্বারা আবদ্ধ বলে মনে হয়। পাকস্থলীর মধ্যে খালি বোধ, আহারে সকল উপসর্গের সাময়িক উপশম হয়। এটি একটি নিশ্চিত, বৈশিষ্ট্যপূর্ণ লক্ষণ, বারে বারে প্রমাণিত হয়েছে। এই ঔষধের চামড়ার লক্ষণ রাসটক্সের অনুরূপ এবং এটা প্রমাণিত হয়েছে যে, এটি রাসটক্সের ক্রিয়ানাশক বা দোষঘ্ন ঔষধের মধ্যে মূল্যবান।

মন – নির্দিষ্ট ধারণা। অবাস্তব বস্তুর কল্পনা, রোগীর মনে হয় তার ভিতর দুটি পৃথক ব্যক্তিত্ব বা ইচ্ছা শক্তি আছে। চলা-ফেরা করার সময় মানসিক আতঙ্ক, মনে হয় কেউ যেন তাকে অনুসরন করছে। প্রচণ্ড বিষন্নতা ও হাইপোকনড্রিঅ্যাসিস, তৎসহ উত্তেজনা প্রবণ ভাষা ব্যবহারে প্রবণতা যুক্ত। মস্তিষ্কের ক্লান্তি। স্মৃতিশক্তির বিকলতা। অন্যমনস্ব ভাব। খুব সহজেই বিরক্ত হয়। বিদ্বেষ পরায়ণ, নিজেকে পাপী বলে মনে করে। নিজের সম্পর্কে বা অপরের সম্পর্কে আত্মবিশ্বাসের অভাব। সন্দেহপ্রবণ (হায়ো)। অনেক দূরের কথা শুনতে পায় বা মতে ব্যক্তির কথা শুনতে পায়। বার্ধক্যজনিত মানসিক শক্তির বিকলতা। যাবতীয় নৈতিক সংযমের অভাব।

মাথা – মাথা ঘোরা। চাপ দেবার মত বেদনা, অনেকটা কোন ছিপি বা গোঁজ জাতীয় বস্তুর সাহায্যে চাপ দেবার মত। মানসিক পরিশ্রমে বৃদ্ধি -কপাল অংশে, মাথার পিছনের অংশে, রগের দিক ও মাথার চাঁদিতে এই জাতীয় যন্ত্রণার অনুভূতি হয়ে থাকে, খাবার সময় উপশম। মাথায় চুলকানি ও ছোট ছোট ফোঁড়া।

চোখ  – উপরের চক্ষুকোটরে অনেকটা কোন ছিপি দিয়ে চাপ দেবার মত অনুভূতি। দৃষ্টি অস্পষ্ট। দৃষ্ট বস্তু যেখানে আছে, তার থেকে দূরে আছে বলে মনে হয়।

কান – কানের ভিতর ছিপি জাতীয় কিছু দিয়ে চাপ দেবার ন্যায় অনুভূতি। শুনতে কষ্ট হয়।

নাক — বারে বারে হাঁচি। ঘ্রান শক্তির বিকৃতি। সর্দি তৎসহ হৃদকম্প, বিশেষতঃ বয়স্কদের।

মুখমণ্ডল – চোখের চারপাশে গোলাকার নীলচে দাগ। মুখমণ্ডল ফ্যাকাশে।

মুখগহ্বর – যন্ত্রণাদায়ক ফোস্কা, তীব্র দূর্গন্ধ। জিহ্বা ফুলে গেছে বলে মনে হয়, এবং এই কারণে কথা বলতে ও জিহ্বা নাড়া-চাড়া করতে কষ্ট হয়, তৎসহ মুখ গহ্বরের লালা নিঃসরণ। ঠোটের চার পাশে জ্বালা, যেন লঙ্কা লেগেছে এরূপ অনুভূতি।

পাকস্থলী – পরিপাক শক্তির দুর্বলতা, তৎসহ পূর্ণবোধ ও পাকস্থলীর স্ফীতি। পাকস্থলী খালি বলে মনে হয়। ঢেকুর, বমি বমি ভাব, বমি। এনাকার্ডিয়ামের অজীর্ণ, আহারে উপশম। খাবার সময় বা পান করার সময় দম বন্ধ হবার প্রবণতা যুক্ত। খুব দ্রুত খাবার গিলে ফেলে ও পান করে।

উদর – অন্ত্রের মধ্যে ছিপি আটকিয়ে থাকার ন্যায় এক প্রকার অস্বস্তিকর বেদনা। পেটের ভিতর গুঢ় গুঢ় শব্দ হয়, খামচে ধরে ও মোচড়ায়।

সরলান্ত্র – অন্ত্রে4র নিষ্ক্রিয়তা। অতৃপ্ত বেগ, সরলান্ত্র নিষ্ক্রিয় বলে মনে হয়। ছিপি আটকিয়ে থাকার মত অনুভূতি। গুহ্যদ্বারের আক্ষেপিক সঙ্কোচণ, এমনকি গরম মল ও খুব কষ্ট করে বের হয়। গুহ্যদ্বারে চুলকায়, সরলান্ত্র থেকে রস নিঃসরণ। মলত্যাগের সময় রক্তস্রাব। যন্ত্রণাকর অর্শ।

পুরুষের রোগ – কামোত্তেজনা বৃদ্ধিকর চুলকাণি, কামোত্তেজনা বাড়িয়ে থাকে, স্বপ্ন না দেখেও বীর্যপাত। মলত্যাগের সময় প্রষ্টেট গ্রন্থি থেকে রস নিঃসরণ।

 স্ত্রীরোগ-  প্রদরস্রাব, তৎসহ টাটানি ব্যথা ও চুলকাণি। ঋতুস্রাব অল্প।

শ্বাস-প্রশ্বাস — বুকের ভিতর ছিপি আটকিয়ে থাকার ন্যায় অস্বস্তিকর চাপবোধ। শ্বাসরোধক অনুভূতি, তৎসহ শরীরের অভ্যন্তরে গরমভাব ও মানসিক আতঙ্ক এই অবস্থা থেকে মুক্তি পাবার জন্য রোগী মুক্ত বাতাসে বার হয়ে পড়ে। কাশি কথা বললে বৃদ্ধি পায়। আহারের পর কাশি তৎসহ ভুক্ত খাদ্যবস্তুর বমি এবং মাথার পিছনের অংশে যন্ত্রণা।

হৃদপিণ্ড – হৃদকম্প, তৎসহ স্মৃতিশক্তির দুর্বলতা, তৎসহ বৃদ্ধদের সর্দি। হৃদপিণ্ড স্থানে সূঁচ ফোটাবার মত বেদনা। হৃদপিণ্ডের বাতজ, রোগ তৎসহ হৃদপিণ্ড স্থানে দুটি সূঁচ ফোটাবার ন্যায় অনুভূতি।

পিঠ – কাঁধে অস্বস্তিকর চাপ, যেন কাঁধের উপর কোন ভার রাখা আছে। ঘাড় আড়ষ্ট।

অঙ্গ-প্রত্যঙ্গ – বুড়ো আঙ্গুলের স্নায়ুশূল। পক্ষাঘাতের নখ দূর্বলতা। হাঁটুতে পক্ষাঘাতের ন্যায় অনুভূতি। পায়ের ডিমে খিল ধরা। পাছায় ছিপি আটকিয়ে থাকার ন্যায় চাপবোধ। হাতের তালুতে আঁচিল। হাতের আঙ্গুলের স্ফীতি তৎসহ ফোস্কার মত উদ্ভেদ।

ঘুম — নিদ্রাহীনতার সাময়িক আক্রমণ বেশকিছু রাত্রি পর্যন্ত স্থায়ী হয়। আতঙ্কযুক্ত


চামড়া — তীব্র চুলকাণিযুক্ত একজিমা তৎসহ মানসিক উত্তেজনা, ফোস্কার মত উদ্ভেদ, ফোলা আমবাত, পয়জন ওকবা রাসটক্সের মত চর্মোদ্ভেদ। (জেরোফিন, গ্রিন্ডেল, ক্রোটন)। লিচেন প্ল্যানাস, স্নায়বিয় একজিমা। যাতে আঁচিল। অগ্রবাহুতে ক্ষতের সৃষ্টি।

কমা-বাড়া – বৃদ্ধি, উষ্ণ জলের প্রলেপে।

উপশম : আহারে। পাশ ফিরে শুলে,কমা বাড়া ঘর্ষনে।

সম্বন্ধ – দোষগ্ন  গ্রিন্ডেলিয়া, কফিয়া, জুগন্যান্স, রাস, ইউক্যালিপটাস।

তুলনীয় – এনাকার্ডিয়াম অক্সিডেনটেন (ক্যাশুনাট) (ইরিসিপেলাস, মুখমণ্ডলে ফোস্কার ন্যায় উদ্ভেদ), অনুভূতিহীন কুষ্ঠ, আঁচিল, কড়া, ক্ষত, পায়ের তলার চামড়া ফাটা।

রাস, সাইপ্রিপেড, চেলিডন, জেরোফিল। প্ল্যাটিনা, এই ঔষধের পরে ভালো কাজ করে। সিরিয়াম সাপেন্টিনা (শপথ করা)।

শক্তি – ৬ষ্ঠ থেকে ২০০ শক্তি।

এই ঔষধটি অদ্ভুত মনোভাব ও ধারণায় পরিপূর্ণ। মনটি দুর্বল বলিয়া মনে হয়, মানসিক শক্তির সম্পূর্ণ লোপ না হইলেও প্রায় তদ্রূপ অবস্থা দেখা দেয়। মনে হয়, যেন স্বপ্নের মধ্যে রহিয়াছে, সবকিছুই অদ্ভুত বোধ হয়, কোন কিছু বোধগম্য হইতে দেরী হয়। অত্যন্ত ক্রোধ, সবকিছুতেই বিচলিত হয়, অভিসম্পাত দেয়। স্মৃতিশক্তি দুর্বল। এক মুহূর্ত পূৰ্ব্বেও যাহা মনে ছিল, তাহাও ভুলিয়া যায়। তাহার সমস্ত বুদ্ধিশক্তি লোপ পায় এবং সে যেন স্বপ্নের মধ্যে ঘুরিয়া বেড়ায়। মানসিক অবস্থার পরিবর্তন, পৰ্য্যায়শীলতা। মনের দুর্বলতা ও ধীরতা থাকিয়া যায়। সে আপন মনে দুইটি বিপরীত ভাব লইয়া বিবাদ করে। এটা করিবে, কি ওটা করিবে, তাহা স্থির করিতে পারে না, সে ইতস্ততঃ করে এবং সচরাচর কিছুই করে না। বিশেষতঃ কোন কাজের সময় উহা ভাল কি মন্দ তাহা স্থির করিতে পারে না। সে শুনে, যেন কোন স্বর তাহাকে ইহা কি উহা করিতে আদেশ করিতেছে এবং মনে হয়, সে যেন একটি সৎ ও একটি অসৎ ইচ্ছার দ্বন্দ্বের মধ্যে রহিয়াছে। তাহার অসৎ ইচ্ছা তাহাকে অত্যাচার ও অবিচারের কাৰ্য্য করিতে বাধ্য করে, কিন্তু তাহার সৎ ইচ্ছা তাহাকে প্রতিরুদ্ধ এবং নিবারিত করে। সুতরাং দুইটি ইচ্ছার মধ্যে, দুইটি প্রবৃত্তির মধ্যে একটা বিবাদ চলিতে থাকে। মনুষ্য-চরিত্র সম্বন্ধে সামান্য জ্ঞান আছে—এরূপ ব্যক্তি যদি এই ঔষধটির বিশ্লেষণ করেন, তাহা হইলে দেখা যাইবে যে, রোগীর বাহ্যিক চৈতন্য বিচলিত হইয়াছে বটে, কিন্তু তাহার অন্তর্জ্ঞান ঔষধ দ্বারা বিকৃত হইতে পারে নাই। তাহার বাহ্যিক কৰ্ম্মশক্তি, বাহ্যিক প্রভাবে ক্রমাগত উত্তেজিত হইতেছে, কিন্তু তাহার অন্তর্জ্ঞান যেখানে তাহার বিবেক থাকে, তাহা তাহাকে সংযত করিয়া, তাহার প্রবৃত্তিকে কার্যে পরিণত করিতে ক্ষান্ত করিতেছে। যখন এই ঔষধের ক্রিয়া বাস্তবিক সৎ লোকের হয়। তখনই এরূপ দেখা। যায়। বাহ্যিক প্রবৃত্তি উত্তেজিত হইলে তাহার মধ্যে দ্বন্দ্ব জাগে, কিন্তু অসৎ লোকের কোন সংযম থাকে না এবং তাহার এরূপ লক্ষণ উপস্থিত হয় না।

অবান্তর দর্শন— যেন তাহার এক কাঁধে একটি অসুর এবং অপর কাঁধে একজন দেবদূত বসিয়া আছেন। সে বিদ্বেষপরায়ণ এবং তাহার অভিসম্পাত করার ও শপথ করার দুর্দম্য ইচ্ছা। যখন গম্ভীর হওয়া উচিত তখন সে হাসে। এইরূপ চলিতে থাকে যতক্ষণ না তাহার বাহ্যিক ইচ্ছাগত সবকিছুই উল্টাইয়া যায়। অন্তর্মনের উদ্বেগ অর্থাৎ আন্তরিক ইচ্ছা এই বাহ্যিক গোলযোগে বিপর্যস্ত হইয়া পড়ে। লোকটি যে কিছুই বুঝিতে পারে না তাহা প্রকাশ করিবার চেষ্টায় বলা হইয়াছে “ইচ্ছাশক্তি ও বিচারবোধের মধ্যে দ্বন্দ্ব।” “মনে করে, যেন তাহার দুইটি ইচ্ছা আছে।” এই শেষের উক্তিটি অপেক্ষাকৃত ভাল। এই অবস্থা অবশেষে বাহ্যিক প্রবৃত্তিকে নষ্ট অথবা অবশ করিয়া দেয় এবং লোকটি যদি স্বভাবতঃই খারাপ থাকে এবং এনাকার্ডিয়ামের এই অবশকারী শক্তির অধীন হইয়া পড়ে তাহা হইলে সে প্রচন্ডতার কাৰ্য্য করিতে থাকে। দুষ্টলোক বিবেক হইতে নহে, কিন্তু আইনের ভয়ে সংযত থাকে। এনাকার্ডিয়াম তাহার বাহ্যিক ইচ্ছাশক্তিকে অবশ করিয়া দিয়াছে; এবং তাহার মানসিক শক্তি লোপ পাইয়াছে; এখন সে তাহার বিকৃত আত্মচৈতন্য হইতে অত্যাচারমূলক কাৰ্য্য করিতে থাকিবে। ঔষধটি মনের এক অংশের উপর এরূপ কাৰ্য্য করে যে, উহা হইতে অনেক কিছু শিক্ষা করা যায়। আমি এনাকার্ডি, অরাম’ এবং আর্জেন্টাম’ হইতে মানব মনের উপর ঔষধের অদ্ভুত ক্রিয়া সম্বন্ধে অনেক কিছু শিক্ষা করিয়াছি। মানব মনের উপর ঔষধের ক্রিয়া মনোবিজ্ঞানের সিদ্ধান্তগুলিকে নিশ্চিতই পৃথক করিয়া লইতে হইবে। এইভাবে আমরা প্রকৃত তথ্যে উপনীত হই এবং অনেক অনুমানকে ছড়িয়া দিতে পারি। তাহার ধারণা হয়, যেন কোন কিছুই প্রকৃত নহে, সবকিছুই যেন স্বপ্ন। যে ধারণা করে তাহা আর বদলায় না। তাহার মনে হয়, সে যেন দুই জন। বাহ্যিক এবং আন্তরিক ইচ্ছাশক্তির মধ্যে যে পার্থক্য আছে তৎসম্বন্ধে অস্পষ্ট জ্ঞান একটি ইচ্ছা যে দেহ অপর ইচ্ছাটি যে মন তদসম্বন্ধে জ্ঞান হইতে এই ধারণা জন্মে। সে মুক্তি সম্বন্ধে চিন্তা ও আলোচনা করে। তাহার দ্বৈত ইচ্ছার

আর একটি পরিণতি,—যেন একজন অপরিচিত ব্যক্তি তাহার পার্শ্বে রহিয়াছে। যেন তাহার ডান পার্শ্বে একটি ও বাম পার্শ্বে একটি অদ্ভুত মূর্তি, তাহার সাথে সাথে চলিতেছে। এই মানসিক অবস্থা তাহাকে পাগল করিয়া তুলে। তাহার মনোভাব এবং অনুভূতি পুনঃ পুনঃ বদলায়। এই মুহূর্তে সে একটি ব্যাপার দেখে, পরমুহূর্তেই আর তাহা বুঝিতে পারে না। এক মুহূর্তে সে দেখে যে, এই তার শিশু আবার পরমুহুর্তেই দেখে এত সে নয়। এই মুহূর্তে উহা মোহ, অপরমুহুর্তে উহা ভ্রান্তি। এক মুহূর্তে ভাবে ইহা এইরূপ পরমুহৰ্ত্তে বহু কারণ দেখিতে পায় যে ইহা ঐরূপ নহে। মোহ ভ্রান্তির বর্ধিত অবস্থা। রেপার্টরিতে আমরা মোহ ও ভ্রান্তির জন্য একই ঔষধ দেখিতে পাই; কারণ, উহা পরিমাণের তারতম্যের বিষয় মাত্র। যখন বুদ্ধিশক্তি সামান্যমাত্র আক্রান্ত হয়, তখন উহা ভ্রান্তি এবং সে যাহা দেখে মনে করেন যে, তাহা সেরূপ নহে। সে দৈত্য দেখে এবং সে তাহার বুদ্ধিবৃত্তি হইতে বুঝে যে সেখানে দৈত্য থাকিতে পারে না, তখন সে উহাকে তাড়াইয়া দিতে চায়। ইহা ভ্রান্তি অথবা মোহ তাহাতে কিছু আসে যায় না, কারণ উভয়েই এক লক্ষণ, পার্থক্য মাত্র পরিমাণের তারতম্য এবং এইজন্যই রেপার্টরিতে মোহ ও ভ্রান্তিকে পৃথক স্থান দেওয়া হয় নাই।

মনুষ্যমনের বিকৃত অবস্থাকে পুনরায় স্থিরবুদ্ধি ও স্নেহ, ভালবাসা প্রভৃতি গুণে ফিরাইয়া আপনার পক্ষে এনাকার্ডি, ‘হায়স’, ষ্ট্র্যামো এবং ‘বেল’ মূল্যবান ঔষধ। যখনই কোন ঔষধে মানুষের মনে কোন কিছু করিবার ইচ্ছা জাগে, তখনই উহা ইচ্ছাশক্তিকে আক্রমণ করে এবং তারপর যখন উহা বুদ্ধিবৃত্তিকে আক্রমণ করে তখন সে বুদ্ধিশক্তির প্রেরণায় কাৰ্যটি করে। ঔষধ  এই ইচ্ছাশক্তি ও বুদ্ধিবৃত্তি উভয়ের উপরের ক্রিয়া করে।

বিষন্ন মন, ভগ্ন হৃদয়, তাহার ভয় হয়, কেহ তাহাকে অনুসরণ করিতেছে; চোর আসিয়াছে কিনা খুঁজিয়া দেখে, মনে করে তাহার শত্রু জন্মিয়াছে প্রত্যেক কিছুকে, প্রত্যেক ব্যক্তিকে ভয় করে। মানসিক উৎকণ্ঠায় পূর্ণ থাকে। শান্তি থাকে না। সমস্ত জগৎ হইতে সে বিচ্ছিন্ন হইয়া পড়ে; এবং তাহার করণীয় কাৰ্য্য সম্বন্ধে হতাশ হইয়া পড়ে। সে অতিমাত্রায় ভীরু হয়। ভয় করে যে সাঙ্ঘাতিক কিছু ঘটিবে। বিষাদিত, অপ্রসন্ন, ক্রোধপ্রবণ। অসামাজিক, দুৰ্বল স্মৃতিশক্তির জন্য দুঃখ করে। সামান্য কারণে অত্যধিক রাগান্বিত হইয়া পড়ে। একটি বিশেষ লক্ষণ এই যে তাহার সমস্ত নৈতিক জ্ঞান নষ্ট হইয়া যায়। সে মনে করে, সে নিষ্ঠুর হইয়া পড়িয়াছে। রাগ না হইলেও অপরের দেহে আঘাত করিতে পারে। নিষ্ঠুর, হিংসুক, দুর্বিনীত।  মানসিক উত্তেজনার কুফল। দুৰ্বল চিত্ত। ভয় পাওয়া অথবা দুঃখ পাওয়ায় কুফল। ইহা বাহ্যিক ও আভ্যন্তরিক ইচ্ছার মধ্যে দ্বন্দ্ব থাকিলে, ধৰ্ম্মোন্মাদনায় উপযোগী। ইহা হায়সের’ সদৃশ ঔষধ।

খাইলে অনেক উপসর্গের শান্তি হয়।

শরীরের সর্বত্র, মস্তকে, চক্ষে, নাভিদেশে এবং মেরুদন্ডের নীচের দিকে চাপের অনুভূতি, উহাকে একটি গোঁজ পুরিয়া দেওয়ার ন্যায় অনুভূতি বলিয়া বর্ণনা করা হইয়াছে। জিনিষগুলি যেন অনেক দূরে আছে—এরূপ দেখায়। জিনিষগুলি অদ্ভুত দেখায়, কখন কখন ভীতিপ্রদ দেখায় । গন্ধ সম্বন্ধে বিভ্রান্তি, যেন কাঠ পুড়িতেছে, যেন পায়রার বিষ্ঠা পুড়িতেছে, এরূপ গন্ধ পায়। পুরাতন শুষ্ক সর্দি।

সারা দেহ জুড়িয়া বহু লক্ষণ আছে, কিন্তু বোধ হয় মনই প্রধান স্বরূপটি উপস্থিত করে এবং মানসিক লক্ষণগুলি বাদ দিয়া ইহা কদাচিৎ ব্যবহৃত হয়। সাধারণতঃ মানসিক লক্ষণগুলি বলবৎ থাকিলে শারীরিক লক্ষণগুলিও ঐ সঙ্গে আসিয়া পড়ে। রোগী কম্পন ও পক্ষাঘাতিক দুৰ্বলতায় পূর্ণ। ধনুষ্টঙ্কার, অপস্মর। মনে করে যেন শরীরের চারিদিকে, অঙ্গ-প্রত্যঙ্গে বা মস্তকে একটি হাল লোহা বা বন্ধনী দিয়া বাঁধিয়া রাখা হইয়াছে, একটি গোঁজ প্রবিষ্ট করিয়া চাপ দেওয়া হইতেছে।

ইহার উদ্ভেদগুলি অনেক অংশে রাস টক্সে’র উদ্ভেদের সদৃশ; ইরিসিপ্লাসের উদ্ভেদ কৃষ্ণবর্ণ, কৃষ্ণাভ এবং দুষ্ট প্রকৃতির। ইহা ‘রাস টক্স’ বিষাক্ততার একটি প্রতিবিষ। সর্বাঙ্গে উদ্ভেদ। সাধারণতঃ হলদেবর্ণ ফুস্কুড়ি। উদ্ভেদগুলিতে অসহ্য চুলকানি। নেট্রাম মিউরে’র ন্যায় হাতের উপর আঁচিল । চৰ্ম্ম অত্যন্ত জ্বালাকর। মনে হয়, রাস টক্স শ্রেণীর ঔষধগুলির লক্ষণসমূহের সহিত ইহার যথেষ্ট সাদৃশ্য আছে।

(Anacardium-ana, pertaining to or resembling; Cardia, heart, the fruit being heart-shaped) অপর নাম – মার্কিং নাট ট্রি (Marking-Nut Tree)

মালাক্কা বিন (Malacca-Bean)

ইহা এনাকার্ডিয়েন্সি জাতীয় উদ্ভিদ। এর পেষিত বীজ থেকে মূল অবিস্ট তৈরী করা হয়।

এনাকার্ডিমের – মূলকথা

১। পাকস্থলী খালি থাকলে বেদনা হয়, খেলে সেই বেদনায় উপশম,


২। সরলান্ত্রের ক্রিয়ার অপ্রতুলতা বা পক্ষাঘাতিক অবস্থা থেকে উৎপন্ন পুনঃ পুনঃ নিস্ফল মলত্যাগ প্রবৃত্তি মলদ্বারে যেন একটা পিণ্ড বা গোঁজ রয়েছে , এরূপ অনুভূতি; মলত্যাগ করতে চেষ্টা করলেই

মলত্যাগ করার প্রবৃত্তি চলে যায়।

৩। স্মৃতিশক্তির ক্ষীণতা; অভিশাপ দেওয়া ও শপথ করবার দুর্নিবার প্রবৃত্তি। রোগী মনে করে তার দুটি ইচ্ছাশক্তি, এক ইচ্ছা করতে আদেশ করে, অপর ইচ্ছা করতে বাধা দেয়।

৪। শরীরের বিভিন্ন অংশে যেন ভোঁতা গোঁজ পোঁতা আছে, এরূপ অনুভূতি ও বেদনা।

৫। রোগীর নিকটবর্তী সকল বস্তু ও ব্যক্তিকেই সে সন্দেহের চোখে দেখে; হেঁটে চলার সময় সে উৎকণ্ঠিত থাকে; তার মনে হয় কেউ যেন তাকে অনুসরণ করছে বা কেউ যেন তার পিছু পিছু আসছে – সকল ইন্দ্রিয়ের দুৰ্বলতা।

এনাকার্ডিয়াম – পরিক্রমা

এনাকার্ডিয়াম ওরিয়েন্টেল একটি অতি মূল্যবান ঔষধ। কিন্তু আমার মনে হয় যে, আমাদের সম্প্রদায় কর্ত্ত্বক ইযহা যথেষ্ট সমাদৃত হয়নি। ইহা সেই বহু শীর্ষরোগ ডিসপেপসিয়া বা অগ্নিমান্দ্য রোগের বিশেষ ফলপ্রদ ঔষধ; ইহাই সচরাচর ব্যবহৃত হওয়া উচিত ছিল কিন্তু এর পরিবর্তে নাক্স ভমিকাহ নির্বিচারে ব্যহৃত হয়। তবে  ‍দু’টি ঔষধই এক্ষেত্রে উৎকৃষ্ট এবং কেবলমাত্র উভয়ের প্রভেদ নির্ণয় করেই যথাযোগ্য ঔষধটিকে মনোনয়ন কতে হয়।

পার্থক্য –

এনাকার্ডিয়ামে পাকস্থলীতে বেদনা আছে এবং উহা কেবল পাকস্থলী খালি হলেই উপস্থিত হয় এবং খেলে উপশমিত হয়। নাক্স ভমিকার বেদনা আহারের দু’তিন ঘণ্টা পরে অত্যন্ত বেড়ে উঠে এবং স্থায়ী হয়; বিশেষ করে যে পৰ্য্যস্ত না হজমক্রিয়া সম্পূর্ণ হয়, যেই সময় পর্যন্ত কষ্ট বাড়ে এবং তারপর হজমক্রিয়া শেষ হলেই শান্তি জন্মে। এনাকার্ডিয়ামে এই সময়েই সৰ্বাধিক যন্ত্রণা বৃদ্ধি পায়। আমি এরূপ অনেকগুলি বোগীকে এনাকার্ডিয়াম দিয়ে আবোগ্য করেছি (এদের মধ্যে কতকগুলি দীর্ঘকালেও ছিল), এবং এখন দেখি যে ওদের সংখ্যাও নাক্স ভমিকার দ্বারা আরোগ্য প্রাপ্ত রোগীর সংখ্যা প্রায় সমান। এস্থলে আমি দেখেছি যে, নিম্নশক্তি অপেক্ষা ২০০ শক্তিই অধিক ফলপ্রদ। (অনন্যরা যাই মনে করুক, আমার ধারণা এই যে কি এই রোগে কি অন্যত্র সকল ঔষধেরই শক্তির উপর আরোগ্যের সাফল্য নির্ভর করে।)

রোগী বিবরণী —

১৮৯৯ সালের শরৎকালে একটি ৩৫ বছর বয়স্কা বিবাহিত তিনটি সন্তানের মা একজন মহিলাকে দেখার জন্য আমাকে ডাকা হয়।

তিনি অতিশয় শীর্ণ হয়ে পড়েছিলেন। তাঁর মুখাকৃতি ধাতুবিকৃতি হেতু হলদে হয়ে গিয়েছিল। দু’বছর আগে তার বমনের আক্রমণ হলে আমি তাকে চিকিৎসা করেছিলাম। ঐ মনে কফি চুর্ণের ন্যায় পদার্থ বমিত হয়। ঐসময়ে তিনি একমাত্র আর্সেনিক অ্যালবাম ৫০ এম পোটেন্সি দ্বারা আরোগ্যলাভ করেছিলেন। কিন্তু সেই থেকে তার অধিক হজমের গো্লযোগ থেকে যায়। পরে এই কষ্ট আস্তে আস্তে বেড়ে গিয়েছিল। তখন আর্সেনিকাম ও অন্যান্য কয়েকটি ঔষধ দিয়েও কোন উপকার হয়নি। কিছুদিন পরে পাকস্থলী খালি হলেই বেদনা (খুব তীব্র বেদনা) ও বমি দেখা দিত। কোন উপশমের জন্য তাকে রাত্রেও দু’একবার খেতে হত। বমিত পদার্থ ছিল সবসময়ই কাল বা বাদামী রংয়ের এবং কফি চুর্ণের মত দেখতে। এর আগে তার বোনের স্তনের ক্যানসারের জন্য অপারেশন করা হয়েছিল এবং তাই তিনিও তার পাকস্থলীর ক্যানসার হয়েছে ভেবে ভয়ে অত্যন্ত ব্যাকুল হয়েছিলেন। এনাকার্ডিয়াম-তাকে দ্রুত আরোগ্য করে এবং রোগটি আর ঘুরে আসেনি।

আরোগ্য ক্রিয়াটি সম্পূর্ণ হয়েছে কিনা, তা দেখতে হবে। কিন্তু ঔষধটির উপকার সম্বন্ধে কোন প্রশ্নই উঠে না।

২। নাক্স ভমিকা ও এনাকার্ডিয়াম উভয়ই ঔষধেই পুনঃপুনঃ নিস্ফল মলবেগ আছে, কিন্তু নাক্স ভমিকা, নিস্ফল মলত্যাগের প্রবৃত্তি অনিয়মিত ধমনক্রিয়া (irregular peristaltic action) বশতঃ জন্মে, এনাকার্ডিয়ামের নিস্ফল মলপ্ৰবৃত্তি সরলান্ত্রের ক্রিয়ার অপ্রচুরতা বা পক্ষাঘাতিক অবস্থা থেকে উৎপন্ন হয়। অন্য কথায় নাক্স ভমিকার মলবেগ আছে কিন্তু ওর সঙ্গে সরলান্ত্রের অনিয়মিত বা অতি চেষ্টা থাকে। এনাকার্ডিয়ামেরও মলবেগ আছে, কিন্তু ওতে কার্যে পরিণত করবার মত যথেষ্ট ক্রিয়া নেই। এছাড়া এনাকার্ডিয়ামের মলদ্বারে একটি পিণ্ড বা ডেলার মত গোঁজ থাকার অনুভূতি থাকে এবং উহা যেন বের হয়ে এলে ভাল হয়, এরূপ মনে হয় কিন্তু নাক্স ভমিকার এরূপ কোন অনুভূতি থাকে না।

৩। এনাকার্ডিয়াম, স্মৃতিশক্তি লোপের একটি প্রধান ঔষধ; বিশেষতঃ ভগ্নস্বাস্থ্য বৃদ্ধদের পক্ষে ইহা বিশেষ উপকারী। তবে এক্ষেত্রে অবশ্যই এর চরিত্রগত পাকস্থলী ও অন্ত্রের লক্ষণগুলি বর্তমান থাকতে হবে অথবা রোগীর পূর্বোক্ত মানসিক কষ্ট বা তদানুষঙ্গিক লক্ষণগুলি থাকতে হবে। তাছাড়া অনেক ঔষধেই স্মৃতিশক্তি লোপ একটি প্রধান লক্ষণস্বরূপ আছে, কিন্তু কোনটিতেই এর চেয়ে প্রবলভাবে নেই। এই ঔষধে আরো দুটি অদ্ভুত মানসিক লক্ষণ আছে।

ক) অভিশাপ ও শপথ করার দুর্নিবার প্রবৃত্তি।

খ) অবিরত প্রার্থনা করার ইচ্ছা।

“অভিশাপ দেওয়া ও শপথ করবার দুর্নিবার প্রবৃত্তি” – এই লক্ষণটি যতই অদ্ভুত বলে মনে হোক না কেন, অপর লক্ষণটি যা স্ট্র্যামোনিয়ামে দেখা যায় এবং বহুবার যা সত্য বলে প্রমাণিত হয়েছে, তা হল –“রোগী অবিরত প্রার্থনা করতে চায়। আর এই লক্ষণের উপর নির্ভর করে বেশ কতকগুলি আশ্চৰ্যজনক রোগীকে আরোগ্য করা গেছে। আর একটি লক্ষণ হল – রোগী মনে করে যেন তার দুটি ইচ্ছা শক্তি; একটি তাকে আদেশ করেছে, যা কিছু করতে বলছে কিন্তু আর একটি তাকে বাধা দিচ্ছে বা না করার জন্য বলছে। এরূপ লক্ষণ প্রায়ই বুদ্ধি বৈকল্যের (dementia) রোগে দেখা যায় এবং আরোগ্যকর ঔষধ নির্বাচনে সহায়ক। (আমি প্ল্যাটিনায় যে রোগী বিবরণী দিয়েছি, তা দ্রষ্টব্য)।

এনাকার্ডিয়ামে আরও দুটি অদ্ভুত লক্ষণ আছে। একটি দেহের বিভিন্ন স্থানে আংটির ন্যায় গোলাকার বেড় থাকার অনুভূতি; অন্যটি দেহের অভ্যন্তরে গোঁজ থাকার অনুভূতি। শেষোক্ত লক্ষণটি মাথা, বুক, উদর বা পেট ও মলদ্বারে দেখা যায়। আংটির মত গো্লাকার বেড় থাকার অনুভূতি মেরুদণ্ডের রোগে দেখা যেতে পারে এবং এনাকার্ডিয়ামই এই অবস্থার ঔষধ। অন্যান্য ঔষধেও এনাকার্ডিয়ামের মত গোঁজ থাকার অনুভূতির ন্যায় অনুভূতি আছে। যথা পূর্ণতাবোধ, যেন অতিশয় রক্তপূর্ণ হয়ে আছে, এরূপ অনুভূতি। (এস্কিউলাস হিপোক্যাস্টেনাম ও আকুঞ্চন বোধ (ক্যাকটাস)। রাসটাক্সের বিষাক্ততায় এনাকার্ডিয়াম উৎকৃষ্ট বিষনাশক ঔষধ বলে কথিত আছে কিন্তু আমি কখনও একে ব্যবহার করে দেখিনি।

Anac : Anacardiun Orientale

Inferiority complex, worthlessness. Cruelty, cold heartedness.

Delusion of an angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other – he is pulled in two directions at once.

Sensations – Blunt plug-like, or band around parts.

All complaints > from eating.


Marking Nut.




Layer of nut between shell and kernel.


-Bad effects of mental excitement

-Excessive utilisation of brain for purposeless thoughts


-Anger; Fright; Care

-Sedentary habits


-Mental exertion, Over study

-Consequences of mortifications

-Suppressed eruptions


< Empty stomach

< Long after eating (after 2-3 hrs)

< During motion

< Evening to midnight

< Mental exertion

< Strong smells

< Drafts (cold)

< Stepping hard

< Open air

< Emotions

< Morning

< Anger, fright, care

< Talking


> Lying down and falling asleep

> During digestion

> Rubbing

> Lying on side

> Heat

> In the sun

> Hot bath


-Physical and mental LACK OF POWER. Weakness, fatigue, BRAIN FAG.

-BAD MEMORY. Sudden loss of memory. Absentminded.

-Fear of examinations. Nervous exhaustion from over study.

-Fear of failure, of someone behind him.

-Fear or delusion or dreams of BEING PURSUED.

-Pathological inferiority and low self-esteem. LACK OF CONFIDENCE in himself and others.

-Special senses are weakened – sight, hearing, touch, smell, etc.

-Want of moral sentiment. Unsocial.

-Very CRUEL, malicious, wicked; ILL NATURED, PROFANE. Fist fights.

-Very easily offended, IRRESISTIBLE DESIRE TO CURSE and SWEAR [Lil-t, Lac-c, Nit-ac].

-FIXED IDEAS; that he is double as if mind and body are separate; as if someone pursuing him.

-Illusions, delusions, hallucinations. Thinks he is possessed of two persons or wills, one commanding him to do what the other forbids


-CONTRADICTORY IMPULSES – laughs at serious things, remains serious when anything laughable occurs.

-Desire to prove himself.

-History of abusive family, marriage or relationships.

-Alcohol or drug abuse.

-Sadomasochistic desires or sexual fantasies involving pain or humiliation.


-Adapted to hysterical women, ill natured children and old people. Neurasthenics who have a type of NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA relieved by food.

-PLUG-LIKE SENSATION, as of a dull pressure in inner parts such as rectum, anus, head, eyes, etc.

-CONSTRICTIVE SENSATION as of a hoop or BAND around the parts, e.g. head, knee, etc. [ Sulph, Carb-ac.]

-PARETIC WEAKNESS or actual paralysis of rectum with great desire for stool, but with the effort, the desire passes of without evacuation. INEFFECTUAL DESIRE, rectum feels powerless as if plugged up [Nux-v – because of irregular peristalsis].



-Symptoms prone to go from right to left (Lyc).

-EMPTY ALL GONE sensation in stomach, comes on only when stomach is empty and is relieved by eating and > during process of digestion [Chel, Iod, Petr, Sep].

-Eczema, neurotic. Intense itching with mental irritability not > by scratching > water as hot as could be borne.

-Warts on palms of hands (Nat-m). Clammy sweat on palms.


1. Eating temporarily relieves all symptoms.

2. Irresistible desire to curse and swear.

3. Illusion of duality – as if possessed of two persons or wills.

4. Great weakness of memory.


– Neurasthenics, hypochondriacs, hysterical women.

– All symptoms < fasting > eating.

– Plug-like sensation (inner parts) and band-like sensation (outer parts).

– Ill natured, cruel, tendency to swear.

– Bad memory.

– Illusion of duality.


1. All gone sensation in stomach < empty stomach > eating.

2. Eating temporarily relieves all symptoms.


-Behavioural problems, Depression, Gastritis, Inferiority complex, Mania, Paranoia, Peptic ulcer, Rhus poisoning, Suicidal tendencies.

-Wounds of tendons – Dr. Stearus.

-Loss of memory as a sequelae to variola.


Followed Well By : Lyc, Plat, Puls.

Follows Well : Bell, Calc, Con, Lyc, Ph-ac, Plat, Puls, Sulph.

Compare : Anac-oc, Com, Rhus-g, Rhus-r, Rhus-t, Rhus-v.

Similar : Ant-t, Apis, Caust, Ferr, Iod, Jug-r, Lyc, Nat-m, Nit-ac, Nux-v, Ph-ac, Plat, Urt-u, Zinc.

Antidoted By : Coff, Jug-c.

It Antidotes : Rhus-t.

Duration Of Action : 30-40 Days.


+ Marking Nut. Anacardiaceae.

The nut of Semecarpus Anacardium not identical with Avicenia tomentosa, as Hahnemann erroneously stated. It is imported from th East Indies and if Schwabe in his pharmacopoeia recommends the soft resin of the seeds for triturations, it is only to avoid old and dry ones.

The common tincture of the whole nut was proved by Hahnemann and his original disciples, because it had been one of the most famous medicines in the Arabian school, forgotten for nearly a thousand years.

They were arranged and published by E. Staph in the second volume of his Archives, in 1823. The next edition was made by Hahnemann in his chronic diseases in 1835.where he condensed the 484 symptoms of the first publication and added (without having another prover) 158 new symptoms.

Everything appears as in a dream. Melancholia.

Feeling as if spirit was separated from body.


Did not know those around her. Palsy.

Memory and senses are affected.

In afternoon his memory is amel. than in afternoon, although his recollections only come to him after the time when he is in need of them; however, he easily remembers what he reads.

Weak memory.

Loss of memory. Meningitis.

Loss of memory after general paralysis. Apoplexy.

Forgetfulness. Hysteria.

Forgets everything she has seen. Mania.

Her forgetfulness troubles her so much that she loses her appetite. Melancholy.

After having caressed her husband or child she pushes them away from her, as if they were not what she supposed. Melancholy.

He remembers with difficulty; he retains nothing in his memory; he is deficient in ideas and he soon loses his subject without being aware of it.

Cannot remember anything about his previous state.


A very intelligent man, age 60, after having been a few hours in his grapery, where powdered sulphur had been sprinkled, suddenly lost all power of recollection so completely, that even what had happened a few minutes or a few hours ago was gone from his memory, and he was quite imbecile. One dose Anac., 2., restored him very soon and permanently.

Memory quite useless, particularly for single names, mornings.

Weakness of mind.

Dullness of mind and inability to think.

Imbecility. After apoplexy.

Idiocy. After poisoning with stramonium seed.

Intellect remains weak or impaired after having passed through severe fevers, smallpox, etc.

From 9 to 10 P.M., first extreme excitement of fancy and projective ideas; later, by degrees, becomes dull and does not think at all.

Imagines he hears voices of mother or sister, who are far away.

Has a devil in his ear whispering blasphemous words.

Idea as if everything perceived had no reality, all things appear as in a dream. Melancholy.


Thinks he is double.

Fixed ideas: that mind and body are separated; about redemption of soul and about the devil; that a stranger is constantly by his side; that strange forms accompany him, one to his right and one to his left.

Has the fixed idea that her husband is not her husband, her child not her child; now she fondles them and again pushes them away.


Hallucination; a demon sits on his neck and tells him most offensive things.

Delirious mania.

Disposed to malice, seems bent on wickedness.

Irresistible desire to curse and swear.

Talks constantly in senseless, stupid phrases.

Extreme merriment, laughs when he should be serious.

Continual talking of senseless twaddle. After a grievance.

Strange temper, she laughs at serious and is grave over ludicrous occurrences.

Screaming and crying of infants. Fever.

Every five minutes he screams loudly, as if he would call someone. Rage.

Uses profane language, swears, thinks himself a demon.

Furious, has to be kept in a straight jacket.

Dull and stupid, fixed gaze. Imbecility.

Every motion extremely awkward and sluggish.

It is difficult to get an answer from him, it takes a long while; his answers are short and incomplete, but correct. Imbecility.

Disinclined to talk. Headache.

Estrangement from individuals and society, with fear of future.

Cannot be persuaded to do anything. Imbecility.

Aversion to work.

Sadness: looks on dark side of everything.

Low-spirited, disheartened. Dysmenorrhoea.

Melancholy. Amenorrhoea. After parturition.

Hypochondriac mood in forenoon, dejected and desponding, with foolish, clumsy actions.

Hypochondriasis. Hemorrhoids and constipation.

Anxiety: with wobbling sensation in epigastrium; with stupidity; with fidgety legs.

Anxious and hypochondriac, shuns people.

When walking he felt anxious, as if someone were pursuing him; he suspected everything around him.

Apprehensive of death being close at hand.


Fear of paralysis.

Inward anxiety and heat. Angina.

Anxiety and feeling of impending misfortune.

Internal anxiety, which did not leave him any peace; he felt solicitous on account of every trifle, as if it would lead to some great trouble; with apprehension of future.

Despondency and fear of approaching death.


Anxiousness; despairs of getting well. Apoplexy.

He is very indifferent and unfeeling; neither agreeable nor disagreeable objects excite his interest.

He is separated from whole world and has so little confidence in himself that he despairs of being able to do that which is required of him.

Contradiction between reason and will. Headache.


Feels as though he had two wills, one commanding to do what the other forbids.

In one ear a devil, in the other an angel, prompts him to do murder or acts of benevolence.

Loss of will power. After apoplexy.


Morose and restless.

His great forgetfulness makes him very morose.

Melancholy after typhus.

Hypochondriac sullen mood.

Excessively peevish and ill-humored. Headache.

Extreme irritability.

Irritable, passionate and contradictory.

He takes everything in bad part and becomes violent.

Unsocial, complains of weak memory. Coryza.

A slight offence makes him excessively angry, breaking out in personal violence.

Want of moral feeling; depravity, ungodliness, inhumanity, and hardness of heart.

Malicious, wicked and cruel.

Excited mood.

Dull insusceptibility.

Bad effect of mental exertion.

Exertion of mind brings on tearing pressing headache in forehead, temples and occiput.

Weeping relieves oppression of chest.

Melancholy after quarreling with her husband.

Consequences of fright or mortification.

Loss of memory.

Over acuteness of the senses.

Senses less acute; Lessening of sight, hearing, smell and taste.

Numbness and pressure in head, most when he exerts himself in writing. Apoplexy.

Dullness of head and pale face. Mania.

Feels dull and prostrated.

Weakness of special senses. Sequelae of meningitis.

Weakness of all senses.

Dullness and confusion in head.

Vertigo: getting black before eyes; when walking; as if surroundings or self tottering.

Sensation as if everything was moving around.

Vertigo on stooping and rising from stooping, as if he were turning round to left; with vertigo dim sight.

Giddiness as if drunken, out of doors. Headache.

Inner Head
Pressure: in forehead, mornings when awaking, and in evening.

Dull pressure as with a plug on upper border of right orbit, extending into brain, with stupefaction of whole side of head.

Most headache in temples.

Violent pressure in temples.

Dull pressure, as from a plug, on left side of vertex.

Constrictive headache in forehead, with very irritable mood, pains increase hourly; momentarily relieved by strong pressure; finally whole head affected; later whole head pains as if a tense band was reaching from nape of neck to ears; must lie down.

Pressing from temples toward eyes.

Stitches: over right eye; in left side of head.

Throbbing headache.

Hot head, with icy-cold hands and feet.

Digging and throbbing pains in right side of head and along border of orbit; & relieved entirely when eating, and when lying down in bed at night and when about falling asleep ; & agg. during motion and work.

Stitches in brain. Pertussis.

Nervous headache. Hypochondriasis.

Pressive pain in top of head when coughing or taking a deep inspiration.

Pressing headache mostly in temples from without inward, with diminished sight and hearing; agg. a few hours after a meal, on exerting mind or stepping hard.

Tearing headache during hard labor.

Tearing throbbing in vertex.

Tearing and pressing in forehead and temples.

Tearing pain in occiput.

Throbbing in occiput.

Headache in occiput, agg. from making a misstep and from loud noise.

Congestion of blood to head, with pain in cerebellum. Pertussis.

Pressure: in right side of occiput; from without, in jerks, spreading from forehead over whole head; from within outward; from forehead backward.

Gastric and nervous headaches.

Outer Head
Tearing headaches extending into muscles of neck and throat.

Bending head backward, pain in occiput aggravated.

Violent itching of scalp.

Itching on forehead.

Many lentil-sized boils on scalp, with sore pain when touched or scratched.

Small pimply eruption on head.

Dry heat on whole head.


Many little boils on hairy scalp, very sensitive to touch, and about size of a flax-seed.

Sight and Eyes
Great sensitiveness to light.

The light seems to have a halo around it.

Flickering before eyes during day, blind at night.

Optical illusions in dark colors.

Halo around light.

Pupils first contracted, later dilated.

Weakness of sight. Apoplexy.

Vision indistinct.

Weakness and dimness of eyes. Coryza.

Blackness before eyes with vertigo.

Eyes sunken.


After a half hour’s sleep, every object appeared a long way off.

Objects appear too far off.

Stitches over right eye.

Pain in left eye with a twitching in it.

Strange, uncanny look. Mania.

Lachrymation with coryza; also with a contracting pain in nose.

Lids so swollen he could hardly see.

Eyelids felt swollen, but without pain.

Pressure as from a plug, on upper margin of right orbit.

Pressure on eyeball from before backward, or from above downward.

Blue circles around eyes.

Hearing and Ears
Speaks of a devil who whispers blasphemy into his ear.

Humming in ears.

Roaring before ears.

Hearing at times very weak, at others very acute.

Hardness of hearing.

Sensation of obstruction, as from cotton or a plug in ear.

Want of ear-wax. Coryza.


Dragging pains with polypus auris.

Tearing or stitching pains in left ear; agg. when swallowing.

Sore pain in ear when biting teeth together.

Itching in ears.

Painful swelling of external ear.

Ear inflamed with headache.

Smell and Nose
Worse from strong smells. Headache.

Sense of smell too acute. Coryza.

Sensitive smell and bitter taste.

Illusory smell as of burning tinder, morning, when rising.

Constant smell before nose like pigeon or chicken dung, especially when smelling his clothes or his body.

Smell seems quite lost, though nose is not obstructed. Coryza.


Feeling of dryness in nose.

Obstruction of nose; of left nostril. Coryza.

Chronic coryza and discharge of mucus from nose.

Chronic dry coryza, with anosmia and a discharge of purulent phlegm.

Fluent coryza, with sneezing and lachrymation.

Red pustule in right nostril on septum, with sore pain when touched.

Much sneezing and long-continued disposition thereto. Pertussis.

Irritation to sneeze with cough.

Upper Face
Strange expression in face. Mania.

Face disfigured, look wild, childish, without expression. Palsy.

Tearing pains in face. Headache.

Violent burning in face.

Complains of heat in head and red cheeks, forehead cold.

Face red, more frequent pulse. Mania.

Heat in face with great prostration.

Paleness of face.

Pale, wan looking; blue rings around eyes.


White scaly herpes on right cheek, near upper lip.

Strange expression. Melancholy.

Face swelled, beginning from eyes.

Left side of face swollen and covered with small pock like blisters.

Repeated tearing in right side of face and neck.

Face ache.

Itching in face. Headache.

Acute eczema of face and neck, with redness and eruption of small blisters intense itching.

Lower Face
Rough, scaly skin around mouth, with crawling itching.

Burning dryness of outer border of lips, almost like from pepper.

Violent burning on chin.

Mouth twitches in sleep.

Small blisters on chin, discharging liquid when broken.

Teeth and Gums
Tearing in teeth of left side.

Toothache on taking something warm into mouth.

Toothache in one lower incisor, agg. by contact with tongue and open air.

Teeth of lower jaw seem most affected.

Swelling of gums.

Bleeding of gums upon slight rubbing.

Taste and Tongue
Bitter taste in mouth after smoking tobacco.

Everything tastes like herring-brine.

Flat, offensive taste in mouth, and taste of food.

Taste lost.

Heaviness of tongue and sensation as if swollen; impedes speech.

Impeded speech. Apoplexy.

Speech firmer and surer in afternoon than forenoon.

Was unable to speak, and made only unintelligible sounds. Palsy.

Tongue white and rough like a grater.

Inner Mouth
Fetid odor from mouth, without his perceiving it.


Painful vesicles in mouth.

Ulcers in mouth.

Water accumulates in mouth, Until it provokes vomiting ; also with violent thirst and red face.

Water flows together in mouth and runs out.

Roughness and scraping in throat.

Sensation of rawness in throat, during cough, after eating.

Firm tough mucus in fauces; raising it causes gagging and retching. Coryza.

Suppuration of tonsils.

Appetite, Thirst, Desires, Aversions
Loss of appetite and feverishness, with cutaneous symptoms.

The torturing forgetfulness makes her low-spirited, and she loses her Mania.

All food offensive and flat.

At times violent hunger, at others no appetite.

Constant thirst; yet drinking takes breath; must stop frequently during a draft.

Thirst during heat.

Thirst for milk with sweat all over.

Eating and Drinking
Apt to “choke” when eating and drinking. (Verschluckern.) Swallows food and drink hastily. Rage.

Symptoms disappear during dinner, but begin anew after two hours.

Headache, dry throat, dyspepsia, etc.

Worse after eating: head, stomach and bowel symptoms; rough throat; nausea; pressure in liver; short breath; violent cough (after drinking); heartburn; flying heat over face.

Warm food causes toothache.

Sweat lessened while eating.

Weak digestion in hypochondriacs.

Hypochondriac mood after eating.

Hiccough, Belching, Nausea and Vomiting

Eructations: empty; fluid, causing choking; with spasmodic pain in stomach.

Heartburn, after eating soup.

Burning rising from stomach to throat.

Nausea in morning, with empty feeling in stomach.

Nausea, with retching, returning soon after drinking cold water; vomiting of water with pain, as if oesophagus was distended by a large ball.

After cough vomiting of ingesta, which gives relief.

Scorbiculum and Stomach
Sensation of fasting in pit of stomach, followed by pressure in stomach; agg. awaking mornings.

Stitch in pit of stomach during inspiration.

Rumbling and fermentation in pit of stomach.

Weak digestion, with fullness and distension of abdomen and hypochondriacal humor.

Spasmodic pain in stomach, with belching.

Every step shakes the stomach.

Catarrh of stomach, with drawing together and shooting pains.

Stitches in hypochondria.

Pressure in liver.

Pain in spleen, with fever.

Pain around navel, as if a blunt plug was pressed into intestines.

Continual rumbling in abdomen, especially in umbilical region.

Pinching and griping in abdomen.

Bursting pain in abdomen. Pertussis.

Hardness of abdomen.

Faint like weakness in abdomen and knees.

Fullness and distension of abdomen.

Stool and Rectum
Stools of very pale color.

Stools mush like, bloody, brown, liver like; painless.

Great and urgent desire for stool, but with effort the desire passes away, without an evacuation; rectum seems powerless, with sensation as if plugged up.

Diarrhoea-like stools.

Summer complaint with stupor, thirst, vomiting, fever.

Frequent profuse hemorrhage when at stool.


Itching at anus.

Moisture from rectum.

Inactivity of rectum, even soft stool is passed with difficulty.

Unsuccessful urging to stool.

Painful Haemorrhoidal tumors.

Internal piles, especially if fissured.

Urinary Organs
Constant desire to urinate.

Frequent urging, with but small discharge.

Urine: clear as water; turbid when passed, deposits a dirty sediment; when shaken urine looks clay colored; passed involuntarily.

Frequent urination at night. Apoplexy.

Prostatic juice with even a soft stool; also after urinating.

Male Sexual Organs
Violent sexual desire.

Erections during day. Seminal emissions at night, without amorous dreams.

Want of enjoyment during coitus.

Cutting pain along penis.

Voluptuous itching of scrotum, exciting sexual desire.

Burning in glans before and after urinating.

Female Sexual Organs
Pain in abdomen with pressing in uterus.

Menses scanty but frequent. Dysmenorrhoea.

Spasmodic pains deep in abdomen. Dysmenorrhoea.

Leucorrhoea, causing soreness and itching.

Pregnancy Parturition and Lactation
Nausea during pregnancy, agg. before and after, but amel. while eating.

Much loss of blood after an abortion.

Melancholia after childbed.

Voice and Larynx, Trachea and Bronchi
Voice hoarse and deep, with roughness in throat.

Talking excites cough.

Pressure or aching near larynx.

Pressure in pit of throat.

Rattling in windpipe when lying on side.

The breath has a bad odor.

From breathing deeply or coughing: pain in vertex.

Shortness of breath, oppression in region of sternum.

Anxiety in region of sternum, without pain; feels as if he must go into open air and busy himself.

Loss of breath on beginning to cough.

Oppression of chest, with internal heat and anxiety driving him into open air.

Attacks of suffocation. Pertussis.

Excited by: talking; tickling in trachea.

Cough agg., not while eating, but after eating, with vomiting of food.

Cough agg. after meals. Apoplexy.

Paroxysms every three or four hours; more violent every other or every third day.

Violent cough, with loss of smell and taste.

When coughing: pain in occiput; abdomen feels as if it would burst.

Deep hollow cough, wakes him at night.

Violent, concussive cough. Pertussis.

Yawning and sleepiness after cough.

Expectoration: of sweetish, flat-tasting mucus; tenacious greyish yellow; purulent.

Expectoration only during day.

Inner Chest and Lungs
Chest oppressed with anxiety and internal heat.

Dull pressure, as from a plug in right side of chest.

Sharp stitches in precordial region, extending thence to small of back.

Rawness and scraping in chest.

Violent pressure in chest. Pertussis.

Chest contracted in walking. Headache.

Heart, Pulse and Circulation
Restless feeling at heart.

Rheumatic affections of pericardium.

Stitch in region of heart, during inspiration, at night.

Stitches piercing through and through at heart; each time two quickly succeeding each other.

Pulse generally accelerated, with beating in blood vessels.

Pulse frequent, face red. Melancholia.

Outer Chest
Itching on chest.

Violent eczema on breast and throat.

Redness of skin, with little blisters itching intolerably.

Neck and Back
Pain in nape of neck and occiput.

Stiffness of nape of neck.

Feeling as from a tightly-drawn tape from ear to ear.

Dull intermittent pressure, as from a heavy load on right side of neck and left acromion.

Painful tearing between scapulae.

Dull stitches in left scapula.

Backache, upper part feels as if beaten. Headache.

Stiffness in small of back.

Upper Limbs
Dull stitches in left scapula, return slowly and radiate to all sides.

Sensation of weakness in arms, with trembling.

Very painful strokes, as from a heavy body at middle of left upper arm.

Left arm “goes to sleep,” also fingers.

Stitches and heaviness in forearm.

Tensive pain and weakness in arms.

Small blisters on back of hands.

Sweat in inside of hands; left agg..

Fingers twitch during sleep.

Cramp like pain at metacarpophalangeal articulations; cramp like twitches in fingers.

Great feeling of dryness of hands.

Hands, even palms, covered with warts.

Numbness of fingers.

Fourth and fifth fingers fall asleep if cool. Anosmia.

Writers’ spasm.


Trembling of right hand.

Pustules on fingers.

Lower Limbs
Pain in head of femur, extending to groin.

Shooting burning from thigh to foot, ceasing at times and suddenly returning. Rheumatism.

Dull pressure, as from a plug, in left glutei muscles.

Painful dull-pointed pressure in thigh, at times in rhythmical intermissions.

Legs tense, as if too short.

Legs stiff, as if bandaged, with painful restlessness in them.

Legs lame after apoplexy.

Painful uneasiness about knees, with sensation of stiffness as if bandaged or made tense, when sitting.

Wavelike twitches, here and there, in legs.

Knees feel paralyzed, with stiffness, great lassitude and drowsiness; is scarcely able to walk.

An ulcer below knee.

Limbs start violently when lying down; in an old woman.

Cramp in calves when walking, or rising from a seat ; amel. lying down.

Painful drawing in tibia.

Cramp like pressure in calves, externally, towards tibia.

Cramp like, intermittent drawing, from heel up into calves.

Pain in ankle, as if sprained, when stepping on left foot.

Stitches in dorsum of foot.

Cramp like drawing and tearing pains, from toes to dorsum of foot.

Burning in soles, while sitting.

Coldness of teeth in morning.


Limbs in General
Tired feeling in limbs, trembling, with feverish restlessness.

Repeated tearing in paroxysms, through upper and lower limbs at same time. Headache.

Heaviness in limbs, especially in knees.

Weakness in arms and knees, with trembling.

Rest, Position and Motion
Lying down: headache relieved; limbs start violently; cramps in calf amel.

Lying on side: rattling in windpipe.

Must lie down: headache.

Sitting: painful uneasiness and stiffness of knees; burning in soles; sweats.

Rising from a seat: cramp in calf.

Rising from stooping: feels as if turning around to left.

Stooping: feels as if turning around to left.

Beginning to walk: is toilsome, but by continuing he feels amel..

Walking: feels anxious: vertigo; drawing pain in stomach; cramp in calf; pains in lower limbs.

Stepping: headache agg.; stomach shakes; pain in ankle.

Ascending stairs: feels faint.

Motion: Headache agg. ; causes trembling.

Playing piano: heaviness and fullness of whole body.

After hard labor: headache.

Paralysis of single parts.

Incomplete palsy of muscles subject to volition.


Tired feeling in all limbs.

Wants to lie or sit continually; can scarcely move a hand.

Trembling: from every motion.

Trembling weakness of limbs. Apoplexy.

Very faint from going up-stairs.

Heaviness and fullness of whole body from playing piano.

Violent concussion of whole body. Pertussis.



Gaping and drowsiness after cough. Pertussis.

Headache amel. after falling asleep.

Sleepless from restlessness, cannot keep still.

Could not sleep well on account of itching. Sleep until 9 A.M.

Vivid dreams at night, which recurred to him during day, as if things dreamed of had really happened.

Dreams: of smelling burning punk or sulphur, continues after waking; of fire; of dead bodies.

On lying down to sleep: legs start.

Headache agg. after getting awake in morning.

Most prominent times of aggravation, morning, and evening until midnight.

Remission after midnight and during day.

Day: flickering before eyes; expectoration from cough; erections.

Night: blindness; seminal emissions; cough; vivid dreams.

Morning: memory impaired; pressure in forehead; smell of tinder when rising; nausea; sensation of fasting and pressure in stomach; cold feet; sound sleep till 9 o’clock.

Forenoon: memory deficient; hypochondriac mood; speech less firm than in afternoon.

Afternoon: memory amel. than in forenoon; speech firmer than in forenoon.

4 P.M.: heat daily.

Evening: pressure in forehead; heat from 4 P.M.; sweat on abdomen and back; itching.

9 to 10 P.M.: excitement of fancy; later, dull.

After 10 P.M.: dull, does not think.

Temperature and Weather
Sensitive to draft; liable to take cold.

Open air: toothache agg.; feels as if he must go into it; chill; blisters harden to a crust.

Sunshine: relieves chill.

Warm room: internal chill

Chill especially in open air, amel. in sunshine.

Internal chill, even in a warm room.

Shaking chill, with ill humor and restlessness.

Cold forehead and red cheeks.

External heat, with internal chill.

Shivering over back, as if cold water was poured over it, with heat of face.

Heat of upper part of body, with cold feet; internal chilliness and hot breath.

Internal heat with cold sweat.

Outer and inner heat, with thirst and whimpering in sleep.

Heat from 4 P.M. till evening, daily; passing off after supper.

Heat of left side.

Violent fever heat; headache and great thirst.


Sweat on head, abdomen and back, evenings.

Night-sweat on abdomen and back.

Clammy sweat in palms, particularly left.

Sweat lessened while eating.

Sweats when sitting.

Attacks and Periodicity
The attacks cease for one or two days and then continue again for a couple of days.

Tertian and quartan intermittents.

Paroxysms of cough every three to four hours, more violent every other or every third day.

Two stitches quickly succeed each other.

Dull radiating stitches return slowly.

Ceasing and suddenly returning.

Heat daily from 4 P.M. till evening.

Locality and Direction
Right: dull pressure, digging and throbbing in upper border of orbit; pressure in temple; stupefaction of whole side of head; digging and throbbing in side of head; pressure in side of occiput; pustule in nostril; herpes on cheek; tearing in face and neck; pressure in chest; dull pressure on side of neck; trembling of hand.

Left: pressure in temple; pressure in side of vertex; stitches in side of head; obstruction in ear ; tearing or stitching in ear; obstructed nostril; face swollen and covered with blisters; tearing in teeth; sharp stitches in chest; pressure in acromion; dull stitches in scapula; painfulness of middle of upper arm; arm and fingers ” go to sleep” ; dull pressure in glutei muscles; pain in ankle; heat; clammy sweat in palm.

Without inward: pressive pain in temples.

Before backward: pressure on eyeball.

Above downward: pressure on eyeball.

Below upward: cramp like drawing in lower limbs.

Diagonally: stitches from precordia to small of back.

As if everything was moving around; pressure as with a plug on upper border of right orbit into brain; as of a tense band from nape of neck to ears: as from cotton or plug in ear; as from pepper on border of lips; as from fasting in pit of stomach; as if a blunt plug was pressed into intestines; as if abdomen would burst when coughing; as from a plug in left glutei muscles; legs tense as if too short; as from a plug in right side of chest; restless feeling at heart; as if cold water was poured over back; as of a hoop or band around part; as if stuffed up.

The burning changes to an extremely painful itching, combined with pricking, like stings of insects.

Stitches: over right eye; in left side of head; in brain; in left ear; in pit of stomach during inspiration; in hypochondria; in precordial region to small of back; in region of heart during inspiration; piercing heart; dull in left scapula; in forearm; in dorsum of foot.

Cutting: along penis.

Pinching and griping: in abdomen.

Digging: in right side of head and along border of orbit.

Tearing pain: in vertex; in forehead and temples; in occiput; headache extending into muscles of neck and throat; in left ear; in face; repeatedly in right side of face and neck; in teeth; between scapulae; from toes to dorsum of foot; in paroxysms through limbs.

Shooting burning: from thigh to foot.

Burning: in face; dryness of lips; on chin; from stomach to throat; in glans, before and after urinating; and shooting from thigh to foot; in soles; herpes; in skin.

Soreness: in boils on scalp; in ear when biting teeth together; in pustule, in right nostril when touched; from leucorrhoea.

Rawness: and roughness in throat; in chest.

Pressure: in head; in forehead; as from a plug on left side of vertex and on upper border of right orbit; in temples; from temples towards eyes; in top of head; from without inward, in temples; in right side of occiput; without inward, from forehead over head; from within outward, from forehead backward; on eyeball, from before backward; in stomach, preceded by emptiness; in liver; as from a plug around navel; in rectum; on uterus; near larynx; in throat pit; as from a plug in right side of chest; in left glutei muscles; in thigh.

Drawing pain: in cardiac end of stomach; in tibia; cramp like, from heel into calves.

Dragging pain: with polypus auris.

Tensive pain: in arm.

Spasmodic pain: in stomach; deep in abdomen.

Aching: near larynx.

Pain: in left eye; in spleen; in abdomen; in head of femur to groin.

Cramp like pain: at metacarpophalangeal articulations; in calves; from toes to dorsum of foot; in muscles; from heel into calves.

Cramp: in calves when walking.

Contracting pain: in nose.

Constriction: in forehead; like a band around head.

Sprained feeling: in ankle.

Lameness: in legs; in knees.

Paralyzed feeling: in knees.

Stiffness: in nape of neck; in small of back; in legs, as if bandaged; about the knees.

Swollen feeling: in eyelids; of tongue.

Dullness: of head.

Stupefaction: of side of head.

Tired feeling: in limbs.

Throbbing: headache; in right side of head; in vertex; in occiput.

Bursting pain: in abdomen, when coughing.

Weakness: in abdomen and knees; in arms and knees with trembling.

Heaviness: of tongue: in forearm; in limbs, especially in knees.

Oppression: in region of sternum; of chest.

Numbness: in head; left arm; fingers.

Itching: of scalp; on forehead; of ears; in face; and crawling in eruption around mouth; at anus; of scrotum, exciting sexual desire; on chest; of little blisters on breast and throat.

Crawling: around mouth.

Trembling: in limbs.

Twitching: in left eye; of mouth in sleep; of fingers during sleep.

Wavelike twitches: here and there in legs.

Painful uneasiness: in knees and legs.

Painful strokes at middle of left upper arm.

Dryness: in nose; of hands; of lips.

Heat: in head; in face; internally with anxiety; in upper part of body while feet are cold; internally, with cold sweat; from 4 P.M. till evening, daily; of left side.

Coldness: on forehead; of feet in morning; as if cold water was poured over back.

Cramp like pains in muscles.

Contraction of joints.

Complaints of external parts.


Such a swelling of the affected parts that the patient looks like a hogshead (from wearing the nut).

Touch Passive motion and Injuries
Touch: soreness of boils on scalp agg.; soreness of pustule in nose agg.; toothache agg.

Pressure: relieves pain in forehead for a while.

Scratching: itching generally agg., but sometimes amel. or changes in location; boils on scalp agg..

Rubbing: gums bleed.

Wounded tendons.

Bright scarlet eruptions on whole body, especially on thighs in contact with nut, and of abdomen.

Destruction of epidermis, leaving an inflamed surface covered with small miliary pustules, with unbearable itching and discharging a yellow liquid, forming crusts (by applying the juice).

Intense redness of skin, with eruption of little blisters and unbearable itching.

Chest, neck, axillae, upper arms, abdomen, scrotum and thighs were not only covered with raised crusts, discharging a thick yellowish liquid, but these had partly changed into wart like excrescences, with thickened epidermis, the whole intermediate skin being of an erythematous redness, and the itching fearful (from wearing the nut).

White herpetic spots, scaling.

Wants of irritability of skin; sinapisms will not excite it.

Itching agg. in evening and when he went to bed.

Burning and stinging herpes.

Excessively itching eruptions.

Blisters discharging a yellowish transparent liquid, hardening to a crust in open air.

Effects like those of Rhus tox. plant on skin.

Warts even on palms of hands.

Skin burns her very much. Pemphigus.

Scarlet redness over whole body. Pemphigus.

Covered all over with blisters from size of a pin head up to a pea. Pemphigus.


Memory impaired after smallpox.

Stages of Life and Constitution.
Ill Natured children with pertussis. Old people Frequently indicated in nervous and hysterical individuals.

Women during nervous and gastric disorders.

Hypochondriacs. Men at 72 apoplexy after it Bellad; Opium and Anac and after it Baryta.

Widow aged 69 talkative after mortification, Insanity.

Similar to: Ant-tart. (cough in high-tempered children; gaping, drowsy after cough); Apis. (skin); Coriaria ruscifolia (loss of memory, etc.); Ferr. (occiput pains in cough); Iod.; Jugs; Lyc.; Nit-ac. (cursing); Nux-v.; Ph-ac. (brain); Plat.; Puls.; Urt-u. (skin); Zincum (brain); Puls., Nat-mur. (dry coryza); Caust. (in writers’ spasm).

Relatives: Anac. occid., Com., Rhus-gab., Rhus-rad., Rhus-tox., Rhus-ve.

Antidotes: Coffea and Jugs.

Anac. antidotes: Rhus-tox., especially if there are gastric symptoms, or symptoms go from right to left.

If follows well after Lyc., Puls. and Plat.

After Anac.: Plat. follows well.

Belongs to same family as Rhoes, and there is a similarity with Terebinthinae.

Neither Camphor. nor Dulc-n-sp. antidotes its effects, but for anger and violence of mind, smelling of raw coffee is a very effectual antidote.

Rubrics: 226 Anac
[Complete ] [Mind]ANSWER, ANSWERING, ANSWERS:Abruptly, shortly, curtly:Incomplete but correct, in imbecility: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]ANSWER, ANSWERING, ANSWERS:Incomplete: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]COMPANY:Aversion to:Coryza, in: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]DELUSIONS, IMAGINATIONS:Devil, devils:Blasphemous words, whisper: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]DELUSIONS, IMAGINATIONS:Devil, devils:Sit in his neck and tells him offensive things: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]DELUSIONS, IMAGINATIONS:Devil, devils:Speaking in one ear, angel in other, prompting to murder, or acts of benevolence, devil: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]DELUSIONS, IMAGINATIONS:Faces, sees:Everyone’s face in a glass except his own: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]DELUSIONS, IMAGINATIONS:Figures, sees:Strange figures accompany him, one on his right, other on his left: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]DELUSIONS, IMAGINATIONS:Husband, he is not her: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]DELUSIONS, IMAGINATIONS:Pursued, of being:Walking, while: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]DELUSIONS, IMAGINATIONS:Whispering:Blasphemic: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]DESPAIR:Do what is required of him, to: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]DREAMS:Vivid:Recurred during day, as if really happened: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]FEAR:Death, of:Whooping cough, in: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]FORGETFULNESS:Afternoon:Amel.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]FORGETFULNESS:Hysteria, in: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]FORGETFULNESS:Imbecility, in: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]FORGETFULNESS:Meningitis, after: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]FORGETFULNESS:Mortification, from: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]FORGETFULNESS:Palpitation, with: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]FORGETFULNESS:Smallpox, variola, after: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]IMPULSES, MORBID:Contradictory: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]MOROSE, SULKY:Forgetfulness, during: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]SUSPICIOUSNESS, MISTRUSTFULNESS:Walking, while: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]TALK, TALKING, TALKS:Sleep:During:Grief, after: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]WEEPING, TEARFUL MOOD:Fever, during:Infants, in: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]WILL:Contradiction of:Headache and whooping cough, in: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]WILL:Loss of:Apoplexy, after: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]WILL:Two, feels as if he had two wills:One commanding him to do what the other forbids: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Head]PAIN, HEADACHE:Vertex:Breathing deep agg.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Head]PAIN, HEADACHE:Vertex:Inspiration, after deep: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Head]PAIN, HEADACHE:Plug, peg or wedge, as of a:Temples:Mental exertion agg.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Head]PAIN, HEADACHE:Pressing:Vertex:Coughing agg.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Head]PAIN, HEADACHE:Pressing:Vertex:Inspiration, after deep: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Head]PAIN, HEADACHE:Tearing:Exertion:Agg.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Vision]ILLUSIONS:Dark colors, in: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Hearing]IMPAIRED:Memory, with weakness of: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Nose]CORYZA:Old people:Palpitation, with: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Nose]CORYZA:Chronic, prolonged:Discharge, without: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Smell]BURNT:Sponge: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Smell]MANURE, DUNG, OF:Pigeon or chicken, from, smelling his body or clothes agg.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Smell]TINDER:Morning, on rising: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Throat]DRYNESS:Dinner:Amel.: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Throat]SWALLOWING:Hastily:Anger, vexation agg.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Neck]STIFFNESS:Motion agg.:Beginning: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Stomach]EMPTINESS, WEAK FEELING:Eat, eating:After:One – two hours later: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Stomach]INDIGESTION:Dinner:Amel.: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Stomach]NAUSEA:Eating:Amel.:Returning soon: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Stomach]NAUSEA:Pregnancy, in:Eating:Before: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Stomach]NAUSEA:Pregnancy, in:Eating:Amel.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Rectum]HEMORRHOIDS:Pressing:Plug, as from a: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Respiration]ASTHMATIC:Hysterical:Lachrymation, ending in: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Respiration]DIFFICULT:Cough:Drinking, or, with: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Back]PAIN:Pressing:Plug, as of a:Motion agg.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Extremities]PAIN:Pressing:Plug, as of a, lower limbs:Buttocks, nates: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Extremities]PAIN:Pressing:Rhythmical, thighs: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Extremities]PAIN:Stitching:Thighs:Pulsation, with every: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Extremities]PAIN:Tearing:Cramping:Toes: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Extremities]PAIN:Thumping, upper arms, middle: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Extremities]RESTLESSNESS:Knees:Sitting, while: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Extremities]STIFFNESS:Bandage, as from a, lower limbs: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Extremities]STIFFNESS:Bandage, as from a, lower limbs:Knees: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Extremities]WEAKNESS:Knees:Pain, with:Back, in: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Sleep]SLEEPINESS:Yawning, with:Cough, after: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Sleep]SLEEPLESSNESS:Night:Lasting several nights: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Sleep]SLEEPLESSNESS:Paroxysmal, few nights: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Fever, Heat]AFTERNOON:Four pm.:About:Eating amel.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Generalities]FAINTNESS, FAINTING:Walking:Amel.:Continuing: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Generalities]FULLNESS:Internal:Piano playing, from: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Generalities]PAIN:Neuralgic:Plug, as from a: 3 1 / 1
[Kent ] [Head]PAIN,HEADACHE IN GENERAL:Pressing (see bursting,drawing):Vertex:Plug,as if: 3 1 / 1
[Kent ] [Rectum]URGING,DESIRE (SEE TENESMUS):Effort,great desire passes away with: 3 1 / 1
[Kent ] [Extremities pain]PAIN:Pressing:Thigh:Paroxysmal: 3 1 / 1
[Kent ] [Extremities pain]PAIN:Pressing:Thigh:Rhythmical: 3 1 / 1
[Kent ] [Extremities pain]PAIN:Sprained,as if:Ankle:Stepping on left foot: 3 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Mind]WILL, GENERAL:Two, wills, feels as if he has :As if he had two, one commanding, one forbidding : 3 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Ankles]SPRAINED, SENSATION, AS IF :Stepping :Left foot, on : 3 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Headache]PRESSING, PAIN, VERTEX :Plug, as if : 3 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Legs]PRESSING, PAIN, THIGHS :Rhythmical : 3 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Rectum]URGING, DESIRE TO STOOL :Effort, great desire passes away with : 3 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Stool]URGING, DESIRE TO STOOL :Effort, great desire passes away with : 3 1 / 1
[Allen ] [C]CHEST:Pressure:Plug, as from: 3 1 / 1
[Allen ] [O]ORBITS:Margin:Upper:Plug, as with a, into brain: 3 1 / 1
[Allen ] [R]RESPIRATION:Short:Aggravated:Eating, after: 3 1 / 1
[Khullar ] [Feeling As If]MIND:Will:Two, wills:As if he had two, one commanding, one forbidding: 3 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Mind and Disposition]ANGER:Violence, with:Takes everything in bad part: 3 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Mind and Disposition]ANGER:Violence, with:Personal, from slight offence: 3 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Mind and Disposition]ANSWER:Short:Incomplete, but correct (imbecility): 3 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Mind and Disposition]ANTAGONISM:Wills, of: 3 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Mind and Disposition]ANXIETY:Inward, in angina: 3 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Mind and Disposition]ANXIETY:Pursuing him, as if someone were, suspected everything around him, while walking: 4 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Mind and Disposition]CARESSING:Then pushes husband and child away (melancholy: 3 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Mind and Disposition]CHAGRIN:Memory, loss of: 3 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Mind and Disposition]DELUSION (ILLUSIONS, HALLUCINATIONS):Demon:Thinks himself a: 3 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Mind and Disposition]DELUSION (ILLUSIONS, HALLUCINATIONS):Demon:A demon sits on his neck and tells him offensive things: 3 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Mind and Disposition]DELUSION (ILLUSIONS, HALLUCINATIONS):Devil:Imagines devil speaking in one ear, angel in the other, prompting to murder, or acts of benevolence: 3 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Mind and Disposition]DELUSION (ILLUSIONS, HALLUCINATIONS):Devil:Whispers blasphemous words: 3 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Mind and Disposition]DELUSION (ILLUSIONS, HALLUCINATIONS):Double:Thinks he is: 3 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Mind and Disposition]DELUSION (ILLUSIONS, HALLUCINATIONS):Forms, that strange, accompany him, one on his right, the other on his left: 3 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Mind and Disposition]DELUSION (ILLUSIONS, HALLUCINATIONS):Husband, her, is not her husband, and her child not her child (mania): 3 1 / 1

A CLINICAL CASE [Clinical Case]

The Bureau Of Homoeopathics By Clarence Willard Butler.


Pompilli G.



Dear Colleagues: I send you only one clinical case. It is not very much, but I hope you will appreciate it, because it offers a good proof of the necessity and of the power of Hahnemannian individualization.

I was spending my vacation in Spoleto in the summer of 1887. It was the month of August and the Marchioness Lavinia Monoldi- Toni had been sick for several days, and another homoeopathic physician of that city, a little mongrel, was treating her. The sickness got worse and worse and became serious. I was invited to see the patient, who was an old patient of mine an a partisan of Homoeopathy.

I took charge of her case with my colleague. The case was one which affected strongly the nervous centers and which was difficult to designate by one of the so many nosological terms. But this was not necessary for a follower of Hahnemann. The symptoms were:.

Depression and total prostration of strength. The patient lay on the bed in a continuous and complete somnolency; and besides that weakness she suffered from a kind of stupidity.

It was necessary in order to feed her to place her body in an easy posture, but she could not remain long in that position. As soon as she swallowed, mechanically, a few spoonfuls of soup and a little wine, against her wish, she kept looking somnolent and felt the necessity of sleeping and fell again into the lethargy. It was hard for her to speak, and she only answered briefly when she was questioned. She did not ask for anything; she never spoke and it was always necessary to waken her.

The color of her face was always pale.

Her expression was apathetic.

The temperature of her body was always cold. . Her pulse was feeble and slow.

Her respiration was slow.

She had been in this condition for a few days, and I, considering especially the weakness of all the sense which was the most visible symptom of her affection, administered in hurry a dose of Anacardium 3 m. (Jenichen), which seemed at first to have good effect. But neither this remedy nor the other, Arsenicum 200, had any effect, and the condition of the patient grew worse.

It happened one night that she tired to get up and fell like a corpse; it was necessary to put her back to bed as she was incapable of any action.

While all these symptoms were becoming more intense, another mortal one was manifesting itself, in such cases always a prelude of near death, “the involuntary emission of the urine and feces.” It seemed that a complete paralysis would be the best consequence as she was of a nervo-lymphatic constitution and more than seventy years old.

There was no hope and her family was sure of the imminent loss. I had also almost lost hope, but I devoted myself to a long and diligent study of the Materia Medica, and the result was that if there existed a remedy, by the manifestation of all the symptoms, it must be Hyoscyamus. So on the 28th of August I administered a dry dose on the tongue, potency cm. (Fincke). But it was not necessary, because that dose alone, after having produced an exacerbation of all the symptoms, was in a little while followed, to the general astonishment, by a gradual improvement which after two days brought the patient to a complete recovery.

Now, in her old age, she enjoys excellent health, confirming to everybody the beneficial effect of Homoeopathy. As a comment to this clinical episode we may deduce the two following corollaries:.

First. A good homoeopathic physician should never be in hurry to give a prescription before studying and considering his case. .

Second when the remedy answers to all the peculiar characteristic symptoms, one dose of high potency is enough to cure sickness, even of a very serious character.





10th April 2005, Vol-12, Issue 1

Dr. Mirza Anwer Baig

Cases / Therapeutics / Medicine

Anac / Calc / Rhus-t / Con / Puls / Nux-v / Lyc / Rob / Carc / Carb-v / Thuj / Dios / Alum

By – Dr. Mirza Anwer Baig


Mira Road, Thane

Introduction: Sudden & immediate urgency for stools with the onset of anxiety & excitement, or fright is seen in quite number of people. It has many symptoms including bloating, constipation, abdominal pain and diarrhoea. (but with no significant sign of any disease). Doctors may say they cannot find anything wrong in such type of patients. Or they may call this as a functional disorder Homoeopathically it can be defined as Pseudopsora, means not functionally alone? This may be a state of extreme chronicity or a miasmatic disease, now recognized in its own right with a long list of characteristics.

It is partly the number and sheer diversity of symptoms which make Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) so hard to diagnose. IBS is common in men, 20 times, while Non Ulcer Dyspepsia (NUD) is common in women, 30 times. IBS and the NUD are same, except, in IBS the problems related to the lower gut, while in NUD the upper gut is affected.

Homoeopathic understanding: Most of the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome are identical as of the symptom of vaccinosis, as described by Burnett; such as: Neuralgia, inveterate skin eruptions, chilliness, indigestion with great flatulent distension, are leading features of the vaccinal dyscrasia. Most of the children who receive BCG, Hepatitis B or Polio together may develop this kind of symptoms.

Clarke gave the example of whooping cough, as one allopath observed some cases of whooping cough got cured from smallpox vaccine, while most of the homoeopaths found cases of whooping cough after smallpox vaccine. Between 1970s to 1980s, whosoever received Hepatitis B vaccine as trial in gay people, developed this as functional disorder.

Causes: It starts from the itch of the bowel, due to histamine release, due to some nervous allergens. Susceptibles are sensitive & timid persons. However, actual cause is not known Some researchers relate this to some onchogenic lymphotropic viruses. Few people are aware to this that all of us carry parasitic yeast of a fungus in our bodies. On the whole this is nothing for us to worry about, unless this fungus is activated, due to an inferior diet, the use of steroids, antibiotics, or the contraceptive pills, etc. This is how the human immune system is finally affected Thus this condition is known only in the civilized world.

Clinical Remedies along with Guiding Symptoms: Colicky pains, flatulence, rumbling distension, indigestion, constipation and diarrhoea with sudden urge are common symptoms of the following remedies. In addition to these, differentiated guiding symptoms are as follows:

Anatherum-homosexuals (Gay bowels). Cynodon – chronic diarrhoea, dropsy (concomitant). Colocynth – least food or drink <, bending forward >. Aloes-Beer<, burning in anus. Dioscoria-usually women, rumbling flatulence, < bending forward. Staphysagria-acidic diarrhoea. Chenopodium G- ineffectual urging morning diarrhoea, (pressure in rectum, concomitant). Teucrium-unnatural appetite, nightly restlessness, worms, Nux, Puls, Lyco, Dulcamara & Lachesis, etc with their identical symptoms.

Intercurrent: Carcinosin, Thuja, Sulphur, & Virionum.


No.1: Mr. B.P.K.: 65 years, from a business class family. Family staying in USA. Used to travel frequently. Actually he came for his ankle problem and not for his bowel complaints. As per the symptoms, whatever treatment was given gave him palliation at the ankle, but brought up bowel symptoms that is how we came to know that in fact he is a patient of IBS. Then we treated him as per the totality, ankle & bowel both got better but then he developed old symptoms. But he went for palliative medicines & consulted other doctors, became worse finally consulted us again.

That is how we came to know more about the patient, and more symptoms were being recorded. Interestingly hisprescription was prescribed 3 times and the same remedy cured him finally.

First visit: 19. 2.97, for pain and sprain in the left ankle, > continuous motion . Swelling left ankle ++, naughty, gets anxious easily. Appetite more, vertigo from gases, Cannot walk on uneven ground, feels as if falls down. Congested headache. Chilly. Very impatient. As a person good and affectionate. Usually gets constipation, at times diarrhoea. Occasionally vertigo and hammering pain in the forehead. Doesnt know how he got sprain; May be twisted somewhere. Prescription, Anacardium, Calc carb and Rhus tox, during first few days, palliated at the ankle but aggravated bowel symptoms.

14/3/97: Anticipation, pain ankle not gone completely, head congested, biliary headache. Doesnt know how he got the sprain. Pain sudden, (possibility of a focus Neurogenic?), tissue trauma Cant walk on uneven ground, (is it vertigo?) Prescription: Conium 200/2 doses. (Analysis; heedless-cant remember how it had occurred, staying alone away from the family, tissue trauma & biliary headache).

10.10.97: Better, but now has acidity, some gases upset, for which he again went for palliatives, he himself was taking homoeopathic medicines & Unani, Ayurvedic medicines for trivial complaints. So we also prescribed palliative medicines as per symptoms which were; Robina, Pulsatilla, Nux vom, Lycopodium, etc. his symptoms got worse and then he consulted other doctors.

3.11.97: He consulted us again with his old agony, other doctors who diagnosed him as Hiatus Hernia, suggested surgery, thus patient got scared & came to us again. Now we took the case thoroughly. History revealed, he regularly used to go for business trips or for visiting his business establishments. Since many times while traveling to Pune. (by his own car) he always gets a sudden urge for stool, no pain but must find a place to defecate, or otherwise may lose the control over his stools. Stops driver on the way to get relieved. < while driving car, the urge> open air. Stops the car and comes out > in open air. Hilarious and malicious by nature, changing doctors frequently.

Always feels uncomfortable during daytime. Diarrhoea bilious associated with headache. But diarrhoea painless. Otherwise constipated or with diarrhoea. Ineffectual urge when home, but he has to rush while going in a car. Cannot walk on the uneven ground, feels as if would fall, stepping and jarring <<.

Anger +++, Anxiety ++++ (for cancer), also impatient, keeps on consulting doctors, Hakims, friends, etc. But with little relief doesnt turn up (heedless). Anger and anxiety very marked when sick otherwise happy and lively. Says cannot pass stool in morning, but gets sudden urge during car and traveling, travels only by his own car, just for his safety and due to his uncertainty. Anxiety marked; anxiety for trifles or when talking about his even simple problems, otherwise indifferent (heedless).

Talks in a poetic way, learned person, wants immediate help (as if time passes too slowly), wanted to come immediately for consultation. Showed many gastro-enterologists, but was not satisfied with any, (superstitious type).

Analysis: Is it a neuorogenic cause? Some focus Malignancy? Having half faith, (consult many doctors): Ankle pain Tissue trauma? Or again focus (metastasis) Ankle better, abdomen worst? Is it carcinoma in situ Since his anxiety for cancer was also very marked. He was very careful and impatient for every symptom & went on talking about the same to get (my) attention, but he, himself, after fixing various appointments (to meet me) did not turn up (heedless). I also gave importance to his diarrhoea, although painless, but with marked urgency and also during the daytime, particularly when he was driving car. Has morning constipation, but on driving gets diarrhoea (was a peculiar symptom), analyzed as constipation alternate diarrhoea and diarrhoea during the daytime.

Conium repeated again followed by Carcinosin, Conium covered all the symptoms this time again while Carcinosin was given as intercurrent.

He got cured completely for 5 years. That is to say few months back he called me again because of the same problem. Now the modalities were < during night, although anxiety & impatience was the same, fear for cancer was very marked, when I saw him he had already consulted 3 topmost gastro-enterologists of the town. This time also he fixed many appointments but did not turn up. Finally called me to his residence when he became very sick without any diagnosis. Symptomatic allopathic medication made him worse. He used to get severe pain over his left descending colon, with loose stool, flatulence, gases distension and constipation. He was investigated for every possibility but the cause was not cleared. They suspected diverticulitis. He was on antibiotics and anti-colitis drugs.

I suggested serology for CEA to confirm malignancy but he went to yet another gastro-entrologist whose endoscopic findings suggested diverticular disease (also known as diverticulosis). With his treatment he got worst. Now he turned up again with the report CEA, which was high, suggesting malignancy. Carbo veg 30/3 doses given initially followed by Conium 30 in repeated doses. Virionum 200/ single dose as intercurrent. His sufferings got stabilized, there after had no relapses until now, 6 months are over and is on placebo.

No.2: Ms. M. AC, 20 years; college student clinically diagnosed as Colitis, under allopathic treatment since many years, with frequent relapses. Investigations didnt reveal any specific cause. On examination, tongue was clear, face oily with hypopigmented patches, and teeth were crumbled.

Complaints, some kind of pricking pains inside the left side of abdomen, shifting up or down with sudden urge for stools. At times pains cramping before stool. History further revealed most of the time when she gets pain also gets urticarial eruptions. Says whenever I get pains urticarial eruptions start but no itch, doctors say irritable bowel syndrome, some say ulcerative colitis which has no treatment. Homoeopathy gives me some relief but I have to take medicine always, almost through out the year.

History also revealed that she also used to get recurrent cough and cold, almost throughout the year, for which she takes allopathy. Severe problem started since two years. She had jaundice before that. She also had Hepatitis B injection after that. As per the advice of an eminent allopath. He said my problems will be life long, and I have to take life long medicines, so I got scared and came for an alternative therapy. During one such attack she was also suspected for Gall bladder, pains usually get better on bending backward.

History also revealed that during childhood she had treatment for worms & for high fever. She said, she is short-tempered, cannot tolerate and kind of injustice, dedicated for good causes.

Analysis: Young, smart, beautiful and energetic college girl, with non-stop sufferings since childhood. At times worms, other times diarrhoea, fever, jaundice, etc. Having a soft corner for homoeopathy. During early childhood a homoeopath at Kolkata, saved her life? Her mother had told her I related all her problems because of vaccines

First prescription was Thuja, dated 7.11.2003, Dioscria as a clinical remedy, and was repeated. Phosphorus was decided as constitutional, but was never given. Carcinosin was her constitutional remedy. For the last two months she is on placebo; no relapse. No cough and cold, also no urticaria, no colitis. Now she eats every thing. Only she developed worms problem, for which no other medicine was given. Carcinosin (in molecular dilution-Nosode I) did all curative and prophylactic measures.

No.3: Retired colonel, Govt. gave him a land somewhere in Nasik. He came to us sometime 15 years back (records are not traceable, although his affidavit is with us). One of his friends who happen to be a lawyer brought him to us. He was very much disgusted with allopathic treatment. His complaints were uncertainty of bowels. He consulted all kinds of doctors but is problems remained unsolved.

His friend brought him to us since he had at least sympathy for homoeopathic pills (not doctors), which gave him life when he was declared dead, on one occasion His complaints were constipation with terrible pain, lower abdomen at time often 7 days without stool, if passed has a lot of difficulties as if he is passing hot oil Appetite less, prostration marked & anaemic. He felt very weak, and had difficulty to do routine work, even walking was difficult.

History also revealed that he changed his religion and became friendly to a lawyer who helped him in the court proceedings.

His aversion towards doctors was also logical, he consulted various doctors including gastro-entrologists but they could not diagnose the under lying disease with which he was suffering since two years. Finally he discovered his own way of healing. Some allopathic drug for pains, a homoeopathic remedy for gases, and an ayurvedic choorna for purging stools, that too with lot of difficulty. To me it looked as if he had developed semiparalytic ileus type of condition. He had to exert even for soft stool, even then they cant come out He had sensation of heat as he said, Garam tel nikalta hai, bahot koshish karne per.

But what made him sick? So I kept on asking him about the same, how that happened. Hence, he revealed that when he retired, Govt. honored him in the form of a plot (at Nasik) to build his home. For some related matter he had to go to another state (Gujarat) where he was posted during the time of retirement. There a wild dog had bitten him, for which he took anti-rabies vaccines at a private hospital. But with their treatment he lost his funds, so he consulted a public hospital, to complete the anti rabies treatment. What used to happen after taking vaccine everytime, he used to vigorously react in form of diarrhoea & skin rashes. The doctors at the private hospital used to treat vaccine complications & did not stop giving vaccines.

At the public hospital also, after every vaccine, used to get fever with chills, diarrhoea & weakness. They treated him symptomatically & also continued giving him anti-rabies vaccines. According to them vaccine treatment was very important. So he continued to suffer and was treated for complications, sides by side, finally broke down, became toxic, collapsed, then went into coma

They thought he is dead, instruction, shift the body to the mortuary. While transferring him on the trolley a nurse observed some signs of life. She made him aroused, told him, Pray to your God, gather courage and run from here. He did so, but collapsed on the way. Some passers -by took him to roadside Hakim who treated him with some homoeopathic pills. Some people left him on the railway station. Thats how he could reach home.

Now new set of doctors and new set of treatment but nothing helped him nor relieved his pains, prostration and constipation. He discovered self-help, homoeopathic pills for gases, allopathic for pains & ayurvedic for stools.

My analysis: Paralytic ileas, due to cytotoxic drugs and rabies vaccine. Peculiar symptom, cannot pass stool even after lot of exertion, if at all he does it is like hot oil. Interpretation; soft stools but cannot pass, if does with burning inside the perinea). Advancing pathology, neurogenic pains and progressive prostration were other supporting symptoms.

A dose of Alumina 200 restored his health gradually to normal.

Conclusion: My observation, by the time a person reaches 70, most of the cases of irritable bowel syndrome are converted into diverticulosis, a common condition now seen in both sexes. While they are young they may be susceptible to HIV.

Dr. Logan of Nottingham University Hospital, of the British Digestive Foundation describes, 20% people by the time they are 70, have diverticular disease, and 30% gall bladder stones in their sixties. I called this as Pitta dosha or Sycosis of Homoeopathy. Faulty bile cannot digest fat leading to formation of stones and then cancers. Diverticular disease and Gallstones can occur together and are more common in women than in men. In fact this state could be considered as carcinoma in situ, & that is how in most of the cases Carcinosin & Virionum help. I conclude large numbers of these cancers are virus-related, which resulted as a result of suppression of the immune system.

Our observation is if during treatment a child complains of worms problem, welcome that, which means better prognosis In such children Carcinosin helps as an anti-pseudopsoric remedy.

Recent studies show, in the United States colonic cancer death rate has fallen by 20.8 present. Possibly this would be because of their awareness towards immune system. Today most of the Americans opt for Naturopathy and Homoeopathy. But in India it may not be so, because of unawareness about everything.

A diverticulum is a small sac or pouch, which forms a weak points in the walls of the digestive gastrointestinal tract. If you have several of these its known as diverticulosis. In the civilized world this new condition is commonly found. In this area lots of germs and viruses reside, so more lymphatic tissue is needed to form a strong defense line. During any crises where attention of vital force diverted, this area would be left unguarded Thus causing symptoms like indigestion, constipation, diarrhoea and abdominal pain. Then more and more painkillers and antibiotics would lead to further crises resulting into relapse and causing chronic complications like IBS.

Consumption of alcohol, beer, food, additive, preservatives, pesticides, anti-gas and anti-acid, antibiotics, anti-worms are the other causative factors resulting this along with stressful life. In children vaccines and anti-worms drugs may be the cause to similar conditions.





The Homoeopathic Herald By Bose N C.

1946 Mar Vol VI No 7

Bose N C.


Nux-v / Sulph / Anac.

9. Miss B., aet. 55. Symptoms of indigestion for many months, getting gradually worse. Nausea soon after eating. Discomfort about on hour after meals. Better for eating. Despite several remedies this persisted and, though never acute, seemed to be too persistent to be neglected. It was arranged that if there was not a very marked improvement after the next treatment an X-ray examination was called for.

On this occasion she was rather incoherent about all her symptoms. Found herself unable to converse and repeated the last few words of what other people said to her. Melancholic feeling worse in morning. “If she tried to think of anything she went all hot on the left side of the face only.” “Effort to do anything.” Beginning to feel desperate.” Pressure on top of head. No initiative. Tight feeling nose. All sorts of queer sensations. FEELS LIKE BLASTING AND DAMNING. Itching vulva nearly drives her desperate. Anacardium 200 one does was given and it all went. When seen 3 months later she had been very well and came back because of slight return of indigestion symptoms. Anacardium 1m was then given.

Anacardium has a so-called “nervous” type of indigestion relived by food. This is the type of indigestion which precedes actual formation and it is in this stage that one may hope to cure. Later when an ulcer has formed, more than mere drug therapy will be required before the ulcer will heal. Homoeopathic drug therapy is directed against those conditions which tend to ulceration. It is being widely recognized that nervous stated such as are described in the Anacardium symptomatology are common in the ulcer “make-up.”

The Anacardium picture shows:

Aversion to work. Lacks self-confidence. Irresistible desire to curse and swear. Profound melancholy and depression. Impaired memory Absent-minded. Easily offended: suspicious.

Pressing pain in the head.

Eructations: nausea and vomiting.

All sorts of queer sensations. Plug feeling in head, eyes, abdomen, rectum. Intense itching with mental irritability (very lichen ruber planus).

In more profound mental states there is an hallucination “as if he is possessed of two persons of will” (Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde) and should be considered in case of schizophrenia where the other symptoms correspond.

This is another case where the symptoms are so typical that recourse to repertorization hardly seems necessary. At any here the picture led to a consideration of the drug Anacardium in the Materia Medica and to the conclusion that the drug did cover accurately most of the patients symptoms.

In out-patient work and :desk” prescribing this method is adequate, and meets the criticism that homoeopathic prescribing takes too long to be of value in general practice. The only virtue in repertorization is that provides a method of finding the “simillimum” when there is not obvious drug picture.

There are some prescribers who have a flair for recognizing the drug in a case. The greater the knowledge of Materia Medica the more likely is this “gift” to be accurate. But even the beginner can find the simillimum if he uses the repertory as a guide to the Materia Medica.

The drug must not be chosen on a mathematical or numerical basis. Repertorization lists a number of drugs which have all or most of the symptoms of the patient, but only a study of these drugs with Materia Medica will decide which of them is the simillimum.

10, W. S., aet. 59.

Pain in the back for years, left side of the spine. Worse since a fall. Site of the pain varied, but it is more lumbar than sacral.

Modalities: aggr. night, aggr. exertion, aggr. rising from a seat, aggr. from stooping, aggr, walking. Walks bent.

X-rays showed not bony injury but early osteo-arthritic changes of the lumbar spine.

Backaches lend themselves to prescribing on modalities if these are well marked.

So. Kent, p. 879, aggr., rising from a seat: Aesc., Agar., Cham., Coloc., Berb., Calc., Caust., Kali bic., Lyc., Merc., Phos., Puls., Rhus., Sulph.

p. 897. aggr. rising from stooping: Aesc., Agar., Berb., Lyc., Phos., Puls., Rhus., Sulph.

p. 898, aggr. stooping: Agar., Aesc., Rhus., Sep., Sulph.,

p. 908, compelled to walk bent: Kali carb., Sulph.

p. 897, aggr. motion: Aesc., Rhus., SULPH.

p. 899, aggr, walking: Aesc., Agar., Sulph.

p. 894, aggr, at night: (Agar.), Berb., MERC., SULPH.

Sulphur is a great backache remedy. Most typical of its symptoms are perhaps (a) the stooped position in walking. and (b) the extension of the pain when the sit is sacro-lumbar round to the groins, but it always pays to run the outstanding modalities through the repertory, as not infrequently another less common remedy like Aesculus or Agaricus comes through. In this case Sulph. was finally chosen on the unusual symptom of compelled to walk bent. Aesculus is more typically sacrolumbar with pain extending to the hips and legs, and Agaricus has a very marked LOCAL tenderness.

Sulph. 30, 1 dose, was given.

On his return he reported very much better.

Can walk straight now.

11. Mrs. L., aet. 39. Rheumatism both hips for 5 years, getting worse.

Pain and stiffness worse walking, better resting Weather makes no difference to her not to the pains. Most difficult patient to get any information out of. Cried when spoken to. Seems to be offended by our questions. Rigidity of mind.

Examination was just as difficult. All limbs rigid. Almost in spasm, like a Parkinsons Disease. Both upper limbs and lower/ Very much restricted movement of the hips particularly on abduction. Difficult to determine whether voluntary or not.

Most contradictory in her answers to questions Cannot get “at her.”

Unanimous choice of the clinic was Ignatia, chiefly on the contradictory replied to symptoms and to rigidity of limbs, the choice being confirmed by “taking offence easily”.

Kent, p. 69, does not give Ign., but Hering considers it most marked, and Nux has the symptom in the highest. Nux and Ignatia are very alike in many ways, perhaps due to the strychnine content of both. As Wheeler says, “Ignatia is PERVERSE”, and that just described this patient; but the perverseness, unlike Nux, shows itself not in an angry, violent manner but in an emotional way, as in this case.

An X-ray was ordered to determine the nature of the joint condition. This showed rather surprisingly, “Advanced osteo- arthritis of both hips. Articular cartilage nearly destroyed in both with sclerosis and flattening of bony surfaces.”

The patient returned a different person. She was better in herself she said, and her pains also.

The rigidity had almost gone from the limbs, though, of course, there was still a marked defect in movements.

But she was co-operative, smiling and happy.

This case should be considered alongside case 2. Where Nux vom. had a similar “loosening” effect. If this is maintained, life can be much easier for the patient and, though one can scarcely expect reorganization of destroyed cartilage, this has occurred (Dr. Boyd quoted such a case years ago). The destruction in the case resembles that present in Charcot joints and in the joints of syringomyelia, in both of which the cause is neurogenetic and not toxic.





The Homoeopathic Recorder By Bose N C.

1946 Jun Vol VII No 3

Sinha A P.




Anacardium Orientale

Dr. A.P.Sinha, Purulia.


Anacardium Orientale in fright before examination; and nervous exhaustion due to over-study.

Babu Nagendra Nath Mukherji, age 24, an M.A. examinee, came to me on the morning of 31st August, 1925 and reported that his examination was to begin that day at noon; but he was feeling so much nervous that it was impossible for him to sit for the examination and he was thinking that he wont appear that year. He was also feeling a great palpitation of the heart. He had been to an allopathic doctor but he was told that medicines would do him no good; he should take rest and try to compose himself and sit for the examination. He also reported that for the last three days he was not feeling well and was getting nervous at the approach of the examination. He was for all these days under the treatment and direction of the said allopathic doctor.

Relying on What Dr. R.Hughes has said in his Manual of Pharmacodynamics, fifth edition, at page 195, on Anacardium Orientale “I found it very useful in steadying the nervous system in funk previous to examinations, as also in removing nervous exhaustion induced by over-study.” I prescribed him Anac. 30, four doses, one every 2hrs, and advised him to lie down and to take absolute rest. It was about 8 A.M. I was then residing with him in the same mess building in Calcutta, for my study of law in the University Law College and was also carrying on my study of Homoeopathy in a Homoeopathic college as I became greatly interested with the study of Homoeopathy since 1922, being introduced to it by my father-in-law, Dr. J.C. Ghosh, L.M.S. of Raniganj, who is a great admirer of Homoeopathy. although himself an eminent practitioner of the old school.

The patient after taking two doses of the medicine and rest as advised, came to me at about 10-30 A.M. and reported that the medicine has acted miraculously and he was feeling quite well and all the troubles have disappeared; and remarked that Homoeopathy can really do wonders.

I must also note here that I had opportunities to verify this action of the drug on several other occasions, during my stay in Calcutta, with many law and M.A. examinees, with equal success. One law examinee, Babu Santosh K. Mitra who was studying too much, about 13 to 15 hours daily, complained just 3 or 4 days before his examination, that he was feeling very nervous, as if he has forgotten every thing, cant remember what he has read, the mind has become altogether vacant. Anac. 30 was given in the evening and at bed time. The next morning he reported that his nervousness has disappeared altogether and he finds his brain so clear that he never felt before.


Anacardium, in Dementia, due to nervous exhaustion by over- study.

Chittaranjan De, age 20, student of the first year class in the Hazaribagh College, was carrying a good deal of over-study, preparing himself for the ensuing annual examination. He was studying nights after nights several days and was often taking tea, coffee and cocoa, to keep up the nights. On 19.4.46 he went off his head, due to the unusual nervous strain by over-study; and about 11 A.M. left the Hostal unnoticed, without taking his meal, keeping his room unlocked, things uncared for. Fortunately, on the next day in the afternoon he was found seated in the Hazaribagh Road Railway station by a gentleman of Dhanbad, who had been to the Hazaribagh College Hostel and was taking home his brother, who was ill. Chittaranjan was in a total insane condition, he would talk very little; morose; could neither give his own nor his fathers name nor residence, nor anything about himself; there was total loss of memory. He walked on foot through dense forest a distance of 42 miles from Hazaribagh Road. Ry. Station.

The said gentleman brought the boy to his fathers place at Purulia on the 21st noon in the same condition. Being questioned he would not like to talk; no remembrance of anything, but at times would give only incoherent answers; had no stool since the attacks; eats very little. On these symptoms and the history. I gave him Anac. 200, one dose at bedtime on 21 4.46. In the afternoon of 22. 4.46 although no decided improvement on the mental condition was found yet some change was noticeable. So I gave him Anac. 1 M, at bedtime. The drug acted miraculously and the boy was brought to perfect equilibrium, the next morning. He quickly became alright and wanted to go back to his college for appearing in the examination; the father, however, did not allow him to do so but wrote to the principal for exempting him to appear in the examination.

As regards the nature of action of the drug I am inclined to observe that every time I found it so quick and complete.





National Journal Of Homoeopathy By Vishpala Parthasarathy.

1994 Jan / Feb Vol III No 1

Parinaz Humranwala.



“I need help social, religious and medical” said the boy aged 15, as he seated himself between his parents and before me. The only child of working parents, his words signalled the degree of despair. His problem began when he was in the seventh standard (in a boarding school), where he got enraged on his teacher and beat him up. The next morning he walked into the same teachers cabin with flowers to say he was sorry, though he was unable to recall his bad behaviour the previous day. But, such acts kept on repeating and the boy was suspended from school. He was admitted to the eighth standard in another school.

He had a mild thyroid problem which affected his physical appearance, for which he was ridiculed by his peers, a fact which distressed him to a great extent. The boy was unable to concentrate on his studies and failed in the ninth standard. This episode has been very disturbing and traumatic to both the patient and his parents. The boy felt distressed that he could not reach upto their expectations. The parents grumbled that even three tuitions did not suffice to make him scrape through. Ever since he refuses to go to school.

The mother complained that he was a voracious eater, which contributed to his obesity. On 30th June 93 the boy suddenly complained of inability to walk independently and myoclonic jerks of the right upper limb. He was hospitalized and found to be neurologically normal and hence a psychometric assessment was advised, to rule out attention seeking behaviour. On 11th July he had become very violent in the hospital and at that time was running about, belying all evidence of weakness in the lower limbs. Personality test and repeated interrogation by the psychologist revealed underlying Schizophrenia.

I requested the parents to wait outside. His face twitched as he began to speak “Please, I am scared of school, exams and everything about it. I shiver at the thought of exams” saying this he burst into tears. “Aunty, that man torments me, he teaches me all that evil.” Perplexed, I asked him what he meant. He tore a page of his notebook and drew a picture of man with red eyes, letter D for death written on his chest, a bamboo hat, a whip in one hand and a skull in the other. (See picture). This man compelled him to do acts of violence, which included hitting his own parents or abusing them, knocking his head on the cupboard or drinking up a litre of milk. When his actions were explained to him, he would have no recollection of the episodes.

Now, all he wants is to be left alone; he even walks with eyes towards the ground to avoid contact. “The world has been mean to him”. He trusts nobody but would love to have a pet animal which at least would not bite him. Hates people who have done wrong to him, (including his father who has been very strict). He tries to be someone else to make others happy but is still unable to live upto their expectations. Felt he did everything wrongly. He contemplated on suicide and often told his parents he would jump out of the window to end their agony. His sixth sense told him that his future was grim.

The boy seemed intelligent for his age as he described his mental agony in detail. I requested him to call his parents and noticed as he walked that he wore knee caps on both his knees to prevent them from buckling up.

The remedy selected was Anacardium-o which is being administered infrequently to the boy ever since. Immediately on the first follow-up he told me “that man came out and got burnt in front of my eyes.” The parents further emphasized this idea by burning a picture of a similar figure in front of him. He cooled down and his acts of violence reduced over a period of time. He has appeared for his ninth standard exams and is awaiting results.

Remedy Discussion:

Anacardium-orientale is the marking nut found on the mountains of eastern India. This nut has externally an oil which is strong, black, acute, caustic and bad but the heart of the nut is sweet. It is what we call malicious with a good heart. The boy was trying to succeed in the examinations in order to please his parents, but due to lack of concentration, he was unable to perform well. A loving child earlier, was getting separated from himself (Antagonism with himself Kents Rep Pg.4.) Lack of concentration, progressed to lack of self confidence (Confidence want of self KR 13). The boy had separate mental and emotional levels. The first act of hitting the teacher and the then carrying flowers portrays the duplicity (Delusion, double of being KR 24). The other rubrics selected for the case are as follows:-

Delusion that the is separated from the world (single remedy) (2)

Unfeeling (single remedy) (3)

Abusive (2)

Anger violent (3)

Antagonism with himself (2)

Estranged from society (1)

Clairvoyance (1)

Company aversion to (3)

Concentration difficult (3)

Contrary (3)

Defiant (1)

Delusion sees devils (2)

Delusion that he is a devil (1)

Delusion of being double (2)

Delusion does nothing right (1)

Forsaken feeling, sensation of isolation (2)

Hatred (3)

Hysteria (2)

Jumping, impulse to jump from a height (1)

Weakness of memory (1)

Moral feeling want of (2)

Recognize, does not his relatives (2)

Suicidal disposition throwing himself from a height (1)

Will, contradiction of (3)

Physical symptoms-Eating ameliorates. Sensation of a band around the knees.




ONE MORE “CHRONIC” [One More Chronic]

The Homoeopathic Recorder By Allan D Sutherland.

1954 Aug Vol LXX No 2

Julia M Green.


Zinc / Anac / Scarl / Thuj / Puls / Kali-bi.


Aug. 31, 1950: Female, married, 42 years. Rather stout, tall, dark complexion, full lips.

Never had enough energy to do nearly what should do, always forcing herself along. A nervous exhaustion. Muscles feel flabby, weak.

Tension, hurry, driving to get this and that done; in a fret. Too tense to get to sleep.

Depressed, melancholy, very irritable in spells; discouraged; thoughts of suicide but too timid to carry it out. Disgusted with herself because timid. Desire to weep frequently. Perverse sense of humor.

Almost double personality; real self kind, generous, affectionate, etc., then suddenly overpowering desire to torture people; if does not do it as if something would burst inside, or would go insane. Picks upon those nearest to her, those loved best and torments them with sarcasm, taunts.

Uncertain of her ability, tormented by this.

Likes people but gets bored; wants to be at home, quiet; wants people around her to be quiet.

Lacks sexual desire, always.

Smothered sensation frequently.

Constipation chronic (cathartics). Haemorrhoids.

Hair falling many years: 1/3 of it coming in white.

Sleep very poor; frequent insomnia.

Headache; frequent, general bruised sensation followed by migraine. Worse emotions, menses.

Stinging, stiffness shoulders, fingers; mammae.

Pain below right ribs between them and crest ilium.

Pains down legs, worse under the knees.

Soreness abdomen frequent accompanied violent cramps, just above pubic bone.

Operation at 23 years for cancer cervix; followed by treatments with radium, x-ray.

Pregnant once; lost at 7 months on account fight with a huge dog.

In the last 15 years thought of suicide but too timid to carry it out. R Anac. 10M.

Sept. 19: Stopped thyroid along with the estrogen when started my medicine. Has lost a pound a day since then; this before on stopping thyroid temporarily. Now 28 lbs. overweight-159. Scattered pustules in scalp in the last 2 months. Pains backs of legs gone; now some in front. Perspiration does not start until temperature extremely high; then on scalp first, runs down face and neck; later becomes general. Skin not too dry. Constipation returned after stopping eating molasses. Sleep: good first pat night, then apt not to sleep rest of night. Mind too active then; planning, studying over things. Worse A.M., taken 2 or 3 hours to get going.

Oct. 4: Back to work 2 day about but dislikes to work, cannot stand it; gets so nervously overwrought that wants to cry and nerves seem to ache all over her. Enjoyed working up to a year ago. Cannot sleep or eat much on account nerves. Rx.Zinc. 1M.

Oct. 16: Much better, back to work and able to stand up under it. Several hours overwork; all one evening and all day Sunday. In the last 10 days: dyspnoea prominent in spells. Numbness left arm and chest; feels numb into the bone. Legs numb on lying down. Heavy pressure cardiac region. Sleeping all night. Drowsiness ever since returned to work.

Oct. 26: Very much better still. Mental and emotional attitude very much better. Sleep poor 3 night in the last 2 weeks. Pains legs from 4 P.M. on; has had these before. Dyspnoea on walking lately. Pressure on chest with this, a little numbness. Slowly gaining weight every day. Exhausted by the shock of some news at the office; was calm butt weak. Usually this would have thrown her into panic. Appetite tremendous now and gaining weight. Craves sweets, this not for several years back. No more thoughts of suicide by drowning. Numbness fingers, arms at times. Ankles swell mildly. Perspiration palms returned. Bones have felt firm on surface and soft underneath; now the reverse.

Now. 24: Courage has been piling up steadily; almost no effects on the past state. Sleep better at night if takes her powder in A.M. Memory still bad, may be a little better. Cannot eat as much as used to; feels satisfied sooner. Severe head cold last 10 days, better and worse with diarrhoea finally and then at least a cupful of brown mucus vomited with great help. Physically stronger.

Dec. 18: Getting along very well. Once cold which lasted only 2 days and worked through it. Usually has been on couch for 10 days with one.

Jan. 4, 1951: Still very much better; gained 3 more lbs. Giving out as if would collapse after powders gone, better soon as back on the next collection of them. Head confused and memory bad soon as powders gone, better soon as back on them.

Jan. 23: No sleep two nights out of the week. After a bad night a clutching about the heart and feels smothered. Mind willing but body will not respond. Heavy all the time from waist down. Swelling hands and feet; rings cut into the fingers. Must take shoes off in P.M. on account of the swelling and consequent pain. Urine too frequent, deep yellow with pungent odor, excoriating. Profuse sweats any time, especially in the night. Skin dry and itching between these sweats. Waves of nausea last few days. Cramps in abdomen; constipation continues. Dyspnoea; frequent sighing. Gaining weight again slowly. Mental improvement holds Rx. Zinc. 1 M.

Feb. 10: Sleep better on the last remedy; other symptoms same or worse. Stomach symptoms: ravenously hungry but if eats, hard pains stomach region for hours as if cramps, grindings, hard surface turning over and over, etc. If does not eat pangs of hunger great. Pains right side abdomen continue severe in spells. Gained 23 lbs. in the last year, 10 of them since November. Exhaustion great after normal day of work; can hardly get home. Constipation bad as ever; small hard bits once in 3 days. Takes colonic every month. Mother gave her castor oil when little. Cold weather very hard on her; aches all over if chilled. In youth one cold after another; catarrhal symptoms ever since. Scarlet fever severe at 7 years; delirious for 2 weeks. Deaf for 3 months. Eyes grown increasingly worse since childhood. Scarlatinum 1 M.

Feb. 26: Always very irritable, unreasonable, weary, full of symptoms for 3 days before the full of the moon. Feels as if brittle and about to break to pieces. Had vaccination at 6 years which almost caused amputation of the arm from infection all through it. Gained 4 more able. in a week and much concerned; feels water-logged. Urine and perspiration quite scanty. Liver starting to play tricks again. Could not go to work today. Rx. Thuj. 1 M.

Mar. 16: Better in general. Not gaining weight, remains at 165. Kidney better. liver condition same although soreness gone. Craves sweets. After last medicine total collapse, in bed all day, then gradually better from then on. Still tired although does not get the sleep she should. Memory worse; reasoning dull, confused. When asked at office for something, mind a blank. Swelling hands and feet better although seem worse after eating anything with beet or cane sugar in it. Natural sweets do not affect.

Mar. 30: Symptoms same as before.

Apr. 12: Much better in many ways. Sleep much better. Dyspnoea worse; cannot walk far without it. Legs and feet turn blue on walking any distance even very slowly; hands blue. Must stay still and rest quite a while to recover. Pains legs gone. Weight the same. Swelling limbs less.

May 8: Looking very much better; weight the same. Sleepiness all day a great trial lately and languor back again. Good at night. Great hunger gone. Swelling legs less. Urine not so frequent and more satisfactory in quantity. No more wildness when moon gets high. Dyspnoea better, not gone. Rx Thuj. 1 M.

May 15: Medicine took hold wonderfully; felt better than for very long time, even before present collection of symptoms started. Yesterday began one of her worst attacks abdomen pain, almost bent her double. Sharp cutting in groups followed by slower deep agonizing ache. Parts affected tender to touch. Great distension with gas which moves about and cuts. Extending to back but not bad there. Nausea in waves with the pain. Puts head down on my desk and then some weeping. Rx Puls. 2c, I powder dry. Repeated in 5 minutes.

June 25: Well but physically tired. Dull pain around heart, must take long slow breaths. Worse hot weather; also smothering sensation. Sleep poor; drowsy all day. Either to sleep early and awake after 2 hours for rest of night or awake until 3 or 4 and then only a couple of hours. Constipation worse. Hangnails, peeling places on hands. More endurance than is usual.

June 28: About ready to fold up. Needs the medicine. Ravenously hungry, wants to eat anything within sight.

July 16: 3 days after the last report began to improve rapidly. Stayed better until the last few days. Now very listless again; sleepy all day, hard to concentrate. Numbness arms and hands today. Headache or rather pressure; head felt water-logged; also pressure in chest and around neck is if water in the tissues. Appetite nearly gone. Depression returning, as if something dreadful about to happen. Rx Thuj. 10 M.

Aug: 24: Feeling all out of balance and attributes it to thyroid unbalance. Gaining weight again rapidly; feeling water-logged again. Tired, weak, concentration poor. Depression returning.

Sept. 14; Still very tired all the time, can hardly get work done, looks tired and weak. Metabolism test show -19. Can tolerate 1/2 gr. thyroid a day.

Oct. 9: Thyroid just the answer to troubles; looks younger, stronger, better color. Says cannot digest proteids; takes some of them. Nerves quiet now.

Nov. 19: A deep cold: aching all over in muscles, slight fever; much chilliness. Coryza profuse, watery later thick, yellow. Sweating easily. Worse least draft. Now sore throat and tightness across chest. Rx. Kali bi. 2c.

Nov. 27: Last medicine made symptoms flu disappear in matter of hours, next day in evening about well. Now just weak and very tired. Cold perspiration night and day by spells. Rx Thuj. 10 M.

Dec. 7: Symptoms cold linger and once touch of asthma had 20 years or so ago. Coryza persists, also chills and sweats, also thick mucus in throat. Heart pain has returned. Feels a swelling of all her tissues.

Apr. 11. 1952: Not yet able to be up all day after bad attack “Flu”. Hoarse easily.

Apr. 17: Symptoms “Flu” about gone but feels weak; shaky knees on walking. Headache quite severe and rather frequent. Epistaxis several times a day, not much at a time but dark red. Pain region kidneys, shooting, on urinating. Itching here and there especially ankles which swell as well as itch. Rx. Thuj. 50 M.

Aug. 5: Well considering hard work and doubt as to her position. Migraine headache again lately. Wakes very tired but sleep better. Apprehension slighter. Rx. Thuj. CM.

Dec. 11: Been quite well for her. Old symptoms returning lately; much gas piling up; mild migraine headache; getting up many times in the night. Looking fairly well. Rx. Thuj. CM.

Feb. 8, 1953: Another weekend attack so severe that sent for me thus, early (6:30 A.M.). Dull pain for a time, then suddenly terrible suffering causing writhing, pushing with hands, locking them in tension, etc. Accompanied sweating profuse, cool sweat, weak pulse and this time faintness and vertigo if tries to get out of bed. Thuj. CM.

Very slight improvement in the next half hour, then after an hour only dull pain and solid sleep for 4 or 5 hours.

Feb. 25th: 100 percent better since last medicine.

Mar. 31: No real symptoms and very grateful for the improvement for 3 years. Feeling so very tired all the time; must push for everything she does. If did not have to work hard and then live in dread of her husbands tantrums, would be about well.

Evidently the first prescription was a shot in the dark but I have reported this case in great detail for its crying need of having the door open and its marvellous responses in the face of overwork and bad domestic situations. To see the emotional balance and the calm ability to meet problems is a joy to any physician.

1726 Eye Street, N.W.

Washington, D. C.


Homoeopathic physicians are urged to provide for the preservation of their homoeopathic libraries, many volumes of which are out of print and practically unobtainable. The Board of Trustees of the American Foundation for Homoeopathy suggests that homoeopathic physicians bequeath such libraries to the Foundation, making provision in their wills not only for the bequest itself but for the cost of transporting the libraries to the Foundation headquarters.

Homoeopathic physicians are also urged to make provision, in the same way, for the preservation of their potentized remedies, provided the remedies are of known and dependable source and have been well cared for.

For details write to:


1726 EYE STREET, N. W.






The Homoeopathic Recorder By Allan D Sutherland.

1935 Apr / Jun Vol L No 2

Elizabeth Wright Hubbard.


Ip / Cupr / Anac.

Read by title before I.H.A., Bureau of Materia Medica, June 22, 1934.


Fourteen doctors in America and Germany had tried for three years to stop Babettes asthma. Discouraged and “broke” the parents at last were willing to try homoeopathy.

A plump. smiling girl of four; blonde hair, brown eyes, very red lips, dry skin, sweaty scalp with stale odor though clean. Only child. Normal birth, nursed 10 months;vaccinated at 9 months; diphtheria antitoxin, 3 shots, at one year of age. Soon after this cough developed with asthma. Attacks every two or three weeks and then more frequently. Attacks always follow anger or excitement. Child hits at people and sends them away, during spells. Coughs in paroxysms till vomits. Cold sweat with attacks. Red, then blue in the face, must sit up to breathe, < by the ocean. Sleeps in the knee-chest position., Dislikes being touched in attacks. Obstinate and contrary. Frequent colds. Loves her bath. < in wet weather, yet has asthma so in dry weather. Fearless, full of fun. Fond of sugar and fats. Attacks at 9-10 p.m. wakening her from sleep, she can not expire > cold, ice, and ice-cream, < hot drinks. Scanty bright right- sided nose-bleeds often (polyp found). Holds her throat when coughing. Coughs on going out into cold air. Loses her urine when angry. Ate newspapers and chalk. History of eczema on face, hands and elbows “cured” with zinc ointment in babyhood. Sweaty feet.

Ipecac 1M. one dose, and Sac lac.

Relief for a month, although attacks recurred in mild form. Slight rash on right arm two days after dose. Worse again, so repeated Ipecac IM.

More rash our on abdomen. Sweats in first sleep. Marked expiratory grunt. Little, if any, help from this dose.

Called two weeks later: Child sitting up wheezing and blue in the face. Cramps in the legs, spasms with the cough, thumbs in, wants ice-water which gurgles as it goes down. Hysterical and spoiled. Blue nails. Screams. Cuprum IM., one dose.

Child so well that parents took her abroad, no return of asthma on the sea. One complete month without attack, difficult breathing, a cold or any distress.

Was Cuprum the remedy all along? Or did she need both? Will Medorrhinum follow some day? I think so. And later, perhaps, Calcarea and then Sulphur.

A veterinarian being in the company of Dr.R.P.Miller of Hopewell saw a little dog in the street twitching and falling and falling all around. Dr.Miller said, “If you will get that little dog I will give you a homoeopathic medicine which will cure it.” The dog was obtained and Dr.Miller gave the veterinarian some powders of Anacardium 30, which speedily cured the dog. The veterinarian asked what the medicine was, and since then has kept a supply on hand, and is learning more about homoeopathy-JOHN GARRISON, M.D., 1934.

How can those gentleman boast that they can attend thirty to forty patients a day What a time it takes to find the useful remedy for one patient, when searching and consulting our manuals They cannot possibly devote the necessary time to examine thirty to forty patients. How would they be able to find something exactly suited to each one? Or have those gentlemen memorized the materia medica and all the remedies in chronic diseases, etc., so well, that after enquiring into the circumstances of the patient, for which they frequently need half to three-quarters of an hour, they may be able to find at one a suitable remedy in their mind?- SAMUEL HAHNEMANN, 1834.





The Homoeopathic Recorder By Allan D Sutherland.

1944 Dec Vol LX No 5

Julia M Green.


Nat-m / Sep / Psor / Lach / Thuj / Graph / Calc / Zinc / Lyc / Sulph / Aur / Anac.

Read before I.H.A., Bureau of Clinical Medicine, June, 1944.


There is nothing new in this paper; it is just an attempt to depict some aspects of the office work which comes to the homoeopathic prescriber because he has a reputation of doing things differently and of welcoming patients apparently uninteresting or incurable in the opinion of the general run of doctors.

First–headache, migraine, the kind of pain that drives people to aspirin, anacin and other pain killers.

1. Mr. C. D. J., 42 years, came to me in January, 1938, for stomach ulcers which had lasted a long time with different kinds of treatment, even to operation to create a new opening from the stomach into the duodenum.

Remedies used (Phos., Lyc., Kali bi.) were palliative only and the trend was to greater suffering and loss of weight. Finally in May, 1938, when left leg was swelling badly, he consulted another physician who took more x-rays which showed a blood clot where stomach symptoms were worst and thrombosis to the leg. He had three x-ray treatments with great relief. He was practically well after this and has had no further trouble with ulcers.

Here is where the headaches come in. He had been a great sufferer from migraine since childhood but had been so ill with the ulcers he had barely mentioned them and, of course, the chronic trouble was suppressed by the acute for the time being. After the x-ray treatments he had no headache for nearly a year, then they returned with great severity, often preceded by half vision.

A study of headache symptoms combined with a few generals led to Nat. m. in January, 1941. This helped immediately and made attacks lighter and farther apart. By October of that year the old severity returned and he was given Sep. 2c. There has been practically no headache since.

This is a good example of progress of chronic troubles to vital parts, of suppression there by operation and x-ray treatment and of fundamental cure of the first ailment. Whether those ulcers were cured remains to be seen, but elimination of the headache looks that way.

2. Mrs. C. W. P., 35 years, married fourteen years and never pregnant; told by former doctor too small to bear children; medium height but slender.

Dysmenorrhoea always and headache from childhood. Menses irregular in time, quantity and suffering, slow starting and better when fully established. Pain in circular spot either side sacrum. Cannot bear anything about the neck, feels suffocated. Hunger great before menses and headache.

Headache before menses, sometimes during or after or both; severe dull ache beginning left temple and extending over parietes to occipital, sometimes into region zygomae. Accompanied by ravenous hunger, nausea, gagging, mental depression. Sometimes last two days and leave her feeling greatly depleted.

Mucus in stools and blood occasionally. Puffiness under eyes in morning. Depression marked in morning. Weakness after a hot bath, even next a.m. Fainted once.

Given Sep. first before all these symptoms were reported. This helped dysmenorrhoea and the headache for a time. Headache grew lighter with tendency to have some of it all the time instead of such severe attacks near menses.

Then given Psor. for short time only, with little effect.

Finally on October 15, 1936, Lach. seen plainly as the curative remedy. First headache after this prescription was awful and was more typically Lach. headache. Then attacks grew lighter and farther apart with some periods entirely free and general energy improved greatly until after end of 1939 practically never any headache and looked like another person, healthy and good nervous poise. Lach. was carried through the series of potencies.

This case shows the unfortunate consequence of partial pictures of patients and the longer time necessary for cure after the similimum is found.

3. Mr. W. H. T., 35 years, medium height and weight, medium light complexion, delicate features. Easily worried; takes his work home with him. Tired all the time; nervous work, lettering, drawing. Picks fingers. Worse draft, damp weather. Perspiration free but one-sided; on side not lain on. Vertigo: going up or down stairs or when overtired, on stooping. Lack vital heat marked. All-gone sensation in stomach at odd times. Sleep poor, restless; snoring; dreams much, bad frightening dreams; needs much sleep. Appetite not good; worse a.m. Constipation for many years with use of cathartics.

At 29 years: paralysis left face for one year; all teeth removed, were bad, suppuration.

Tendency to infections and slow healing.

Headache for twelve years: periodic or erratic preceded by heavy head and confusion. Over the eyes and later occipital. Dull heavy aching, sometimes throbbing on stooping. Worse any jar, somewhat from light. Stomach feeling upset, no real nausea. Begins any time in the day but lasts until sleep at night, Languid for a day after a headache; gnawing in stomach.

Thuj. seemed rather clear in this case and was given in the 10M. after initial study of the picture. It was carried through the MM. of the series during the next two years with entirely satisfactory results, the headache gone altogether after longer and longer intervals between attacks and great improvement in general health.

Here is a case we like and one which brings more patients. He had had no suppressive treatment and not much in his environment to retard his progress.

Now a few skin cases:.

1. Mrs. S. S., 55 years. A plump, florid hard-working woman on her feet all day in a restaurant. Eight years before had an operation on right mastoid. Had had sensation in that ear, to use her own words “as if a crowd of maggots were working.” On applying for treatment, there were areas of full redness behind both ears with serum oozing from cracks, this greasy scales piling up all around the edges of the hair but not on whole scalp. Itching was most troublesome.

Graph. 1M. was prescribed. Marked improvement followed but it was shortlived and followed by extension of the scales farther up on the scalp, appearance was a shiny red moist area with scales around the edges. Itching increased to become almost maddening.

Psor. 10M. was given. This may have been a mistake in view of the final outcome but it caused a marked aggravation followed by decided improvement. However, this did not last long enough and the mass of scales extended all over the scalp, also the eruption under mammae became worse. More Psor. did not help matters.

Graph. 1M. was given again whereupon all symptoms cleared up rather promptly although an extension appeared in the inter- gluteal fold. This and all symptoms were gone within two months of the dose of Graph.

The patient was given another dose to be taken in case of return of eruption. I do not know whether or not this has been taken, but I do not know her skin has remained clear now for nearly six months.

2. M. W., 3 years. Youngest of eight sisters and the only one to have an eruption. Father has had something the same thing though milder, lasting a great many years. General health of the whole family wonderfully good.

Rather fat, blonde with straight bushy hair; active; happy. Hearty eater; desire eggs, especially hard-boiled.

Eruption since 8 months old. Bends of elbows and knees; scattered over forearms in dry scaly patches like psoriasis. Cracking in ceases and some blood. Large brown wart end of one finger. Given Calc. c. 10M. which produced a marked aggravation and caused the wart to drop off within the first week. Then a marked improvement for a few months. Medicine repeated after six months when worse again.

This went on better and worse for the next four months when Calc. c. held no longer. Next remedy Lyc. By this time the bends of elbows were a mass of eruption with a patch on each wrist and some on face and ears with cracks under the ears; puffy about eyes and redness below them. Right side was decidedly worse and Lyc. was chosen. It was a poor choice, for the whole condition gradually became worse with more area affected and the tendency for scabs to pile high. So, after two months, Graph. 10M. was given. First result was great improvement but later it was up and down again with terrible itching added which made her so nervous she could not sleep and there was wailing from everybody in the home.

Finally, fifteen months after the beginning of treatment Psor. 1M. was given and the result was a miracle cure, quick and permanent; eruption entirely gone within a month and no recurrence except a very faint trace after seven months quickly cured by Psor. 10M.

Question: Was it necessary to lead up to this remedy or could Psor. have been seen in the beginning? This case shows Psor. as more than an intercurrent.

3. Mr. H. R. H., 64 years. This man was a pitiful sight when I first saw him; face showing pallor, great anxiety, restlessness, marked irritability, sitting propped up in bed; hands and fingers covered with raw, denuded areas interspersed with dirty white scabs piled high and oozing watery fluid under them, intense burning pain with occasional darting.

These hands were covered with zinc ointment thick, fingers spread apart and he held them rather high in front of him to ease the pain. He had taken codeine twice on this day.

History was of severe ivy poisoning in 1941 on feet, legs, hands, scrotum, treated for a few months with local applications and violent rays. It took six months to heal the hands first time and then recurrent attacks of which this is one.

I ordered the ointment removed from hands and did not give a real remedy for 48 hours. Then Zinc. started healing promptly and no other remedy has been needed. Pain extended up arms to shoulders at first and then scabs began to dry and fall off until large quantities could be picked off each day. The entire cure took about six weeks so far as eruption was concerned but after two months more he had a large carbuncle on nape of neck. Being far away he had other treatment and healing took several weeks. That was a year ago and, except for an occasional pustule, health is better than for many years.

Again the evil of suppression by local application in a patient of nervous, irritable temperament.

Next two lower bowel cases:.

1. Mrs. K. S., age 39, an ignorant colored woman coming in because someone told her I did not believe in operations. Tall, very fat, greasy looking. Weight 260 pounds.

For eight years symptoms rectum or sigmoid: at first pain there, later this gone but a narrowing of the lumen and a surgeon wanted to make a false anus in abdomen, warning her that the natural lumen would be cut off entirely. This great fear kept her coming to me regularly the last year and a half.

As might easily be guessed she had an enormous appetite and ate much greasy food. Constipation was kept down by milk of magnesia; stools were narrow, ribbon-like. There was mucus and blood from rectum.

Perspiration very free, especially head and face. Crops of pustules here and there. Menses irregular, none of ten months. Suffocative sensation woke her in the night.

Remedies given soon created regular stools, then brought about regular menses, but as time went on intense itching of vulva and anus took the place of other symptoms, though it is steadily less in the last four months.

I cannot remember how I chose the first remedy–Alum. and very likely it was not a good choice but it eased the picture for five months. Development of rheumatic symptoms led to Lyc. and then to Sulph. which did good work for six months. General itching first and then the terrible itching of genitals finally led to Med. which may have been indicated from the start. The intestinal condition has been normal since early in the treatment except that stools remain ribbon-like. General health is markedly improved.

Whether she had cancer or was headed for it is anybodys guess.

2. Mrs. P. H., an intellectual Russian, a refugee of the Russian revolution, high-strung, nervous, over-sensitive, not the type to endure the many tragedies in her life. She came to me first in 1905 at age 23 and has had periods of treatment ever since. Her mind was always on the rectal symptoms so it has been difficult to obtain a comprehensive picture.

She has had recurrent attacks of pain high in rectum accompanied by much mucus and blood in the stools, also a thing yellow odorless fluid. At first there was much loss of weight and low vitality. This latter condition improved rather steadily but the rectal symptoms would return every week or two at first, later at longer intervals until they came only once in several months. No need to report all her nervous symptoms. Suffice it to say that she was too restrained to reveal the depth of mental depression which swept over to make life itself unbearable. Not until January, 1942, did she say the spells of depression brought intense longing for death, desired to be released, not definite suicidal thoughts. Also she reported that her father committed suicide when she was four years old.

Since then a series of potencies of Aurum has made her over new both mentally and physically. Before Aurum, Sulph. had been her basic remedy.

Again no one knows whether or not this was rectal cancer.

Two Christian Science cases:.

1. Mrs. J. C., my patient since 1923 when age 48 years. Widow of one of our good homoeopathic doctors. Always in much trouble, financial and domestic. Mother of a large family and children frequently in trouble. Attacks of gallstone colic over and over again through many years, then from 1938 to 1941 progressive loss of weight from 180 to 118 pounds, loss of vigor, an anaemic pallor and intermittent severe pain in liver region. Jaundice came and went and attacks of vertigo often kept her in bed. Itching of the dry skin drove her wild in 1941 and helped the general depletion. The family wanted consultation and I called in Dr. Custis who proposed more observation for gallstones and perhaps operation; told me probably cancer. She refused operation and went to Christian Science in May, 1941. I did not see her until December, 1942 when color good, weight up to 137. Reported that itching left in a short time and has not returned. October, 1941, three attacks of the old liver pain each one helped right away when she appealed to the healer. Then in two months passed a gallstone size of a walnut since when great relief of all symptoms. Health has been good ever since, a truly remarkable change.

She always said my prescriptions helped much, but I was never satisfied with them for she was most difficult to prescribe for.

2. Mrs. A. B. P. in her late forties complained in September, 1942, of dull aching in left eyeball with occasional sharp shooting pain, swelling of both lids nearly closing the eye.

I suggested an oculist and she went to one who said some kind of muscular trouble. She would not return to him although the eye was progressively worse until it was actually disintegrating behind tightly closed lids. Then she called me for indefinite stomach pains and inability to retain food. At this time I discovered the right mamma entirely dark red, hard as a rock with grainy surface. It was not otherwise deformed and she reported no pain there. Around it were dark red, round, slightly raised areas the size of large peas. Soon she was down in bed with increased weakness, entire loss of appetite, indifferent to questions, slow in answering. I suspected cancer in eye as well as breast and, as there was no one to care for her, tried in vain to get her consent to go into a hospital. Then her husband called another physician who took her to a hospital saying she had a rare kind of cancer in eye, mamma and stomach. She died in three days, April 2, 1944.

It was only after death that I learned she had been an ardent Christian Scientist for many years and “didnt like doctors.” My remedies never seemed to hold well although she was better for a short time on every one until the last few weeks.

Lastly, brief reference to two cases of mental depression:.

1. Mr. E. R., a man of large business ability associated with key people in India and New York. There are several cases of insanity in his family; a brother has been in institutions three times.

This patient was sure nothing he attempted would succeed; when it did succeed many times he was as unconvinced as ever. He was sure he was only a trouble to others, that he ought to resign his position, that his mind would not work, that there was no use in anything. He could not read, could not do anything with his hands, could only sit and stare into space. He longed to help in this war; he wanted to get a farm and raise produce, yet was convinced he could have no place in the world.

I deliberated some months before I gave this patient Aurum when presto, everything changed. He rose up, resigned his position in Washington, although he kept contacts with it in New York; he bought a farm and has been a happy ruddy outdoor man now for a whole year, studying farming, making over his home on the farm and building other buildings, hiring a manager and studying farming, making over his home on the farm and building other buildings, hiring a manager and studying with him.

2. Mrs. W. L. L., whose family also has several cases of unsound mind; a sister is now committed to a hospital for the insane. This patient has been brilliant mentally but unstable morally and subject to fits of deep depression alternating suddenly with periods of high spirits and great activity. When depressed she could not do housework or care for her baby, was indifferent to everyone and everything.

I gave her Anac. for the first few months with some improvement but not much. As soon as I changed to Aurum she snapped right out of it, began to be a responsible housewife and mother and said she had not been depressed for ever so long (when it had been only 2 or 3 weeks). Whether this will continue time will tell but it surely is a prompt transformation, stable now for several months. WASHINGTON, D.C.





Journal Of Homoeopathic clinic

1870-1871 Volume IV

E. W. Berridge



Case 596

Mrs.–, Oct. 5, 1870. For some weeks, pain in left iliac region, as if the parts were turned over. Anacardium(30),one dose relieved the same day and she was soon well. Oct. 22, had the same pain in right iliac region. A dose of (30) again cured. Nov. 2, very much stronger than before. Jan. 30, 1871, no return of the pain.


Rhus tox., (Fincke).–*Cured fissure of the anus, with periodical profuse bleeding from the anus.






Medical Advance

1891 Vol XXVI No 1

G. Pompill



*Dear Colleagues: I send you only one clinical case. It is not very much, but I hope you will appreciate it, because it offers a good proof of the necessity and of the power of Hahnemannian individualization.

I was spending my vacation in Spoleto in the summer of 1887. it was the month of August and the Marchioness Lavinia Monoldi-Toni had been sick for several days, and another homoeopathic physician of that city, a little mongrel, was treating her. The sickness got worse and worse and became serious. I was invited to see the patient, who was an old patient of mine and a partisan of Homoeopathy.

I took charge of her case with my colleague. The case was one which affected strongly the nervous centers and which was difficult to designate by one of the so many nosological terms. But this was not necessary for a follower of Hahnemann. The symptoms were:

Depression and total prostration of strength. The patient lay on the bed in a continuous and complete somnolence; and besides that weakness she suffered from a kind of stupidity.

It was necessary in order to feed her to place her body in an easy posture, but she could not remain long in that position.

As soon as she swallowed, mechanically, a few spoonfuls of soup and a little wine, against her wish, she kept looking somnolent and felt the necessity of sleeping and fell again into the lethargy. It was heard for her to speak, and she only answered briefly when she was questioned. She did not ask for anything; she never spoke and it was always necessary to waken her.

The color of her face was always pale.

Her expression was apathetic.

The temperature of her body was always cold.

Her pulse was feeble and slow.

her respiration was slow.

She had been in this condition for a few days, and I, considering especially the weakness of all the senses which was the most visible symptom of her affection, administered in a hurry a dose of Anacardium 3 m. (Jenichen), which seemed at first to have good effect. But neither this remedy nor the other, Arsenicum 200, and effect, and the condition of the patient grew worse.

It happened one night that she tried to get up and fell like a corpse; it was necessary to put her back to bed as she was incapable of any action.

While all these symptoms were becoming more intense, another mortal one was manifesting itself, in such cases always a prelude of near death, “the involuntary emission of the urine and faeces”. It seemed that a complete paralysis would be the last consequence as she was of a nervo-lymphatic constitution and more than seventy years old.

There was no hope and her family was sure of the imminent loss. I had also almost lost hope, but I devoted myself to a long and diligent study of the Materia Medica, and the result was that if there existed a remedy, by the manifestation of all the symptoms, it must be Hyoscyamus. So on the 28th of August I administered a dry dose on the tongue, potency 200, with the intention of passing successively to the potency cm. (Fincke). But it was not necessary, because that dose alone, after having produced an exacerbation of all the symptoms, was a little while followed, to the general astonishment, by a gradual improvement which after two days brought the patient to a complete recovery.

Now, in her old age, she enjoys excellent health, confirming to everybody the beneficial effect of Homoeopathy. As a comment to this clinical episode we may deduce the two following corollaries:

First. A good homoeopathic physician should never be in a hurry to give a prescription before studying and considering his case.

Second. When the remedy answers to all the peculiar characteristic symptoms, one dose of high potency is enough to cure sickness, even of a very serious character.

G. Pompill.

Rome, Italy.





1912 Vol 2

H. F. Mikel

General Topics / Cases

Anac / Stram / Helo-h / Alum-met


Man aged forty-eight, weight 160 pounds.

Gait ataxic; cold extremities; emaciated, sunken eyes, hippocratic face; cannot stoop or bend body in any position without falling. Intolerant of contradiction; aggr. being alone, in cold weather, walking on uneven surface.

Irritable; constant fear of some dreadful calamity to him. Has drunk much whiskey. Was bitten by a snake when eleven years old.

Has received Anacardium 3x; Stram. 30; Helo-h. 200.

He has improved considerably except the ataxia. What can be done for him?

This patient needs Alum.-met. in a series of potencies. (See “Series in Degrees,” in The Homoeopathician, July, 1912.)

In Hering’s Guiding Symptoms, scattered through the proving of Alumina, the word “met,” occurs after many symptoms. This indicates the metal in place of the oxide, Alumina. Boenninghausen first mentioned it, observing that the metal proved more efficacious than the oxide, in loco-motor ataxia. It appears to act more powerfully.

After Alum.-met. has been carried through the potencies, and has accomplished all in its capability, with this patient, we should wish to see what Cenchris contortrix would do for him. This is the Copperhead snake. The proving which appeared in the I. H. A. Transactions a few years ago is produced in this number.

Acute diseases are those which from their inception are self-limited, with tendency to spontaneous recovery

Chronic diseases are those which are not self-limited and have no tendency to recovery.

No subtle theorizing respecting the essential nature of fever ever points directly to what should, and must be useful for it. For a single genus of fevers there will be found almost the entire materia medica. Which among the proposed remedies is it that solely and especially can, and must be of service?

Samuel Hahnemann.




NATRUM MURIATICUM[Natrium muriaticum]

1914 Vol 2-3


General Topics / Cases

Anac / Nat-m

Return of symptoms in reverse order of original appearance

March, 1895.

Mrs. P., after nine months’ “treatment” returned home from State Asylum: Incurable.

Sits and does nothing.

Insists she has committed the “unpardonable sin’

Has blasphemed Christ.

Wants to die on account of it;

Does not want to die without her family.

Was detected putting pounded glass in the family’s food; also trying to set fire to the house.

Shrieks, curses and blasphemes when aroused by the slightest opposition, or suggestion of what she should do. (Her profane vocabulary and obscene diction was so remarkable for a woman of her social position that I wondered how she acquired it )


This controlled the acute mania for a long time, but the acute paroxysms recurred. I was in the Philadelphia Post-Graduate School at the time, and Prof. Kent suggested that, temporarily, I forget her insanity, and try to see the patient as a whole: re-take the case.

September, 1895.

Malaria, 3 years ago: “cured by old-school doctor after a long time.” Paroxysms at II A.M. every other day; wanted cold drinks during chill.

“Ulceration of the mouth of the womb” six months later.

amel. local treatment. “The doctor used to burn me with something.”

This was followed by: pains in small of the back;

Frontal and occipital headaches; Leucorrhoea,

Emaciation, noticed first at the neck.

Hysteria: always wants to laugh in church or when listening to a sad story or sad music.

Mental symptoms and increasing mania.


For a year the husband had to take charge of the medicine and make her take it at the regular intervals; she said it was of no use, all she could do was die; she wanted to die on account of her sins.

August, 1896.

Leucorrhoea has returned, also:

Uterine pains. (Examination shows slight erosion with much puffing and redness.)

Mentally much improved.

No desire to die now: thinks she must have been crazy to think of such a thing. Former religious faith returned.

Headaches occasionally.

About 10 to 11 A.M.

Bursting on vertex.

Must go to bed and sleep it off immediately after noon meal.


November 22, 1896.

Had “one of my old chills yesterday. just as you said I would.”


Dreadful chill on NOV. 24th.

January, 1897.

No chill after November.

Feeling mean for several days,

Thirsty: can’t get enough water.

Chilliness non-descript.


After the prescription last recorded there was no further trouble. The patient took up her family duties, her social and church work. She has since gone through menopause with no trouble and none of the cancerous troubles that her mother, older sister, and maternal aunt had.

(Query: Was there any connection between the suppression of the chills, the mal-treatment of the uterus, and the mental break down? What was the pathological lesion?.

✅ আমাদের সফল চিকিৎসার প্রমাণ দেখতে লিংকে ক্লিক করুণ।

১. টিউমার, ক্যান্সার ও সিস্ট রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

২. চর্ম, নখ ও চুলের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

৩. গাইনী, প্রসূতি ও স্তনের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

৪. নাক, কান, গলা ও শ্বাসতন্ত্রের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

৫. মানসিক রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

৬. রিউমাটোলজি, হাড় পেশী ও জয়েন্টের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

৭. নবজাতক ও শিশু রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

৮. ব্রেইন, স্পাইনাল কর্ড ও নার্ভের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

৯. যৌন শক্তি ও যৌন বাহিত রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

১০. কিডনি, মুত্র, প্রোস্টেট গ্ল্যান্ড ও পুরুষ জননাঙ্গের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

১১. গ্যাস্ট্রোএন্টারোলজি বা পেটের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

১২. মলদ্বার, পায়ুপথ ও কোলনের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

১৩. লিভার ও পিত্তের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

১৪. চোখ, দৃষ্টি শক্তি ও চোখের পাতার রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

১৫. জ্বর, সংক্রামক ও ইমার্জেন্সি রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

১৬. ডায়াবেটিস ও হরমোন জনিত রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

১৭. দাঁত ও মুখের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

১৮. হার্টের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

১৯. রক্ত, বোনম্যারু, প্লিহা ও লিম্ফ নোডের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

✅ আমাদের সফল চিকিৎসার ভিডিও প্রমাণ দেখতে ডান পার্শের মেনুতে রোগের নাম লিখে সার্চ করুন।

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About The Author

D.H.M.S (Dhaka), M.M (BMEB) Consultant Homoeopathic physician Researcher, books author and speaker Owner of HD Homeo Sadan  CEO of HD Health Lecturer: Ashulia Homeopathic Medical College

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