Ant-c: অতিরিক্ত খিটখিটে ও খুঁতখুঁতে মেজাজ সেই সঙ্গে জিহ্বায় দুধের সরের মতো সাদা বা হলদে ময়লা এন্টিম ক্রুডের প্রধানতম লক্ষণ।
Ant-c: জীবনের প্রতি বিতৃষ্ণা (Loathing of life)।
Ant-c: গুরুপাক দ্রব্য অতি ভোজনের ফলে পাকস্থলীর অসুস্থতা।
Ant-c: বমিভাব, আহারে অনিচ্ছা কিন্তু টক খাওয়ার প্রবল ইচ্ছা।
Ant-c: ঠাণ্ডা পানিতে গোসল করে বা রৌদ্র লাগাবার পর অসুস্থতা।
Ant-c: পর্যায়ক্রমে উদরাময় ও কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতা।
বৃদ্ধি হয় | উপশম হয় |
< সন্ধ্যায়
< উত্তাপে < এসিডে < ধোঁয়ায় < জলপট্টি করলে < চাঁদের আলোতে < ঠান্ডা পানিতে স্নান করলে < সিঁড়ি বেয়ে উঠলে < স্পর্শে < মাতাল হওয়ার পরে < গ্রীষ্মকালে সূর্যের উত্তাপে, < অতিরিক্ত খাওয়ার ফলে |
> খোলা বাতাসে
> বিশ্রামের সময় > উষ্ণ আর্দ্রতায় > শুয়ে থাকলে |
যে সব শিশু ও যুবকযুবতী মোটা হতে থাকে (ক্যাল্ক-কা); যাদের জীবনীশক্তি নিঃশেষিত তাদের ক্ষেত্রে উপযোগী।
বৃদ্ধ — যাদের খুব ভোরে উদময় হয়; হঠাৎ কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতা আসে, বা পর্যায়ক্রমে উদরাময় ও কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতা হয়, যাদের নাড়ী দৃঢ় ও দ্রুত তাদের ক্ষেত্রে উপযোগী। ঠান্ডায় অত্যানুভূতি; ঠান্ডা লেগে রোগলক্ষণ বাড়ে।
শিশু – অত্যন্ত খিটখিটে ও রাগী; ছোঁয়ালাগা বা তার দিকে তাকালে সহ্য করতে পারে না; গোমড়া মুখ; কারো সাথে কথা বলতে চায় না। বা কেউ তার সাথে কথা বলেও তাও চায় না (এ-টার্ট; আওডি; সাইলি)। আদর করলেই চটে যায় ।
অত্যন্ত বিষণ্নভাব সেই সাথে কাঁদতে থাকে। জীবনে বিতৃষ্ণা, উদ্বিগ্নতা, কাঁদো কাঁদো ভাব, সামান্যতেই অভিভূত (পালস); ভীষণ নিরাশভাব জলে ডুবে মরতে চায় ।
পদ্যের আকারে কথা বলতে ও আবৃত্তি করে বলতে চায়। চাঁদের আলোয় ভাবাবেগ ও স্মৃতিভরা প্রেমভাব জাগে। প্রেমে হতাশা, তার কুফলে (ক্যাল্ক-ফস) প্রযোজ্য ।
নাক ও ঠোঁটের সংযোগস্থলে ক্ষতবৎ ফাটা ফাটা ও মামড়ি পড়ে ।
শিরঃপীড়া — নদীতে স্নানের পরে; ঠান্ডা লেগে; মদ খেলে; হজম না হলে; টক খেয়ে, চর্বিযুক্ত দ্রব্য ও ফল খেয়ে; উদ্ভেদ চাপা পড়ে হলে প্রযোজ্য ।
বেশী খেয়ে হজমের গোলমাল; হজমশক্তি দুর্বল সামান্যতেই হজমের গোলমাল থাকে। জিহ্বার পর পুরু দুধের মত সাদা লেপ-এ ওষুধের সবচেয়ে মূল্যবান লক্ষণ। মুখে জাড়ি ঘা হওয়ায় প্রবণতা (আর্জে-না; সালফ)
টক ও চাটনি খেতে চায় ।
পাকাশয় ও অন্ত্রের গোলমাল-বাড়ে- রুটি ও পিঠা খেলে, টক বিশেষ করে ভিনিগারে, টক ও পচা মদ খেলে, ঠান্ডা জলে স্নানে, শরীর উত্তপ্ত হলে, গরমকালে বহুবছর ধরে নীচে, উপরে বায়ুনিঃসরণ। অজীর্ণ ভুক্তদ্রব্যের স্বাদযুক্ত উদার ।
শ্লেষ্মা – প্রচুর—খকখক করে কাশলে নাকের পেছনদিক হতে শ্লেষ্মা আসে, মলদ্বারে শ্লেষ্মা বার হয়—ঐ শ্লেষ্মা ক্ষতকর, চুইয়ে চুইয়ে পড়ে, কাপড়ে হলদে দাগ লাগে। অর্শ-শ্লেষ্মাস্রাবী ।
চামড়ায় অস্বাভাবিক মাংস হওয়ার প্রবণতা, আঙুলের নখ শীঘ্র বাড়ে না, থেৎলান নখে আঁচিলের মত ফাটা ফাটা হয় শিঙের মত বাড়তে থাকে ।
পায়ের তলায় শিঙের মত কাটাযুক্ত বড় বড় কড়া (র্যানানকু-বা)। হাঁটলে ভীষণ যন্ত্রণা বিশেষ করে পাথর দেওয়া রাস্তায় ।
শরীর অত্যন্ত গরম হয়ে গলা বসে যায়। সূর্যের তাপ সহ্য হয় না, রৌদ্রে অতিরিক্ত পরিশ্রমে রোগলক্ষণ বাড়ে (ল্যাকে, নেট-মি); আগুনের সামনে থেকে শরীর গরম হয়ে বাড়ে, গরম আবহাওয়ায় অবসন্ন হয়ে পড়ে বা রোদ লেগে অসুখ হলে প্রযো্জ্য ।
হুপিং-কাশি – বাড়ে-রোদে শরীর অত্যন্ত গরম হলে বা গরম-ঘরে; ঠান্ডা জলে স্নানে ।এ যখন রোগলক্ষণ ফিরে আসে তখন স্থান পালটায় বা একদিক হতে অন্য দিকে সরে যায় ।
ঠান্ডা জলে স্নান করতে চায় না; ঠান্ডা জলে স্নানে বা শরীর ধুলে শিশু : কাঁদতে থাকে। ঠান্ডা জলে স্নানে ভীষণ শিরঃপীড়া দেখা দেয়-ঋতুস্রাব বন্ধ হয়। সাঁতার কাটলে বা জলে পড়লে সর্দি-কাশি লাগে (রাস-ট)।
সম্বন্ধ – স্কুইলা-র অনুপূরক ।
ব্রায়ো, ইপি, লাইকো, পালস এর সমগুণ পাকাশয়ের গোলমালে। পালস; মার্ক, সালফের পর ভাল কাজ করে ।
বৃদ্ধি – খাওয়ার পরে, ঠান্ডা জলে স্নান করলে, টক বা টকমদ খেলে, সূর্যতাপে বা আগুনে শরীর গরম হলে; পেশী ঠান্ডা বা বেশী গরমে ।
উপশম — খোলা হাওয়ায়, বিশ্রাম করলে, গরমজলে স্নানের পরে ।
শক্তি – ৬, ৩০, ২০০ হইতে উচ্চশক্তি ।
হোমিওপ্যাথিক নিয়মানুসারে এই ঔষধ ব্যবহার করতে হলে, ঔষধটির মানসিক ও পরিপাক ক্রিয়ার সঙ্গে সংশ্লিষ্ট লক্ষণগুলির উপর নির্ভর করে ঔষধটি নির্বাচন করা হবে।
প্রচণ্ড মানসিক উত্তেজনা ও খিটখিটে স্বভার, এইগুলির সঙ্গে জিহ্বা সাদা, পুরু লেপ যুক্ত, এই লক্ষণগুলি, যে সকল রোগে ঔষধটি দেওয়া হবে, সেই সকল ক্ষেত্রে ঔষধটি নির্বাচনের মূল নির্দশিকা। সকল অবস্থা গরমে এবং ঠাণ্ডা স্নানে বৃদ্ধি পায়। কিছুতেই সূর্যের উত্তাপ সহ্য হয় না। মেদ যুক্ত হবার প্রবণতা। যেসব ক্ষেত্রে যন্ত্রণা থাকবে বলে অনুমান করা হয়, সেই সব স্থানে যন্ত্রনার অনুপস্থিতি। গেঁটে বাত, তৎসহ পরিপাক ক্রিয়া সংক্রান্ত উপসর্গ।
মন – নিজের ভবিষ্যত সম্বন্ধে অধিক চিন্তিত। খিটখিটে ও প্রতিবাদ প্রবণ। যা কিছুই করা হোক না কেন তাকে কিছুতেই সন্তুষ্ট করা যায় না। গোমড়া মুখ করে থাকে, কথা বলতে ইচ্ছা করে না। খিটখিটে, বিনা কারণে রেগে যায়। শিশু কিছুতেই স্পর্শ সহ্য করতে পারে না অথবা কেহ ওর দিকে তাকালে বিরক্ত হয়। কেউ তার দিকে সামান্য নজর করলে রেগে যায়। আবেগতাড়িত মানসিকতা।
মাথা – বেদনা, মাথার চাঁদিতে, উপরের দিকে উঠার সময়, স্নান করলে, পরিপাক ক্রিয়ার গোলযোগ থেকে মাথার যন্ত্রনা, বিশেষত মিশ্রি খাওয়ার পর বা অম্লজাতীয় পানীয় পান করার পর। উদ্ভেদ চাপা পড়ার কুফল। কপালে ভারবোধ তৎসহ মাথাঘোরা, বমিবমি ভাব, এবং নাক দিয়ে রক্তস্রাব। মাথার যন্ত্রণা তৎসহ অত্যধিক মাথার চুল ওঠে।
চোখ – ম্লান, কোটরগত, লাল, চুলকানিযুক্ত, প্রদাহিত, চোখ জুড়ে যায়। চোখের কোনগুলি কাঁচা মাংসের ন্যায় ফাটা। পুরাতন ব্লেফারাইটি বা পুরাতন অক্ষিপত্র-প্রদাহ। চোখের তারায় ও চোখের পাতা বা অক্ষিপত্রে পুঁজযুক্ত উদ্ভেদ।
কান — লালবর্ণযুক্ত, স্ফীত, কর্ণনলীর বেদনা। কানের ভিতর ঝিঁ ঝিঁ শব্দ ও বধিরতা। কানের ভিতর রসযুক্ত উদ্ভেদ।
নাক – নাসারন্ধ্র ফাটা ও মামড়ি দ্বারা ঢাকা, নাসারন্ধ্রর একজিমা, ক্ষতযুক্ত, ফাটা ও মরামাস যুক্ত।
মুখমণ্ডল – মুখে ফুস্কুড়ি, পুঁজযুক্ত উদ্ভেদ, ও ছোট ছোট ফেঁড়া। গালে হলুদ রংঙের মামড়ি যুক্ত উদ্ভেদ ও চোয়ালে। মুখমণ্ডল ফ্যাকাশে ও চোখ বসে যাওয়া চাহনিযুক্ত চেহারা।
মুখগহ্বর — মুখের কোনগুলি ফাটা। ঠোঁট শুষ্ক। লবনাক্ত স্বাদ যুক্ত লালা। প্রচুর পিচ্ছিল শ্লেষ্মা। জিহ্বা সাদা পুরু লেপযুক্ত, যেন চুনকাম করা হয়েছে বলে মনে হয়। মাড়ী দাঁতগুলি থেকে বিচ্ছিন্ন হয়ে পড়ে। সহজেই রক্তপাত হয়। ফোঁপড়া দাঁতে বেদনা। তালু হেজে যায়, তৎসহ প্রচুর শ্লেম্মা স্রাব। পচা ঘা। তৃষ্ণাহীনতা। মুখ গহবেরের চারপাশে, হওয়া একজিমা।
গলা – নাসারন্ধ্রের পিছন দিক থেকে প্রচুর, হলুদ রঙের শ্লেষ্মা বেরিয়ে থাকে। মুক্ত
বাতাসে কাশি। কণ্ঠনালীর প্রদাহ কণ্ঠনালীর অতি ব্যবহারে, কর্কশ কণ্ঠস্বর।
পাকস্থলী — খিদে কমে যায়। অম্ল ও আচার খাবার ইচ্ছা। সন্ধ্যায় এবং রাত্রিতে পিপাসা। ভূক্ত খাদ্যের স্বাদযুক্ত ঢেকুর। বুক জ্বালা, বমি বমি ভাব, বমি। শিশু স্তন্যপান করার পর, পান করা দুধ দইয়ের মত চাকা চাকা বমি করে তোলে এবং এরপর শিশু আর স্তন্য পান করতে চায় না, এবং শিশু অত্যন্ত খিটখিটে। রুটি, প্যাষ্ট্রি বা পিষ্টক, অম্ল খাদ্যবস্তু, অম্ল মদ, ঠাণ্ডা জলে স্নান, অতিরিক্ত গরম লাগান গরম আবহাওয়া প্রভৃতি কুফলে পাকাশয়ের গোলযোগ দেখা দেয়। নিরন্তর ঢেকুর তোলা। গেঁটে বাত পাকস্থলী
ও অন্ত্রে স্থানান্তরিত হয়। মুখের ভিতর মিষ্টি স্বাদযুক্ত জল উঠে। খাবার পর পেট ফেঁপে উঠে।
মল – মলদ্বারে চুলকানি। (সলফো ক্যাল্ফ, অ্যালুমিনা)। পর্যায়ক্রমে উদরাময় ও কোষ্ঠকাঠিণ্য বিশেষতঃ বৃদ্ধ ব্যক্তির। অম্নখাদ্য বস্তু, অম্ল মদ পানের পর, স্নানের পর, অতিরিক্ত উত্তাপ লাগানোর পর উদরাময়। মল পিচ্ছিল, তৎসহ মলত্যাগকালে বায়ু নিঃসরণ। শ্লেষ্মাযুক্ত অর্শ, নিরন্তর শ্লেম্মা ছুঁয়ে ছুঁয়ে আসে। জলের মত উদরাময়ের সঙ্গে শক্ত মলের দলা। শ্লেষ্মাস্রাবযুক্ত মলদ্বার প্রদাহ। মল শ্লেষ্মাময়।
প্রস্রাব – বারে বারে প্রস্রাব তৎসহ জ্বালাকর অনুভূতি এবং কোমরে ব্যথা, প্রস্রাব ঘোলাটে এবং দূর্গন্ধযুক্ত।
পুরুষের রোগ — অণ্ডকোষে উদ্ভেদ এবং যৌনাঙ্গের চারিপাশে। ধবজভঙ্গ, লিঙ্গ ও অণ্ডদ্বয় শুকিয়ে যায়।
স্ত্রীরোগ – উত্তেজিত স্থানগুলি চুলকায়। ধাতুস্রাব শুরুর আগে, দাঁতের যন্ত্রণা, ধাতুস্রাব নির্দিষ্ট সময়ের অনেক আগে এবং প্রচুর পরিমানে স্রাব নির্গত হয়। ঠাণ্ডা জলে স্নান করার ফলে ধাতুস্রাব বন্ধ হয়ে যায়। তৎসহ পেলাভ স্থানে চাপবোধ ও ডিম্বাশয় স্থানে হাত দিয়ে চাপ দিলে ব্যথা লাগে। জলের মত সাদা স্রাব, হাজাকর, দলা-দলা।
শ্বাস-প্রশ্বাস – গরম ঘরে প্রবেশ করলে কাশির বৃদ্ধি, তৎসহ বুকের ভিতর জ্বালাবোধ, বুকের মধ্যে চুলকানি, চাপবোধ। অতিরিক্ত গরম লাগানোর ফলে স্বরভঙ্গ। কর্কশ স্বর এবং স্বরভঙ্গ।
পিঠ – ঘাড়ে ও পিঠে চুলকানি ও যন্ত্রনা।
অঙ্গপ্রত্যঙ্গ — পেশীর নর্তন। বাহুতে ঝাকুনি। হাতের আঙ্গুলে বাতের মত বেদনা। নখ ভঙ্গুর, নখ বিকৃত অবস্থায় বেড়ে থাকে। পায়ের তলায় ও হাতে শৃঙ্গের মত শক্ত আঁচিল। লেখার সময় হাতের দুর্বলতা তৎসহ হাত কাঁপে এবং এরপর দূর্গন্ধযুক্ত বায়ু নিঃসরণ। পায়ের পাতায় তীব্র ব্যথা, শৃঙ্গের মত শক্তস্থানে ঢাকা। প্রদাহিত কড়া। গোড়ালির বেদনা।
চামড়া – একজিমা তৎসহ পাকাশয়িক গোলযোগ। ফুস্কুড়ি, ফোস্কা ও পুঁজ উদ্ভেদ। ঠাণ্ডা জলে স্নান সহ্য হয় না। পুরু, শক্ত, মধুরঙের মামড়ি যুক্ত। হামের মত উদ্ভেদ। বিছানায় শোবার পরে চুলকানি। চর্মশুষ্ক, আঁচিল। (থুজা, স্যাবাইনা, কষ্টিকাম) শুষ্ক গ্যাংগ্রীন। আঁশের মত মামড়িযুক্ত পুঁজ পূর্ণ উদ্ভেদ তৎসহ জ্বালা এবং চুলকানি, রাত্রিতে বৃদ্ধি।
ঘুম – বৃদ্ধ ব্যক্তিদের একাদিক্রমে ঝিমুনিভাব।
জ্বর — গরম ঘরে থাকলেও শীত করে। সবিরাম জ্বর তৎসহ বিরক্তি, বমি বমিভাব, বমি, ঢেকুর, লেপযুক্ত জিহ্বা, পাতলা মল। গরম ঘাম।
কমা বাড়া বৃদ্ধি – সন্ধ্যায়, গরমে, অম্লে, মদে, জলস্পর্শে এবং ধোয়ার কাজ করলে। ভিজে পুলটিস ব্যবহারে বৃদ্ধি।
কমা – মুক্ত বাতাসে, বিশ্রামের সময়, ভিজে স্যাঁতসেঁতে আবহাওয়ায়।
সম্বন্ধ — তুলনীয় অ্যান্টিমোনিয়াম ক্লোরিডাম। বাটার অফ অ্যান্টিমোনি। ক্যানসার রোগের একটি ঔষধ। শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লী ধবংস হয়ে যায়। থেতলিয়ে যাওয়া চামড়া ঠাণ্ডা ও চটচটে। শরীরের শক্তি হীনতার ফলে প্রচণ্ড দুর্বলতা। শক্তি – ৩য় বিচূর্ণ।
অ্যান্টিমন আয়োড্যাট (জরায়ুর রক্তাধিক্য, হিউমিড এ্যাজমা। নিউমোনিয়া ও ব্রঙ্কাইটিস, শরীরের শক্তি কমে যাওয়ায় ও ক্ষুধা কমে যাওয়া। হলুদবর্ণের চামড়া, ঘামযুক্ত, নিস্তেজ ও ঝিমুনি ভাব। সাব-অ্যাকিউট ও পুরাতন বুকের ঠাণ্ডা লাগা, যা মাথা থেকে নীচের দিকে নেমে শ্বাসনলীতে পৌঁছায়, শক্ত, খুকখুকে কাশি তৎসহ বুকের ভিতর সাঁই সাঁই শব্দ এবং শ্লেষ্মা তুলে ফেলতে পারে না। বিশেষত বৃদ্ধ ও দুর্বল ব্যক্তিরা ব্যাকমিস্টার। নিউমোনিয়া রোগ ধীরে ধীরে আরোগ্য লাভ করলে, এই ঔষধ কাজ করে।
তুলনীয় – কারমেস মিনারেল স্টিবিয়েট সালফ রুব।(ব্রঙ্কাইটিস) এছাড়াও পালস, ইপিকাক, সালফার।
সদৃশ – সালফার।
দোষঘ্ন – হিপার।
শক্তি – ৩য় থেকে ৬ষ্ঠ শক্তি।
এই পদার্থটির সম্পূর্ণ পরীক্ষা করিবার সময় তোমরা বিস্মিত হইয়া লক্ষ্য করিবে যে, ইহার সমস্ত লক্ষণই পাকস্থলীতে কেন্দ্রীভূত। সে কিরূপ রোগে ভুগিতেছে, তাহাতে কিছু আসে যায় পাকস্থলী উহাতে যোগ দিবেই। বেদনায় তাহার পাকস্থলী পীড়িত হয়, বমি বমি ভাব দেখা দেয়, শিরঃপীড়ার সহিত সে পাকস্থলীতে যাতনা বোধ করে। সব রোগের সহিত তাহার পাকস্থলী বিশৃঙ্খল হয় এবং অপর পক্ষে যখনই তাহার পাকস্থলী পীড়িত হয়, তখনই সে সর্বাঙ্গে পীড়িত হইয়া পড়ে। যে-সকল রোগ পাকস্থলীর মধ্য দিয়া আত্মপ্রকাশ করে, প্রায়শঃই এই ঔষধ তাহাতে প্রয়োজন হয়।
কিরূপ ধাতুতে এই ঔষধের প্রয়োজন হওয়া সম্ভব, তাহার পরিচালক মানসিক লক্ষণগুলি সৰ্ব্বপ্রথমে প্রয়োজন। ইহা মনের একটি সাঙ্ঘাতিক অবস্থা উৎপাদন করে, সে আর বাঁচিয়া থাকিতে চায় না। চিকিৎসকের বেশ জানা আছে যে, রোগীর যদি বাঁচিবার ইচ্ছা না থাকে, সে যদি জীবনকে একটি বোঝা বলিয়া মনে করে, তাহা হইলে রোগটি সাঙ্ঘাতিক। যখন আমি কোন রোগীকে বলিতে শুনি, “ও ডাক্তার, আমি যদি কেবল মরিতে পারিতাম,” তখন! আমার রোগীটিকে পছন্দ হয় না, কারণ তাহার শরীর বিধানে কোন গভীর-মূল গোলযোগ আছে, যাহা দূর করা দুঃসাধ্য। এরূপ ক্ষেত্রে ভীতিপ্রদ কিছু থাকে এবং যখন তাহা উপস্থিত হয়, তখন সাধারণতঃ রোগীকে মরিতেই দেখা যায়। “জীবনে বিতৃষ্ণা।” তোমরা ইহা সাধারণতঃ দুষ্ট প্রকৃতির, দীর্ঘকালস্থায়ী একজ্বরে, যথা—টাইফয়েড জ্বরে দেখিতে পাইবে। এই ঔষধে টাইফয়েড জ্বরের সমস্ত অবসন্নতা আছে এবং ইহার জ্বর একটানা প্রকৃতির, অবশ্য স্বল্পবিরাম ও সবিরাম জ্বরও দেখা যায়। ইহার অবসন্নতা আর্সেনিকামের সদৃশ কিন্তু আর্সে’ প্রবল মৃত্যুভয় থাকে এবং ইহাতে থাকে জীবনে বিতৃষ্ণা, সুতরাং ইহারা একে অন্যের সমলক্ষণ নহে। আর্সে’ অত্যন্ত অস্থিরতা আছে, কিন্তু ইহাতে কদাচিৎ অস্থিরতা দেখা যায়। আর্সে’ প্রবল তৃষ্ণা থাকে, কিন্তু এই ঔষধ তৃষ্ণাশূন্য। সুতরাং যদিও এই দুই ঔষধে একজ্বরের সহিত অতিরিক্ত অবসন্নতা আছে, তথাপি আমরা দেখিতে পাই যে, উভয়কে পৃথক করিবার মত যথেষ্ট বিসদৃশ লক্ষণও আছে। যৌবনোন্মুখ বালিকাগণের যাহাদের হরিৎপান্ডুরোগ হইবার ভয় আছে, তাহাদের এরূপ টাইফয়েড জ্বর সময়ে সময়ে দেখা যাইবে । তাহাদেরও জীবনে বিতৃষ্ণা থাকে, কিন্তু উহা হিষ্টিরিয়াজাত। বিশেষ বিশেষ সময়ে অত্যন্ত অবসন্নতা, হঠাৎ দুৰ্বলতা এবং মূর্হার আক্রমণ দেখা দেয়। ইহার সহিত সাধারণতঃ তোমরা আর একটি লক্ষণ দেখিতে পাইবে, উহা একই সময়ে উপস্থিত হয় না, কিন্তু পূর্বোক্ত লক্ষণের সহিত পর্যায়ক্রমে আসে অথবা কেবলমাত্র সময়ে উপস্থিত হয়; লক্ষণটি, যথা—এই সকল অতি উত্তেজনাপ্রবণ, ব্যাকুলচিত্ত, হিষ্টিরিয়াগ্রস্ত, ভাবপ্রবণ যুবতী, ও স্ত্রীলোকেরা রঙ্গীন কাচযুক্ত জানালা দিয়া যেরূপ স্নিগ্ধ আলো পড়ে অথবা সন্ধ্যাকালে চাঁদ হইতে যেরূপ স্নিগ্ধ আলো বাহির হয় তাহাতে বিচলিত হইয়া পড়ে। পাঠ্যপুস্তকে যে “চন্দ্রালোকে আবেগপ্রবণতা” বলা হয়, তাহার অর্থ ইহাই। ইহা একটি হিষ্টিরিয়াসম্ভব অবস্থা আবেগের বিশৃঙ্খল অভিব্যক্তি; এইরূপ আবেগ একমাত্র যে ব্যক্তি পীড়িত তাহার মধ্যে অথবা যে ব্যক্তির সাধারণ স্নায়ুমন্ডল অসামঞ্জস্যযুক্ত তাহার মধ্যেই দেখা দিতে পারে। এই প্রকারের রোগী আমাদের নিকটে এন্টিমক্রুডের মানসিক অবস্থা এবং ধাতুগত প্রকৃতি প্রকাশিত করে এবং এইরূপ মানসিক অবস্থার সহিত দৈহিক লক্ষণগুলি ঠিক যেন পাকস্থলীকেই আক্রমণ করিয়া বসে।
আমরা এই ঔষধের মধ্যে বারবার একটি বিশেষ সাধারণ লক্ষণ পাই, উহা তোমাদিগকে মনে রাখিতে হইবে। লক্ষণটি গেঁটেবাত রা বাত অবস্থা; উহাতে লক্ষণগুলি আবহাওয়ার পরিবর্তনের সাথে সাথে বদলাইয়া যায়, ঠান্ডায়, ভিজে আবহাওয়ায় বাড়ে, ঠান্ডা জলে স্নান করিলে বাড়ে, উষ্ণজলে স্নানের উত্তাপে কমে, অম্ল মদ খাইলে বাড়ে, যে-কোন প্রকার উত্তেজক দ্রব্যে বাড়ে। যখন তোমরা “মদ হইতে বৃদ্ধি” এই উক্তিটির ব্যবহার পাও, তখন মাত্র এইটুকু জানিলেই যথেষ্ট হইবে না যে, মদ খাইলে রোগী খারাপ বোধ করে, কিন্তু আরও মনে করিতে হইবে—রোগীর রোগ-লক্ষণগুলিও মদ খাইলে বৃদ্ধিপ্রাপ্ত হয়। রোগী সহজেই মাতাল হইয়া পড়ে, কিন্তু তাহার মানসিক লক্ষণ অপেক্ষা শারীরিক লক্ষণগুলিই অধিক উদ্ৰিক্ত হয়; তাহার গেঁটেবাতের লক্ষণ মদ খাইলে বাড়ে। দেহের সর্বপ্রকার বেদনা ও কনকনানি মদ খাইলে বাড়ে, এই কারণে শিরঃপীড়া দেখা দেয় এবং পাকাশয়িক উপদ্রবসমূহ মদ খাইলে অত্যন্ত বৃদ্ধিপ্রাপ্ত হয়।
এরূপ রোগী রাত্রে খারাপ হয়, ভিজা আবহাওয়ায় খারাপ হয়, ভিজা ঠান্ডায় খারাপ হয়, চুপ, করিয়া শুইয়া থাকিলে ভাল থাকে; উষ্ণ সেক দিলে ভাল থাকে, কিন্তু অতিরিক্ত উত্তাপে, বিকীর্ণ উত্তাপে এবং গরম ঘরে অত্যন্ত খারাপ হয়। সূর্যের রশ্মি ও খোলা উনানের উত্তাপে অনেকগুলি উপসর্গ উপস্থিত হয়। খোলা আগুন এন্টিম ক্রুডের রোগীর পক্ষে বিশেষ বিরোধী। হুপিং কাশিযুক্ত শিশু আগুনের দিকে চাহিলে আরও বেশী কাশিতে থাকে। এইসব ব্যাপার অদ্ভুত। ইহারা এতই অদ্ভুত যে ইহাদিগকে ব্যাখ্যা করিবার মত কোন দার্শনিক অনুমান নাই, বুঝাইয়া দিবার মত কোন সিদ্ধান্ত নাই। কিন্তু তবু এইগুলি প্রকৃত ব্যাপার এবং আমাদিগকে এইগুলি গ্রহণ করিতে হইবে।
এইরূপ রোগীর সমুদয় গেঁটেবাতের লক্ষণ এত দ্রুত অন্তর্হিত হয় যে, তুমি ভাবিয়া বিস্মিত হইবে যে, এই অধিকতর বাহ্যিক লক্ষণগুলি গেল কোথায়; কারণ অকস্মাৎ একদিন বা একরাত্রির মধ্যে রোগী বমি করিতে আরম্ভ করিবে; তুমি দেখিবে এরূপ বমন দিনের পর দিন, সপ্তাহের পর সপ্তাহ ধরিয়া চলিতে থাকিবে, যতদিন না গেঁটেবাতের লক্ষণগুলি হস্ত-পদাদিতে ফিরিয়া আসে। ইহা সত্যই আশ্চর্যের বিষয় যে, প্রাচীনদের ভাষায় “রোগান্তরপ্রাপ্তি” অর্থাৎ রোগ , একস্থান হইতে আর এক স্থানে চলিয়া যাওয়া, কত শীঘ্র উপস্থিত হয়। গেঁটে বাত রোগ হঠাৎ হস্ত-পদাদি হইতে অন্তর্হিত হয় এবং পাকাশয়িক লক্ষণসমূহ দেখা দেয়। ইচ্ছা করিলে তোমরা ইহাকে পাকস্থলীর বাতও বলিতে পার।
এই ঔষধে সর্দিজ লক্ষণ আছে, নাসিকা, পাকস্থলী, সরলান্ত্র প্রভৃতির সর্দি এবং অম্ল মদ্যপানে অথবা ঠান্ডা লাগায় ঐ সকল স্থানের যে-কোনটি হইতে বর্ধিত শ্লেষ্মাস্রাব। এই সর্দির, একটি কষ্টকর লক্ষণ রাত্রে নাক বুজিয়া যাওয়া। যেই সে কোন গরম ঘরে যায় অমনি তাহার নাক বুজিয়া যায়। এই সর্দির পুরাতন হইবার প্রবণতা থাকে, কারণ রোগীর রক্তসঞ্চালন ক্ষীণ এবং ধাতু দুর্বল। যখন ইহা পুরাতন আকার ধারণ করে তখন ইহা রাত্রে বাড়ে এবং তৎসহ শিরঃপীড়া, থাকে। যেমনই সর্দি কম পড়ে এবং শুকাইয়া যায়, সঙ্গে সঙ্গে শিরঃপীড়া বাড়িতে থাকে। তাহার মস্তকে স্নায়ুশূল দেখা দেয়, পাকস্থলীতে, বমনের সহিত পেষণবৎ বেদনা ও ভয়ানক অস্বস্তি উপস্থিত হয়। তাহার মাঝে মাঝে সবমন শিরঃপীড়া দেখা দেয়, পরিবারের লোকেরা উহাকে পেট গরম হইয়া, সবমন শিরঃপীড়া বলিবে; কিন্তু যে অবস্থার কথা বলিলাম, তাহা ঠান্ডা লাগার ফলে উপস্থিত হয়, ঘন সর্দিস্রাব কম হইয়া নাকের শুষ্কতা উৎপন্ন করে; এবং গৃহীত বায়ু নাককে আগুনের ন্যায় জ্বালাযুক্ত করে। কখন কখন প্রবল বমনের আক্রমণের পর। এইসব উপদ্রব চলিয়া যায়, আবার কখন কখন তাহা হয় না, কিন্তু শিরঃপীড়াটি বহুদিন যাবৎ থাকিয়া যায়, বমনে উহার উপশম হয় না অথবা দীর্ঘকাল বমনের পর উপশম হয়। বহু ঔষধে শিরঃপীড়া আছে এবং ঐগুলিতে বমন করিলেই রোগী ভাল বোধ করে, কিন্তু এই ঔষধে রোগী অনেকক্ষণ ধরিয়া বমন করে এবং শিথিল ও অবসন্ন হইয়া পড়ে। শিরঃপীড়া নড়াচড়ায় বাড়ে, রাত্রিকালে বাড়ে, শুইয়া থাকিলে, চুপ করিয়া থাকিলে কমে, খোলা বাতাসে কমে, গরম ঘরে বাড়ে, অতিরিক্ত উত্তপ্ত হইলে বাড়ে, বিকীর্ণ উত্তাপে এবং আলোকে বাড়ে। এখন তুমি দেখিলে যে, সর্দি, শিরঃপীড়া ও পাকাশয়িক লক্ষণগুলি কিভাবে একত্রে গ্রথিত রোগীর বিশেষ অসুখ করিয়াছে বলিয়া তুমি উহার লক্ষণগুলি পৃথকভাবে লইতে পার না। তোমাকে সমগ্র লোকটির জন্য ঔষধ ব্যবস্থা করিতে হইবে।
শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লী সংক্রান্ত আর একটি লক্ষণ আছে এবং উহা বিশেষ মূল্যবান। এই সকল ঝিল্লীগুলির একপ্রকার দুধের মত সাদা নিঃস্রাব বা স্তর সৃষ্টি করার প্রবণতা আছে এবং উহা জিহ্বার উপরেই বিশেষভাবে দেখা যায়। সমগ্র জিহ্বাটি একটি দুধের ন্যায়, সাদাস্তরে আবৃত। এই লক্ষণটি তোমরা এই ঔষধ প্রয়োগ করিবার মত সব রোগেই দেখিতে পাইবে। শিশুদিগের পাকস্থলীর গোলযোগে, পেট গরম হইয়া জ্বরে, জ্বর এবং অত্যন্ত বমনসংযুক্ত যে-কোন রোগে, সমগ্র স্নায়ুমন্ডলের অত্যন্ত উত্তেজনা এবং পাকস্থলীর উপদাহ সংযুক্ত টাইফয়েড রোগে জিহ্বা সাদা দেখাইবে। সামান্য মাত্র উত্তেজনায় তাহার উকি উঠিবে এবং গা বমি বমি করিবে। সবকিছুতেই যেন সে বিরক্ত হইয়া উঠিবে। তাহার খাদ্যে অনিচ্ছা খাদ্যের চিন্তা ও খাদ্যের গন্ধও তাহার নিকট বিরক্তিকর। আর্সেনিকের সদৃশ লক্ষণ।
সে শুইতে যাইবার পূৰ্ব্বে রাত্রে ঠান্ডা জলে স্নান করিল, পরদিন প্রাতঃকালে সে স্বরহীন হইয়া উঠিবে, একটি কথাও বলিতে পারিবে না। এই অবস্থা দৃশ্যতঃ বেদনাশূন্যভাবে উপস্থিত হয়, প্রাতঃকালে কথা বলিবার চেষ্টা করার পূর্বে সে ইহা জানিতেও পারে না। ইহা কণ্ঠনলীর আক্ষেপ ও গলা চাপিয়া ধরার ন্যায় অনুভূতির সহিত উপস্থিত হইতে পারে। সর্দি, কখন কখন, গলায় ও কণ্ঠনলীতে নামিয়া গিয়া ব্রঙ্কাইটিস অথবা নিউমোনিয়ার সৃষ্টি করিতে পারে।
ক্রমশঃ হ্রাসপ্রাপ্ত আবেশ বিশিষ্ট শুষ্ক, খকখকে, আক্ষেপিক কাশি। আমি উহা বুঝাইয়া দিতেছি। বেশীক্ষণ স্থায়ী হউক আর অল্পক্ষণ স্থায়ী হউক; কাশির প্রথম ধমকটি অত্যন্ত তীব্রভাবে আসিয়া সমগ্র দেহকে কাঁপাইয়া তুলিবে; ইহার পরের ধমকটির তীব্রতা অপেক্ষাকৃত কম হইবে, তারপরের ধমকটির তীব্রতা আরও কম হইবে, এইভাবে সম্ভবতঃ ডজন খানেক অথবা আরও কম সংখ্যক ক্রমশঃ কম তীব্র ধমক আসার পর, আর ধমক নয়, শুষ্ক খকখকে কাশিতে আক্রমণটি শেষ হইবে। ব্রঙ্কাইটিস হউক, আর হুপিং কাশিই হউক, যদি প্রথম কাশির ধমকে সারা দেহটি আলোড়িত হয় এবং জিহ্বাটি সাদা থাকে, আর অল্পবিস্তর পাকাশয়িক গোলযোগ থাকে, তাহা হইলে এন্টিম ক্রুডই ঔষধ। ইহা তৎক্ষণাৎ রোগীর সমস্ত অবস্থাটি বদলাইয়া দিবে। অবশ্য কাশির প্রচন্ডতার জন্য বুকের ক্ষতবৎ বেদনা, খঞ্জতা বোধ ও তেঁৎলান ভাবটি থাকিয়া যাইবে।
পাকস্থলীর লক্ষণগুলি বিশেষভাবে বিবেচনা করিতে হইবে। অবিরত বমনেচ্ছা, পাকস্থলীতে ভারবোধ, কিছু না খাইলেও মনে হয় যেন পাকস্থলীটি অতিপূর্ণ আছে, যেন সে অতিরিক্ত খাইয়াছে। যদিও পাকস্থলীটি স্ফীত বোধ হয়, তথাপি উদরগহ্বরটি সমতলই থাকে। সে স্ফীতি বোধ করে, এবং পাকস্থলীর আধেয় বমি করিয়া ফেলে। দীর্ঘকালস্থায়ী উকি উঠা, বমিবমি ভাব, পাকস্থলীতে কষ্টকর বোঝার অনুভূতি; এই ভাব ক্রমাগত চলিতে থাকে। বমিতে উপশম হয় না। বরং অবসন্নতা বাড়িতে থাকে।
যকৃতের অথবা উহার কোন অংশের প্রদাহ ও কঠিনতা। পিত্তকোষ-প্রদেশে বেদনা। যকৃৎস্থানে অত্যন্ত বেদনা, যকৃতে বিদীর্ণকর, ছিন্নবার বেদনা। সময়ে সময়ে ইহার সহিত ন্যায় লক্ষণ সংযুক্ত থাকে।
উদরে আমরা অনেকগুলি লক্ষণ পাই। তীব্র উদরবেদনা, জ্বালা, অত্যন্ত স্ফীতি। মনে হয়, যেন ফাঁপটি ক্রমেই বাড়িয়া চলিয়াছে; মনে হয়, যেন একটি স্ক্রু ক্রমশঃ ভিতরে ঢুকিয়া গিয়া ফাঁপটিকে বাড়াইয়া তুলিতেছে। আমরা এই অবস্থা টাইফয়েড জ্বরের উদরস্ফীতি দেখিতে পাই, আমরা ইহা বায়ুস্ফীতিতে দেখিতে পাই; গ্রীষ্মকালীন উদরাময়ে দেখিতে পাই। এইরূপ রোগের সহিত পাকাশয়িক লক্ষণ এবং জিহ্বার সাদা বর্ণ বর্তমান থাকে; বিশেষতঃ যদি রোগীটি গেঁটেবাত গ্রস্ত হয়, তাহার আক্রমণটি যদি অম্ল মদ্যপান অথবা ঠান্ডা জলে স্নানের জন্য দেখা দিয়া থাকে এবং যদি তাহার হাতে আঙ্গুলের সন্ধির গুটিগুলি বেদনাশূন্য হইয়া পাকস্থলী ও অন্ত্রাদি স্ফীত ও বেদনান্বিত হইয়া থাকে।
এই ঔষধের একপ্রকার বর্ণনা করা যায় না এরূপ উদরাময় আছে, আর ডেলা ডেলা এবং তরল মল মিশ্রিত উদরাময় আছে। অম্ল মদ খাইয়া উদরাময়। মলভান্ড খালি হইতে অনেক সময় লাগে বলিয়া মনে হয়। সে তাড়াতাড়ি মলত্যাগ করিতে যায় এবং কিছু ডেলা এবং কিছু তরল মলত্যাগ করে এবং শীঘ্রই আবার তাড়াতাড়ি মলত্যাগ করিতে যায় এবং আবার কিছুটা ডেলা ও কিছুটা তরল মল নির্গত হয়। গ্রীষ্মকালীন উদরাময়ে এইরূপ চলিতে থাকে, যতক্ষণ না মলভান্ড খালি হইয়া কোথানি দেখা দেয়। এইরূপ উদরাময়ের পরিসমাপ্তি হয় আমাশয় রোগে, তখন অত্যন্ত কোথানি, দীর্ঘকাল ধরিয়া মলত্যাগের চেষ্টা এবং অত্যন্ত অবসন্নতা দেখা দেয়। পুরাতন গেঁটেবাত ধাতু ব্যক্তির অর্শরোগ। উহা ঠান্ডা হইতে, ভিজা দিনে, ঠান্ডা জলে স্নানে এবং যদি রোগী বোকার মত অম্ল মদ্য অথবা অম্ল খাদ্য খায়, তাহা হইলে বেদনাযুক্ত ও প্রদাহিত হইয়া উঠে। রোগীর পাকস্থলী, অন্ত্র, সরলান্ত্র ও অর্শসম্বন্ধীয় উপদ্রব অম্ল মদ, অম্ল ফল অথবা, দুম্পাচ্য খাদ্য খাইলে অথবা ঠান্ডা জলে স্নান করিলে এবং ভিজা আবহাওয়ায় বৃদ্ধিপ্রাপ্ত হয়।
বস্তিগহ্বরের যন্ত্রাদি, বিশেষতঃ স্ত্রীলোকদিগের, অত্যন্ত শিথিল হইয়া পড়ে; এত শিথিল হয় যে বস্তিগহ্বরের নীচের দিকে এক প্রকার আকর্ষণ অনুভূত হয়। মনে হয়, যেন বস্তিগহ্বরের আধেয় নির্গত হইবে এবং খসিয়া পড়িবে। এই ঔষধে জরায়ু নির্গমন এবং প্রদরের ন্যায় এক প্রকার স্রাব আছে। ঋতুকালে নানাপ্রকার উপদ্রব দেখা দেয়। ডিম্বকোষদ্বয়ের উত্তেজনা ও বেদনা, যেমনটি আমরা হিষ্টিরিয়াগ্ৰস্তা নারীর, যাহারা অতৃপ্ত ভালবাসার জন্য কষ্ট পায়, তাহাদের এবং কল্পনাময়ী স্ত্রীলোকগণের ক্ষেত্রে দেখিতে পাই।
এই ঔষধ ঘৰ্ম্ম উৎপাদন করে, প্রচুর অবসন্নকর ঘর্ম্ম, নিশা-ঘৰ্ম্ম, যেমনটি আমরা দীর্ঘকালস্থায়ী রোগসমূহে দেখিতে পাই। সামান্য শ্রমেই ঘৰ্ম্ম। যদি সে সামান্য বেশী মাত্রায় উত্তপ্ত হয়, তাহা হইলে সে ঘৰ্ম্মে সিদ্ধ হইতে থাকে এবং তারপর সর্দি লাগে।
চৰ্ম্ম ক্ষতযুক্ত হয়, উহাতে আঁচিল, কড়া, কুগঠিত নখ, কর্কশ চুল উৎপত্তির প্রবণতা থাকে। নখের নীচে কঠিন, শৃঙ্গবৎ মাংসাঙ্কুর জন্মিতে থাকে এবং উহা অত্যন্ত বেদনাদায়ক হয়। আঙ্গুলের ডগা হইতে ছোট ছোট শিংয়ের মত মাংসাঙ্কুর বাহির হয়। সামান্য চাপে স্থান বিশেষ কড়া বা ক্ষত উৎপন্ন করে এবং মজুর শ্রেণীর লোকের পায়ের তলায় তোমরা চৰ্ম্মের অস্বাভাবিক পুরু হইয়া উঠার প্রবণতা দেখিতে পাইবে। হাঁটিতে গেলে ঐগুলিতে অত্যন্ত ব্যথা লাগে, কারণ ঐসকল কড়াযুক্ত স্থানে অত্যন্ত স্পর্শকাতরতা থাকে এবং ক্ষুদ্র ক্ষুদ্র কড়ার মধ্যে অনেকগুলি কেন্দ্র থাকে। এই ঔষধে নুতন কিছু গড়িয়া তোলার, কঠিনতা সৃষ্টি করার প্রবণতা আছে। হাতের উপর আঁচিল জন্মে। চুলগুলি বিশ্রী। চর্মের উপর লালবর্ণ মন্ডলযুক্ত পুঁজবটি জন্মে। এইরূপ পুঁজবটির তলদেশটি প্রদাহিত হয় এবং উহা লালবর্ণ ও স্পর্শদ্বেষযুক্ত হয়।
এক্ষণে, তোমরা যদি এই ঔষধের পরীক্ষাটি পাঠ কর এবং উহার লক্ষণগুলি সংগ্রহ করিয়া ছবির মত সাজাইয়া রাখ, তাহা হইলে এন্টিম ক্রুড সম্বন্ধে তোমাদের সুস্পষ্ট জ্ঞান হইবে।
অপর নাম – অ্যান্টিমোনিয়াম সালফাইড (Antimonium sulphide),
এন্টিমনি (Antimoni),স্টি বনাইট (Stibnite)- Sb2S3,
এই খনিজ দ্রব্য সাধারণতঃ সীসা, তামা, লোহ ও হরিতালের সঙ্গে মিশে থাকে, তাই একে বিশুদ্ধ করে ঔষধের জন্য ব্যবহার করা হয়। এটিমনি ঔষার্ধে বিচূর্ণাকারে প্রস্তুত হয়ে থাকে।
সংক্ষেপে এন্টিম ক্রুড –
১। জিভের উপর দুধের মত সাদা পুরু ময়লা জমে।
২। অতিরিক্ত আহারে, বিশেষ করে চর্বিযুক্ত খাদ্য গ্রহণে পাকস্থলীর গন্ডগোল
ও বমি বমি ভাবে।
৩। মখণ্ডলি এবড়ো খেবড়ো—আঁচিলের ন্যায় ফাটাফাটা ও শিঙের মত জন্মায়।
পায়ের তলায় কড়া ও পদ্মকাঁটা তাতে অত্যন্ত স্পর্শাদ্বেষ, হাঁটলে বেদনা ও কষ্টনুভব হয়।
৫। এন্টিম ক্রুডের জিহ্বা লক্ষণসহ বৃদ্ধদের পৰ্যায়ক্রমে কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতাও উদরাময়।
৬। শিশুরা কারো স্পর্শ ও দৃষ্টি সহ্য করতে পারে না, তাদের স্বভাব খিটখিটে
এবং তারা বদমেজাজী হয়।
৭। রাত্রিতে জ্বর জ্বর বোধ।
৮। মাথাবেদনা – বিশেষ করে নদীর জলে স্নান করলে, সর্দি লাগলে, সুরাপান করলে, পাকস্থলীর বিশৃঙ্খলা
বশতঃ টক, চর্বি ও ফলাহারে এবং উড়ে বসে যাওয়ায়।
৯। শ্লেমাস্রাবী অর্শে বিশেষ করে মলদ্বার থেকে রসের মত স্রাব বা রস
চুইয়ে পড়লে, অতে কাপড়ে হলদে দাগ পড়ে।
১০। সূর্য্যের তাপ সহ্য হয় না, রৌদে পরিশ্রম করলে কষ্ট বাড়ে, গরম আবহাওয়ায়
রোগী অবসন্ন হয়ে পড়ে।
এন্টিমক্রুড – একটি আলোচনা
১। আমরা আগে যে তিনটি (নাক্সভমিকা, পালসেটিলা ও ব্রায়োনিয়া) ঔষধের সম্বন্ধে আলোচনা করেছি তাদের মত অ্যান্টিম ক্রুডও পরিপাক নালীর সঙ্গে ঘনিষ্ট সম্পর্কযুক্ত।
এর প্রধান চরিত্রগত লক্ষণ-
দুধের মত সাদা পুরু ময়লার দ্বারা জিভ আবৃত।
অনেক ঔষধেই সাদা ময়লা পুরু জিভ দেখা যায়, কিন্তু তাদের মধ্যে এন্টিম ক্রুডই প্রধান। ইহা পাকস্থলী সম্বন্ধীয় রোগে ভাল কাজ করে। বিশেষ করে অতিরিক্ত আহারবশতঃ পাকস্থলীর যে সকল রোগ জন্মে, তাদের সঙ্গে অতিশয় গা বমি বমি, ও যন্ত্রণা থাকলে, বিশেষ করে জিভের উপর সাদা ময়লার প্রলেপ থাকলে পূর্বোক্ত তিনটি ঔষধের আগেই এই ঔষধটির কথা বিবেচনা করতে হবে। তবে পাকস্থলীর তরুণ বিশৃঙ্খলা অৰ্থাৎ পাকস্থলীর গন্ডগোলটি অল্প কয়েকদিনের হলে এন্টিম ক্রুড উপযোগী। পাকস্থলীতে খাদ্য একেবারে হজম না হলে, ভুক্তদ্রব্য ঢেকুরের সঙ্গে উঠলে, এবং রোগী যদি মনে করে যে বমি করলে তার শান্তি লাভ হবে তখন এন্টিমক্রুডের কয়েকটি বড়ি খেলেই বমি বন্ধ হয়ে যাবে এবং যন্ত্রণাও কমে যাবে।
২। গ্রীষ্মকালীন উদরাময়-
তবে আহারের দোষে, বিশেষ করে গ্রীষ্মকালের উত্তাপে প্রায়ই উদরাময় দেখা দেয় এবং তখন মলের বিশেষ প্রকৃতি হল—মল আংশিক শক্ত ও আংশিক তরল। এ থেকে বুঝা যায় যে, সমগ্র অন্ননালীর কিছু অংশে হজম হচ্ছে আর কিছু অংশে হজম হচ্ছে না, এক্ষেত্রে এন্টিমক্রুড ব্যবহারে পরিপাক নালীর কাজ ঠিক হয়ে যায়।
গ্রীষ্মকালীন উদরাময়ে এন্টিমকুন্ড ও ব্রায়োনিয়া সমভাবে ব্যবহার করা যায়, এক্ষেত্রে অবশ্যই রোগীর লক্ষণ সমষ্টি দেখে ঔষধটি নির্ধারণ করে নিতে হয়। গ্রীষ্মকালে অবশ্য আর একরকমের উদরাময় দেখা যায়, বিশেষ করে বৃদ্ধদের মধ্যে কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতার সঙ্গে পৰ্য্যায়ক্রমে উদরাময় দেখতে পাওয়া যায়। এক্ষেত্রে এন্টিম ক্রুডই একমাত্র ঔষধ।
তবে শ্লেষ্মাক্ষরিত অর্শে বিশেষ করে অবিরত শ্লেষ্মাক্ষরিত হয়ে কাপড়ে হলদে দাগ লাগলে এবং তাতে রোগী অতিশয় বিরক্ত বোধ করলে এন্টিম ক্রুডই -উৎকৃষ্ট ঔষধ।
৩। মানসিক লক্ষণ
ক) সবিরাম জ্বরে অত্যন্ত বিষন্নতা ও শোকার্ত্ততা,
খ) আবার চন্দ্রালোকে আবেগ ও আনন্দময় প্রেমের ভাব,
গ) শিশু কারো স্পর্শ বা দৃষ্টিপাত সহ্য করতে পারেনা -এন্টিমক্রুডের বিশেষ
মানসিক লক্ষণ। এদের মধ্যে তৃতীয় লক্ষণটি রত্ন বিশেষ।
অনেক ক্ষেত্রেই পেট গরমের জ্বরে বা স্বল্প বিরাম জ্বরে এইসব মানসিক লক্ষণ দেখে এন্টিম ক্রুড দিয়ে বহু রোগীকে সুস্থ করা গেছে। তবে অনেক ক্ষেত্রেই শিশুর খিটখিটে স্বভাব থাকে বটে, কিন্তু সে ক্যামোমিলার মত কোলে চড়ে বেড়াতে চায় না, বরং তাকে যত্ন বা আদরকরলে সে কাঁদে ও চীৎকার করে। এইক্ষেত্রে অনেকস্থলে আবার দেখা যায় যে এই সকল রোগীর জ্বর রাত্রে বাড়ে এবং সেই সঙ্গে অত্যন্ত পিপাসা থাকে। জিভ থাকে সাদা ময়লায় ঢাকা। তবে এই সমস্ত শিশুর সুস্থ অবস্থাতেও নাসারন্ধ্রে, ও মুখের কোণে চিড়খেতে ও মামড়ি পড়তে দেখা যায়। (আর অসুস্থ হলেও এই লক্ষণ দেখা যায়।)
৪। ধাতুগত অবস্থা
যে সকল লোকের পক্ষে এন্টিমক্রুড উপযোগী তাদের ক্ষেত্রে এক বিশেষ ধাতুগত অবস্থা দেখা যায়। এদের হাতের আঙ্গুলের নখগুলি চেরা-চেরা হয়ে গজায়, আঁচিলের মত বা শিঙের মত শক্ত স্থান থাকে। তাছাড়া দৈবাৎ যদি কোন নখ আঘাত লেগে ভেঙ্গে যায় বা চিরে যায় তাহলে উহা আর স্বাভাবিক আকারে ফিরে আসে না, বিকৃত আকারে তৈরী হয়।
সাইলিসিয়ার হাত ও পায়ের নখ গুলিও বিকৃত হয়, গ্রাফাইটিসের হাতের ও পায়ের নখগুলি— পুরু ও বিকৃত(cripled), থুজার- নখ ভঙ্গুর, দ্বিখন্ডিত ও বিকৃত। এন্টিমক্রুড়ের পায়ের নখ ভঙ্গুর, স্বাভাবিক ভাবে উৎপন্ন হয় না, কুচকে যায় বা একেবারেই বাড়ে না।
৫। পায়ের তলার কড়া ও স্পর্শাদ্বেষ-
পায়ের তলায় কড়া ও গায়ে পদ্মকাটা জন্মে। ঐগুলিতে অত্যন্ত স্পর্শাদ্বেষ থাকে আর ঐ স্পর্শাদ্বেষের ফলে রোগী ঠিক মত হাঁটতে পারে না।
তবে পায়ের তলায় এই স্পর্শাদ্বেষের লক্ষণ দেখে কয়েকটি খুব খারাপ পুরাতন বাতের রোগীকে আরোগ্য করা গেছে।
পায়ের পাতায় ঘামের জন্য পায়ের তলায় ঘা হয় ব্যারাইটা কাৰ্ব্ব, পায়ের তলায় বেদনা ও স্পর্শকাতরতা বা স্পর্শাদ্বেষ পালসেটিলা, হাঁটার সময় গোড়ালি ও পায়ের তলায় স্পর্শাদ্বেষ- লিডাম হামাগুড়ি দিয়ে ছাড়া হাটতে পারে না- মেডোরিনাম, পায়ের ফোলা ও বেদনায় লাইকো উপযোগী।
৬। তবে চর্মের যেকোন স্থানে শিঙের মত উপমাংস জন্মালে এন্টিম ক্রুডের কথা মনে করবেন। এই ঔষধটি জীবনের প্রথম থেকে শেষ প্রান্ত অর্থাৎ শিশু থেকে বৃদ্ধদের পক্ষে উপযোগী।
৭। হ্রাসবৃদ্ধি-
ক) উত্তপে, বিশেষতঃ সূর্যের তাপে রোগের উৎপত্তিবা বৃদ্ধি জন্মে (ব্রায়োনিয়া, গ্লোনয়েন, জেলসিমিয়াম, নেট্রাম কার্ব)।
খ) গরমকালে রোগী অবসন্ন বোধ করে, গা বমিবমি ভাব, বমি ও উদরাময় প্রভৃতি পাকাশয়ের গন্ডগোল গরমকালে বাড়ে বা গরম কালে জন্মায়।
গ) গরমকালে কাশির বৃদ্ধি, বিশেষ করে ব্রায়োনিয়ার মত ঠান্ডা বায়ু থেকে গরম ঘরে প্রবেশ করলে এন্টিম ক্রুডের কাশি বাড়ে।
৮। এন্টিম ক্রুডে’র হ্রাসবৃদ্ধির বিশেষ লক্ষণগুলি হল—
ক) এটিম ক্রুডের রোগ যেহেতু সূর্য কিরণে ও আগুনের বিকীর্ণ উত্তাপে বাড়ে তাই এন্টিমক্রুড খ্রীষ্মকালের রোগের একটি উৎকৃষ্ট ঔষধ।
খ) ঠান্ডা জলে স্নান করলে রোগ বাড়ে বা উৎপন্ন হয় (রাস টক্স, সালফার)।
গ) ঠান্ডা জলে গা ধোয়ানোর সময় বা স্নান কলে শিশু কাঁদে।
ঘ) ঠান্ডা জলে স্নান করলে মাথা বেদনা, মাথায় সর্দি, পাকস্থলীর প্রতিশ্যায়
বা গ্যাসট্রিক ক্যাটার, উদরাময়, ঋতুবোধ ও দাঁতে যন্ত্রণা আরম্ভ হয়।
তবে এই প্রসঙ্গে উল্লেখ করা যায় যে-যদি কোন পুরাতন রোগী তাদের রোগের সূচনা, জলে সাঁতার কাটার পর বা জলে পড়ে যাওয়ার পর হয়েছে বলে উল্লেখকরেন, তাহলে ঐ রোগীর চিকিৎসার সময় প্রথমেই এন্টিম ক্রুডের কথা ভেবে দেখতে হবে। তবে ঐ সঙ্গে এন্টিম ক্রুডের অন্যান্য লক্ষণও ঐ রোগীতে আছে কিনা তার অনুসন্ধান করে দেখা একান্ত কর্তব্য। তবে এগুলি ছাড়া-
ক) অন্ত্র থেকে কঠিন মলের সঙ্গে প্রভূত রক্তস্রাব।
খ) চোখের পাতার পুরাতন আরক্ততা,
গ) ক্ষয়ে যাওয়া দাঁতের বেদনা রাত্রিতে বৃদ্ধি,
ঘ) টকদ্রব্য, অম্ল মদিরা, ভিনিগার প্রভৃতি খাওয়ার পর পাকস্থলীর
উপদ্রবেও এন্টিম ক্রুডই একমাত্র ঔষধ।
+ Native Sulphide of Antimony. Sb S 3.
The sulphuret of antimony, a mineral, native in France and Germany, found also in the United States, see Stibnite of Dana, p.29. What is to be had in the shops is obtained by simple fusion of the ore. Used by the ancients for dyeing hair and eyebrows.
First known as a sulphuret by Hohenheim Paracelsus (not the imaginary person called Basil Valentin), in 1430. Since then given by the Anti-Galenists in numerous preparations and forbidden by the Academie Francaise, 1566 until 1666, and in later times considered inert because not soluble.
Proved by Caspari, in 1826, edited and published by Hartlaub, in 1828. Classed among his antipsorics by Hahnemann, with many additions, in 1835.
Insensible; bed-sores formed, yet he complained of no pain.
Imbecility more frequent than insanity.
Child delirious, drowsy with nausea, hot and red face; pulse irregular; feverish heat; cries when washed in cold water; amel. washed in warm water.
Loathing of life.
Inclined to suicide by shooting; at night he is obliged to get out of bed, because he cannot free himself of the idea.
Anxious, lachrymose mood, the slightest thing affects her.
Ill humor; irritability. Headache.
Sulky, does not wish to speak with any one.
Child is fretful and peevish, turns itself away, and cries when touched.
Diarrhoea. Colic.
Indisposition to work, dull mood. Colic.
Aversion to work and pain in stomach, with gulping up.
Cheerfulness and activity of mind and body.
Sorrowful, irritable humor; the sound of a bell, as well as the sight of those around him, excites him to tears; he breathes wearily and short.
The greatest sadness and woeful mood. Intermittent fever.
Sadness, with weeping and impressibility.
Anxiety in relation to his present and future condition.
Feeling of grief.
Is driven to despair, resolved to drown himself.
Sentimental mood in the moonlight, particularly ecstatic love.
Ecstasy and exalted love, with great anxiety about his fate, and inclination to shoot himself; agg. when walking in moonlight, and then his conduct is like that of an insane person.
Sentimental or distrustful mood. Diarrhoea.
Peevishness. Chlorosis.
Irresistible desire to talk in rhymes or verses.
Restless, inclined to be excited by least disturbance.
Consequences of disappointed love.
Anxiety produces sweat, with headache.
Rush of blood to head.
Vertigo, nausea, nosebleed.
Weakness of head.
Heaviness in forehead.
Vertigo with nausea and confused feeling, as if drunk.
Vertigo, from deranged stomach.
Inner Head
Headache, mostly in forehead, left side.
Slight, dull headache in forehead, and vertigo; increased by ascending stairs.
Stupefying, dull headache in forehead, so violent that sweat broke out from anxiety; amel. when walking in open air.
Stupefying headache with nausea in throat, agg. evening, agg. from smoking, amel. walking in open air. Headache.
In left temporal region: pressure inward; drawing; slow pulsation, with fine pricking.
Violent headache after bathing in river, with weakness of limbs and aversion to food.
Splitting sensation in forehead.
Lacerating pain in whole head.
Headache over one eye in a spot; agg. at noon, amel. at night; not amel. by vomiting.
Aching in forehead. Intermittent.
Congestion to head, followed by nosebleed.
Momentary drawing and boring in temples.
Dull, frontal headache on awaking.
Into head: toothache penetrates.
After headache with giddiness, nosebleed.
Aching headache, as if forehead would burst, from catarrh of frontal sinus, with stoppage of nose.
Tearing in forehead, temples and vertex.
Headache: after bathing in river, from deranging stomach, drinking alcoholic drinks, after a chill, after suppressed eruption, from taking cold; with aversion to food, nausea, loathing, inclination to vomit, aching in limbs, weakness.
Gastric headache from fruit, acids or fat.
Outer Head
Gnawing pain on top of head, as if in periosteum.
Soreness of periosteum on vertex with swelling; a sensation as if bones were swollen, agg. from warmth, amel. in open, cool air.
Soreness in a small spot on left parietal bone, as if periosteum was swollen; painful to touch.
Lentil-sized, flat tubercles here and there on scalp, painful to pressure, crawling sensation around them.
Formicating itching on scalp; losing hair.
Disposition to take cold about head after getting wet, or bathing in cold water; agg. evenings and on getting warm; amel. in open air and when at rest.
Head, sensitive to cold, getting wet or cold bathing, agg. evening and overheating himself, amel. in rest and cool air.
Troublesome itching on head, with falling out of hair.
Sight and Eyes
Aversion to light.
Looking into fire increases cough.
Eyes red, inflamed, with itching and nightly agglutination and morning photophobia.
Eyes agg. from glare of snow.
Redness of left eye, with aversion to light.
Soreness in canthi.
Soreness of outer canthi.
Redness and inflammation of eyelids.
Small humid spots in external canthus, very painful if sweat touches them.
Mucus in canthi mornings, with dry crusts on lids.
Lids red, with fine stitches in ball.
Itching in canthi.
Chronic inflammation of eyes.
Chronic blepharophthalmia of children.
Inflammation of lachrymal gland and ducts.
Metastatic ophthalmia.
Pain on a small place above either eyebrow.
Hearing and Ears
Slight noises startle.
Ringing before ears, roaring in ears.
A kind of deafness of right ear, a if a leaflet was lying before the tympanum; boring with finger does not relieve it.
Drawing pain through right ear and into the eustachian tube, after dinner.
Redness, burning and swelling of left ear.
Pains in ears. Measles.
Drawing through right ear and eustachian tube.
On external ear and behind ears moist eruption.
Scrofulous otorrhoea.
Smell and Nose
Nosebleed with vertigo.
Stoppage in nose.
Nosebleed: evenings; after headache, with giddiness; following rush of blood to head.
Coryza: fluent or dry.
Nose painful when breathing, as from inhalation of cold air or of acrid vapors.
Sore, cracked and crusty nostrils.
Coldness in nose when breathing air.
Upper Face
Sad expression.
Face red and hot, a child.
Twitches in facial muscles.
Heat and itching on cheeks.
Pimples, pustules and boils on face.
Eruption like nettle rash.
Yellow crusted eruption on left cheek, painful to touch and easily detached.
Suppurating and long-lasting eruption on cheeks.
Freckles on face.
Lower Face
Dryness of lips.
Cracks in corners of mouth.
Burning, stinging on chin, as from a hot spark.
Small, honey-colored granules on chin, with sore feeling when touched.
Teeth and Gums
Toothache from hollow or decayed teeth; agg. from warmth of bed, cold drinks, cold air, evenings and in bed; amel. out of doors.
Toothache in hollow teeth, pain sometimes penetrates into head; agg. at night after eating and from cold water; touching tooth with tongue causes pain, as if nerve was torn; amel. walking in open air.
Stitches in tooth when drawing air into mouth.
Jerking pain in hollow teeth.
Gums detach from teeth and bleed easily.
Gnawing pain in carious teeth; after every meal.
Toothache after eating; before menses.
Taste and Tongue
Taste lessened.
Bitter taste in mouth. Intermittent.
Tongue coated: thick and white; milky white; yellow.
Much saltish saliva in mouth.
Sore feeling and redness on border of tongue, bitter mouth.
White tongue. Gastric catarrh.
Inner Mouth
Dryness of mouth.
Ptyalism, with saltish tasting saliva. Diarrhoea.
Rawness of palate, with expectoration of much mucus when clearing throat.
Must draw quantities of thick yellowish mucus from posterior nares into throat, and spit it out.
Sensation as if a foreign body had lodged in throat, which gives rise to a constant desire to swallow.
Chronic angina.
Appetite, Thirst, Desires, Aversions
Great desire to eat, but gets no strength.
Scrofulous children.
Good appetite, with burning at pit of stomach.
Diminished appetite in summer owing to heat, loathing of food, with a bitter taste.
Long-lasting loss of appetite, with disgust for all food.
Gastric catarrh.
headache. Colic.
Hunger early on waking, without appetite; eating does not amel. it; at the same time sense of emptiness in pit of stomach, and want of animal heat.
Intense thirst, with dryness of lips; more at night.
Thirstless. Cholera infantum. Rheumatism.
Ovaritis. Intermittent fever. Gastric complaints (nausea, vomiting, etc.).
Desire for acids, for sour pickles. Diarrhoea.
Desire for beer, with chill.
Complete loss of appetite, with costiveness and dull head.
Total want of appetite, heaviness and fullness in stomach, costiveness.
Gastric fevers.
Eating and Drinking
Bread and pastry particularly occasion nausea and cutting colic.
Directly after meals much flatulency, wind does not pass.
Laziness, with desire to lie down, after eating; lassitude.
Fullness and tension, after eating, alternately with lightness, cheerfulness and activity of mind and body.
After bad, sour white, vomiting. Gastric catarrh.
After nursing, diarrhoea.
Nursing children throw up a little sour milk, as soon as they take the breast or bottle.
Worse from pork; from acids ; especially vinegar.
Diarrhoea. Whooping cough.
Worse from alcoholic drinks; after a glass of wine, nausea.
After vinegar, or acid wine, loose stool.
Aggravation of gastric symptoms by wine even when diluted with water.
After eating: drawing through right ear into eustachian tube; toothache; sensation of emptiness in intestines goes off; deep sighing respiration; fullness of chest.
Gastric catarrh from overeating; eating does not relieve hunger.
Gastro-intestinal affections during pregnancy.
Hiccough, Belching, Nausea and Vomiting
Hiccough after smoking tobacco.
Constant discharge of wind up and down, immediately reproduced, for years.
Belching, with taste of what has been eaten.
Colic. Tertian fever. Headache.
Burning at pit of stomach like heartburn, with good appetite.
Nausea: after drinking a glass of wine; with vertigo, from overloading stomach.
Loathing, nausea and desire to vomit.
In apyrexia, nausea, vomiting, aching in stomach, desire for sour drinks, bitter taste, belching and loss of appetite. Tertian.
Gastric symptoms predominant; disgust for drink and food, bitter mouth and vomit. Apyrexia.
Nausea and vomiting. Gastric catarrh. Headache.
They throw up a little sour milk. Nursing children.
Vomiting: of mucus and bile ; of drink only ; in whooping cough; renewed by food or drink; persistent, tongue white, no thirst (marasmus of children) ; gastric catarrh; convulsions.
Violent vomiting and diarrhoea.
Nausea ceases, vomiting continues.
Not relieved by vomiting. Headache.
Gastric complaints, with eructations, nausea and vomiting.
Vomiting renewed on taking food or drink.
Nausea and vomiting, after getting overheated, after deranging stomach, with vertigo.
Gastric sordes. Toothache.
Gastric derangement, after a cold.
Scorbiculum and Stomach
Deranged stomach from eating together what does not agree, particularly if tongue is very much coated, with belching, tasting of food, and aversion to any kind of food; after acid wine; after fresh beer; with fever.
Derangement of stomach, producing eructations, tasting of ingesta, and especially nausea and inclination to vomit.
Emptiness in pit of stomach.
Chronic weakness of stomach, much belching, frequent vomiting, acids disagree, with vertigo and dullness in head.
Habitual sensation in stomach as if overloaded.
Painful sense of fullness of stomach, which is sore to pressure.
Pain at stomach, (headache); as after eating too much, with distended but not hard abdomen. Colic.
Cramp like pains at stomach.
Burning, spasmodic pain at pit of stomach, driving to despair, resolved to drown himself.
Stomach weak, easily disturbed digestion.
Gastric catarrh: white tongue, nausea and vomiting; cough; bowels loose or stools in lumps. Caused by overeating, sour wine, hot weather, bathing; during measles; metastasis of gout or rheumatism.
Dyspepsia with acrid secretions; rheumatic or gouty pains in feet.
Gouty metastasis to stomach and bowels.
Relapses from deranging stomach. Intermittent.
Slight tension in hypochondria.
Full feeling and distension, as after overeating.
Abdomen very much distended; after eating much.
Incarcerated flatus; costive.
Rumbling in abdomen.
Pinching and sensation as if diarrhoea would come on.
Sensation of emptiness in intestines, going off after a meal.
Colic, with loss of appetite, hard stool, red urine ; child will not be looked at.
Violent cutting in abdomen, feeling of oppression coming from stomach, indisposition to work, dull mood and pain in stomach with eructations.
Hard gland in left groin, painful to pressure.
Cutting in bowels, with watery diarrhoea.
As if arising from abdomen: cough.
Stool and Rectum
Summer complaint, or diarrhoea and vomiting of children; hot dry skin; vomiting, expelling drink; yellowish, very bad smelling stools.
Stinking flatus.
Bowels loose. Gastric catarrh.
Diarrhoea after nursing.
Diarrhoea watery, with deranged stomach, white or yellow coated tongue, belching with taste of food, cutting in abdomen.
Acrid diarrhoea.
Stools: watery, with vomiting; watery, profuse; watery; with little hard lumps, or containing undigested food ; liquid, containing portions of solid matter; mucous mornings.
Cutting pain before loose stools.
Diarrhoea, agg. from vinegar and other acids; sour wine; overheating; after cold bathing; at night and early morning.
Diarrhoea of old people.
Alternate diarrhoea and constipation, with old people.
Hard stools with colic.
Difficult, hard stool; feces too large; costive with incarcerated flatus.
Stools white, dry, irregular.
Hard lumps of curd. Nursing children.
Sensation of copious stool, but only flatus escapes, with finally very hard stool; stools in lumps.
Gastric catarrh.
Pain in rectum during stool; feeling of soreness as if an ulcer had been torn open.
Copious hemorrhage from bowels, with solid feces.
Mucous piles, prickling, burning; continuous mucous discharge, staining yellow; sometimes ichor oozes out.
Pain in rectum during loose stool.
Protrusion of rectum with loose stools.
Hemorrhoids; a good deal of mucus is continually discharged from anus.
Constant secretion of a yellowish-white mucus at anus.
Hemorrhoids. During pregnancy.
Costiveness: in heat of summer; in childbed.
Diarrhoea after nursing.
Constipation and diarrhoea. Intermittent.
Useful after abuse of laxatives.
Diarrhoea: after deranging stomach; after acids; after a debauch; of old people; changing with constipation; watery; with nausea and vomiting; with colic; with much belching.
Urinary Organs
Frequent and profuse emission of urine, with loose bowels.
Tenesmus of bladder rouses him from sleep at night.
Frequent urination, with much mucus, intense burning in urethra and backache during emission.
Cutting in urethra while urinating.
Urine: gold yellow, with scarcely perceptible cloud; brown red; with small red corpuscles after standing twenty-four hours; red, with colic.
Involuntary urination.
Involuntary escape of copious urine with cough.
Chronic catarrh of bladder.
Male Sexual Organs
Sexual desire and wakefulness.
Excited sexual desire, with uneasiness of whole body, which prevents him from sitting long.
Nightly pollutions, with or without voluptuous dreams.
Itching: of penis; of tip of glans.
Biting, itching, as from salt on left side of scrotum.
Female Sexual Organs
Nymphomania from checking catamenia.
Tenderness over ovarian region, after catamenia has been checked by taking a bath. Nymphomania.
Pressure in womb, as if something would come out.
Menses commence at an early period, are profuse, then cease; subsequently chlorosis.
Menstrual molimina.
Before menses, toothache, with boring into temples.
Discharge of acrid water from vagina, which caused a smarting down thighs.
Leucorrhoea watery and containing lumps.
Pregnancy Parturition and Lactation
Nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea during pregnancy.
During pregnancy gastro-intestinal and Haemorrhoidal affections; feels full and distended as after overeating.
Skin diseases during pregnancy.
Voice and Larynx, Trachea and Bronchia
Voice gone, scarcely able to utter a single word.
Laryngitis of singers.
Aphonia from getting overheated, either from weather or in a warm room; amel. after rest.
Feebleness of voice.
Violent spasms in larynx and pharynx, as if throat was filled with a plug, which becomes alternately thicker and thinner, accompanied by a feeling of soreness.
Bronchial catarrh.
Phthisis larynges with dry cough.
Short, heavy breathing; dyspnoea.
Deep, sighing breathing, as from fullness of chest, afternoon and after eating.
Oppression coming from stomach.
Constriction almost to suffocation.
When exhaling, sharp stitches in chest.
Deep sighing respiration after eating.
Spells of sighing.
Hot breath. Whooping cough.
Frequent dry cough.
Cough shaking whole body, with involuntary escape of copious urine.
Cough: after rising in morning, in attacks; as if arising from abdomen ; first attack is always most severe, subsequent ones weaker and weaker, until the last resembles only a hacking. Whooping cough. Gastric cough.
Cough: in hot sun; on coming into a warm room from cold air.
Looking into fire increases cough.
Whooping cough as a sequel to measles.
Whooping cough agg. from becoming overheated in a warm atmosphere, in burning sun, and from radiation of a fire.
Cough with burning in chest.
Cough with oppression on chest.
Inner Chest and Lungs
Oppression and pressive pains in chest, more the right.
Stitches in chest.
Pain in chest with heat. Intermittent fever.
Burning and sticking in chest; with cough.
Blennorrhoea pulmonum or phthisis mucosa.
Heart Pulse and Circulation
Violent palpitation of heart.
Pulse extremely irregular; now accelerated and again slow, changing every few beats; with a child.
Slow pulsation with fine pricking headache.
Outer Chest
Severe itching upon chest continuing all day.
Thorax elevated, with dyspnoea
Neck and Back
Rheumatic pains in nape of neck and loins.
Swelling of cervical glands.
Spasmodic drawing pain in muscles of nape of neck, reaching to scapulae, evening after lying down and morning; agg. by stooping, exerting arms and turning head to left.
Itching of neck and back.
Spasmodic stitches in right scapula, when sitting.
Violent pain in small of back when rising from sitting; disappeared when walking.
Backache. Variola.
At coccyx a heavy weight.
Drawing in sacrum. Intermittent.
Upper Limbs
Shoulders raised with difficult breathing.
Cracking in elbow joint, when moving it.
Drawing pain: in arms; in fingers and their joints.
Must let arms sink down.
Painful inflammation of ligaments of elbow, with intense redness and contraction of arm.
Paralytic trembling of hands with every motion and when writing.
Trembling of hands with vomiting.
Arthritic pains in fingers.
Finger nails do not grow as rapidly as formerly, and skin beneath nails painfully sensitive.
Crushed finger nails grow in splits, like warts, with horny spots.
A horny growth under nail.
Horny warts on hands.
Lower Limbs
Pustules on thighs.
Legs fall asleep while sitting quietly.
Painful drawing in hip joints.
Painful stiffness of knee; knees pain.
Pain just below knee, as if it had been tied too tightly.
Drawing pain: in knees; in lower part of left tibia; in left heel; and tearing through right great toe. Gout.
Violent pains in lower limbs.
Smarting down thighs from acrid water out of vagina.
Pulling pain in lower limbs.
Numbness of legs during rest and while sitting.
Tumor of knee; white swelling.
Ankles pain.
Heel inflamed and red.
Large horny places on soles, close to toes.
Corns on soles and toes.
Inflamed corns.
Great sensitiveness of soles when walking.
Limbs in General
Convulsions and trembling of limbs.
Lassitude, tremulous fatigue and heaviness of all limbs, as if coming out of abdomen; trembling of hands when writing, subsequent discharge of much stinking flatus; abdomen distended, after dinner.
Rheumatic or gouty pains, generally with gastric symptoms.
Heaviness in limbs.
Weakness of limbs. Headache.
Aching of limbs.
Rest, Position and Motion
Can scarcely keep still during pregnancy, on account of hemorrhoids.
Rest: outer head amel.; cold in head amel.; loss of voice amel..
Desire to lie down: after eating.
Lying down: drawing in muscles of neck.
Must lie down for hours. Chlorosis.
Sitting: stitches in right scapula, legs fall asleep.
Rising: agg. cough in morning; agg. pains in small of back; amel. after rising from bed.
Stooping: aggravates drawing in muscles of neck.
Ascending stairs: agg. headache and vertigo.
Turning head to left: aggravates drawing in muscles of neck.
Exertion of arms: aggravates drawing in muscles of neck.
Motion of elbow: cracking in joint.
Writing: hand trembles.
Walking: soles sensitive; pain in small of back amel.
Walking in open air: headache agg.; toothache amel..
Motion: increases heat, especially exercise in sun; chilliness with cough; cold, clammy sweat.
Excessive depression and exhaustion.
Uneasiness of whole body.
Restlessness with cough.
Trembling and shaking with chill.
Great jactitation of muscles. Puerperal convulsions.
Convulsions with vomiting; with rattling of mucus.
Disposition to start, even at slight noises.
Twitching of muscles, of many parts of body.
Great lassitude.
Uncomfortable feeling after eating.
Exhaustion and debility after severe illness, if appetite does not return.
Faintness with nausea.
Great prostration after vomiting.
Useful after night debauches: after getting drunk.
Collapse with diarrhoea.
As if paralyzed. Pneumonia.
Gaping after coughing; dozing of children, with cough.
Drowsiness: with trembling of head; with shortness of breath; with cough.
Drowsiness. Remittent fever.
Somnolence: in daytime; with heat; with numbness of head; with chill.
Sleepy after eating, after vomiting, with bellyache.
During sleep unequal breathing.
Sleep restless, with sensation in stomach.
Great sleepiness during day; mostly forenoon.
At 7 P.M. feels overwhelmed with sleep.
Coma. Deep, unrefreshing sleep. Chlorosis.
Slight raving during sleep.
Restless sleep. Anosmia.
Wakefulness, with shivering over left side, on which he does not lie; or with sexual desire and erections when getting warm.
Sleepless, more after 12 P.M.
Frequent waking, as from fright; from anxious dreams of being wounded.
Dreams: of quarrelling; voluptuous; horrible, about mutilation of men.
Restless sleep, frequently awakened by itching here and there.
Ailments from night debauches.
Rouses from sleep at night: tenesmus of bladder.
On awaking: dull frontal headache; sweat.
Night: agg. suicidal mood; headache; toothache agg.; dry lips and thirst agg.; loose stools; tenesmus of bladder; pollutions; heat in bed; before midnight heat.
After midnight: sleeplessness agg.
Morning: agglutination of eyelids; photophobia; mucus in canthi; toothache; coryza; hunger; mucous diarrhoea; loose cough after rising; drawing in nape of neck; sweat; stools; lassitude on awaking.
Forenoon: sleepiness.
Toward noon: chills.
Noon: agg. headache.
Ecstasy during day, beginning in morning. Megrim.
All day: toothache amel.; itching on chest; sleepiness; chill predominates.
Afternoon: buzzing in ear, deep sighing breathing; fullness in chest.
7 P.M.: overwhelmed with sleep.
Evening: out of humor; outer head aches; cold in head agg.; nosebleed; drawing in muscles of neck; thirst; after lying down pain in nape of neck.
Temperature and Weather
In moonlight, mental symptoms agg..
Warmth of bed: agg. itching of pimples.
Worse on getting warm: headache.
Warmth: aggravates cold in head; causes sexual desire and erections.
Warm weather: agg. exhausted ; night sweats; sleepy; nausea; vomiting.
Hot weather: caused gastric catarrh.
Overheated in a warm atmosphere. Pertussis.
Warm room: cough is produced when coming into it from cold air; chills.
Ailments from burning of sun.
Heat of sun: cough agg.; whooping cough; increased heat; cannot bear heat of sun ; agg. from exertion in sun.
When becoming hot from getting overheated: loss of voice.
Heat of summer insupportable.
Worse overheating near fire, from radiation of fire.
Whooping cough.
After overheating: diarrhoea.
Child is amel. after warm washing.
Open air: headache amel. or agg.; outer head amel.; cold in head amel.; toothache amel. when walking; inclination for open air.
Sensitive to cold: inhaling cold air; stitches in teeth from drawing air into mouth; after taking cold.
Aversion to uncover with chill or sweat.
Cold water: increases toothache; diarrhoea.
Cold washing: agg. pertussis.
Cold bathing: causes violent headache; outer headache; cold in head therefrom; caused gastric catarrh; causes diarrhoea; suppressed menses.
Child cries when washed or bathed with cold water.
After getting wet: head aches.
Fainting from heat of summer, or in hot, crowded rooms.
Injury by sun, warm weather, after overheating at fire.
From exposure to excessive heat. Headache. Loose stools.
Cannot bear heat in sunshine. Ecstasies. Headache.
Sensitiveness to cold.
Bad effects from: getting cold; from washing; after bathing.
Colds after bathing in a river.
Worse from cold water or cold food. Loose stools.
Cold to touch: limbs.
Coldness: with cholera; in blood vessels.
Want of animal heat.
Skin pale and cold. Convulsions.
Chilliness at every motion, with cough.
Chilliness after vomiting.
Chill predominating during day, even in warm room.
Violent, shaking chill toward noon, with thirst (for beer).
Shivering over back; feet cold as ice, sweat on rest of body.
After shaking chills: cough.
Cold creeps: before menses; and pain in groins.
Cold shivers and bellyache.
Shivering over left side.
Feverish heat with chill.
Hot body, but cold limbs, with cough.
Heat attended by sweat. Intermittent.
Fever, with desire to sleep and want of thirst.
Heat, with pain in chest.
Sweat breaks out during heat, but soon disappears, and is followed by dry heat.
Heat at night, mostly before 12 P.M., with cold feet.
Great heat from least exercise, particularly in sun.
Sweat in morning when awaking, which causes a shrivelling of tips of fingers.
Sweat, which returns at precisely same hour, usually every other (third) morning.
Sweat during heat. Intermittent.
Cold, clammy sweat from motion.
Cold sweat on hands with cough.
After copious sweating, cough.
Sweat: with rheumatic pains; with headache; on awaking; making canthi painful to touch.
The child is delirious, drowsy, with nausea; red, hot face, irregular pulse and feverish heat, cries when washed or bathed in cold water.
Violent chill without thirst; heat with thirst followed by sweat.
After the sweat is over, heat and thirst return.
Quotidian or tertian intermittent with loathing, nausea, vomiting, cutting in bowels and looseness.
No gastric symptoms. Intermittent.
Gastric fevers.
Attacks and Periodicity
Sweat at same hour, every other day.
Symptoms repeat every five, six or twelve weeks.
Returning periodically; coma, earache.
Increasing and decreasing headache.
Remitting types.
Cough in attacks, first severe, following weaker and weaker.
In paroxysms: leucorrhoea.
Attacks of fainting.
Locality and Direction
On a small place above eyebrow, right or left: pain.
Through thighs down to knees: labor like pains.
Right: deafness; drawing through ear; oppression and pressive pains in side of chest; stitches in scapula; tearing through great toe; back; arm.
Left: pains in temporal region; soreness on parietal bone; redness of eye; swollen red ear; crusty eruption on cheek; hypochondria; hard gland in groin; left abdominal ring; itching on side of scrotum; drawing in tibia and heel; shivering over side; cannot lie on it.
Left side predominate particularly lower left and upper right side Symptoms go from one side of body to the other.
Without in: pain in left temple.
Head as if drunk; as if forehead would burst; gnawing as if in periosteum; as if bones of vertex were swollen; as if a leaflet was lying before the tympanum; stinging on chin as from a hot spark; as if nerve of tooth was torn; as if foreign body had lodged in throat; stomach as if overloaded; as if diarrhoea would come on; cough as if arising from abdomen; as if an ulcer had been torn open in rectum; biting as from salt on left side of scrotum; as if something would press out of womb; as if throat was filled with a plug; pain in knee as if ligated; as if heaviness of limbs came out of abdomen; as if paralyzed.
Pain: over eyebrow; in stomach, with aversion to work; dull, in head; dull, in forehead; in ears; in nose, when breathing; from teeth, penetrates to head; at stomach, as after eating too much; in rectum, during stool; in chest; in small of back; below knee; in ankles; in groins.
Tremulous fatigue and heaviness of limbs.
Violent pain: in head; in small of back; in lower limbs.
Stitches: in eyeball; in tooth; in chest when exhaling; in right scapula.
Cutting: in abdomen; before loose stools; in urethra.
Lacerating in head.
Tearing in forehead, temples, and vertex; in right great toe.
Jerking: in hollow teeth.
Boring: into temples.
Splitting sensation: in forehead.
Gnawing: on top of head; in carious teeth.
Pinching: in abdomen.
Sticking: in chest.
Pricking: fine, in left temple.
Burning: and stinging on chin; at pit of stomach; spasmodic pain at pit of stomach; in urethra; in chest.
Smarting; down thighs, from acrid vaginal discharge.
Rawness: of palate.
Soreness: of periosteum on vertex; in a small spot on left parietal bone; in canthi; of nostrils and corners of mouth; of eruption on face and chin; on border of tongue; in stomach; to pressure; of soles, when walking; of skin when scratched.
Aching: in forehead, as if it would burst; in limbs, with headache; in limbs.
Pressive pain: in chest.
Arthritic pain: in fingers.
Drawing: in left temple; and boring in temples; through right ear and eustachian tube; in cervical muscles; in arms and fingers; in hip joints; in knees; in lower part of left tibia; in left heel; and tearing through right great toe; in sacrum.
Pressure: inward, in left temporal region; in womb; in chest.
Spasmodic pain: at pit of stomach; drawing in cervical muscles.
Cramp like pain: at stomach.
Rheumatic or gouty pain: in feet with dyspepsia; in nape of neck and loins; with gastric complaints.
Pulling pains: in lower limbs.
Twitching: in facial muscles; in muscles of many parts.
Crawling: around tubercles on scalp.
Pulsation: slow in left temple.
Numbness: of legs; of head.
Fullness: after eating, with tension; of chest; of stomach.
Heaviness: in forehead and fullness in stomach; in limbs.
Emptiness: in pit of stomach.
Oppression: from stomach; in chest.
Stiffness: of knee, painful.
Tension: after eating; in hypochondria.
Dryness: of lips; of mouth.
Heat: in face, and redness; in cheeks.
Coldness: in nose when inhaling; of feet like ice.
Shivering: over left side; over back.
Itching: on scalp, with formication; in eyes; on cheeks; of penis; of tip of glans; biting on left side of scrotum; on chest; of neck and back; of skin; rash.
Pain on a small spot above either eyebrow.
Exceedingly exsanguineous condition of body.
Rheumatism and gout if parts are inflamed or swollen.
Acute gout having left deposits, with gastric symptoms.
Inveterate (chronic) gout without fever.
Hemorrhages dark.
Dropsical swelling of whole body.
Mucous membranes generally affected.
Swelling pain and redness of glands.
External parts turn black; dry gangrene.
Obesity of young people.
Marasmus of children.
Glandular obstructions.
Fungus articularis.
Metastasis of gout and rheumatism causing gastric catarrh.
Dry gangrene.
Useful after suppressed discharges.
Touch, Passive motion and Injuries
Child cannot bear to be touched or looked at.
Touch: child cannot bear it; increases pain on parietal bone; causes eruption on face and chin to pain; increases toothache.
Sore to touch: region of liver.
Painful to touch: larynx.
Pressure: pain in tubercles on scalp agg.; causes sore feeling in stomach, vomiting; lessens pain in hard gland in groin; headache.
Scratching: causes soreness of skin.
Before eruption breaks out, backache.
Eruptions repelled or not appearing. Convulsions.
Eruptions like boils and blisters.
Pustules like varicella.
Itching of skin, feels sore when scratched.
Pimples and vesicles as from stings of insects, especially on face and joints of limbs.
Eruptions like bites of insects.
Pustules spread over body and limbs; spreading from fauces.
Red, itching rash on body.
Ugly bluish red scars.
Acne; with people of a nervous constitution.
So-called liver spots; brownish spots.
Tetters in scrofulous people.
Deep, spongy ulcers; especially with gastric symptoms.
Fistulous ulcers.
Eruption with thick, hard scabs; often honey-yellow; here and there a crack oozing a green, sanious fluid; he suffered as if immersed in burning embers; much prostration.
Horny excrescences.
Smooth warts, which are often soft.
Ulcers breaking out around a wart.
Chronic skin (and other) affections traceable to suppressed eruptions or ulcers.
Urticaria, white lumps with red areolae which itch; comes and goes; agg. after meat; make him irritable, very hot and thirsty.
Measle like eruptions; delayed, vomiting sets in during measles.
During measles. Gastric catarrh.
Measles and sequelae to whooping cough.
Before smallpox appears, great oppression.
Smallpox and other eruptions with diarrhoea.
Chronic skin affections, favus, lichen, scald head, ulcers in face.
Stages of Life and Constitution
Hydrogenoid constitution.
Nursing infants: stool in hard lumps; coughing and gaping.
Children: rash and remitting fevers.
Young people grow fat.
Old people: alternate diarrhoea and constipation; pulse hard and quick.
Elderly persons with diarrhoea all at once get costive.
Drunkards: diarrhoea; pneumonia; trembling; scrofulous photophobia.
Similar to Apis (skin); Ars. (gastric catarrh, burning eruption, dropsy); Am-m (mucous flux); Bry. (rheumatism, gastric symptoms, effects of heat, etc.): Cham.; Hepar; Ip.; (gastric ailments); Merc.; Nux-v.; Puls. (gastric symptoms, relief in the air, mind, chills and fever, etc.); Ran-bulb. (horny exanthemata); Rhus-tox.; Sulphur; Squilla.
Related to: Ip., still more to Lyc. (Teste).
Similar in gastric vertigo to Puls.; gastric headache from sour things, to Puls. or Ars.; inflamed eyes, to Acon., Euphr.; in toothache in hollow teeth, to Puls.; in lessened appetite from summer heat, Bry., Carb-veg.; cramp in stomach, Puls. or Ip.; watery diarrhoea, Ferr.; after getting overheated, gastric symptoms, Bry.
Useful after Ip. or Puls.; in intermittent.
Polypi with Puls. and Merc.
After Ant-c. follow well: Puls., Merc., Sulphur.
Antidotes to Ant-c.: Calcar., Hepar., Merc.
Ant-c. antidotes: stings of insects.
Complementary: Squil.
Rubrics: 278 | Ant-c [888/278] |
Total |
[Complete ] [Mind]ANGER:Attention, at every little: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]ANXIETY:Perspiration:With:Headache, from violent: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]DISCOMFORT:Sexual desire, with: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]ECSTASY:Night:Walking in moonlight: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]FORGETFULNESS:Busy, being: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]GRIEF:Fever, in intermittent: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]IRRITABILITY:Heat:During:Face, of: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]IRRITABILITY:Redness of face, with: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]IRRITABILITY:Touch, by:Child cries: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]IRRITABILITY:Washing, cold, agg.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]LOVE:Exalted:Moonlight, in: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]MOROSE, SULKY:Children, in:Cry, when touched: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]MOROSE, SULKY:Touch agg.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]NURSING:Aversion to, in children:Vomiting milk, after: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]SADNESS:Chill:Before: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]SENTIMENTAL:Diarrhea, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]SUICIDAL DISPOSITION:Thoughts:Drive him out of bed: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]SUSPICIOUSNESS, MISTRUSTFULNESS:Diarrhea, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]WEEPING, TEARFUL MOOD:Fever, during:Intermittent, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]WORK:Mental:Aversion to:Colic, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Head]HYDROCEPHALUS, DROPSY:Coated tongue, with: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Head]PAIN, HEADACHE:Coryza:After: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Head]PAIN, HEADACHE:Boring, digging, screwing:Temples:Menses, before: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Eyes]EYE GUM:Canthi:Forenoon: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Eyes]SPOTS, SPECKS:Humid, damp spots, painful if perspiration touches them, outer canthi: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Eyes]TUBERCULOSIS:Canthi: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Ears]PAIN:Aching:Measles, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Face]ERUPTIONS:Acne:Fire, near: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Face]ERUPTIONS:Crusts, scabs:Cheeks:Left: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Face]ERUPTIONS:Eczema:Warmth of stove, from: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mouth]PAIN:Sore, bruised:Palate:Clearing throat, on: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mouth]WHITE:Whitewashed, as if, tongue: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Teeth]GRINDING:Sleep, during:Sitting: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Stomach]ERUCTATIONS:Empty:Wine, sour, agg.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Stomach]INDIGESTION:Bath, after a cold: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Stomach]VOMITING:Alternating with:Gout: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Stomach]VOMITING:Heated, from becoming: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Stomach]VOMITING:Measles, in: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Stomach]VOMITING:Wine:After:Sour: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Stomach]VOMITING:Milk:Curdled:Lumps, little: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Stomach]WINE:Amel.:Sour: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Abdomen]PAIN:Cutting:Pastry agg.: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Rectum]DIARRHEA:Bathing, washing:Agg.:Cold: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Rectum]DIARRHEA:Vinegar, after: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Rectum]DIARRHEA:Wine:Agg.:Sour: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Rectum]FLATUS:Offensive:Writing, after: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Rectum]MOISTURE:Staining:Yellow: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Rectum]MUCUS:Staining linen: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Bladder]URINATION:Interrupted, intermittent:Erections, with painful: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Female Genitalia]LEUCORRHEA:Thin, watery:Lumpy: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Female Genitalia]PAIN:Ovaries:Love-sick girls, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Female Genitalia]PAIN:Sore, bruised:Ovaries:Coated tongue, with: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Female Genitalia]PAIN:Sore, bruised:Ovaries:Nausea, with: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Female Genitalia]PAIN:Sore, bruised:Ovaries:Vomiting, with: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Larynx & Trachea]MUCUS IN AIR PASSAGES:Convulsions, during: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Speech & Voice]WANTING, LOST:Sensitive nostrils, with: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Respiration]DEEP:Afternoon: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Respiration]SIGHING:Eating:After: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Cough]IRRITATION, FROM:Abdomen, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Cough]SUDDEN, PAROXYSMAL:First cough the most violent, succeeding coughs weaker and weaker: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]CRIPPLED:Feet: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]ERUPTIONS:Pustules:Yellow:Thighs: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]INFLAMMATION:Elbows:Ligaments: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]PAIN:Wine, after:Sour: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]PAIN:Joints:Wine, after:Sour: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]PAIN:Gouty:Stomach complaints, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]PERSPIRATION:Wilting skin, feet: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]SPLITTING, NAILS:Warty, fingernails: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]TUMORS:Fingers, under fingernails: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Generalities]FOOD AND DRINKS:Food in general:Aversion to:Warmth of summer: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Generalities]FOOD AND DRINKS:Food in general:Aversion to:Bathing, washing agg.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Generalities]SUN:Agg.:Exertion in: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Kent ] [Mind]ECSTASY (SEE EXHILARATION):Night:Walking in moonlight: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Kent ] [Mind]SENTIMENTAL:Moonlight, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Kent ] [Face]ERUPTIONS (SEE SKIN):Eczema:Heat of stove: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Kent ] [Teeth]PAIN,TOOTHACHE IN GENERAL:Gnawing:Eating,after: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Kent ] [Stomach]NAUSEA:Wine:Sour,from: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Kent ] [Stomach]VOMITING:Measles,during: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Kent ] [Stomach]VOMITING:Sour wine,after: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Kent ] [Rectum]DIARRHOEA:Wine:Sour: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Kent ] [Extremities pain]PAIN:Joints:Sour wine,after: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Kent ] [Skin]ERUPTIONS:Urticaria:Meat,after: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Kent ] [Generalities]SUN:Exertion,in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Murphy ] [Mind]ECSTASY, (SEE BLISSFUL, TRANQUILITY) :Night :Walking in moonlight : | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Murphy ] [Mind]GLOOMY, MOROSE :Children, in :Cry, when touched : | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Murphy ] [Mind]SENTIMENTAL, FEELINGS, (SEE ROMANTIC) :Moonlight, in : | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Murphy ] [Children]GLOOMY, DISPOSITION, CHILDREN :Cry, when touched : | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Murphy ] [Clinical]SUN, EXPOSURE TO, AILMENTS FROM :Exertion, from, in : | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Murphy ] [Constitutions]ELDERLY, CONSTITUTIONS :Diarrhea :Constipation and diarrhea, alternate : | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Murphy ] [Face]ECZEMA, FACE :Heat, of stove : | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Murphy ] [Generals]SUN, SUNLIGHT, GENERAL:Exertion, from, in : | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Murphy ] [Joints]PAIN, JOINTS :Wine, after :Sour, after : | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Murphy ] [Rectum]DIARRHEA, GENERAL, (SEE STOOL, CHAPTER) :Wine, from :Sour : | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Murphy ] [Skin]URTICARIA, HIVES :Meat, after : | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Murphy ] [Stomach]NAUSEA, GENERAL :Wine, after :Sour, after : | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Murphy ] [Stomach]VOMITING, GENERAL :Measles, during : | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Murphy ] [Stomach]VOMITING, GENERAL :Wine, agg. :Sour, after : | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Allen ] [T]TONGUE:Coating:White:Forenoon: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Boenning ] [Nausea and Vomiting]VOMITING:Tasteless: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Boenning ] [Voice and Speech]LOST, FAILING, ETC.,:Nostrils sensitive, with: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
Aug / Sep 1994 Volume No3, Issue 3
Dr. D. E. Mistry
Sulph / Bac / Sil / Calc / Puls / Phyt / Arg-m / Ant-c / Lyc / Merc / Syph
By Dr. D. E. Mistry.
46, Railway lines.
Mr. K. B. P., male, age-35 years, who was operated for anal fistula on 14/4/76; first reported about his following complaints on 11/6/76.
Hardness around anal area. Ear discharge since childhood. Bleeding piles on and off since 5 years. Asthma since 9 years, aggravated July to November. History of coryza and eczema since childhood.
Personal History:- married but separated from wife.
Craves sweets. Likes salts. Desires cold, liquids and non-veg. Thirsty. Prefers winter. Much vaccinated.
Family History:- Diabetes and piles in father.
Rubrics selected here:
1) Wet Weather aggravation.
2) Aversion to sweets.
3) Sexual abstinence.
4) Extreme thirst.
5) Craves non-veg.
After repertorization from Kents Repertory Sulphur came in all rubrics. Rx. One dose of sulph 1M.
25.26.76 reported he had throat pain and pain in fistulous area, and coryza. Rx. Sac lac.
02.07.76 Bacillinum 10M, as coryza was still persisting.
23.07.76 Rx. Sulph 30. (on return of coryza after cessation from Bacillinum.)
06.08.76 Rx. Sulph 200, single dose.
28.08.76 Reported much coryza and pus discharge from both ears. Rx. Silicea CM, Single dose.
13.10.76 had Sulph. 30 Single dose on each of these dates and 9/12/76. Left station on 9/12/76.
Condition before leaving:
No pain or in duration in anal area. No ear discharge. No asthmatic attack during course of rainy weather. Coryza off and on still remaining. Patient was referred to a colleague at his new place.
Comments A case of operated fistula. The h/o coryza, ear discharge, piles and asthma subsequently obviously improved remarkably in spite of his operation. The indicated anti-psoric remedy (SULPHUR) followed by miasmatic intercurrent (BACILLINUM) created enough vital reaction to cause reappearance of his oldest childhood ear discharge. Single dose of very high potency of polychrest SILICEA acted all round at 3 spheres-1) Anal 2) Respiratory and 3) Ear. Unfortunately there is no further communication from the patient.
Female, 22 years, S. K. reported on 15/6/76. C/o burning epigastric pains after meals, obesity, breathless on walking. Limbs paining. Burning of palms, soles and vertex. All these complaints are of recent origin.
Following rubrics selected:
1) Obesity.
2) Constant epigastric burning pain worse after eating.
3) Bloating epigastrium after eating.
4) Cramps in calves on walking.
5) Burning of vertex and palms.
Sulphur Covered all 5 symptoms with 12 marks followed by Calcarea carb and then Pulsatilla. Rx. Sulphur 200, only one dose.
06.07.76 Much better. No medicine but given only SL.
21.07.76 No complaints. Rx SL.
23.08.76 Mild return of burning. Rx. Sulphur 1M Single dose.
06.09.76 Rx. Phytolacca Berry Q, 2 drops QID to reduce weight.
07.09.76 Still has cramps in calves on walking. Rx. 6 doses of Calc carb 6.
30.01.77 was on Phytolacca Berry, But did not report appreciable reduction of weight.
Comments: – This patient with strong anti psoric background responded well to Sulphur, but failed to have any loss of weight with Phytolacca Berry.
On 2/6/76 Ms. B. aged 35 years reported with:
1) Sore throat, aggravation while swallowing and amelioration by hot drinks.
2) Breaking of voice with hoarseness while talking.
3) Scanty menses since 3 years, after which complaint of sore throat had started.
4) Sense of obstruction in throat while swallowing. Prefers sweets and there are no other significant symptom in past or family history.
Following rubrics were selected and repertorized:
1) Throat, warm drink amel.
2) Voice hoarse.
3) Food lodges on swallowing or sense of obstruction
4) Desires sweets.
Argentum met came out highest which was given 200/5 doses 2 hourly. Patient continued to show improvement by 5/7/76 as totally free of all complaints.
Comments- This case shows the curative power of the similimum which fortunately came out very correctly on exact repertorization.
Mr. T. K. R. aged 48 years reported on 22/6/76 with following complaints-Bleeding per anus of recent origin without pain.
Other associated symptoms:
1) Sensation of hooking kind of pain anywhere, changing places frequently.
2) Eructations on and off with obesity nowadays. H/O periodic monthly rt. sided headaches. Headache often begins from occiput and is accompanied by coryza or itchy throat.
3) Headache ameliorated by sneezing after snuff taking. H/O self induced vomiting every morning on cleaning mouth which gives relief.
4) Achy fidgety feet.
Past History: – Chicken pox, typhoid, Boils, colds < change of season.
Family History: – Mother- T. B. father- Diabetes Mellitus.
Personal history: – acidity < change of weather and winter. Perspiration++. Aversion to both heat and cold. Feels better after exerting more than usual. Sensitive to Aspirin and Codopurain.
Rubrics selected were:
1) Wandering pains.
2) Obesity.
3) Tobacco aggravation.
4) Right sided headaches.
5) Aggravation, change of season.
6) Sour regurgitation at morning, > by vomiting
Pulsatilla came out first, so he was given Pulsatilla 1M, 2 doses hourly.
09.7.76 Amelioration in general. But still c/o heaviness, and general pain. Rx. Pulsatilla 1M.
24.07.76 No headaches, still has wandering pain and occasional blood after stools. Rx. Pulsatilla 1M.
26.08.76 Patient reported with no headaches, no wandering pains or bleeding or desire to induce vomiting in morning, but came with a heavily coated white tongue, heaviness on abdomen and a wart on the neck, recently growing. Rx. Antrim crud.
09.10.76 C/o loss of appetite, heaviness in the pit of stomach. Tongue was reasonably clear. Rx. Lycopodium 10M, single dose.
26.1.76 returned with headache, acidity, vomiting, bitter taste. Rx. Pulsatilla 30, 6 doses.
07.12.76 Rx. Lycopodium 10M, single dose. Because of persistence of his morning acidity, heaviness of abdomen and indifferent appetite.
01.02.77 Reported with sore mouth, sore tongue and lips of recent origin, with nose choking and maxillary sinusitis pain. Rx. Merc sol 30 BD for 2 days.
08.02.77 Ulcers had almost healed, Rx. Syphillinum 200 single dose.
26.02.77 Slight return of vomiting, again with acidity Rx. Sulphur 200, single dose.
11.05.77 reports well.
Comments This case of acid dyspepsia with a strong tubercular miasm in background in his parents obviously needed a series of remedies. Pulsatilla to begin with was his constitutional drug picture, whose action seem being insufficient after some time, necessitating the use of Tuberculinum. Though Antim crud is a remedy supposed to follow well after Pulsatilla, it was given purely on local indications and did not much improve his dyspepsia. Lycopodium, the chronic of Pulsatilla was selected on his indifferent appetite, persistent abdominal heaviness and acidity. After which the syphilitic miasm seem to have come to the surface which responded very well to Merc sol and Syphillinum. Sulphur was given as an anti-psoric intercurrent on slight recurrence of complaints and patient reported with no complaints for further 3 months.
1947 July Vol VIII No 4
Phos / Sep / Dulc /Arn / Thuj / Ant-c / Calc / Mez / Caust / Lyc / Sulph.
Theodore Johann Rueckert was a prominent Homoeopathic physician in Herrnhut, Germany. He died in 1885 in his 85th year. We quote from Bradfords “The Pioneers of Homoeopathy” published by Boericke & Tafel: “With him passes away the last of the direct students of Hahnemann and the oldest of all Homoeopathic physicians. By his participation in the provings of drugs under Hahnemanns guidance he has left behind him a lasting monument and by the lively interest for our cause which he evinced to the end of his life, he has become a shining model.
1. Child, five, of tender constitution, but healthy otherwise, without apparent cause developed severe pain on left parietal bone where an elastic, but not red swelling formed in which a small opening appeared; with increase of swelling the child cried day and night.
Symptoms: A soft swelling the size of half a hens egg, slightly inflamed over seat of pain, and upon close examination one could observe increasing and decreasing of the swelling, around which one could palpate an opening in the skull with sharp, uneven, serrated bone margin. The skin-covering was without hair. I diagnosed it as a fungus of the dura mater. Phosphorus 15c. was given, which soon relieved the pain and reduced the swelling, which was cured in 13 days. (H.).
2. An old negro had a bleeding swelling on thigh following a trauma. The swelling was located on right thigh between trochanter and spine of ilium, subcutaneous, conical, at its base of fist size; the dull apex was pointing downward, all about four inches long, slightly movable at its base, hard, but elastic; had been painless, cold and minus pulsation, but now warmer and slightly painful. The point had opened and discharged venous blood, and when the blood was wiped away one could plainly recognize the tissue of a fungus haematodes. The bleeding came at times in a small jet, and then again in drops for some seconds. Though patient was well built, he felt weak. Further questioning brought out the fact that two and one-half years ago patient had a similar bleeding swelling on knee, which had been extirpated, and after which he slowly recovered. That was followed by the present condition, and a similar swelling on left thigh in same position, where I found a smaller swelling like a hard gland, but less movable.
Patients irritability, fear, worry, and the symptom: small wounds bleed profusely, indicated Phosphorus, which was given in the 30c. potency. The first few days there was more bleeding. A cord tourniquet was placed around the base of the swelling, which forced out the blood above, but controlled the bleeding. On the 14th day patient had a fever, and blister below the cord, which was cut. The fungus proliferated over their margin. On the thirtieth day there was new bleeding, but it stopped soon. From now on the swelling decreased daily with shriveling of the tissues. On the 42nd day patient had an attack of the then prevailing fever (tropical? S.W.S.) which left on the third day without medication. The diminishing swelling formed a crater, on the point through which its substance shrank, quicker than the surrounding skin. By the 60th day the swelling on the left thigh was also much smaller, and the main swelling was markedly less. Thus the cure progressed and by the end of the fourth month not even a hard scar remained. By the sixth month patient was healthier than before, the skin at the former fungus site was as healthy as the surrounding skin. Since the hard swelling on the left thigh was not gone. Sulphur was chosen and cured that also. (Hering).
3. Boy of six, weakly constitution, suddenly developed dark-red spots. At the root of nail on right little finger a small bluish blister formed from which blood dripped on the eighth day and the bleeding increased daily and could often not be stopped. Around the swelling a light-red circle formed with next blisters and bright-red swelling. The fungus increased, and on one foot a small wound changed into an ulcer. Phosphorus 30c. was given which healed the foot ulcer in seven days, and improved the sleep; yet his appetite became less, with pain in stomach after eating; he lost weight rapidly. On the 14th day he had red spots on neck, itching wheals on right arm. The fungus diminished gradually. On the 21st day there was much improvement, and on the 49th day all had practically been cured. (Hering).
4. Girl of five, scrofulous, one and one-half years ago had scabies which was quickly suppressed by external allopathic treatment. A year ago she developed a large abscess on head, which healed slowly. Now she has three fungoid tumors on outer middle of left forearm discharging much pus, one the size of a walnut, the other two smaller all close together. They had started like warts. Sulphur 30c. was given twice, and cured completely in eight weeks. (Thorer).
Antimonium crudum.
1. Callosities on the soles this remedy cured radically in five cases; in three they were situated in the middle of sole, one inch in diameter, the other two were on the heel; they were round, flat, thickest in the middle; walking was very painful; at times the surrounding skin was inflamed with stitches in the callus. After Antimonium crudum they began to itch and the pain was increased in 10 to 14 days, but the callosities were shed in the form of scales; none of them returned, and walking again was normal. But the remedy had no effect on the corns of her toes. (Knorr).
After corns were cut Arnica externally prevented return. (Schreter).
Calcarea Carbonica.
2. Warts, soft at base but hard on top, rough, horny, round. In a girl of four, who previously had suffered from herpes, crops of warts developed during the past several months on face, ears and neck, different sizes. After Calcarea carbonica 15c. had been given in six doses during three months, they disappeared after the bases became inflamed, and then dried up with crusts which were shed by suppuration. (Knorr).
3. Warts of the same character and also in face, were cured in a boy of two and one-half in the same manner by Calcarea carbonica. (Knorr).
4. Boy of five had a larger wart on right arm which was cured in four weeks by four doses of Calcarea carbonica 30c. (Wood in Homoeopathic Times).
5. Girl of 14 developed a form of chorea following measles, had crops of warts on hands, of different. sizes, which after Calcarea carbonica 18c. become flat and were cured. (Rummel).
6. Girl of 14, slender, blond, developed some time ago a wart on the point of index finger near the nail, which hindered her in weaving. Aside from this she was healthy. Causticum 12c., three drops in two ounces of 50 per cent alcohol was used morning and night in dressing. In five days it was applied only every other evening. In 15 days the wart had dried up and was shed. (Tietze).
7. Causation 700c. one dose cured a wart with broad base in a girl of 10, situated on the volar surface of the right thumb, not painful, had developed for a long time. So also Calcarea carbonica 200c. one dose cured quickly warts on different parts of the body in a child of three; they became inflamed, healed by suppuration and left small white scars. (H.F.).
8a. Man of 50 had old watery excrescences in face which were cured in 4-6 weeks by Causticum 200c. (Nunez).
8b. Very painful, inflamed warts were cured in four to six weeks by one dose of Causticum 30c. (Goullon).
It is valuable especially in warts of face. (Knerr).
9. Girl of six, has scrofulous ulcers and in a short time developed many warts on chin, small, soft, pedunculated. Lycopodium 6c. twice daily two drops were given internally and the warts painted with the tincture. It cured in a few days, and also the ulcers looked better. (Hirsch).
10. Woman had inherited from her father a warty, horny excrescence of dollar size on forehead, slightly raised. It did not remain constantly. but lasted for a while and disappeared without treatment. Repeated doses of Mezereum 12c. helped quickly; the excrescences did not just vanish as previously, but desquamated; during the past two years there was no recurrence. (Kreussler).
Rhus toxicodendron.
I have given it in the 12-15-30c. potency with results for only warts on fingers and hands with broad, soft base, but the warts proper were elevated, horny, rough, of thickened epidermis, painless, of dark color. But their cure was not through suppuration (as under Calcarea carbonica) rather they gradually diminished in size and were worn off, leaving a healthy, smooth skin. Such warts disappear very slowly. (Knorr).
11. Lady of 30, short stature, had disfiguring warts on both hands which had resisted long previous external treatment. Rhus 9c. one drop was given, and in two weeks they diminished in size, while during three weeks the smaller warts disappeared. The remaining large wart was touched with Rhus tincture, and after two weeks all warts had disappeared. (Gross).
Hartmann cured two cases with Sepia. Schreter used Sepia 1600c. Successfully for horny warts on neck in three months, while he gave Sepia three doses 1M. for small itching, flat,hard warts on hands and face, and cured them in two months.
12. A hysterical lady, in addition to many other complaints, also had horny warts on fingers, like corns, which were cured by Sulphur. (Rueckert).
a. Its indications in warts are: broad base and conical form; superficial on skin; fissured, with rough tops, and other kinds of warts with Thuja characteristics, resulting from chronic gonorrhoeal infection and appearing in different parts of body. (Mayerhofer).
b. That warts on hands have a sycotic-psoric cause seems to be evidenced by the results obtained, that they are common in masturbators, and are frequently cured by Thuja, Nitric acid and Sulphur, which also cured the bad habit. (Schindler).
13. Boy of 14, scrofulous, had 20-25 warts on right hand, some horny like corns, others less so, but some with rough tops, some smooth and small. He also had a pale-red herpetic spot with scales on dorsum of right forearm near wrist. Thuja 1c. five drops given daily for internal use, and Thuja water-diluted- tincture as local application to soften the warts. After six weeks all warts had disappeared. During the Thuja treatment several proving symptoms showed up.
14. Girl of 14. dark hair and eyes, has not yet menstruated, has not yet menstruated, has 30-40 warts on hands of various sizes. The tops of the smaller ones were smooth, almost translucent, the larger warts were rough, punctated, cauliflower-like. Thuja was used as in 13, but irregular application gave unsatisfactory results. Half of the warts disappeared, and the remaining ones became flat and smaller, but not all were cured. The healing took place in two forms; in horny warts the subcutaneous cellular tissue became inflamed and an abscess formed which caused the overlying skin and wart to die. The small, smooth and soft warts became flat and disappeared by desquamation of the two concentrical, superimposed epidermic layers, without leaving a mark.
15. Frank himself suffered from a kind of wart in left nostril which bled easily when picked, and then was covered with a crust. Thuja tincture was applied several times, and the thing was cured.
16. A horse had a wart on head and muzzle for many years, was cured in three weeks by Thuja 2c. two drops, later Thuja 15 twenty drops.
1. Girl of 14 had eczema impetiginosum of the head, later herpes; for some years suffered from headache and nosebleed; not yet menstruated. For six months has had a red spot on septum of nose, growing daily, bleeding from pressure which could not easily be stopped till it ceased on its own account, which was followed by some watery, ichorous discharge. A swelling developed of pea size which grew upward and was soft, covered by many small blood vessels. Aside from this the girl was healthy. Sulphur 30c. was given, and no more bleeding took place; the swelling dried up. (Rueckert).
2. Woman 18 had suffered frequently from inflamed throat with ulceration; patient was plethoric, but had scanty menses. On her left cheek a vessel proliferation developed. A complicating vesicular erysipelas indicated Rhus 30c., and in four days erysipelas and cheek condition were cured. (Wurda).
3. After rheumatic pains H. developed a steadily growing swelling between strand of the right pectoral muscle which interfered with the use of the arm. Allopathic treatment with Mercury and Iodum had not helped. There was a tense cystic tumor of hens egg size, probably filled with serous or colloid fluid. Calcarea carbonica 500c. was given every three days, which in eight days diminished the pain and swelling. The remedy was continued and cured completely and lastingly in a mouth. (Pemerl).
4. A similar swelling on elbow in a man was cured in two weeks by Calcarea carbonica 30c.
5. Small cystic tumors from pea-size to that of a hazelnut, as often seen on the wrist tendons of women, were resorbed by Calcarea 30c. in one or two weeks.
6. Woman of 23 had a painful, hard, movable cyst which quickly grew to goose-egg size on left upper arm. In ten days it was well reduced by Clematis 6c. and cured by Silicea. (Ohlhauth).
7. Man of 34, tall, pale, slightly bloated, has suffered for two years from tumor containing cheesy masses when excised. He works on mirrors and sleeps in a cellar room filled with quick-silver fumes. Has had scabies twice. Sulphur, Silicea and other remedies were given without result. Hepar sulphuris caused suppuration, but more tumors developed.
Symptoms: The first tumor developed over first dorsal vertebra, another on spine of scapula. They are red and purple, about two inches in diameter, at base slightly constricted, usually pain- less, except when lying on back nights, which caused pain like from a contusion, or burning, but are painless after arising. Patient has no other subjective symptoms, but is always thirsty. Thuja 15c. was given daily, and in five weeks all tumors had disappeared, the covering skin was fallen in, withered, wrinkly. Thuja 30c. was given once, and in six months no other tumors had developed. (Guyerard).
Journal of the Ame. Inst. of Homoeo. Vol. 39 No. 10.
The Homoeopathic Herald By Das N C.
1955 Nov Vol XVI No 7
Harvey Farrington.
General Topics / Cases
The Homoeopathic Recorder, October, 1953.
The story of the first homoeopathic hospital is an interesting bit of history, not only because it was the first institution of its kind, but because it seems to have set the pattern followed by many homoeopathic hospitals of later years. When it opened its doors to the public on January 22d 1833, it enjoyed the loyal support of the majority of the homoeopathic fraternity. Its dissolution, after four years of rather precarious existence, was due to the jealousy and bitter strife among the homoeopaths themselves, in which regrettably, Hahnemann himself took part, and to the “fifth – column activities” of its enemies. However, its inception took place under circumstances quite different from that of most of its successors; for even before the simple inaugural ceremony by which it was dedicated, it was doomed to failure.
In August of 1829, a friend of Homoeopathic donated 1250 Thaler for the erection of a homoeopathic clinic. Naturally, Hahnemann received the news or this generous gift with he greatest satisfaction. Now at last his dream of an institution where the marvelous efficiency of his new system of therapeutics could be demonstrated before the world and students could be taught to practice according to his teachings was to be realized. But his enthusiasm was dampened when he learned that Moritz Muller had been appointed as medical director of the proposed hospital and clinic. Muller, though sincere and one of the most gifted of those who claimed to practice Homoeopathy in Germany, was an allopathic convert who was unable to divest himself of many of his allopathic ideas. Hahnemann knew this; hence he was in grave doubt as to the kind of treatment the inmates of the hospital would receive. Subsequent events did not allay his fears. Muller seems to have been the most enthusiastic of all in promoting the new venture. The fund had been increased to the amount of 3500 Thaler. by his zeal and energy, Muller was able to purchase a house in one of Leipsics suburbs and through his personal influence and, despite the strenuous opposition of Medical Officer Clarus, antagonist of all things homoeopathic, obtained a permit from the local government that placed the hospital on a legal basis. But to Hahnemann, who had lost confidence in Mullers honor, this was a positive indication that the latter, “well reputed and influential as he was in Leipsic, had brought all this to pass by means of astonishing zeal simply to appropriate to himself the position as chief physician.” Probably Hahnemann did not direct to elect the chief director of the hospital, Muller nominated Schweikert of Grimma, but Haubold proposed Muller, who was elected, or that Schweikert, who was Hahnemanns choice and a thorough – going homoeopath, was given the position of Hospital Physician at a later date. Muller wrote on the back of ballots sent to out of town members, that Schweikert was the only suitable one for this office.
The fact that Muller kept Hahnemann informed of the course of events, seemed not to have altered the attitude of the latter toward the hospital regime. “But,” says Haehl, (Life and Letters of Hahnemann), “when all obstacles seemed to be set aside in an unexpectedly short time; when the house was bought for the institution through Moritz Mullers zeal; when the official sanction was accorded; when even Leipsic town seemed to be promoting the affair and Hahnemann could assume that his strict pupil Schweikert would be removing from Grimma to Leipsic in order to undertake the direction of the institution entirely according his theories, then even Hahnemanns anxieties were allayed for the moment, and he rejoiced at Gods remarkable guidance. Four weeks later all this was ruined and the germ of blight has been laid at the threshold of the institution as yet unopened, by Hahnemann himself. It is the most painful fact in the whole history of homoeopathy, that its founder, in clumsy and thoughtless haste, should deal the blow which stifled the movements united enterprise as it was coming to life.” In a sharp and unexpected attack, published in the Leipsic Tageblatt, Hahnemann branded the physicians who were behind the movement to build a hospital as “pseudo – homoeopathic and unreliable.” It was like a stroke of lightning out of a cloudless sky and not only ruined the moral support of the hospital outside of Leipsic, but created dissension among the homoeopaths themselves and caused Schweikert to changed his mind and, after arranging his affairs in Grimma, made the journey, arriving on October 6th. But he did not assume the position Hahnemann had anticipated he would, for, as previously noted, at a meeting of the directors, Muller was elected Director in Chief of the hospital. Thus were Hahnemanns fears realized. Schweikert and his pupil, Edward Seidel, who had been called from his native town of Ober – Lausitz, were the only genuine homoeopaths on the staff.
The hospital, situated in a beautiful spot in the Johannis suburb of Leipsic, was opened with a brief ceremony, on the 22nd of January, 1833. Schweikert, in his capacity as delegate of the Central Society which had sponsored the movement, presided. He said in part, “Near and far, the eyes of our enemies and our enemies and our friends are on our institution, the former spying, doubting, unbelieving, the, latter full of hope, confidence and belief. It remains for us to edify our enemies, destroying their doubt and unbelief, and to justify our friends hopes and trusting belief.” Muller made a few remarks, saying that “newly discovered natural laws led Hahnemann to reconstruct the theory of therapy which seems to justify itself in practice as being the most admirable.” No word was received form Hahnemann who had said that he had no sympathy with an institution directed by “impure physicians” and even withheld money that was sent to him for its support. Others shared his views. Stories of unhomoeopathic treatment of patients began to leak out. Homoeopaths who came from other countries, soon went away disappointed. Students who had already accepted the new therapy, were the only visitors. Patients flocked to the hospital so long as they received free treatment. Although money was not lacking in the earlier months, contributions from physicians and friend began to fall of. Then, owing to the attacks against him and the well – known fact that the majority of the Central Association were on Hahnemanns side, Muller tendered his resignation. In his words of farewell, he emphasized the fact that, although patients were to be treated homoeopathically and the truths of Homoeopathy were to be demonstrated, in the hospital and out – patient department, the prime motive for its organization was the teaching of Homoeopathy to members of the old school. As he was not prepared to give them adequate instruction he was happy to make way for a veteran homoeopath like Schweikert.
Hartmann, who was not a strict homoeopath, took over Mullers duties until Schweikert arrived. Hahnemanns interest and support were at once restored. He even journeyed (in his eightieth year), to Leipsic to inspect the hospital and confer with the directors and his more intimate friends. But while there, he announced that from henceforth he would undertake alone the management of the institution in place of the Board of Directors, which had been appointed by the Central Association. This action, although it passed without protest from the Association, offended many friends of the new movement and widened the gap between Hahnemanns loyal disciples and the “half homoeopaths.” Moreover. when Hahnemann moved to Paris in June 1935, after writing the Directors that he had no further use for the hospital, his enemies started a crusade against Schweikert and his conscientious assistant, Seidel. Stung by their false accusations and innuendoes, Schweikert resigned. Then came Fickel.
Dr. Fickel was a young allopath who deliberately warmed his way into the confidence of the Leipsic homoeopaths by writing several learned treatises on Homoeopathy, first under an assumed name, later over his own signature. As he wrote after his resignation, “Up to that time I had been never had cause to alter the theories underlying my practice. I was a stranger to the homoeopaths. In order to obtain the supreme leadership of the homoeopathic institution, I had only to make the acquaintance of those homoeopaths who were influential in the affair. To my astonishment this was much easier than I had expected.” He was proposed by Schumann, the book – seller and a member of the Board, and was immediately appointed, despite the warning that there were stories going about of the “malicious, moral perversion in his relations to homoeopathy.” He served for two years and then resigned, but not until after he had been exposed by Hartmann, Noack and others. And yet, according to Seidel, he had managed the hospital well. He deceived even his closest associate, for many times he had to call Seidel to assist him in selecting a remedy; in other cases that puzzled him, he simply gave a placebo. He confessed in court that he had perpetrated the hoax to obtain evidence that Homoeopathy was a fake. Whether he was punished or not, our historians do not say, but as soon as he was free, he set about writing against Homoeopathy, making the most of his observation which he consistently twisted to further his purpose. Though not directly responsible for the demise of the hospital, his action brought it still further into disrepute. Hartmann for the second time became Director and treatment under his regime was anything but homoeopathic. He, too, was forced to resign when attacked, chiefly by members of the Central Association. He was succeeded by Dr. Noack who unjustly discharged the faithful Seidel.
On October 4th, 1842, the building was sold to a merchant who agreed to lease a large room on the first floor to Hartmann as a dispensary. Thus did the first homoeopathic hospital pass into oblivion.
Sm. Suchitra Ghosh, aged about 15 years was suffering from vomiting of food during the day – time only. She used to vomit within 10 to 15 minutes of her taking the food, be that of liquid or solid nature. Even the Tea she said, came out. This vomiting, however, caused no depression to her. Now it has become so with me she said that I can vomit at will anytime during day and rather at ease. On being asked, she said that this vomiting has developed with her since last three months when she was cured of her acidity (sour belching, heartburn etc) which had been troubling her since long. For the present trouble of vomiting, she said, she has been under the treatment of an amateur Biochemic practitioner with no good result.
I found her spleen palpable, tongue almost clean. Thirstlessness, diminished yellow urine, heavy constipation, grinding of teeth during sleep and sometimes a dizzy pain in the abdomen were her other symptoms reported.
28-8-55. Chelidonium – 3x, 4 times a day, every after 3 hours, for 2 days. Reported improvement.
3-9-55. Repeated Chel. – 3x for further 2 days in the aforesaid manner. Vomiting completely stopped with appreciable improvement in all other respects. The patient declined to take further medicine as she felt quite O.K., hence I did not persist although I thought of a dose of Sulphur.
Sm. Swapna Sen, aged 22 years of Satyen Roy Road, Cal. 34, developed the habit of chewing food after regurgitating the same. Regurgitation and chewing used to continue intermittently upon an hour or two after her taking the meal. The inmates, particularly, Swapnas mother noticed this unusual happenings but did not care to have her ward medically treated till she was attacked with fever, when I was called to examine. On my asking as to whether Sm. Swapna vomits and – or have a tendency of vomiting before and – or during fever, I was replied in the negative but was reported the aforesaid peculiar habit of regurgitation and chewing which had developed with her since her recovery from gastric trouble last year.
Tongue was found a bit whitish. Stool was hard and loose at the same time, fever with aggravation at noon with intermittent perspiration and a vexing temperament were the symptoms that could be collected.
I gave on the first day (30-8-55) Belladonna-6, 4 doses every after three hours.
Fever subsided to a great extent.
On 31-8-55. Antim Crud-30, thrice daily for 2 days. Reported remission of fever with marked improvement in all respect.
On 2-9-95. Repeated Antim Curd-30, thrice daily for 3 days.
Surgery Not a chance
National Journal Of Homoeopathy By Vishpala Parthasarathy.
1994 Mar / Apr Vol III No 2
Ranuat K.
Thuj / Dulc / Ant-c.
Case 1:
A 40 years old lady came for treatment of cracked, ulcerated and painful nipples. There were small warts on both her breasts. Her skin was very dry, especially the skin of her hands, which was chapped. She had occasional itching of the warts. No other peculiar symptoms were present. I decided to treat her with an anti-sycotic drug.
Thuja 1M three doses was given followed by SL for 15 days. On her next visit, there was no change in the condition. A reference to Boerickes repertory Pg 918- Warts on breast Castor-equi was given as the only remedy. So, Castor-equi 30 one dose daily was given for 10 days. A month later there were no warts on the breast and her cracked nipples had healed.
(This remedy is highly useful in cracked and ulcerated nipples Editor)
Case 2:
A 10 year old boy had warts covering both his hands. They were hard but not bleeding. His appetite was poor but he had a strong desire for sour foods. On further questioning, his mother told me that the boy avoided bathing. At times she had to beat him to take a bath.
The following were the rubrics selected-
1. KR 1345- Bathing dread of
2. SR II 270- Desires sour
3. KR 1339- Warts hard
4. KR 1340- Warts horny
Treatment: Antim-crud 200 three doses after 1 hour interval and SL for 10 days.
10 days later there was improvement. SL was continued and 10 more days later, there was no trace of the warts.
Case 3:
A 20 year old girl came with warts on the back of hands and feet. There was also a wart on her face which she was very worried. Appetite was normal. Periods were normal. There was a past history of vaccination. Dreams of falling from height.
Rubrics taken:
1. KR 1239- Dreams, falling from height
2. KR 954- Brittle toe nails
Thuja covered both the rubrics.
15/7/92- Thuja 10M two doses at one hour interval and SL for 15 days.
31/7/92- slight improvement SL for 15 days.
At the next visit there were no warts on the face, hands or feet.
Case 4:
Mr. M. 50 years old, had large and smooth warts on his neck since the last 6 years. He had come with complaints of chronic coryza and nose block during rains. During the interview, he used filthy language without any expression on his face. When I asked him as to why he used such foul language he said “I know it, but cannot control it.”
His sleep and dreams were normal. Appetite was good with no special liking. He was a chilly patient.
Family history- Bronchial asthma in father.
Rubrics taken:
1. SR I 7- Abusive without being angry
2. KR 1349- Chilly patient
3. KR 341- Nose obstruction wet weather
4. KR 1340- Warts smooth
5. Phataks Rep 402- Warts large soft
Treatment: On 22/7/93, Dulcamara 1M three doses were given and S for 15 days. After a month most of the warts disappeared. Dulcamara 1M three doses were given again and the stuffy nose cleared.
Warts The Bane of Homoeopathy [Warts Bane Of Homoeopathy]
National Journal Of Homoeopathy By Vishpala Parthasarathy.
1994 Mar / Apr Vol III No 2
Balakrishnan E.
Thuj / Nit-ac / Lyc / Sil / Ant-c / Rhod.
Very often we fall a prey to routinism in prescribing and sometimes resort to using combination in anticipation of quick results. The rewards of such practice may not be all that encouraging though.
The Classical approach and the indicated drug are the only dependable guides for us. The following cases illustrate this well.
Case 1:
A 36 years old lady, Mrs. PT, came with a number of large warts around the rectum since a year. They grew steadily in size and caused terrible itching and pain.
History revealed that in Jan 93, she had a number of such warts around the vulva, which were cauterised. 5 months later the warts recurred, this time around the anus and rectum. As a result she switched to homoeopathic treatment.
Thuja and Nitric-acid were given in different potencies by the Homoeopath, which she took for a couple of months without result. He even tried combinations again without effect.
I took up her case and found the following-
Life situation:
The patient was a well educated housewife of native Goa. She had 2 children. Her husband was in the merchant navy abroad.
Her husband being away for most part of the year, she shouldered the entire responsibility alone which made her depressed and sad.
She craved sweets and chocolate, desired warm drinks and preferred the winter season.
Rubrics taken:
1. KR 68- Mortification ailments from (Lyc 3+)
2. KR 75- Sadness, mental depression (Lyc 3+)
3. KR- Craving Sweets (Lyc)
4. KR 606- Rectum Condylomata (Lyc 2+)
5. KR 616-17- Rectum, excoriation (Lyc 3+)
Treatment and Follow-up: She was given Lycopodium 1M three doses. One dose daily for three days followed with SL. After a fortnight she was given Lyco 10M two doses (12 hours apart)
The next week when she came, she was relieved of the itching at the rectum. In a total of 5 more weeks all the warts around the rectum shrunk and fell off.
Case 2:
A 64 years old widow consulted me for lumps on both the breasts. They were present since the past 8-10 months. The lumps were big and slightly painful on hard pressure. She also suffered from big corns on the soles of the feet which were painful.
Life situation:
The patients husband died 5 years ago and she now lives with her daughter and son-in-law. She remains depressed and worried after her husbands death. Religious and worried about her own salvation. She would always be seen writing “Nama Japa” i.e. “Shree Ram Jayram”, “Hare Rama, Hare Krishna “etc.
She had fixed notions that if she spent the rest of her life in such spiritual pursuit, she would attain salvation.
Rubrics taken:
1. KR 36- Despair religious (of salvation) (Thuj 2+)
2. KR 8- Anxiety salvation about (Thuj 2+)
3. KR 75- Despondent, sadness (Sil 3+, Thuj 2+)
4. KR 969- Corns, sore (Sil 3+, Thuj 1+)
5. KR 835- Lump in mammae (Sil 3+, Thuj 2+)
Treatment and Follow-up: On account of the mental symptoms she was given Thuja 1M two doses 12 hours apart. A week later she was given Silica (complementary of Thuja) daily one dose for two weeks.
A fortnight later when she showed up, all the corns on the soles were inflamed and suppurated due to which the patient could not walk. The wound required Calendula dressing locally.
By the end of the third week, a remarkable improvement occurred. The lump on the breasts decreased in size and the corns disappeared. By the end of the fifth week, the lumps in both the breasts had disappeared. The patient is still under observation.
Case 3:
A 16 year old student came with many horny warts around her neck. They caused terrible itching.
A few months ago she had similar warts on her neck which were cauterized.
On taking the case it was found that the girl had recurrent stomach upsets, weak digestion and a thick milky white coated tongue. She also had headache in the morning and from exposure to sun.
1. KR 402- Tongue coated white (Antim-crud 3+)
2. KR 1367- Worse on being heated (Antim-crud 3+)
3. KR 1340 Warts horny (Antim-crud 3+)
4. Boerickes repertory 918- Warts around neck (Antim-crud 1+)
5. Boerickes materia medica, page 30- Possesses the power of softening flesh and destroying warts-Anagallis.
Treatment and Follow-up: Antim-crud 1M daily three doses. One dose daily for three days followed by placebo for one week. This procedure was repeated again the next week.
She was also given Anagallis Q 15 gtt in water, thrice daily regularly.
In 5 weeks, all the warts on the neck had shrunk and fallen off without leaving a trace. She got rid of the stomach upsets as well.
Case 4:
A 40 years old male patient came with many large warts on the scrotum. He had this complaint since the last many years. There was occasional itching. No treatment was ever done for them.
One day suddenly there was an inflammation of the testes with itching at the warts. There was severe bleeding from some of the warts. This is when the patient consulted me for homoeopathic treatment.
1. KR 1339- Warts itching, bleeding (Nit-ac 2+)
2. KR 700 Inflammation testes (Nit-ac 2+, Rhodo 3+)
3. KR 702 Pain testes (Rhod 3+)
4. KR 701- Itching scrotum (Nit-ac 3+, Rhod 2+)
5. Boger-Boenning R 978-Old chronic warts (Rho 1+)
Treatment and Follow-up:
Nitric-acid 200 every 4 hours was given. Four doses later the bleeding stopped. Four more doses of Nitric acid 200 were given for 2 days, 12 hours apart.
The next time when I saw the patient the inflammation, swelling and pain remained.
So, Rhododendron 200 was prescribed tds for three days which relieved the pain and swelling Rhododendron was continued one dose daily for a week.
The next week the patient reported that the warts were shrunk. In the course of two more weeks the warts disappeared completely.
A Pair of Pediatric Wart Cases [Pediatric Wart Cases]
National Journal Of Homoeopathy By Vishpala Parthasarathy.
1994 Mar / Apr Vol III No 2
Janet Levatin.
Caust / Ant-c / Sep / Calc.
The first case is that of UM, the younger sister of two. Miss UM, was brought to see me at five and a half years of age, for warts on her hands (3), as well as the complaint that she had excess of energy and was “fidgety and wound-up” (2) a lot of time. She had at least 15 warts on the back of her hands, with about half of them being located near her nails. She also had one wart on her right knee laterally. The warts were not painful but they tended to get in her way and they were unsightly.
UM also had a skin condition in the inguinal region, consisting of small spots which would periodically erode, open up and then spread to adjacent areas (2). The condition which had defied diagnosis by the conventional pediatrician, was not painful or physically bothersome. Various creams had failed to clear it up. Generally she was quite a healthy child, with a past history of five or six episodes of ear infections, which had been treated with antibiotics. Vaccinations were upto date, and had reportedly been without any side effects.
UMs appetite was described as picky. She liked yams, beef stew, pizza, fruit, soft eggs and raw onions (all 1). She was averse to seafood, smoked meats and excessively sweet things (all 1). Her digestion was good, with an occasional tendency to gas and loose stools. Her sleep was good though she was described as an active sleeper who thrashed around a lot in her sleep. She preferred going to bed late and sleeping in the morning. There had been bad dreams of monsters in the past, but not at the time I saw her.
UM was described by her mother as a child who was passionate about her likes and dislikes. She was charismatic and popular, being well loved by other children. She was a leader among her friends and could be bossy with them (2).
She had a tempestuous nature and could get angry easily, stamp and yell if others disagreed with her (2). She was physically daring, loving to climb and play actively. She was also described as sensitive and very affectionate but with a tendency to be jealous. She was very creative and artistic. There had been fear of monsters in the past but no current fears.
I prescribed Causticum 200C largely because the location of the warts and my success in treating similar warts with Causticum in the past. However after six weeks the warts had failed to improve.
In reviewing UMs case, I noted the food craving and aversions did not fit with Causticum. There was an aversion to smoked meat which Causticum usually craves. I noted more closely the desire for raw onions. UMs mother also further described her as a somewhat secretive child who had difficulty revealing her inner feelings and thoughts.
Putting these facts together with the rash in the inguinal region (which is close to the genitals) I decided to prescribe Thuja 200c, another major remedy for warts of the hands and fingers. Within six weeks all the warts were gone without a trace.
Over a year later UM returned with a planter wart on her left foot. Her mother tried treating it with Thuja and Compound W without success. The bumps in the inguinal region were still present. UM was having constant stomachaches. She was gassy and crampy, had alternating diarrhoea and constipation and diarrhoea from cheese. Her appetite was “not great” with craving for beef stew, yarns, salty, apples spicy (all 1) and pickles (2). She was quite warm in general and disliked wearing too many clothes as they made her feel too hot. She had been cranky for several months.
On the basis of her craving for pickles her intestinal disturbances, her aggravation from warmth and the general irritability, I prescribed Antimonium-crudum 200c one dose. Antimonium-crudum is the main remedy for planter warts (see Kents repertory under rubric Extremities callosities and the added rubric in MacRepertory within six weeks the warts). Once again within six weeks the wart was completely gone and UM was well.
CASE 2: The second case is that of an eight year old girl who presented with the complaint of lesions growing on her abdomen for the past four to six months (3). I had been seeing her for her routine pediatric care for the previous two years and had intermittently treated her constitutionally with Calcarea-carb for complaints such as stomachaches and nose bleeds.
Her lesions were described as small fleshy bumps which were slightly itchy (2). They were enlarging and becoming more numerous (2). She reportedly had a couple of nose bleeds recently (1) and a minor recurrence of vague abdominal pain (her last dose of Calcarea-carb had been given nine months previously).
Her appetite was described as picky, with craving for pizza, salty (2), pasta, fried foods (2) and pickles (1). She was sleeping well and her general energy was good. She reportedly liked to exercise and attend gym classes enthusiastically.
On examination she appeared bored, a somewhat irritable child (mother stated she had been like that a lot lately). She had more than 30 wart-like lesions, with central indentations on her anterior abdominal wall mostly in the right side. I diagnosed the condition Molluscum contagiosum, a viral infection of the skin, which causes soft wart like lesions with central indentations.
There was not much to go on in this case. I looked in the wart rubric in the; Skins section of my repertory, I noted subrubrics for warts in young girls, indented warts and itching warts. Sepia was in all of these rubrics. This information coupled with her desire for pickles, her fondness for exercise and her somewhat sullen withdrawn presentation led me to the prescription of Sepia 1M one dose.
Seven weeks later she was brought in for a fellow-up. The lesions had changed and looked less like warts. After Sepia the larger ones had enlarged and looked fleshy and a few new ones had appeared (all 3). They were itchy (2).
When I examined the lesions which were indeed larger and more numerous they appeared more inflamed and somewhat ulcerated. I was a bit frightened by their appearance. Things got worse and the usually six weeks I allow for warts to clear up had been exceeded.
Since the situation was in a state of flux and I did not want to interfere with whatever action Sepia was having. I knew I had to wait to give further treatment. In this type of case, when the condition is not terribly acute and is definitely not life threatening in any way we can afford to take our time and give the remedy the full time it needs to complete its action.
Happily in another four weeks all of the lesions had dried up and fallen off leaving behind no recurrences in over two years.
I find these wart cases were satisfying. The treatment were simple, elegant, highly effective. Costly and painful operations were avoided and there was no need to apply topical medicine daily to the warts. These cases demonstrate to me once again the power of Homoeopathy and the genius of our medicines.
The Homoeopathic Recorder By Allan D Sutherland.
1948 Feb Vol LV No 2
Wilbur K Bond.
Ars / Ant-c.
Read by title before I.H.A., Bureau of Surgery, July 26, 1939.
It is my aim in this paper to give as short, concise, terse, as practical a discussion of the correct management of diabetes in most of its phases as possible. Realizing that among practitioners at large these metabolic diseases are handled so poorly, it is my endeavor in this paper to improve our therapeutic skill in this branch of medicine. Too many times a patient with simple and uncomplicated diabetes mellitus is handed the insulin outfit and ordered to take a “shot” three times a day and not to eat sweets and carbohydrates, without any more specific instructions and actions on the part of the physician than that.
Too many times an open sore on the toes is treated for simple infection in a senile individual or one too fat, without any regard as to the possibility that this individual may be a diabetic of the most severe type. Precious moments are lost before the patient is desugarized, diabetic gangrene sets in and then amputation is done.
I wish to take up each condition separately and show how each is best treated and even cured.
Do not consider insulin the cure-all and lean on it as a crutch. Diet should be considered first in the treatment of diabetes. I believe insulin is one of the greatest discoveries of modern times, but this I use only as a tool to accomplish a certain end. When a diabetic is first seen and urine found full of sugar, the physician should consider such patient an emergency and should not go to bed until he is reasonably assured that that patient is sugar-free. There should be no excuse for any doctor to permit a patient to go into that dreadful complication of diabetic coma. Perhaps when I know homoeopathy better I will be taught to look for my remedy first, but just now I have had excellent results in desugarizing them first and then …..
looking for my indicated remedy later. This I do by giving insulin 10 to 15 units every half hour to one hour until sugar free, taking my urine specimens before each hypodermic and being guided accordingly. As the urine ceases to turn my Benedicts qualitative solution so deeply I cut my doses of insulin down to 5 or 8 units. Then I start them off on Medium Carbohydrates Diet No.1, which consists of CH.25. Prot.60, Fat 70, Cal. 1000. Then they are advanced to Nos. 2,3 and 4, all the time testing a 24- hour specimen of urine for sugar. If at any time it shows up, test divided specimens of urine, 7-7 night, 7-11 a.m., to 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. to find out just when the patient is spilling the sugar and give the insulin accordingly. Never change the insulin and the diet at the same time. Gradually reduce your insulin until you are sure that the patient is going to remain sugar-free on a given diet. Then boost up the diet. These diets are all splendid and can be obtained from the New York Postgraduate Medical School and Hospital of Columbia in New York City.
So much for the simple diabetic or even the severe case threatening to go into acidosis and coma. If you are unfortunate enough to be called into a case where the patient is already in coma, then heroic measures must be taken, the patient hospitalized, blood sugar taken and insulin administered every half hour intravenously, 1 unit covering each 22 gram excess in the blood stream. Doses of insulin are here estimated by the catheterized urine specimens every half hour. Stomach lavages of soda bicarbonate and saline, leaving in a pint of warm normal saline until the acidosis is controlled. When the patient revives, an acidosis diet is preferred for a time, also procured from the same place: CH.20, Prot.30, Fat 4, Cal. 242.
Suppose you are dealing with a case of infected diabetic ulcer. Here the desugarization is more stubborn because any infection adds further fuel to the diabetic fire. Likewise the diabetic state makes the person more susceptible to infection. So we must break the vicious cycle somewhere. Routine diabetic measures are instituted plus continuous wet dressings of sterile boric acid, elevated under an incandescent light cradle. All the excess calluses must be carefully trimmed away, allowing none of the serous material to undermine the skin because this seems to be a very destructive fluid. With our extra armamentarium of specific remedies we have the further advantage of carrying these patients on to a cure. Especially do we have so many fine remedies for gangrenous complications when these set in. As an example I wish to relate a case.
I first saw Mrs. D.H. last March 30 with right foot gangrenous and ulcerated. Urine was full of sugar that it was sticky when she steeped in it where she had lost some between her bedroom and the bathroom. She had been under other treatment while the big toe only was infected. A few weeks prior she stated that a large ulcer on the other foot was healed up by other treatment. March 30, Lach. 1M.
No improvement after several days. Patient was removed to hospital where Buergers exercises were started. Foot was dressed twice a day and continuously irrigated with catheters stuck into the flesh. After she was sugar free there followed prescriptions of Aur.iod. 6x. and 200, SEc. aM. and 50M., Sulph.30, Hepar 200, Sil.200, Sulph. 1M., until finally on April 23 she was discharged from the hospital out of danger. Then followed daily dressing in the home until discharged June 15 with a final dose of Ars. 1M. to clear up a gangrenous tendency of the skin on the dorsum of the foot. I really think after all this was her true Similimum because it was only right at the last that they told me she had burned her foot in too hot water when soaking it, in its earlier stage, to overcome the infection.
A few words may be said on senile gangrene. Here we have many times a purely pathological state on which to prescribe, with no other symptoms obtainable. The condition of the artery has to be considered and for this we have such a splendid remedy as Aur.iod., together with the use of Buergers exercises and contrast baths.
I wish to report one case, Mr. M.H., aged 94, starting dry gangrene in the end of first big toe. Alcohol packs… locally together with the other measures suggested. REsult: loss of only end of toe as far as the nail. Died at 97 of other causes.
If by writing this paper I have succeeded in saving any other legs from amputation, which surely would have happened under the “old school” methods, I shall be happy. GREENS FORK, IND.
Antimonium Crudum: Avoids company; cannot bear to be touched or looked at. ugly, mad, sullen. Face pale, or muddy expression. Nostrils cracked and sore. Sour foods aggravate. Skin rough or harsh; corns, calluses; sensitive skin. Nails brittle, perhaps broken or thickened. Teeth sore, < nights and from cold water. Alternate soft and hard stool, or mixed; with mucus. White thickly coated tongue.
A two-year-old boy had been under the care of a former student of my father for about three weeks without improvement. My father was called in, and great improvement followed quickly the prescription of Ant.crud. He asked my father what remedy was given, to which my father replied, “You forgot what I often told you: consider the mental symptoms, and also the prodromal symptoms.”- V.M. JOHNSON, M.D.
The Homoeopathic Recorder By Allan D Sutherland.
1940 Dec Vol LV No 12
Gracia Trevino E.
General Topics / Cases
Carb-v / Ant-c / Cup-m / Ant-t / Apis / Kali-bi / Kali-c / Seneg / Sulph / Calc / Ars-i.
Read by title before I.H.A., Bureau of Materia Medica, June 18,. 1940.
Bronchial asthma continues to be one of the greatest puzzles to modern medical science. Its etiological factors are still obscure and it has been designated by many as a respiratory neurosis. After studying quite a number of cases, Drs. P. De Barsaques and A. Berat, two Frenchmen, stress the presence in all cases of asthma of a neurovegetative instability and arrive at the conclusion that psychic factors are most important, as many patients psychopathic. “Asthma apparently has no single cause; rather three causes are of equal importance in the pathogenesis: (1) respiratory factor, (2) neurovegetative system instability and (3) hepatic factor.”.
A great deal of blame has been put today on allergy, and many of our patients come to us overloaded with the multiple test innoculations from all substances of known sensitivity.
To others, heredity takes an important part as an etiological factor for this distressing condition, and we all have met with families where two or more cases have been treated. Anatomical abnormalities of the nose or preexistence of a chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, bronchitis or a latent tuberculosis are also unquestionable determining causes. In many instances it is a case of suppressed skin disease.
Asthma remains a condition in which the “regular school” of medicine is at a loss, the reason being obvious: it is imperative for them to find the actual cause in order to be able to eradicate it. And here is where the homoeopathic school clearly shows its advantage: we need not know the cause to be able to help Nature get rid of it. The cause unknown,they must rely upon symptomatic treatment to give relief, if only temporary. Ephedrine, epinephrin or adrenalin, oxygen, etc., are only palliative. Such treatment is a mere cause of palliation versus cure, for we all know that the former has to be always at the expenses of the later:
the more we palliate the less we cure. And “The physicians high and only mission is to restore the sick to health, to cure,” the greatest teaching of the great founder of homoeopathy.
We must therefore try to cure all cases of asthma that come to us. They are too complicated, that is true, for they come with a heavy background to remove: heredity, suppression, a preexistent chronic condition. Besides,they present the most variable groups of symptoms, the purely respiratory with its spectacular dyspnoea, the nervous and mental symptoms which are always there and the gastro intestinal disorders as frequent manifestations of dietetic errors, many times acting as the exciting cause for an attack of asthma.
But can we cure asthma cases? Yes, we can. We may not cure asthma, for we never cure diseases; but we cure patients suffering with asthma. We can cure all those cases in which we succeed in removing the underlying condition, whatever it may be. We have the means of doing it by closely following and accurately performing the teachings of Hahnemann.
It is in the interest of bronchial asthma where we confirm time and again the importance of Hahnemanns discovery regarding the nature of chronic diseases. If we take special care to dig out the complete history of the case, marking down all the events, but particularly those referring to past illness, past treatments, vaccinations and hereditary influences, we will surely find at the bottom of every single case the history of a suppression, whether it be a skin eruption by means of topical applications of any imaginable nature, the suppression of a discharge with irrigations or instillations or the suppression of a most important defense symptoms of an acute condition like cough in bronchitis or fever in malaria. We will show these influences more plainly in the cases we will present later on.
It is in this type of cases where we meet more frequently with recurrence of the attacks, irrespective of the fact that the patient has well responded to the previous treatment, and the properly indicated homoeopathic remedy has cut the attacks short and prolonged the intervals of its repetition. Why do the attacks repeat? Because – and let me quote here from Dr.Tyler, of London, when she so well expressed the teaching of the Master:.
The symptoms which a patient is again and again putting up, whenever he gets a chill, or an indigestion, or a strain, mental or physical, are only part of a primitive malady, to cure which you must cover the original latent disease, whether inherited or acquired.
Hahnemann claims that he discovered the nature and treatment of chronic diseases which had remained uncured till his time.
And we are more and more demonstrating this point, viz., the victim of a latent chronic disease will not be cured of even his recurrent, recent troubles, unless the original condition is sought out and brought into the picture, and treated by remedies that should have been given perhaps half a lifetime before.
In no other cases is Hahnemanns miasmatic theory so plainly confirmed as it is in cases of asthma. They are hard to handle because they demand immediate relief and are very hard to hold because they usually come to the Homoeopathic physician after having experienced the apparently gratifying results of palliation, disregarding the injurious after-effects. But the well indicated remedy, that is, the homoeopathic remedy to the particular case, can bring about relief even quicker than any palliative drug. And it is after the distressing condition of an acute attack when the real treatment must begin, the treatment that will take hold of the underlying condition, the one that will succeed in removing the chronic miasm, and only then a complete cure will be effected. We must, therefore, educate our patients to realize that the really curative treatment will have to be instituted between the attacks; that they must refrain from any dietetic errors and must avoid any physical or mental strains.
Of course we must find out the patients allergic sensitivities and protect him against them. We will have to begin by correcting any anatomical defects whenever present. Mechanical conditions can only be treated mechanically. And then institute the homoeopathic remedy. During an attack it may be one or perhaps more that will fit exactly into the picture at the moment and will give quick relief, yet with just a temporary action, but clarifying the case for the proper selection of the constitutional remedy that will complete the cure, the remedy that will eradicate the condition underneath,.
The following cases will illustrate the foregone statements.
CASE 1. Miss C.M., age 17. Diagnosis: bronchial asthma.
Previous History: Began suffering from asthma since five years of age. Some time before she suffered a skin condition – “the itch” – on the abdomen that was locally treated with ointments. She delicate and predisposed to colds ever since. Other history unimportant.
Family History: Her father suffered bronchial asthma when 15 years of age. Cured some five years later with a change of climate.
Present History: On October 24, 1939, I was called by an allopathic colleague, a very intelligent and honest young man, to see her because he had used in vain all the classic allopathic remedies: adrenalin, ephedrin, ephetonine, etc. It was a desperate case. We saw her that evening at 7 o clock, the eighth day of attack. She started two weeks before with a fluent coryza that later degenerated into an intense asthmatic bronchitis. The patient lay with her head practically buried on several pillows, her eyes closed, apparently in profound sopor. Her face with marked cyanosis, even her lips and tongue were bluish, also the nails of her fingers. A loud, shallow, difficult respiration that moved her whole body. Her limbs covered with a cold sweat, especially the lower, from the knees down. The entire picture anticipated a near collapse. The room, with three windows and two doors, was almost closed and the air vitiated with the strong odor from a vessel where they were burning some of “Dr. Schiffmans stramonium leaves”, a patent medicine. Out first move of to get rid of such deleterious stuff and open the doors and windows. The intoxicating effects had gone so far that we even had to resort to use of oxygen, although very cautiously applied.
My first prescription was Carbo veg. 200. At 2 a.m. that same night, the patient was worse, there was no change in her respiration and she was beginning to have some convulsive movements. Cuprum met. 200 was given.
October 25, 10 a.m. No more convulsions; cyanosis slightly less; patient began coughing, but unable to raise any expectoration; tongue totally covered with a thick white fur. Cuprum helped in clarifying the case for the next remedy, Antimonium tart. 200. At 7 p.m. the same day the whole picture had changed at the end of the first twenty-four hours. No signs of cyanosis were left, patient was expectorating freely and was even talkative and smiling. Instructions were given for the collection of a specimen from the expectoration in a sterile glass vial for the purpose of preparing an auto-nosode, according to Dr. Duncans method, and following rules of Class V of the Pharmacopoeia. The filtrate was run up to the 30th decimal potency.
October 30. The patient had been doing fine up to this day when she had another spell. A single dose of the Auto nosode 30 was given and the attack subsided.
November 15. Patient developed today a new attack of acute coryza. Another dose of the Auto-nosode, same potency, and symptoms were relieved.
November 19. At 4 a.m. on this day while I was out of town she began with another very acute attack of asthma caused by eating some spicy food (enchiladas) the night before, and for which one more dose of the Auto-nosode 30 was prescribed by Dr. Jose G. Garcia, a very clever young homoeopath who frequently takes care of my patients while I am away.
November 20. Patient still worse, Dr. Garcia gave her a dose of Antimonium crud. 10M., because symptoms corresponded to those of the remedy, especially the typical Antimonium tongue. The attack subsided within a few hours and the patient has been free from any new attacks ever since, and without any further medication.
COMMENT: Antimonium crud. was undoubtedly the deepest acting remedy for this case and if continued to use whenever necessary, it will eventually effect the complete cure. There is a possibility that the Auto-nosode might have acted well if it had been used in higher potencies, but we do not have the means of preparing them.
CASE II. W.M., a young man, 20 years of age, a brother of Case I. Diagnosis: bronchial asthma.
Previous History: Has been suffering attacks of asthma since the age of 9. Very predisposed to colds which usually end in an asthmatic bronchitis. Parents cannot recall whether he h ad a skin trouble or any other disease every suppressed, except chicken-pox when he was eight years old, and his pustules were treated locally with some yellow ointment. He is subject to furuncles, having been operated on for one in back of his neck a year and a half ago.
Present History: Four days with a head cold that developed into an attack of asthma on October 26, 1939, while his sister was still in bed recovering from that very serious attack for which we began treating her. He received several injections for his cold from the hands of an allopathic physician. He complains of an itching sensation over the entire body every time he perspires after exercising. By noon the dyspnoea is very intense, he can only sit on a chair, loud coarse rales all over his chest and , although coughing,. he cannot raise any expectoration. Tongue white. Antimonium tart 200 failed to relieve. The next morning at 2 a.m., face swollen, cyanotic, respiration still more difficult. Apis 200 gave some relief. Another aggravation at 6:30 p.m. for which another dose of Apis failed to help and was changed to Sambucus 30 in fractional doses.
October 28. Slight better.
October 29. Another, still more intense aggravation at 4 a.m. Ammonium carb. 1M. with no relief. At midnight a change was made to Kali carb.200 which produced a free and easy expectoration and a decided amelioration of all symptoms. A specimen was collected for the preparation of an auto-nosode.
November 8. After a hot bath he went out last night and a decided amelioration of all symptoms. A specimen was collected for the preparation of an auto-nosode.
November 8. After a hot bath he went out last night and ate some enchiladas (corn meal tortillas with red pepper sauce and cheese) with hot chocolate. Another attack at 3 a.m. with much gas in the stomach. Auto-nosode 30, a single dose.
November 9. Not much relief. Went back to Kali carb. 200.
November 10. After some amelioration, another strong aggravation at 6 p.m. that Kali carb. failed to help, when repeated. Another dose of Auto-nosode 30 given.
November 12. At 5:30 p.m. another intense attack that the Auto-nosode failed to relieve. A very distressing sensation of fullness over the whole abdomen; expectoration difficult to heavy stringy mucus. Kali bi. 200.
November 13. Respiration still rapid and shallow; rales all over chest but expectoration even more difficult. Sulphur 200.
November 15. Patient still complaining of his inability to raise any mucus. “If I can only get rid of this phlegm,” he said, “I know I will feel better.” Antimonium tart. 200.
November 27. Had been much better for the last nine days, but after an exposure to cold air last night, he began this morning with an aching pain in the head, vertex and occiput, which signs of an acute coryza. Senega 10M.
November 28. Much better.
November 29. Another very intense attack of asthma today at 4 p.m. A repetition of Senega 10M. without results, followed again by kali carb.200 which seemed to have ended the attack.
December 3. Because of the use of heavy wool underwear and too much perspiration, patient developed an intense irritation, rather extensive, on the skin of the perineum and scrotum, with a profuse exudate and an itching and burning sensation. He had had it for three days before he mentioned it. A dose of Sulphur 200 cleared it quickly.
December 18. After being somewhat better for about a week, apparently entirely free of his symptoms, another marked aggravation this afternoon with no response to a new dose of Antimonium tart. 10M. Patient had to sit straight up in bed, throwing his shoulders back with the help of his hands pressing hard on the bed; tightness of chest; drinking milk would make the oppression of breathing worse; instead of milk he wants eggs which he has always craved.
The symptoms pointed clearly to Calcarea carb. and I gave him a single dose of the 10M. This was the end of this attack and the patient was able to enjoy Christmas time a few days later, something for which he was earnestly hoping.
January 13, 1940. Patient reported today, entirely free from all symptoms. A continuation of Calcarea carb. 10M. January 17. Still coughing. A continuation.
January 18. Today symptoms of an acute coryza. Merc. viv. 200.
February 4. Another head cold this morning. Another dose of Merc. viv. 200.
February 6. He began this morning with a new attack of asthma. Went back to Calcarea carb. 10M.
February 8. Respiration slightly better, but cough worse and with difficult expectoration. Antimonium tart. 200 was given, but patient continued to aggravate and that same night I changed again to Calcarea carb., but this time in the 200th potency to use in fractional doses.
February 10. Another aggravation about 2 a.m. this morning. A single dose of Calcarea carb. 10M. after which patient continued to improve.
Most unfortunately the patient was tired of getting the attacks so frequently, although milder every time. His father took him to another doctor in town who, after having x-rayed the patient, advised diathermy. The father tells me that he has not had any other severe attack, but that every time he feels one coming, he goes for his diathermic treatment which seems to stop it.
COMMENT: This is a typical case for erring. The acuteness of the attacks and the cry for immediate relief made me change remedies more frequently than I should, muddling ;up the case to a greater extent. First, I shouldnt have used the Auto-nosode instead of Kali carb., when this remedy had so beautifully ended the first attack. A repetition of the latter would have been the reasonable thing to do, paving the road, perhaps, to the truly homoeopathic remedy, Calcarea carb., which I believe is the constitutional remedy for this particular case, as proven later on when at the climax of the attack, on December 18, the symptoms began to subside within the first half hour after the remedy was given, and kept the patient free from all suffering for almost a month. and then came the second mistake: to repeat the 10M. potency of the remedy, when he came back of complaining of a dry cough on January 16. A repetition of such a deep and long acting remedy, and at a such a high potency when it should have been but a continuation Then the interfering with Merc.viv., because of a fluent coryza only to make the case more confused. Fortunately the unnecessary detour came to and, and I found the way back to Calcarea carb. to a successful termination of the attack, but finding a pretty well tired out patient, ready to desert.
CASE III. The presentation of this case will be a very short one, but very interesting because of the fact of the patient being a third member of the same family, treated while the other two were still under our care.
Miss A.M., age 22. While a child, she suffered several attacks of bronchitis of an asthmatic type. Four years ago she had a “touch” of malaria for which she was given arsiquinine, a preparation very widely used in our midst, malaria being a prevalent disease here.
On January 18, 1940, she began complaining of back ache and some digestive disorders, fullness in the stomach p.c., lack of appetite, etc. Carbo veg. 200 was prescribed.
On January 22. Patient developed today a dry cough although rales could be heard all over her chest, with difficult respiration. kali carb.200.
January 23. Condition unimproved; on the contrary, patient very nervous, desperate, with great anxiety and fear, had not been able to sleep the night before. I sent Arsenicum iod.200 which she took only to make her worse; her father called on me that evening to tell me that her condition was decidedly aggravated since the dose of Arsenicum. knowing the nervous temperament of the patient and thinking that she was exaggerating her condition, I was fixing up a powder of Chamomilla to send with her father, when her mother called on the phone begging of me to come and see her personally, which I did. The patient was extremely restless, with great anxiety, tossing about, her temperature had gone up and she was very thirsty, but drinking little at a time. In one word, she asked the parents if she had ever been given arsenicum in massive doses, and it was then that I was informed of her having been sick with malaria for which had received arsiquinine four years before. “I have never been well since that time,” the patient said, “everything that I eat seems to disagree and I have not been able to regain my lost weight.”.
The whole thing was clarified in my mind: it was a true Arsenicum aggravation that the patient had immediately after taking Arsenicum iod., because her system was still intoxicated with the drug taken four years previously. I proceeded to give her an antidote to Arsenicum, trying to select one that could also cover some of the respiratory symptoms now present. The remedy was Hepar sulph. 200 and the results were amazing. She took it about midnight and two hours later the patient was so much better, her respiration much easier and she was resting more quietly, that I left her house convinced that she was going to sleep the rest of the night. Next morning the symptoms were practically gone and the patient continued under the action of that prescription for four weeks, when I had to give her another dose of the 200th potency because of a slight cold that soon yielded to it. The young lady was married last month.
COMMENT: I will make the comment on this case by quoting from the great homoeopath, a personal friend and disciple of Hahnemann, Boenninghausen, when he says:.
Every beginner will probably at times have seen, what in the case of experienced and observant homoeopaths is recurring more and more rarely, that even with very careful selection and apparent adaptability of the remedies, success does not always come up to the expectations, and at times no action at all or even an aggravation of the patients troubles ensues. In such cases we may safely depend upon it, either that the remedy given has been formerly misused in allopathic doses and on that account its symptoms have become habitual and very manifest, or that, on account of the oversight of one or more symptoms of the disease which would contraindicate the remedy, its choice was a mistake and therefore without effect. in the former case there will be, as a rule, an increase in the patients sufferings, in the latter no noticeable change will be observed; in the former case there must then be made an attempt…..
to destroy the old drug disease by homoeopathically selected antidotes, and in the latter case by a careful examination of the disease image, and by a circumspect selection of the remedy, the previous mistake should be rectified.
I have presented these three cases in order to show how manifest is the hereditary or family influence in cases of asthma. Also to insist upon the fact that there is no single exciting etiological factor in the determination of the attacks; it might be an acute respiratory condition, a gastro-intestinal disorder or a nervous or mental commotion. And above all, to prove that cases of asthma can be cured only if we succeed in removing the miasmatic underlying condition, the eternal handicap, whether it be syphilitic, sycotic, or due to a suppression or a combination of two of them or of all three. And we all know that homoeopathy is the only system of medicine that possesses curative means of removing the miasms. The problem lies in the proper selection of the deep acting constitutional remedy, capable of removing it, for each particular case. Even in cases where allergy plays a decisive factor, the homoeopathic remedy will build up a resistance to the allergic element.
I have been treating two other cases where all these facts are plainly shown. A very nervous young mother, Mrs. A.R.B., and her twelve year old son, E.B. The mother will get into a nervous crisis and will bring on the attack, and the boy will go out of the household and eat disorderly and will soon come down with a spell. For the last two years I have been able to fairly control these two cases, the mothers with Kali carb. and the childs with Ammonium carb., to the extent of delaying the attacks and making them much milder each time. They are so well satisfied with the results of the treatment that I am almost sure to be able to hold the cases long enough to successfully remove the miasmatic underlying conditions, by doing which we will some day effect a complete cure.
A long list of helpful remedies for asthma can be found in materia medica, but we will always have to look for the antipsoric, the antisyphilitic or the antisycotic remedy which when used with due opportunity, will set the “machinery” of the patients organism on the road to complete recovery.
Can an auto-nosode, as I have called them perhaps improperly, homoeopathically prepared form the patients own sources, play this most important role in the treatment of asthma cases? I do not know, for I have used them inefficiently, as mentioned above. I have tried them because I once treated successfully a case of hay fever with the patients auto-nosode; and I present these cases in which I have used them, in order to bring the question before you to learn from your own personal experiences.
Allow me to end this paper by stressing the need of educating our patients, if we are to cure asthma cases, to the point of being convinced that their treatment will have to be over a long period of time, long enough to successfully cure, together with the asthmatic condition, the more chronic constitutional disease that forms and gives shape, mentally and physically, to his whole being, without which he will be able to enjoy complete health. And that the most proper time to institute this constitutional treatment will be apparently healthy intervals between the attacks, when the patient usually fails even to report to the doctor because of his feeling better. How long that period of time will be, it is hard to predetermine; but it will surely be in direct proportion to the patients cooperation.
DR. GRIMMER: Mr. President, I think this paper is very valuable to us in showing one way not to prescribe for asthma. He has plainly shown that it is a mistake to do too much palliation, even homoeopathic palliation. Get to the basic remedy and stick to it in a series of potencies, and you will cure your cases.
I really think that that case, instead of being Calcarea carb., was Kali carb. The aggravation was very consistent throughout, and the general type of patient, and it did respond some to the lower potency. I think if he had stepped up at intervals he would have brought the patient up with Kali carb.
DR. DIXON: His comments on his failures are rather illuminating, and I am sure we have all been guilty of doing things just about as badly as that, in those old chronic cases. He shows that he has an insight into the homoeopathic philosophy, and I am sure with a few more failures he Will be scoring many successes.
THE HOMOEOPATHIC WORLD ( A Popular Journal of Medical, Social, and Sanitary Science). By Ellis Barker J.
1932 Aug Vol LXVII No 800
George W Mackenzie.
Sulph / Ferr/ Nat-m / Ant-c / Psor / Lach / Nux-v / Con / Ther
By DR. GEORGE W. MACKENZIE, Philadelphia.
(From The Hahnemannian Monthly, May, 1932).
EVERYONE can recall instances where the results obtained from the administration of drugs, homoeopathically prescribed, have approached the miraculous. My experience in this direction forces me to accept as truth those experiences cited by others which match up with my own, even though at times they may appear ridiculous to the uninitiated. I wish to report some outstanding cases selected from a large assortment.
During the summer of 1893 I had occasion to prescribe Sulphur 30x for an infant suffering from bowel inflammation, so common in those days. The particular symptoms which led to the prescribing of Sulphur were the excoriating stools, sore anus and rhagades in the creases about the buttocks. Amazing as it may seem, this triad of symptoms was decidedly improved within twenty-four hours and disappeared entirely within two days. Sulphur was prescribed in the 30x because no other potency was available.
The thirtieth potency of any substances is so dilute that it cannot be detected physically, chemically, spectroscopically, or any other way. On the other hand, neither is it conceivable that faith working directly on the child, or indirectly through the mother in a bottle-fed baby, is capable of working such a result. If faith was a factor then any other medicine should work just as satisfactorily and as frequently as the one prescribed homoeopathically. That it does not, rules out faith altogether.
A year later I was called to see a frail, weakly, inanimate, anaemic looking woman, forty-five years of age, suffering from copious bleeding from the sex organs. She had become so invalided from years of continuous loss of blood as to confine her to the bed and a chair near the bed. The parents had a trap door made in the bedroom through which to lower her down to the dining room once a year for Christmas dinner. She had been visited regularly by my predecessor twice a week and he was frequently called in between times. A cousin of the patient, a renowned gynecologist, was the consultant who directed the treatment. Because of her timid nature I was disallowed the opportunity of making a physical examination and was compelled to rely entirely upon internal medication. After a few months of failure at prescribing, I began seriously to look up a remedy. Although I prescribed Ferrum on the totality of symptoms, there was one outstanding symptom, “flushing of the face from the least emotion,” that first led me to think of this remedy. It was prescribed in the 12x. It was not the potency of choice, but it happened to be the only one in stock at the time. The improvement was so prompt and recovery so complete that the patient was able to go down stairs within a week and inside of thirty days was able to do regular housework on a farm.
The second winter in general practice brought the following experience that indelibly impressed itself upon my mind. The case was that of a seventy-eight year old female patient, suffering from pneumonia. She looked withered up, feeble, pale, and was extremely short of breath, she did not “look good” for many hours more. It is difficult without the records (long since turned over to someone else) to recall all the details. However, there was one outstanding symptom told by the nurse in charge and that was, the patient was constantly “slipping down toward the foot of the bed.” This symptom suggested Natrum muriaticum, which was supported by the other symptoms. Accordingly, it was prescribed in the 30x, the only potency at hand. Within a few hours there was a marked turn for the better and by the next day it would almost strain ones credulity to believe that it was the same patient, so pronounced was the improvement. She continued to live for many years and was fond of telling her friends of how “close a call” she had, with the usual embellishments that only a grateful patient can add.
A case that deserves a place in this limited group is one of arsenical poisoning. The patient, H. W., was a laboratory worker at the Zoological Department of the University of Pennsylvania, who did considerable taxidermy on the side, which brought him in contact with white arsenic. He eventually developed arsenical poisoning to a marked degree. After several months of severe suffering and fruitless efforts to get well, I was called in, not so much as a physician, but as a friend to console a hopeless individual. When seen in bed he was on the verge of suicide. After a good deal of persuasion, lasting two hours, he was soothed into allowing me time enough to figure out a remedy, which I promised to bring the next day. In the meantime he was given a Placebo. After looking up the materia medica for several hours and thinking the case over carefully. Antimonium crudum was elected as the remedy best suited to the case. It was prescribed in the 12x trituration. It worked rapidly and effectually, clearing up a condition that was desperate and of long standing. The first sign of improvement to be noted was in the mental sphere, which was very apparent within a few minutes after its administration. The recovery was complete in a few days and there has been no return in spite of the fact that the patient continued using arsenic for taxidermy for years afterward.
The case which in my experience comes nearest the unbelievable is one of neuritis of the brachial plexus which was so fearful that it is better not to tell the whole story rather than run the risk of straining anyones belief in anothers veracity. Arsenic seemed to be the remedy indicated, since it matched up precisely with twenty-three symptoms manifested by the patient. It did improve him every time it was taken, like morphia is supposed to act, even after 1/4 grain of morphia sulph. had failed to bring the least bit of relief. After nine months of severe suffering Psorinum was prescribed in the one-thousandth potency and within twenty minutes the patient went to sleep to wake up eight hours later in the same position in bed that he assumed on retiring. I have the courage to tell of this experience but not the nerve to ask you to believe it.
Has anyone here thought out just what one-thousand ciphers mean? I have, and it means this: That if you take one drop of medicine and mix it with a volume equal to the whole universe as accepted by Einstein, that is a sphere of two hundred and fifty million light years diameter, it would not reach the one-thousandth potency. Figure it out for yourselves It is easier to accept SantaClaus as a reality than to believe in the effects of drugs administered even in the thirtieth potency. How many of us realise that one cubic inch of a tincture diluted to the sixtieth potency would require a volume of water equal to more than 100,000 miles cubed.
One of my first cases was that of a prominent Philadelphia physician referred because of failing vision. Ophthalmoscopic examination revealed multiple retinal haemorrhages in both eyes. Upon examining him further a dark red angry looking fauces was found. This together with other symptoms including vertigo led me to prescribe Lachesis 12x. The results were very prompt and satisfactory. This patient had diabetic retinitis. The improvement in his vision “believe it or not” was quite beyond the limits allowed by the best textbook authorities. He survived his diabetes about two years more. This was at a time, twenty- three years ago, when our knowledge of this disease was very limited.
Another case somewhat similar was seen about a year later. A man of sixty-seven years of age was referred because of vertigo., The diagnosis of haemorrhage in the left internal ear was made. This patient also had a purplish red irritable looking throat. Examination of the eye grounds revealed haemorrhages into the retina. Lachesis was prescribed with even happier results than in the previous case. This patient is still living and over eighty years of age. How much Lachesis had to do with prolonging this mans life one can merely conjecture.
The next case put me in an embarrassing situation, that is hard to forget. It was that of a middle-aged man of sedentary habits who was suffering from a stopped-up nose, worse when lying down. He was referred for the removal of nasal polyps. Examination revealed their presence. An appointment was made to have them removed ten days later. While talking to him and arranging for the operation there were casually elicited symptoms which suggested Nux vomica as an interim remedy. When he came for the operation no polyps could be found. This caused an unpleasant embarrassment which made me doubt my original diagnosis; however, that was not the answer, for his case had been diagnosed as polyposis by at least three experts. At this second visit the patient reported that there was marked improvement in his symptoms following the taking of the medicine; and furthermore, the improvement seemed to begin almost immediately after taking the first dose.
About this same time another very interesting case was presented. It was referred by another ophthalmologist because of vertigo that developed following an overdose of atropine. The ophthalmologist had prescribed homatropine, one grain to forty- minims of water. The druggist made the mistake of substituting atropine, which is vastly more toxic. After the instillation of six drops in each eye at ten minute intervals the patient was made seriously sick. He came out of the acute poisoning but much the worse for it and he was not himself again for six weeks. Vertigo was his most outstanding symptom. His vertigo was ameliorated when he closed one eye, the one afflicted with a paretic internal rectus muscle. He was a man of brilliant mind and he had become exceedingly loquacious. Lachesis administered in the twenty-fourth potency was followed by a prompt and complete clearing up of all symptoms. After that experience I could not lose him as a patient. He would come to see me for all kinds of complaints in spite of my efforts to refer him to better men for particular ailments.
Another case of vertigo after resisting all forms of treatment over prolonged period, cleared up promptly after one dose of Conium in the thirtieth potency.
The next is one of pure fraud, practised by the writer. After hearing the details I ask for your leniency in judging me because of the good that was done. In the spring of 1912 I was called in to see a very desperate case of vertigo in a woman forty-three years of age. The gentleman who called me was an authority in the old school ranks of national and international reputation. He invited me to see the case as a consultant to determine the cause of the vertigo; however, knowing that I was a homoeopathic graduate he let it be known from the start that he did not care for any therapeutic suggestions. Included in the examination was a refraction of the patients eyes under homatropine as a cycloplegic. During the post-cycloplegic check up, the eye muscle balance was tested and a slight imbalance uncovered. I naturally studied the case most carefully, desirous of leaving a good impression on the old school authority, who had called me in.
The vertigo was so pronounced, at least according to the patient and her sister who was in attendance, that she had to have someone to hold her head fixed with the hands when making the slightest motion. She was rich in symptomatology. The old school doctor was giving her massive doses of iron, hypodermically. I saw the patient about six times at intervals of a few days. By the fifth visit I was satisfied that the totality of symptoms matched up with Theridion. The next question to arise was how was it to be administered. The mere suggestion of a homoeopathic remedy would have spelled “exit” for the prescriber. I decided to put one drop of the thirtieth potency in water and have it used as an eye lotion. After several months the patient had the family call up for more eye drops. Boric acid solution was sent. The patient insisted that these last boric acid drops did not answer the purpose, since they did not stop the vertigo as the first had done. I then sent more Theridion, which did the trick. This experience was repeated twice after that. On one occasion boric acid was sent, followed by the report that it did not help her vertigo. A second supply of boric acid was sent purposely, to eliminate any possible guess work on the part of the patient. She called up again to tell of my second mistake. Theridion was then sent. The following day she reported that there was decided improvement after using the first drop. I have seen this patient regularly every three years to refract her eyes and she has had no vertigo for the last eight or nine years and is able to go about with as much comfort as her arthritis will permit.
Running through the entire group of cases reported there are to be found certain common factors. These are: (a) Bonafide ailments of a rather severe character with demonstrable objective manifestations; (b) improvement that was prompt (within twenty minutes in most cases); (c) results that were lasting.
In none of the cases can the satisfactory results be explained upon any other basis than the action of the homoeopathically prescribed remedy. Faith was excluded in every case.
Psorinum as a remedy for neuritis is not so far fetched when we consider the fact that neuritis is frequently of focal infection origin in which the infecting micro-organism is the staphylococcus which happens to be also the particular germ common to all original stocks from which Psorinum is prepared. On the other hand, how to account for the rapid and lasting improvement of neuritis from the administration of a single dose of Psorinum in the thousandth potency is almost beyond comprehension.
Did the Psorinum act as a remedy homoeopathic or isopathic to the case? It would seem to be isopathic, but not necessarily so since the case referred to here was one in which neuritis was due to the yellow staphylococcus about a tooth socket, whereas, the lesion from which the Psorinum is prepared is more likely to be the common skin variety the white staphylococcus. Careful laboratory control is the only key to the correct answer of this question.
Nux vomica is not a drug that one would think of “off hand” as a remedy for nasal polyps. In fact, it was not prescribed for the nasal symptoms per se, but for other symptoms tangent to the particular condition for which the patient came. This experience would be less valuable if it were merely an isolated one, but since having seen many others of a more or less similar character, it then takes on the proportion of corroborative experience.
Journal Of Homoeopathic Clinics
1869-1870 Volume III, September N-1
A. Alvarez Gonzales
Case 317
A lady suffered from an excessively large callosity, extending from the heel to the nails, and covering thus the whole sole of her feet. The thickness of the callosity was not uniform, but the feet were so tender that every movement, or standing on her feet was extremely painful. She had suffered for twenty years from this material disease, and we ourselves doubted if a dynamic remedy could still have any power over it; but were resolved to try, and prescribed Antimon. crud. 6th dilution-three doses-one each, day. To our astonishment, the sensitiveness was greatly lessened. She could move with more ease, and the callosity had somewhat diminished. Three more powders of the same remedy were given, and, under their influences the callosity diminished steadily, and the sole recovered its natural form; the nails also looked perfectly natural again. Our patient was otherwise in perfect health, and all secretions and excretions normal.
Dr. A. Alvarez Gonzales, (El Criterio Medico.).
Journal Of Homoeopathic Clinics
1869-1870 Volume III, September N-1
Case 318
A lady suffered for nine years, in consequence of excessive grief, from the following symptoms: great emaciation; lowness of spirits; faintness; constant vomiting after eating anything, let it be ever so little; headache; eructations, with the taste of the food; intense gastralgia, sometimes nearly unbearable; filiform pulse. On account of the grief, which produced the gastralgia, we began the treatment with Ignatia, but without benefit. We gave her then one dose Antimon.30c, on account of the excessive debility. In 24 hours she could observe some alleviation, as the eructations and the vomiting had ceased. She took, every nine days, one dose of the same remedy for several months, till every vestige of her old disease had passed away; and she enjoys now, for several years, most excellent health.
Dr. Duvos, (El Criterio Medico.).
Journal Of Homoeopathic Clinics
1869-1870 Volume III, September N-1
Case 331
A girl of lymphatic temperament, semi-chlorotic; suffering since several years from gastric ailments, with bitter taste, salivation, white-coated tongue, loss of appetite, difficult digestion, acrid eructations, or of the taste of the ingesta, painful flatulency and constipation, was attacked with excruciating pains in her molar teeth, aggravated by eating or drinking anything cold, and worse at night, so that she could not sleep; the molars were carious, and the gums swollen and discolored, with frequent oozing of pale blood from them. Antimon. crud. removed the tooth-ache instantaneously, appetite and sleep returned; the remedy was steadily given for several months, the haemorrhages and swelling passed off, and her digestive powers increased with returning strength. *
Rafinesque, (Bull. Hom.).
Journal Of Homoeopathic clinic
1870-1871 Volume IV
Nux-v / Ant-c
Case 566
A man of fifty years, keeping the strictest diet, lost his appetite without any cause for it, and could hardly take any food for more than a month; he is never hungry, or rather has disgust for food with sensation of pain in the stomach; taste not altered, tongue clean, stools every three to four days and scanty; abdomen not painful, soft and flabby. Allopathic remedies, especially purgatives and tonics, Marienbad, etc., increase the stools and the aversion to food.
A year of suffering passed and Homoeopathy was now tried. Dr. S. found also among the other symptoms, emaciation, lassitude, night-sweats, hypochondria and constipation alternating with diarrhoea.
Nux.v. (12), every evening, a drop in water.
After 8 days, the night-sweats ceased; daily, small painless stool, no pain in the stomach; better humor; the other symptoms the same.
S.L. for a week. Amelioration standing still, he now took Antimon. crud.(3), 1/4 gr. every evening. After three days appetite reappeared and he felt better. He took the remedy now at longer intervals and in two months enjoyed good health, and remained so since (2 years).
STURM, A.H. Z. xxx, 311.
Transl. by S.Lilienthal.
Medical Advance
1883-1884 Vol XIV No 8
A. McNeil
Calc / Ant-c
Eczema of the right cheek
Eczema. M. – aet. 28, has suffered for years from an eczema of the right cheek, which itched but little and is painless. At times it disappears spontaneously. Then his general health suffers, the tongue becomes coated, bitter taste, etc. He is full blooded, has suffered what was probably pneumonia. Almost every year he has had shorter or longer periods of nose-bleeding.
Usually he is quite well, however. When he looks downwards he has tearing in the head. June 23, 1881, one dose Calcarea carb 200, but as this was unavailing only increasing the suppuration, I gave him Antimon, crud 200, one dose.
August 24. – The cheek has improved considerably, less pus, more for last three days; Sac. lac.
September 23. – I saw him and the eczema had entirely disappeared and no gastric troubles had ensued.
Medical Advance
1889 Vol XXII No 2
M. C. Neil
Ant-c / Bell / Calc / Carb-an / Cina / Con / Hell / Lyc / Mosch / Phos / Puls /Nat-c / Nux-v / Rhus-t / Sab / Zinc
*Antimonium crudum : Stupefying headache, with nausea in the throat; worse in the evening, after eating an his accustomed smoke; better in the open air.
Apprehensiveness on account of his disease; great loss of appetite with aversion to all kinds of food; great thirst, particularly at night; many eructations tasting of the food he has eaten; nausea and vomiting; bad effects of drinking wine, particularly if it is sour; pains in the stomach; great sleepiness in the forenoon; feeling of intolerable heat in the sunshine.
Belladonna : Stupefying headache rising from the neck into the head, with heat and pulsation in it; worse in the evening and from movement; better when laying the hand on the head and when bending the head backwards.
Anguish and restlessness with trembling; violent rush of blood to the head; headache from catching cold in the head; dilated pupils; vision lost while hearing remains unimpaired; epistaxis with great redness of the face; inflammation of the fauces; burning thirst; stool and urine suppressed; violent pressing towards the genital organs as if everything would fall out; blood-vessels of the neck distended; stupefying sleep, or he can only sleep sitting erect; dry heat with thirst; sweat only on the head and neck.
Calcarea carbonica
Calcarea carbonica : stupefying headache beginning at 3 a.m., and not passing off till the afternoon, aggravated by rising, stooping and mental exertion; ameliorated by closing the eyes.
Nervous indisposition : headache from overlifting or a strain; dilated pupils; pale bloatedness of the face; great hunger and thirst; nausea from drinking milk; intolerance of tight clothing around the hypochondria; stiffness of the neck; pain in the loins and back; hands and feet sweat; sensitiveness to cold moist air; bad effects of water and washing; ecstatic sleep; internal chilliness alternating with flying heat.
Carbo animalis
Carbo animalis : Stupefying headache in the occiput; worse in the morning and forenoon, and in cold air; better after dinner.
Cheerfulness alternating with sadness, fearfulness in the dark; far sightedness with dilated pupils; hardness of hearing, the tones appear confused; nausea at night; great weakness of the stomach; constipation with ineffectual urging; passes much offensive flatus; numbness of all the limbs; falls asleep late; weakening night sweats on the thighs.
Cina maritima
Cina : Stupefying headache first appearing in the frontal region and then in the occiput, with fluent coryza; aggravated in the open air; ameliorated by stooping and moving the head.
Piteous complaints and weeping when awake; face cold, pale, sickly looking; (milky) blueness around the mouth; grinding of the teeth; constant hunger and thirst; fluent coryza with burning of the nose and violent sneezing; short, interrupted breathing; spasmodic cough with rigidity of the body; twitching; touch or movement is intolerable to him; restlessness at night; chill with thirst; cold sweat on the face.
Conium maculatum
Conium : Stupefying headache in the morning while fasting; better after awaking from his siesta, from walking in the open air, from stooping, external pressure on the head and from lying down.
Hysteria and hypochondriasis with disposition to weep; easily moved to tears; fear of men and yet aversion to solitude; intoxication from the smallest quantity of spirits; sensation of a large lump in the brain; photophobia without inflammation of the eyes; extremely acute smell and hearing; entire absence of appetite and thirst; nausea after every kind of food; passage of cold flatus per anum; constipation; spasmodic cough at night; sweat in the first sleep.
Helleborus niger
Helleborus : stupefying headache with fluent coryza, worse in the afternoon from 4 to 8 and from stooping; better when at rest and in the open air.
Great anguish; much lamenting and moaning; involuntary sighing; dullness of the internal senses; the muscles do not act properly unless the attention is strongly fixed upon their action; staring at one point as if in deep thought; photophobia without inflammation of the eyes, the pupils of which are dilated; pale yellowish color of the face; ptyalism; suffocating attacks as if from constriction of the respiratory organs convulsive muscular movements during sleep; somnolency with half open eyes; small, slow pulse; general coldness with heat of the head.
Lycopodium clavatum
Lycopodium : Stupefying headache with heat of the temples and ears, and dryness of the mouth and lips; worse from 4 to 8 p.m., and from rising up and after lying down.
Taciturn, morose disposition, inclined to weep; dread of men; premature greyness and baldness; in the evening paleness of the face with deep folds; great desire for sweets; sour taste of the food and sour eructations; fullness and distension of the stomach and abdomen; chronic constipation; dry cough, worse at night; liver spots in the chest; tearing in the limbs at night and during rest; orgasm of the blood in the evening, with restlessness and trembling; feelings as if the circulation of the blood stopped.
Moschus : Stupefying compressing headache, mostly in the forehead with nausea; worse in the evening, from moving the head and in the room; better when walking in the open air.
Hypochondriacal, anxious mood; epistaxis with formication in the tip of the nose; feeling of fullness and contraction in the stomach and abdomen; suffocative feeling in the cold air; anxious palpitation of the heart; trembling and shaking through the entire body; pain in the parts on which he lies; he is sensitively cold to the open air; great sleepiness in the forenoon; full, accelerated pulse.
Natrum carbonicum
Natrum carb. Stupefying headache in the forehead, followed by heat in the head; worse during rest and from mental exertion; better from exercise in the open air.
Great mental exhaustion and trembling; anxious restlessness during thunder-storms; many yellow spots and freckles on the ace; great sensitiveness of the lower incisors; desire for dainties; great weakness of digestion; formation of a great deal of flatus; coryza, with hoarseness from the slightest exposure to cold; great weakness in the morning and after walking a little; during the pains anxiety, trembling and cold sweat; during the day great sleepiness, but falls asleep late in the evening.
Nux vomica
Nux vomica : Stupefying headache in the morning, after eating and when walking in the open air, particularly in the sunshine; is much better in the warm room and when lying in bed.
Fiery, excitable temperament; malicious; exaggerated, anxious scrupulousness; headache, with bilious or sour vomiting; worsein the morning; face red, bloated, earthy or pale; bad effects of bread and sour food; sour taste in the mouth; nausea and vomiting in the morning and after eating; pains in the stomach ameliorated by hot drinks; chronic constipation; coryza, fluent during the day, dry at night; general bruised feeling in the morning while in bed; aversion to movement and the open air; he awakens early in the morning and then falls asleep again, and feels worse thereby.
Phosphorus : Stupefying headache in the morning, worse from movement and stooping; ceasing for a short time after eating; better when lying down and in the cool air.
Great irritability; disposition to anger; anxious and restless when alone; frequent attacks of vertigo; paleness of the face; puffiness below the eyes; hunger after eating; pains from flatulency extending from the hypochondria; chronic diarrhoea; exhausting cough, excited by cold air or reading aloud; palpitation of the heart from any emotion; great emaciation; somnolent sleepiness in the day time; violent orgasm of the blood.
Pulsatilla pratensis
Pulsatilla : Stupefying headache with chilliness, worse in the evening and in the warm room, better from walking out of doors, and in the cool air.
Mild, bashful, yielding disposition with inclination to weep; easily moved to tears; solicitude about her domestic affairs; stupid feeling in a warm room and in the evening; pale, yellowish color of the face; toothache in the evening, aggravation by warmth; bad effects of fat food and of pork; vomiting of the ingesta; mucous diarrhoea; menses too late and too scanty; coryza, with chilliness and loss of taste and smell; short, dry cough as soon as he gets warm; pains with swelling, jumping from one part to another; thirstlessness and chilliness with most complaints; complaints are aggravated, particularly in the warm air of the room and when at rest; falls asleep late; the more violent are his pains the more severe is his chill; sweat on the face and scalp.
Rhus toxicodendron
Rhus tox. : Stupefying headache with humming in the head, worse in the morning, when sitting or lying quietly; better on moving and from external warmth.
Low-spirited with great prostration; sadness, anxiety and disposition to weep; restlessness; vertigo as if intoxicated; sick-looking pale face; no appetite, with insatiable thirst; putrid taste in the mouth; nausea with canine hunger; sensation, as if something was torn off in the stomach or abdomen; watery diarrhoea; eruption on the genital organs; menses too early and too long; pain as if sprained in the back and limbs; sensitiveness to the cold open air; constant chilliness; the pains are accompanied by sweat with trembling.
Sabadilla : Stupefying headache with fluent coryza, itching and burning of the scalp and general feeling of heat of the entire body; worse in the forenoon and from thinking.
Anxious fearfulness; he imagines himself sick or he has imaginary diseases; lachrymation, burning heat and redness of the face; thirstlessness with dryness of the mouth; inclination to vomit before eating; burning in the stomach and abdomen; coughs as soon as he lies down; stitches in the muscles of the arms and thighs; aggravation of complaints in the forenoon, when at rest, and in the cold air; chilliness and heat, both without thirst, which occurs only between the cold and hot stages.
Zincum metallicum
Zinc : Stupefying headache with everything becoming black before the eyes; worse in the morning after eating and in the warm room; better in the open air.
Low-spirited at noon, lively in the evening; very variable mood; pale face; canine hunger; heart-burn after eating sweets; severe pressure of the urine in the bladder; cough with involuntary passage of urine; tearing pains in the limbs after being heated or taking exercise; constant sleepiness; external chilliness with increased internal warmth; pulsations through the whole body; evening attacks of violent trembling; aggravation of all complaints by drinking wine.
1882 Vol II No 2
E. W. Berridge
Antimonium crudum in urticaria.-1871, Aug. 9th, a boy had been subjected to urticaria all over his body for 15 months, white lumps with red areoloe and itching. The longest interval of freedom has been three weeks, often only one. It is worse after meat; makes him irritable, very hot and thirsty. His mother had urticaria when pregnant with him. I do not think I ever saw Ant. crud. fail in urticaria when characterized by the italicized symptom. I gave him one dose of 200 (Lehmann).
Oct. 11th. Reports only slight rash last week.
1872, April. No return of the symptoms.
1892 Vol XII No 3
G. J. Waggoner
Ant-c / Phos
Ulceration of lung
July 24th, was requested by my partner, Dr. H. A. Millard, to see Mr. L. M. A., aet. thirty-two years. He had been an invalid six months or more, it appears. It is hardly necessary to go into a history of the case for the purpose of this paper, further than to say that the disease had been supposed to be a severe form of chronic hepatitis, and although there had been some rather troublesome cough, attention had not been called to the condition of the lungs. There had been little or no expectoration, and all the functions performing their duty fairly well. On the occasion of my visit it was discovered that there was sad havoc in the lungs. On the front aspect of thorax there was no respiratory action, while on the dorsal portion there was very violent action, the back and shoulders heaving upwards and forwards, seemingly with strong but futile effort to fill the lungs. Above the lower third of left lung, in front, there was no vesicular respiration, and near the apex and just below it there was found all the evidences of a quite extensive cavity. This is well described by Dr. Thos. Watson, late of Kings College, London. In speaking of the sounds he says: “It may be, and often is a click, like the opening and shutting of a valve; or a chirp; or a creaking; or like many other well-known sounds; but as all these sounds under certain circumstances denote the formation of a vomica, it is best for the sake of simplicity to call them all by the same name, cavernous respiration.” Over the front aspect of the right lung there was scarcely any vesicular murmur, and that only of the lower half. On the dorsal aspect these sounds were clear and distinct, and apparently natural. The irritation to cough was persistently felt in the stomach, which was relieved at this time and for some days later by a dose of Ant-crud. lM. Later on there was very distressing dyspnoea, with inability to lie on left side, which was measurably relieved by a dose of Phos. But on the 9th inst. he died of strangulation.
Question: Could this result have been averted by a timely knowledge and consideration of the condition of the lungs? or, in other words, an intimate knowledge of the pathological, condition? or the simillimum be considered only? An autopsy was not had, which I regret, but the patient was not mine.
Some veterinary cures
1912 Vol 1
A. A. Pompe
General Topics / Cases
Ant-c / Graph / Coloc / Sil-mar / Carb-an / Merc / Aesc / Kali-bi / Sulph
Editorial Note. – The following cases are of interest, though symptomatology is not very extended. The author suggests that we often must – and can – prescribe on what we see, though the definite steps to the conclusion that a certain remedy is needed are not always clearly pronounced. He calls it a sort of intuition. In reality, it is the result of cultivating a “Materia Medica Sense,” and recognizing remedy images without conscious analysis.
Antimonium crudum
A horse had a split exactly in the middle of one of his front hoofs, several years ago, so large that a knife blade could be inserted for a considerable distance. The crack was entirely obliterated after the horse received a dose of Antimonium crud., and the owner, a veterinary, was much astonished.
Several horses with quarter cracks have been cured by Graphites in single dose.
Probably many homoeopaths have cured horses in colic by a dose of Colocynth. These are almost too common to note.
Silica marina
A horse had its foot cut by barbed-wire fence. The foot was intensely swollen above the hoof and suppurated for months after. The boy who owned it had been for a long time my patient, and he told his father he would ask me to cure it. This the father ridiculed. The horse received a small powder of Silica on its tongue; in just one week the boy presented the animal completely cured, the foot entirely normal. He said when his father saw the result his eyes nearly bulged out of his head.
Carbo animalis
A farmer mentioned that he thought he would have to kill a two-weeks-old colt, because it could not stand up; its feet would double up underneath it. He laughed at my offer to cure it, but he took the one dose of Carbo animalis 1m and gave it to the horse. Several remedies have “doubling of the feet under.” I cannot tell just why I selected this one, unless that it is deep-acting.
The colt recovered, while many of its half-brothers and half-sisters, suffering the same, were killed.
Mercurius solubilis
Three years ago, a horse had diarrhoea, and sweat profusely; the water dripping from him, without giving any relief. The veterinaries had failed to help him, but one dose of Merc. viv. 1m cured him promptly.
Aesculus hippocastanum
Five years ago, a valuable Percheron stallion had an obstinate cough, which had baffled the veterinaries for weeks. I had read in Hering’s Condensed Materia Medica that Aesculus hip. is good for chest complaints of horses. One dose of that remedy cured him, but the owner gave it no credit. “It was too simple and insignificant a dose to cure a large horse.”
Kalium bichromicum
I cured a horse suffering from “Grippe,” with profuse, stringy mucus hanging from both nostrils, with Kali bich. 1m.
Silica marina
Last winter, a farmer asked for some medicine for one of his best cows, which had a sore foot and was able to walk only on three legs. There was a suppurating wound, from an injury sustained several months previously, though no foreign body could be found in the wound. One dose of Silica 1m was given. In reply to the question asked, in the presence of a large number of people, if that was all it was to have, I said “Yes, if the remedy is correct, it will probably be all the cow needs.” In two weeks, the cow walked on that foot as well as ever. The farmer does not succeed in convincing the people to whom he tells of the cure. They do not believe it.
While driving along the road, last summer, I noticed a four-or five-weeks-old chicken, all humped up, as so many stand before they die. The thought of Sulphur came to mind, probably because of the stoop-shouldered pose of the Sulphur patient. I gave the woman who owned the chicken a dose of this remedy 5c, to be given to the chick. A week later, in a postscript to a letter, she said: “Chicken as lively as any of them.”.
✅ আমাদের সফল চিকিৎসার প্রমাণ দেখতে লিংকে ক্লিক করুণ।
১. টিউমার, ক্যান্সার ও সিস্ট রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
২. চর্ম, নখ ও চুলের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
৩. গাইনী, প্রসূতি ও স্তনের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
৪. নাক, কান, গলা ও শ্বাসতন্ত্রের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
৫. মানসিক রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
৬. রিউমাটোলজি, হাড় পেশী ও জয়েন্টের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
৭. নবজাতক ও শিশু রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
৮. ব্রেইন, স্পাইনাল কর্ড ও নার্ভের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
৯. যৌন শক্তি ও যৌন বাহিত রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১০. কিডনি, মুত্র, প্রোস্টেট গ্ল্যান্ড ও পুরুষ জননাঙ্গের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১১. গ্যাস্ট্রোএন্টারোলজি বা পেটের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১২. মলদ্বার, পায়ুপথ ও কোলনের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১৩. লিভার ও পিত্তের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১৪. চোখ, দৃষ্টি শক্তি ও চোখের পাতার রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১৫. জ্বর, সংক্রামক ও ইমার্জেন্সি রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১৬. ডায়াবেটিস ও হরমোন জনিত রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১৭. দাঁত ও মুখের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১৮. হার্টের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
১৯. রক্ত, বোনম্যারু, প্লিহা ও লিম্ফ নোডের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।
✅ আমাদের সফল চিকিৎসার ভিডিও প্রমাণ দেখতে ডান পার্শের মেনুতে রোগের নাম লিখে সার্চ করুন।
[videogallery id=”Success of Homeopathy”]