Course Content
ই-বুক চর্চা করে ২৪২ টি হোমিওপ্যাথি ঔষধের পণ্ডিত হতে পারবেন
ভিডিও দেখে ২৪২ টি ঔষধ অতি দ্রুত শিখুন
প্রতিদিন সকালে ১০ টি ও সন্ধ্যায় ১০টি করে ঔষধের ভিডিও শ্রবণ করুণ।
DHMS প্রথম বর্ষের অনুশীলন
DHMS দ্বিতীয় বর্ষের অনুশীলন
DHMS তৃতীয় বর্ষের অনুশীলন
DHMS চতুর্থ বর্ষের অনুশীলন
হোসাইনী কিনোট- প্রিন্টেড বুক, ই-বুক ও ভিডিও সম্বলিত স্মার্ট মেটেরিয়া মেডিকা।
About Lesson

Agaricus Muscarius [Agar] এগারিকাস মাসকেরিয়াস

Agar: সমস্ত শরীরে ঝাঁকুনি ও কাঁপুনি, মাতালের মত টলমল করে চলে, মাথা কাঁপতে থাকে।

Agar: মানসিক পরিশ্রম করলে শরীর চুলকায়, খোঁচা মারা ব্যথা ও ঝিনঝিন করে কিন্তু শারীরিক পরিশ্রমে উপশম।

Agar: মেরুদণ্ডে আড়ষ্ট অনুভূতি, চাপ দিলে ব্যথা, পিঠে শীত ও পিঁপড়া হাঁটার মত অনুভূতি।

Agar: যৌনক্রিয়ার পর সকল রোগের বৃদ্ধি।

Agar: শরীরে যেন ঠাণ্ডা বরফের মত সুঁচ ফুটছে এমন অনুভূতি।

Agar: কোণাকুণিভাবে রোগ লক্ষণ দেখা দেয়, যেমন ডান হাতে ও বাম পায়ে বা তার বিপরীত লক্ষণ প্রকাশ পায়।

বৃদ্ধি হয় উপশম হয়
< বজ্রপাতের পূর্বে

< সহবাস করলে

< মেরুদণ্ডে চাপ পড়লে

< মাসিকের সময়

< খোলা ঠাণ্ডা বাতাসে

< সূর্যালোকে

< মানসিক অবসাদের ফলে

< অ্যালকোহল পানে

< স্পর্শে

< ঠাণ্ডা বাতাসে

< ভয়ে

> হালকা নড়াচড়ায়

> বিছানার গরম হলে নর্তন রোগ হলে

> ঘুমের সময়

ডাঃ নরেন্দ্রনাথ বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় এর “ঔষুধ পরিচয়” বই থেকে

অ্যাগারিকাস মাসকেরিয়াস

অ্যাগারিকাসের প্রথম কথা — অঙ্গ-প্রত্যঙ্গের নর্তন, স্পন্দন বা আক্ষেপ ৷

মেরু-মজ্জা, মস্তিষ্ক এবং স্নায়ুকেন্দ্রের দুর্বলতাবশতঃ অ্যাগারিকাসের বুদ্ধিবৃত্তি যেমন স্ফূর্তি লাভ করে না, অঙ্গ-প্রত্যঙ্গের গতিবিধিও তেমনই বাধ্যবাধকতার বাহিরে চলিয়া যায়। ফলে অ্যাগারিকাসের রোগী যখন চলিতে চায় তখন কোথায় পা দিতে কোথায় পা দিয়া ফেলে, যখন কিছু ধরিতে চায় তখন হাতের আঙ্গুলগুলি হঠাৎ এমন ভাবে বাঁকিয়া যায় বা অবশ হইয়া পড়ে যে হাত হইতে তাহা পড়িয়া গিয়া ভাঙ্গিয়া যায়; তিরস্কার করিলে সময় সময় সে হাসিতে থাকে, সময় সময় সে ভীষণ রাগিয়া যায়। হাটিতে শিখিতে বা কথা কহিতেও তাহার বিলম্ব হয়। অতএব বুদ্ধিবৃত্তির খর্বতা এবং অঙ্গ-প্রত্যঙ্গের নর্তন, আক্ষেপ বা স্পন্দন অ্যাগারিকাসের শ্রেষ্ঠ পরিচয়। ভবিষ্যদ্বাণী করিতে থাকে, কবিতা বলিতে থাকে । নর্তন, স্পন্দন জাগ্রত অবস্থাতেই প্রকাশ পায়, নিদ্রাকালে পায় না । অ্যাগারিকাসের রোগী একটু স্থূলকায় হয় ।

অ্যাগারিকাসের দ্বিতীয় কথা— মেরুদণ্ডের স্পর্শকাতরতা। অ্যাগারিকাসের রোগীর মেরুদণ্ডের উপর সামান্য একটু চাপ দিলে সে চমকাইয়া ওঠে। নিজেও যখন সে নড়াচড়া করে তখনও খুব সন্তর্পণে  তাহা করিতে বাধ্য হয় কারণ অতি অল্পেই সে মেরুদণ্ডে আঘাত পায় ৷ স্তনের দুধ বাধা প্রাপ্ত হইয়া মেরুদণ্ড বা মস্তিষ্ক-প্ৰদাহ । গাত্র বা ত্বকে ঠাণ্ডা বা গরম সূচিবিদ্ধবৎ অনুভূতি।

অ্যাগারিকাসের তৃতীয় কথা – আড়াআড়ি ভাবে রোগাক্রমণ— বাম উর্ধ্বাঙ্গ ও নিম্ন দক্ষিণাঙ্গ আক্রান্ত হয় । পক্ষান্তরে দক্ষিণ বাহু ও বাম পদ আক্রান্ত হয় (মেডো, ফস ) । স্নায়বিক দুর্বলতাজনিত অঙ্গ- প্রত্যঙ্গের অসংযত ভাব বা নর্তন, কম্পন মনে রাখিবেন ।

ঠাণ্ডা বাতাস সহ্য করিতে পারে না । গর্ভাবস্থায় পদদ্বয়ে পক্ষাঘাত । প্রৌঢ়া স্ত্রীলোকদের ঋতুবন্ধের পর জরায়ুর শিথিলতা বা স্থানচ্যুতি । উদ্ভেদ চাপা পড়িয়া মৃগী । নিদ্রাকালে আক্ষেপ থাকে না !

কবিতা আবৃত্তি করিতে থাকে—ভবিষ্যদ্বাণী করিতে থাকে। বাচাল।

অ্যাগারিকাসের চতুর্থ কথা—দেহে গরম বা ঠাণ্ডা সুচিবিদ্ধবৎ অনুভূতি (ন্যাকারাম ল্যাকটিস ) ।

মদ্যপান বা বীর্যক্ষয় হেতু স্নায়বিক দুর্বলতা। দেহে গরম বা ঠাণ্ডা হুচিনিদ্ধবৎ অনুভূতি ও মেরুদণ্ডের স্পর্শকাতরতা মনে রাখিবেন ।

ইহা থাইসিসের পুর্বাবস্থায় বিশেষ উপযোগী (অবশ্য লক্ষণ মিলিলে) ; পুরাতন কাশি ও পুঁজের মত শ্লেষ্মা, নাড়ী দুর্বল, অসমান। সন্ধ্যাকালে বুকের মধ্যে ধড়ফড় ভাব । শিশুদের সবুজবর্ণ দুর্গন্ধযুক্ত উদরাময় । বর্ষাকালে বৃদ্ধি। যেখানে চুল সেইখানেই চুলকানি ( একজিমা ) । স্ত্রীলোকদের স্তনের দুধ হঠাৎ বন্ধ হইয়া শরীরের অন্তত্র রোগাক্রমণ ; প্রত্যেকবার গর্ভাবস্থায় পদদ্বয়ের পক্ষাঘাত ।

অ্যাগারিকাস মাস্ক – অত্যন্ত ছটফটে স্বভাব, ক্রমাগত হাত হইতে জিনিষপত্র পড়িয়া যায়, কোন না কোন অঙ্গের অবিরত সঞ্চালন বা নর্তনরোগ, অতিরিক্ত শুক্রক্ষয় হেতু মেরুদণ্ডের দুর্বলতা, মেরুদণ্ডে কোনরূপ চাপ বা স্পর্শ সহ্য হয় না। এমন কি নড়িতে গেলেও মেরুদণ্ডে আঘাত লাগে, শরীরের বাম ঊর্ধ্বাঙ্গ এবং দক্ষিণ নিম্নাঙ্গ আক্রান্ত হয়, ঠাণ্ডা বাতাস সহ্য হয় না । চর্মরোগ চাপা পড়িয়া মুগী। বয়স্কা স্ত্রীলোকদিগের চিরদিনের মত ঋতু বন্ধ হইবার পর জরায়ুর শিথিলতা ।

এগারিকাস মাস্কেরিয়াস (Agaricus Muscarius) 

(ব্যাঙের ছাতা)

(ফাঙ্গি) উপযোগিতা—যাদের চুল পাতলা চামড়া ও মাংসপেশী শিথিল, যারা দুর্বল এবং রক্তসঞ্চালনের গতি ধীর এইরূপ ব্যক্তিদের, মাতালদের বিশেষতঃ তাদের শিরঃপীড়ার জন্য; অনিয়মিতচারিতা মদ্যপান ইত্যাদির কুফলে(লোভে; নাকস; র্যানানকু) প্রলাপ : টাইফয়েড অথবা টাইফাস জ্বরে—অবিরাম ভুল বকা, বিছানা থেকে বারে বারে উঠে পড়তে চায়

জুরে অথবা বেদনায় সহজেই প্রলাপগ্রস্ত হয়ে পড়ে (বেল) সেই সকল লোকের শিরঃপীড়ায়, মেরুদন্ডের পীড়ায় যাদের কোরিয়া ও খিচুনী হয়, যারা নানারকম অঙ্গভঙ্গী করে তাদের শিরঃপীড়ায় প্রযোজ্য

এগারিকাস মাস্কেরিয়াস শীতকালীন বা ঠান্ডা লেগে হেজে যাওয়ার মত দাগে (chillblain) অসহ্য চুলকানি ও জ্বালা; বরফাহত ও ঠান্ডা লাগার বিশেষতঃ মুখে ঠান্ডা লাগার সব রকম কুফলে দেহের কোন কোন অংশ অনিচ্ছাকৃত সঞ্চালন-জেগে থাকলে হয়, ঘুমালে হয় না একটিমাত্র পেশীতে সামান্য সঞ্চালন ও ঝাকি দিয়া ওঠা হতে দেহের সমস্ত রকমের কম্পন পর্যন্ত যে কোন কোরিয়ারোগে

উপযোগী, (শুধু মুখের পেশীর স্পন্দন = মাইগেল ২০০) অনুভূতি যেন বরফের ছোঁয়া লাগল যেন বরফের মত ঠান্ডা উঁচ চামড়ায় বিধছে; যেন গরম ছুঁচ ফুটছে

বিভিন্ন অঙ্গে কানে, নাকে, মুখে-জ্বালা, চুলকানি, আরক্তিম ভাব, আক্রান্ত অংশ লাল, উত্তপ্ত ও ফুলে যায়

ঠিকমত হাঁটতে পারে না, পথে সবকিছুতেই হোঁচট খায়, দাঁড়িয়ে থাকলে ব্যথাধ-যেন কেউ মেরেছে মেরুদন্ডে স্পর্শকাতরতা (থেরিডি) সকালে বাড়ে

ব্যথা–কাজকর্ম করলে দিনের বেলায় কোমর ও স্যাক্রাম অংশে ক্ষতবৎ ব্যথা, বসে থাকলে ব্যথা হয় (জিঙ্কাম) অতিরিক্ত যৌনকার্যের ফলে মেরুদন্ডে প্রদাহ (কেলি-ফ), উদ্ভেদ চাপা পড়ে এপিলেন্সি (সসারিন; সালফ)

মেরুদণ্ডে বেদনা—প্রতিটি সঞ্চালনে ও প্রত্যেকবার দেহ বাঁকালে, একটিমাত্র কশেরুকায় Vertebrae) স্পর্শকাতরতা

জরায়ু-স্থানচ্যুতি ঋতুললাপের পর; নিচের দিকে ঠেলামারা বেদনা যাহা একরকম অসহ্য (লিলিয়াম, মিউরেকস, সিপিয়া তুলনীয়)

ঠান্ডা বাতাসে অত্যন্ত স্পর্শকাতরতা (ক্যাল্ক-কা; কেলি-কা; সোরিন্)

রোগলক্ষণ কোণাকুণি ভাবে দেখা দেয় যেমন বাঁদিকের উপরাংশে ও ডানদিকে নিয়ে (এন্টিম-টা; স্ট্রামো) ডানদিকের উপরে ও বাদিকের নিম্নাংশে = (এম্বা; ব্রোমিয়াম; মেডো; ফস: সালফ-এ)

সম্বন্ধ—সমগুণ মদ্যপানের পরবর্তী প্রলাপে—একটিয়া, ক্যাল্ক, ক্যানাইন্ডি; হায়স; কে-ফস; ল্যাকে; নাকস; ওপি; ষ্ট্রামো, কোরিয়া রোগে– মাইগেল; ট্যারান্টুলা; জিঙ্ক সদৃশ

বৃদ্ধি—আহারের পর; যৌনসঙ্গমের পর; ঠান্ডা বাতাসে; কোন বিষয়ে মনোযোগ দিলে, ঝড় বিদ্যুতের পর (ফ; সোরিন)

শক্তি-৬, ৩০, ২০০, ১০. এম

এগারিকাস মাকেরিয়াসঅ্যামানিটা


এই ছত্রাকটির ভিতর নানাপ্রকারের বিষাক্ত যৌগিক পদার্থ আছে, এইগুলির মধ্যে সব থেকে উল্লেখযােগ্য হল মাসক্যারিন। এটির বিষক্রিয়ার লক্ষণ সঙ্গে সঙ্গে প্রকাশ পায়। না, সাধারণতঃ ১২ থেকে ১৪ ঘন্টা পর প্রাথমিক লক্ষণ প্রকাশ পায়। এই ঔষধটির কোন। ক্রিয়া নাশক নেই, বিষক্রিয়ার কোন চিকিৎসাও নেই, সম্পূর্ণ লক্ষণভিত্তিক (গ্লিডার) এগারিকাস মস্তিষ্কের উপর মাদকের ন্যায় কাজ করে এবং মদের থেকে বেশি মাত্রায়। মাথাঘােরা তৈরী করে থাকে, এর পরে গাঢ় নিদ্রাভাব দেখা দেয় এবং শরীরের প্রতিক্রিয়ার ক্ষমতা কমে আসে

আঁকুনি, পেশীর সঙ্কোচন, কঁপা চুলকানি এই ঔষধের শক্তিশালী লক্ষণ যক্ষ্মা রােগের প্রাথমিক অবস্থা;টিউবারকিউলাস ধাতুদোষের সঙ্গে সম্পর্কযুক্ত, তৎসহ রক্তাল্পতা, নর্তনােগ, ঘুমের সময় পেশীর সঙ্কোচন বন্ধ থাকে বিভিন্ন ধরনের স্নায়ুশূল আপেক্ষিক উপসর্গ স্নায়ুঘটিত চর্মরােগ এই জাতীয় রােগের ছবি এই ঔষধের লক্ষণের সম্পর্ক আছে, কিন্তু রক্তাধিক্যের কারণে প্রকাশিত লক্ষণের সঙ্গে এই ঔষধের লক্ষণের বিশেষ কোন সম্পর্ক দেখা যায় না যেমন জ্বরের বিকার অবস্থা, মদ খাওয়া অবস্থা প্রভৃতি সার্বিক পক্ষাঘাত রােগীর মনে হয় বরফের সুঁচ ফোটানাে হচ্ছে চাপ ঠাণ্ডা বাতাস সহ্য হয় না নিচের দিকে কিছু ঠেলে বেরিয়ে আসার ন্যায় তীব্র বেদনা লক্ষণ কোনাকুনি ভাবে প্রকাশ পায় যেমন, ডানদিকের বাহু, বামদিকের পা সবরকম যন্ত্রণার সঙ্গে ঠাণ্ডাভাব আষ্টতা সুড়সুড়ভাব থাকে

মনগান করে, কথা বলে কিন্তু উত্তর দেয় না। বাচালতা। কাজে অনিচ্ছা। উদাসীনতা। ভয়শূন্যতা। গান করা, চীকার করা এবং বিড়বিড় করে বকা হল প্রলাপের চারিত্রিক বৈশিষ্ট্য;কবিতা বলা এবং ভবিষ্যতবাণী করা প্রলাপ বকা হইতােলার সঙ্গে শুরু হয়

ঔষধটির প্রভিংস থেকে মানসিক উত্তেজনার চারটি অবস্থার কথা জানা যায়। যথা,

() সামান্য উত্তেজনায়দেখা যায় প্রচণ্ড মানসিক আনন্দ, বর্ধিত উৎসাহ, বাচালতা, উল্লাস সম্পর্কিত মানসিক কল্পনা

() অতিরিক্ত মাদকতাতীব্র মানসিক উত্তেজনা এবং অসংলগ্ন কথা বলে, পৰ্য্যায়ক্রমে তীব্র মানমূলক আয়তনের বিচার ক্ষমতার লােপ পাওয়া, বড়াে বড়াে পা ফেলে হাঁটে, ছােট বস্তুর উপর দিয়ে লাফিয়ে যায়, যেন ঐগুলি কোন গাছের গুঁড়ি, একটি ছােট গর্ত, একটি ভয়াবহ ফাটল বলে মনে হয়, সামান্য এক চামচ জল, মনে হয় একটি বড়াে হ্রদ বিশেষ। এই অবস্থায় গায়ের জোর বেড়ে যায়, অনায়াসে অতিরিক্ত ভার যুক্ত বস্তু তুলে ফেলে। এরই সাথে পেশীর সঙ্কোচন দেখা যায়

() তৃতীয় দশাএক প্রকার ভয়াবহ প্রলাপ দেখা দেয়, তীব্রচীকার করে, ক্রোধােন্মত্ত উক্তি, নিজেকে আঘাত করতে চায় প্রভৃতি

() চতুর্থ দশামানসিক বিষন্নতা, ক্লান্তি, উদাসীনতা, মানসিক ভ্রান্তি, কাজ করতে অনিচ্ছা প্রভৃতি। এখানে আমরা বেলেডােনার মত তীব্র মানসিক উত্তেজনা পাইনা কিন্তু এক্ষেত্রে একটি সার্বিক স্নায়বিক উত্তেজনা ভাব দেখতে পাই, যা প্রকাশ পায় মাতালের ন্যায় প্রলাপ বকাতে, জ্বরের সময় প্রলাপ বকা প্রভৃতিতে

মাথাসূৰ্য্যালােকে মাথা ঘােরা এবং হাঁটা চলা করলে। মাথা সব সময় নড়ে। পিছন দিকে পড়ে যায়, যেন মনে হয় মাথায় পিছনের অংশে ভারী কোন বস্তু আছে। মাথার একদিকে যন্ত্রণা, যেন পেরেক ফুটে আছে। (কফিয়া, ইগ্নেশিয়া) বহুসময় ধরে।টেবিলে বসে কাজ করার পর মাথায় অস্বস্তিকর বেদনা। বরফের ন্যায় ঠাণ্ডা অনুভূতি, অনেকটা বরফের সূচ বা গোঁজ বিদ্ধ করারন্যায় অনুভূতি। স্নায়বিক বেদনা তৎসহ বরফের

মত ঠাণ্ডা মাথা মাথায় গরম কিছু চাপা দেবার ইচ্ছা (সিলিকা) মাথার যন্ত্রণা তৎসহ নাক দিয়ে রক্তস্রাব অথবা গাঢ় শ্লেষ্ম স্রাব

চোখপড়তে অসুবিধা হয়, কারণ অক্ষরগুলি নড়াচড়া করছে বা ভাসছে বলে মনে হয়। কম্পমান ছায়ামূর্তি। দ্বিত দর্শন, দৃষ্টিশক্তি অস্বচ্ছ কম্পমান। দীর্ঘকাল ধরে চোখের অতি পরিশ্রমের ফলে দৃষ্টি শক্তির দুর্বলতা, দৃষ্টিশক্তি কেন্দ্রীভূত করার সময় চোখের পেশীর আক্ষেপ। চোখের পাতায় চোখের মনির নর্তন। (কোডিন) চোখের পাতার কিনারা লালচে। চুলকাণি, জ্বালাকরে চোখের পাতা জুড়ে যায়। চোখের ভিতরের কোনগুলি খুবই লাল

কানজ্বালা এবং চুলকাণি, ঠাণ্ডায় জমে যাওয়ার ন্যায় অনুভূতি। কানের চারপাশের পেশীর নর্তন এবং কানের ভিতর শব্দ। | নাক নাকের স্নায়বিক অসুবিধা সমূহ।নাকের ভিতরে বাইরে চুলকায়। কাশির পর আক্ষেপযুক্ত হাঁচি;অনুভূতিপ্রবণ;জলের ন্যায়, প্রদাহজনিতস্রাব।ভিতরের কোনগুলি লাল। দূর্গন্ধযুক্ত, কালচে, রক্তমিশ্রিত স্রাব। বয়স্ক ব্যক্তির নাক দিয়ে রক্তস্রাব। নাকে এবং মুখগহ্বরের ভিতরক্ষত্রের ন্যায়বেদনা

মুখমণ্ডলমুখের পেশী শক্ত বলে মনে হয় নর্তন, মুখগুল চুলকায় জ্বালা করে। গালে কেটে ফেলার ন্যায়, ছিড়ে ফেলার ন্যায় বেদনা, যেন গেঁজ বেঁধার ন্যায়। স্নায়ুশূল, যেন স্নায়ুর ভিতর দিয়ে বরফের উঁচ চলে যাওয়ার ন্যায় অনুভূতি অথবা বরফ স্পর্শ করানাের ন্যায় অনুভূতি

মুখগহুর ঠোটের উপর জান্সাওয়ঙ্কণা। ঠোটের উপর হার্পিস। ঠোটের পেশীর নর্তন।মুখের স্বাদ মিষ্ট। তালুতে ক্ষত। জিহ্বাতে গোঁজ বেঁধারন্যায় বেদনা। সর্বদা পিপাসা। কম্পমান জিহ্বা। (ল্যাকেসিস) জিহ্বা সাদা। | গলাগলার ভিতর থেকে কর্ণনালীর ভিতর দিয়ে কানের অভ্যন্তর পর্যন্ত যন্ত্রণা। সঙ্কুচিত বলে মনে হয়। ছােট, বলের মত গােলাকার শ্লেষ্ম দলা বেরিয়ে আসে। গলবিলের শুষ্কতা, ঢােক গিলতে অসুবিধা। গলায় আঁচড়ানােরমত বেদনা;গান করতে কষ্ট

পাকস্থলীশূন্য ঢেকুর, আপেলের গন্ধযুক্ত। স্নায়বিক অসুবিধা, তৎসহ আক্ষেপিক সঙ্কোচন, হিক্কা, অস্বাভাবিক ক্ষুধা বায় জমা হবার ফলে পাকস্থলীও উদরীর স্ফীতি। প্রচুর পরিমানে গন্ধ ছাড়া বায়ুর নির্গমন। খাবার প্রায় তিনঘন্টা পর পাকস্থলীর চারিপাশে বেদনা, পরে অস্বস্থিকর চাপের মত মনে হয়। পাকস্থলীর গােযােগ সহ যকৃত স্থানে তীক্ষ্ণ যন্ত্রণা

উদর যকৃতে, প্লীহা (সিয়ানােথাস) উদরে সূচীবিদ্ধবৎযন্ত্রণা। বামদিকের ছােট পাঁজরার অস্থির নীচে সূচীবিদ্ধবৎ বেদনা। উদরাময় তৎসহ প্রচুর দুর্গন্ধযুক্ত বায়ুর নির্গমণ। দুর্গন্ধযুক্ত মল

প্রস্রাবপ্রস্রাবলীতে সূচীবিদ্ধবৎ বেদনা। হঠাৎ করে এবং তীব্রভাবে প্রস্রাবের বেগ। বারে বারে প্রস্রাব

স্ত্রীবােগঅতিরিক্ত ঋতুস্রাব, নির্দিষ্ট সময়ের আগে হয় চুলকানি এবং ছিড়ে ফেলার ন্যায়, চাপ দেবার ন্যায় বেদনা স্ত্রীযৌনাঙ্গে পিঠে আক্ষেপিক বেদনা সহ ঋতুস্রাব নীচের দিকে কিছু ঠেলে বেরিয়ে আসার ন্যায় তীব্র বেদনা বিশেষতঃ রজোনিবৃত্তির পরে কাম উত্তেজনা স্তনের বোঁটা চুলকায়, জ্বালা প্রসবের এবং সঙ্গ মের পর লক্ষণ প্রকাশ পায় সাদা স্রাব, তৎসহ তীব্র চুলকানি

শ্বাসপ্রশ্বাসপ্রচণ্ড কাশি, খাবার পরে বৃদ্ধি, যতক্ষন কাশি চলে, ততক্ষন মাথায় যন্ত্রণা। রাত্রিতে, ঘুমের পরে আক্ষেপিক কাশি, তৎসহ ছােট ছােট বলের মত শ্লেষ্ম উঠে, কষ্টকর, ভারবােধ শ্বাস প্রশ্বাস। কাশির শেষে হাঁচি

হৃদপিণ্ড অনিয়মিত, কোলাহল পূর্ণ,হৃদকম্প, তামাক খাবার পরে।নাড়ী সবিরাম। অনিয়মিত। হৃদপিণ্ডস্থানে চাপবােধ, যেন মনে হয় বক্ষগহ্বরে সঙ্কুচিত হয়ে পড়েছে। হৃদকম্প, তৎসহ মুখমণ্ডল লালচে।পিঠযন্ত্রণা, তৎসহ মেরুদণ্ড স্পর্শকাতর, পিঠের অংশে বেশী অনুভূত হয়। কোমরের বেদনা;মুক্ত বাতাসে বৃদ্ধি। পিঠের ফিক ব্যথা। গ্রীবাস্থানের পেশীর নর্তন

অঙ্গপ্রত্যঙ্গসর্বাঙ্গ আড়ষ্ট। নিতম্ব স্থানে বেদনা। বাতের বেদনা নড়াচড়ায় কম পড়ে। কোমর স্থানের দুর্বলতা। অস্থিরচলভঙ্গী, কাপুনি। পায়ের আঙ্গুল পায়ের পাতা চুলকায়, বরফে জমে যাওয়ার ন্যায় অনুভূতি। পায়ের তলায় খিল ধরা। টিবিয়া অস্থিতে বেদনা। একস্থান থেকে অন্যস্থানে চলাফেরা করার সময় পেশীর কাজের সমন্বয়ের অভাবের ফলে উদ্ভূত স্নায়ুশূল। নিম্নাঙ্গের পক্ষাঘাত, তৎসহ বাহু দুটির আক্ষেপ যুক্ত অবস্থা। পা গুটিয়ে বসলে তা অবশ হয়ে আসে বাম বাহুর পক্ষাঘাত জনিত বেদনা তৎসহ হৃদকম্প। পায়ের ডিমগুলির, ছিড়ে ফেলার ন্যায়, যন্ত্রণাদায়ক সঙ্কোচন

চামড়াবরফের ঠাণ্ডায় আক্রান্ত হবার মত জ্বালা, চুলকানি, লালচে ভাব ফোলা। ফুসকুড়ি, শক্ত, অনেকটা ফ্লীমাছি কামড়াবার পরে দেখা দেওয়া উদ্ভেদের মত। ছােট ছােট অসংখ্য উদ্ভেদ তৎসই সুসহনীয় চুলকানি জ্বালা। শীতস্ফোটক। লালচে ব্রণ। শিরার স্ফীতি তৎসহ চামড়া ঠাণ্ডা। গােলাকার লালবর্ণযুক্ত উদ্ভেদ, ফোস্কা, পুঁজ যুক্ত উদ্ভেদ এবং শােথযুক্ত ক্ষত| ঘুমঅতিরিক্ত হাই ভােলা। তীব্র চুলকানি জ্বালার জন্য অস্থির ভাব। ঘুমিয়ে পড়ার পর, চমকিয়ে উঠা, কম্পন, বারে বারে ঘুমের থেকে জেগে উঠে। জীবন্ত স্বপ্ন। দুপুরের দিকে ঝিমুনী। হাইতােলার পরে অনিচ্ছাকৃতভাবে হাসি। | জ্বরঠাণ্ডা বাতাসে অত্যানুভূতি যুক্ত। সন্ধ্যার দিকে প্রচণ্ড গরমভাব। প্রচুর ঘাম। স্থানে স্থানে জ্বালা করে। কি কমা বাড়া বৃদ্ধি, মুক্ত ঠাণ্ডা বাতাসে, খাবার পরে, সঙ্গমের পরে, ঠাণ্ডা আবহাওয়ায়, বজ্রঘাত, ঝড় প্রভৃতির আগে। পিঠের মেরুদণ্ডে চাপ দিলে বৃদ্ধি, যার ফলে অনিচ্ছাকৃত ভাবে হাসি। ধীরে ধীরে চলাফেরায় আরাম করে

সম্বন্ধতুলনীয় মাসক্যারিন, এগারিকাসের উপক্ষার (স্রাবের উপর প্রভূত ক্ষমতার অধিকারী, চক্ষুগ্রন্থির স্রাব, লালাস্রাব, যকৃতগ্রন্থির স্রাব প্রভৃতি বাড়িয়ে থাকে কিন্তু মূত্রগ্রন্থির ভাব কমিয়ে থাকে;সকল স্রাব গ্রন্থির প্রান্তীয় স্নায়ুকোষের উপর কাজ করে থাকে এবং এই কারণে প্রচুর লালাস্রাব, চক্ষুস্রাব প্রচুর ঘাম হয়ে থাকে অ্যাট্রোপিন, মাসক্যারিনের ঠিক বিপরীত) অ্যামনিটা ভারনাস বসন্তকালীর ছত্রাকএক জাতীয় এগার উপক্ষারএকে ডেথ কাপ বলা হয়যার কার্যকরী উপক্ষার হল ফ্যালিন, যা মাসক্যারিনের ন্যায় কার্যকরী অ্যামানিটা ফ্যালয়ে (ডেথ কাপডেডলি এগারিক), র্যাটল সাপের বিষের ন্যায় বিষাক্ত এবং এই জাতীয় বিষ কলেরা ডিথিরিয়া রােগ জীবানু ছেড়ে থাকে এটি রক্তের লােহিত কণিকার উপর কাজ করে এবং এরূপ ভাবে লােহিত কণিকাগুলিকে গলিয়ে ফেলে;যার ফলে তা পােষ্টিকনলী দিয়ে বেরিয়ে আসে এবং এই সমগ্র শরীরের রক্ত নিষ্কাশিত হয় এই বিষক্রিয়া বস্তুর পরিমান খুবই সামান্য, যদি কারুর হাতে লাগে, অথবা এইগুলির ছিদ্র থেকে যদি কেউ শ্বাস টানে তাহলেও কেউ কেউ অসুস্থ হয়ে পড়ে এই বিষটি খুবই ধীরে ধীরে কাজ করে এমনকি বিষয়টি গ্রহন করার ১২২০ ঘন্টা পরেও রােগী সম্পূর্ণ সুস্থতা অনুভব করে, কিন্তু হঠাৎ করে মাথা ঘােরা, কলেরার মত মারাত্মক রােগ লক্ষণ প্রকাশ পায় তৎসহ খুব দ্রুত শারীরিক শক্তির অবক্ষয় হতে থাকে এবং দ্বিতীয় বা তৃতীয় দিনে রােগী মারা যায়, মৃত্যুর পূর্বে আচ্ছন্ন ভাব আক্ষেপ দেখা দেয় মেদ জমা হবার ফলে যকৃৎ, হৃদপিণ্ড এবং বৃক্ক দুটির পরিবর্তন দেখা দেয়, ফুসফুস, প্লরা চামড়া থেকে রক্তস্রাব (ডাঃ জে. সিয়ার) বমি উদরাময় সর্বদা মল ত্যাগের ইচ্ছা কিন্তু পাকস্থলী কেন্দ্রীক, উদর কেন্দ্রীক অথবা মলদ্বার কেন্দ্রীক কোন প্রকার ব্যথাবেদনা থাকে না ঠাণ্ডা জলপানের তীব্র পিপাসা, চর্মশুষ্ক অলস কিন্তু মানসিকভাবে উজ্জীবিত তীব্র পরিবর্তন, দ্রুত থেকে ধীরে এবং ধীরে থেকে দ্রুত শ্বাসপ্রশ্বাস, স্পষ্ট পতনাবস্থা, প্রস্রাব কমে যায়, কিন্তু অঙ্গপ্রত্যঙ্গ শীতল হয় না বা খিদ্ধরা থাকেনা এগারিক এমিট (প্রচণ্ড মাথা ঘােরা;সকল লক্ষণ ঠাণ্ডা জলে কম পড়ে;বরফের মত ঠান্ডা জল পানের তীব্র ইচ্ছা; পাকাশয় প্রদাহ তৎসহ ঠাণ্ডা ঘাম, বমি, মনে হয়, পাকস্থলী দড়ির দ্বারা ঝুলানাে রয়েছে) ট্যামাস (শীতস্ফোটক ছুলি) সিমিসি ; ক্যানাবিস ইন্ড; হায়াে ; ট্যারান্টুলা দোষ; এবাসিন্থ; কফিয়া, ক্যাম্ফর মাত্রা৩য় থেকে ৩০ শক্তি এবং ২০০ শক্তি চর্মরােগে এবং মস্তিষ্কের ক্লান্তিতে নিম্ন শক্তি প্রয়ােগ করা হবে

এগারিকাস মাস্কেরিয়াস

(Agaricus Muscarius) এই ঔষধের আগাগােড়া লক্ষণীয় জিনিষ অঙ্গ মােচড়ানি এবং কম্পন। পেশীর উৎক্ষেপ অঙ্গপ্রত্যঙ্গের কম্পন এবং দেহের সকল অংশে স্পন্দন মৃদু কম্পনএই দুইটি লক্ষণ সৰ্ব্বদাই বর্তমান থাকে। পেশীর কম্পন এত বিস্তৃত হয় যে, উহা পূর্ণ বিকশিত কোরিয়া রােগেই পর্যবসিত হয়। ইহার প্রকৃতিতে কোরিয়া রােগে যাহা কিছু দেখা যায়, তাহার সমস্তই আছে এবং ইহা অনেক কোরিয়া রােগগ্রস্তকে আরােগ্যও করিয়াছে। এই নৰ্ত্তন দেহের সমস্ত অংশে সকল পেশীতে বর্তমান থাকে। সারা দেহে রােগী সড়সড়ানি পিপড়া হাঁটার ন্যায় অনুভব করে। ইহা শুধু চৰ্ম্মেই সীমাবদ্ধ থাকে না, যেন মাংসের মধ্যেও বর্তমান থাকে। অনুভূতিটি যেন পিপড়া চলার ন্যায় সর্বাঙ্গে চৰ্ম্মের উপরে চুলকানি, চুলকাইলে উহা স্থান পরিবর্তন করে। উহা হইতে কোন অঙ্গই বাদ যায় না। চর্মের উপরে অথবা অঙ্গপ্রত্যঙ্গগুলিতে যেখানে সেখানে এক অদ্ভুত অনুভূতি, ঠান্ডার অনুভূতি,—ঠান্ডা সূচফোটানবৎ অথবা গরম সূচফোটানবৎ অনুভূতি; যেখানে রক্ত সঞ্চালন দুৰ্বল সেখানে,কানের চারিদিকে, নাকে, হাতের উল্টা পিঠে এবং পায়ের আঙ্গুলে হুলফোটানবৎ এবং জ্বালাকর যাতনা; তুষারাহতের ন্যায় চুলকানি জ্বালা সংযুক্ত লাল লাল দাগ। ইহা শীতাস্ফোট (পাকুই) রােগের একটি শ্রেষ্ঠ ঔষধ। রােগী ঠান্ডায় অত্যন্ত স্নায়বিক স্পর্শকাতর হয়। মানসিক পরিশ্রমে চুলকানি, কাটা ফোটার ন্যায় অনুভূতি, কনকনানি প্রভৃতি উপসর্গ দেখা দেয় এবং শারীরিক পরিশ্রমে উহার উপশম হয়! এগারিকাসের সমস্ত লক্ষণ, বিশেষতঃ মেরুমজ্জা সংক্রান্ত লক্ষণগুলি স্ত্রীসঙ্গমের পর বৃদ্ধিপ্রাপ্ত হয়। এইজন্য স্নায়বিকপ্রকৃতি বিবাহিতা স্ত্রীলােকগণের স্বামী সহবাসের পর আবির্ভূত বিবিধ লক্ষণ, যথা স্বামী সহবাসের পর হিষ্টিরিয়াজনিত মূৰ্হারােগে ইহা উপযােগী।

সময়ইহার মানসিক লক্ষণগুলি তােমরা যেরূপ আশা করিতেছে ঠিক সেইরূপই হয়। ইহাতে অত্যন্ত পরিবর্তনশীলতা, কোপনতা, এবং অতিরিক্ত মানসিক পরিশ্রম অথবা দীর্ঘকাল পড়াশুনা করিবার পর অবসাদ অন্যান্য উপসর্গসমূহ দেখা দেয়। মনে হয় যেন, মস্তিষ্কটি ধীরে ধীরে বাড়িতেছে। শিশুদের কথা কহিতে এবং হাঁটিতে দেরী হয়। এইরূপে ইহাট্রোম মিউরযাহাতেবিলম্বে কথা কহিতে শিখা এবং ক্যাল্কেরিয়া কাৰ্ব্ব যাহাতে বিলম্বে হাঁটিতে শিখালক্ষণ আছে, ঔষধদ্বয়ের প্রকৃতি সম্মিলিত হইতেছে। ক্যাল্কেরিয়া কাৰ্ব্বদেখা যায় যে লক্ষণটি আসে হাড়ের দুর্বলতা হইতে। এগারিকাসে উহা ধীরে ধীরে বর্ধনশীল মনের জন্য হয়। পেশীর নৰ্ত্তনযুক্ত শীঘ্ৰ মূৰ্ছা যায়এরূপ শিশু; যৌবনােদ্গমের পূর্বে স্নায়বিকা বালিকা, যাহারা তিরস্কৃত হইলে এবং উত্তেজনা মানসিক আবেগের ফলে মূৰ্খা যায়, যাহাদের মানসিক বিকাশে বিলম্ব হয়। যেসকল শিশুরা মনে রাখিতে পারে না, ভুল করে এবং ধীরে ধীরে শিক্ষা করে, তাহারা। যেসকল স্নায়বিক ব্যক্তির হাতে লেখা কাগজ পড়িতে গেলে লেখায় বানানে ভুল করিয়াছে দেখিতে পাওয়া যায়, তাহারা। যাহাদের মনের এরূপ অবস্থা যে, ভাবগুলি দ্রুত গ্রহণ করিতে পারে না, ভুল শব্দগুলি বালকদের খেলিবার দূরবীনের (Kaleidoscope) ন্যায় নানা বর্ণে ভাসিতে থাকে। যখন আমরা পাঠ্যপুস্তক পড়িমনােজগতের সব কিছুই যেন

বাড়িতেহেলম্বে কথা কহিতে ঘলিত হইতেছে। জরে বর্ধনশীল মণবালিকা, যাহার

পক্ষাঘাতগ্রস্ততখন আমাদের তলাইয়া বুঝিয়া পড়া চাই সমগ্র মন এবং চৈতন্য পক্ষাঘাতগ্রস্ত মনে হয়, রােগী অলস, নির্বোধ এবং সময়ে সময়ে প্রলাপযুক্ত হয়; তাহার মানসিক বিশৃঙ্খলা প্রলাপের এতই অনুরূপ হয় যে, উহা মত্ততার বিসদৃশ মনে হয় না মৃদু হইতে উৎপন্ন প্রলাপের সদৃশ প্রলাপ সে আবার নির্বুদ্ধি হইয়া পড়ে, মূখ নির্বোধের ন্যায় কথা বলে, অসময়ে গান করে শিস দেয়, কবিতা রচনা করে, ভবিষ্যদ্বাণী করে; অথবা তাহার একটি বিপরীত অবস্থা দেখা দেয়;—সে তাহার চারিদিকের ব্যাপার সম্বন্ধে উদাসীন হইয়া পড়ে যেলােক ধীর শান্ত ছিল, সেই স্বেচ্ছাচারী, একগুঁয়ে আত্মম্ভরী হইয়া উঠে {} P) চত দেহের পেশীসমূহের সঞ্চালনে সামঞ্জস্য বিধান কষ্টকর হয় মস্তিষ্ক মেরুমজ্জার অসামঞ্জস্য হাতের হাতের আঙ্গুলগুলির বিশৃঙ্খল গতি জিনিষ ধরিতে যাইয়া উহা ফেলিয়া দেয় জিনিষ ধরিতে গেলে আঙ্গুলগুলি আক্ষেপিক ভাবে খুলিয়া যায় রান্নাঘরের পরিচারিকার যখন এই উপসর্গ থাকে যে, সে ক্রমাগত থালা ফেলিয়া ভাঙ্গে, তখন অনেক সময়েই তুমি তাহাকে এগারিকাস বা এপিসদ্বারা আরােগ্য করিতে পারে কিন্তু এই দুইটি ঔষধের প্রকৃতি বিপরীত এগারিকাসের রােগী আগুনের কাছে থাকিতে চায়, আর এপিসের রােগী রান্নাঘরের বাহিরে আসিতে চায় রােগীর অকুশলতা বিশৃঙ্খলভাবে প্রভৃতি একসঙ্গে শারীরিক মানসিক প্রত্যেক প্রকারের পরিবর্তনই রােগী ডাক্তারের পক্ষে লক্ষণীয় সময়ে সময়ে রােগী নির্বোধ, অকুশল বিশৃঙ্খল ব্যবহার করিবে, কিন্তু অন্য সময়ে সেই চটপটে এবং কবিভাবযুক্ত হইয়া উঠিবে, হয়ত, বিশেষতঃ রাত্রিকালে, বিনা আয়াসে কবিতা আবৃত্তি করিয়া যাইবে প্রাতঃকালে সে ক্লান্ত অলস বােধ করিবে এবং ভাব তাহার মধ্যাহ্ন পর্যন্ত থাকিয়া যাইতে পারে তাহার মানসিক লক্ষণগুলি সকালের দিকে বাড়ে এবং সন্ধ্যার দিকে উপশমপ্রাপ্ত হয় দ্রিাকালে সৰ্ব্বপ্রকার উৎক্ষেপ পেশীসঙ্কোচন থামিয়া যায় খােলা বাতাসে বেড়াইবার সময় তাহার মাথা ঘুরে সবসময়েই তাহার শীত করে কোন কাজ করিতে গেলে, সে ঠিক বিপরীতটিই করিয়া বসে শিরােঘূর্ণন মনের গােলযােগ মিশিয়া থাকে

.. >> মেরুদন্ডের লক্ষণসমূহ কম্পন উৎক্ষেপের সহিত সম্বন্ধযুক্ত থাকাই এই ঔষধের শিরঃপীড়ার বিশিষ্টতা। মেরুদন্ড রােগগ্রস্তের শিরঃপীড়া। যেন তীক্ষ্ণ বরফখন্ড কিংবা যেন সূচ মাথায় ফুটিতেছেএরূপ বেদনা। সাধারণতঃ এই রূপই হয়, কিন্তু এরূপ যাতনা অন্যান্য অঙ্গেও দেখা যাইতে পারে। মাথায় পেরেক পােতার ন্যায় যন্ত্রণা। প্রাতঃকালে কিছু রক্তপাত হইতে পারে, রক্ত ঘন কাল এবং কদাচিৎ ফোঁটা ফোঁটা করিয়া পড়ে। মাথায় শীতলতাবোেধ। মস্তকতৃকে বহু প্রকার অদ্ভুত অনুভূতি থাকেচুলকাইবার বা আঁচড়াইবার পর বরফের ন্যায় শীতলতা বােধ হয়। অনুভূতি শরীরের সর্বত্র প্রধাবিত হয়। চুলকানি থাকিলেও কোন প্রকার উদ্ভেদ দেখা দেয় না, সে না চুলকাইয়া থাকিতে পারে না এবং চুলকানর পর স্থানে বরফের ন্যায় শীতলতা অথবা যেন ঐস্থানে বায়ু বহিতেছে এরূপ অনুভূত হয়। কোরিয়া রােগগ্রস্তের ন্যায় মাথাটি অবিরত নড়িতে থাকে। মস্তকতুকে চুলকানি বিশেষভাবে প্রাতে ন্দ্রিাভঙ্গের পর দেখা দেয়। আবার, আমরা দেখি যে সাধারণভাবে বৃদ্ধিও প্রাতঃকালে। মস্তকত্বকে স্পষ্ট ব্রণাদি থাকিতে পারে। মামড়ী সংযুক্ত পামা

চক্ষুর উৎক্ষেপ স্পন্দন। এগারিকাসের চক্ষুতে তুমি ইহা লক্ষ্য করিতে পারিবে,—রােগী যখন তােমার দিকে চাহিবে তখন দেখিবে যে, তাহার চক্ষুদ্বয় ঘড়ির দোলকের ন্যায় নড়িতেছে, উহারা একবার পিছনে একবার সামনের দিকে আসিতেছে এবং রােগী তােমার দিকে দৃষ্টি নিবদ্ধ করিতে চেষ্টা করিলেও চক্ষুদ্বয় বিকম্পিত হইতেছে। এই ভাব কেবলমাত্র নিদ্রাকালেই. থামিয়া থাকে, সমস্ত গতিই নিদ্রাকালে থামিয়া যায়। সাইকুটা‘, আর্সেনিক’, ‘সালফার, ‘পালসেটিলাপ্রভৃতি আরও কয়েকটি ঔষধ এইরূপ চক্ষুলক্ষণ আরােগ্য করিয়াছে, কিন্তু এগারিকাস ইহা উৎপন্ন করে এবং আরােগ্য করে। বর্ণ দৃষ্টি সম্বন্ধে ধারণাযােগ্য প্রত্যেক প্রকার বিভ্রান্তিই দেখিতে পাওয়া যায়। চক্ষুর সম্মুখস্থ আলােটি দপদপ করে, তাহার পড়িতে কষ্ট হয়। দৃষ্ট বস্তু যেখানে আছে বােধ হয়, বাস্তবিক সেইখানে থাকে না। চক্ষুর সম্মুখে কাল কাল

মাছির মত দেখে, কাল কাল বিন্দু দেখে, একটি বস্তু দুইটি দেখে, চক্ষুর সম্মুখে মাছির মত উড়িয়া যাইতে দেখে চক্ষুর পৈশিক দুর্বলতা চক্ষু সঞ্চালনের অনিয়মিততা, চক্ষুতারকা হয় প্রসারিত নচেৎ সঙ্কুচিত চক্ষুর সম্মুখে কুয়াসা বা মাকড়সার জালের মত দেখে চক্ষু আক্ষেপিক ভাবে ঝাঁকি দিয়া উঠে, নাচিয়া উঠে চক্ষুর উৎক্ষেপ স্পন্দন একটি অতি পরিস্ফুট লক্ষণ; তৎসহ চক্ষুর চারিদিকে কোরিয়া রােগীর ন্যায় সঞ্চালন এবং চক্ষুর বর্ণ আকৃতি সম্বন্ধে বিভ্রান্তি থাকে {** নযচক কি

কি ( কর্ণদ্বয়ের লালবর্ণ, জ্বালা এবং চুলকানি, যেন উহারা তুষারাহত হইয়াছে। শীতস্কোটের ন্যায় অনুভূতি, ঐরূপ দেহের সর্বত্র দেখা যায়, এই ঔষধে সাধারণতঃ যেরূপ দেখা যায়, সেইরূপ চুলকানি ঝিনঝিনি। শ্রবণশক্তির ক্ষীণতা। বধিরতা। কখনও বা শ্রবণশক্তির তীক্ষ্ণতা। প্রাতঃকালে সে কথা বলে না, নড়ে চড়ে না, বােকার মত এবং ক্লান্ত থাকে, কিন্তু সন্ধ্যা আসিলেই সে স্ফুর্তিযুক্ত হয়, বেশ গরম হইয়া উঠে, উত্তেজিত হয়, কবিত্বযুক্ত এবং ভবিষ্যদ্বক্তার ভাব বিশিষ্ট হয়; গভীর রাত্রি পর্যন্ত বসিয়া থাকিতে চায় এবং ক্রীড়ামত্ত থাকিতে ইচ্ছা করে

নাসাপথে রক্তস্রাব; নাসিকা হইতে প্রচুর দুর্গন্ধ স্রাব। এগারিকাস এত গভীরক্রিয় ঔষধ যে যক্ষ্মাসম্ভব ধাতুতেও শুষ্কতা মামড়ী সংযুক্ত অত্যন্ত পুরাতন দুঃসাধ্য সর্দিও আরােগ্য করিতে পারে। ইহা প্রারম্ভিক অবস্থায় বহু যক্ষ্মারােগীকে আরােগ্য করিয়াছে। ইহা পুরাতন কাশি সর্দি আরােগ্য করে। নাসিকাটি বরফাহতের ন্যায় লালবর্ণ। পুরাতন মাতালদের লাল ডগাযুক্ত নাসিকায় ইহা লিডামল্যাকেসিসের সমগুণ। sssss sa

আমরা ইতিপূর্বে যাহা দেখিয়াছি, তাহা হইতে মুখের পেশীসমূহের স্পন্দন, তুষারাহতের ন্যায় চুলকানি, লালবর্ণ এবং জ্বালা, পক্ষাঘাতিক দুর্বলতা প্রভৃতি আশা করিতে পারি, কারণ এইগুলি সাধারণ লক্ষণ; এবং আমাদের আশামত, এইগুলিকে পাঠ্য পুস্তকে দেখিতে পাই। কোরিয়া রােগ সদৃশ আক্ষেপ। জড়বুদ্ধির ন্যায় ব্যবহার। এইবার লক্ষ্য কর কতকগুলি রােগী যখন তাহাদের নিজ নিজ ব্যবসায় সংক্রান্ত কাৰ্য্যগুলি করিতে থাকে, তখন তাহারা বেশ চটপটে থাকে, কিন্তু যদি তুমি তাহাদের সম্মুখে একটি নূতন বিষয় উপস্থাপিত কর,—এমন কিছু যাহা তাহাদের দৈনন্দিন কার্যের মধ্যে পড়ে না, তাহা হইলে তাহারা সম্পূর্ণ বােকা বনিয়া যায়। এই অবস্থাটি বিশেষ ভাবে সকাল বেলাই দেখা যায়। প্রাতঃকালে সে নূতন কিছুই গ্রহণ করিতে পারে

কিন্তু সন্ধ্যাকালে তাহার নূতন ভাব বােধগম্য হয় এবং চা, কফি, মদ্য প্রভৃতি পানের ফলে যেরূপ দেখা যায়, সেইরূপ প্রফুল্লতার মধ্যেও থাকে। এই ঔষধটি সুরাজাতীয় পানীয়ের একটি প্রবল প্রতিবিষ। এই ঔষধ জিঙ্কামউভয়েই মেরুদন্ড আক্রান্ত হয় এবং উভয়েই উত্তেজক। দ্রব্যে বৃদ্ধিলক্ষণ আছে। তিনি উনি ) এগারিকাস বহু মৃগীরােগসুলভ আক্ষেপ এবং আরও সচারাচর ফেনাযুক্ত মুখ, পশ্চাদ্দিকে আকৃষ্টতা, এবং মুখের পেশীর স্পন্দনযুক্ত হিষ্টিরিয়া সংযুক্ত বিশেষ প্রকারের মৃগীরােগের আক্ষেপ আরােগ্য করিয়াছে। এগারিকাস রােগীর ক্ষণিক রােগাক্রমণ আছে; তাহার মুখের একটি ক্ষুদ্র পেশী বা কোন পেশীর কয়েকটি তন্তু কয়েক মুহূর্তের জন্য কাপে, তারপর উহা থামিয়া যায় এবং মুখের অপর পার্শ্বে অনুরূপ অবস্থা দেখা যায়। একটি চোখের পাতা কাপিবে, তারপর আর এক প্রস্থ তন্তু কাঁপিবে; কখন কখন ইহা এতই বিরক্তিকর হয় যে, রােগীকে প্রায় ক্ষিপ্ত করিয়া তােলে। এগারিকাসের আর নাক্স ভমিকার বটে, অবস্থা এইরূপ হয়।চয়ে চিডি

দাঁতগুলি খুব লম্বা বােধ হয় এবং স্পর্শদ্বেষ বিশিষ্ট হয়। জিহ্বা কাঁপে, স্পন্দিত হয়, ঝুঁকি দিয়া উঠে এবং তাহাতে কথা বিশৃঙখল হয়, রােগী জোর দিয়া উচ্চারণ করে। জিহ্বা শুষ্ক কম্পমান। সে কষ্টে কথা বলিতে শিখে। জিহ্বার আক্ষেপের জন্য কথা অস্পষ্টভাবে উচ্চারিত হয়। জিহ্বার গতিরােধক রজ্জুতে পচা ক্ষত জন্মে, উহাতে ক্ষয়িয়া যায়। জিহ্বার ক্ষতবৎ বেদনা। মুখের তালুতে পারদজনিত ক্ষুদ্র ক্ষুদ্র জাড়িক্ষত। স্তন্যপায়ী শিশুদের মুখক্ষতের ন্যায় ছােট ছােট সাদা ফোস্কা। পুরাতন গলক্ষত। তালুমূলগ্রন্থির কঠিনতা। জ্বালাকর তৃষ্ণা; রাক্ষুসে ক্ষুধা। পাকস্থলিতে ক্ষুধা লাগার ন্যায় খামচান ব্যথা, কিন্তু খাইতে ইচ্ছা থাকে না

বাতকর্ম, কষ্টদায়ক উদার, অত্যন্ত পেট ফাঁপা, পেট ডাকা, পেটের মধ্যে গড়গড় করা; দুর্গন্ধ অধঃবায়ু, পেটের মধ্যে হুড়ম করিয়া শব্দ সবকিছুই গাজিয়া উঠে, উচ্চশব্দে গড়গড় কলকল করে খামচানর ন্যায় ব্যথা হয় অতি দুর্গন্ধ নিঃস্রাব টাইফয়েড জ্বরের মধ্যে পেট ফাঁপা দুষ্ট প্রকৃতির টাইফয়েড, পেশীসমূহের কম্পন উৎক্ষেপ, পক্ষঘাতিক দুর্বলতা, শীর্ণতা, মানসিক লক্ষণসমূহ

প্রাতঃকালীন উদরাময়; সরলান্ত্রে জ্বালাসহ প্রচুর অধঃবায়ু (এলাে‘), নরম মল, অত্যন্ত কোথানি; প্রবল মলবেগ, মলত্যাগের পূৰ্ব্বে, সময়ে পরে অনৈচ্ছিক কোথানি। মনে হয় যে, মলত্যাগের পরেও সরলান্ত্রটি ফাটিয়া যাইবে (মার্কএবং সালফার’) আকস্মিক তীব্র যন্ত্রণা, আদৌ দেরী করিতে পারে না। কষ্টকর ফাটিয়া যাওয়ার ন্যায় অনুভূতি। মলত্যাগের পূর্বে উদরে কওঁনবৎ এবং খামচানবৎ বেদনা, প্রবল কোথানি, সরলান্ত্রে যন্ত্রণাদায়ক রােগ। মলত্যাগের সময় শূলবৎ বেদনা এবং অধঃবায়ু নিঃসরণ এবং মলদ্বারে জ্বালা, ক্ষততাবােধ, চিড়িকমারা কাটিয়া ফেলার ন্যায় ব্যথা, তৎসহ ঘৰ্ম্ম, এবং মলত্যাগের পরেও দীর্ঘকালস্থায়ী কোমর হইতে পা পর্যন্ত বেদনা। মলত্যাগের পর, শিরঃপীড়ার উপশম, গুহ্যদ্বারে দংশনবৎ ব্যথা, কুক্ষিদেশে কামড়ানি, উদরস্ফীতি, উদরে এবং নাভির চারিদিকে ভারবােধ, বক্ষে যাতনা। মলত্যাগের পর কোথানি কথাটি বিশেষ ভাবে মনে রাখিবে। * রােগীর কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতা এবং সরলান্ত্রের পক্ষাঘাতবৎ অনুভূতি থাকিতে পারে; মল কঠিন, যেন মলত্যাগের উপরই জীবন মরণ নির্ভর করিতেছেএরূপ কোথানি, কিন্তু তথাপি মল বাহির হয়

পেশীসমূহের উৎক্ষেপ মেরুদন্ডে জ্বালাসহ নিম্নাঙ্গের পক্ষাঘাতের প্রাথমিক অবস্থা। এক একটি রােগী কোথানি নিষ্ফল বলিয়া ছাড়িয়া দিবার পর অনিচ্ছায় মলত্যাগ করে। এই লক্ষণ কেবল মাত্রআর্জেন্টাম নাইট্রিকামে’ (মল মূত্রে) আছে জানা ছিল। মলপ্রবৃত্তিও প্রবল। মূত্র গড়াইয়া পড়ে। এই ঔষধের একটি বিশেষ লক্ষণ যে, মূত্রত্যাগকালে মূত্র ঠান্ডা বােধ হয়; মূত্র যখন গড়াইয়া পড়িতে থাকে তখন সে মূত্ৰনলীর ভিতর ঠান্ডা মূত্রের ফোঁটাগুলি গুণিতে পারে। ““মূত্র ক্ষীণ ধারায় অথবা ফোঁটা ফোঁটা করিয়া পড়ে, ধারার বেগ বৃদ্ধি করিতে চাপ দিতে হয়।” “প্রস্রাব জলের ন্যায় পরিষ্কার, লেবুর বর্ণ, উজ্জ্বল হলদে, গাঢ় হলদে এবং গরম; লাল, পশমের শুয়ার মত অথবা গুঁড়া গুঁড়া তলানি বিশিষ্ট, পূর্বাহ্নে জলবৎ, অপরাহ্নে লাল বা সাদা (ফসফেট অব ম্যাগনেশিয়া) তলানি বিশিষ্ট, দুধ বা ঘােলের ন্যায়, উপরিভাগে ইরিডিয়ামের ন্যায় বহুবর্ণ।মূত্রে ফসফেট; দুধের মত মূত্র; মূত্রের উপরিভাগে তৈলবৎ, ইরিডিয়ামের ন্যায় বহুবর্ণ, মূত্রের উপর পেট্রোলিয়ামের ন্যায় চৰ্ব্বিবৎ সর। বাত, গেঁটেবাত হিষ্টিরিয়াগ্রস্ত ব্যক্তির স্বল্পমূত্র। শীতল, দুৰ্ব্বল, পান্ডুর, যক্ষ্মারােগের উপক্রম বিশিষ্ট লােক। মূত্রের পরিমাণ কম হয় এবং এক প্রকার শিরঃপীড়া দেখা দেয়। কয়েকদিন কাটিয়া যায় এবং কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতা চলিতে থাকে, মলত্যাগের পর শিরঃপীড়ার শান্তি হয়। ফ্লরিক এসিডে যদি মূত্রবেগ চাপিয়া রাখা যায় তাহা হইলে একপ্রকার শিরঃপীড়া উপস্থিত হয়। ইহাতে রােগান্তর প্রাপ্তি ঘটিয়া থাকে। এক দিনেই দুগ্ধ বন্ধ হইয়া যায়, কিন্তু মস্তকে অথবা মেরুদন্ডে রক্তসঞ্চয় উপস্থিত হয়। রােগের স্থান পরিবর্তন,—বিশেষত দুগ্ধ বন্ধ হইয়া অন্য উপসর্গের আগমন।। | জননযন্ত্র শীতল সঙ্কুচিত। পুরুষ স্ত্রীলােকের জননযন্ত্র সম্বন্ধীয় লক্ষণসমূহের তারতম্য পরীক্ষা করিয়া দেখা যায় যে, স্ত্রীলােকের উপর ঔষধটি বিশেষভাবে পরীক্ষিত হয় নাই, কিন্তু পুরুষদিগের ক্ষেত্রে এমন অনেক লক্ষণ আছে, যাহাদের সদৃশ স্ত্রীলােকদিগের মধ্যেও দেখা যাইতে পারে। পুরুষদিগের সঙ্গমের পর লক্ষণগুলির বৃদ্ধি হয়, ঠিক ঐরূপ স্ত্রীলােকদিগেরও দেখা যায়। স্ত্রীলােকদিগের লক্ষণলিঙ্গের উত্তেজনা, ব্যভিচার প্রভৃতির পর মূৰ্ছা এবং পুরুষদিগের ক্ষেত্রে উহা দুৰ্বলতা। কম্পন, পেশী উৎক্ষেপণ অথবা এগারিকাসের অন্য যেকোন লক্ষণ সঙ্গমের পর বৃদ্ধি পাইতে পারে, কারণ জননযন্ত্র সংক্রান্ত কাৰ্য্যগুলি মেরুমজ্জার সহিত সম্বন্ধযুক্ত। যাহারা মেরুদন্ডের রােগগ্রস্ত, তাহাদের এই কার্য্যের পর নানা উপসর্গ দেখা দেয়

পুরুষদিগের সঙ্গমের সময় যখন শুক্র নির্গত হয়, তখন উহা উত্তপ্ত অথবা হাজাকর হওয়ায়, মূত্ৰনলীতে জ্বালা উপস্থিত হয় সুতরাং উহা কেবলমাত্র পুরুষদিগের লক্ষণ রেতঃপাতকালে প্রষ্টেট গ্রন্থিতে জ্বালা সঙ্গমের পূৰ্ব্বে সময়ে ভয়ানক কামােন্মাদনা, কিন্তু রেতঃনির্গমনকালে, উত্তেজনার অভাব এবং ধীর আনন্দহীন নির্গমন মেরুদন্ডের দুর্বলতা বিশিষ্ট স্নায়বিক ব্যক্তিগণের, যাহাদের সর্বাঙ্গে সড়সড়ানি পিপড়া হাঁটার ন্যায় অনুভূতি থাকে,—তাহাদের এইরূপ ঘটিতে দেখা যায় এই ঔষধটি মূত্ৰনলী হইতে পুরাতন শ্লেষ্মস্রাব পুরাতন গণােরিয়া লালামেহ রােগ, সৰ্ব্বপ্রকার বাহ্যিক চিকিৎসার পরেও আরােগ্য করিয়া থাকে লিঙ্গটি শিথিল সঙ্কুচিত, অন্ডকোষদ্বয় অত্যন্ত যন্ত্রণাদায়ক ভাবে আকৃষ্ট পুরাতন লাল মেহস্রাবে মূত্রনলীতে ক্রমাগত চুলকানি সড়সড়ানি থাকে এবং স্রাবের শেষ বিন্দুটি রহিয়া যায় বহুক্ষণ ধরিয়া স্রাব নির্গত হয় অন্যান্য অনেক ঔষধ অপেক্ষা এরূপ ক্ষেত্রের জন্য দুইটি ঔষধ উৎকৃষ্টতর, তাহারা পেট্রোলিয়াম এগারিকাস না বাঁধা নিয়মের চিকিৎসকগণ, স্ত্রীলােকগণের নীচের দিকে ঠেলামারা বেদনার জন্যপালস‘, ‘সিপিয়া ইত্যাদির কথা চিন্তা করেন, কিন্তু মেরুদন্ডের উপদাহ বিশিষ্ট স্ত্রীলােকগণের নীচের দিকে ঠেলামারা বেদনায় যদি মনে হয় যে, যন্ত্রটি বাহির হইয়া পড়িবে তাহা হইলে এই ঔষধটিই সর্বোৎকৃষ্ট ঐরূপ ক্ষীণকায়া, স্নায়বিক, অস্থির প্রকৃতি স্ত্রীলােকদের সড়সড় করা পিপড়া হাঁটার ন্যায় অনুভূতি থাকিলে এগারিকাস অবশ্য প্রযােজ্য ঋতুকালে দন্তবেদনা, শিরঃপীড়া ইত্যাদি ঋতুকালে সমস্ত সাধারণ লক্ষণের বৃদ্ধি, কিন্তু ঋতুর পূর্বে বা পরে তত অধিক নয় ঋতু বন্ধ হইবার ঠিক পরেই হৃৎলক্ষণের বৃদ্ধি এবং জরায়ুভ্রংশ | অত্যন্ত প্রচুর, কালচে, রক্তাক্ত, হাজাকর, জননাঙ্গে ক্ষত উৎপাদনকারী প্রদরস্রাব ফুরিক এসিডে সহিত তুলনাকালে এই ঔষধটির উল্লেখ করা হইয়াছে উভয়ের মধ্যে অনেক বিষয়ে বৌসাদৃশ্য আছে প্রদরস্রাবে উভয়েই সমগুণস্রাবটি প্রচুর এবং হাজাকর, এত হাজাকর যে জননাঙ্গের চারিদিকের স্থানগুলিকে ক্ষতবিশিষ্ট প্রদাহিত করিয়া তুলে এবং রােগিণী হাটিতে পারেন না ফুরিক এসিডেস্নায়বিক লক্ষণের সহিত প্রস্রাবত্যাগে শিরঃপীড়ার উপশম, অথবা প্রস্রাব চাপিয়া রাখিলে শিরঃপীড়ার আক্রমণ এবং তৎসহ প্রচুর জ্বালাকর, হাজাজনক প্রদরস্রাব থাকে

বক্ষের উপদ্রবে এগারিকাস একটি বড় ঔষধ, যদিও উহার বিষয় খুব কমই চিন্তা করা হয়। ক্ষয়কাশ বলিয়া মনে হইয়াছিল, এরূপ রােগ ইহা দ্বারা আরােগ্য হইয়াছে। বুকের সর্দিজ অবস্থা, তৎসহ নিশাঘৰ্ম্ম এবং স্নায়বিক লক্ষণের ইতিহাস। থাকিয়া থাকিয়া কাশির তীব্র আক্রমণ, হাঁচিতে উহার পরিসমাপ্তি। আক্ষেপিক কাশি, তৎসহ সন্ধ্যার দিকে ঘর্ম, দ্রুতনাড়ী, পুঁজের মত গয়ের, প্রাতঃকালে চিৎ হইয়া শয়নে বৃদ্ধি। ইহার সহিত পূৰ্ব্ববর্ণিত এগারিকাসের লক্ষণগুলি যােগ দাও; এবং তাহা হইলেই এগারিকাস রােগটিকে আরােগ্য করিবে। যক্ষ্মারােগের প্রাথমিক অবস্থা। ইহার সহিত টিউবারকুলার ধাতুর যথেষ্ট সম্বন্ধ আছে। আমার মনে আছে যে, কোন একটি রােগীকেটিউবারকুলিনামদিতে আরম্ভ করিলে তাহার ইতিহাস এবং লক্ষণগুলি হইতে আমার হইয়াছিল যে, উহাতে অনুভবাধিক্য বােধ করিবে। প্রথম মাত্রায় তাহাকে প্রায় মারিয়া ফেলিয়াছিল; এবং পদার্থটি গােমহিষাদির রােগ নির্ণয়ের জন্য তাহাদিগকে দেওয়া হয় বিবেচনা করিয়া, মনে হইয়াছিল যে, উহা দ্বারা গােলযােগের সৃষ্টি হইবে। সে শীর্ণ হইয়া পড়িয়াছিল এবং দেখাইতেছিল যেন সে মরিয়া যাইবে। আমি তাহাকে বিনা ঔষধে রাখিয়া ধীরভাবে পর্যবেক্ষণ করিতে লাগিলাম, ক্রমে এগারিকাসের লক্ষণসমূহ উপস্থিত হইল এবং এই দুই ঔষধের মধ্যে যে সম্বন্ধ আছে তাহা প্রমাণ করিল। ইহা দ্বারা যক্ষ্মা প্রবণ ধাতুতে এগারিকাসের উপযােগিতা সম্বন্ধে হেরিংয়ের উক্তি সমর্থিত হইতেছে। এগারিকাস তাহাকে আরােগ্য করিয়াছিল এবং তাহার গায়ে মাংসও লাগিয়াছিল। | এই ঔষধটিতে যথেষ্ট হৃৎস্পন্দন আছে, উহার বৃদ্ধি সন্ধ্যার দিকে। ইহা দ্বারা হৃৎপিন্ডের উপঘাত কম্পন, হৃৎপিন্ডের আক্ষেপ, উহার অভ্যন্তরে উৎক্ষেপবৎ লক্ষণের বিকাশ আরােগ্য


হয় এই উপঘাতজনিত কম্পন আকস্মিক শব্দে, ঢেকুর তােলার পর, কাশিলে, বামপার্শ্বে বা চিৎ হইয়া শুইলে দেখা দেয়, রাত্রিকালে জ্বর অবস্থায় বাড়ে; দেহের অন্যান্য অংশে যথা পেটে, পিঠে অথবা হাতপায়ে বিস্তৃত হয় সাধারণ লক্ষণ হিসাবে, বুকের উপরিভাগে সড়সড়ানি পিঁপড়া হাঁটার ন্যায় অনুভূতি থাকে ফলে ফিট||

CB | জাতি) | পৃষ্ঠে কতকগুলি অদ্ভুত পরিচালক সাধারণ লক্ষণ থাকে। সমগ্র মেরুদন্ডের আড়ষ্টতা। মনে হয় যেন, অবনত হইতে চেষ্টা করিলে উহা ভাঙ্গিয়া যাইবে পৃষ্ঠের পেশীগুলির আড়ষ্টতা। মেরুদন্ডের গভীর অংশে ঝিনঝিন করা। তীব্র, তীরবৎ, জ্বালাকর বেদনা। মেরুদন্ড বরাবর, বেদনা, অবনত হইলে বৃদ্ধি। মেরুদন্ডে সর্বপ্রকার যাতনা। বেদনা পিঠের উপর দিয়া ওঠানামা করে। মেরুদন্ডে, বিশেষতঃ ঘাড়ের পশ্চাতে এবং স্কন্ধাস্থিদ্বয়ের মধ্যবর্তী মেরুদন্ডস্থানে স্পর্শদ্বেষ। মেরুদন্ডের উপদাহে, কটিদেশে উষ্ণ স্পঞ্জের স্পর্শ সহ্য হয় না মৃগীরােগের পূৰ্বানুভূতির ন্যায়, পিঠের উপর দিয়া ঠান্ডা বাতাস বহার ন্যায় অনুভূতি। দেহে বরফ ঠেকিতেছে এরূপ অনুভূতি। স্থানে স্থানে শীতলতাবােধ। পৃষ্ঠের উপর দিয়া শীতার্ততা, সড়সড় করা, কোন কিছু হাঁটার ন্যায় অনুভূতি, পিঁপড়া চলার ন্যায় অনুভূতি। পৃষ্ঠের উপরকার চামড়ার অসাড়তা। বেদনার অধিকাংশই ঘাড়ের পশ্চাতে এবং কটিত্রিকাস্থি প্রদেশে, বিশেষভাবে পরিশ্রমকালে উপবেশনকালে উপস্থিত হয়। ত্রিকাস্থি প্রদেশে কেহ যেন আঘাত করিয়াছে এইরূপ বেদনা, মনে হয় যেন উহা ভাঙ্গিয়া যাইবে। স্ত্রীলােকদিগের কোমরের নীচে বেদনা। হস্তপদাদিতে সাধারণতঃ ঝকি দিয়া উঠে; উহারা অসাড়, কোরিয়া রােগ সদৃশ; যেখানে সেখানে জ্বালা, স্থানে স্থানে শীতলতাবােধ, পক্ষাঘাত সদৃশ অবস্থা। হস্তপদের কম্পন, অকুশল গতিভঙ্গী। সন্ধিগুলিতে বাত গেঁটে বাত। নিম্নশাখার পক্ষাঘাত। নিম্নাঙ্গগুলির কম্পন দুৰ্ব্বলতা। ভারত হিমে জমাট হওয়ার ন্যায়, হাতের জ্বালাকর চুলকানি। ক্ষুদ্র সন্ধিগুলিতে যেখানে রক্তসঞ্চালন অল্প, সেইখানে তুষারাঘাতের ন্যায় লক্ষণ। হস্ত পদাঙ্গগুলি আড়ষ্ট। বিশ্রামকালে, হাড়গুলি বিশেষতঃ নিম্নাঙ্গের হাড়গুলিতে ভাঙ্গিয়া যাওয়ার অনুভূতি। মনে হয় যে, দীর্ঘাস্থিটি ভাঙ্গিয়া যাইবে; দীর্ঘাস্থিতে কনকনানি। শিশুদের বর্ধনশীল যন্ত্রণা; তাহারা আগুনের পার্শ্বে বসিয়া থাকিতে বাধ্য হয়, নতুবা হস্তপদাদি ঠান্ডা হইয়া যায়। অস্থিগুলিতে বেদনা। পদদ্বয় ভারি বােধ হয়। নিম্নাঙ্গগুলিতে কামড়ানি, সূচ ফোটার ন্যায়, ছিড়িয়া ফেলার ন্যায় যাতনা, উত্তাপে সঞ্চালনে উপশম। | গর্ভবতী হইবার অল্পদিন পরেই নিম্নাঙ্গগুলিতে পক্ষাঘাতিক দুর্বলতা। প্রত্যেকবার গর্ভ দেখা দিলেই এইরূপ হয় এবং তিনি শয্যাশায়ী হইয়া পড়েন। লক্ষণসমূহ দ্বারা এগারিকাস নিৰ্বাচিত হইতে পারে। পদদ্বয়ে ভার বােধ পা ভারি বােধ হয়। নিম্নাঙ্গগুলির কম্পন উৎক্ষেপযুক্ত গতি



 (Agaricụs – agrikon, a sort of tree-fungus. Muscarius-musca, a fly]

অপর নামবাগ এগারিক, ফ্লাই এগারিক (Bug Agaric, Fly Agaric)

ইহা একপ্রকার ছত্রাক জাতীয় উদ্ভি। ইহা ইউরােপ, আমেরিকা এশিয়া খণ্ডে জন্মে। এই ছত্রাক শুকনাে পাইন বীচ গাছে জন্মায়। এর সরস অবস্থায় থেকে অরিষ্ট শুষ্কাবস্থা থেকে বিচুর্ণ প্রস্তুত হয়। এতে যে উপক্ষার থাকে তার নাম মাসকারিন (Muscarine)

| এগারিকাসেরমূলকথা। ১। কর্ণ, মুখমণ্ডল, নাসিকা চর্ম লাল, শীত স্ফোটজনিত (Chilblain)

আরক্ততা চুলকানির ন্যায় আরক্ততা চুলকানি। ২। মুখমণ্ডল, হস্তপদাদি, বিশেষতঃ চোখের পাতার স্পন্দন, হাতে

পায়ের কোরিয়া রােগের মত ঝাকুনি; ঘুমলে উহা থেমে যায়। ৩। মেরুদণ্ডে বেদনা স্পর্শদ্বেষ, বেদনা নিম্নাঙ্গ পৰ্য্যন্ত বিস্তৃত হয়

এগারিকাসএকটি পর্যালােচনা | এগারিকাসে কয়েকটি চরিত্রগত চর্ম লক্ষণ আছেকান, মুখমণ্ডল, নাসিকা, পদাঙ্গুলি এবং ত্বকের বর্ণ লাল, চুলকানি বরাফাহত হওয়ার মত জ্বালাকর” – এই লক্ষণটি এই ঔষধের একটি মূল্যবান ঔষধ এই নক্ষণানুসারে অনেকগুলি ভিন্ন ভিন্ন রােগে এগারিকাসের ব্যবহার হয়

আমি কয়েকবছর ধরে একে শীতের ফাটায় ব্যবহার করে সন্তোষজনক কল পেয়েছি। তবে একে অভ্যন্তরিক ভাবে ২০০ শক্তিতে ব্যবহার করি। | ইহা স্পন্দনেবুও (টুইচিং) উপকারী ঔষধ। মুখমণ্ডল, বিশেষতঃ অক্ষিপুট হাত পায়ের সামান্য স্পন্দন থেকে কোরিয়া রােগের উৎকট স্পন্দন পৰ্য্যন্ত বােগে ইহা উপকারী; নিদ্রাকালে স্পন্দনের বিরতি এর প্রয়ােগ লক্ষণ। ইহা মেরুদণ্ডের উপদাহেও উপযােগী, এক্ষেত্রে এর নির্দেশক লক্ষণগুলি অ্যালেনেরএনসাইক্লোপিডিয়াবইয়ে সুন্দরভাবে দেওয়া আছে। এই ওষধটির অতিরিক্ত পরীক্ষা হয়েছে। তাই এর অনেকগুলি পরীক্ষা লক্ষণের উপর নর্ভর করা যায় না। এখন সবচেয়ে ভাল হয় লক্ষণগুলিকে আলাদা করা এবং সম্ভব হলে সবকিছুই পরীক্ষা করে দেখা এবং যা সত্য তাকে দৃঢ় ভাবে গ্রহণ করা

✅ আমাদের সফল চিকিৎসার প্রমাণ দেখতে লিংকে ক্লিক করুণ।

১. টিউমার, ক্যান্সার ও সিস্ট রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
২. চর্ম, নখ ও চুলের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
৩. গাইনী, প্রসূতি ও স্তনের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
৪. নাক, কান, গলা ও শ্বাসতন্ত্রের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
৫. মানসিক রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
৬. রিউমাটোলজি, হাড় পেশী ও জয়েন্টের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
৭. নবজাতক ও শিশু রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
৮. ব্রেইন, স্পাইনাল কর্ড ও নার্ভের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
৯. যৌন শক্তি ও যৌন বাহিত রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১০. কিডনি, মুত্র, প্রোস্টেট গ্ল্যান্ড ও পুরুষ জননাঙ্গের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১১. গ্যাস্ট্রোএন্টারোলজি বা পেটের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১২. মলদ্বার, পায়ুপথ ও কোলনের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১৩. লিভার ও পিত্তের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১৪. চোখ, দৃষ্টি শক্তি ও চোখের পাতার রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১৫. জ্বর, সংক্রামক ও ইমার্জেন্সি রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১৬. ডায়াবেটিস ও হরমোন জনিত রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১৭. দাঁত ও মুখের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১৮. হার্টের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১৯. রক্ত, বোনম্যারু, প্লিহা ও লিম্ফ নোডের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।

Agar : Agaricus Muscarius, Muscaria

Twitching, fasciculations, tremors, spasms, convulsions, chorea, grimaces.

Anxiety and excitement. Ecstasy.

Dependent and fearful.

Awkwardness in arms and legs.

< before thunderstorms < coition

Diagonal affections.

Low back pain < sitting.

Amanita Muscaria.



-Coitus, sexual excess



-Indolent circulation

-Bad effects of alcohol, debauches

-Suppressed eruptions, suppressed milk.

-After being scolded or punished

-Fright; mental application

< Before thunder storm

< Coition

< Pressure on spine

< During menses

< Open air (cold)

< Sun

< Mental Exhaustion

< Alcohol

< Touch

< Freezing air

< Fright

> Gentle motion

> When warm in bed

> Chorea

> During sleep

-Sings, talks, but does not answer.

-Loquacity, but answers no questions. Disinclined to answer questions.

-Aversion to work, indifference.

-Indisposed to perform any kind of work, especially mental.

-Fearlessness, or only fear of cancer.

-Fears to be left alone, lest he injure himself, in a frenzy.

-Anxiety about health.

-Makes verses. Poetic at night.

-Hilarious. Excited and ecstatic states.

-Excessively fanciful.

-Embraces and kisses hands.


-Morose, self-willed, stubborn.

-Awkward, clumsy.

-Pressure on spine causes involuntary laughter.

-Convulsions after being scolded.

-Delirium and exaltation of strength, can lift heavy weights.

-Delusion that he is a great person, he is under super human control.

-Occupation ameliorates.

-Aversion to being touched.

-Acts on cerebrospinal axis. Its action on brain produces more vertigo and delirium.

-Affection of spinal cord, nerves and medulla produces irregular, angular, uncertain and exaggerated motions.

-Patient reaches too far, staggers or steps too high, drops things, etc.

-Symptoms appear slowly.

Patient suffers from many and diverse symptoms.

-Yawning before complaints.

-Symptoms appear diagonally-as right arm and left leg.

-Cold sensations-sensation as if pierced by cold needles or hot needles; as if a cold drop or cold weight on the parts.

-Trembling, twitching, jerking or fibrillar spasms here and there are very marked.

-Nervousness and restlessness. Chorea > during sleep.

-Tubercular diathesis-catarrhal condition of chest with night sweats; cough and pus-like sputa, small globules of mucus.

-C.N.S.-Painful twitching, then the parts become stiff and cold.

-Convulsions-after coition

-from suppressed milk

-after being scolded or punished

-In epilepsy and convulsions, the physical strength is increased, can lift heavy weights.

-Young nervous, hysterical, married women who faint after coition.

-Children walk and talk late on account of brain complaints.

-Chorea and involuntary movements while awake, cease during sleep.

-Chorea from simple motions.

-Jerks of single muscles to dancing or trembling of whole body.

-Uncertain in walking, stumbles over everything in the way.

-Good for cases of blepharospasm and tics, convulsions.

-Head- Headache dull, must move the head to and fro, > after stool or urine.

-Pain as from nail in right side of head.

-Headache < by cold air, before thunderstorm.

-Vertigo, from sunlight.

-Mouth-Looking out of open window causes toothache; and pain in lower limbs < cold air

-G.I.T.-Ravenous appetite with bolting of food.

-Spleen medicine, causing stitches in the side, and it has cured stitch in runners, enabling them to run faster.

-C.V.S.-Palpitation of tea or coffee drinkers.

-Male genitalia-Nervous prostration after sexual debauches.

-Sexual desire increased.

-After coition, great debility.

-Profuse sweat, palpitation during coition.

-Female genitalia-Complaints following parturition and coitus.

-Menses too profuse.

-Nipples itch and burn, look red during pregnancy.

-Metastases from suppressed milk to the brain, abdominal troubles, etc.


-Post-climacteric bearing down pain most intolerable.

-Back-Spine is very sensitive to touch < morning < sitting.

-Feels pain as if beaten, when standing.

-Pain, sore, aching in lumbar and sacral region, during exertion in the daytime, while sitting.

-Spinal irritation due to sexual excess.

-Every motion, every turn of body causes pain in spine.

-Single vertebra sensitive to touch.

-Skin-Chilblains that itch and burn intolerably.

-Frostbite and all consequences of exposure to cold, especially in face.

-Burning, itching, redness of various parts. Red, swollen, hot.

-Angioneurotic oedema.

-Sweat oily, but not offensive.


-Yawning frequent, before pains or spasms as a concomitant.

-Yawning followed by involuntary laughter.

1. Involuntary, irregular, uncertain and exaggerated movements > during sleep < after coition.

2. Touch to the back, makes him laugh.

3. Frost bite and chilblains.

4. Angioneurotic oedema.

5. Sensation as if ice needles were piercing the skin.

6. Complaints appear diagonally, upper left and lower right side.

7. Cough ends in a sneeze. Sneezing in sunshine.

8. Yawning before all complaints.

1. A/F :-Coition, suppressed eruptions.

-When being scolded or punished.

-Alcohol, debauches.

2. Complaints appear diagonally-right lower and left upper.

3. Extreme sensitiveness to cold air, sensation as if hot or cold needles are pricking in different parts of body.

4. Chorea, twitching < coition > during sleep.

5. Chilblains, frost bite, all consequences of exposure to cold, especially in face.

6. Nervous prostration after sexual debauches in both the sexes.

-Nervous (mental) disorders with involuntary movements while awake, cease during sleep, chorea.

-Great sensitiveness of the body to pressure, to touch, to cold air.

-Skin itches, burns-as if hot or cold needles pricking in the skin.

-Anxiety, Bell’s palsy, Chilblain, Chorea, Delirium, Depression, Fasciculation, Lumbago, Multiple sclerosis, Neuralgia, Neuromyopathy, Paraesthesia, Sciatica, Seizure disorders, Tremor, Twitching.

-Paralytic weakness in the lower limbs after becoming pregnant may lead to Agaricus (Homoeopathic Records Aug 1932).

-Agaricus corresponds to tubercular diathesis.

Follows Well : Bell, Calc, Cupr, Merc, Op, Puls, Rhus-t, Sil, Tub.

Compare : Agar, Ars, Bov, Cann-i, Cic, Cimic, Cod, Coff, Lach, Mygal, Op, Stict, Stram, Tarent, Verat.

Similar : Bell, Calc, Cann-i, Cic, Cimic, Codein, Coff, Hyos, Ign, Lach, Mygal, Nux-v, Op, Puls, Sep, Stict, Stram, Tarent, Ther, Verat, Zinc.

Antidoted By : Calc, Camph, Coff, Puls, Rhus-t.

Duration Of Action : 40 Days.



+ Fly Fungus. Nat order, Fungi.



One of the most poisonous fungi known as Agaricus muscarius, abused by Asiatic tribes of savages in the form of a real intoxicating drink, the effects of which have been reported by many travelers.


The usual name of “Agaricus” given by Linnee is too vague.


Persoon and Fries have split this Linnean genus into seven families, and the numerous species received 44 different generic names, of which Amanita is one. Before long we may have a few remedies introduced on account of their essential difference in effect.


First proved by Schreter and E.Stapf, and published by the latter in 1828. Hahnemann and his students’ proving was published in the Archives, 1830, with some toxic symptoms.


In 1831 the best proving of all, that of Apelt, was published in connection with many reliable provings on the sick, and some valuable cured symptoms.


In the same year Hartlaub published in the third volume of his Materia Medica two provings by very trustworthy men, Drs.Woost and Seidel, with some of the observations by travelers in Asia.


In 1835 Hahnemann incorporated it in the second edition of his Chronic Diseases as one of the antipsorics, adopting only 715 symptoms.


In 1859 in Clotar Muller’s Quarterly, vol.x., p.217 to 260, a so- called critical review was made; it is enough to say that nearly every symptom there condemned to be stricken out has been confirmed by the Vienna provings published since; in the list of toxic symptoms, given with the great pretension, one of the main sources was overlooked, the report of Langsdorf (therefore not in Allen), and 15 symptoms of it belong to an entirely different Agaricus.


In 1869, Zlatarowich published the provings of the Vienna Society, undertaken with great zeal and courage. We may say Amanita has suffered an overproving similar to what our Thuja and Lycopodium had to undergo.


An addition has been made of Th. Ruckert’s essay, comparing the symptoms of this remedy with the symptoms of incipient tuberculosis; they are marked.


The carefully dried cap (pileus) is triturated in the regular way.



Cannot find proper word, uses wrong words; agg. after exertion and sleepless nights.


Dullness almost amounting to idiocy. Chorea.


The whole psychological sphere as if paralyzed, hence a kind of idiocy.


Ecstasy, fancies excited; makes verses; prophesies.


Talks incoherently; passes rapidly from subject to subject.


Falls into a delirium as with high fever; becomes now gay, now melancholic.


Delirium: tries to get out of bed; constant raving without exacerbation ; constant, does not know his relations, and throws his wine and medicine at his nurse. Typhus.


Delirium tremens.


Fearless, menacing, mischievous frenzy; frenzy causing him to assail and injure himself, great exertion of power.


Silly merriness.


Great loquacity, convulsive motions of facial and cervical muscles, mostly right side, drawing head down to shoulder; merry, incoherent talk, followed by malaise.


Sings, talks, but does not answer questions; strength augmented.


Laughs at his attempts to stand and walk.


Disinclined to answer questions.


Aversion to work. Prolapsus uteri.


Indisposed to perform any labor, especially mental.


She is indifferent, though naturally very solicitous.


Very much out of humor.


Takes offence easily.


Mental solicitude about his condition. Incipient tuberculosis.


Cross, self-willed, stubborn. Chronic spasms of eyes.


His mind much depressed. Chorea.


Great selfishness. Nymphomania.


Morose, self-willed, stubborn, slow in learning to walk and talk; on trying to walk stumbled singularly often. Nystagmus.


Protracted mental application or exciting debates brought on vertigo.


Complaints after getting angry.


Epilepsy after fright.


While meditating: vertigo.


When thinking of pain: undefined disagreeable sensation.



Vertigo: when walking in open air, reeling as if drunk; long- lasting, with great sensitiveness to cold air; momentary; from strong light of sun ; with stupefaction and burning in vertex; combined with a tottering gait and indistinct sight, even of near objects;(>) thinking of something else; in attacks; objects whirling; tendency to fall forward; brought on by protracted mental application or exciting debates.


When walking does not arrive at point he sets out for. Chorea.


Constant dizziness. From overwork at desk.


Lay almost always unconscious, though he could be raised for a minute when questioned. Typhoid.


Confusion of head.


Heaviness as after drunkenness.


As if drunken and always sleepy. Epilepsy.


Unconscious and speechless with convulsions; t.


Fainting after moving head, hearing others talk, smelling aromatics or perfumeries, even smelling vinegar.


Inner Head

Nervous headache.


Great weight in head, A.M. Chorea.


Throbbing, beating cephalalgia, with a sensation of stiffness of muscles of face. Climacteric years.


Beating pain, with despair bordering on rage.


Burning in head.


Pain as though sharp ice touched head or cold needles pierced it.


Dull pain, especially in forehead; must move head constantly to and fro and close eyes as for sleep.


Violent oppressive pains, chiefly in forehead, with delirium.


Fullness and pain in temples. From overwork at desk.


In temples: burrowing pain; drawing; shooting cramp-like pain.


Pressing in right side, as if a nail was thrust in; agg. sitting quietly; amel. moving slowly about.


Tearing and pressure in left half of brain.


Heaviness or sense of bearing down; weight in top of head, with a feeling of pressing together of brain.


In vertex: pressure; burning; throbbing.


Dull fullness after waking.


Heaviness, drawing and tension; heaviness towards nape.


Dull, drawing headache in morning, extending into root of nose, with nosebleed or thick mucous discharge.


Headache from spine affection.


Headaches of those who are subject to chorea; or who readily become delirious in fever or with pain; twitchings or grimaces.


Outer Head

Various sensations in left half of occipital bone, when seated.


Sensation of coldness on right side of frontal bone, though warm to touch.


Icy coldness in region of coronal suture after itching and scratching.


Sensation of icy coldness on head.


Twitching in skin of forehead, above right eye.


Twitching of head and cervical muscles on right side; drawing of head towards shoulder. Pregnancy.


Drawing or stitching pains in head, shifting from side to side.




Such a violent shock of whole head, starting in fist cervical articulation, he involuntarily bit his tongue.


Drawing from both sides in frontal bone as far as root of nose.


Chronic tenderness of scalp, like that with spinal irritation.


Chorea-like muscular motions of galea aponeurotic (scalp), temporal muscles in cheek and lower jaw.


Head constantly falling backward as if a weight were attached to occiput.


Head in constant motion. Chorea.


Sweat all over, even on scalp.


Biting itching on scalp and other parts of head; like tetter on a small spot on border of forehead, left side.


Scalp sensitive as from subcutaneous ulceration.


Itching of scalp, especially early in morning, after rising.


Itching nettle-rash on scalp with stupefaction and vertigo.


Climacteric years.


Tinea capitis with crusts sometimes spreading to other parts of body.


Right half of head higher and thicker at birth of child.


Head appeared crooked and displaced; both halves of head grew almost even. Clonic spasms of eyes.


Sight and Eyes

Sensitive to light, even candlelight; confusion, dizziness from it.


Feeling of weakness in eyes without having exerted them.




Dim sight: focal distance changes while reading, first grows shorter than longer; things look obscured as from turbid water; muscae volitantes. ; vibrating spectra; with vertigo.


Reads with difficulty, type seems to move.


Flickering before eyes while writing.


If she grasped at any object held before her, her hand did not generally come near it. Nystagmus.


Yellow, brown or black spot before left eye.


Brown muscae volitantes.


Pupils dilated: light glares.


Optical illusions in dark colors.


Diplopia; sees things double. From overwork at desk.


Myopia, dependent upon spasm of ciliary muscle, especially if complicated with twitching of lids.


Muscular asthenopia, with weakness of internal recti, and consequent inability to keep eyes fixed on reading (vanishing of sight), with pain around eyes, soreness of balls, twitching and jerkings of balls and lids.


Muscular asthenopia consequent upon uterine disorders and spinal anaemia; cannot fix eyes long even on distant objects, could not converge them; lids heavy; as if stuck together, but are not.


Pupils dilated, eyes dull, tarsi reddened; constant lachrymation; balls and lids twitch. Chorea.


Pupils rather contracted. Typhus.


Exertion of eyes makes a pressure in balls, glimmering and mistiness.


Black motes hover before eyes, everything surrounded by mist, as if covered by cobweb, eyes hurt; dizzy; disposed to shut eyes.




Viscid yellow humor gluing lids; gum in canthi.


Heat in eyes.


Burning most in inner canthi; they itch, burn and are red; agg.


from touch; stick together. Lachrymal fistula.


Frequent slight twitching in eyelids.


Spasmodic twitching in eyes and lids, clear water runs out of them.


Twitching in eyeballs; while reading, frequent twitching and pressing in left eyeball.


Moving eyes hurts, burns and presses, and brows are sore to touch.


Jerks and pressing in left eyeball at all times of day, and under all conditions.


Jerks in eyeballs frequently following each other.


While reading, frequent jerking and pressing in eyeballs.


Trembling and jerking of eyelids.


Child usually stared blankly and without taking notice of things, also squinted. Clonic spasms of eyes.


As soon as she opens her eyes in morning, both eyeballs, no matter whether they are fixed upon an object or not, begin to revolve towards right and left with a velocity of half a second, and this continues whole day, with but few intermissions. Clonic spasms of eyes.


Spasms, with aching in left eyeball.


Narrowing of space between eyelids.


Clonic spasms; lids open and close in quick succession; quivering of lids.


Eyes suffused. Typhus.


Swelling of tear-glands.


Little blisters on cornea; ulcers of cornea; eyes inflamed, with flow of tears, from smells, from coughing.


Hearing and Ears

After listening to exciting debates, vertigo.


Every slight noise causes palpitation.


Hearing very acute; t.


Feels agg. from hearing people talk.


Dullness of hearing.


Increasing deafness, seventeenth day. Typhus.


Creaking in both ears, as from a wooden screw at each attempt to swallow.


Jumping of tensor tympani, sounding like a leather-covered metal valve.


Twitching, rattling, fluttering in tympanic cavity.


Tearing in right ear; twitching stitches.


Painful stitches in left ear.


Itching in left external auditory tube; with a stitch in inner ear, as of an ice-cold needle.


Stitches in left mastoid process.


Stitches from fauces along eustachian tube, right side.


Excessive secretion of wax.


Redness, burning itching of ears, as if they had been frozen.


Frost-bitten ears pain and itch.


Smell and Nose

Smell of vinegar unbearable.


Smell sensitive; mucous membrane very sensitive.


Nosebleed of old people, with a relaxed state of blood-vessels.


Profuse fetid discharge from nose; epistaxis. From overwork at desk.


Frequent dropping of clear water from nose, without coryza.


Dry and fluent coryza, with sneezing.


Frequent sneezing, even when there is no coryza, in morning in bed.


Copious discharge of thick tenacious mucus from nose.


Occasionally discharge dark and bloody. Chronic nasal catarrh.


Running coryza, with bad odor from nose and running of water from eyes.


Accumulation of dry mucus in nose, with sensation as if nose was entirely filled with it.


Stoppage of nose, especially when stooping.


Constant, copious and offensive discharge from nose, no one could inhale his breath without disgust.


Chronic nasal catarrh.


Nose turns bluish.


Chronic inflammation of external nose.


Frost-bitten nose with itching.


Little hard pimples on side of her nose and lips.


Headache extending into root of nose.


Drawing in nose (), with nosebleed or much thick nasal mucus, followed by dropping of water from nose.


Upper Face

Face red and hot. Headache.


Heat in face and upper part of body, in spells lasting from five to ten minutes. Incipient tuberculosis.


Puffy, pale; blue under eyes; nose and lips bluish.


Face blue and puffed. Epilepsy.


Tearing in face and jaw bones.


Twitching in right cheek.


Pulsating and throbbing in cheeks.


Twitching of facial muscles. Chorea.


Lancinating, tearing and drawing pain in right cheek.


Face ache with toothache.


Itching in face, with redness and burning, as if frost-bitten.


Paralysis of muscles of face, so that one or both corners of mouth drop, allowing saliva to run out. Typhus.


Expression of face somewhat idiotic; child had a senseless stare right before her and sometimes squinted. Nystagmus.


Expression of face wore appearance of idiocy.


Clonic spasms of eyes.


Lower Face

Froth at mouth, face bluish and puffed. Epilepsy.


Jaws clenched.


Sensation as if splinters had been run into right lower jaw.


Trembling vibration in lips and muscles of lower jaw; convulsive shaking.


Pricking in chin, as from needles.


On awaking, so violent a pain in left articulation of jaw, he could scarcely open his mouth.


Violent tearing in right side of lower jaw.


Chaps and fissures of lips.


Herpetic eruption principally on upper lip.


Many little blisters on skin.


Teeth and Gums

Pains in superior maxillary bones and teeth.


Teeth feel too long.


Teeth sensitive to touch, pressure, or while chewing.


Painful jerk in teeth each time he drinks cold water.


Tearing in lower molars, agg. from cold air.


Swelling and bleeding of gums, with pain.


Bleeding gums.


Shooting from right lower teeth up to right side of head.


Inflammation of lining membrane of alveolar processes.


Taste and Tongue

Taste: sweetish, disagreeable, nauseous ; foul; flat; bitter ; sharp and bitter; metallic ; offensive, gummy, sweet, after breakfast; sweetish-bitter when smoking; bad at root of tongue, with slight nausea; salty, as after herring; rancid.


Inarticulate speech. Chorea.


Inarticulate speech, like from trismus. Typhoid fever.


Learned to speak with difficulty. Clonic spasm of eyes.


Left side of tongue numb, with vertigo.


Tongue: coated white, mornings ; smarting, burning in tip, as from pepper; coated with thick, tough mucus in morning.


Tongue very tremulous and quite dry and bluish.




Tongue dry. Typhus.


Soreness of tongue.


Tip of tongue studded with small dirty yellow aphthae.


Incipient tuberculosis.


Papillae enlarged, sensation of dryness and contraction like after an astringent, tongue covered with a tough viscid phlegm, especially in morning.


Phagedenic ulcers on ligament of tongue.


Inner Mouth

Offensive odor like that after eating horse-radish.


Bad odor from mouth. Incipient tuberculosis.




Dryness of whole mouth and back of it.


Increased flow of acrid saliva.


Water accumulates in mouth, with pain in abdomen.


Mercurial aphthae on roof of mouth and tongue.


Sometimes in erecting head, saliva gets into windpipe, causing a violent ejecting cough.


Frequently suffering from aphthae, want of appetite, diarrhoea.


Clonic spasms of eyes.



Feeling of dryness of fauces extending into pharynx, causing contraction, as when drinking an astringent, Great difficulty in swallowing, with ravenous appetite. Chorea.


Throws up some flocculi or solid lumps of phlegm, almost without cough.


Pressure in fauces as though a foreign body stuck there, which could not be removed by swallowing.


Angina tonsillaris with great dryness in throat and general weakness. Cured by Puls.


Induration of tonsils, thymus and other glands.


Feeling of tension externally in region of thyroid gland.


Neck distended: cravat feels too tight.


A burning-cooling feeling along oesophagus to stomach, as after eating cress.


Scratching sensation in throat, renewed with every attempt to sing. A professional singer after an epidemic influenza.


Appetite, Thirst, Desires, Aversions

Much hunger, but no appetite.


Towards evening, suddenly attacked with rabid hunger; body covered with sweat; tremor and weariness of limbs.


Ravenous appetite, but difficult swallowing. Chorea.


Much hunger, but no appetite; early in morning; stomach feels as if empty.


Violent thirst.


Burning thirst. Typhus.


Thirst rather rare, particularly in throat during chill.


Eating and Drinking

Before breakfast: amel.


During breakfast: nausea; very soon satisfied while eating, and pressure and bearing down in stomach.


After breakfast: headache, a very offensive taste, dryness, burning in throat, nausea and vomiting, and pressure in stomach.


Before dinner: bitter taste, but eats with appetite.


After dinner: inability to think; inner uneasiness; disgust for work; pressing in forehead and temples; painful drawing in occiput; same in eyeballs; buzzing in ears; earache; uneasiness in muscles of lower jaw and lips; unpleasant taste; biting behind on left edge of tongue; a tearing sensation in pharynx, when swallowing saliva; very soon hungry again; belching; nausea and gagging; vomiting; sore feeling under ribs; fullness in stomach, even after using light food moderately ; pressure and fullness in abdomen; expansion; bloating; wind passing off; a stool with pain in anus; short dry cough or sneezing, causing violent pain; tension in sides of chest, and burning; pain in back; convulsive shaking of left shoulder; a cold feeling as from quick-silver on left nates, in hollow of knee, on a small spot towards r.; tearing pain in left tibia; prostration of lower limbs; burning in thighs; violent burning in a corn on right little toe, which does not allow him to take his siesta.


Very drowsy after dinner, quite unusual; he sleeps very deeply and gets awake with pains in all limbs.


After supper: molesting fullness in abdomen, backache, chills.


Sleepy while eating, distended abdomen; griping around navel; pappy stools; tension across chest; nervous sensation running through body.


Better for an hour after eating while he is so exhausted; but great sleepiness remains.


After a meal: nausea, eructations; abdomen distended (even after moderate eating).


Eating is almost always followed by heartburn; prunes by pressure in stomach.


After a swallow of cold water, nausea, the same quiets vomiting of phlegm; wine indisposes to work; coffee accelerates pulse.


Daily about three hours after a meal she has a burning at stomach, which changes into a dull pressure with nausea.


After smoking: peeling off inside of lips; saltish bitter, exceedingly offensive taste; belching and hiccough alternating; sudden nausea and vomiting; attacks off violent cough.


Hiccough, belching, nausea and vomiting

Hiccough alternating with belching.


With hiccoughing: burning pains in region of heart.


Belching: with taste of food.


Eructations: empty; taste of rotten eggs; taste of apples.


Nausea: with anxiety, depression, vertigo, sneezing, unpleasant sensation in stomach, stitches in liver, cutting in abdomen, rapid breathing, great weakness; in chest.




Vomiturition and great prostration, fainting.


Vomiting: in evenings; middle of night; of ingesta.


Bitter vomit, with stitches in rectum and loin, followed by headache and irritation to sneeze.


Scrobiculum and Stomach

Sensitive to pressure in pit of stomach. Chorea Spasmodic drawing from pit of stomach up into chest.


Drawing in of pit of stomach.


Burning below sternum.


Sense of oppression at cardiac region, as if cavity of thorax was narrowed.


Bilious dyspepsia in very nervous persons.


Cardialgia for three hours after a meal.


Burning in stomach, chanting into a dull pressure, as from a foreign body, with nausea.


Heavy sensation in stomach; faintness, with an empty feeling, sometimes alternating with a jerking sensation as of some heavy object.


From 12 to 2 P.M. daily, cramp from middle of spine through into stomach; severe gagging and vomiting; legs feel as if pricked all over with ice-cold needles.



Liver enlarged, congested.


Sensation of pain and drawing in right hypochondrium, as if liver had increased in weight and dragged at its ligaments.


Sharp stitches, as from needles, in region of liver; dull stitches during breathing.


Stitches under short ribs, left side.


Pain in stomach and liver, burning from acidity.


Enlargement of liver.


Pain in left hypochondrium, with rumbling in region of left superior flexure of colon.



Violent colic, cutting, griping, pinching.


Popular medicine for colic with the Korjakes.


Great noises in abdomen.


Rumbling, with constant pain deep in umbilical region; agg. from pressure.


Loud rolling and rumbling in bowels, with constipation. During pregnancy.


Flatulency of stomach and bowels.


Pinching below umbilicus, attended with a bloated condition of abdomen.


Pain in abdomen with fetid discharges. Typhus.


Burning in abdomen.


Ulceration of stomach and bowels. Typhoid fever.


A great heaviness like from a weight, most below navel.


A pressure as from a swelling from left hypogastrium to back.


In region of caecum, violent stitches, with sneezing.


Sensation of emptiness, hollowness or coldness in abdomen.


Distension of abdomen.


Undulatory jumping of upper abdominal muscles.


Twitching, tension, tearing and stitches in loins.


Subsultus of abdominal muscles.


Bruised feeling in loins, in sitting and lying.


Laming pains in loins, agg. walking and standing.


Abdominal plethora.


Weakness in loins. Rheumatism.


In groins, peculiar tensive sensation as if wrenched, less when walking, quivering in left.


Stool and Rectum

In rectum: a sharp itching, invites to drawing upward, but is only relieved by pressing down; burning and loss of blood; biting after wind passes; bearing down, tenesmus.


Prickling, itching in rectum and anus, as from worms.


Passes much inodorous flatus, every day for weeks; more after breakfast.


Wind of odor like carrion; like garlic.


Stool thin, yellow, fecal, slimy.


Stool mushy, most after breakfast, oftener than usual.


Stool pappy, passage of a large quantity of wind.


Stool has an abominable stench; t.


Fetid stools.


Diarrhoea mostly in morning, after rising and eating, with much rumbling; crampy colic and passing of wind.


Diarrhoea in children; liver involved, with grass-green, bilious stools.


Diarrhoea, with cutting in abdomen; bowels loose, stools light and offensive. Typhus.


Looseness commencing in morning, immediately after rising, returning after each meal with much rumbling, passing wind and spasmodic bellyache; crampy colic. Chronic diarrhoea.


Very hard stools; at first hard and knotty; then soft, finally diarrhoeic.


Costiveness. Rheumatism.


Before stool: pinching and cutting in abdomen; urgent tenesmus; painful straining in rectum.


During stool: colic and passing of flatus; burning soreness, smarting and cutting in anus; sweat; pain in loins to legs, continuing after stool.


After stool: headache amel.; biting in anus; straining in rectum; cutting pain in anus; griping in hypogastrium; distension of abdomen; heaviness in abdomen and around naval; pain in chest.


In anus: periodical violent stitches, afternoon; tearing pain with hard stool; heaviness and fullness ; pressing, at noon ; an urging towards it from wind; very unpleasant sensation of dryness, had to draw it upward ; sensation as if completely closed; paralytic weakness in sphincter ; warm feeling, burning with cadaverous smelling flatus ; heat and itching, itching and burning ; crawling as from worms, has to scratch; moisture and oozing out; slime appears without a stool.


A copious mush like stool, followed by burning in anus.


Haemorrhoidal tumors burning, inflamed, swollen.


Urinary Organs

Pressing pain in region of kidneys, disturbs sleep.


Stitch in right kidney.


Lameness in left kidney, sore to touch, with cramp extending into thighs.


Tensive pain while riding.


Twitching pain in bladder.


Paralytic weakness in sphincter, can hardly hold urine.


Sphincter vesicae weak, with dribbling.


Urine passes at intervals and dribbles away, with a cold shrunken penis.


Urine passes in intermissions; flows and stops.


Constant desire to urinate.


Quantity of urine very much increased, even with diarrhoea.


Urination, with coldness down legs, numbness and twitches.


After urination, urine passed off involuntarily.


Urine passes slowly in a small stream or in drops, has to press to promote flow.


Urine: watery, clear, lemon-colored, bright yellow ; dark yellow and hot; red; red, flocculent or powdery sediment; watery in forenoon, in afternoon milky ; like whey; turbid; with a red or white sediment (phosphate of magnesia); iridizing on surface.


Urine profuse, colorless. Chorea.


Urination lessened. Rheumatism.


A little shimmering pellicle on urine.


Urine with red, flaky sediment; sediment white, of phosphate of magnesia.


With urination: spasmodic drawing in left groin; burning in urethra, at night in orifice ; sensation as if a cold drop of urine was passing; painful urging along urethra.


Urethra: burning stitches; stitch like from a red-hot iron: several fine stitches, most in orifice ; crawling, itching, tickling in orifice lessened by cold water; discharge of prostatic juice or of a tough viscous slime ; momentary burning in orifice during night.


Viscid, glutinous mucus from urethra.


Male Sexual Organs

Excited sexual desire, most mornings.


After siesta, an irresistible urging, and after emission, tensive pressure in hypochondria.


Erections night and morning.


Great desire for coition, with relaxed penis.


Pollutions: several nights; in siesta.


After emission, pains and weakness in thighs.


Sexual power much diminished, apathy, nothing can produce an erection.


During coition: burning in urethra; most painful with ejaculation; insufficient ejaculation, or very late; voluptuous ecstasy wanting.


After coitus: loss of appetite; each time great relaxation for several days, lassitude ; night-sweats ; for two nights burning itching of skin, with sweat on upper chest and shoulders, afterwards on abdomen and arms.


Complaints after sexual debauches.


Drawing in testicles, with a sense of discomfort, heaviness and drowsiness; evenings.


Spasmodic drawing in left testicle and spermatic cord.


Excessive and painful retraction of testes towards inguinal ring, has to palliate it by pressing them off with fingers.


Disagreeable sensation in urethra, only in front part of penis, like a crawling has to squeeze penis.


Penis cold and shrunken.


Itching in penis, on foreskin and scrotum.


On left side of scrotum red swelling, tickles and itches.


Old gleet and other sequelae of gonorrhea.


Excessive itching of genitals, in mons veneries; unbearable for several days.


Itching and burning at night above genitals, lichen pilaris urticatus.


Female Sexual Organs

Awful, almost intolerable bearing-down pain.


Cramps as if she must have a child, obliged to lie down.


Itching and irritation of parts, with strong desire for an embrace.


Menses too profuse, with tearing, pressive pains in back and abdomen.


At beginning of menses: nightly restlessness on account of troublesome rigors; toothache and wakefulness During menses: headache, toothache, pain and itching in left ear, lessened by boring; pains, like those of labor, in belly and back; pains in left arm; itching here and there, particularly about genitals; rigors; palpitation; running of water from mouth.


Swelling of vagina and several nodules (with horses).


After menses: pain as from exhaustion; palpitation; headache and dizziness; prolapsus after cessation of menses; interrupted sleep with anxiety.


Leucorrhoea very profuse, dark colored. Prolapsus uteri.


Leucorrhoea, with much itching internally and externally.


Pregnancy, Parturition and Lactation

Constipation with rumbling in bowels during pregnancy.


Four weeks after childbirth a pressing pain like a swelling from left side of hypogastrium, extending towards back; motion aggravates; thirst; loss of appetite.


Metastasis of milk to brain. Epilepsy.


Nipples itch, burn, look red.


Voice and Larynx, Trachea and Bronchia

Worse from singing.


During singing a scratching in throat; after “grippe.”


Oppression and constriction of larynx; he fears suffocation.


Tickling along windpipe, with a violent, raking dry cough.


Tickling in trachea. Laryngo-phthisis.


Frequent tickling irritation in windpipe. Incipient tuberculosis.



At night breathing was impeded, owing to closure of nose by thick mucus. Chronic nasal catarrh.


Oppression of chest with pain in stomach.


During inhalation: stitches in left side and below short ribs ; increasing pressure on middle of sternum; dull stitches in liver.


With a deep inspiration: pains in different parts of chest and abdomen; shooting from heart to shoulder blade.


Frequent deep inspirations.


Rapid breathing, evenings, with heat all over and sweat, most in face.


Great inclination to sighing, involuntary, with rapid beating of heart.


Suffocative fits with anxiety and fainting; t.


Difficulty in breathing, as if chest was too full; he must breathe more deeply.


Chest as if too narrow, pressure on both sides of sternum.


Difficulty and noisy respiration.


Short breath in walking has to stand still to get breath.


Incipient tuberculosis.


Constriction of chest, with deep inspirations at times, and visible beating of heart, and a kind of oppression, especially behind two borders of sternum, along its whole length.


In region of diaphragm painful drawing with difficult breathing.



Dry cough with whistling behind sternum.


Frequent dry cough, after meals. Incipient tuberculosis.


Cough with rattling of phlegm, without expectoration.


Dry cough from a tickling in trachea at night, shaking whole body violently.


Constant irritation to cough which can mostly be suppressed, but, if he cannot resist it, several violent convulsive shocks of cough succeed one another, which are very painful, tears run from eyes, and he has to double up.


Violent cough in isolated attacks, ending in repeated sneezing.


Hacking cough. Incipient tuberculosis.


Convulsive, hacking cough, with oppressive sweat.


Sudden convulsive coughs, agg. forenoons, or during day.


Violent spasmodic cough at night.


Cough most at night, less in morning, in forenoon, agg. towards evening.


Dry cough after dinner.


During cough: burning in chest; stitches in left side; palpitation.


Convulsive cough with anxious sweat.


Has to sit up in bed, or cough takes his breath.


With cough pressure in left head, running in scalp; burning in eyes, tears from eyes.


Spasmodic contraction of chest, threatening suffocation; rawness of chest, shooting in left side of chest; some saliva flies out of mouth; nausea, retching; burning in stomach; heaviness in abdomen; colicky pain impedes coughing.


Cough towards evening with frequent pulse (100) intermitting.


After each cough violent sneezing; sometimes so rapid that he does not know if he coughs or sneezes.


Frequent hemming and bringing up small, firm lumps of phlegm, without cough. Laryngo-phthisis.


Mucous sputa most in morning.


Mucus is loosened by slight clearing and comes up in small, hard, round balls. Incipient tuberculosis.


Expectoration of small flakes of mucus raised almost without any cough. Incipient tuberculosis.


Sputa sometimes consisting of large brown lumps.


Long-lasting cough and pus like sputa.


Rattling of phlegm in chest, agg. mornings and when lying on back.


Chronic catarrh.


Loose cough; with distension of abdomen; heaviness most in region of navel; noise in belly; passing of wind.


Inner Chest and Lungs

Sudden stitches in middle of chest.


Incipient tuberculosis.


Stitching behind sternum most at end of expiration.


Very painful stinging pressure in chest, below shoulder blades, and on corresponding places in front; has to breathe deeply.


Stitches: in right lung while walking; with every breath in left chest; between sternum and nipple, pulse 90, hard and full, 3 P.M.


Jerking stitches through right lung.


Oppression of chest in region of diaphragm, with drawing pains.


Angina pectoris.


Pressure on chest and heavy sensation.


Sense of constriction in cardiac region, as if chest were too narrow or too full of blood. Incipient tuberculosis.


Sprained sensation in chest, increased by taking a deep breath, evenings.


Tension in lower part of chest during motion and when sitting, taking away his breath.


Tension, pressure, heaviness and constriction of chest.


Tension over whole chest, most in front after breakfast.


Oppression behind sternum with strange beating of heart.


Anxious sensation in chest.


Burning in left chest, agg. after dinner.


Severe burning in chest. Incipient tuberculosis.


Sensation of sore pain deep in chest, first left, then right.


Inflammation of lungs.


All symptoms of incipient phthisis.


Sticking, under nipple. Incipient tuberculosis.


Twitches running across chest in rapid succession, accompanied by prickling. Incipient tuberculosis.


Consumption of lungs; tuberculous consumption.


Heart Pulse and Circulation

Sticking pain in apex of heart.


Stitches in region of heart, through to shoulder blade; agg. from cough.


Violent stitches in region of heart, with an intermitting pulse and great weakness.


Burning, shooting pains in region of heart, extending to left shoulder blade; caused by deep inspiration and much agg. from coughing, sneezing and hiccough.


Sense of oppression in cardiac region as if cavity of thorax was narrowed; confined feeling.


Constant feeling of a lump in epigastrium, with pain under sternum; drawing in region of diaphragm, sharp pains in left side. Angina pectoris, gastralgic form.


When he lay down at night he felt several blows in heart with trembling in pit of stomach and anxiety, caused by every slight noise.


Several twitching shocks of heart.


At night transient painful shocks at heart, with anxiety.


Oppression at heart on bending body down, with violent beating of heart.


The right heart over filled with blood; t.


When he awoke, trembling of heart.


Palpitation most in evening. Real convulsion cordis.


After a feeling of compression with omission of beats of heart, some very quick irregular beats.


Palpitation violent, strongly felt, agg. evenings, with redness of face; on sitting down, some irregular, strong beats; anxious oppression.


Attack of violent palpitation of heart, with anxiety breaking out in a sweat.


Forcible beats of heart, lifting hand lying on chest and moving a newspaper she had in her hand up and down.


The prover hears the heart-throbs.


Accompanying palpitation: anxiety; trembling in pit of stomach; dull headache; vertigo; red face; oppression.


Paralyzed feeling in left arm and hand; shoulders, crawls; water runs together in mouth; all the limbs are weary.


Pulse: frequent, 100 in a minute, irritated, full, strong; beats quick, 87; weak, small, 60; felt in all parts of body, most in epigastrium; intermits after 30 or 40 beats; dicrotic; weak, small; small, irregular; t.; exceedingly weak; t. small (incipient tuberculosis); feeble, scarcely perceptible; becomes slower during day, more frequent in morning; small, uneven, very unequal, irregular, at times intermitting; weak, tremulous (from overworking).


Pulse very frequent and small, 140; first sound of heart scarcely audible. Typhus.


General inactivity of circulation.


Outer Chest

Peculiar sensation of contraction of sternum.


Jerking, subsultus of all pectoral muscles.


Pressure on right chest near nipple, throbbing sore feeling.


Painful pressure on middle of sternum, agg. when inhaling.


Incipient tuberculosis.


Sharp stitches: like splinters in pectoralis near nipple, first right, then left, later on lowest ribs; on different parts of thorax.


Pain in left intercostal muscles.


Twitches of pectoral muscles.


Shooting tearing pains in small spots.


Throbbing aching pain in small spots on chest.


Incipient tuberculosis.


Soreness deep in chest in two spots, four inches on either side of sternum; it hurts or weakens her to breathe or speak.


Copious sweat on chest during night.


Burning, biting pimples on outer chest.


Neck and Back

Tension in region of thymus gland.




Cervical glands swollen. Chorea.


Muscles in neck feel as if beaten.


Stitches in cervical vertebrae.


Twitching of cervical muscles.


Stiff neck.


Tension and stiffness of muscles of neck.


Sensation as if sprained in neck when turning head to left.


Extending to nape of neck: crick in back.


Itching pimples on neck.


In back below shoulder blades, a gnawing, shooting, tearing pain.


Sticking between shoulder blades. Incipient tuberculosis.


Frequent sharp stitches like from splinters on dorsal vertebrae.


Feels as if large splinters were pushed into back.


Violent shooting, burning pains, deep in spine.


Spasmodic, pressive, drawing pain starts from back, extends to middle of chest and into oesophagus.


Painful pulsation in spinal canal.


Dorsal muscles feel as if beaten or bruised; on bending forward they feel short.


Backaches disturbing sleep at night; cannot find a position to lie in, with heat.


Aching along spine and limbs.


Pain in back, as after continued stooping.


Pain along spinal column, agg. when stooping.


Every motion, every turn of body, causes pain in spine.


Crepitation in vertebrae of neck when stooping and crackling all along spine when moving body, in loins when stooping.


Crick in back extending from sacrum to nape of neck.


After dinner, pain in spine, especially a spot size of palm in middle of spinal column; is very sensitive to touch, as well as at every motion of body.


Shooting pains in single vertebrae.


Violent shocks starting from one of lower vertebrae.


Sensitiveness of single vertebrae to hot sponge.




The whole spinal column is very sensitive to touch, even by a sponge, or leaning against a chair.


Biting burning in a small place on spine.


Spine sensitive to touch; agg. mornings.


Pain along spine in several places, tender to touch.


Sensation as if cold air was spreading from spine over body, like an aura epileptica.


Coldness below shoulder blade, as if touched by a piece of ice.


Chilliness over whole back.


Crawls over back and limbs.


Running heat through limbs.


Sensation of soreness and great weakness in back.


Numbness and weakness in back. Chorea.


Great uneasiness and weakness in spine, with twitchings.


Great weakness in muscles of back, can hardly sit straight.


Peculiar sensation of weakness and stiffness between shoulders; extends to neck.


When stooping, spine pains as if too weak to support.


Sensation of ants creeping along spine.


Burning, biting on back.


Itching on back; suppurating pimples.


Violent pains in first and second lumbar vertebrae when turning.


Pain in first two lumbar vertebrae, with sense of coldness in glutei muscles, spreading down legs, and formication in feet.


Spinal column sensitive to pressure of a hot sponge in region of second and third lumbar vertebrae.




Sensitiveness of lumbar vertebrae. Chorea.


Pain in lumbar region and sacrum, especially during exertion in daytime and while sitting; pain, sore aching; back not sensitive to touch.


Pressure in sacrum like a heavy load, as if it would burst.


Pain in sacrum: a sort of crick in back; extends along spine to nape of neck; agg. in evening, or goes into lower limbs.


Sudden violent stitch in sacrum while walking in open air.


Pain in back and sacrum so violent that he has to keep in bed, some palpitation, no appetite, no stool, but frequent discharge of pale yellow urine.


As if beaten in sacrum, or dislocated feeling.


Feels palpitation even in os coccyx.


Dry feeling in os coccyx.


Upper Limbs

Shoulder joint as if located.


Convulsive shakes in left shoulder.


Tearing in right shoulder.


Shooting in axilla.


Icy feeling in right axilla and left inner ankle.


Rheumatism of right deltoid agg. when moving joint backward, with great weakness in loins, costiveness and less urination.


Spasmodic pains in left upper arm below deltoid, followed by a similar pain in right upper leg.


Sprained feeling in deltoid and as if thousands of splinters were in it when lifting arm; at 5 P.M.


Drawing pain: from left upper arm to forearm; in muscles of left forearm.


Tearing in left upper arm, lower teeth and left ear, with violent itching in ear; pains agg. from lying on sore side; from 2 P.M. till evening.


Irregular and hurried movements of arms.


Twitching and spasms in arms, ceasing when doing hard work with hands.


Violent shock of left arm, followed by wavelike twitchings of abdominal muscles; during siesta.


Upper arm shaken like from an electric shock.


Subsultus tendinum in upper arm.


Such constant motions of upper limbs that pulse cannot be felt, lower limbs are drawn up to trunk; t.


Irregular quick motions in upper limbs; t.


Tension in left upper arm.


Has to put his arms often into another position.


Violent laming or paralytic pain in left hand and arm five minutes after palpitation commences.


Cannot lift his arm; arms are stiff.


Prostration, weariness and paralytic feeling in left arm.


Burning above left elbow.


Itching on arms.


Burning itching on both hands, as if frozen; parts hot, swollen, red.


Burning itching pimples size of millet-seed on arms.


A small painful abscess on middle of right deltoid.


Violent rheumatic pains in forearm, extending into thumb; afternoon, in rest.


Drawing in forearm, in left, or both.


Tearing drawing pains in left elbow joint.


Rheumatic or gouty stiffness of left hand and elbow joint.


Electric stitches in olecranon of each arm.


In point of elbow, coldness like from ice.


Forearm: tearing in bones of left ; tearing between bones; strong painless pulsation near and above right olecranon; tension, lameness and numbness; starting and quivering on upper surface of right hand, extending to ball of hand; pressive trembling in right hand.


In extensor side of right forearm, sudden awful pain like thousands of splinters, with a momentary sensation as if he would lose consciousness.


Sensation like from splinters in point of left elbow.


Burning in front of left forearm near wrist as if he had burnt himself.


Burning itching on right forearm; after scratching, white nodules, size of millet-seed, and furfuraceous peeling off.


Itching on point of elbow.


Tearing: in left wrist; in both hands.


Burning sore pain in skin of right hand from wrist to thumb and index finger; slightest touch with finger painful.


Trembling and coldness of hands. From overwork at desk.


Trembling of hands. Typhus.


Right hand unsteady while writing; arm feels paralyzed from much writing.


Left hand up to forearm asleep at night in bed; from leading a little boy during a walk.


Cold hands.


Hands chilly, nails blue, with a small, hard pulse and prostration of whole body, at noon.


Face and hands blue and icy cold.


Sometimes a warm sweat on palms.


Itching on right wrist.


Itching, redness and burning in hands like chilblains.


Tearing burning in thumbs, stitches like needles.


Spasmodic pain in thumb.


Tearing between thumb and index finger.


Drawing, tearing in left index finger as from splinters.


Burning and crawling in right index finger as if a felon would come.


Icy cold sensation in joint of middle finger; somewhat reddened and sensitive to touch; violent tearing.


Finger often deadens and remains a long time sensitive to cold.


Tearing in left little finger.


Frequent sudden motions of right fingers.


Tearing in joints and drawing, as if in periosteum, of all fingers.


Stiffness in fingers from gout.


Fingers itch, burn and look red, as if frost-bitten.


Points of fingers blue; t.


Nails blue.


Lower Limbs

Pains over both hip joints, he gets up stiff.


Tensive, pressing tearing in hip joints as if heads of bones were pulled from sockets.


Violent ischiatic pain; neither touch nor pressure, neither walking nor rest has any influence, but agg. by stooping or change of position.


Stretching pain in acetabula.


Stitches, pressing and feeling of dislocation or as if beaten in hip joint.


Coldness in region of trochanter; at intervals shaking, pushing concussions now in left hip, now in right hand, commencing in joints of lower limbs.


Pains in legs, especially in region of right hip joint, like from fatigue.


Itching on condyles of hip bone.


Violent pains in limbs, especially left hip under gluteal muscles.


In left buttock violent tearing with sensation of coldness, wakening him out of sleep.


Twitching of gluteal muscles.


Icy coldness from glutei down to feet, most in big toes, with numbness and twitches.


Furuncle on right gluteus, size of hen’s egg, very painful, discharging black blood on seventh day, with most violent burning pains; lasted five days.


Pressing in thighs, agg. in right.


Sensation of a plug on outer side of thigh, above knee.


Rending drawing in thigh, extending to knee.


Tendons of thigh are stretched.


From groin to middle of anterior thigh, violent contraction in flexors.


Tearing from hip joint to knee, with numbness.


Crossing legs causes pain in thighs.


Thighs pain as after a long journey on foot.


Painful weariness and heaviness in thighs.


Electric stitches or spasmodic pain in anterior part of thigh.


Burning, itching on inner and anterior portion of thigh.


Biting and burning pimples above knee.


All along flexor side of thigh violent burning, and later a thick rash like from nettles.


On front of thigh and on buttocks very painful furuncles.


In knee joint: drawing, tearing, stinging; weakness ; sprained feeling.


Tearing drawing in knee; agg. sitting, amel. walking.


Violent stitches in both knees, followed by weakness.


Muscular twitches, or weakness in knees, they knock together.


Itching, violent pain, a tremulous feeling, or coldness on a small spot in bend of knee.


Pain in bones of lower legs, sometimes as if in periosteum.


Pains in bones of legs, as if in marrow.


Violent pressing pains in left tibia beginning in morning, agg. at noon, amel. afternoon and evening.


Pains similar to syphilitic bone-pain, not agg. in warmth of bed, but rather amel.


Tearing drawing pains in shin bones, agg. sitting, amel. walking.


Burning in tibia.


Pains in legs most marked when standing or sitting; amel. when walking or from motion.


Dull pain along tibia; drawing pains in shin.


In calves: tearing ; painful contraction ; stitches; burning; heaviness.


While walking, alternate stretching and flexion in lower limbs, causing a strange lifting and sinking of body, accompanied by merry, incoherent talking; t.


Heaviness, weariness, or a tearing with a paralytic numbness in lower legs.


Painful prostration in legs, cannot go up-stairs.


The legs ache as after a prostrating sickness.


Lower limbs weak, weary, cannot support body, cannot stand, has to sit.


Heaviness: as if lead was hanging on legs; with languor.


Weight in legs; they feel weary and as if they had been knocked from under.


Weak and heavy in legs all day; yellow urine.


On crossing thighs he feels a violent pain in them.


Trembling of lower limbs.


Electric shock through lower limbs, most in left, suddenly awaking him.


Jerking motion in lower limbs.


Sudden concussions in legs.


Muscular twitching, followed by biting itching on soles.


In lower limbs: coldness, Burning, evening and night copious sweat.


At night in warmth of bed an itching, forcing to scratch, leaving bloody streaks.


Burning on right lower leg.


Burning itching, skin dry and peeling or small nodules.


Sweats much on lower leg.


Drawing, pressive pains in legs; especially in ankles.


Pain agg. in standing, has to walk or sit.


Pains in ankle joint waken him at 2 A.M.


Crampy pain in ankle joints extending over heels; shooting burning pains.


Crawling and itching on dorsi of feet.


Shooting in metatarsal bones and feet while walking.


Feet cold like ice up to ankles.


Burning in feet, as if blood was glowing in veins.


Great weakness, heaviness, or formication in feet.


Stiffness in tendo-achillis.


Heels as if beaten, when standing.


In soles: tearing, shooting, like splinters, biting itching.


Cramp in soles at night.


Right little toe pains as from narrow shoes, in left second toe same sensation in a corn.


In big toe: tearing, jerking pain, digging, sudden stitches like splinters.


In all the toes: drawing, digging, shooting, crawling or prickling ; painful swellings, like nails growing in; itching, burning and redness, as if frost-bitten.


Pain and inflammation of frost-bitten toes.




Violent pains in a corn on right little toe.


Limbs in General

Tearing in left forearm and right thigh.


Tearing in limbs, agg. in rest or sitting, amel. moving.


Shooting pains: in all limbs; most in knees and nape of neck; right knee agg. going up-stairs; in fingers and toes.


Violent pains all night along back, on chest, in loins and legs.


Pain in right knee and left hand; pain shifts about every third day; during attack cough only on moving about; pains agg. when he begins to move about in morning.




Tearing and drawing in tubular bones, agg. in their ends.


Pain in bones of legs and forearm, alternating with similar pains in right tibia.


Cracking and other noises in joints.


Trembling of limbs.


Restless, tremulous feeling in upper and lower limbs, with shaking and twitching.


Subsultus tendinum.


All the limbs as if beaten, after slight exertion.


After repeated and severe epistaxis, great soreness and bruised feeling of joints of limbs.


Muscular soreness as it remains in some cases after fever, in attacks of influenza.


Violent ulcerative pains in limbs prevent sleep at night, from left elbow to little finger, and from calves to heel, with beating pains in little toe; general heat. A young, leprous lame girl.


Feels as if her limbs did not belong to her.


Pains in limbs with lameness and numbness.


Weakness and coldness in limbs. Chorea.


Limbs cold, blue; t.


Livid limbs. Typhus.


Formication in upper and lower limbs, as if gone to sleep.


Rest, Position and Motion

In rest: pains in forearm, metatarsus, toes; symptoms generally agg.


In standing: vertigo; headache; pressure in stomach; tension in groin; prostration in chest; very painful palpitation ; pain in sacrum, loins, thumb, legs, knees, heels and toes; legs weak.


Uncertain footing when standing. From overwork at desk.


Stooping: nose stopped up; stitches under ribs; oppression at heart; spine pains.


After using flexors: most after stooping or bending forward, painful tension and soreness in different places.


When sitting: vertigo; headache; pressure in stomach; cutting in diaphragm; colic-like spasm in stomach; tension in groin; itching on scrotum; dry cough; pressure on chest; sudden violent stitches in chest; tension lower part of chest; anxious, irregular beats of heart; sore as if beaten in neck, loins, back, sacrum, hips, thighs, knees, shinbone, buttocks and lower limbs; stitches on outer ankle; tearing in inner heel, foot, big toe, little toe, and corns; cramps in muscles; painful sensations in anus disappear.


Has to sit down when cough comes.


After changing position, most when rising from sitting and using extensor muscles, different, painful and other sensations in limbs.


Lying on back: rattling in chest; pain in occiput through to glabella.


Pain in sacrum and loins lying on right side, amel. turning to left Worse lying on suffering side.


Lying in bed: headache, extending to left ear.


Lying down: rushing in right ear; palpitation; shocks at heart; pains in loins, sacrum, knees; shaking chill; twitching of muscles.


With every attempt at voluntary motion twitches ate increased; no twitchings at night. Chorea.


Moderate motion: relieves pain in limbs, in head and limbs, in small of back, in knees, in corn, also weakness.


Motion: moving head, neck hurts; any motion of body, back pains; chilly; joints crack; pressure in eyes; eyeballs burn; hands tremble; tension lower part of chest.


From slightest exertion: copious sweat.


In going up-stairs: greatest weariness in lower limbs.


Walking up hill: makes him faint.


Worse in walking: vertigo; headache; thirst; stitches in chest; pain in knees, they give way; pain in lower limbs, in ankle joint, heel, metatarsus, soles.


From walking: vertigo; oppression of stomach; colic; difficult breathing; stitches in lungs; stitches in sacrum; pressure in upper part of chest.


Uncertainty in walking, tumbling over everything in the way.


Unsteady walk. Chorea.


While walking, pains in lower limbs and groins disappear.


Thigh most affected and painful after walking.


In writing: lameness in upper arm; weariness in forearm; uncertainty in hand; cramp in ball of thumb.


If she reaches for an object, she usually misses her mark.


Clonic spasms of eyes.


Uncertainty in his carriage and when walking.




He stumbles over everything in his way.


Learned to walk and to speak with difficulty, and at a late date. Clonic spasms of eyes.


In turning around: pain in back or neck.



Increase of strength during delirium; t.


The slightest influence of the will seems to have the most powerful effect; t.


All motions are much easier and are made with much more dexterity; t.


Extraordinary strength of muscles. Epilepsy.


They lift up heavy loads and carry them with great facility for distances; t.


It seems as if they were dancing, they make the strangest pantomimes with the hands; t.


They run to places where they had no intention to go; t.


Nervous excitement bordering on convulsions.


Extreme wakefulness and restlessness, and continual fever.


At night, 3 A.M., awakes with an inner restlessness in all voluntary muscles, followed by a trembling and finally and irresistible playing and twitching of all muscles.


Very restless. Typhus.


Trembling of lower jaw and lips.


Chattering of jaws and trembling of limbs. Typhoid fever.


Great weakness and trembling. Prolapsus uteri.


Tremulous sensation in whole body.


Tremor of whole body. Typhus.


Trembling of parts or all over. Chorea.


Trembling, with anxiousness and prostration.


Trembling of legs and hands, with debility; soreness of spine; agg. at approach of thunder-storm.


Twitching of muscles in different places, now here, now there; subsultus tendinum.


Twitching and spasms during sleep.


Muscular twitchings grow more violent; only a few hours sleep.




Twitchings: of eyelids and eyeballs; of cheeks: in chest posteriorly; in abdomen.


Twitching of arms ceased when patient used them in his work of shoe making. Chorea.


Involuntary movements (especially with children) while awake; ceasing during sleep. Chorea.


As soon as she opened her eyes in morning the two eyeballs began to turn to right and left at intervals of half a second, and this continued all day.


Spasmodic motions, from simple involuntary motions and jerks of single muscles, to a dancing of whole body. Chorea. Hysteria.




Frequent attacks of slight convulsions. Clonic spasms of eyes.


Cramps in hands and feet; body convulsed, as if a galvanic battery was applied to spine.


Convulsions and tremor.


Convulsions, fever with hot head, lying in a lethargic state; distortion of eyes and crying out in sleep. Nystagmus.




Epilepsy: with great exertion of strength; from fright, every seven days: he falls and lies almost motionless; from suppressed eruptions; two or three attacks a week, after suppression of tinea capitis; attacks increase at first and lessen gradually.


Discomfort and heaviness in whole body; general indescribable malaise.


Great debility.


Powerlessness and great weariness, has to remain in bed on account of great weakness.


Great prostration and inability to think.


Exhaustion with delirium; t.


Debility: after coitus; with trembling of limbs; from least exertion, with frequent palpitation; with vertigo.


Gets tired from a short walk.


Greatest lassitude with irresistible drowsiness, amel. after eating.


Great lassitude and heaviness in limbs, after a short walk, or even in bed, accompanied by anxiety and trembling. Incipient tuberculosis.


Great weakness and viscous sweats; t.


Sense of languor as if body were bruised and joints dislocated.




Sense of uneasiness and weakness all down spine.




Paralysis of lower limbs, with slight spasms of arms.


Paralysis of upper and lower limbs. Incipient softening of spinal marrow.


Paraplegia from congestion of lumbar part of cord.


A child, age 15 months, paralyzed all over, eyes turned, face bluish pale, puffed up, small, irregular pulse, slight tearing and twitches in upper limbs; t.


In all paralyzed parts, violent pains.



Very frequent gaping all day.


Gaping: followed each time by involuntary laughter; makes him giddy; and sneezing, with pain in maxillary joint; with stretching, most of arms; and shaking chill.


Frequent yawning; before spasms, or paroxysms of headache.


Drowsiness, cannot resist sleep, even soon after getting up.


Irresistible drowsiness in day time. Prolapsus uteri.


Early in evening very sleepy; has to go to bed, but a peculiar fear as if somebody would come and disturb him prevents sleep for hours.


Great drowsiness and weariness during day; at night a rush of ideas prevents sleep.


Sleepy and heavy headed, mist before eyes, pressure in eyes, lower limbs very tired.


Sleepiness, especially after or even while eating.


Afternoon drowsy and weary, with sexual desire.


Weary and drowsy by day, sleepless at night. From overworking at desk.


On falling asleep starts, twitches; sudden complete awakening.




Sopor and convulsions; t.


Coma, with paralysis of face and limbs. Typhus.


Convulsive affections, which cease during sleep.


During sleep, one does not notice any motion of eyes whatever.


Clonic spasms of eyes.


Uneasy, restless sleep; from violent itching and burning of skin.


Restless night and chilliness.


Tosses about from annoying crawls over whole body, head, chest, abdomen and feet.


Restless nights, suffers pain in back, chest, loins and thighs.


Restless night, a burning itching pain on different parts awakens him.


Restless night, a heaviness in whole body, in head, chest, abdomen and feet induces him to toss about.


Unpleasant dreams waking him from sleep.


Dreams he could not open his mouth on account of pain in maxillary joint, and that they made him smell caustic ammonia, which wakened him.


Dreams as if he was walking up and down in his room and reading, while he was sure he was in his bed; could not overcome it.


In his dreams, anxiety as if suffocating.



At night: frequent anxious waking ; tearing pain in scalp; buzzing in ears; sneezing in sleep ; pain in cracked lip; toothache, after midnight ; grinding teeth (an elderly man).


At 2 A.M.: pain in ankle joint.


Morning: itching of scalp; spasms of eyes; tongue coated; hunger without appetite; diarrhoea; excited sexual desire; cough amel.; mucous sputa; rattling of phlegm in chest; pulse more frequent; spine more sensitive; pains in tibia begin; pain in right knee and left hand agg.


Towards noon: headache ; stitch like a needle over left brow ; trembling of left upper lid; nausea; pressing around navel; disagreeable full, heavy feeling in anus; stinging and tension in chest; backache; pain in both tibiae; out of humor.


At noon: headache ; pressure like a piece of sand under upper lid; trembling of left upper lid; very unpleasant, saltish, bitter, sweetish metallic taste, most on root of tongue ; cramp in stomach; sudden stitch in region of liver; colic; pressure, heat and itching in anus; cough with sneezing; pain in chest, in region of heart; stitch in sacrum; in left tibia; burning runs all along corn in little toe.


Afternoon: dizziness and dull head; pain over eyes, in vertex, in occiput; painful sensitiveness in upper part of nose; coryza: toothache and pain in lower jaw; nauseous sweetish taste; violent thirst; frequent belching; pressure or burning and digging pain in epigastrium; dull pressure in hypochondrium; stitches in region of spleen; rumbling in abdomen; cutting in upper and later in lower abdomen ; soft, dark green stool; stool with copious urination; urine milky, fiery; drawing in both testicles; violent cough; pressure here and there in chest; sudden stitches deep in chest; soreness in chest agg. ; constant pressure near heart and uninterrupted palpitation; irregular beats of heart; neck puffed up; sudden violent stitch in sacrum; pain and lameness in arm; pains in elbow and forearm: burning in right thumb ; in right hip joint, and along outside of lower leg, annoying pains; drawing, tearing in thigh; electric shock through legs; giving way of knee with painful drawing on back of left lower leg; stinging in right little toe; pains in corns ; epileptic shock of body; sleepiness; crawling all over.


In evening: general malaise; dizziness with loss of sight and weakness ; double sight; momentary jerk in side of head; viscous yellow moisture in internal canthi; bubbling noise in right ear and noise as if bells were ringing in distance; warmth in face; front teeth as if too long and sensitive; bad taste returns, with chest and abdominal symptoms ; tip of tongue feels sore; more appetite, even ravenous hunger ; sudden nausea and vomiting of food; burning in scrobiculum, with a spasmodic drawing up into chest; digging, pinching cutting in abdomen; cutting itching in rectum; tension in right groin; unpleasant sensation in urethra; drawing in testicles; agg. cough with blowing nose or expectoration of phlegm ; stitches in lung; violent palpitation; burning or itching on sternum; quivering in muscles of right loin; tension along whole spine; pains in back of sacrum; itching on back and inflamed nodules; tearing in left upper arm; stitches like needles in left thumb; in right hip joint and outside of right lower leg very tormenting pains; electric shock in lower limbs; pains in lower limbs; burning in upper part of foot and violent pains in little toe; pains in corns; gaping; weakness; crawls and chills, shaking chill ; attack of heat; sweat without heat.


Temperature and Weather

Very sensitive to cool air.


Cold air: increases earache and toothache; looking out of an open window, toothache and pains in limbs; easily chilled, least cool air makes “goose skin.”


Easily chilled on slight movement, and in a cooler air, or if cold finger touches a warm part of body.


Very sensitive to cold, mostly hands and feet; his face is pale and haggard.


In cold weather agg., especially headache.


When lifting bed covers at night, crawling and shaking chill.


To drink cold water after it increases effect and lengthens it; t.


After a swallow of cold water: toothache; nausea.


Washing or bathing palliates.


Itching, burning and redness of fingers, toes and other parts, as though they had been frozen.


Complaints from frost. Headache. Chilblains.


Chilblains, frost-bite, and all consequences of exposure to cold, particularly in face.


In open air: vertigo amel. or agg.; pressing in eye; momentary attacks of drunkenness; headache; nausea; colic, stitches in sacrum; dullness ; drowsiness.


Walking in open air: staggering ; a stitch like lightning through brain; half sided digging headache; vanishing of sight; singing in right ear; pressure in stomach; sensation like a dislocation in groin: sudden violent stitches in sacrum; painful drawing in right foot; tired in feet, weak ; a painful pressure in region of right nipple, feeling as if a deep breath would remove its cause; frequent gaping.


After walking in open air: such a sudden weakness that he can hardly get along; severe fluid stools with burning in anus, and a copious sweat even on scalp; pulse frequent and small.


In room: vertigo agg. or amel.; nausea; chilliness; all symptoms agg. in-doors and in rest.


In bright sunshine: as if drunken.


Heat of sun: caused violent vertigo.


In warmth of bed: feet burn.


Vertebrae sensitive to a hot sponge. Chorea.


Worse before a thunder-storm. Chorea.



Shiverings over body, run from above downward.


Shudders: with bitter vomiting after supper, lasting all night.


Feels chilly with headache, giddiness, cold hands and feet; chilly feeling runs along limbs.


Chilly feeling: with gaping; blue hands; want of strength; bad humor; dull senses and no appetite; at noon.


Feels chilly all the time, cannot get warm in room, early in morning.


After sleep a chilly sensation all over, but most in feet.


Chilly on slight movement, or from raising bedclothes.


Great chilliness in open air, strikes through whole body.


Inner chilliness: with cool skin; with natural warmth of skin; in evening.


Sensation as if touched by ice, keeping time with pulse.


Sensation of coldness on right side of frontal bone, though the surface is warm to touch.


Coldness on buttocks.


Cold hands and toes, with contracted pulse.


Cold and blue limbs; t.


Coldness and heat in alternation, towards evening.


Unpleasant coolness in whole body after going to bed.


Body cold, head hot.


Partial chill on upper part of body.


Chill with warm face, hands and feet.


Shaking chill with gaping; chill continues until he shakes.


Chill in back as if cold water was running down, if he leans back in chair.


Feverish chill every evening without thirst and without heat.


Shaking chills when lifting his bed cover.


During violent shaking chill, after undressing in evening, a peculiar inclination to laugh.


A gradually increasing rigor, face and hands bluish, icy cold; pulse very small and hard, forenoon 10 to 11.


Attacks of rigor, shaking whole body; cold hands, tremble when writing; face warm, no thirst, and no heat following.


Violent rigor with gooseflesh, followed by heat in head, painful throbbing in forehead and sweat.


After dozing awhile, violent rigor, chattering of teeth, he lies doubled up, violent headache, hands blue, no thirst.


Heat slight, chiefly on upper part of body.


Heat in face and upper half of body in repeated attacks, lasting five to ten minutes.


Heat all over: becomes burning, he has to uncover lower limbs; blood seems to run glowing through vessels; pulse strong, hard, tense and more frequent, disappearing gradually after midnight.


Heat at night; turning in bed or lifting covers makes her chilly.


Violent attacks of heat, evenings; cheeks glowing, hands cold, continual thirst, no sweat.


Frequent attacks of fever with heat in head, associated with a soporific state; rolling of eyes and screaming during sleep.


Clonic spasms of eyes.


Heat and sweat in attacks, all afternoon, with a dull headache, no thirst.


General heat with cold finger ends, dry lips, thirst, clean tongue, want of appetite, with violent pains in upper and lower limbs. A young leprous girl.


Continual heat followed by sweat.


Anxious palpitation causing sweat to break out at night.


Sweat most on lower limbs, evening and night.


Sweat all forenoon.


Night-sweat, towards morning, with relief.


Much sweat with fainting.


Sweat all over, even on scalp.


Cold sweats; t.


Viscous sweat and great prostration; t.


With sweat exhausted feeling and trembling of limbs, canine hunger.


Sweat: greasy, but not offensive, all night, during sleep; from least exertion; often only on front of body ; at night, especially about legs; cold, on face, neck and chest; profuse.


Sweat when walking or with slightest exertion.


Slight exercise causes sweat; oily night-sweats. Incipient tuberculosis.


Coma following febrile excitement of dentition; eyes half open, showing whites; breathing not hurried, but often a deep inspiration, followed by a sigh and slight convulsive twitchings of extremities.


Ataxic typhus.


Obstinate, intermittent.


Attacks and Periodicity

In attacks: itching on scalp; violent pressure on right eyeball upward and outward; coughing; pain in sternum; pain between eighth and ninth dorsal vertebra; heat in face.


Momentary stitches in eyeball.


Pressure first in left then in right eyebrow.


After toothache lessens, complaints in abdomen return.


Periodical drawing up into os hyoideum.


Gets awake exactly at midnight three nights in succession.


Every seven days. Epileptic attacks.


Locality and Direction

Very often complaints appear diagonally; that is, appear in upper left and lower right side.


From within outward: stitches in chest and belly.


From without inward: pressing, boring, drawing pains.


From below up: a cutting boring from nostrils up to frontal bone; drawing from pelvis up to hypochondria.


From back to front: violent momentary tearing through chest.


From l. to right shooting headache; painful drawing in forehead; pressure above eyes; pain in temples; running coryza; griping in belly ; pain in tibia; splinter sensation in lower limbs.


From right to left: stitches in temples; burning soreness in back.


Worse left side: inner head, external ears, teeth, abdomen, groin, male parts, shoulder, upper and forearm.


Worse right side: outer head, hypochondrium, loins and lower limbs.


Very few semi lateral symptoms.



Heaviness, as after drunkenness; as though sharp ice touched head or cold needles pierced it; as if a nail was thrust in right side of head; various in left half of occipital bone; as from subcutaneous ulcers in scalp; stitch as of an ice cold needle in ear; as if ears, nose and face had been frost-bitten; as if splinters had been run into jaw; as from needles in chin; teeth feel too long; as from pepper on tip of tongue; as from an astringent on tongue and in throat; as if a foreign body stuck in fauces; cravat feels too tight; burning-cooling feeling, as after eating cress, along oesophagus; dull pressure as from a foreign body in stomach; jerking as of some heavy object in stomach; legs as if picked all over with ice cold needles; as if liver had increased in weight; as of a swelling from left hypogastrium to back; hollowness in abdomen; as if wrenched in loins; crawling as from worms in anus; coldness down legs when urinating; stitch as from a red-hot iron in urethra; painful retraction of testes towards inguinal ring; disagreeable crawling in front of penis, has to squeeze it; anxious sensation in chest; as if cavity of thorax was narrowed; feeling of a lump in epigastrium; felt several blows in heart with trembling;


Like splinters in pectoralis near nipple, and in back; as after continued pain in back; shocks starting from lower vertebrae; as if cold air was spreading from spine over body; as if touched below shoulder blade by a piece of ice; spine as if too weak to support; as of ants creeping along spine; as of a heavy load in sacrum, as if it would burst; a sort of crick in back; as if beaten in sacrum, or dislocated feeling; feels palpitation in os coccyx; as if thousands of splinters were in deltoid, extensor side of right forearm, in left elbow and index finger; hands as if frostbitten; as of an electric shock in upper arm; as if a felon would come in right index finger; as if heads of thigh bones were pulled from their sockets; shaking pushing concussions in left hip, in right hand, in joints of lower limbs; as of a plug on outer side of thigh above knee; pain in thighs as after a long journey on foot; as if lead was hanging on legs; electric shock in lower limbs, most in left; sudden concussions in legs; as if blood was glowing in veins of feet; like splinters in soles; pains in toes as from narrow shoes; like splinters in big toe; painful swellings in toes like nails growing in; toes as if frost-bitten; as if her limbs did not belong to her; as if touched by ice, keeping time with pulse; as if cold water was running down back; as from living quicksilver in different parts; as if whole body was shaken inwardly; as if cold needles ran through nerves; as if whole body would dwindle to nothing; as if skin was pasted on.


Pain: in temples; around eyes; in left ear during menses; in left articulation of jaw; in superior maxilla and teeth; in right hypochondrium; in stomach and liver; in left hypochondrium; deep in umbilical region; in loins to legs; in chest; in left intercostal muscles; in back; along spinal column; in first and second lumbar vertebrae; in sacrum; over both hip joints; in legs; in right hip joint; in left hip under gluteal muscles; in bend of knee; in bones of lower legs; in ankle joint; in frost- bitten toes; in corn on right little toe; in paralyzed parts.


Spasmodic pains: in left upper arm; in right upper leg; in thumb.


Lancinating: in right cheek.


Jerking stitches: through right lung.


Twitching shocks: of heart.


Gnawing: below shoulder blades.


Ulcerative pains: in limbs, from left elbow to little finger; from calves to heel.


Cutting: in abdomen; in anus.


Biting: in anus; on back; on soles.


Biting itching: on scalp; in soles.


Smarting: in tip of tongue; in anus.


Burning: in vertex; in head; in inner canthi; of ears; in face; in tip of tongue; in region of heart; below sternum; in stomach; in abdomen; in anus; in hemorrhoids; in left chest; in region of heart; pimples on outer chest; deep in spine; in small place on spine; on back; above left elbow; of hands; in pimples on arms; in front of left forearm near wrist; on right forearm; in skin of right hand from wrist to thumb and index finger; in hands; in thumbs; in right index finger; in glutei muscles; in furuncle on right gluteus; on thigh; pimples above knee; in tibia; in calves; in legs; in ankle joints to heels; in feet; in toes; of skin; internal and external; miliary eruption.


Stitches: in head; in ears; in left mastoid process; from fauces along right eustachian tube; in region of liver; under short ribs, left side; in region of caecum; in loins; in anus; in right kidneys; in urethra; in middle of chest; behind sternum; in left breast; in right lung; between sternum and nipple; in region of heart; in different parts of thorax; in cervical muscles; on dorsal vertebrae; in sacrum; in olecranon of each arm; in thumbs; in hip joint; in anterior part of thigh; in knees; in calves; in big toe.


Stinging: in knee joints.


Shooting pain: in temples; from right lower teeth to side of head; in region of heart; in outer chest; in nape of neck; in back below shoulder blades; deep in spine; in single vertebrae; in axillae; in knees; in ankle joints; in metatarsal bones and feet; in soles; in toes.


Pricking: in head; in chin; in rectum and anus; in chest; in fingers; in toes.


Sticking: under nipple; in apex of heart; between shoulder blades.


Tearing pain: in left half of brain; in right ear; in face and jaw bones; in right side of lower jaw; in loins; in anus; in right shoulder; in left upper arm, lower teeth and left ear; in left elbow joint; in left wrist; in hands; in thumbs; between thumb and index finger; in left index finger; in joint of middle finger; in left little finger; in joints of fingers; in hip joints; in left buttock; from hip joint to knee; in knee joints; in shin bones; in calves; in soles; in big toe; in left forearm and right thigh; in tubular bones.


Twitching pain: in bladder; in back during menses; in outer chest; below shoulder blades; in arms.


Jerking pain: in teeth; in big toe.


Pinching: below umbilicus.


Digging: in big toe; in all toes.


Burrowing pain: in temples.


Spasmodic drawing: from pit of stomach into chest; in left testicle and spermatic cord.


Drawing pain: in temples; in head; into root of nose; in right cheek; in pit of stomach; in right hypochondrium; in testicles; in chest; in region of diaphragm; from back to middle of chest; from left upper arm to forearm; in forearm; in left elbow joint; as if in periosteum of fingers; from thigh to knee; in knee joints; in shin bones; in shin; in legs; in ankles; in toes; in tubular bones.


Dull pains: in forehead; along tibia.


Soreness: of eyeballs; of tongue; in anus; in chest; in right chest near nipple; deep in chest in two spots; in back: of joints, after epistaxis; muscular, after fever or influenza.


Cramp like pain: in temples; from middle of spine into stomach; into thighs; as if she must have a child; in ankle joints to heels; in soles; in muscles; erratic.


Oppressive pains: in forehead.


Bearing down: in rectum; in female sexual parts.


Stinging pressure: in chest.


Pressure: in right side of head; in left half of brain; in vertex; in eyeballs; in fauces; from left hypogastrium to back; in region of kidneys; in back during menses; like a swelling from left hypogastrium to back; on chest; on right chest near nipple; on middle of sternum; in hip joints; in thighs; in left tibia; in legs; in ankles.


Throbbing: headache; in vertex; in cheeks; in right chest near nipple; in small spots on chest; in os coccyx.


Painful pulsation: in spinal canal.


Scratching: in throat, after influenza.


As if beaten: in heels; in all the limbs.


Bruised feeling: in loins; in muscles of neck; in muscles of back; of joints, after epistaxis.


Stretching pain: in acetabula.


Laming pain: in loins.


Rheumatic pain: in right deltoid; in forearm and thumb.


Contraction: of sternum.


Constriction: in cardiac region; in chest.


Compression: of heart.


Weight: in head; in top of head; in legs.


Oppression: in cardiac region; behind sternum; at heart.


Heaviness: in head; towards nape of neck; in stomach; below navel; in abdomen; in chest; in thighs; in calves; in lower legs; in feet.


Fullness: in temples; in anus.


Emptiness: in abdomen.


Tension: in head; in loins; in left upper arm; in lower chest; in region of thymus gland; in muscles of neck.


Stiffness: of muscles of face and neck; between shoulders; in left hand and elbow; in fingers; in tendo-achillis.


Lameness: in left kidney.


Laming pain: in left hand and arm.


Dislocated feeling: in sacrum; in shoulder joint; in hip joint.


Tremulous feeling: in bend of knee; in upper and lower limbs; in whole body.


Painful weariness: in thighs; in legs.


Weariness: in lower legs.


Weakness: in eyes; between shoulders; in loins; in back; in knee joint; in legs; in feet.


Sprained sensation: in chest; in neck; in deltoid; in knee joint.


Paralytic pain: in left hand and arm.


Paralytic weakness: in sphincter.


Paralyzed feeling: in left arm and hand; in arm after writing.


Paralytic numbness: in lower legs.


Numbness: left side of tongue; left hand; in legs; in back; in thigh.


Crawling: over back and limbs; in right index finger; in toes; over whole body.


Tickling: in orifice of urethra; on left side of scrotum.


Formication: in feet, in upper and lower limbs; in glutei muscles.


Crawling itching: in urethra; on dorsi of feet.


Uneasiness: in spine.


Itching: in inner canthi; in left ear; of ears; in frost-bitten nose; in face; in rectum; in anus; in mons veneries; in penis, foreskin and scrotum; of female sexual parts; with leucorrhoea; of nipples; pimples on neck; on back; on arms; on both hands as if frozen; in pimples on arms; on right forearm; on right wrist; in hands; on hip bone; on thigh; in bend of knee; on soles; of skin; between thumb and forefinger left hand; miliary eruption; whitish nodules on abdomen and legs; small nodules deep in skin.


Itching stitches: on different parts of body.


Burning cooling: along oesophagus to stomach.


Heat: in eyes; in face and upper part of body; in anus; running through limbs; on point of elbow.


Icy feeling: on left side of chest near shoulder blade; in right axilla; in point of elbow; in left inner ankle; in joint of middle finger; from glutei down to feet, most in big toes; of feet.


Coldness: on right side of frontal bone; in region of cervical suture; icy, on head; of face; in abdomen; of penis; below shoulder blade; in glutei muscles; of hands; in region of trochanter; in buttocks; in bend of knee; in lower limbs; in limbs; on right side of frontal bone; of hands and toes.


Dryness: of tongue; of mouth, fauces and pharynx; in os coccyx.



Induration of glands.


Pains in bones of face, eyes, cheeks, tubular bones, and in tibia, sometimes in elbow.


In all joints, stitching pain, stiffness in arms, back of neck and both hip joints.


All joints stiff on getting up.


Sudden tearing in tendinous tissues of different parts.


Makes blood thin.


Veins swollen, with cool skin.


Mucous membranes coated with a yellow mucus.


Muscles feel bruised from touch; amel. from walking.


Chronic rheumatism.


Pain in long bones, as if bruised, after motion.


Pains in bones morning and forenoon, especially left tibia, condyle of left elbow (like syphilitic pains; but amel., rather than agg., in warmth of bed).


Joints feel as if dislocated. Chorea.




Emaciation. Chorea.




Touch, Passive motion and Injuries

Body sensitive to touch or pressure; burning in canthi; pain in spine, between vertebrae; muscles feel bruised; pricking in left thumb, etc.


Slight touch causes shooting, even the coming near of some one.


Touch of hair: agg. pressure on temple.


When touched: pain in parietal bones, in eyeballs, above eyes, maxillary joint, tip of tongue; teeth sensitive; stitch in throat; abdomen sensitive; convulsive darting if chest or arms are touched; small spot in middle of spine very sensitive; wrist- pains; back of hand sore; stitches in thumb; metacarpal joint of index and middle finger.


When touching or feeling with fingers: headache agg.; pain in groins; pain in vertebrae; all parts sensitive.


When but feeble pressure is applied to any spot, it pains a long while after.


Pressure: agg. pain in scalp, in left temporal bone; pain in stomach and in hypochondria.


Sensitive to pressure; dorsal and lumbar vertebrae.


Better from pressure; pain in temples; boring headache; colic in abdomen; painless pulsation in eighth and ninth dorsal vertebrae.


Limbs sensitive to pressure. Chorea.


A pressure on painful parts increases pain.


Rubbing: amel. itching in right eye.


Scratching: amel. itching in scalp; stitch over left brow.


After scratching: white nodule, size of millet-seed, furfuraceous peeling of epidermis.


Better from shaving: blisters on chin.


Leaning back in chair: agg. pressure in sacrum.


Crossing legs: they fall asleep.


In stepping down: stitches in heel.


Slight blows: cause ecchymoses.


While riding in a carriage: tensive pain in region of bladder.



General jaundice after convulsion; t.


Burning itching, redness and swelling, as from frost-bites.


Itching stitches in various parts.


Violent itching between thumb and forefinger, left hand.


Itching and burning all over body, causing great distress.




Miliary eruptions; close and white, with burning and itching.


Feeling in skin as if it was pasted on.


Skin very smooth, most in face.


Prickling as from needles on different places.


Itching stitches on different parts of body.


Electric stitches, stitches as from splinters; corroding biting; itching, burning, biting, stinging.


Itching all over; changing place; disturbing sleep; without any eruption.


Itching eruption of easily bleeding whitish nodules on abdomen and lower limbs, spreading.


Miliary eruption in blotches.


Small suppurating pimples between index finger and thumb; on neck; on sternum.


Very painful furuncle in front of thigh and on buttock, very large, discharging blood, no pus.


Little red, hard pimples scattered over body, like flea-bites.


Lichen pilaris urticatus.


Chronic eruptions.


Indurations and tumors; carbuncles; fistulous ulcers; carious ulcers; phagedenic ulcers.


Lichen simplex.


Sebaceous tumors.


Crusty eruptions.


Ulcers corroding and excavated.


Indolent and fistulous ulcers.




The hard, rough smallpox of sheep.


Nodules in skin on neck, with cough (horses and cows).


Itching from small nodules deep in skin, especially when eyes are also affected (horses).


Epilepsy from checked eruptions.


Stages of Life and Constitution

Light hair; skin and muscles lax.


Old people with indolent circulation.


Venous erethism. Diarrhoea.


Drunkards; especially for their headaches.


Thin, spare girl, age 18. Chorea.


Girl, age 2 1/2, born with malformation of head.


Clonic spasms of eyes.


A child, age 3, had a chronic nasal catarrh for eighteen months.



Similar to: Cimic., (delirium of alcoholism; chorea; spinal irritation); Bell. (cerebral excitement, but more in chorea); Calc-c. (alcoholism; icy cold feeling on head); Cann-i. (alcoholism; extravagant fancies); Cic. (spasms of eyes); Codein (eyelids twitching, etc.); Coffea (ecstasy); Hyos. (typhoid of drunkards; loquacity, dancing, muscular twitchings, and with all tremor, tendency to stupor and feeble pulse); Ign. (hysterical or emotional chorea; sighing; convulsive cough; twitches; laughing and crying); Lach. (loquacious delirium; alcoholism; typhoid of low type, tremulous protrusion of tongue; tremor, feeble pulse, livid extremities); Mygal. (chorea); Nux-v. (chorea; alcoholism; spinal irritation; convulsions; tremor; paraplegic symptoms; enlarged liver); Opium (alcoholism; chorea, with spasmodic, angular jerks of flexors; hands tremble, slow pulse); Puls. (spinal irritation; chorea; chilblains, etc.); Sepia (icy cold feeling on head; jerks of head and tongue, etc.); Stict (chorea with jumping and dancing); Stram. (delirium tremens; singing, laughing, dancing; extravagant recitals; loquacity; chorea, with gyratory motions, etc.); Tarent. (chorea, one arm and leg constantly in motion, etc.); Thea (verbose; spinal irritation); Verat. (icy cold feeling on head); Zincum (chorea).


Vinegar and Eau de Cologne induce fainting. Sal Ammoniae also aggravates.


Mushrooms will not grow in ground containing either iron or coal.


Antidoted by: charcoal; coffee; wine; brandy; camphor; fat or oil (relieves stomach); Calc-c. (relieves icy coldness); Puls., Rhus-t. (nightly backache).


Atropine is said to be antagonistic to Muscarine, but they both, when topically used, dilate the pupil.


Muscarine is very similar to Pilocarpine (jaborandi) since both cause arrest of heart’s action; profuse sweat; salivation, lachrymation; contracted pupils, etc. Muscarine acts more on lachrymal glands, less on sweat and salivary glands; Pilocarpine causes more urging to urinate. Muscarine, given internally, contracts pupil more than Pilocarpine; used topically, only the former dilates the pupil. Gels. is here similar to Muscarine.


Follow well: Bell., Calc-c., Merc., Opium, Puls., Rhus-t. and Sil.


Acted well after Dulc., Phos-ac., Puls., and Cupr had failed.


Chronic diarrhoea.


Cured where Bell., Stram. and Hyos. failed. Clonic spasms of eyes.

Agaricus [Agar]


+ Common names Bug or fly Agaric; Germ, Fliegenschwamm; Fr, Fausse orange.



Agaricus muscarius, L.;


Natural order: Fungi.


Preparation: Tincture of the fresh fungus.





He becomes so furious that he can hardly be restrained from ripping up his bowels, as he fancies the mushroom had ordered him to do.


Fearless, menacing, mischievous frenzy; also, frenzy which causes the patient to assail and injure himself, with great exertion of power.


He is intoxicated with fearless frenzy; forming bold and revengeful projects.


Screaming and raving like mad about the room.




Delirium, with increase of strength.


Raging delirium; called for his hatchet; had to be confined; alternated with religious excitement.


Increase of strength, with cheerful delirium; the patient sings and talks, but returns no answer when questioned.


Delirium; he imagines himself a military officer, commanding at a drill and directing the various manoeuvres.


Half an hour later, he falls into a delirium, like a patient with a high fever, and becomes now immoderately gay, now profoundly melancholy.


Great mental excitement.


He talks incoherently; passes very rapidly from one subject to another, and soon enters a state of cheerful delirium, with great loquacity.


She ran about the yard, romped with the children, threw them down even hit them.


He imagines himself at the gate of hell and that the mushroom commands him to fall on his knees and confess his sins, which he does.


The father had phantasies; seemed to see his dead sister in heaven.


The natives of Siberia intoxicate themselves with this decoction.


Soon after drinking it they become jolly, and are gradually seized with such a fit off gayety that they take to singing, leaping, and reciting before the beauties of the tribe their exploits in war or the case.


Their physical strength is increased.


They fall asleep, and after twelve or sixteen hours of slumber, they awake in a state of utter prostration; the head, however, does not feel so empty as after intoxication by brandy.


Talking volubly and respectfully, as if to his parents; returning no direct answers when questioned; he alternately sings and is vexed, embraces his companions and kisses their hands.


He performs all these actions while affected with a general spasm, more like a trembling than convulsion.


Great loquacity, and at the same time strong convulsions of the facial and cervical muscles, especially on the right side, drawing the head down toward the right shoulder.


At the same time, movements of flexion and extension alternately in the lower limbs, not preventing locomotion; these cause movements of putting them down and lifting them.


He walks for some time in this way, with a great deal of merry, incoherent talk.


After this condition has lasted more than half an hour it is followed by quietude, disturbed, in a little while, by nausea and general malaise.


During intoxication they lift and carry the heaviest loads, take long steps and jump over small objects, as if trunks of trees lay in their way.


Tumbled about the room in the most grotesque manner.


Laughed about their not standing and walking straight.


Some run and walk involuntarily in the most dangerous places.


Some of them leap, dance, and sing; others weep with anguish; a small hole appears to them a frightful chasm; a spoonful of water an immense lake (only from abuse of the drug).






Telling secrets.


Extravagantly exalted fancy, ecstasy, prophecies, making verses.


Great prostration, with delirium very much resembling that which occurs in adynamic fevers.


Taken in moderation it excites in intellect and inspires cheerfulness and courage.


Bright mood, with absence of care.


Bright mood, but no inclination to talk.


Calm, composed, sociable, active, and glad of having done his duty (healthful reaction of the organism).


Cheerfulness took the place of ill-humor.


Cheering up.


He force himself to speak; but he answers only in a few words, though his general disposition is cheerful at the time.


He does not feel disposed to speak, though he is not ill- humored.


An impulse to laugh overcame him in bed, owing to an indescribably mixed sensation of happiness and misery.


Depression of spirits.


His mood was depressed.




Melancholy that cannot be overcome.


Sad mood from trifling causes.


The gayety changes into suffering.




Anxiety, as though something unpleasant were going to happen to her.


His mind is uneasy and anxious; he was constantly concerned only about himself, his present and future condition.


Restlessness and uneasiness of body and mind (after the lapse of half an hour).


Timid craziness.


Fretfulness of mind.


Vexed, irritable, moody.


Ill-humor and irritability.


Peevish and irritable mood.


Extremely peevish and irritable.


Quarrelsome mood.


Easily irritated and out of humor.


Reading did not fix his attention as usual; he soon became excited, grew angry at the servant and felt inclined to fight.


She is vexed with herself and pities herself.


Ill-humored and indifferent.


Waking in morning in ill-humor.


She was very much out of humor all day and disinclined to answer when asked questions.


Disinclination to speak, with ill-humor, peevishness, and disinclination to work.


She who ordinarily felt so extremely solicitous about everything, is now quite indifferent.


It seemed as though he were at a loss to discover the words he wished to use.


Thoughtless staring; disinclined to think; he is sluggish and dull.


Indifference and moody taciturnity; repugnance to work.


Disinclination to work.


He trifles with everything, to save himself the trouble of working.


Aversion to all labor that occupies the mind; if he, nevertheless, undertakes any, there is a rush of blood to the head, throbbing in the arteries, heat in the face, and the thinking faculty is disturbed.


Indisposition to think.


Confusion of mind, with silent delirium, which lasts all day.


Heaviness of mind; imbecility (reaction of the organism in old age).




Forgetful; he finds it difficult to recollect the things which he had heard and imagined before.


The train of thought is easily disturbed, and the last thoughts cannot be recalled easily.


The patient retains no recollection of his serious sickness.


Next day the patient did not remember having been indisposed; he thought he had made a journey.


Loss of consciousness.


Senseless, with closed eyes.


Unconscious, with red, puffy face.



Confusion of the head.


Confusion of the head, with dull pain (after two hours).


Confusion and heaviness of the head (after two hours).


The head is heavy, confused (especially in forehead), as if pressed in.


Head confused throughout the forenoon.


Burrowing in the brain, as though everything were moving there in confusion.


Confusion of the head towards noon, and slightly cool, creeping feeling in the scalp of the vertex, with sensation as if the scalp of the vertex, with sensation as if the scalp were drawn more tightly over the skull.


Early in the morning, heaviness and confusion of the head, as if he had been revealing the day before, lasting six hours.




Violent vertigo; she is often compelled to sit down.


Vertigo, at 5 A.M., that rarely cease during the day.


Vertigo, while walking, making his gait unsteady.


Vertigo, from afternoon till late in the evening, with an indescribable impulse to fall over backwards.




Staggering, as if drunk.


Reeling and sinking down (on the second day).


Reeling when walking in the open air (after an hour).


Reeling, as from spirituous liquors; when walking in the open air he staggers to and fro.


Giddiness, as from intoxication.


Vertigo in the room; better in the open air, but soon returns.


Sudden vertigo, that throws him down.


It seems to her as if she were constantly turning round; she was quickly obliged to sit on the ground to prevent herself from falling; this vertigo lasted very violently got two hours.


The head of the sun causes violent vertigo.


Strong light of the sun produces, early in the morning, a momentary attack of giddiness, even to falling.


Transient vertigo.


Occasional slight vertigo during the day.


Vertigo, with stupefaction.


Vertigo, with stupefying headache.


In the morning, vertigo, with stupefying headache, which lasts all the forenoon.


Vertigo, with stupefaction and burning in the vertex.


Stupefying vertigo immediately sets in with the pain.


In the morning, repeated, but only momentary, attacks of vertigo; more in the open air, less in the room.


Vertigo and stupidity early in the morning (after three hours).


Vertigo, early in the morning, as after intoxication (after a quarter of an hour).


Vertigo, coming on principally early in the morning; it commonly lasts from one to eight minutes, and returns several times during the day at short intervals.


Momentary vertigo, with pressive and drawing headache in the forehead.


Attacks of vertigo, combined with a tottering gait and indistinct sight, even of near objects; these attacks come and go every five minutes, and can only be entirely removed by thinking of something else.


Vertigo coming on while meditating, walking in the open air (after eight days).


Attack of vertigo in the open air; it disappears in the room; lasting for several days.


Vertigo in the room, on turning round.


Vertigo, passing off for some time by quickly turning the head.


Dizzy dullness of the head.


Dizzy dullness of the head, as in slight intoxication, perceptible nearly all day.


In the afternoon, dizzy dullness of the head, especially while reading or looking into the light.


Dizziness, stupefaction.


Dizzy stupefaction in the head, as if he were losing his consciousness, with roaring in left ear.


Head as if it intoxicated.


Please intoxication.




Forenoon, stupefaction of the head.


Head as if stupefied, but only for a short time.


Disagreeable cloudiness in the head.


Slight headache.


In the head, an indistinct sensation of a disagreeable kind, all day, as if a most violent headache would appear every moment; when observing the pain it vanished entirely, but returned most disagreeably when least taken notice of.


Headache, early in the morning, in bed.


Heat in the head and face.


Feeling as though the head were enlarged.


Congestion to the head.


Dullness of the head.


Dullness of the head; head constantly dull.


Dullness of the head, morning.


Dullness of the head in the forenoon.


Dullness of the head at noon.


Dullness of the head, which diminished on walking in the open air; which, however, returned repeatedly.


Sensation of dullness and fullness of the head.


Head dull and full; he could not go on reading.


Head dull, full, swaying back and forth.


Head dull and heavy.


Heaviness of the head.


Continual heaviness of the head, as after intoxication (after on and a half hours).


Continual heaviness of the head (after five hours).


In the morning, dull headache, with stupefying vertigo and palpitation of the heard; after rising, these appearance seemed to lessen somewhat, but soon became more violent, with excessive chilliness.


Dull headache, especially in the forehead; this headache obliged him to move the head constantly to and fro, and to close the eyes as for sleep.


Dull, stunning headache, with thirst and heat, especially in the face (immediately).


Dull headache, mornings, on awakening.


Dull, pressive headache, which disappears after a copious evacuation of the intestines, combined with flushes of heat.


Waking at three o’clock in the morning, with pressive headache.


Moderate pressure, deep in the head.


Pressive headache, at intervals before going to sleep.


Leaden pressure of the brain on the cranial bones, which even extends to the nose.


Violently pressive headache, especially in the occiput, after dinner (ninth day).


Weak drawing headache.


Drawing in the head, in all directions, with sensation as though the person were to lose the senses.


Drawing headache, early on awaking, with pressure in the eyeballs.


Jerking tearing in the head, most painful behind the right ear, where it stops.


Tearing in different places in the skull.


Grinding, pain in the head; it lasts only for a few minutes, but it frequently returns.


Feeling of coldness in the head, especially in the occiput.


Jumping of the muscles in the left forehead.


Twitches in the skin of the forehead above the right eye.


Headache in the forehead appeared directly after taking.


Mornings, violent headache in the frontal region, with contraction of the muscles of the forehead and eyelids.


On waking, considerable headache in the forehead.


Violent headache, that diminished towards evening, and was confined to the forehead.


Half an hour after taking, burning in the superciliary ridge near the temples.


Sensation in the head as though the frontal regions were enlarged and the brain were being whirled about in it, with pressive pain in both temples.


Heaviness and fullness in forehead.


The forehead is heavy and confused.


Burrowing feeling, as if the brain in the frontal region were an ant-hill, with fullness of the head.


Transient burrowing pain in left forehead and left occiput.


Violent boring headache in the frontal region, that is diminished by pressure.


Violent grinding pain in the left frontal eminence (after three hours).


Drawing pain in the forehead.


Sensation of drawing, pressive headache in the left frontal eminence, oppressing the eye.


Painful drawing pressure from the left side of the forehead towards the right, while sitting (after one and a half hours).


During the day, pressive, drawing pain in the forehead, extending to the eyes; comes and goes.


Drawing pain in the middle of the forehead.


Soon after taking, dull, drawing, transient pain in left forehead.


Between the eyebrows, a drawing, but not violent pain.


On awaking in the morning, a somewhat drawing headache in the right side of the forehead.


Dull, drawing pain in the middle of the forehead, between the superciliary ridges.


Drawing, tearing pain in forehead; intermitting (after thirty three hours).


Drawing from both sides of the frontal bone as far as the root of the nose.


Drawing, cutting pain in the forehead, when standing; when sitting, this pain assumes a pressive and stunning character (after one and a half hours).


Dull headache in the forehead.


Dull headache in the frontal region.


Dull, rather violent pain along the forehead and sagittal suture.


Dull pains, first in the one, then in the other frontal eminence.


Dull, indistinctly expressed pain in the middle of the forehead; pressing both temples makes the pain disappear, but it returns more violently after a short time.


Pressure in the cavities of the of the forehead.


Pressure and twitching in the forehead, extending to the eyes.


Violently pressive pain in the forehead, with vertigo, while sitting.


Pressure deep in forepart of head, at margin of hair.


All day long, a dull, pressive pain in the frontal region; the same pressive pain in the left half of the forehead.


On waking in the morning, pressive pain deep in the right frontal eminence.


Transient, pressive headache in the left side of forehead.


Pressive pain in the left frontal eminence.


During the day, pressive, drawing pain in the forehead, extending to the eyes; comes and goes.


Shortly after the medicine, pain in the forehead, as if both sides of the head were pressed together.


When she laid down on account of vertigo, she was suddenly seized by a violent, pressive headache, that extended into the left ear, as if something would stop it up.


Pressive pain in the frontal region.


Pressive pain in the forehead, extending inward.


Pressive pain in the forehead, all day long.


A dull, pressive pain in the frontal region.


Pressive headache in the forehead, increases in the open air.


Some pressive pain in the left half of the forehead.


On waking in the morning, pressive pain deep in right frontal eminence.


Pressive pains in the right frontal region, with morning dullness of the head.


Pressure, with stitches in the forehead above the eyes.


During walk in the open air, pressive pain in the right supraorbital region, which, however, disappears in a short time.


Pressure coming down from the forehead upon the upper half of the eyeballs (after one and a half hours).


A sensation during the day as if headache were coming on, which really appeared towards evening, consisting in a disagreeable pressive, and sometimes very painful, sensation, in little spots upon forehead and temples, which lasted for hours.


Tearing in bones of forehead.


Tearing in the forehead immediately above the root of the nose.


Sore feeling on the left side of the forehead, directly over the eyebrows.


The eminences of the eyebrows are painful to the touch.


Shooting pain in the right frontal region.


Transient shooting pain in the right and left frontal eminence, alternately.


Violent shooting and twisting in the left superciliary ridge.


Slight shooting in the forehead, which gradually increased, especially on the left side.


At breakfast, a slight noise caused violent stitches in the right frontal eminence.


Single stitches in the forehead, especially in left side.


Every time after rising, a stitch in the forehead.


Pricking, as of needles, in the left frontal region.


Sensation of coldness, as of, ice on the scalp, right side of the frontal bone, although, on touching the parts, they seem to feel warm.


Itching in the forehead, inducing scratching; there are pimples on the forehead.


One large and several smaller blisters scattered over the forehead.


Frequent twitching of the muscles of the left temporal region.


Twitching and shooting in the right temple and along the zygoma.


Frequent jumping in the left temporal region and zygoma.


Rhythmical twitching of the muscles in the left frontal and temporal region.


Cramp-like pain in the left temple (after thirty-seven hours).


Pain in the left temple, then in the right one, then in the left lower jaw, like a decayed tooth beginning to ache.


Aching pain in the zygoma of the left temporal bone.


Waking, about midnight, with a violent, burrowing pain in the left temple, which is diminished by pressing with the hand, and reappears after relaxed pressure.


After dinner, transient premonition of dull, burrowing headache in the left temple.


A boring, throbbing pain in the squamous portion of the temporal bones, lasting more than two hours.


Very painful drawing through the temples, forehead, and eyeballs.


Dull headache in the right temple.


Dull headache in the left temple.


Headache in right temporal region, more stupefying than throbbing.


Pressure in both temples, at noon.


Pressive pain in the temporal region.


Pressure upon the upper portion of the left temporal bone, immediately above the concha of the ear, reaching deep into the brain; it increases when the hairs are pressed upon, or when they are merely touched, and is attended with complete depression of spirits.


After breakfast, a painful pressure in a little spot on the left temporal bone.


Violent pressure in the right temple on the temporal bone.


Fine stitches in the left temple (after half an hour).


Stitches in the left temple.


Directly after talking, a stitch in the right temple; soon after, a stitch in the left temple; upon which, a slight pressure took place in the latter, lasting several minutes.


Now and then, shooting in the left, less frequently in the right, temporal region.


Shooting pain in the right temple, over the eye.


Tearing in the right temporal region.


Burning in the vertex.


Beating pain in vertex, with despair bordering on rage.


Boring pain deep in the brain, at the vertex.


Pressure and tearing in left side of skull and on vertex.


Mornings, pressive pain in the vertex.


Feeling of pressure in the vertex.


Pressive pain in the vertex, at night.


Transient shooting in the vertex.


Stitches in the hairy scalp on the top of the head, which afterwards change to a pressive pain in the vertex.


Left sided, very violent headache.


Several times, pains in left side of head (three to five hours).


Pain in left of head, with much desire to urinate.


In the forenoon, while walking in the open air, a continued, burrowing, one-sided headache, which extended from the left frontal eminence along the parietal bone, through the entire cerebral hemisphere, to the occiput.


Boring in left side of skull, and in ascending ramus of lower jaw.


A continued dull pain in the entire left half of head, which is increased, after an hour, to a violent burrowing one.


Pressure in the left half of head.


Tearing and pressing in the entire left circumstance of the brain, most severe in left orbit and zygoma, with confusion in the head (after eight hours).


Violent lancinating tearing from the vertex to the left ear (after six hours).


Penetrating, fine, tearing pain; first in the right parietal bone, over the ear, with which the sensation of a sore, festering spot on the bone was continued a long time; it pained violently on being touched.


Slightly tearing pain in the right upper side of the head.


Nearly all day, constantly recurring, very fine, sensitive tearing, of short duration, on the left side of the head, behind and over the ear, as if emanating from a small painful spot, which, however, was not to be found by feeling for it.


One-sided shooting headache.


A shooting pain in the both sides of the head.


A quarter of an hour after taking, violent shooting in the right side of the head; somewhat later, in the whole head; but in both sides, right and left, more violent than in the rest of the head.


Shooting pain in left half of head, beginning at 10 A.M. and lasting till 2 P.M.; after which it was superseded by transient stitches, that returned every ten minutes.


Shooting headache, extending from the left parietal bone into the right temple, but lasting only a few minutes.


Pain, as from a nail in the right side of the head.


Frequent itching stitches deep in the left cerebrum.


Externally, in the left side of the head, a flash-like stroke.


Momentary twitching in the right side of the head.


Twitching jumps in the hairy scalp over the left ear, close to the ear-cartilage.


Different kinds of headache in the left half of the occipital bone, when seated.


Violent boring pain in occiput and left superciliary ridge.


In the forenoon, burrowing, pressive pains in the left occipital region and nape of neck, with weariness in the lower limbs and great inclination to sleep.


Morning, in bed, a pressive, burrowing pain in the right half of occiput, with accompanying splintery stitches in middle of right cheek.


Drawing pain in the occiput, early when in bed, as if from a wrong position; it increases by stretching and holding in the breath.


Drawing pain in the occiput, in the afternoon.


Drawing and tension in the occiput.


Drawing and pressive pain in occiput and forehead.


In forenoon, external pain in head, but more in posterior half; tension across occiput, towards ears, towards, neck-joint, sometimes more perceptible in one place than another.


After waking, dull fullness in occiput.


Dull pain in occiput, which on lying down, became more violent and burning, and gradually extended between the superciliary ridges, when lying on the back.


The dull pain in the head has gone into the occiput.


Pressure in the occiput (first day).


Excessively pressive pain in the occiput.


Tension extending towards the occiput, and there developing into a dull, pressive pain, with a sensation of heaviness, continuing all day.


Tearing stitches in the occiput, from one side to the other, early in the morning (second day).


Tearing in the left side of the occiput, which returns at short intervals.


Tearing in right side of occiput.


Tearing in right half of the occiput bone.


Sometimes, a tearing, tensive sensation in the external scalp of the occiput.


During forenoon, flying stitches in the occiput.


Repeated stitches across the occiput.


Stitches across the occiput, repeated every ten minutes, sometimes ore violent, sometimes less.


Bruised pain in back of neck and occiput.


A lively, throbbing pain in the occiput.


Creaking of the occiput towards the left, lasting a quarter of an hour; increased by pressure on the painful part.


Headache, especially heaviness and tension of the occiput towards the neck-joint.


The head constantly falling backwards, as if a weight were attached to the occiput.


The head unsteady, swaying back and forth, as if intoxicated.


Head swaying back and forth.


Convulsions of the muscles of the head and neck.


Such violent jarring of the whole head, coming from the atlas joint, that the prover involuntarily bit his tongue.


Stitches in the atlas-joint, as of splinters.


Head hot to the touch.


Pimples on the hairy scalp.


The pimples which appeared at the roots of the hair bled easily, after scratching, and left little red scabs behind.


The head full; pain spread over the cranium, and somewhat relieved by the touch.


Sometimes, external tension of the scalp.


Icy coldness in the region of the coronal suture, after the parts had been scratched on account of their itching; the coldness frequently returns; approaches more and more the forepart of the head, until it reaches that part of the forehead which is not covered with hair.


Tearing and drawing pain externally in the integuments of the head (skin and bones); it increases on pressure, especially in a small spot in vertex, which pains as if there were internal festering, at night (after eighteen days).


Sensitiveness of the integuments of the head, as if they were ulcerated.


The entire length of the scalp on the left side somewhat sensitive to the touch.


There are a few spots in the left side somewhat sensitive to the touch.


Frequent sensitive tearing in the tendinous expansion of the skull.


Itching of the hairy scalp.


Itching of the whole of the hairy scalp; it is like the itching of healing wounds, and provokes scratching.


Troublesome itching of hairy scalp, especially after getting up; it disappears upon the parts being scratched with a sharp comb.



Yellow color of the eyes (third day).


Burning in the eyes.


The eyes burn easily.


Burning in the eye, especially when they are opened and shut; every time after yawning.


Burning of the eye, with sensation of contraction in the evening (first day).


Burning and pressure in the orbits.


Burning and itching in both eyes.


Burning and aching pain above the right eye, with lachrymation (after one and a half hours).


Heat in the eyes.


Constant heat in the eyes.


Heat and weariness of the eyes.


The eyes are hot.


The eyes are hot to the touch.


Painful stretching of the eye on waking in the morning.


Sensation of contraction of the right eye, with increased dimness of sight; this is succeeded by biting pain in the eyeball and lachrymation, and lastly, by twitchings of the left eye, such as had previously existed in the right; wine relieved the symptoms at once.


Cramp-like pain under the right eyebrow; it makes the opening of the eyes difficult (after five hours).


Pressure in the eyes.


Pressure in the eyes, towards the inside.


Painful pressure in the eyes when moving them or exerting them by lamp light.


Pressure in the eyes, and inclination to close them, without sleep, after dinner.


Pressure in the eyes and upon the forehead, as though something were pressing from without inwards (after ten minutes).


A pressure in the right eye at noon, as if a grain of sand were under the upper eyelid; close examination of the eye showed nothing abnormal.


Pressive and drawing pain in the eyes.


Pressive pain over the left eye.


Pressure in the corners of the left eye, as if there were a foreign body.


Violent stitches, as with coarse needless, on the lower edge of the left orbit, at the exit of the infraorbital nerve.


Fine, pricking, pressive feeling directly over the eyes.


Eyes easily sensitive.


The eyes itch in the morning.


Itching and pricking in the right eye (after one hour).


Itching and pressure on right eye, relieved by rubbing for a short time.


Itching and tickling in left eye, which induce rubbing (after three hours).


Dryness of the eyes.


Feeling of weakness in the eye without having exerted the eye in the way.


Falling off of the hairs of the eyebrows.


In and between the eyebrows, small, itching pimples appear that are painfully sensitive to the touch, and vanish after a few day.


Pressive pain in the superciliary ridges.


Pressive pain in the right superciliary ridge; relieved after washing the body with cold water, then growing worse again.


In the morning pain in the right superciliary ridge.


On waking in the morning, a pressive, shooting pain in the left superciliary ridge, towards the outside.


Pressive pain in the left superciliary ridge for five minutes, and directly after in the right superciliary ridge.


Burrowing, pressive pain over the left eye and the frontal eminence.


Piercing pain in right superciliary ridge.


Repeated itching, piercing pain over the left eyebrow induces scratching, which stops it.


Toward noon, violent, continued, uninterrupted stitch directly over the left eyebrow, that lasts in the same degree as when the point of a needle is continuously pressed into the flesh; by violent scratching, which the sensation of pain finally induced, the pain was stopped almost entirely.


Itching in the eyebrows.


The margin of the lids and conjunctiva palpebrum are red, with sticking and tension in the eyes.


Trembling in the upper eyelid.


Trembling in the right upper eyelid.


Trembling of the left upper eyelid in the morning, which is repeated towards noon.


Frequently slight twitching in the eyelids; it is generally circumscribed within a small spot, and rather extending towards one another.


Twitching in the left upper eyelid.


Winking of the right lower eyelid, accompanied by throbbing of an artery on the left side, at the back of the nose, and twitches of the skin of the left side of the nose.


Winking and itching off the left lower lid, which induce rubbing.


Contraction of the eyelids (after two hours).


Narrowing of the interval between the eyelids for several days, without swelling, and often with twitching and winking of the lids.


The interval between the lids is smaller than usual; it requires an effort to widen it.


Swelling of the left lid toward the inner canthus; this swelling causes the eye to appear diminished.


Half-open eyes.


Violent twitching and itching in the left canthus.


Contraction and narrowing of the inner canthus of the left eye.


The caruncula of the left eye increases in size for several days.


The eyelids adhere to one another as by slimy threads; wiping relieves this symptom only for a short time.


Viscid (previously white), yellow humor, which glues the eyelids to one another; the secretion of this humor takes place the inner canthi, and continues even during the day, but especially early, and in the evening.


Gum in the canthi of the eyes (after six hours).


Both inner angles of the eye were found stuck together with a little mucus.


Burning eyelids.


The eyelids, every time after being closed, have a burning sensation similar to that caused by watching all night by lamp light.


Painful pressure in the lids, especially the right one, with great sleepiness.


Painful pressure under the upper eyelids, especially when the eyes are closed, resembling great fatigue of the eyes after great exertion in too strong a light; continues quite a long time.


Slight stitches in the left upper eyelids.


Sticking in margins of lids; the eyes are half closed, as with great sleepiness, and very sensitive to candlelight.


Biting, and sensation of contraction in lids.


Biting sticking in the edge of the right upper lid.


On waking in morning biting in the edges of the eyelids.


Burning in the inner canthus of the eyes, as though inflammation were going to set in; the pain increases upon the parts being touched.


Burning sensation of the inner canthus of the eyes upon the lids being firmly closed.


Scraping, shooting pain in the inner angles of the eyes, with some collection of mucus in them.


A scraping, shooting pain in the inner angles, and under the upper lid of the right eye.


Soon after the medicine a scraping, shooting pain in the left angle of the eye.


Itching shooting at the roots of the cilia, in the left upper lid.


Lachrymation of the right eye (first and second days).


Lachrymation of the right eye (after three hours).


Increased lachrymation.


Sensation in the eyes as though they had to be wiped constantly.


Redness of the white of the eye.


Eyeballs jerked here and there. (S. J).


Twitches in the eyeballs in frequent succession; in the left eye they are often accompanied by lachrymation.


While reading there is frequent twitching and pressing in the left eyeball.


Spasms, with aching pain in the left eyeball, at any time of the day, and under all circumstances; the eye has to be wiped, but the symptoms remain.


Distorted eyeballs.


The eyes roll in their sockets, and at times the pupil remain fixed against the upper wall of the orbit.


The eyes turn upwards.


Painful sensation of the left bulbus.


Burning and pressing of the eyeballs, especially when moving them.


It is difficult to move the eyes; the eyeballs seem to expand in the orbits.


After vomiting, a feeling in the left eyeball as though it were enlarged.


Motion of the eyes in the orbits is not quite free.


Painful twitching in the right eyeball.


Dull pain in the bulbus, similar to the pain caused by pressing the bulbus with the hand.


Very painful drawing in the eyeballs (third and fourth days).


Drawing and pressing in the eyeballs, especially the left, extending into forehead (fourth day).


Pressive pain in the right bulbus, toward the top and outward, very sensitive, but only momentary, and recurring several times.


Very sensitive, pressive, tearing pain in the right bulbus, without influence upon the vision, but so sudden that he involuntarily put his hand to his eye. Pressive pain in the left bulbus.


Pressure in the left eyeball (after ten hours).


Painful pressure in the left bulbus from above, extending outwards; very sensitive, and continuing for some time.


In the morning, pressive pain in the left bulbus for a quarter of an hour.


Momentary piercing pain in the right eyeball.


Sensitiveness of the eyeballs when moving them.


Slight painfulness of the eyeballs when moving them.


The eyeballs are painful to the touch.


In the evening exceedingly painful itching on the bulbus under the left eyeball.


Pupils dilated.


The pupils first dilate (after three-quarters of an hour), then contract (after twenty-five hours).


Pupils at first contracted, then dilated.


Eyes insensible to light.


Gradual decrease of sight on walking in the open air (after seven hours).


Great weariness (weakness) of the eyes; if she looks long at an object it appears pale.


Short sightedness and dim sightedness of both eyes.


Very indistinct sight; he is obliged to hold objects close to his eyes in order to perceive them clearly.


In reading he is obliged to approach the letters more and more closely to his eyes in order to recognize them distinctly; afterwards he has to remove them again to a greater distance, otherwise the sight becomes dim again.


Loss of vision while reading.


Dimness before the eyes, with sleepiness.


Dim sightedness; everything appears obscured, as if by turbid water; he has to make an effort to recognize the thing.


The sight grew dim; the external angle of the left eye began to burn, and he felt a pressure under the left upper lid, as from a grain of sand.


Every object appears surrounded with a mist, and therefore obscured.


That which comes before the eyes is obscured, as if covered with cobwebs.


While reading the eyes grow weak, watery, and dim.


Dullness of vision.


Vision was dimmed, S. J.


The light seems to burn dimmer than usual.


Weakness of slight.


Misty weakness of sight.


Blinding before eyes.


The father was blind.




He imagines he sees things double.


Dizzy vision in the evening, and weakness, even double sightedness.


He reads with difficulty, because the type seem to move. Veiled eyesight.


His eyes were dim when he wished to read; weak, and he seemed to read as through a veil, with flickering before the eyes.


Flickering before eyes, S. J.


Flickering before the eyes while writing.


Sometimes yellow spots before the eyes when looking at light objects.


A black spot hovers before the left eye, at the distance of half an ell; upon winking it flits to and fro.


In gloomy weather a brown spot hovers before the left eye, towards the inner canthus.


On closing the right eye there is seen before the left a small, oblong-brown spot, hovering in an oblique direction toward the inner canthus, pretty near the eye.



Frequent jumping of the muscles about the ears and temples.


Twitching of the muscles close to the left ear.


Burning and itching in ears.


Redness, burning itching of the ears, as if they had been frozen.


Cramp-like pains inside of the left ear.


Twitching jumping in the cartilage of the left ear.


Frequent twitching near and in the cartilages of the right ear.


Frequent twitching and rattling, or fluttering, in the tympanic cavity off the right ear; jumping of the tensor tympani.


Jumping of the tensor tympani, with a sound as given by a leather-covered metal valve, when set in motion.


Frequent rolling twitching inside the cavity of the right tympanum.


Pain in the ear; tearing pain in the meatus of the right ear, which is caused and increased by cold air passing into the ear; the pain extends to the upper jaw, and continues for several days.


Tearing pains in right ear.


Tearing pain and violent itching in the left ear, with desire to bore deep into the ear; when lying on the same side, the pain was considerably increased.


Stitches in the left mastoid process.


Frequent violent stitches, as of splinters penetrating the left auditory canal.


A few sensitive, but transient, stitches from the fauces along the course of the Eustachian tube towards the right ear.


Sensitive stitches in the left auditory canal.


Twitching stitches inside of the right ear.


Itching of the lobule of the ear.


Itching of the concha, which induces rubbing; rubbing makes the part red and sore, but the itching continues.


Itching in and behind the ears.


Itching in the external meatus of the right ear.


Itching, attended with tickling, in the right ear; this induces scratching (after twenty-nine hours).


Itching, generally in the left ear; this induces the person to insert the finger into the ear, and rub it.


Itching in the left external auditory tube, with a stitch in the inner ear, as of an ice-cold needle.


Tickling itching on the lobe of the left ear, and in the external auditory tube; disappears on boring with the fingers.


Tickling itching from the opening into the fauces of the Right. Eustachian tube, extending to the inner ear, alternating with excessive ringing in the left ear.


Itching of, and pimples on, the posterior surface of the concha.


Several times during the day, stoppage of the left ear.


Sensation in the ears as if wax were flowing out.


For some time past, excessive secretion of wax in both ears.


Hearing very acute.


Dullness of hearing.


Deafness, with headache.


Roaring in the ear.


Ringing in the right ear, when walking in the open air (after four hours).


Ringing in the left ear.


In ears, a fine rushing and ringing, or a noise like a distant teakettle beginning to boil, with heat in head.


Roaring in the left ear.


Roaring of the ears, first right, then left.


Bubbling roar in the left ear.


Constant roaring in left ear, with creaking in both ears on empty swallowing.


Inexplicable humming in both ears, resembling the noise of a spinning-wheel, which continues for several hours.


Peculiar clucking noise in right ear, frequently returning.


At every attempt to swallow, a creaking sound in both ears, as of a wooden screw.


Rushing in the right ear, like the jerking sound of a locomotive; ceases when rising, return when lying down.


Illusion of hearing, as though a nail were being driven into a board at a distance.



The tip of the nose and the lips are pale and bluish.


A peculiar cracking and creaking in the bony parts of the nose, as if the spongy bones of the nose were pressed against each other, or rubbed.


Sneezing, several times.


Sneezing, without coryza.


Frequent sneezing.


Frequent sneezing, without coryza (after twelve to twenty- two hours).


Frequent sneezing and yawning.


Frequent sneezing, which sometimes comes on twice in succession (first day).


Frequent sneezing, immediately after taking the medicine.


Also, frequent sneezing during sleep, without waking.


Several violent sneezing, early, in bed.


Sneezing several times in the morning.


Sneezing, occasioned by a feeling of nausea.


Dryness of the nose.


Dryness of the nose, with sensation of cold in the head.


Continual dryness of the nose; only once or twice during the day or three drops of water flow out.


The nose was dry, and when blowing it a small discharge of blood.


Clear water frequently drops of the nose, without there being any cold in the head.


On stooping, clear water drops out of the nose.


Taking a little snuff is at once followed by abundant collection of viscid mucus in the nose.


Upon blowing the nose, there is a copious discharge of clear mucus (after five days).


Small quantity of dry white mucus in the nose, frequently attended with a sense as of much mucus being in it.


Cold in the head; the nose feeling obstructed, especially when stooping (seventh day).


Fluent coryza.


Fluent coryza, which began on the 15th and lasted to the 26th; after being moderate the first two days, it increased to unusual violence on the third.


It first attacked the left half of the nose and left eye, for two days; then the right half and right eye, for two days, which constantly discharged an acrid, burning moisture.


On the 24th, when the discharge lessened, the nose swelled considerably, became bluish-red, and was very painful to the touch.


The inflammation terminated by desquamation.


Great discharge of mucus from the nose, and burning of the upper lip.


Towards evening, a fluent coryza set in.


Violent coryza, with confusion of the head.


Excessive blowing of mucus from the nose all day, without further symptoms of coryza.


A violent coryza sets in; the acridity of the secretion causing an eruption of the nose and upper lip.


Every morning, on rising, a nasal catarrh, which disappears after awhile, with sneezing.


Sensation of stoppage and catarrh, with discharge of watery moisture from both nostrils. Slight hawking of small masses of mucus from the fauces and posterior nares.


In blowing the nose, blood comes out of it, early in the morning, immediately after rising; this is followed by violent bleeding from the nose (after thirty-three hours).


Bleeding from the nose.


(Passive epistaxis of old people), (Roth).


Burning pain in the nose and the eyes (from olfaction).


Inflammation and soreness of the inner wall of the nose.


Feeling of fullness in the upper nasal passage, with a feeling as if a ball were forcing itself down the nasal canal.


Sudden pressure at the superior part of the dorsum of the nose.


Pressure in the nasal bones.


Throbbing pressure in the nasal bone, with a sensation as if a swollen body in the upper nasal passage would force itself down.


Pressure in the root of the nose, with a sensation as if the nose were stopped up, without any stoppage of the nasal passages.


Sharp stinging in the left side of the root of the nose.


Cutting, boring pains, from the left nostril upward, extending through the nasal canal into the frontal bone, exactly as if an electric shock darted through them.


Biting sensation in mucus membrane of left nostril.


Great sensitiveness of the inner walls of the nose.


Disagreeable sensitiveness of the mucus membrane of the nose.


Itching sensitiveness of the mucus membrane of the nose, with frequent violent sneezing, accompanied by jumping of the muscles of the left loin.


Cutting sensation of soreness in the upper part of the left nostril, that taken place on inhalation, but is not felt on expiration.


In the afternoon, when breathing through the left nostril, a painful sensitiveness, high up, as though the mucus membrane were sore.


Prickling sensation in the right nostril and eye, as one experiences before sneezing.


Itching on the outer surface of the nose.


Violent itching of the wings of the nose, which induces rubbing.


Tickling itching in the left nostril, which induces rubbing (after fourteen hours).


Transient itching in the nose, and a pungent smell, as if about to sneeze.


The smell is sensitive.


The odor of a strong cigar was not perceived at all in the left nostril, and very strongly in the right one.



Puffy face.


Puffy, pale face, with blue circles around the eyes, and blue nose and lips.


Very great change in the expression of the face.


She looks pale and sunken in the face.


Paleness of the face.


Pale face, with bluish appearance around eyes, nose, and mouth.


Disturbed countenance, and imperceptible pulse. Slight yellowish tinge of the skin of the face, especially about the nostrils and corners of the mouth.


Redness of the face, without any perceptible heat.


Redness of the face, with itching and burning, as is consequent upon freezing of the parts.


Frequent jumping of the muscles in the face; on the upper lip.


Twitching of facial muscles.


Twitching of the muscles of the face; lasts all day long.


Twitching in different parts of the face, but only of the upper half.


Towards 4P.M. the face was excessively and uniformly red, burning hot, almost swollen, with uncomfortable tension of both cheeks.


Great redness and heat of the whole face.


Redness and burning heat of the face.


Heat of the head and face, on waking in the morning, with a certain sensation of bloatedness in the face, especially in the cheeks.


Unpleasant heat in the face, especially in the cheeks.


Flushes of heat in the face, with perspiration breaking out on the forehead.


Itching in the face.


In the morning, pressure in the facial bones, especially in the socket of the eye.


Involuntary twitching of the muscles of the face, on the right malar bone.


Twitching on the right malar bone.


Twitching near the right malar bone.


Slight twitching in the right cheek, like pulsating (after eight days).


Painless twitching of the right muscle of mastication, almost jumping, for a few second.


Unusual redness of both cheeks, especially the left, with heat in the face.


Burning of the cheeks (after one to two hours).


Burning of the cheeks.


Burning and itching on cheeks.


Flushes of heat in the cheeks.


Increased warmth of the face, in the evening, especially near the malar bone.


Stitches in the face, in the left cheek; they begin in the lower jaw and extend upward (after one hour).


Sudden violent stitches, as of splinters, in the left cheek near eye; continue several days.


Dull stitches in the right malar bone.


Often during the day electric stitches, as it were, in left malar bone, with frequent twitches of the muscles, especially in the left cheek.


Indications of tearing pain in the left side of the face, in the region of the upper jaw.


Tearing, drawing pain in the right upper jaw, and in the right cheek, that lasted several moments.


Lancinating and drawing pain in the right check (after two hours).


A fine, penetrating, very painful pricking in the middle of the right cheek, as though splinters were pierced through the skin into the muscles.


Violent pricking in right cheek, where the infraorbital nerve forms the plexus, as though splinters were being thrust into it.


Frequent violent pricking, as of splinters forced into the left cheek, the right upper lip, and the point of the chin.


A sudden flash-like pricking in the right cheek, near the exit of the infraorbital nerve, close to the edge of the orbit, as from very fine and narrow splinters.


Continued pricking as of splinters, in the right cheek, close to the lower edge of the orbit, that changed into a coarse pain, as if in the bone.


Quick throbbing, as of an artery in left cheek, attended with shooting stitches extending from left eye into the upper jaw.


Itching in the whiskers.


Bluish lips (first and second day).


Bluish color of the lips and nose.


Lips much swelled, owing to the change of the little vesicles into ulcers.


The upper lip is chapped, with a burning smarting (fourth day).


When smoking cigars, the epithelium of the upper lip peels off easily.


The epithelium on the inner surface of the upper lip comes off in flakes.


Eruption of little blisters on the upper lip.


A small blister on the red part of the lip that burns considerably.


An herpetic eruption on the upper lip.


Several painless and hot red pimples on the upper lip.


Several small, burning blisters on the lower lip.


Dryness and little burning pimples on the upper and lower lips, that change to little blisters in the course of the day, filled with yellowish serum.


Tetter-like vesicular eruption on the upper lip.


An itching pimples by the side of the mouth.


The middle of the under lip cracked and burned violently, with pain.


Great sensation of dryness of the lips.


For several days continued dryness of the upper lip, with inclination to chap.


Dryness and burning of the lips (first day).


On the lips, and in the throat, a tearing pain (from olfaction).


A little forth at the corners of the lips.


Restlessness in the muscles of the lower jaw and lips, with fine, trembling vibration.


Restlessness, trembling vibration, and finally an actually convulsive condition of the lower jaw.


Convulsive shaking of the lower jaw.


Convulsive shocks of the lower jaw by starts.


The jaws were clenched; he could take nothing; he tried continually to speak, and uttered only inarticulate sounds.


Painful sensation in the articulation of the lower jaw, which is sensitive to every touch.


On waking there is so violent a pain in left articulation of the jaw that the prover can scarcely open his mouth; later the pain diminishes, but does not quite cease.


In the right lower jaw a transient pain, as though fine splinters were being forced between the skin and the flesh.


Tensive drawing in right jaw, extending toward the ear.


Spasmodic drawing in the chin and the lower jaw (after two hours).


Violent tearing in the right side of the lower jaw.


Pricking pain in the articulation of the lower jaw, as by a needle.


Suppurating pimple in the beard.


Fine smart stitches at a small place of the chin, close under the lower lip.


Pricking in the chin, as with needles (immediately).


The chin is covered with small, white, crowded blisters, of the size of millet-seeds, that disappear the following day while shaving.


The chin is covered with little blisters, that do not disappear until after several days.



Slight pain in the left back teeth.


Drawing pain in the lower incisors.


Drawing and aching in upper front teeth, just after he had looked out of the open window, in cool air.


Peculiar drawing and aching in back side of roots of upper left teeth, involving the upper left teeth, involving the upper incisors.


Drawing, cutting pain in a hollow back tooth.


Towards one o’clock at night, she was roused by a violent tearing pain in all her upper teeth, that lasted a quarter of an hour.


Toothache; tearing in the teeth of the lower jaw; increased by cold.


Tearing pain in the left under and lower teeth.


Throbbing and tearing in the upper molar teeth of the left side, in the afternoon.


Dullness of the incisors of the lower jaw.


Half an hour after breakfast, painful jerks in a loose tooth of the upper jaw, after drinking cold water; this symptom was repeated several times in a quarter of an hour, as often as the prover drank cold water.


After drinking cold water, there appeared jerks in a loose tooth, which ceased after a quarter of an hour.


Gnawing pain in the molar teeth of the upper jaw; then itching in the left ear, after which the toothache comes on again, at once, in the afternoon.


Grumbling toothache on the left side of the upper jaw.


Lancinations, attended with a sensation of drawing in the incisors of the lower jaw; the lancinations are continued towards the left angle of the lower jaw (after one hour).


The front teeth feel too long; they are very sensitive in the evening (third day).


Swelling of the gums, with pain.


The gums are painful, and the saliva tastes acrid (during the first ten days).


Painfulness and bleeding of the gums.


Sensitive gums.


Thickly coated tongue in the morning.


White coated tongue.


Tongue is coated white.


The tongue is coated white; at the tip it is bordered with dirty yellow aphthae, producing a sensation as though the skin would peel off, immediately after a meal (after four hours).


Very pale tongue; it is covered with a thin white mucus.


Back part of the tongue is coated yellow (seventh to tenth day).


Slimy tongue.


Tongue quite dry.


Tongue in the morning covered with a tough, thickish coating.


Tongue covered with thick, tough mucus in the morning.


During a whole month, daily, especially mornings, tongue furred and covered with much tough mucus; the papillae of the tongue very prominent, more so toward the back.


Small, painful ulcer by the side of the fraenum of the tongue (ninth day).


The tongue is sore.


Stinging of the tongue, as of sharp tobacco.


A peculiar sensation of dryness and contraction in the tongue, as after an astringent liquid.


Burning sensation in the tip of the tongue, as if it had been dipped in pepper.


The feeling of soreness in the tip of the tongue increased by the touch, and lasting all the evening.


Sore pain at the tip of the tongue, where there seemed to be a little blister.


Fine stitches in the tip of the tongue (after four hours).


Stinging stitches in the tip of the tongue, as after pepper.


Tongue on the right side is burning and sore in many spots; the sore spots seems furred.


Itching prickling in left half of tongue.


Stinging in the back part of the left edge of tongue, as after a strong radish.


Sharp stinging in the left half of the tongue.


Bad smell from the mouth.


The breath has a nauseous and rather sour smell.


Bad smell from the mouth early in the;morning, with foul taste.


Sickly, foul smell from the mouth (eighth to sixteenth day).


Acrid smell from the mouth, as of horseradish; he himself is not aware of it.


A black blood-blister in his mouth, without having hurt himself, which discharged the following day.


A few little blisters show themselves on the hard palate, with a feeling of soreness in it.


Soreness in the whole inner mouth, especially of the roof of the mouth (fifth day).


The roof feels sore, as though the skin were off; it is very sensitive (first day).


Dry mouth and fauces.


Dryness in the mouth, with a scratchy feeling in the fauces.


Dry palate.


Peculiar disagreeable dryness of the palate, especially uncomfortable when swallowing, with occasional stitches towards the right ear and the salivary gland of the same side.


Foam at the mouth.


Frothing at the mouth.


Water accumulates in the mouth (with pains in the belly) (second day).


Flow of saliva from the mouth.


Flow of saliva.


Increased flow of saliva in the mouth.




Much confluence of water in the mouth.


Sometimes, especially upon raising the head, fluid saliva flows into the; mouth; this induces violent hawking.


Unexpectedly, several times during the day, when moving the mouth, such a sudden flow of saliva, that objects were bespattered with it.


Considerable flow of saliva, with dryness of the throat.


Frequent flow of saliva in the mouth, with slight nausea in the forenoon, H.


Continued flow of saliva, compelling its constant ejection.


Flow of water in the mouth.


Constant flow of water in the mouth, compelling frequent spitting.


Secretion of much saliva in the mouth, following after splinter stitches in the left sublingual salivary gland.


Saliva tastes very acrid (during the first ten days).


Insipid taste in the mouth.


Taste flat.


Flat taste in the mouth, the tongue coated yellow (seventh to tenth day).


Every day, when the stomach is empty, flat taste in the mouth.


Taste flat, pappy, somewhat metallic.


Flat, pappy taste.


Flat, somewhat sweetish, metallic taste.


Bitterish taste.


Bitter taste.


Bitter taste in the mouth (twelfth day).


Sharp, bitter taste at the root of the tongue.


During one hour before diner, bitter taste; nevertheless good appetite.


Offensive, bitter, resinous taste.


After taking, disagreeable sweetish taste, that continues some hours after breakfast.


Disagreeable sweetish metallic taste.


An hour after breakfast, sweet gummy, extremely offensive taste in the; mouth, and distension of the abdomen.


Already, in the forenoon, but more in the afternoon, in spite of good appetite for dinner, very offensive, somewhat sweetish taste.


Extremely disagreeable sweetish bitter taste when smoking cigars, especially at the root of the tongue.


Bad taste at the root of the tongue, with slight nausea.


After taking, and particularly after breakfast, very offensive taste in the mouth.


Clayey taste in the mouth.


Taste salty, as after herring.


Astringent taste in the mouth.


Directly after the medicine, rancid taste in the mouth.


Rancid taste for three hours.



Burning and scratching in the throat that extends deep into the left side of the chest.


Feeling of constriction, or contraction of the throat.


Contractive dryness of the throat.


Roughness in the throat.


Roughness in the throat (mornings).


Scratching sensation in the throat, often renewed.


Roughness and scratchy feeling of the throat.


Scratching in the throat.


Directly after taking, scraping sensation in the throat, as if behind the root of the tongue.


Dryness inside of the throat, not to be soothed by water or beer.


Dryness in the throat.


Dryness of the throat and palate.


Dryness in the throat, and transient stitches in it, when touched externally.


Upon slightly clearing the throat, small balls of phlegm became detached.


Throws up small flocculi or solid balls of phlegm almost without any cough.


Scratching burning in the fauces.


Pressive pain in the right side of the fauces.


Uncomfortable pressure in the fauces, as though a foreign body stuck there that could not be removed by swallowing.


Sensation in the fauces as though a particle of swallowed food had lodged there.


The sensation of a foreign body in the fauces compels frequent swallowing, which is uncomfortable and affords no relief.


While vomiting, the sensation of a foreign body in the fauces is very much increased.


Painful sensation, as if something were torn in the fauces, when swallowing saliva.


Occasional uncomfortable sensation of dryness of the mouth fauces, whereby these parts at the same time become sensitive to the air.


Mornings, when awaking, disagreeable feeling of dryness in the fauces and palate, extending downward to the pharynx, causing contraction there, as when drinking astringent liquid.


Great dryness in the fauces and pharynx.


Sense of constriction in pharynx, S. J.


Scratching sensation in the pharynx.


Dryness of the pharynx.


Soon after taking the medicine, peculiar dryness of the pharynx, with stitches toward the parotid and submaxillary glands.


Burning in the oesophagus.


Sensation of coldness from the pharynx through the oesophagus to the stomach, as when eating pungent cress or radishes.


A burning, cooling feeling along the oesophagus to the stomach, as after eating cress.


Uncomfortable feeling of tension externally in the region of the thyroid gland, which increases towards evening.


Distension of the neck; sensation as if his cravat were too tight.



Great desire to eat, which often borders on a ravenous appetite (fourth to eighth day).


Hunger violent, soon after eating (2 P.M)., and also later.


Increased appetite in the morning; could hardly wait for breakfast.


For several days in succession he had sudden fits of hunger, during which he swallows his food in a great hurry, and with greediness.


Towards evening his appetite increases; he imagines he is not able to satisfy it, and he swallows his food in a hurry and with greediness, as if with rabid hunger (after eight hours).


Towards evening he is suddenly attacked with rabid hunger; his whole body is covered with sweat; these symptoms are attended with great weariness and tremor of the extremities.


Appetite good; but inclination to vomit after eating.


Much hunger, but no appetite; also, early in the morning.


Excessive hunger, without relishing any kind of food.


Loss of appetite.


Entire want of appetite.


Want of appetite.


No appetite, though fasting.


Appetite diminishes unusually.


Appetite small.


Appetite very bad, almost to distaste of food.


Appetite diminished.


Appetite little changed; somewhat diminished.


Less desire to eat than usual.


Want of appetite with disgust for roast meat.


No appetite for breakfast for two days.


Total want of appetite at the usual dinner-hour.


Little appetite for dinner.


Aversion to the taste of food and drinks.


Aversion when eating.


Appetite slight, mostly for bread and butter.


Quick repletion at dinner; even before hunger is satisfied.


No desire for eating; desire to drink.


He does not eat bread with pleasure.


Much thirst (second day).


Considerable thirst.


Unquenchable thirst.


A good deal of thirst in the forenoon.


Unusually violent thirst in the afternoon.


Excessive thirst in the forenoon, with desire for beer.


Want of thirst; absence of thirst.


Little thirst.


Frequent rising of mere air, such as takes place when the stomach is deranged (after half an hour).


Empty risings.


Frequent empty risings, alternating with hiccough; these symptoms appear while he smokes tobacco, which he is in the habit of doing (after one hour).


Eructations, with qualmishness (after three hours).


Eructations, tasting of the ingesta.


Early in the morning eructations tasting of the ingesta.


Eructation of wind.


Eructation of wind, tasteless when swallowing.


Continual eructation of wind during the day, once as after rotten eggs.




Soon after taking the medicine eructations and passage of flatus.


Trifling eructation, that does not fully rise, but dies away in the lower part of the oesophagus.


Frequent empty eructations.


Gulping, sometimes rising to the region of the larynx.


Empty eructations, alternating three times with violent hiccough.


Occasional imperfect eructations.


Frequent eructations in the afternoon.


Eructations of wind directly after the medicine, lasting for some time.


Rather violent eructations.


Frequent eructations that taste of the food eaten.


Frequent eructations, tasting like apples, without having eater any.


Eructations with the taste of apples, frequently during the forenoon.


Frequent eructations tasting of rotten eggs, as when the stomach is out of order.


Frequent sour eructations.


Frequent sour eructations all the forenoon.


Gulping up of salty fluid.


Eructations, with a slight attack of nausea, and inclination to vomit.


Empty eructations and nausea.


Hiccough immediately after taking the medicine.


Hiccough in the afternoon.


Frequent hiccough (after twenty-six hours).




Nausea without vomiting.


Nausea shortly after taking the medicine.


Nausea in the stomach.


Nausea, with a feeling of anxiety; it is evident that this feeling arises from the abdomen.


A Sense of nausea rises as far as his mouth.


A great deal of nausea.


Frequent of nausea, with extremely sharp pains in the stomach.


Nausea, with cutting pain in the abdomen.


Nausea shortly after a meal; eructations relieve it.


Nausea and pressure in the stomach soon after taking the medicine.


Sensation of nausea.


Attack of nausea.


Nausea, with crawling in the pit of the stomach.


Toward noon a feeling as of nausea.


Nausea after drinking cold water.


Nausea and sensation of emptiness in the stomach, worse in the morning.


Nausea and frequent eructations after dinner.


Momentary nausea, with vertigo, as if about to lose his consciousness.


Forenoons, nausea increased to the point of vomiting, which does not take place.


Nausea, with desire to vomit.


Directly after the medicine nausea, with inclination to vomit.


Nausea and inclination to vomit (after two hours).


Slight attack of nausea, with inclination to vomit, right after breakfast.


Inclination to vomit.


Inclination to vomit.


Very great inclination to vomit.


Half an hour after the medicine violent desire to vomit; excessive, exhausting aversion, without vomiting.


Inclination to vomit, which increased to such a degree that vomiting would have followed the least motion.


Constant inclination to vomit.


Inclination to vomit also continues after vomiting.


Inclination to vomit directly after the medicine, without being able to.


Inclination to vomit, with watery eructations.


Inclination to vomit, with faintness and anxiety.


Inclination to vomit while in the room, that disappears in the open air.


Inclination to vomit after dinner, without disgust at the food eaten.


Inclination to vomit after dinner.


Violent gagging, without being able to vomit.


Nausea and vomiting.


Nausea and violent vomiting.


Nausea, then vomiting of mucus.


Nausea and vomiting; he throws up his breakfast.


Inclination to vomit, and vomiting once.


Vomiting of bitter fluid.


Painless vomiting, with a slight odor of alcohol.


Violent, bitter vomiting.


Bitter vomiting, with shudders creeping over the whole body.


Watery vomiting, with a shock to the whole body.


Spontaneous vomiting of a great quantity of spongy matter, with alvine dejections which give great relief.


Eight or nine vomitings and five Diarrhoeic stools.


Gurgling in the stomach immediately after the medicine.


The pains in the stomach cause the patients to roll on the ground, uttering sharp cries.


Disagreeable, not distinctly expressed, sensation in the stomach, with nausea setting in.


Discomfort in the stomach after taking the medicine.


Slightly uncomfortable feeling in the stomach.


Soon after taking the medicine sensation of discomfort in the stomach, eructations of wind, heaviness and oppression in the pit of the stomach.


Sensation of discomfort in the stomach after breakfast.


Directly after taking, disagreeable sensation in the stomach, rattling in the intestines, passage of flatus.


Pain in the stomach.


Digestion bad.


Digestion very much disturbed.


Digestion bad; for the taste of the food ejected by vomiting could still be distinguished at ten o’clock at night.


Burning in the stomach.


Burning in the stomach after the medicine.


Slight burning in the stomach after the medicine.


Slight burning in the stomach.


An hour after breakfast a sensation of burning and being twisted in the stomach.


Soon after the medicine slight burning in the stomach, with aversion.


After the medicine slight burning in the stomach in the stomach; then heaviness in the abdomen.


Burning and pressure in the stomach soon after the medicine.


Burning and pressing pain in the stomach.


Slightly cooling, burning sensation in the stomach and pharynx.




Heartburn almost always after eating any kind of meat.


Sensation of warmth in the stomach after the medicine.


Feeling of emptiness in the region of the stomach.


Repletion, with a feeling of emptiness in the stomach.


Sensation of flabbiness in the stomach during the forenoon.


Sensation of flabbiness, almost causing vomiting.


A feeling as if eructation would take place, resembling a distending pressure in the orifice of the stomach.


Sensation of fullness after dinner and pressure in the region of the stomach, with excessive accumulation of flatus.


Feeling of fullness and of flatus after dinner.


Fullness of the stomach, with a flat feeling; the stomach feels as if immediately fastened to the pharynx.


Pains in the stomach during the night, as though flatus were pressing it out; after the frequent passage off offensive flatus this trouble entirely ceased.


The stomach seemed full, and placed directly in the pharynx, so that it required only a slight impulse to vomit with ease; it prevent this, smoking was discontinued.


Cramps in the stomach at noon.


After a meal, oppression at the stomach and choking at the oesophagus.


Oppressive weight in the stomach.


Oppression at the stomach, with inclination to go to stool.


Pressure in the stomach after breakfast.


Pressive pain in the stomach.


Pressure in the region of the stomach.


Some pressure in the stomach, after breakfast.


Pressure and heaviness in the stomach after taking medicine.


Pressure in the stomach, as of accumulated flatus.


Sensation of pressure and coolness in the stomach after taking.


Pressure in the stomach after eating a little, which was not increased by continued eating.


Pressive pain and drawing downward in the stomach; soon relieved by the passage of much flatus.


Pressure and boring in the stomach that came on soon after the medicine, but soon ceased.


Mornings, on awaking, pressure in the region of the stomach.


Pressure in the stomach, with inclination to frequent sighing.


Pressive pain in the stomach, with aversion to food, and some nausea.


Pressing and drawing in the stomach, increased by pressure of the hand.


Pinching in the stomach.


Some heaviness in the stomach and abdomen after taking the medicine.


Heaviness and coolness in the stomach after taking the medicine.


Sensation as if a stone lay in the stomach.


Heaviness and discomfort in the stomach after taking.


Sensation of heaviness in the stomach after taking the medicine.


Sensation of heaviness in the stomach and lower abdomen after breakfast.


A constant sensation in the stomach, as if it were sinking, like a heaviness weight towards the abdomen.


Sharp pain, with great oppression in the region of the stomach.


Faintness of the stomach, with an empty feeling that sometimes alternates with a sensation of jerking, as of a heavy object.


Trembling of stomach; then of whole body.


Pains in pit of stomach and along sternum.


Burning feeling in the pit of the stomach.


Tensive pain at the pit of the stomach, which extends to the left clavicle; it is felt towards evening, during deep breathing (ninth day).


Very painful tension at the epigastrium.


Pinching in the pit of the stomach, as if with tongs.


Sensation of cramp-like compression and shooting pain in the pit of the stomach.


Cramp-like, constrictive pains, coming from the pit of the stomach and extending far into the abdomen.


Spasmodic drawing in the region of the pit of the stomach, extending as far as the chest towards evening (ninth day).


Heaviness in the pit of the stomach.


Oppression at the pit of the stomach (first and ninth day).


Oppression at the pit of the stomach, extending as far as the sternum.


After breakfast, oppression at the pit of the stomach; in the afternoon the pain passes to the epigastrium, where it becomes a burrowing pain; in the evening the person passes wind, after which the pain disappears (sixteenth day).


After dinner, oppression at the pit of the stomach, attended with sensitive drawing and pressure in the balls of the eyes, reluctance to work, and indolent disposition (tenth day).


Oppression in the region of the upper and left border of the stomach; the pain is felt when standing or walking (after two hours).


Oppression at the pyloric orifice of the stomach.


Tearing pain in pit of stomach.


Crawling in the pit of the stomach, with nausea.


Soon after taking the medicine sensation of emptiness in the region of the pit of the stomach.



A sort of rumbling in the epigastrium.


Undulatory jumping of the upper abdominal muscles.


When sitting, cutting, colic-like spasms, resembling spasms of the stomach, immediately below the diaphragm, and extending towards the vertebral column (after one and a half hours).


Pinching and cutting in the epigastrium in the evening (ninth day).


Painful tearing in a small spot right above the navel, as if on a fine line about two inches long.


Uncomfortable feeling in the upper abdomen, with a sensation of nausea there.


In the hypochondria, upon the left side of the last true rib, there is a pressive pain, returning every second; at the corresponding place of the right side the person experiences a pain, as from an old gunshot wound (after two hours).


Feeling of soreness in the hypochondria and region of pit of stomach, as if the contents of the thorax were compressed; the pain is more violent after a meal.


Occasional shooting pressive pain in the right hypochondrium, increased by pressure.


In the right hypochondrium, more backwards, pressive feeling, with occasional stitches, especially when bending the body to the left; continuing all day.


Dull, pressive pain in the right hypochondrium, more towards the back.


Uncomfortable feeling of pressure in the right hypochondrium, extending upwards.


Occasional pressive pain in the liver.


Morning, pressure in the liver.


In the region of the liver, sharp stitches, as from needles.


Dull stitches in the liver during breathing.


Several stitches in the region of the liver.


Mornings, transient, rather violent stitches, deep in the right hypochondrium.


Stitches in the liver frequently during the day.


Occasional little sharp, stitches, as if radiating from the surface of the right lobe of the liver towards the center.


A sudden violent stitch in the liver towards noon.


Stitches in the liver and in the pit of the stomach, with nausea.


Several stitches in the region of the liver.


Dull stitches extend from the right hypochondrium and from the navel to behind the sternum.


Sensation of pain and drawing in the right hypochondrium, as if the liver had increased in weight, and dragged at its ligaments.


Painful sensation in the region of the spleen.


Pinching pain for several seconds in the region of the spleen.


Deep, contractive pain in the region of the spleen.


Dull pressure in the spleen in the evening, when he is lying in bed upon the left side; the pain is diminished by turning to the right side.


Stitches under the short ribs of the left side in inspiration, and especially when sitting with a stooping chest.


Rather violent stitch in the region of the spleen several times during the afternoon.


After the medicine a slight sensation of pain in the abdomen, scarcely worth noticing during the day; it increased to a sensitive pain in the region of the spleen, and continued, though diminished, during a short walk.


Acute pulsative pain below the left hypochondrium it rises as high up as the third and fourth ribs (afternoon of eighth day).


Continued pain deep in the navel.


Uncomfortable sensation in the abdomen, especially around a navel.


Sensation of fullness at the region of the navel.


Slight pinching about the navel.


Pinching below the umbilicus, attended with a bloated condition of the abdomen.


Sensation of heaviness under the navel after breakfast.


Soon after taking, a sensation as of a burden under the navel appears, and some pressure of flatus; afterwards rattling in the intestines, upon which the sensation of heaviness returns.


Urging under the navel.


Soon after taking, heaviness in abdomen, especially in the region of the navel.


Soon after the medicine a sensation of heaviness appears in the navel.


More or less severe pressive pain in the umbilical region, sometimes rising into the right side of the chest.


Griping in the region of the navel.


Violent griping in the region of the navel for several seconds after breakfast.


Slight griping between the navel and the right hypochondrium.


Griping about the navel, lasting till dinner-time.


Slight griping in the region of the navel, which ceases after awhile.


Colic-like pains, especially in the region of the navel, of some duration.


Thumbing of flatus against the navel, lasting several minutes.


Cutting pain in the umbilical region (after two hours).


Itching stitches in the navel.


Evenings, in bed, a twitching, writhing, jumping in the recti-muscles.


Jumping of the muscles of the left flank.


Pinching, painful sensation in the left side of the abdomen, above the hip; relieved by passage of flatus.


Transient stitches in the right flank, rapidly succeeding each other from two to four times, and returning after the lapse of ten or fifteen minutes.


Frequent twitching of the abdominal muscles, even in the pyramidal muscles by the pubis.


Twitching in the left abdominal muscles.


Frequent twitching of the muscles of the upper abdomen.


Frequent jumping of the muscles of the walls of the abdomen.


Bloated abdomen.


Slight meteorism of the abdomen.


Distension of the abdomen for some time after breakfast.


Distension of the abdomen; gurgling in the intestines.


Distension of the abdomen.


Distension of the abdomen after the medicine.


Directly after the taking, inflation and heaviness of the abdomen.


Flatus moves to and fro in the abdomen in an audible manner.


Grunting and rumbling in the abdomen.


Audible grunting in the abdomen early in the morning (second day).


Gurgling in the intestines.


Loud rumbling in the abdomen (after half an hour).


Loud, painless din in the abdomen, like distant thunder, attended with a feeling as if the person had to go to stool (in the evening).


Rumbling and wandering of flatus in the abdomen.


Rumbling in abdomen, with constant pain deep in umbilical region; aggravated by pressure.


Excessive rumbling in the abdomen.


Rumbling in the intestines.


After stool, rumbling in the abdomen.


Some rattling in the intestines.


After breakfast, gurgling and rattling in the intestines.


Directly after taking, rattling in the abdomen for several seconds.


Frequent recurrence of rumbling and rattling in the abdomen during the day.


Pressure, rumbling, and rattling in the intestines directly after the medicine.


Gurgling and rattling in the intestines after breakfast.


Rattling in the abdomen, as if peas were being rolled about.


Noise in the intestines; no gurgling, but short, abrupt tones.


Loud gurgling in the bowels, deep down.


Gurgling and rattling in the intestines.


After stool rumbling in the abdomen.


Sensation of fermenting in the abdomen.


Passes a large quantity of wind.


Passage of much flatus.


Passage of flatus.


Much passage of flatus.


Frequent passage of flatus.


Passes wind, attended with a sensation similar to that experienced in diarrhoea.


Passage of flatus soon after the medicine, followed by a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen.


Soon after taking, passage of flatus, with warmth in the abdomen.


The prover has passage of flatus for thirty-seven days.


Much passage of flatus, frequently painful, or preceded by colic-like pains.


Some relief after passage of flatus.


Passage of much inodorous flatus.


During the entire time of proving, frequent passage of inodorous flatus after a distending pain in the rectum.


Frequently passes fetid wind.


Passes wind which smells of garlic.


Moving of flatus in the abdomen.


Flatus troubled him during the night.


Continued rolling of wind in bowels, eructations of tasteless air, and passing flatus.


Slight uncomfortable sensation in the intestines.


Violent pain in abdomen (after four hours).


Uncomfortable sensation in abdomen, with grumbling, growing, and occasional cutting gripes in a slight degree, but lasting nearly all day.


Sensation of discomfort in the abdomen, with frequent rumbling, and occasional griping, occurring often in the forenoon, as well as in the afternoon.


A constant uncomfortable sensation in the abdomen, with some flatus.


Slight burning in the intestines after the medicine.


Burning in the intestines, gradually following after burning in the stomach.


After breakfast, burning in the abdomen for a short time.


Immediately after taking, slight burning sensation in the abdomen that soon ceases.


Sensation of distension in the abdomen, following after a very insufficient stool.


Sensation of distension and heaviness in the abdomen.


Directly after the medicine, a peculiar sensation of distension and heaviness appears in the abdomen.


Soon after the medicine, the same sensation, already often felt, of distension and pressure in the abdomen.


After eating moderately, feeling of distension in the abdomen.


Uncomfortable sensation in the abdomen; it is not distended, and yet there is a feeling of distension there.


Pressure and sense of fullness in the abdomen after moderately partaking of light food.


Troublesome fullness of the whole abdomen; it makes sitting and breathing difficult.


Tension in the abdomen.


Tension in the whole abdomen.


First remarked when accidentally stooping, and always repeated when intentionally doing so; a sensation of tension across the region of the lungs into the sides of the abdomen, where it resembled a sprained pain in the abdominal muscles.


Directly after the medicine, tension and heaviness in the abdomen.


Pinching in the abdomen.


Slight pinching after the medicine; passage of flatus.


Violent pinching and cutting in the abdomen before and during the stools.


Griping in the abdomen.


Griping in the abdomen, lasting for several minutes.


Slight griping after breakfast.


Slight griping in the abdomen for several hours.


Directly after the medicine, slight griping here and there in the abdomen, more against the abdominal walls than in the intestines.


Transient griping at short intervals, which always began with a stitch, and gradually disappeared.


Slight griping in the abdomen at noon, with passage of flatus.


Griping in the abdomen that urged to stool; relieved by a tolerably dry evacuation, accompanied by cutting pain in the abdomen.


Several times, while walking in the open air, griping for a little while, and a burning pressive pain in the lower abdominal region.


At 9 A.M., a burrowing, pressive pain sets in, and slight griping in the abdomen, with ineffectual urging of flatus towards the anus.


After dinner, slight heaviness and slight griping in the abdomen, with ineffectual urging of flatus towards the anus.


Slight griping and rumbling in the intestines.


Griping, with passage of flatus, an hour after the medicine.


Griping appears, with rumbling in the abdomen, over which he fell asleep.


The griping becomes more violent and frequent.


Griping in the abdomen, stitches, and then a cutting pain.


Accumulation of much flatus, causing oppression.


Pressure and qualmishness in the abdomen, with qualmish feeling in the stomach during the forenoon.


A pressive, very disagreeable, painful sensation in the left side of the abdomen, causing a nauseated ill-feeling in the abdomen, in the affected spot.


Heaviness in the abdomen.


Heaviness in the abdomen, soon after taking.


Heaviness in the abdomen, directly after taking.


Urging of flatus towards the anus.


Soon after the medicine, heaviness and urging in the abdomen, with rattling in the intestines.


Directly after the medicine, heaviness and tension in the abdomen.


Sense of writhing in the abdomen.


Writhing pain in the abdomen.


Violent colic.


Colic, after stool, as if the person had swallowed poison, early in the morning (seventh and ninth day).


In the forenoon, while walking, puncture-like stitches in the abdominal walls from within outward.


While sneezing, which was caused by the sun, violent stitches in the region of the caecum.


Light stitches, from within outwards, through the abdominal walls; so also in the diaphragm.


Slight searching in the abdomen, with sensation of flatus after breakfast.


Repeated light searching in the intestines.


Cutting in the abdomen, late in the evening.


Rather painful cutting in the abdomen, as if it were the beginning of colic.


Cutting in the abdomen, followed by a soft, crumbling stool; occasional cutting, pressive pains in the hypogastric region.


Cutting pains in the abdomen, with rumbling and gurgling in the intestines.


Cutting, searching sensation in the abdomen.


Occasional cutting pains in the abdomen, with passage of inodorous flatus.


Sensation of cold in the abdomen.


Flabby sensation in the abdomen.


Sensation as if the abdominal cavity was entirely empty.


Bloated condition of the hypogastrium, with cutting pain, attended with wind moving to and fro in the bowels; eructations and emission of flatulence give but short relief (after one hour).


Much noise of air and fluid in lower abdomen.


Rumbling in the lower abdomen.


Frequent rumbling in the region of the lower abdomen.


Growling in the lower abdominal cavity; distention of the abdomen.


Uneasiness in the abdomen, almost as if the person had to go to stool; at the same time the person passes a quantity of wind, which has almost no smell.


Sensation in the abdomen as if diarrhoea were just coming on.


During the whole day there is a sensation in the bowels as if the person had to go to stool; however, the stools are not passed till late in the evening, after there had been copious stools in the morning.


Very painful tension of the lower abdomen.


Tension in the pelvis, and in the hypogastric region.


Violent pinching in the abdomen, with diarrhoeic stool.


After pappy stool, griping in the lower abdomen, which returned several times in a lesser degree, during the forenoon, while walking in the open air.


Griping, like colic, in the lower abdomen, extending from the left ileum, between the navel and symphysis pubis, through the cavity of the abdomen, to the right ileum; it was lessened by pressure, and only lasted several minutes.


In the forenoon and afternoon, repeated attacks of griping, cutting pains in the lower abdominal region, with accumulation of flatus.


Repeated griping in left lower abdomen, with rattling in the intestines.


Aroused at midnight by a spasmodic pain in the left abdominal region that urged him to stool.


Drawing pain towards the navel and the right flank; this pain began in the pelvis, and took its course from below upwards.


Dull, drawing pain in lower abdomen, extending towards the lumbar muscles.


Soon after the medicine, a feeling of heaviness appears in the lower abdomen.


Slight urging in the lower abdominal region.


The stitches began in the pelvis, and extended to the right side of the abdomen, along the groin, to the right flank, growing weaker and weaker during their course, and finally disappearing entirely.


Sudden, violent stitches, as of splinters, in the left side of the lower abdomen.


Cutting in the hypogastrium, without stool.


Cutting pain in the hypogastrium, as if diarrhoea were to ensue (in the evening).


Cutting pain in the abdomen, such as is consequent upon a purgative; this pain is followed by liquid stools, by which the pains are relieved (second day).


A feeling of restlessness sinks into the abdomen.


Troublesome itching of the hypogastrium, with goose-skin, it lasts almost the whole night, and only disappears in the morning, after perspiration has set in.


Mild pain in the groin.


Painful pressure in the groin (after two hours).


Spasmodic drawing in the left groin when urinating (after three days).


Pain, as from a sprain, in the left groin; felt only when walking (after four and one-quarter hours).


Dull stitches, which hurt very much, at the superior anterior process of the iliac bones.


Peculiar tensive pain in the right loin.


Tensive sensation in the region of the right loin, somewhat increased by stretching and turning the thigh outward; sensation of pain, more felt when standing, prevents walking, and is increased by the touch.


Urging in the left loin.


Stool and Anus

In passing wind, there is an acrid pain in the rectum (sixth day).


During and after stool, acrid pain in the rectum (third and fourth day).


Prickling in the rectum (after three hours).


Prickling in the rectum, as from worms.


Stitches in the rectum.


Violent cutting itching began in the rectum in the evening, close above the opening, that induced a drawing-in of the anus, without affording relief, which was rather effected by involuntarily pressing it out; it entirely resembled and sensation caused by diarrhoeas of acrid matter, and disappeared again in about half an hour.


Slight burning in the anus.


Sensation of warmth in the anus.


Mornings, burning and itching in the anus, as with tenesmus during stool.


At noon, heat and itching in the anus.


Towards noon, a disagreeable sensation in the anus, resembling heaviness and fullness, that disappeared again after a time, while sitting down.


Much passage of flatus; a sensation in the anus of painful rumbling round in the abdomen, with inclination to stool, accompanied by a sensation of complete closure of the anus.


Pressure in the anus for a short time at noon.


While taking, a feeling was already noted as if diarrhoea would set in, which, however, soon vanished, without any result.


Stitches in the anus.


Occasional violent stitches in the anus.


Itching and tickling of the anus, which, obliges the person to scratch (after three-quarters of an hour).


Some itching in the anus.


Itching and prickling in the anus.


A sensation of painful dryness of the anus, with an inclination to draw the anus in.


Sensation of moisture in the anus.


Paralytic weakness of the sphincter ani, so that the faeces can only be retained for moments, with great effort.


Violent burning in the hemorrhoids.


Hemorrhoids painful and burning, very much inflamed.


Inflamed hemorrhoids, with burning in the rectum.


Swelling of the hemorrhoids, with stitches in the anus.


After a copious stool, discharge of several ounces of light- red blood from the rectum, with great straining, as if to stool.


Urgent desire to stool, which was scarcely to be retained, as immediately preceding it, painless straining in the rectum, toward the front, was felt.


Urging towards the anus, three hours after taking.


Violent urging towards the anus, mornings.


Urging to stool, with a kind off tenesmus, lasted till toward morning.


Ineffectual desire for stool, with much passage of wind.


The evacuations become pappy (sixth day).


Passes a quantity of pappy stools (after twelve to thirty- eight hours).


Soft, pappy stools every day.


A pappy stool without symptoms, after which a sensation of heaviness, lasting for an hour.


Copious pappy stool, with subsequent sensation of heaviness in the hypogastric region.


Copious pappy stool after breakfast; afterwards, slight sensitiveness, with feeling of distension in the lower abdomen.


Copious pappy stool; after it slight burning of the anus.


Pappy stool, followed by burning in the anus.


Copious pappy stool, afterwards itching, and finally burning in the anus.


A scanty, pappy, painless stool, after breakfast, followed by a feeling of distension in the abdomen.


Copious pappy stool, followed by a sensation of distension in the abdomen.


Scanty pappy stool, followed by a sensation of heaviness around the navel.


A pappy evacuation, afterwards gurgling and rattling in the intestines.


Three evacuations of a pappy nature.


Soft stools, after the stools had been passed as usual early in the mornings.


Stool soft but not like diarrhoea.


Frequent very soft stools, the desire to which, owing to paralytic weakness of the sphincter, must be instantly gratified to insure cleanliness.


A soft, very copious stool.


Several soft stools, that cause burning in the anus.


Several soft evacuations.


A semi-liquid painless stool.


An insufficient semi-liquid stool.


Two scanty semi-liquid evacuations.


A dark-green, soft, liquid afternoons.


Colic is succeeded by knotty, then liquid stools, early in the morning (second day).


Four liquid evacuations, with burning in the anus.


Two liquid stools.


Three stools daily, at short intervals, containing liquid faeces.


Frequent liquid stools, with burning in the anus.


Awoke with griping in the morning, followed by two liquid stools.


Dined without desire or satisfaction, followed four hours after by three liquid stools.


Five times in succession the person passes liquid yellowish stools, attended with pinching in the abdomen, and emission of flatulence which has no smell.


Watery stools, attended with violent colic and tenesmus, early in the morning on the third day.


During the night, three watery stools, with pain in the region of the spleen.


Stools are at first knotty, and a quarter of an hour afterwards watery; attended with violent colic, fermentation in the abdomen, and great nausea.


Passes mucus by the rectum, attended with wind.


Slimy stools, at the same time passing much wind.


Yellowish slimy evacuations, with tenesmus and pains.


Very offensive fecal passage.


Very offensive leek-green evacuations.


Easy and copious stool, shortly afterwards a feeling of heaviness in the anus, with an inclination to draw the anus upwards.


A tolerably consistent easy stool, followed by a sensation of distension in the abdomen.


After taking, sudden desire for stool, so that the chair could scarcely be reached; copious evacuation of a tough, sticky mass, passed without difficulty.


Crumbling stool, preceded by a feeling of moisture in the anus, which led to the certain expectation of a diarrhoea.


Knotty stools at night after violent colic; this is succeeded by violent tenesmus, without any more stools being passed (third day).


First hard, then, pappy stools; shortly after there is diarrhoea.


Evacuations at noon and evening, which is not usual.


Three diarrhoeic stools during the day, with swelling of the hemorrhoids, and excessive bearing down of the intestines into the inguinal canal and pelvic cavity.


Diarrhoeic stools, more than ten times, with griping and passage of much flatus.


Very frequent diarrhoeic stools.




Diarrhoea, with violent pinching in the body, early in the morning (second day).


Diarrhoea, at the same time the person passes a large quantity of wind (after six hours).


Diarrhoea, attended with painful retraction of the stomach and abdomen.


Dysenteric flux (secondary effect).


Stool delayed, hard and scanty.


Hard, dark-colored evacuations (third day).


Very hard stools.


Hard stool; subsequently burning in the anus for some time.


After an almost painful and natural straining, a difficult hard stool.


After dinner, a hard scraping stool.


Two easier stools, with less burning in the anus, and passage of offensive flatus.


After passage of flatus, a hard stool.


Solid stools after several days’ constipation.


Absence of stool for two days.


Contrary to habit, stool was omitted for two days, until finally an effort, with some difficulty, effected a hard evacuation.


Stool every other day; it is always solid.


There is no stool for three days, although stools generally were passed every day; at the end of three days, the person passed stools which were hard.


Stoppage of excretions.


Urinary Organs

While driving in the forenoon, tensive pain in the region of the bladder, without desire to urinate.


Twitching pain in bladder.


Effusion of viscid glutinous mucus from the urethra.


In the evening, disagreeable sensation in the urethra, quite at the end, along the glans, involuntarily inducing pressure of this part.


At night, momentary burning in the orifice of the urethra.


Burning in the urethra while urinating.


Burning while urinating.


Burning sensation while urinating continued several days.


A stitch in the urethra, as if an incandescent steel were pushed through it (after three hours).


Fine stitches through the urethra.


Prickling and itching in the orifice of the urethra (after two hours).


A sensitive, momentary crawling-itching in the glans, which seems to be in the urethra.


Tickling in the fossa navicularis of the urethra, as if a small foreign body were in it.


Sensation in the urethra as if he had not entirely done urinating.


Sensation in the urethra, as if a drop of cold water passed through it.


Frequent and violent urging to urinate, and copious urine, with stitches in meatus urinarius.


Desire to urinate, and copious urine is passed (after three quarters of an hour).


Waking up in the night with a violent desire to urinate, much urine being then emitted (after nineteen hours).


Frequent desire to urinate; he passes much urine, the penis being quite relaxed (after four hours).


Frequent desire to urinate; quantity of urine considerably greater than usual.


Profuse urine with the stool, and soon afterwards renewed desire to urinate.


Frequent micturition.


She frequently passes her urine, though she had drank but little (fourth day).


After long-continued desire to urinate, profuse urine and soft stool.


Copious passage of urine.


Passage of urine frequent and considerably increased.


Passed an unusual quantity of urine during the night.


Paralytic weakness of the sphincter vesicae, so that the urine could only be retained for a moment with difficulty.


After urinating, the urine continued to flow involuntarily for some time, so that the thighs and knees were frequently quite wet; it seemed as if the sphincter vesicae had suspended its function.


With desire to urinate, the sphincter vesicae had not the power to retain the urine, even momentarily.


It passed at intervals, dripping long afterwards, frequently wetting the thighs; the penis at the same time cold and shrunken.


Retention of urine.


Rare emission of urine, without any increase of quantity.


Rare emission of urine, with decrease of quantity.


Urine comes out slowly, feebly, sometimes only in drops; he is obliged to bear down in order to facilitate the emission of urine.


The urine sometimes stops flowing for a few moments, and then flows again.


Noticeably small secretion of urine.


Since beginning the proving, the secretion of urine seems to have considerably diminished.


Scanty, reddish urine (first and second day).


Urine scanty and dark (second afternoon).


Clear lemon-colored urine.


Urine clear canary-yellow.


After several attempts, the urine is passed clear citron- yellow (two hours).


In the morning, urine light-colored, like water; flame- colored in the afternoon, without sediment.


Flame-colored urine in the afternoon.


Urine passed was burning hot and dark yellow.


Urine red and dim, without sediment.


During the time of proving, urine mostly unusually lemon- colored.


Urine appeared very red and clear. Urine of normal color.


Urine notably watery.


Urine very dim and whey-like.


Urine watery in the forenoon, afterwards milky.


Urine milky and dim.


Urine grows dim and whey-like after standing a short time.


Urine that passes very dim, like clay-water.


Urine milky in the afternoon.


Urine with a dense shimmering film, without sediment.


A little shimmering pellicle on the surface of the urine, seeming to consist of little longish crystals.


After an hour, the urine showed a little shimmering pellicle, and a copious white sediment.


Urine with copious white, flaky sediment, and shimmering film.


Red, dim urine depositing a copious white, flaky sediment, that seemed to be mixed with a red powder.


After an hour, the urine turned quite dim, and deposited a red, flaky sediment.


After an hour, a red powdery sediment.


After an hour, the urine deposited a copious white sediment, which proved, on chemical analysis, to be phosphate of magnesia.


Sexual Organs

Irritation of the genitals.


Itching, with titillation of the margin of the prepuce; these symptoms oblige him to rub the parts (after five hours).


Quickly passing, voluptuous itching in the penis.


Tickling itching in the scrotum, necessitating rubbing, while sitting (after twelve hours).


The skin swells and turns red in the left side of the scrotum, itches and twinges; the swelling disappears again after two days.


Excessive retraction of the testicles toward the inguinal ring, so that it became painful, and it was necessary to push them out from the inguinal opening, within which they were partly embedded; this, however, only afforded partial relief, still the difficulty was not of long duration.


Drawing in the testicles, attended with a sense of uneasiness, awkwardness, and sleepiness, in the evening.


Spasmodic drawing in the left testicle and spermatic cord.


Continual erection (first night).


Erections early in the morning.


Frequent erections, also at night.


Mornings, excessive sexual desire.


Very lively sexual desire.


The sexual desire becomes excited.


A nap after dinner is succeeded by an unbounded desire, in the sexual organ, for an emission if semen; after the emission there is a pressive tension below the ribs, without any symptoms of flatulence.


Great desire for an embrace, the penis being relaxed.


In the evening, when desirous of enjoying an embrace, he tried in vain to have an erection; he was, therefore, obliged to desist; in the ensuring night, he had several copious, involuntary effusions of semen.


In spite of strong excitement, there is no pleasurable sensation in an embrace.


During an embrace, a copious effusion of semen, followed by a very long sleep.


Tardy effusion of semen during an embrace.


Insufficient effusion of semen during an embrace, which is succeeded by weariness of the body.


After every embrace there is great weariness, lasting several days.


Every embrace is followed by copious night-sweats, attended with a general lassitude of the body, which lasts for several days.


After an embrace he feels very much exhausted; there is a burning itching upon the skin, and copious night-sweats for two nights; the sweat appearing first upon the upper part of the chest and shoulders, and then upon the abdomen and the anus.


Sexual desire very much diminished.


Noticeable sexual apathy.


Great aversion to sexual intercourse.


Pollutions (first night).


Nightly pollutions, without any lascivious dreams.


Emissions, several successive nights.


Several slight emissions.


Itching of the hairy parts of the pudendum.


Itching and titillation of the female organs of generation.


Menses appear two days earlier than usual, and increased; flow of the menses greater than usual, with violent pains in the back and abdomen, of a tearing, pressive kind.


Intolerable itching in the external genitals, which did not cease till the following day.


Menses flow more abundantly.


Respiratory Apparatus

Sense of constriction of the larynx.


The oppression and constriction of the larynx make him dread suffocation.


Pressive pain in the right of the larynx, with irritation to cough.


Huskiness of the voice, with piercing pains in the chest.


Irritation which excites coughing.


Frequently returning sensation of tickling in the larynx, which induces short and frequently repeated coughing.


A scratching irritation in the windpipe, causing a dry cough.


Constant irritation to cough, which can mostly be suppressed, but, if not, several violent shocks of cough succeed one another, which are very painful and mostly dry.


Great inclination to violent cough during the day, especially when smoking tobacco.


During the day, several sudden violent attacks of coughing.


During the day, several attacks of violent seemingly convulsive cough.


Violent coughing several times during the day, with pain under the sternum.


After dinner, coughing and sneezing together, so violent that it causes him to cry out.


Violent cough, with sneezing.


The cough is mostly accompanied by sneezing.


Violent sneezing follows every attack of cough.


The cough has the peculiarity of appearing in isolated attacks, is very violent, and ends with repeated sneezing.


A few attacks of cough with gagging.


A violent attack of cough, with inclination to vomit, and lachrymation.


Forenoon, frequent coughing; afternoon, an attack of coughing, with vomiting.


Convulsive, hacking cough, with oppressive perspiration.


Suddenly occurring violent attacks of cough.


Recurring several times, violent cough, by shocks.


Cough comes suddenly, and is so violent that it is not easily suppressed; several shocks of cough succeed each other, and cause him to double up and force tears from his eyes; the cough then ceases for a longer time; for half days.


The cough came on suddenly, and was so violent that it obliged him to double up, contract his legs, and even move his arms.


Two attacks of convulsive cough, followed by pain in the chest.


Awoke, coughing violently.


Violent cough, several times on waking up in the morning.


When he awoke, violent convulsive cough set in.


Violent coughing, several times in the morning.


When in awoke, violent convulsive cough set in.


Violent coughing, several times in the morning.


Cough several times, mornings.


Cough in the morning followed by sneezing.


Several attacks of cough in the forenoon, accompanied by sneezing.


Violent coughing several times in the forenoon.


Several convulsive attacks of cough during the forenoon.


During the forenoon, at intervals of two or three hours, convulsive attacks of coughing.


Very violent coughing at noon, with repeated sneezing.


Several violent attacks of cough during the day, but not of long duration.


In the afternoon, frequent violent coughing.


Often roused at night by violent attacks of cough.


So violent an attack of cough at night that it obliged him to sit up in bed, as he could not recover breath for some time.


Coughed racked him so much at night that he was obliged to sit up in bed, because the spasmodic contractions of the air- passage threatened to suffocate him.


Violent coughing several times during the night.


Much cough during the night.


Coughed violently, and sweated somewhat at night.


Shortly after falling asleep, she is roused by a spasmodic cough, lasting about ten minutes, attended with a painful tickling in the upper part of the larynx and extending down the throat.


Dry cough several times.


When sitting, there is a dry cough after dinner, which disturbs the nap.


Dry cough, with wheezing under the sternum, causing burning.


Frequent cough after a meal, without expectoration.


Violent, mostly dry cough, on waking.


Violent attacks of cough in the morning, mostly dry.


Short dry cough several times during the forenoon.


After dinner, short, dry, interrupted hacking cough.


During the day, frequent and labored, mostly dry cough.


At night, two attacks of violent labored cough, that convulsively shake the whole the whole body; the cough, which is mostly dry, is caused by a tickling in the air-passages; slimy expectoration seldom occurred.


Several times, loose labored cough, the irritation to cough being in the windpipe.


Several attacks of violent coughing, with only occasional expectoration of mucus.


Several times, night and morning, violent cough, with expectoration of mucus.


Cough frequently mornings; on waking, labored and mostly dry, with expectoration of thick white mucus.


Coughed several times, and expectorated mucus on awaking.


Mornings, on waking, cough, with loose expectoration.


Violent coughing several times in the morning, with expectoration of mucus.


Mornings, rattling of mucus in the chest, followed by several violent attacks of coughing; but rarely expectoration of mucus.


Slight coughing of mucus in the morning.


Frequent violent cough in the morning, with only occasional expectoration.


Cough, which, especially in the morning, brings up large brown flakes of mucus.


Coughing up of thick mucus in the morning.


Mornings, violent cough, several times, with expectoration of mucus; the cough bears the widest characteristics of a spasmodic cough, that is, upon a deep, almost wheezing inspiration, follow several short, clear-sounding shocks of cough, often with doubling up of the body, inclination to vomit, and lachrymation.


Frequent cough in the forenoon, sometimes, dry, but mostly with expectoration of mucus.


During the forenoon appeared several attacks of violent cough, with expectoration of mucus.


Frequent coughing up of lumpy mucus during the day.


Cough increased towards evening.


Much expectoration of small, gelatinous, transparent, moulded lumps of mucus, with great relief to the lungs, without coughing, and by forcible expiration.


Expectoration very marked, gelatinous, or rather resembling starch-paste, transparent and white; it does not dissolve, but retains its accidental form of little lumps, like coagulated starch-paste, and is observed for many days.


Expectoration of thin thready mucus, and small lumps of a saltish taste.


Breath is very short.


Anxiety; attacks of suffocation.


Very short breath and asthma even when walking slowly.


When walking, she is obliged to stand still several times, in order to be able to take breath.


Difficult breathing (after eight days).


Difficult and noisy respiration.


Respiration difficult.


Towards eleven o’clock in the morning, difficulty in breathing.


Respiration labored and superficial.


Oppressed breathing at times.


Aggravated breathing, as if the cavity of the thorax were filled with blood (after four hours).


Accelerated breathing.


Deep breathing.


Frequent deep inspiration.


Hot, accelerated breathing.


Deep breathing.


Frequent deep inspiration.


Hot, accelerated breath, and oppressed chest; deep breathing and involuntary bursts of coughing are often instinctively but vainly employed to remove these difficulties.


Respiration light.



Frequent twitching in both pectoral muscles.


Frequent jumping of the pectoral muscles.


Rattling of mucus in the chest.


Rattling of mucus in the chest, when lying on the back.


Snoring and wheezing in the chest, during the night.


Constant sensation of not feeling well in the chest.


Pain in the chest, after rising.


Burning inside the chest, and a kind of oppression.


Burning in the chest, after dinner.


Fine burning and prickling at different places of the chest, especially upon the sternum (after one hour).


Occasionally, some tensive pain across the ch.


Tension across the chest; slight shortness of breath.


Soon after taking, tension across the anterior walls of the chest, with some shortness of breath.


Soon after taking, tension across the anterior wall of the chest.


After breakfast, tension across the chest, as if the thorax could sufficiently expand.


Towards noon, slight shooting pains and tension in the chest.


Tension and pressure over the whole breast, for a short time after breakfast.


Tension in the lower part of the chest, during motion and when sitting; this tension takes away his breath.


Difficulty in breathing, as if his chest were too full; he is constrained to breathe deeper.


Total constriction of the chest consequent upon oppression; she is obliged to take frequent and deep inspiration; this makes walking difficult for her.


More or less severe constriction of the chest, with deep inspiration at times, and visible beating of the heart, and a kind of oppression, especially behind the two borders of the sternum, along its whole length.


Feeling off pain in the lower part of the chest, especially in the region of the pit of the stomach, as if the contents of the thorax were compressed; the pain is most violent after dinner.


Continued pressure in upper part of chest, like an oppression, with repeated deep inspirations on walking and sitting, with painful pressure behind the sternum and at both sides of it; comes and goes, with sensation of a load on the chest.


Pressure on the chest.


Pressure on the chest, after breakfast.


Slight pressure on the chest.


Pressure and pain in the chest.


Pressure in the chest, and difficulty in breathing.


Pressure and drawing pain in the chest.


Pressure and burning in the center of the chest.


Pressure and stitching, with sense of fullness on center of chest.


Afternoons, frequent pressure in the chest; sometimes in one place, sometimes in another.


Oppression at the chest.


Violent oppression at the chest.


Sense of oppression in the chest compels deep breathing.


She feels so oppressed at the chest, that she is unable to take a slow and deep inspiration, and has to give it up again as soon as she tries.


Oppression of the chest in the region of the diaphragm, attended with drawing pain (after one-half hour).


Oppression at the chest, attended with great throbbing of the arteries (one or two days).


Sense of oppression at the cardiac region, as if the cavity of the thorax were narrowed.


Oppression of the chest and frequent sighing.


Oppression of the chest for a short time.


Shortly after taking, oppression of the chest, and light coughing up of mucus.


An hour after taking, oppression, heaviness, and pressure of the chest.


Forenoons, when sitting, slight oppression and stitches in the chest.


Oppression of the chest, at 5 A.M., that was seldom relieved during the day.


Chest oppressed and catarrhally affected, which induces cough and expectoration, hawking, and deep breathing; deep respiration is painful in some parts of the chest and body, accompanied by a sensation as if something dislocated itself.


He is attacked by oppression frequently during the day; then shortness if breath, which repeatedly compels him to take a deep breath.


Oppressive anxiety in the chest.


Anxious sensation in the chest, with accelerated and audible breathing.


Anxious, restless feeling in the chest, from time to time, as when expecting something unusual.


When rising from a sitting posture, anxiety in the chest increases and breathing is accelerated.


Anxious haste and anxiety in the chest, as if expecting something usual; breathing accelerated, and inclination to sighing respirations.


Heaviness on the chest.


Sometimes momentary stitches through the chest, from behind, without disturbing respiration.


Fine stitching and pressure in the upper part of the chest, like a burning pain, without cough.


On sitting, evening, sudden stitches deep in chest, in region off the borders of the dorsal vertebrae.


Stitches in one or other lung, especially on bending forward or backward (for two or three days).


Stitches in the region of the lungs, passing off soon.


Painful stitches in the middle of the chest.


Stitches in the chest, below the nipples (after fourteen and thirty hours).


When walking, in the forenoon, punctiform stitches from within outwards, in the lower half of the chest.


Sometimes very sensitive, piercing, tearing pains, in small, limited spots in the thorax, in front and behind; for instance, in the left side in the region of the upper false ribs, below the right shoulder-blade, etc.; respiratory motions have no influence upon them.


Pain, repeatedly, in the chest and back, especially under both shoulder-blades, and the corresponding parts of the chest in front; it is of a shooting, pressive kind, very painful, inducing deep breathing, as if for relief.


Sensation of soreness in the chest.


Bruised pain in the entire front wall of the chest, with difficulty of breathing.


Pulsative soreness, at various inconsiderable places of the chest, especially at the right half of the chest; at night, and also during the day (after a fortnight).


Sensation of rawness in the chest, with indications of cough in the morning.


On deep breathing, sense of motion, almost sticking, in muscles of chest and neck.


Pain, as from a sprain, in the chest; it increases especially upon taking a deep inspiration; in the evening (ninth day).


Itching upon the chest, which terminates in burning.


Burning itching upon the chest and in the back.


Violent itching of the nipples.


Copious sweat upon the chest, at night.


Mattery pustules in the breast, with a red areola of the size of a millet-seed; they cause itching and burning.


Twitching in the right pectoral muscle.


Pain in the chest, right side.


Burning, drawing pains in the right side of the chest, from without inward, and peculiar kind of oppression, lasting for five minutes.


In consequence of a leap, during a journey on foot, burning, piercing, sprained sensation under the right nipple, which makes respiration impossible for a few seconds.


After rising, severe pressive pain in the right side of the chest.


When walking, painful, excessive pressure on the right breast near the nipple, with a sensation as if deep breath could remove the cause, later, the anxious feeling of oppression of the chest again, which, in reality, did not exist.


Late in the evening, there appeared a pressive pain in the right side of the chest, near the nipple, that could not be removed by deep breathing, which it occasioned.


Frequent pricking, as of striking splinters, first in the right pectoral muscles, then in the right true and false ribs.


Splinters (stitches) in the right rib-muscles, below the nipple.


Tearing, intermittent pain in the right front wall of the chest.


Stitches in right lung.


Stitches in the right lung, on walking.


Momentary stitches in various places in right lung.


Jerking stitches through right lung.


Violent stitches in right lung, whereby the breath must be held; relieved by pressing by pressing the hand on the chest, while sitting (three to five hours, also eleven hours).


Stitches in the middle of the right lung, worse on every respiration.


Stitches in the right pectoral muscles.


Frequent pricking of splinters near the lower right rib.


Sore pain on the anterior surface if the chest, especially in the right, near the sternum, seemingly under the ribs.


Twitching in the left intercostals.


Burning pain in the left half of the chest (third day).


Pinching pain in the left mamma, descending obliquely as far as the navel.


Sticking in the left axilla, and in the left ribs.


Sticking extends from left nipple outwards, seems to be more in the muscles.


Stitches in left side of chest, between nipple and sternum, increased by every respiration.


Stitches in left lung.


Fine stitches in left lung.


Stitches in left lung, between fifth and sixth ribs; worse on breathing.


Fine stitches in the left side of the chest, where the ribs terminate; the stitch is felt when sitting and stooping with the chest.


Stitches in the left side of the chest, where the ribs terminate; during in inspiration.


Pain in upper part of left breast, in intercostal muscles.


Frequent violent stitches, as of penetrating splinters, in the vertebrae and in the left pectoral muscle, near the nipple.


Stitches in left pectoral muscles, with drawing in right foot; boring in forehead.


Pressure and drawing in left intercostal muscles and muscles of left thigh, with bruised sensation of left elbow.


A pain, resembling tearing, in the region of the left lower wall of the chest.


In a small, circumscribed spot, about the size of the gold dollar, on the left side, before the shoulder-blade, a transient sensation of icy coldness.


Isolated attacks of pain under the sternum.


Pains along the sternum and in pit of stomach.


Burning under the sternum.


Excessive burning under the sternum.


Peculiar sensation of contraction of the sternum.


Sensitive pressure in a little spot to the left lower third of the sternum.


Sticking behind sternum, not increased by inspiration, but worse at end of expiration.


Fine stitches behind sternum.


Stitches behind sternum impede respiration.


Pressure under the upper half of the sternum.


Pressive pain behind sternum.


Oppression behind sternum, in rest, with some violent palpitation.


Pressive, burning pain below the sternum, after breakfast.


Painful pressure at the middle portion of the sternum, aggravated by inspiring (after two and a half hours).


Drawing pressure behind the right margin of the sternum.


Sore pain under the sternum, after breakfast.


Sensitiveness below the sternum.


Heart and Pulse

Beat off the heart visible and strongly felt.


On sitting down, some irregular, strong beats of the heart, with sense of oppression.


When he awoke, he had trembling of the heart.


Violent pulsation of the heart, internally perceptible.


Violent pulsation of the heart, perceptible even in the coccyx.


Increased pulsation of the heart, with redness of the face.


Weak palpitation of the heart.


Frequent palpitation of the heart.


Palpitation of the heart for several minutes.


Very violent palpitation of the heart.


Palpitation of the heart on waking in the morning.


From 3 to 5 P.M. uninterrupted palpitation of the heart.


Violent palpitation of the heart in the evening.


Palpitation of the heart in the evening, without consciousness.


Violent palpitation of the heart before going to bed. Violent palpitation of the heart for five minutes.


Palpitation of the heart came on so violent that he was obliged to lie down on the lounge.


In the evening, violent palpitation of the heart, with anxiousness, that terminated in a restless drowsiness.


When standing, painful palpitation of the heart.


Burning pain in the region of the heart, with palpitation.


At noon, burning and pressive pain in the region of the heart, that appeared several times and son passed away.


Burning, shooting pains from the region of the heart, extending to the left shoulder-blade, caused by deep inspiration, and much aggravated by coughing, sneezing, and hiccough.


Disagreeable feeling in the heart, as if it were compressed.


When he laid down at night, he felt several blows in the heart, with trembling in the pit of the stomach, and anxiety, caused by every slight noise.


The same on waking in the morning, when stitches in the region of the navel, and frequent sneezing and yawning set in, besides.


Pressure near the heart.


From 4 P.M. till evening, constant pressure near the heart.


Anxious sense of oppression in heart, with irregular, violent action of heart.


Anxious sense in heart, and some violent, irregular beating, which makes it worse in sitting (repeated).


Anxiety in the heart.


Oppression at the heart, on bending the body down, with violent beating of the heart.


Violent stitches in the region of the heart, without intermittent pulse.


Painful stitches in the region of the heart, with accelerated pulse.


Breathing obstructed by momentary stitches in the region of the heart, with irregular, often intermitting pulse.


Several twitching shocks of the heart.


At night, transient, painful shocks in the heart, with anxiety.


Accelerated pulse.


Pulse full, very rapid.


Rapid pulse, eighty beats, early in the morning.


Pulse weak.


Pulse weak and slow.


Pulse so feeble as to he hardly perceptible.


The pulse becomes slower (after two hours).


Small, irregular pulse.


The pulse, which is generally strong and full, becomes small, weak, and scarcely perceptible.


Small, depressed pulse.


Pulse contracted, 84 to 88.


Undulatory, slow, weak pulse.


Intermittent pulse.


Weak, unequal, intermittent pulse.


Early in the morning the pulse is less intermittent.


After drinking coffee, the pulse became less intermittent, and rose from 50 to 60 beats.


Pulse sometimes double, with a short interval.


Pulse 57, soft, small ( a quarter of an hour); 57 to 60 (one hour); 58 (two hours); 70 (two and a half hours); 90, full and hard (six hours).


Pulse fell to 60; then to 54 (in fifteen minutes); pulse 60 (in three-quarters of an hour); 70 (in one hour); 65 (in one and a quarter hours); 60 (in two hours); 57 (in one and three-quarter hours); 60 (in one and a quarter hours); 58 (in two and a quarter hours); 65 (in one and three-quarter hours); 60 (in three hours)(1700).


Pulse 60 (a quarter of an hour); 65, irregular (twenty minutes); 60 (forty-five minutes); 60 (one hour); 60 (one and a half hours); 65 (two and a quarter hours).


Neck and Back

Stiffness in the nape of the neck (after two hours).


Pain, as from a sprain, in the muscles of the neck; or pain, as from having bent the body backward in lying down (after thirty-two hours).


Tension in the neck.


Marked sprained sensation of the neck on turning backward toward the left; it was so violent that the head remained fixed for a few moments, unable to return to its proper position.


This pain was already noticed on previous days, but to-day it reached such a degree that it became very troublesome, although not always produced by a above-mentioned motion.


Back of the neck somewhat hot, stiff, and painful, especially when moving the head to one side or the other, particularly the right side.


Mornings, in bed, constant chirping in the occipital region of the neck, as if a cricket were in the cervical canal; at the same time, for several days.


A pressive, tensive pain in the occipital region of the neck, and on both sides off the atlas.


The muscles of the posterior cervical region feel bruised, and, upon bending the body forwards, they feel, as it were, too short; this symptom occurs early, when in bed, and also afterwards, when the person is sitting.


Pricking in the cervical vertebrae, when stooping.


Suddenly, a violent pressure between the neck and the shoulders.


Tensive feeling off the sternocleidomastoid muscle, in both sides, causing a feeling of stiffness in the back of the neck.


Stitches in the skin on the right side off the neck.


Twitching of the muscles from the left side of the neck to the left side of the throat.


Burning sensation in the left neck and shoulder region.


Peculiar sensation of weakness and stiffness between the shoulders; extends into the neck.


Drawing sensation between the shoulders.


Frequent tearing between the shoulders (fourth day).


Painful stitches between the shoulders (second day).


The pain in the back, under the shoulder-blades, resembling a single stitch, began to be very disagreeable again.


A transient but violent pain on the right surface of the back, below the shoulder-blade, as of coarse splinters penetrating.


Sudden, violent pricking, as of splinters, in the left side of the back, below the shoulder-blade.


Constant disagreeable sensation over the whole back, especially in the spinal column.


Pain in the back, as after continual stooping.


Pain, as from bruises and sprains, in the whole of the back, attended with a disposition to stretch the back (third and fourth days).


After dinner, slight backache and tension across both sides of the chest, from behind forwards.


Backache in the evening.


Very violent pains, at night, along the back, as well as across the chest, the loins, and the right thigh.


Backache very violent at the least motion of the body.


Pain in the back and small of the back, after garden-work.


The muscles of the back feel bruised.


The muscles of the back feel bruised, and upon bending forward seem too short; this symptom occurs early in the morning, after a good night’s rest, in the bed, as well as afterwards, when the person is sitting; two days in succession.


The muscles of the back feel weak; he finds it difficult to sit straight without leaning against something.


Upon rising from his seat and righting his body, his back feels stiff; there is a violent pain in the left loin, which prevents the body being righted; when sitting he feels nothing, and is able to turn his body to all sides.


Spasmodic pressive and drawing pain, which starts from the back, and extends to the middle of the chest and into the oesophagus, in the afternoon; lasts several hours (from fifth of seventy day).


Slight shivering down the back.


On the right surface of the back, a transient pain, as if coarse splinters were being forced between the skin and the flesh.


Painful spasmodic jerks in the left side of the back.


Burning itching of the back.


Itching, with titillation of the back.


Excessive itching on the back, where several small, scarcely raised reddish points appear.


Two inflamed pimples on the back, which, by light pressure, discharge considerable bloody matter.


Pain along the spinal column was so violent that he often did not know what position to take in bed to lie comfortably.


Peculiar painfulness along the spinal cord when stooping.


Violent shooting, burning pains deep in the spine.


Aching along the spine and limbs (from second day).


Pain in the sacrum, a sort of crick in the back (flexenschus), extends along the whole spinal column to the nape of the neck.


Dragging, crackling, and creaking along the spinal column, during increased motion of the body, especially at or near the atlas joint, on more rapid motion of the head.


When stooping, the spinal column experiences pain, as though it were too weak to support the weight of the body.


Constant prickling along the spinal column and occiput.


Sensation as if ants were creeping along the spine.


Slight shivering along the spinal column and the upper extremities.


On feeling, pain was felt in several places along the spine.


Spinal column sensitive to the touch.


Every increased motion causes violent pain in several places of the spinal column.


Increased painfulness of the spinal column at every turning motion of the body.


Violent pain in the spinal column at turning motions of the body, especially in the region of the last dorsal and first and second lumbar vertebrae, which become throbbing after increased motion.


Painful throbbing in the spinal canal.


Morning, the spinal column is so sensitive that even learning back against the chair cause pain.


Peculiar sensitiveness of the spinal column when washing with a sponge (which suggests the idea of spinal irritation.


Signs of spinal irritation become more distinctly conspicuous; a drawing, tensive pain along the whole spinal column, and occasional flying pains along the course of the spinal cord.


Biting, burning sensation in a spot as large as a five-cent piece in the spinal column.


After dinner, pain in the spine, especially a spot the size of the palm, in the middle of the spinal column; is very sensitive to the touch, as well as at every motion of the body.


Sensation in the back as if cold air were spreading over the whole body from the spine (aura epileptica ).


Shooting pains in the vertebrae.


Warmth and sensation of roughness in the dorsal region.


Pains in dorsal muscles on sitting.


Pressive, boring pain in the middle of the back (second day).


Waked at night by a violent stitch in a dorsal vertebra.


Pain between the eighth and ninth dorsal vertebrae; it was drawing, and extended periodically up to the hyoid bone.


The region between the eighth and ninth dorsal vertebrae is painful during a turning movement of the trunk.


Since yesterday a pain appeared between the eighth and ninth dorsal vertebrae on touching; to-day, in the same place, a painless, pushing downward pulsation, synchronous with the pulse, as if the aorta coursed in the spinal canal; this sensation, lasting over an hour, was lessened by external pressure.


A pain, very sensitive to touch, in the twelfth dorsal and first and second lumbar vertebrae, with a feeling of coldness in the muscles and formication in the feet.


Violent pain in the small of the back upon rising from his seat; the pain prevents the body from being righted and the thighs from being moved.


Violent pain in the small of the back when sitting or lying down; the pain is relieved by motion (first to third day).


Violently shooting pains in the small of the back, upon raising the thigh when sitting.


Between the dorsal and lumbar vertebrae a sticking pain, as of splinters, followed in the same place by the well-known feeling of cold, as if the spinal marrow here were being touched by an icy cold object; a few minutes later, the same sticking feeling i n the cervical vertebrae.


Bruised pain in small of back.


As if the small of the back were bruised, especially when standing.


Pain, as if from a sprain, in the small of the back on the back on the left side (from sixth to eighth day).


A stitch in the right side and near the vertebral column, in the region of the region of the right kidney (after half an hour).


Violently pressive pain in the left kidney region at night; the pain disturbs the sleep (twelfth day).


Frequent jumping of the muscles in the lumbar region.


Small jerks in lumbar muscles.


Frequent twitching of the muscles and tendons extending from an upper lumbar vertebra, with a violent convulsive shuddering in the lower part of the body.


Crackling of the lumbar vertebrae on stooping.


Tension along the lumbar vertebrae, making stooping forward difficult.


Painful pressive tension in the tendons and ligaments of the right lumbar region, extending to the great trochanter; this pain has the peculiarity that it only appears on the right side, and always disappears when lying on the left.


Mornings, after awaking, while still in bed, and lying on the left side, a pressive, tensive pain appears in the lumbar vertebrae; from there, it moved into the region of the left hip, and instantly vanished when lying on the right side.


Frequent stitching, as of splinters, in the dorsal and lumbar vertebrae.


Tearing pain, now extending to the right, now to the left side of the lumbar vertebrae, when walking.


Pain, as from bruises, in the lumbar region, especially when lying down and sitting.


Violent electric-like shock of the lower part of the body, emanating from a lumbar vertebra.


Shivering, terrible shock of the whole body, emanating from one of the lower vertebrae.


A sensation in the spinal canal of the lumbar region as if the spinal marrow or its membranes were being touched by a piece of ice.


Tearing in lumbar muscles on walking or sitting.


Short twitches in the muscles of the right lumbar region, in the evening (ninth day).


Stitches in the right loin.


Frequently during the day, stitches in the right lumbar region.


Paralytic pain, as from and standing (after twelve hours).


Feeling or paralysis near the lumbar vertebrae, close above the border of the os ilium; this makes it difficult for him, after he had risen from his seat, to step forward.


Continued twitching motions in the sacrum and lower extremities.


Pain in the sacrum.


Pain in the sacrum every time after taking.


Continued pain in the sacrum.


Pain sin the sacrum and spin are so violent that the prover cannot leave his bed.


He had hardly exerted himself somewhat during stool, when a violent pain appeared in the sacrum, that soon extended to the lower limbs.


Evenings, the pain on both sides of the sacrum increases considerably, and becomes so irksome that walking is very unpleasant.


Pains in the back and sacrum continue so violent all day that he is obliged to remain in bed, and take the easiest position.


A fortnight after the close of the proving, he constantly suffered from pain in the back and sacrum.


Indications of pain in the hips and sacrum, on the left side; the latter resembling what is known as crick in the back.


Pains in the sacrum, as of hemorrhoids.


Fullness and pressive heaviness in the sacrum.


Pressure in the sacrum.


Directly after the medicine, pressure in the sacrum for a few seconds.


Pressure in the sacrum, as if a weight lay upon it.


Pressure in the sacrum, with particular exhaustion when walking.


Pressive pain in the sacrum, as though it would burst.


Pressive pain in the sacrum, when leaning back in his chair.


Pressive pain in the sacrum, with weakness in the feet when walking out of doors.


Pain in the sacrum when sitting, pressure as if bruised.


Weakness in the sacrum, with pressive, tensive pain there.


Excessive drawing in the sacrum and loins.


Towards evening, drawing in the back and sacrum.


Stitches in the sacrum.


While walking in the open air, at noon, so sudden and violent a stitch in the sacrum that he was incapable of taking another step.


A violent stitch, darting from the spinal marrow of the sacral region towards the right gluteal muscles.


Bruised pain in the sacrum.


Pains in the sacrum and hips, increasing and decreasing, are felt, as with a tearing sensation resembling growing-pain.


A sensation of icy coldness, close to the coccyx, appears repeatedly.


Corrosive itching of the left side of the os coccygis.


Extremities in General

Trembling of all the limbs (primary effect).


Trembling of the limbs.


Frequent jumping of the muscles of the extremities, with jerking up of first one thumb and then the other, and of separate fingers.


Restlessness and a quivering trembling of the left upper arm and thigh-muscles, with light, jerking shocks of those limbs, and frequent jumping of the muscles in different positions of the body.


When lying on the lounge, frequent twitching of the muscles, sometimes on the inner side of the left knee, sometimes in the left upper arm, sometimes on the back, on the right shoulder blade.


Shocks in various limbs, and frequent jumping of the muscles.


Sensation of weakness in the left arm and left foot; restlessness in them that compels motion.


Paralysis of the lower limbs, with slight spasms of the arms.


Weakness in limbs.


Very weak in all the limbs.


Prostration of all the limbs, especially of the lower extremities.


Weakness and sensitiveness to pain in all the limbs, attended with pain in the heels when standing.


Prostration in every limb, especially of the left arm.


Lassitude and heaviness of all the limbs.


Painful lassitude in the arms and legs.


Easy going to sleep of the extremities; when writing only a few words his hand went to sleep, during a somewhat forced position of the arm, as he wrote stooping or while standing.


She felt as if her limbs did not belong to her.


Painful pressure here and there in limbs.


In the forenoon, when sitting, a not exactly painful but very disagreeable drawing and tearing in the long bones of the upper arm and lower extremities.


Drawing and pressing in various muscles in extremities (mostly in extensors).


Drawing pain, now in the right upper arm, now in the left knee joint; now in the right, now in the right thigh.


Pains resembling tearing in the limbs.


Tearing several times in the left upper arm; the same in the right thigh, above the knee, towards the outside.


Momentary tearing pains occasionally appear in the tendinous expansions of the extremities.


Single transient, tearing pains in the right ulna; also, in the right tibia.


Tearing of different long bones, especially at their extremities.


Fine, piercing tearing pain, always appearing suddenly, in the region of the right leg, in front, close above the ankle, and, at the same time, at a point in the middle of the back of the left hand.


Now and then a shooting, tearing pain when beginning to move, which disappears when motion is continued.


An entirely unusual piercing pain, never before experienced, in almost every limb of the body, particularly severe in both knee joints and in the condyles; so that particularly the right knee joint was very painful when ascending the stairs.


Sensation as of electric shocks in different limbs and different fingers.


Shocks-wise, jerk-like appearing shocks, sometimes in the left hip, sometimes in the right hand, originating in the legs.


The long bones of the upper and lower extremities and all the joints feel bruised after motion, and the muscles feel painful on being touched.


Bruised pain in left elbow and ankle.


Pricking and crawling in the anterior border of the right forefinger, the toes and the heel.


Formication in the upper and lower extremities.


Pains in the bones begin in the morning, continue all the forenoon, with slight interruptions, are worse at noon, and abate again in the afternoons and evening; these pains are particularly located in the left tibia, sometimes appearing in the condyle of the left elbow, resembling the descriptions of syphilitic pains in the bones; they resemble them with this distinction, that they are not aggravated by the warmth of the bed, but rather lessened, sometimes disappearing entirely.


Cold and blue limbs.


Hands and feet cold.


Mornings, in the warmth of the bed, the familiar sensation of coldness in the right axilla, and in the inner condyle of the foot.


Twitchings, especially of arms, so violent that it seemed to her from electric shocks; she could hold nothing in her hands.


Upper Extremities

Irregular and hurried movements of the upper extremities.


Slight contraction of the upper extremities.


Began to move the arms here and there, and shrug the shoulders.


Pimples upon the arms, with a burning-itching, of the size of grains of flaxseed.


The arms feel bruised.


Painful weariness of the arms.


On account of the pain he is obliged to change frequently the position of his arms.


Want of strength in the arms.


Itching of the arms.


Small jerks in muscles of left shoulder-joint and between scapulae.


Drawing, rheumatic pain in the shoulder-joint attended with weakness of the whole arm (fifteenth day).


Slight drawing and pressive pain in the right shoulder.


Violent paralytic tearing in the right shoulder.


Sticking in muscles of anterior wall of right axilla.


Rhythmical jumping of the muscles in the left shoulder-blade and left deltoid muscles.


Violent convulsive shocks in the left shoulder.


Tearing pain in left shoulder.


Pain in left shoulder-joint.


Sprained pain in the left shoulder-joint.


A sore pain in the lower angle of the left shoulder-blade, as if chafed.


Fine stinging in the forepart of the head of the humerus in the right arms.


Convulsive shock of the left arm, as from an electric shock, that seemed have its origin in the neighboring joints.


Violent shocks in the left arm.


From 2 to 6 P.M. pain as of lameness in the left arm.


Drawing pains in left arm, extending to the middle finger.


Tension in the biceps.


On rising in the morning, stiff pain in right biceps on bending the forearm back to the body; lasts a long time; makes this movement difficult.


The upper arms are painful to the touch.


Bruised feeling in upper arm.


Sensation as if from the jumping of the tendons in the upper arm.


The upper arm feels paralyzed, in consequence of much writing.


A suppurating, painful abscess, of the size of a bean, has formed in the middle of the right deltoid muscle.


Some tension on the right upper arm, felt when moving.


Only during certain motions a somewhat painful tension in the right upper arm.


Fine tearing in the posterior surface of the right upper arm; often together with it the same sensation in the left lower arm; but the tearing is most sensitive in the region of the left clavicle.


Painful lameness of the right upper and forearm, and easy fatigue of the latter from only a little writing.


Twitching of the muscles in the left upper arm, near the point of the elbow.


Cramp-like pain in the muscles of the left upper arm below the deltoid muscle.


Mornings, after waking, a continuous, pressive, tensive pain in the tendons of the left upper arm, close to the bend of the elbow, lasting several minutes.


Lame pain in left upper arm.


Tearing pain in left upper arm.


In the evening a tearing pain appeared in the muscles of the left upper arm, lasting for some time, then ceased and was followed by a sensitive, sore pain lasting for some time, then ceased and was followed by a sensitive, sore pain at the point of insertion of the left deltoid muscle, and which, after a short time, alternated with fine tearings in the shoulder-joint, repeating itself and becoming more sensitive.


When accidentally raising the left arm, a violent sprained pain appeared in the substance of the left deltoid muscle; it seemed as if there were thousands of splinters in the arm, at every attempt to raise it.


Pressure and bruised sensation in elbows, especially in left.


Painful jerks, resembling electric shocks, in the right elbow and wrist.


Sensation of cold in the tip of the right elbow, as if it were covered by a piece of ice.


Painless, violent pulsation in an artery the size of a quill, close above the olecranon of the right arm, in the flesh of the muscle, very distinct and repeated.


Constrictive, pressive pain in left elbow and right shoulder.


Drawing pain in left elbow (ten hours).


Painful tearing in the left elbow-joint.


Transient stitches, as of fine splinters, in the tip of the left elbow.


Itching, with titillation, of the point of the left elbow; this induces scratching (after three hours).


Pain in the forearms, which is dull, but hurts a good deal.


Sometimes drawing in the forearms.


Twitches upon the upper surface of the right forearm, extending to the bend of the thumb.


On the edge of the muscles in the middle of the right forearm a sudden, terrible pain, as of thousands of splinters.


Tearing in the right forearm.


Inner trembling in right forearm, extending to the bend of the thumb.


Burning-itching upon the right forearm, which makes it necessary to scratch the parts; the scratching is succeeded by white eruptions of the size of a grain of flaxseed; at the same time the skin scales off, the having the shape of bran.


Burning pain upon the anterior surface of the left lower arm, just above the wrist-joint, as if he had burnt himself.


Sudden pressing-like pain courses through the left forearm to the root of the fingers (immediately).


Drawing pain from left upper to forearm.


Painful drawing in muscles of left forearm and down over the elbow.


Sensitive drawing, tearing pain in the radial side of the left lower arm, and, at the same time, above the elbow-joint in the olecranon.


Forenoons, frequent tearing in the left forearm bones.


Afternoons, an hour after dinner, very painful, fine tearing in the left lower arm, ceasing and returning, as if between the two forearm bones, extending toward the hand, with a fixed pain at the back of the wrist, accompanied by a sensation of numbness in the skin of the lower arm, especially of the back of the hand, but which only seemed so, for the sensation was normal to the touch.


The fine tearing pain returns all the afternoon, at intervals that are entirely free from pain, especially in the radial surface of the left lower arm.


Sensitive tearing pain in the left lower arm, of the radial side, and outwardly, and in the region of the left hip.


Tearing in the left forearm, and in the olecranon during rest.


Acute, rheumatic pains in the whole of the left forearm, extending as far as the thumb; this symptom occurs in the afternoon, during rest.


Fine tearing in the radial side of the left forearm, extending over its upper half.


Fine tearing in the ulnar side of the left forearm.


Itching, with titillation, of the right carpus; the person is obliged to scratch the parts (after quarter of an hour).


Tearing in the carpus of the left hand.


Lame, transient, violent, sprained pain in the tendons of the dorsum of the left wrist, as after a mechanical injury.


The hands are rubbed together, as if rolling something soft into a ball between them.


Tremor of the hands.


Tremor of the hands, as in old people; this symptom occurs when he moves the hands or holds something with them (after one hour and a half).


Burning and itching on both hands, as though they had been frozen, and were affected by winter’s cold (on a cool summer’s day); the parts were hot and swollen, and looked very red; this condition lasted uninterruptedly for four months, during which the hands would become so swollen, after rubbing, on account of incessant itching and burning on a cool spring day, that the knuckles could not be seen for many hours.


Itching, redness, and burning of the hands, as occurs when the parts are frozen.


Extremely violent itching in both hands.


Cold hands.


Unsteadiness of the right hand when writing.


On waking in the morning sensation of pain in the right hand and bones of forearm.


Sore pain in the external half of the back of the right hand; sensation of the slight burn there, increased by touching it.


Stitches, as of splinters, in the back of the right hand, near the wrist, with frequent twitching of various muscle.


On the back of the right hand, towards the wrist, burning, sore sensation for several hours, though nothing is to be seen on the spot.


Afterwards the same sensation in the left hand.


Sensation of burning and soreness in the skin of the right hand, from the wrist to the thumb and forefinger.


There is nothing to be seen on the skin, but the spot is so sensitive that passing the fingers over it causes pain. Inflamed pimples, of the size of a grain of flaxseed, upon the dorsum of the left hand.


Drawing pains in the metacarpal bone of the left hand.


Dull pain in the metacarpal bone of the left middle finger.


Violent painful sensation of lameness in the left hand.


Sensation of lameness in the left hand, with tension in the right forearm.


Always, five minutes after commencement of palpitation of the heart, violent lame pain in left hand and arm.


Going to sleep of the left hand when leading a little boy during a walk.


The left hand goes to sleep; this symptom extending as far as the middle of the forearm; at night (fifth day).


Warm sweat at times in the palms.


A peculiar burning-itching sensation in the right palm, as of a stiff hair.


Itching and titillation in the palm of the right hand, which has to be scratched (after seven hours).


Swelling of single fingers.


Redness, burning itching of the fingers, as when parts are frozen.


Sometimes drawing pain in the fingers; seemingly in the periosteum.


Pain in base of right fingers.


Tearing pain between the thumb and index-finger of the right hand.


Drawing pains that spread fork-like from the space between the thumb and index-finger of the left hand towards those fingers.


Painful tearing in the space between the left index-finger and thumb, and in the upper arm.


The metacarpal joints of the right index and middle fingers somewhat red and sensitive to the touch.


Tearing in the fingers of the left hand, where the phalanges join the metacarpal bones; motion has no modifying influence over this symptom (after one hour).


Sensation of icy coldness over the joint as formed by the right middle finger and its metacarpal bone.


Twitching of the tendons in the right index-finger, and jumping of the muscles in the posterior margin of the right hand.


Burning and prickling in the index-finger of the right hand, as if a paronychia would form; in a few days this symptom is followed by frequent fits of numbness of the finger and great, long-continued sensitiveness of the finger to cold.


Drawing in the index-finger of the right hand.


Itching, with titillation, of the inner border of the right index finger, as if the parts had been frozen (after five hours).


Frequent pricking, as of penetrating splinters, in the left forefinger.


Single stitches, in rapid succession in the first joint of the left forefinger.


Late in the evening, a pain resembling tearing, in the second joint of the left forefinger.


Violent tearing in the right middle finger (after twenty- three hours).


Sensation of going to sleep and violent crawling in the right fourth and fifth fingers, in the back of the hand, and in the ulnar side of the hand after writing very little.


Tearing twitches in the last two fingers of the right hand.


Tearing in the little finger of the left hand, from its metacarpal joint.


For an hour in the afternoon tearing-burning in the right thumb.


Cramp-like pain in the right thumb, that occurs frequently during the day, and lasts several seconds.


Cramp in the ball of the right thumb when standing and walking; it passes off when the person is sitting (after six hours).


Itching and titillation of the ball of the right thumb, which obliges the person to scratch the parts (after eight hours).


Transient sticking pain, as of fine splinters, in the point of the right thumb.


Repeated violent tearing in the left thumb.


Pricking, as of needles, in the left thumb, increased and also caused by a slight touch.


Lower Extremities

Trembling of the lower extremities.


Pain in the legs, especially disagreeable in the region of the right hip-joint, in the outer side of the right leg, resembling violent pains from fatigue, accompanied by tearing pain.


These pains continued all the afternoon and evening, and became excessive at different times; added to which, was a sensation of unsteadiness and fatigue.


Markedly violent pains in the limbs, especially in the hip; pain in the hip, especially in the left one, under the gluteal muscles; touch and pressure have no influence; walking and rest do not affect it; deep stooping increases it, as well as a change of position of the respective parts.


Pain in the legs, as from exhaustion consequent upon typhus fever.


Morning, burning in both legs, which ceases after rising.


The legs ache dreadfully, as if they had been crushed by a heavy load.


Tensive and drawing pain in both legs and feet in the night.


Drawing pressive pains in the legs, and especially in the ankles.


Sometimes a drawing pain in the periosteum in the bones of the legs.


Tearing in the legs; it continue when the person is sitting, and is relieved by motion.


Bruised pain in extremities, especially left; increases after a walk through the room.


The legs were as if bruised, and half lame.


Pain in the legs, as if they were bruised.


Heaviness of the lower limbs.


Heaviness and coldness of the lower extremities.


Great weight in the legs.


Weight in the legs; they feel weary and as if they had been knocked from under the person.


At noon, crawling and burning in the skin of both legs, from the hip to the heel.


Burning itching of the legs on getting undressed in the evening; this itching is attended with a desire to scratch; the scratching produces a burning sensation and makes the skin dry, which easily breaks; after five weeks the skin peels off.


In the legs, the pains (of almost any kind) occur when the person if standing of sitting; more rarely when walking; the pains diminish and disappear by motion.


His legs pained most when he attempted to rise, after sitting for awhile.


When standing, the pain increases in the legs; he is soon obliged to walk or to sit down; the pain comes on already after he has been standing a minutes.


Weakness of the legs (feet); being too powerless to stand upon them, the body is constantly balancing to and fro.


No muscular power in lower extremities.


Great prostration of the lower limbs, as if lead were attached to them.


Extreme prostration of the lower limbs while walking, which often compelled him to sit down.


An hour after dinner, great prostration and weakness of the lower extremities.


Great heaviness and prostration of the lower limbs.


His legs feel so tired and heavy that he can scarcely lift them.


Weak and heavy in the legs all day; more than usual clear, yellow urine.


Weariness of the legs.


Great lassitude of the legs; he knows not where to lay them.


Painful fatigue of the legs at the least ascending of stairs, that disappeared when walking on a level floor.


Unsteadiness of the legs, so great that the knees gave way at every step, to which no particular attention was paid; without perceiving fatigue.


Coldness of the lower extremities.


The legs go to sleep as soon as he crosses them.


At night, perspiration on the legs.


Perspired very much on both legs at night.


Evenings, in bed, perspiration on the inner surface of the legs.


Pain in the left hip already appears in the morning.


Transient stitches in the left hip-joint, and pain as if wrenched, or as if the bones of the left articulation were being separated from the sacrum; the latter pain extended to the cavity of the lower abdomen, and only gradually disappeared.


The hip-joints are painful, as if dislocated; most after them, the legs; the pain is a sprained, tired, bruised pain, mixed with a tearing sensation.


Dislocated pain in the left hip was very marked, but disappeared after an hour and a half.


Mornings after rising, a bruised pain in the right hip, that soon disappeared after continued walking.


Pain in the hip for soon twenty-four hours; it is not felt when sitting, but is very acute when walking.


Pressure in the hip-joints, especially mornings, in bed; sometimes a sensation as if the painful head of the femurs would be separated, or dragged from their articulations, or the pelvic bones from the sacrum.


In the right ilium, extremely, under the gluteals, rheumatic drawing pain, like pain in the hips.


The dull sensation resembling pain in the hips, in the region of the left ilium, became very violent, continued nearly the whole afternoon, was especially troublesome when sitting, and immediately disappeared entirely when walking.


Frequent twitching of the muscles of the seat.


Twitching of the muscles of both buttocks.


Momentary tearings and spasmodic contractions of the left gluteus maximus.


Burning in the gluteals.


On sitting down, those parts upon which he sits feel bruised, or as if he had sat upon them for a long while.


A sensation of coldness often appeared in the gluteal muscles.


Sensation of cold in the gluteal muscles, which are spasmodically contracted, making walking difficult.


Loss of sensation and coldness in the gluteal muscles.


The familiar sensation of coldness in spots on both buttocks, and an icy coldness extending to the ankles, especially to the big toe.


Quicksilver sensation in both buttocks at the same time.


Formication in the gluteal muscles, and a cool creeping sensation from the legs to the toes.


Boil on the right half of the nates.


Sensation of coldness in the right buttock, appearing at regular intervals, at every stroke of the pulse.


The familiar sensation of coldness in the right buttock.


On a small, lengthwise spot of the right gluteal, a chilling sensation, as when liquid quicksilver is poured into the palm.


Quicksilver sensation in the right gluteal.


Sensation of coldness on a point on the right buttock, and on the surface of the back, below the shoulder-blade.


Drawing and tearing in the left half of the nates; the pain wakes him from sleep at night.


Violent tearing in the left of the nates, attended with a feeling of coldness; the tearing is very violent when sitting; less violent when rising and walking (lasting for eight days).


The familiar sensation of coldness in the left buttock and the region of the trochanter.


After dinner, in a spot the size of a cent, on the left gluteal muscles, the familiar cold sensation, as of contact with quicksilver.


On crossing the thighs he feels a violent pain in them.


Painful weariness of the thighs.


The thighs are painful, as after long journeys on foot.


Internal drawing, from pelvic muscles into the legs; it becomes an external trembling; warm skin; slow pulse.


Cramp-like pains from the ilium down toward the muscles of the anterior surface of the right thigh.


During the day, when walking, biting on the thighs, that induces, scratching.


Drawing rheumatic pain in the external surface of both thighs, when walking, and after sitting.


Pressive pain as from a plug, on the external surface of the thigh, above the knee.


Drawing and stretching sensation on the anterior surface of the thigh.


Transient, cramp-like pains in the muscles of the anterior surface of the thigh.


Sensation of coldness, in a strip several inches long and some lines broad, on the posterior surface of the thigh.


Pain above the knee, in the anterior surface of the femur, as if bruised.


Tearing close below the lesser condyle of the femur.


Tearing which causes a feeling of numbness in the whole thigh, from the left hip-joint down to the knee.


The right thigh is very painful.


Tearing in the right thigh, when walking or sitting.


Drawing and tearing in the right thigh, on laying it across the left; the pain disappears again on extending the limb (after one hour).


Paralytic pain in the right thigh, especially when walking; the thigh feels as if it were too heavy, and supported a load (after eight hour).


The tendinous expansion of the right thigh is painfully tensive.


Electric stitches in the skin on the anterior surface of the right thigh.


Pain in the left lower thigh.


Tearing at the head of the left femur, which disturbs his rest.


While walking in the forenoon, he observed rather a violent contraction of the flexors of the left thigh, lasting over an hour.


Painful pressure in the left thigh.


Painful pressure in the lower outer part of left thigh; extends down into the knee, then into the left sole.


Continual paralytic drawing in the left thigh down to the knee, both in rest and motion (in the afternoon).


Tearing, attended with a sense of coldness on the posterior side of the left thigh.


Drawing, tearing pain from the region of the left loin, in the fore side of the thigh, extending to the middle.


Drawing, tearing pain at intervals, in the outer side of the left thigh, above the knee, extending into the popliteal space.


Fine stitches over the left knee, extending into the political space.


Fine stitches over the left knee and on the anterior surface of the thigh.


Painful sense of paralysis in the left thigh.


Corrosive itching on the anterior side of the left thigh.


Biting pimple on the thigh above the left knee; scratching excites a violent sensation of burning in it.


Knocking together of the knees.


Twitching of the muscles of the right knee.


The knee-joints are painful early in the morning, on getting out of bed; when sitting.


Simultaneous drawing in both knee-joints.


Drawing pain in the knees.


Awaking with drawing pain in the knees.


Stitches, first in the right then in the left knee.


Frequent violent stitches in the knees, with weakness in the feet.


When walking, violent stitches in both knees, for several minutes.


In attacks, especially when walking, a rather violent, piercing, burning pain about both ankles, and sometimes fine stitches were felt in the knee-joints.


Feeling of internal trembling, especially in the knees, with powerlessness of the legs.


The pain in the knees increases when sitting, it decreases and disappears by walking.


Weak in knees.


For a short time, while walking, such weakness in the knees that they gave way.


The limbs knocked together.


Drawing pain in the knee, that disappeared when moving, and grew more violent while lying.


Stitches in the knee, with electric shocks.


Fine tearing in the right knee.


Tearing in the right knee-joint, when standing or sitting.


Painful tearings in the right knee-joint.


Tearing in right knee and right ankle, with dull drawing in upper front teeth (after looking out of an open window into cool air).


Continual boring and tearing in the right knee, when sitting.


Slight and transient tearing, drawing sensations in the right knee-joint.


Sensation of weakness, and drawing, sprained pain in the right knee, transient.


When rising from his seat, he felt violent stitches in the right knee.


Twitches in the internal side of the right knee.


An undulating sensation in the right popliteal space.


On a spot as large as a cent, in the right political space, the familiar quicksilver sensation.


Drawing in the left knee.


Pain, as from a sprain, in the left knee, when walking.


Stitches in the left knee for several seconds, with a subsequent sensation of weakness in the limb.


Pricking, as with pins, above the bend of the left knee (after thirty-six hours).


Painful sense of paralysis in the bend of the left knee.


Sudden bending of the left knee, when walking in the afternoon.


Drawing pain in the leg, extending from the right knee as far as the toes, when sitting.


Tearing in the leg on sitting.


Jumping, drawing pressure, here and there, in muscles of leg.


Jumping of the muscles of the right leg and foot, with jerk- like shocks in them; rumbling electric shocks, afterwards pricking itching in the sole of the left foot, near the toes, and in the left forefinger.


Frequent jumping of the tendons in the right leg.


Pain in the right leg.


Burning in the right leg.


Mornings, some burning in the right leg.


Much burning in the right leg after dinner.


Evenings, excessive burning in the right leg.


Burning pain in the right leg, as if an ulcer were forming.


Heaviness and burning sensation in the right leg.


Some burning in the skin of the right leg.


Tension in the right leg.


After rising, some tension in the right leg.


Sensation as if he were being pulled by the right leg.


Very violent drawing and tensive pains in the whole right leg.


Fine tearing pain in the outside of the right leg above the ankle.


Tearing muscles of anterior lower part of right leg (fifteen hours).


Jerk-wise appearing, convulsive shocks in the right leg.


Crawling in the right leg.


Fine pricking on the internal side of the right leg and towards the tibia.


Cramp-like pains, sometimes in the muscles of the leg, sometimes in the upper surface of the thigh.


Painful drawing in the posterior side of the left leg, extending down along the calf; it disappears in walking (in the afternoon).


Internal drawing and trembling in left lower leg, more about the knee.


Some drawing in lower part of left lower leg.


The left limb aches in the morning.


Pressing pain in lower part of left lower leg, on walking through the room.


Tearing pain in the left leg and in the calf.


A tearing pain, with a sensation of paralytic numbness in the left leg.


Heaviness in the left leg like lead.


Burning itching of the left leg, which excites a desire to scratch; the scratching is followed by white eruptions of the size of a grain of flaxseed, which peel off in the shape of brain.


In the night, he is roused from sleep by a sense of coldness in the whole of the left leg.


Mornings after rising, light pains in the tibiae.


Evenings, light pains in both tibiae.


Towards noon, drawing pains in both tibiae.


Some sensitiveness in both tibiae, but no pain.


The pain in the tibiae increases and continues when sitting, it disappears in walking.


Burning, attended with pressure, at the upper part of the tibia, below the knee.


Sensation at the top of the tibia and the head of the fibula, as if a warm hand were lying upon the parts.


Pressive pains in the tibia.


Soon after rising, pains become less in the tibia, but did not last long.


Mornings, some pain in the right tibia.


Some burning in the right tibia.


Drawing and tearing in the right tibia.


Single, transient tearing pains in the right tibia.


Occasionally during the night, a sensitive tearing pain in the right tibia.


Mornings, very violent pains in the left tibia.


Cramp in left tibia, and in the calf.


Drawing in the left tibia on walking.


Mornings, very violent pressive, drawing pains in the left tibia; when walking in the forenoon these pains ceased entirely, but appeared again in the afternoon when sitting.


Tearing in the left tibia.


For a short time after dinner, tearing pains in the left tibia.


The pain in the left tibia ceases entirely while walking in the forenoon, but returns at noon for a short time.


Pressure, as from a contusion, on the internal side of the gastrocnemii, while sitting; the pain is somewhat lessened by standing and by touching the parts, but it becomes violent again, when the person sits down (after two hours).


Weight in the calves.


Burning in the right calf.


Cramp-like pains in the inner side of the right calf.


Transient, camp-like pain in the right calf, somewhat later, also in the left deltoid muscles.


Suddenly, while walking, a painful, contractive, cramp-like pain in the right calf, as if something were knotted together there; most violent when lifting up or putting down the foot, causing the knees to give way, and making them lame.


Tearing in the exterior surface of the right calf when sitting (first day).


Stitches in the right calf.


Stitches in the skin of the right calf.


Frequent twitching of the muscles of the left calf.


Painful drawing in the posterior side of the left leg, extending down along the calf; it disappears in walking in the afternoon.


Fine sticking in left calf.


Crawling and pressing in left calf.


Sensation of stiffness in tendo Achillis, on rising from sitting.


In attacks, especially when walking, a rather violent, piercing, burning pain about both ankles, and sometimes fine stitches were felt in the knee-joint.


Slight drawing about both ankles.


Slight drawing sensation about the ankle-joints of both feet.


Drawing on internal ankle-bones.


Piercing pain in the second and third rows of the ankle- bones, and in the heel when walking.


Night, at two, was waked by jerks and pressive pain in the right ankle.


Pinching and drawing cramp in right ankle, extending over the whole front, then increasingly over the heel, and up the calf, so violent that rubbing and pressing the parts against the bedstead gave on relief, and on arising, he could scarcely stand on his feet.


Violent tearing in the anterior surface of the left ankle.


Sprained pain the left ankle.


Tearing pressure upon the internal malleolus of the left foot, when sitting (after thirty-five hours).


Painful stitches in the external malleolus of the left foot, when sitting (after five hours).


Crawling under the skin under the inner left ankle-bone.


Corrosive itching of the internal malleolus of the left foot.


In the warm bed, excessive burning in both feel to the ankles, as if the blood were glowing in the veins.


Heaviness and want of tonicity in the feet.


Heaviness in the feet.


Formication in the feet.


Weak feeling in the feet, especially drawing and crawling under the skin on anterior surface of lower leg, extending toward inner side of the sole. Sensation of weakness in the feet on going down stairs; this weakness continued when walking in the open air, and he distinctly felt that it proceeded from the sacral region.


Cold feet, as if plunged in snow.


Feet cold and unsteady.


Coldness of the feet, extending to the condyles.


During his walk, at 7 P.M., he felt a painful drawing sensation in the right foot, and in the anterior surface of the thigh, extending over the knee, with an accompanying feeling of weakness in the same foot.


On the right foot, about the inner ankle, a painful burning of the skin, as in incipient erysipelas, without any appearance of it on the skin.


Fine stitches in the dorsum of the right foot.


Corrosive itching on the dorsum of the right foot.


Undefined pain, throbbing or sprained, in the right instep, and towards the top of the foot.


While walking in the evening, excessive pains in the dorsum of the left foot.


Violent burning pain on the dorsum of the left foot, late in the evening.


Crawling on the back of left foot.


Violent stitches in the middle portion of the left foot, beginning at the malleoli, when at rest.


Stitches in the lower surface of the first and second bones of the metatarsus.


Cramp in the sole of the foot at night.


Tearing in the sole of the feet when walking.


At noon, a piercing pain in the sole of the right foot, as of splinters.


Tearing in the hollow of the right foot, when sitting.


Stitches in left sole.


Itching and creeping in skin of left sole.


Pain in the heels, as from a bruise, when standing.


Stitches in the heel when stepping, which extend up into the leg.


Stitches in the lower surface of the heel, when sitting.


Piercing pain, as of splinters, in the right heel.


Piercing pain, as of penetrating splinters, in the right heel and the toes.


Digging, piercing pains in the right heel and the big toe, as of splinters.


A burning stitch in the left heel.


Stitches in the toes when at rest.


Crawling in toes, especially left.


Itching and titillation of the toes, as if the parts had been frozen; this excites a desire to scratch (after eleven hours).


Itching, burning, and redness of the toes, as if the parts had been frozen.


Grinding pain in the toes of the right foot.


Sudden, violent piercing, as of splinters, in the right toes.


Painful dull stitches in the last three toes of the right foot (after twenty hours).


Drawing and tearing upon the lower surface of the big toe of the right foot, when sitting.


Soreness of the little toe of the right foot, as from the pinching of right shoes (after six hours).


Drawing in left toes.


Sharp stitches in the toes of the left foot, when standing (after quarter of an hour).


Crawling, like formication, in tips of left toes.


The left great toe is swollen at the embedding of the nail, and very painful.


Twitches in the ball of the big toe of the left foot (first day).


Painful twitches in the big toe of the left foot.


Frequent tearing in the ball of the big toe of the left foot (second day).


Stitches in the spot where formerly a corn had been.


Soreness in the corn of the second toe of the left foot, as from tight shoes (after three hours).





Several convulsions following each other in quick succession, first in the posterior part of the chest, then in the epigastrium, afterwards in the hypogastrium, especially on the right side, attended, with a sensation as if the whole body were shaken through; in the evening, when standing.




In a patient affected with epilepsy, the fits came on at shorter intervals.


In two patients affected with epilepsy the fits became more violent, reappear at shorter intervals, but afterwards occur more rarely, and are very slight.


Very violent spasms.


Most violent tonic and clonic spasms lasted all day.


Spasms, with very great anxiety and pain at the epigastric region; relieved by spontaneous vomiting.


Convulsions alternating with stupor.


Soporous and spasmodic condition, lasting nearly two days.


Frequent jumping of the muscles of different parts of the body.


When the prover was reclining on a lounge, with his right arm under his head, his body was suddenly shudderingly shaken, the arm involuntarily pulled down to the trunk, upon which followed several fine stitches, in both condyles of the elbows.


At three o’clock in the night, restlessness in every muscle of voluntary motion, upon which, quivering of the whole body, especially of the lower how; finally, action of the muscles as in St. Vitus’ dance, which remained uncontrolled by the greatest effort of the will.


Constant inclination to bend the body backward and forward and to stretch.


Spasmodic movements of the muscles of the face and limbs.


Commotion of the nervous system.


Sensation as if the whole body were shaken through; in the evening, when standing.


Here and there slight twitching over the whole body.


Sense of tremor in the whole body (after one hour).




General trembling.


Excessive bodily agitation; the lower limbs were forcibly retracted, and the arm shook, so that the pulse could not be felt.


Jactitation of the muscles all over the body.


Spasmodic movements, which were of short duration, but violent, and succeeded by a yellowish tinge over the whole surface, a kind of icterus, especially conspicuous on the neck, face, and chest; it disappeared, by slow degrees, in a few hours.


Violent convulsive shock of the entire right side of the body, proceeding from the spine.


Unsteady gait; stumbling over every object.


Undefined impulse to fall over backwards.


Inner restlessness, that impelled the prover from one place to another.


Whole body seemed paralyzed.


She felt so light, that it seemed as though she could run as never before.


Supernatural strength; it required four men to bind him.


Loss of strength in all parts of the body.


Excessive loss of strength.


Prostration, and very much affected from being in the air.


Considerable prostration of strength.


General prostration, with cold and viscid sweat all over.


Feeling of prostration, that soon diminished while walking in the open air, but which recurred repeatedly.


In the morning, on awaking, prostrate and confused, as after great fatigue.


Prostration and weakness, on the least motion, together with frequent palpitation of the heart.


Great weakness of the whole body.


Great weakness; the pulse was hardly perceptible.


Great weakness, especially in the lower limbs, with trembling in them.


Weakness, with vertigo (uncommon).


On walking, even through the room, great weakness, and inclination to close the eyes; deep breathing (one-half hour).


Lassitude (after twelve to sixteen hours).


Great lassitude, and staggering gait (shortly).


On awaking in the morning, heaviness in the whole body.


Unusual weariness of the whole body; inability to think.


Weariness, early in the morning.


Great fatigue after moderate exercise.


Great fatigue after short but quick walking.


Easily fatigued on slight exertion.


A small walk through the room is fatiguing.


When in bed, he feels so tired that he does not know what position to take.


On walking, very much disinclined to walk.


On ascending a little hill copious sweat breaks out; he feels like fainting.




Frequent fainting (in an hour).


She remained some time unconscious, and in a state of stupor and prostration, which caused fear for her life.


Half an hour after the delirium, he falls into a swoon, which is short-lasting, but leaves him in a state of profound dullness.




State of stupor, with spasmodic agitation.


The patient did not arouse from this state of stupor, except when teased into drinking a mixture of vinegar and water; this condition lasted about seven or eight hours, then they came gradually to their senses, and next day were completely restored.


Stupefaction and sleepiness, improved in the open air.


Great sensitiveness of the whole body to cold, especially of the hands and feel, with pale, wan face.


Great sensitiveness to cool air.


Sensibility diminished.


All the senses are blunted.


Anxiety, attended with tremors and lassitude.


Anxiety, with breaking out of perspiration.


Discomfort in the whole body.


A peculiar sensation of discomfort all the forenoon, that is not easily described.


General malaise.


An indescribable derangement of the nervous activity.


Uncomfortable feeling of sickness in the whole body.


Feeling unwell in a high degree.


Much affected from walking, with the atmosphere at a moderate temperature.


Most severe pains.


The pains are felt simultaneously in several parts of the body, especially on both sides above the small of the back.


Pains of various kinds, when sitting, simultaneously, in all the parts of the body.


Cracking in all the joints, on moving them.


Muscle symptoms worse on sitting, seldom on walking.


It seems as if the whole body were gradually diminishing.


Cramp-like pain in all the muscles, erratic, now in the upper, now in the lower extremities, when sitting.


When sitting, there is a boring pain in the whole head, in the thighs, tibiae, and the bones of the tarsus, attended with somnolence, and relaxation of the whole body.


Frequent sensitive tearing, now and then, in the tendinous expansions of the body.


Pricking, as from pins, in different parts of the body (after the body).


Fine pricking and burning in different parts of the body (after one hour).


All the parts of the body are sensitive to pain; on applying even feeble pressure to a spot, it pains still a long while after.


Bruised pain in single joints.


On sitting, the bruised pain and fatigue are most felt.


Crawling on hairy portions of the body.


A feeling of crawling and coursing through all the nerves, coming from the abdomen.


Heat of the face, with insupportable anxiety, which yielded four or five times to perspiration, caused by covering the head, and intentionally accelerated breathing, upon which a transient sensation of highly agreeable coolness streamed through him.



Spreading herpes.


The itching eruption spread further, to the region of the abdomen and thighs.


Eruptions of little pimples show themselves here and there.


On the lower abdomen, in the region of the navel, the privates, and inner thighs, an eruption appears, consisting of small, whitish pimples, that itch violently, and create an irresistible desire to scratch, which only increases the burning and itching.


A few mattery pimples, of the size of a poppy-seed, appear between the forefinger and thumb of the left hand, and on the right of the neck.


On the front side of the left thigh, and on the seat, carbuncles appeared that are very painful; the carbuncle on the seat reached the size of a hen’s egg, was exceedingly painful, and discharged blood, without matter, in considerable quantities.


Itching, that causes scratching, in the region of the navel; eruption of small pimples with a red areola.


Violent itching in the region of the abdomen and legs, with irresistible disposition to scratch, which caused a scattered eruption of easily-bleeding pimples.


Excessive itching in the region of the navel and perineum, especially violent on the lower extremities, with an eruption of little pimples.


The itching began with a crawling sensation under the skin, moving in little circles, accompanied by occasional pricking, as of needles, and by burning.


Itching all over the skin.


Transient itching in different parts of the body.


Itching, like electrical stitches, in the skin, now and then.


During the day, transient itching under the skin, in both groins and on the left arm.


Frequent itching during the day, alternately about the neck, the extremities, and the region of the abdomen, without visible eruption.


Violent itching a night, of some duration, in the region of the navel, privates, and inner thighs, which induces scratching.


Excessive itching during the day, while walking, in the left popliteal space, on the right front side of the knee, and also in the region of the sacrum; it lasted all day, appearing alternately in different parts of the body, and often quickly changing its location.


Restless sleep, on account of very violent itching, that irresistibly induces scratching, not only on the abdomen and thighs, but also alternating on the arms and hairy scalp, which only abated somewhat toward morning, but did not cease, except at short intervals.


Nightly itching and burning, especially about the navel and the region of the inner thighs, mostly beginning in the evening, and increasing in intensity towards midnight.


Violent itching between the thumb and forefinger of the left hand, likewise on the back; a very restless night, with frequent waking, owing to the burning, itching pain, which continued, almost without interruption, in different parts of the body.


During the day, the prover felt a disagreeable burning pain on the inner surface of the thigh, on the spots which had itched during the night; it was increased by walking.


Frequently during the day, a corrosive biting, and burning, now and then, on various parts of the skin.


Corrosive biting, now and then, on the skin.


Pricking, as of needles, here and there.


Frequent violent pricking near the navel, and in different parts of the skin, as if splinters had penetrated it.


Shooting pains, now and then, in the skin.


Several times during the day, dine stitches, as of needles, in various parts of the skin, without any outward sign.


Itching stitches in the left eyebrow, the left ear, on the head, and in various parts of the body.



Chills all over the body (after ten minutes).


A chill pervading the body, from top to toe.


Continual chilliness;he cannot get warm in the room, especially early in the morning.


Much chilliness, and constantly cold hands and feet, yawning (two hours); pulse 60.


Easy chilliness on slight movement, and in a cooler air, or if the cold finger touches a warm part of the body.


He is chilled as soon as he goes out into the open air or raises the cover of the bed in the night.


Coldness of the whole body, with hot head, confusion, and loss of ideas.


Great internal chilliness.


Internal chilliness and cool skin.


A slight thrill of cold down the left leg as far as the foot.


Chill in the back, as if cold water were running down; this chill occurs when he leans with his back against a chair.


Now and then chilliness through back and limbs.


Chills, with shaking, upon lifting the cover of the bed.


Chills; face and hands, however, being warm.


Violent chills, with shaking of the whole body, and tremor of the hands in writing; the hands are cold, the face naturally warm, without any thirst or subsequent heat.


Chilliness in the open air.


Very chilly in the evening.


Long-continued chill in the evening, which increases to shaking.


Shaking chill for ten minutes on lying down in the evening.


Feverish chills every evening, without thirst and without subsequent heat.


Radiating warmth from the whole body.


Veins swollen, with cool skin.


Much creeping heat through the back, on slow walking in open air, with twitching in the left side of face.


Violent attack of heat in the evening; his cheeks glow, although his hands are cold; these symptoms are attended with long continued thirst, without any subsequent sweat (after twelve hours).


Heat in the night; she feels chilly on turning herself or raising the cover of the bed.


Increase of animal heat at night.


Skin very warm; veins much distended.


Continual heat during the night; afterwards sweat.


Repeated attacks of heat, combined with sweat, during a whole afternoon, attended with dull headache, without thirst; in the evening, on putting on his hat, heat and sweat in breaking out of perspiration over the whole body, even the hairy scalp.


After a quiet night excessive perspiration over the whole body.


Breaking out of perspiration with anxiety.


Sweat consequent upon moderate bodily efforts.


Sweat in walking.


Profuse sweating on every walk.


A great deal of perspiration during the forenoon.


Evenings, in bed perspiration, especially of the legs, without heat; on the contrary, with a sensation as if they were fanned by a cool breeze.


Copious sweat during the night.


Night-sweats during an uneasy sleep.


Copious sweat during the night about the legs.


Copious sweat during the night especially about the legs.


The face, neck, and chest are wet with cold perspiration.


Sleep and Dreams

Inclination to yawn.


Much yawning.


Frequent yawning.


Frequent yawning, as if he had not slept enough (after severe and a half hours).


Frequent repeated yawning; it is so violent that it makes him giddy; early in the morning when walking in the open air (immediately).


He yawned frequently, and each yawn was followed by involuntary laughter.


Very frequent convulsive yawning, with excessive opening of the mouth; repeated two or three times in a minutes.


Yawning, extension, and stretching of the limbs (after one hour).


Frequent yawning, with somnolence; he can hardly help falling asleep in the forenoon.


Sleepy, yawning, and stretching; pulse 65 (one hour).


Sleepy and tired the whole day.


Unusual sleepiness.


Irresistible sleepiness, which makes it necessary that the person should lie down.


Sleepiness, with heaviness of the head (immediately).


Early and unusual sleepiness.


Somnolence; he answered slowly.


Sleepiness, early in the morning, one hour after rising.


In the forenoon, when reading, he was overwhelmed with sleep.


Unusually great sleepiness after dinner.


Irresistible somnolence after dinner.


Great sleepiness the whole afternoon.


Unusually long and profound sleep after dinner.


Slept well, but roused himself with difficulty in the morning.


Sleep during the night was good, quiet, and strengthening.


Sleep unusually long and profound.


Sleep always good, but profound; as if stupefied on waking.


Slept well during the night, but she awakes unrefreshed, with a sensation of heat and heaviness in the whole body.


In spite of great somnolence, he cannot fall asleep (in the forenoon).


Although he felt extremely drowsy in daytime, yet he was prevented from falling asleep by an abundance of ideas that thronged his mind.


After dinner asleep oppressed his eyes; nevertheless, he was unable to fall asleep on account of pain and uneasiness in his legs.


Already, at eight o’clock in the evening, he felt so sleepy that he was obliged to go to bed; from fear lest someone should disturb him he only fell asleep an hour afterwards, after which he slept until near morning.


Being very sleepy in the evening he went to bed, but he felt so uncomfortable all over the body, and his legs felt so tired, that he was unable to fall asleep; this symptom continued after he had waked up from a dream.


Uneasy sleep (one to three nights).


Slept well, but often gnashed his teeth while asleep.


Sleep restless.


Sleep very restless.


Uneasy sleep, several times interrupted by waking up.


Frequent waking up in the night, as though he had slept enough.


Frequent waking up at night (fifth day).


Frequent waking up in the night, attended with anxiety.


He frequently wakes up in the night, is wide awake, but falls asleep again a little while after.


On falling asleep electric shocks, with twitchings through legs, more in left, and sudden, complete waking.


Slept well, but awoke at 1.30, and could not go to sleep again before 2.30.


Wakes very early in the morning (4.30); lies half awake, with continued, violent pressive pain in umbilical region; does not become fully awake.


During and after the proving somewhat heavy sleep, often interrupted by waking up.


Sleep stupefying, although several times interrupted by tossing about and waking up.


Later at night, short, restless sleep.


Night sleep interrupted.


Slept very little during the night, and awoke almost every half hour, but without any other symptom.


Restless sleep at night, with much tossing about; early awaking, without being able to sleep again.


Awaking three successive nights, exactly at midnight.


Restless, interrupted night-sleep, with anxiety.


Restless night-sleep, with constant tossing about, owing to an irksome heaviness in the whole body, in the head, as well as the chest, abdomen, and feet.


Slept badly, with headache and depression, bordering on melancholy.


At night, feat of suffocation; sensation as if the nose were entirely stopped.


Light sleep, with many dreams and constantly changing images.


Sleep interrupted by anxious dreams.


Internal uneasiness during a bad dream, the nature of which he is not able to recollect, and during which the body remained quiet; upon waking up to recollect, and during which the body remained quiet; upon waking up all uneasiness had gone.


Frequent waking up on account of bad dreams.


Disagreeable dreams often wake him up in the night.


Vivid dreams, partly agreeable, partly disagreeable.


Conditions Aggravation

(Morning), Vertigo, etc.; dullness of head; dull headache, etc.; frontal headache, etc.; pressive pain on vertex; itching of eyes; pain in superciliary ridge; trembling of eyelid; sneezing; pressure of facial bones; coated tongue; roughness in throat; increased appetite; nausea, etc.; pressure in liver; stitches in right hypochondrium; burning and itching in anus; urging towards anus; urine light-colored, like water; excessive sexual desire; cough; violent attacks of cough; violent cough, with expectoration of mucus; rattling of mucus in chest; slight coughing of mucus; frequent violent cough, etc.; cough, bringing up flakes of mucus; cough of thick mucus; violent cough, with expectoration of mucus etc.; indications of cough; burning in both legs; pain in left hip; burning in right leg; the left limb aches; pain in right tibia; pains in left tibia.


(Morning, in bed).


Headache; violent sneezing; chirping in occipital region of neck, etc.; muscles of posterior cervical region feel too short; coldness in right axilla.


(Morning, on awaking), Dull headache; headache, etc.; headache in forehead; drawing headache in forehead; pain in frontal eminence; painful stretching of the eye; pain in superciliary ridge, etc.; biting in edges of lids; heat of head and face, etc.; pain in articulation of jaw, etc.; dry feeling in fauces, etc.; pressure in region of stomach; violent cough; violent convulsive cough; labored, mostly dry cough, etc.; mucous expectoration; cough, with loose expectation; palpitation of heat; blows in the heart, etc.; tensive pain in tendons of left upper arm; sensation of pain in right hand; prostrate and confused; heaviness in whole body.


(Morning, on rising), Nasal catarrh; blowing blood from nose; stiff pain in right biceps.


(Morning, after rising), Bruised pain in right hip; pains in the tibia.


(Early morning), Heaviness and confusion of head, etc.; giddiness; vertigo, etc.; headache; pain in right half of occiput, etc.; drawing pain in occiput, etc.; stitches in occiput; agglutination of lids; bad smell from mouth, etc.; much hunger, but no appetite; eructation, etc.; grunting in abdomen; colic, etc.; liquid stools, etc.; erections; small, quick pulse, etc.; muscles of back feel too short; knee-joints painful; weariness; frequent yawning; sleepiness.


(Forenoon), Head confused; stupefaction of head; dullness of head; one-sided headache, etc.; pains in occiput and nape, etc.; external pain in head, etc.; tension across occiput, etc.; stitches in occiput; slight nausea; good deal of thirst; excessive thirst, etc.; eructations, etc.; sour eructations; nausea, etc.; sensation of flabbiness in stomach; discomfort in abdomen, etc.; pressure, etc., in abdomen, etc.; stitches in abdominal walls, etc.; griping in lower abdomen; pains in lower abdomen; urine watery; frequent cough; violent cough; convulsive cough; short, dry cough, frequent cough, etc.; attacks of cough, etc.; oppression, etc., in chest, punctiform stitches in chest; drawing, etc., in long bones; tearing in left forearm bones; contraction in flexors of left thigh; great deal of perspiration; frequent yawning, etc.; sleepiness.


(Towards noon), Stitch over left eyebrow, etc.; trembling of upper eyelid; feeling as of nausea; stitch in liver; disagreeable sensation in anus; slight shooting pains and tension in the chest; drawing pains in both tibiae.


(Noon), Dullness of head; pressure in both temples; pressure in right eye, etc.; cramps in stomach; griping in abdomen; heat and itching in anus; pressure in anus; evacuations; coughing; pain in region of heart, etc.; stitch in the sacrum; pains in loins, etc.; crawling, etc., in skin of legs, etc.; pain in hip-joint, etc.; pain in left tibia; pain in sole of right foot.


(Afternoon), Drawing pains in occiput; pain in left upper molar teeth; toothache; offensive taste; violent thirst; eructations; hiccough; pain in stomach passes to epigastrium; stitches in region of spleen; pain in lower abdomen; dark-green, etc.; stool; urine flame-colored; urine milky; attack of coughing, etc.; violent coughing; pain stretching from back, etc.; tearing in left forearm; rheumatic pains in left forearm; tearing burning in right thumb; pain in legs; dull sensation, like pain, in the hips; drawing in left thigh; bending of left knee; heat, with sweat, etc.; great sleepiness.


(Towards evening), Increased appetite; rabid hunger; tensive pain at pit of stomach, etc.; drawing in region of pit of stomach, etc.; drawing in back and sacrum, etc.; cough.


(Evening), Vertigo, etc.; headache; sensation of contraction in eyes; agglutination of lids; itching on bulbus; dizzy vision; fluent coryza; warmth of face; sensitiveness of front teeth; feeling of tension in region of thyroid gland; pinching, etc.; in epigastrium; pressure in spleen etc.; din in the abdomen, etc.; cutting in hypogastrium; cutting itching in rectum; evacuations; disagreeable sensation in urethra; stitches in chest, etc.; pain in right chest, etc.; violent palpitation of the heart; palpitation of heart; backache; twitches in right lumbar muscles; pain in both sides of sacrum; tearing pain in muscles of left upper arm, etc.; burning in right leg; light pains in dorsum of left foot; convulsions, etc.; sensation as if the whole body were shaken through; long-continued chill, etc.; feverish chills; violent attack of heat, etc.; heat and sweat.


(Late in evening), Cutting in abdomen; tearing pain in second joint of left forefinger; burning pain in dorsum of left foot.


(Evening, in bed), Jumping in recti muscles; perspiration on inner surface of legs; perspiration, etc.


(Night), Pressive pain in vertex; pains in stomach, etc.; trouble from flatus; itching of hypogastrium; there watery stools, etc.; knotty stools; burning in orifice of urethra; violent desire to urinate; passage of much urine; erections; violent spasmodic cough; violent cough, etc.; attacks of cough; snoring and wheezing in chest; sweat in dorsal vertebra; pain in the heart; pains along the back, etc.; stitch in dorsal vertebra; pain in left kidney region; left hand goes to sleep; pain in legs and feet; perspiration on the legs; sense of coldness in left leg; pain in right tibia; cramp in sole of foot; heat; increase of animal heart; continual heat; copious sweat; copious sweats about the legs; fear of suffocation, etc. (Before midnight), Itching and burning, etc.


(Midnight), Pain in left temple; pain in left abdominal region.


(Towards 11 A.M)., Difficulty in breathing.


(10 A.M. till 2 P.M)., Pain in left half of head, etc.


(2 to 6 P.M)., Lame pain in left arm.


(3 to 5 P.M)., Uninterrupted palpitation of heart.


(4 P.M. till evening), Constant pressure near the heart.


(Towards 1 o’clock at night), Pain in upper teeth.


(Night, at 2 o’clock), Jerks and pressive pain in right ankle.


(3 at night), Restlessness in every muscle, etc.


(Open air), Vertigo; headache in forehead; chilliness.


(Walking in open air), Reeling; staggering; vertigo; pain in supraorbital region; decrease of sight; ringing in right ear; griping in abdomen, etc.; griping in lower abdomen; pressive pain in sacrum, etc.; stitch in the sacrum; creeping heat through the back, etc.; frequent yawning.


(Bending body backwards or forwards), Stitches in lung.


(Bending body down), Clear water drops out of nose; nose feels obstructed; sensation of tension across region of lungs, etc.; posterior cervical muscles feel too short; pricking in cervical vertebrae; muscles of back feel too short; painfulness along spinal cord; oppression of heart, etc.; crackling of lumbar vertebrae.


(Deep stooping), Pains in limbs, etc.


(Bending body to left), Pressive feeling in hypochondrium, etc.


(Before going to bed), Violent palpitation of heart.


(After breakfast), Pressure in temporal bone; jerks in loose tooth; offensive taste in mouth, etc.; attack of nausea; sensation of discomfort in stomach; burning, etc., in stomach; pressure in stomach; pressure in stomach; sensation of heaviness, etc., i n stomach; oppression at pit of stomach; sensation of heaviness under navel; griping in region of navel; distension of abdomen; gurgling and rattling in intestines; burning in abdomen; slight griping; sensation of flatus; copious pappy stool; scanty, pappy, painless stool; tension across and chest, etc.; tension and pressure over whole chest; pain below sternum; sore pain under sternum.


(Breathing), Dull stitches in the liver; stitches in middle of right lung; stitches in left side of chest; stitches in left lung.


(Drawing breath), Stitches in left short ribs; stitches in left side of chest; pressure at middle of sternum.


(Inhalation), Soreness in nostril.


(Deep breathing), Sense of motion, etc., in muscles of chest, etc.; sprained pain in chest; pains from region of heart, etc.


(At end of expiration), Sticking behind sternum, etc.


(Closing eyes), Pressure under the lids; burning of canthus of eyes.


(Cold), Toothache.


(In cooler air), Easy chilliness.


(Touch of cold finger to warm part of body), Easy chilliness.


(Raising cover of bed), Chilliness; chills with shaking.


(Cold air passing into ear), Pain in ear, etc.


(Looking out of open window in cool air), Pain in teeth; pain in right knee, etc.


(Crossing the thighs), Violent pain in thigh; drawing and tearing in right thigh.


(After dinner), Headache; premonitions of headache; pressure in eyes, etc.; nausea, etc.; inclination to vomit; sense of fullness etc., in stomach; feeling of fullness and flatus; oppression at pit of stomach, etc., heaviness, etc., in abdomen, etc.; hard, scraping stool; coughing and sneezing, etc.; short, dry cough; burning in chest; slight backache, etc.; pain in spine; prostration of lower limbs; cold feeling on gluteal muscles; tearing pains in left tibia; of lower limbs; cold feeling on gluteal muscles; tearing pain in left tibia; unusual sleepiness; irresistible somnolence; long and deep sleep.


(After drinking cold water), Jerks in loose tooth; nausea.


(After an embrace), Great weariness; much exhausted etc.


(After eating moderately), Feeling of distension in abdomen; pressure etc., in abdomen.


(After eating a little), Pressure in stomach.


(After eating meat), Heartburn.


(After moderate exercise), Great fatigue; sweat.


(After passage of flatus), Hard stool.


(In gloomy weather), Brown spot before eye.


(In passing wind), Great pain in rectum.


(Putting on hat), Heat and sweat.


(Heat of sun), Vertigo.


(Hiccoughing), Pains from region of heart.


(Leaning back against chair), Pain in spinal column; pressive pain in sacrum; chill in back.


(Lifting up or putting down the foot), Pain in right calf.


(Light of sun), Giddiness.


(Lying on left side), Pain, etc., in left ear.


(Looking at light objects), Yellow spots before eyes.


(Looking into the light), Dizzy dullness of head.


(Using eyes by lamp light), Pressure in eyes.


(Lying on back), Rattling of mucus in chest.


(Lying down), Headache, etc.; pain in occiput, etc.; rushing in ear; pain in small of back; bruised pain in lumbar region; twitching of the muscle; pain in knee.


(Lying down at night), Blows in heart, etc.


(After a meal), Tongue coated white, etc.; nausea; oppression at stomach; soreness in hypochondria; frequent cough.


(Moving head to either side), Back of neck hurt, etc.


(More rapid motion of head).


(Motion of body), Backache.


(During increased motion of body), Dragging, etc., along spinal cord; pain in several places of spinal cord.


(Slight movement), Easy chilliness.


(After motion), Bruised feeling of bones of extremities.


(Moving the part), Tension in right upper arm.


(Moving the joints), Cracking in them.


(Moving eyes), Pressure in eyes; burning and pressure in eyeballs; sensitiveness of eyeballs.


(Moving mouth), Flow of saliva.


(Moving hands, or holding something with them), Tremor of hands.


(Slight noise), Stitches in frontal eminences; blows in heart, etc.


(When least taken notice of), Disagreeable sensation in head, etc.


(Opening and shutting eyes), Burning in eyes.


(Five minutes after commencement of palpitation of heart), Lame pain in left hand and arm.


(Pressure), Creaking of occiput; pressure, etc., in stomach; pain in umbilical region.


(Reading), Dizzy dullness of head; twitching and pressing in left eyeball; loss of vision; eyes grow weak; overwhelming sleepiness.


(Rest), Oppression behind sternum, etc.; tearing in left forearm, etc.; rheumatic pains in left forearm; stitches in left foot, etc.; stitches in the toes; symptoms generally.


(Getting out of bed), Knee-joints painful.


(After getting up), Itching of scalp.


(After rising), Stitches in the forehead, etc.; pain inside of chest; tension in right leg).


(Rising from seat), Anxiety in chest, etc.; pain in small of back; stitches in right knee; sense of stiffness in Tendo Achilles.


(Rising, after sitting awhile), Pain in legs.


(Rising from seat and righting body), Back feels stiff.


(Raising head), Flow of saliva into mouth.


(Raising left arm), Pain in deltoid muscles.


(Raising thigh when sitting), Pain in small of back.


(In room), Vertigo; inclination to vomit.


(Sitting), Pressure in forehead; pain in forehead becomes pressing and stunning; pain in forehead, etc.; occipital headache; spasms below diaphragm; dry cough, etc.; oppression, etc., in chest; sudden stitches in chest, etc.; irregular, strong beats of heart, etc.; anxious sense in heart; muscles of back of neck feel short; muscles of back of feel short; pains in dorsal muscles; pain in small of back; bruised pain in lumbar region; tearing in lumbar muscles; pain in sacrum; tearing in legs; the pains in legs; dull sensation resembling pain in hips; sitting parts feel bruised; tearing in left half of nates; tearing in right thigh; knee-joints painful; pain in knees; tearing in knee-joint; boring, etc., in right knee; pain in leg, etc.; tearing in leg; the pains in the tibia; bruised pain of inner side of gastrocnemii; tearing in outer surface of calf; pressure upon left malleolus; tearing in hollow of right foot; stitches in lower surface of heel; drawing, etc., upon lower surface of right big toe; various pains; symptoms of muscles; cramp-like pain in all the muscles, etc.; boring pain in head, thighs, etc.; bruised pain and fatigue.


(After sitting), Pain in external surface of both thighs.


(Sitting with a stooping chest), Stitches under left short ribs fine stitch in left chest.


(Standing), Pain in forehead; oppression in stomach; painful palpitation of heart; bruised feeling in small of back; paralytic pain in loins; pain in right loin; cramp in ball of thumb; the pain in legs; tearing in knee-joint; bruised pain in heels; sharp stitches in left toes; convulsions, etc.; sensation as if the whole body were shaken through.


(Stepping), Stitches in heel.


(Scratching), Burning and itching.


(Before and during stools), Pinching and cutting in abdomen.


(After stool), Rumbling in abdomen; creeping in lower abdomen, etc.


(Stretching and holding in the breast), Drawing pain in occiput.


(Stretching and turning thigh outward), Tensive sensation in region of right loin.


(Swallowing), Dryness of palate, etc.


(Empty swallowing), Creaking in ears.


(Swallowing saliva), Painful sensation in fauces.


(Sneezing), Stitches in region of sacrum; pains from region of heart.


(Smoking tobacco), Empty risings, etc.; inclination to cough.


(Tough), Pain in parietal bone; burning in canthus; stitches in throat; pain in right loin; pain between eighth and ninth dorsal vertebrae; pain in muscles of extremities; pain in back of right hand, etc.; pricking, in left thumb.


(Toughing the hairs), Pressure upon temporal bones, etc.


(Every turning motion of body), Increased painfulness of spinal column; violent pain in spinal column; violent pain in spinal column, etc.; pain in region of eighth and ninth dorsal vertebrae.


(Turning head backwards and towards left), Sprained sensation of neck, etc.


(When understanding in evening), Burning, itching of legs, etc.


(When urinating), Drawing in left groin; burning sensation.


(When vexed), Palpitation of heart.


(While vomiting), Sensation of foreign body in fauces.


(After vomiting), Feeling in left eyeball as though enlarged.


(Walking), Vertigo; oppression in stomach; stitches in abdominal walls, etc.; pain in left groin; difficulty of breathing; punctiform stitches in chest; pressure on breast, etc.; stitches in right lung; pain from sides of lumbar vertebrae; tearing in lumbar muscles; pains in loins; pain in sacrum, with exhaustion; prostration of lower limbs; pain in the hip; biting on the thighs; pain on outside of thighs; tearing in right thigh; paralytic pain in right thigh; contraction in flexors of left thigh; weakness in knee; pain in left knee; sudden bending of left knee; drawing in left tibia; pain in right calf; pain about both ankles; pain in heel; drawing sensation in right foot, etc.; pains in dorsum of left foot; tearing in soles of feet.


(After walking through room), Bruised pain in extremities, etc.; pressing pain in lower part of left leg.


(Walking up-stairs), Pain in right knee-joint; painful fatigue of legs.


(Walking up little hill), Copious sweat, etc.


(In warm bed), Burning in both feet.


(Washing with a sponge), Sensitiveness of spinal column.


(After garden work), Pain in back, etc.


(While writing), Flickering before eyes; unsteadiness of right hand; tremor of the hands.


(After writing), Sensation of going to sleep, etc., in right fourth of fifth fingers, etc.


(Writing stooping, or while standing), Going to sleep of hand.



(Early in morning), Pulse less intermittent.


(Mornings, after walking), Pain in lumbar region, etc.


(Forenoon), Pains in left tibia.


(Towards morning), Violent itching.


(Towards 4 P.M)., Redness of face, etc.


(Open air), Vertigo; inclination to vomit. (Walking in open air), Dullness of head; feeling of prostration.


(Boring with finger), Tickling itching in lobe of ear.


(Expiration), Sore feeling in left nostril.


(After drinking coffee), Pulse less intermittent, etc.


(Eructations), Occurrence of nausea.


(Extending the limb), Drawing and tearing in right thigh.


(Passage of flatus), Pressive pain, etc., in stomach; pinching sensation inside of abdomen; abdominal pains.


(After passage of offensive flatus), Pains in stomach, etc.


(Lying on left side), Tension in tendons, etc., of right lumbar region.


(Meditating), Vertigo.


(Motion), Pain in small of back; tearing in legs; the pains in the legs; pain in knee; prostration and weakness, etc.


(Continued motion), Pain in limbs.


(When observing the pain), Indistinct disagreeable sensation, etc.


(After perspiration in morning), Itching of hypogastrium.


(Pressure), Frontal headache; pain in forehead; pain in left temple; griping in lower abdomen, etc.; stitches in right lung; pain between eighth and ninth dorsal vertebrae.


(When rising), Rushing in ears.


(After rising), Burning in both legs, etc.; pains in tibia.


(In room), Vertigo.


(Rubbing), Itching and pressure in eye.


(Scratching), Pain over left eyebrow; stitch over left eyebrow.


(Scratching with sharp comb), Itching of scalp.


(Sitting), Disagreeable feeling in anus, etc.; stiffness and pain in back; cramp in ball of thumb; pain in hip.


(Standing), Pain in internal side of gastrocnemii.


(After copious stool), Headache.


(Thinking of something else), Vertigo, etc.


(Tough), Pain over cranium; pressure on internal side of gastrocnemii.


(Turning head quickly), Vertigo.


(Spontaneous vomiting), Spasms, etc.


(Walking), Dull sensation like pain in hips; tearing in left half of nates; stitches in both sensation like pain in hips; tearing in left half of nates; stitches in both knees; pain about both ankles, etc.; pain in knees; drawing in posterior side of left leg, etc.; pain in the tibia; pains in left tibia; great weakness, etc.; itching in popliteal space; burning in inner surface of thigh; sweat; profuse sweat.


(After short but quick walking), Fatigue.


(After continued walking), Bruised pain in right hip.


(Walking on level floor), Painful fatigue of legs.


(Warmth of bed), Pains in bones, etc.


(Washing body in cold water), Pain in superciliary ridge, etc.


(Washing body in cold water), Pain in superciliary ridge, etc.


(Wine), Contraction of eye, etc.


(Wiping), Adhesion of eyelids.

Rubrics: 321 Agar [994/321] Total
[Complete ] [Mind]BUSINESS:Talks of:Exploits, their: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]DELIRIUM:Pains:From:Forehead, in: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]DULLNESS:Night:Amel.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]EGOTISM, SELF-ESTEEM:Nymphomania, in: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]FEAR:Cancer, of:Weeping, with: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]LAUGHING:Pressure on spine, from: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]LAUGHING:Involuntarily:Pressure on spine, from: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]LAUGHING:Involuntarily:Yawning, after: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]LOQUACITY:Answers no questions, during which: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]NEW:Do anything, cannot: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]OBSTINATE, HEADSTRONG:Spasms of eyes, in chronic: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]RAGE, FURY:Alternating with:Religious excitement: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]RUNS ABOUT:Places, in most dangerous: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]STUPEFACTION, AS IF INTOXICATED:Morning:Amel.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]WRITING:Pretends to be: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Vertigo]MENTAL EXERTION:Agg.:Debate, after: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Head]COLDNESS, CHILLINESS:Scratching, after: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Head]COLDNESS, CHILLINESS:Vertex:Suture, coronal, after scratching, extending to forehead: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Head]COLDNESS, CHILLINESS:Icy:Forehead:Right: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Head]PAIN, HEADACHE:Choreic persons, in: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Head]PAIN, HEADACHE:Drawing:Stretching agg.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Head]PAIN, HEADACHE:Nail, as from a:Sides:Walking about amel.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Head]TWITCHING:Forehead:Eyes, above:Right: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Eyes]TWITCHING:Lids:Thunderstorm, before: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Vision]COBWEBS BEFORE EYES:Headache, during: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Vision]DIPLOPIA:Mental exertion agg.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Ears]PAIN:Burning:Frozen, as if: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Ears]REDNESS:Frozen, as if: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Nose]DISCHARGE:Offensive:Mental exertion agg.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Nose]DISCHARGE:Offensive:Profuse: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Nose]DISCHARGE:Thin, watery:Chorea, in: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Nose]EPISTAXIS, HEMORRHAGE:Mental exertion agg.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Face]COLDNESS, CHILLINESS:Spots: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Face]CONTRACTION MUSCLES:Eyebrows:Between: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Face]PAIN:Burning, smarting:Frost-bitten, as if: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Face]PAIN:Stitching:Splinter, as of a:Cheeks: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mouth]NUMBNESS, INSENSIBILITY:One-sided:Vertigo, in: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mouth]NUMBNESS, INSENSIBILITY:Tongue:One-sided:Vertigo, in: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Teeth]PAIN, TOOTHACHE:Stitching:Lower:Right: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Throat]ROUGHNESS, SCRAPING SENSATION:Sing, on attempting to: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Throat]SWALLOWING:Impeded:Chorea, from: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Stomach]ERUCTATIONS:Apples, tasting of: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Abdomen]OPPRESSION:Diaphragm: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Rectum]PAIN:Vomiting:On: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Rectum]PAIN:Splinter, as of a:Vomiting, on: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Bladder]URINATION:Difficult, dysuria:Pain, with:Sphincter vesicae: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Urine]MILKY:Afternoon: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Urine]SCANTY:Nervous women: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Female Genitalia]PAIN:Bearing down:Uterus and region of:Lifting, after: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Larynx & Trachea]CONSTRICTION:Larynx:Singers and public speakers, in: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Chest]JERKING:Lungs:Right: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Chest]MILK, LACTATION:Disappearing:Brain complaints, in: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Chest]PAIN:Splinter, as of a:Ribs, false, right: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Heart & Circulation]PULSE, HEARTBEAT:Irregular:Stool, after: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Heart & Circulation]SHOCKS, HEART REGION:Coughing agg.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Heart & Circulation]SHOCKS, HEART REGION:Eructation, after: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Heart & Circulation]SHOCKS, HEART REGION:Lying, while: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Back]PAIN:Extending to:Esophagus: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Back]PAIN:Spine, vertebrae:Turning agg.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Back]PAIN:Aching:Sacrum:Sitting: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Back]PAIN:Drawing:Extending:Chest, to: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Back]PAIN:Drawing:Extending:Esophagus, to: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Back]PAIN:Pressing:Extending:Chest, to middle of: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Back]PAIN:Pressing:Extending:Esophagus, to: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Back]PAIN:Pulsating, throbbing:Spine, vertebrae:Motion agg.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Back]PAIN:Violent:Spine:Motion agg.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Back]SENSITIVENESS:Sponge, to: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Back]SENSITIVENESS:Sponge, to:Hot: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Back]SENSITIVENESS:Lumbar region:Sponge, to hot: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Extremities]COLDNESS, CHILLINESS:Elbows:Olecranon: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Extremities]COLDNESS, CHILLINESS:Sensation of:Lower limbs:Nerve, along left: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Extremities]COLDNESS, CHILLINESS:Sensation of:Feet:Heel, left, in sciatica: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Extremities]INFLAMMATION:Toes:Frozen: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Extremities]PAIN:Shoulders:Right:Pain in left hip, with: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Extremities]PAIN:Thighs:Emissions, pollutions, after seminal: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Extremities]PAIN:Knees:Right:Hand, and left: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Extremities]PAIN:Burning, smarting:Crawling, fingers, second, index: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Extremities]PAIN:Pressing:Drawing:Ankles: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Extremities]SENSITIVE:Lower limbs:Skin, external:Sciatic nerve, along left: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Sleep]SLEEPINESS:Prolapse of uterus, with: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Skin]ITCHING:Mental exertion agg.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Generalities]COLDNESS, LACK OF VITAL HEAT:Cold drop or weight, as of a, single parts: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Generalities]IRRITABILITY:Physical, excessive:Hypersensitve to all influences: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Generalities]METASTASIS:Milk, from suppression of: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Generalities]STIFFNESS, RIGIDITY:Twitching, after painful: 3 1 / 1
[Kent ] [Ear]DISCOLORATION:Redness:Chilblains: 3 1 / 1
[Kent ] [Urine]MILKY:Afternoon: 3 1 / 1
[Kent ] [Back]PAIN:Aching:Sacrum:Sitting: 3 1 / 1
[Kent ] [Extremities]COLDNESS:Ice,like ice in spots: 3 1 / 1
[Kent ] [Generalities]PAIN :Stitching:Internally:Cold needles,like: 3 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Ears]DISCOLORATION, EARS:Redness :Chilblains : 3 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Generals]SHARP, PAINS, STITCHING :Internally :Cold needles, like : 3 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Larynx]CONSTRICTION, LARYNX, IN :Singing, agg. : 3 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Limbs]COLD, LIMBS :Ice, like ice in spots : 3 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Pelvis]ACHING, PAIN :Sacrum :Sitting : 3 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Urine]MILKY, URINE :Afternoon : 3 1 / 1
[Allen ] [F]FOREHEAD:Bone:Drawing:Extending to nose: 3 1 / 1
[Allen ] [S]SACRUM:Stitches:Noon, while walking in open air: 3 1 / 1
[Allen ] [S]SPINE:Pain:Burning, deep in: 3 1 / 1
[Allen ] [S]SPINE:Shooting:Deep in: 3 1 / 1

4.0 Agar : Agaricus Muscarius, Muscaria



Jan-Mar 1995, Volume No4, Issue 1


Dr. Prakash Shinde





By Dr. Prakash Shinde

A farmer, male, aged 28 years married came on 20/7/93 with the complaints of:

Stiffness in back, right upper extremity and left lower extremity. Intermittent twitching at cervical region. Pain at spine aggravated lying on back, touch and relief by movement. Sometimes vertigo if he moves in bright sunlight. Vague stitching pains at liver and spleen. Occasional burning in stomach. Sleep disturbed with frequent waking.

All above symptoms were aggravated in cold air and on eating. Burning, itching, redness over skin when exposed to cold air. Built slim, thin.

Has been examined by a physician and psychiatrist in the past. The above symptoms started when he was about 15 years of age and progressed gradually to this disabled state.

Habits Occasional alcohol since last 3 years to give relief to his sufferings. However he agrees that the condition has worsened since he has started consuming alcohol. Cigarettes- About 4 to 5 per day. While further questioning him about his symptoms he told me that he had a peculiar habit of looking for different types of sharp weapons wherever he went. He had revengeful plans in his mind.

Family History and family background: – Father died (alcoholic) before his birth. He has a mother, uncle, aunt, all well but very much worried about his ill health. His visits to weaponry shops for enquiry of sharp weapons was much disturbing to them with the thought that he would one day commit suicide so a psychiatrist was approached but the efforts were in vain.

This outstanding fascination towards sharp weapons is taken as a Key to unlock his health status & when I referred Kents repertory I was glad to see one rubric Plans revengeful page 69 Kent having solitary drug, Agaricus M. Even other symptoms were matching with drug picture of Agar mus.

20/07/93 Agaricus 200 BD x 7 days

27/07/93 No improvement Agaricus 1M, 1 dose.

03/08/93 No improvement Agar 50M, 1 dose.

10/08/93 No improvement Agar CM, 1 dose.

20/08/93 No improvement Agar 1M, 1BD x 5 days

27/08/93 Cervical twitching reduced. Pain between scapulae reduced to 10% Complaints reduced after 10 days.

07/07/93 Status quo, Agar 1M BD x 7 days.

14/09/93 Complaints 20% improvement. No medicine.

30/09/93 Status quo, Agar 1M BD x 10 days.

10/10/93 Patient feeling better. His attraction towards weapons had reduced, No medicine.

20/10/93 Improvement, No medicine

05/11/93 Status quo Agar 50 M OD x 5 days.

15/11/93 Feels better, Agar CM 1 dose.

15/12/93 80% relief, No medicine.

Since then the patient has not returned till today at my consultation for any complaint. The patient had no family problems except the death of his father before his birth and that he was brought up in a poor farmer class. There was no history of rivalry regarding land and property as he was the only son.

No H/o any quarrels in the past or any annoying circumstances; still his outstanding attraction towards weapons, that too sharp weapons and his revengeful plans in spite of his ill health gave a picture of super active mind withthoughts of violence with very bad physique was the key to his drug picture. Were his revengeful thoughts anything to do with his past life?

Editors comments: – Again one strong mental symptom taken as the essence of this mans pathology has helped this patient considerably.

A DAYS WORK [Days Work]


HEAL THYSELF (The Homoeopathic World) A Popular Journal of Medical, Dietetic, Social and Sanitary Science By J Ellis Barker.


1933 Oct Vol LXVIII No 814


Pierre Schmidt.




Bell / Anthr / Nat-s / Puls / Phos / Agar/ Cupr / Nux-v / Ars / Sulph / Med / Syph / Sil.


[Dr. Schmidts article will be of particular interest to readers because he is one of the leading high potency men. He uses almost exclusively high and the very highest potencies in very infrequent doses, following the examples of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, whose favourite potency was the 30th.– J.E.B.].

I WOULD warn the readers of this article not to jump to the conclusion that the remedy which I have successfully employed for some disease or other can safely be used in the hope of success in every case of the same disease. Diseases should be treated not in accordance with their names, but in accordance with the totality of symptoms of the patient. In giving the briefest summary of days work, I wish merely to show the all- sufficiency of the homoeopathic law and the fact that interesting and valuable results may be obtained by acting in accordance with that law. I would mention that Hahnemann published only a very few cures of his own because he wished to prevent his followers from acting mechanically and prescribing for the names of diseases instead of for the totality of symptoms, irrespective of the official designation of the complaint treated.

ACUTE COLIC ORIGINATING IN THE LIVER– Cured by three doses of Belladonna 200th potency in a few hours.

WHITLOW OF THE FINGER. — Very painful, was treated with a dose of Anthracinum 200th potency, and then with Hepar sulphuris 1000th, and is rapidly getting well.

ASTHMA.– A clergyman who had suffered for several years from this disease was rapidly improved with Natrum sulphuricum in doses which were gradually raised from the 1,000th potency to 500,000th potency.

ANAEMIA OF PRE-TUBERCULOUS CHARACTER.– A young girl, who suffered from this complaint, combined with very painful menstruation, was greatly relieved with Pulsatilla in the 10,000th potency.

APOPLEXY.– A man of 50 had had two apoplectic strokes followed by complete paralysis of the left side. His condition was greatly improved and he was enabled to walk almost normally and to speak, with a few doses of Phosphorus, one in the 1,000th potency, followed by a dose in the 10,000th potency and one in the 50,000th potency with an interval of from five to seven weeks between each dose. During eleven months there has been no relapse. There were two crises which occurred with an interval of three weeks.

  1. VITUS DANCE.– This disease in a backward girl of 15 years who had not yet menstruated and had a very thick neck, was greatly improved with the help of Agaricus followed by Cuprum and then by Calcarea silicata, all in high dilutions.

PERIODIC HEADACHES.– A lady of 45 with this trouble is doing well with Nux vomica 10,000th and higher.

ECZEMA ALL OVER THE BODY AND ACUTE ARTHRITIS.– A lady in this condition, 44 years old, is doing well, having received a dose of Arsenic in the 1,000th potency, and another dose in the 50,000th potency.

INFLAMMATION OF THE TESTICLES.– This trouble, combined with varicocele and neurasthenia, in the case of a young man of 20 was wonderfully improved in less than a month after two years sufferings from these complaints. He was given Arsenicum in the 1,000th potency.

SPASMS OF THE OESOPHAGUS.– A youth of 12 suffered from spasms of the swallowing tube, which caused him to vomit his food. His condition was greatly improved by a dose of Sulphur in the 1,000th potency, followed by Lachesis in the 10,000th potency.

MIND AFFECTION AT THE CHANGE OF LIFE.– A lady, 40 years old, suddenly had the sensation that she was living in a different world. Everything around her seemed strange to her, she knew no longer where she was and she suffered mental agonies in consequence. She was cured in a few months with Medorrhinum given consecutively in the 1,000th, the 10,000th and 50,000th potency.

TUMOUR OF THE BREAST.– A lady of 38 was cured of a breast tumour with Silica, but other tumours appeared afterwards in the other breast.

ASTHMA. A lady, 42 years old, had been suffering for eight years from asthma. She was cured in a month with a dose of Arsenic in the 1,000th potency, followed by Arsenic in the 10,000th potency, and the cure has remained for two years.

ASTHMA.– A girl of 15 with asthma is at present being treated and her condition has been greatly improved with Syphilinum 200the potency.

SYRINGOMYELIA.– A young man, suffering from this disease of the spinal cord was wonderfully improved and nearly cured in the course of six months with Phosphorus in the 1,000th and the 10,000th potency.

HAEMORRHAGE AND FIBROID TUMOUR AT THE CHANCE OF LIFE.– The haemorrhage and all other disagreeable symptoms were cured in the course of a year with Lachesis, followed by Phosphorus, both given in high potencies.

NERVOUS BREAKDOWN.– A young girl, who suffered from neurasthenia owing to sorrow caused by a love affair, was cured in three weeks with Ignatia in the 10,000th.

NERVOUS FEARS.– A lady of 54, who suffered because she feared to meet people, to go into crowds, and to go out because she dreaded that she would not be able to find a public convenience, was cured in six months with Sulphur in the 1,000th potency.

SWALLOWING TROUBLE.– A child of 2 was brought to me and the mother told me that it was unable to swallow any solid food. It could not masticate and would take no nourishment except liquids. The child suffered also from facial eczema which had been in existence for several months. A single dose of Calcarea in the 1,000th potency enable the mother, to her great surprise, to feed the child on solid food, biscuits, etc. The child rapidly learned to masticate thoroughly and within six weeks the eczema had completely disappeared.

These few cases are come of the patients whom I have seen in the course of a day. They gladden the heart of ma homoeopath, for they show the efficacy of the law of similars by his cures with highly potentized medicines. Ones satisfaction to produce cures like those described is increased by their having been brought about by a single remedy which was allowed to develop its full power of action before another dose of the same medicine in the same or in a higher potency was prescribed. Besides, no change of medicine was undertaken until the effect of the dose originally given had become fully established. If one changes haphazard from one medicine to the other or prescribes several medicines at the same time, one knows no longer which medicine has been responsible for improvement or for a cure.

Cases of Psoriasis – from our archives [Case Of Psoriasis From Our Archives]




1995 Jul / Aug Vol IV No 4


Kasivishwanathan T K.




Puls / Nat-m / Ars / Agar / Syph.

Psoriasis is one of the most obstinate skin conditions, which at the same times takes sudden turns for better or for worse without any apparent reason. And one has not infrequently seen cases clear up remarkably quickly after being given a Homoeopathic remedy and remain clear for a long time. Then on a recurrence when the patient comes for repetition of that “wonderful medicine” and after carefully taking the case again the same remedy is still indicated, what do we sometimes find? Not a disappearance of the eruption as before, but an obstinate persistence. However you will agree that we have quite good grounds for believing that the remedies given had some influence on the favourable course of the eruption”.


Some Psoriasis cases treated by Dr. Benjamin are –

Case 1:

Mrs. W. K., aged 20 gave a history of having had an irritating rash above the left elbow with scaling for about an year. This condition had persisted in spite of many level treatments. She loved company and craved sympathy. She was a very quiet-spoken, dark, attractive young woman, with psoriatic patches as described above. She was given one dose of Pulsatilla 10 M. She was not seen for over 3 months when she reported a steady improvement and the patch on the side had almost completely disappeared and the patch on the elbow was steadily improving. No further medicine was given. When she reported again after 6 months, she said that she had been quite clear for a long time.

(Note – Dr. P S Krishnamurthy prepared a complete anamnesis of psora and found the common factor Pulsatilla in the analysis,” I use Pulsatilla in cases of Psoriasis when no other remedy is coming forward for prescription. In addition to this, I usually use Pulsatilla in between the indicated remedies. But when it is indicated, I use it in almost all the available potencies in different scales until the edge of the Pulsatilla potency is completely rubbed off” – Dr. P.S. Krishnamurthy)

Case 2:

Mr. A.R. aged 19, had psoriasis in the shins, which had persisted since he was a child. It was generally worse in the winter. The rash, at the time of consultation, had also spread to the trunk. His general health was good except that he was constipated. He was tall, thin, and pale. Finding very few symptoms to prescribe upon. Dr. Benjamin remembered that the patients elder brother also suffered from Psoriasis and had done well on Natrum-mur, for which he gave clear indications, and therefore he prescribed Natrum-mur 10 M for this patient also with the result that in a months time all the lesions were very much less. After 5 weeks, when there was a slight relapse, another dose of Nat-mur 10 M was given with gratifying result; in four months time he was clear of the psoriasis. Dr. Benjamin himself advises that he would not advocate this method of prescribing but at times in the absence of any indications for any other remedy it may be useful.

(Note – There was some evidence to believe genetic predisposition to psoriasis in this case).

Case: 3

A very little woman who had a mild psoriatic eruption for several years. She was the typical “gold cane” Arsenic patient. Dr. Benjamin tried many potencies of Ars-alb ranging from 3x to 10M but got only temporary improvement, until he gave her for a short while four minim doses of Liquor-arsenicalis; thereafter a permanent cure was affected.

Case : 4

Mr. S V P, age 75 years consulted Dr. M.P. Nimbhorkar for treatment of psoriasis, patches of which were found on hands, legs, elbows and back for over 4 years other treatments gave no relief. He had severe itching and burning with restlessness, worse by cold, every winter and better by hot application. Desire for alcoholic drinks. Always slept with hands over his head. Great exhaustion after exertion. Had malaria earlier. There was a family history of father suffering from psoriasis and mother from eczema. Younger sister had also psoriasis.

He was given Ars-alb 30, one dose on 29-5-1980 and was asked to report after one month, he came back after a fortnight with increasing patches with burning, itching and restlessness. Given placebo for 2 months. After 2 months the patient complained of spread of psoriasis to new spots with itching and burning.

He was given one dose of Ars-alb 200 on 4 Sept. 1980 with placebo for 2 months. After that he felt better and itching and burnings were less; he was prescribed Ars-alb 1 M and 10 Nov1980 with placebo for 2 months.

Arsenic -alb had given definite relief but the patches remained when he was seen on 10Feb. 1981, there were changes in his symptoms. Itching and burning in spots better by cold water. General feeling of uneasiness in morning. Difficult to concentrate and gather his ideas. Arms very painful, worse by pressure. He was given, DNA 1 M one dose; repeated on 12 March 1981. The patient was better and when there was relapse in certain spots one more dose of DNA 1 M was repeated in August 1982. After 2 months there was improvement and only a small patch remained on left leg. The patient continued to improve and when he was seem again after a lapse of six years in May 1988, he had no psoriasis.

In this case DNA played a prominent part as a supportive medicine as heredity seemed to be a causative factor.


Case 5:

Mr. M.S. aged 32 consulted the doctor on 22 Aug. 1988 for the psoriatic patches on his skin, since the last 5 years. Rosy colour spot in skin itching, burning and swelling and worse after coition. Patient is very sensitive to cold and pain in his feet better by motion. Eruption on skin worse cold weather. He had a past history of syphilis in young age. Father had eczema.

In Kents repertory (P 1328) only a single medicine is given against the rubric – Itching, coition after. He was given Agaricus 200 one dose on 22 August 1988. After one month burning and itching were less but patches remained one more dose of Agaricus 200 repeated on 25 Sept. 1988 with SL for 2 months.

There was some improvement but the patient complained of severe pains in joints and bones in nights. Taking note of the past history of syphilis he was given Syphilinum 1 M dose on 10 Dec. 1988. There was a lot of improvement. Continued on placebo till March 1989. As a few patches were still there the doctor gave Syphilinum 10 M. After 2 months seen and there was a lot of improvement. SL and the patient continued to improve.



1) Homoeopathic Treatment of skin diseases. Dr. Alva Benjamin – The Hahnemann gleanings, April 1952.

2) Psoriasis – Dr. M.P. Nimbhorkar – Homoeopathic Heritage. April 1991.

3) Psoriasis – Dr. W.M. Taji – Homoeopathic Heritage. April 1991.

The art of reading is to skip judiciously.

P.G. Hamerton, in the Intellectual Life.





1995 Sep / Oct Vol IV No 5


Kasivishwanathan T K.




Agar / Thuj / Rhus-t.

That Odd Symptom

In his Organon, Aphorism 153, Dr.Hahnemann said in “this search for a Homoeopathic specific remedy, the more striking, singular, uncommon and peculiar (characteristic) signs and symptoms of the case of the disease are chiefly and most solely to be kept in view”.

That odd symptom which leads to the similimum is got from observation or during interview.

Some of the cases from our vast literature where the prescription was based on that odd symptom are presented below:-

CASE 1: Cough followed by sneezing

The lady was obviously feeling very low in spirits and depressed. Her chief troubles were utter exhaustion, periodic sore throats and indigestion relieved by eating. There was a feeling of trembling in stomach, with constipation and nightly aggravation. During daytime she felt as though her organs were almost paralyzed and she felt better at night. She was also very jealous of her husband.

As these symptoms gave a fairly good picture of Lachesis, Dr. Eric F W Powell was about to give her a dose of Lachesis 1M. As the patient was conversant with Homoeopathy, she inquired as to what was being prescribed and in what potency. When informed of the remedy, she said “that is what Dr X (a Homoeopath) gave me and it did not help me at all”. She said that Doctor also was a high potency man. Dr. Powell therefore thought his selection of Lachesis was wrong.

While talking with the doctor, she coughed two or three times and each little cough was followed by a sneeze. After searching in a detailed repertory. Dr. Powell prescribed Agaricus 200 3 doses, as that remedy covered her other symptoms as well. After initial aggravation, the patient improved in all her symptoms.

Kents Repertory pg 804 contains this rubric – Cough, sneezing ends in – AGAR, Arg-n, Rad, Bell., bry, caps, carb-v, cina, hep, lyc, psor, sang. Squil, Sulph.

T.F. Allens Handbook on Agaricus says – “Violent and isolated attacks of cough ending with repeated sneezing. Violent during the day; in morning, also on awaking; at noon with repeated sneezing”.

CASE 2: Sweating on uncovered parts only.

The patient had an obstinate attack of constipation, which for seven days resisted all medicines like castor oil, injections etc. He was in great pain and it was in the lower umbilical region and was intense in all lower parts of the abdomen. The mans face was covered with sweat and his hands were moist but his body was dry. Dr. George prescribed Thuja high based on the last mentioned symptom. While the previous day was all despair and confusion, next day was one of cheer and happiness as his constipation and pain were relieved dramatically.

(This article was published as far back as 1904 in the Medical Advance and was reproduced in Oct 1963 issue of the Homoeopathic World published in UK. The other peculiar symptom, of Thuja the disposition to leave sentences unfinished in conversation “commences every sentence anew without ability to finish may also be noted. Synthetic Repertory pg 938 – Finish sentence, cannot – Ars, Can-i, lach, med, thuj. The exact proved symptom appears as a rubric in Knerrs Repertory p. 75 under Talking.)

CASE 3: Burning Palm

An otherwise healthy woman consulted Dr. Hesse for what she termed as a trifling ailment but which made her desperate. She complained of burning in the palm of her right hand with a sensation as if she kept her hand in boiling water. It was aggravated by rest, in the cold, by holding cold objects and greatly in cold water and after midnight till morning. Relief was felt by letting the palm hang down, by motion, warmth and in hot water. At about 3 pm, the hand and whole forearm burns. She has to get up and run about. The hand felt paralyzed and as if asleep for hours. She is obliged to hold something light in her hand.

Dr. Hesse initially prescribed Ars-alb, twice a day. There was no change. So, Rhus-tox 3x twice a day was prescribed and after three days the pain became unbearable. Dr. Hesse gave Rhus-tox 200 daily one dose for 2 days. The pain was relieved after two days. Patient slept better. After a week Rhus-tox 30 one dose; there was great improvement. She could work with her hand even in cold water.

Dr. S. Lilienthal while commenting on this case stated “The selection of Rhus Tox was a splendid one, as it is our great antiparalyticum; the burning of the palm shows the paretic state of the vaso motors supplying it. Just let one try to hold a piece of ice in the hand and he will feel that icy coldness at first produced by the contraction of vasomotors and after a while a burning sensation produced by paretic dilation of the vasomotors and increased flow of blood


1) That Odd Symptom – by Eric F W Powell in The Homoeopathic World, Dec 1962.

2) Three Important Thuja Symptoms – in the Homoeopathic World, Oct. 1963.

3) Clinical Medicine – in The Homoeopathic Heritage, July 1988.

4) Kents and Knerrs Repertories.

Meeting Medical Emergencies




1993 Sep / Oct Vol II NO 5


Balakrishnan E.




Hell / Calc / Stram / Agar / Cocc / Cact.


Hyperpyrexia with Urinary Retention.

A 22 years old male patient had continuous moderate to high fever. Was on allopathic treatment since 5 days. On the 6th day the fever shot up to 104.5 F and the patient was in a state of delirium. Homoeopathic treatment was asked.

The patient when seen was drowsy; staring with eyes open wide, delirium; jerking of extremities, frequently. Shouting with convulsions of both the legs again goes into stupor.

No neck stiffness or rigidity.

There was however retention of urine. The bladder was full but the patient had not passed urine since past 9 hours.


Helleborus 200, 4 doses. One dose to be taken every 3 hours. Wet pack for the head and sponge bath as auxillary treatment.

After 2-3 hours, the general condition of the patient started improving. A good quantity of urine was passed. The temperature dropped to 102 F. By next morning, there was no fever and the patient was well.

Repertorial Rubrics:

  1. Stupefaction (KR page 84; Hell-3)
  2. Dullness (KR Page 37; Hell 3)
  3. Continuous fever stupid form (KR 1285; Hell 3)
  4. Extremities involuntary motion of (KR Page 1033; Hell 2)
  5. Extremities motion, leg automatic (KR page 1035; Hell 2)
  6. Retention of urine (KR 650; Hell 2)
  7. Heat (fever) (KR page 1278; Hell 2)

CASE 2: Chronic Vertigo

A female patient, aged 38, had a history of severe vertigo since 1981. She was married with a single child. She had undergone a hysterectomy for excessive bleeding which did not respond to therapeutic treatment. Her complaints started thereafter.

An EEG, CAT Scan-skull and other investigations did not reveal any pathology. Her ENT checkup was also normal. She was taking Vertin tablet daily, as prescribed by an allopathic doctor.

The patient came in 1992. A detailed case revealed the constitutional drug – Calcarea-carb. A main symptom that the patient presented was – Fear of getting mad.

Calc-carb 200 BD for a few days brought in a remarkable improvement. Calc-carb in graduated potencies cured the case completely. She has no more vertigo.

Repertorial Rubrics:

Vertigo – KR 96 (Calc-c 3)

Fear of insanity – KR 45 (Calc-c 3)

*Menses Copious – KR 725 (Calc-carb 3)

*In retrospect – perhaps the menstrual flooding could have been arrested and the uterus too saved if only Calc-carb or any other suitable homoeopathic drug had been given then.

CASE 3: Relapsed Typhoid

A boy of 12 years had another attack of fever after a gap of 12 days. There was a high fever on the 4th day with delirium. Antibiotics and other orthodox treatment were not useful.

Homoeopathic treatment tried at this stage. The boy was in a stage of delirium. He was muttering something in stupor. The relatives said that he was saying his evening prayers.

Stramonium 200 a few doses brought down the temperature and the boy recovered fully in 3 days.

Repertorial Rubrics:

Delirium – Synoptic Key – Pg. 50 (Stram 3)

Praying – Synoptic Key – Pg. 53 (Stram 1)

CASE 4: Severe neuralgic pain in the spine

A 17 years old college student came with severe agonising pain at the spot just above the sacrum. It was since 15 days that he had this pain. Treatment at the hospital with analgesics were not of much help. The X-ray of spine taken from all positions (Frontal, Lateral and Oblique) did not reveal any abnormality.

Sitting was the most uncomfortable position.

Agaricus 200 three doses for 2 days was given which relieved the pain and the student went about with his daily normal activities thereafter.

Agaricus 1M was given again to complete the cure.

Repertorial Rubrics:

Pain at sacrum – KR 918 (Agar 3)

Worse sitting – KR 918 (Agar 3 only one drug).

CASE 5: Bells Palsy

A 64 years old male patient had a severe hacking cough and sleeplessness since a few days. On 7-3-93 at night he had a difficulty in speaking, as if the tongue was paralyzed. On examination the left side of the face seemed paralyzed. There was a lot of lachrymation from the left eye. Opening the mouth fully was difficult. (He was a businessman having a lot of stress at the factory, office and home).


7-3-93 Cocculus 200 4 doses (one dose every 4 hours)

9-3-93 Cocculus 1000 2 doses (12 hours apart)

The next day i.e. on 10-3-93 a remarkable improvement was seen. There was no paralysis and the patient could speak well. However, the hacking cough persisted.

12-3-93 Senega 6, 8 doses were given. (one dose every 4 hours daily for two days).

14-3-93 Senega 1000 2 doses, 12 hours apart.

Repertorial Rubrics:

  1. Face paralysis – KR 390 (Cocc 2, Seneg 1)
  2. Face paralysis one side – Kr 390 (Cocc 2)
  3. Tongue paralysis – KR 414 (Cocc 2)
  4. Paralysis face, left side – Boericke 584 (Senega)
  5. Loss of sleep – KR 1402 (Cocc 3)
  6. Cough of old people – KR 798 (Senega 2)
  7. Mortifications ailments from KR 68 (Senega 2)

CASE 6: Unstable Angina

A 61 years old patient had chest pain and was under treatment of a cardiologist since a week. He was prescribed –

  1. Tab Dilcardia 30 mg tds
  2. Tab Sorbitrate 10 mg 1-2 qds
  3. Tab Eprin 150 mg od
  4. Tab Rantac 150 mg 1 od

There was no improvement inspite of the treatment. The chest pain and numbness in the left arm was rather worsening. He also had giddiness.

On 28-3-93 the patient consulted for homoeopathic treatment.

Chief Complaint:

Chest (Left side) above the nipple, severe spasmodic pain, squeezing in nature; pain shooting to left hand; numbness of upper arms of left hand. The pain was worse motion and lying down. A mild massage gave him some relief.

Vertigo was worse by motion and worse rising from a lying down posture.

There was a feeling that the chest is tightened and squeezed when the pain occurred.

Treatment: Cactus 200 six doses. One dose every 3-4 hours.

Follow-up: A remarkable improvement was seen from the very first dose itself, subsequently Cactus 200 was given twice daily till 31-3-93 by which time the patient was completely relieved of the chest pain and vertigo.

The patient came again on the 6-9-93 with severe bleeding piles and constipation. The complaint went with a few doses of Cactus 200.

(He had a past history of piles which was operated years ago).

Repertorial Rubrics:

  1. Pain heart – KR 849 (Cact 3)
  2. Pain worse lying on left side – KR 850 (Cact 2)
  3. Numbness, upper limbs left side – KR 1036 (Cact 3)
  4. Vertigo – KR 96 (Cact 2)
  5. Vertigo, worse rising from lying posture – Kr 103 (Cact 2)
  6. Constipation – KR 606 (Cact 2)
  7. Haemorrhage from anus – Kr 619 (Cact 3)
  8. Haemorrhoids – KR 619 (Cact 2)

No. 4. Renal Colic: A man had a renal colic since a week. He refused an operation which his physician advised. Piper- methysticum material doses were given which resulted in a dark brown sedimentous urine. However the pain still persisted. Treatment: Belladonna 2x ended the trouble.

From Emergency Shots – Dr. R.E.S. Hayes.





1939 Sep Vol LIV No 9


Julia M Green.




Bell / Samb / Lact / Agar.

[ Read by title before I.H.A., Bureau of Clinical Medicine, July 27, 1939].


CASE I. Belladonna. Of course there are plenty and plenty of cases helped by Belladonna; we feel well acquainted with its action so you may say there is no need to call this remedy unusual. But I was much surprised with it in this case.

Mrs. V.K.W., 35 years old, was taken Feb. 7 of this year with a severe attack of influenza which was epidemic at the time. After three days of rather high fever and the cardinal symptoms of the epidemic, which were much helped by Kali bi., her husband and two children came down with the same thing. She left her bed to care for them, pushing herself far beyond her strength. The hard, dry, racking cough caused involuntary urination and near exhaustion. Nothing given helped this cough, though other symptoms improved.

Puls. was tried and then Phos. Then her chronic remedy, Zinc., was given, apparently without effect. Finally. the evening of Feb. 22, I was below 105, eyes looked glassy had she was delirious. This was all true. In addition her face was much flushed; she complained of burning all over; skin dry; headache violent, throbbing; very restless. She had sudden sharp pains in throat and chest. Wild delirium came and went; she would not know who she was or where she was, talking incoherently, then suddenly rational again for a short time.

I gave her Bell. 2C. for these obvious symptoms of that drug, when to my surprise it removed all other symptoms too. Next morning temperature was nearly normal and did not again rise above 100. Sleep, which had been almost wholly absent for about ten days, returned, peacefully. The general aching left; the vile taste was gone; she could eat again with relish; the cough declined rapidly and the urine was controlled from the start.

After a few groups of Bell. 2c. in water, she had no more medicine for a week when Bell. 1M. was given as the nervous weakness, trembling and sleeplessness returned.

It was repeated in another week and acted well both times.

After three weeks Bell. 10M. was given because of a sudden exhaustion returning. This time there was no reaction and ten days later she was given her old chronic remedy, Zinc., once more.

QUERY: Is there a known relationship between Bell. and Zinc.?.

CASE II. Lactuca.

A slender, graceful woman of 35 years, unmarried, skin soft and smooth, has extremely poor inheritance. She seems to have both venereal miasms and psora mixed; never strong, always ailing.

Some of the marked, recurrent symptoms: Swelling of eyelids, upper and lower. Itching edges of lids. Injection of conjunctivae. Aching eyeballs with photophobia, sensation of cold air blowing in them. Skin so dry must grease it; on face as if thick and tightly drawn. Throat: pulsations. Itching all over after shower bath. Spells of great nervousness in the night, as if she would lose her mind, shrieking, tossing arms about, could not control them, sensation as if she would fly to pieces, Back, upper dorsal: sensation of great weakness; aching, must support it with hands when sitting and in bed. Full of mucus; some in eyes, much in throat, stomach; leucorrhoea profuse. Hungry all the time but abdomen distended easily after eating. Swelling ankles, hands, as well as eyes and face. Taste bad; breath offensive.

Lactuca, given on symptoms of face and the hysterical symptoms at night, created a marked general improvement.

CASE III. Sambucus.

A large, stocky child of medium complexion was 19 months old when I first saw her. She had always been fussy about food, refusing one thing after another, always restless and wakeful at night and hard to get to sleep in the daytime. She has been ill for two months with pneumonia when about 6 months old.

She would waken at 1 or 2 a.m. with crowing respiration and a hoarse sawing kind of cough accompanied by high fever and dripping sweat. In such attacks eyelids apt to be swollen and eyes sometimes glassy, expressionless; skin pale and moist. Coarse rales could be heard in the upper bronchi. Fussy, very restless, wanting water but no food. Some salivation.

These feverish attacks came every few weeks and between them the cough became almost constant, < after midnight, driving the family wild. Sometimes frequent sneezing with the cough.

The usual croup remedies did nothing; Merc. held for a time; Calc. and Sulph. produced only temporary relief.

Finally, after nearly two years of searching for the right remedy while attacks grew closer together until the child was sick more than half the time, I gave her a dose of Sambucus 2C. In twelve days the cough was about gone. Sambucus 2M. was given for more fever.

There was improvement then for eight months when Sambucus 2M. was given for another attack, much lighter.

Meantime the patient has grown wonderfully, looks well, temperament improved. I would hardly know her for the same child. While Sambucus was doing it first good work I thought she had gone to another doctor because the former frequent calls for help stopped so suddenly.

CASE IV. Agaricus.

A child of five years, plump with firm flesh, light complexion, has many common symptoms and some unusual one, e.g.: Tendency to mouth breathing. Nose stopped tight with mucus welling forth. Tonsils not large, uvula long, swollen, Grinding teeth in sleep. Perspiration free, head, neck, hands, feet. Desire sweets, rich foods. Cannot stand soap around nose, causes sneezing. Tendency to chest colds and asthma. Cough croupy, alternating with sneezing all night long. Wheezing all over chest. Dyspnoea accompanied by yawning. Extreme restlessness. Pulling hair, clapping hands, throwing herself, finally weeping. Itching all over so cannot sleep, very restless. Attacks of pain mid-abdomen, cramp-like, accompanied by nausea and vomiting. aching legs prevent sleep, wants them rubbed. Itching eyes and nose, keeps rubbing them. Nose red; sore.

Agaricus has made this child over in six months; potencies from 2c. to 1M. 10M. so far. She has milder attacks farther apart, is far less nervous, can sleep all night. WASHINGTON, D.G.

Anacardium orientale: Nervous depression; depression of regions of special senses. Weak memory. Sensation of impending misfortune (consider also Calc. c. and Gels.). Irritable, contradictory. Seems as if one could not control the will; knows it is wrong, but cannot resist doing it. Suspects everybody. Disregard of religious things; tendency to swear, cannot resist profanity. Do not punish a child for swearing; give it Anac. Prostration. Epileptiform seizures. Voracious appetite, must eat. This remedy most surely would have changed the mental condition of Esau and he might not have traded his birthright for a mess of pottage to relieve his awful hunger. V.M.JOHNSON, M.D.


[Reason to be for Homoeopathy – Case Report]




1932 Jun Vol XLVII No 6


Edward S Smith.




Cupr-cy / Cic / Agar / Bar-c.

[ Presented before the Connecticut Homoeopathic Medical Society May 10, 1932].


Among the cases claiming the attention of the physician there are few that present a stronger appeal than children who are sub- normal, either mentally or physically. When both of these conditions are found in one and the same patient the claim on our interest is greatly augmented.

The case which I have the privilege of bringing to your notice is that of a boy, an only child, who, when first seen by the speaker, was subject of both mental and physical defects, and during his few years had suffered a greater handicap than falls to the lot of most beginners in the race of life. When I first saw him, on June 30, 1931, his age was three and a half years. He could neither walk nor talk, but lay on the bed, or cough, or floor, indifferent to his surroundings, and requiring all the attentions of a baby. The father told me that up to his fifth month he was as fine a child as a parent could wish to have, healthy, vigorous and normal. At the fifth month he began to develop convulsions, which were of daily occurrence, often repeated, and very severe. While in the convulsion the child was unconscious for at least half a minute, the head was retracted, the eyes were rolled upward, and the extremities were in a state of clonic contraction, combined with tremor. This experience was repeated many times daily, the nurse, as she sat by the crib, observing as many as seven in a single night. The seizures occurred in the night more frequently than during the day.

So for three years the child continued in this condition, being attended at first by the family physician, and later be several pediatricians, all of the dominant school of medicine. Then it was decided to take him to the New York post-Graduate Hospital. The purpose of this change was to enable the laboratory experts to make repeated tests, to discover, if possible, the basic cause of the disease. He remained in the hospital eight weeks but all the tests made there were of no avail, for the report of the laboratory men was that the boy was one hundred per cent perfect by every test. No taint or infection, hereditary or acquired, was discovered, nor was there any enlightenment as regards the cause of the condition from other sources. The sole result of his experience in this hospital was the development of a mastoiditis, for which he was treated by the usual operation, and from which he eventually recovered, though not till after his return to Bridgeport. In passing, it may be said that four days after the operation he showed signs of a collapse, so a transfusion was done, the father being the donor. Tests made of the blood of the father, preparatory to the transfusion, showed it to be without infection of any specific nature, and quite suited to the purpose in hand. After his return home he was again placed under the care of specialist and men in general practice, who tried in vain to stop the convulsions and bring him to a normal state.

One of these men believing the seat of the disorder to be in the cerebellar region advised that the skull be opened so that the cause might be removed. But the father demurred, fearing the procedure would end the childs life. Another physician in his despair at the repeated failures to relieve the patient of his incubus suggested the transference of the patient to the state hospital for epileptics at Mansfield, Conn. Again the father refused, declaring that he would never do this till every other reasonable means had been employed.

In December 1930 the boy was trained by his devoted nurse to make an attempt at walking. She succeeded in helping him to develop a partial ability to balance himself, and walk with a stilted, unnatural gait by holding on to furniture. He continued these efforts at locomotion for six months when the effect of the convulsions overcame him, and he could do not more. This was on June 10, 1931.

On my first examination of the patient I found him to be a well nourished boy, three and a half years old, weighing about forty pounds, and as well developed as most children of his age. He was quite unable to communicate by language with those around him, and he seemed but very imperfectly to understand what was said to him. His inability to walk was evident. At times there is a marked exophoria of the right eye. He is left-handed.

A case of so unusual a type, and with a history of so many experiences with various physicians, demanded care in the development of a new line of treatment. The first prescription was Cuprum cyanatum 6x trituration, which was given on the assumption that there was, at the base of the brain, the result of a chronic congestion, for which this medicine has been prescribed with effect. This remedy was given three times daily for a week, but as no improvement was observed it was discontinued.

After further consideration he was given Cicuta virosa 6x dilution on tablets three times daily. This prescription was made on July 7th. The basis for this prescription is found in Allens Handbook of Materia Medica and Therapeutics where the record of symptoms is convulsions with distortion of the limbs, opisthotonos, spasms of all the muscles, unconsciousness. Clinically Allen gives convulsions from various causes, injuries, epileptiform, tetanic, with insensibility, jerking of the eye balls, muscles of the face, and of the whole body.

On July 12th, five days after the prescription of Cicuta, the convulsions stopped, and so far as is known there has never been a return of them. The child has been under the observation of his nurse day and night, with trifling exceptions, from that date to the present time, so it is believed if a convulsion had occurred it would have been noted.

On July 22nd he began to make attempts at walking, imperfect at first, but with increasing success, as the days passed, till now he runs and walks as well as a normal child of his age.

About this time it was evident that the boy had a clearer understanding of what was said to him, so the nurse began to encourage him to make efforts to talk. the response was slow at first, the vocabulary consisting of nouns, some of which he pronounced distinctly, but others quite imperfectly. However, progress has characterized the case in this respect also, for now verbs are appearing in his speech, and we hope soon there will be qualifying adjectives to join other words in his talking outfit.

In November 1931 he was given a few treatment with the actinic ray which has an excellent record in the treatment of similar cases, but his fear of the overhanging lamp was such as to cause a stopping of the treatment.

In January 1932, because of the inconsiderate demand on his resources by one who should have shown better judgment, he exhibited slight nervous twitchings, but these soon disappeared under the use of Agaricus 2x in tablet form. Later he was returned to the remedy Cicuta which he took twice daily.

On February 11m 1932, his medication was changed to Baryta carbonica 6x in tablets twice daily. This prescription was made on the basis of his backward mental state, and his general slow development. This is his medicine at the present time.

In seeking for the etiology of this case much difficulty has been encountered, but in the absence of a specific heredity, or symptoms of intestinal parasites, it is believed that the cause may be found in repeated shocks to the brain during the early months of infancy. For example, it is known that the patient was placed on the rear seat of a car, and was thrown from this place to the floor of the car when the car went over a sudden rise. It is known that he fell several times from a dressing table to the floor of the bedroom. There were many other evidences of carelessness and neglect, all without excuse, and due to the indifference of the person who had the responsibility of his care. These experiences must have resulted in repeated shocks to the developing brain of the child, and it is believed that the etiology of the case is to be found here.

Meanwhile under the direction of his physician, and the care of his nurse, the entire attitude of the patient toward his surroundings has undergone a decided change. From being merely a living thing with no interest in objects and persons about him, and unable to walk or talk, he is now mentally alert, keenly interested in play, either when alone or with other children, and demanding the co-operation of his father and his nurse in his play and in his entertainment. His mental development at present is that of a entertainment. his mental development at present is that of a child about a year and a half old. However, the development of his mentality has been so consistent and constant that there is much cause to expect he will eventually show the development of a normal mind in accord with his age.

The report of this case is made because it serves as a cogent illustration of the advantage which the homoeopathic system of medicine offers in the treatment of most disorders, especially those which are obscure in their origin, resistant to the methods of treatment practised by the dominant school of medicine, and so chronic in their course as to threaten the continuance in life of the unfortunate patient.

If I could present to you a picture of the unhappy father of this boy, pacing the floor of my office, almost overwhelmed with mental suffering as he related his disappointments with physicians who had endeavored to relieve the case, “in the last ditch with the enemy upon him,” and by contrast show you the condition now, when the boy waves him a good-bye as he departs to his daily task, and greets him when he returns at the close of day, with all the expressions of joy and delight which characterize a normal winsome child, you would, I am sure, agree that such a result affords a reason to be for the homoeopathic system of medicine.

So here is my report, fellow members, and as Ripley says “Believe it or not,” but in any event this is the case as I know it to be.


Hahnemann taught us that the common symptoms of diseased conditions were of little importance in making up the drug picture of the remedy for the disease that would do the most effective work. At first thought this truly seems an unreasonable statement. That we should throw out such symptoms as pain, fever, chill, inflammation, suppuration, tumors, and all the common features of diseased conditions as practically worthless, and take up those which were peculiar to the individual, and perhaps have no reasonable bearing upon the case from a pathological standpoint seems an unwarrantable position for one to hold. But years of homoeopathic practice from this Hahnemannian standpoint has proved the truth of the statement, and we do not lack for ample evidence to substantiate the position. H.P.HOLMES, M.D.1892.



Journal Of Homoeopathic Clinics


1869-1870 Volume III, N-1


G .W.Pope





Case 453

Agaricus in Vertigo.-Hon. Mr.-, aged about 40, robust, ruddy and plethoric, large head and massive chest, sedentary, a free liver, and habitual but not immoderate user of tobacco and stimulants had suffered for nearly two years from frequent attacks of vertigo with the usual heaving and whirling of objects about him; tendency to fall forward, partial amaurotic blindness, with floating muscae and vibrating spectra, and partial numbness of the left side of the tongue. Temporary constipation; exciting debate, or protracted mental application invariably brought on the attacks, which were accompanied by slight nausea, but unusual change of color, coolness of extremities, nor heat of scalp. Free catharsis, aided by abstemious diet, generally mitigated the severity of the attacks, the usual duration of which were from twelve to thirty-six hours. As the exciting nature of his profession, and his frequently protracted and extravagant mental efforts seemed to require the aid of stimulants, a radical change in his habits was out of the question. Hence a part of the treatment must necessarily be antipathic or palliative. He was directed to take some prompt cathartic whenever constipation threatened an attack, and Nux, Bell., Ignat., Glon. and Cocc., in medium and high potencies, were faithfully applied without effect. Finally, I prescribed ten or fifteen drop doses of the tincture of Agaricus, three times daily, whenever the symptoms appeared, and also directed its use for three or four days after the attacks passed away. The effect was admirable. Each successive attack was greatly diminished in severity and duration, they became less and less frequent, and finally, in less than three months after the first exhibition of the remedy, wholly disappeared. Nearly two years have elapsed since the last attack, and Hon, Mr.___’s health is as robust, and his habits as careless and convivial as ever.-N. Amer. Jour. Vol. IX, 1861, p. 364, 5.

  1. W. Pope.



Homeopathic Physician


1881 Vol I No 7


  1. W. Rushmore




Agar / Calc / Lyc

Psoric irritation of spine and eye

Psoric Irritation of Spine and Eyes. Calc., Lyc., Agaricus.

October 7th, 1880. Miss Mary C., aged sixteen, consulted me, with the following history and symptoms: Has had weak eyes from infancy, which have been worse for one month. She menstruated at ten years, when she began to be sick, suffering from spasms of pain, leucorrhoea and numbness of limbs, so that she could not feel the floor on walking. The menses have been irregular at intervals varying from two to ten weeks, copious and free from pain; the interval is now about three weeks.

She sees only the left half of objects; in place of the right half bright zigzags; sees bright spots green, red and white; also, a mist before the eyes, so that distant objects look dim. She suffers much from heat in the eyes and pressure in the back of the orbits; worse from looking fixedly, from reading, from bright light, natural or artificial, from mental exertion, and in the evening. This heat is also worse from closing the lids and in wind, better from cold applications. There is itching of the lids and canthi. She has constant pain in the temples and over the eyes, worse in warm room and weather, from exertion of the eyes and in wind. There is heat, smarting and a sense of sticks and distress in the spine. The backache is worse from standing and walking, and is relieved by pressure in the lumbar region; but pressure in the dorsal region excites laughter.

The local and constitutional symptoms were together regarded as most similar to those of Calcarea Carbonica, of which she received Dunham’s 200th potency, night and morning for three days.

Improvement set in at once; but delight at being able to use her eyes, led to over-use of them, and the report by letter a month later was, that nausea from use of the eyes, heat of the face, pain in the back from lifting, as if she had no feeling except in the back, coldness between the shoulders, extending to the sides, and cold feet had been added to the farmer symptoms. She received Lycopodium c. m. (Swan), morning and evening for four days. In three weeks, December 1st, her mother wrote that the back was almost well, but that the head and eyes were worse, paining severely and incessantly, with heat in the head and face, so that she could not stay in a room of ordinary warmth. Phosphorus, in high potency, was sent her, without benefit, and again Calcarea, with but little improvement. She reported again as follows: The eyes worse, the pain constant, deep-seated and sharp shooting, worse in light and from reading, better in cold air and in twilight. Heat in the eyes; they burn on closing the lids and from exertion. The feet are very cold and swollen, with troublesome chilblains. The spine is sensitive to touch in various parts.

The chilblains suggested Agaricus, which, on examination, was found to present the principal symptoms of the case. Heat in the eyes, worse from closing the lids, inability to use the eyes, with painful sensitiveness to light; mist before the eyes, dryness, itching of the canthi, soreness of the spine to touch and troublesome chilblains, with cold feet, were all found under Agaricus. Accordingly, seven powders of Finch’s 900th potency were sent her, with the request to take one every morning. In a few weeks she reported by letter that soon after beginning the last remedy, she got better; that she could use her eyes at any kind of work, and that she seemed in every respect well. Recent inquiry elicited the information that she has remained well.



1888 Vol VIII No 1






Agar / Bov / Bry / Lil-t / Corh

(Read by Flora. A. Waddell, M. D., at the Homoeopathic Medical Society Delaware, Ohio, May 8th And 9th, 1888.)

My name being placed in the Bureau of Clinical Medicine for this year, I will respond by calling your attention to a continuation of the subject of last year, the verification of some of the symptoms occurring in my practice since that time. I hope some others present have something to offer on this subject, as verified symptoms soon make a strong and indisputable work of reference on which all may depend.

Toes itch and burn; are red and swollen, as if frost bitten. This condition had annoyed the patient for eight years, every spring and fall; was very severe. The only relief obtained was by applying Chloroform to the affected parts. This would relieve for a short time. Gave Agaricus 30x two doses, one hour apart, which entirely relieved for two weeks, when a slight return made it necessary to repeat the dose. Has not had a return since taking the last medicine, over a year ago. Had four other cases of chilblains presenting the same symptoms cured by Agaricus.

A lady having diarrhoea before and during menses, so severe as to debilitate her very much. Had been troubled for the past three years. Noticed, while talking to her, dents on her fingers caused by the scissors she had been using. The patient said any hard pressure left such marks. That made me think of Bovista. On looking over the proving found it had all the symptoms she gave me. Put up some powders of the 30x to be taken one three times per day, during her need of them. The morning of the fifth day she came into the office, saying, “I have something new the matter this month. For the last three mornings I awakened with such fearful cramps in my lower limbs that I cannot stand it any longer. I have to rub and work with them a long time before I can get up, when it passes of until the next morning, when it is the same thing over again.” I went to a repertory, as the condition was not a common one, aud found Bovista was the remedy, the cramps being a proving. I gave Sac. Lac., and in a few days they disappeared, She was much improved otherwise. The next month gave the 200x, one dose every other night. This did not cause any trouble and cured the diarrhoea, as there lias not been a return for the past four months.

A lady had pneumonia; was not called until the third day of her sickness. On entering the room the sight was startling. It seemed as if there was small chance for anything to afford relief, still less to cure. The effort for breath was so great, the eyes seemed fairly starting from their sockets. In broken words she gasped, “I cannot move, I cannot breathe for this pain in my lungs.”Every effort to cough would start the tears. I dissolved a few pellets of Bryonia 45m in a teaspoonful of water and dropped a few drops at a time on her tongue. In about fifteen minutes she commenced to breathe easier; in an hour she could turn with help, and in three hours was asleep. Gave Sac. Lac., every hour; only one dose more of Bryonia, same potency, the third day, as improvement seemed to cease, This should convince the most skeptical that virtue exists In the high potency as well as the low when applied according to the rules laid down in our guide book, The Organon of Samuel Hahnemann.

A Methodist minister’s wife had for the last eight years been afflicted with rush of blood to the head, chest, and arms, so severe as to make life a misery. Feet cold, and must constantly move them, especially after lying down at night. Hering gives the symptoms under Lilium tig. like this: Fullness of head with pressure outward, as if contents would be forced through every aperture, conscious pulsations over whole body, and out pressing in hands and arms, as if the blood would burst through the vessels. Constant motion of the feet and limbs on lying down. Gave Lilium 200x, one dose every night until relieved, then three times per week until cured. The peculiar symptom in this case was that she paid her bill and sent a number of her friends to me for treatment. In our part of the country the ministers expect us to do their work for thanks and help to pay their salaries besides.

I now wish to call the attention of the physicians present to a remedy called Crawley. I have never seen it mentioned in homoeopathic literature, have never known of a proving. I have produced a few symptoms in cases where I have been giving it, but they were too sick at the time to push the drug effects any further. King’s Dispensatory gives all the knowledge I have of it except my own experience. It states that it was used by the M. D.’s of long ago for fevers in its powdered state. I obtained some fresh roots and made a tincture of them. The high price I paid for them should have made it resemble Aurum metallicum. From this I prepared the third potency and commenced experimenting with it. I found it would cure the common fevers for which we usually give Aconite very much the same way. It is very effective in the, first stage of typhoid, which Aconite is not. It will break hectic fever where it has not passed beyond the stage of cure without leaving the patient prostrate afterward. There is another peculiar fever we meet with occasionally that I have never been able to cure with anything. Perhaps others have been more successful. Such cases as have had this condition for a number of years coming on in the forenoon and lasting until midnight, the fever reaching its height about two o’clock in the afternoon. Can bear only the lightest covering at night, even in the winter time. They do not have a chill in the beginning, no perspiration following. From twelve o’clock until morning can be covered and sleep well. Appetite good. Usually able to be about, but very nervous in the afternoon.

This fever has some diseased conditions aside from the fever not the same in all cases. I have found it in both sexes, and with very different symptoms in each case. Would remove all the rest of the trouble with the properly selected remedy, and expect this fever to go also. Alas for my expectations they failed to be realized. Without a knowledge of this remedy should have failed in curing my cases. As an illustration, I will give one case.

Lady, thirty years of age. Has had urinary trouble for five years, accompanied with headache, etc., a well marked Sulphur case. Gave Sulphur200x and upward until it removed all the urinary and head symptoms. She said: “There is one trouble your medicine does not reach. I am better than I ever expected to be, and would think I was well if it was not for this fever I have coming on every day in the forenoon and lasting till midnight. I cannot bear only the lightest covering, and the soles of my feet, the inside of my hands, feel as if on fire, and I get so nervous in the afternoon I scarcely know what to do. Still can work some, and go about all the time.”I said, “How long have you had this trouble so bad? “She answered, “About four years.”I had given Sulphur. Now gave Sanguinaria, then tried Chamomilla, but without improvement. Then I gave third potency of Crawley root, a dose to be taken three times a day. In three weeks was well.

My hearers are ready to ask by this time,”Did you never have any failures? Do you want us to think your judgment is never at fault, that your medicine always works like a charm?” I would say this. It is ten years since I commenced to practice Homoeopathy according to the light I had given me. I have cases all the time in which my diagnosis is at fault. Sometimes from carelessness, sometimes from my imperfect knowledge of the materia medica, and, to tell the truth about it, sometimes because I do not know. I would relate some of it if I could see where it could benefit you, but I do not doubt but that you all have had enough of that in your own early experience not to need any of mine in addition; but this I do know, my greatest successes are achieved with the single remedy and potencies of the 200x and upward. Wishing you all success and happiness, I bid you adieu.



1890 Vol X No 3


  1. W. Sherbino





Constipation During Pregnancy.-Mrs. A., eighteen years old, light hair and blue eyes, primipara. Has had constipation ever since she became enciente. I had given her several remedies with no relief whatever.

The fore part or the first of the stools is hard; the after or last part loose or diarrhoeic. Itching, burning, and redness of the hands and feet. She says she can tell when she is going to be constipated, as her hands and feet itch and burn so, worse at night. She can scarcely sleep. Agaricus-mus. CM, one dose, made her better for two weeks. One dose more cured.

Foreign exchange notes


1912 Vol 2


  1. Del Mas


General Topics / Cases


Bell / Lach / Carb-v / Cist / Agar / Nit-ac

Le Propagateur de l’Homoeopathie

June, 1913

*At the last meeting of the Regional Society, Lachesis was discussed after reading it from Nash. Dr. Bernay stated that Bell. has a continued congestion, Lach. an intermittent one, and Glon. one yet more intermittent.

Dr. Gallavardin said that Bell., and not Lach., answers to the aggravation from clothing around the neck when the disturbance appears to come from within, rather than from without; also about the stomach, Lach. loosens the clothing if the aggravation is external rather than internal, as in Carbo-v., Graph., and other remedies.

Dr. Noack called attention to the fact that Lach. has cured many of his cases of cirrhosis with ascites, in drunkards.

In his first lines of Cancer of the Stomach, Dr. Nebel referred to the fact mentioned by Dr. Hirschfeld (Zeitschrift fur Krebsforschung, Vol. IX, Heft 3) that there is often a precarcinomatous pernicious anaemia present, in cases of latter carcinoma – whether the tumor be readily recognizable or not. Dr. Nebel remarks that the scirrhus form, when affecting the stomach, has a syco-psoric basis. His reported cures of cancer merely tell again that the knife cannot compete with the indicated remedy.

L’Homoeopathie FranCaise

June, 1913

Cistus canadensis is well rendered by Dr. Ch. Noailles.

Dr. Barlee, of Edinburgh, reports two cases: one of chorea, and the other of eczema, which Agar. and Nit.-ac. cured, respectively. In order to find the remedy he used the 2nd edition of Kent’s Repertory, and really used it as a master. He appears to realize that there is something in the teaching of Hahnemann – which Kent and his followers uphold in its purity – of which he never dreamed before he put the instructions into practice.

As preface to his reports of cases he says:

When Hahnemann, in aphorism246 of The Organon, taught that every small dose of a remedy, well-chosen, will accomplish all that it can do within forty to one hundred days, he undoubtedly hoped his disciples would prescribe only one remedy at a time and let it work.

Kent and the American School have for many years revived the ideas of The Organon, and thanks to Kent’s works especially – notably his Lectures on the Homoeopathic Philosophy and his Repertory – we are now equipped with working-facilities unknown to our predecessors.

For the last few months I have been trying that way of treating the sick, and the fact is I obtained results absolutely astonishing when compared to what I did formerly, and compared to what the majority of my confreres of Europe do – who too frequently repeat the doses, and sometimes alternate. I allude especially to chronic diseases; in the acute, it may be often advantageous to repeat until a favorable effect is obtained.

The above quotation voices again what all true followers of the Master know, that mongrelism can as well cure the sick as an ass recite the Lord’s Prayer. Withal it is that enemy in our ranks that brays the loudest and kicks the hardest when time comes for wearing the harness that is found within the covers of The Organon. When that same mongrelism is seated with a professed Homoeopathic Medical Faculty, its teaching and its practice demonstrate through professors and students that Madame Allopathy a toutes ses tendresses. Under her equivocal influence, even our deans do not hesitate to swab the throats of patients with argyrol, and attempt to purify the veins with “specifics.”


Girl of nine years.

Chorea following scarlatina;

Extremities and tongue in continuous motion.

Spasms amel. during sleep.

(Kent’s Repertory, p. 1013, under Motion involuntary. The reader is also referred to p. 1310, under Chorea amel. during sleep.)

Agar. 200.

Nitric acid

Miss M., aged thirty-six years.

Eczema on arms and legs for past three years.


Weeping disposition.


Anxiety when ascending steps.

Anxiety about her health.

Averse to consolation.

Fond of sweets.

Prefers cold to heat.

Nit.-ac. 200; later, 1000: on the symptom

“Anxiety when ascending steps” (vide Kent’s Rep., p. 5).

The prescriber is to be complimented for being modest enough to follow the precepts of The Organon. Through his simplicity of mind and his love of truth, he will pursue his way en semant le bien.

Journal Belge d’Homoeopathie

May-June, 1913

Rectification and Confirmation, by Dr. Cahis, of Barcelona, Spain, testifies to the action of the high potency in cancer and other dyscrasiae.

In his Alkaloids Dr. Castellan, of Toulon, France, takes the ground that sulphate of quinine has done more harm than has malaria. We believe that he is correct. He is known to have proven, satisfactorily to himself, that quinine could never compete with the similimum. But how many of us can find the similimum

Revista de Medicina Pura

April-May-June, 1913

Vaccines, Sera and Homoeopathy, by Dr. Comet Fargas, tries to explain anaphylaxis via Homoeopathy, or rather Isopathy.

The Homoeopathician defies the scientific world to prove that germs are the causes of diseases. We maintain that the condition of the blood, in a given individual, is the basis for the spontaneous development of the microbic life in man. Germs are result, and not the cause of diseases. As results of disease, germs carry – through inoculation – the disease-causes into the inoculated. Where is the scientist who ever established the fact (not theory) that nature is an inoculator by germs?

Panchot and Chabry have already satisfied themselves that the normal sera – and not the contained products of bacteria – introduced into the blood-circulation, are the causes of results obtained through the administration of antitoxin sera. This would confirm our view, above stated: that the condition of the blood of the individual accounts for the microbic life which the individual will develop. Hence “germicides” were born of error. The best germicide is the best blood – that due to a normal vital force having complete sway in man.

Health and disease are but order and disorder in an organic, living structure, depending for their manifestations on orderly or disorderly dynamis. In the domain of dynamis, matter enters not, and the material germ, as such, could not disturb the orderly element of health. It could disturb only by virtue of the disorderly force it carries, from which it was born.

English Exchange Notes

Homoeopathic World

July, 1913

Records as propaganda

Homoeopathy is a law of Medicine and physicians are the persons best qualified to make the observations upon which alone a faith in the law can be justified. But while this would readily be granted, it is doubtful if the members of our medical army do their duty in the way of recording their experiences. It is true our adherents are none too numerous, and are nearly all busy (often overworked) men, yet if time could be found for the record of even one piece of experience every three months by each homoeopathic physician, we should in a few years have a body of recorded clinical evidence which would be invaluable for propaganda, for teaching, and for self-improvement.

As it is, Society Secretaries (not to say Editors,) have much difficulty in obtaining material; the few willing ones come forward again and again to help, and the vast majority are content to read (sometimes) the labors of others without any stimulation to produce something themselves.

We wish to suggest to our medical brethren that this is not as it should be.

Minority-causes demand some sacrifices from all those who believe in them, and those to whom Homoeopathy has become an asset for their work might surely pay a little of their debt.

It is a mistake to think that long and elaborate papers are the only worthy contributions. The labor would be slight, the reward to readers great, and to the writer not small, for experience recorded becomes more deeply impressed on the mind. If men cannot or will not set down their own experiences, will they translate those of others?

We commend the idea to the activities of the National Homoeopathic Fund, but the principal change needed is a realization by all of us –

First, that there is a constant need for fresh records.

Second, that we ourselves have a duty to perform in supplying them.

– Editorial.

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