Course Content
ই-বুক চর্চা করে ২৪২ টি হোমিওপ্যাথি ঔষধের পণ্ডিত হতে পারবেন
ভিডিও দেখে ২৪২ টি ঔষধ অতি দ্রুত শিখুন
প্রতিদিন সকালে ১০ টি ও সন্ধ্যায় ১০টি করে ঔষধের ভিডিও শ্রবণ করুণ।
DHMS প্রথম বর্ষের অনুশীলন
DHMS দ্বিতীয় বর্ষের অনুশীলন
DHMS তৃতীয় বর্ষের অনুশীলন
DHMS চতুর্থ বর্ষের অনুশীলন
হোসাইনী কিনোট- প্রিন্টেড বুক, ই-বুক ও ভিডিও সম্বলিত স্মার্ট মেটেরিয়া মেডিকা।
About Lesson

Calc-i: ক্যালকেরিয়া ও আওডিন উভয় ঔষধের লক্ষণ একসাথে পেলে ক্যান্সার, যক্ষ্মা, পেটে বায়ু জমা, গ্ল্যান্ড ফোলা, মাথা ব্যথা ও স্তনে টিউমার প্রভৃতি অসুস্থতায় ব্যবহার হয়।

Calc-i: গ্ল্যান্ড ফোলা, বিশেষত টনসিল বড় হয়ে তাতে বহু ছিদ্র থাকলে এই ঔষধ বিশেষ উপকারী।

Calc-i: পুরাতন কাশি, নৈশঘর্ম ও হেকটিক জ্বর (পঁচা জ্বর) সহ দিনরাত্রি কাশি।

Calc-i: স্তনে টিউমার, হাত নাড়ালে টিউমারে ব্যথা লাগে।


বৃদ্ধি হয় উপশম হয়

< রাতে

< ভোর পাঁচটা থেকে সকাল নয়টা পর্যন্ত

< দুপুর ১টা থেকে সন্ধ্যা ৬টা পর্যন্ত

< সন্ধ্যা ৬টা থেকে রাত ৯টা পর্যন্ত

< রাত ৯টা থেকে ভোর ৫টা পর্যন্ত

< ঠান্ডা আবহাওয়ায়

< খোলা বাতাসে

< উষ্ণতায়, উষ্ণ বাতাসে, উষ্ণ বিছানায়, উষ্ণ ঘরে, এবং উষ্ণ কাপড় দ্বারা আবৃত করে রাখলে

< খাওয়ার আগে

< উপোস থাকলে

< মানসিক পরিশ্রমে

< সহবাস করার পরে

> খাওয়ার পরে

> ঠান্ডা লাগলে

> খোলা বাতাসে 


গন্ডমালদোষ উপসর্গের চিকিৎসায়, বিশেষ করে গ্রন্থিসমূহ, টনসিলের বিবৃদ্ধি প্রভৃতিতে এই ঔষধ ব্যবহার করে প্রচুর সুফল পাওয়া গিয়েছে। বয়ঃসন্ধিকালে থাইরয়েড গ্রন্থির বিবৃদ্ধি। সহজেই সর্দি-কাশি লাগে এই জাতীয় থলথলে শিশুরা। স্রাব হলুদবর্ণেরও পরিমানে প্রচুর হবার প্রবণতা যুক্ত। শিশুদের অ্যাডিনয়েড তন্তুর বিবৃদ্ধি। জরায়ুর অবুদ। ঘুংড়ীকাশি।

মাথা ঠান্ডা বাতাসের প্রতিকূলে ঘোড়ায় চড়ার সময় মাথার যন্ত্রণা। মাথা হাল্কা মনে হয়। সর্দিজ-উপসর্গ নাকের গোড়ায় বৃদ্ধি, হাঁচি, অনুভূতি খুবই কম। নাকে ও কানে কোমল অবুদ।

গলা টনসিলের বিবৃদ্ধি এবং টনসিলগুলি ছোট-ছোট গর্তে পূর্ণ।

শ্বাসপ্রশ্বাস পুরাতন কাশি; সিফিলিস ও পারদ ঘটিত ঔষধের কুফলে বুকের ব্যথা, কষ্টকর শ্বাস-প্রশ্বাস। (ডঃ গ্রভোল)। ঘুষঘুষে জ্বর; সবুজ বর্ণের, পুঁজের মত শ্লেষ্মা। ঘুংড়ীকাশি। নিউমোনিয়া।

চামড়া সহজে ভালো হয়না এই জাতীয় ক্ষত, তৎসহশিরাস্ফীতি। সহজেই ঘাম হয়। তামার মত রং যুক্ত ও ফুসকুড়ি জাতীয় উদ্ভেদ সমুহ। মাথার দাদ, দুগ্ধপোষ্য শিশুদের মাথায় মামড়ী যুক্ত এক প্রকার ঘা, গ্রন্থিসমূহের স্ফীতি, চামড়া ফাটা-ফাটা, মাথার চুল পড়ে যায়।

সম্বন্ধতুলনীয় অন্ত্র গ্র্যাফিস-ব্লুবেল (অ্যাডিনয়েড তন্তুর স্ফীতি সহ টনসিলের বিবৃদ্ধি। এক্ষেত্রে সালফ, আয়োড, এগ্র্যাফিস ও ক্যালকেরিয়া আয়োডের পরে ভালো কাজ করে। একোন লাইকো – টোনিস (গ্রান্থিসমূহের স্ফীতি, হজকিনস ডিজীজ)।

এছাড়াও তুলনীয় – ক্যাল্কেরিয়া ফ্লুয়োর; সাইলিশিয়া; মার্ক আয়োড, শক্তি- হয় ও ৩য় শক্তি।

Calc-i : Calcarea Iodatum

Calcium iodide, Calcarea iodide, Iodide of lime (CaI2)




The pure iodide of lime is triturated for use.


-Combines the general action of the lime salts and that of iodine. It causes induration, especially following inflammation.



< Morning, five a.m. to nine a.m.

< Afternoon, one p.m. to six p.m.

< Evening, six p.m. to nine p.m.


< Cold weather

<, > Open air


< Before eating

< Fasting

< From mental exertion

< After coition

> After eating

> Becoming cold


-Flabby children subject to colds.

-Scrofulous children, pale, fat and weak.

-Complexion:Dark, brunette.



-Periodical attacks of anxiety. Physical anxiety.

-Easy, indolent feeling.

-Indifferent to everything which may happen.

-Very angry over small matters.

-Frequent spells of anxiety; anxious over trifles.

-Aversion to company.

-Delusions; sees dead people.

-Fear of insanity; of misfortune; of people.

-Impatience; indifference; indolence; irresolution.

-Irritability; during headache.

-Insanity and mania.

-Mental prostration.

-Restless and anxious.

-EXTREME SADNESS. Weeping, tearful mood.

-Dreams amorous, anxious, of dead people.


1. Generals

Right-sided remedy.

Desires stimulants, alcohol. INCREASED APPETITE. Appetite wanting. Marked loss of flesh.


Flushes of heat or sensation of heat

Profuse sweat

Exertion is impossible. GREAT GENERAL WEAKNESS; in the morning; during menses. Great lassitude; > lying, but lying long in bed<s, as=”” the=”” patient=”” is=”” <=”” from=”” warm=”” bed.<=”” p=””></s,>

Face discolouration, pale, and yellow.

Hypertrophy:Mucous membranes, vegetations.

2. Head

“Sensation as if it wasn’t, yet was” in head, light headed.

Constant, severe, dull headache, forehead and temples, < stooping. Sharp, piercing pain in right temple.

Pain in forehead and temples with coryza; < riding against cold wind.

Head, tinea:favosa capitis, scaldhead, porrigo, ringworm.

Falling out of hair, alopecia.

3. Nose

Chronic, long continued coryza. Coryza with fluent discharge.

Nasal catarrh, worse at root of nose; sneezing; very little or no sensation of smell. Discharges profuse, yellow, green, thick, purulent, offensive, excoriating.

Sneezing > Open air.

4. Stomach and abdomen

Eructations, hiccough, nausea.

Rumbling in bowels.

Cutting pain in stomach. Pulsation in stomach.

Constant evacuation of large quantities of wind downward.

Constipation; inactivity of the rectum; difficult stool; hard stool.

Diarrhoea; evening, after eating. Exhausting; stool bloody, copious, watery, white, yellow; passing of copious flatus.

Itching of the anus; burning after stool; tenesmus after stool; ineffectual urging to stool.

5. Throat

Catarrh of the larynx and trachea; constriction. Croup, membranous.

Inflammation of the larynx; mucus in the air passages. Pain in the larynx.

Laryngismus stridulus. Phthisis of larynx; tickling in the larynx.



Indurated goitre. Goitre during menses, during pregnancy, in puberty.

6. Chest

Pain in chest with difficult breathing after syphilis and mercurialization.


Violent, hard cough after pneumonia. Cough morning; evening, after midnight, asthmatic, DRY; from irritation in the larynx and trachea, short spasmodic; from tickling in the larynx. Convulsive, spasmodic, dry cough.

Catarrh of the bronchial tubes.

Expectoration:morning; bloody, greenish, mucus, offensive, purulent, viscid, yellow.

Constriction of the heart.


Acute tuberculosis pulmonalis.

Fever, in tuberculosis pulmonalis. Incipient tuberculosis pulmonalis.

Palpitation of the heart, warm during the night. Trembling in the heart. Gout of heart.

Inflammation of the bronchial tubes, of the pleura; oppression of the chest; pain in the chest on coughing; in the heart; burning, cutting, pressing, rawness; stitching on coughing; stitching in mammae. INDURATION OF THE MAMMAE.

Nodular tumours in mammae, tender to touch, painful on pressure, and on movement on arm. Purple nodules in mammae, sensitive, < moving arm.

7. Skin

Itching in various parts of the body, disappearing and reappearing in other parts only relieved after much scratching.

Copper- coloured and papulous eruption. Herpetic eruptions. Eruptions, milium.

Tinea favus. Crusta lactea, eruptions crusty, scabby. Skin cracked.

Falling out of hair.

Eczema in strumose persons.

Yellow, spots in jaundice, icterus, etc.



Indolent ulcers.

8. Others



Inflammation of conjunctivae.

Exophthalmic protrusion of eyes.

Aching pain in prosopalgia.

Astringent taste in mouth.

Impaired hearing with enlarged tonsils, adenoids.

Suppression of urine. Frequent urination, when busily occupied, must run and pass a little urine.

Milky leucorrhoea.

Profuse menses.

Chronic inflammation of testes, orchitis.

Organic stricture of urethra with gleety discharge.

Choreic, convulsive movements; convulsions; clonic; epileptiform; with falling.

Distended, engorged, plethoric, varicose veins.










ABSCESSES, CHRONIC, BONES, GLANDS, Anaemia, Addison’s disease, ENLARGED GLANDS; KNOTTY tumours, TUBERCULAR MENINGITIS, Tuberculosis of kidneys, PHTHISIS, PHTHISIS OF LARYNX, HOARSENESS, Hydrocephalus, INFLAMED SUBMAXILLARY, SUBMANDIBULAR GLANDS, Inflammation, peritonitis, and enteritis:Mesenteric glands, Exophthalmic goitre, Tabes mesenterica, Polypus in ear and nose, Uterine fibroid, myoma, ADENOIDS, CROUP, PNEUMONIA, Indolent ulcers accompanying varicose veins, CANCER OF MAMMAE, Caries, necrosis of bone, Softening of bones, Mollities ossium

tumours OF THE BREAST, Syphilis, congenital, third stage, Tuberculosis:Lupus vulgaris.




Calcium iodatum; Iodide of lime, CaI. Preparation: Triturations.



Indifferent to anything which may happen (after three-quarters of an hour).



Light headed (after three-quarters of an hour. Slight giddy headache (after eight and three-quarters hours). Sensation as though my head wasn’t, yet was (after three-quarters of an hour). Slight pain in the head, with heaviness over the eyes and nose (after four hours and five minutes). Fullness of the head (after three and a half hours). Attack of the small dull headache as he experienced after the first dose (immediately). On waking in the morning, he had still the same dull aching as he had the previous night (after ten hours). Forehead. Very severe headache over the forehead and in the temples, while riding against cold wind (after one and a half hours). Fullness in the forehead, aggravated by stooping. Severe aching in the forehead, afterwards most severe in the left temple. Severe dull aching over the forehead and sides of the face, worse in the right temple. Severe dull headache in the forehead (after five minutes). Constant dull pain in the forehead, ever since first taking the drug (third day). Severe dull pain in the forehead and over the right side of the face, with dull pain in the first upper molar tooth on the same side, on waking in the morning (after ten hours). Dull heavy pain in the forehead (after ten minutes). Temples. Severe headache in both temples, while making the 2D cent. trit. Constant dull pain in the temples, ever since first taking the drug (third day). Severe dull headache in both temples, especially in the right (after five minutes). Dull pain in both temples, especially in the left, and over the root of the nose (after half an hour). Sharp piercing pain in the right temple (after ten minutes).



Pain over the eyes (after eight and three-quarters hours).



Numbness and ringing in the ears (after one hour).



Dry furred feeling on lips and tongue (after one and a quarter hours). Mouth and gums burn like fire (after five minutes). Bitter taste in the mouth, but not disagreeable, like myrrh (after one hour and forty minutes). Bitter taste, partially relieved by tobacco (after two hours). Taste at first sweetish, afterwards slightly astringent and metallic. Astringent taste, like alum (after five minutes).



Inclined to belch wind (after one hour). Slight hiccough (after one hour). Slight nausea (after one and a quarter hours).



Rumbling in the bowels, with discharge of wind (after one hour and five minutes). Constant evacuation of large quantities of wind downward. Evacuation of large quantities of wind, after rising (after ten hours). Slight pain in the abdomen.


Heart and Pulse

Pulse regular and soft, 80.


Neck and Back

Stiffness of the back of the neck (after eight and three-quarters hours). Stiffness of the neck continues (after forty minutes).


Superior Extremities

Dull, heavy lameness in the posterior surface of the right arm. Severe laming pain in the external portion of the right arm, with numbness of the hands and fingers.


Inferior Extremities

Tired feeling in the lower limbs, especially in the calves of the legs. Pain across the anterior surface of the upper third of both thighs, as if he had been beaten.



Easy, indolent feeling (after three-quarters of an hour). Weariness of the whole body.



Itching in various parts of the body, disappearing and reappearing in other parts, only relieved after much scratching (after one hour). Persistent itching on the right elbow, followed by the same on the left knee.



(Morning), On waking, pain in forehead, etc.; after rising, evacuation of wind. (While riding against a cold wind), Headache over forehead, etc. (Stooping), Fullness in the forehead.



(Tobacco), Bitter taste.






July- December 1995


Dr. Mary I. Senseman




Ruta / Puls / Symph / Spig / Calc-f / Calc / Guai / Sil / Hecla / Calc-s /Cadm-i / Alum-sil / Calc-sil / Led / Toxi / Viol-t / Calc-i / Bar-c / Stront-c / M-aust / Anthr / Merc-v / Tarent-c / Lyc / Caust / Scroph-n / Echi / Sanic / Thuj / Ferr-ma / Con / Berb / Card-m / Bell / Kali-c / Morph-s / Chel

By: – Dr. Mary I. Senseman, M. D.

Surgery is mechanical and its application should be restricted to the correction of faulty mechanical, conditions. There are two misfortunes that require surgery: lacerations or breaks in any tissue; obstruction that cannot be reduced by any other means.

A doctor is sometimes puts on his mettle to bring a case to a successful conclusion with only homoeopathic remedies, disregarding the popular surgical processes. I shall cite a few cases from my practice.

Glaucoma from Contusion.

Mr. C.S., aged 57, four weeks before he consulted me, he was looking upward to direct some carpentry on a ceiling. The workman missed a square blow as he struck a nail, and the nail fell with considerable force, striking the patients left eyeball the mark of the head of the nail could still be seen on the sclera, appearing as a round, flat-bottomed depression surrounded by the swollen conjunctive, and palpation disclosed that area as the most indurated. Left eyeball was bloodshot, and eyelids were very red and much swollen. Entire eyeball bulged, so that the right one felt sunken in contrast.

Lachrymation, severe photophobia, sensation of a foreign body on conjunctive, inability to focus eyes was the symptoms. He had been given some kind of eye treatments at a clinic for a week or more before coming to me. He thought that particles of something had fallen from the ceiling and were still in the eye. But there was no foreign matter. The trouble was unquestionably due to the bruise, and an intraocular haemorrhage of some degree must have occurred.

The eye was kept covered with gauge to rest it as much as possible, and to protect it from external irritation. Ruta grav.10M was the first remedy administered. Pulsatilla 200 was given four days later, and Symphytum 1M the next day. By that time, there was less inflammation, and no sensation of a foreign body. But, there was still much soreness and photophobia.

That evening, he attended a movie, and in the middle of the night there was profuse lachrymation. A few hours later, he was so much distressed that he went into a mild state of shock; felt faint, nauseated; perspired; pulse weak and show, But, he soon recovered. There was still induration of the eyeball, especially where the nail had struck.

I gave Spigelia 30; later Spigelia 1M. By the next day, all symptoms were decreasing. I later gave Spigelia 10M. Immediately after that he overtaxed the eyes by driving his auto 160 miles, part of the trip after dark. As a result, swelling, redness, lachrymation, and inability to focus recurred. Spigelia CM was given. Three weeks after my first prescription, the eye was normal.

Tuberculosis of Femur.

Mast. C. F., aged 15 years, was in hospital for ten weeks, sent by the High School, as he had an abscess on elbow thought due to injury while playing football. He was given large doses of Sulfa and Penicillin. Nobody paid any attention to his complaints of pain in left hip until a nurse lifted the leg to swing the charley horse out of it. The boy screamed. Then, an X-ray picture was taken. Head of femur was eroded. The parents were told that Dr. So and So would operate. The hospital was told that nobody would operate and that the patient would be taken home.

My first prescription was Mercurius chromicus 10M, Dec.28 1944, although I did not see him until May 17, 1045. All those months, he had fever, a part of every day. Temperature varied from 97 to 101 F. Pain developed in left knee and in other parts of left leg. Abscesses appeared in thigh, and particles of bone were discharged.

His mother described a symptom that he has, which disappeared before I saw him. He is a decided blonde. While, still in hospital, black hair appeared all over him. Sometime after beginning my treatment, that hair began to fall out His mother cleaned quantities of it from the bed everyday.

During the four and a half months before I visited the young man, I had sent numerous remedies by mail. I dont think any of them was a similimum, but he improved steadily. Some of the remedies were Calc flourica, Symphytum, Calc carb, Guaiacum, Silicea, Hecla lava, Calc sulph., Ruta grav., Cadmium iod, Alumina silicate, calc sil.

When I visited him on May 17, 1945, he still had a little fever everyday; pulse was 120. He was very pale. The upper half of left thigh was indurated; The left knee was painful if moved. But, he couldnt lift the leg from the bed, which had not been possible all those first months.

Just one year from the time he had to leave high school, he returned. The femur was adherent in the acetabulum at a bad angle, which caused a very bad limp. He is more than six feet tall, has weighed 242 to 280 pounds. At every step he leaned far to the left, putting great strain on the spine.

He completed high school and had four years at Millikin University. Then, he was selected for employment at Research institute, a medical department of the University of Illinois. When, he began a research n Nov. 1951, he still had two small openings in the tight. He was under skilled observation, and in July 1952, two pieces of bone were removed, as they were too large to emerge from either openings. The fistula healed in much less time than the surgeons expected.

Major surgery on the adherent femur had been under consideration, but they wanted to be sure that active tuberculosis would not be around by such an operation. On the other hand, some intervertebral disc might be damaged at any correct the faulty alignment. That operation was done on April 30, 1953.

He had continued to take my prescriptions. Besides those named previously, he had Thuja and some of the Calcareas, mainly. When operations were done, he was given such remedies as Ledum, Ruta, Symphytum.

After 7 or 8 months post-operaive use of trunk and leg casts, he walks erect. There is some mobility of the pelvic girdle, which compensates partially for the immobilized hip joint, which was done deliberately by the surgeons, instead of using some device that might permit movement in the socket.

He is still employed at Research Institute. There has been no indication of active tuberculosis of bone for more than five years. It took 7 years of homoeopathy to accomplish that.

Tuberculosis of the shaft of the right femur.

Mast. W. B., a boy aged 8 years, had been sickly from birth. He had had jaundice at one month. He cried a lot his first two years.

In June 1939, he developed pain in the right leg and lay with his knee flexed. He would not let his parents move him, as he feared, he would have more pain. He would move himself, little by little, across the bed.

After six weeks, he was able to walk with crutches. The leg had been flexed both at groin and knee, but now was straight, and there was no joint involvement.

Four fistulous openings developed in middle of the thigh. They began as abscesses about six months after the onset of the trouble. Two openings closed after two years; the other two discharged for four years. Painful bits of bones didnt necrose my more, the fistulae healed.

Some if the remedies used were Symphytum, Toxicophis, Viola Trico., Guaiacum, Crespa, Trombidium, Ledum, Calc iod., Calc flour., Baryta carb., strontium carb., Calc carb., Masparing friends or foes alike when he deems it fit. If there was ever a parchament of Homoeopathy, I would feel he would always relish being the leader of the opposition. His opinions may or may not be accepted by the readers but his obvious sincerity and scholarship can well be seen in his journal in his editorials comments and in his articles. Magnetis Polus Australis, Anthracinum. Mercurius vivus, Tarentula cubens, Lycopodium, Hecla lava, Causticum, Scrophularius, Echinacea, Senicula, Thuja. He is now twenty six years old, married and has two children. He is a carpenter and has done strenuous physical work all his adult life. He has never had a return of the trouble, although several times subjected to brushing of bones.

Tumour of breast.

Mrs. J. H., aged 79. In June 1954 she noted irregular lumps in her left breast, like a group of several nodules, each projecting forward to different degrees, like a group of several nodules, each projecting forward to different degrees, like a miniature mountain range. Adherent behind the nipple, and just to the left; dark bluish gray at that area. Some pain extended towards the left axilla, and a thin ridge was palpable along the line of pain.

In four months, the irregularity of the surface had disappeared and the entire mass had been gradually reducing. I couldnt find the ridge, but there was some enlargement of a lymphatic gland in that region. The patient told me that she had practically no pain. The nipple became so hard and dry that it dropped off; Discolouration is less dark where adherent. Only one remedy has been administered Ferrum magneticum in potencies from 10M to CM, at intervals of 4 to 6 weeks. Conium was given once, but was not beneficial. While this condition is far from being cured and many never wholly disappear, she has reacted favourable thus far. She looks fairly well and does a good deal of work in her home. Her daughters think she is getting along better than she would under any other kind of treatment.

Gall Stone.

Ms. M. B., a women aged 48, had many attacks of gall stone colic, of varying degree of severity over a long period of years. My predecessor, Dr. J. D. Knott, had prescribed for her, and I continued to do so. In 1935 she was seized with unusually great pains. The gallbladder could be outlined by palpation; the muscles were rigid and the face dusk-hued. I gave her Berbers 30. The acute pain gradually subsided, but, the patient never lost the deep sallow color of skin.

Seven months later, agonizing pain came on one evening. Nothing that I sent to her gave any relief. I visited her at 2 a.m.., when she was in collapse, but conscious. She could not endure the slightest tough in gall-bladder region. I gave Morphin sulphate gr. by hypodermic; and Belladonna 30, every fifteen minutes. There was violent but ineffective urging to vomit about every half-hour. She recovered sufficiently to get out of bed after a few days, but lost 12 Pounds in one week, and had constant aching and soreness. I gave Lycopodium, then Kali carb.

After another week, pain was increasing to the colic stage again, Urine contained bile, stools were clay colored. She went into a paroxysm of pain that was frightful to witness, as I learned later from a neighbour who was present at the time. I was giving her Chelidonium tincture at that time, and had her take morphine sulphate gr. by mouth. But, that stone was passing towards the duodenum, and had to move through some very small ducts. Retching was violent. Then, in a flash, the pain ended. Immediately, she could turn in bed as she wished.

The next day the urine was black, a stone was found in the stool, she brought it to me, it just went through the half-inch mouth diameter of a vial. It is still in that bottle, and I measured it again. It is black on the outside with a brown centre that can be seen because some of the surface has flaked off. The patient found quantities of smaller stones, down to mere sand, for more than a week after the large one was expelled. She has never had another attack of gallstone colic in these past 22 years. I have always been sure that the stone was lodged some place in the duct, probably the common bile duct, throughout the 7 months preceding its final expulsion.

With kind courtesy of Dr. S. R. Wadia, who sent a Photostat copy of this useful article for us.

Wonders Of Homoeopathy

[Wonders Of Homoeopathy -16]


The Homoeopathic Herald By Das N C.


1948 Dec Vol 9 No 9


Das N C.




Kali-bi / Calc-i / Calc / Nat-c / Sil / Thuj / Ars / Lach / Apis / Caust / Rhus-t / Lyc / Nat-m / Canth.

  1. Kalyani age 19 years, delivered her first child (1935- 36) and on the first day of the delivery a rise of temperature was recorded. On the third day of the fever she was removed to Lady Hardinge College for women, New Delhi where she remained for 8 months without benefit. The fever showed no tendency to decline and the hospital authority declared her to be suffering from abdominal T.B. She returned home after 8 months of heroic treatment in the Hospital Kaviraj Hariranjan Mazumdar M.A. was consulted, and his medicines also failed. Then she was put to Homoeopathic treatment for one year or so but she showed no sign of improvement. It was December, and all M.L.A. doctors, famous physicians of India, came to New Delhi when the father of the girl took this opportunity and consulted eight best physicians (M.L.A.) at a time for his daughter. Dr. B.C. Roy was one of them. The eight best physicians of India confirmed the Hospital. diagnosis, abdominal T.B. and gave their prescription for temporary relief of her symptoms as according to them her disease (Abdominal T.B.) was incurable. And really her condition at that time was very grave and no honest physician could give any hope of cure. This prescription was given sufficient time but no help was obtained by the use of it. She was again given Homoeopathic medicines but without any relief. Now it became quite clear that she had not even the least chance of recovery. About two years passed in this way and the poor girl was everyday advancing towards death. Her father, mother and all other relatives knew that her death was fast approaching. All the people were quite sure of her death. It was the month of December or January (it was then very cold in Delhi) when her father came to me and narrated her troubles to me. He wanted me to go to his house to examine the patient who was then in extreme trouble. I declined to go but prescribed Kali-Bich 30 for her symptoms which were as follows:-

The patient passes dysenteric stools; scanty; mucus and blood; unbearable pain, constant crying because of extreme pain. Tongue red. Nausea Vomits after every drink. She was passing stools every half an hour. Temp. 99*-100*. Extremely anaemic. Several days passed in this way: Mesenteric glands very hard and swollen.

Two produces of Kali Bich removed her pain entirely and she began to pass only 3 or 4 stools, dysenteric in character, daily. The nausea was relieved but not entirely gone. She looked cheerful and happy, health seemed to return. I noticed hope of recovery and continued Kali Bich. 30 at intervals. She began to improve inspite of 3 or 4 stools a day and occasional show of nausea. After about a month she had one night intense colic in her abdomen and with this colic a thick cord like swelling from the umbilicus to the region of the liver appeared and began to throb violently Dr. T. N. Ghose M.B., of new Delhi came and applied antiphlogistine over the swelling which was throbbing and causing great pain. But it failed to relieve. In the morning I saw her crying bitterly and rolling with the pain and I also noticed her abdomen considerably retracted. At once I gave her one dose of Plumbum 200 with which she immediately fell asleep and she slept for hours. The colic ceased for ever and along with this the old nausea disappeared. Again she looked well and began to take her nourishment as before. Two weeks passed without any medicine. Now her stool remained to be corrected. I now put her to Calcarea Iod. 30 and it was her last medicine. She is still alive and is in sound health. She is now the mother of several children. She is now living in Tallygung in Calcutta. Is it not a miracle of Homoeopathy? She was under my treatment only for three months.

(2) Chand Singh, domestic servant in the same house, (1935) 24 years of age, got high fever (105-106), Temp. constant, localized pain on right thigh, affected place showed no swelling but was red in colour. The pain was intense and almost unbearable and the poor fellow had tears in his eyes. Profuse sweat all over his body. Dr. J.K. Sen L.M.S. a good old school physician of Delhi examined him and applied antiphlogistine on the painful spot and gave some medicine. About 4 days passed and no relief was noticed when DR. I.T. Mitra L.M.S. of Delhi was consulted. He was a very famous doctor of Delhi. He diagnosed abscess about the bone and felt the immediate need for operation in the Hospital. He warned that any delay would invite danger. He suspected that bone was affected and said that it might be necessary to cut off the whole leg in order to save his life. The patient refused to go to Hospital and applied to me for help. Calcarea carb. 200 two powders, brought the temperature to normal within 24 hours and the pain disappeared. In place of intense pain he had intense itching in that area. The itching continued for about 4 days. Within 15 days he resumed his duty as before. I saw him alive even 4 years ago.

(3) Lady doctor M.B., B.S., was brought to me by Mr. Haquicath Rai Bhall.,. Asst. Controller of Supply (1938) New Delhi. Her husband was then Health Officer at Ludhiana. He also came with her. The Lady doctor came to me for the treatment of fistula in ano which was then only five years old. Among other symptoms she used to get a severe pain after stools and this pain always lasted for hours and she had to pass that time restlessly. I gave her Nitric acid 1000 which cured her completely.

(4) Mr.K.C.Kolay, Railway Conference Office New Delhi, consulted me for his child aged about one year. The child was vaccinated and the vaccination was followed by unpleasant symptoms which lasted for nearly two months. The child was all along under Homoeopathic treatment but refused to improve. I was called in consultation and noticed:-Diarrhoea continued for a month, watery green stools, very frequent, noisy, fetid, nausea, vomiting. Restless sleep. Swelling of joints of legs and hands, especially the knee joints and the swelling was painful. Rise of temperature. Very much reduced and weak. Thuja 1000, one dose removed all the distressing symptoms within four days. No relapse.

(5) Mitras (Delhi Tramway Company, 1936) father-in-law, a magician, got a Carbuncle on the neck, tumour big, painful, fever at noon and at night. Heat relieves. Nausea and vomiting. Head bent forward and the chin almost touched the chest. Bow-like bending of head and neck. Dr. J.P. Ganguli, M.B., of Fatehpuri Delhi treated him for six days and finally sent him to Hospital (Irwin) for operation, civil surgeon declined to admit him into the Hospital with any guarantee of success. He was brought back to his house. He had diabetes, syphilis, gonorrhoea, and he was 56 years of age with broken health: Silicea C.M. one dose cured him in 15 days. No relapse.

(6) Mother of Nagendra Nath Das, Pahargung, Delhi, got a carbuncle on right thigh: Heat relieves. The surrounding parts blackish, burning, fever at noon. His diabetes. Ars. A 1000 one dose cured in 12 days.

(7) Prasad Das Gupta, B.SC., New Delhi, had a big carbuncle on the left side of back near the spine and below left scapula. Surrounding parts black. Heat relieves. Discharge of pus relieves pain. Lachesis 200 cured.

(8) Old Woman, Dalhousie Square New Delhi, got a carbuncle on knee joint. Fever constant. Great pain and suffering. Application of heat was grateful. Sil 30. continued for 9 days thrice daily, cured her fully.

(9) Mrs Bishnupada Kolay (Borai Monirampur H.B. Chord) had a carbuncle on right thigh near the knee joint. Two months passed, she grew weak. Discharge very offensive, excoriating, creating eruptions on parts over which it flowed. Great burning worse at noon and at night. Blackish discolouration of parts around it. Slight fever daily. Ars. Alb. 1000 two doses one week apart, cured her. (1948)

(10) Bhaba Taran Kolay, age 55, Nalikul, Hooghly, had an abscess on right thigh. The abscess neither burst nor dispersed. Showed no tendency to form pus. Constricted feeling over the tumour. The tensive pain was relieved by cold application. Redness of affected area. Apis 200, one dose. Within 48 hours it burst and discharged pus and was fully cured in 4 days.

(11) Mr. Jotiprasad M.A., New Delhi, consulted me for the following symptoms: (1934) of his wife.

During the day she sits in a corner of the house and is unwilling to do any household work she is unwilling also to talk to others or to hear other talking to her. She often says “I will become mad, I will become mad.” At night she sees during sleep a man standing at the foot of her bed. This man says “I will make you mad, I will make you mad.” Two months passed in this way. When Mr. Jotiprasad asked me to prescribe for her. I gave her about 24 doses of Kali phos. 6x which helped her within 4 days. She was cured and no relapse took place. Kali phos. alone cured.

(12) Man, 22 Malaria, gets fever on alternate days, it was an old malaria that troubled him for two years (1932). He lived in a Village Sirpur, Bhanderhati P.O. Hooghly Dt. Fever at 2 p.m. chill violent, shaking during chill, one must sit on his chest to check or prevent the shaking. Burning of eyes, palms and soles. Lachesis 200 cured in 21 days. It was a single dose cure. No relapse was reported.

(13) Man, 29, small warts, all over his face, (Bugh Dewar, Delhi, 1944). He tried Thuja in different potencies but to no effect. Asked me to prescribe. Causticum 200, only one dose removed all the warts in three weeks. They dried and fell off.

(14) Boy, 18, wartlike growths (looking like small ant hills) on fingers, back, chest etc. rough, uneven, itching, Rhus tox. 1000 removed all of them in a single dose.

(15) Daughter of Nagen Ghose of Kulut, Bhandhati P.O. Hooghly Dt. was a patient of Dropsy of legs and the dropsy reached her abdomen. She was placed under different treatments for one year and a half, but nothing relieved. At last they stopped all treatments thinking that her disease was incurable. I was one day called to see her and I recorded the following symptoms:-

Diarrhoea with acidity continues for nearly two years. Liver enlarged, urgent stools worse in morning. Lachrymation at night on lying down. Poor sleep. Emaciation. Legs and feet very much swollen, the swelling extended up to abdomen. Legs were very cold to touch but the right one was not as cold as the left. Two or three cracks on foot oozing moisture. Much flatulence. Lycopodium C.M. one dose was given. She was almost cured in 15 days. After a month another dose was repeated and she was completely cured. It was only two year ago. She is still alive and doing well.

(16) Mrs. Mohan Kolay, Nalikul, Hooghly was getting daily attacks of Hysteria for months and neither Homoeopathy nor allopathy could give her any relief. She had the following symptoms:-

Attacks usually come or become very violent in the forenoon. Profuse flow of saliva from her mouth during every attack, also lachrymation. She during the attack, sees a person standing at a distance. Natrum mur. C.M. two doses completely cured her without relapse uptil now. She was cured two years ago.

(17 ) Man, 25 gonorrhoea unbearable pain worse at night. He goes out of house and sits in water and it gives him complete relief from pain. When he leaves water the pain returns. Cantharis 30 completely cured him. No return of pain.


Wonders Of Homoeopathy

[Wonders Of Homoeopathy -17]



The Homoeopathic Herald By Das N C.


1949 Jan Vol 10 No 10


Mehta J K.




Tub / Pneumo / Thuj / Calc-i / Podo / Bell.

(1) Mr. Amarnath Sharma, B.A. (New Delhi 1932.) called me to examine his son (4 years) who was just recovering from Typhoid fever which lasted for 55 days. The body had no fever then but he had frequent desire to pass urine with pain and straining. This urinary symptom was an accompaniment of the fever but unfortunately this symptom refused to disappear even when the temperature ceased to rise. He was all along under efficient allopathic treatment and every endeavour was made to ameliorate the symptom without result. At last the attending physicians thought that it was due to formation of stone in the kidney and so they decided to send him to the hospital for a surgical operation. The boy was very much reduced in health and so they had to wait for some months. The father of the body wanted to try Homoeopathic medicines and so he consulted me. I noted the following symptoms:-

Frequent desire to pass urine (or stool). He had to strain much at the time of passing the urine. I watched him carefully. Thrice he attempted to pass urine in my presence. He was passing only a few drops of urine and a small quantity of stool which contained little mucus. The doctors always said that this little stool was due to hard straining, he strained to pass urine and due to weakness the stool escaped involuntarily. But my observation led me to think that he was straining to pass a dysenteric stool and a few drops of urine escaped with this hard straining, he never strained to pass urine but he always strained to pass stool and the escape of urine was quite involuntary. The boy used to scream very much at each attempt to pass urine or stool. Probably he had burning or pain in urethra. My first prescription was Cantharis which helped the boy at once. He was quite free from the symptom for about 72 hours. Then the trouble relapsed. Cantharis was again given without benefit. I tried Aloe but it did not act. Merc. cor. was given but it also failed. The father of the boy had eczema on neck. I put him to Psorinum 500 and the patient was well for about 4 days. Again it reappeared. The sister of Mr. Amarnath died of Phthisis. I now gave him a dose of Tuberculin 1000 which removed the symptom within 24 hours and it never returned. Such cures always bring disappointment to our surgeons.

(2.) Mr. Gouri Sankar, Katra Neel, Delhi, (1936) brought his young baby with an old whooping cough, to my office. He put his baby under Homoeopathic treatment for two months but the cough remained undiminished in force. I noted the following symptoms :- Cough worse at night, eyes and face get very red with each attack of cough, lachrymation, dyspnoea, vomiting, exhaustion after each attack, history of tubercular diseases in the family. It was an epidemic of whooping cough and I treated some cases with Coral.6 with excellent results. I first put the baby to Coral 6 and for a week the patient had very little cough. There was a relapse. I now gave him a dose of Pertussin 1000 but it failed to do anything. Then the child received a dose Tuberculin 1000 and in a week he was completely cured without a relapse.

(3) Mr. K.C. Decka, B.A. a congress man of Delhi (1936) came to my office with coryza and fever. At first I took it for an ordinary attack of Influenza and so treated him with Aco, Bry. Nux vom. Sulph. etc. Nearly two weeks passed and he was not better. He was then examined by a Paris M.D. (Allopath) and he said that it was a case of Typhoid fever. His treatment failed to cure him. An L.M.S. was consulted and he treated him for malaria. He again asked me to prescribe for his ailments. I was not very willing to do it and I asked him to consult Dr. K.N. Bose, B.A., M.B. of Fatehpuri. He went to Dr. Bose with the following symptoms:

On the left side of the back, below the left scapular region, he experienced a pain stitching in character and the pain was felt only in a small spot which could be covered by a silver rupee. The pain was worse on coughing, breathing and also on motion. Temperature 101* – 102*, dry, short cough, almost a ceaseless cough. The cough was extremely troublesome. No expectoration.

The doctor gave him no medicine but advised him for X-ray examination. On the same day towards the evening I was called in haste to see him in his house. On entering the room I found him in great distress. His cough was severe and constant. The expectoration was a mixture of blood and pus. He was frightened to look at it. The blood was bright red and in sufficient quantity. He received a dose of Pneumococcin 200. In the morning I found him quite well. He had no cough, no pain, no fever and no anxiety. The symptoms never returned.

(4) Mr. K. C. Decka B.A. requested me (1938) to give him some medicine for his sister (19 years of age) who had goitre. It was an old case of goitre and the patient was in Assam very far away from Delhi. So I had to prescribe a medicine on the strength of the symptoms given to me by Mr. Decka. I found Mr. Decka was fat and sweaty. My patient, I was told, was fat and short sized. I gave him one dram of Calcarea Iod. 30 in globules to be sent to his sister in Assam. The girl was cured by using this medicine for four months at regular intervals.

(5) Little girl was vaccinated; vaccination was followed by abscess formation on hip; vaccinated spot got badly ulcerated and the ulcer refused to heal with glandular enlargement in the armpit. The patient was in great trouble, Homoeopathic drugs by a local Homoeopath were tried for nearly 40 days. The abscess became very painful and big in size. Operation was in contemplation. Thuja 1000, cured the abscess and other symptoms within 4 days. The Homoeopath was busy with his Hep. S. and Silicea but he forgot Thuja.

(6) Mr. Girdhari Lall (Imperial Bank of India, New Delhi) put his daughter under my treatment (1933). She was a little girl of 8. She had the following symptoms:

Slight rise of temperature 99* – 100*, nausea vomiting, cough, weakness, constipation. She remained ill for nearly two years and no treatment helped her. Tubercular affection of lungs, (She was all along treated for that). Of all her symptoms vomiting was prominent and there was a peculiarity about this vomiting. “Rumbling in abdomen before vomiting.” It was a constant symptom: Podo. cured her completely.

(7) One of my fowls, a little cock, was one day chased by a dog and nearly caught and bitten. Soon after I noticed that it was running round in a circle, crowing in a peculiar manner, and eventually hiding itself in a safe corner. I tried to take it out of the corner and put it in the open, but it would again repeat its insane behaviour and eventually hide itself in a corner. I observed that its face used to become deep red and its heart used to palpitate in that state. As it was a case of fright, I gave it Acon. N. 30 one dose. That produced no effect. I did not repeat the same medicine as I believed it should have shown some effect in case it was the right remedy. Since it used to hide itself in a corner after running about in a wild manner, I gave it now a dose of Belladonna 30. Even that had no effect. But I was this time sure of my prescription and so I gave him Belladonna 200. A few hours after it was administered I found it coming out of the corner and instead of running about, calmly moving in the open and finding food for itself. However, after intervals it would again go back to its insane ways. The next day I gave him another dose of Belladonna 200. No more medicine was needed and I am glad to say homoeopathy has cured my insane fowl.

The remarkable point in this case is that Belladonna 200 was needed. That proves that high potencies are needed, even in the case of birds, for mental troubles. The next point worth nothing is that when the prescription is correct the very first dose shows some improvement. Allahabad.



[Epilepsy Acute & Chronic Dimensions]





1995 Vol 30 No 2


Vanraj M Gokulgandhi.




Calc-i / Puls / Nat-m / Tub.

Dr. Vanraj. M. Gokulgandhi L.C.E.H. (Bom.)

A 2 2 month old female child was brought on 6.1.95 with complaint of recurrent convulsions since 25th day of her birth.

The presentation of attacks was as follows:

Chief Complaint:


Since 25th day

Frequency 1-4 / day

Duration – 20 – 30 sec

Treatment: Gardinal

12 mg daily. Recently

dose stepped up

to 15 mgm daily.

Loud Cry with

blueness all over.

Generalised tonic

with breath holding,

Vacant stare,

upward rolling of


Post-ictal sleep

for 1 hour.

Associated complaints.

*Upper GIT Regurgitation

since birth of milk thorough nose

diagnosed after barium swallow as increased oesophageal reflux.

*Rest. System Nose block < during nursing.


Since birth cough

Birth History:

Birth Wt. – 2.0 kg, full term caesarean delivery was kept in incubator for 1 week. BCG – given on Breast feeds. PERSPIRATION – PROFUSE ON SCALP, sour smelling2 esp. after feeds. Throws off coverings and prefers fanning.

Family history:

Maternal aunt – Hypertension, Maternal Grandfather: Tb. Mother : Polio.


EEG – NAD. Brain sonography – NAD. Chest X-ray – NAD.

Clinical Diagnosis: Idiopathic Generalised Tonic, Clonic spasms.

Totality: The age is too small, the observations made by family members are limited and data is scanty. The physicals of perspiration on scalp, sour odour and hot patient in the light of above picture suggests Calc Iod as the synthetic prescription. However, since our base of remedy is not strong and child is very young it will be better to restrict posology to medium potency.

Patient was prescribed Calc Iod 200 weekly and gradually repetition was increased to daily doses over a period of a month. During this time the frequency of attacks reduced to 1-2 / week attacks of cold and regurgitation of milk also improved dramatically.

This favourable response came to a standstill soon and potency was jumped to 1M on 11 / 2 / 95. This hastened the recovery process and last attack of convulsion was noted on 23 / 2 / 95. Since then there have been no attack till date. Child continues to get infrequent colds and gastric upsets which respond quickly to Pulsatilla and other indicated remedies. Her antiepileptic drugs have been withdrawn completely.


Mr. SMV, a 34 year old male, married since 8 years employed in MMC as a clerk consulted me for treatment of epilepsy on 12.3.93. He had had a head-injury at the age of 2, following which he developed attacks of grand mal epilepsy. Frequency of complaints is strongly influenced by his mental tensions. He was taking conventional anticonvulsants infrequently. His case is presented in brief below.

Patient is from lower middle class family and is eldest among his siblings. He has a strong feeling th at he is exploited (financially) by his parents and that he is never given enough care and affection in return. This dispute over financial matters led him to separate from his family. He still carries a lot of resentment against his parents and siblings.

He is quite an irritable, and excitable person with tendency to violence. He also come down with depression due to his parents behaviour. He has high opinion about himself and is very critical about others. His childhood dream to graduate was also not fulfilled.

Natrum Mur was decided as his constitutional remedy guided by the above mental picture and supported by his physicals. He was kept on infrequent doses of Nat Mur 200 for a period of two months with improvement in his general health. However, the frequency and intensity of his attacks were only marginally better. He was seized by a major attack of epilepsy on 11.6. 93. He presented with following picture.

Generalised jerks all over the body, almost continuous, since last evening. Conscious throughout the attack, although appears dazed. No history of any recent tensions. Walked into the clinic with his wifes support, who informed that his usual attacks are similar, where full blown convulsions are preceded by similar jerks lasting for few hours. She felt that he would go into clonic spasms anytime now. Striking feature of his seizures was that he had tendency to fall backward.

Usually, attacks of epilepsy are short lasting and by the time inquiry is made the seizures regress and acute prescriptions are rarely made. But here we have a case, where the whole episode has continued for more than 12 hours without showing any evidence of abatement. At the same time we have few characteristic indications. Following rubrics were considered –

  1. Convulsions – epileptiform, with falling backwards – Kents Rep. Pg. 1353.
  2. Convulsions, with consciousness – Kents Rep. Pg. 1352.
  3. Jerking, as in convulsions – Kents rep. Pg. 1362.


Acute totality of an epileptic attack in a highly irritable and excitable person pointed at Nux Vom. Patient was hospitalised and Nux Vom 200 was administered at 10 a.m. and thereafter every 1 / 2 hourly. At 11.15 a.m. jerks were slightly better but they continued. Potency was raised to 1M and was repeated at the same interval.

By 1.00 p.m. – frequency of jerks came down to 1-5.10 min, and by evening to 1 every hour. Nux Vom 1M was continued every 8 hrs. patient became normal within 2 days. Nux Vom was continued for 6 days at same frequency.

Once he was out of the acute attack, we had to review the posology. As convincing results could not obtained with Nat Mur 200, Nat Mur 1M was given infrequently. Tub 1M was also introduced as intercurrent. He has not had any major attack since then.


  1. Above cases show importance of deep-acting medicines based on physical generals and mentals.
  2. Posology: Epilepsy basically is an expression of nerve derangement, viz. hyperexcitability which calls for action at sensitivity level and hence higher potencies.

Psychological factors playing underneath suggests high potency for heightened sensitivity.

  1. Miasms – affection of CNS and erraticity and hyperexcitability indicates Tubercular miasm. Tuberculinum can be used as intercurrent remedy if indicated drugs fails to show desired results.


HOMOEOPATHIC APPROACH TO PROBLEM OF CANCER [Homoeopathic Approach to the Problem of Cancer -2]




1995 Vol 30 No 2


Kasad K N.


Cases / General Topics


Calc-i / Pyrog / Tub / Lyc / Sulph.

Dr. K.N. Kasad M.B.B.S. M.F. Hom (Lon) D. Sc. Hon (Cal.)

Through this series Dr. Kasad has given us valuable distillate of his rich clinical experience. First part explored clinical aspect while second part focused essentially on homoeopathic aspect illustrated through cases. In this last and concluding part he continues with clinical cases and gives us brief idea on Iscador therapy.


Master X, age 4 years, F.T.N.D. 8 lbs. – birth weight, Sisters: 8 / 6 / 2. Father 34, Mother 30. Strict vegetarian. Resident of Nagpur. Date of consultation: 12.4.77 Diagnosis: Malignant lymphoma Hodgkins Disease with Refractory Anaemia.

Intermittent attacks of fever with no chills and no sweats – for the last 3 years. High grade fever (104 – 106 degree F) for the last 4 months, of a cyclic nature (8 days fever with no fever for two days). No response to analgesics and antibiotics, especially Garamycin. Haematogenous Disseminated Tuberculosis was suspected, for which anti-tubercular therapy was given for a month, but with no response. 3 blood transfusions were also given on account of anemia. These provoked severe reactions; fever, and blood in urine and vomit. There was a history of repeated falls preceding the onset of fever, but no serious injury was sustained. No steroids and no cytotoxic agents were administered. No cold, no cough. Frequent sips of water with fever. H / O Petechiae skin. He had generalised itching with no rash. Fever was worse in the morning, evening, at times at midnight, and at new and full moon. The general health was low with PALLOR, POOR APPETITE – last 3 months. Itching in the anus but no worms Desire for BANANA and milk. Sleep normal.

Clinical Examination: T: 103.2 degree F at 8 p.m. P. 200 (always relative tachycardia) R-20. Warm moist hands. Feet cold. Bilateral axillary glands ++. Cervical and inguinal glands nil. Liver +++ Spleen +++++ Ascites nil. Generalized hair growth +++ PALLOR. Tongue – slight creamish coating. Rest: normal.

The child was treated by a Pediatrician at Nagpur for over 3 months. He received homoeopathic treatment for a month as well. H / O: T.B. in the paternal grandpa. His mother had 2 still-births; one son died at 8th month, cause?

Investigations: Blood Widal Test negative (18.9.76 & 26.1.88) 11.3.77: W.B.C.: 22800 N. 91 L.3 M.3 E.3 Hb 6g percent Platelets: 3,87,000

7.4.77: Occasional Blast cells. Plasma Cells + occ., Premyelocytes occ ++.

Stab Kernig cells + Rouleaux formation +++

8.2.77: S. Creatinine 1.3, S.G.O.T. 36K.U, S.G.P.T. 18 K.U. Blood culture-Neg. Serum Electrophoresis: A: suggestive of Polyclonal Gammopathy. Direct Coombs Test-negative, L.E. Phenomenon negative.

5.2.77: C.S.F. – normal.

12.3.77 – Bone marrow: Leukaemoid Reaction – no deposits of Leukaemia, hodgkins & Lymphoma. Hyperplastic, normoblastic. Plasma cells ++ ME due to increase in M Series. No Parasites. No foreign cells. Promyelocytes, Myelocytes and Metamyeolocytes++ with mature Polymorphs. Urine: N. Culture negative. Brucellosis negative.

X-ray Chest: Widening of the Superior Mediastinum, more on the right side.

Lymph node Biopsy: Immunoblastic / Immunological Reaction.

Liver Aspiration Biopsy: Chronic Granulomatous lesion + Fatty change. Glycogen Infiltration. Foci of inflammatory cellular exudate. Proliferation of Kupper cells.



Case Analysis : (Refer chart.)

This case illustrates necessity for splitting of data through perceiving the transition points in the evolutionary phases of the disease picture as they emerge on the horizon, especially right appreciation of the time dimension (peak of fever), the erratic nature of the febrile response with sharp swings and oscillations and characteristic physical general modalities – the influence of moon phases and thermal reaction of the child. Right appreciation of the “changing totalities” (cyclic or sequential) in Time-Space continuum – identifying the remedy blocks.

Repertorial Totality:

  1. Glands 2. Induration 3. Malignancy 4. Hot patient 5. Desires milk, fruits 6. < New moon, full moon 7. Fever without chill 8. Fever without perspiration 9. Fever intermittent.

Treatment was commenced with Calc-iod 30 4 hourly SOS on 13-4- 77. Temperature improved initially followed by fluctuations with discrepancy in pulse rate on 20-4-77. Pyrogen 200 4 hourly SOS was started followed by Pyrogen 1M without much response. On 27- 4-77 Tub Bov 200 single dose was administered. Following this, fever pattern changed to aggravation between 5 P.M. to 8 P.M. On this basis, Lycopodium 30 OD was commenced on 30-4-77, increasing repetition and potency gradually to 200.

Time modality changed to aggravation after midnight and early morning. On 11-5-77, Sulphur 200 was given for 3 days followed by Tub Bov 1M single dose. Patient was afebrile for 3 days. Tub bov 1M was continued HS SOS for a week. Temperature range improved considerably. On 30-5-77, Tub Bov 10M single dose was given as there was no further improvement. First week temperature fluctuated all day with remissions in between, followed by no fever for 8 days. Patient developed diarrhoea and otorrhoea. Fever started again with evening aggravation which responded to Lycopodium 1M given on 22-6-77 and repeated on 18-7-77. Patient was afebrile for 10 days followed by low range of fever. Otorrhoea and diarrhoea improved gradually. There was marked regression in Liver and Spleen. Patient was kept on Placebo. On 1-9-77, temperature increased to 102.6 degree F with irritability and desire to be carried. Tub Bov 10M second dose was administered followed by placebo. Patient improved considerably. X ray chest on 26-11-77 revealed no mediastinal lymphadenopathy and no parenchymal infiltration as compared with X-ray of 2-7-77. Child remained well.


The pages of human history are full of the ravages of human diseases. Throughout history, at various periods, certain diseases have been feared most by humans. The nature of diseases / illnesses vary with varying periods of human evolution. In ancient Biblical times, the disease most feared and abhorred was Leprosy. During the Middle Ages and the Renaissance in Europe, the dreadful disease was the Bubonic Plague or the “black death”. In the 18th century syphilis was widely prevalent; in the 19th century Tuberculosis or the “white death” was the major killer and caused the most human suffering. In the 20th century, especially as a result of the advances of the sciences of microbiology and pharmacology, infectious diseases do not play a major role in the “developed cultures”, but they do play a major role still in underdeveloped and developing countries. Tuberculosis and Syphilis have given place to degenerative and neoplastic diseases in the present century, – pre-eminently Coronary Heart Disease, Cancer and in the last decade – AIDS. Every one out of 5 or 6 human beings dies of cancer. Today this disease strikes fear in the hearts of most laymen. The impact of the fear of the disease was succinctly described by Glenn Frank, President of the University of Wisconsin, at a symposium on cancer given at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine – in 1936.

“But not all these tragic consequences together are the worst evil wrought by cancer. For “everybody” that is killed by the fact of cancer, multiplied thousands of minds are unnerved by the fear of cancer. What cancer, as an unsolved mystery, does to the morale of millions who may never know its ravages in incalculable. There is an incidence of cancer that cannot be reached at by the physicians medicaments, the surgeons knife, or any organized advice against panic.”

There is an actual increase in the incidence of cancer, partly because of the increasing age of citizenry, partly because of increasing environmental pollution (more than 3000 chemical carcinogens) and in recent times, the early diagnosis made through the refined sophisticated invasive and non-invasive investigative procedures – such as Ultrasonography, C.T. Scanning and M.R.I., F.N.A.C. and Tumour Markers. There is an increasing incidence of cancer deaths, third in line after the cardiovascular diseases and accidents. The estimate of cancer sufferers in India is about 800 per million population. This will probably go up to a 1000 per million. The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), under the National Cancer Control Programme, has established 6 cancer registries across the country. According to their reports there are about 500,000 new cases of cancers annually of which 300,000 will die every year. At any given time there are about 15 lakh cases in our country. By the year 2000, this is projected to increase three times – 15 lakh new cases every year.

Cancer, uppermost in the minds of the lay persons as well as the physicians, thus presents a formidable challenge to the medical profession, especially the oncologists, taxing their resources to the utmost to tackle it. Its multifactorial origin and multi- dimensional nature renders it difficult of comprehension in its integral wholeness, as we get bogged down in the quagmire of analytical thinking, which is a piecemeal one. Oncology had made great strides in the last two decades towards a better understanding of the cancer problem, especially in the field of Immunology. Immunotherapy. Homoeopathic Therapeutics and Iscador Therapy of Cancer offer alternative medicinal means of cancer therapy, which need to be explored and not lightly to be dismissed. These are based on the dynamic, holistic concept of Health and Disease. The results of therapies in current usage, especially the chemotherapy leave much to be desired. It is known fact that synthetic cancerostatic / cytostatic agents are also carcinogenic. Terbrueggen observed Reticulum-Cell Sarcoma in patients who have been treated post-operatively with Alkylating agents for malignant tumors; the patients develop second tumours. Penn reported the occurrence of another type of malignancy in patient who were under chemotherapy for carcinoma. The immunosuppressive treatment in the recipients of organ- transplants raised the expectation of cancer by 100 – fold as compared with the remaining population. Malignant tumors arose “de novo” in immunosuppressed organ-transplant recipients.

We have attempted to define the scope and limitations of Homoeopathic Therapeutics in the field of cancer. Cases have been reported in the literature and journals – isolated instances – not in an organised systematic manner as in modern oncology. So long as there does not exist a definite drug for cancer, every conscientious physician has the moral duty and obligation to explore all available avenues of therapeutic possibilities with potentiality of cure, or at least palliation, in order to furnish optimum help to these unfortunate victims of cancer, and to make life tolerable even in its worst phases – without undue prolongation of agony. Some patients under Homoeopathy and Iscador have been observed to remain optimistic, “awake and conscious”, with a feeling of euphoria – even in terminal state, struggling to the last hour. A few have opined and expressed their firm belief that they have gained greater “insight” into their life and destiny “through” their illness, and confessed they are the better for having suffered from cancer than without it. Having gained the larger purpose of existence and the meaning of life, they pass over across the “threshold” – resigned and serene. And the physician also gains “insight” into life and disease – phenomena, as he accompanies the patient to the “threshold” in his endeavors towards alleviation of human suffering, with all the resources at his command apart from the knife and the medicaments: sympathy, compassion and loving tender care (LTC), which are the essential ingredients and elements of therapy, apart from the technical expertise.

Iscador Therapy:

A Brief Idea On Clinical Application


Iscador is like an integrated application of following (i) Observations in nature (ii) Doctrine of Signature and Law of Similars (iii) Basic concepts of immunopathology in Cancer (iv) Learning through clinical experimentation – Interestingly the idea basically belongs to a scientist who is also a founder of Anthroposophy, i.e., Rudolf Steiner.

Observation in nature was about a plant called Mistletoe (Viscum Album), a half parasite of the Botanical family of Loranthaceae, growing on host-trees / its own parent tree. Peculiarity observed was that the half parasite does a helpful devouring of the protuberances / excrescences of the host tree (“a healing process”).

Various types of Mistle toe growing on different kind of host trees are = Viscum Quercus (on oak), Viscum Mali (on Apple), Viscum Abietis (On Fir), Viscum Pini (on Pine) and Viscum Ulmi (on Elm). They are utilized on different types of cancer, on the same principle as above.

Mode of Action

Through Clinical research one can deduce the following:

Antigenic properties of the iscador activate and stimulate the Lymphoid tissues and the Reticulo endothelial system, which enhance the Cellular immunity. The alteration occurs mainly through transformation of the immuno-competent lymphocytes, thus improving the cancerostatic activity.

This inference allows us to understand the clinical application viz the indications and the scope.

Indications and Scope:

(i) Treatment before / during / after surgery and / or irradiation.

(ii) Treatment of inoperable tumours / recurrences and widespread metastases.

(ii) Pre cancerous states such as cervical Erosion (papanicolaou

III + IV), Crohns Disease, chronic Gastric ulcer, Leukoplakia, Ulcerative Colitis, etc.

(iv) Tardy convalescence after Acute illness.

(v) Chronic Diseases with depleted vitality as evidenced by low temp, hypotonia, hypoacidity, extreme exhaustion, etc.

(vi) Intra cranial & Intra spinal Tumours

(vii) Sarcomas

(viii) Hodgkins Disease

(ix) Leukaemia.

Observations about improvements:

The clinical observations show the following pattern. 1. A symptomatic Improvement on General level, as indirect reflection of the improved defence functions as a whole viz. General condition, greater animation, increased appetite, sleep improved, diminution of depression and fatigue, reduction of pain etc. (and all these even with pathological deterioration towards ultimate decline.)

  1. Slight increase of temperature, a few hour after injection – also quite often increase of local heat as observed by Stiener, which is an index of the immunostimulation.
  2. Transient polymorpho leucocytosis with shift to the left, lasting for few hours etc.
  3. Normilization of Serum Protein electrophoresis, elevation of serum iron & reduction of serum copper level etc. biochemical changes.
  4. Slowing Down / Ceasation / occasional regression of the tumour growth.
  5. Reduced incidence / prevention of extension of Metastasis.
  6. Reduced recurrence after operation and / or Irradiation.
  7. Reduces toxic side effects of chemotherapy and / or irradiation.

Mode of Administration, Doses, etc.

Different Types of the iscador are found useful in different types of Cancers. Also most of the Iscador therapy is administered in the injectable form. For intracranial & spinal tumour, oral route is preferred for avoiding harmful inflammatory stimulation.

Most of the therapists combine the benefits of iscador with Constitutional Homoeopathic Treatment with greater advantage as both work on similar concepts.

The subject and the therapy both are as wide & deep like an ocean. The above brief is just a stimulation for our practitioner to consider, study and apply in practice.

(Abridged from Iscador Therapy of Cancer by Dr. Kasad).


Striving for The Similimum




1995 Vol 30 No 1


Rao K J.




Calc-i / Ant-ar / Spong / Stram / Lach / Tarent.

Dr. K.J. Rao L.C.E.H. (Bom.)

Senior Homoeopathic Practioner, 18 / b, Mahavir Darshan Sector -5, Srinagar Thane (w), Mumbai.



Miss B. 2 yr. Nursery, Keralite Christian Catholic. Father – 35 yr. working in Middle East, Mother – 28 yr. housewife, Sister – 7 yr. std. III.



  1. Resp. Tract Since 1 year episodes once / 2 wks increased Since 6 months, 1-2 days later, 1-2 days later, B. Rectum since infancy.


Recurrent colds coryza sneezing, dry cough ++ Forceful, Breathlessness, Expectoration + during resolution of episodes, constipation Hard ++ stools H / o painful, fissure bleeding + takes 1-1 1 / 2 hr. to pass stools


< Fruits Bananas season, < night, < 2-3 am


Fever – occ. Chilly, cover wants. App. Decreased, Thirst 2-3 times 1 / 4 of glass, Red face cough during Lachrymation, perspiration, Sleep Av. touch Av. carried puffy face Vomits 2-3 / day constipated, Fear to pass stools even if soft prevents passing stools Red face holding limbs closely and tightly to body white defecation.


Weight – 12 kg. PERSPIRATION – profuse, wants fan, < scalp, neck prickly heat everY summer; < being covered; < during Cough Teeth – caries. Craving – Pickles esp. lemon, chocolates, spicy, fish Aversion – MILK, Kheer, eggs,. Birth Caesarean, birth weight – 6 lbs. Teething – 6 months, Walking – 1 yr., Talking – 1 1 / 2 yr. Vaccination – No problems.

Thermal – fan – summer -fast. Av- sweaters, COVERINGS. Bath seasonal, winter – medium c2h3 HOT PATIENT.


Patient belongs to a middle class family. Father works in a hotel in the middle east. Mother is a house wife. She is soft spoken mild lady, anxious about her children. Her constitutional drug is Calc. carb. The child is active, playful, gets angry quickly screams in anger, bites & hits her sister. Quite obstinate. If affection is shown to elder sister patient dislikes it & bites her sister.

But the peculiarity in the patient was her FEAR. The child is very scared of animals esp. dogs barking in the night. If a dog passes by, she hold her mother tightly; if lights go off suddenly she screams with fear. The terrified little girl, has fear of bearded men. Has not seen her father in person. A few months back her paternal uncle took her for a walk, she is scared of him but did not refuse. That night the child suddenly woke up as if frightened, gasped for half hour, crying & then slept off. The patient has large staring eyes. If unknown guests came home, she runs to a corner & sits looking at them with large staring eyes. Once her aunty took her to the terrace in the dark left the patient & was busy attending her TV antenna. When the mother reached the terrace she found patient sitting scared with arms tightly around her body. She never goes close to their bearded priest who is a regular visitor.

Incidentally her mother was terrified to see a neighbour mad woman charge towards her screaming with dishevelled hair. When she was carrying the patient. The mother became pale & stood trembling.


From 21-8-94 to 23-9-94 the child was on Calc iod as constitutional with Ant. ars, Spongia for acute episodes of cough, breathlessness. There was no significant change.

RECONSIDERING the case what comes up strongly is


Follow up: On 23-9-94.

Stram. 200 three powders bedtime were started. A week later the child came up with an episode of fever & asthma which was milder & quickly controlled with Ant. ars 200 4 hourly. Three more doses of Stram 200 improved. The constipation only slightly. On 25 / 10 a single dose of Stram 1M was given. There were 2 occasions of fever & cough but no breathlessness. The episodes quietened on their own, in a day or two. Later at monthly intervals Stram 1M (2 doses) was given. In 1995 during rainy season (about 6 months symptom free) The child came down with 3 episodes of fever, cough & breathlessness. Stram 1M 3 powders H.S. was last given.

The episodes of asthma reduced substantially, the constipation was moderately relieved, more so the fears of the child reduced considerably. She would willingly go for a walk with her paternal uncle. She went into the arms of the bearded priest. The dark, the dogs, the barks, the beard scared her much less.


Mrs. S. Aged 47 year, married, a lecturer in a junior college, made a telephone call on 18-3-89 saying that since 4 days, she had developed boils on the right thigh & right side of back. Further enquiry on phone & later talk with husband (lay homoeopath) revealed

* Vesicular eruption on Rt. thigh, Rt. sacral region in groups & in linear fashion.

* Marked erythema oedema; more above knee cap.

* Vesicles blackish since one day. Burning pains < night Screams with pain.

* Markedly sensitive to touch.

* < Covers, < slightest touch,

> uncovering, > open air, likes fan

> cold application.

* Hot feeling all over body. Feverish feeling, body ache since 4 days.

* Loss of appetite. Nausea all day long < eating, drinking.

* Giddiness, < morning around, > lying down.

* Restlessness, moaning, anxious. Patient in the past was treated for Diabetes Mell. & obesity; was better with Calc. flor 200 tds. Blood sugar touched normal.

* Now, Lachesis 200 qds for 2 days – No relief. A visit followed. On enquiry & examination.

* Blackish vesicular & pustular lesions in group all over rt. thigh & rt. Sacral region.

* ERYTHEMA OEDEMA. Swollen stretched feeling in rt. thigh.

* BURNING PAIN intolerable, shooting pain touch – even clothes, bed-sheets

> uncover, cold application, fanning < NIGHT – sleepless

* Restlessness < night says – “I dont know what to do”, Moaning keeps shifting & turning sides inspite of pain; when turning sides screams with pain.

* Husband said that since 2 days he has not slept at all. Sometimes patient wants window open and sometimes closed, wants the speed of fan changed frequently.

The intense restlessness & severe burning pains brings to our mind Ars. alb. But Ars alb. does not show the extreme sensitivity to touch. Lachesis had no obvious effect. So the hunt was for a drug close to Ars. alb. In the materia medica we find 3 drugs for burning pain i.e. Ars alb., Tar.c, & Anthracinum, the latter lacks the sensitivity to touch, although burning pains & restlessness, are present.

Tarentula cubensis had all the features of intense restlessness, burning pains & sensitivity to touch. Also early in the evolution of the case blackish lesions i.e. haemorrhagic lesions appear.


Rx. Tarentula cubensis 200 4 hrly was given. After the 2nd dose patient slept well to find herself 50 percent relieved the next morning. Subsequently the lesions healed & recovery was uneventful.


Both the cases thus reveal that quite often, we tend to miss a portrait, inspite of having a vivid case-data: Probably we miss them due to our own “Materia Medica Equations” of certain mental / physical features.

For arriving at the Similimum, we would need to comprehend the totality, in as clear manner as possible.



[Face of Phase Tuberculinum]




1995 Vol 30 No 3


Rao K J.




Tub / Calc-i / Puls / Spong.

[*Senior Homoeopathic Practitioner. 18 / B, Mahavir Darshan Sector- 5, Srinagar, Thane (W) Mumbai.]

Following case demonstrates effectively the utility of a nosode as a phase remedy to deal with the complaints of the patients. The nosode paves the way for nature to throw up the indication for the Constitutional drug which rounds up the case to a significant relief.

Master H.A. 31 / 2 yrs. (DOB: 22 / 2 / 92).

Nursery Mo: 39yrs., B.Com. Father: 42 yrs, SSC

Consulted on: 27 / 8 / 95



Violence, Anger, Obstinate (Refer life-space)

Associated Complaint

URT Cold, Coryza<=”” p=”” style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>

therefore 2 yrs fever<=”” p=”” style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>

1-2month Seasonal Changes = 4 days

(therefore 1 week) Cough < Cold bath ?Playing in water occ. fever < Night, light down++

Gen. Last Jan 1995

Fever 102 degree F head hot++ Palms hot++ soles

Wants Fan++

Uncovers++ App-g. Thirst normal

-Robust looking boy, large for his age

-Craving-fish, Veg., half boiled eggs, Salty, Sweets, raw mango.

-Aversion-bananas, spicy. Wants fan full, averse sweaters, uncovers, Hot pt, C2H3.



Birth wt. 2.5 kg FTND. Mother during 4th month of pregnancy had- bleeding++ was advised rest till delivery BCG at 1 month, led to left axillary glands- enlarged, tender, operated on 5 months later.

Teething – 7 month; walking- 1year talking- mono syllables -18 months

Family History: Renal Calculus-Father. Preg. Still birth, severe UTI-Mother.


The mother consulted the physician for the childs increasing violence and anger at home and school. The patient is a sturdy looking boy, big for his age. He was observed to be very actively moving around the consulting room, jumping on the examination couch, fingering with the switches and plugs, meddling with the objects on the table. He would not sit quiet for a single minute. He had a wild look on the face. When the physician vacated his chair, the pt. would occupy it. He is very irritable by nature, resorts to violence easily; his punches have lot of force. He would hit his mother, pull her hair, forcefully. The mother had tough time pulling him out of it. He bangs elder children if they tease or hit him, will not leave them till they are beaten. He clenches his teeth and hands into fist. He is not scared of anything, animal, people only fears cockroaches, at school he hits children, removes their lunch boxes. His mother beats him but of no anvil once he showed a knife to his father saying I will kill you. Watches violent movies with great interest. Pt. is the only child of his parents; mother working as a bank clerk, father running a fabrication business owns 2 factories. He is busy throughout the day, works even on Sundays. The child is kept in a creche. In the past he used to cry throughout day till he was picked by his mother from the creche. Pt. does not get along well with his father. His father only sits glued to the newspaper. The family hardly goes for outings. When taken out the child is very happy. He is only scared of the owner of creche. He is silent there, when she comes home he become quiet and eats his meals quickly. He never complains about the creche or the school, has less Interest in studies, Memory good, Intelligent.

The parents do not get along well with each other. Frequent quarrels. Mother is sensitive, delicate, well educated, well mannered, where as she finds the childs father rough, unrefined, bringing friends home for drinks and card games. She likes being alone at home, feels free, going for work, feel neglected, has dislike for sex. She was not informed when he started his fabrication business.

I Critically Saw as follows:


Anger ->violence

Sturdy, large bony structure

Hot pt, delayed milestones


Cr-eggs++, salt++, sweet++


Violence, anger wildness

BCG- reaction

Tubercular miasm

as Calc iod portrait through synthetic prescribing view was seen as Tub bov as a? Antimiasmatic force possible in the case with high sensitivity moderate susceptibility, I prescribed Calc iod 200 1 dose on 29-08-95.

Date: 31-8-95

Vomits AILMENTS FROM prawns, colds yellowish, weak, febrile

Rx Puls 200 2 doses 2 days,

Date: 9-9-95

Colds-s-cough-s App- , irritable+

Rx Calc iod 200 bedtime 3 powder

Date: 16-9-95

URT same; App, pica + chalk wall plaster, o / e = all same

Rx Tub bov 1M 1 powder bedtime

Date: 23-9-95

Pica only today + Prior > Taking calcium, iron tonic cough > App > cold + mind-same

Rx Tub bov 1M 1 powder bedtime with placebo

Date: 30-9-95

Cold > cough > App-G, Pica-o-Hyperactivity> irritability- same

Rx Placebo

Date: 7-10-95

> (Colds+)

Rx Placebo

Date: 14-10-95

Cough today – mild Cold= 0 Pica=0-AILMENTS FROM- ice cream

Rx Tub bov 1M 1p bedtime

Date: 18-11-95

Cold + 1wk(milder) Cough=0, App G, pica=0 overall Colds, better in intensity, frequency. Irritability-same, Hyperactivity->

Rx Tub bov 1M 1p bedtime

Date: 2-12-95

Colds + cough < night

Rx Tub bov 1M 1p bedtime

Date: 6-12-95

Cough ++ dry, < night Vomit-afternoon cold++ all therefore 2 days, irritable ++, uncovers++

Rx Spongia 200 qds x 2 days

Date: 22-12-95

Cough > Colds > Persp – scalp++, wets pillow

Rx Calc iod 200 3p bedtime

Date: 6-1-96

Cold=o, cough=0, Hyperactivity> irritability> +

Rx Calc iod 1M 1 P HS

Date: 13-1-96

Cold, Cough 7th onward > now irritability > for 3 days

Hyperactivity >

Rx Placebo

Date: 2-2-96

Cold-mild Mentals > 2

Rx Placebo

Pt. looks calm sits seeing magazines, wild look absent in the next 2 months of observation and later reports Pt. continues to be free from colds. Also his irritability violence, hyperactivity is considerably less. In a parent teacher meeting, the teacher remarked that pt. was quite obedient, and behaves better.

The follow-up analysis shows the initial failure of Calc iod in helping the patient. The tubercular background the favourable environmental condition and the induction of BCG in to the system affected the susceptibility detrimentally. Tub. bov acted favourably to deal with this phase. Subsequently, the system throws up the constitutional indication of increased persp-Scalp, neck, where Calc iod took hold of the case relieving considerably the emotional and physical problem.





[Verifications – from my note book]


Medical Advance


1889 Vol XXIII No 6


  1. D. Chakravarti




Calc-i / Calc-ars / Merc / Aza

Calcarea Iod.-Some time ago, a girl aged about 14 years, was left to my treatment for a malarial enlargement of the spleen, from which she had been suffering for the past nine or ten years. The frequent relapses of her fevers were checked by the large doses of quinine, arsenic and other so-called allopathic specifics. She had also milky white leucorrhea since the eleventh year of her age. Menstruation and other signs of puberty, though they commonly appear about the age of twelve years in this country, did not show themselves in this case up to this time. Both leucorrhea and enlargement of the spleen were completely cured by Calcarea iod. 3x in about a month.

Calcarea Iod.-A cold swelling of the right inguinal gland in a person subject to constitutional syphilis, where continual application of hot linseed poultice did no good whatever, rapidly yielded to a few doses of Calcarea iod. 3x. In this case the marked Calcarea constitution of the patient led me to prescribe it.

Calcarea Ars.-I have seen, very often, cases of infantile diarrhea, consisting of profuse, colorless, watery stools, mixed with brownish flakes and accompanied by thirst, restlessness and slight flatulent distention of the abdomen, vomiting, etc., cured by Calcarea ars. 6x. This medicine is found especially efficacious in cases connected with dentition.

Mercurius Sol.-Intermittent fever of tertian type and of rather anticipating nature. Slight heat alternating with slight chilliness, especially when moving or uncovering. During heat frequent passing of copious, clear urine and thirst, compelling to drink much at long intervals. Profuse sweat, especially on the head and trunk breaks out during sleep at night; and also when moving about. Had also a muscular pain in the left infra scapular region aggr. during the last part of night and passed off every day as the sun ascended high. Four doses of Mercurius sol. 6x cured. This case occurred during the last winter.

Azadirachta Indica.-A robust man, aged 35, came to me complaining of burning in the eyes and a glowing heat in the face, coming on every afternoon. Gave Azadirachta indica 3x. one dose, which cured the paroxysm of burning and heat; but this was soon followed by an attack of dysentery, which passed off without any medication.

I have prepared tinctures of some plants indigenous to this country, with which I shall gladly furnish physicians if they like to obtain their provings.











✅ আমাদের সফল চিকিৎসার প্রমাণ দেখতে লিংকে ক্লিক করুণ।

১. টিউমার, ক্যান্সার ও সিস্ট রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
২. চর্ম, নখ ও চুলের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
৩. গাইনী, প্রসূতি ও স্তনের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
৪. নাক, কান, গলা ও শ্বাসতন্ত্রের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
৫. মানসিক রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
৬. রিউমাটোলজি, হাড় পেশী ও জয়েন্টের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
৭. নবজাতক ও শিশু রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
৮. ব্রেইন, স্পাইনাল কর্ড ও নার্ভের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
৯. যৌন শক্তি ও যৌন বাহিত রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১০. কিডনি, মুত্র, প্রোস্টেট গ্ল্যান্ড ও পুরুষ জননাঙ্গের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১১. গ্যাস্ট্রোএন্টারোলজি বা পেটের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১২. মলদ্বার, পায়ুপথ ও কোলনের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১৩. লিভার ও পিত্তের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১৪. চোখ, দৃষ্টি শক্তি ও চোখের পাতার রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১৫. জ্বর, সংক্রামক ও ইমার্জেন্সি রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১৬. ডায়াবেটিস ও হরমোন জনিত রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১৭. দাঁত ও মুখের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১৮. হার্টের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১৯. রক্ত, বোনম্যারু, প্লিহা ও লিম্ফ নোডের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
Rubrics: 39 Calc-i
[Complete ] [Mind]IMPATIENCE:Hunger, fasting agg.: 1 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]SHOOTING, DESIRES: 1 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]STRIKING:Sleep, during: 1 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Head]FULLNESS:Eleven am.: 1 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Head]PAIN, HEADACHE:Temples:Wind, riding against: 1 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Eyes]ULCERS:Cornea:Coryza, in: 1 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Ears]NUMBNESS, INSENSIBILITY:Midnight, before: 1 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Taste]BITTER:Tobacco:Amel.: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Taste]MYRRH, LIKE: 1 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Throat]FORMICATION, CRAWLING:Right: 1 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Neck]SWELLING:Thyroid gland:Puberty, in: 1 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Cough]HARD:Lying agg.: 1 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Cough]HARD:Pneumonia, after: 1 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Cough]VIOLENT:Pneumonia, after: 1 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Chest]HYPERTROPHY OF:Bronchia, bronchial glands: 1 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Chest]NODULES:Sensitive:Mammae:Menses, before: 1 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Chest]NODULES:Sensitive:Mammae:Motion of arm agg.: 1 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Chest]PAIN:Stitching:Mammae:Exercise of arm on affected side agg.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Chest]TUMORS:Mammae:Menses, before: 1 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Generalities]LASSITUDE:Lying:Agg.:Long: 1 1 / 1
[Kent ] [Head]PAIN,HEADACHE IN GENERAL:Temples:Wind,riding against the: 1 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Breasts]NODULES, BREASTS, (SEE LUMPS, TUMORS) :Movable, tender, moving arms, agg. : 1 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Breasts]NODULES, BREASTS, (SEE LUMPS, TUMORS) :Sensitive, moving arm agg. : 1 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Headache]TEMPLES, HEADACHES, GENERAL :Wind, riding against the : 1 1 / 1
[Allen ] [A]ARM:Outer surface:Pain:Laming, right: 1 1 / 1
[Allen ] [A]ARM:Posterior surface:Lameness: 1 1 / 1
[Allen ] [T]TASTE:Bitter:Ameliorated:Tobacco, by: 1 1 / 1
[Allen ] [T]TEETH:Molars:Upper:Aching:Morning:Waking, on: 1 1 / 1
[Allen ] [T]TEMPLES:Aching:Riding against wind, while: 1 1 / 1
[Boger ] [Supplimentary references]DREAMS:Fantastic: 1 1 / 1
[Ajit ] [Thyroid]THYROID GLAND, COMPLAINTS OF, GENERAL:Goitre, general:Hormonal changes, with: 1 1 / 1
[Ajit ] [Thyroid]HYPOTHYROIDISM:Swelling:Puberty, at: 1 1 / 1
[Miasms ] [Asthma]DIFFICULT:Ailments from:Suppressions:Haemorrhage (especially of lungs): 1 1 / 1
[Miasms ] [Asthma]DIFFICULT:Syphilis, after: 1 1 / 1
[Phatak ] [Phatak A-Z]MAMMAE:Nodes in:Movable, tender, moving arms Agg.: 1 1 / 1
[Special ] [Asthma]DIFFICULT:Syphilis,after: 1 1 / 1
[Special ] [Prabhakar]LOCOMOTOR SYSTEM:Knee:Abscesses, several, in and around: 2 1 / 1
[Wards ] [A]ABSENT:Sensation as though his head wasn’t, but was: 1 1 / 1
[Wards ] [B]BEATEN:Pain across the anterior surface of the upper third of both thighs as if he had been beaten: 1 1 / 1
0% Complete