CONTRACTION, of muscles and tendons, of (13)
2 anac, 2 aur, 2 caust, 1 cimx, 2 colch, 2 form, 2 graph, 2 merc, 2 nat-m, 2 nit-ac, 1 petr, 1 sec, 1 stront
CONTRACTION, of muscles and tendons, of knees, particularly in (1)
2 cupr
CONTRACTION, of muscles and tendons, of painful flexure (1)
2 colch
2 anac, 2 aur, 1 calc, 1 carb-an, 2 coloc, 1 ferr, 3 GRAPH, 2 lyc, 3 NAT-M, 3 NIT-AC, 2 petr, 1 sil, 2 stront