ELDERLY, people (90) |
1 acet-ac, 2 acon, 2 agar, 2 agn, 1 all-s, 2 aloe, 3 ALUM, 1 alumn, 3 AMBR, 2 am-c, 1 am-m, 2 ammc, 2 anac, 2 ant-c, 1 ant-t, 1 apis, 2 arg-n, 2 arn, 2 ars, 3 AUR, 3 BAR-C, 2 bar-m, 2 bry, 3 CALC, 3 CALC-P, 1 camph, 1 caps, 2 carb-an, 2 carb-v, 2 caust, 1 chin, 1 chin-s, 1 cic, 3 COCA, 1 cocc, 2 colch, 2 con, 1 crot-h, 1 cupr, 1 dig, 2 fl-ac, 1 gamb, 1 gins, 3 GRAPH, 2 hydr, 2 hyos, 2 iod, 2 irid, 2 iris, 1 kali-ar, 1 kali-bi, 3 KALI-C, 1 kreos, 3 LACH, 3 LYC, 1 merc, 1 mill, 1 nat-c, 2 nat-m, 1 nat-s, 2 nit-ac, 1 nux-m, 1 nux-v, 3 OP, 1 orch, 2 ov, 1 petr, 1 ph-ac, 3 PHOS, 1 puls, 1 rhus-t, 1 ruta, 1 sanic, 1 sars, 1 sabad, 3 SEC, 3 SEL, 2 seneg, 1 sep, 3 SIL, 1 sul-ac, 3 SULPH, 1 sumb, 1 syph, 1 ter, 2 teucr, 2 thiosin, 1 tub, 2 verat, 1 zinc |
ELDERLY, people alcohol, women accustomed to taking (1) |
2 bry |
ELDERLY, people ascites complicated with liver and heart affections (3) |
1 apis, 1 apoc, 2 kali-c |
ELDERLY, people asthma (19) |
3 AMBR, 1 am-c, 1 ant-c, 1 ant-t, 3 ARS, 1 aur, 2 bar-c, 1 blatta, 1 camph, 2 carb-v, 1 caust, 1 chin, 1 kali-c, 1 lach, 1 teucr, 1 nat-s, 1 op, 1 sil, 1 sulph |
ELDERLY, people asthma colds (1) |
3 AMBR |
ELDERLY, people asthma cough, with tickling (1) |
2 con |
ELDERLY, people asthma lungs, threatened paralysis of, at an early stage of pneumonia (1) |
2 phos |
ELDERLY, people asthma sex, when attempting, man (1) |
2 ambr |
ELDERLY, people atheromatous condition (1) |
1 mill |
ELDERLY, people atony of bladder (2) |
2 ars, 2 sep |
ELDERLY, people atrophic conditions (1) |
1 kali-p |
ELDERLY, people bedwetting (4) |
1 caust, 1 equis, 2 sec, 2 sep |
ELDERLY, people belching, chronic (3) |
1 alum, 2 carb-v, 1 chin |
ELDERLY, people bladder, disease of (1) |
1 alum |
ELDERLY, people bladder, disease of bladder and urethra, irritation of neck of, women (1) |
1 cop |
ELDERLY, people bladder, disease of blennorrhea vesicae (1) |
2 carb-v |
ELDERLY, people blood, quantities of, discharged at once, women, with constipation and hypochondrias (1) |
1 psor |
ELDERLY, people blooded, full-, strong (1) |
1 arn |
ELDERLY, people blow or fall, disease caused by, cancerous and scrofulous people, rigid fibre (1) |
2 con |
ELDERLY, people bones, non-union of fractured (1) |
3 CALC-P |
ELDERLY, people brain, atrophy of (3) |
2 alum, 1 con, 1 phos |
ELDERLY, people breath, losing (3) |
2 calc, 3 COCA, 1 sil |
ELDERLY, people bronchitis (12) |
2 am-c, 3 ANT-T, 2 carb-v, 2 dros, 1 eucal, 1 hippoz, 2 hydr, 2 lyc, 2 nux-v, 1 phos, 2 seneg, 2 verat |
ELDERLY, people bronchitis cold weather, in, accumulation of mucus and much difficulty in raising it (2) |
1 ammc, 1 ant-t |
ELDERLY, people catarrh (7) |
1 ant-t, 1 hydr, 1 ictod, 3 KALI-BI, 2 kreos, 2 med, 2 thuj |
ELDERLY, people catarrh bronchial, with muco-purulent sputa (1) |
1 ter |
ELDERLY, people catarrh bronchial, with more or less profuse expectoration, especially during the co (1) |
1 phel |
ELDERLY, people chilliness, diseases with (0) |
ELDERLY, people cholera season, during, women (1) |
1 aeth |
ELDERLY, people circulation, indolent (1) |
1 agar |
ELDERLY, people colic and diarrhea (1) |
3 ALOE |
ELDERLY, people constipation (6) |
1 alum, 1 bry, 1 calc, 1 nat-m, 2 op, 2 phyt |
ELDERLY, people constipation constipation and diarrhea, alternate (2) |
1 aloe, 2 phos |
ELDERLY, people coryza (4) |
1 all-c, 2 am-c, 1 ars, 1 ars-i |
ELDERLY, people coughs, in elderly (6) |
1 dros, 1 cupr, 1 kali-c, 1 kreos, 1 phos, 2 seneg |
ELDERLY, people coughs, in elderly dry, of a hard, racking, spasmodic character, worse at night (1) |
1 sal-ac |
ELDERLY, people coughs, in elderly fatiguing (2) |
2 kreos, 2 seneg |
ELDERLY, people coughs, in elderly violent winter, with spasmodic turns at night, and copious light- (1) |
2 kreos |
ELDERLY, people coughs, in elderly cough, must, long time to expel phlegm (1) |
3 DULC |
ELDERLY, people cramps in legs (4) |
3 CALC, 1 cupr, 2 cupr-acet, 2 mag-p |
ELDERLY, people deafness (4) |
1 chin-s, 2 cic, 1 merc, 1 thiosin |
ELDERLY, people deafness paralytic (2) |
1 caust, 2 petr |
ELDERLY, people decrepit (3) |
1 ars, 1 plb, 1 sec |
ELDERLY, people depression, in (1) |
3 AUR |
ELDERLY, people diarrhea (3) |
2 ant-c, 3 CHIN, 3 GAMB |
ELDERLY, people diarrhea cholera, after (1) |
2 coff |
ELDERLY, people diarrhea chronic, men (3) |
1 aloe, 1 chin, 1 con |
ELDERLY, people diarrhea constipation and diarrhea, alternate (1) |
3 ANT-C |
ELDERLY, people diarrhea hot weather, in (1) |
2 gamb |
ELDERLY, people diarrhea morning, in (1) |
3 ARS |
ELDERLY, people diarrhea painful (1) |
2 carb-v |
ELDERLY, people diarrhea weakness, with great (3) |
2 chin, 2 nit-ac, 3 PH-AC |
ELDERLY, people digestive powers, feeble (4) |
1 aloe, 1 chin, 1 dios, 1 nux-v |
ELDERLY, people dropsies, paralysis (2) |
1 apis, 3 KALI-C |
ELDERLY, people dysentery (4) |
1 aloe, 1 ars, 1 bapt, 1 chin |
ELDERLY, people dyspepsia (4) |
1 carb-v, 1 chin, 1 nat-c, 2 nux-v |
ELDERLY, people dyspepsia dyspepsia, in those inclined to obesity or after great loss of vitality (2) |
1 chin, 3 KALI-C |
ELDERLY, people dysuria (3) |
2 benz-ac, 1 canth, 1 caust |
ELDERLY, people emaciated, mania-a-potu (3) |
1 ars, 1 hydr, 3 OP |
ELDERLY, people emphysema (4) |
1 ant-ar, 1 ars, 2 ip, 2 sil |
ELDERLY, people eruption, sero-purulent (1) |
2 calc-s |
ELDERLY, people erysipelas (2) |
1 am-c, 2 lach |
ELDERLY, people fears, a long spell of sickness before dying, men (3) |
1 ars, 1 calc, 1 cic |
ELDERLY, people fever, intermittent (2) |
1 chin, 2 op |
Cara ©1997 Miccant Ltd |
ELDERLY, people flabby, chronic incontinence of urine, from paralysis of sphincter vesicae (1) |
2 thuj |
ELDERLY, people flatulence (5) |
2 carb-v, 2 chin, 1 kali-c, 1 lyc, 1 phos |
ELDERLY, people flatulence dyspepsia, with (1) |
2 carb-v |
ELDERLY, people fleshy (4) |
2 calc, 2 caps, 2 kali-bi, 2 kali-c |
ELDERLY, people gangrene (6) |
1 agar, 2 ars, 1 crot-h, 1 euph, 2 sec, 2 sul-ac |
ELDERLY, people gangrene dry (1) |
3 SEC |
ELDERLY, people gangrene bruise, after (1) |
2 sul-ac |
ELDERLY, people gangrene frostbite, after (2) |
2 agar, 2 sul-ac |
ELDERLY, people gouty complaints (4) |
1 aspar, 2 bar-c, 2 benz-ac, 2 colch |
ELDERLY, people gouty complaints chronic rheumatism and gout, with rigidity of muscles and tendons (1) |
1 ol-j |
ELDERLY, people gouty complaints ophthalmia, in (1) |
1 nux-v |
ELDERLY, people hand when writing, trembling of (2) |
1 merc, 1 sabad |
ELDERLY, people heart disease (3) |
1 adon, 1 apoc, 1 aspar |
ELDERLY, people heart disease cardiac dyspnea, at night (1) |
2 aur |
ELDERLY, people hernia, incarcerated, constriction coming on gradually (1) |
2 sul-ac |
ELDERLY, people hernia, incarcerated, constriction coming on gradually slow protrusion with squeezin (1) |
2 nux-v |
ELDERLY, people hydrothorax (1) |
2 crot-h |
ELDERLY, people hydrothorax hydrothorax with edema of feet, woman (1) |
1 cahin |
ELDERLY, people hypochondriacal or suffering from chronic diseases, especially catarrhs (1) |
1 alum |
ELDERLY, people impotence and gleet, old men, with (5) |
3 AGN, 1 dam, 1 calad, 1 lyc, 1 sel |
ELDERLY, people inflammatory conditions, acute (2) |
1 acon, 2 bry |
ELDERLY, people influenza (3) |
1 bry, 1 eup-per, 1 gels |
ELDERLY, people lungs, profuse secretion of mucus in, with loose rattling cough (2) |
1 ant-t, 3 SENEG |
ELDERLY, people men (6) |
1 alum, 1 ars, 1 calc, 1 calc-p, 1 con, 1 hyos |
ELDERLY, people menopause period, after (1) |
2 merc |
ELDERLY, people metrorrhagia (2) |
2 merc, 2 phos |
ELDERLY, people metrorrhagia melancholy, with (1) |
2 plat |
ELDERLY, people nails, brittle finger, man (3) |
2 ambr, 2 sil, 1 thuj |
ELDERLY, people nosebleeds (5) |
2 agar, 1 ferr-p, 1 phos, 3 SEC, 2 sul-ac |
ELDERLY, people obesity (10) |
1 am-c, 3 AUR, 3 CALC, 1 caps, 1 fl-ac, 1 graph, 1 kali-bi, 3 KALI-C, 1 op, 1 sec |
ELDERLY, people paralysis (3) |
2 kali-c, 3 OP, 3 PLB |
ELDERLY, people paralysis general, of voluntary muscles, women, paralyzing first peripheral nerve an (1) |
1 con |
ELDERLY, people patches, brown (1) |
2 aur |
ELDERLY, people petechiae (1) |
2 con |
ELDERLY, people pityriasis (1) |
1 ter |
ELDERLY, people plethoric, well nourished, painful cramp in calves or toes, worse at night (1) |
2 nux-v |
ELDERLY, people plethora, especially venous, blue cheeks, blue lips, debility, etc. (1) |
2 carb-an |
ELDERLY, people pleurisy and pneumonia, protracted cases (1) |
2 nit-ac |
ELDERLY, people pleurisy and pneumonia, protracted cases pleurisy, men (2) |
1 bry, 1 sep |
ELDERLY, people pneumonia, with catarrhal irritation (1) |
2 nux-v |
ELDERLY, people pneumonia, with catarrhal irritation pleurisy, men pneumonia, with sinking of forces (2) |
2 camph, 2 phos |
ELDERLY, people premature old age, from abuse of sexual powers (5) |
2 agn, 2 alum, 2 ambr, 3 LYC, 2 sel |
ELDERLY, people premature old age, from abuse of sexual powers consequence of syphilitic mercurial d (1) |
2 fl-ac |
ELDERLY, people prosopalgia, woman (1) |
1 staph |
ELDERLY, people prostate, enlarged (5) |
1 aloe, 2 calc, 2 con, 2 nux-v, 3 SABAL |
ELDERLY, people prostatitis, chronic (3) |
2 med, 2 staph, 2 thuj |
ELDERLY, people rheumatism (5) |
1 aesc, 3 ARS, 1 calc, 1 eup-pur, 1 rhus-t |
ELDERLY, people scrofulous (2) |
2 bar-c, 2 calc |
ELDERLY, people sedentary habits, catarrh of bladder (1) |
1 ter |
ELDERLY, people sexual feeling in men, loss of (2) |
2 agn, 3 LYC |
ELDERLY, people sleeplessness (5) |
2 acon, 3 BAR-C, 3 CALC, 3 CARC, 1 coff |
ELDERLY, people staggers when rising from seat (3) |
2 calc-p, 1 gels, 1 sil |
ELDERLY, people stools, hard, causing vertigo and headache (2) |
1 alum, 2 calc-p |
ELDERLY, people stroke, after, insensibility (1) |
2 op |
ELDERLY, people sweating, from opium (1) |
1 merc |
ELDERLY, people syncope, tendency to (1) |
1 crot-h |
ELDERLY, people syphilitic-mercurial tendency, complaints in consequence of (2) |
2 fl-ac, 2 merc |
ELDERLY, people taste, bitter, with clean tongue, women (2) |
2 carb-v, 2 nat-m |
ELDERLY, people tuberculosis (7) |
1 bac, 1 calc-p, 1 nat-s, 2 phos, 2 sil, 1 stann, 1 tub |
ELDERLY, people ulcers, varicose (2) |
2 fl-ac, 2 sec |
ELDERLY, people urethra, tickling and itching in, with constant desire for urinating, worse in morni (1) |
2 petros |
ELDERLY, people urinating, difficulty in, in morning, men (1) |
1 corn |
ELDERLY, people urine, scanty (1) |
3 ARS |
ELDERLY, people urine, scanty dribbling or spurting of (3) |
1 all-c, 2 caust, 2 sep |
ELDERLY, people urine, scanty inability to retain, paralysis of sphincter (1) |
1 kali-p |
ELDERLY, people varicose, veins (2) |
2 caust, 2 fl-ac |
ELDERLY, people vertigo (8) |
1 alum, 1 ambr, 1 bar-c, 1 calc-p, 1 cocc, 2 con, 1 gels, 2 sin-n |
ELDERLY, people vertigo atheromata or earthy deposits on the cerebral or cardiac arteries (2) |
1 alum, 1 con |
ELDERLY, people vertigo costiveness, with (1) |
2 calc-p |
ELDERLY, people vertigo rising from lying, agg. (2) |
1 gels, 2 rhus-t |
ELDERLY, people vertigo turning or stooping (3) |
1 con, 1 gels, 2 rhus-t |
ELDERLY, people vision, weak (3) |
3 AUR, 1 gels, 3 PHOS |
ELDERLY, people weakness, men (7) |
1 ars, 1 calc, 1 calc-p, 1 con, 2 cur, 2 nux-m, 2 sil |
ELDERLY, people weakness, men women (9) |
1 ars, 1 calc-p, 1 con, 2 cur, 2 guai, 1 kreos, 2 lyc, 2 nux-m, 2 sil |
ELDERLY, people weakened, from bleeding (4) |
2 bar-c, 3 CHIN, 2 ferr, 2 ph-ac |
ELDERLY, people weather, suffering during cold (4) |
1 acon, 1 ammc, 1 caust, 1 psor |