PRESSING, pain, pressure in (80) |
3 ACON, 1 all-c, 1 alum, 1 am-c, 1 am-m, 1 ant-t, 1 aphis, 3 APIS, 1 arn, 2 aur, 1 bell, 1 berb, 1 bor, 1 brach, 2 calc, 2 calc-p, 2 camph, 1 cann-s, 2 canth, 1 caps, 1 carb-an, 1 carbn-s, 2 carb-v, 2 card-m, 1 chel, 2 chim, 1 chin-ar, 1 coc-c, 1 coff, 1 colch, 2 coloc, 2 con, 1 cop, 1 cub, 1 cycl, 1 dig, 2 dulc, 2 equis, 1 fl-ac, 1 graph, 1 hep, 1 hyos, 1 ign, 2 kali-c, 1 kali-p, 1 kali-s, 1 kreos, 1 lach, 1 lachn, 1 lact, 1 laur, 3 LIL-T, 3 LYC, 1 med, 1 merc-i-r, 1 mosch, 1 nat-c, 2 nat-m, 1 nat-p, 3 NUX-V, 1 ol-an, 1 pall, 1 petr, 1 pop, 2 puls, 1 raph, 1 rhus-t, 2 ruta, 2 sars, 3 SEP, 1 sil, 1 spig, 1 squil, 2 staph, 2 sulph, 1 tarent, 1 thuj, 1 til, 1 verat, 1 zinc |
PRESSING, pain, pressure in coughing, when (4) |
1 caps, 1 colch, 2 ip, 1 kreos |
PRESSING, pain, pressure in cramp-like (1) |
1 con |
PRESSING, pain, pressure in cystitis, in (1) |
3 LYC |
PRESSING, pain, pressure in eating, after (1) |
1 arn |
PRESSING, pain, pressure in evening (2) |
1 puls, 2 sep |
PRESSING, pain, pressure in ineffectual desire for stool, with (1) |
1 aphis |
PRESSING, pain, pressure in lying, while (1) |
2 lyc |
PRESSING, pain, pressure in morning (2) |
1 puls, 2 sep |
PRESSING, pain, pressure in morning 10 a.m (1) |
1 all-c |
PRESSING, pain, pressure in motion, agg. (1) |
1 nux-v |
PRESSING, pain, pressure in night (7) |
2 bell, 1 carb-an, 1 fl-ac, 1 kreos, 2 lyc, 1 phos, 1 sulph |
PRESSING, pain, pressure in retention, with (4) |
1 aur, 2 bor, 2 hyos, 2 sars |
PRESSING, pain, pressure in riding horseback amel (1) |
1 lyc |
PRESSING, pain, pressure in sitting, amel (3) |
1 bry, 1 con, 1 ign |
PRESSING, pain, pressure in sitting, cross-legged, compelled to, amel (2) |
1 sep, 1 zinc |
PRESSING, pain, pressure in standing (1) |
1 arn |
PRESSING, pain, pressure in stool, after, urging to (1) |
1 chin |
PRESSING, pain, pressure in stool, before (3) |
2 carb-v, 2 nat-m, 1 sulph |
PRESSING, pain, pressure in urination, during (19) |
1 asar, 1 berb, 1 calc-p, 2 camph, 2 chim, 1 dig, 1 dulc, 2 hep, 1 hyos, 2 lach, 1 lachn, 1 lact, 1 nat-c, 2 nat-m, 3 NUX-V, 1 op, 1 ph-ac, 2 sil, 1 verat |
PRESSING, pain, pressure in urination, after (18) |
1 asar, 1 berb, 1 brach, 2 calc-p, 2 camph, 1 canth, 1 chin, 2 dig, 1 dulc, 3 EQUIS, 1 lac-c, 1 lith, 1 merc, 1 nat-m, 1 ruta, 1 sep, 1 sulph, 2 uva |
PRESSING, pain, pressure in urination, after amel. (1) |
1 spig |
PRESSING, pain, pressure in urination, after deep in left side (1) |
1 calc-p |
PRESSING, pain, pressure in urination, before (16) |
1 ang, 1 arn, 1 calc-p, 1 chim, 2 chin, 1 con, 1 graph, 2 kali-s, 1 nat-p, 2 nux-v, 1 petr, 1 phyt, 2 puls, 1 ruta, 2 sep, 1 spig |
PRESSING, pain, pressure in urination, before desire resisted, if (1) |
1-Sep |
PRESSING, pain, pressure in walking, while (5) |
1 bry, 1 con, 1 ign, 1 phos, 1 puls |
PRESSING, pain, pressure in pressing, bladder, neck of (11) |
1 alum, 1 apis, 1 brach, 2 canth, 1 carl, 1 coc-c, 1 jatr, 2 nux-v, 1 sul-ac, 1 ter, 1 thuj |
PRESSING, pain, pressure in pressing, bladder, neck of hold the urine, on attempting to (1) |
1 lac-ac |
PRESSING, pain, pressure in pressing, bladder, neck of sex amel. (1) |
1 sul-ac |
PRESSING, pain, pressure in pressing, bladder, neck of sitting, agg. (1) |
1 ter |
PRESSING, pain, pressure in pressing, bladder, neck of stitches, with, walking agg. sitting amel (2) |
1 con, 1 ign |
PRESSING, pain, pressure in pressing, bladder, neck of thighs togETHYL-A, must press (1) |
1 sul-ac |
PRESSING, pain, pressure in pressing, bladder, neck of urination, during (4) |
1 ign, 1 rhus-a, 1 stann, 1 thuj |
PRESSING, pain, pressure in pressing, bladder, neck of urination, during after (5) |
1 con, 1 nat-m, 1 ruta, 1 uva, 1 stann |
PRESSING, pain, pressure in pressing, bladder, neck of urination, during before (7) |
1 apis, 1 arn, 1 calc-p, 1 chim, 2 nux-v, 2 phyt, 2 puls |
PRESSING, pain, pressure in pressing, bladder, neck of walking in open air, while (4) |
1 con, 1 ign, 1 nux-v, 1 puls |
PRESSING, pain, pressure in pressing, urethra (15) |
1 agn, 1 aphis, 1 bry, 1 colch, 1 cop, 2 dulc, 1 graph, 2 lach, 1 lyss, 1 nux-v, 1 petros, 1 puls, 1 teucr, 1 thuj, 1 til |
PRESSING, pain, pressure in pressing, urethra evening, urination during (1) |
1 seneg |
PRESSING, pain, pressure in pressing, urethra meatus (3) |
1 chel, 1 nux-v, 1 puls |
PRESSING, pain, pressure in pressing, urethra meatus when not urinating (1) |
1 nux-v |
PRESSING, pain, pressure in pressing, urethra urination, during (1) |
1 dig |
PRESSING, pain, pressure in pressing, urethra urination, during after (3) |
1 brach, 2 puls, 1 stann |
PRESSING, pain, pressure in pressing, urethra urination, during between the acts of (1) |
1 nux-v |
PRESSING, pain, pressure in pressing, urethra voluptuous, extending to anus (1) |
1 sulph |