TUMORS, growths, (45) |
1 ars-i, 2 aster, 2 bell, 3 BELL-P, 1 berb-a, 2 brom, 1 bry, 1 calc, 2 calc-f, 1 calen, 2 carb-an, 1 cham, 2 chim, 1 clem, 3 CON, 2 cund, 1 ferr-i, 1 gnaph, 2 graph, 1 hecla, 2 hydr, 2 iod, 1 kali-i, 1 kali-m, 2 lach, 1 lap-a, 1 lyc, 2 merc-i-f, 1 murx, 1 nit-ac, 2 phos, 3 PHYT, 2 plb-i, 1 psor, 2 puls, 1 sabin, 1 sang, 2 scirr, 2 scroph-n, 1 sec, 3 SIL, 1 skook, 3 THUJ, 2 thyr, 1 tub |
TUMORS, growths, burning (1) |
2 carb-an |
TUMORS, growths, fibroid (2) |
2 phos, 3 THYR |
TUMORS, growths, hard (3) |
2 carb-an, 3 CON, 2 phyt |
TUMORS, growths, hard incompressible, knobby, immovable, lancinating pains (1) |
1 cund |
TUMORS, growths, hard left, in, painful (2) |
2 con, 2 cund |
TUMORS, growths, hard nodular (1) |
1 sil |
TUMORS, growths, hard right, in, grew until milk was secreted (1) |
1 cact |
TUMORS, growths, hard sensitive, painful (1) |
1 sec |
TUMORS, growths, hard stony, nodulated, not attached to skin, movable and as large as a filbert, lan (2) |
2 con, 2 hydr |
TUMORS, growths, indurated (3) |
2 carb-an, 2 con, 2 hydr |
TUMORS, growths, injury, after (2) |
1 bell-p, 3 CON |
TUMORS, growths, lancinating, deprived her of rest, especially at night (1) |
1 aster |
TUMORS, growths, left (2) |
1 skook, 1 thuj |
TUMORS, growths, low-spirited, night sweat (1) |
2 carb-an |
TUMORS, growths, male, like a walnut in left (1) |
1 calc-p |
TUMORS, growths, pain extending down arms (1) |
1 phyt |
TUMORS, growths, painful to touch (1) |
1 ars-i |
TUMORS, growths, painless, in right (1) |
2 carb-an |
TUMORS, growths, pains drawing towards axilla (1) |
2 carb-an |
TUMORS, growths, pains drawing towards axilla with piercing, worse at night (1) |
2 con |
TUMORS, growths, right (1) |
2 phyt |
TUMORS, growths, scirrhous (1) |
3 CON |
TUMORS, growths, scirrhous of right, size of hen’s egg, hard, nodulated, tender to touch, stinging p (1) |
1-Sep |
TUMORS, growths, sensitive to touch, and painful (1) |
2 ars-i |
TUMORS, growths, skin loose (1) |
2 carb-an |
TUMORS, growths, small, painless, near nipple (1) |
2 con |
TUMORS, growths, smarting, deprived her of rest, especially at night (1) |
1 aster |
TUMORS, growths, tumors (6) |
2 ars-i, 1 chim, 3 CON, 2 kali-i, 2 lach, 1 phyt |
TUMORS, growths, uneven (1) |
2 carb-an |
TUMORS, growths, young married woman, in a (3) |
1 carc, 2 chim, 2 thuj |
TUMORS, growths, tumors, nipples (2) |
1 carb-an, 1 con |
TUMORS, growths, tumors, nipples left, under, large as hen’s egg, moving freely under superficial fa (1) |
2 con |
TUMORS, growths, tumors, nipples right, in, hard, large as a hen’s egg (1) |
2 carb-an |